#my chemical romacne
allthatdivides · 1 year
i miss my chemical ronamce where is my checmial romacne
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brothersonahotelbed · 2 years
okay basically what happened is i poured a little bit of wine into my vitamin water and all of a sudden im like really good at piano ??and came up with a sexy sad melody for my newest song and now im exhausted & happy and my head's buzzing just a liiiittle and im listening to lovejoy and im home alone and then i remembered my chemical romacne exists an d i feel happy so bascially this won't last but godamn it it 's nice !!!!!!!
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etmopterus-perryi · 1 year
my chemical romacne forever and ever and ever and ever and ever btw
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girlbr0thers · 2 years
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boobachu · 3 years
The world’s saddest drummer
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gerxrdwxy · 8 years
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The least it deserves - 3.22.17
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raytorosaurus · 3 years
my chemical romacne are in the same room right now. it’s been a good run guys i’m logging off forever.
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emo teenagers be like “my chemical romacne” 
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cablestwisted · 4 years
i fuckin love,, my chemical romacne. truew lives of the fabulous killjoys... 
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asapification · 4 years
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theemoquartetblog · 7 years
I tend to type really fast, and when I’m half-asleep and trying to tag my posts, that tends to become a problem because I’m blind and can’t read the tags very well. These are usually the tags I end up with:
#my chemical romacne
#my chmecial romance
#twenty one piltos
#twenty yon pilots
#twenty oen pilots
#fall out bot
#fal out boy
#patricks tump
#pete went
#joe tromhan
#andy hulery
#andy hulrey
#joe torhman
#brendon ruei
#bredon urie
#brenond urei
#dalloon weekes
#tlyer jospeh
#tyler rjoseph
#mieky wya
#rya toro
#bob bryary
#emo quarter
#emo wuarttet
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iamtryingtobelieve · 7 years
I was tagged by @l970 Thank you for tagging me, I love to do these a lot.
Age - 18
Biggest Fear - Not being prepared enough for the future
Current Time - 20:26PM
Drink You Last Had - Coca Cola
Everyday Starts With - YouTube and Breakfast
Favourite Songs - Some of the songs that I’ve been listening to recently are ABBA’s Super Trouper, NIN’s In This Twilight, Lorde’s Tennis Courts and a lot of My Chemical Romacne
Ghosts, Are They Real? - I haven’t encountered anything spooky or anything so I can’t say I truly believe. Same with aliens.
Hometime - Workington, Cumbria
In Love With - Life itself (and Marina Diamandis)
Jealous Of- People who have Aftershock Festival tickets. I’d soooo love to go
Killed Someone - In Video Games, yeah, in real life, not that i’m aware of. Nearly have a few times by accident
Last Time You Cried - Can’t recall
Middle Name - None
Number Of Siblings - 2 Older Sisters
One Wish - Make a Movie
Person You Last Called - My mam (mother/whatever you wish to call them)
Questions Often Asked? - What is your accent? If you were to start a school shooting, would you spare me? (Honestly I am asked this a lot due to my fascination with true crime cases and stuff and I don’t mind it, obviously I’m no psycho or anything and i can see the funny side of it)
Reasons to Smile - Octobers video game line up, NIN EP, Tumblr mutuals (you all know who you are <3) and friends and family
Song You Last Sang - You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison
Time You Woke Up - 6:45am
Underwear Colour - Grey and blue striped
Vacation Destination - Los Angeles
Worst Habits - Picking Nails
X-Rays I’ve Head - I’ve cracked my head open a lot and I have brace work X-Rays
Your Favourite Food - Junk Food (Donner Wraps), Italian, Mexican and Indian food
Zodiac Sign - Libra (October)
I tag @reservoirputa @ii-sis @pretty-handsome-awkward @zoeisstrange @moon-melancholia @seed-0 @localghostboiii and anyone who wants to do this. It’s completely optional :)
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ray-toro-yo-blog · 8 years
Radio interview 27/10/16
So this is just notes, mostly in my own words and simplified with personal commentary in brackets mostly
Describe the album in 5 words? 
Oh man, inspiring and all over the place (he didn’t get 5 words) it’s mainly inspiring  
So it’s been since 2013? You did everything by yourself that’s cool!
Its been off and on and other projects and balancing family life which was good because he needed to learn a lot as a soloist and it was big learning curve with writing lyrics and recording by himself. 90% was recorded in his home studio in a 2 story guest house so it’s not like a studio or his home you see  (wow?) he likes experimenting and learning (basically he said that a lot in different ways)
So about experimenting what was hardest? 
The singing and lyrics because he’s never done it, just back up vocals. Also Dogh Mackeen (idk the spelling) helped produce 2 songs and Gerard enjoyed working with the same producer on danger days and the black parade
So the dj got to listen to it and said its aMAZING (lucky af)
Only a select few people have heard it and he’s really happy to hear it he’s proud and pleased
The dj liked the diversity of the album as there’s some bluesy stuff and some heavy rock guitar stuff and he picked up on a theme?
There was no theme but the concept gelled later in the process and he has 15-20 more songs that aren’t finished or don’t fit (hell yes??) although it isn’t so much a concept (i think) the general idea is stuff he would like to pass onto his son using stuff hes learnt about himself. Having a child made him pay more attention to the world and think how he needs to set a good example for him and also made him think about his own parents. The original idea was actually to release 3 eps and associate each with colours (think maybe green day like?) and have a theme in each but it felt too boxy and so he decided against it. There was a mention of a memory box of a character in the story (more later relating to imagery but note it’s not HIS memory box I think he wants it it be more universal? just speculation)
The transition songs! 
(I love these i can’t wait) The idea for these came later when he wanted it to flow and become more of a story, so he needed more, he found a wind up merry go round toy from 3-4 years ago that you hear on the record apparently and on his website the imagery is connected to the song in the items it’s like a cool world where you can dig in and see the details and connect the pieces (this is so cool) “it’s not just a bunch of songs it’s a complete body of work” and the transitions take it to the next level of connectivity.
Wedding day turns into something else you get traditional wedding sounds and the bell carries on through?
Yeah it’s very connected and Pink Floyds The Wall was a big influence it’s an amazing concept record but RTL is not really a concept record because it’s boxy and he doesn’t wanna stick too much to one idea and he wants the listener to put together their own story and lose themselves and connect to personal memories and experiences and mean something individual (I can’t wait fuck I’m going to lie in the dark so I can focus of it really well the first time i listen)
The best way to describe he album “nostalgic and relevant and modernist? 
Yeah it’s what I would pass on to my son and how my parents raised me he wants to do as good a job with his song as his parents did with him. After having his own child he appreciates his parents so much more.
Theres been music released before eg. For The Lost And Brave
The songs previously released are very current, reaction songs and because we can now release music so quickly it’s important to make a noise and get heard so he wanted to grab attention.
I want to talk about take the world, why release that one first? 
Because it’s a good a bridge from the mcr stuff people know him for and the stuff he does now, with his take on it. I think the idea was this song is about how we can change and the next generation (his son) can get their voices heard and change “my sons voice is important and i want him to use it” 
But in spare time you collaborated with others, do you feel more used to collaborating or more used to solo work now? 
(one person whose name I didn’t catch) was cool he had a vision and needed my style of guitar. “And Gerard was pleasure and joy and work with together again we had a ton of laughs we couldn’t stop laughing we were going for a very distinct sound and mood” Ray stretched himself as a musician “I love that”, “my body’s getting older but I want my mind and creativity to stay fresh always looking for that next thing and trying something different.” 
What are you looking forward to in 2017? 
A tour!! He needs to figure it out himself in some down time and he has missed playing live and the songs will evolve live 
And after listening I’m exited and they’re gonna enjoy it 
“I really appreciate that I’m proud and I put a lot of work into it ultimately I hope people find some connection and gets them thinking” (he talked about relating it to having kids so maybe this album is aimed to older generations?)
/he then introduced the radio station/ “That was good I got everything right !!” *laughs and the dj saying he did it really well* Thanks for listening it’s an honor to do a collage station interview because everyone here loves music and he respects that and when he was getting into music he listened to collage radio 
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gerxrdwxy · 8 years
In The End, Everything Collides - Peterick
My first fic…
Description: Patrick thinks Pete is dating Mikey, but he isn’t. It’s more of an elaborate ruse than anything, and it definitely backfires.
Warnings: Cursing (mild language)
Word Count: 2133
Read at AO3 here or below
MCR is just lounging around on their bus, pre-show, when Gerard gets a text from Patrick. Sure, it might just be about the show - they are sharing a venue - but Gerard isn’t quite sure. Patrick never texts about the shows, he always calls.
Patrick: hey ik this might be a kinda awkward question but does your brother have a bf?
Gerard is shocked. This was definitely not what he was expecting. He glances up, though, and sees Mikey frantically typing away on his phone.
Gerard: wat, wanna date him?
Patrick: ew no I’m just… wonderin
Gerard: why?? and no idk but I don think Mikey is dating any1
Patrick: o ok thx Gerard
Gerard: np
Gerard clicks his phone off and drops it back into his lap. Frank sits back down from grabbing his and Gerard’s coffee. He kisses his boyfriend and goes back to playing around with chords from “Mama” as Gerard silently muses about Patrick’s strange text.
On the Fall Out Boy bus, Patrick watches Pete carefully. He’s texting hurriedly - probably Mikey, Patrick thinks. He drops back onto the couch, leaning into the cushions and taking advantage of Pete’s distraction. His eyes follow the messy black fringe that is always falling in Pete’s eyes, wishing he could walk over and push it back into place. He mentally reprimands himself: he shouldn’t be thinking about his best friend and band member like this, especially if he’s with Mikey. Which Patrick is sure he is, even if Gerard doesn’t know. Who else would Pete be texting that he won’t let Patrick see?
After the show, the two bands gather behind the venue to pack up last minute items and head back to their respective buses when Pete pulls Mikey aside. Patrick notices immediately, not that he was staring or anything… He inches his way over towards them and strains his ears to see if he can hear what is so important, and his fears are confirmed. He walks over just in time to have his hopes smashed.
“I really like you - do you wanna go out with me?” Pete asks and Mikey giggles and claps his hands excitedly, and Patrick has seen enough.
He walks quickly away, back to their bus. He slams the door behind him and is about to storm back to his bunk when he sees Pete’s phone lying on the table. He knows he shouldn’t, but he needs proof. He’s almost afraid of what he’ll see. He doesn’t know Pete’s password, so all he can see are the recent messages displayed on the home screen. Before he can stop himself, he’s scrolling through the messages on the screen.
Mikey: Good luck at the show today!
Mikey: You were great today!! I can’t wait until later ;)
Mikey: You’re a lucky guy, aren’t you
Patrick clicks the phone off, not wanting to see anymore. When it dings behind him, he doesn’t even glance back. He walks straight to his bunk and, not bothering with his nasty post-set clothes, climbs into bed and shuts the curtain before letting himself cry. Eventually, the exhaustion of today’s show washes over him and he falls asleep, tears still staining his face.
Patrick wakes up to Pete standing over him, looking concerned.
“You’ve been crying,” Pete states. Patrick raises his hands to his face in a futile attempt to hide his eyes, but there’s no point. Pete has seen. “What happened?” Pete asks gently. “I want to help.” Now fully awake, the events of the past few hours flood Patrick’s mind and he shoves his band mate away. Still Pete persists, saying, “Oh come on Patrick, I just want to help you!” but Patrick doesn’t respond, instead grabbing the end of the curtain and pulling it shut in Pete’s face.
Pete walks back to the main “living room” of the bus, wondering what he could’ve done to upset Patrick so badly. He picks up his phone from where it was lying on the table, checking his text messages. He scrolls, bypassing congratulations from Mikey on the show until he comes to a new message.
Mikey: So have u asked him yet?
Pete: No… he’s in a bad mood rn and idk why
“Mikey get your ass over here!” Gerard shouts from the other room. Mikey quickly taps out his last text to Pete before going to see what his brother wants from him.
Mikey: o. idk then but I gtg talk to Gerard bye
Pete: bye mikes, thx for the help today
Mikey walks over to where Gerard is sitting on the couch with Frank.
“What do you want, Gerard?” Gerard stands and walks over towards the opposite side of the little room, motioning for Mikey to follow.
“Hey, so this is going to be a little weird but do you have a boyfriend?” Gerard whispers.
“What the hell Gerard? No. I don’t have a boyfriend and I don’t even know why you’re asking.” Mikey suddenly thinks of something and grins to himself: “Frank not enough for you anymore?” Mikey asks, a bit too loudly. Gerard gives him his worst big brother glare and walks over to explain himself to a not-so-happy looking Frank.
Mikey chuckles a little to himself and pulls his phone back out of his pocket.
Mikey: I’m back if you’ve got anything else to say
Pete: actually, yeah
Mikey: What’s up??
Pete: so I have this idea… it’s prob not a good idea but I’m getting impatient
Mikey: Oh yeah? hmu
Pete: I kinda wanna make him jealous…
Mikey: that’s actually not a terrible idea
Pete: I feel like he’s not really interested and I wanna c if I’m can make him jealous but I don’t have anyone to make him jealous w/
Mikey: I could do it
Pete: omg thx mikes … I’ll call my “bf” later
Mikey: K call u later bye Pete
Pete: bye Mikey, thx again
Mikey wonders what he just volunteered for, but decides its for the best. He paces around for a little bit, eventually wandering back into the living area and after one glance at Frank shoved up against the wall decides that now would be a great time to go outside and call Pete.
It’s getting kind of dark when Pete gets the call from Mikey, but he answers right away.
“Hey,” he says, not wanting to sound too awkward while talking to his fake boyfriend.
“Hey babe,” Mikey says on the other end of the line and Pete can hear him suppressing giggles. So this is how this is going to go.
“So what are you doing tonight, baby?” Pete asks, feeling a twinge of guilt when Patrick walks in on this. He sees Patrick freeze up, turn around and grab his jacket and then practically run out the door. Mikey, oblivious, is giggling.
“You, honey” comes from the other end, and Pete wants to punch his face off.
“He’s gone now Mikey, I don’t think there’s a point to this right now,” Pete tells him, sounding a little sad.
“What, did my horrible flirting scare him off?” Mikey jokes.
“Probably,” Pete says, chuckling along with him. Pete, bored because Patrick left and Joe and Andy are God knows where, heads back to his bunk. He can hear Ray yelling in the background and Mikey mutters a slightly annoyed goodbye and hangs up. Pete lies in his bunk and stares up at the bottom of Patrick’s. He thinks of the sweet boy with the beautiful voice who hides behind hats and haunts Pete’s dreams - the boy who sleeps just above his head.
Patrick doesn’t typically drink, but tonight he just wants to forget everything he just witnessed. He enters the bar alone, and he leaves alone. He’s there just for the alcohol and the alcohol only. A few drinks and a few hours later, Patrick is so drunk he can barely walk back to the bus, his final bottle in hand. He downs it as he nears the bus and stumbles through the door, almost making it to his bunk before he passes out with a crash on the floor.
Pete finds Patrick, asleep, his face wet with tears, again. Evidently Joe and Andy were back and asleep long before Patrick got back, because Pete was the only one to hear the crash. This time he shakes Patrick awake, wondering how he could’ve ended up like this. He gets his answer before Patrick regains consciousness, though, as he realizes that Patrick reeks of alcohol. Patrick doesn’t drink.
When Patrick’s eyes open again, it’s obvious he’s drunk. Pete’s entire world narrows to find and destroy whatever made him like this.
“Hey, Patrick, buddy, what happened?” Pete asks gently. To his surprise, Patrick begins to cry again. Pete tries to pull Patrick into his arms but Patrick shrinks away like Pete’s skin is on fire. “Patrick,” he tries again. “What happened?” Suddenly frustrated, Patrick grits his teeth.
“You.” Pete is stunned, and a little bit surprised at how clearly Patrick seems to be speaking and comprehending, considering how drunk he is. What did I do? He wonders. Patrick curls up into a ball again, and Pete feels just as helpless. “I knew it.” Patrick surprises him by speaking again. Encouraged by the sudden dialogue, Pete speaks.
“Knew what?” Patrick’s face scrunches up like he’s wrestling with what to say, until he finally decides.
“M-Mikey. I knew it was Mikey.” For a second, Pete is confused. Then, he remembers his phone conversation earlier that day. But why would he care if I’m with Mikey? Pete muses to himself. He considers just playing the game, but the pain in his heart from seeing the man he loves curled up on the floor like this, piss drunk because of him, makes him decide that he will tell the truth, whether Patrick hates him for it or not.
“Patrick,” he begins quietly, “I’m not dating Mikey.” Patrick looks up, a mixture of shock, confusion, and is that relief? on his face.
“Wh-what?” Is all he can manage before tears begin to fall again. Pete breathes in, it’s now or never.
“Patrick, I- well, um… fuck this. Patrick, I’m not dating Mikey, but I do want to date you, if you wanted to do that?” Pete asks, his voice getting slowly quieter as he speaks. Patrick looks lost.
“But… but… the phone call, and the text messages, and that conversation after the show!” Patrick’s voice rises as he recounts everything he saw and heard (in summary) and then it’s Pete’s turn to be shocked.
“You saw that?” Pete asks, which probably isn’t the best thing to say. “Oh, shit. That didn’t sound right. Patrick, I- Ididallthatbecauseiwantedittobeperfectwheniaskedyouout and Mikey helped,” Pete explains, talking so fast that Patrick can’t understand nearly a word he says. “Ah, damnit, this will take a while. Maybe we should get off the floor?” Patrick nods and Pete helps him off the floor and they slowly make their way to Pete’s bunk, since it’s at floor level.
Once they’re sufficiently cocooned in blankets, Pete begins to explain, from the beginning, how Mikey helped him practice (among other things) asking Patrick out. Once Pete is finishing explaining the phone call with Mikey, Patrick lays a tired head on Pete’s shoulder and and whispers quietly into his shirt.
“I’d love to go out with you, Pete.” Pete smiles and blushes, but only for a moment until he straightens and speaks again, his tone final.
“No. I want that answer when you’re sober,” He slips out of his bunk to go sleep in Patrick’s. Patrick, drunk and exhausted, falls asleep almost instantly in Pete’s bed. When we wakes up, terribly hungover, he’s happy to realize that he remembers the previous night with surprising clarity.
“Pete,” He says, his voice quiet, hoping the man sleeping in his bunk hasn’t left yet. To his relief, he hears the bunk above him creak and Pete make his way down and poke his head through Patrick’s curtain. Patrick can feel the tension, and apprehension is written all over Pete’s face. “I still want to go out with you,” He says, and he can’t hold back his grin. He glances nervously at Pete and adds, “If…if you want me to, th-that is.” Pete’s grin is equally huge and he wraps his arms around Patrick.
“Of course,” he says, and, tension buzzing in his fingers where they lie on Patrick’s back, he kisses his boyfriend. He pulls away a moment later and, giggling, says, “Go take a shower, Patrick, you reek.” Patrick hesitates a moment, gathering his courage before saying, “Only if you come with me.”
The two boys walk giggling and holding hands, into the bathroom together. As they walk through the main room, Joe silently hands Andy a twenty and goes off to sulk.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/9794450/chapters/21994796 (AO3)
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