#my babyyyyy tkaes a biig bite of her like hamburger
goatseabathing · 6 months
morally reprehensible merchant girl
writing a little character profile with some notes on her and a bit of extra lore and world building thrown in there
name: sithel meihuran
name meaning: sithel is a name meaning "child of si," si being the god of abundance and wealth in tolira's official religion. meihuran is a surname deriving from a toliran myth about a tyrant queen named meihur. sithel isn't religious but her mother was, and so is most of her family
sithel is a liar and a cheater and has no qualms with stealing from anyone she possibly can, whether rich or poor. she's a fan of jewels and furs and tends to steal and wear a lot of jewelry. she's a silk merchant who lives right on the beach in the city of joro. she's charming, a flirt, and a romantic, having taken many different lovers in her time. she hates being told no. she has an affinity for violence and weapons and kind of has a thing for the color crimson
sithel is moving around constantly but she always returns to joro, where she considers is her home. she lives quite close to the docks but never speaks to any of the sailors on account of having an irrational distaste for them for no reason, actually having heckled them once or twice on a drunken night before
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