#my evil powers(read as ‘I know how to 3d model stuff’)
ovytia-art · 1 year
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Happy Dannopocalyse :)
Using my evil powers to make Danno cookie cutters, and the power of friendship to wrangle my friends into helping me test them. They were very tasty.
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iamthefate · 5 years
Do you believe in zodiac symbols?
I am extremely happy that a question like this was asked to me. Well about zodiac symbols my answer will be quite simple, a huge and clearly written with capital letters NO. Now before you rush into conclusions and tell me that I am extremely biased and astrologists are scientists that know what they are doing and it is a pretty serious job to be an astrologist and all those things, let me explain the reasons or maybe the history of zodiac signs, why they could not be real at all and then judge by yourselves if I am biased or not... So lets see if you guys the zodiac lovers are quite familiar with the following things....
Lets start from scratch, what are the zodiac signs, are the zodiac signs for real the future tellers and are those 12 signs the beginning ans end of our character?
Well the zodiac signs were first discovered in ancient Babylon and their main form was first introduced years later from a mathematician astronomist and astrologist from Greece and Roman Empire, Claudius Ptolemy. He was the one that gave flesh and bones to what we know today as the 12 zodiac signs.
So this is the brief history of the creation of those 12 zodiac signs but what are they? We hear a lot of things about them but never actually questioned ourselves what is the meaning of being the one sign or the other sign. So what are those 12 signs, simple... Because of the fact that all the planets including earth and even our star are moving as celestial spheres in a very specific layer-kinda like an orbit in the sky, the constellations that are found over this layer did take a lot of significance back then and they gave them names and value, those 12 constellations are the 12 zodiac signs we have till today.
So now that we now what are the zodiac signs, we can see why the predictions based on them characterwise and futurewise are a big pile of lies.
1)The outdated geocentric model of Claudius Ptolemy
As we said all the 12 different zodiac signs that Ptolemy introduced were based on the movement of the planets and of our star, the sun. Well thats how he observed those 12 constellations and after observing them he actually did create a theory about them and the solar system. Well this is where it gets complicated, cause the geocentric system used back then is completely outdated, back then they believed that the earth was in the middle of the known universe and it was immobile, also they believed that there were 7 other planets that were encircling the earth, those were: Saturn, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars and the last 2 were Sun and Moon. Of course now we know that Sun and moon are not planets, Sun is the star of our solar system and Moon is Earth's satellite, and of course all the other 5 planets are not encircling earth but all the planets of our solar system are encircling our star The Sun and the satellites of each planet are encircling their planet. Thus, the astrologists of that time in ancient Babylon based on the outdated geocentric planet model were shocked especially by one event, the so called ''The Retrogade Motion'' of the planets. They were so shocked by this movement of the planets that actually linked it with many bad things that happened to people. So what is this wicked movement? Why all the astrologists back then were affraid of this? Well nowadays this is so simple to answer that it wont shock even a kid in the kindergarden. The retrogade motion was considered a movement that was made by some planets and what retrogade means, it basically is a movement backwards. So they were affraid by this movement backwards cause they couldnt explain it. Why couldnt they explain it? So simple again, the outdated geocentric model of the solar system back then considered earth immobile in the centre of the universe but that is not true. Earth is moving just like every other planet around the sun and the speed of that movement differs from planet to planet. So this retrogade motion, this movement backwards is a simple overtaking from one planet to another due to the different rotation movement. And I can ensure you there is nothing to be affraid about that, but as the greatest minds say, everything you cant explain you can for sure be affraid of it,just like the god and the devil. Of course the astrologists of today keep believing that this movement is the beginning of all evil. So if you and your friend run and you overtake your friend then your friend is the beggining of all evil, hahah nonsense.
2)The number of the planets
Till 1781, which is basically 90% of astrology's total number of predictions since its birth, the people knew the existence of less planets than what we know today.(and of course as we said they confused sun and moon for planets). So till 1781, they knew 6 planets and of course they had given them many characteristics based on Ptolemy's notes and the Babylonian tradition, both of which are wrong based on number 1 I mentioned before,but we are far from over. The three planets that they didnt know were the following, Pluto, Uranus and Neptune. They had to find new characteristics to give to them and of course they had no idea what to do, so they waited. What were they waiting? Of course again the astronomists to find out the names that they were going to give them, because back then when the three planets were first discovered they were nameless. So after scientists gave them a name the astrologists came and they gave them characteristics, Pluto the planet of Life death and rebirth like ancient greek god Pluto, then Uranus Independence and Rebellion just like the god Uranus and the same logic was applied for Neptune. So to sum it all up, till 1781 they didnt know all the planets so 90% of the predictions are lacking information and are full of lies to cover it and the three planets were not given characteristics according to the observations but according to some random names that the astronomists gave first. If they had different names the would have taken different characteristics...well as random as it can get.Oh by the way in the recent years there are another two planets that were discovered by the astronomists..planets Eris and Haumea, so this 90% is more like 100%.
3)The shift of the axis of the earth
Have you ever wondered why you have the zodiac sign that you have? Why are you a gemini if you are born in July 13th or a leo if you are born August 14th? Simple again, this is determined by observing in the day of your birth in which constellation the sun rises. Now lets look the mathemarics behind it, only the simple stuff.... every constellation as far as the rise of the sun is concerned is far apart 30° from the next one, so every 30° degrees the zodiac sign changes. Well that wouldnt be a problem if the axis of the earth was immobile. But the earth is moving around its axis and every 2150 years it changes its orientation 30°,so are you ready to learn something really cool? All of you that believe in zodiac signs have the previous zodiac sign from the one you believe cause the position of the sun changes comparing it to the position of the earth. Your entire life you think you have a different zodiac sign so all of your predictions are a lie. Of course again astrologists dont even know that so they ll keep on telling you that you have a different zodiac sign from the ones you have hahaha
4)The constellations as uniform entities and arbitary points
Have you ever wondered why do the 12 zodiac signs have a name, and to be more specific why do they have the name of those specific animals? Well again the answer is very simple and again it shows why the predictions are a bunch of lies. The 12 zodiac signs (zoion in ancient greek means animal) were created after people of that era played the game: ''link the dots'' and the did that like the constellations are 2D structures but they are 3D structures that seem like 2D from right here, because we observe them in the sky. So to begin with, those 12 zodiac shapes or those 12 animal shapes are completelly arbitary. Imagine that different astrologists of the same era played the game differently and gave the 12 zodiac symbols names that many times were not even animals but objects. This has to do with the local tradition needs of every era. Oh by the way the constellations which are basically the appearence of the stars of each universe change their position constantly and after many years those symbols are not the same. What Ptolemy used to see in his telescope back then is way different from what we see. Of course astrologists dont have any idea about that and they think that the symbols never actually change.
5)The power that the planets are exerting to a human being is extremely extremelyyyyy insignificant, closee to absolute 0
So why all that fuzz about the planets and what the planets do and how they move and all of that? Its because astrology believes that in a magical way the planets put forces on you that change the way we act. Yeah that is actually right or is it? Newton's universal law of gravitation explains that every mass puts a force on every other mass. Congrats astrologists, lets see now the force that the planet mars, which is the closest planet to planet earth puts on a toddler, a baby that is just born, well according to the math behind the equation, that force is 0.0000000395 N, which is 25000 times less thn the force that puts on you a hair when you hold it in your bare hand. And now if your brain is sharp enough you should make that question to yourself? Yes but mars is a small planet how about the sun which is a giant planet, thousands times bigger than Mars. Well he is so far away that the force that puts on us is a 1.000.000 times weaker than the one of Mars. By the way just for the statistics a mom puts 10 times the force of Mars every time when she holds her baby.Of course the astrologists believe that the power of the planets is soooooo huge when it is basically zero.
6)Earth position is in a constant movement itself
Many times nowadays you hear the astrologists say that they figured out that the constellations and the stars are moving but there are some energy portals that keep opening and closing in the same original positions that Ptolemy discovered, even though the constellations are not there anymore. Well, these imaginary energy portals would be a carreer saver for them if Earth was immobile. The portals, those magical portals may open in the original Ptolemian positions in astrologists' minds(there are good doctors for them haha no worries) but even if those existed and opened there the Earth is no longer there. The earth is moving around the centre of the galaxy and it makes 250.000.000 years to complete a circle and galaxies move in the space oh and the space between the galaxies is dilated, which in simple words means we will never be back to the original Ptolemian positions, not even close to them. So that theory from the astrologists is again another big lie. Sorry asteologists you are frauds....
7)The predictions are so insignificant and so out of the point
Classic example here, two monozygotic twins that were born at the same time in the same place and they have after years way different lifes. They have received the same magical forces but still they are two completely different people. But you think I m going to stop here really?? Hahaha you dont know me at all ladies and gents..... Astrologists seem to know everything, if you re going to earn huge amounts of money, if you re going to find the love of your life, hahahah you think those are big events?? Really?? Not that they can found those but really?? If this is a big event then why couldnt they predict Nagasaki and Hirosima atomic bomb explosions, that killed instantly millions of people or natural disasters like tornados and tsunamis and hurricanes? If astrologists could see the future of every individual they should have seen the same future for an entire town or city weeks before, they should have seen a pandemonium of events.... But nope, these events were never predicted... Not even from one astrologist, never and the new catastrophies will never be predicted in such ways......
8) Huge extented researches have proved that astrologists are frauds and astrology is a big lie
You want researches about this, well ok, the research that Carlson did in 1895 ''a double blind taste in astrology'', published in the scientific magazine ''Nature''. 28 Astrologists from Europe and the USA participated in this research. This research had two phases, in the first phase the astrologists were asked to make the famous astrological charts(information about the character of a person and his/her life are found in this based only on information about the birth of an individual) of many individuals. They had all the information they wanted, the place of birth, the date of birth everything they wanted and they made the astrological charts. Then each individual took 3 astrological charts, his own and another two and he/she had to choose which one was his/hers according to his/her personality. That was the first phase. In the second phase, the experiment was the exact opposite, the astrologists were given one astrological chart of an individual and three different psychological profiles and they had to match the profile to the astrological chart. The two experiments done in the two phases had the same result 1/3 correct and 2/3 incorrect. You think thats a coincidence or its fairly ok? Well thats not a coincidence and thats not ok at all, this result 1/3 correct means statistically that if all the astrologists were normal random people the result would have been the same. In other words they were correct just randomly. 1/3 was the result of every single one of the astrologists and that according to statistics is the definition of randomness.
???? FUN FACT????
Did you know that the zodiac signs are 13, Ophiuchus is the 13th zodiac sign but it wasnt introduced from the beggining so they didnt care to change their entire theory for a 13th Zodiac, oops sorry astrologists.
To sum it all up ladies and gents, as Albert Einstein once said ''Two things are infinite in this world, the universe and human's stupidity, well not so sure about the first one''. In other words it is such a shame that a lot of people still believe in astrologists' lies. Astrology was a concept developped 2500 years ago when people didnt know whats beyond the sky and they thought the sky was a god. Believing in remnants of Babylonian Religion like we dont have a mind to think, proves how accurate was Albert Einstein 100 years ago.
~It was a 2 hour effort to create this text in English, special thanks to professor Pavlos Kastanas, a great scientist, an amazing astronomer, that was responsible for the information found in this text.Thanks for those who read it and hope you think twice before trusting something that your zodiac sign tells you.
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trishgibsontx · 7 years
we are slated for magical times (and other updates, + my holiday party)
photo by Jennifer Santaniello
we are. we are slated for magical times. if you have been reading my blog post by post up until this point, it may be clear why. the earth’s energy is changing and hence has rattled and will continue rattling all of the people on it. for many of us, there will be relief in what the rattling is bringing to the surface: truth. for others of us, there will be despair in what the rattling is bringing to the surface: truth.
as I was listening to The Leo King recently, I learned that we have not been in this astrological space since 1284. here is his dissertation on that topic. the fact that our planet has not seen the kind of alignment that we are about to step into since the dark ages makes so much sense to me on many levels. on just a weirdo base human level, it makes sense to me style-wise. I have always been, but way more so as of late, drawn to dark ages and Renaissance styles. clothing, churches, music and art. this, of course, bleeds into the past life topic arena. my sensory memory of other lifetimes during / around the dark ages is high. with all of this in mind, there is a knowing within me at the most rooted level that the current timeline we are about to step into (the one that mimics the alignment around 1284) is representing some of my most powerful, happy and accomplished lifetimes on this planet. and as our experiences of time and space collapse (see the movie Arrival starring Amy Adams for more on this concept), and such is more palpable to me than ever, my purpose/joy/power condense into a linear awareness of what magical times are to come for me/us (those of us in truth). the difference between the “then” timeline with said planetary alignment and the “now” timeline of planetary alignment is simply dimensional in nature (I highly suggest Neil deGrasse Tyson for more on dimensions) as obviously we have left 3d (which is only what we can see touch and hear) and are moving into truth, love and conscious manifestation or 5d (what we may not see touch and hear but what we either intuit or interact with in an unseen realm i.e. internet signals). ok that is all pretty complicated I suppose and not the point of this post, but I had to throw that in there as a means for SOME kind of explanation. for more on that, check out my eBooklets because I go into greater detail in those as to the 3d and 5d variances.
but think about it. we are entering (for this lifetime) completely unchartered territory (and at the very least proven astrologically), coupled with some primal unconscious awareness that we have already “been here” before, long ago, and the OPENNESS around that time period, combined with the fact that we are in the most expansive dimensional 3d<5d (and therefore technological) space ever. HOW EXCITING. this is magic. love is magic. we are entering a love space. not because of the revelation of human detriment and behavior, but because physics. physics reveals all. human detriment and behavior are simply physics and evolutionary driven. 3d = ego and fear. 3d is where our planet was. 5d = love. 5d is where we are going. where our little spaceship is landing. as we all freak out and think the world is turning to shit when really it is NOT turning to shit. rather it is shedding. do some digging on the facts that I am not presenting in this post, if you want to get more excited about it.
as we see old concepts and detriments drop like flies, there is something replacing that void. for all that has been contrived and forced, it is now being replaced with power and sustainability. psychologically, emotionally, spiritually, physically and beyond. interesting things to watch change and “lose power” (p.s. true power never fades) are things like instagram models (honestly, I thought it was a joke the first time I heard that reference “instagram model” OMG. it literally did not register. it will never register for me. no matter how far we advance technologically. because it’s unsustainable. also I was way late to the instagram party. but to think that there are people who live their life via an electronic in pure 3d form and that’s it? with no tangible mission? — I feel very old saying all of this but it is true), fake companies built upon 3d physical appearance and suggestion only while missing actual substance and messaging, unsustainable (aka unkind or unhelpful) ideas, and so forth. we might think that this is all changing or dying (and trust me, it is) because humans are “waking up” — but it is because of our position on this planet in terms of physics. forcing us to expand. into love. into magic. RIGHT AT THIS TIME.
we are starting to crave goodness. at least those of us who are making it to our planet’s next destination physically alive. because the only thing that will support physical life at our upcoming destination point through time and space is goodness. we are starting to become less comparative (i.e. wanting what others have, wanting “fame” for nothing at all, etc). we are starting to become hopeful and craving about life and ways of being that we have never experienced before because they are joyful. it’s going to actually become cool to be kind. lol. but yes, seriously. and the thing with kindness is that it can’t be faked. kindness is typically an inherent quality that one either has or does not have that can either be dulled or fostered. we are fostering it. and it will be hard to tell which came first: the acceptance of kindness (not to be mistaken with weakness) or kindness itself. but I will say kindness itself comes first. not bullshit veiled in kindness which has been everywhere. but actual kindness. because it’s what is sustainable. acceptance and excitement over kindness are the byproducts.
we’ve realized that we are no better than the person standing next to us in terms of our “success”, money, job title, heritage or otherwise. even if we aren’t acting upon that realization, we do realize it. it’s what the compression of social change and upheaval over the past decade has represented. we’ve also realized that not all energies are created equal — and it’s ok. contrast is what keeps us growing and expanding. so if we come from an environment of evil, and we are not that, it is ok because we have expanded as a result. everything is relative. we know ourselves now, and we don’t need to match other energies — while knowing that each is equally entitled to its sovereign experience, with or without us, and for better or for worse.
I say all of this because it represents my streamlined endeavors next year. this is the forecast for those endeavors. and as I have been writing about, I’ve met my tribe already. this group of people could not be any better, and per alignment with Dr. Hawkins’ book power versus force, one light of goodness is worth more than a million lights of the opposite — this is what will make my/our mission possible. somewhat strong in numbers, but strongest in love and truth and hence the power of those qualities. no bots needed for this mission.
next Friday on 12.22, I am doing something that people have been asking me to do for years. and now just happens to be the right time to do it. I will be entertaining a large gathering of my tribe slash holiday party slash coming out party that someone is throwing/hosting for me (and this tribe). I met this person via my work and we will introduce our coming together at a later time. I realize that not all one or two thousand people I’ve worked with over the last decade will be there in person, but they will be there in spirit. some folks don’t live in the city. some folks will be away for the holidays. I also did not send out a mass email blast for this gathering. and I invited a handful of outliers who are not former patients but whom I feel are part of this tribe and the bigger picture. and on account of the fact that the physical space for the party will probably hold 200 max, it’s worked out perfectly! if you have not followed my social media pages regarding this event and want to come, please send me an email (only if we have worked together, please). I want everyone I have worked with to feel included. and there will be more (many more) events to come in 2018. I am currently assembling things like my board of directors, industry champions and many prongs and legs to a business which our human condition is ready to receive — a ministry of sorts, without the church, and with the sustainability to match it. by attraction not promotion. but we will make our presence known. here I go again with my cryptic descriptions. if you’re on board, you get the point and it needs no explaining. I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE YOU ALL.
tomorrow (or tonight, depending on how you want to look at it!), we have a new moon on 12.18.17 at 1:30am EST. on Tuesday, 12.19.17, Saturn moves into my sign of Capricorn (YAHOOOOO!!!) for the next 2.5 years. on Thursday 12.21.17 at 11:28am EST, we have our winter solstice. and on Friday 12.22.17, Mercury leaves retrograde — and my coming out party slash holiday party happens! that’s a lot of stuff this week. for me, this week is a personal turning point and transition into a brand new way of life. this very weekend, I quit the yoga studio that I have been going to for nearly a decade (still 100% a hot yoga fanatic though! just a matter of geographical logistics now). I’ll leave out the details as to why (some of you will laugh because you already know), but this is part of the imminent change ahead. with great change also includes a total shift in meridian lines — this might include or be as simple as the physical way that we travel to work or travel home from work. or it can mean an actual move of residence. but meridian lines must be changed to accompany great change. sometimes things are just supposed to end. if we want to foster or encourage change, we might end something “just because” we want to switch things up. and, it’s like a workout — the body will adapt to a workout to the point where it no longer changes or improves because the meridian lines of said workout are so ingrained. it’s that way with all physical activity, flow, and relationships with people. we might ask ourselves where we are too ingrained, where we might switch things up so as to see clearer opportunities for growth and purpose. and if we don’t like where we are, in any sense, we are not a tree — we can MOVE. I’ve found myself at times like the elephant chained to the tree during its first year of life only to have the chain removed but still acting like the chain is there. it’s important to realize there is no chain anywhere.
for those of you with businesses that you are happy with, and mean something to you on a soul level, but which maybe have not done so well in the past (back when we valued bullshit like fake products and people in the press), know that that is changing and maybe it’s time to give your business another shot. a new look. a new release. because it is YOUR time. it is time for all that is REAL. all that is TRUTH. even if you sell fucking pens but you believe in those pens because they mean something very specific to you that resonates on a sustainable or loving level. go out and sell those pens and I bet you do GREAT now. I know I keep repeating myself, but it is so important that we realize what kind of a time we are stepping into right now — the cusp of magic, because love = magic. if you come from love, if you are love, and if love is your true core spore of origin, I promise that you will not fail now.
The post we are slated for magical times (and other updates, + my holiday party) appeared first on The Medical Intuitive Blog: Healing Elaine™.
from Trisha Gibson http://www.themedicalintuitiveblog.com/2017/12/18/slated-magical-times-updates-holiday-party/
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the-apocryphal-one · 7 years
It was…umm…wow, I don’t even know what to say.  My mind’s kind of on overdrive even though I decided to wait a few hours so I could slow down a little but I’m still…wow.  THAT TRIAL.  I’m an incoherent mess right now. 
Well I’ll start with Junko because I don’t know where to begin with Hajime.  I’ll leave him for last because I’ll probably end up babbling about him the most.
JUNKO’S BACK AND BETTER THAN EVER.  Seriously, she is the best.  I love Junko so much.  I’d never, ever want to meet someone like her in real life of course and I think she’s a terrible person in every sense of the word, but she is such an entertaining villain and I love her so much.  Seriously, she is one of the best villains in the history of villains.  Her design’s great, her voice and the way she talks is great, her fourth wall jokes are great, turning into a gigantic version of herself and getting a 3D model is great, her plan is so crazy, so Junko, I just have to love it.  She’s such a fantastic villain and I don’t know how future games will ever be able to beat her.  She’s a good villain, but she doesn’t make me want to root for her and it’s still satisfying as hell to beat her.  Junko’s great.  She’s probably the one who “improved” Hangman’s Gambit considering how unfair it is.  I sure felt tons of despair whenever I played it.  The ONE thing I didn’t think the creators took advantage of was her saying she could imitate the characters’ friends’ personalities.  She could have just started talking as their friends just to mess with the characters.  Chiaki when she’s talking to Hajime, Peko to Fuyuhiko, and so on.  Maybe it would need more time or something so they weren’t able to do it, but I’d have really liked seeing that.  She’s already emotionally tormenting them.  Why not a little more?  It would have been nice to see.  
Akane was…the longer she was one of the survivors, the less I tolerated her.  I might just be bitter because some of my favorites were killed off but she’s just not entertaining.  I can’t even remember her name half of the time.  Sigh, she could have so easily been Ibuki…
Kazuichi was likable.  I’m sure if I did more free time events with him I’d have definitely enjoyed him more, but I liked him.  Nothing too much stands out about him, but there really isn’t too much to dislike or even say about him for me.  I think the most I remember about him is the bear trap teeth and “Are my words being displayed on a screen right now?!”  Trial six got meta. 
I liked Sonia too, more than Kazuichi.  She was by far more entertaining than him, and actually did stuff.  I got a kick out of her being a weeb.  I’m glad she was a survivor.  
Fuyuhiko didn’t die, and I’m happy.  That means he can show up again and that’s good.  Unless I’m forgetting something, he was the only survivor to have a character arc so it makes sense why I’d get attached to him.  I’ve talked about him before so I won’t go too much into him.
Never did I think I would be so happy to see Makoto.  Ever.  He always seems to shine at the endgame, huh?  Seeing Byakuya again makes me wonder why I missed him.  Geez, he’s such a jerk.  But it’s okay because Kyoko!  Kyoko’s the best and seeing her again made me really happy.  I’m sad there was no Toko but I’ll live.  She was referenced in the epilogue so I’ll take it.
Nagito’s still nuts, except now that I know more about him, he’s somehow even more crazy.  He hacked his arm off just so he could have Junko’s arm?  What the hell?  Like, wasn’t Junko crushed to death?  How does that even work?  Of course that’s not even scratching the surface of what other people did to her crushed-to-death corpse.  I think I’ll just avoid talking about that, though…
When you said Hajime’s voice actor really shone late-game, holy crap, you really meant it.  I am so glad that I decided to play the game with the English dub (other than not having to read the Nonstop Debate text flying around).  I wouldn’t have been nearly as affected by hearing Hajime’s breakdown with just words on a screen.  I’m not saying his Japanese VA is bad at all, but it’s more effective when you can understand what’s being said, y'know?  
Just imagine finding out that you’re arguably on par with pretty much evil incarnate.  His breakdown was just so bad, the final portion of the trial was dedicated to it, which was definitely a good choice.  In fact, the climax of his character arc was given more focus than the climax of the game.  And I liked it.  Seeing him just completely shut down was…I don’t know how to describe it.  It was unnerving, in a way, I think is one way to describe it.  It makes you think that him and Nagito are probably more alike than he wants to admit.  Or, at least, pre-game Hajime was a lot like Nagito.  Both were willing to go to drastic ends to become “useful”, and that was what killed them in the end.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but Izuru Kamukura was an invented person put in Hajime’s brain, right?  He was never a person who died then his personality was reinvented then slapped on this random high school student?  I kind of got that from Junko’s line of “Izuru Kamukura 1.0” but I want to be sure.
I really have no idea what else to say about him because there’s so much that can be said.  I’m sure words will come to me in a few days when I’m able to properly digest everything.  And, I don’t know, watching Danganronpa 3 over the weekend.
But I think the biggest tragedy out of all of this was Hajime losing all of his monocoins.  I wasn’t even able to spend all the ones I had collected.  It was over 500, I think.  All the things I could have bought…
OH, AND AGAIN WITH THE EPIC FORESHADOWING!!  In the first game it was a random PhotoShop mention, and in this game it was the characters talking about these plot twists about mystery novels where the detective or the protagonist turns out to be the Big Bad all along.  The foreshadowing in both of these games is absolutely amazing and I love it.  Hajime’s (or rather, Izuru?) not just the villain of his game, he’s one of the main villains in the entire series.  
I have a few questions, though.  How did he not revert back to Izuru when he helped shut down the game?  How did all the other survivors not completely revert back to their Ultimate Despair selves?  Why did his hair randomly change color?  I get it was because if they did, the game wouldn’t exactly have too much closure, but I don’t really get it.  I’ll probably go back and replay the sixth chapter again at some point, but I’d like to hear your explanation(s) for it first.  
I don’t have much to say about the plot because I think I mostly said it all with Hajime, since he’s so closely tied to it.
So yeah, this game was amazing.  Yeah, I liked the gameplay better in the first game, but everything else is just so fantastic, it doesn’t even matter because I loved everything else about it so much.
:D :D :D :D
Man I never even thought of Junko pretending to be the deceased students. Makes me sad she actually didn’t. But yep, I was happy to see her return (only because I felt she worked well here too. I wouldn’t want her to become like Ganondorf and always be the final boss). She does an epic job of breaking our cast down one by one. And lol, yep, that’s a good explanation why Hangman’s Gambit it so much worse! She’s doing it to drink our tears.
Haha, I’m glad you like the survivors more than me. Agree with you about Akane, but Kazuichi’s Sonia-stalking became way too much and Sonia’s always just kind of been there for me. Hajime and Fuyuhiko were the only ones I liked.
Lmao Byakuya comes back and you go right back to hating him! But I’m glad you liked Makoto and Kyoko’s cameo!
Nagito just really loves and hates Junko. Junko was crushed, but I honestly believe that Nagito’s luck just preserved enough of her body for him to hack her arm off.
JYB is so magnificent in Trial 6, it’s one of my favorite performances ever. The pure agony in his voice is heartbreaking. And it’s really what cemented Hajime as my favorite protagonist (that and the revelations of Trial 6 in general). Like, he wanted to be special so much he sacrificed his humanity for it, only to have a hand in destroying the world. That would shake up anyone!
Right, Izuru Kamukura, the one you see in Chapter 0, is an entirely new persona who was only ‘born’ when Hajime went through the surgeries. There was a predecessor, the founder of the school–that’s who Junko is referring to when she says “Izuru Kamukura 1.0″. He’s long dead and has nothing to do with Izuru Kamukura, result of the Hope Cultivation Project.
There was even more foreshadowing in DR0, the novel I suggested reading! It’s where Izuru first gets set up. Interestingly, some of what is revealed there contradicts some of what Junko claims about him here. Take that to mean what you will.
Who says he didn’t revert to Izuru? :) He’s got every talent, I’m sure Ultimate Actor is in there as well…
Okay, serious answer, the power of hope/friendship/belief in yourself is why he and the others are okay. They basically woke up with their memories of what happened in the simulation and their real memories, and they decided to do what Chiaki said and make their own future. Basically, sheer will is why they can fight back against despair. Cheesy, but they deserve it.
Why did his hair go from brown to black, or black to brown? …I really have no idea. He might have dyed it back to brown, but I don’t know why it changed color in the first place.
I have three things to say about watching Danganronpa 3 (looking forward to your thoughts on that too)! First, the episode order is Future 1 -> Despair 1 -> Future 2 -> Despair 2 etc. Don’t watch all of one side first, stuff that happens in the other arc will get spoiled that way. Side:Future covers Makoto and the DR1 cast after the events of SDR2, while Side:Despair shows how the world (and the SDR2 cast) fell to despair.
Second, contrary to playing the games in English, I’d suggest watching the subbed version first. This is because the dub, while not bad…is hilarious. It’s so hilarious it loses some of the serious emotion. It’s like an Abridged series (I’m not joking). It’s worth a watch, but second.
Third, there is an episode of Side:Future that references the events of the gaiden game Ultra Despair Girls, so it’s recommended to have some knowledge of what happens there. If you’re too impatient to play it, you can get away with watching the cutscenes on Youtube.
I’m glad you loved this game so much, and congrats on beating it! Sorry the gameplay never became your thing, but like you said everything else is just so, so good. It’s still my favorite to this day.
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