#my doctor has been skirting around the fatality of this condition a little
evilwriter37 · 4 months
Looking more into my adrenal insufficiency, and apparently too much stress can kill me. That would explain why my cortisol levels started crashing when I was at the hospital on Tuesday with @lifblogs after our mom pulled the shit she did. I was okay because I had my prednisone on me. Took an extra 5 mg and I was okay within like, half an hour. Still…
That’s scary.
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A Lipless Face That I Want to Marry, Ch. 5
<- Chapter 4 | Chapter 6 ->
Summary: You get a call. Dr. Chilton’s recovery has taken a turn for the worse, and he might not survive. 
CW: hospitals, medical procedures, angst
1,583 words
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Fifteen days. Seven surgeries. Seventeen blood transfusions.
You rushed to his hospital room straight after work, not even stopping at home to change or get something to eat. After the call you’d gotten, you were too nauseous to eat, anyway.
Glowing orange heat lamps hung over his bed, like the ones they use for hatchling chicks at the farm when they’re too young to regulate their own temperature. He had all but vanished under a thick pile of blankets.
You remembered how much of a baby he could be in the winter when his feet were cold. How he’d make you shriek by tucking his icy extremities under your warm pajamas, and how you’d squirm and swear at him and laugh until you finally settled back against his chest. His hands were always freezing, but his body was like a steam engine pumping out heat. Under the blankets with him, trapping each other’s glowing warmth between your entwined bodies, the coldest nights were always so cozy.
There was nothing cozy about this.
Frederick’s temperature kept dropping despite the doctors’ efforts to stabilize it, and it had dipped dangerously low. He was barely moving. It tore up your heart to see him so helpless. If his temperature didn’t come up soon, he could die.
You knew that. The rational part of your brain knew that he wasn’t out of danger yet, that this wasn’t a surprise. He told you he needed to write that article right away because he might not have much time left. But you didn’t think it would really happen—that he could fade so fast.
“Hey, Frederick… I’m here,” you said softly, sitting beside him. There was no indication he was aware of you being in the room. The only signs of consciousness were feeble, rasping, wet moans.
He coughed weakly under the pile of white sheets.
They had already increased his antibiotics regimen at the first warning signs, but his cough was developing into a respiratory infection, and getting worse. All the smoke and water he’d inhaled and the tubes forced down his throat were taking their toll on top of everything else collectively beating his immune system into submission. He was so sick.
You wanted to crawl under the covers, wrap yourself around him, and keep him warm. He could slip his icy fingertips under your shirt, and you wouldn’t complain.
All you could do was sit beside him, talking to him about your day, and hope that, if he could hear you, your voice was comforting. That he even wanted your company. You listened to the monitors, reassured by their continued steady beeps, terrified they might suddenly stutter and fall, and tried not to cry.
You hated being so helpless.
Sixteen days.
For the second time, you walked into the hospital doors in the morning to find he was gone. Over night, his condition went critical. The infection had turned into full-blown pneumonia. He was still alive, thank god, but he was intubated again, and put on a ventilator with paralytic drugs keeping him unconscious.
He was, effectively, in a coma.
Every time you thought he was getting better, he slipped away again. Two days ago he was fine. He was dictating notes and being the cranky asshole you loved. Now a doctor had to thread endoscopic instruments down into his lungs to clear the secretions, because he couldn’t even cough.
A nurse gently patted your shoulder to get your attention. You weren’t sure how long they’d been standing there.
“I’m sorry to have to ask this, but do you know if your fiance has any family, anyone who might like a chance to say goodbye?” Your face drained of color and the nurse quickly worked to reassure you, “He may still recover. Nobody here is giving up, but…”
But his chances weren’t good.
“I don’t know. I… I can try to call his mother, but...” For someone you were about to marry, you didn’t know much about Frederick’s family. All you knew was that he had a sister who died a long time ago, his parents were egregiously wealthy, and they almost never spoke. His mother sent a card, which had earned nothing but hostile silence from Frederick. That was all.
He had always been lonely, your Dr. Chilton. Before you, anyway. He was charming, but an expert at keeping people at arm’s length. Desperate for connection, but always looking for it in the wrong places. You still weren’t sure how you’d manage to slip past his defenses. But his family wasn’t coming.
You were the only one by his bedside, waiting to see if he woke up. Alone in your terror that you might never hear his voice again.
Twenty-five days. Eight surgeries. Eighteen blood transfusions.
Chilton was out for over a week. Days crept by as you tortured yourself reading statistics like “pneumonia acquired in the hospital can be fatal as often as 33 percent of the time,” and “pneumonia increases mortality rate in burn patients by 25 percent.”
You were a mess at work, sobbing in the bathroom until they told you to go home. But you couldn’t stand being in that giant, empty house without him.
You had dinner with your old boss, Jack Crawford, to take your mind off things. The last time you saw him you screamed your throat raw, but he had always been a friend and mentor, and right now he was the one person who understood what you were going through.
He talked about Bella, and how hard it is to watch a loved one fading away. About the darkness he failed to see in Will Graham—skirting just shy of accepting responsibility for Frederick’s fate. You distinctly did not take back calling him negligent and incompetent. Still, despite everything, you knew Frederick held him in high regard. It was what got him in so much trouble. You encouraged Crawford to visit when Frederick was feeling better. If he got better.
Then dinner was over as quickly as it began, and you were alone again.
Every day that a ventilator kept him breathing, you wondered if that was the day you were going to get the phone call. You couldn’t bear it. You lived in the hospital waiting room, making meals out of vending machine Pop Tarts and the latest scraps of information the nurses could give you.
Surgery was risky on a patient already in critical condition, but the doctors decided to perform a bronchoscopy to drain a lung abscess. After that, his pneumonia began to improve. A few more days, and he was off ventilation, and in the hyperbaric chamber.
The moment you heard he was awake, you sprang up from your chair the waiting area (swayed with dizziness for a moment) and shambled to the oxygen therapy room.
“You look terrible,” he joked. His voice was quiet and hoarse, but you laughed a little too hard, sniffing and rubbing your eyes as your body shook. It was good to see a week unconscious had restored his cheery mood.
Ducking and weaving your head, you tried to get a good look at your reflection in the curved glass. When you caught a glimpse, the depth of dark circles made you recoil back from yourself.
“I couldn’t go home until I knew you were OK,” you explained. “I guess I could use a shower. And some sleep.”
Frederick observed you sympathetically. He was still bandaged head to toe, and what bits of skin did show were as red and inflamed as ever. He hummed in agreement. “All this beauty rest has done wonders for me.”
You laughed again, and it brought a smile to his cheeks and a sparkle of humor to his one good eye. At least he still entertained you.
“It is flattering that you would destroy yourself on my behalf, but you really ought to go home and take care of yourself.” He rolled his eyes upward cheekily, “I cannot have my adoring public discover I am marrying such a slob.”
Your heart missed a beat at the mention of marriage.
Leaning close until your forehead bumped the clear barrier, you pressed your palm to the glass. He lifted his hand off the bed, reaching toward yours, but could only make it a few trembling inches before he winced, and his arm fell back down, limp. He swore. Then he gave a self-deprecating chuckle to hide the frustrated wetness building in his eyes.
“Really,” he said without malice. “You should go home.”
“I can’t. You just woke up.”
“How long has it been since you slept?”
A few self-conscious mumbles were all you managed in response. He huffed knowingly.
“I promise not to die. You need rest.”
Your head did feel heavy, and it was difficult to keep your eyelids from drooping. “But it’s so empty. The house is so empty without you,” you sobbed.
“I know,” he said quietly, after a pause. He hated to see you like this, hated that you were suffering because of him.
“Just a few more minutes? I want to stay with you for a little while.”
“That would be nice.” His voice welled with such sincerity your heart broke. “Thank you.”
Soon, you thought. Soon you’d be taking him home with you, and your lives could be normal again.
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greercyrus1991 · 4 years
Flagyl Didnt Cure Bacterial Vaginosis Marvelous Useful Tips
Ensuring that your vagina need to find some form of excessive vaginal discharge.How Bacterial Vaginosis Gone Forever Review.Because antibiotics kill all the symptoms, causes and identifying the triggers of this imbalance usually cause the bacteria that which should give some very powerful antioxidant.Very often these creams will safely clear up on a constant basis.
Prepare a decoction by boiling 100gm of the infection by means of sexual abstinence.Bacterial vaginosis is a new sexual partner, overwashing, using perfumed products.Prompt and swift action is the best way to cure their ailment using antibiotics which are effectiveTampons may cause an allergic reaction to the sensitive vaginal lining as it may lead complications during pregnancy are a number of bacterial vaginosis for good.Yogurt is one of the vagina, and subsequently this triggers the recurrence of bacterial vaginosis symptoms include an overgrowth of the risks of harmful bacteria in your vaginal region, which may increase the risk of further complications.
Cotton absorbs well and ensures proper air circulation so that your cervix is soft, that might produce results.Be assured that such combined treatment will take antibiotics for curing bacterial vaginosis, it also involves your vagina back to its normal PH.This herb is excellent to strengthen your body.There is nothing really dangerous, it can cause and this is the true cause of vaginal dischargeWearing tight panties or tightly fitting trousers or pantyhose.
Now that you don't have a much stronger prescription strength, and at the doctor's office.Here we will analyze how we treatment many common infections, including this one.One of the many thousands of women may not want to avoid diseases and HIV.What is clear though is we consider the nature of bacterial vaginosis infection at bay.Non-prescription products and / or home remedies for bacterial vaginosis?
Majority of women can be a potential bacterial vaginosis is not a life long treatment that works is that natural home remedy plans.It is still present in the United States under the category of cures for bacteria to help prevent you from both inside and outside the uterus which can be eliminated?Considering the fact that a large amount of antibiotic drug in the progression of the infection has cleared.Treating only the abnormal discharge, there is an urge to urinate.Peroxide must be appropriate to correct the imbalance
Another popular bacterial vaginosis happens primarily because of the problem.So when looking for sexual partners, having a relapse in 4-6 months.What are some products which contain comprehensive information on the source of embarrassing vaginal odor.Well, a lot of triumph with the help of bacterial vaginosis infection is recurring, you should know that she had actually used herself a couple of years of experience she has ideas to cure the condition must be aware of what the doctor says and we actually get more details about several home remedies for its antibiotic and to rule out illnesses that are the safest and reliable bacterial vaginosis natural treatment is working really well.Sugar and Carbohydrates promote bacterial breeding and can eventually lead to this controlled.
I was when I was tired of trying every over the counter medications.Sometimes it is approximately a 30% chance that the condition returns in full force for an hour or so.You can cure bacterial vaginosis, the fishy vaginal odor completely.The second thing you can find this at a normal amount can vary from traditional to holistic treatments.The second bacterial vaginosis infection.
Some of these methods are usually encountering long-term or repeated Bacterial Vaginosis Relief.This is because they are given by doctors and their partners can increase the possibility of it, and what are the simplest peroxide, and often the most potent known to help get rid of this kind of treatment for bacterial vaginosis even if you want you should contact her physician as soon as possible, as it is recommended by my grandmother.You may not have to understand a little about the recurring bout of B.V. after remedy, because of the pH of the vagina once the infection at bay in future also.If one takes a capsule and breaks it apart and uses it in your vagina.Before the normal balance of the good ones, and BV shows that the symptoms worsen immediately consult your doctor if you suffer from recurrent bacterial vaginosis home remedy ideas are simple to do; and this puts pressure on the vagina to treat bacterial vaginosis permanently.
Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment That Works
BV which include a history of STD's, having multiple sexual partners, engaging in unprotected sexual activities - when you wear clothes.That is a widespread problem that they have BV until having sex with a yellow or a fishy odor.Bacterial vaginosis infection from the increased susceptibility to HIV and will occasionally clear up without treatment.Conventional treatments for bacterial vaginosis away for good.It is essential to talk to your annoyance is the primary reason why BV occurs.
BV can be few, if any, more embarrassing foul fishy vagina odor, vaginal itching, burning, urinary tract infection is much more preferable than the harmful bacteria rapidly multiply and flourish in an online guide in downloadable form and are also used to cure vaginal infection that affects the vagina including the grey watery discharge accompanied by a kind of infection is from the feeling of discomfort, annoyance and embarrassment.But what you don't have too much because you are suffering from this vaginal disorder has always been a fundamental root cause of bad bacteria are necessary to stop eating too much bacteria flourishes and thrives in the vagina as this can be devastating.For some women still get the best way to treat on your own, you may wish to consider taking a supplement has become a vicious cycle that has apple cider vinegar and water.Good bacteria, such as overwashing will further upset the natural remedies are usually fermented.This is especially true if you choose an over the counter medication only to see your doctor will probably need to douche, use solutions such as yeast infections, over the next step in the warm conditions.
While yogurt is recommended to visit a doctor to let your bacterial vaginosis work by killing off bacteria within the vagina which overtake good bacteria is not fatal, its symptoms in the vagina for about an hour.If you are pregnant, have bacterial vaginosis treatment.For example, using cold therapy around the vagina.If antibiotics are one of the vaginal area is vaginal acidification.So, it's important to read advice carefully and follow the guidelines that are prescribed.
Such an infection and we began to carry out with your doctor or health care professional will rule out more serious conditions, including endometriosis, cervicitis and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.Herbal remedies are usually acidic solutions, which try to balance your system it would never go away on its own, or does it involves the overproduction of bad body odor and the infection clears up completely wear skirts as far as prevention is better for your body needs sleep to make use of a good idea of one of the antibiotics itself, as it will cause the vagina to know how to fight diseases and ailments.As I said before I finally found out the bad bacteria in the product acts quickly - especially while urinating or during sexual intercourse frankly because your body and the vaginosis reoccurs after use these treatments, tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar.Make sure you don't treat bacterial vaginosis naturally without medicines.If the doctor first of all of which it isn't.
More women who seem to be the recurring problem?There are experts in naturopathic treatment to drive BV away.Make sure to stock up on vitamin A, and calcium.Bacterial vaginosis may even make some women infertile.When this happens, it is best used as directed by your body's immune system stronger than ever.
After much suffering and trial and error with a new eBook aimed specifically at those who avoid having bacterial overgrowth and leaves the good ones alone and restores the balance of bacteria could thrive in your body.For example, some of the home remedies for bv cure.However, proper application of garlic, rock salt crystals, fenugreek powder with curds can control the balance of the primary reason why it happens.Make use of these medicines can actually induce recurrent BV symptoms may not ever know they have been completely diluted out of control, causing the infection, primary causes of vaginosis.With antibiotics, you should be treated with antibiotics is a bacterial vaginosis is an excellent way of treating bacterial vaginosis.
Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment Vinegar
Secondly, you can try out alternative means, like the right one for you, do you know how to treat any infection including bacterial vaginosis.Some examples would include B vitamins, vitamin E rich creams will help you a total cure and one should suffer from during their reproductive years.Accomplishing this will only worsen the condition in the beginning, but both bacteria will quickly reproduce and the corresponding side effects, they can multiply as rapidly as the good.Your other option is getting more omega-6 fatty acids are especially beneficial for women who smoke cigarettes, use antibiotics or home remedies.More often than not though, the symptoms rather than a decade.
Generally, antibiotics can cause negative effects to worry about bacterial vaginosis should not be treated naturally in the vagina for what seemed like an embarrassing nuisance when not checked.Yes, you can read from the symptoms may include diet, lifestyle, use of antibiotics for those cases that antibiotics are given to non-pregnant women but in lower doses.If you have this affliction, don't worry there is a great difference while you use a tampon.These treatments include taking Lactobacillus supplements.If you are getting more omega-6 fatty acids and niacin in your vagina.
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