#my brother probably hated my backseat gaming in our childhood
nopenototdaysatan · 4 months
if you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog!
also I hope you're doing well!! :DD
This will be fun. CX
1. When I was in Middle School I was part of a competition dance team. What I didn't know at that time was that my principal's daughter was as well and that we had competed at the same competition. The week after that competition the principal called everyone who had been to that competition down to her office. I thought I was just hearing things, didn't go and the following morning got my name and the awards I had won at that competition broadcasted to the whole school. Was both humiliating and super nice.
2. Ages ago I did a modern Midna cosplay with some ex friends who wanted to do a loz photoshoot. Maybe one day I'll spend the time and money to do a non-modern Midna cosplay.
3. The first experience I ever had with loz was of playing in the kokiri village area of my dad's oot game with my younger brother. The awe I felt as a kid trying to understand the buttons and trying to find that darn shield at like 5 years old. 5 year old me would stay in the woods for forever if they could have which they did because I was not a gamer at 5. (Child me would be utterly shocked that I enjoy doing savages in FFXIV let alone that I can even do them.)
I could be doing a lot better, friend; but the worst parts of my sickness are gone just in pain now thankfully. *Flops onto the floor tired.*
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jay-and-dean · 4 years
I don’t need you  Chapter 1 : Damsel in distress.
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Dean x reader
Summary : She’s a warrior, she’s a loner. Nothing can stop her, nothing ever had. She doesn’t need Dean, does she ?
This is a request by @magssteenkamp​ that I decided to turn to a serie :
“Okay, how about a Dean x Reader that is a tomboy badass Hunter think Selene from Underworld without being a vampire. That has Dean off his game because she’s not someone he can save she’s not the damsel in distress. She could have become a hunter because vampires, killed her family and now she gets a little scary when she’s up against them fluttering Dean and turning him on… Of course, smut must be in this story you write it so well. Now, go make Dean sweat, every time he sees her drinking whiskey neat like it’s nothing. Can’t wait to see what you come up with.” 
Serie Warnings : Swearing (duh). Mention of death. Smut, probably all kind from rough to fluffy, I’ll precise in the chapters if there are specific warnings. Fluff. Angst of course.
Words : 3.2k
Note :  I have no idea how many chapters it will be yet because I have 2 possible endings in mind. One version is like 3 chapters, the other is like 10 chapters, haha. I guess it depends if you guys like it. 
I’ll try to stick to the 3k rule, like for Rescue You
If everything goes as planned, you’ll get one chapter every wednesday. 
***Want to read more ? => MASTERLIST***
Dean’s Pov
City isn’t my favorite playground. I’m used to shitty little motels in shitty little towns. I’m used to silence and forests, at least for hunts.
And above all, I’m used to night being night. Those lights are killing me and I can’t get rest.
My hand on my stomach, watching the ceiling, I try to ignore the woman screaming lame pornographic sounds in the room above us. Judging by how much she fakes it, I think the guy with her is really not good.
Will those sirens stop at some point ?
Even if we hunted in big cities before, we rarely had to stay in the center of it for long. I miss the bunker, I miss home, and I miss baby. Parking her here is nearly impossible, and pretty dangerous for her, so we left her alone and we take the damn bus.
I hate the bus. Obviously.
This hunt is a mess. And as everything in this city, it’s too big. For four weeks now, we have been following a lead and it just feels like it’s never ending.
Is it possible that vampires are organized in an authentic mafia here ?
How Sam and I are supposed to fight it ? Those fuckers recruit and abduct young people… Two hundred and sixty eight teens have been declared missing in what, three or four months ? Even Sam is out of his depth.
The woman stops screaming and I close my eyes in relief. I try to think of the last time I had fun with a woman, a few weeks ago… Now it feels like ages.
Sam is sleeping and I just wish I could do the same, but this stupid window has no curtain, and it’s bright like the middle of the afternoon out there.
We found a hunter bar, finally, and asked for help. We need someone who knows this place. But the bar was mostly empty, and that doesn’t look good. I remember the barman’s face when we asked for some name, a phone number, anything… for someone that could help us. He chuckled, and sais he knew someone, the best ; he said we could find that hunter at some subway station tomorrow night.
So we wait.
           Freaking subway. Dark and smelly. Sam is leaning on the tiles, waiting for someone to show. I don’t even dare touching those walls, hands in the pockets of my jeans, I look at the steam coming out of my mouth, my head low in my shoulders, trying to ignore the cold.
“This is stupid” I sigh. “We don’t even have a name, a description, anything.”
“The barman said we’ll know Dean, be patient” my brother mumbles, looking at every person passing by like a weirdo.
“Patient ! One hour, Sammy ! And this music !”
A group of young people are listening to very shitty music there, laughing like hyenas, and I am about to lose it.
           Suddenly, their behavior change, and they start to whistle, pointing at a young lady coming down the stairs. She’s wearing a long coat with a large hood on her head, hiding most of her face, and she’s looking for something in her purse, cursing and hurrying, clearly late to go somewhere.
           When she barely watch where she goes and almost miss the last step, my back straightens. She looks clumsy and really not careful, I’m afraid the little morons will bother her.
“Hey kitten !” they call her. “Kitty kitty kitty…”
I look at Sam and he gets ready to fight.
Fucking city.
“Hey ! Leave her alone !” I say and the boys laugh at me, grabbing the woman by the arm.
           We were here for vampires, but a damsel in distress needs us, so Sam and I start to walk toward the young people. The music is loud, some electro shit, and I can’t wait to break their speaker.
           When the boys who had grabbed the woman’s arm tugs at it, she suddenly turns on herself in one smooth but swift movement, leaving him with just the coat in his hand.
           This goes so fast I’m barely registering what’s happening. The lady is wearing clothes that makes my brain go blank for a second : very skinny jeans with freaking thigh holsters holding guns, and a tight black corset.
           Who is that woman ?
           Grabbing her coat with snake speed, she throws it at the boy’s head and hit his knee so hard it bends in the wrong way.
           Sam stops walking, frozen in place. And I bet he’s like me… asking himself who needs help after all.
           She grabs a gun at her thigh and shoots one of the boys right in the head, the silencer barely preventing the echo making us all jump in surprise.
“Wh-…” I start but the young men shows their teeth and I realize they have been the vampire all along.
One of them manage to hit her face, and before Sam or I can move, she hits him back, making him stumble back. He has no time to move before she reaches the thin machete she was hiding in her back and makes his head roll on the floor, falling on the railroad.
           With a few more quick an expert movements, she kills all of them, except a coward, who tries running for his life in our direction, the exit direction.
           I stop him with my fist in his stomach and he falls on the floor.
“Wait !” the woman says. “Leave him alive.”
She walks toward us, her hips swaying and blood all over her perfect cleavage. I’m fascinated, and I must admit to myself, even if I wouldn’t say it out loud, even to Sam : a little horny… What the fuck is happening here ?
She squats and grabs his dirty hair to make him look up at her.
“I will need to talk to your boss” she says.
“He will tear you to pieces, bitch !”
She punches him.
“We’ll see, bitch” she answers and the boy starts to whine, now looking mostly pathetic.
“Please, don’t kill me, I can give you money, I… I can give you eternal life… Or drugs ? You want drugs ?”
She sighs.
“Let be clear, Jimmy…” she says and his eyes widen.
“How do you know my name !”
“I know everything about you little shit, and about your nest… About Holloway. Now where can I find him ?” she states, hitting the vampire’s head on the floor.
“If I tell you…” he answers in a pitiful whine. “He will find me, he will kill me.”
She points the bloody machete on his neck, and starts to dig it slowly in his skin, making him cry out in pain.
“The club !” he screams. “The H club ! I-it is his club, but you won’t be able to enter ! Only vampires can enter !”
“Only vampires ?” she smirks, making my blood run both cold and boiling at how fierce she looks. “Good, Jimmy, you just earn a day of life. Get up, little shit. You follow me without saying a word, and you might live a little more.”
She gets up and harshly tie his arms behind his back.
“Winchesters ?” she asks, and it takes a few seconds before Sam and I answer, still stunned by how impressive she is.
“Y-yeah…” I stammer.
“Winchesters… Seriously…” the vampire sighs, but we all ignore him.
“Joe said you were looking for me” she looks behind her at the mess of corpses and blood. “You still want to help with this ?”
Sam nods, I’m too caught up in her aura.
“Okay, hold this fucker while I burn this mess.”
           And she does ! With a flask from her purse, she stands before the bodies and say some incantation before she puts a few drops of that weird golden liquid on the corpses. The second she does, body after body –or body parts-, they turn to ashes suddenly, leaving no sign of the slaughter that happened here.
           She grabs her heavy coat and dusts it.
“Y-you sure know how to get rid of a body !” Sam says, his eyes widened.
We totally need that.
“Yeah, so don’t piss me off” she gives us a corner, grabbing Jimmy by the arm to walk to the exit, putting her coat back on.
           Sam and I look at each other in disbelief, before we follow her like puppies, reaching the street. We jog to join her and I search her face before I speak.
“We never told the barman who we were, how do you know ?” I ask following her quick steps.
“I’m not reckless, Dean” she says. “And I’m not stupid. When he described the two men looking for me, I thought most hunters would have given up, so with the grumpy, flannel, big guys especially the one with longer hair description, I checked the city cameras for a 67 Impala, and I was right.”
“You’re good” Sam states, impressed.
“I heard you’re too” she chuckles, her smile knocking my heart out.
Reader’s Pov
           “Taxi !” I call with my free hand in the air and the car stops.
“You’re going to take the… vampire… in a cab ?” Sam worries, his voice low, like someone was paying attention to us, but no one is.
“Well, I have to bring him home” I just say.
What can I had, honestly, walking the streets with monsters at my arm has become a habit of mine.
           When we sit on the backseat, I get my gun and dig it in Jimmy’s ribs through my coat, until I hear him whine in pain. I keep my eyes on him, threatening eyes.
           Jimmy Jimmy… I looked for you everywhere for a few months. And I’m not disappointed in you. Son of a middle class dentist, afraid of death since childhood, seen a shrink for four years because of that, hypochondriac, anxious… Turned into a vampire at seventeen in 1984, the perfect cure of this fear of dying : immortality.
I knew how bad you wanted to live little shit, I knew I could get you to talk. Anything but dying right ? Because, as you  told Dr Stenvens in 1980 : “Dying is forever.”
           “Welcome to my place” I say, opening the creaking door of my apartment.
I know they will probably pity me, I heard they live in a gorgeous military base or whatever, but I love my home.
           I had to kill to get this big apartment, literally kill. Monsters of course, but still. It’s a little dilapidated and the lights go off each time the train passes near, but I have big windows, and almost no rats.
           I push the empty bottle of whiskey with my feet and grab the chair to put Jimmy on it, and tie him tight.
           The hunter brothers enter and I must say I’m a little impressed to have them here, even if I will never admit it.
“Beer ?” I offer and they nod, looking at my psycho walls, as I call them : covered in photos and notes, pieces of journals and red lines of felt pen everywhere on it.
Of course I have everything in my laptop, but this helps to think. And as no one but Joe comes to my place, I don’t really care how creepy it looks.
“You’re a psycho !” Jimmy says and I chuckle.
Yeah… Like I said, psycho walls.
“You’re… organized” Sam says and I turn to look at him. Jesus, that man is tall !
“So you were working the young vampires nest case ?” I ask, handing them the bottles, but they don’t move, frowning in Jimmy’s direction. “You can sit, the little shit isn’t going anywhere, this creaky wooden chair is warded.”
“Ward-… Okay” Dean stammers, sitting on the couch.
           It’s really weird, meeting people you know somehow. Those guys are legends, and there are even books about them, books I each read a few times, learning a lot about hunting, but mostly learning about them. About Dean’s fear of failing his family, about Sam’s need to fail them to survive.
           There was a time I used to cling to those books at night, trying to imagine they were real, and they could protect me… Until I found out they were but I was the only one that was going to take care of me.
I can’t deny I used to have a teen crush on Dean, when those silly things still interested me. He was the big-hearted bad boy my 14 years old self needed to survive the street.
Then nothing. The books stopped, I was worried the story just ended like that. And I had to move on from it, someone stealing my all stuffs, including the books, made it quicker than I thought.
Of course, I heard the stories later… Things about Purgatory, about Dean being a Demon, then not, about their mother being back at all… But it’s not the same, and I always wondered what my childhood heroes had become, What they looked like now….
“Who are you ?” Dean finally says with a voice so low I can’t help but bite my cheek a little, to avoid smiling like teen-me would have.
I’m not a teen anymore, and I don’t need heroes to help me through the night.
“Y/n” I say. “I’m on this case too.”
“You’re a hunter ?” Sam asks and I search his face, looking for the hint of hope you can find on a rebel’s eyes, but it’s gone. What happened to you ?
“I’m hungry !” Jimmy whines and I ignore him.
“Not really…” I sigh, sipping at my beer. “I mean, yes, but, I have only been working one case, so…”
“This case” Dean states, nodding for himself with a glance at the walls.
“Yeah… This case. Holloway is not easy to get, and the more I get close, the more he widens his army, so the… the missing, they’re a little on me.”
“No, no they’re not” Sam says right away with those kind eyes, just like I always imagined it.
But he won’t get this idea out of my head easily. Joe says it too, that it’s not on me. And, I know, I mean, I know that the killings are not originally on me… But this has become a war, and wars makes victims.
“Anyway, I can’t stop now” I sigh, getting up to wash my hands, I just noticed how bloody they were.
           The truth is, I never could stop. From day one. The day those vamps tracked us after school, and took Amy and Beth, the day I managed to escape and talked to my parents. My friends were found a few days later, beaten, drained of blood, in a ditch somewhere. We were only thirteen, they were my best friends, and we had so much plans for the future…
           I gave too much information, on the boys’ look, on what they were saying, wearing, and my parents supported me when cops wanted to close the file. I know now that this network have some cops with them.
           So they killed them, my parents. That one night, they killed everybody and tried to kill me too, but Holloway wanted me for himself. That’s his big move : killing little girls, pretty teens, I can’t even imagine what he does to them…
But on the way to my death, I escaped again. At this instant was already too late, I far too far gone in Hell… Too late for normal, too late for letting go.
“What is your plan ?” Sam asks a little lower, like he was afraid of what Jimmy could hear.
“I go to this club” I state, coming back to sit opposite of them.
“Hellooo ! I’m still hungry !” the little shit whines making all three of us roll our eyes without answering.
“They only let vampires in” Dean frowns, sitting on the verge of the couch to search my face.
I didn’t imagined him exactly like that when I read the books. His hair are darker, his jaw is sharper, his eyes are not this ridiculous mint green, but a profound summer forest color. He must be what ? Forty now ?  
“I’ll be one” I shrug.
“What !” the brothers gasp in sync.
“Not forever, don’t worry. I have the cure, and we will need the blood of the vampire that turned me, good thing he’s tied up in my apartment” I give them a corner smile.
“No way !” Dean grunts. “That’s insane.”
“Well, Winchester, I’ll do it with or without you…”
Dean’s Pov
           This woman has lost her mind. A sharp mind, yes, but she lost it. I stare at her and can’t find an ounce of fear on her pretty bloody face.
“I have been there, sweetheart, it’s really not a sinecure !”
The second I say it, I regret using this nickname. She will crush me for sure.
           But she doesn’t. She smiles a little again, that confident corner smile of hers, the only thing that keeps my mind away from that freaking corset, and the blood stains on her cleavage.
           I have never met a girl like her, Hell, I have never met somebody like her, man or woman ! And behind those fierce eyes, I guess she must have suffered all kinds of Hell to be so strong today.
“Let’s say you let the vampire turn you” Sam whispers, glancing at Jimmy. “What makes you think you won’t feed on blood ? It’s a thirst you may not be able to resist. A-and… Once in the club, what then ?”
She looks down, resting her elbows on her knees.
“Then I find Holloway, kill him, and burn them all to the ground” she states absent-mindedly, putting her hand on her purse next to her.
           That’s when I understand. This is not just a case, this could be a suicide mission, she doesn’t really care.
I do. I have no idea why I care so much, but I do.
“Please listen…” the vampire-douche starts but we all answer in sync.
“Shut up Jimmy !”
She chuckles lightly at our perfectly synchronized annoyance.
I’m mesmerized, a need burning my veins from the inside, something new. This is not desire like I have felt with pretty women before, this is not curiosity or interest… This is fascination. I want everything : to know her, see her, unravel her, touch her, hear her, taste her…
“Let us help” I say a little too seriously and too low, making her search my eyes with a frown.
“If you want to help, help” she finally states. “But this is my case, my rules, my way. If you intend to give me orders or talk me out of it, just go back to Kansas. I don’t need you.”
Forever Tags : @parinarain​​​​​​​​​​ @animegirlgeeky​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @mogaruke​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @masterof-agony​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @rainflowermoon @tftumblin​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @deans-baby-momma​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @roonyxx​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @thefaithfulwriter​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @vicariouslythruspn​​​​​​​​​ @emeow1496​​​​​​​​​ @daryldixonandfrogs​​​​​​​​​​ @holylulusworld​​​​​​​​​​​  @cocklesbelli​​​​​​​​​​​ @sandlee44​​​​​​​​​​​ @mogaruke​​​​​​​​​​ @screenchingartisancashbailiff @donnaintx​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @hawaiianohana31​​​​​​​​​​​​ @akshi8278​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @magssteenkamp​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @sister-winchesters99​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @neii3n​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​  @alanegaming​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @im-a-shrub​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @sadwaywardkid​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @hopelesslydevotedtoyou1912 @slyqueenj​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @i-love-superhero​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @waywardsisterandpie @sunsetsandbooks​​​​​​​​​​ @fangirlxwritesx67​​​​​​​​​ @mrspeacem1nusone​​​​​​​​​ @stylesismyhubs​​​ @deanwanddamons​​​ @jawritter​ @peridottea91​
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davidshairline · 5 years
(Matt King imagine)
Request: “fluff matt king related! ill take anything” from anon.
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: Cuteness!!! (Kinda an emotional rollercoaster so I apologize in advance! I got carried away!)
A/N: This is my first imagine so please feel free to send me feedback and more requests!
“Y/n…y/n?” You hear your boyfriend say warmly to you over the music in the car he’s driving you in. You guys have been on the road for three hours now, and as much as you wanted to continue your many wholesome conversations, the soft bass from his music, the smell of his cologne, and the views of the sun peaking over the mountains resulted in you drifting off in a deep sleep after about an hour of travelling.
The only thing on your mind was how magical his stories have been of him seeing the super-bloom when he was a little boy. The thought of little Matt running around through the flowers warmed your heart.
You flutter your eyes open at the bright sun in your direction.
“Hmm?” You hum while exhaling out of your nose, stretching.
“Hey sleepy-head,” he smiles at you. “Just wanted you to know that we’re about ten minutes away. This is the best view of the flowers so I wanted to ask if you could take some shots of this overview on my camera since I’m driving. I would myself but we reached the part of the road where it’s curvy lanes and all that. I don’t want to take any chances with your safety.”
“You don’t even have to ask, babe. Where’s your camera?”
“In my camera bag in the backseat. Oh! And can you get me an apple from the snack bag? Pretty please?”
“Of course, baby.” You giggle at him as he grabs your hand and places a soft kiss on your
You unbuckle your seatbelt and reach across the backseat to the snack bag to get the apple. You extend your arm to the front of the car as Matt grabs it from your hand.
“You know what I realized?” He says, taking a huge bite out of the apple.
“What’s that?”
“We’ll be together for five months tomorrow. Wow. It went by so fast!”
“Time flies when you play the same song in the car for three hours!” You plop in the passenger seat smiling lovingly, yet sinisterly at him.
“Wow! You know it’s my favourite song! Just take the picture while I listen to my jam!” He playfully whines as he turns the volume louder, blasting music in the car.
“Don’t worry! The pain starts feeling good after like ten seconds, babe!” He adds, talking about the bass rumbling your eardrums. He’s not wrong. Everything just felt right with him.
You roll the window all the way down and turn your body away from Matt, looking down the mountain at the town of Anza-Borrego. You take three pictures of the town below you, the colours of the flowers bright and alive. You close your eyes, feeling the warm wind against your skin.
“YOU SEE YOU’RE A GYPSY!” You hear Matt scream at the top of his lungs to the same song he’s been playing over and over again all morning.
You open your eyes in alert as you almost jump out of your seat.
You shift your body towards Matt and see him tapping his hands on the steering wheel to the beat of “Gypsy” by Fleetwood Mac.
You could tell that three and a half hours of this song isn’t the longest duration that he’s played this song on repeat. He’s so cute when he’s in his element. You snap a picture of your boyfriend of almost five months and start beaming at him.
He gently smiles at you immediately after he hears the click of the camera that’s facing his direction.
“Did you get my good side?” He says, playfully.
“One of the many, babe.” You reassuringly comment.
He grins even harder, causing his face to turn bright red.
After making it past the traffic of tourists, you see mountains and mountains of yellow flowers. All around are families and couples taking pictures and frolicking through the endless bushes of flowers, but you and your boyfriend found a quiet, secluded spot that’s sectioned off for camp trailers, tents, and overnight visits.
“Okay y/n,” Matt says pulling over, “what do you think?”
“Of this spot to set up our tent? Or in general?” You reply, teasingly.
He’s so excited to be here, you can easily tell. He’s beaming so much that his face turns into a bright tomato red colour. Matt’s been talking about taking you here since you guys went on your first date after matching on tinder. He knew that he would take you one day. And here you are.
“Babe, it’s beautiful here! It’s amazing, just like you said!”
He smiles that precious smile you know so well. You smile back at him.
“Okay so I think we should pitch the tent up, then get the sleeping bags and all of that, make sure everything’s set up for tonight, and then we can have our picnic. Sound good?”
You nod your head at him in approval. Matt’s always been one to plan ahead of time so he knows what he’s putting his energy into. He hates change, especially when it isn’t in his control. But you loved it. He was the steady lake to your ripples.
You turn around and see Matt already struggling to get everything he crammed into the car out onto the ground.
“Matt, it’s okay! Let me help you.” You reassure him.
“I just want everything to be perfect for you. I want you to have an amazing experience here without any worries, you know?” He whines.
You place your hands on his cheeks and place a gentle kiss on his soft, yet tense lips.
“Everything is perfect babe. Don’t even worry, m’kay?”
He nods at you, his eyes less worried than they were seconds before.
The two of you set up the tent under a shady tree, away from the intensity of the sun since mat gets horribly sunburned fairly easy.
You told your boyfriend he should stay in the shade and get lunch ready while you go back to the car to get everything you both needed. Thankfully, he agreed to prepare his favourite meal for you guys to enjoy.
Your stroll back to the car seemed like it was hours long, when in reality it was two minutes. The heat from the sun provided this warm, calming feeling on your skin. And the breeze from the wind was just right to view all of the flowers and trees swaying left to right all around you. The sky is a pure baby blue. Everything perfect.
You open the back door and grab your sleeping bags along with extra sets of clothes for tomorrow.
As you’re about to close the door and walk back, you head a hard buzzing coming from Matt’s phone.
You remember him telling you that his mom wanted pictures of the trip so you grab the phone to take it too him.
The phone buzzes again and you can’t help but see :
Daddy Zane
“yo did you tell y/n yet or nahhhh??”
“Um tell me what?!” You think to yourself. What could Zane know that you don’t?
The walk back to Matt felt like an eternity. An anxiety-filled eternity. The moment he saw you he knew something was wrong.
“Y/n? Is everything okay?” The worry in his voice made your hands sweat even more.
“Nothing babe,” you lie. “I’m just upset because I forgot my bug spray.”
“Oh no! I think I might have some in my bag.” He searches the backpack you had just brought from the car. “Ah-ha! Here it is, my darlin’!” He waves the repellant in your face like a magic wand.
“Uh…Thanks, babe.”
“Okay so I made my favourite lunch to eat here! My mom made it for my brother and I when we were little boys.”
He busts out watermelon cubes for an appetizer, his famous pasta salad as an entrée, and homemade rice crispy treats for dessert. It was so cute how nostalgic everything he did on this trip was. But what was Zane referring to in that text?
After a long lunch and great conversations about your families and funny holiday and childhood pet stories, it got darker. Time flew by so fast, it was scary but it also felt safe. Everything feels safe for you when Matt’s around.
“Yay! The sun’s going down! Do you want to watch the sunset and play go-fish?” He playfully asks.
“Duh! I’m going to beat you at this game, King! You’re going to wish you forgot your deck of cards at home!” You start to crease your forehead and making the “I’m watching you” gesture with your fingers.
“By the sound of your voice, I kind of already am!” He busts out laughing at your confidence.
One intense round of “Go-Fish” later, and it’s dark enough to see some stars peeking from the
light-to-dark sky.
“Wow.” You say, looking up.
“I know…” Matt says observing your face.
You lay on your back on top of the blanket Matt’s mom knitted years ago for him. He eventually lays next to you, extending his arm out for you to rest your head on top for support.
The beating of his heart against your ear is all you can hear. He isn’t saying anything, but he doesn’t need to. Him laying down with you is all you could ever want at this moment.
You hear his phone buzz again from the inside of his pocket, making you lose the tranquil feeling you had seconds before.
“Who is it?” You ask as he fumbles to get his phone to silence it.
“It’s just Zane. He’s asking me about a video idea…”
“Matt…? I need to tell you something.” You make sure to tell him in the calmest voice you can provide so he won’t freak out.
“Me too. But you first! Is everything okay?” His voice is getting more shaky.
“Yeah, babe. I just-“
“Are you breaking up with me?!” He almost jumps up from his laying position.
“No! Why would you think that? Are you okay?”
His nervous laugh vibrates the both of your bodies.
“Yeah! I’m just nervous! I- I don’t know why but I am haha,” you notice him trying to calm himself down for you. “What do you need to tell me, babe?”
“I accidentally peeked at your phone.” You say, feeling somewhat ashamed.
He looks confused after you say that. “Okay? I don’t know why that’s a crime, y/n.”
“I saw a text you got from Zane. It said something like “Did you tell y/n yet?” Is there something you aren’t telling me?”
“Y/n. I promise it’s nothing to he concerned about! You know Zane. He was probably drunk for David’s vlog or something, trying to cause trouble. I wouldn’t take it personal, okay?” The reassurance in his voice calms the both of you from your past thoughts. You trust Matt. You have no reason not to.
“Okay, Matt. I trust you.” You say, snuggling into your boyfriends chest, looking back at the stars in the now-night sky.
Ten minutes pass and suddenly there’s a shower of stars above you and your boyfriend. The sights are mind-blowing. You’ve never seen a shooting star before. And you’re happy that Matt was with you for the experience.
“I can’t lie to you, y/n.” Matt softly says in your ear.
“What? What are you talking abou-“
“I love you.” He replies with quickly.
You both have never exchanged those words to each other in your months of dating. The pain from previous relationships on both ends have left so many scars for the both of you that “I love you” would be unimaginable to hear. But you felt the exact same way for him. You love him so much and he loves you. There’s no reason to hide those feelings towards him anymore.
“I love you too.” You tell him, planting a gentle kiss on his lips.
“Wait really?” He perks up from laying down with you.
“Of course! I’ve been feeling this way for so long, Matt, you have no idea.”
“Me too. That’s why I told Zane I’d tell you when the stars are racing above us. Which would explain the text you saw earlier today. I love you. And I know that we didn’t meet in the most organic way and that we’re both dealing with baggage from last relationships but wow, y/n. You light up my life like the stars do the night sky. I love you, y/n. And to know that you feel the same way makes me feel like I’m dreaming. This relationship with you has been a dream come true. And we get to spend our five month anniversary together!” He cheerfully adds.
His words made you speechless. You literally have no words to express how much you love your boyfriend. You passionately kiss him as he wraps you in a warm embrace. You slowly drift into a peaceful sleep in his arms.
“Babe. Guess what?” You hear Matt whisper to your ear.
“Yeah, babe?” You mumble.
He taps your shoulder, waking you up. You look in front of you and see his bright phone screen reading “12:00AM”
“Happy five months, y/n.”
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fatbottombucky · 5 years
“Wow, so romantic. I hate it,” *Dean Winchester x Reader*
Summary: It’s Valentine’s Day, and you’ve never spent it traditionally, so Dean decides to change that by giving you a traditional Valentine’s Day.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Male!Reader (platonic)- mostly Gender Neutral, I don’t think I used pronouns but if I did, then I apologise (it is meant to be Male Reader) but I don’t think I used/ stated IN the fic it was a Male
Rating: [PG-13] Teen
Notes: You’ve spent your entire life as a hunter, from the moment you were born, and you’ve not exactly experienced the usual social standards. You never attended a public high school, only ever met other hunters as you grew up. So, after a long nights talk about never actually dating people or celebrating Valentines Day- Dean, your best friend, decides to change it for you - Dean and Reader have a similar friendship to me and my bestie - Rosalie
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“Not even a birthday?” Dean asked astonished by your confession, you just simply shrugged from the backseat of the Impala.
It had never bothered you, how you were raised. It’s all you ever knew about the world, saving people and hunting supernatural beings, that is your life and entire existence. You didn’t have the usual childhood of sleepovers, homework and video games. Although a part of you knew you were missing out, you don’t regret how you grew up.
So you missed Christmas and birthday’s, holidays just were never on your parent's agenda. Yourself and your siblings always tried to keep up, tried to get the odd present every couple years but it just wasn’t important or necessary to your lives. Every day that you survived was a present enough to your family.
“Holidays just weren’t important to us Y/L/N,” Dean exchanged a look with his younger brother, “you guys know I didn’t attend school, so why would we celebrate trivial stuff like that?”
“True. You guys had it rough,” Sam sighed, “I talk about my childhood being bad, the constant moving around and different schools, but you guys didn’t even attend one. All you’ve ever known is hunting,” you frowned when Sam put it like that, not really realising how… different of a life you’ve had to other hunters. “So… you’ve never dated anyone, I mean like when you were a teenager?”
You shake your head, “Nope. Not even now, I just never had the time. I’ve hooked up with a few guys of the time, different places mean different people and experiences, but never dated.” You laughed at Dean’s face, “I don’t get the fuss anyway, our lives are hanging by a thread most of the time. Imagine loving someone and then not coming home one day,” you shrugged and looked out the window.
“That means you’ve never had a valentine,” Dean remarks and you nod, raising an eyebrow at the older Winchester, “I’ve had… so many, like a lot of ‘em. You’ve never received or given a card, taken someone on a nice meal or gotten those gimmicky heart-shaped chocolates?”
You shake your head, a sly smile coming on your face, “Why are you interested Dean-o?” He rolled his green eyes in the rear-view mirror and smiled.
You had forgotten about the conversation inside of the Impala, when you got back to the bunker you went to bed and fell into a much needed deep sleep. You often had conversation’s about ‘the old times’, old hunts and so forth. It didn’t strike you as a weird for Dean to ask those questions, you expected him to forget about it and move on in all honesty.
So when you woke up, you didn’t expect to find a present left on the empty side of your bed. You had stretched out as you woke-up, your hand knocking against something hard, you blinked your eyes open and tilted your head up to see what it was. A heart-shaped box, pink and tied with a golden bow.
You sit up and grab the box, seeing a handwritten card and plucked it from the package. Tilting your head at the cursive writing, it had no name of the sender but you had a slight indication- since there are only two other people living in the Bunker. You pulled the silk golden bow off, smiling slightly at the contents. An assortment of chocolates, all different flavours and kinds.
“Okay, which one of you two yahoo’s got me the chocolates?” You asked strolling into the kitchen, still in your flannel pj’s and placing the box down with an airy chuckle.
Both Winchester’s looked at it perplexed, Dean already picking a chocolate to scoff down and Sam reading the note with a grin. Both shrugged, you crossed your arms and raised an eyebrow.
“I didn’t get you it,” Sam defended, “But I’ll take the credit if it’s not Dean either.” Dean shook his head, pursing his lips as he did.
You rolled your eyes, “It has to be one of you, there’s only three of us here.”
When neither admitted it you decided to just leave it, knowing they meant well anyway. Probably, just wanted you to get a nice Valentines present- since you’ve never gotten one before. You got dressed and decided to do a bit of research, see if you can find any new cases and leads.
“C’mon,” Dean walks in with a smile, you throw him a questioning look. “We’ve gotta go somewhere, Sam is staying behind to do some research,” he doesn’t grab a bag or anything but only a jacket.
You follow suit, quickly grabbing a denim jacket and following your friend out to his car. You get into the passenger seat, it’s silent as Dean starts up the engine and begins to drive. You watch as the bunker disappears and trees begin to pass by, your eyes glance to Dean every few seconds because this is… odd, especially for a Winchester.
“So…” you start, “Dean where are we going?” He doesn’t answer just drives.
He drives till you reach a town, it’s a small town with a bar, a diner and a small theatre. He parks and gets out, not a word is said but you follow him. Looking around you realise Dean had parked outside of the bar, you let out a sarcastic chuckle and roll your eyes at the Winchester.
“Really? You drive us here, to the middle of nowhere, to go into a bar?”
He shakes his head, nodding to behind you and you look over your shoulder. You missed the small restaurant, it was decorated with Valentines hearts and candles. You frowned as Dean walked passed you, nodding for you to follow and you do, a little gobsmacked as well.
Dean opens the door and the small, old lady gladly shows you to a table for two. You look at the Valentines themed menu, glancing over it to Dean who has already ordered the drinks and looking over the food also. You both order food, burger and fries- the usual for you both.
“Dean,” you start, “what’s going on?” you felt a little awkward, he’s your best friend and he brought you out on Valentine's day to a nice place for a meal. “This is nice… but you’re my best friend, heck you’re my brother and this is…”
Dean shakes his head quickly, “Slow down cowboy,” he chuckles lightly, face illuminated by the candlelight. “This isn’t some grand romantic gesture, okay? I just don’t want you to die tomorrow and have never experienced a Valentines Day,” you nod with a small smile. “Valentines Day isn’t just for people in love, it’s not always romantic. Different love’s, platonic love is a big one on this holiday too. Two best friends, expressing their love whilst eating great burgers.”
You smiled lightly, a little warmed by his speech. The food comes out and you eat in mutual silence, it had been a while since you had this type of break, from nothing bad happening and no people to be saved. It was nice to just eat, chat and be in the moment with one another.
You get back to the banker just after midnight, Sam had already called it in for the night. You were laughing at some stupid joke, shaking your head at Dean’s ridiculousness.
“Hey,” you start and Dean raises his eyebrows, “thank you for today. I mean it, I love you, Dean.” You tell him sincerely.
He nods with a smile of his own, “I love you too.”
“So you were the one that got me the chocolates?” You asked following him to the kitchen, nudging him into the wall so you could get to the fridge first. “And you were the one to eat them all too,” you hold up the empty box and tip it, only crumbs falling out.
He only grins back at you, “I did,” you chuckled. “And… yeah, I ate them all. Sorry,” he does a little one-shoulder shrug.
He opens two beers, passing you one with a smile, “Wow, so romantic, I hate it.”
Dean shakes his head, “I know right, it only happens once a year for me.” You laughed lightly, “seriously though, we gotta get you a boyfriend because I’m not doing this crap every year for your sloppy ass.”
“I hate you,” you say walking out with a smile.
“Hate you too, Y/N,” Dean calls back.
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abalonetea · 7 years
spdrabblebomb - treat
Prompt – treat Word count – 1,738 Characters – Kenny/cartman, Karen Notes – for @lilcrimestoppers and @spdrabblebomb.
  "Right this way, m'lady." Cartman gives a sweeping gesture with one arm. The walkway is lined with bright orange fairy lights. "Your chariot awaits!"   Kenny titters. "How charming! I knew that picking you as my prince was the way to go. Tell me, Sir Cartman. Where is tonight's destination?"   "Treats and tricks, hidden in the lowly boroughs. We won't have to worry about poison in your apples there, Princess Kenny."   Karen trots gamely after her brother. The bright blue skirt she's wearing is a little too short. Her wings bounce every time she takes a step. Considering that Kenny's been out with her for almost half an hour, the red candy bag that she's holding is pathetically empty.   But then, that's always the case out here. No one in South Park ever bothers to do anything for Halloween. The school costume contest is still the biggest event of the night, and a few half-assed jack-o-lanterns are the closest thing to decorations.   She slips a small, white gloved hand into Kenny's. "Is Eric going to come with us?"   "He sure is," answers Kenny, cheerfully. His own bag is a worn pillow case, folded down at the edges. There's a bleach stain at the bottom of it. "I knew that you'd be the reason my shining knight came, Karen. And lo, he even arrived with a glorious steed!"   Karen giggles. She has to tilt her head back to smile at Cartman. Her red lipstick is smeared. "You make a really nice knight."   "Of course I do," huffs Cartman. "I'm the best damn knight South Park's ever seen." He jogs a few steps, just enough that he can duck in front of them. A knight has to get to the horse first, after all, and Cartman can't deny that he gets a thrill out of seeing their faces when he pulls open the door to the back seat. "My ladies."   Kenny has to help Karen into the car. Her skirt is pretty full, and she can't quite scramble in like she might normally be able too. After a moment, Kenny gets in the backseat with her. They don't bother with seatbelts; no one does on Halloween. Instead, Kenny hooks an arm over the back of each front seat and pulls himself up between them.   "Hey," he says, cheerfully. "Thanks for driving us. Sorry we didn't wait for you."   "You should be sorry," sniffs Cartman. He rolls down the window opposite him. "I tell you to wait, Kenny, you should fucking wait. Thirty minutes obviously didn't break you. Your bags are empty as fuck."   "Yeah, but Karen didn't want to wait. She has school tomorrow, dipshit. She shouldn't be out too late tonight."   "It was half an hour," grumbles Cartman, ripping the steering wheel to the left. It's not that he isn't careful about driving, but it's late at night and not a lot of other cars are out. There's a bit more lee-way then most days.   Karen presses her face against the window. Her breath leaves thick smears of fog on the glass. "Kenny? Why're we going into town?"   They turn onto seventh court; it's the road that leads into Shitty Part Town. The few houses that have been wedged between the stores have their porch lights turned off. No one ever gives out candy in this part of town, not even the baggies of loser candy that Kenny's gotten most of the night.   "Uh, Cartman? We actually need to go to peoples houses if we want to trick or treat." Kenny pulls himself farther into the front seat, like getting closer to his boyfriend might change something.   Cartman snorts. "No shit, Kenny. Trick or treating's kind of the whole plan."   "So - houses?"   "I'm not spending all night knocking on the doors of assholes who can't be bothered to buy actual candy. And that garbage you have isn't candy."   "Okay," says Kenny, dragging out the word. "It's not great but - where do you think we're going?"   Shitty Part Town is still the most popular place in South Park. Most of the stores are still open, and the few eateries that have cropped up are all cram packed. The parking for Skeeter's bar over flows into the street, and Cartman has to swing into the other lane so he doesn't hit any of them.   Someone's strung up a loop of orange lights on the outside of City Wok. It's the only decoration in the entire district. It's probably going to be the last decoration for a while, too, because Shitty Part Town bleeds out into the edges of South Park; the old gym and the forgotten stores; crumbling apartment buildings and the truck-stop diner.   There are definitely no places to get candy out here.   "Dude," insists Kenny. He jabs the other boy in the shoulder. "What the fuck?"   "Just sit down, Kenny. You're bothering me." Cartman turns up the volume on the radio. It's got to be one of his mix tapes, because no station has played this song in years. "If you wanted a say in where we went, you should've waited for me. Now you're just stuck going wherever."   Kenny does drop back into the rear seat, but only because Karen has flopped down and started going through her candy bag. Biting back a rather sour groan, he flings an arm around his little sister's shoulders. "You get anything good?"   "Someone was giving out kisses," answers Karen, holding up one of the foil wrapped bits of chocolate. It's not Hershey's, but one of those off-brand dollar store imitations. She still looks happy with it.   Her plastic tiara is crooked. Kenny pushes it back into place. "You know who else is giving out kisses?"   Uncertain, Karen tilts her head back and blinks up at him. "Who?"   "I am!" He descends on her in a flurry of purposefully sloppy kisses and tickling hands. Karen squeals loud enough that he can't hear the music; to his credit, Cartman doesn't turn the volume up.   By the time that Kenny surfaces, Karen's cheeks are ruddied and she's breathing hard. They've pulled onto the old mountain road that leads out of town. It's snowing out, just a little. The flurries of white pass over the front windshield; headlights casting twin shadows on the otherwise dark road. If the streets in South Park are crumbling, these roads fell apart years ago.   No one's done anything out here in years. The road is a mess of divots and pot holes, these crumbling chasms where the edge just falls away into a snow filled ditch. People hate driving them, hate it even worse at night; but childhood dreams don't ever fade completely, and Cartman's always loved coming out here when no one else is around, slamming on the gas and seeing how much speed he can pick up before he hits one of the turns.   He's good at driving. He's good at being out here.   But it's Halloween, and there are literally no houses outside of town boundaries. Jimbo has an old hunting cabin, but that's about the extent of it. Kenny squirms back up between the two front seats, trying to get close as he can to Cartman. The folds of his skirt get hiked up around his thighs; white glove standing out when he grabs hold of Cartman's black button down. "Dude, what are you doing?"   "Going trick or treating. Relax, babe. I just figure, what's the point of taking the car if we're just going to hit up Mackey's house and go home?"   “You know that the trees aren’t going to give us anything, right?”   “What, seriously? Here I thought that you all would be happy with some magic apples from the forest.”   “Dude, it’s great that you’re bringing the car out, but my sister actually wants to get some candy tonight.”   Cartman rolls his eyes. He adjusts the rearview mirror so he can get a better view of the back seat. When he smiles, it’s big enough to show off his slightly crooked teeth and dimples. “Hey, Karen. You trust that your prince is going to take you somewhere really great, right?”   Karen looks up from her bag. There’s discount chocolate smeared over her lips. “Huh? Oh, yeah! The brave knight always knows how to get to the castle! Right, Kenny?”   “Princess Kenny,” he corrects, lightly. Kenny stays wedged between the two front seats. Quieter, he asks, “seriously, Cartman. Where are we going?”   It’s snowing out, just a little bit. The roads twist and Cartman steers the car through the turns without problem; has spent hours our here, days, weeks, enough time to amass to months spent out driving on these desolate roads because there’s something utterly intoxicating about the complete silence. The main highway breaks off into several smaller roads, little things that lead out to hiking trails and hunting cabins, to towns smaller than South Park that haven’t even made it onto the maps.   And then there’s County Road Seventeen, which branches off the highway to the right, goes up a steep hill before leveling out. Cartman wants to ask you trust me, right? He doesn’t, though, because he loves Kenny but will always be just a little bit afraid of those sorts of questions.   Instead Cartman gives in and says, “I figured we’d hit up Cherry Creek. It’s been ages since we went all the way out there, right? You remember the huge ass candy bars they gave out when we were in Garrison’s class? I bet anything they still give them out. I just figured that’d be a better use of our time then hiking around our dump of a town. ”   Kenny’s teeth smack together hard enough that it’s audible over the music. Kenny blinks, opens his mouth, closes it again. The roads are a little better taken care of it here. Cherry Creek is eight steps up from South Park as far as decency is concerned, and the people actually care a little bit about the city that they live in. In the end, Kenny sits back down without saying anything and they spend the twenty minute drive listening to music off of the Top Fifties list from 2012.   Street lights show up before the actual town comes into view. A few of them have white ghosts hanging off the post. Cartman says, “alright, my ladies. The kingdom approaches!”
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[RF] I was born with a dead soul
I was born with a dead soul. Probably a gift given the years that would follow, but I have and always will work with what I’ve been given. That’s not to say I haven’t emulated life at times, and the universe has given me some amazing and beautiful moments. Like Frankenstein’s monster I have been granted lightning bolt moments of joy, love and wonder. But nevertheless an animated corpse is still ultimately dead.
I was born into a less than ideal childhood. Bored at best, but mostly lonely and often cruel. My mother’s intelligence was only surpassed by her disdain for her spawn, and my absent father was too simple to understand the concept of love.
I knew what it was like to be hated from the moment I could comprehend the expression of malice, and was put to work illegally as soon as physically able. I quickly acclimated to servitude and supplication, surviving only because I had to, no hope nor expectations ever fostered.
Then out of nowhere I was presented with the time that I comprehended joy. The age came that I was expected to be able to wash myself. Usually having to use water third hand, I was now left for five minutes of blissful solitude once a day. So I could clean myself immaculately using first hand water from the sink, and no one would know. But more importantly, I was finally granted five minutes of guaranteed privacy. A foreign concept up until this time, but soon the only moment of happiness in my day. It was mine, and I relished it. That is my earliest memory of anything positive.
My next came soon after. My school and unofficial work schedules eventually deigned one day to leave an hour of unsupervised time. I was quickly relegated to spend this time with my grandparents. My grandfather was a hateful over chewed meat of a man. His main purpose in life was imparting misery on his poor, wonderful, broken wife, and he took a secondary occupation in tormenting me. But this was not constant, and there were times he was not present. Perhaps again shooting his sling at the birds, maybe relishing in ruining the day of someone even lesser than me. Or maybe just relishing in killing something he would not take any recompense for. These moments were wonderful, for that was when my grandmother would teach me card tricks, and inspire in me a lifelong love of reading. She was meek and even sometimes fearful of even me, a tiny boy, but she inspire in me many things I will never forget. Unfortunately this was a very limited experience, for she threw herself from their loft nor a year later in her final attempt to escape. I did not understand at the time, and languished as she passed in a hospital bed, but as years passed I came to understand and forgive her.
So I guess my third was waiting for my family to fall asleep so I could read. And read I did. Anything I could get my hands on. Catalogues, court stenography, anything I could entice a teacher to give me through desperate pleas for more.
Times after that were fraught with difficulty. Much of which I did not understand. My oldest brother declared a disdain for all females, and started to display a hatred I had come to see a lot in my captors. I will not go into detail as it disturbed me then, and maybe still a little now, but he kept collages in various diaries that displayed the machinations of a very disturbed mind.
Shortly after my second oldest brother drove a car into a highway bridge support. He killed himself and two of his friends instantly, a third surviving in the backseat only to recall the series of events in hospital before dying from critical injuries. Somehow I only remember two of the four funerals, all of which we attended as good religious normal, normal people. I remember backseat guy, as his sister pointed at my family and shouted that it was all our fault. This is blazoned into my memory even though the names are not. Yet another reason to know we probably should have never existed.
I remember my brother’s. I took the opportunity to approach the pulpit that was offered by the leader, and did my best to cheer everyone up. Many commented on my wit, depth, and maturity. I was a tiny boy, but I still thought it my duty to carry my family on my back. Secretly I was upset he left me with my oppressors, but I later came to understand why...
It was shortly after that I experienced puberty, and attracted a different attention from my mother. Just a touch here and there I did not want, and comments that made me feel sick inside. I knew by then I was becoming a handsome man, with an athletic build, symmetrical features, and long curly hair. Girls at school nicknamed me Romeo, and I was popular with many. However they did not know my secret suffering, and this bestowed upon me a lonely and clandestine mind even as I was surrounded by many who wanted my time.
I want to assure you I got out in time. My oldest brother is deeply disturbed and can never see another as a love. My second oldest has left this world. And the poor kid younger than me must have suffered something after I left that’s lead to his choice to be homeless and wondering for the rest of his life.
I don’t know what saved me, only that it happened. That one day I realised I was now working legally every moment not at school. And making my mother far more than the monthly price of a flat. So I acted quickly. Approached my bank and stopped the transfer, and secured a lease. Yes she tried to stop me once I did not come home, but by that point I had shown up at the emergency department with enough erroneous and suspicious injuries that a word from me would have put her in serious hot water. And somehow I stood up to her, my tormentor and sculptor of my tortured soul. And finally escaped.
Day one wasn’t all celebration. I went grocery shopping for the first time just for myself. I purchased half a loaf of bread and an eggplant. The latter of which I sliced, fried and served on toast, a recipe I had read about as an adult thing to eat. So triumphant I was, till I fell on the floor and curled up crying in the realisation I had no idea what to do next. Hell, all I had done was buy and cook one meal. I had no idea what I was doing, and I mourned my past and future that day.
I remember walking out that night, free to roam with no familial duties. Looking into the glowing bay windows of those who did have families. Maybe the glow of a hearth and the flicker as the TV displayed a family friendly show. Or the accentuated shadows of those around the table for game night. It helped warm me inside, knowing these people where happy, and I decided as long as others where happy so could I be.
I don’t want to mislead you, I’ve had so many exquisite and beautiful moments between now and then. Moments of great love, and time sweetened tragedy. But you should know it ends badly, I must be upfront. But I would like to focus on the many great, varied, and often magical moments before now. Some of which will be sad and lonely beyond the ability for words to convey, I will try my best to write it down.
submitted by /u/DailyFrenemy [link] [comments] via Blogger http://bit.ly/2VNwcaK
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