#my brain is like 'oh you're having a problem ? yeah ok . fuck him stupid about it' like yeah ok man whatever
cum-allergy · 1 year
fuck man, newspaper time
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talaok · 1 year
Good afternoon honey, I was wondering if you could write dark! Joel x plus size reader where the reader is suffering with body image and that night you go out to a club and meet Joel but smut? love the blog🥰
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Pairing:Joel Miller x plus size!reader
Warnings: body image problems, negative talk of reader's body and self, smut| dub-con, unprotected p in v sex, a bit of degrading, and dark! Joel
A/n: ok ok ok I've never written a plus-size reader so if this is bad just tell me, honestly, I'll delete it, it's fine (yes I'm really nervous about this, I'm scared it's disrespectful) thank you so much for the ask tho babe💗
The dress looked absolutely horrendous on you. It was too tight and too loose in all the wrong places.
Your curves looked like they were stretching the fabric so much it was gonna tear the moment you took a step, and the makeup on your face now just looked like a pathetic attempt at driving people's attention away from it.
This was a mistake, you sighed, looking at the loser staring back at you from the other side of the mirror.
I should have never agreed to this, It's so fucking stupid.
You mumbled to yourself as you unsuccessfully tried fixing the dress in any way that wouldn't make it look so incredibly ridiculous.
Maybe I can pretend I'm sick or something, 
Maybe I got a really bad headache all the sudden,
Maybe I got fucking infected, I don't know, that would be believable. I can just start making some weird ass noises and I doubt she'd still want to go out with me.
"Hey, you ready?" Kora opened the door, causing all your plans to fall apart with one single action.
"yep" you forced a smile "all ready"
"Great, let's go!"
fuck my life man.
__ __ __
"Are you serious?" you asked, actually kind of mad
"I know, I know, I'm sorry"
"you've just met him" you pointed out, frustration and annoyance lacing your tone.
"I know" she repeated "but-" she sighed, glancing back at the man "he's so hot y/n, I mean-"
you rolled your eyes "Whatever, go have fun, I'm just gonna go home"
"no don't go home, you can have fun without me," she said "Maybe with someone else..." she raised her brows suggestively and you felt one breath away from punching her.
You shot her a look.
Yeah, like anyone would want to "have fun" with me
"what?" she asked, clueless
you stared at her, the same expression in your eyes.
"you know what"
"oh my god," she moaned "again with this thing? Y/n you're hot as fuck, anyone with half a brain cell can see that"
You remained silent.
You hated the pity party of having everyone constantly lie to you about how you looked.
Just tell me the truth. I look like shit.
It's fine, I know it, you know it, the whole world fucking knows it so stop talking to me like I'm a fucking baby and tell me the truth.
I can take it. Trust me, I've been telling it to myself since I was born.
"in fact..." A small smirk tugged at her lips as her eyes focused somewhere behind you " I think somebody definitely noticed" she grinned like an idiot as she stared at someone behind you.
"shut up" you stopped her "You know he's not," you said "He's probably looking at you"
"Oh no" she shook her head, that stupid smile still tugging at her lips "No he's definitely looking at you" She waved at him and you immediately grabbed her hand, forcing it down
"stop! what are you doing!?"
"I'm helping you out" she smirked "You'll thank me later," she said with a wink, turning to walk away but not before chuckling a taunting"Have fun"
You could feel the heat rushing to your cheeks as you sneakily tried to catch a glimpse of whatever Kora was talking about.
She was probably bluffing, you thought as you slowly turned, but just then, you had to think again.
A man was looking at you, no, not looking, staring.
His eyes were pointed at you like a viewfinder in a gun. 
He was sat at a table alone, an empty beer bottle clutched in one hand, and the other one relaxed on his leg.
He looked focused, like a tiger watching a gazelle.
His salt and pepper beard suggested he was older, and so did the lines across his forehead.
But most of all... his eyes were the tell.
His deep brown eyes staring back at yo-
You turned away.
I was staring at him,
You clutched your purse to leave, but a voice stopped you in your tracks.
"hi sweetheart"
He sounded exactly how you'd imagined.
You turned to him, your eyes glimmering with shame
"hi" you breathed "Sorry if I bothered you"
He chuckled "A pretty thing like you could never bother me"
he sat down "Besides," he said "I was staring at you first"
You forced a chuckle as an awkward silence fell between you.
"I saw your friend left," he said, sitting down on the stool next to you,
"yeah" You nodded "She does that a lot"
"that's too bad" he cooed "well maybe not entirely" he considered, something switching in his tone.
"What's your name sweetheart?"
"I-I'm y/n"
"y/n" he let your name roll out his mouth with ease "pretty name for a pretty lady" he commented, "I'm Joel"
"nice to meet you" you mumbled, stumbling over your own words.
Was he coming onto you? 
"the pleasure's all mine darling"
He definitely was
But, like... why?
"I'm sorry-do you- do you know my friend?"
He grinned, his white teeth showing "no,"
"she didn't like, tell you to come here or anything?"
A small laugh fled his throat "no sweetheart"
"oh" you breathed "so you came here 'cause..." you trailed off, 
" 'cause you caught my eye from the moment you entered, and when I saw your friend leave you here all alone, I couldn't not offer a bit of company"
You felt a shy smile spill from your lips
" 'got a pretty smile angel" he smirked 
"t-thank you" 
He chuckled again "Why are you so nervous sweetheart?" he asked, his hand traveling to your thigh and stopping all oxygen from getting to your lungs "Is it me? Am I so scary?" his voice got lower as he inched closer "I don't bite y'know?" he joked "not unless you want me to"
A small gasp fled your throat, making him chuckle.
"what is it, angel?"
"I-I'm sorry I'm just not- used to this"
"Now I don't believe that" he murmured "A sweet thing like you?"
"I just-"
"If you want we could go back to my place, and you can tell me all about it with a little more privacy" he suggested, "what do you say?"
Your cheeks were as red as the fire burning in his eyes.
"I-" you stuttered
"I can show you a good time angel"
"I'm sorry" you breathed, leaning away "I'm-I'm sorry I have to go to the bathroom" You stumbled over your own words, clutching your purse and rushing off the stool and through the groups of people in the club.
You didn't even realize you were bumping and hitting every person in your trajectory as all you were focused on was that damn door right in the corner.
Oh my god, what felt like the first actual breath you'd taken in ten full minutes, finally left your mouth as you entered the bathroom.
"oh my god," you mumbled to yourself, walking to the sink to look at your reflection in the mirror.
"what the fuck was that?" you sighed 
Am I dreaming? Is that it?
If that's it this is not funny brain.
I'm so confused,
This is... I mean this is just-
What the fuck is this?
He's hot. Like hot hot and I'm... You looked at yourself, and I'm me.
You took a deep breath, looking around you.
The green stalls were empty, and the music was still blaring from the other side of the door.
You could still picture him, feel him. He was so close to you, and you could feel every molecule of your being dancing as his hand remained on your leg.
God, what the fuck
I don't even know how old he is.
And just then, the door opened.
You turned the faucet on to pretend to be washing your hands, but a voice startled you.
"there you are"
Your eyes snapped open
"T-This is the women's bathroom"
Joel smirked, "you thought you could get away from me that easily?" he asked, taking a step towards you.
"I-" you took a step back, but he followed.
"I was being nice there," he said "complimented you and shit" 
Your back was to a stall and he was right before you.
"and what did you do?" he asked "you ran"
"I didn't mean to, I was j-"
"what, angel?" he mocked "You got shy?"
"well don't you worry" His hand went to your chin, tilting it up "I'll fix that right up" He took another step, imprisoning you "I'll help you out sweetheart, mh?"
Your mouth gaped open to say something, but before you could, his lips were on yours, and his hands on your back were forcing you flush against him.
His tongue moved into your mouth as he quite literally shoved you into the stall behind you, pressing you against the closed door.
"thought you could get away from me?" he growled, kissing your neck as his hands roamed on your body, one of them roughly grabbing your ass "Thought I was just gonna let you go?" he asked, now looking at you.
"oh no angel" he kissed your mouth "I have to have you" he murmured "And I will" He kissed you again, and this time, you found yourself reciprocating.
This was wrong and scary and weird, and still... countless butterflies filled your belly.
"there you go" he praised you "That's a good girl" He moved some hair out of your face " 'knew you wanted this too," he said "knew you'd be good, angel" He smirked before you felt his hands go to your waist.
"turn around for me"
With a little push from him, you did, finding your cheek flush against the door.
"god baby" his hands took in every inch of you, adoration clear in his tone "Wanted to fuck this body of yours since I first saw you" he explained, as he slowly rolled your dress up to your waist until only your panties were left to cover you.
"it's what you wanted too, isn't it," he asked, suddenly grabbing your arms to force them together behind your back "You wanted to be fucked like a little slut didn't you?" he continued as his hand pulled your panties down, the cold hitting your core "didn't you angel?" he urged, his grip tightening as he kissed your neck again.
"I-" You didn't know what to say. you were feeling too many things at once.
"Tell me you want this" he breathed, and you heard his zipper being undone.
"tell me you want this angel," he asked again, his hot breath on the skin of your neck "C'mon, I know you do"
" I do" you admitted, and you felt him smirk.
"that's right" He nodded, positioning himself at your entrance "and you're gonna get it" he promised, pushing himself into you hard.
"fuck" Your moan resembled more of a scream as you tightened your fists on your back
"What angel, can't take it?" he taunted, speeding up " 's too big for you little slut?"
"y-yes" you begged, making him chuckle "I can't take it"
"yes you can" he groaned "You're gonna take it all in this little tight pussy and you're not gonna complain about it, understand?"
"understand?" he asked again, his threatening voice spilling in your ear.
"y-yes I'm sorry"
"good girl" he praised, resuming his violent pace, as a cry fled your mouth and tears filled your eyes.
He smacked your ass and you gasped, but before you could let out a moan, his hand covered your mouth.
The door had opened, and two women had walked in.
"we gotta be quiet, angel" he whispered to your ear
"can you be quiet for me?"
"can you be a good little girl and keep that pretty mouth shut for me?
"mh-mh" you nodded, your breathing made difficult by his hand on your mouth
"atta girl," he said, still fucking you, but much slower, and to your dismay, much deeper.
He was hitting undiscovered spots inside of you, and the mix of the pain from his cock stretching you with the pleasure of each thrust was making it really hard not to moan.
"fuck" he groaned softly in your ear "You've got the tightest little pussy angel," he said "Squeezing me so good" he breathed " like it's made for me"
You whined
"Like you were made to be my little slut" he whispered "and have this little cunt abused by my cock"
Your eyes were wide shut, your orgasm approaching as he kept hitting you so fucking well.
"you coming angel?" he asked and you nodded "We're gonna come together" he purred "I'm gonna fill you up real good" his breathing was ragged "and then you're gonna get out there and dance with my come leaking down your thighs"
"you understand?"
You nodded 
"no cleaning up," he said "I want everyone to know how much of a slut you are" 
The women's voices resumed. Or maybe they never stopped. You had no idea of what was happening beside your impending orgasm.
"fuck" he groaned "Such a good fucking slut" he whispered, his head falling in the crook of your neck, as the door opened again and the women finally got out.
His hand left your mouth
"you coming angel?"
"then let it all out baby"
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chimericchaos · 2 months
Minor rant, yes I did just come from the Big Tugg video on how english is stupid and I entirely agree with him on that
What I do not at all agree with is the opening of the video entirely dedicated to hating children - he just goes out of his way to say "oh yeah before I start this video, I fucking hate kids" and then gives a list of things kids don't know, (because, they're kids) and dunk on them for not knowing stuff
And I find it kinda ironic the person who says that kids should not feel proud of learning- sorry, memorizing- the alphabet, also mispronounces the word Celtic not ten seconds later. Perhaps we all could learn a thing or two by expanding our general knowledge and studying cultures and languages outside our own?
Speaking of languages, side-tangent-within-a-side-tangent, removing s or k and compounding them both into c is a shit take that I'm seeing way too much, when the obvious answer is to get rid of c, it only functions as a replacement for s or k and in either function it creates unnecessary problems (it's really unnecessary for "unnecessary" to be spelt like that but different topic) and that's why a Bunch of fucking languages around the world do Not include a c, such as the language I was forced to learn since birth and Still cannot speak: Afrikaans. There is not a single c in that language and I have never had a spelling mistake from s or k ever. Other mistakes sure but not concerning those.
And you may be wondering "well why can't we just contract the sounds into less letters to save space in the alphabet?" Because while that would not necessarily be so bad, that shit gets real out of hand real fast the more you do it, and all I'm saying is don't come knocking when you can't spell doodle when your a's are also e's and your u's are also i's
Anyway back to the topic of hating kids
This may seem like a wildly specific rant about one youtuber mentioning it offhand once, but I assure you this is not the first time today I've heard this. I hear this multiple times a week. From different people
For some damn reason it's kinda always been a popular take to hate kids and openly talk about how much one would like to see them suffer, and I don't fucking understand it at all???
Like, ok, you find their constant questions and mumbles and movements and other weird sounds very annoying, cool, I find the several cats outside my window doing many unsavoury things to each other each and every night annoying but I still don't talk about it like it's ok to hurt them
And maybe we can take a moment to rationalize the fact that kids tend to ask a lot of dumb things and say a lot of dumb things, because they're dumb?? they have far less experience on this earth than anyone who knows the definition of "economy", and do not yet know how to do basic living shit like how to cook a whole ass chicken, and they don't need to just yet, that's the point
People who don't know shit are going to do and say things as a consequence of not knowing shit
And this is very much a long-winded vent about something that doesn't really effect me at all, but I do in fact see it as a personal problem because not too long ago I too was a kid that didn't know shit, and I was a piece of shit because of it, sure, but something I very much remember is having to deal with people who hated me simply for existing, and I no longer have to deal with people hating my existange as a child, yes, but I still have various other unchangable things about myself that people hate me for, so through that experience I don't think it's a good thing to hate kids just because they're kids, regardless of how annoying the youtube comments are, and at the very least if you're going to think the spawn of your fellow humans are actually the spawn of satan, please do not talk about like it's a normal ass thing
And hey, maybe there's also a part of my brain that has yet to even fucking register that I'm in my roaring 20's now, so that may be why when I come across people hating kids I feel personally attacked
So with that knowledge, if you say to me that you hate kids, for whatever reason, rest assured I already hate you
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bitchkay · 2 years
Ok, hear me out: food play with Rio 😳
I can very much see Rio covering you in Saligian honey and just devouring his snack, but what if you decide to pull the Uno reverse card on him? He's very much a giver, and it's about damn time you *did* pull the Uno reverse card, you decided. Of course, he also wants to taste you, so you tell him he can. Cover your chest in some of the honey and let him lap it up. Once he finishes, lay him on his back, drizzle the sweet liquid over his body and slowly, borderline torturously run your tongue over each and every square inch of his beautifully toned chest that was covered in honey. You were saving the best part of the meal for last: his dick. Pour some of the honey over his ballsack and his length and tease the most sensitive spots. Just before he comes, remove your mouth and let him cum to his heart's content inside you
Oh anon great minds definitely do think alike☆
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You know how long I been writing this
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Sometimes I truely think we've all thought of these lewd things about these characters but are just too pussy to say anything about it
Luckily I have no filter😋
Like bruh look at this
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Anon dont play with me, I will finish this fic rn
I got school tomorrow but idc I carry my laptop everywhere, I'll fucking do it, don't think I won't
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Rio make my brain so stupid.
Anyway, plot of the fic is literally Rio made some good ass honey buns and they all nice and sweet and sticky and just nice overall yeah but then you drop some honey on your chin cus them buns got bare on honey on them but they good yk nice and syrupy then Rios like 'oop I'll get that😁' then fucking licks you and then like suddenly you're naked. Yea. There's honey in all places honey probably ain't posed to go but it's there its sticky and its sexy as FUCK and yall have sweet passionate love.
But anyway
Let's lick honey off Rios abs yea
That sounds so nice
Rios probably real sensitive
...hold up my brains melting
Trailing a path up his stomach over the curves and contours of hard muscle
That shit would make me horny--
Rios brain is literally short circuiting
Hes just looking down at you while you do it and he literally can't think
rio_voleri.exe has stopped working.
You're the only thing in his sights and you're like angelic to him
Sinfully angelic™😋👍🏽
Even when you're licking honey off your own hand and using the slick to jerk him off he thinks your pretty
(He might even go as far to say your prettiest in this state😳)
How is he possibly supposed to contain himself when you lick his tip with honey sweetened lips, fingers slick with hot syrupy nectar?
Imagines this☆:
Your body's stuck together. Sticky with sweat, cum and honey on your bodies. It was messy, needing to change the sheets after the fact got multiple reasons. You licked his neck as Rio kneaded your butt pulling you down on his cock, also sticky, but you weren't sure it was cum or honey, at this point though you didn't care. That's a problem for future you to figure out. You both hand your head buried in the others neck biting and sucking the other skin, trying to taste all you can of each other. "Augh... I-... I need more of you." Rio mumbled into your skin before pushing you on your back, pulling out, following a trail down your body before latching onto your pussy. "RI- RIO!" Everything about this is sloppy. The way you desired each other was without restraint or much thought, being manhandled to your gluttonous partner's delight. Tasting and licking the others honey sweetened skin, heightened the pleasure and senses. "Ah! You're so- Rio I'm-" Rios dick stood tall and strong leaking pre from his tip, glistening in your arousal. Your gripped on his hair as Rio devoured your cunt, strong arms holding your legs wide open. "I'm gonna-" "More." "Rio I'm gonna cum!" Lapping up your sweet pussy juices Rio crawled over you, pushing his cock back into you. "Shh, your okay, I got you." He didn't move, rather warmed himself inside you as you calmed down, holding your body close. "So good... your so good.. so sweet... on my tongue.."
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miyarii · 3 years
-crash and burn-
Pairing: Kei Tsukishima x Reader
Genre: Angst (bc i like to feel like a lil shit)
Summary: He loved you- emphasis on 'loved'. Now he's tired and breaking it off, but why is he so hesitant when he hears your heart break- and his? Is it you? Or is it his own demons?
Note: ok so i started this like last week, and i just left it in my notes for the whole time and chipped off when i thought of something, so yeah that's my kind of writer's block (if i'm even considered a writer or smth. idrk lawl.). originally, i intended for this one to have mean tsukishima but my brain said "no, let's give him ✨feelings✨". so... i apologize for my brain. we're not really on good terms rn HAHAHA also the main contributors to my writer's block is genshin and jjk since i only started the anime recently after i read the manga like 2 or 3 months ago hehehe so sorry (• - •)'
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"Let's break up." The wind carries his quiet voice to you, only three words yet they hold so much meaning- melancholy laced in every syllable, seeping into your soul and weighing you down, stopping you in your tracks.
"...W-what? Why? Did I do something wrong? Is it... me?"
You always thought it was a miracle that Kei noticed you, even more so that he agreed to date. You also expected that this relationship wouldn't last long- even though you always hoped that it would, your doubts of your relationship lasting strayed in your mind since the start. You were just surprised at how sudden it seemed to end.
He stayed silent, not having the energy to talk back, to answer you. He was just done with this. Can't that be enough reason?
You only looked at him in silence, waiting for an answer out of him that he knew wouldn't come. So he stared back.
He wonders to himself. What's making him so hesitant to just leave there and then? Was it his inability to answer you? The pain he'll cause if he just left you there? His own guilt? Or you and your love for him?
Kei wasn't a fool. He might close himself off and act insensitive, but he wasn't oblivious to how you loved him. And he loves- no, loved you too. But then, loved means it's in the past tense, right?
He remembers grumbling about your infinite energy, little study dates at a cafe with your favorite and his, poking fun at you every now and then just for the fun of it because he was bored. A small smile etched into his features at the familiarity of it all, and it quickly disappeared as fast as it showed. Despite all that, he still got tired of it in the end, the routine of doing things with you continuously exhausting him and leaving him with no air left to breathe, crushing and suffocating him until it consumed it whole.
Maybe it wasn't even you who caused this. Maybe it was him. His insecurities of being too harsh to you to the point of you leaving him. Of you finding someone better than him and comparing them. Of you leaving him for someone else. Of not being enough.
Oh, so it was him. How stupid.
"Kei? If it's me, we can talk about it. Am I too noisy? Do I not let you breathe? I'm sorry. I'll stop if you're bothered. I thought you didn't mi-"
"No. Don't say that. It's not you. I just... I can't do this anymore. Don't think you're the problem here." Huh. This is all he could say? How much more of an ass can he be?
"So... you're sure about this? You're really going to end this- whatever this is- like that?" He's resigned to this. He sees your pained smile, struggling to remain strong, willing the tears not to fall. It's as if he can hear your heart break into shards, pieces that would take a long fucking time to heal.
Maybe you should get someone better to put those pieces back together, since he's clearly not good with holding your heart in his hands.
And as he watches you walk away from him and his life, Kei swears he can hear his own heart crash and burn.
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Lmfao the fact that you STILL think Sesshomaru groomed Rin is enough for me to believe you are entirely braindead and never watched the show or even bothered paying attention to it in the slightest. Rin followed Sesshomaru for a year. He LEFT HER with KAEDE to let her CHOOSE HER OWN PATH. HER OWN LIFE. But sure, whatever your little pissy anti pea brain wants to believe to help you sleep at night and feel good about calling random people fucking pedophiles and groomers over fictional, not born in reality, fucking characters. Grooming is an intentional INTENTION FROM THE BEGINNING. Oh so you're gonna tell me Sesshomaru intended to fuck rin and romance her since the moment they met? When your whole other argument is that he saw her as a daughter? LOL yeah ok you can't have it both ways dumbass. You can't decide his motives were pure when you headcanoned him as her father figure and then pull shit straight from your ass when they were confirmed as a couple that he MUST HAVE groomed her. Wow visiting every now and then to let the orphaned Rin know he still cares and didn't abandon her? MUST BE GrOoMiNg!!!! Please. For the love of fucking god, instead of claiming grooming PLEASE PLEASE read and relate the actual dictionary definition, and ACTUAL EXAMPLES OF GROOMING IN REAL LIFE to SOMEHOW, MIRACULOUSLY find a correlation.
Honey, pay attention to my speech. I am anti SESSRIN, I personally don't give a fuck for those who supports this ship. So why are you so angry about it? Did I say you are sick? Did I say you are a pedo? Or groomer? I don't recall doing it, tho. The only thing I've actually said is that I don't agree with controversial acts on fiction stories only because for some people (like you) disgusting pairings should be allowed on it, since there are no laws that forbids it.
I think you should learn what grooming is before talking about it, because it is stupidity of your part to support real life criminal actions on literature. Do you know that is hypocrisy, right? When you support criminal actions on fiction and condem those actions in real life, you are a hypocrite person.
Now, I have read the manga and watched the anime a couple of times through all those years, and I have knowledge about my sayings (darling, I am a teacher by graduation, so I know you must have some basis to talk about something), however I don't believe you are smart enough or are even willing to understand it, since you lack A LOT of information, I mean, even a dog knows simple human words, while you don't make justice for the brain that is inside your head. If you have difficulties making textual interpretation about what I said, how could you understand fictional dialogues and read images? I don't believe for an instant you are a trust worth person and your opinions is only worth as an example of what NOT TO DO when you don't have fundaments that supports your thoughts.
Yet, since I am a teacher and I have a few moments of free time, I will teach you something: IF (pay attention to this saying and read more than one time if you still don't understand. I don't blame you for being a slow learner) Sesshomaru ends with Rin as a romantic pair, THEN he will be a groomer and this ship is disgusting. BUT, I think Sesshomaru does not see Rin as a lover and he takes her as his adopted daughter. I don't hate Sesshomaru or Rin, I actually love those characters and I wish they deserve better than to become a shipper that developed under criminal aspects.
Sesshomaru left Rin under Kaede's care, that is true, but he kept visiting her and leaving presents for her. This is grooming if they end up together. Waiting for her to age up doesn't change the fact that it is still grooming.
People who supports this pair perhaps is not groomers or pedos, because to be it you need to practice it in real life (and I don't expect those people to do it, actually I request for they not to do it! But I also don't search for their personal life and I won't do it, because as I said, I don't give a fuck for your people), so I won't claim something I don't know. What I know as a fact, is that Sesshomaru ends up with Rin, then Sesshomaru IS a groomer. And I personally don't want that the characters I love so fondly to be tangled in a situation like that, so what is the problem for me to be against it!? Do you expect me to support it!? Also, I have seen no theories of your people deffending SessRin without grooming basis. Your people even said that the kimonos Sesshomaru gave Rin when she was a CHILD was courtship. Your people are SUPPORTING grooming actions by doing so, because your people points Sesshomaru's romantic feelings for Rin when she was only 11 years old. Do you realise it is creepy, right? I don't think is against antis you should waste your time and energy, but with your people that does this kind of analysis, because they are the only responsibles for the desmoralization of your ship.
With all that said and solved, I have nothing else to tell you. This is my final answer for you.
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sery-chan-13 · 3 years
Drives With Them
Alice In Borderland
Only doing Chishiya and Niragi because they're the only two who have access to cars hahahahahaha-
This song makes my brain go 'brr'
Warnings: Swearing, arguing
- He hates driving
- Learns it's the only way he can get alone time
- With you
- Can talk about stuff with you, and there's no one else to interrupt
-  He usually asks you by spinning the keys around on his finger and saying "Wanna go?"
- He drives pretty nice, honestly
- Hasn't crashed, doesn't make you pray for your life before you get into a car with him.
- Enjoys taking the longest way possible home
- Gives zero fucks if a group need the car for the games
- Usually ends the drive somewhere scenic to watch the sunset or if it's raining, he just parks the car and talks to you
"Wanna go?" Chishiya asked, spinning the keys on his finger, interrupting the conversation you were having with Arisu. "Sure! Sorry Arisu-Kun, gotta go," you said, excusing yourself from the conversation. "No problem. Have fun," Arisu smiled, leaving. You chased after Chishiya, grabbing his hand. He pulled it away and you scoffed. "Jerk," you muttered. "You know who is watching," he whispered back, nodding to Hatter. "And?" You asked as you left the building, heading over to the cars. "He could use it against us. I don't want you in danger because of me," he said, opening the door on the passenger side for you. "What a gentleman," you said rolling your eyes, getting in the car. He shut the door after you, getting in himself on the drivers side.
    "I'm sorry," he said into the quiet atmosphere after you two had been driving around the empty streets of Tokyo for a couple minutes. You only huffed, looking out your window. "I'm get that you don't want to make our relationship out there and shit, but I... I have feelings too Chishiya. I want to be able to hold your hand around the Beach, or just show you love in front of other people," you answered, he kept his eyes on the road, listening to your words. "I can understand that. But... you have to understand that I don't want you getting caught in the middle because you're with me," he said after a few seconds. You felt bad about being mad at him, especially when you knew he had good intentions. "I know... I'm sorry Chishiya," you apologized, looking at him. "It's ok. It's upsetting, I get it," he said, slowing down a bit as you got closer to the inner city.
"Sucks there's no radio," you said, holding his left hand on the glove compartment as you two drove around, the argument you had earlier having been talked through. "It's better, in my opinion. We can talk," he said. The sun was setting, the sky painted in an array of pastels, golden sunlight fading from view. You smiled at his response. "You know, when I first met you, I thought you were going to be a bitchy, antisocial, I hate people kind of guy, who would've pushed me off the roof for talking to him, but I'm glad only half of that is true," you giggled. "Oh? Which half is true?" He asked, as you noticed the car slowing down. "The 'I hate people' part. You just have no empathy towards them," you said, leaning on his shoulder. The car had stopped on a bluff that overlooked the ocean. Chishiya got out of the car, telling you to do the same. He climbed up on the hood of the car, making his way to the roof of it. You did the same, sitting besides him. You stared out into the ocean, watching the sunset as he sat besides you. "Beautiful..." he whispered. You looked at him. "It is," you said. "I'm not talking about the sunset. I'm talking about you you know," he said, cupping your face in his hands. You blushed, looking to the side. "I thought you said no PDA?" You asked, looking back at him. "I think... I think I'm willing to protect you if worse comes to worse. Hold my hand around the Beach. Kiss me around the Beach. Do what you want," he said, resting his forehead on yours. You smiled. "If they use us against eachother?" You asked. "If we go down, then we go down together," he said.  You laughed, kissing his lips quickly. You kept doing that before he said, "If you're going to kiss me, kiss me." Before kissing you passionately.
Warning: Mentions abuse, bullying, swearing, weapons
- I'd personally pray to the gods before I get in a car with him
- Honestly pretty fun
- He goes fast, reckless, but somehow hasn't crashed
- He loves driving with you because it makes you both forget everything
- Asks you by going "Im going for a drive. You coming with me doll?"
- Late night drives after games that were especially hard on either one of you
- You had CDS and got the radio to work somehow. (Yes he helped)
- I feel like he's a car guy for some reason?
- Like, he knows his way around cars. But would rather drive them
- You know those cars that don't have a roof? It's just open? Yeah, those are his favorite.
- Ends drives with driving around slowly while you two talk about anything and everything
You sat anxiously awaiting the arrival of Niragi's group for the games. Your leg bounced up and down, scanning the groups that walked in. You swallowed thickly, trying to rid your head of the dark thoughts. You two hadn't been put in the same group for tonight, as the militals all got split up.
    You heard a couple girls whispering and laughing. You glanced at them out of the corner of your eye, and listened in to what the were saying. "She's so heartless when others loose people, but there she is anxiously awaiting her boyfriend's return," one of them laughed. "I hope Niragi dies so she can feel how others feel," the other responded with a giggle. You growled, grabbing your riffle, walking towards both of them. "Oi, if I were both of you I'd stop talking," you threatened, pointing your gun at them. They tensed up. "W-we didn't do anything!" One of them stuttered. "I fucking heard you. Bitch, I'm not deaf, you want me to feel pain as if I haven't before," you said darkly, glaring at them. "I lost my best friend when I first came into the games, I don't have family here, he's all I have left. You two think I haven't felt the pain of losing someone important to me because you don't know me, so shut the hell up," you said angrily, putting the barrel of your gun facing towards the floor. You gathered yourself again, walking back to where you were sitting. "I still hope he dies though... he's such a dick, I don't know why she stays with him," you hear one of them say. "Okay, that's it," you shouted, turning back to them. "You think I won't fucking shoot either one of you?! I'm not fucking scared to do so! And if Niragi doesn't come back then I'll just kill one of your boy toys and see how you like it! He's not... he's not a bad person. So shut up about people you don't know!" You yelled, getting angrier by the minute. "Well I bet he's already dead anyways! It's what both of you deserve for using so many of us as pawns in the games! You need to feel pain, and he deserves to die!" The other girl yelled. "He's not dead! He doesn't deserve to die!" You shouted back. You took your gun, firing a shot in between both girls. "That's a fucking warning shot, next time, the warning shot goes through your damn skull," you threatened, walking out of the hotel lobby, out to where the game players come back. You sat on the sidewalk, watching cars coming back, none containing your boyfriend. You saw Chishiya, and ran up to him. "I'm going to seem pathetic asking, but have you seen Niragi?" You asked, him swallowing back the tears of worry. Chishiya noted this want a time to joke about him being dead. He was a dick sometimes, but he also knew when it was enough. "No, I haven't. His game was on the other side of the city though. Maybe it was a longer game?" Chishiya answered. A soft 'oh' left your lips, and you nodded, thanking him. You went to a corner, sitting down facing the entrance. You brought your knees up to your face. "Please be ok... please... I need you here," you whimpered.
About an hour later, you heard the engine of a car come into the beach. You looked around, counting how many cars were already there. Only one was missing, which meant this car was the last one. You ran over quickly.
   To your relief, you saw Niragi standing by the car, talking to Aguni about something. You ran to him, hugging him as soon as you got there. "Woah, hey there princess," he said, hugging you back. "You stupid jerk, I thought you died!" You cried into him. You weren't one for crying, but it had been a night. Aguni looked at you strangely as he had never seen you cry. Aguni excused himself, giving you time to be alone. Niragi looked down at you, feeling a tinge of guilt. "I- I thought i-i was- I was gonna b-be alone again!" You cried, snuggling your face into his chest. "Never. You'll never be alone again, ok? I'm not going to let some measly game take me out," he said, giving you a kiss to the top of your head. "Im going for a drive. You coming with me doll?" He asked, holding the keys in his hands. You nodded, drying your tears.
The drive wasn't like most others that started fast and reckless. It was slow. The kinds of drives you two had on the late nights. "What game did you have tonight?" You asked, trying to break the silence. "It was weird. A 5 of  hearts. To win we had to kill the past in a way," he said, looking out. "That doesn't sound like a normal hearts game," you observed. "That's what I thought. Games of betrayal. The rules were simple. If you failed to kill the past, you failed. You had to say what part of your past you were killing too, or else you died... There were items all around the building, each from different people's past. There were films of people's memories, toys, pictures, audios, books, glasses... If everyone didn't manage to kill their past, the buildings boiler would explode," he explained. "What we're your items?" You asked, looking at him. "Glasses, notes, there was a video, a baseball, a pack of cigars and an empty beer bottle," he said. You pieced together the items. "The glasses you wore in highschool, the baseball that broke your nose more times than you can count, the notes kids used to pass you in class that said horrible things on them, the cigars your father burned you with, and the bottle you used to silence your sorrows," you said. ''Clever girl," he chuckled. "Your game?" He asked. "4 of spades. We had to diffuse a bomb in the that was at the top of this building, the elevator was out, and there was 20 flights of stairs. Oh, and a shooter. God was it fun shooting that motherfucker after he pulled my hair," you aaid. Niragi laughed slightly. The cool night breeze passed by you, and you closed your eyes. "When we go back to the old world, we should do this," you muttered, reaching for his hand. He grabbed your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours on the glove compartment. "I agree."
    He had stopped the car on a bridge, although there was no water under, just gravel. "I used to come to this place, look down, and think it would be a quiet place. So I started going there after school, hiding. Until they found it. Then you found me there. I don't know why you talked to me in high school anyways," he said, looking over the railing, down to the gravel covered ground. "Because I knew you didn't deserve what people said or did to you. And I also thought it was a nice quiet place," you said as he put an arm around your waist. "What did you run away from? Something or someone in your past that scared you?" He asked. "My family, my feelings. The monsters that lived in my head," you said, leaning your head on his shoulder. "I really love you, you know?" He asked, looking up at the stars. "I know. I love you too. Love you more than there's stars in the sky," you responded.
I'm brain rot, helpppp-
Also, this is just like if you are in an established relationship with them. I feel like they open up a bit more to you, so that's why they might be OOC.
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myhockeyworld87 · 3 years
Ruined - Jamie Benn - Part 5
Word Count: 5,690
POV: Reader and then switches to Jamie
Warnings: Language, but that’s about it, at least from what I can remember
Notes: So I just want to thank everyone for their patience with me as I took some time off. I’ve still been writing, so hopefully you’ll see your favorite stories pop up here and there. Happy reading!
Sidenote: Also (Y/NN) = Your Nickname (Y/LN) = Your Last Name
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 "I'm sorry what did you just say?" you asked Emma, as you had to have heard her incorrectly when she said that you should get under someone in order to get over Jamie. "Because, you were there in high school, that didn't work out the best for me."
"That's not what I meant."
 "But it is what you said, that I should just go hook up with some random guy. Em, I love you, babe, but I am not going down that path again. I do not need to be known as the doctor that sleeps around."
 "Oh my god, would you shut up for one minute?" You went radio silent, after she practically yelled at you through the phone, though you suppose that your voice had gone up maybe a decibel or two. "I didn't mean for you to go fuck some rando at the bar. Actually, I meant…and hear me out before you say anything," she paused and you had a feeling that you weren't going to like what she said next no matter what it was. "I think you should sleep with Jamie."
 "Yeah, that was a little loud. I think you might have woken up Caleb. Shh, go back to sleep babe," you heard her mumble to her husband.
 "I'm sorry but are you crazy? Maybe I called you too early and you're not fully functioning without coffee. Or should I call Dr. Kaplan and have him examine you."
 "Your neurologist, friend? No." She sounded a bit indignant at the mention that she needed her brain examined for suggesting a thing, but really what were you supposed to think when she made stupid remarks like you should go sleep with Jamie. "I asked you to listen before you passed judgment on me. God, you think you were a judge instead of a doctor so something."
 "Well, you have my full attention. So please explain, before I have you committed to the psych ward." She scoffed at you, which only made you say, "You know I can medically do that."
 You could almost hear her eyes rolling through the phone. "Yes, but who would you call this early in the morning when you have a problem." She had a point. "Exactly. Now, let me explain. You and Jamie never really resolved anything. He said things, you got upset, he never answered the phone, so you broke it off with him, yadda, yadda, yadda. You get my point." It seemed a whole lot more complicated than a few yaddas. "But there was never any closure for either of you there. It just sort of ended." Emma was right about that, after hearing that he only was seeing you for sex, you didn't want to speak to him at all. "It was obvious then, that he still had feelings for you, even if you didn't want to see it. And don't kill me here, but I think it was obvious that you still had feelings for him as well, and that maybe you still do." You didn't exactly know how you felt about Jamie at the moment, but waking up in his arms did feel right. "Let's face it (Y/N), you've compared every guy you've ever been with to Jamie."
 "I have not." Had you?
 "Ok, we're skipping all the douches in high school, because you and I both know you never slept with any of them. Yes, I know what everyone said, but I was also your best friend and I know you. The worst you ever did was give Carter Williams a blow job behind the bleachers after a football game." Oh, Jesus, she did not need to go down this road listing all your sexcapades from high school or after that. "I'm talking about Bryan, the perfectly good looking, studying to be a heart surgeon, boyfriend that you gave up for no other reason then you said he wasn't tall enough."
 "I did not break up with Bryan because he wasn't tall enough and you know it."
 "It was a factor, along with his hair not being dark enough and you hating his sense of humor."
 "The man made stupid heart surgeon jokes that not even anyone in the cardiothoracic department got."
 "True, but you also told me he was lousy in bed, and I believe that was another complaint you had about Tomas, Dylan…oh and what was his name…you know the one you said that you had to use your vibrator the minute he walked out the door because he couldn't get you off."
 "Isaac," you told her and there was a blush creeping to your cheeks. Suddenly, you were regretting Emma being your best friend.
 "Yes, Isaac. If I remember correctly that happened more than once with him. How you kept him around for four months is beyond me. You're a doctor woman, you can show him where the clit is, you know? Just take his hand and place it…"
 "Thank you, Dr. Emma, I know where my clit is."
 "But he didn't," she let out a bark of laughter that was so contagious you had to join in. Once you both calmed, Emma came right back at you about Jamie. "Look, he was your first love and maybe the sex wasn't as great as your sixteen-year-old mind remembers. Maybe you just fuck Jamie and that's all it is, a fuck, or maybe it's more. At least this way, you won't be holding him on some pedestal like he's a Greek god or something."
 Maybe she was right and you'd been holding on for fourteen years thinking that what you and Jamie had was this truly magical once and a lifetime thing when in reality all it had been was sex. Let's face it, what your sixteen-year-old self thought was love could've been nothing more than lust. "I never thought he was a Greek god."
 "Please, I was always envious about how you had this romantic first time. I mean mine was in the back of Kyle's jeep, and before you say anything he didn't know where the clit was either."
 You both giggled again, but then you had to remind her of how things had ended. "It wasn't romantic when he said those things about me."
 "He was sixteen (Y/N). I'm not making an excuse, but it's time to build that bridge. Maybe he's changed, maybe he hasn't. I'm not saying for you to give him your whole heart. I'm just saying, find out if what was there, was truly that once in a lifetime love or was it just this idea that you've been holding on to."
 "But what if…" you stuttered while Emma waited for you to continue. "What if…I still love him, and he breaks my heart, again."
 "(Y/N), that's the chance we all take when we open our hearts to love. You don't think that I felt that way with Caleb? That sometimes I still don't feel that way." She sighed. You could tell she was struggling with how to put her feelings into words. "He could walk out the door and leave me here alone, and my heart would break into pieces, but the love I have for him is so much greater than that fear." She made it sound so easy, but all you could remember was how completely hurt you'd felt when things had gone wrong with Jamie. "I know you're scared, and that's why you've closed your heart off for so long, but (Y/N) I promise you the minute you open it back up, your life is going to be even better than it is. And maybe it's Jamie that deserves your heart and maybe it's not, but you'll never know if you don't try."
 "I know," you whispered weakly, for you really did know that. If it wasn't Jamie, it was going to have to be someone eventually, because you didn't want to be alone forever. It was just that gnawing fear in the back of your mind that Jamie would hurt you again as he had before. "I just don't want to break into a thousand pieces again."
 "You won't (Y/N), and if you do, I'll be on the first flight to Dallas to help you pick them up." She would be, you knew that for sure because you couldn't ask for a better friend than Emma. "And I'll kick his ass as well." That made you laugh considering that Emma was five foot four, and Jamie was just over six foot. It would make for an interesting matchup, but you knew that Emma would take him down no matter the size difference.
 "Thanks, Em."
 "I just want you to be happy, (Y/NN); happy and in love, and I just have this gut feeling that Jamie can make that happen." There was only one way to find out, and that was to open up more to Jamie. It wouldn't be easy but after this little talk, you were willing to try. "Now, enough about this, because you're going to follow my advice. So tell me how everything else is going? Do you like work? Is it everything you thought it would be?"
 "And so much more." You spent the next fifteen minutes catching up with each other before she kicked you off the phone to go make rounds at the hospital. Despite not having that many patients of your own at the moment, you were still looking after all of Dr. Lundin's. It was about three o'clock in the afternoon when your phone rang, Jamie's name popping up on the screen. For a minute, you thought about not answering it, but then you remembered your conversation this morning with Emma and quickly hit the accept button. "Hey, Jame."
 He seemed a bit startled that you answered. "Oh, hey (Y/NN). I was just giving you a call about a couple things."
 "Ok, what's up?"
 "Well, first off, I found your dress in my bathroom this morning."
 "Oh shit, I totally forgot that I left it in there." You'd laid it over the tub last night when you changed, something that you did at home all the time. You had every intention of picking it up before you left, but then you'd fallen asleep and well, it kind of got lost in your mind as you freaked out over possibly having feelings for Jamie.
 "It's no biggie. I hung it up in my closet." He paused as if he'd said something wrong. "Just so it didn't wrinkle anymore." Well, look at him being all domesticated.
 "Thanks, that's sweet of you. I'll stop over and get it sometime from you."
 "Oh, ok or I can bring it over. Whatever is easiest for you. I also wanted to see if there was a good time to reschedule that visit to the AAC? We kind of didn't get to go over my map too much last night. Plus, my artistic skills are a little rusty."
 You'd forgotten all about the tour, but it would be a good excuse to spend some more time with Jamie to see where your feelings were. "Let me check my schedule." You switched him to speaker and flipped over to your calendar. "Oh, I'm headed to Jessi's tomorrow night to take her stitches out, so that won't work. Um, let me see about the next day."
 "What about tonight?"
 "Oh, tonight?" You weren't sure if you were ready to face him just yet, but a little voice, that sounded an awful lot like your best friend, told you there was no time like the present. "Yeah, I can do that. I was just getting ready to leave here in about ten minutes. What time were you thinking?"
 "Whenever I'm free the rest of today, so if you just wanted to come straight here; that's fine."
 This was really not the timeframe you wanted. You hadn't even taken any time this morning to do anything special with your hair or makeup, as you'd spent too much time talking to Emma. Though it wasn't like Jamie hadn't just seen you with drool on your face, wearing his sweats and your hair a complete disaster. Anything would be an improvement over that. It was that thought that had you saying, "Sounds good. I'll see you in about twenty minutes then."
 "Ok see you soon." You hung up and then quickly went to add at least a bit of lip gloss and mascara to your face.
 It was about twenty minutes later that you were pulling into your garage and then walking the short distance to Jamie's. This time foregoing parking at his place. He opened the door before you even had a chance to knock. "Hey, (Y/N). How's it going tonight?"
 It seemed like a loaded question when he was standing there dressed in a pristine white dress shirt, his chest hair peeking out from where he'd undone the first couple buttons. Suddenly, your mouth went dry. When you were sixteen, Jamie didn't have a hair on his chest. Well, maybe there were one or two that he was awfully proud of, but they really didn't count. This was just another sign of how much he'd changed and grown into the man that stood before you today. You'd hoped he'd changed in other ways as well. "Much better tonight. My feet are all ready for you to give me the grand tour."
 "Alright, then let's head out." He had his car in the garage, so you followed him through the house to the SUV. In true Jamie Benn fashion, he came over and opened the door for you. It was something he'd always done when you were younger, as his mom had instilled those gentlemanly courtesies in him. It was weird being in the car with him again. Part of you kept waiting for him to grab your hand and hold it like he used to and you found yourself glancing down every so often at his large fingers gripping the gearshift instead of your hand.
 He pointed out different landmarks as you passed and told you that despite what the navigation system said this was the fastest way to get to downtown from your house. The two of you chatted the whole entire time, while the music played softly in the background. "So, you're going to want to use this gate." Jamie was saying right as his playlist changed to a song from the movie Frozen.
 "So, are you are an Anna or an Elsa fan?" you teased.
 "What?" It was then that he realized what was playing, and quickly changed the song. "I have that on here for my niece."
 He pulled into the players' parking spot, "Uh huh, sure Jame. Admit it you like the movie." He shut the car off and you both got out.
 "I may have watched it with Soph once," he said sheepishly and your heart warmed at the idea of him sitting there with the little girl watching one of Disney's hit movies. You always knew that he would make a great dad, and having that song just proved it.
 You were walking side by side now and you couldn't resist dancing around him, while you sang the lyrics. "Let it go, let it go, can't hold it back anymore." You were walking backward not having a clue where you were going as you continued. "Come on Jame, sing with me. You know you want to…Let it go, let it go, turn away and slam the door."
 "Stop," he chided but had a grin a mile long on his face.
 You twirled around him another time, hands dancing along his arm. "I don't care what they're going to say," you belted out; the words echoing off the cement walls around you. "Let the storm rage on…"
 "The cold never bothered me anyway." Jamie sang finally joining you. You bouncing up and down as he sang with you, not paying attention as your eyes were focused on him and not where you were going. He reached out and grabbed you right as you started to trip on a large cord that was behind you. "Careful there Elsa." Your hands went to his chest, your palm resting where his heart was racing, as his slid around your waist and pulled you in close to him. Pressed up against him, you couldn't help the urge that came over you to kiss him; he was just so close, and his eyes were smiling into yours, and it felt like the perfect moment to test the waters out. So, you slid your hands just a little further up his chest, and you raised up on your tiptoes so that your lips were mere inches from him, and then your watch chimed again; the damn thing reminding you to breathe, and the moment was lost.
 You dropped back down onto the balls of your feet but still kept that smile plastered on your face. "Thanks for saving me Olaf," you said and tapped his chest, before stepping out of his embrace.
 "Olaf? I was thinking more Kristoff."
 You tapped your finger on your chin, looking him up and down. "You're right, I was wrong. You're definitely Sven."
 "The reindeer?"
 "I knew you've watched that movie more than just once with your niece."
 You were finally at the door, and Jamie was entering a code to get into the building since there wasn't anything going on at the AAC today. "Ok, you got me, but really Sven?"
 "What's wrong with Sven? He's sweet, kind, lovable…" Shit the moment the word came out of your mouth you wanted to take it back. Of course, Jamie was lovable too but you weren't sure you were ready to be the one loving him. There was too much uncertainty in doing that just yet. You coughed trying to cover up the slip of tongue and then added, "He's also oddly quiet when there are people around. Kind of like someone else I know."
 He raked his hand through his hair, an action that your fingers longed to do. "I'm only that way around people I don't know…and the media." You knew this about him, of course, because you'd watched a few of his interviews. His answers were always clipped and short, which sometimes gave the impression he was standoffish, but then he would throw a little comment here and there and the real Jamie would come out. "But anyhow, we should be getting on with the tour."
 "Lead the way."
 Had she really just called you lovable? Moreover, had she just been about to kiss you? That damn watch of hers kept beeping at the most inappropriate times and it was maddening. Something had changed since she'd practically run out of your house this morning. You weren't sure what, but she'd definitely let her guard down some, and you were all for it. You knew it was going to take baby steps to get back into her heart, but those steps seemed to be coming more and more frequently and you weren't complaining.
 You were surprised when (Y/N) agreed to the tour tonight, for you thought for sure that she'd avoid you at all cost after you had fallen asleep with her on the sofa last night. It was the last thing that you intended but she had felt so right in your arms, that you'd just let yourself get caught up in the moment. God, she looked so adorable this morning, hair messy, with her cheeks all rosy from sleeping on you, and then how she was wearing your sweats; there was nothing that you wanted more than to see her like that every day for the rest of your life. Baby steps, you reminded yourself.
 The tour around the arena went pretty well. You showed her everything that you could think of, ending the tour in the training room, just as you had the other day. She was taking everything in, noticing that Dave and his crew had implemented all the ideas she had talked about the other day. "Everything look ok?"
 "Oh yeah, they did an amazing job." She was opening drawers and checking supplies.
 "Well, I guess that's the end of the tour then." You glanced down at your watch to notice that it was almost six o'clock. You were definitely going to hit rush hour traffic. "If we head out now, it'll probably take us an hour to get home. Maybe a little less, if I hurry."
 "Oh, do you have to be some place?"
 "Um…no. Why?"
 "Well, you're all dressed up, thought maybe you had a hot date or something." There was a tremble in her voice that usually wasn't there, and you had to wonder if she asked the question in hopes that you weren't seeing anyone.
 "No, no hot date. I actually…" Shit, now it was your turn to get all tongue-tied. "Well, I mean…I thought we could have dinner downtown here and really celebrate your big surgery."
 "Oh!" There was a bit of shock in her voice. "I mean last night was perfect. You don't have to take me to dinner, after everything you did."
 You raked your hands through your hair again. It was a bad nervous habit, that served as a distraction while you tried to think of something to say. This time there was nothing clever that came to mind. "What if I want to take you to dinner?"
 The corner of her lip picked up on the right side of her face, that was the first sign she gave, telling you that she liked the idea. It got you excited that she might just agree, to the plan you had, but then it seemed like she was getting into her head, as she took a moment to think about your offer. "You know what?" It wasn't really a question, so you remained quiet. "Dinner sounds amazing, but only on one condition." You cocked a brow at her, silently asking what that was. "I get to buy."
 "Oh no, I asked you out." Oh shit, that came out wrong, you didn't mean it to sound like you'd asked her out on a date, that for sure would scare her away. "Besides my mom would kill me if she found out I let you pay," you quickly added hoping that it would cover up your blunder.
 "Hmm," she mused. "I guess we'll just have to see who has the quicker hands when the check comes then." That sure sounded like a yes to you.
 "You're on, but I plan on winning."
 "We'll see," she said as she headed out the door of the training room. "Now, let me see if I can remember how to get out of here." She led the way out to the car and you only had to direct her one time, which was pretty good considering it took you a week to find your way around the place.
 The restaurant was one of the finest Dallas had to offer, and one of the main reasons why you didn't want (Y/N) paying, though you were sure that wouldn't deter her from trying. Being that you weren't sure if (Y/N) was going to say yes to dinner, you didn't have a reservation, though when you slipped the maître d a hundred-dollar bill and your name; you were suddenly shown the nicest table in the place, one that was quiet and out of the way. Conversation between you and (Y/N) flowed easily, as did the wine, though you made sure not to drink too much as you'd be driving the two of you home. It also helped you grab the check when the waiter brought it at the end of the night.
 "That's not fair." (Y/N) chided as your long arms reached out and snagged the leather pouch out of the man's hands, who looked a bit taken back by the action.
 "You said whoever had the fastest hands."
 "Yes, but I clearly had more wine than you, which limited my ability, and now I'm convinced you did that on purpose." She was always so adorable when she pouted, but right now you just wanted to kiss those pursed lips and you were having a hard time holding yourself back from doing just that.
 "One of us needed to drive home, but you didn't protest when I poured that last glass."
 "Well, it clearly didn't help my motor skills that's for sure. Though please mark it down, that I am paying next time." Next time? So, she planned on going out with you again. You were making more headway than you thought.
 You decided to forge ahead while she was in such a good mood, as you were coming close to running out of excuses for the two of you to get together. "And when would this next time be?"
 "Um, I'll have to check my schedule, but maybe I could cook you dinner next week. You know as maybe a thank you for helping me." She sat there across from you with this shy little smile playing across her lips. The look all too tantalizing, for it was doing things that it shouldn't to your nether regions.
 "Dinner at your place huh? Sounds like an offer I can't refuse." You paid the bill and then the two of you headed out. The drive back was fun, as the two of you continued with your flirtatious banter the whole way home. When you turned onto your street, disappointment reared its ugly head as the night was coming to an end. You wanted to spend more time with her. Hell, if you were being realistic you want her to fall asleep in your arms again so you could hold her all night long. You pulled into the garage, then got out of the car to help (Y/N) out.
 "Thanks for everything today, Jame. Including dinner which I was supposed to pay for."
 "You know I can run some drills with you to sharpen your hand-eye coordination if you want." There were also some other drills you'd like to be doing with her in the bedroom.
 "Well, I may just take you up on that." The two of you were standing in the driveway, not knowing how to end the night. If this was truly a date, you'd walk her home and maybe kiss her, but would she smack you if you tried that now? "I should be getting home. Thanks again for everything." She started down the drive, walking at a leisurely pace.
 "Hey (Y/NN)," you called out and she turned back towards you as you trotted up beside her. "Can I walk you home?" She gave you a curious look, and it did sound rather funny considering she lived only two doors down, but you weren't ready for your time with her to end just yet.
 You were just about to stumble through how it was just for safety, when she said, "Sure." You smiled at her and the two of you started the extremely short walk to her house. "You know, tonight was a lot of fun."
 "Yeah, it really was." You wanted to say it reminded you of old times, but you didn't want to bring up the bad ones that also went with that. "We should do it more often."
 "I'd like that." (Y/N) was shocking you at every turn tonight and you weren't sure what mystical force was in the air but you prayed that it didn't go away and make her hate you again. A comfortable silence fell over you both, it was one that you had with her long ago, though back then it was as if you could read each other thoughts. Now, you weren't sure what was going on in that complex mind of hers but if it continued to lead her on a path towards you; you weren't going to question it.
 You were just about to her front door, and damn if that didn't feel as if the two of you were speed walking over, even though you were strolling at a leisurely pace. Again, you searched for something so that you wouldn't have to leave her company just yet. "Hey, how's your patient doing? The one who's leg you saved."
 "Really great actually. I stopped in right before I left. He's got a long road ahead of him, but he was in really good spirits today."
 "All because of you."
 "I wouldn't go that far."
 "I would." She blushed at the compliment, as you finally made it to the front door.
 "Well, this is me." She said with a cute little smile and a shrug of her shoulder.
 There was really nothing more you could say to keep you at her front door, so you found yourself saying, "I guess my duty is fulfilled…now that you're safe at home and all."
 "So it seems." Was that a hint of reluctance you heard in her voice? Was she as sad to see the night end as you were? "Thanks again, Jame. It was fun." She entered the code to get in the house, unlocking the door and opening it. What she did next almost had you falling over, as she went up on her toes and placed a chaste kiss on your cheek. "Goodnight, Jame."
 A smile so bright, it could've lit up all of Dallas, appeared on your face, and she ducked inside right as you said. "Goodnight, (Y/NN)." As soon as the door closed, you pressed a hand to your cheek making sure that what had just happened was real and not something that you imagined. It had been real alright, and you felt like you were fifteen again, all giddy at the thought that the girl you liked, liked you back.
 Thank goodness, you only lived two doors down as you don't remember how you got back inside your own home, but there you were standing in front of the bathroom mirror grinning like a fool as you looked at the spot (Y/N) had just kissed. Now more than ever, you couldn't wait to see her again. Unfortunately, you had no excuse to call her this time or no definite date of when you'd see her again, just a promise that the two of you would have dinner again soon. While you looked forward to that, you wished that it would be happening sooner rather than later. You'd just have to come up with a plan.
 It seemed fate had your back this time though, as the following evening found her knocking on your door. "I hate to do this, but can I come in?" (Y/N) asked as she stood outside in the pouring rain, looking like a drowned rat. Well, maybe not a rat, but a very cute wet puppy for sure.
 "Yeah, sure." You said stepping aside as a loud crack of thunder sounded in the air.
 "I'm sorry to do this, but the code to the house isn't working and I left my phone, and my bag, at Jessi's when I was taking out her stitches." She stood there dripping wet in your foyer. "If I could just use your phone to call her, I'll run back over there."
 "Run? Where's your car?"
 "Locked, in the garage. I didn't realize it was going to storm and had just walked over there. I was almost home when it started."
 "Let me grab you a towel." You went and grabbed one out of the guest bathroom downstairs, then handed it to her to dry off. "I'll call Jess for you, but you're not running back over there. I'll drive you."
 She gave you a smile, before toweling off her hair. "Thank you."
 You went to the kitchen to grab your phone and call your soon to be sister-in-law. "Hey, Jess."
 "Hey, Chubbs, what's up?" Jess replied.
 "(Y/N) locked herself out of the house and I guess she left her stuff at your place. I was going to drive her over so she could get it if that's ok."
 There was silence on the other end of the phone and you were wondering if the two of you got disconnected or something with the storm. "Hmmm," she finally mumbled. "I'm going to do you a huge favor here and tell you I'm not home, even though I totally am."
 "You know I love you, but you're so dense sometimes." How were you the one that was dumb when she didn't make any sense? "Tell (Y/N) that I had to run to a friend's house and you're not sure when I'll be home with the storm. That way the two of you can spend a little more time together."
 "Oh," you said as you finally caught on to her plan.
 "You owe me one. Tell her I'll call you when I get back, which probably won't be for a while." You'd take all the time that you could get with (Y/N). "If you don't answer, I'll take that as a good sign." You could almost see her winking at you through the phone.
 "Thank Jess. You're literally the best."
 "I know," she quipped back, then hung up the phone.
 You went back out to where (Y/N) was standing in your entryway. "Apparently, Jess took off to a friend's house the minute you left. She said she's didn't realize you left your stuff or she would've dropped it off. She's going to call when she gets back, but it's going to be a bit with the storm."
 "Oh," (Y/N) stood there a little shocked, not knowing what to do. "Well, maybe if I go try the code again it will work."
 Another crack of thunder, with streaks of lightning, filled the sky. "(Y/N), you are not going back over there in the rain. Just stay here until the storm dies down. They usually pass pretty quick." But then again, sometimes they didn't and this was one you were hoping would stick around for at least a few more hours.
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xeo-kunsatan · 3 years
Dissatisfied One shot +14 (Part 1)
This story contains sexual themes, Domestic abuse themes, Toxic relationships, Suicide, cigarettes use, bad words and prostitution references. If you are sensitive or underage please don't read this story.
Dissatisfied.... i don't think it's difficult to found out why do i feel like that..
I wasn't always being the inappropriate whore my grandmother or even my uncle used to call me.. I was supposed to be a innocent child.. tsk yeah.. an innocent child with the shitty luck of having such a shattered family and a stupid child with the shitty luck of having a pedophile as teacher who tried to rape him when the bastard child was just 10.
It's alright.. I guess.. I just woke up in the bed from one of my classmates, let's say he wanted a fun night so I accepted to gave him pleasure.. at least he paid me money so I can leave this room, .. but that didn't satisfied me.. nor even filled me.
I taked my stuff making sure he didn't woke up too but he still..
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Rocky: Hey Bunny~, are you leaving to soon?~.
Bradley: Are you Horny again? we did it for almost 2 hours the last night, if you want to continue you most pay again.
Rocky: I have not enough money
Bradley: *change on his clothes* Then I have nothing to do here
Rocky: Tsk, you lost...
Bradley: Lost what? *Sarcastic Chuckle* Your "Buddy" is just bigger than mine, is not the big thing..
Rocky: *chuckles* As if you were that hot~.
Bradley: *takes his backpack* You didn't said that that night.
I left that room, that guy seemed mad by my comment, I can't help it, they still see me as the bastard son of the fire ghost which mess with their city but they actually desires me to gives them the pleasure that a girl or anyone else can't gave them..
I was walking through the hallways, then suddenly someone touched my hand to catch my attention, it was that big blue guy who uses to play American football, another client more.
Bradley: Unwin? Are you sure about this? You didn't had a girlfriend?
Unwin: Well yes.. i have a girlfriend, she asked me to do it one day but I'm not ready to do it nor even i have no idea about how to do it.
Bradley: so.. your first Time?
Unwin: Yep..
Bradley: alright.. we will do it this night, don't forget you have to pay for the fun night, i will teach you how to do it.
Unwin: Ok.. thanks man, Heheh now I see why people calls you Bunny, and not just for being little~ *leaves quickly while he was laughing at Bradley* Slut~.
Bradley: But Rabbits are cute...
After that I went to the school restrooms to take a quick bath to at least go to classes without any boy smell.
Since when i thought that this shit was a good idea?.. why did i thought that this would make me feel complete or even satisfied? I questioned myself while the shower drops were falling on my face.
I have a lot of missed calls from my uncle who is surely mad instead of worried by not arriving at the round house.
I dried myself quickly to then change my clothing and go to classes in time, at my seat I saw him.. Skeebo, after that day it's not the same being next to him. He used to bully me by the same old shit as the others but he stopped since that day I saved his life and i snapped to that lemon head which calls himself hero for a nonsense reason.
If you are asking why the heck I was selling my body like this if I have a traumatic event related with this?
I will answer your question, hate me or not depends of you, I will explain.
First my uncle is a hypocritical stingy, he will not give me any fucking money not even for a candy, he just gives money to my cousin, understandable, and the stupid lemon for his mediocre work.
The second reason... Everything happened in a normal school day (yes, after I got Skeebo's respect), also a normal day of ghost attack, there was a new ghost around the netherworld, this one has a weird power which makes everyone Who touches him or is slimed by him, that person ends into a lust state, it was easy to recognize when he attacked someone...at least for me, he has peculiar smell to Cherries, Strawberries and... saliva.
I didn't had to hide, the ghosts didn't attacked me as always, that lemon ball was around eating them and burping their eyes. That clumsy Pac crashed against me and suddenly Skeebo which was running away locking us in a locker by accident.
Bradley: shit...
Skeebo: Arghh!.. that lemon head!!...
Bradley: *sighs*....
Skeebo: are we in a girl's locker?.. this place smells good~
Bradley:*sniffs*... Oh.. shit.. we are not in a girl's locker...It's my locker....
Skeebo:*sniffs on Bradley's hair* is it you? You smell so good~
Bradley: Well my perfume used to be from my older sister, and i use Pactene Shampoo because my uncle has lots of them for my cousin and me, so it has sense.
Skeebo: It's still so good~
Bradley: fuck fuck fuck fuck... Skeebo.. you were infected by a lust ghost.. and you will not snap from that state until you....
Skeebo: me what?~
Bradley:... *Sighs* i-i.. I'm still scared for t-this... But.. just do it with me... D-d-dont worry.. you will not remember any of this moments...
Skeebo: you're so cute~ you're so sweet~..
Bradley: Ok i think he lost the control short time ago..damn it..
Then Skeebo slowly was ripping off my virginity.. I thought it would hurt as when that awful man tried to do to me.. but... This time.. I felt different.. I felt.. strange... i was embarrassed.. it hurted but I liked it..I don't know how nor why...He where keep going for 1 hour until he ended inside me.. for me it was difficult to still up but that feeling was too difficult to describe... Did I feel satisfaction?.. is this what am I looking for to feel full, did I feel good for at least one time of my life, he finally snapped out that state he didn't understand what happened and suddenly the locker door opened, I was a little naked so I acted quickly and transformed myself into a rabbit to escape from a already embarrassing moment leaving him with the shame. Because of me everyone saw Skeebo half-naked and stained in with his own fluids.
Ms Globular: Mr Spheros.. Mr Skeebo! Wake up!
Bradley: Huh!?...
Skeebo: What!?
Almost Everyone laugh about that.. specially to Skeebo
Ms Globular: Please focus yourself in the exam.
Bradley:..*sighs* yes Ms Globular..
Rocky: what's wrong Skeebo aren't you playing with your "buddy" again?
Izod: Yeah, please don't splash us~
Skeebo: *blushed and mad* you 2 shut up!
Yep... also that day was even worst for Skeebo than the day became into Heebo-Skeebo, he was even a bigger mock for almost all the students, it was my fault by running away as a coward..
Izod: Or what?
Bradley: Do you have any idea about how pathetic you look making fun with a guy because of an embarrassing moment he clearly wants to forget?
Rocky: You have no rights to speak slut!
Skeebo: Don't call him slut!
Izod: Aww the Sper-Man is defending the Play-Bun?.
Bradley: So sad that the sizes of your "Buddies" are not that good enough to compensate your lack of brain..
Ms Globular: That's enough you 4!! If you don't quit speaking that dirty stuff in the class i will send you to detention!
Izod/Rocky: Fine Ms Globular..
Bradley: Alright Ms...
Skeebo: *sighs*
The School Bell rings
It was now lunch time, i wasn't hungry so i left to the school yard to smoke a cigarette, a cherry one, I'm allergic to the normals.
Bradley: *sighs*
"Can i sit with you?" - a voice sounded..
It was Lexy Soto, one of my classmates and the most popular in the school for being so kind with all and bringing desserts from his Dad's restaurant also one of the most famous restaurants in Pacopolis), for it Lexy is really respected and beloved here, especially for that Lemon Ball.
Lexy always left a single meal for me and comes to me to give me company, it's still incredible that he is my friend without caring about my Dad's actions, did Latins are like this?
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Bradley: Sure Lexy.
Lexy: Good, *sits to him* i noticed that you weren't in the Cafeteria so i left this cupcake for you.
Bradley: Thanks Lexy, you don't had to do it.
Lexy: I have to, Weon
Bradley:*smiles a little and takes the cupcake* Thanks Lexy, *bites it* Hmm~ is so sweet and soft.
Lexy: Chocolate with raspberry cream.
Bradley: Also.. let me guess, did you put ice cream for the cream?
Lexy: You got me.
Bradley: I knew it!
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Lexy: *giggles*... *Starts sniffing Bradley* where selling your body again!?.
Bradley: Oh shit.. you got me
Lexy: Bradley, please you don't have to do it..
Bradley: Lexy, i don't have money to buy any stuff i need, and my uncle doesn't give me a shit.
Lexy: And i thought that presidents in Latin America are awful.. but please... You don't have to do it if you don't like it..
Bradley: That's the problem Lexy.. I think like it..but I hate to do it with that bastards.
Lexy: How you can like that awfull thing?...
Bradley: Because I'm sick Lexy..I know i am sick...but i can't cry for help.. because my uncle will not understand..
Lexy: I could ask my Dad to help you but.. i don't want to bother him...
Bradley: *pets him*... Lexy.. you don't have to do it... Maybe i could be sick.. but i will be okay.
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Lexy: *starts sobbing* You're lying!... You are not okay! You said that you would be okay but that's not true.. i know you are suffering.. and it... It worries me a lot!! *Cries*
Bradley:...it's because that awful neighbor did to you, right?
Lexy: !!..
Bradley:*hugs Lexy* I'm sorry... I didn't mean to worry you like this.. maybe it would hurt but.. If something happens to me.. i already have a place in the netherworld with my Dad..
Lexy: If Pacopolis were your home too...
Bradley: Even if i live in netherworld, we would still be friends.
Lexy: At least.. please found a solution...
Bradley: I promise I will try.. *dries Lexy's tears* cheer up BerryPie.
Lexy: you most be the one who most smile first Cabro Culiao!..
Bradley: Heh..*smiles* sorry, like this?
Lexy: *cheers* much better~
6:00 pm
The school And clubs activities ended, Lexy have left to his home early to help out his father with his job as always, it was getting late and time to start my job with that moron, so i left the reading club (Club Wich has a single one member, me) to meet up with that guy i just forgot his name and i don't give a care in remember it.
Unwin: Finally..
Bradley: we will do this quickly, i have to go back to the round house.. i have piano practice at 8:00 pm.
Unwin: All you have to do is please me..
Bradley: just if you pay the price, if you don't i will make sure one of my boys to torment you, got it?
Unwin:*sighs* fine!..*pays him 10 Pac Dollars*
Bradley: Good Boy~.
And well i did it with him as i did with the rest of the boys from Maze High (Except by Pac and Spiral, dude i have my limits, i can't leave that stinky lemon to touch me, and Spiral, i know he likes Pacster since long, it's kinda obvious and i prefer them to have that experience by theirselfs) but ..i didn't felt nothing similar to that curious feeling i felt with him.. it wasn't the same.. but it wasn't possible.. even after he ended as a mock because of me.. i would not be able to stand the guilt...
7:00 pm
By finishing, i just put in my clothing to take my stuff and left the dorms, it was almond late for my classes and even worst i was having a lot of walking problems, fortunately or well.. unfortunately my uncle's limousine arrived next to me And taked me to the round house, the bodyguards didn't looked at me in any moment.. it was uncomfortable.. when we arrived to the round house, there was my uncle waiting for me, he seemed completely mad.
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Bradley: *sighs*..
Stratos: Bradley..Where the heck you have been!? Why you didn't come back to home yesterday!? Or not even answered my calls!!??... And ugh!.. what's that awful smell!!??
Bradley: Do you care?.
Stratos: wait.. don't tell me you where sleeping with a guy!!?
Bradley: So what!?, If i was sleeping with someone or i was making out with someone, that's not of your business!!
Stratos: of course it's my business to take care of you!
Bradley: As it was your business to take care of my dad when he needed you more than anything... You cared so much of me that you left me with grandmother!
Stratos: It wasn't that bad!
Bradley: That Bad...It wasn't..That Bad!? I was her fucking Boxing bag and used me to turn off her cigarettes
Stratos: You are exaggerating, she was educating you to be a disciplined and decent man!.
Bradley: So sad, it didn't work..
Stratos: It was for you could not end like your father.
Bradley: Should I'll remember you the boiling water cup she threw me in that Barbecue in the round house by "Accident?
Stratos: Agh just go inside and take a bath right now!.. don't let Cedrick see you!.
Bradley: Whatever...
Yep the same old shit of always... I taked another bath and went to my room, i was so tired, Quartzy was sleeping on my lap to comfort me.. but i still had to play that piano.. so i get up to go to the piano room.. my Uncle wasn't there... that was a good thing, that means he would not bother me.
So i sat in that sit and taked a cherry cigarette from a box i use to hide from my uncle and cousin.
I smoke one of them while I was playing a soft melody in the piano..I was losing myself in my thoughts and the music.. then suddenly someone entered in.
Cedrick: Hey Brad!
Bradley:*throws the cigarette through the window* Oh, hi Cedrick
Cedrick: what where you eating?...
Bradley: oh, it was nothing.
Cedrick: Oke, can I stay with you? I love how you play the piano :D.
Bradley: Alright little bud.
So I played a melodies for my little cousin, I didn't wanted him to see me like this..
I'm at least a little alright if my cousins, my people, my sister, Buttler and my Dad are alright too.. maybe.
Lately when I was close to Skeebo I was feeling something unusual.. like a hungry.. hungry for his virility, hungry for his touch.. I sounded like a monster... I'm sorry..
Suddenly i felt that someone was calling me.
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Obey Me Romanian MC
idea inspired by @/harunayuuka2060 (too shy to tag them)
Nu ştiu ce inspirație supraomenească m-a lovit dar am început asta la 2 dimineața și am terminat-o la 6.30
Im sleep deprived bc I stayed up all night doing this, enjoy gagicile mele
[added translations]
(under the cut bc this bitch is long af)
Lucifer: Are you not enjoying your meal?
MC: This food isn't even good. Next time I'm bringing my bunica to make you guys sarmale best thing you ever tried 👩‍🍳👌😘 mwah
MC: I'm not gonna go out with Satan, Beel, Asmo or Belphie.
Asmo: Awww
Beel: :(
Belphie: What?!
Satan: Why?
MC: Why date a guy who's favorite color is not in romanian flag? 🤔🇷🇴
Asmo: But I thought you could-
Levi: Ohhh!!!! So are you like familiar with Castlevania-
MC: We don't talk about that *cries in disappointed*
Solomon: What is this weird potion.
MC: *puts bottle of țuică (plum brandy) on the table*
MC: This is not a potion, but a solution to all of your problems gagica 💖
MC: *talking to Lucifer* Oh iubire (love), stop crying over Diavolo again. Why cry over guy who would wear vagabond everyday in my country?
MC: Tsch tsch tsch
Lucifer: What the fuck is Vagabond
MC: Only the worst of streetwear existent. Only f-boys use it
Lucifer: Fair enough
Beel: Why do you want to try out for the sports team?
MC: Because Steaua, my country's team, disappointed me 😔
MC: Mammon! Asmo! Let me show you guys a thing called ✨manele✨
(after the Belphie incident)
MC: Does anybody have a belt.... a belt so I can...no reason...papuci de casă (slippers) works too
MC: Hey Belphie! Did you enjoy your punishment? 😜
Belphie: My butt still hurts...
MC: Next time it's the lingură de lemn ♡ (wooden spoon)
*MC dancing to Braşoveanca*
Mammon: W-what's that???
Satan: Some sort of ritual I suppose
Asmo: *joining in* It's fun!
MC: Doi✌paşi🦵înainte➡️şi😱doi😩înapoi⬅️ (two steps forward two steps back)
MC: Who has summoned me?
Satan: Belphie isn't feeling well and the medicine didn't really do it's job.
MC: Everyone watch closely because I'm going to teach you guys a sacred ritual called ✨Frecție cu Oțet✨
Satan: You're just pouring vinegar on his wrist.
MC: Now here comes the fun part. *maggages his wrists*
Belphie: Someone please kill me this is unbearable
MC: Am I allowed to say Tatăl Nostru (Lord's prayer) or is that too....uhhh weird since yall are demons and stuff-
Barbatos: MC...
MC: I'm sorry but crossing myself after I finish a meal is implemented in my brain. It's in the default settings.
Barbatos: What happens if you don't cross yourself?
MC: Lingura de lemn (wooden spoon) *shivers*
Diavolo: Do you like my castle?
MC: Baby, Peleş puts you to shame.
MC: Also, too much current (swift). Close the damn windows
Lucifer, giving up on life: Oh not again...
MC: Real music here 😌
MC: There, there gacica (girlfriend). Don't cry. *pats him on the back*
Lucifer: Do you got any more țuică...
MC: That's the spirit!
MC: I know I technically didn't die, but can we please have a funeral??? There is this really tasty cake just for this special occasion called colivă. Beel is okay with it so- hey don't ignore me! wait guys this is important- wAIT!
Satan: I hate Lucifer because he is my father.
Belphie: I hate Lucifer because he sucks in general.
MC: I hate Lucifer because Favorite color is red which is COMMUNISM COLOUR 😡‼
Solomon: See?? MC likes my cooking!
MC: Piftie...Caltaboş...
MC: Solomon, you would make a very good romanian housewife. Say, have you ever considered getting a 701st wife...?
Beel: *munching happily on the food MC makes*
Lucifer: *getting a fucking break*
MC: *making grătar(barbeque) cu mici*
MC: Everybody loves 1 Mai!
MC: Beelphiiieee!!!! I have a spell for you 😊
Belphie: Please not the lingură de lemn-
MC: *boop on the nose* ✨du-te dracu✨ (go to hell)
Lucifer: How did you make everyone behave?
MC: *looking at the papuc de casă in hand*
MC: You either die a hero...or live enough to become the villain...
Lucifer: Interesting, can you teach me?
MC: The secret is to use your wrist-
MC, whispering: Psst! Mammon! How's the sarmale trading going?
Mammon: Its okay, but why can't you just give me the recipe?
MC: E din moşi strămoşi (it's from older generations) I can't give it to you
MC: Hey pisi, want a ride in my Dacia?
Simeon: ...what? :)
MC: Come on gagica(girlfriend)! We are going to visit my family they will love you!
MC: You can also bring Luke. Just uhhh don't let him drink from the "juicebox" ok? It's not- It's not juice in there
MC: But you can drink. I won't tell anyone.
Diavolo: MC you can't leave yet. Not even for a quick visit back home.
MC: Auzi, da du-te-n p- (well why don't you fuck yourself on my dic-)
MC: *sigh* Sometimes I wish Satan was wearing Vagabond instead of...whatever that is
Asmo: Ouch, but yeah I guess we are that desperate.
Satan: I'm never tutoring any of you again.
MC and Luke, just vibing honestly: ⬇️Intră-n👇apa🌊mării🐚şi🐋nu🐟te🙄teme😱ai😳să-nveți🤯să-noți🐠printre🤔sirene🧜‍♀️🧜‍♂️
(go in the sea's water and don't you be afraid you'll learn to swim among mermaids)
MC: No Asmo, I have a date to the ball he's right here *points at țuică bottle*
Belphie: *misbehaving*
MC: Vai, vai, vai. Sărumâna Belphie 😃 ( well, well, well good day Belphie)
MC: *grabs the papuc (slipper)*
MC and Luke, vibing yet again: POVEȘTI DIN FOLCLORUL MAGHIAR!!! (maghiar folklore stories!)
MC: Where is my țuică? :)
Everyone: *quiet*
MC: I won't get mad :)
MC: Foaie verse de trifoi~ *papuc reappears* Dați băi țuica înapoi (green leaf of clover, give the țuică back you fucker)
Everybody: *runs*
MC: Mândruțelor (girls), come back until I'll put this to good use
Levi: *exists*
MC: *in love with him bc his fav color is in the Romanian flag and not in the commie flag*
MC: Te las să te lingi cu mime în parcare la lidl (I'll let you french kiss me in the Lidl market parking lot)
MC: Lucifer you don't understand!
MC: Sandu Ciorbă cured my depression!
MC: Muie cretinii pământului (fuck y'all stupid asses) my țuică is back and I'm not sharing anymore
Asmo: We're doing hot girl shit tonight
MC: Ne curvim rău (we're hoeing)
MC: futu-ți cristelnița mătii (fuck your mother's font) Simeon you're the one that drank all my țuică
MC: I'll let it slide this once, if u take me for shaorma(shawarma) in Piața Victoriei (Victoria's market)
Solomon: Whoops, I accidentally messed up the sarmale recipe
MC: Aşadar războiu alesu l-ai (So you have chosen war)
Mammon: MC, how do you say "I hate you" in romanian?
MC: Dar eu sunt mândru că sunt twink. (I'm proud to be a twink)
Mammon, clueless: ok thanks
MC, to Belphie: I had such a rough day, please fute-mi una (fuck me over) and not the way I like
Mammon: What would be a quick way to make money?
MC: Gagica(girlfriend), listen. Culegător de sparanghel (asparagus picker) in Spain is your go-to.
Asmo: *blasting manele vechi (old manele).2006*
Asmo: Please love me!
MC: *already in wedding attire*
MC: Beel! Here, try this! Yeah yeah its completely fine!
MC: ...what do you mean it looks like Solomon's cooking?
MC: *dragging them all by the hand to therapy*
MC: Păi aşa-i hora pe la noi măi bade- (This is hora to us well my mans)
MC, talking to Lucifer: Măi omu lu dumnezeu îți fut una de nu te vezi (listen God's man I'll fuck you over that you'll not see again) if u lay a finger on my țuică again
MC: I don't care that you have daddy issues, this is MINE now thank you very much.
MC: Doamne cu ce ți-am greşit? (God, what have I done to you?)
MC: tanti Lilith, ia-mă cu tine gagicuțo milf ce ești (Miss Lilith, take me with you you milf girlfriend)
MC: Chiar și culesul de căpșuni din Spania era mai ok dacât (even strawberry picking in Spain is better than) Therapist Simulator hell edition
Diavolo: *exists*
MC: Vrei să-ți fiu a ta mireasă? (Do you want me to be your wife?)
Simeon: *exists*
MC: Vrei să-ți fiu Ileană Cosânzeană? ( Want me to be your fairy wife?)
Belphie: Every time I doze off they say this weird phrase...
MC: Dormeo(mattress company) ! Noapte bună! (good night!)
MC: What do you mean im not allowed to have a cross around my neck?
MC: My dead grandmother would kill me it's Sfântu Andrei for fucks sake
MC: The law is law we gotta put garlic and salt everywhere around the house
MC: This is what you get from taking my țuică away AGAIN
MC: I mean, at least i dont have to take the bacalaureat and face the woman-hating-Ion-Creangă-fucking-twink-looking-nightmare-inducing Eminescu so
MC: *drinks a Mona Spirt (rubbing alcohol) bottle in one go*
MC: that works wonders for me
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tigerdrop · 4 years
Something in me tells me I shouldn't enable you to write horny shit, but let's be honest, we want to see it. I'm rather curious of how you're gonna process that scene and make it horny, literally been wondering since I first saw it. I feel you're gonna give me another disease and I don't know how to feel about it.
god ok this is like string of consciousness shit b/c my brain is spinning at 5000 rpm and you know whats gonna be under this readmore so dont bitch at me about it. dont look at this dont read this im sorry
like not to be a freak or anything but also the bit where benreys keeping him stuck in the stall. that had horny energies to me
makes it so that benrey shows up just like half a minute earlier and gordons bladder-shy so he cant actually fuckin finish the job while benreys in there........dudes been waiting for a month okay hes gonna have a hard time 
i really do want this bitch to call gordon a dirty lil boy and make fun of him for the mess he made but for . you know. that reason. THE reason
want him to be like "clumsy, arentcha" when gordons struggling to undo his HEV suit b/c his hands are shaking so bad from the desperation.......pressing gordon up against a stall to do it for him while hes begging benrey to hurry up, its his fucking fault that gordons like this 
utterly obsessed with his suit starting to suck him off when hes in situations like this b/c it detects the elevated adrenaline and heartbeat and him getting a little hard from being pushed around like this and it kicks in automatically
especially b/c it makes it that much harder for a dude to relieve himself......its agonizing
"some kinda science......genius.......you are. cant even get this thing off yourself.......maybe you shoulda gone to........piss school. for idiots" 
cue high pitched, nervous, horny laughter like what the fuck is he saying. IM GOING INSANE THINKING ABOUT ALL THE NERVOUS GIDDY LAUGHTER IN THIS SCENE
telling gordon not to look and making him go stand in the corner but hes too fucking stupid to just go into the stall and take care of business
doesnt even think about it b/c his hearts pounding so much from benrey showing up for the first time in ages just to bully him in a fucking theatre bathroom.......and he likes it whats his problem
gordon just like "okay, fine! ill just, take care of business in here" once benrey bullies him to go into the stall........and benreys like, haha, what? and opens the door just to fuck with him.....and when gordon is like "oh my GOD fine fine fine ill get out" benrey shuts the door on him again and hes so caught up in playfighting with benrey by trying to open the door and having it be shut in his face again he forgets that he can just take a piss now if benreys trying to hold the door closed
i just auggufhughfugh i cant get over all the GIGGLING.......like......both of them knowing What This Is and gordon still tittering like a fucking schoolgirl the whole time b/c hes nervous but its like a giddy nervousness. he likes being fucked with
and like......the way gordon goes along with everything benrey says so easily.......it feels like. it feels like a Kink Scene. like they Discussed it
thinking about. benrey really taking his time undoing those latches. making gordon squirm and bitch at him to go faster. "maybe you should, uh, ask nicely, huh? like a good boy?" and gordon has to wrench his eyes shut from how hot that gets him. and thats what gets him to finally say "please hurry up benrey oh my god" and when benrey finally gets him undone he just.......stands there. watching. doesnt pull off the codpiece or anything, just leaves it like that. and gordons like "uh okay can i. can i go now please" benreys just like "i dunno man......can you? you really gonna show me your meat like that? thats nasty" but hes grinning the whole time he says it
and tl;dr he gets gordon to take it off right there and show off his dick (which is, uhh, painfully hard from all the sucking-off his suits been doing) and gordons like "jesus christ ok you got to see my dick and you got to jerk me around. what more do you want" and benrey. touches it. grabs it in his hand. and just casually admits "i wanna see you piss yourself man" outright and gordon nearly passes out b/c half his blood is going to his face and half to his dick and none of its left in his brain
cue more of that high-pitched nervous laughter b/c haha, what
"im-- im not gonna do that, man, thats-- thats gross. and especially not when youre-- when youve got your hand on my dick, jesus, theres like 6 urinals in here you can just-- you can just watch if you wanna be fucking weird" and benrey just shrugs and is like "yeah i know thats kind of the point" WRT touching gordons dick right now
the struggle between "liking to do what benrey tells him to do" and "feeling humiliated at the thought of not just pissing himself in a perfectly good public restroom, but doing so while benreys grabbing his dick and calling him a nasty little boy and starting to stroke him off" making gordon fucking combust 
and eventually gordon slams his head back against the stall wall and is like, "fucking, okay, jesus, but i cant just-- i cant just do this shit on command, okay, i dont know" b/c he had never envisioned that it would come to this and the way benreys talking to him right now makes it a hell of a lot easier for him to just.......follow benreys lead and do what he says
benreys like "i got time bro. you might wanna hurry up tho, somebody could walk in here, like, whenever. you really want tommy to see you like this? kinda sick, man" and gordon makes a desperate sound b/c no he fucking does not and the humiliation is so real that its turning him beet red 
so. you know. you end up with. gordon actually trying really hard to piss himself. benreys encouraging him and bullying him at the same time and he really wants to do what benrey says right now
but hes struggling against both his boner and his bladder-shyness so its not just like he can instantly make it happen......so benrey maybe.......slides his other hand up under the HEV suit. presses down right at the base of his stomach
and gordon whimpers as thats just the impetus he needed to finally let go......and it takes so fucking long even though hes not trying to hold it in in the slightest......and thats when benrey finally calls him a dirty lil boy and tells him to look at the mess he made. stroking him off even more while he does it
i just. i really want gordon to actually be trying to piss himself for once b/c benrey asks him to,
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angelsswirl · 3 years
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Notes: I highly recommend you listen to What If by SafetySuit either before reading or while reading because it fits this chapter so perfectly it took me half an hour to choose which lyrics to use.
"If it makes you sad at me, then it's all my fault and let me fix it please."
"You know your problems won't go away if you hide from them, right?" Lisa asked without looking up from her magazine.
"You know Tiger Beat is a child's magazine, right?" You asked without looking up from your spot on the floor.
Lisa closed the magazine loudly. She huffed and crossed her arms, "As soon as this baby gets out of me, I'm kicking your ass."
"Then who's going to feed Jennie while you're in the hospital recovering from your injuries?"
"I can feed myself, thank you very much."
"I'm not sure you know your left from your right sometimes."
"You're mean when you're scared and upset." Jennie's nose scrunched up. She is not afraid to admit her feelings were a bit hurt. She knew her left from her right, but she was definitely lying about being able to feed herself. She can't cook to save her life.
"I'm not scared or upset."
"You're a pathological liar, too."
"Ladies, ladies you're all pretty! Now, will you shut your traps. My blood pressure is spiking because all of your damn yapping."
"Sorry, mom." Everyone apologized. Even Kameron, who hadn't even been in the original conversation.
All five of you were packed into the medium sized hospital room, save for George whom had to return to work that day.
You sat the closest to your mother, Jennie and Lisa sharing the small cushioned bench built under the window. Kameron sat in an extra plastic chair directly under the suspended 19 inch television, his laptop on his lap currently being used to hack into the hospital's wifi.
"Y/N, apologize for calling Jennie stupid." Maria admonished as she fiddled with the television remote. The buttons were huge, that wasn't the problem. The problem was that the hospital seemed to have only two working channels. Fox News and...oh, the other one just lost signal. Just Fox News.
Maria opted for turning off the television.
"I rather not." You answered plainly. Your knees were tucked under your chin and you still stared at that spot on the linoleum floor.
Maria swatted your thigh.
"Y/N Ariel Y/LN."
You just grumbled.
"Your middle name is 'Ariel'? Like the mermaid?" Jennie started to laugh loudly. She immediately stopped upon the shoe hitting her square in the gut.
"No. Not like the mermaid, Knothead." You gestured for Jennie to give back your shoe. Jennie did so with a scowl.
"Why is she being so mean?" Lisa pouted.
Maria huffed, "Her heat's about to start. So, she's grumpy. Also, she got herself into a unforgiving situation and it's all starting to unravel in front of her." Maria looked as though she had even more explanation to give but thought better of it.
You eyed your mother suspiciously, "How'd you know all that?"
"Mother's intuition."
Lisa's eyes squinted in determination, "Time for 'Operation: Just Pick One! Damn!'."
Everyone nodded along in agreement except for you.
"I've got the Pros and Cons T-Table pulled up!" Kameron gestured to his laptop. Lisa gave him a thumbs up.
You stared at your omega brother, "What do you know about any of this?"
"Oh, Lali and I talk once a week about you because you don't tell us anything. We were going to stage an intervention within the coming week if all of this hadn't happened." He said as though it was obvious.
You just rolled your eyes. Your brother knowing your business was the least of your problems at this point.
"Okay, but if we're going to have this conversation, Jennie has to leave."
"What? Why?"
"Because you're an alpha and you wouldn't get it."
"Try me."
Lisa clapped excitedly, "Yay! It's finally happening. Kam, make sure you share the spreadsheet with your mom and I." She pulled her MacBook air out of large handbag and then delicately placed Maria's laptop on her overbed table.
Kameron nodded just as excitedly. Maria also nodded appreciatively as the group got their data together.
You wondered when your life got this out of hand.
At least Jennie looked just as lost as you.
"Um, babe? Is all of this necessary? I think you're scaring-"
"Shhhhhh, honey," Lisa blindly pressed a few fingers against Jennie's lips, "I know exactly what I'm doing."
"...ok..." Jennie looked to you with a mildly frightened look on her face. She shook her head slowly as if to say 'I tried. I am so sorry for what you're about to go through."
"Okay. First question! Who have you thought of more recently?" Kameron asked as he typed furiously on his HP.
"I'm not sure what any of this is going to help."
"Answer the question!" Kameron urged.
"God! I'm thinking about them both constantly, but I guess, Rosé because I spoke to her last."
Kameron nodded resolutely and continued to type.
"Next question, if they were both drowning, and you could only save one, who would you save?" Lisa asked, her eyes narrowing intensely at her best friend.
"Jennie, do you feel like this is a trap? Because I feel like this is a trap!" You inquired. You scooted your chair further away from everybody.
Jennie slowly pulled her arm from behind her wife, she then scooted away from her and to the opposite end of the bench, "Yes. This feels exactly like a trap."
"Okay, you don't have to answer that one." Maria glared at Lisa who just shrugged.
"How about this one? Who do you miss the most?"
You threw your hands in the air in exasperation, "Lali asked me that months ago! Don't you think if it was that simple I wouldn't be in this situation right now?! I miss both of them because they won't fucking talk to me! And I don't blame them. I wouldn't want to talk to me either." You sat back into your chair with a watery sigh.
"Can I give it a try?" Jennie raised her hand sheepishly, "Without all the spreadsheets and interrogations." She directed the second part at three specific people.
The three specific people all reluctantly closed their laptops.
"Everyone else is, so why not?"
"Well, first. I think you need to lay off yourself a bit. Yeah, you put yourself and them into a sucky situation, so what? Get over that. There's no going back to change anything, so why wallow in it? Relax and forgive yourself." Jennie spoke softly, her forearms resting against her thighs as she leaned forward.
Your shoulders sagged just enough to let Jennie know she was getting through to you.
"I'm sure you know what traits you value in a partner, and I'm not going to ask you what those traits are because I'm sure Lisa would start to log your answers again. Besides, it's none of our business." Lisa glared at Jennie.
"You just have to apply those traits. Organize your morals which you have clearly been fast and loose with lately. Ask yourself questions like 'Are you really ready to be a family woman? A mother?' And 'Are you okay with your mate having her work really high on her priorities list?' Think about what you want. Think about what you need. Think about who would be the best alpha for you. And then when you have all those answers to all those questions and you're all thinked out. Stop thinking and just go talk to her." Jennie smiled softly as you nodded slowly.
Lisa stared at her wife, her mouth wide opened, "I have absolutely no idea why, but that was the sexiest thing you have ever done." Jennie blushed heavily.
"Yeah, Jen. When did you get to be so smart?" You teased.
"I have a B.S. in Biochemistry from NYU." Jennie deadpanned.
"Yeah but you're a lounge singer. It's not like you're doing anything with it."
"Alright, you got me there."
"Knock, knock. Hello, Mrs. Y/LN. Your discharge papers are ready." The doctor explained as she stood at the door, not wanting to intrude.
"Oh thank God! I was going to jump out the window if it had been another hour."
"What? You would've too. Now shut up and help me into my clothes."
You did as told.
Once you were sure your mother was settled at her home with your father. You went back to yours.
You sat heavily on your couch.
Jennie said to think. So, that's what you were going to do.
In the back of your mind, you knew who it was supposed to be the minute Jennie finished talking.
Sometimes, you just need to be told to get over yourself and put things into perspective.
But you chugged on anyway.
If only to double, triple check.
Some thoughts involve Jennie's suggested quandaries and others you came up with all by yourself.
It's about 5 minutes in that you're already noticing a very clear pattern. The same name keeps coming up. Amid 'Yes' and 'Nos' and 'We're just going to have to work on thats'.
It hit you so harshly you're not even sure why this was a struggle to begin with. The revelation just about sucks all the nagging anxiety and subsequent energy out of your brain. This must have been the "thinked out" part Jennie was talking about.
That meant the next step was to stop thinking.
It's easier said than done, but you managed.
The last step.
Just go talk to her.
You nodded with finality.
You were going to do just that, but first you needed to fix something.
"I'm sorry." You said. You may be done feeling sorry for yourself, but that didn't mean you couldn't feel sorry for others.
"For what?"
"It-I can't keep doing this to you. It's not fair."
"I-I understand, I guess."
"I shouldn't have led you on. Made you think-"
"It's okay, Y/N. It really is. But I'm going to need some time before we can get back to normal if I can ever do that, with you again."
"I get it. I'll see you...later?"
You don't get an answer. Just a pained look and then a sort of wobbly shrug.
You have a feeling that's all you'll get from her for a while. And surprisingly, you're a little more okay with that then you thought you would be.
Notes: One more chapter left...
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Gimme Love, 7/9 (Miz Cracker/Blair St Clair) - Grinder
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AN: Sorry in advance, but this chapter is kinda short. But we do get more conflict, more drama. 3 more chapters! Who's pumped? No one.
TW FOR THIS CHAPTER: Brief blood mentions.
Remember how I said I was on a journey towards happiness? In the beautiful world of Brianna Caldwell, life said, "Nah."
The next day, it was apparent that things were only getting worse.
"Ed Sheeran is still on board," Joey stated matter-of-factly. He crossed his arms, the safety visor making a rustling sound as he did so.
He was joined by Nina, Alex, and Michael. A few of the lab team were at their desks, trying to ignore the current confrontation, including Jujubee.
She looked as if she wasn't paying attention to the ordeal, but I knew Jujubee like the back of my hand, and she was listening. I couldn't help but want her to speak up and help me out here. But she hadn't spoken to me since the day before.
"Yeah, he is." I put my hands on my hips, standing at the front of the lab, while Joey and his friends sat there and looked up at me.
"Why, though?" Joey continued to question.
"God, we already had this discussion," I spoke quietly, looking to the side for some sort of distraction.
"Yeah, but you said you'd figure something out." Nina input.
"Yeah, you did." Alex joined in. I glanced at Jujubee in the hopes she'd join the conversation. Her eyes remained on the chemical she was working with.
"Why did you choose him in the first place? Why not…" Michael paused, deciding to join the argument, "Bill Nye...or someone who actually has an interest in Space and Science."
"Yeah, for real. Like, you do realise that in years to come, when kids read about 'Neil Armstrong - the first man on the moon, they're gonna flip the page and see 'Ed Sheeran, confirmed the first man to enter another dimension.'" Alex added.
"Like, how do you even explain Ed Sheeran as a choice?" Nina held a hand out in questioning.
I finally found a crack and slipped back into the conversation, "Because your project manager is a disaster when she's drunk and makes stupid choices without even thinking."
"We know, Brie. You were drunk." Joey rolled his eyes like he was tired of hearing the same story.
"Maybe you should stop drinking." Alex squinted his eyes.
"Yeah, we don't wanna go there, but maybe this is a problem," Michael added to the point.
My eyes were becoming wider with every word they were saying. This was absolutely ridiculous. Again, I was hoping Jujubee would argue back, but she remained silent.
Nina, however, was the one to interject, "Jesus, guys. You're taking it a bit too far." She stood up and gathered her lab coat, "Look, we all do dumb shit when we're drunk. She's not a mess, OK?"
Joey laughed. I held back from calling him out for the time that I caught him hiding in the closet playing Candy Crush for an hour.
"Well, even so, she should take this into consideration," Alex suggested.
"And do what?" I unfolded my arms and held them out by my side, "call him and say 'JK, Ed. It was just a joke, Ed.'"
"Girl, you're the one who got us into this mess. You figure it out." Alex raised his voice. How very fair of him. I was the one who had to deal with this problem, yet they were the only ones who seemed to care.
"Mess is a bit of a harsh term." Nina pointed out.
"Exactly, there is no mess here. Juju and I have already figured this out," my gaze shifted towards her again, hoping the mention of her name would cause a reaction. Nothing, "So I'd appreciate it if I could stop getting all this flack. I don't need flack from you," I pointed at Joey, "I don't need flack from you," next, at Alex, "or you," then Michael, and I moved my finger in Nina's direction, "or...Jesus Christ, you're having a nose bleed."
Nina's hand flew straight up to her nose, pulling away and examining the red liquid. "Oh, my Lord!"
She tried wiping it. But more blood poured out like a faucet that had been slowly turned on.
"Can you just...get out of here and get that cleaned up?" It sounded bitchy. But I was panicking. I never did well with blood. Therefore I looked away and hid my face.
"Thanks for helping, boss." Joey practically snarled, handing Nina a bunch of tissues. Like hungry wolves following the scent of the blood, the 3 men followed her out of the room, Joey still scorning at me as he left.
It was just me and the other scientists left in the room.
I turned and moved to one of the counters, picking up screws and bolts as if I was actually interested in them. But I couldn't ignore the presence of my best friend.
Hearing shuffling, I turned. She was standing up and gathering her things.
"Juju." I approached her.
She only quickened the packing up process.
Reaching her bench, she was already turned in the direction of the door, "Juju, are you just gonna ignore me all day?"
Finally, she looked at me, adjusting her bag strap, "There's nothing to say."
"Oh really? Well, you can decide to drop me as a friend, but you're still working for me, so we need to communicate."
"OK," Jujubee shrugged, "Well, what do you need to discuss with me that's work-related?"
She got me there. Licking my lips, I breathed out with a quick sigh. "OK, look, last night, we didn't end on a good note. I'm not saying I was wrong, and neither were you. Can you just please set that aside and talk to me?"
She squinted her eyes. "So, I'm supposed to just let the problem keep building?"
"Juju!" I briefly raised my voice, a few of the other scientists glanced in our direction. Jujubee looked uneasy now. So I lowered my tone again. "OK. I'm just gonna say it. I fucked up. I fucking...wrote her a creepy message, and I don't know what to do, and I have no one to talk to about it."
She let out a sarcastic laugh, "You're still looking to use me as your therapist. You learned nothing from what I said, Brianna."
I was silent, incapable of speaking anything else.
She looked away to the ground, "This is taking up my lunchtime."
And with that, she moved to the door, the sound of her heels like a clock ticking down.
"Juju, what can I do?" I held my hands out by my sides. "How am I going to make you satisfied?"
With a hand opening the door, she was frozen for a moment. I thought she would have walked on and ignored me. But she looked over her shoulder and said, "When you realise she's not the one who cares about you."
She left the room, pulling the door closed. The noise caused me to flinch.
I turned around her words in my head.
Two of the scientists were whispering, one glancing at me. I felt my chest become tight. "Hey. This isn't a social gathering. Get back to work."
Despite their astonishment, they moved away from each other anyway.
I instantly felt like a bitch. Technically yeah, it was my job to keep everyone working. But I rarely raised my voice.
I left the room, seeking peace and quiet.
Sitting in my chair, I held my hands in my head, staring at the redwood desk. Moments like these should have felt like a luxury, just sitting there, relaxing. But my mind was racing with too many thoughts.
I had no idea what I could do to make amends with Jujubee. But I could try and sort this Ed Sheeran problem.
Loading up my emails, I opened the thread with Ed Sheeran (which was actually only 3 messages and most likely with his manager).
I hit reply and started typing.
'Listen, Ed. There's been an issue…'
'Dear Mr Ed Sheeran, we regret to inform you…'
'Hello, Ed. It's Brianna from…'
'Ed, big fan of the work, but…'
I squeezed my eyes shut, already feeling exhausted, like each press of the backspace button represented a loss of a brain cell.
For all the achievements I had earned throughout the years, for all the accomplishments, why the fuck was this so damn hard?
The telephone rang, causing me to jolt. A sigh left my lips as I tried to breathe. Pressing the speaker, I said, "Jackie, what's up?"
Jackie, my receptionist, spoke, "Hey, honey. Your Mom's on line 2."
My hand clenched around my pen, already feeling that familiar sense of dread.
"OK, thank you," I spoke quieter.
I hesitated for a moment before finally clicking line 2.
"Hi, Mom," I uttered.
"Hi, baby." She said quietly. "How are you?"
"Fine." I lied. "Nothing really new here. How about you?"
"All good…" she sighed, then paused briefly, "Actually no. Things aren't good. I...lost my job. The usual, they found someone better. And I've been trying so hard to find a job."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"Yeah, and on top of that," she sighs again, "Brie, honey, there is no easy way to say this; Piggie's sick."
My breath caught in my throat, but I tried to remain calm. "What's wrong with him?"
"They said it's Lyme disease, Brianna. I...I don't know what's going to happen." Her voice cracked.
"Look, don't worry. I'm gonna send you money right now. It should cover the bills. He'll be - -"
"No, I didn't call you to ask for money." She said quickly, "I was just wondering...I know you're busy and everything…"
Fuck. My eyes squeezed together, hand tightening around the phone.
"But...I would love to see you. It's been nearly a year now." Her tone softened.
And immediately, I wanted to say no. Considering the circumstances, a visit would fuck with my head. Seeing Piggie, my emotional support through teenagehood would crush me.
"You there, baby?" She asked.
"Yeah," I whispered.
"I just...I don't want to be alone. What if the medical treatment fails? I'm gonna have no one, Brianna. I don't want that." She pauses again, and my chest tightens, tears filling my eyes. "Brie, baby, please come."
I can hear the pain in her voice. But I can't help but feel that sense of fear, the anxiety.
"Don't leave me alone to deal with this, please. I'm at my lowest. And I don't know if I could do it all by - -"
I hit 'end call'.
I put the phone back and rested my head in my hands.
I knew this was my fault - our strained relationship. I could only see that now, how emotionally unstable I was. That sounds like a joke, right? I just didn't expect it to be this bad.
Nothing was getting better.
I threw my bag in the back seat before climbing in the front. My hair was soaked from the rain. I literally just ran from the school to Mom's car, not even outside for that long, yet so much rain.
I said nothing, only rubbed my hands together to keep warm.
"So, the schools flooded?" Mom asked.
"The whole school?" She looked past me and to the building, an eyebrow raised. "It doesn't look that bad."
"It's just the shop classes and cafeteria, to be honest." I put my hands between my thighs to make the warming up process happen quicker.
"That's a bit unnecessary to send you all home."
"Yeah, well, I'm not complaining."
Mom fired up the engine, and we were set for home. There was a moment of silence that fell among us. Nothing out of the ordinary.
But when she turned the radio down, I knew we were in for a discussion.
"That's not the only thing the school called me about today." She started.
"Oh?" I looked out the window. I don't know why but I assumed they had finally exposed me for smoking around the back of the building. But it was doubtful as I had stopped during the Summer.
"They're concerned about you, Brie." And so was she, now that I could hear it in her tone. "Your grades have only gotten better the slightest amount."
"Well, I can't just go from a C to an A in a matter of days." I still looked out the window. "And besides, I'm staying behind every other day for extra studying."
"Are you sure you're not just flaking and hanging out with Jujubee instead?" There it was, the accusatory tone.
I looked at her now. "No? And if it makes you feel better, you can call her Mom and ask. How's that sound?" I scoffed, "God, I don't need this. Not like I'm dealing with enough at school anyway."
"Well," she was silent for a moment as if daring herself to speak again, "Not that I'd know, I mean, you don't really open up to me about school."
"Yeah, because there's nothing you can do about it." Was I wrong? What could she do? Barge into the school with a gramophone and yell, 'Stop picking on my daughter!'
"About what?"
I rolled my eyes, "Doesn't matter. I don't wanna talk about it."
I could practically feel the way she held back from rolling her eyes.
"Well, the only other thing I can think of is that you're too focused on all this space stuff." She sounded more irked now. "You need to focus on your future, not all this make-believe crazy conspiracy theory shit."
"Oh, that crazy conspiracy theory shit that my Grandpa enjoyed?" My tone was slowly raising.
"I didn't mean it like that. I'm saying your Grandpa didn't make a living sitting around and fantasising about all of this stuff. He knew the difference between having a career and having a dream."
"Well, God, not like my interest hasn't got a thing to do with my future prospects, Mom. No. Who would have thought." The sarcasm was thick in my voice.
"Whatever it is you're striving towards, it sounds more like a dream to me. You need a more stable plan." Mom flicked the indicator quite aggressively.
"Oh my God," I laughed, "That's hilarious. You have no idea what I'm striving towards. You can't even tell me what it is."
"Does it matter??"
"Just shows how much you give a shit about me, right, Mom?"
We pulled up to a red light to Mom's delight because she pulled the handbrake.
"How dare you." She seethed, "How dare you speak to me like that. I have done nothing but give a shit about you all these years. I have been there for you, every nervous breakdown, every time you wanted to cry but wouldn't, every time you needed your Mother the most. I was the best Mother I could be because I know that deep down you were hurting." Her voice cracks. "I know that you struggled for so long, what with your parents and all, but I've done all I can to give you what they couldn't. I held you. I loved you. But now, what I'm getting back is this...attitude. All I did, Brie, was express my concern, and you immediately went on the defence." She paused again before lowering her tone, "And I know you want to hold on to this space stuff, so you don't lose someone else. And I know you're in pain. But is this actually what Grandpa would have wanted??"
We held each other's gaze for another moment before the light finally turned red. She started driving again.
But I wasn't done. "Really? All of that and for what, Mom? God, you have no idea what Grandpa wanted for me. If only you knew what he asked of me when he was lying in his deathbed."
"And what was that?" She raised a brow.
"It doesn't matter." I crossed my arms and was back to looking out the window.
"Of course." She stated.
"Just...stop, please. My grades will be better. Now, we're done having this conversation."
I could feel her seething, the heat of her anger radiating through the cramped vehicle. But she said no more.
Not even for the rest of the night.
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robininthelabyrinth · 7 years
oh my god you're nirejseki and you're taking prompts? ohmigod. ok what to ask for. wait wait. i just finished daredevil s02 and i, unsurprisingly, liked the punisher. because gruff buff grumps who are constantly lowkey in great agony and highkey ready to blow everything to hell? awesome. so i was wondering if you could write something with frank and mick/chronos? coldwave and frankmatt would be welcome but pairings are unnecessary. i just want those two to interact and others to deal with it.
Awww, thank you! :D I’m glad you enjoy my fics.
There’s no others to deal with it, but here’s Mick/Kronos meeting Frank :)
Also for @pvnisher who convinced me to watched daredevil season 2 in the first place.
ao3 link
“That’s a lot of dead people.”
“You’re real observant, ain’t ya?” the guy sneers.
Well, he tries. He’s bleeding out pretty bad, but he’s trying to crawl towards his pack.
Sarcastic city boy with the pain tolerance of a mule, snarking even as he bleeds out into the pavement.
Kronos sighs and walks over, kneeling beside the man and running his hand-held time manipulator over his injuries. It’s an inferior version of the Pilgrim’s manipulator, works too slow and too narrow to really be of any use to anyone, and that’s why they binned it. Kronos had rescued it because slow or not, he can think of a few uses for something that reverses time in a localized spot.
Like healing a bullet wound, for instance.
“Jesus fucking Christ!” the guy howls.
It’s not a pleasant sort of healing, but it’ll do.
After the first burst of pain passes, the guy struggles to sit up, cursing up a storm of profanity and threats, until -
“Hey, I ain’t bleeding.”
“You’re very observant, aren’t you,” Kronos says dryly.
“That doo-hickey of yours is a cure-all,” the guy says, marveling at his closed up flesh. He’s got plenty of scars underlying it.
“No, the other one is,” Kronos says absently. “This one is portable, though.”
He stands.
“Hold up, will you?” the guy says, climbing to his feet. “Who are you, anyway? And, heh, what Renfair are you heading to? Or from?”
Kronos blinks at him. Renfair? Renaissance fair, his brain informs him. A Renfair is -
- cooking the turkey legs until they’re done right because he doesn’t want to poison anyone, prodding at them with a stick, a leather doublet unlaced halfway down and hanging free - ahistorical for sure, but the lady in charge of costuming had taken one look at his chest and okayed it -
Kronos shakes his head to clear it. “I’m not going to a Renfair.”
“Then what’s with the armor?”
“It’s to protect me when people try to resist,” Kronos says.
The guy, who’d been smiling a little, vaguely friendly, stiffens. “Resist what, exactly?”
“Whatever my masters order,” Kronos says. He shrugs at the guy’s incredulous look. “It’s that or the chair, and I ain’t doing that again. Ever.”
“The chair,” the guy echoes. “Electric?”
“More like electroshock,” Kronos tells him. He’s not sure why. “Except you can feel your memories disappearing as they rip them out of your head.”
“Torture,” the guy says, nodding. “And you can’t just go?”
“They’d go after me,” Kronos says, rather than saying he wouldn’t. Why is he even having this stupid conversation? “And then after everyone I cared about. Ever.”
“Fuck that,” the guy says, looking offended.
That’s why.
Sarcastic killer with the pain tolerance of a mule and an accent with no class -
Reminds him of Len.
Brings the Mick Rory of him too close to the surface.
Kronos shakes his head. He needs to go before anyone sees this moment of weakness.
“Want me to take ‘em out for you?” the guy offers just as Kronos starts turning away.
Kronos turns back and stares. “You’re nuts,” he says.
“Yeah,” guy says. He sniffs a bit, smirks. “Guess I am.”
“You don’t know what you’re up against here,” Kronos tells him. “You’re outclassed.”
“Been outclassed before.”
“Not like this.”
The guy shrugs. “I’ll take my chances. These people sound like they need to be punished.”
That has the sound of a mantra. Or a catchphrase. Still in progress, though.
“No,” Kronos says slowly, bemused. “But thanks for offering.”
The guy nods.
Kronos feels moved by that little piece of Mick Rory that lives inside of him.
“…you want a lift to where you’re going next?”
“What the hell,” the guy says. “Why not? But I’m bringing my guns. And my dog.”
“Sure,” Kronos says. “Why not?”
“You know, when you said lift, I was thinking of a car,” the guy, still nameless, says. “Maybe a van. Or a truck. I could see you with a truck.”
“I’ve never owned a truck.”
“Still, gotta say,” the guy says. “Wasn’t really seeing spaceship.”
Kronos looks at his ship. “It should be visible now that it’s uncloaked,” he says, bemused.
The guy barks a laugh. The dog barks happily in agreement.
“What the hell,” he says again. “Man, Red’ll never believe this.”
“You know the speedster?” Kronos asks, concerned.
“Speedster? I don’t know no speedster, unless you mean a Land Rover or a motorbike -”
“Then - you said - Red?”
“Y'know. The Daredevil?”
“Oh,” Kronos says. “In New York.”
“You’re not from New York,” the guy says, very definitively.
“Central City. Well, Keystone originally. Gem Cities.”
“Don’t they have a speedster there?”
“They do. He wears all red, too.”
The guy nods, understanding.
“So where am I dropping you off?” Kronos asks.
“I was gonna say I’d ride with you in any direction you’ve got,” the guy says. “But clearly I’m going to have to be more specific.”
Kronos nods.
“How far can this go?”
“Anywhere I need it to, within reason.”
“Huh. Afghanistan within reason for you?”
“What about an army base?”
“No problem. I can drop you off on the roof.”
The guy looks wistful. “Nah,” he says. “No exit route.”
Kronos check his messages. “I have a job I need to do,” he says. “But if you don’t mind waiting until that’s done, I can drop you off and pick you up, then put you somewhere else.”
“I can wait,” the guy assures him, crookedly smiling. “Don’t you worry.”
Kronos revs up the ship. “Okay,” he says. “Funny, you mentioning Afghanistan. Do you know anything about the First Gulf War?”
“Sure, plenty. Why?”
“We’re going there.”
“We’re -”
“Strap in,” Kronos warns him, and makes the jump.
“Tihs,” the guy says. “Siht si tihs. Tahw eht kcuf?”
“Time travel side effects,” Kronos tells him. “Close your eyes, count to ten, then open 'em.”
Guy does.
And then -
“You can travel in time?!”
“Yeah,” Kronos says. “So?”
The guy’s throat works. “Time travel,” he says. His eyes are distant. “You - can you go see people? Specific people?”
Kronos shrugs. “Not everyone,” he says, think of - Len - people he’s not allowed to see.
“Oh. Okay. Uh. Maybe - could we -”
“After the job,” Kronos tells him.
The guy nods jerkily and goes quiet.
Kronos knows that kind of quiet.
“My family burned in a fire,” he says abruptly.
“Bullets,” the guy says hollowly. “All of 'em. My little girl.”
- Len smiling at the ice rink, pointing out Lisa - my little sister, he says proudly -
Kronos shakes his head. It pains his head to think of Len - he’s not supposed to feel good things about Len, only anger and hate -
“Hey,” the guy’s standing in front of him all of a sudden. “Hey, hey. It’s okay.”
Kronos blinks and shakes his head. “What’s okay?” he says harshly.
“Your nose started bleeding. You think something your bosses don’t want you thinking?” the guy’s voice is very calm, very even.
Kronos nods slowly. “My -” Best friend. Lover. Husband. “He -” Betrayer. “I -”
“It’s okay. You don’t have to tell me.”
“I’m supposed to hurt him,” Kronos says. His lips are numb and buzzing. “He hurt me, so I’m supposed to hurt him. I’m not enough yet, though. They put me back in the chair because I don’t hate him enough -”
“I don’t think I like your bosses,” the guy says.
“Yeah,” Kronos says, swallowing a few times. “Sometimes I don’t like 'em either. Not supposed to say that, but it’s true.”
The guy nods solemnly. “Something to think about,” he says vaguely. “What’s your job, anyway?”
“Ginny?” Kronos asks.
Ginny makes a whole show of unfurling her hologram every time he calls upon her. Kronos appreciates it: he hates surprises, how the Gideons of other ships just speak out of nowhere.
The guy looks pretty impressed, too.
“A straightforward retrieval mission,” she announces. “A time pirate removed an important shipment from the timeline, but perished in the process. The shipment needs to be returned to its track. There is no need for you to eliminate the individual this time.”
“They make you kill people for them,” the guy observes.
“Sometimes,” Kronos grunts and gets up.
“You need help?”
Kronos considers it for a moment. “You don’t need to get caught in the Time Masters’ shit,” he says eventually. “Stay here. I’ll be back soon.”
“Okay,” the guy says.
“You can ask Ginny if you have any questions,” Kronos adds. The guy reminds him of Len. If he remembers Len correctly - “Ginny, answer anything he wants, then erase the questions.”
The guy smiles. It’s surprisingly sweet.
And just a little wicked.
“I like you,” the guy says.
Kronos grunts and goes to work.
He comes back dirty and tired and hating sand, but history is back on track.
The guy looks disturbed.
“What?” Kronos asks.
“Asked about the Time Masters,” the guy says shortly.
Kronos nods. “Out of your league,�� he reiterates.
“Yeah,” the guy says, but he sounds disgruntled. “I guess. For now.”
Kronos has to try not to smile.
This guy would get along great with Len. Never met a challenge he didn’t want to throw himself at.
“Yeah,” he says. “Who’d you want to see?”
The guy goes pale.
“It’s okay,” Kronos says.
“It’s not okay,” the guy whispers. “It’ll never be okay.”
“Tell me,” Kronos says.
The guy tells his story, short bursts and stuttering and choked up. It’s an awful story, too. Painful and pointless. Dead wife, dead daughter, dead son, and for no reason.
“I said no,” the guy says dully, his eyes glinting until he only seems half-present. “I said I’d read it to her tomorrow. Her favorite story. A couple of pages, and I couldn’t be bothered -”
“Did you go to sleep?” Kronos asks.
The guy blinks out of his daze, frowning. “What?”
“That night. You go to sleep?”
“Yeah,” the guy says, puzzled. “Why?”
Kronos nods. “We can’t change the timeline,” he says.
“Yeah,” the guy says, swallowing. “Ginny explained. It’s important not to mess it up or the Time Masters come for you.” There’s a spark in his eyes that Kronos doesn’t trust. It’s too much like Len.
“They’d put me in the chair for even thinking of helping you,” Kronos says.
The guy deflates a bit. He really is just like Lenny - he’d fight anybody, sure, but he wouldn’t actually cause someone else’s torture just for the chance. If he thought he could kill them, maybe, but not for the chance. “Yeah. There is that.”
“But that doesn’t mean we can’t fix the little things,” Kronos says.
The guy frowns at him.
“What do you mean?”
“Ginny can make a gas to help you sleep,” Kronos says. “Past you, I mean. And your wife. Then you - current you - can go wake up your kid, later that night. Read her the story. Kid that age won’t question Daddy coming back around. But you can’t interact with your past self at all, not without a timequake, so it’d be a quick in and out. You want that?”
The guy swallows like he can’t breathe, gulping air like he’s drowning, fist clenched on his chest and rocking back and forth in agony entirely internal. “Yeah,” he whispered. “Yeah. Shit. Yeah, I - shit. If that’s an option - shit. Yeah. I want it.”
“You’ve got to keep yourself together, though,” Kronos says. “You can say you love her and all that, but no hints about not going to no carousel, or I’ll know.” Kronos taps his message screen. “You’ll be my next target.”
The guy nods tightly.
“And you’re good,” Kronos says, thinking of the giant pile of dead bodies. “You’re good, but even if you beat me, even if you beat the next guy that comes, you can’t beat the Time Masters. They’ll attack you in the worst ways - they’ll drown you as a nine year old that time you went swimming, where you can’t stop them; they’ll shoot your wife in the head three days before you met her; they’ll take everything that means something away from your life before you ever have it.”
The guy nods. His eyes are still bright. “They’re gonna get what’s coming their way one day,” he says.
Kronos shrugs. It’s always possible. “Not today. You wanna do it?”
“Hell yeah. Won’t this get you in trouble?”
“This course of action fits the technical definition of time pirate,” Ginny says cheerfully. “Might I advise: don’t get caught?”
Kronos snorts and takes off.
They land in a park not far from the guy’s house. The guy’s shaking like a leaf in a way he hadn’t been at anything at all, up until now; this one act terrifying him a lot more than anything else.
Kronos straps a zapper around his wrist. “If you forget to come back,” he tells him, and goes around himself to the master bedroom with the sleepytime gas. He takes extra precautions to keep it dead quiet - guy like that isn’t someone to be messed with, clearly, and Kronos isn’t going to underestimate him even before he started his vendetta.
It works, though, and Kronos returns to the rendezvous point and waits.
And waits.
And waits.
A second before he starts reaching for the remote for the zapper, the guy staggers out of the house. He looks blind, or drunk, or possibly on the edge of some emotional breakdown.
Kronos goes over and gently takes his arm, leading him back to Ginny.
“Gin,” he says, since the guy’s still dissociating. “Think you can get a read on the past self from here?”
“Of course I can,” Ginny says haughtily. She’s a bitch, but that’s what Kronos likes about her. “And it’s Ginny. I’m not an alcoholic liqueur best served with tonic.”
“Think we can..?”
“Certainly. There’s only one injury that is potentially problematic to repair - a shot to the head. Very well publicized - indeed, the skull on his armor is a visualization of an x-ray of that injury. It has gained notoriety and thus relevance to the timeline, and if anyone discovered the absence -”
“Fair enough,” Kronos says. “If he consents, fix all the underlying but the head. He might want to keep some of the scars.”
“Boys and their scars,” Ginny sniffs. “In your absence, I have taken the liberty of repairing the guns, grenades, and other assorted weaponry.”
“You’re the best, Gin.”
“If you rename the ship 'Tonic’, sir, I will dump you out of an airlock.”
Kronos smirks.
It takes another ten or twenty minutes or so, but the guy eventually moves out of sheer shock and goes into the crying part of shock recovery. Kronos leaves him be; some things are private.
It’s at least an hour later that he feels the touch on his arm.
“Thank you,” the guy rasps, low and deep and voice wet as his eyes. “Thank you for giving this to me.”
Kronos shrugs. He doesn’t know how to explain that it wasn’t for him, not really, but for that precious, loved-yet-hated figure that lives in his memories. Another sarcastic shit with an absurd tolerance for pain and an itchy trigger finger, and a little girl who ruled his heart.
“She was so happy,” the guy says. “She was - shit. It’s been years for me, and so many deaths in between, but every day I’d think about her. Started to think maybe the shrinks were right and I was idealizing a bit. But no. She’s just as goddamn perfect as I remembered her. She’s - she’s everything.” His hands, shaking, abruptly steady. “And they took her from me.”
“I’ll take you to the base you wanted,” Kronos says. “But I’d recommend you let Ginny take a peek at you.”
“She scanned your younger self. She can repair underlying issues - muscle tears, friction, aging. Won’t impact your instincts anyway, and you can keep the scars that are important, but a bit of extra flexibility and stamina can’t hurt.”
The guy raises his hand to his head.
“Can’t fix that,” Kronos says apologetically. “Gin says it’s too big a change. Might be noticed. The rest is all under the skin and you didn’t get that many scans of your body, so we can probably sneak away at least one bone break as having healed up perfect.”
The guy nods. “You trust her?”
He goes.
Kronos drops him off by the base and waits, playing with the guy’s dog as he does. It’s a good dog.
“It’s done,” the guy says from behind him. Alarms are blaring, the guy has a bag in his hands, and he’s painted like one of the Queen of Hearts’ roses, except it’s starting to brown already. “We shouldn’t stick around.”
“Anti-aircraft missiles would be a problem, even for us,” Ginny says.
Kronos nods and goes to the pilot seat. They take off right before a missile hits.
“They really don’t like you,” Kronos observes.
“No shit,” the guy says. “Good dog, isn’t she?”
“Very good. My partner always preferred cats, y'know. Probably because he was one, big old asshole cat -”
Kronos stops as a wave of pain overcomes him, his skull firing off a thousand waves of hatred and pain to remind him why he never talks about Lenny.
“Hey, hey,” the guy says, holding onto Kronos’ arms. “I got you. This the guy you’re supposed to hurt?”
Kronos nods mutely.
“What’s his name?” the guy asks.
Beloved. Husband. Partner.
Kronos’ mouth moves futilely, unable to squeeze out a word.
“Leonard Snart,” Ginny says for him. “Of Central City. A historical contemporary of yours.”
“Okay,” the guy says. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
He pats Kronos on the back as Kronos straightens up. “You’re a good guy, you know? You haven’t even asked for anything from me.”
“You remind me,” Kronos croaks. “Of -” He trails off.
“Even the killing bit?”
Kronos shook his head. “Never liked killing,” he says. “Do it if he felt he had to, if people were hurting or threatening to hurt us, but the second anyone gave him an excuse to stop, he did. Dad made him do it. Was a cop, y'know. Dirty.”
“I hate dirty cops,” the guy says contemplatively. “I get you.”
Kronos shakes his head free of cobwebs. “I should get you back before the Time Masters notice I’ve made a detour.”
“You do that,” the guy says, going to the other seat and strapping himself and his dog in. “And hey - best of luck getting out from under them.”
Kronos doesn’t think that’s a possibility, but he appreciates the thought.
They land halfway across the country from where Kronos picked the guy up. “Been about four hours, local time,” Kronos tells him. “Bit too fast for you to get here, so if you want to be safe, I’d wait another few hours before heading out again.”
“Get some sleep and shit,” the guy says. “Gotcha. Thanks.”
Kronos opens the door for him and hands him his ridiculous bag of guns. Ginny pipes up to inform him of some additions she’s made to them.
Guy’s shoulders look like a burden’s been taken off of them. Kronos isn’t sure if it’s the removal of the chronic pain or having seen his daughter again that did it.
(He wishes he could make Len sit in the chair and take a round of Ginny’s healing, but he’ll never make anyone, no matter how hated-beloved-hated he is, sit bound in a chair every again.)
The guy stops just at the threshold. “Hey,” he says. “Just occurs to me. We never really got around to introducing ourselves.”
Kronos shrugs. “Names are the first thing they take.”
“Not mine,” the guy says. “I’m Frank. Frank Castle. And you?”
Kronos opens his mouth to give his designation.
“I used to be called Mick Rory,” he finds himself saying.
The guy nods. “I hope,” he says seriously, “that the next time we meet, you’re calling yourself that again.”
And then he goes.
“You’re wanted back at the Vanishing Point, Kronos,” Ginny says apologetically.
“Yeah,” Kronos says, shaking his head and closing the door. Enough nonsense - time to go back to work. “Yeah, let’s blow this joint.”
For one idle moment, he wonders if there’s any chance of him seeing Frank again.
What’s the likelihood of that?
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