#my fallen angel hwa
hwaslayer · 5 months
isoknock’s set was giving darkness in divinity vibes so fucking much 😭 (& that single tear on hwa’s cheek)
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hwaightme · 5 months
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THIS IS 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI, PRINCE'S ORDERS (nsfw tags under the cut)
👑 pairing: exiled!prince!seonghwa x afab!reader 👑 genre: smut, fluff/angst, pwp but make it royaltycore 👑 summary: remember, remember this day, do remember, the treason and gunpowder plot. i see no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot. as the preparations for a new era are complete, you find paradise and praise in the arms of the prince who had fallen, the prince who will be your king. 👑 wordcount: 6k 👑 warnings/tags: questionable editing, mention of 'sins', exile/royal family drama, revolution/uprising, muddled feelings, explicit mention of bombs, treason, park dynasty, royaltycore with modern elements, in love or in lust, lmk if anything else 👑 taglist: at the bottom of the fic 👑 a/n: it all started with a devious hwa smirk; @nebulousbrainsoup thank you for hyping over this with me <3 always, any reblogs appreciated. much love!
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👑 nsfw tags: cunnilingus, overstim, teasing, pet names (love, darling...), begging, unprotected sex (wrap. it. up), creampie, nipple play (f receiving), implied aftercare
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“It has been done,” you mumbled, fiddling with the edge of the heavy cloak that adorned your frame. Despite being in a secluded chamber, you did not have the heart, at least not yet, to reveal your surprise, instead keeping discussion and action to strictly business.
Seonghwa’s eyes widened, as though he was visualising the impact of your unspeakable actions. A pang of fear struck your heart as you cast a glance at the flickering orange flame of the torch – currently, the sole source of light in the chamber that he had made his quarters and headquarters, given the timidness of the moon as it hid behind thick clouds. The ornate window stood dormant, reflecting the light and the fiery man. Prior stoicism and cool resolve evaporated, and he turned towards you. In the blink of an eye he was setting the maps of the kingdom and of the locations that served as bases of operation of the new regime down on the desk, and he could not hold back on anxious praise.
“How did you- but that was a risk- you, my angel… my sweet, precious angel you are changing the world, light of my life-” stopping you from picking at your cloak, he took one of your hands in his, lips ghosting over the knuckles. He pressed your hand against his chest, as though in a miniature embrace.
It was easy to see the relief in his features. The hints of dark circles under his eyes, the misery being replaced with a shining hope and a boyish vivacity – this was why you had abandoned your own morals in favour of his, convincing yourself that what you had done was ‘the right’, and that there was an objective evil in the world that just so happened to align with your specific target. It could be the case; it could be that because Seonghwa was your personal ‘right’ and was the path you never wanted to stray from, you could not care less for any other misdeeds. When his grip on you weakened, you moved your arm back, and placed both hands on his shoulders, pretending to smooth out the fabric of his perfectly tailored black coat.
Not much had changed in his heart for as long as you knew him. Seonghwa was always there for you, and even in the midst of the crumbling of the Park dynasty, he was the one to tell you that it was going to be alright. Despite being publicly labelled a traitor and having a witch hunt launched to find and execute him, he was here, standing before you, with a gentle smile on his face. You wondered what was unfolding and being formulated in his beautiful mind. What tears was he suppressing, what curses was he refining for the day that he would look the revolutionaries in the face and deliver the final blow to reclaim the royal title and the kingdom. Perhaps his shoulders had gotten broader, perhaps his hair had gotten longer, gaze sharper and the sword that he would wield in his hand more lethal and merciless, but he was the same Seonghwa to you. The same boy who you had played in the royal gardens with, the same young man with whom you had danced in the quietude of empty halls. You did not know anyone except him, and that was how you wanted your life to stay. So, when Seonghwa offhandedly mentioned a ‘mission’ that he was due to complete – a critical step in the leadup to the uprising by him and his loyal army, you did not just volunteer, you swore to dedicate yourself wholly to his plan and did not experience a single droplet of regret.
Perhaps he was your sin. Like some suffered from Pride, or Lust, or Sloth, you were a devotee to His Royal Highness, until your very downfall. And this is why no other act, no matter how devious, meant anything to you – it was merely a step in the direction towards securing your one certain joy in what was otherwise a bleak, barren dystopia. His eyes contained a universe, and that was more than enough for you, even if your days were numbered. This was ringing particularly true after the act you had committed, and the cause for which you stood. You were frozen in time, regarding Seonghwa with the adoration of a person parting ways with the world. As though he was your last breath of air and last ray of sun before it set for eternity. It appeared that this dismissal of your internal turmoil did not go unnoticed, and the prince was quick to reach for your arms, pulling them down so that your fingers could intertwine.
“You mustn’t look back alone. It is a chasm,” he began, studying you. A bitter smile graced your lips as you bit back the long-chronic worries you possessed due to his unwavering kindness. Your precious little prince. You squeezed his hands, mumbling:
“What use is there in focusing on the past anyways, right?” when you sensed suspicion, you elaborated, “the future is bound to be brighter? Isn’t that right, sweet star of mine?”
An overwhelming pause. The question was meant to be rhetorical, potentially comedic, and yet it left a tinge of sourness. Nothing was for certain, even though you carried everything out to a tee and disappeared from the party-occupied castle unnoticed thanks to your knowledge of secret passages that ran between rooms and underground. Seonghwa’s voice accompanied you as you planted detonators, deafening devices and something one of the prince’s followers had kindly dubbed a ‘sleeping mist’ in predetermined locations. Turn, leave, you could do it, you were strong, there was reason behind your actions. Evidence of this was behind the elegantly dressed, albeit emotionally worn-down man. The maps – a myriad of scriptures, plans, strategies; some doomed to fail, others a brave but evaluated risk.
“Mm… that’s right,” you did not want to believe that it was a lie, so you settled on indulging in his deep timbre, tone so mellifluous that you wanted for it to be the only thing you could ever hear, “just you wait, the future is made for us. A world of ripest fruits for us to reap, for us alone…”
He moved once more, letting go of you. You could guess his musings almost word for word – a little planet. Starry night sky. Having the luxury of knowing what would happen when, so he would know when he could see you again, and you did not have to turn into a creature of darkness to creep inside the shadows to his hideout for a few hours, only to risk yourself all over again afterwards. Freedom and utopia were his forbidden fruit – an eternal temptation explicit in his gorgeous irises.
He was a dreamer with very consistent and persistent fantasies, as well as an eloquent way of feeding them into your soul with such finesse that with time you almost always considered any thought to be your own in its origins. Both the little prince and the serpent, Seonghwa was your definition of the world. He had given you a lens through which to see everything. Including him. To you, he was the definition of perfect. A fallen angel more than deserving to return to the heavens. He was outcast by evil, afterall. 
Your body acted on its own accord, stepping back to give yourself at least some room to breathe, but you should have known better than to expect such a thing to happen in Seonghwa’s presence. He caught you - a long time ago. Unreadable expressions graced him as he hooked you back in with the slightest tug at the dark formless material hanging over your body. 
“Did it take you long? Were you in danger?” he asked, spotting the absence of the pouch that had carried the discreet explosive animatronics for your distribution.
“N-no. Not at all. They did not suspect anything out of the ordinary. Besides, I did not try to improvise outside of your instruction.”
“Good. More than good,” it was as if he was talking to himself, undoubtedly reviewing the preparations, now accounting for the success of a major element of the operation. “I wonder if anyone would be able to spot the butterflies prematurely. Would the alarm be rung then? Would we-”
“Are you doubting my skills to hide the tech, Your Highness?” you jest, imitating frustration.
“Hm, no. I think I am merely excited for what is to come. We’ve been preparing night…” he sneaked a glance at your neck, trying to guess what you were hiding under black wool, “...and day. I want to see it all come to life, and have you with me.”
With him - that was all you could hear. You were not one for bloodshed, however given the possibility of redemption, it was appealing. You did your part for him, and he was proud. Now, you could close your eyes. Something in the way Seonghwa approached you was akin to the way a predator follows an unsuspecting beast in a grove. Eyes that were neither hostile nor forgiving, foresight so powerful that he was confident you would never leave. The two of you had too much history, too many memories from which detangling oneself would be virtually impossible. You tried, however your attempts had been in vain. When you had first caught the rumours of exile flying around the castle, and then the extensive discussions about familial rivalry and planned ‘changes of crown’ to fit a new ideology, you tried to get away deeming the path of ignorance safer. All it took was one whisper of your name to vow that if Seonghwa were to be sent to hell, you would loyally follow him there. Should he be executed, you would weep at his side and depart with him, heart already in a million pieces. You were irrevocably, foolishly in love with Park Seonghwa, the former prince of Aurora, willing to settle for being a favourite pawn, should he want you to be one. But even that title you would never be able to fish out of him. Forever enigmatic, you were never confident in assuming you were his only star despite the sweet nothings and the adoring gazes, but even if you were part of a big universe for this ambitious, high and mighty man, you did not mind. No one could fight against power. No one could fight against the greed for supremacy. 
He was so close. An angel glowing in the torch light. The gold and red detail on his clothing turned to holy markings in his grace. You were stunned, a pliable doll in his arms, entranced by his slowed blinking as the ghost of a smirk appeared on his lips. There was always reason to reward you and your undying commitment to his cause. A token of appreciation, some could say. Seonghwa could also retain some form of humanity and call it for what it was - a long-standing obsession, but given who he wanted to become, he needed to contain himself and possess at least a sliver of civility before inevitably breaking apart for you, and only you.
“Thank you, Y/N,” music to your ears, the final straw before your internal chaos overwhelmed you and you had to hold on to Seonghwa’s voice for guidance. Your reaction was easy to detect, as the prince moved to have his fingers just barely touch your face.
”So… so beautiful, my love,” his hand traced your jawline, pausing when a shudder passed over your body. Seonghwa chuckled, admiring how responsive you were, how attuned you were to him despite remaining mostly unperturbed by the world that surrounded you.
There was something spectacular in how you carried yourself – feigned obliviousness, a façade of perfect innocence that had been the main reason for your survival under the new regime. Pretty precious little bird that knew how to keep quiet, and in turn were destined to sing the loudest when the time would come. Your eyes, widened as you devoured him, were enchanting pools that he would not hesitate to dive into and drown. Perhaps one could argue that no one liked a dead man, but Seonghwa was one of the lucky ones; your taboo rendezvous were evidence enough that you did not mind a character in your life who was as good as a ghost.
Your slightly parted lips, rosy, moistened by the darting of your delicate, delectable tongue were a sinful fruit that he desired to own. Running a thumb over your lower lip, the sparks of an uncontrollable lust burst in his chest, tainting his bloodstream like the most potent wine. He could see the edges of your dress under the black cloak that you used to move undetected in the night. To visit him, of all people. To risk your life for him and him alone. For him to be the only one who could even spot the royal crimson fabric underneath – a material tailors would fight over, material that he had gifted to you once upon a time despite barely having any network whilst in the chasm of being an outlaw, a traitor of the state. Enemy number one, who had made it a mission to dress you up. He did not regret a thing. Not when you gasped as he toyed with the clasp of the cloak. Not when he felt your hands land right above his heart, fingers toying with the leather harness and golden embroidery of his long military coat - another echo of the past that he would never be able to shed away. In addition, as the days approaching the uprising were being reduced to nil, he could not help but be drawn to the fine material as a form of mockery. He wanted those who have wronged him to see themselves in his form, to hear him have the final laugh.
Muscles tensing under your fluttering caresses, Seonghwa was giving into a domineering restlessness. Unhooking the clasp, he admired the way the black fabric pooled around you, as though the night sky was bowing before your grace. He tried to catch his breath, but it proved to be impossible as the dress occupied his vision. Nothing remained, only your impeccable handiwork, the perfection that was the fit of the garment on your body. You were supreme, the symbol of victory and glory. Clad in red, he saw the future in your form, both in spirit and in the battle cries that would accompany the painting of the lands in the colour of the wondrous silk.
You retracted your hands, and almost regretted it when you heard Seonghwa’s staggered inhale. He was looking you up and down, memorising every detail, undoubtedly thinking of anything and everything that he could do to you, or what you could do to him. Despite the urge to act, to step towards him and greedily steal away what he had left of precious oxygen, you did what you did best, and batted your eyelashes, pretending to be unaware. A wolf in sheep’s clothing, in trepidation to accept the guilt of inducing a small death. Serial murder, unforgivable, manic, addictive, reviving.
“I-“ he tried to form a sentence but it seemed as though every word he could think of wilted before escaping his throat.
Darkened irises darting back and forth, in awe of you – your favourite sight. You could not help but to reach out to him, moving to push an escaping tiny strand of inky hair from his stunning, timeless face. Fingers inadvertently ran further, carding through the slicked back locks and tempting Seonghwa to come closer. Biting his lower lip, he stepped closer to you, hands finding purchase on your hips and giving them a warning squeeze. You tugged lightly, making his previously lowered head rise to face you directly. You could see nothing in his eyes except what you yourself could reflect. The most beautiful and inextinguishable hellfire.
“You have good taste, Seonghwa,” you smiled softly, though the action was clouded over with a deeper intent.
“I am blessed to say I have a muse,” snaking over to your waist, you were suddenly being pulled into a yearning embrace. His racing heart reverberated and echoed in your body, the rising heat of his thighs and hips against yours grew ever more prominent. Seonghwa occupied your every sense, making you forget where you were, when, and what the consequences of your star-crossed union could be.
“Mm is that so?” you suppressed a giggle, brushing his wavy tresses back once more, while your other hand on the side of his face. You could feel him lean into the touch, eyes shutting for a moment before meeting yours once more.
It was in such moments that you found you knew Seonghwa best. Uninhibited and entirely himself, he bared his soul to you in every glance and longing grasp of cloth or exposed skin. Stars in his deep mahogany orbs, the exiled prince was silently asking you for permission. For what? You were about to find out; not once did you not trust him enough to let go of your inner voice and soar into pleasure – those who plotted uprisings together, were meant to be bound together, body and mind. It did not take long before Seonghwa’s lips were on yours, intoxicating, the pace of your elaborate dance so dizzyingly slow that a minute more and you would be the one clawing for more. Overwhelming, he pressed himself against you, and you could only hold on tight, thanking every deity who could unabashedly observe your physical confession for the existence of such moments in your life.
Fingers digging into his scalp, you evoked a muffled groan from your royal lover, who nipped at your lower lip and tentatively ran over it with his tongue, asking for access. Who were you to not oblige, especially when he asked so nicely? In no time, he dipped into a deeper kiss, exploring you, memorising you all over again as though you did not visit him both when he was awake and in his dreams. He was feverish, erratic, his plush reddened lips were leaving trails over your cheeks, the crook right before your shoulder and moved back to evoke a quiet moan out of you by paying special attention to the sensitive spots on your neck.
The red dress was a rose, a promise, divine dedication to him - the same material as that of his own clothes, the colour of the details on the coat which in a joint effort you and him were practically ripping away - the body harness already long gone, to reveal a flowing black shirt. Resting your arms on his strong shoulders you gave into every sensation, fingers instinctively finding their place carding through his locks, you followed his lead and stumbled backwards until an unexpected fabric hit the back of your head, making you gasp into another kiss. With a low growl and unprecedented annoyance, Seonghwa pushed the curtain that served as a divider between the office and meeting area of his chambers and the segment he used as his bedroom. Not quite the same as what his quarters used to be in the castle, but thanks to his military precision and tidiness, went above and beyond what one would expect from a rebel hellbent on chaos. 
It was dizzying - his hands travelling across your body, his hot breath against your skin as he battled the same dress he had implored you to craft and wear, his simultaneously sultry and threatening glare that immediately subdued you as soon as you tried to remove yourself from him to help. No words, only a muted command, and in a matter of moments, you felt a coldness crawl up your spine as Seonghwa expertly undid the buttons on your dress. Goosebumps involuntarily appeared on your skin, erased by your lover’s quick hand.
“Is my darling cold?” he rubbed your back, the intensity and affection forming a combination excruciating for your heart. You shook your head, not wanting for him to worry, though the decision resulted in quite the opposite, “You know it is not good to lie, right?”
“I’m sorry-”
“I suppose it is a little… these damned stone walls. Sorry, love, this is far from welcoming.”
“No, please don’t worry…”
“Mm. Then stop me from worrying. Are you cold?”
You were burning up. The contrast between your flesh and the air was stark, and you bit your lower lip in an attempt to suppress another shudder. Seonghwa stepped forward, making your knees buckle as your lower legs hit the edge of the bed. He let you sit, though himself remained hovering above you, casting a shadow. You turned and studied anything and everything in your immediate surroundings, a wave of embarrassment washing over you despite having been with him so many times before. You stopped at the coat that was lying discarded on the floor. The brooches and badges, marking his titles - or at least past titles, in the Royal Military, glistened and induced a pang of anxiety. Were you living in an illusion by hoping for the past to return? A hand under your chin returned you to the present, and your misty eyes were forced to meet Seonghwa. What was a vexed, darkened expression melted away, revealing a tinge of concern uncharacteristic of his regal image.
“Talk to me,” crouching down to your level, you felt blush rising on your cheeks.
“...A bit…”
“There, see. Easy. Now, do you trust me?”
“So, burn with me, my love,” purposefully implying, he gave space. But if he was the flame, then you were the air, quickly disintegrating as the orange and red blaze consumed the vital essence. You had no chance, or choice, your only answer was his name, repeated over and over and over again until you knew nothing else.
Every single one of your senses was consumed by him and the near unbearable warmth shared between two bodies connected under heavy sheets. Brain turned to cotton, much like the blanket that was currently muffling your cries of pleasure, you were being kept from writhing only by Seonghwa’s iron grip. Thighs pinned to your upper body, he had you folded in half as he licked strips up your soaked folds, toying with your abused clit before sliding his tongue deeper, relishing in how your walls clenched around him, begging for more. Pathetic whines were music to his ears, prompting him to move until his nose was almost pressed against the overstimulated bundle of nerves and he could relentlessly fuck into you.
Addicted to the scent and taste of your arousal, he was not giving you any room to breathe, nor to recover from your first orgasm, and instead launched directly into building you up for another. You were a masterpiece, giving up to salacious ecstasy for him so easily, adoring words spilling out of you even though you were barely capable of constructing a proper sentence. The sheer notion of having such impressive power, and you giving up ownership of your personal euphoria to him made him want to stay in this position together. 
“Mine-” he muttered, barely audible as he coated his tongue in your nectar and rolled it over your clit. 
You yelped and threw your head back as a sensation resembling an electric shock hurried through you. Grasping at the bedsheets until your knuckles were turning white, the last image of your lover before he immersed you in artificial darkness was haunting you - his devilish smirk when you shyly nodded in agreement, his virtually lewd scrutiny as he studied your reactions to him ridding you of the dress, to him immediately disposing of your bra, and to him playing with your thin panties, occasionally dipping into your dripping heat to tease you. And then, when he deemed you ready enough, you were in a world where nothing and no one existed except Seonghwa.
The knot that was building in your core was ready to snap at any moment. You could not breathe. You were seeing stars and you were mewling for Seonghwa despite him being right there between your legs, taking you apart. Sensing your oncoming climax, your prince braved letting go of one of your quivering thighs in favour of pressing down on both with one arm, while the other landed directly on your bud, fingers masterfully flicking it while he curled into your hole, pulsating motion inciting wanton squelching from your heat, amplified by the confined space under the duvet.
“Hwa- I-” the nickname spilled out of your mouth by accident, though it seemed that the prince did not mind. Instead he hummed and sped up once more, only to send you over the edge.
Lapping up your release, he guided you through your high and greeted you on your way down, his hands acting as a stabilising force that kept your shaking limbs, and you safe. Seonghwa nipped at your inner thighs, exhaling sharply in amusement when upon teasingly dragging a finger across your pussy you gasped, thighs instinctively trying to bring themselves together. But your lover was quicker than that, lifting himself up until he was hovering over your fragile frame with a knee pressed against your heat. The sheets slid down his form, stopping just past the middle of his back - enough to reveal the glistening orgasm on his face, his half lidded eyes and parted, gorgeous lips. He flicked his tongue - a habit occasionally turned into intentional provocation. Pupils blown, expression animalistic, ravenous, he needed more. To bear the scalding hot oasis that you shared, he had torn off his clothing. Though now, he could no longer bear the aching of his erection that was rubbing against your stomach, rapidly coating it in pearly translucent beads of precum. Hips moving on their own accord, he started to rut against you to gain at least some form of friction.
“Still hmph- cold?” he asked, unfiltered mockery clear in his voice.
“Please, Seonghwa- need you in-”
“So fucked out you can’t even - ah, answer my question?” he cut you off, keeping the teasing demeanour all the while his dick was throbbing painfully against you, “I s-said, a-are you cold? Finally catching on, you agreed with him.
“Yes, I… need more. Please,”
“How do you need more, my greedy darling? Hm?” stopping his rocking, he took to rolling one of your hard nipples between his fingers, taking in your every breath, sigh, and the rolling of the eyes as you felt a tug shoot straight to your core.
“-want you to fuck me,”
“-want your cock inside me-”
“-want you to fill me up ple-”
“Say that again,” in less than a second, his nose was against yours and you were peering straight into his soul, finding an inexhaustible danger. His breathing had gotten considerably shallower, and you swore you felt his cock twitch.
“Fill me up, Hwa, I- please-”
“Since you asked so nicely,” he pushed your legs further apart before tapping you on your hip to adjust your positioning. Eagerly, you followed his request hissing at the sensation of his tip teasing your burning heat before Seonghwa bottomed out, the mixture of slick and precum offering a delicious glide. 
He leaned forwards, his bare chest against yours as he shared your state of enchantment awestruck as the torchlight gave up its final battle, only to be replaced by the beginnings of a full moon. You were a goddess in blue and silver that gleamed around the thick curtain, your glassy eyes so innocently sharing feelings he had never dared to express openly that he could not help but plant one peck after another over your cheeks, nose, eyelids, and finally, the lips. The scalding friction of skin against skin started to resemble a prolonged embrace, and when Seonghwa slowly dragged his length against your clenching walls, he mused if in another life, you could be connected like this for all of eternity. 
You offered him the true meaning of ‘unconditional’. You trusted him without a second thought, and were ready to throw away the stability you had within the castle walls in favour of a probability. Your optimism intrigued Seonghwa, and he knew he was in danger of falling in love. In fact, he had been this way since long before finding out his enemies were all beside him at the dinner table every evening, and that only in the most critical moments could he discover his real allies. If he were any more free of the burdens permanently clinging onto his shoulders, the prince would have confessed to you. For now, however, he had the freedom how you fell apart beneath him, so deliciously gullible, drunk in lust.
With each languid thrust into your weeping cunt, he was silently singing your praises, thanking you for every day that you had shared with him, for every night that you had proved that you did not abandon him. As he picked up the rhythm, your melodic pants and whines accentuated the lewd squelching and at the same time sent his mind into overdrive. He loved the time he had with you, the time when nothing existed except instinct and what he could only call a union written in the stars. Seonghwa bit down on his lower lip as his pumping grew erratic and you tightened around him as you reached your high. He let out a whimper, vision impossibly blurry and growing darker as he could barely fight the weight of his eyelids. As he moaned your name, Seonghwa, accepted his violent addiction to your pleasure and your pain as you clambered for the remnants of your sanity in the midst of an overdriven climax. Thick ropes of cum coated your spongy walls and Seonghwa stilled his hips, unable to maintain even a frantic, stuttering pace any longer. Your arms collapsed to your sides, leaving behind marks where you had driven your nails into his perfectly tan skin. The fullness made you impossibly weak, and you fell back onto the pillows, taking Seonghwa with you. Having collapsed under the weight of ecstasy, your lover rested his head in the crook of your neck, inhaling the delectable scent of sex and desire.
The moon hung low in the night sky, casting a soft glow over the secluded chamber where Prince Seonghwa had found temporary solace and transformed it into the cradle of a new world to come. You, his loyal companion and confidante, or at least that was how you decisively wished to name yourself in the midst of uncertainty, nestled against him, your fingers intertwined. The weight of Seonghwa's destiny bore down on his shoulders, and the weight of you in his arms offered a fleeting respite. 
Seonghwa's eyes traced the delicate features of your face, bathed in the gentle moonlight. "Y/N," he whispered, his voice carrying a mixture of longing and determination. "I can no longer bear the burden of this false exile,” he was returning to the present, the only remnants of the beautifully turbulent night being his slightly swollen lips, gravelly voice and dishevelled sweaty hair which had just begun to curl. “The time has come to reclaim what is rightfully mine. I just… I just hope it all comes together."
Your sleepy gaze met Seonghwa's, understanding and unwavering support evident even in the semi-darkness. "I'll stand by your side, Seonghwa, no matter the peril that awaits us. Together, we'll face the storm and emerge stronger.” It was easy to hope and easy to pass the tasks to the next person in the relay, so you wondered if your words held any meaning to your lover. When it was just the two of you, it was easy to worship the art of hedonism and forget impending doom. If only you could erase his own thoughts from his mind. Be selfish. With a soft shake of the head you dismiss the impending sourness, choosing instead to focus on the heavenly fatigue, like cotton, enveloping your and Seonghwa’s bodies.
As if drawn by an invisible force, Seonghwa pressed a tender kiss to your forehead. The warmth of your connection was a stark contrast to the cold reality awaiting you outside the chamber walls. For a moment, you existed in your own sanctuary, shielded. The room echoed with the soft rustle of fabric as Seonghwa shifted to hold you even closer. His fingers traced lazy patterns on your back, a silent reassurance that he cherished this stolen moment of peace. In the midst of the impending uprising, Seonghwa found a panacea in your arms, a haven that anchored him and convinced him that what he was doing was a necessary evil. You nestled into Seonghwa's chest, feeling the steady cadence of his heartbeat. 
"Promise me we'll make it through this," You whispered, fingers tracing absentminded patterns on Seonghwa's chest. You knew that no matter how he would answer, it would be hollow, for only fate could be aware and decide the outcome.
Seonghwa pressed his lips to the crown of your head. "I promise, my love. We'll face the challenges together, and when the dust settles, we'll build a kingdom. How does that sound?”
“My queen.”
“Don’t say that…”
“Today, these are words. Tomorrow, the world can be ours,” you succumbed to his cruel hypnosis, not daring to ask for his methods, nor for his confessions. The less questions you asked Seonghwa, the happier you could pretend to be, and the grander was the castle in your sky. 
The weight of your shared destiny hung heavily in the air, yet in the quiet cocoon of your embrace, the two of you had found your own religion. As the first light of dawn approached, you remained entwined, drawing strength from each other to face the tumultuous path that awaited you - a path that would lead you to a ferocious battle, deciding centuries to come in the timespan of the flutter of a butterfly’s wings. 
“Will I ever be forgiven?”
“Who is there to forgive you?” After some deliberation, you dared to query. In one reckless sweep, you ignited every shadow of hesitation, leaving you only with unconditional, pure love that would carry you through any hardship. The one thing you had left, unfortunately unbreakable.
In the faint light of the rising sun, crawling into the room and coating it in magnificent gold, the man who you so adored and was devoted to was in every form a soul condemned to eternal hellfire; you were fully aware of that. A tarnished being marked as dead before he could even begin to spread his wings. Feathers strewn across what used to be a kingdom meant for him to rule being the only remnant of the brutal betrayal. The devilishly handsome traitor or trailblazer sharing his bed with you was not supposed to exist. And yet, it was his voice, his touch, his scent that occupied your every pore and thought, the owner’s name being carved into you over and over again until you forgot the bigger picture, focusing only on what Seonghwa could envision and how you could achieve that priceless peaceful kingdom.
“Now that is a question I would be interested in figuring out the answer to…”
“Both of us are unforgivable. Cannot repent, cannot start again,” you turned to face him, captivated by the way the sun highlighted his features, “but we can go forward. Until the hands of time stop us.”
As the two of you drifted into a dreamless slumber - a luxury serving as a calm before the storm, you comforted yourself with the fact that in some sense, nothing was going to change just like the darkness that came with your dozing. One fallen leaf, or soldier, would replace another, one snowflake would twirl in pursuit of its partner, one Park would return his crown from the other. In the grand scheme of things, it was still the neverending winter, a late dawn, and the same dynasty, the embodiment of which you prayed was in your adoring and calculating embrace.
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👑 perma-taglist: @justhere4kpop @starrysvn @byuntrash101 @frankenstein852 @charreddonuts @miriamxsworld @innsomniacshinestar @foxinnie8 @preciouswoozi @wooyoungjpg @wowie-hockey @hongjoongs-patience @jaehunnyy @maddkitt @ren-junwrld @pyeonghongrie-main @marsstarxhwa @pocketjoong-reads @yeooclock @yeonjunnie @asjkdk @lucky-cat-cafe @northerngalxy @my-loves-my-life @http-gyu
ask to be added to the taglist <3
any reblogs and comments appreciated <3
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yourfatherlucifer · 11 months
You Smell Divine (PSH/JWY)
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Fallen Angel!Seonghwa x Afab!Reader x Gumiho!Wooyoung
Warnings: "Baby I'm Preying On You Tonight, Hunt You Down, Eat You Alive, Just Like Animals."
Warnings: MDNI, cuckolding, voyeurism, biting, tail pulling, dom!wooyoung, superhuman stamina, , mischievous woo, superhuman speed, superhuman smell
AU: supernatural
Genre: Smut
WC: 1.4k
Rating: R
Taglist: @k-hotchoisan @wooyoungqueen @stardragongalaxy @min-inu @staytinyville
Nets: @cromernet @kflixnet @cultofdionysusnet @k-labels @pirateeznet @wonderlandnet @monsterfvckersunited
Thanks @wooyoungqueen for the ideas! Hope you enjoy my first Wooyoung fic! <3
part one | part two
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"When's the last time you cleaned up this place, Seonghwa? It looks abandoned." You were standing in front of a very dirty looking cabin in the woods.
Seonghwa scoffed as if he was offended, "First of all, rude. The inside is very clean and maintained, this is where I resided before I met you and fell."
"Besides, you'll love it, Y/N." Seonghwa grabbed your hand and brought you inside, he wasn't wrong either. The inside was very well organized, not a spot of dirt on site.
You could smell some kind of cinnamon with vanilla, and several candles lined the living area. He had flowers on the floor, Seonghwa must have put in an effort to make it romantic for you. 
A smile plastered on your face, "What is all of this for?" 
"Its for you, to celebrate our love, because I am happy to meet you." He wrapped his hands around your waist, smiling with such loving eyes. 
"Oh, Seonghwa." You brought your lips to his.
Seonghwa brought you to the couch, but sitting down first so you could straddle his thighs. His hands wander up the inside of your shirt. You moaned when he cupped your breasts, then deepened the kiss. As you ground your hips into his lap, an animalistic growl could be heard outside the front door. Seonghwa's wings shot out of his back and wrapped around you, in a protective manner. 
"Stay here." he quickly released you, his demeanor quickly changed into something sinister as he stared at the door. The growling only increased as if mocking whoever was on the other side of it. As you hid behind the couch, Seonghwa yanked open the door. 
The growling ceased but then howling laughter replaced it, "Hi Seonghwa! It's been awhile since I last smelled you here. I also smell something delicious~" 
Wooyoung popped his head over his elder friend's shoulder, "Oh! What's this? You got a girlfriend? Since when!" his friend rambled on, excited. 
You stood up, now curious, "Seonghwa, who is this?" 
Seonghwa facepalmed before throwing his head back. After inviting his hyperactive friend in, "This is Wooyoung, he's a gumiho, in other words, he's a fox spirit, guardian, nine-tailed fox, whatever." 
"Wooyoung, this is my girlfriend, Y/N." 
Wooyoung smiled, "Ah! You must be the one that made his wings go black then."
"I guess." You stepped back as he tried to grab your hands in his own. 
You could see a fluffy large tail sway behind him, and ears pop out of his head. 
He took notice of your staring, "Did you wanna touch them." He smiled, revealing his canines. 
Seonghwa smacked his friend on the back of the head, "Leave her alone, Woo." 
"Fi-" Wooyoung began sniffing the air like crazy, smelling something so sweet, it was overwhelming, his dick hardened immediately, "Don't tell me, were you two about to get down and dirty?" He smirked. 
Your face had reddened as you hid behind Seonghwa, "What are you on about Woo?" He said.
"I can smell her arousal, Hwa."
"Too bad, she's mine you fox." 
"Keep the attitude, Seonghwa and I'll eat her liver."
"You will do no such thing!"
"Fine, I won't do anything, just as long as I get to have a piece of her, but you get to watch only." Wooyoung stepped up to his elder, eyeing him with a sharp grin. 
Seonghwa tipped his head to the side, "Hm, alright, deal." 
"Y/N, bedroom, now." Seonghwa demanded. 
Your feet quickly dragged you down a hall and into a room on the left, somehow finding the bedroom, which you didn't know the location previously. 
There was a neat queen sized bed in the middle with white sheets, and a matching white recliner in the corner across from it. Marching your way to the bed, quickly sliding off your shirt and bottoms. 
You could hear the footsteps of both men walking down the hallway so you threw yourself up onto the bed. 
Wooyoung slipped into the room, the grin still on his face, "Oh? She's all ready for me!" 
Wooyoung practically ran over to the bed, pulling his shirt over his head. 
Seonghwa sighed, "Be careful with her, Wooyoung, or you'll be done for." He sat himself on the recliner, getting ready to enjoy the show. 
Wooyoung hovered over you, pressing his covered and hardened cock into you, "You feel that? Yeah, you feel my hard dick on you? You feel how you're making me feel?" He leaned down and growled into your ear, "fuck, you smell so delicious, in my centuries of being alive, never have I smelled something so divine."
While he was distracted whispering filthy words into your ears, you took that as an opportunity to reach behind him and grab his tail. He yelped in surprise, a lengthy but whiny moan followed after.  His strong demeanor falters for a second before returning back to a hard stare. 
"Oh-ho-ho, you really messed up." He growled again. Wooyoung flipped you onto your stomach, pulling down your underwear and laying a few smacks onto your bare ass before squeezing each cheek in his palms. 
"Ah! Wooyoung!" you yelled out.
Seonghwa was in the corner, palming his bulge.
Wooyoung shoved down his pants in a quick manner. 
"Should I even prepare you? You were so bad, I should really just shove my dick inside of you." 
"Wooyoung." Seonghwa warned. 
"Yeah, yeah." He waved him off. 
Wooyoung ran his fingers up and down your wet hole before pushing them in, "I'm gonna have so much fun with you."
You whined as you gripped the bedsheets, anticipating for what was to come, you wanted to look at Seonghwa, but knew this is what he wanted, he liked seeing you stuffed full of other  mens cock, preferably non-human cock. He really did love seeing you come undone for the supernatural.
Wooyoung bared his canines as he watched himself pump his fingers in and out of your aching cunt. He leaned down to bite your shoulder, seeing yet another bite mark, “What’s this?”
He pulled his fingers out of you and glared at the mark, “Seonghwa, you don’t have fangs, what happened?”
Wooyoung sat on his knees and turned back to look at him. 
Seonghwa sighed, getting aggravated his show was interrupted, “Demon. Now continue. I need to see her come undone more. Corrupt her. Now.” His eyebrow twitched. 
Wooyoung cackled like a hyena, unlike his fox persona, “Ooo, so demanding, spooky.” He wiggled his fingers at him. He turned his attention back to you who had your face in the pillow. 
Wooyoung yanks down his boxers, his reddened cock springing free, ‘Now this is what I am talking about.” He pulled your hips to him.
Rubbing his cock on your clit, “Get ready.”
He shoved his cock into your hole, moaning at the sensation of you squeezing around him, 
“Fuck~” His moans reached in pitch, creating such a delicious sound from him. 
His hips falter for just a second before creating a rough pace, slamming your hips into his. His speed reached inhuman heights. Seonghwa pumped his own cock from across the room, watching your fucked out face. 
Wooyoung flipped you back over, not pulling his cock out even for a second. He reached down for your lips, before he heard Seonghwa growl himself, “Don’t even dare, fox. I will kill you if you kiss her.”
“How’d you know?” He grinned evilly. 
“How’d I know you want to steal her vital energy? Because I am not stupid. Now fuck her like your life depends on it!” 
“You got it~” Wooyoung placed both hands on the sides of your head. His hips created bruises on yours by how fast he was going. You couldn’t even breathe for a second, “Please!” You cried out.
At this point tears were pouring down your cheeks, you had already orgasmed multiple times, wondering just how this man hadn’t himself.
Your arms wrapped around his back, your nails scratching down his back. He was enjoying the pain. “Feels that good, huh? I bet he can’t fuck you like this, can he?” Wooyoung whispered in your ear. 
“Maybe you should be with me~ I could give you everlasting pleasure, just give me your life.” 
Seonghwa could hear everything, despite what Wooyoung thought. He was tempted to throw him into the wall and teach him a lesson but he was too busy chasing his own release. 
Wooyoung leaned down to your breasts, licking them all over before pulling a nipple into his mouth, “I am so close, human.” 
You were too far gone to even respond, but could feel his warm cum spill into your walls, “Oh, fuck!” His hips stilled into yours. 
Seonghwa stood up, now pulling his friend off of you, “That's enough, I didn’t say you could release in her.” 
Wooyoung grinned, “Oops~”
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sanjoongie · 6 months
𝔅𝔲𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔜𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤
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ღPairings: Park Seonghwa x Reader (f) ღGenre: pwp, smut  ღAu: Fallen Angel au, Piercer au, supernatural au ღTrope: s2l ღWord Count: 2,431 ღRating: 18+, MINORS DNI ღSynopsis: your fallen angel has done some deep dives on the internet and has come up with some fresh kinks to experiment with ღWarnings: temperature play (hot wax and ice cubes), nipple play (m), sub!hwa, dom!reader, corruption kink, pain kink, fingering (f), jerking off, hand grinding?, cum eating, seonghwa is slowly learning the bdsm scene, inexperienced! hwa, power bottom! hwa? ღDedication: @mejuii (BECAUSE YOU WON'T LET THIS AU DIE) & @downtoamagicalland my beta readers extraordinaire @smallfrye honorary suffer with ME tag. happy birthday to the man that always knows how to wreck me and STILL remain my muse Part One: Wonderlust
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About to close up for the day, you almost keyboard smash your excel sheet when you saw who walked in. Seonghwa, still freshly fallen, pushed through your door once again. He was less arrogant now, sullied from his pain and pleasure tour, but looking determined.
“I need your help,” He announced.
“Hello to you too, Seonghwa. How are you? Hopefully your piercings are healing nicely. I’m fine, thank you for asking,” You said sarcastically. Seonghwa’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, unused to your sarcasm yet. You rolled your eyes and sighed. “Nevermind, how can I help you?”
“I was going through your digital scrolls to see what other experiences I need to catch up on and I discovered there is such a thing as temperature play,” He revealed.
You blinked down at your keyboard, sure that you were about to type something but nothing was coming to mind as you absorbed Seonghwa’s words. “And you want me to help you with that? You know that I’m a piercer, right? You know there are others who could help you with that, right?” The real question was… why was he always coming back to you?
Seonghwa shook his head. “You have proven to me that you are to be trusted with this.”
Was Seonghwa… was he, as a virgin, falling for you since you showed him his first pleasure and his first pain? You rubbed your eyebrows, your tick for being stressed. “Seonghwa--”
Seonghwa, quick as lightning, gathered your hands and held them. “Please?
You carefully extracted your hands from Seonghwa’s hold. “I gotta close up.”
Seonghwa watched you avidly as you turned the lock on your door and turned off the open sign. You thanked your past self for deciding to tint your big front windows but you still grabbed Seonghwa’s wrist and pulled him into the back of your shop. 
“I must be insane for this,” You muttered to yourself, “But I’ve got ice cubes in the back.”
Seonghwa perked up. “I brought the wax! The shopkeeper said this color would look nice against my skin!”
You winced. He even came prepared? You spun around and banged into Seonghwa’s chest. “Careful, Human,” He murmured as he steadied you.
You ducked out of his grasp once again and moved towards the mini fridge where you kept your lunch and some ice cubes for the pain in case your customers needed some relief. Seonghwa slid up behind you and cupped your hand holding the tray. “Human,” He purred in your ear.
You turned in his grasp with the tray. “You need to go sit on a chair,” You instructed, refusing to look at Seonghwa.
“You are playing a game but I don’t know the rules,” Seonghwa murmured.
You cleared your throat. “I’m doing no such thing. You asked for this and I’m preparing. What more do you want from me?”
Seonghwa tipped your head back with one of his long, pretty fingers. “You could start by looking at me like you did when you spat on my cock.”
You felt your cheeks heat up. “Stop that.”
Seonghwa sighed. “I’m a fallen angel and I’m dealing with the sin part better than you.”
You knocked his hands off of you. “Go. Sit. In. The. Chair!”
Seonghwa smiled like he still somehow got what he wanted but did as you bid. Today he was wearing a diaphanous, see-through shirt but a pull over with a hood. He pulled it off by grabbing behind his back and then his entire upper body was available for your eyes. You couldn't help but zero in on his nipples. Instead of the simple barbells you had pierced him with, he now had a pair of matching barbed wire piercings that hung like hoops. They looked heavy and they slightly pulled at his nipples, which you were sure was the point, for Seonghwa at least. 
“Do you like them?” Seonghwa looked up at you as you sat down on the stool beside the piercer chair. 
“They’re lovely, Seonghwa,” You murmured, putting down the ice cube tray where normally your piercing gun would go. 
Seonghwa preened under your praise. “Do you want to play with them?”
You choked and scoffed and made all kinds of noises that were only making Seonghwa’s grin grow wider. “No, I do not want to play with them--are we doing this temperature play or not?” You huffed.
“First, I have read that we must negotiate what happens during the scene,” Seonghwa revealed. He really had been reading stuff on the internet. He pulled the container that would melt the wax and the cubes that he had bought. 
“What would you like to negotiate, Mister Fallen Angel, sir?” You said sarcastically.
It went over Seonghwa’s head again. “Secondly, I would prefer if you received some pleasure along with mine.”
You dropped the container that would melt the wax onto Seonghwa’s stomach and he made a small ‘oof’ noise as the weight hit him. You quickly gathered it off of him and grabbed the lighter he offered next and put those on the table with the ice cubes. “This isn’t about me, Seonghwa. You want the experience and you said you trust me.”
Seonghwa sat up straighter in your chair and aimed a very heavy gaze your way. “I wish to negotiate more.”
“Well, negotiate all you like,” You said flippantly, “I’ve already stated no.”
“Why do you deny yourself pleasure when I offer it freely?” Seonghwa wondered. “Is this not how this works? Did I read the scrolls wrong?”
You rubbed your eyebrow again and sighed. After your first time with Seonghwa--after his piercings--in which you fucked Seonghwa on your piercer chair, you had felt an immense weight of guilt. Everything Seonghwa had done with enthusiasm but it still didn’t feel right to steal away a fallen angel’s innocence. You felt… bad about it since. And you had vowed you would never let it happen again.
“No, you did not read the scrolls wrong, Seonghwa. You’re fine,” You assured him.
“Then? Tell me what I am doing incorrectly? Is it not right and fair to exchange pleasure? Should I not give as much as I take?” Seonghwa rocked backwards like he was physically hit with a thought. “Am I not what you prefer? I cannot help that I am inexperienced but I am trying to learn!”
Oh, this was going downhill quickly and you had to stop it. “Seonghwa,” You said his name softly this time. “Hush.”
The angel snapped his mouth shut but his eyes would not leave your face. “What can I do?”
“Small steps, okay?” You pleaded with him. 
You watched as the wheel’s in his head turned, trying to make a reality of what you wanted. “Could you ride my fingers while you apply the hot and cold? Are those small steps?”
You shuddered at his words. “Jesus,” You muttered under your breath. “Seonghwa--”
The angel had a habit of cutting you off before you could say what you wanted to. He leaned forward and his lips smashed against yours. He cupped the back of your head as he kissed you, passionate and eager. When he was done, he pressed his forehead against yours, already panting. “I wish for more experiences but I wish for more of you.”
You pushed back with your hands on his chest. “Haven’t I sullied you enough?”
"Flower," Seonghwa leaned forward and brushed your lily tattoo on your inner wrist, "You honor me but I am no longer an angel."
"I know," You admitted, "But--!"
"Please. Take pleasure from me while we perform this temperature play. It is what I wish for the most on this day," Seonghwa said solemnly.
You caved. You had no more excuses. You wanted this, in your heart of hearts, and you couldn't say no to him any longer. You cracked an ice cube into your palm and straddled Seonghwa on the piercing chair. “Anything else?” You asked. 
“I…” Seonghwa swallowed, “Don’t be gentle with me. I like when you were rough with me like the first time.”
“Fucking hell, Seonghwa,” You cursed.
Without further ado, you leaned in and braced yourself against his chest, applying the melting ice cube to his nipple. Seonghwa’s breath hitched and he began to nibble on his bottom lip. His eyes followed your hand as it touched his other nipple and he whimpered. 
“Feels good?” You wondered.
“G-good,” He confirmed with a stutter.
You watched as the melted water ran down his chest, his nipples pert and looking good enough to nibble on. You leaned in and captured one nipple in your mouth and continued to rub the other nipple with the ice cube. Seonghwa let out a needy moan and you felt your pussy throb in response. So you carefully captured the hoop behind your teeth and pulled gently and Seonghwa almost threw you off the chair with his reaction, his arms catching you before you fell.
You began to rub the ice cube over his body and followed the trail of water with your tongue. You could feel how hard Seonghwa was under you so you began to unbutton his pants but he stopped you. "The wax. Next. Before you give me release. Please."
“You’re awfully demanding for someone who is supposed to have put me in charge,” You grumbled but did as he asked.
The clerk had been right, the gold against Seonghwa’s skin was simply lovely. But the better part of that deal was the slow satisfied smirk whenever the hot wax dribbled on his skin. Seonghwa let out groaning laughter, making your lower half clench down on nothing. 
“Flower,” Seonghwa whined and you knew it was time for the other other part he had been asking for. “Are we still taking small steps?” He wondered as you stood up from straddling him, putting down all the toys and moving to pop the button of your pants. 
Before you could stop yourself, you removed your pants and underwear and moved back onto the chair. You grabbed Seonghwa’s wrist and brought his fingers to your mouth so you could suck on them. 
Seonghwa really did look like a fallen angel that you had taken advantage of: the golden waxed remained frozen in time, permanently dripping along his pecs and abs. Sweat clung to his hairline, his lips were red from all the biting down on them he had been doing, and his eyes were big and curious, solely on you. 
“Don’t look at me like that,” You murmured, avoiding his gaze now.
“Like what?” Seonghwa wondered. 
“Like I’m the one that hangs the star’s in the sky,” You grumbled. 
You maneuvered Seonghwa’s hand to lie against his thigh and he crooked them so you could sit on them. When the pads ran over your wetness, you shivered. Seonghwa’s eyes wouldn’t stop swinging from looking at your face to looking at his fingers brushing your wet folds. The next step was to pull down his pants and you sent him a look.
“Does it displease you that I do not wear underwear to our appointments?” Seonghwa asked, fingers moving along your folds delicately.
“An appointment would suggest you booked it ahead of time,” You said through gritted teeth. 
You leaned over to grab another ice cube, allowing some embers of your anger to fuel your movements. You pulled back his foreskin and ran the ice cube along the tip of his cock. Seonghwa tensed but let out a long moan. His fingers plunged further inside of you and you moaned along with him. 
Soon, it became a game of torture. You would jerk Seonghwa off, teasing the ice cube over the tip of his cock every once and a while. Seonghwa, in retaliation, finger fucked you as you grinded down on his fingers. You weren’t really paying attention to your own pleasure but Seonghwa sure was. He practically fought the intense pleasure you were giving him, resisting the urge to close his eyes and drink in the moment, studying every jerk of your hips and cries in an attempt to give back to you what you have given to him. 
You made him come first, however. His cum spurted over your hand and added to the wax along his skin on his torso. Seonghwa’s face almost contorted in pain but you had come to learn that was just his come face. His entire body relaxed against the chair but his eyes were on you once again. 
“Flower,” he called out weakly.
With your clean hand, you pushed his hair out of his face, borderline fondly tucking it behind his ear. “It’s okay, Seonghwa.”
“You always take care of me,” Seonghwa said as you scooped up some of his cum with your fingers.
You sucked on them gratuitously and hummed. “It’s not like I’m coming to your place of work and asking you to take care of my newfound needs.”
Seonghwa cocked his head. “Could you?”
You coughed and made to stand up but Seonghwa’s hand gripped your thigh to stop you. “Don’t go.” And to encourage you to stay where you were, his fingers began to move again against you. 
Seonghwa had discovered that he could brush your clit with his thumb and make a come hither motion with his two fingers inside of you and you gently collapsed against him, your forehead on his shoulder, keeping yourself off of his cum and wax stained upper body. You closed your eyes and began to keen into his bronze skin, allowing the pleasure to steal you away.
“Fuck, Seonghwa, just like that, keep going, i’m going to--oh god--yes yes YES!” You climaxed with a high pitched cry that slowly devolved into whimpers as you came down from your high. Now you were the one breathing and panting and trying to recuperate. 
“Flower?” Seonghwa rubbed your thigh to get your attention. 
“I just--need a minut--oh god!” You cursed again as he pulled his fingers out of you.
You moved your head slightly to watch as Seonghwa did as you had, putting his fingers in his mouth and cleaning them of your wetness. His eyes widened in surprise and he made a noise similar to as if he was eating a sweet. 
“Can you stop being so delicious?” You whined, trying to gather some energy to get off of Seonghwa. 
“I read there was pleasure in eating a pussy but I didn’t--” He exclaimed as you hit him. “What did I do?”
“Damn fallen angel,” You opted to grumble instead. He really was going to be the death of you.
Tag list: @hijirikaww @mingsolo @starlitmark @stardragongalaxy @k-pop-ology @pyeonghongrie-main
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canyouhearthevoices · 7 months
ATEEZ’s concerts lately seem to be either ‘blockbuster musical’ or ‘strip club’ and I’m very nervous because I really, REALLY want to see them, but my ace self would actually combust if I had to watch the latter. I would die of second hand cringe.
In other news, the former seems to be portraying Seonghwa as a fallen angel… what’s the chance Joong wrote that part of the story? (Probably not that high, but he IS involved in the story).
Lol what if ATEEZ’s whole storyline is just a cover for Seongjoong? As in the group pretends Joong is kind of in charge of and knowledgeable about the story, then the story centres Hwa, so all the platonic soulmate shippers like myself (or even the hard romantic ones) go all giggly, but it was just a front and the producers the whole time…
…am I too invested and skeptical?
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faerybin · 2 years
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「Kim Seungmin」 ♢
So here you'll find all of my favorite Seungmin fanfics that you should read! Hope you will enjoy and let me know if one of the links doesn't work!
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[5:23pm] by @mazeinthemiroh ↴
[0.2k] — fluff
[00:34] by @/gimmeurtmi ↴
[0.8k+] — smut
19:46 by @portalhan ↴
[0.8k+] — fluff, established relationship, vague college au
Falling by @jeongintwenty3 ↴
[0.2k] — fluff
Waking up next to Seungmin by @seungminhour ↴ ♢
[0.3k] — fluff
Your stupid hair by @lixiepixiedust ↴
[0.6k] — fluff, established relationship
Nonchalant bf by @biniminisblog ↴ ♢
[0.8k] — fluff, established relationship
Guardian Angel by @hanibalistic ↴
[1k] — fluff, guardian angel au
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Wanted it forever by @miel-ji ↴
[2k] — angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort 
Neverending story by @hoodedsuns ↴
[2.1k] — fluff, angst
Won't go home without you by @gamerwoo ↴
[2.5k] — enemies to lovers, demon au, fallen angel au, angst, fluff, minor religious themes
Dirty by @comet-falls ↴
[2.9k] — smut
See you again by @angelixskz ↴
[3.4k+] — fluff, angst, soulmate!au (reincarnation)
I think I think too much by @candlewaxandp0lar0ids ↴ ♢
[3.7k] — college au, established relationship, fluffy fluff, suggestive
Deny me (lovesong) by @jeonginify ↴
[4k] — humor, fluff, established relationship!au
Bittersweet by @utopianvoices ↴
[4.24k] — barista!au, fluff
To do what I can do by @chlix ↴ ♡
[6.1k] — fluff, light angst
Meet you there by @yyxgin ↴
[7.6k] — rich kids!au, childhood best friends!au, angst
My only hate, my only love by @yyxgin ↴
[11k] — enemies to lovers, highschool!au, angst, fluff
August is a fever by @seungminheart ↴ ♡
[12k] — smut, fluff
Everyone adores you (i hate that i do too) by @seung-mong ↴ ♢
[12k] — college au, fluff, angst, smut
Verdance by @blossom-hwa ↴
[14.2k] — fluff, angst, nature spirit!au, royalty!au
Home run by @hyunsvngs ↴ ♡
[14.2k] — enemies to lovers, smut, fluff
Sleeping With the Fishes by @skzsauce01 ↴
[19.5k] — captain!seungmin, light gore, murder, violence, angst
Stockholm syndrome by @multiland ↴
⇉ Part 2
[24.4k] Two-shots — angst, fluff, smut
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New fanfics ♢
Personal favorites ♡
Last updated : 02/09/2024
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maeleelee · 1 year
𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚠𝚘
Y/n just wants to get her brother out of the gang business but that's become harder than she'd like to admit. Then she over hears someone at the bar talking about a Crystal necklace that's worth millions. Now her goal can work, if she can figure out how to find the Crystal without her brother catching on. Oh, and he doesn't know she's a leader of The Fallen Angels, his "rival" gang. Hongjoong hated the gang life but he was in too deep to give it up. However, he wanted to give his partner, sister, and their best friend the world, so when he hears about this Crystal that's worth millions. He's coming up with a plan to get it. He just has two problems, The Fallen Angels and the Strays keep getting in the way. Will they come to the conclusion and just work together? Or are more people going to get in the way? ⚠️Minors do NOT interact with this au⚠️
warnings: Violence, fight, someone get called whore. Nightmares stare (because he can have a pretty deadly stare LOL) If I miss something let me know.
Y/n, Wooyoung, and San were all at ringside, getting everything ready for the night. People were slowly coming in. Wooyoung always made sure to watch y/n closely because the guys down here were sometimes a handful. San started setting up the lineup on how tonight would go and who would fight who. 
Y/n was grabbing a drink for Wooyoung, when she turned around and saw Nightmare. “Oh you made it.” She smiled at him. Wooyoung walked over and grabbed the drink from her hand and kissed her head. “Thanks bun.” Whenever he called her that, she’d get all tingly. 
“List is over there. San will tell you when you're up.” She pointed to San at the edge of the ring. He nodded and walked over to San. Wooyoung looked at her and she just smiled. “I’m okay. You came before he could even say anything.” She touched his cheek and he nodded at her. They didn’t have a label on their relationship but everyone knew y/n was off limits. Hongjoong didn’t mess around when it came to his sister and Wooyoung was way over protective as well. He was in love with her. 
“Did you wanna stand next to me?” He asked as he kissed her palm. “If that’s alright.” 
He put his hand on her back and walked them back to the ring. Soon the place was crowded and everyone was yelling around the ring, cheering for someone in the middle. Y/n stayed close to Wooyoung and San. She always did. 
“Hey bubs. You okay?” She looked up and smiled. “Hwa. You made it! Where’s Kayla?” 
“Cassi and her are shopping at the moment. Figured I’d come hang out.” He threw his arm over her shoulder and smacked Wooyoung in the head. 
“Ouch. What was that for?” He whined toward them. 
“Leaving your girl unattended, dipshit.” He glared, which made y/n laugh. 
“I’m fine. I can handle myself guys.” Hwa shook his head. “Not down here bubs.” 
She rolled her eyes but didn’t fight it. However, she could feel eyes on her, burning into her soul and when she locked eyes with them, she flinched. Seonghwa looked down at her and raised an eyebrow. “You okay?” She nodded. “Yeah. Sorry.” 
“What’s wrong?” Wooyoung asked. Almost demanding. 
“Nightmare was staring into my soul. His eyes are empty. I swear.” Y/n whispered to the boys. Wooyoung grabbed her by the chin, making her look at him. “Are you okay?” 
She nodded and smiled softly. “I am now.” He chuckled and smiled as he kissed her nose. Hwa smiled at the two. He didn’t understand why they just didn’t make it official. Everyone knew they liked each other. 
“I’m up.” They heard San say. “Kiss?” He asked y/n as he held out his cheek. She did as asked and kissed his cheek. He jumped into the ring, Nightmare getting in on the other side. 
“San. Please be careful.” Y/n told him. He nodded at her and got ready for the match. Wooyoung jumped into the ring to start it. Seonghwa pulled y/n closer to him while Wooyoung was in the ring. Hongjoong appeared on the other side of her. 
“Hey bubba.” She smiled up at him. He kissed her head. “They just started the match.” He nodded at her and they all watched the match start. Wooyoung climbed out of the ring and walked behind y/n, wrapping his arms around her shoulders, pushing Seonghwa’s arm away. She was looking around as the first round was underway, when her eyes landed on the boy she was racing the other night and a woman next to him. They were cheering for Nightmare. 
“Hey. What’s wrong?” Wooyoung asked her. “That’s the guy I raced the other night when I wrecked. He checked on me. That’s how I got back to the shop.” Wooyoung nodded behind her, kissing her cheek. 
“Remind me to thank him later.” She nodded, going back to watch the fight. San definitely had a match on his hands. Nightmare was good. He threw  punch after punch but San was quick to dodge. San swung and knocked Nightmare in the face. He stumble but hit San back. San fell into the corner and Wooyoung pulled y/n with him to San. “Don’t quit now. You’re so close. One more hit San. One more hit.” Wooyoung told him. Y/n nodded with Wooyoung. 
“One more hit baby boy.” She said to him and he smiled. She whipped the blood off his lip and nodded towards the ring. San stood up. He took a deep breath, spun, and kicked Nightmare in the face. Everyone went silent. Wooyoung jumped into the ring, Seonghwa pulled y/n back to him, and started counting. “One, two, three.” The bell rang. Everyone cheered for San. 
Everyone started clearing out of the building and y/n grabbed an ice pack from the kitchen. She went back to the ring and climbed in. “Here.” She mumbled to another boy waking Nightmare up. 
“Thank you…” He looked at her. “Y/n.” She smiled softly. 
“You’re the girl Shadow helped when you wrecked a few weeks ago, yeah?” She looked at where the voice was coming from and locked eyes with a long black haired beauty. She had a pretty smile, bright blue eyes, hair to her ass. She was covered in tattoos. 
“Yeah. That’s me.” She rolled her eyes and then looked her up and down. Y/n felt an arm go around her shoulder. 
“You ready to go?” She smiled at the voice and nodded. 
“Well hello there.” The girl smiled. “I’m Venom.” She held out her hand. Hongjoong looked at the girls hand and laughed. 
“Come on Bun. The guys are waiting on us.” He tried to walk away, when a hand touched his arm. 
“What’s the whore got that I don’t?” She asked him. 
“For starters, manners. She’s not a whore. She’s my sister and I’d appreciate it if you’d watch your mouth.” He snapped at her as he turned to look at her. “Bubs.” Y/n mumbled. “No. I don’t know where she got this whore conclusion from but I’d like to know.” 
“She’s had all four of you all over her all night.” She spat. 
Hongjoong went to say something when Seonghwa jumped in. “That’s because we love her. She’s like a sister to me and she’s best friends with the other two.” Wooyoung jumped in. 
“She’s my baby momma.” He winked at y/n. She punched him in his arm. He hissed as he grabbed the spot she hit. “Jesus. I forgot how hard you hit.” Y/n sent him a glare. 
“Can I at least get your number? I watched you all night and I think you’re amazing.” Venom smiled at San. He laughed and shook his head. 
“Maybe if you hadn’t called my best friend a whore. But since you’re classless, no thank you.” San said, a nasty look on his face. 
“Come on. It’s movie night. San picks since he won.” Wooyoung said as he pulled her out the ring. He helped her down, lacing their fingers together and San threw his arm over her shoulders as they walked out the doors.
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taglist: @mxnsxngie @life-is-glorious @choisoorin @spilled-coffee-cup
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starlite-oc-rp · 1 year
Read Me First!
Greetings! This blog is for my OCs to RP. If you want to keep up with posts I think represent each one, follow @starlite-dragon-ocs. That being said, feel free to message or ask to start a story with one of these guys.
My limits: Not much. Should things go darker, that’s fine, but approach me first before dropping it into the story. Adult Content (n/sf/w) is totally fine but also another thing to discuss before hand with certain characters.
As characters are added to the list I shall make them each their own post and tag it as such.
Characters in Question:
Yong-sun — An Overwatch OC — A former service robot turned hacker/anonymous journalist. He’s shy and would rather you not ask what kind of service he was in.
Erastus and Hadraniel — They come as a pair, as they are angelic “brothers” (brothers in the sense that they were both created by the same person but not really related?) — Erastus is a fallen angel for reasons that can be discussed to fit to the story. He is curious about mortals and wants to help them. Hadraniel is the more stern of the two, and more inclined to try and keep their identity hidden from mortals, but shares Erastus’ curiosity.
Tinere — A D&D OC — A white (iridescent) dragonborn rogue with a inclination to go against authority. People have called him a monster before, and there’s not much evidence either way.
Akihiko — An OC that fits anywhere — Akihiko is someone who came from a very rough spot. He was trained to be the perfect assassin, and isn’t sure who his parents are, where he’s from, or anything else. Someone once upon a time said he was Japanese, but how can he trust the words of a torturer?
Jae Hwa — An OC that fits anywhere — A cute, bubbly girl who gives nothing but good vibes and wants to leave things better than how she found them. She’s popular on social media and runs a flower shop on the corner.
Onyx Bryzillik — An OC that fits anywhere — Someone who just wants to live life to the fullest. He doesn’t talk about his past much, but that’s because he had a good one compared to his friends. He wants to protect everyone he meets and cares fiercely for his friends.
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baekhvuns · 2 years
I wish I could retire soon but alas 😭 despite feeling like an 80 year old I MUST WORK
Lmao I just saw Dylan's video what the fuck is going on and one of my friends was like "I've never seen Zootopia, I should watch it soon"
You're right Park Seonghwa is dangerous, he lures people in... and you can never come back. Siyaisyajhdhahsshh I'm not scared just angry and envious lmao
It's maaaaad, I hate the weird tension between ifans and kfans, it's usually the ifans who get mad though, like Atinys and Stays, they're so annoying when it comes to Korean fanbases. But then Korean fans mob idols at the airports, so many stalkers out there too...
Yes pre-recordings can be crazy, but I was lucky cause the first time I went to see Ateez they also let some of us stay for Stray Kids, and later when I went for Skz I got out and people were queuing for Atz, but they had some free spots and I went in again 😭 so it was worth it. Overall it was an experiment, my friends and I wanted to see how it all works. If I take the meat out it won't be the whole experience jahdushshhs also the egg?!
Omg your friend better have fun for all of us! Who do they bias?
SM is Europephobic for sure 🤡 after years of me giving them money, sigh. Ok Shinee was here, then both Taemin and EXO for MuBank Berlin, Kai was here for the festival, but come on
My non-existent boyfriend definitely does not compare to Seonghwa!
The new Hybe group should collab with Enhypen since they have the vampire/werewolves concept
I'm so sorry about the ebook website, I know it's a huge loss especially for academic purposes 😭🔫 maybe it'll be back somehow? Like Torrents or Pirate Bay, I remember they tried to take them down multiple times until the arrests happened ☠
His Hehetmon, Baek you didn't.....
Someone said this about The Fabulous, maybe it's not legit, but I remember seeing comments that the show is indefinitely postponed because some major plot points happen during Halloween? Btw Shinee, NGDA2 2nd anniversary was yesterday can you believe...
Absolutely, more bonuses if you have to work on a project with Hwa or he's your tutor/vice versa, but in your head you see those sinful hips and the dangerous tongue 😳
Idols obsess over JB or Shawn (didn't know he was Canadian lol) yet barely anyone cares about 🇨🇦 :/ what's this
That fallen angel AU I'm listening 👂
Lissssen Seonghwa must be over the moon because Star Wars replied to him three times yesterday 😭 maybe some brands on Twitter are doing good things after all. Now give him some free stuff, you've been flirting with him for a while. I wish KQ let him respond
My friend also said she's become Seonghwa's bitch and that's absolutely pathetic kusydhsgdhsgsgs and that he looked stunning 👀 but something I'm especially happy she posted about on Twitter and Reddit is how a lot of people talk about Hwa's visuals and demon tendencies only, but not about his incredible performance skills overall and his commitment to singing live as much as he can. I always feel like a biased delulu whenever I say he deserves more credit, because yeah I know he's one of the most popular members, but still he has so much to offer
SHUT UP THOSE PHOTOS. I have to force someone to go to another pop-up for me, because I'm not immune to soft photoshoots :( also THE BLANKET. And Lego flowers I'm kms-ing. Look at all the photos it's so cute the mannequins though osyssmshsjgsshjs.
I got Hongjoong on that quiz and I pretty much agree. What about you? - DV 💖
hi hello!!
I wish I could retire soon but alas 😭 despite feeling like an 80 year old I MUST WORK
LMFAOOOO THE RETIREMENT AT 50 NOT COMING SOON 😭😭😭 mo bc what is this life, graduate at 23, get a job by 24, get married by 26, have kids by 30 and then wait for death to come get u 🤨
Lmao I just saw Dylan's video what the fuck is going on and one of my friends was like "I've never seen Zootopia, I should watch it soon"
FBWKDHWK THE UNIVERSE MANIFESTED ZOOTOPIA FOR US 😭😭no bc why the fox kinda 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️
You're right Park Seonghwa is dangerous, he lures people in... and you can never come back. Siyaisyajhdhahsshh I'm not scared just angry and envious lmao
seeing his live photos just know, i can’t believe this man’s real ?????? LIKE HE SMILES AND IM 📉📈📉📈📉📈📉📈📉 his skin is so prefect??? AND YUNHO?? WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT MAN ????
It's maaaaad, I hate the weird tension between ifans and kfans, it's usually the ifans who get mad though, like Atinys and Stays, they're so annoying when it comes to Korean fanbases. But then Korean fans mob idols at the airports, so many stalkers out there too...
no ur so right, most of the time ifans mad over things they don’t understand about the sokor culture 😭😭 and immediately it becomes problematic bc it doesn’t fit their views 😭😭 now that stalking is officially law in kr hopefully they gET THEM TO JAIL AND LEAVE THEM THERE !!!!!
Yes pre-recordings can be crazy, but I was lucky cause the first time I went to see Ateez they also let some of us stay for Stray Kids, and later when I went for Skz I got out and people were queuing for Atz, but they had some free spots and I went in again 😭 so it was worth it. Overall it was an experiment, my friends and I wanted to see how it all works. If I take the meat out it won't be the whole experience jahdushshhs also the egg?!
Omg your friend better have fun for all of us! Who do they bias?
bestie she cannot speak atm due to screaming, AND YUNHWA I BELIEVE MAYBE EVEN A LITTLE HONGJOONG but seonghwa’s photos????? 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️idk if i can share but 🔫🔫🔫
SM is Europephobic for sure 🤡 after years of me giving them money, sigh. Ok Shinee was here, then both Taemin and EXO for MuBank Berlin, Kai was here for the festival, but come on
NO SERIOUSLY THEY USED TO DO SO MUCH FOR EURO but ever since nct its all america tour america this 😭😭🤚🏼 sm’s main fans come come from asia and euro yET THEY DONT SEE THAT ANYMORE smtown euro when 😭😭
My non-existent boyfriend definitely does not compare to Seonghwa! //// The new Hybe group should collab with Enhypen since they have the vampire/werewolves concept
hoping one day a hwa drops on both of us 🤲🏼🤲🏼 YES AND HOPEFULLY HAVE THOSE NICE SONGS TOO THAT FEVER ONE ESP
I'm so sorry about the ebook website, I know it's a huge loss especially for academic purposes 😭🔫 maybe it'll be back somehow? Like Torrents or Pirate Bay, I remember they tried to take them down multiple times until the arrests happened ☠
ive been looking for torrents def! hopefully they come back again under a diff alias bc coleen hoover it’s on sight 🔫 $100 per book 😀 <3
His Hehetmon, Baek you didn't.....
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Someone said this about The Fabulous, maybe it's not legit, but I remember seeing comments that the show is indefinitely postponed because some major plot points happen during Halloween? Btw Shinee, NGDA2 2nd anniversary was yesterday can you believe...
it’s almost like the industry is not trying to eliminate the entire word instead of having to blame the govt 😭😭 ngda 2nd anniversary??? wHAT DO U MEAN???? ALREADY??? TWO YEARS SINCE HEAVEN DROPPED???? WHAT THE FUCK???? no bc ngda truly is so superior, every track is so carefully chosen and its so beautifully performed by taemin i can’t wait for what he shows after military
Absolutely, more bonuses if you have to work on a project with Hwa or he's your tutor/vice versa, but in your head you see those sinful hips and the dangerous tongue 😳
ANON. HELLO. hear me out what if he’s the junior-
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Idols obsess over JB or Shawn (didn't know he was Canadian lol) yet barely anyone cares about 🇨🇦 :/ what's this
no tbh we don’t claim shawn mendes <3 disrespectfully <3 ryan reynolds tho >>> YEAH WHERES ALL THE MAPLE BLOODED KPOP IDOLS 🤨🤨
That fallen angel AU I'm listening 👂
<3 something like this
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Lissssen Seonghwa must be over the moon because Star Wars replied to him three times yesterday 😭 maybe some brands on Twitter are doing good things after all. Now give him some free stuff, you've been flirting with him for a while. I wish KQ let him respond
My friend also said she's become Seonghwa's bitch and that's absolutely pathetic kusydhsgdhsgsgs and that he looked stunning 👀 but something I'm especially happy she posted about on Twitter and Reddit is how a lot of people talk about Hwa's visuals and demon tendencies only, but not about his incredible performance skills overall and his commitment to singing live as much as he can. I always feel like a biased delulu whenever I say he deserves more credit, because yeah I know he's one of the most popular members, but still he has so much to offer
LMFAOOOO BRMQBDMWBDMQBDKW THIS ENTIRE ENTIRE PARAGRAPH!!!!!! EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS IS 1000% FACTUAL !!!!!!! i ghost wrote this, i was beside u in spirit while u wrote this,, becoming hwa’s again is like a experience my friends a hwa biased but she’s like “i saw him and it felt like i got to know him all over again” truly what a fascinating man
SHUT UP THOSE PHOTOS. I have to force someone to go to another pop-up for me, because I'm not immune to soft photoshoots :( also THE BLANKET. And Lego flowers I'm kms-ing. Look at all the photos it's so cute the mannequins though osyssmshsjgsshjs.
I got Hongjoong on that quiz and I pretty much agree. What about you? - DV 💖
omg i saw the hong one and it said ur a lil fruity 😭😭 i got yeosang!
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when i tell u i m just a hole
???? san second lead??? 😮‍💨
my turn when
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this your guy?
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m-model hwa
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hwaslayer · 7 months
Is darkness in divinity a new fanfiction?
yes! it will probably be my next big, long series! ☺️
0 notes
destiny-fics · 2 years
aaa...heh can u write a smut where the seonghwa is demon and the (y/n) is angel...😇
A/n: Of course I can my friend! Sorry it took me so long to write and I hope you enjoy this!
Sent From Heaven-Park Seonghwa
[Demon!Park Seonghwa x Angel! Fem!Reader]
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Genre: Smut, Angel and Devil!au, non-idol!au
Summary: "Stay away from my charge Seonghwa and let me do my job."
Seonghwa fixed you with a dark almost hungry gaze and chuckled, a deep sound which had you shivering "Oh angel. After all these years you still haven't realised. He's not a part of my job, none of your charges are."
He leaned down and licked the shell of your ear
"You are my job."
Warnings: Smut, demon!seonghwa, angel!reader, dom!seonghwa, Sub!reader, inexperienced virgin!reader, oral (m recieving), corruption kink, Seonghwa is a bit mean at the start but is actually not a bad guy, he's super fucking whipped for the reader, religious symbolism (angels, devils, heaven, hell), Hongjoong is the king of hell, Hwa his right hand man, Hongjoong and Seonghwa have a casual conversation while both getting head.
Smut under the cut. Minors Do Not Read
"Well, well, well. If it isn't my angel."
You felt your breath hitch as the familiar deep voice sounded behind you and tried not to think anything too mean as you turned away from watching your newest assignment to face the demon who had been the bane of your existence for centuries.
"I'm an angel Seonghwa, but not your angel."
"You could be y/n."
You sighed and shook your head, "We've spoken about this Seonghwa. No, I can't."
It wasn't that you didn't want to choose Seonghwa. Of course you did. You had since the day you met him. But you couldn't. You liked your job and you didn't want to throw that all away, especially when there was a chance he wouldn't stay loyal to you. You'd heard the stories of what Hongjoong, his demons and his fallen angels got up to and it broke your heart to know that Seonghwa was a part of it. And you had spoken to him about it before, practically every time Seonghwa had come to lead whoever your charge was at that time down the path which would lead them to a place you'd never be able to rescue them from. And as he seemed to always be around when you got a new assignment, that conversation had been happening ever since you had been sent down from heaven to help others live the path of the light.
"But it's so easy y/n," Seonghwa picked up a strand of your hair and began to twirl it around his fingers, "All you have to do is give in to me and then we can be together forever. Exactly what you wanted right?"
You laughed, a short, yet still sweet thing which had both Seonghwa's heart and dick filling out. As much as he wanted you to believe that you were completely under his spell, he was also entirely under yours, maybe even moreso. Had been for centuries.
You patted his chest gently, pointedly ignoring the hard muscles rippling underneath his barely there shirt "Maybe when I thought you were an angel. Before you tricked me."
And suddenly Seonghwa's dick was soft again. Ah, that old chestnut. You'd never understand why he did what he did and honestly Seonghwa didn't expect you too. It was complicated, he was complicated. And the mixture of his very real feelings for you, partnered with the fact that you were a part of his assignment from Hongjoong was even more complicated.
"You know I never meant to hurt you my angel," his voice was soft and reassuring but it made you sigh and shake your head, turning away from him and back to who you were actually supposed to be watching over.
"It doesn't matter, Seonghwa, that was centuries ago. Now I have to go do my job."
Seonghwa sighed as he let you go, watching you gracefully follow after whoever it was you had been assigned to this time, leaving his own heart empty until he could see you again.
"So you~ fuck that's it sweetheart. You just let her go?"
"I didn't just let her go." Seonghwa would have sounded almost upset if his words hadn't tapered off into a moan as one of Hongjoong's recently collected fallen angels swiftly took his dick down their throat. He'd been practically pounced on when he entered his best friend's palace and eagerly accepted the offer to have his dick sucked, needing to get you off his mind. It was working...until Seonghwa started imagining that you were the one with his cock in your mouth instead. Hongjoong himself was also currently getting his dick sucked, letting out an occasional moan of his own as he spoke to Seonghwa.
"No?" Hongjoong whined, bucking his hips up into the girl's mouth, "cause it sounds like you did."
"Where you there Joong? Because I didn't just let her go. I'll see her soon," Seonghwa groaned, deep and raspy and with an unusually soft hand, caressed the fallen angel's face, "That's it sweet thing, doing so well."
Hongjoong grinned and kicked his head back, eyelids fluttering "Sounds to me like she's still on your mind. You're never that gentle with my angels."
"She hasn't been off my mind for centuries, I don't...fuck...think she's going to leave any time soon." And now all he could imagine was you there instead, your pretty big eyes looking up at him as you tried to fit every inch of his cock in your mouth. Seonghwa let out a deep, long groan as he buried his cock in the throat of the fallen angel, pumping ropes of cum down their throat. His orgasm rolled through him and he grinned lazily when the angel stuck out their tongue to show him that they'd swallowed everything. "That's it, good job." He smiled down at them "I think Joong will reward you now. Just ask nicely, okay?" The angel nodded and stood up, padding over to Hongjoong who happily accepted them in for a kiss.
"I'm just saying Hwa, if you have serious romantic feelings for her then you can't keep doing nothing about it like you've been doing for the past however many centuries," Hongjoong pulled the other girl off his cock and happily accepted her into his lap. "Don't forget that she's your assignment too. You get her to fall and she's all yours forever."
Seonghwa nodded, chewing his lip, and retreated out of Hongjoong's palace and back to his own home, thoughts of you and only you filling his head.
"Seriously?" You sighed as you materialised in the home of your current assignment only to see Seonghwa grinning at you, "You're here already?"
"Gotta get a head start on my assignment right pet? Hongjoong will be disappointed if I don't."
"I'm not your pet. Don't ever call me that again," there was a venom to your words and it honestly shocked Seonghwa. You'd never seemed to get angry or upset with him, annoyed yes, but never angry...ever.
"Woah, hey y/n. I'm sorry, I won't."
"Good," you spat, before sighing and rubbing your eyes. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't get angry at you."
"Hey no, it's okay. I'm a bit much sometimes I know. I'll stop with the names," Seonghwa carefully reached out his hand to smooth it down your arm, "Are you okay?"
"Of course I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?"
"You never snap at me y/n. Even after all these years...after all I've done to you just get a little annoyed, never angry, never upset."
"I'm not allowed to be anything other than okay Seonghwa. It's an angel thing."
Seonghwa hummed in disapproval "If you chose me you could be whatever you wanted."
You laughed bitterly and shook your head, stepping away from him "I should have known. Look, just leave my charge alone Seonghwa and let me do my job."
Seonghwa chuckled and fixed you with a dark almost hungry gaze and chuckled, a deep sound which had you shivering "Oh angel. After all these years you still haven't realised. He's not a part of my job, none of your charges are."
He leaned down and licked the shell of your ear, grinning when you audibly gasped.
"You are."
"What do you mean Seonghwa?" You looked over to find your assignment nowhere to be found and sighed, looking back to Seonghwa.
"I mean, and don't hate me for this please, that getting you to fall was my assignment from Hongjoong. He heard you were top of your classes in your training program weren't you?" You nodded and he smiled, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear, "my smart girl."
"What does this have to do with Hongjoong wanting me to fall Hwa?"
His smile softened at the nickname and his eyes filled with a softness you'd never seen in them before. "He wanted their little angelic prodigy on our team. It was kind of like the ultimate win for him. And he sent me to do it because if I couldn't, then no one could. He didn't think I'd take this long though, or that I'd actually fall for you."
"I'm sorry? You have feelings for me...romantic ones?"
Seonghwa laughed and it made you giggle a little bit, "Kind of hard not to, I mean have you seen yourself?"
"Have you seen yourself Seonghwa?" You echoed his words back, looking at him like he was crazy. "Do you know how many times I considered falling just so that I could be with you?"
Seonghwa felt like his heart was about to explode "Just out of interest, how many times exactly would that be?"
You laughed again and shook your head, "practically every time you asked me to choose you."
"Then why didn't you choose me?"
"You know why Hwa. I like my job. Sure I don't love the stress and emotional wall I have to put up but I like helping people, I like being their guardian. And..."
"And I don't want to throw away everything to be with you when you might toss me aside for one of Hongjoong's demon orgies or whatever."
Seonghwa had to try and hold back his laugh at the word coming out of your mouth because it felt so foreign and the idea that Seonghwa would ever leave you for some throwaway sex was hilarious to him. "Y/n...my love. Why would you think that?"
"Falling angels talk Seonghwa. And she couldn't stop talking about how you sounded and how you tasted and how you and Hongjoong couldn't stop talking about some angel who was your...oh."
Seonghwa laughed softly, kissing your temple "Yeah, oh. Y/n all I could think about when I was with her was you, all I have been thinking about for the past however many centuries we've known each other is you. I'd never leave you for some throwaway sex and I'd never ask you to give up your job, not directly anyway. If you choose me and you fall, I'll talk to Hongjoong about a way you can still help people, still be their guardian, you can come too."
You nodded and slowly slipped your hand into Seonghwa's "When can we talk to him?"
If he smiled any more than he already was Seonghwa was sure he was going to be stuck like that, but he didn't care. He had you. And that was all he had wanted ever since he'd met you. "We can go now? But only if you're absolutely sure you want to do this."
Seonghwa was surprised when you leaned up to press your lips against his in a soft kiss, prompting him to sigh against your lips. You tasted like an addictive mix of vanilla and fresh fruit and Seonghwa was sure he'd never get over the taste of you. You looked up at him with the softest, sparkly eyes when you pulled away and Seonghwa was ready to do anything you asked of him. "I've never been more sure of anything Hwa. I want this, I want us. I have for centuries."
Seonghwa smiled and kissed you again, when you opened your eyes again you were standing in the entrance hall of a very fancy looking building. You whistled low as you looked around "Oh my goodness. This is..."
"Impressive huh?" You turned at the sound of an unfamiliar voice and saw a demon at the top of the stairs. "Hello my darling. I've waited so long to meet you." You looked questioningly to Seonghwa who grinned and led you over to the staircase.
"Ever wondered what the king of hell looks like y/n? You're looking at him." The demon waved his fingers at you and you gasped.
"You're Hongjoong?"
"In the flesh angel. I hoped we would have been meeting sooner, but I suppose it being several centuries late isn't hurting anyone."
"You don't really look how I expected you to."
"And what did you think I'd look like?"
"I thought you'd be more..." you waved your hands about, "scary?"
"Ah," Hongjoong nodded and Seonghwa pulled you close, chuckling into your hair. "Well yes I guess I'm not that scary looking," he looked at you and Seonghwa and grinned, "but I'm not trying to scare you away am I? Come to my office lovebirds, we'll talk."
You and Seonghwa followed Hongjoong into his office and he flopped gracefully into a far too fancy office chair, one of his fallen angels gently sitting in his lap. You recognised them, they had been in your training class. He motioned for you and Seonghwa to sit and you did, holding Seonghwa's hand tight when the person in Hongjoong's lap began making eyes at him.
"So, after all these years you finally chose Hwa. You know this means you'll no longer be an angel right? That you'll have to live down here, with him."
You nodded, squeezing Seonghwa's hand "I know. I want to be with him. But I also want to keep doing my job...or at least some version of it. I want to keep helping people to do the right thing. Even if you guys aren't exactly known for that."
The angel on Hongjoong's lap laughed and Hongjoong snorted "I could work something out for you angel. I respect you for holding out that long. If I were you I wouldn't be able to resist the temptation of Seonghwa for as long as you did, you have a lot of self control."
"I wouldn't be able to resist him either," the angel purred and you straightened up, nodding stiffly, gripping onto Seonghwa's hand.
"Good thing for me he isn't interested in you then," there was jealousy laced in your words and Hongjoong and Seonghwa shared identical grins, Seonghwa squeezing your hand in comfort.
He chuckled and turned the topic back to Hongjoong, "Thanks for the help Joong."
"Of course," Hongjoong smiled. "You should take her home Hwa, you have a lot of time to make up for."
Seonghwa nodded and kissed your temple, "ready to see your new home?"
You nodded, sighing. You were ready for this.
"You don't need to be scared y/n, it's just me."
Seonghwa had you naked and laying underneath him, sucking pretty love bites into your skin and using one of his hands to tap his hard, leaking cock on your clit. You hadn't been able to keep your hands off each other since the moment you'd walked through Seonghwa's door. You hadn't done anything like this, ever, but it was Seonghwa. And you'd be lying if you said you hadn't thought about these types of things with him, if you hadn't listened into the stories that the falling angels had whispered as you walked past. And now that you had the opportunity, you were going to take it.
"I know, I trust you Hwa."
"Okay," he kissed you, "tell me if it hurts okay?"
You nodded and gasped when Seonghwa pushed inside of you. The stretch didn't hurt, Seonghwa having thoroughly stretched you out for him on his fingers, but it was mildly uncomfortable. Seonghwa allowed you to adjust to his size and when you prompted him to, began to thrust in and out of you with precise fluid movements. You were unable to contain your moans and Seonghwa answered each one with a groan of his own or a whisper of how good you felt around him, how pretty you were for him or how much he loved you.
"Mmm fuck angel, feel so good. Waited so long to have you like this."
"Hwa...Seonghwa please."
"Please what my darling."
"Please more...something anything, just please."
"You want more?" Seonghwa grinned before speeding up his thrusts inside of you, making you cry out, "but you already have me, what more could you want?"
"Seonghwa, please," you begged, feeling am unfamiliar sensation crawling up on you, "Please don't stop."
"Of course not my love," if anything Seonghwa only went faster and harder, fingers circling on your clit to bring you closer to the edge, "I'll only stop when you tell me to."
"Hwa. Please...I think I'm going to-"
"That's it angel, you can cum for me. It's okay."
With Seonghwa's permission you let yourself fall over the edge, into waves upon waves of pleasure which had your hole clenching tightly around Seonghwa and you crying out his name. Seonghwa continued to fuck you through your orgasm, chasing his own.
"Where can I cum angel?"
"On me, please Hwa." Seonghwa pulled out of you and began to tug at his cock. When he finally came he kicked his head back and let out one of the loudest, prettiest noises you'd ever heard, spilling his cum all over your stomach. Once the two of you had come down from your highs, Seonghwa let out a soft breath and grinned at you. His fingers twitched and he reached out to caress your sides, smile widening when you giggled.
"You okay Hwa?"
"Yeah, I just...can't believe that after all these years you're mine. I get to hold you and love you and fuck you," he grinned and leaned down to kiss you passionately, "I finally get to be with you for the rest of time."
"And you're sure I'm what you want? Even if I don't know anything about..." you paused, "fucking..? Like Hongjoong's angels do?"
Seonghwa laughed at the absurdity of you cursing and kissed you again "y/n I don't care that you're not one of Hongjoong's angels, because you're my only angel. You're quite literally a gift from heaven, sent straight for me. And I absolutely don't care that you don't know anything about sex," he materialised a damp cloth out of nowhere and began to clean you up, gently wiping his cum off your stomach. "You want to know why?"
"Why Seonghwa?"
"Because that means I get to teach you."
You tilted your head adorably at him "Teach me?"
"Mhm. Teach you what it feels like to get eaten out," Seonghwa began to push you back against his soft sheets, dick firming up again at the innocent, questioning look you were giving him and the eagerness in your eyes at everything he was telling you. "Teach you how to suck my dick, how to ride me. You'd ride me so well angel, I'm sure." His eyelids fluttered and he moaned, grinding his erection up against your thigh to hear you gasp.
"All of that?"
"And more y/n."
"Then please Seonghwa... I want you to teach me."
Seonghwa grinned and dived in for another kiss, revelling in the way you whimpered for him.
You were definitely a gift sent straight from heaven.
Ateez Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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cscclibrary · 3 years
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[Horizontal graphic; background yellow streaks on black. Black, blue, and orange text: “Top 100 Most Banned and Challenged Books of the Past Decade / ALA American Library Association.” Image courtesy of the American Library Association.]
In 2020, the American Library Association released a list of the 100 most frequently banned and challenged books from 2010-2019. Most of them are for children and young adults, or are commonly assigned in schools. They range from century-old classics to current popular novels. Some were challenged for predictable reasons--swearing, violence, or sex. Many were challenged because they contained LGBTQ+ content. Some were challenged because they critiqued social institutions.
All of them are available either in the Columbus State Library or via the OhioLINK system. Clicking on any of the titles below will tell you where you can find the book; OhioLINK items can be requested and sent to the Columbus State campus. In the case of a series, the link usually leads to the first title in the series. Enjoy your right to read!
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie
Captain Underpants (series) by Dav Pilkey
Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
Looking for Alaska by John Green
George by Alex Gino
And Tango Makes Three by Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell
Drama by Raina Telgemeier
Fifty Shades of Grey by E. L. James
Internet Girls (series) by Lauren Myracle
The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
I Am Jazz by Jazz Jennings and Jessica Herthel
The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Bone (series) by Jeff Smith
The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls
Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan
A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo by Jill Twiss
Sex is a Funny Word by Cory Silverberg
Alice McKinley (series) by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
It’s Perfectly Normal by Robie H. Harris
Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult
Scary Stories (series) by Alvin Schwartz
Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Beyond Magenta: Transgender Teens Speak Out by Susan Kuklin
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas
Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic by Alison Bechdel
It’s a Book by Lane Smith
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien
What My Mother Doesn’t Know by Sonya Sones
A Child Called “It” by Dave Pelzer
Bad Kitty (series) by Nick Bruel
Crank by Ellen Hopkins
Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich
Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi
The Adventures of Super Diaper Baby by Dav Pilkey
This Day in June by Gayle E. Pitman
This One Summer by Mariko Tamaki
A Bad Boy Can Be Good For A Girl by Tanya Lee Stone
Beloved by Toni Morrison
Goosebumps (series) by R.L. Stine
In Our Mothers’ House by Patricia Polacco
Lush by Natasha Friend
The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger
The Color Purple by Alice Walker
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon
The Bible
This Book is Gay by Juno Dawson
Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer
Gossip Girl (series) by Cecily von Ziegesar
House of Night (series) by P.C. Cast
My Mom’s Having A Baby by Dori Hillestad Butler
Neonomicon by Alan Moore
The Dirty Cowboy by Amy Timberlake
The Giver by Lois Lowry
Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank
Bless Me, Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya
Draw Me a Star by Eric Carle
Dreaming In Cuban by Cristina Garcia
Fade by Lisa McMann
The Family Book by Todd Parr
Feed by M.T. Anderson
Go the Fuck to Sleep by Adam Mansbach
Habibi by Craig Thompson
The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende
Jacob’s New Dress by Sarah Hoffman
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
Monster by Walter Dean Myers
Nasreen’s Secret School by Jeanette Winter
Saga by Brian K. Vaughan
Stuck in the Middle by Ariel Schrag
The Kingdom of Little Wounds by Susann Cokal
1984 by George Orwell
A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
Almost Perfect by Brian Katcher
The Awakening by Kate Chopin
Burned by Ellen Hopkins
Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card
Fallen Angels by Walter Dean Myers
Glass by Ellen Hopkins
Heather Has Two Mommies by Lesle´a Newman
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
Madeline and the Gypsies by Ludwig Bemelmans
My Princess Boy by Cheryl Kilodavis
Prince and Knight by Daniel Haack
Revolutionary Voices: A Multicultural Queer Youth Anthology by Amy Sonnie
Skippyjon Jones (series) by Judith Schachner
So Far from the Bamboo Grove by Yoko Kawashima Watkins
The Color of Earth (series) by Tong-hwa Kim
The Librarian of Basra by Jeanette Winter
The Walking Dead (series) by Robert Kirkman
Tricks by Ellen Hopkins
Uncle Bobby’s Wedding by Sarah S Brannen
Year of Wonders by Geraldine Brooks
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binniebutter · 4 years
Date My Ex || Park Seonghwa
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Pairing: Park Seonghwa x Reader
Word Count: 848
Genre: Fluff, kinda angst
Summary: You tell your boyfriend that you would go back to your ex and he gets upset.
(a/n: Seonghwa it is illegal to look that good😤 also this is not proofread at all enjoy)
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“Baby!” You had been scrolling through tiktok for hours now trying to thwart your boredom. Which, in hindsight, was a bad idea as you scrolled upon the prank that you’re about to play on your boyfriend.
“Yea???” he yelled from the kitchen that he was busy cleaning. Again, that should’ve been another warning sign to not do this prank. Because everybody knows: DON’T interrupt Seonghwa’s cleaning time. This thought did enter your head for all of one second before you reassured yourself that “you are his girlfriend, he can’t get mad at you.”
“Come here for a sec please!” There was a mischievous lilt to your voice and Seonghwa immediately noticed. He brushed it off though, thinking that he misheard since WooSan attacked his eardrums yesterday. He can still hear  Wooyoung’s high-pitched dolphin laugh ringing in his ears. He shudders at the thought while making his way towards the bedroom of your shared apartment.
He poked his head into the room and his eyes immediately found you burrowed in the blankets and one of his hoodies. He let a chuckle slip out upon seeing you drowning in his clothes. You, not having noticed he came into the room, looked up when you heard his angelic voice. A big grin spread on your face. Seonghwa, unsuspectingly thought you were just happy to see him but in reality, you were excited to try the trend.
“Hwa! Come here!” You motioned him over dramatically. “I want cuddles,” you said while giving him your best pouting face. 
“No uwu.”
“Sorry jagiya, but I have to finish cleaning the kitchen. I’ll come back soon-” He didn’t get to finish as you had pulled him onto the king-sized bed by his sleeves. You pulled him into your chest and rested your chin on his head. He struggled to get out of your grip but you just squeezed him tighter. After about a minute of him struggling against you he gave up, his body relaxing into yours. He smelled like febreeze and fabric softener (shoutout to Cam and Kai). You could smell your peach shampoo in his fluffy hair (he always insisted on using yours because “mine doesn’t clean as well”, but you know it’s because of the scent). 
The both of you laid in silence for a couple of minutes, relishing this rare moment. Until...
“Hey Mars,” Seonghwa rolled his eyes at the nickname but hummed as an indication that he heard you and was listening. “If we ever broke up, I would go back to my ex.”
When you didn’t hear a response you believed that he had fallen asleep, but when you looked down at him, there were his eyes looking right back at you. He disentangled himself from your arms and pushed himself up into a sitting position. There was an emotion in his eyes that you had never witnessed before, at least not directly: anger. Seonghwa never got angry, not at you. The two of you rarely fought and when there was an argument he would control himself and talk things out with you.
“What!?!? You’d go back to your ex? What am I then, huh, chopped liver? If you’re thinking about it right now then why don’t you go be with him. Did you ever even love me?” He just kept on spitting question after question, never allowing you to say a word. 
Damn. I didn’t think he would be this mad. And you really didn’t, because the truth is-
“Wait. You don’t even have an ex, what the hell are you talking about?”
that. Seonghwa is the only boyfriend you’ve ever had and hopefully it stays that way which is why you didn’t expect him to get so angry. You looked at him and saw that he was sporting a confused expression.
“Babe. Think about it again. If we ever broke up, I would go back to my ex,” you spoke as one would if they were talking to a child. He rolled his eyes, obviously irritated.
“You don’t have to repeat it Y/n. I heard you clearly the first-,” he paused. You could practically see the gears turning in his head and almost peed yourself at the look of realization on his face. Finally.
“Ohhhh, you would go back to your ex. I’m your ex. I’m your ex! I’M YOUR EX!!!!” He pulled you up by your hands and started jumping on the bed with you. You looked like two kids that were just told they were going to Disney world. If anyone else was in the room they would’ve thought you were crazy. Actually that’s exactly what happened.
“What are you guys doing?” You were both startled. Seonghwa more so than you. He fell off the bed from shock.
“N-nothing. What are you doing here Yunho?” Yunho looked at you both with a skeptical look on his face. He wanted to know but at the same time didn’t. He opted for not knowing.
“I just came to ask Y/n for a pair of stockings.” 
There was silence for a few seconds and then...
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This is part of my Ateez Tiktok Series
Tags: @luthenia​ @shyshybabyy​ (send a dm or ask to be added to the taglist)
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songsoomin · 4 years
Word count: 11.5K (sorry got a bit longer than planned)
Angel!Mingi x Female Demon!Reader, feat Demon!Seongjoong, Demon!San, Angel!Yunho, Angel!Yeosang. Mingi goes hard dom.
Warnings: Corruption kink, degradation, domination, cum play, unprotected vaginal penetration, oral sex (m receiving), masturbation (m) brief mention of bdsm and choking, brief mention of threesome, brief mention of crime (theft, fighting)
Posted: 15th June 2020
"I'm so fucking bored!" You shouted into the pillow, kicking your legs against the bed like a child.
"Why don't you go to the human world and make some excitement, then?" Hongjoong suggested.
"Oh, they're all boring, too." You complained, not bothering to lift your head from the pillow, "They're just so easy to corrupt. There's no challenge most of the time."
"Well, they will be easy if you keep hanging around in the shady areas where most of them are one bad decision away from being criminals anyway." Seonghwa countered, "You need to go to the better areas where people aren't desperate enough to give in to your...temptations."
As Seonghwa said that he ran his fingers lightly up your bare inner thigh towards your sensitive core, making you shiver. You'd already spent the best part of the day in bed with him and Hongjoong and were far too over-sensitive to go for another round. It passed the time, though.
That's not to say you only did it to pass the time; they were both amazing in bed - as one would expect from demons, it came with the territory. You all had to be tempting and be able to back up that temptation with amazing skill - what better to corrupt innocent little humans. Not that sex was necessary to corrupt them but it certainly made it more entertaining when you found a particularly attractive one. The physical contact from sex with humans also helped deteriorate their mental state quicker, your aura surrounding them like a beautiful yet suffocating fog, leaving them more vulnerable to suggestion. It wasn't just a job, you all liked to have fun with it, too.
Pushing Seonghwa's hand away you dragged yourself up off the bed and got dressed. Black was generally the dress code down here but sometimes you added a splash of red as it made you look all the more sinful. Add to that the dark make up and you looked like a bad idea brought to life. You had wings, of course, but they weren't always visible. Down in the lower realm they were always there, a beautiful shiny black cascade of feathers but when you entered the human world they weren't visible to anyone else but your kind.
The angels could see them, too. The deep black being a stark warning to stay away from you because it was much more fun to mess with them than it was the humans. Angels were the only ones who presented a real challenge because after all these years you'd been doing it, humans were just too easy.
Angels had orders, people they had to keep watch over, to save - mostly from your kind. Demons, however, only had one order...cause as much havoc and corruption as you can - otherwise do whatever the Hell you want.
"I guess I'll go and misbehave, then." You said as you threw a glance back at your two best fuck buddies, "You coming?"
"Nah," Hongjoong said giving Seonghwa a cheeky look "we're not done yet."
"Okay, have fun boys!" You walked away laughing to yourself; those two together really were a beautiful sight to watch but you wanted something new to excite you today.
"Just take it." You whispered discreetly to the man in front of you. He couldn't see you or consciously hear your voice but his sub-conscious was getting the message. You were in a high end department store, following a man trying to find a gift for his girlfriend. He was looking at a bag he knew she wanted but he couldn't afford to get.
"If you're fast no one will even know." It wasn't actually necessary for the humans to be able to see you for you to corrupt them. You could talk to their sub-conscious like the metaphorical little devil on their shoulder. You only let them see you if you wanted them to.
Seonghwa was right, in these posher areas where people weren't in such desperate situations, they weren't quite as ready to break the law and corrupting them took a little more persuasion. It was still too easy, though.
"The guard isn't looking, hide it in your coat and walk out. Imagine how happy your girlfriend will be on her birthday." That was all it took for the man to do exactly as you said. Humans were so stupid - he hadn't even considered the security tag. You sat smugly on one of the plush chairs in the store, watching for the moment he would set off the alarms and the security guards would step in. It was quite satisfying because, as a supernatural creature, you had the gift of foreseeing what would happen if they listened to you. In this case you knew the man was going to be arrested and completely ruin his girlfriend's birthday. She would leave him and then, in his despair, he would be even easier to lead down the wrong path.
Quite satisfying but you'd still not had to try very hard. As the commotion unfolded in front of you, you considered if these areas were better than the run-down parts of town. Sure you'd had to work a little harder but the lengths they'd go to weren't as extreme. In the dodgy areas you could find any low-life and because they were already on the wrong side of the law you could make them do some really bad shit. Maybe that's why Hwa told you to come here - it was only theft today but if you kept working on this guy, you could really mess him up. Maybe that would be more fun than the instant gratification you found with the low-lives.
A few days later you were sitting in a bar next to the guy from the department store - although he didn't know that. He was drowning his sorrows, his girlfriend had left him as she didn't want a thief for a boyfriend and the embarrassment of it was too much for her. The guy was bitterly complaining to the bartender, who just listened patiently, although you knew what he was thinking and it wasn't pity for the guy.
As he got increasingly drunk, you sucked on a cherry-flavoured lollipop and quietly listened for details of his life that you could use to fuck it up even more. Alcohol had no effect on demons so there was no point in you drinking. His name was Kwangsoo or something - not that you cared. You were more interested in the difficulties in his life that you could use against him and his weaknesses that you could exploit. You weren't getting much tonight as he just kept on whining about his stupid girlfriend so it seemed like you'd have more work ahead of you.
Eventually, Kwangsoo was asked to leave the bar when the bartender had decided he'd had enough to drink.
"Refuse." You whispered in his ear and the guy looked up at the bartender and started shouting about how he would decide when he'd had enough. It didn't get him far as the bartender simply beckoned security over to throw him out.
"Don't let them do this to you. Who are they to tell you where you can be?" Drunk humans were even easier to control and he promptly started trying to fight his way out of the security guards' hold. He got one arm free and threw a punch at one of the security guards while you watched on in amusement. The bartender called the police as security managed to get the drunk guy on the floor, while you kept whispering to him to fight on. As the police dragged a screaming Kwangsoo away you laughed to yourself, it was yet another fall on the way to rock bottom for him.
You felt the unpleasant shiver down your spine before you noticed the new addition to the police cell you and Kwangsoo were currently occupying. Looking up you saw an angel appear and look at you with caution before looking over to Kwangsoo. You felt the shiver anytime an angel came within your vicinity and you imagined they probably felt something similar as they always looked immediately at you before the human they were assigned to.
"What the Hell?" Kwangsoo shouted, started.
"I'd prefer if you didn't say that word." The angel said, smiling. His voice was deep and there was something about it you liked. It wasn't soft like the others' voices that you'd heard, theirs usually rang out beautifully, like a song.
"What? Hell?"
"Yeah, that one. It's not a nice place, you wouldn't want to go there. Which is why I'm here. You've been making some bad choices lately - I think I know why..." He briefly looked over to you again as he spoke and you simply smirked back at him. "...but I'm here to set you back on the right path."
"Who - or what - are you? And how did you get in here?" Kwangsoo wondered aloud.
"My name is Mingi. I'm an angel."
Mingi sighed, disbelief was quite normal to him. "Did you or did you not just see me appear out of thin air, big white wings and shining aura?"
Kwangsoo looked over him skeptically but couldn't deny what he saw - even if he was still somewhat drunk. "I guess..."
"Then we're good. I'm an angel and I'm here to help get you back on the straight and narrow."
As the angel talked with Kwangsoo, you sat watching and listening. The angel wasn't quite like the ones you'd seen before. The make ones you'd seen tended to be a little more on the feminine-looking side - not that they looked like girls but they usually had softer, more slender features and bodies. This one was big. Tall, broad shoulders, nice thick thighs and more masculine features but he was still stunningly beautiful like all the rest. Demons, of course, were all stunningly beautiful, too, given that they were, in essence, just fallen angels but their beauty didn't seem so pure. There was almost a dirtiness to it - like it was tainted. You guessed that wasn't really a bad description of it - you were tainted, after all.
Actually you were surprised that they hadn't sent a female angel to this man like they normally did. A practice they employed as human males were much more likely to pay attention to a beautiful woman - males were such simple creatures. Mind you, the human women were no better with the beautiful men assigned to them.
While your mind was wandering, Mingi and Kwangsoo had finished talking and you just caught Angel Boy saying goodbye and promising to return soon. He didn't leave, though, he just vanished from Kwangsoo's sight and came towards you. He approached with caution, not getting too close because all angels were warned to stay away from demons. Demons were risky to be around because angels were fair and full of goodness but demons didn't play fair. They liked to mess with the angels and didn't feel the least bit bad about doing so. Despite how good angels were they weren't entirely immune to tempation so it wasn't unknown for angels to be turned. It was the ultimate challenge for a demon. Maybe this was the new excitement you'd been craving so badly.
"I'd like you to stay away from Kwangsoo now." Angel Boy spoke, his voice giving away just how apprehensive he was talking to you. "You've had some fun with him but, please, leave him alone and let me help him."
You giggled in surprised - you'd never had one of them ask you such a thing. Normally they ignored you as they were instructed. Did this one really think there was any good in you that you'd be nice and listen to him? You cocked your head, looking directly at him but didn't say anything yet. You'd rather let the silence hang for a moment to make it more uncomfortable for him - and it looked to be working. He couldn't manage to hold eye contact with you and cleared his throat nervously, probably wondering if engaging you directly was really the best idea.
As you rose from the bench slowly Mingi looked you up and down - anything to avoid eye contact but maybe that wasn't a great idea either. You watched as his eyes widened slightly as he took in your leather pants and chunky-heeled biker boots, then finally reaching your tight black top which showed a nice amount of cleavage. Feeling too uncomfortable with that he quickly looked away but, unfortunately for him, his eyes settled on your mouth just as you were slowly sliding the cherry lollipop out from between your lips. You smirked at him again as you saw his tongue poke out to lick at his own plump lips. This was going to be fun.
"I guess I could leave Kwangsoo alone...he wasn't much fun anyway." You said   thoughtfully.
"T-thank you?" Cute. He said it like a question, as if he wasn't quite sure what was going on.
"I think I'm going to find you much more entertaining anyway." Looking straight into his deep brown eyes, you lifted you hand to smear the sticky lollipop across Mingi's bottom lip, all while he stood frozen to the spot and unable to move.
As you started to phase out of there you saw those beautiful eyes close and his shoulders slump as he let out the breath he'd been holding all that time.
"Yunho!" Mingi shouted urgently, running into his best friend's room, "Yunho, I need help!"
"What's wrong?" Yunho asked, startled at the commotion.
"A demon. There's a demon around my charge." Mingi said, as if that expalined it all.
Yunho's brows furrowed in confusion, "But...there always are. What's the problem?"
"I spoke to her." Mingi groaned as Yunho's eyes widened.
"Why on Earth would you do that? You know better than to engage with them!"
"I know! I don't know what came over me. She didn't look as evil as the others so I tried asking her to leave Kwangsoo alone."
"And?" The tall blonde angel asked, curious.
"She said she'd leave him alone....because she'd have much more fun with me." Mingi hung his head, with not a single clue as to how to handle this.
"Oh no. You're such an idiot. You know you can never tell how bad they are just by their appearance. They are masters of deception. And now you've taken her interest."
Mingi groaned in frustration again, "I know it was stupid but what do I do now?"
The blonde thought for a moment but came up with nothing, "I've never been stupid enough to talk to one so I don't know. We should find Yeosang. Maybe he'll know."
Mingi took a deep breath as he prepared to appear in Kwangsoo's apartment, hoping you wouldn't be there. Yeosang had given some advice but not before telling Mingi just how stupid he was to have even looked your way, let alone spoken to you.
He had two choices on how to proceed. One, he could stop helping Kwangsoo  and have him assigned to another angel. That didn't sit well with Mingi; he had made a promise to help and he didn't want to neglect it. Two, he could carry on with his mission and try his best to ignore you completely. Don't look at you, don't acknowledge you and definitely don't talk to you. Mingi just hoped it would be that easy. Problem was, that as soon as he appeared anywhere near your kind, he got the same uneasy feeling that you did when being near one of his kind and it was pure instinct to look for the source of it. Which he did and, upon locking eyes with you, saw you smirk at him causing him to get flustered immediately. This wasn't going to be as easy as he'd hoped.
As soon as you felt that uneasy feeling telling you an angel was near you perked up, hoping it would be Mingi again - a hope that was rewarded as the beautiful, sandy-haired man appeared in front of you. He really was stunning, you couldn't deny it. His dark eyes met yours briefly with a look of...fear, perhaps? You knew he would at least be nervous to be around you as there wasn't much he could do if you decided to play with him. Angels and demons didn't really have powers and, therefore, couldn't affect each other. It was bad for him because he couldn't just get rid of you to make his job easier and basically meant that if he didn't like what you were doing his only choice was to put up with it or leave but also good for him in that he didn't have to worry about you being able to hurt him in any way. It was a leveller between your two kinds to stop all out war from ensuing and the human realm being destroyed in the crossfire.
When it came to doing your jobs, success depended on who was stronger and the human in question's will. Would they let tempation overtake them or was there enough good in them to take the path of the angels? It seemed that the more good the angel had done the stronger their influence became and, of course, the more chaos the demon had caused the stronger theirs became. The vibes you were getting from this particular angel made you think you were about evenly matched.
As Mingi counselled Kwangsoo you simply sat and watched - after all you did imply you'd leave the human alone. You couldn't fully stick to that, though, because if you stopped messing with the human then the angel would win and have no reason to keep coming back and the last thing you wanted to do was lose your new toy. No...you'd have to mess with him just enough to not make it look like Kwangsoo's soul was un-winable, otherwise Mingi might give up and you might never see him again. For now your mere presence was enough because the longer a human was subjected to it, the more your aura infected their mind and body. Of course, if Mingi spent as much time with the human as you did his aura might just be more powerful and be able to offset the damage to his soul that you were doing but you were pretty sure that Mingi wouldn't be able to stay with him for too long if you were around - the poor thing was too frightened of you.
As you watched you decided it was time to make things a little more interesting. You silently stood and made your way over to the angel, leaning in close to his ear and breathing gently,
"It really is so intriguing to watch you work."
Mingi jumped, having not felt your approach as he was so wrapped up in his counselling.
"Are you okay?" Kwangsoo asked, looking around for what had caused Mingi to jolt like that.
"I'm fine." He said, trying his best to appear calm, "I'm just sensitive to the darker energy in the room."
You giggled and took a seat beside Kwangsoo on the couch, looking across him directly at Mingi, who was on the armchair. You sat with your elbow on the arm of the couch, resting your chin in your palm and your little finger caught between your teeth as you looked at Mingi with hooded lids. You never stopped looking at him but every now and then, ran your little finger over your bottom lip and licked at it gently with your sinful tongue. You could see how Mingi's eyes kept darting to your lips, despite his better judgement, and you took delight in the way you were obviously affecting him.
Mingi shifted uncomfortably under your gaze and, as it all became too much for him, he abruptly ended his conversation with Kwangsoo.
"I'm sorry need to go for now...but I'll be back again soon, I promise."
"Thank you, Mingi. I really appreciate what you're doing for me."
Mingi gave him a small smile, probably feeling guilty because he was cutting short their time together, making you smile in satisfaction - this was your time now. As he started to phase out of human sight you moved at lightning speed to grab him and stop him from getting away entirely. He fought against you at first, trying to break free because you both knew full well he couldn't return to the upper realm with you hanging off him. He gave up after a few moments and let you hold him there in the human's apartment, caged against the wall by your midnight black wings.
You leaned in close to his neck, taking in the beautiful scent of him, almost touching him but just shy of doing so.
"Mmmm, you smell so delicious...it makes me want to taste you so badly."
You ghosted your lips over his soft skin, making him shiver in response. He seemed to have lost the ability to speak temporarily and made no move to get away, frozen like a deer in headlights.
You took advantage of his frozen state and moved your hand to his chest, stroking down slowly until you reached the waistband of his trousers.
"I know there's a part of you that would like to taste me, too - just to see if it's as good as you've heard." You tip-toed up so your mouth was against Mingi's ear as you whispered, "It is."
He was almost shaking now so you decided he'd had enough for today and left him with one last reminder of you to play on his mind. Staying up on your tip-toes you brushed your lips against his, adding a little lick across his bottom lip for good measure.
"I'll see you soon, Angel Boy." You laughed and phased out back to the lower realm, extremely satisfied with yourself. You'd affected him so much that he couldn't complete his job, running out on the human and you knew that would be what hurt him the most. You didn't just want to corrupt him...you wanted to break him first.
"We haven't seen you much lately. I take it you found something to occupy you?" Seonghwa wondered, brushing his black hair out of his eyes.
"Hmm, yes. A delightfully innocent angel that came to help the human I was trying to corrupt. The boy even had the balls to ask me to leave the human alone, if can you believe it?"
"Wow." Hongjoong replied, "He must either be very new or very stupid."
"Stupid enough to believe she has a good side he could appeal to." Seonghwa snorted.
"He's not quite like the others I've encountered." You mused as you ran your hands through Hongjoong's platinum hair, the man kissing down your neck as you fucked yourself on his hard cock. "He's...stunning, to be honest. Much more manly than the others but still just as innocent. I can't wait to ruin him and be bouncing on his cock instead."
Hongjoong slapped your behind hard, making you cry out in pain, "Hey! If you keep thinking about other men while I'm fucking your tight little cunt, I'll have to punish you properly."
"Ooh, is that a promise?" You teased, "His build is quite a bit bigger than yours...I'll bet his cock is much more impressive, too."
Hongjoong grabbed you by your neck, squeezing as he flipped you onto your back, "You're going to regret that, Slut. Seonghwa...get me the chains."
"Whips, too?" The taller demon asked as he climbed off the bed, a devious look on his face.
"Oh, I think so." He replied as he rammed back into you hard.
As Mingi laid alone in his room back in the upper realm he kept replaying the scene over and over again in his mind. It hadn't quite been a kiss but he could still feel the way your soft lips brushed against his and how your hot tongue ever-so-lightly traced over his plump bottom lip. As he remembered it a strange feeling formed in the pit of his stomach and he felt a tingling sensation down below. He slowly moved his hand down to that area and gently felt it over his pants, pulling his hand back in surprise when the feeling intensified. He timidly felt the area again, noting that it seemed a little...firmer than usual. Bigger, too. He knew humans did something with this area but he didn't quite know what. Was this what humans felt when they did whatever they did? And why would he be feeling like that?
He wasn't one hundred percent sure he knew what these feelings were but he did know they felt wrong to him. Forbidden. He shouldn't be feeling this way. Yet, despite this knowledge, why couldn't he stop thinking about it? He tried to fight the feelings - without much luck.
Mingi hadn't told Yunho what had happened last time he saw you. He couldn't bring himself to admit the situation he had allowed himself to get into. What would he say to Yunho when he asked him why he didn't push you away? Angels may not have powers against demons but he could've fought harder...used physical force to get away from you so he could escape back home. It was allowed if to protect himself. The reason he didn't know what to tell his best friend, was that he didn't know himself, why he hadn't done so.
However, despite his attempts to keep this latest encounter secret, Yunho could tell something was wrong. If not simply because of Mingi's strange behaviour, he could definitely tell when he saw a single white feather fall from one of Mingi's luminescent wings as he walked away, after insisting everything was fine. Angels don't shed their feathers...
Soon enough you were aching to get back to Kwangsoo, after all, you had to keep your new plaything coming back. You hopped out of Hongjoong's bed- somewhat sore after the wonderful punishment he visited upon you - and dressed to look as tempting as possible. All black, as usual, but deciding that a very short dress that showed your figure at it's best ought to do it. You opted to go barefoot because it usually gave a girl a hint of youth and innocence so you knew it would be a jarring contrast to your sinful aura in Mingi's mind.
"Hey, are you going back to the human world again?"
"Yep." You replied to Seonghwa lightly. "Gotta go work on Angel Boy some more."
"Maybe we can come and help. Make ruining him more fun."
"No!" The denial was blurted out before you even registered thinking it and Seonghwa raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow. while Hongjoongs head snapped up in curiosity.
"I...I just think that I can work him better alone. I don't want to scare him away by bringing you two along - you're hardly gentle, are you?."
The two demon boys looked doubtful but let it go.
"You'd better share once you've broken him." Seonghwa said with a hint of disappointment in his tone.
"Uh...yeah, sure." They looked a little more satisfied but must've noticed the hesitancy in your answer. They probably just thought that you wanted to keep all the fun to yourself and that's exactly what you were telling yourself, too. There was no other possible reason for you not wanting them anywhere near him.
You lounged around Kwangsoo's apartment, bored and waiting for your angel to show up again. You knew he'd have to come to the apartment as he couldn't risk popping up out of nowhere at the human's workplace. He may be able to hide his wings but he couldn't get rid of the luminescent aura that surrounded him.
The time was ticking away and it worried you that you may have scared him off already. Disappointment flooded you at the thought but you told yourself it was just because you might lose your new toy. Just as you were starting to lose hope you felt the telltale shiver up your spine that signalled his presence and shot up from the couch. He appeared right in front of you, clearly startled by your immediate proximity. You smiled sweetly at him - too sweetly to match the aura you gave off.
"You kept me waiting so long today. It's mean of you." You pouted up at him while he looked around uncomfortably, not able to meet your eyes.
As Kwangsoo clearly wasn't in the room, Mingi altered his presence so that only you could see and hear him - the last thing he wanted was for the human to hear him talking to you and find out there was a demon hanging around him. He had to keep your interaction with his charge as limited as possible.
"Why are you doing this?" He asked, a pained expression on his face, "Please just stop being interested in me."
"Hmmm," You looked thoughtful for a moment but soon turned your sweet smile back on him and his face fell, "I don't think I can do that. You're not like the others, you're so much more...tempting."
"Please..." He whispered "I can't take this."
"You've been thinking about me, haven't you?" For the second time Mingi couldn't look you in the eyes.
"Did you feel excited when you thought about my lips touching yours?"
Mingi's eyes widened and you knew you'd got it right.
"Oh, you did! Do you want me to do it again?" You took a step towards him and he backed away. "I haven't been able to stop thinking about your pretty lips. Please let me do it again."
With each step you took forward he took one back until his back was against the wall. You lightly placed your hands on his chest and tip-toed up until your lips were millimetres from his. You bit your bottom lip as you looked up at him and delighted in the way he stared at your mouth, subconsciously licking his own lips in response.
Although you were taking all the control, you paused for a few seconds to give him time to escape. There was no fun in forcing him - coercion, yes - but not by force. You wanted him to submit to you - to chose to give himself to you. He didn't move so you closed the gap between you, softly moving your lips against his more plump ones. You sucked on his bottom lip and nibbled lightly, earning a quiet gasp from him. As his lips parted with the gasp you took the opportunity to slide your tongue into his mouth, swirling it around his. You took full control of the kiss, knowing he had never done this before.
Mingi was letting this happen but still standing awkwardly against the wall so, as you moved one hand up to run your fingers through his short, sandy coloured hair, you took one of his large hands and placed it on your hip. He got the hint and moved his other hand to your other hip and pulled you closer to him, finally giving in to the kiss.
He was hungry for it now, kissing you back eagerly and tightening his grip on you as you moaned against his mouth. Hearing you moan seemed to stir something buried deep within him and you felt his cock twitch against  you. Mingi tensed as you palmed his crotch with your free hand and pulled away from the kiss, breathing heavily. His face showed the conflict he was struggling with - knowing he should get out of there as fast he could but wanting to give in so badly.
"You've never felt this before, have you? Give in to it." You purred as you began to kiss his neck, "I know you want this. You want me."
Mingi gasped as you bit his neck and tightened his hold on your hips so much you were sure his fingers would leave marks. You moved your lips back to his and sucked on his bottom lip, all the while undoing his trousers so you could get better access to his cock which was now very hard. Mingi groaned into your mouth as you slipped your hand into his pants and started stroking him.
"Deep down you're just a naughty boy, aren't you. My naughty angel."
Mingi whimpered at your slightly degrading words. He was still trying to deny to himself that deep down he really did want this but your words hit home. It still felt so wrong.
Grabbing the waistband you slipped Mingi's trousers and pants down so they pooled around his ankles, you stepped back to look at him and gasped. You'd just been teasing Hongjoong when you said the angel's cock would be much more impressive than his but fuck...you were amazed at the sight before you.
"You're so beautiful." You breathed, unable to take your eyes off his long, thick cock. Precum was already leaking from the swollen tip and your core ached just thinking about having him inside you.
"I want to see you touch yourself." Mingi's eyes snapped open at your request, looking a little panicked.
"I-I've never done...that before." He stammered innocently. It was adorable.
"I know, baby." You cooed, "Don't worry, I'll show you how."
You took Mingi's large hand and wrapped it around his dick and, laying your own smaller hand over his, you slowly moved his hand up and down the shaft. Mingi closed his eyes again and let out the breath he'd been holding, feeling pleasure wash over him. Once he had a good rhythm going you took your hand back and settled on your knees to watch your angel pleasure himself. The sight of Mingi touching himself, lost in pleasure was like nothing you'd ever seen. It was more beautiful than you could ever have imagined.
Slowly you crept closer to him and gently kissed his leaking red tip. Surprised at the unexpected sensation, he looked down at you and groaned as you licked his pre-cum off your lips. His groans were much deeper than his normally deep voice and you swear you could feel the vibrations in your aching core.
As he continued to stroke himself you gave little kitten licks to the tip of his cock, savouring the sweet taste only an angel could have. Mingi's movements started to get a little sloppy as he drew ever closer to his first ever orgasm.
"You're doing so well, my angel. Let it go."
"I c-can't." Mingi cried out in a broken voice, "I can't do this."
Abruptly he stopped and before you could fully register it, he had yanked his trousers back up and disappeared, leaving a flurry of white feathers slowly falling to the floor in front of you.
"He just left?" San asked in astonishment. You were beck in the lower realm and telling him about your latest encounter, disappointed at how it turned out. San was easily the best out of you all at corrupting humans and angels alike. He, more than anyone, employed sex as his primary weapon of attack. He couldn't get enough - as you could well attest to given just how often he came to you or gatecrashed your fun with Hongjoong and Seonghwa, turning your threesome into an orgy.
"Wouldn't have happened if it were me." The demon said matter-of-factly. "I get the job done."
San was beautiful like all demons were, he had black hair with a streak of white down one side of his fringe and eyes that seemed to twinkle. He disarmed people with how adorable he could look, pulling them in with his cuteness until it was too late for them to escape and then he showed them his true nature.
While San had little sympathy for you, Seonghwa was considering your demeanour. You seemed...sad.
"If I didn't know better, I'd say you were more than just disappointed. Are you getting attached to this angel?"  
"What? No!" You rejected the inference vehemently. You didn't develop feelings like that. "I'm just a little annoyed that I'll have to work harder."
You sighed then, slumping down a little, "To be honest, I'm worried this will really have scared him off and he won't come back. I was so close to turning him."
"If you say so." Seonghwa replied, his big, dark eyes looking you over skeptically.
"Hey Y/N?" Hongjoong called, "Are you sure it's really you that is turning him and not the other way around?"
"What are you talking about, Joong?" You almost snapped, irritated at all of them questioning your skills.
"Well...if this is anything to go by, I'd say your aura is weakening."
You looked at him in horror as he held up three jet black feathers that seemed to have fallen from your wings. This wasn't right. A demon's wings were only as strong as their aura and if that started to deteriorate, so would their wings.
"Looks like Angel Boy is affecting you as much as you're affecting him." Hongjoong said, smirking.
You'd given a lot of thought to what Hwa and Joong had said but didn't want to believe it. Yet there was no other reason for your wings to shed than your aura weakening. Demons didn't get sick so were you really developing feelings for the angel? You couldn't think of any other reason than that.
You thought about him carefully, trying to remember how you felt the first time you saw him. True, you were stunned by his beauty but you though that was just because he was different to all the others - that you were just excited to find something new. Now you thought about it, though, you felt so much more drawn to him than you ever had to any other angel. With them you just wanted to have the fun of ruining another angel - one of many - but with Mingi you wanted him. You didn't just want to ruin him for fun, you realised, you wanted to do it so he could be with you.
All the signs had been there had you just looked for them. You spent hours waiting around Kwangsoo's apartment just for Mingi to appear and then got excited when he arrived. You even thought about him when you were fucking Hwa and Joong. The problem now was that, after admitting to yourself how you felt, would he want you back? Mostly you corrupted an angel and then you were done with them - you saw them around and sometimes had some fun together but there were no relationships to speak of. In fact, the only other demons you'd ever known to have any kind of relationship were Hongjoong and Seonghwa. They were together, of course, but it was still very flexible.
There was no knowing what kind of demon Mingi would turn out to be even if you were able to turn him and that wasn't looking likely now. He'd come so close but then found the strength to escape you, he'd probably be too scared now and have another angel take over his human mission.
"Mingi? Can I come in?" Yunho knocked on the door to Mingi's room. He hadn't seen him for days and was quite worried now. Receiving only silence from the other side of the door, he decided to go in anyway.
It was dark inside but he knew Mingi was there because he could feel his presence. Something was off about it, though, it didn't feel right. It was Mingi but it felt weak. More concerned now, Yunho went for the light.
"Don't turn it on!" Mingi said panicked, "I don't want you to see me."
"Min...what's wrong? Maybe I can help."
"You can't. It's gone too far."
"I'm turning the light on."
As Mingi's form was illuminated he grabbed his sheets and tried his best to cover himself but Yunho had already seen the state his best friend was in. He was shocked to say the least but more sad for his friend than anything. He'd lost his luminescence and his once beautiful wings were looking disheveled, some of the feathers scattered on the floor and his bed.
"Oh, Min...what've you done?" Yunho sat next to Mingi on his bed and pulled him into a hug.
"I couldn't resist her, Yunho. I should've taken Yeosang's advice and sent someone else in my place." Mingi said desperately.
"Wy didn't you then?" His blonde friend asked without judgement, just curiosity.
"I really don't know." the sandy blonde angel answered, "I thought it was just that I didn't want to abandon Kwangsoo or my pride in being able to finish the mission myself..." Mingi took a deep, shaky breath before continuing, "...but now I know it was more than that. I felt drawn to her somehow. I can feel it even now. I know I shouldn't but part of me wants to find her...to be with her."
Yunho listened quietly to his friend's confession, letting him get it all out.
"Was it because I was weak that she got to me? I'm clearly not strong enough?"
"It can't be that, Mingi...you've been doing this for a long time and seen off many demons before her - strong ones, too. There's something else going on here."
"Like what?"
"I didn't tell you before but I spoke to Yeosang again when I noticed you weren't yourself. Also, I saw you lose a feather so I knew something was wrong."
"What did he say?" Mingi asked, desperate to hear anything that might help.
Yunho blew out his cheeks, hesitating before he continued.
"He said sometimes our fate gets twisted. Our past gets entangled witrh our present."
"What's that meant to mean?" Mingi grumbled.
"It means you probably had some connection with her in your past life."
Mingi considered this revelation carefully. Not all angels and demons were created as such, some had had human lives before and became what they are now. They weren't permitted to remember those lives, though, lest they go looking for loved ones and cause complications in the human realm.
"Who was she to me then?"
"I would say she was someone very special to you." Both angels startled at the unexpected voice, looking around to see Yeosang standing in the doorway.
"Given what you've just told Yunho it would make sense, especially as you can feel the pull despite being on completely opposite sides."
"But why would I be here and she be there? Mingi asked the older, more experienced angel.
"Everyone has light and dark sides and people make mistakes. Some so big that it lands them in that place. Once there, they can't break free from that side of themselves."
Mingi looked thoughtful, trying to process this new information.
"What do I do then?" He asked, looking to Yeosang.
"That depends on what you want more - to remain here and carry on with this life or to be with her."
"And if I want to be with her?" Mingi asked tentatively.
"Then you give up this side of yourself and give in to darkness. You make the choice to 'fall' and there's no returning."
You didn't expect to see Mingi again, if he was strong enough to leave during what you were doing, you were sure he wouldn't risk coming back and putting his soul in jeopardy again. Yet still you waited. You'd admitted your feelings to yourself but had no idea what to do now - it's not like you could just go and find him, you couldn't enter his realm any more than he could come to yours.
You were sick of waiting in the stupid human's apartment so you went outside for fresh air and to get away from the same stupid walls you's been staring at for hours now. You hadn't even had the motivation to mess with Kwangsoo while you were waiting, your mind was solely on Mingi.
Leaning against the wall and slumping down to the floor, you wrapped your black wings around you as you hung your head and hugged your knees to yourself. As a demon you were strong, you'd never been bested by an angel before so it was unbelievable to you that this one had reduced you to this crumpled figure on the street.
You weren't sure how long you sat there lost in thought but an uneasy feeling and a shiver down your spine told you someone was approaching. You looked up half expecting it simply to be whichever angel had taken over Mingi's mission but, to your surprise, the tall sandy blonde angel himself stood in front of your curled up form, looking down at you.
For a time you both just looked at each other, neither knowing what to do or say in such an alien situation, but eventually you rose to your feet and stood looking up at him. You could see that he was no longer looking at you in fear but still had a hint of aprehension in his eyes as if he didn't know what to expect from you but you guessed that was a fair assumption, you were a demon, after all, and demons were known to be erratic. You did your best to look like you weren't a threat to him - and maybe your weakened aura helped a little - but still you gave off bad vibes naturally.
"What's your name?" He finally spoke.
Well, of all the things you might have expected him to say, that was not one of them.
"Y/N." You replied cautiously, looking at him quite suspiciously.
"Y/N..." He repeated your name quietly to himself, almost as if trying to remember something. All you could think of was how nice your name sounded being spoken in that rough, deep voice of his.
All the while you stood just watching him, wondering where on Earth this exchange was going. He, in turn, was watching you.
"You're not trying to destroy me today?" He said in an almost amused tone.
"No..." you replied quietly, looking away because his eyes were just too beautiful to look at and it hurt that you weren't going to see them again given the choice you had made while you sat curled up against the cold pavement.
"I'm going to leave you alone now...you don't have to worry about me harassing you anymore." If you really had feelings for him, how could you ruin him and force him into darkness? You laughed bitterly to yourself, he really had gotten to you if you - a fucking demon - were feeling bad about turning him.
Mingi nodded at this before saying something you never would have imagined,
"And if I want you to harass me?"
Your head shot up to look at him, trying to read his face and work out where he was going with this. Again you looked at him suspiciously.
Mingi let out a deep breath and fixed his gaze on you, freezing you in place with its intensity.
"I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since the last time...when you...well, you know..."
You almost smiled - it was cute how he was so innocent and couldn't finish that thought verbally - but the stronger feeling within you was shock. Had he just admitted what you thought he had?
"Mingi..." You said hesitantly, "...What are you saying?"
"I'm saying I...I wa-" He stopped to collect himself, clearly having trouble with the admission, "I want you."
You stared at him, trying to process his statement. You had decided that you wouldn't take the light out of his life but now he was willingly coming to you - without you coercing him, as was your usual method. The method that had failed just days ago.
"I don't understand this! I shouldn't have any feelings for you!" You cried out in frustration. "Hearing you say that should not be making me happy."
As you admitted your feelings, Mingi's eyes lit up with hope. He came to you having no idea if you were even capable of feeling the same as him or if you were just like the others...simply Hell-bent on destroying the good in him.
He crossed the small distance between you and took your face in his large hands, you could see the hesitation still in his eyes - you guessed this was difficult for him.
"Are you sure this is really what you want? There's no way back." You asked gently.
"I'm sure. I've made my decision...I'm going to fall. For you." You giggled at the unintended cheesy line and watched Mingi cringe a little as he realised how that had sounded.
You took the lead, leaning up to connect your lips with his. This was new to him but he seemed to have some instinct for what to do as he reciprocated, melting in to the kiss. It felt different to the last time you kissed when you were only interested in corrupting him...this felt new to you, too. It was like there was some connection you hadn't realised before.
You knew no one could see you and Mingi but, as you kissed down the soft skin on his neck, you felt like out on the street was exposed. Normally you liked the feeling, the dirtiness of it but you felt like it should be better for him. You still weren't quite sure why, you'd ruined angels before and it had never bothered you that it was their first time - in fact, making their first time so dirty and meaningless had added to your enjoyment of it and destroyed their soul just that little bit more, you had always thought.
You stopped kissing Mingi, causing his soft moans to come to a halt, "Not here. There's somewhere better nearby."
You instantly transported the both of you to a vacant room in a hotel you'd been to many times whilst toying with humans, the most appropriate place you could think of at short notice.
Once in the room you pushed Mingi down on to the plush, king-sized bed and climbed on top of him, immediately latching your lips on to his neck. Mingi gasped as you bit down and sucked on his soft skin. His deep moans sounded so beautiful as you licked over the area to soothe it before moving on to another spot then watching his clear skin redden after your assaults on it.
You moved back up to kiss his plump, pink lips as you began to unbutton his brilliant white shirt, your tongues swirling around each other as Mingi became more confident but still allowed you to dominate the kiss. With his shirt undone you  began a fresh assault on the smooth skin of his chest, biting and licking from his collarbone down to his hard nipples which you paid special attention to. Taking one of his nubs between your teeth, you used your tongue to tease the tip of it, all the while piching the other between your thumb and forefinger.
The sounds of surprise coming from Mingi each time he felt a sensation he'd never felt before fascinated you. You'd never paid much attention with previous conquests but, as much as it still confused you, you had feelings for this particular angel and each of the enthralling sounds falling from his lips made you want to hear more - to please him more.
As you reached his stomach you brought your hands down to the waistband of his white trousers, undoing the button and unzipping them before you reached in to feel how hard he had become at your ministrations.
"Mmmm, so hard for me already." You purred as you ran your wet tongue around the shell of his ear.
You didn't miss the uncertain look on your angel's face as he grabbed your wrist to stop you, your heart plummeting to your stomach thinking he was changing his mind again.
"I won't force you...I understand if you want to change your mind." You said quietly, trying to pull your hand out of his grasp and his trousers.
"It's not that." He said, looking embarrassed, "I still want this...I just...don't know what to do."
Your heart lifted at his words and a small part of you was still scared of how much he was affecting you. It wasn't normal for a demon to feel like this.
"Leave it to me." You smiled down at him, "I'll take care of you."
Mingi let go of your wrist and tried to relax underneath you but you could see he was still nervous. It made you want to be different from the other times when it was all just about the pleasure you got from destroying them. You wanted him to really enjoy this and not feel like he was losing to you. Trying to be as gentle as you could you pulled his trousers and pants down in one go and took his hard cock in your hand.
You stroked him lightly, at first, but got steadily faster and harder as you heard his deep moans intensify. You licked your lips at the precum making the tip of his dick glisten and dove down to lick it all off.
"Oh, fuck!" Mingi gasped out at the way your wet tongue was lapping at his slit. It must've been the first time he'd ever said that kind of word and hearing it from the angels mouth made you start getting wet. You looked back up at your angel and heard him groan in pleasure at the sight of your lips stained with his precum, his eyes were dark with lust. Looking away you wrapped your wet lips around his thick cock and started to suck as you swirled your tongue around the head, paying extra attention to the sensitive spot on the underside. You remembered how much he moaned that last time when you flicked your tongue over it and you just wanted to hear those beautiful sounds again. You never wanted to stop hearing them.
By now Mingi wasn't that far away from cumming - and it wasn't a surprise given that he never had before - but you didn't want it to be like this. You wanted that thick cock of his inside you. You wanted him to cum inside you so, reluctantly, you pulled away, seeing his member shining, coated in your saliva. You took Mingi's right hand and wrapped it around his dick, gently urging him to stroke himself while you undressed for him. He seemed to be getting more excited and pumping himself faster the more clothes you removed, getting himself closer to climax again. You felt incredibly excited watching him touch himself and you felt just how much more wet you were becoming just from that, although, having his dick in your mouth had helped a lot. Sucking cock was one of your favourite things to do because it always felt so dirty.
"Not yet, Angel." You told him as you pulled his hand away form his now painfully hard cock, "I want you to save all that cum for me."
Mingi's eyes flashed with desire as you whispered those words in his ear and, for the first time, he initiated the kiss, his large hand grabbing the back of your head and pulling you down towards his waiting mouth.
It made your heart lift, knowing that he wanted this too...that you weren't just coercing him and, again, you wondered what it was about this angel that he had managed to change you like this.
You kissed him sloppily, reaching down to stroke his aching cock a few times before lining him up with your soaking wet hole. Although you were trying to be gentle with him, you couldn't wait to have his impressive girth fill you up so you weren't quite as patient as you could have been. You couldn't help it, you sunk down on to his thick cock in one smooth motion, feeling every inch as it slid into you. Both Mingi and you moaned loudly at the sensation - him at the feeling of your tight cunt swallowing him up and you at the delicious stretch which caused an equal amount of pain and pleasure.
As you bounced up and down on Mingi's cock you watched in awe as his beautiful face scrunched up in a pleasure he'd never felt before. His luminescent aura had almost completely faded now and the room had a different feel - darker now as his goodness slipped away a little more each time he sloppily thrust up into you, losing himself to the pleasure your warm, wet cunt was giving him.
The feeling of having him inside you was indescribable but not just because of the way your tight hole hugged his length causing you to feel so blissfully full you thought you couldn't take anymore. It felt familiar and comforting. Mingi stared at you with the same look of awe in his impossibly dark eyes as you had watching him and, somehow, he felt like home. You didn't know what it meant but you knew you were already becoming addicted to this feeling. It gave your approaching orgasm a new dimension...an intensity you'd never felt with anyone else before - even the other demons who were, by nature, amazing lovers.
You could feel Mingi's sloppy thrusts starting to stutter, signalling that he was close. You could feel his cock twitching inside you and that, together with his deep grunts, threw you over the edge. You threw yourself down to kiss him as you came, wanting to feel him everywhere you could. As you came over Mingi's cock, the feeling of your already tight heat squeezing him even harder as he thrust up into you became too much for him to bear and he moaned out loud as he shot creamy white cum all over you walls. He gave a few more shallow thrusts before he relaxed, closing his eyes.
His luminescence was completely gone now that it was complete. He had fallen. There was no going back for him. You hoped he wouldn't regret this, you desperately wanted him to stay with you -  though, you wondered why him when no one else had ever managed to move you even the slightest bit? You gazed down at him as you pondered this, he was still breathing hard and as you watched him he started to change. All angels changed in appearance once they 'fell'. The feeling of goodness and purity had already gone from him but you supposed it was a visual manifestation of his new state. His gentle-looking face would go, leaving in its place a colder but more tempting mask. Still the same features but a darker beauty than the pure one he had before.
Mingi's short, sandy-blonde hair transformed, bleeding bright red from the roots to the ends as it grew a little longer with a slight wave to it. His wings - which had looked a dirtier white with missing feathers when he came to you today - started to flutter as they changed. You watched as it started from the top, the white being taken over by a deep black which matched your own. It ran down the length of his wings like someone pouring ink all over them and the missing feathers were replaced with shiny new black ones. As the new feathers fluttered you noticed the barest hint of red as the low light of the room hit them - complementing his new hair colour. He was utterly breathtaking.
Although Mingi had already been generously proportioned, you felt his thighs thicken a little more underneath you and his chest and arms become more defined. His clothes were the last to change, turning black to remove all traces of his former connection to the angels' realm. There was nothing left now...you could only wait to see how much he had changed himself.
Slowly, Mingi opened his eyes to look up at you - his cock was still buried deep inside you and he didn't immediately make a move to change that but he did move his hands from where they held onto your hips. You waited nervously to see what he would do, your bottom lip caught in between your teeth as you worried. He brought both hands up to cup your face and pulled your lip from between your teeth with his thumb, rubbing over it gently  to soothe the marks your teeth had left. The affectionate gesture made you release a breath you hadn't realised you were holding because he didn't immediately reject you now he was changed. Maybe it wasn't too bad, maybe his personality hadn't altered too much. You'd like to think not because it was Angel Mingi you fell in love with...how would you feel if he was a completely different person - a demon in the truest sense of the word.
Suddenly the former angel flipped you both over so he was now above you, his cock still buried deep inside your sensitive pussy. Startled by his quick movements you could only stare up at him, your eyes wide, as he leant down to kiss you deeply, not asking for permission to slip his tongue into your mouth but taking control himself - biting your lip so your mouth parted with a gasp, giving him the access he wanted. He took your wrists in his big, strong hands and held them in place on either side of your head
You could feel the confidence emanating from this new Mingi and it turned you on. You may have enjoyed dominating and corrupting plenty of humans and angels alike but really you enjoyed being dominated. When you played with Hongjoong and Seonghwa you almost always allowed them to take full control, submitting to them both and allowing them to use you however they wanted. The thought of Mingi taking control and using you for his own pleasure shot thrills of arousal through you, causing your clit to start tingling with anticipation.
Mingi changed his grip so he now easily held both your wrists together in one of his hands and used the other to loosen your clothing and expose your breasts to him. Leaning down, he kissed around one of your breasts - teasing - before finally taking your hard nipple in his mouth and sucking hard, while pinching the other between his thumb and forefinger.
The whine you let out at the sensation was loud and needy and you knew he liked it because you felt his cock start to harden again. He hadn't pulled out of you, even when he flipped you both over, so you could feel it as his cock got bigger, the generous girth stretching you out again and when his tip brushed against your g-spot you mewled in pleasure. In response, Mingi thrust deeply and you cried out loud because you were still so sensitive.
"So needy already..." Mingi growled in your ear, his hot breath tickling your skin, "Do you love my cock that much?"
"Yes, I...Aaaahh." You couldn't finish because the red-head had just bitten down on your neck, drawing blood and marking you as his. Although it hurt, it was an exquisite pain...you liked him claiming you so that everyone knew you belonged to him. This was really what you wanted, for Mingi make you submit to him, to own you. If anyone wanted you now, they would have to ask his permission. Hwa and Joong wouldn't like it much as they were used to playing with you whenever any of you liked but they would respect the claim.  
As if he knew what you had been up to thus far, Mingi looked at you challengingly and growled out, "You've been such a dirty little whore, haven't you?"
"Yes...but I'm your dirty little whore now." You looked up at him through your lashes, so submissive now.
Mingi started to fuck you again, hard and fast, grunting out between thrusts, "And who..does this tight little pussy...belong to now?"
"You, Mingi!" You all but screamed out as he pounded into you so roughly. "My tight little pussy belongs to you!"
"That's right, whore. This cunt is mine to fuck however and whenever I want."
Mingi bit down hard on your breast, he didn't draw blood this time but it was definitely hard enough to leave a mark. He continued biting all over your chest and collarbone as he fucked you, licking over the areas where he had bitten to soothe them.
The sounds in the room were lewd, to say the least, your loud moans and Mingi's deep grunts adding to the filthy, wet sound of him thrusting in and out of you over and over again. You were still full of his cum from his first orgasm and it sounded so dirty as he fucked it back up into you. Mingi leaned up and watched his hard cock slide in and out of your core, glistening with your combined juices.
"This filthy little cunt is so small and tight it can't take my big cock and all my cum at once...it's squirting out as I fuck you."
The ex-angel slid his finger over your folds as they hugged his thick cock, gathering up some of his cum and lifting it to your lips, "Lick it off, Whore."
You did as you were told, cleaning his finger completely of his salty cum, never breaking eye contact. "More, please." You smiled up at him with fake innocence.
"Fuck. You're so dirty." Mingi groaned before collecting even more cum on two of his long fingers and forcing them into your mouth. When you had sucked him clean, he leaned down and licked your lips where some of his cum was glistening, having escaped your tongue.
With his fingers still wet from your mouth he reached down and started to rub fast circles over your swollen clit. You were so close already from his degrading words and his new dominating persona that it didn't take much for you to be on the edge of another orgasm.
"Are you gonna cum again for me, baby?"
"Yes...please, Mingi, I want to cum for you."
"Cum all over my cock, then. That's all a whore like you is good for, after all."
You came hard, loving the way he was degrading you in his deep, rough voice and your tight walls clenching around him so hard almost stopped his thrusts.
"Fuck, your pussy is squeezing my cock so hard I almost can't move. You really love being my little whore, don't you."
You nodded, in too much of a daze from the intense orgasm to form a coherent sentence. It only took Mingi a few more deep thrusts to reach his second orgasm and you felt his cock twitch as he released, forcing more of his cum into you. As he pulled out you felt the warmth as both his releases gushed out from between your thighs.
"So beautiful..." Mingi said quietly as he watched it continue to run out, smearing it over you with his fingers.
"I'm yours now." He said, looking at you with a soft intensity that was in such contrast to how he had been with you just a moment ago. You loved that Mingi's demon form was so dominating and powerful but loved even more that he hadn't lost his feelings for you in the transition.
You laid on the bed together for a while, you were still a little out of it so he just held you in his arms tightly.
Eventually you broke the silence, "Shall we go home?"
Mingi's soft smile made your heart stutter in a way you still weren't used to, "Sure...show me where I belong now."
"So... This is the one who took you away from us." Hongjoong looked Mingi over, sizing him up. He may have been a fair bit smaller than your new demon boyfriend but he was much stronger as Mingi was so new.
"Be nice, Joongie..." Seonghwa chided gently, "He might still share."
You looked up at Mingi, wondering how he'd react. His possessive streak was evident the moment he was turned. He looked over the both of them...you weren't quite sure what he was thinking but if you were honest, it looked like he was eyeing them up. You weren't sure, though, you hadn't discovered all of his new personality traits yet.
Hwa was looking Mingi straight in the eye, smirking almost challengingly. In response your the red-haired demon lightly bit his bottom lip in between his teeth, clearly tempted by the invitation.
"I think we can play..." He said, looking straight back into Seonghwa's dark eyes, "Don't you, baby?" He mused, turning to you.
You smiled happily up at him, already imagining having all three of them using you as they wished.
"In that case, I wanna play, too." You heard San's voice chime in before you saw the demon leaning against the doorframe, his eyes twinkling in anticipation. This was gonna be fun.
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mingkily · 4 years
。☆✼★━ dream come true | c.sn ━★✼☆。
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starring: san x reader
fsk-0: fluff | the tiniest bit of insecurities | requested !
volume: 1.7k words
vip access: @midnightseonghwa​ & @barsformars​ & @treasure-hwa​ !
“how was work?” 
his expression fell, no longer able or wanting to hide the exhaustion he felt in that moment.
“just tiring.”
“let’s eat and you can tell me what’s up, okay? or if you don’t want to i can tell you about mrs. schuster and her obsession with erotica novels. she’s convinced she’ll find herself one of those cover models even though she’s like seventy-five and looks like a dried plum.”
you had to admit that, no matter how hard you tried, you never managed to fully understand your boyfriend’s work. not in the way that you couldn’t understand why he’d chosen to work as a dance instructor - you could most definitely understand that, his passion for dancing was as obvious as a massive red sign saying “no entry”, there was no way to miss it if you weren’t entirely stupid -, it was more that you didn’t understand what all he had to do, so even when in the beginning you’d asked him to explain things to you after a while you just gave up and instead did your own work while he planned another choreography, or watched him dance if you had the time, even when you didn’t understand why this move was a perfect follow-up for that move or why the footwork needed to be improved when it seemed perfect to you.
“it’s not perfect yet”, san would often tell you, but you’d just roll your eyes at him, sappy and in love as you’d counter: “everything about you is perfect, including your footwork.”
he’d roll his eyes back at you, but you knew he secretly enjoyed the praise. after all the hard work it had taken for him to be where he was now it was always a nice feeling to have someone tell him that he was doing well. that it had been worth it.
because sometimes things were still hard. sometimes work was exhausting. sometimes he saw someone that had less passion than him but, in his eyes, was a better dancer, or the opposite, someone that had all the passion in the world but wanted to give up because they felt like they’d never be able to make it. that reminded him much of himself when he was younger, and when those students would drop his classes was when his work would get really draining, was when he needed that extra care when he got home.
and today was one of those days.
you noticed as soon as he got home, your happy “hey sannie!” eliciting a fake-happy “hey!” from your lover, but when you asked “how was work?” his expression fell, no longer able or wanting to hide the exhaustion he felt in that moment.
“bad?”, your arms immediately wrapping around his waist as you held him close, starting to stroke his hair when he hid his face in the crook of your neck, trying to shut out the world and the exhaustion he felt.
“just tiring”, his arms wrapped around you now too, holding you tight as if he needed to make sure you weren’t going to run away, or maybe he wanted to squeeze all his frustrations out, much like as if you were one of those anti-stress balls in xxl, or maybe it just calmed him down to hold you. either way, you really didn’t mind in the slightest, would never mind receiving his love.
“let’s eat and you can tell me what’s up, okay? or if you don’t want to i can tell you about mrs. schuster and her obsession with erotica novels. she’s convinced she’ll find herself one of those cover models even though she’s like seventy-five and looks like a dried plum”, trying to make him smile with a story about your work and it seemed to work because you felt his breath tickle your skin as he chuckled, staying where he was for another few seconds before he pulled away, making his way to the kitchen with your hand in his and not leaving you a choice about which chair to sit on because he pulled you down to the one next to him.
“what’s for dinner, love?”, reluctantly letting go of you so you could go fetch the food for the two of you.
“nothing big, just some ramen. but i bought ice cream”, smiling even when he couldn’t see it because your back was turned towards him.
that was enough to satisfy the exhausted man, especially when you decided to feed him after you’d noticed that even moving his arm to bring the food to his mouth seemed to be too much already.
“thank you”, mumbled out between two bites, earning him a small pat to his stuffed cheek before you continued your meal, finishing it soon after and moving to clean up before san could get all the love and attention he craved and then some.
he’d already freed himself from the constricts of his clothes when you joined him in your bedroom, offering you direct skin-to-skin contact as soon as you settled in his arms because there was no way you were keeping your bra on either, not when you wanted to be comfortable, the two of you enjoying a moment of silence before you turned to half lay on top of him, elbows on his chest as you looked down at his face with an expression of gentle worry and absolute adoration.
“do you want to talk about work? or would you rather not?”
he sighed, chest moving up and down underneath you and lifting your upper body as a consequence, his hands roaming your back as he started telling you about how one of his favourite students had quit despite his constant words of encouragement because she’d felt like she’d never be good enough, deciding to opt for a “safer” career path instead.
“and that just reminds me so much of myself back then, you know? and how if i hadn’t had you and my family i’d probably ended up the same way, and it breaks my heart because there’s nothing i love more than dancing and i know the same counts for her, but i wasn’t enough to convince her that she can do it if she tries.”
“love”, you started, changing your position a little so you were now fully laying on his chest rather than propped up on your elbows, “it’s not up to you to make sure everyone follows their dreams. i know you want to, but just because someone doesn’t believe you doesn’t mean that you aren’t enough. for every student that drops out you’ve made another couple reach their goals. i’m proud of you and i want you to be proud of you, too.”
he hummed, not convinced but a little comforted, holding you tightly because there was nothing better to him, really.
“i love you, sannie. how’s your back?”, half to change the topic (you knew this wasn’t really going to lead anywhere right now), half because it was no secret that some of his choreos killed his back, yet he’d usually just ignore it and hope his back had magically recovered by the next day. you, however, had a different tactic, one that was, in all honesty, more effective than his would ever be.
“it’s okay”, he said before changing his mind right after, knowing that with you it was okay to admit that it hurt.
“actually, it hurts. not too bad, but it hurts.”
“do you want a massage?”
as if he was ever going to say no to that, even when he wasn’t in pain. and now that he was he was most definitely going to take you up on that offer - it sounded heavenly.
you rolled off him, staying beside him only for a moment as he turned to lie on his stomach instead and you climbed to sit on his butt, your hands roaming his back and pressing lightly to see where it hurt the most so you could focus on those spots when you massaged him. he groaned quietly every now and then, obviously not happy about the way it felt when you pressed onto a spot that was particularly tense, but whenever he did you’d lean forward and press a kiss to his shoulder as if to apologise for having to hurt him.
“you’re always so good to me”, he sighed out when you’d managed to massage one of the most tense spots away, feeling himself relax more and more the longer you went on, almost ready to fall asleep, really, because it just felt so good. for the first time since he’d left that morning was he actually comfortable and calm, all worries momentarily dissipating.
“i try my best. how’s your back now?”, you asked, the care obvious in your voice and san wanted to just turn around and hold you tight and never let go again, but this massage was so nice too, so he didn’t want to give up on that yet, choosing an ambiguous hum as his reply before saying: “much better. but can you continue anyway? please? it feels nice to be pampered every now and then.”
you smiled at his words, glad that he was being so open with you, leaning down to kiss his shoulder again and using the opportunity of being close to his face to kiss his cheek, too, telling him: “of course”, making him smile contently in return.
you didn’t know how long you sat on his butt like that, massaging him while he lay with his eyes closed and his expression one of pure bliss, but it had to have been quite a while because when you asked him how he was feeling the next time he seemed to have fallen asleep, no reaction to your question even when you repeated it another two times.
it was endearing, though, and made you happy. he’d been exhausted when he’d come home and you were glad he got some good sleep now, even when he’d missed saying goodnight to you. you knew he hadn’t meant to and would apologise for just falling asleep on you with about a dozen kisses as soon as both of you were up again. and you were tired, too, if you were honest, getting off him carefully so you wouldn’t wake him up and wrapping yourself around him just as carefully once you’d turned off the lamp on your night table, covering the both of you with your blanket before placing a small, gentle peck on his lips.
“goodnight, sannie. sweet dreams.”
you didn’t expect any reply, were convinced san was still asleep, and while he was too tired to react in any way at all a happy, loving smile appeared on his face at your words.
goodnight to you too, angel.
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treasure-hwa · 4 years
do what you said
pairing: seonghwa x female reader (brief mentions of female parts)
genre: smut (thigh riding)
synopsis: you said you could cum on his thigh, so do what you said.
word count: 218
author's note: this is such my kink and I suck at titles pardon my horrible attempt to write a "smut", I wrote betters, but Seonghwa thighs were on my head yk. This drabble contrasts so much with the last one I posted oops. Also when will I stop writing for Seonghwa omg
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— You look so pretty rubbing yourself on my thigh like that, you know? 
It was a long search for that ephemeral sensation of lightness and extreme satisfaction. Your clothes were still on, preventing the direct skin to skin contact, but it was perfect that way. His hands were firm on your hips, gripping them and helping you move on his jeans-covered thigh.
— How's that, baby? Are you liking it?
— Hwa… please.
He was sitting in the bed with his head against the headboard and you straddling his thigh. Your intimacy clenched around nothing and let out more of the arousal that drenched your underwear, making it stick to you uncomfortably.
— What do you want, princess?
— Want you to make me… come.
— An angel face, but such dirty things coming out of this pretty mouth. Can't you come alone? Are your legs hurting?
When you barely nodded, Seonghwa's lips began to explore your neck and collarbone area, kissing the hot skin that the shirt's fallen sleeve had left exposed. Your chests touched and he could feel you breathing hard and your fast heartbeat.
He contracted his thigh muscles and forced you to rub yourself harder on him, what resulted in whinings.
— Let's go, baby, cum on my thigh, just like you said you could. I want to reward you.
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