#my birthday is tomorrow but i had a delightful lunch today to celebrate. i am incredibly grateful for my family and kind strangers
satans-knitwear · 8 months
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Bit Fancy for a Tuesday, indeed 😎
Treat me ~ Tip me ~ More of me
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princessanneftw · 4 years
Surprises - Part 2
Hello! Here's the second part of the story I sent you yesterday. This is a bit longer, I hope you guys won't fall asleep reading it!
P.S. I am not familiar with the Navy rules regarding leaves and holidays, so I apologize for any mistake in that matter.
Gatcombe Park, 18 May 1996
The laughs and cries from the garden could be heard all the way to Cheltenham, of that Anne was pretty sure; she smiled, recalling how happy her daughter had been all day.
Zara had called on Monday to ask if she could throw a party for her birthday on Saturday, with her cousins and her oldest friends, since she would be away at school on the actual day; she’d also convinced her grandparents to join them for the afternoon, sending the cook and the housekeeper into a panic at the prospect of entertaining the Queen herself.
No matter how much Anne tried to reassure them that there was no need to fuss, they had been in a constant frenzy all week, cleaning and trying different recipes; her mother had been so amused, she’d decided to visit the kitchen as soon as she arrived, effectively rendering her staff speechless for the rest of the day. Now Anne had sent everyone to rest, thanking them for the wonderful work, and was currently sitting in the living room with her parents and her brothers, every now and again checking on the screaming children playing outside.
Leaving her tea on the table, she went to the kitchen to put the final touches on the birthday cake. Of course, Zara had celebrated with her friends at school on her actual birthday, then again today, at lunchtime, with her friends and her father. Mark had left as soon as the pictures were taken, needing to be in Scotland for a meeting and, she suspected, desperate to put a few miles between himself and her family. Zara wanted one last cake to share with her grandparents and her uncles, so that she had a picture with everyone who mattered in her life. Well, everyone except her stepfather, who was stranded on a ship somewhere between the Adriatic Sea and the UK.
Tim had tried very hard but he hadn’t been able to get a leave for the party, since the Cumberland was in the final stages of her deployment. Zara had been crushed, but as always had managed to find the bright side, saying that they’d celebrate her birthday and his return once he was back home for good. Anne thanked God everyday that Peter and Zara had inherited her adaptability to difficult situations, especially to their parents’ frequent absences.
“That’s a lovely cake.” Her mother’s voice cut through her musings, bringing her back to Earth and away from her dark thoughts.
“Yes, our cook really outdid herself this time. Though I suspect she did it to impress you.”
“She would have done it anyway, she is devoted to you and the children. All of your staff are... although for some reason, they don’t seem to have the same respect for your ex-husband.”
Rolling her eyes, Anne took the cake from the fridge, the candles, a lighter, and put everything on a tray for an easier carrying.
“When is Tim coming back? The children were telling me they can’t wait to see him.”
Anne chuckled. “Peter wants to harass him for some rugby-time. Apparently I’m not as fun as a 6’5” child, who’s game for anything as long as it’s not TOO dangerous. Last time he was here, they went for a walk while I was making lunch, and came back completely covered in mud, because apparently playing rugby after a rainstorm is a great idea, and Tim was giving “Princess Zara” a piggyback ride since she was too tired to walk. I couldn’t even be angry because somehow Tim convinced them to do all their homework after lunch, so we could go riding while he made dinner... When he is around, everything seems easier somehow.”
Anne’s smile faltered for a second, and she turned away from her mother, pretending to fold the towels properly.
Elizabeth came closer to Anne, turning her head and caressing her cheek.
“Chin up my dear, he’ll be back soon. Now, why don’t you bring the cake in, and I’ll send the children to wash their hands? Edward is getting our presents from the car.”
Grateful for the understanding, Anne waited in the kitchen while the children ran to the bathroom, before taking the cake to the living room. Charles and Andrew were talking to their father, Edward was arranging presents behind the sofa, and her mother was clearing the teacups from the coffee table; it was a wonderfully domestic scene, a normal family chatting about sport, the children washing their hands after an afternoon in the garden, a birthday cake on the table. Still smiling, she started placing the candles, humming a light tune.
She didn’t immediately notice that the chatter in the living room had stopped, leaving only the noises from the bathroom. Curious, she raised her head to see her family looking stunned at something behind her. Not knowing what to expect, she turned and gasped.
Every time he came back, he seemed more handsome than before, taller, and more muscular, as she had delightfully discovered during some very long and full nights. This time though, it was different. Somehow he was here. Somehow he had found a way to make it back for Zara’s birthday, and knowing him, he had decided not to say anything in case his plan hadn’t worked, or he’d arrived later than expected. God how much she loved him.
Snapping out of her reverie, she flung herself at him so fast he barely had time to drop the bag he was carrying, burying her face in his neck and breathing in his scent. He was holding her tightly, kissing her neck and trying to say something. She didn’t let him speak, instead planting her lips on his for a searing kiss that would have gone on for longer, if not for a throat clearing behind them, followed by a few chuckles. She reluctantly stepped away from him, settling on his side, one arm around his waist.
Tim addressed the other people in the room, quite forgotten up until that moment, with a bow and a sheepish smile. “Your Majesty, forgive me, I-”
Chuckling, Elizabeth interrupted the blushing captain, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “No need to apologize, Tim, your wife didn’t exactly give you the opportunity of greeting us properly.”
Next, Philip shook the young man’s hand. “Though I’m very happy to see you, I’m wondering how you’re here. I thought they hadn’t granted you leave?”
“They hadn’t, but then-“ Again, Tim was interrupted, this time by a very loud gasp. The children stood in the doorway, all sporting confused expressions and happy smiles. Peter was grinning, just like William and Harry, and only their cousin’s hand stopped little Beatrice and Eugenie from running towards their favourite uncle. Meanwhile Zara looked shocked, uncertain of what to do.
Tim stepped away from his wife, moving towards the young girl.
“Happy birthday kid, I hope you saved a slice of cake and a picture for me?”
This seemed to snap Zara out of her reverie: breaking into a dazzling smile, she jumped into his arms, much like her mother, and hugged him just as tightly.
“You came back! You came back! How did you do it?”
“They can schedule the rest of my leave as they see fit. I basically gave them power to do whatever they wish, as long as they granted me two days now, and a couple more in November for Peter’s birthday. I need to be back aboard tomorrow evening, but seeing you was worth it.”
Peter joined her sister in the hug, touched by Tim’s gesture, and then called his cousins over. Soon, Tim was on the floor, attacked by eight excited and delighted children, while the amused adults looked on. Anne knew that she needed to stop this: there was the cake to be cut, pictures to be taken, and her family needed to return to their respective homes, but she couldn’t. She could only look on, smiling, at peace for the first time in a long time.
* * *
This is so sweet anon 😭 The happy ending made me especially feelsy. I can imagine there were very happy times when he came back from deployment.
Thank you for sharing with me once again, and I look forward to a possible part 3!
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jemmafitzsimmons · 6 years
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make it work, make it sweet - a fitzsimmons fic
Written for the anon that requested fs + I did the dishes. 
Summary: When Jemma hopes to surprise Fitz for his birthday with something special, things don’t quite go according to plan. (Sci-Ops Era/established relationship)
Read below or on AO3!
With her grocery sacks cutting into her arm as she trekked up to the fourth floor of her apartment complex, Jemma cursed herself for forgetting the reusable bags she’d left hanging on the pantry door. Luckily, that was the only mishap she’d encountered since embarking on her day’s plans. With Fitz out for the day, it was the perfect opportunity to take advantage of their small but still fully functional kitchen in their shared flat to make him something special. They usually didn’t go crazy on birthdays, but he’d taken her to the local arboretum the afternoon of her birthday last year, and with him being 23 days older than her, it gave her almost an entire year to prepare something spectacular for his day of celebration. But even with plenty of time to prepare, it didn’t make the task of surprising him any easier.  
Unfortunately, she wasn’t necessarily the best at thinking up surprises for her boyfriend ever since they’d established that Fitz was much more talented in the realm of romantic gestures. Preparing something special for someone who would be pleased with just about anything was a difficult task to narrow down, so it took a great deal of brainstorming before she settled on the perfect gift. She knew buying him something extravagant wasn’t an option since they were trying to keep their possessions as minimal as possible in their cramped flat. And she knew a surprise party would likely spook him more than anything else, him often preferring to spend time alone with her rather than with a large crowd of people.
It was only when they were invited to a colleague’s birthday party in the summer did she suddenly come up with a plan as they came across the subject of birthday cakes.
“It’s good,” Jemma uttered through a mouthful of vanilla cake as they hid in a corner of the loud and overly crowded patio. “Could be better.”
At her side, Fitz shook his head. “Jemma, are you really judging the cake? It’s sweet, it’s got loads of icing, and it’s free.” Poking his fork into her slice, he stole a bite before she brought her plate closer to her chest protectively.
“Yes, but it’s so boring,” she explained, not impressed by the simple vanilla sheet cake that easily fed a crowd but wasn’t up to her standards for desserts. “You only get one birthday a year, so you might as well make a cake that’s just as special.”
Fitz shrugged. “Well, it’s just a cake. I can’t even remember the last time I had a birthday cake like this.”
Putting down her fork, Jemma tilted her head. “Wait, what do you mean?”
“Oh. Well, it’s not like I’ve never had a birthday cake,” he told her. “I had ones when I was really little, but once it was just the two of us, my mum would always take me to this bakery down the street to get a slice there.”
“Ah,” Jemma replied plainly.
“I didn’t mind,” he said, shrugging. “I think she always hated having so much leftover, and I didn’t want her to go to the trouble of making one, anyway.”
“Yeah, that makes sense,” she said with a hint of sadness in her voice.
Upon learning this fact, Jemma instantly felt horrible for not thinking to make him a cake in the past. With their last few years spent at the Academy and now at Sci-Ops together, their schedules were so incredibly busy that they usually settled for store-bought cupcakes on birthdays, the single candles giving them just enough light to make wishes for the next year they were to spend at each other’s side. Now, all Jemma could think about was making up for lost time and what would hopefully be a delighted look on Fitz's face when she ultimately presented him with his freshly baked cake.
Once she learned that Fitz’s mum would be in town for his birthday, Jemma suggested that he should spend the day with her, and then the three of them could all meet up for dinner afterwards, giving Jemma time to prepare his gift in secret. Based on her skill level, she calculated precisely how much time she needed to bake and decorate the cake in time for it to be ready for dessert that night. A small white lie about having lunch with Daisy allowed her to leave their flat in the morning without question (but not before giving Fitz his first birthday present of the day, which—based on her observation—he seemed to enjoy tremendously).
Of course, instead of meeting Daisy, Jemma hopped over to the supermarket to collect fresh ingredients, wanting nothing short of the best for Fitz’s soon to be glorious birthday cake. With all the proper pieces purchased and arriving home just in time, she felt her plans were going off without a hitch. That was until she swung open the flat door and stumbled inside, letting out a loud gasp at the sight in front of her.
The countertops were nearly spotless, the dishes were laying in their rack to dry, but the most alarming sight before her with her boyfriend with a bottle of all-purpose cleaner in hand and a thin layer of sweat coating the back of his neck.
“Oh!” Jemma exclaimed, forgetting to ease the door shut, so the loud slam sent Fitz turning around at the noise.
“Hey, Jemma. You’re back early,” he said happily.  
“Fitz. You’re… you’re here,” she said, unable to move from her shock.
“Yeah, did you go shopping?” he asked. He gestured toward the fridge. “We’re low on milk, I think.”
Slowly, Jemma tried to lower the grocery sacks without losing her grip to hide them behind her back. “Yeah. Wha-what are you doing here?”
Fitz chuckled lightly, resuming his work of scrubbing down a corner of their kitchen island. “I’d like to ask you the same question,” he said, raising his eyebrows, “since you said you were meeting Daisy for lunch.”  
“I had…errands to run first,” she answered before clearing her throat. “You’re not supposed to be here.”
“Aren’t you happy that I’m cleaning?”
“Not today, I’m not. Aren’t you supposed to be spending the day with your mum?”
“Change of plans,” Fitz explained as he continued to scrub at the countertop. “Got a call saying her flight’s running late, so she’s coming in tomorrow instead. Which is actually better, because now I have more time to make sure the flat is in order, so she doesn’t think we live like slobs.” He looked up, raising his hands. “Not that we do, of course, but you know. Don’t want her to worry. Anyway, I did the dishes, laundry’s almost done.”
“Oh,” Jemma replied softly. “Right, okay.”
“I didn’t text you because I didn’t want you to cancel on Daisy for my sake.”
Nodding, Jemma inched one of the grocery sacks higher on her arm, still struggling with its weight.
“Here,” Fitz said, putting down the cleaner and rushing forward. “I got it.”
“Oh, no, it’s okay,” she insisted, quickly pulling the bags away as he reached forward to keep the ingredients a secret. But her swift movement resulted in yet another mishap of the day as the thin plastic of one of the grocery sacks tore open from the bottom.
Before Jemma had time to react, the contents went tumbling to the floor, the sacks of flour and sugar landing with a heavy thump but luckily staying mostly intact. Tragically, the jug of milk and the jar of rainbow sprinkles were not as lucky.
“Oh, no, no, no!” Jemma cried as she trailed after the rolling jar, the sugary morsels now decorating a good portion of their kitchen floor. As she struggled, muttering a few expletives to herself, Fitz got to his knees to collect the other fallen ingredients while he took paper towels to the growing puddle under the milk jug.
“Well, so much for the milk. And wow, that… is a lot of sprinkles,” he said through a laugh.
“Ugh, this is a disaster,” Jemma whispered as she tried to collect the sprinkles into a pile, hanging her head so Fitz couldn’t see her expression.
It was happening again, she thought to herself painfully. No matter how meticulous she was in her preparations, her attempts at being romantic were somehow always falling apart, and without warning, a lump started to form in her throat as her eyes filled with tears.
“It’s okay, I’ll clean it up,” Fitz told her before getting to his feet and searching for their broom and dustpan.
“Thank you,” Jemma replied, giving up her attempts to collect the sprinkles to lean against the bottom cupboards of the kitchen in defeat. “I just… I had plans all set and stone, and they only work if you’re out of the flat all day.”
“What sort of plans?” Fitz asked from the other side of the kitchen.
Through a deep sigh, Jemma shook her head. “Nothing, it’s…” She paused, sniffling and wiping under her eyelid. “It’s nothing. I’ll make it work. Somehow.”
“Well, do you want me to leave?” Fitz asked while he started to sweep the floor. But once he got around the island and found Jemma leaning against the cupboard, he froze. “Hey, what’s the matter?”
Looking up, she gave him a weak smile. “How is it so easy for you?”
“To be romantic,” she said quietly.
At her words, Fitz tilted his head, giving her a sympathetic look.
“You always… take me by surprise and everything is always so unbelievably perfect,” Jemma explained. “I, on the other hand, am always running into trouble. First it was the holiday that didn’t work out because of Weaver’s last minute project, then there was that astrophysics lecture that I was going to surprise you with, but then you had already bought us tickets. And now I can’t even get your bloody birthday present right.” Shaking her head, she pressed a hand to her forehead.
As she expected, Fitz balanced the broom against the counter before he made his way to her side on the floor. Placing his hand on her shoulder, he urged her to turn towards him. “Come here,” he whispered.
WIthout a word, Jemma sunk her head to his shoulder and curled into him, swinging her legs over his to settle in his lap. “I’m sorry,” she said after a few moments, wiping the few tears away and letting herself laugh for the first time as she took in the mess that was their kitchen and her current state. “I’m just being silly.”
“No, you’re not,” Fitz assured her, moving a stray hair that had fallen in front of her face. “I’m sorry I ruined your plans.”
“It’s not your fault. It was an accident.” Letting out a small sigh, she shrugged. “But still. I don’t understand how it always goes so well for you every time. I try to plan something nice for you and it always seems to burst into flames.”
It was his turn to laugh, which Jemma found annoyingly adorable considering her state of mind. After, when he looked at her with a more serious expression, she waited for him to explain.
“Did you know…” he finally said, “that for every seemingly perfect date or gift, there are probably about three failures in-between?”
Jemma scrunched up her face. “What do you mean?”
“Do you really think that the time we stayed in during that crazy thunderstorm with Chinese take away and that Austen movie marathon—that was plan A?” He let out another chuckle before he continued. “That was supposed to be a picnic in the afternoon and then stargazing at night. Turns out I vastly misjudged the weather patterns that day, along with my skill in making sandwiches that even come close to yours.”
“Aw, but that was a good night,” Jemma assured him, leaning her head on his shoulder.
“It really was,” he agreed. “And then those flowers I got you after you passed your final Academy exams? Those were purchased because the dwarf prototype I was originally working on may or may not have exploded in the lab.”
With widened eyes, Jemma looked back up at him. “Oh, God. You never told me that,” she said, astonished.  
“Well, the miscalculation helped us finish the project in the end, so I didn’t feel the need to inform you about that bit,” Fitz admitted through a half shrug.
Jemma let out a faint laugh.
“But see?” he said, poking her playfully in the side. “What you think is perfect and effortless is actually a great deal of throwing things together on my end, and that’s okay. ”
She nodded, already feeling immensely better about her soiled surprise.
“Whatever you end up doing,” Fitz went on, “even if it’s not exactly what you originally planned, I’ll always love it because it’s from you.”
“I know,” Jemma said, her voice low. “I just wanted things to go right this time.”
“Alright, spill,” Fitz said in a lighter tone. “What were you planning?”
Pulling back to look at him fully in the eye, Jemma sighed. “I was going to bake you a cake,” she finally confessed, her voice as small as the smile growing on her face.
It took a moment for Fitz to respond, but then his eyes turned bright. “Really?”
“Yes, I know it doesn’t sound that exciting, but wasn’t just any cake,” she gushed. “It was going to be this beautiful, magnificent, delicious cake. And it was going to have six layers—”
“Yes, and sprinkles, and a chocolate drizzle, and I was going to surprise you and your mum when we all got back from dinner.”
“Jemma, that…” Fitz shook his head in disbelief. “That sounds amazing.”
“I just wanted to do something special for a change.” Taking hold of his hand, she looked down at her lap.
“You still can,” he told her reassuringly, rubbing her back. “But now you can have my help.”
“But it was supposed to be a surprise,” Jemma replied, pouting.
“Okay, then, how about I help you with the baking part, and then I’ll leave the decorating up to you?” he offered.
Jemma thought for a moment before she pursed her lips, nodding. “That does sound like a good idea. An assistant would make things a lot easier.”
Rolling her eyes dramatically, Jemma shook her head. “Alright, fine. Partner. But be honest, Fitz, how much baking have you done in your life?”
“I’ve done enough,” he answered, looking a bit insulted by her question, but smiling nonetheless. “And it’s just science, isn’t it?”
“Yes, and good judgement.”
“And fun, I’m hoping. Plus, with an expert at my side, I’m sure I’ll learn just fine.”
“Yes, you will,” she told him happily. After giving him a small peck on his cheek, not a trace of disappointment left within her, Jemma got to her feet and pulled Fitz up. “Right, then. Let’s get to work.”
It took nearly five hours, but eventually, the two of them sunk heavily onto the sofa before cutting into what Jemma thought was one of her most brilliant creations to date. After Fitz went out to replace the spilled milk and rainbow sprinkles, they set about a routine of weighing, mixing, pouring, and then finally watching the cakes rise in the oven as they transformed before their eyes. As they’d agreed, Fitz stayed in the living room while Jemma got about icing and decorating the cake. And when, at last, it was finished and she presented it to him proudly—all six layers of soft and springy sponge towered up high with rich buttercream—Fitz seemed lost for words.
At the moment, they’d already polished off two slices and were now sharing a third, Jemma’s legs draped over Fitz’s lap as they balanced the plate between them.
“It really is spectacular,” Fitz told her, patting her knee.  
“Thank you,” Jemma replied lovingly.  
“And you technically made me three cakes,” he pointed out.  
“Well, I didn’t know which one you would like best, so I thought… Neapolitan. Felt like the safest route.”
“It’s bloody delicious is what it is,” he mumbled through a mouthful of the strawberry layer.
Once the third slice was demolished and they were left with only crumbs, Fitz took Jemma’s hand and pulled her closer to his side.
“You did well. Very romantic, indeed,” he told her, his lips pressed to her forehead.  
“Good,” she said into his neck. “And maybe... this can be the first of many special cakes in the future?” She looked up with a raised brow in a hopeful expression.
She saw something shift behind his eyes then, as if a new thought was entering his brain at that precise moment. She liked to think it was the same one running through her mind as well, a future filled with many more special occasions made brighter with the addition of delicious desserts, and maybe even one where the cake was the centerpiece of a grand celebration, an occasion much more memorable than any birthday.
Eventually, he nodded, his smile growing wider as he leaned in. “Yeah, that sounds nice,” he whispered before capturing her in a soft kiss, the taste of his lips just as sweet as his words, the sugary treat they’d just devoured, and what turned out to be quite the romantic night after all.
See the cake Jemma baked here (from Cupcake Jemma! 💫)
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anonsally · 6 years
Days 14-15 of German vacation: family-in-law, Neuss, and Düsseldorf
Yesterday, Wife and I spent about an hour seeing the old city gate, city hall, and cathedral of Neuss. It is an older city than Düsseldorf: it was a Roman camp back in the day. This whole region has been an important industrial center, so Neuss was badly damaged by bombings in WWII and has been rebuilt. I did like how city hall was a very well-integrated mix of original old architecture and modern architecture.
In the afternoon, Wife, Father-in-law and I went to visit a maternal aunt that Wife had never met, as there was an estrangement before she was born. In the past year her father had reached out and re-established contact. This aunt turned out to be a delight--she is 83 and a bit frail, but mentally still 100% fit. She was very down-to-earth and very funny (though Wife had to translate her stories into English for me) and appears to have had an unhappy marriage but a very happy widowhood! 
Today was Wife’s birthday! We celebrated by visiting two museums in Düsseldorf. 
The first, Kunstsammlung NRW’s K21, had just reopened after renovations. We started at the top, an installation by Tomás Saraceno called “in orbit”. It... is difficult to explain--it’s basically a giant “spiderweb” of steel mesh suspended from the ceiling over the atrium 4 floors below, and visitors can don special coveralls and hiking shoes and go climbing on it. There are a few big spheres mounted in it as well. We had to climbed up some stairs and enter at a steep section where we had to climb down a little in order to get to a more gently sloped area. There were three other people exploring the installation at the same time (I think they allow 10 people at a time, but it was a weekday and not crowded). When other people walk, the whole thing bounces and vibrates, so it’s not a sturdy-feeling thing, even though it’s clearly very strong and presumably will not break. But... I am afraid of heights. So I just about managed the part that was just a few meters above the upper floor, but could not get myself to step out over the atrium. Wife is physically fearless, so she just marched all around, which was magical to watch--it looked almost like she was walking on air, because when I focussed on her, the mesh sort of disappeared. The other 3 people, like me, seemed a bit timid; while they explored a little further than I did, they then spent most of the time sitting in one spot. In any case, it was incredibly cool, and was itself worth the price of admission. 
We ate lunch in the cafe, and then headed to K20, another part of the same museum system. There, we visited the special retrospective exhibition on the work of Anni Albers. She was trained at the Bauhaus and became an expert at modern art in the medium of weaving. Her work was really interesting--and the dress I happened to be wearing echoed a lot of the sort of shapes we saw in her work! So that was fun.
We did some shopping for socks (I swear I am not quite as obsessed with socks as this blog sometimes makes me look...) and wine to bring home. 
Then we had a delicious dinner at a fancy Japanese restaurant! (Düsseldorf, it seems, used to have the highest concentration of Japanese people for any city outside Japan.) All in all, a successful birthday for Wife. 
Tomorrow is our last full day in Germany, and I will likely be sightseeing on my own while Wife goes through the things she’s been storing in her father’s basement. We are meeting friends of hers for dinner.
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travelingtheusa · 3 years
2021 Aug 31 (Tue) – Well, the caravan is over.  It was a job but we happened to fall right into the perfect time period to make our trip.  We started just as everything was starting to relax and finished up just as restrictions were starting to come back into place.  
     Newburgh was lots of fun.  We did not get to take the group to the FDR Presidential Home & Museum.  The National Park Service stopped group tours but they were allowing individual, timed entry so several of our group went on their own.  We took the group to an Italian restaurant for dinner in place of the museum.  It was a great choice!
     On Sunday, we took a small group of folks into New York City on an extra excursion. It was a long day with lots of walking but we got to see the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, and the 9/11 Memorial. Some of us couldn’t go to the Top of the Rock because they were requiring everyone to have a COVID vaccine card.  That requirement was just started by New York City two days ago.
     We had our farewell dinner on Monday and a continental breakfast on Tuesday.  Then it was hugs and good byes and in one fell swoop, 15 rigs pulled out of the campground and we were standing there alone. And just like that, two years of planning, months of changes and nail-biting anticipation, and 41 days of caravan were over.
     We pack up and leave tomorrow for a race to South Carolina to help our son celebrate his 40th birthday.  We’ll be there for 2 nights then it will be another race to The Keys to join my brother, Tim, for a memorial service for his son, Joe.  
2021 Aug 25 (Wed) – Our next move was to Saratoga Springs where we toured the racetrack.  It was interesting to see that the horses have the right of way as their stables are across the street from the track.  Cars were stopped as a parade of horses crossed the road back and forth. There was a cruise on a boat on the Hudson River where we saw several eagles.  They have made a successful comeback in the area.  We also toured the U.S.S. Slater, a WWII destroyer escort. Then the group moved to Cooperstown and we toured the National Baseball Hall of Fame.  That night, we had a barbecue of hot dogs and hamburgers. That was followed by a rousing game of bean bag baseball where the women challenged the men.  The women started off strong and kept the lead until the bottom of the ninth when the men rallied and overtook the women.  It was a lot of fun.  Tomorrow, we leave for Newburgh and the final stop on our caravan.
 2021 Aug 17 (Tue) – We enjoyed Alexandria Bay and Clayton in the Thousand Islands where we toured the Boldt and Singer Castles, looked over beautiful antique boats, and enjoyed an outdoor concert on the St. Lawrence Seaway.  Then we moved to Lake Placid where we saw the Olympic Sports Complex.  Unfortunately, the Olympic Museum was closed for renovations but we did drive up to the top of Whiteface Mountain and climb to the summit.  It was breathtaking!  We toured John Brown’s Farm and Gravesite and learned about the abolitionist movement. We are currently in Ticonderoga where we toured the fort yesterday with a docent dressed as an English soldier. That was followed with a tour at the Star Trek Set Tour.  They have lovingly recreated the set of the TV series Star Trek.  It was fun to pose in the different sets and hear stories of how the series was made.  Finally, we toured Ausable Chasm today with a delicious lunch of barbecue chicken and salads.
2021 Aug 12 (Thu) – The past week has been very busy.  We moved from Niagara to the Thousand Islands.  Took a boat ride on the St. Lawrence Seaway and toured both Boldt and Singer Castles.  We went to the Antique Boat Museum and walked around a 106’ house boat.  We had a potluck with a Cajun/Mexican theme.  The food was very spicy!  The campground host and her band played music for us while we ate. The next day we went to a free concert in Alexandria Bay where we heard a tribute to the Beatles.  The music was very enthusiastic.  Today we moved to Lake Placid.  
2021 Aug 5 (Thu) – We are camped at Red’s Twilight on the Erie RV Resort near Rochester.  We went to the George Eastman Photography Museum and Home.  Eastman committed suicide when he was 77 years old.  He left a note saying that he had done everything and “why wait?”  We also went to the Strong Museum of Play.  It was three floors of everything you ever wanted to know about games. They had a beautiful butterfly garden with 600 butterflies in the enclosure at any one time.  They bring in 250 chrysalises a week.  
     We carpooled to Seneca Falls (an hour away) where we enjoyed lunch at the Ventosa Vineyards and walked up and down the historic street.  The movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” was purportedly based on the town of Seneca Falls.  We toured the museum.  We also went through the National Women’s Rights Historic Park and the Seneca Falls Waterways & Industrial Museum.  
     At happy hour, we played corn hole and beanbag baseball.  It’s been lots of fun.
2021 Aug 2 (Mon) – Sorry.  We have been so busy that I fairly collapse at the end of the day and don’t get a chance to post on this blog.  It will only go on for a few more weeks, then we will be back to normal (whatever that is). Hang in there.
     In Chautauqua, we visited the Chautauqua Institute; took a dinner cruise on the Chautauqua Belle, a steam powered paddlewheeler; toured the Lucy-Desi Museum; and visited the National Comedy Center. We had a member of the caravan (Doug) have a heart attack.  He went to the hospital and they put in a pace maker.  We left him at the campground waiting for his son to come drive them and their rig home.
     In Niagara Falls (where we are now), we saw the Falls and took a ride on the Maid of the Mist to the base of the Falls on the Niagara River.  We took a bus tour that included the NY Power Vista and Old Fort Niagara.  Today we took a ride on a canal boat on the Erie Canal and went through two locks. That was followed by a delightful buffet meal.  Jim and his wife decided to leave the caravan because he is still now feeling well.  We are now down to 16 RVs in the caravan.
     Tomorrow we leave for Rochester where we expect to explore the Strong Museum of Play, the George Eastman Museum & Home, and Seneca Falls.
 2021 Jul 26 (Mon) – We moved out today, leading the caravan with 3 other RVs.   We arrived at Camp Chautauqua at 1:40 PM.  After checking in, we got settled in then made us the sheets for where everyone else would go.  It was another 2 hours to get everyone parked and settled in.  There was a delay as Doug couldn’t get his satellite dish to stow properly and Johnny waited with him.  When they left, Doug got lost on the way.  
     Paul set up the tent and we had happy hour at 4 PM.  At 7:30 PM, we tried to show a movie – The Long Long Trailer with Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz.  This is in preparation for our visit to the Lucy-Desi Museum on Wednesday.  It was still too late and the movie didn’t show up on the screen.  So we sat around, waiting for the sun to lower in the sky.
     While waiting, Janet told me Doug was going to the hospital because he was experiencing chest pains.
 2021 Jul 25 (Sun) – We rode with Rick & Brenda to the Brewery of Broken Dreams. The name intrigued me and I wanted to see what the place was like. As we were getting out of the car and posing for pictures, Rick passed out and face planted, hitting the car on the way down.  After we got the bleeding stopped, we took him to the hospital.  After waiting a while, Brenda gave us the keys to the car and we returned to the campground.  Brenda called later to say they were admitting Rick for testing at another hospital.  Hank and I took care of their dog, Timmy, until she came back after 10 PM.
     At 5 PM, we held our travel meeting.  Announcements included the fact that Rick was in the hospital and Jim was recuperating from his bout of dehydration.
2021 Jul 24 (Sat) – We went to the Finger Lakes Boating Museum this morning. They split us into 3 groups.  We got the newbie who didn’t really know that much about the collection.  After admiring their large collections of boating paraphernalia, we went down into the former wine cellar and enjoyed a catered lunch.  After we were done, everyone was released to explore the area on their own.
     We returned to the campground.  At 4 PM, we had happy hour. Everyone appears to be very happy.  
2021 Jul 23 (Fri) – We took the group to the Corning Museum of Glass today. Because the drive was long (32 miles), we told everyone to go on their own rather than drive in a long caravan line. They just had to arrive by 9 am. One person didn’t arrive until almost 9:30.  We gathered outside and I assigned everyone their times to go do their projects – either a holiday ornament or a fusing glass project.  The museum itself was huge!  It is amazing how many products use glass.  
     We went to Corning with Rick & Brenda after the museum for lunch.  We had wanted to tour the Rockwell Museum but we were running out of time and needed to get back to the campground.  Western Winery did a free tasting at the campground. We also had a potluck dinner, which went very well.  Everyone had a good time.
     One of our group, Sue, came to me during the dinner and told me she and her husband were going to leave the caravan.  He has been feeling very bad and she is afraid it is his heart.  He is not able to go on and they are going back home. After she left, we discussed their situation and felt that he needed to go to the hospital if he was feeling that bad. So Paul and Hank took Jim to the hospital where they left him to be evaluated.  While they were at the hospital with Jim, I worked with Sue to file the paperwork to the Good Sam Emergency Evacuation Program.  If you are too sick to go on when you travel, this insurance policy assures you they will fly you home and transport your rig as well.  We got a case number assigned and called to find out what the next steps were.  Jim needs a doctor’s note saying he is unable to drive.
     At 10:30 pm, the hospital called to say we could pick Jim up.  It turned out that he was severely dehydrated.  They gave him fluids and he says he feels 100% better. They will sit a day or two after we leave and then follow us.  We are glad he is OK.
 2021 Jul 22 (Thu) – We took the group to the Glenn Curtiss Museum today. What a remarkable man he was!  He started inventing things at the age of 14. Curtiss was into speed and made motorcycles that went faster and faster until he hit speeds over 100 mph.  This took place in the 1920s!  He was soon billed as the fastest man alive.  He moved from motorcycles to planes, dirigible and boats, and even built the first fifth wheel RV.
     Following the museum, we went to lunch at the Switzerland Inn.  We had originally reserved the Bully Hill Vineyard but they couldn’t stabilize their chicken prices and we wound up having to cancel. We found the Switz (as they like to be called) online but it turned out to be a disappointment.  First, we arrived for an 11:30 lunch only to be told they don’t open until 12.  Then they messed up the orders and Paul saw them take 3 meals back to the kitchen. Two people did not get what they ordered but were happy with the substitute meal they did get.  The place was very small.  We were all crammed in a small room that looked out on the lake. We had wanted to sit out on the deck but the restaurant insisted we sit inside.  I think it was easier to serve us because we were closer to the kitchen. Then the bill came and I was unable to sort it out.  Instead of listing each meal (burger, fries, Pepsi for example), they had 14 burgers, 17 fries, 8 onion rings, etc.  There were many variations and they just billed the total.  And, again, the bill came in higher than what was budgeted.  
     After lunch at the Switz, we went with Rick & Brenda, Hank & Brenda, Johnny & Linda, and Joe & Diane to the Bully Hill Vineyards.  I was kind of depressed after that.  It was beautiful located high up on the hill overlooking the lake with a large outdoor patio.  They also had a tasting room, a museum, an art room, and a gift shop. What a come down to have gone to the Switz.  I hope the rest of the trip goes better.
 2021 Jul 21 (Wed) - The caravan started today!  We spent the early part of the day getting things ready. Paul and Johnny put the ladder plates on and collected forms certifying vehicle worthiness.  I finalized my briefing.  We all put the gift bags together.
     At 4:30 p.m. we held the orientation briefing.  After that, we rode to the American Legion Post in Bath. They served us a meal of salad, chicken speedies, salt potatoes, brown baked beans, and cheesecake.  The food was very good.  They were very appreciative of our payment.  We had everyone buying drinks at the bar to support the lodge.  Everything went off well.  It was a good start to the caravan.
 2021 Jul 20 (Tue) – We spent a good part of the day getting things together.  There was a quick run into town to get groceries and wine.  Johnny & Linda are eager to take on their Tail Gunner duties.
     At 4:30 p.m. folks started showing up at our campsite for happy hour.  By 5 p.m., we had quite a crowd around us.  About 2/3rd’s of the group is in the campground now.
 2021 Jul 19 (Mon) – Hank left early this morning to go to Lockport. He is picking his wife up from the airport tomorrow.  The rest of us left Laporte, PA, at 11 a.m. since we did not have very far to go.  As we were going up the long hill, there was a bang and we lost power.  We knew the repair on the turbo hose failed.  We pulled over to the side and opened the hood.  This time, the hose really blew apart.  We told everyone to go ahead.  We parked the trailer on the side of the road and drove back into town to the Ford dealer.  After hearing of our dilemma, they sold us the turbo hose they were holding for another customer and fit us right into their schedule.  They even gave us a car to use to go into town and get lunch while they did the repairs.  We were in and out in less than an hour.  Wow!
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      Back on the road, we arrived at the Hammondsport/Bath KOA campground around 3 p.m.  We set up then returned to the office to settle accounts.  What a shocker that was!  They charged us more than $2,300 more than we budgeted.  The manager mumbled something about us getting put in higher rated campsites.  She is an extremely poor communicator.  She changed our campsites about a month ago but never explained they were for more money.
      About a third of the caravan is here.  We were tired and didn’t really do anything tonight.
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elysianinsignia · 3 years
                                            by: Michael Diazon
My alarm starts beeping, shouting at me to wake up. It’s 7:45 in the morning and I have classes to attend to, so I get up and prepare myself for the class because you need to look presentable like they should not notice that you prepared yourself for only 15 minutes. At 8 o’clock in the morning, my subject teacher sends the link for the virtual class that we will have and I had to admit that this subject is one of my foremost favorites among the other subjects that we have. MIL, cause why not? This is the subject where I can show my talents in arts whether digital or visual arts. I enjoyed the meeting. I have some new things that I learned. After that class, we had a 30-minute break for us to, you know, internalize our new learnings (charot) as the clock approaches at 9:00 am our next subject teacher starts to speak and have her lesson. At 11:30 am our class ended, I took a nap to regain my energy I lost while attending our online class and after I took a nap I prime myself to do some homework because this week is gonna be a hell week but I’m that ghourl that loves cramming and procrastinating. See you tomorrow :>
I am very happy today because we don’t have any class for this morning, So I had to enjoy myself and do some recreational activity that will boost me up for my battle later against school work.  So I start my day with a smile, and I had to jog because my legs are rusting for the reason that I’m always on my bed all day long. Today I don’t have some things to do except for the homework that will be pass on Friday which is tomorrow, 
It’s 1 pm and I need to start my homework for me to enjoy my weekend’s bye-bye! See you tom gorge!
FRIDAY JUNE 25, 2021
I start my day with a bomb! Just kidding. So I have no class for this day but, take note there’s a but! I have 2 quizzes for P.E and CPAR, I don’t need to study because I’m a genius and intelligent (self-proclaimed) I have notes that can help me for my quiz later and I had to pray that I will have a good score.
Tadaaa!! I’ve finished all of my quizzes and it turned out I had a good score thanks for the notes hahaha, I guess I will see you tomorrow because I have so many things to do I have to finish 30 or 40% of my school works because I’m bombarded with that.
It’s 9 am in the evening and I had to sleep because tomorrow will be a long day and tomorrow will be my best friend’s birthday so I will update you tomorrow. Good night!
Today it’s my best friend’s birthday! Uwu we have planned so much for his birthday but sadly we cannot do that because of the pandemic around. So I started my day brushing my teeth, had my breakfast and greeted my best friend by sending him a long sweet message. I know it sounds cringy but that’s my best friend for 13 years and still counting. But first, lemme do my school work because I did 40% of my homework last night and I’m grateful for that. 
It’s 2 in the afternoon and I have to shower and get ready because I will go to my best friend’s house and celebrate with them. At exactly 2:30 pm and I’m ready for dinner later, I have cellophane in my bag. Just kidding hahaha. I will update you after I get home later.
Hello! I got home already and the party was fun though it’s not a party like it’s kinda small gathering because we need to obey the protocols and yes we wear a mask. It was a fun day and I should say a day well spent. I will do my homework tomorrow in the morning because I’m tired and I wanna go to sleep. 
SUNDAY JUNE 27, 2021
Good morning! It’s 9 am in the morning and I know it’s kinda late for me to get up but because I’m tired I need to sleep more. So I get up and prepare my food because I will be having my breakfast in bed. I had to rest my soul mentally and physically from my workload this week. After I had my breakfast I watched some movies on Netflix because I needed to. In the afternoon I planned to get a nap but it turned out to be a 3-hour nap and I’m panicking because it’s 3 in the afternoon and I haven't eaten my lunch yet and shower.
Update, It’s 8 in the evening and I don’t think and I’m hoping that tomorrow my teacher will not conduct class. I have to sleep because tomorrow I will go to the thrift store and get some new and fresh outfits for Althea’s debut on July 19, 2021. I have to go to sleep, see you tom!
MONDAY JUNE 28, 2021
What a good morning! “No classes,” our teacher said and a big smile had been drawn on my face so my friend who lives next door came over and decided to come with me to the thrift store. While we were buying some clothes, I bumped into my friend who lives outside the city. I'm very energized because we haven’t seen each other for a long time and guess what? He treated me to Dunkin donuts, we chit-chat and take photos to be posted online. After that coincidence, we headed home.
I’m very delighted with the outfits that I had thrifted because OMG it fits with the bohemian theme, so I’ll be back for a minute because I will wash my clothes and get ready to sleep because my legs are hurting.
Hey yow! I’m done having my half bath and I’m feeling fresh like fresh milk. bye -bye see you tomorrow gorge!
I had to admit that I’m happy but at the same time I’m sad because this School Year will end this week. I know I’ve overcome a lot of problems that came into me and I understand that they want us to learn. I should Thank KNCHS for making me a good and genuine student. I will truly miss my school and teachers and the next few weeks of my life will be “ me time” I have to enjoy things because I will be a freshman student, yes college life is tough but I know I will survive this, you stay pretty gorge! bye!
0 notes
Jean’s Birthday
Want to thank @funkybetsy and @seven-dragons for helping with deciding on presents for Jean.  This is the follow-up to Party Planning and Asking Jean.  It’s long but hope you like it!
Jean’s big day was all set for tomorrow.  The guests were all set to arrive and some were making very long drives.  Lucien could hardly contain his excitement hoping he had got it just right.  He wanted Jean to feel special and utterly surprised.  
Lucien started her day with a warm kiss and a cuddle.  He presented her with the first gift of the morning, breakfast for two while sitting in the sunroom.   Pain au Raisin, but where did he get her such a wonderful surprise?  Lucien just beamed with pride knowing he got this at least right. Their first morning in Paris was where she had gotten a taste for this treat, thereby bringing up such a wonderful memory should help with his plans for the day.  
Lucien cleared away the dishes from her early morning Paris delight, while Jean proceeded to start her chores much to his delight, it kept her occupied while Lucien made a phone call to Henry one of her childhood friends.  Henry was providing dinner for them and a few close friends. Knowing preparations for tonight’s dinner was all in good hands, Lucien could focus on his lunch plans.
Jean had finished with her daily chores so Lucien suggested they take a brief walk down past the lake.  They walked hand in hand taking in the sights and enjoying the quiet peace of the birds chirping in the trees.  Lucien found a bench and pulled Jean close placing a light kiss to her temple.  Jean tilted her head up to look at her husband and saw nothing but love sparkling in his eyes.  She could not resist the temptation to place her hand on his cheek and softly kiss his lips.  Lucien deepened the kiss even though they were right there in public.  Jean pulled away with a blush and giggle.  Lucien pulled her closer as he checked his watch. “Time to head back love”, Lucien said with a knowing smile.  
“Of course dear it’s almost time for me to make you some lunch”, replied Jean.  Lucien offered her his hand as she rose from the bench, and then proceeded to kiss her once more before they headed back home.
Jean was not expecting the wonderful smell which emanated from her kitchen.  She looked up at Lucien and he gave her a knowing smile. Charlie had let Henry in to leave the special lunch that Lucien had ordered.  Lucien pulled a chair out from the table and ushered Jean to take a seat. He laid out the plates and started the kettle, and then he went and turned on one of her favorite records. Jean sat there all slack-jawed and a little pink knowing he had gone to all this trouble just for her.  He placed her lunch upon her plate knowing her reaction was only seconds away.  Her eyes lit up and her smile wide as she realized just what kind of lunch he had in store.  Quiche Lorraine, just like they had eaten on the second day in Paris for lunch.  Jean remembered Lucien guiding her down the streets to Les Petits Mitrons, a lovely little cafe that was known for its quiches. Lucien sat beside her at the kitchen table while they enjoyed their lunch together. Jean was just starting to wonder if Lucien had any more surprises up his sleeve, when he leant over and kissed her cheek.  He cleared away all evidence of their lunch for the day and while he did so shooed Jean away.  After he had finished clearing up to his liking he went in search of his birthday girl. He found Jean standing looking at their wedding pictures neatly standing on the mantel.  He reached for her hand and pulled her into him.  “Care for a dance Mrs. Blake”, he smiled.  
“Of course Dr. Blake”, she replied.  
They danced for what seemed like hours, until Lucien stopped to hand her a card.  She opened it to find a note inside.  Tears sprung to her eyes as she read his words:
“My dearest wife I could never do enough to show how much I love you.  Just being near you makes me happy.  I want to show you the world in more ways than one.  Therefore, I have booked a week off so we may return to Adelaide.  I want to spend time walking on the beach and playing in the water, holding your hand walking through the various parks, and kissing you deeply on the pier as the moonlight strikes your features just right.  Will you relive Adelaide with me?”
Jean wrapped her arms around Lucien’s neck and smiled.  “This is the best birthday present ever, I love you Lucien.  Of course I will come to Adelaide with you”. Lucien tilted her chin up so he could slant his mouth over hers.  The kiss grew deeper and deeper till one thing led to another.  
Hours later Lucien turned over in their bed to see his beautiful wife smiling happily to herself.
“Penny for them”, he smirked.  
Jean sighed, “I love you so very much and feel so lucky that you have chosen to spend your life with me”.  
“Oh no my dear I am the lucky one.  If it hadn’t been for you I would have lived my life in a drunken stupor.  You are my guiding light, my beacon.  I love you more than words could ever describe. Jeannie you are my wife and my life.”  
Jean scurried closer and ran her hand down his body.  Lucien kissed her deeply and they finished what she started.
Jean took her bath while Lucien tidied his beard.  This had become their norm since becoming married and Lucien quite liked being able to see his wife bathing through her reflection in the mirror. When she had finished it was Lucien’s turn.  He jumped in the shower while Jean made use of the mirror.  Lucien chose his navy blue suit, because it was Jean’s favorite. Jean chose an elegant emerald colored dress which, in the light, shimmered blue.  Jean was sitting touching up her hair when Lucien appeared behind her with a large box in his hand.  “Happy Birthday darling”, as he handed the box to her.  
Jean opened the box with a gasp, “Oh Lucien this is so beautiful”.  Lucien had presented her with a stunning diamond and emerald flowered necklace and earrings that complemented her dress.  “You have given me so much already today you really shouldn’t have”, Jean breathed.  
“Never enough my love, never enough”, he replied.
They entered Henry’s restaurant for her birthday dinner.  Only their close friends would be joining them tonight.  Jean looked around as Henry showed them to the table. Matthew and Alice were already there. Charlie arrived shortly after Lucien and Jean with one of her biggest surprises of the night.  Charlie waved hello, then as Jean looked up to greet him she noticed someone else.  Jean squealed like a little girl as she flung her arms around Mattie for the biggest of hugs.
“Happy Birthday Jean I wouldn’t have missed it for the world," Mattie grinned.  
Jean had so many questions, but they could wait for later, because Jean Blake would not want to be rude to her other guests.
The meal arrived and, much to Jean’s surprise, Lucien had managed to surprise her again. Lucien had remembered on their third night in Paris he had taken Jean to a small restaurant and ordered confit de canard (duck confit) along with Pinot Noir wine.  Jean smiled across the table at her husband as the waiter produced their dinner.  Dinner was a happy affair, but Lucien was looking forward to dessert.  He had asked Henry to have his chef prepare Jean’s favorite from their trip to Paris.  While they had walked around the streets of Paris Jean had notice a small bakery. They stepped inside and she had ordered a vanilla bourbon éclair.  Jean fell in love with it right then and there.  Lucien gave a smirk as the waiter brought out coffee while Henry followed with their desserts.
“Lucien you didn’t?” Jean laughed.
 Lucien sat back in his chair with delight, knowing he got it right.  Jean blushed pink as she remembered where Lucien ate his éclair.  They had taken their purchase back to their hotel room, and during a brief intermission in their love making Lucien nibbled his éclair while it was sitting on his naked wife’s stomach.  As everyone else from around the table looked on with confusion, Jean and Lucien just nodded that it was their favorite.
As dinner was finished Henry asked Jean for a favor.  “Can you drop this off at the club for Mr. Drury”.  
“Of course I can, anything after this lovely dinner”, replied Jean.  
So the plan was set in motion, Jean, Alice and Mattie would take the car and drop by the club to give the package to Cec.  Matthew, Lucien and Charlie would pretend to drive back to the house, but instead would double back to meet the other guests back at the club.
Everyone was waiting for the birthday girl to arrive.  The doors swung open and much to Jean’s surprise all her friends and family had gathered together to celebrate her special day.  Lucien was immediately at her side with a smile and hug and to check that she was alright.  Jean stood there awe-struck with tears streaming down her face.  She made her way through the room greeting guest after guest.  Christopher Jr. tapped his mother on the shoulder and guided her to the head of the table to take her seat.  Jack couldn’t make it, but at least he had sent her a letter.
They sang congratulations and cut the cake for all the guests to enjoy.  Lucien mentioned he had borrowed some oxygen tanks if she would need them after blowing out all those candles.  Jean pouted and pointed the knife, Lucien took three large steps back throwing his arms up in surrender as his reply.  He so loved pestering his wife, and unbeknownst to him she enjoyed it as well.
Jean was so overwhelmed with all guests that Lucien at one point pulled her out onto the balcony for a bit of alone time.  
“Are you happy love?”he whispered.  
“A bit overwhelmed and surprised at the amount of guests that would want to help me celebrate”, replied Jean.  
“Jeannie you are adored by so many.  I for one am grateful that you are my wife.  I love you, but I know I don’t always show it”.  
“Thank you Lucien for everything, but especially all that you have done for me today”, stated Jean.
As the night came to a close Jean was starting to wear.  She had been able to speak with family and friends that she hadn’t seen for some time.  Christopher Jr. was staying at Soldier's Hill and would be over in the morning, before leaving for home.  Mattie was staying with Alice for that night, but Lucien insisted she return to her old room 'til it was time for her to return to London.  Charlie was staying at Matthew’s , because Lucien wanted to spend the evening alone with his wife.  Jean had thanked everyone and was headed for the door when all of the sudden Cec did something quite unexpected.  He leant down to Jean and kissed her cheek and said, “You are the most extraordinary woman, and don’t ever forget that”.
Leftovers loaded into the car Lucien pulled out and they headed for home.  Jean sat looking out the window not uttering a sound. Lucien reached for her hand and squeezed it and asked if she was alright.  Jean told him what Cec had said, and, of course, Lucien agreed with him.
“My dearest Jean, Cec has known you all your life.  He has the greatest respect for you, and thinks of you almost like his daughter”, stated Lucien.  Jean dropped it from her thoughts as they pulled into the drive.
Everything put away and sitting relaxing on the sofa, Lucien remembered he had one last surprise.  He jumped up and rushed into his study, and returned with a rather large box.  Open it he demanded with a boyish look on his face. Jean did as commanded and smiled when she pulled the lid from the box.  Inside lay a box of Macaron from Laduree in Paris, and a box of chocolates from La Maison du Chocolat, and last but not least a bottle of perfume Caleche by Hermes.  
“Oh Lucien I love you, but you have given me too much”, she sighed.
“Jeannie I would give you world if I could, I love you and will never stop trying to show you just how much.  Happy Birthday love, I hope you enjoyed yourself”, smiled Lucien.
They left the gifts lying on the sofa as Lucien grabbed Jean’s hand and pulled her towards their bedroom.  Knowing how tired Jean was, he planned to tuck her into bed and hold her in his arms till she fell into a deep sleep, but Jean had other things on her mind, sleep not being one of them.  Jean waited till Lucien was dressed for bed and seductively walked up next to him standing by the bed.  She placed both her palms to his bare chest and gave a small shove.  He bounced back onto the mattress with a surprised groan not knowing what to expect next.  Jean hovered proudly over her husband and smirked, “I have at least three more hours until my birthday is over and I plan on taking my gorgeous husband in every room of this house”.  
Lucien looked up at his wife and declared himself ready, “in which room would you like to start”.
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therisenson · 6 years
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3.12.2018 Celebrating Esther's birthday a bit early this week due to her schedule but it was a touching celebration nevertheless. I'm happy she felt loved today. -- So many things to write but I'm so tired...and needing to wake up by 8 tomorrow to work out with this one. [1] accompanied Jinsol to her eye appointment along with Erica. We were there for about 2 hours. Jinsol was so grateful that we came with her that she gifted us both with little letters filled with crossword puzzles, notes, and a pair of socks. I pondered over her grateful nature and felt it's so ironic that Erica and I set out to serve her yet we were paid back in full with her gestures of love. It makes me a bit more willing to give when I experience this - that the Lord does indeed stay true to His promise that those who give receive back ten, hundred fold. [2] walked as quickly as I could through the streets of philly to obtain my items to make and frame J and E's gift. Whip myself up lunch as quickly as I can and set to work. I had promised myself that I'd go back to the Lord in quiet time since the morning's was only half finished before I rushed out to meet Jinsol. For the life of me, I cannot sit still in the presence of the Lord. My phone goes off and I want to reply to Christine's message; I see my succulent and remember I need to repot it and my mind automatically starts going through where I'd buy the soil, pot, where to put it, etc; I think of the ground beef in my fridge and how I can turn it into chili to feed Christine, etc. And I want to move. I want to be doing something, anything rather than sit on the floor of my bedroom and wait for God. I feel like I'm going insane as I set a timer for myself to sit still for 13 minutes (until the clock would turn 3). I cry out to the Lord, "help me," and beg Him to teach me the importance of rest and kill my idol of productivity. Time passes faster when I am crying out to Him, but still much too slow to my liking. Yet, I think to myself, what could I possibly accomplish in 13 minute's time that is more efficient than sitting with the Lord and letting Him do His work? [3] there is one moment in my conversation with Christine in which I nearly tear up. We're talking about immigrant parents and how we don't want to disappoint them and how they worked so hard to give us a good life...and Christine says something with a sudden change in tone - softer and gentler, when she explains perhaps our parents worked so hard so we could have this life to explore what we actually want to do. It makes me sad and other sorts of emotions that I can't discern at the moment...but I think she's right. My parents worked themselves to the bone so I could have the freedom to pursue what I want (even though they may not see it that way), yet I don't feel brave enough to do that (even though I've dipped my toe into the water already by quitting my job). I'm scared but she reminds me to find my confidence in God. He is with me surely. She prays for me and I am encouraged. [4] I am half asleep by the time we need to surprise Esther. I almost want to cancel and just go to bed. Yet when the time rolls around, i spring off the couch with newfound energy and quickly go through the logistics with the housemates, running between rooms multiple times to get the cake, find the lighter, arrange the candles, etc. I muse to myself that I just like working...I love serving. I love meeting a need. When something needs to be done, a switch turns on in me and I go on autopilot and delegate, plan, and execute, no matter how tired I am. Almost like a little robot. The joy on Esther's face is worth it when we surprise her. She tears up and we delight in it. [5] psalm 32 brings me life. I'll post about it another day because my sleep deprivation is pressing heavily into my skull with a dull ache (and slight nausea from the excessive amounts of cake I consumed...). Nevertheless, God is faithful.
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travelingtheusa · 3 years
2021 May 13 (Thu) – We stayed home most of the day, working on caravan issues.  I took an Advil last night so I could at least sleep.  It helped a little but not as much as I needed.
    At 4:30 p.m. Vanleigh called to ask for the tag number on the Spyder panel. We have no heat, no air, no tank readings, and the temp says it’s -426 degrees.  They messed it up during the owner’s rally in Arkansas and we are having a dilly of a time getting it fixed.  They are now trying to figure out what model panel we have.  What a mess!
     Following the phone call from Vanleigh, we drove to the park to watch Noah’s baseball game.  His team is playing in the finals.  Tonight’s game did not go well.  They play again next week.  After the game, we took Noah to WalMart to get him a birthday present.  His birthday is next month on June 18.  We won’t be here for his party.  He chose a Lego game with Mario (is that character still around?). It is somehow connected to a video game. I don’t understand it all but he was very happy with it.  We bid everyone goodbye and came home to prepare for tomorrow’s move.  The fridge smells worse than ever.
 2021 May 12 (Wed) – We continued working on caravan issues. Adjustments had to be made on the Corning Glass Museum tour and some prices have gone up since we quoted costs last year.  The Museum of Play is going through renovations and the diner is closed.  We are making adjustments as needed.  
      I was so sick today.  I have a sore throat, runny nose, and sinus headache big enough to choke an elephant. I am not supposed to take any Advil, Motrin, or Excedrin because of the chemo I am on.  It could cause a bleeding episode.
     Something has gone bad in the refrigerator.  We have searched high and low but can’t find it.  Every time you open the door, the most awful smell wafts out into the air.
 2021 May 11 (Tue) – We went over to Trap’s for dinner.  He has the bug, too.
     We spent the day working on caravan “stuff.”  I called all the restaurants and venues to confirm (1) that the caravan is still on, and (2) to check that they are still in business. We had some changes, but for the most part, a good deal of our planned activities will take place.  The Lake Placid Olympics Museum is closed for renovations until 2022.  That’s disappointing.
 2021 May 10 (Mon) – We took Sam to Home Depot to buy fencing for the new house.  They did not have everything they wanted.  Construction is going like crazy right now and as soon as materials come in, they sell out.  Sam put in an order for the posts and sheets.  We used my military discount to get 10% off the total cost.
     After we got home, Sam checked with Lowe’s and found they had the materials on hand.  So, she cancelled the Home Depot order and we ran to Lowe’s to pick up ten posts, ten bags of cement, and eight 2x4’s.  They did not have any doors in stock.  The rest of the order is going to be delivered.  We then dropped the material off at the new house.  While we were there, the delivery truck arrived from Home Depot with their new refrigerator.  That was great timing!
    We stopped at home to feed the animals, then went to watch Hudson play soccer and Noah play baseball.  It was a long day.  To kick it off, it looks like I have caught the kids’ virus.  They’ve all had runny noses since we arrived.  Now I have it!
 2021 May 9 (Sun) – Hudson had a soccer game this morning. Afterward, we all went to Paris Mountain State Park for a hike in the woods today.  It reminded us of upstate New York when we used to camp and hike there with the kids.
 2021 May 8 (Sat) – Paul and Travis went to the new house to put in the floors upstairs in the boys’ bedrooms.  I stayed at the house with Sam and the boys.  Noah had a baseball game.  
 2021 May 7 (Fri) – We drove to Sam’s house today to help her load up some items to bring to their new house.  They bought a house in Taylors although their rent for the house in Simpsonville doesn’t expire until August.  That gives them some time to get things done before moving in.  The traffic was very heavy and it took us about 40 minutes to get there when it should have taken 20.
     The new house has a very steep driveway.  It is in a cul-de-sac and on a hill.  The deck in the back of the house is 3 stories high!  The crawlspace has a ceiling height of about 26’. It is unfinished and gets a lot of water in there.  The house itself is very modern and updated.  There are 2 bedrooms and a bath upstairs and 2 bedrooms, a great room, a bath, a laundry/mud room, and large kitchen with nook area.  It was built in 2014 and is in a pretty new development. There are new developments going up all over the place around here.  The rate of construction is mind boggling.  I wonder what it’s doing to the infrastructure.  It’s like what was happening to Las Vegas a few years ago.
     After we dropped off the items to the new house, we went to lunch at Denny’s.  Hudson had school today but Noah had a virtual class.  So Noah, Lincoln, Sam and us went to lunch.  The service was very slow (typical for this area).   They went home and we returned to the campground to feed the animals and walk Bonnie.  I even got in a quick nap!
     At 5 p.m. we went back to the new house to help Travis do some work. He was there with a co-worker. They were ripping up the carpet in the upstairs bedrooms.  Paul and Travis walked around the house and consulted on things that needed to be done. I played with the boys until it was time to go.  Sam had left earlier with Lincoln because he kept getting in the way.  Since Travis had the work truck, he couldn’t fit the boys. So we drove the boys back to their house then returned to our trailer.
 2021 May 6 (Thu) – We drove into Greer to look around and pick up pet food.  Then we stopped at La Reata for lunch.  It was a Mexican restaurant with good food.  The margaritas were delicious.
     After a quick stop at home, we went to the BMX Zentrum to take a one-hour tour of the factory.  It is the only BMW production plant in the United States.  The entire plant was very clean and bright.  We saw robots and people putting parts together to produce cars. It was interesting but not as good as the Mercedes tour we took a few years ago.  
     Another quick stop back at the trailer, then we were off to see the grandsons.  They are growing like weeds (as expected).  They appear to be very happy down here in South Carolina.  The schools reopened and they started going back into the classroom last week.  Sam cooked dinner then we all took off for the ball field where Noah had a baseball game. Greg and Sharon were also there. Noah did very well and after the game, the coach gave him the game ball for his outstanding playing.  Everyone was delighted!
     Then it was a drive to Bruster’s to celebrate with ice cream for everyone.  We didn’t get home until after 8 p.m.  The poor animals!  They usually eat between 4 and 4:30.  And Bonnie needed to go out immediately.
 2021 May 5 (Wed) – We packed up in a light rain and left Lebanon, TN at 10 a.m.  There was rain on and off during our more than 4 hour drive to Greer, SC.  We are here to spend 10 days with Travis and his family.  
      The campground is nice.  The sites are a little close together.  We have FHU with a back-in site.  There is an upper and a lower level to the campground and we are located on the lower level.  There’s a large dog park for Bonnie to run in and some trails in the area.
     As we were driving into the area, we spotted a BMW factory.  After we got set up, I checked the internet and found the factory offers tours.  I promptly ordered two tickets for a factory tour tomorrow.  Not only did they send an email to confirm our reservation, an agent called to go over the rules – no open shoes, arrive 30 minutes early, and bring a mask.  I guess too many people ignore the rules outlined in the email so that they have to call and repeat them.
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