#my beautiful awesome friend I love uuuu
eebie · 11 months
eebidi toilet
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ssreeder · 2 years
ive decided that I'm gonna write my RIA reviews here from now on so here it is 🙌🙌
ok i don't really like like being mean to character that haven't done nothing actually bad but jet it's starting to get into my nerves, i was fine with him till the FUCKING LETTER LIKE OMFG JUST CHILL FOR A FUCKIN MOMENT AND DON'T TRY TO BE A FUCKIN HERO!!#!!@?@? (still not wishing his death but who knows what will happen)
anyways this chapter wasn't as bad for my mental health as I though it would be even though I have to admit that i kinda felt like crying with the sokka and zuko argument bc they are my sweethearts and i love them to death and i can't deal with angst (i have sobbed SEVERAL times with this fanfic and im still reading it, i mean that as a compliment)
i loved the tent meeting scene it was really nice and for a moment RIA didn't feel as angsty as it is, zuko talked a lot and got angry!!!!!!! shen teasing the boys was funny and i loved it❤️
and the katara letter ☹️ I had the feeling that she wouldn't get the letter just like in canon but it was really ughhhhh to see it actually happen
two more chapters ughhshhs I'm excited!! I'm guessing it gonna end around the whole ba sing se attack just like in canon so I'm excited about azula ❤️🤲❤️🤲🤲❤️❤️
an amazing chapter as always and it was 20k!!! i love your writings and i could complement it for hours but this is already too long (prob gonna reread LIAB/RIA and write you an essay on how much i love everything about it)
thank uuuu ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jet doesn’t deserve to die, but I also know he didn’t handle the situation very well… Jet tends to make bad decisions though……..
I’m going to warn you now my beautiful friend, things between the boys are going to get worse before they get better… so be prepared next chapter lol.
(I accept your crying compliment because I strive to make people cry when reading <3)
It’s the damn Dai Li!!! Ughhhh…. I’m sorry but I’m not really sorry. :D
I will read every essay you leave me and probably gush over you and obsess over you and just feel so awesome that you like my story that much. You’re amazing this was amazing let’s do this again really soon :):):):):)
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😊: You’re sweet. You’ve made me smile before.
happy to hear that!♡♡
😶: I’m honored that you’re even following me tbH.
👀👀👀 whomst????
👾: Your theme is awesome!
thank you! my talented angelic friend @ltpolari made it !
👒: You come off as very friendly!
i'm glad!
🌃: I’d like to spend more time talking to you.😇: Every single interaction we’ve had so far has been positive.
🌱: I’d love to get to know you better.
👀👀 i have to figure out who you are first
😃: I love seeing you in my notifications!
🍳: This is an egg in a frying pan!
nice djhgkj
🎶: I associate you with a specific song or musician.
🌙: You’re beautiful.
thank uuuu💕💕💕
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mischiefandi · 6 years
It’s official, exams are finally over for me, I get my grades in week! Prepare yourselves because this means I will be hyperactive on here for two full weeks. You’ve been warned lmao. I’m writing tonight but I don’t really know which fic to  start with. 
I’ve begun writing all three of my coming soons but I don't know which one you want to see the most (first), which is why I am gonna have to ask you guys to tell me. Please please please tell me which one you want to read first, it would really help me out, I wanna make you guys happy and I want to thank you for being so patient with me. Click Here  to tell me which one you want to read first! It would mean the world to me! I plan on getting you a fic either by tomorrow or by Thursday!
Now that that’s out of the way, I wanna do a little something. To celebrate my official return to Tumblr and in light of quite a lot of negativity and hate spreading on here these past few weeks,  I wanted to send love and thank the people who have been with me every single step of the way, so buckle up because there are quite a few...
@redstringlovers Sammie my loveeeeeeee <3 We started talking in April and I am so glad I had the courage to approach you. You have become one of my closest friends in all honesty and in such a short amount of time, you got me to open up to you and laugh with you and trust you, so thank you so very much for being such a wonderful friend and an awesome person, I love you so so much and I can’t imagine my life without you in it! (and Shane Dawson, but, that’s a given...)
@hellogoodbyebitch Kat. I honestly can’t tell you how much I enjoy talking to you. You’re always supportive, always kind and considerate, you make me laugh (especially with your punk songs), you’re a kind and good person (you really are) and T deserves you. I love you so much, you have become a huge part of my life and I am so grateful to have you as a friend. 
@dumbass-stilinski Hiya Steff :) I wanted to tell you that some days are really hard for me but you have managed to make me laugh and smile and breathe when no one else could. Thank you for getting me obsessed with the 5sos’ album (I fully believe Michael will fall involve with you), I really cherish our friendship, love ya!
@rxppmxtch okay granted, we haven’t been talking for very long, but I honestly think of you as a friend and I am super excited to get to know you even more and have many many more fun convos with you about the World Cup and other very “interesting” subjects ;)
@honeymoonmuke Hannah, it goes without saying that you are a beautiful soul inside and out, and I really want to thank you for always being there for me. If I can ever return the favour, please don’t hesitate to tell me? I am here for you whenever you need, thank you for being so supportive and understanding and patient and ugh I have no words to describe just how much better you have made things in my life, thank you a million times, thank you *insert hundreds of pink hearts
@dylanobemineforever Hi! Yes you are on this list because dude, even though we’ve only had a few interactions, I hope there will be many more and I want you to know that you are a very cool person that I can’t wait to get to know better. 
@rememberstilinski okay, I couldn’t not put you on this list because kenz, I really really love you. We didn’t talk much but honestly, you are such a kind and nice person, I hope your life is going well and you’re doing good (more than good, I want you to be happy!!). I want you to remember that whenever you feel ready to come talk (absolutely no pressure), I will be here and I will be super happy to shower you with love and stupid puns. Love uuuu
@sumcp It comes to my attention that we’ve never actually talked before, like a real conversation but dude we should!! You seem totally awesome and fun and sweet and your rb on my fics MAKE MY DAY, you have no idea how much it means to me that you even read them! You’re super kind whenever you interact with me and I really appreciate it! DM me whenever!
@itsbilescallmebiles Okay Weird Al, I legit cried when you came back, literal tears and I am SOOOOOO happy you are! I missed you like crazy and we had only been talking for three weeks, that’s crazy! That just shows how much of an attaching person you are and how wonderful your personality is, I know I love it and I really fucking love you. Thank you for being there and supporting me through dark times, I’m just so happy you’re back from the dead dude, here’s to a long and happy friendship in the same timezone
@belleknows Bel! My exams are finally over so as of today I am officially DMing you! I can’t wait to get to know this beautiful person you are and develop a friendship with you! I hope you’re having a great day!
@spxderbarnes Em :)) sweetie!! First off thank you for the masterpiece that is your fic Spontaneous Love, it really does make me smile a lot and it means more to me than you think, second, I love talking to you so much! You’re nice and funny and kind and yeah I love you to bits <3
@susybird Susy honey, I hope it’s going really well with your little ones, I really admire you for taking this kind of stuff on, its honestly inspiring and it just shows how much of an incredible and selfless soul you are! I miss you that’s for sure, but know that we are super excited for this newest addition to your little family and we love you <3 I’m super happy for you and I can’t wait to get an update on how everything’s going. Love you and your positivity and your kindness
Finally, hugeee shoutout to these beautiful people right here @rumoured-whispers @writteninthestarsandthesky @hyperactive2411 @jurrasicpork @flirtstiles @parislight and @oceansirens for reminding me every day of why I have this blog. You guys are always so sweet, you support me every day and make life better, you really do. Don’t think you go unnoticed, trust me you don’t. Thank you all so much, I love you guys!
Okay this was my little positivity fluffy overflow thingy, hahhaa I’m sorry if I didn't mention you or anything, its probably because we don't really talk! I love each and every one of these people and they are all the bestest <3 I hope every single person in the world and on Tumblr is having the best day ever, if you’re not, here is a huge hug and loads of kisses :)
So quick lil reminder, pls go here to help me out?? thank you guys so much (it’s just the 1 question I swear) CLICK HERE
Lots of Love, V
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lovesxiu · 7 years
👾 💉 👒 😄 😇 🐱 😃 😆 📺 😀 🍳 🎉 🎶 (minseok and lucky one tbh) 🍰 (LOL) 😂 🌙 🍉 💕👍 (me: sends all the positive emojis just bc i can)
👾: Your theme is awesome!💉: Talking to you or seeing you on my dash makes me feel better. (me @ u)👒: You come off as very friendly!😄: I can always count on you to like/reply to my personal posts.😇: Every single interaction we’ve had so far has been positive. (!!!)🐱: You’re cute‼︎ (so r uuuu)😃: I love seeing you in my notifications!😆: You’ve made me laugh out loud before.📺: We have similar interests!😀: I would consider us friends (I DO TOO!!)🍳: This is an egg in a frying pan! (GIRL OMG AGHDSGH)🎉: I get really happy when I see positive personal posts from you, even when I don’t fully understand the context!🎶: I associate you with a specific song or musician.  (im the #1 lucky one stan ok so tysm *sobs*)🍰: I might recognize you if I ran into you on the street. (lmaoo same w ur bright blue hair ♥♥)😂: I’m comfortable around you. 🌙: You’re beautiful. (right back @ u)🍉: I wish we lived closer to each other. (SAME! IT WOULD BE SO MUCH FUN!)💕: I love you‼︎ (ILY 2!!!)👍: I like you. Just, in general. I think you’re a genuinely good person.
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philociraptorsquad · 8 years
Something Special
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Request: (by @chigonaconcha) Hey! Can I request a Winn Schott one shot where Winn wants to ask out reader but doesn't know how and finds out she's never been asked out on a date?? Also if u could tag me in it that would be awesome thank uuuu
Pairing: Winn x Reader, feat. Alex, James, and Kara
Warnings: N/A
Words: 2155
A/N: This hits way too close to home...
Winn sat at his computer at the DEO, fidgeting with a toy that he kept on his desk. He stared off into space as he contemplated asking you out. It wasn't so much whether to ask you out or not, but rather how to ask you out. He always got nervous talking to beautiful women, but with you, it was worse. You were really special to him and therefore needed to be asked out in a special way. He couldn't just ask you.
"Earth to Winn!" Alex waved a hand in front of his face.
"What? Oh hey, Alex." He shook his head. "What can I do for you?"
"Can you trace this for me?" She handed him a piece of paper with something written on it.
"Sure can!" He took it from her and started running a trace on his computer.
"So, what's on your mind?"
"What do you mean?"
"You were totally zoning out a minute ago."
"Oh, right." He looked around and changed to a whisper, "See, I'm trying to figure out how to ask Y/N out."
Alex bent down to his level and whispered back, "Why don't you just ask?"
"Because..." Winn searched for a reason that didn't sound dumb, "because it has to be special. Plus, she's my friend and I don't exactly have a great track record with liking friends."
"I remember."
"I mean, I think she actually likes me, so that's an improvement over last time." He shrugged. "So, if I'm going to fail, I might as well fail spectacularly, right? Or is that just really dumb?"
"I think you should just be yourself." She clasped his shoulder. "But if you want, I can go ask her about it."
"Oh no! No, no!"
"I won't mention you, don't worry." Alex said before walking over to you, causing Winn to bury his face in his hands.
Your pov
You sat at your station, bored out of your mind. It was a quiet day for alien activity, which was good, you supposed, but it was boring as heck. You were practically giddy when you saw Alex coming over to you.
"Hey, Y/N."
"Hey, Alex! How's it going?" You hoped she had anything for you to do.
"It's going." She nodded.
"Do you have something for me?" You tried not to sound eager.
"Nope, just thought I'd come and say 'hi.'"
"Oh, well 'hi.'" You grinned.
"So, have you seen the new trailer for [movie] yet?"
"Yes, it looks amazing!"
"I can't wait for it to come out! I'm going to take Maggie to go see it." She gushed. "You know my girlfriend, Maggie, right?"
"Yeah, we met briefly last time she was here."
"Hey, speaking off, I was actually hoping you could give me some advice." She segued into the real reason she was there.
"Oh, um, I'm not sure I'd be the best candidate for that, but okay." You nodded.
"Why do you think that?" She was curious.
"Well, dating's never really been... a thing for me." You got quieter as you spoke.
"Y/n, when was the last time you went on a date?" Alex tried to sound casual.
"Um, let's see, today is Thursday, so... never."
"Wait, you've never been on a date before? How is that even possible." She was shocked.
"I wasn't the most popular or best looking in school." You said sheepishly.
"Even if that were true, look at you now! You're beautiful, super smart, and a total badass! How has no one snatched you up yet?" She raised an eyebrow.
"Thanks!" You laughed, "just lucky I guess."
"Hmm, well, just you wait. It'll happen." She assured.
"Yeah, maybe someday." You gave a small smile, "But in the meantime, I should probably get back to work."
You were kind of embarrassed having never been on a date at your age. You supposed that you could've asked someone out yourself, but you were far too shy for that. So, despite being bored out of your mind, you lied about work to make the now awkward conversation end.
"Ok, well I'll see you later then." She nodded.
Winn's pov
Alex made her way back to Winn, who was beyond not happy that she did that.
"So...?" Winn held his breath.
"Do you have that trace yet?" She had to multitask.
"Yeah, here." He handed her an address.
"Thanks. So, she's never been on a date before. Like, ever."
"Great. No pressure or anything." He mumbled.
"You'll be fine. Just be yourself." She gave him a smile before taking a look at the paper he gave her. "Anyways, I gotta go."
"Hey, Winn." James said with a confused grin as Winn walked into his office at CatCo. "What's up? I wasn't expecting you."
"James, you're a stud muffin, or whatever-"
"I'm sorry?" James scrunched up his face in confusion.
"I mean, women love you."
"I guess?"
"So, you can help me." He said matter-of-factly.
"Ok, now I see where you're going with this." His friend nodded. "What can I help you with."
"Well, I was going to ask Y/N out, but I didn't know how, and then I found out she's never been a date before."
"Wait, really?"
"I know, how is that even possible?" His expression was that of shock and confusion, "Anyways, I don't know what I'm doing here! It has to be special!"
"What, like a flash mob or promposal?" James joked.
"The flash mob wouldn't work useless I catch her outside of the DEO. And promposals usually consists of banners, which probably wouldn't be the best idea, either. Maybe I could sing to her or get a cookie cake with 'will you go out with me' written on it? I don't know, none of these ideas sounds very good. What do you think?" Winn contemplated all of the possibilities.
"Wow, you are really overthinking this, man." The taller man stated. "I say just keep it simple and ask her straight out."
"Hmm, I don't know. But thanks." Winn smiled before leaving his friend's office with a small wave.
As he made his way to the elevator, he saw Kara walking through the office with a small pile of paperwork.
"Kara, Kara, Kara!" Winn quickly got her attention.
"Hey, Winn! What are you doing here?" She looked perplexed.
"I desperately need advice!" He groaned.
"Well, you've come to the right girl!" She nodded enthusiastically.
"So, I want to ask Y/N out but it's her first date and I need to figure out a special way to ask her." Winn practically said in one breath.
"Well, first thing's first, you need to calm down and try to take the pressure off of yourself." She waited for him to take a deep breath before continuing. "You just have to be yourself and-"
"You're just as bad as Alex and James!" He whined.
"Wait, you went to them first? I thought I was supposed to be your best friend." Winn was too wrapped up in his own nerves to realize she was joking.
"You are, but James is my best guy friend and he has more experience in the lady department. And Alex is kinda like my sister now, too, and when did that even happen? When did we cross the threshold from friends to siblings? I don't even know if Y/N will say yes-" He rambled on.
"Winn, listen to me." Kara put her stack of papers on a nearby desk before taking him by the shoulders. "How about instead of focusing on making the asking part special, you focus on making the date special?"
"Oh my, God..." An idea slowly dawned on him, "Kara, you're a genius!"
"Oh, um, thank you!" She grinned.
"No, thank you! I gotta go!" Winn said as he rushed off.
Your pov
You stared at the clock in the corner of your computer screen, just waiting until you could finally go home. The day just seemed to drag on and on and on. The highlight of your day was your short conversation with Alex a few hours earlier. You could feel your brain turn to mush as your mind began to wander.
You were so relieved when Winn showed up at your desk. You would usually show up at each other's stations at the end of the night and talk about your days. It was like a little tradition between you two. You couldn't wait to hear about his day; it was bound to be more interesting than yours.
"Thank goodness you're here! Please tell me your day didn't suck nearly as badly as mine!" You put your hand on his arm.
"You wanna go out with me?" He asked calmly.
"I'm sorry?" You weren't sure if you heard him correctly.
"Would you like to go out with me?" He reiterated.
"Oh," you sighed, "I see what's happening. Alex told you I've never been on a date before, so now you think you're doing me a favor-"
"Oh, no! That's not- I'm not-" He suddenly became a bundle of nerves. "Alex talked to you about that because she saw how nervous I was about asking you out."
"Wait, really?" You smiled in disbelief.
"Well...yeah." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I mean, I really like you and I think you like me. Unless I read something really wrong."
"I-I'd love to!" You laughed, trying to hide how excited you truly were.
"Great! So, tomorrow then? Eight o'clock?" He beamed.
"Yeah! That's perfect!"
The next day came and went. The two of you spent the whole day smiling and making eyes at each other from across the control room. The closer you got to the end of your shift, the faster your heart raced. You were never more excited to leave work then you were on this day. You were ecstatic to race home and get ready.
You were just putting the finishing touches on your hair when you heard a knock at your door. You rushed over immediately but composed yourself before opening it. Your face lit up when you saw Winn standing there with a bouquet of roses.
"You look amazing!" He breathed out.
"Thank you! You're not so bad yourself." You giggled, taking the roses from him and gesturing for him to come in. "These are beautiful! Thank you."
"Well, I figured that with this being your first date and all, you should get all of the first date perks."
"That is ridiculously sweet." You laughed.
"Not nearly as sweet as you."
"And that is ridiculously corny." You both chuckled.
"So, where are we going?" You asked as you found a vase for your roses.
"That is a surprise." He winked.
You were a little confused when you arrived at the park around the corner from your place. You trusted Winn, however, so you just rolled with the punches. You took a moonlit stroll through the park, hand-in-hand, while chatting about nothing. You turned into a small clearing between a couple of trees and were taken aback by what you saw. There were activity stations set up in the grass, lit by a couple of studio lights hooked up to a generator.
"What is all of this?" You furrowed your brow.
"I wanted you to experience all of the typical first date activities you've missed out on." His voice was tender and sincere.
"Winn, you did this?"
"I mean, I had some help from my friends." He shrugged.
You were at a loss for words.
"Here, let me give you the grand tour. So, over here we have a candlelit dinner for two and here we have our own private movie theater with the finest selection of classic date movies." He motioned towards a table and chairs covered in a white cloth, candles, and two plates covered by metal domes. Then he gestured to a screen and projector that was hooked up to a laptop with a pile of dvds laying beside it. There was also a blanket laid in the grass in front of it.
"Then over here is a classic carnival game, bowling, and ice skating courtesy of Supergirl's freeze-breath." He pointed to the homemade ring toss booth, a children's bowling set on top of a long sheet of plywood, and a large inflatable pool with water that was frozen solid, a couple of pairs of skates sitting beside it.
"I was thinking dinner first and then skating before the ice melts. What do you think?"
"Oh my..." You clasped your hands over your mouth. "This is incredible!"
"Well, that's because I think you're incredible." He smiled at the ground as his cheeks turned pink.
"Thank you. This is better than I could've ever imagined." You were absolutely touched.
"Anytime." His eyes smiled. "So, where would you like to start?"
"The goodnight kiss?" You smirked coyly.
"Great choice." He leaned in and gently pressed his lips against yours, your arms wrapping around each other.
Thanks for reading!
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