#my fav aliens….. heart emoji
jamesdotmp3 · 5 months
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hi im obsessed with my loser OCs
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y-vna · 5 months
Do we interact a little?  ⭐️
Tell me what your favorite emojis are!  👀
Share so they reach more blogs!  🩷
Yay ok! :3
As in emojis I use on a daily basis way too much:
😭💀☠️☹️😕🥹🤧 then like all the heart emojis since I always be on tumblr, commenting and responding, and almost all my posts and stuff ever all have hearts and me crying and weee
In terms of my fav emojis in general:
(SO aesthetic right guys...even the aliens and ghosts and ogres and whtver!)
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idyllic-affections · 4 months
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Hi, it is I, the person who you (now formerly) know as 🐉Anon! Was quite subtle with my anon moniker wasn't I? Eheh...
 Anyhow, Yeah, so this is me. You may have seen me among the people liking your posts! 
If you wanna, feel free to check out my blog. You… won't see much, save for some reblogs and my atrocious tagging on one of them LOL. I've got plans to post stuff there eventually, just not really sure what I wanna cook up, and the motivation for it also has its way of popping up at inconvenient times (example: I have a part-time job, and motivation tends to pop up then 💀). Okay, that first bit was kind of a lie, I know the kinds of things I wanna post about (those things being mainly OC-related stuff, as well as some fanfiction if I’m able to get myself to actually write my ideas out), I’m just having trouble figuring out where to start. I was thinking I should probably make a sorta “introduction post” before anything else, but I’m still figuring that out, among other things with this whole blog thing. I’m honestly pretty new to this sorta thing, hehe…
But that’s beginning to get off-topic! So anyway, yeah! Happy to join the moot crew, I look forwards to seeings the things you’ve got in planning, and maybe sharing!
As a sorta special something for you, the other moots, and the remaining emoji anons (if they wanna) to participate in, allow me to pose a little query for the community.
What is a fandom that you enjoy very much, but don’t really write for, or simply don’t talk much about for whatever reason?
For me, I’d have to look to my current hyper-fixation (as well as just in general being a childhood fav of mine), Transformers! Where I start with this one? It's kind of hard for me to put into words just how deeply this one in particular has touched me. I've It’s just such a truly incredible franchise with that is packed to the brim with many lovable (and extremely hateable), vibrant characters, and phenomenal stories across the numerous continuities crafted by countless very skilled writers tackling deep and often dark themes, and it honestly just has such a special place in my heart. And hey, the basis of a setting following the struggles of two faction of a race of shapeshifting alien robots and literal eon spanning war does have a certain flair to it, no?
But I’ve rambled on long enough now, haven’t I?
Until next time!
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i meant to answer this sooner BUT!!!!!! i am here now!!!! YOU. YOU WERE ONE OF THE "blorbo from my notes" PEOPLE, SOMEONE WHO WAS ALWAYS LIKING MY POSTS HAHA don't worry. you were not the only non-subtle emoji anon LMAO
that is so real and valid, motivation just does pop up at the worst of times. it's happened to me in the middle of standardized tests and other timed events before. it is both a blessing and a curse! introduction posts are a pretty good place to start, i think. but take your time fr it can be hard to figure out where and when to begin!!!
ohh for me, it might very well be voltron: legendary defender, or something of the like! i have a lot of fandoms i just Don't talk about, and there's really no reason why--i just don't. or it never comes up in conversation HAHA i also like gravity falls and good omens, things of that nature. i don't have the attention span to finish supernatural but i was into it for a while! but honestly that is so real, i have similar feelings about vld. i should rewatch it. it was a fundamental, formative experience for me in middle school. this shit is why i'm into hsr /hj........ but it is very dear to me!!!! there is a special place in my heart for the paladins <3
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selenevassos · 2 years
hello ms yowx 😌 do you have any horror movie recs/just fav horror movies outside of the chucky franchise? you have good taste and i want to steal from your brain. muah muah have a good day :)
DO I!!! okay i made a little list of all the horror movies i would possibly recommend to anyone that are not from the child's play franchise hehe... they are in order of release date, so newer movies first... star emoji is a fav, heart emoji is a super fav.... my favoritestestest... doesn't necessarily mean i would recommend my personal favorites first but! i'll link the list here too so you can see synopses of each and see what you think you'll like. i think most of these are pretty popular horror movies so im sorry if you've seen a bunch of them already😭
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movies in order: Barbarian (2022), Nope (2022), Last Night in Soho (2021), Malignant (2021), Spree (2021), Midsommar (2019), Us (2019), Raw (2016), What We Do in the Shadows (2014), Jennifer's Body (2009), Orphan (2009), Trick 'r Treat (2007), Saw (2004), House of 1000 Corpses (2003), May (2002), Donnie Darko (2001), Ginger Snaps (2000), American Psycho (2000), Perfect Blue (1997), Scream (1996), Army of Darkness (1992), Candyman (1992), Silence of the Lambs (1991), Hellraiser (1987), Evil Dead 2 (1987), The Fly (1986), Sleepaway Camp (1983), The Thing (1982), An American Werewolf in London (1981), Alien (1979)
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linz33y · 3 years
Fic Writer Review
@veraynes-blog, you tagged me in this months ago, and I kept telling myself I would fill it out once I got back into posting on AO3. Welp, nature is healing and apparently so is my brain, because that time is now 😁
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
3. How many fandoms have you written for?
Published to AO3? 5.
Counting my WIPs? 10.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
You've Got a Funny Way of Making Friends (Good Omens)
One of a Million (Good Omens)
Sleeping Arrangements (Doctor Who)
Might I Tempt You? (Good Omens)
Long Time, No See (Good Omens)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why/why not?
Doesn't matter if it's a single word, an emoji smash, or paragraphs of text: if I ever *don't* respond to a comment, please assume AO3 borked and didn't notify me, or I'm dead. Seriously, the immediate serotonin boost I get from seeing a comment notification makes me so, so excited that I have to share some of that joy with a response. I also try to leave comments on other people's fics as often as possible. Gotta pay the love forward <3
6. A fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I don't normally write angst, but this Doctor Who drabble probably fits the bill. (I swear the rest of that drabble series is fluff and humor! 😅)
7. Do you write crossovers?
I don't currently have any published, but I swear to god @veraynes-blog, I have not forgotten about that Hannibal/Venom crossover one-shot that we've discussed on-and-off over the last year. I am determined to finish editing it one of these days 😁🙏
8. Ever received hate on a fic?
No, thank god.
9. Do you write smut?
I wish I could write smut, but alas, it is outside of my wheelhouse.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
11. Ever had a fic translated?
Yes, a couple of my Doctor Who fics have been translated! In fact, AO3 user Clara1998 read the translated version of The Locksmith, and wrote a follow up: 一个The Locksmith的续写 (roughly, A Continuation of the Locksmith). I had to paste it line by line into google translate to read it, but it made me very happy :')
In case anyone wanted to know, my transformative works policy is in my profile on AO3, and I welcome anyone to translate my fics as long as you link back to the original.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Closest thing I've done to a collab was the Masterversary Big Bang, with @mushigo-palm-spores illustrating my fic, Saxon and Jones.
13. All time fav ship?
Oh lord, it changes so often that it's impossible to answer this. Although I will say that I have a special place in my heart for Ineffable Husbands, seeing as the Good Omens series is responsible for my first post on AO3. When season 2 comes out, they'll probably be my fave again for a time 😊.
14. WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I can't think of one? If I want to finish a fic, it lives in my head until I figure out how to execute it, or until I decide I don't want to finish it anymore, at which point it wouldn't fit this category.
15. Writing strengths?
Humor and snappy dialogue. The first draft of my fics are basically screen plays: 90% dialogue, 10% screen direction. Then I spent the next several drafts slamming my head against my keyboard, attempting to fill in the actual scenes.
16. Writing weaknesses?
I definitely struggle with writing serious, emotional scenes. (For someone who finds herself in a puddle of tears near constantly, I am horrible at actually putting ernest expression into words 😂)
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
I'm pretty sure I've only ever written made-up alien dialogue, but I'm not against it. However, I'd have to narrow the language options down based on whether or not I know a fluent speaker who could help with translations.
Although, now that I think about it, even though it's not technically fic, @mushigo-palm-spores did help me with the German in this Ace Attorney comic I made a while back. Only the best for Franziska Von Karma <3
18. First fandom you wrote for?
Good Omens was the first that I actually published fic for.
19. What’s your fav fic you’ve written so far?
Unsuprisingly, it's my most recent. So, backstory: the pandemic made it really, really, really hard to write anything that I didn't immediately scrap in a bout of frustration. It's also the reason I have twice as many fandoms with WIPs than I do with published fics lol. It wasn't until around this past July that I got the idea for a little Fullmetal Alchemist multi-chap. It refused to give up on me, even after the first draft collected dust for a few months, and I finally finished editing/started posting chapters last week. Not only did it feel like a massive accomplishment (like, I actually finished! a thing! for the first time in like! a year!!), but I also got such a lovely comment on the first chapter that I cried. I've re-read that comment every day since, and it's been a huge motivator to keep on writing :')
There are still two more chapters that I'll post in the next week or two, but here's the first half of What's Yours is Mine (and What's Mine is Mine) ^_^
20. Tag!
@echospool (but I know you're still recovering from Nano, so no pressure) and anyone else that wants to fill this out <3
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shipping1addict · 5 years
Since supergirl is only one week away (well kinda) it is time to see how the first episode will play with my heart:
For that experiment we take my recent emojis: 👍🏻👌🏻😂🙌🏻😏😍🤗🤦‍♀️😜😌🙃😞😟😲💩👇🤷🏻‍♀️👏☀️🌞🏜😅😁👀❤🖤👽💫
Now we take a closer look at them.
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The first 7 ones seem pretty fine. Maybe the episode starts alright, recaps a bunch and tells the story of all our favs.
But then 🤦‍♀️ comes up and I guess it's bc of some bullshit happening on the show. Doesnt actually mean something bad happens, just a facepalm moment.
😜 and 😌 are also alright. I think they seem not as chill as the first ones did but that doesn't really concern me.
We have a period of - well - angst and literal shit happening. The 🙃 emoji seems pretty relaxed but I myself and some of my friends interpret this as a "well shit" emotion. So.... well shit.
The other ones: 😞😟😲 are - as said above - angsty ones. This makes sense since the trailers are like that .
Followed be the 💩 and 👇 emoji. So it's probably a shitty situation happening and our moods all go down.
The 🤷🏻‍♀️ emoji could mean, that it's not that bad, or that we can deal with what's happening. This also fits in with the 👏 afterwards.
☀️🌞🏜 could either refer to karas powers or it could mean that we get a lot of heat and sunny times. (Idk you decide)
The last ones could describe the end of the episode. Maybe a cliffhanger? 😅😁 could again mean, that we can deal with the situation given. That's not that bad.
👀 say that were looking forward for another ep. - easy as that.
The last ones are tricky. ❤🖤 could mean a heart (or some hearts) are going to be darkened, which I don't hope it does.
The alien head 👽 explains itself because supergirl is an alien and every other vilian is usually an alien too.
💫 that's.... I don't know. Another planet? Some kind of unusual meteor? A strange star?
So here we have the analysis of my recent emojis. Maybe I do that before every episode.
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newtsisbae · 5 years
Let me show you interesting Samsung and Whatsapp emojis and why they're interesting. Screenshot will be taken and then added so everybody can see them.
😎 Looks odd
😶 Where is his mouth?!
😢 Omg the anime eyes
☻ Blackface??? Smiling at night???? About to rob a bank???? Who knows but they're creepily happy about whatever it is.
👾Big brained alien. The brain is just unsettling
👼🏽 An angel child that only has yellow hair for whatever reason but every skin colour
👩‍💻👨‍💻 Calling us out
👩‍🎤👩‍🎨 Cutie! Love the waves.
🕵🏼‍♀️🕵️‍♂️ Don't worry Mr. President. We'll locate him for you~
🎅🤶 Fav Couple
👳‍♂️👳‍♀️Man is old and greyed but woman is young? Every other couple/duo is the same age. (Except of course the single parents with their child)
💃🏻You are not as elegant as the Apple lady
🕴Floating government agent
👩‍👩‍👦👩‍👩‍👧👩‍👩‍👧‍👦👩‍👩‍👦‍👦👩‍👩‍👧‍👧 Lesbians
👨‍👨‍👦👨‍👨‍👧👨‍👨‍👧‍👦👨‍👨‍👦‍👦👨‍👨‍👧‍👧 Gay men
🤳🏼Gotta take a selfie!
👁A straight up singular eye for your Cyclops boo~
❤ This heart is different from all the rest. Annoying.
🖤 Goth love
👟 Yellow?
📿 Rosary type item
🐆The best damn emoji in existence
🐦 Duolingo bird?
🍪 The amount of shading and detail on this cracker is better than all other food emojis for some reason
🥃I think this might be alcohol but it reminds me of a restaurant I used to go to when I was little. They had these fancy milkshake cups of jello with whipped cream on top and this has given me flashbacks.
🏋🏿‍♀️ Yasss
🏯 Fancy
⛪🕌🕍 Inclusion
🕋 ?
🖼So I can be super posh in my texts
🛤🛣 This looks like Minecraft and Roblox respectively
🛌🏾Me all day
🛋 How to tell your spouse that they're sleeping on the couch
🕦🕚🕥🕙🕤🕕🕡🕖🕢🕗🕣🕘🕠🕔🕟🕓🕞🕒🕝🕛🕧🕐🕜🕑 Why.
🌝🌚 Reminds of the moon from Bear in the Big Blue House
☎️ Let me just call you on my rotary phone
🔎🔍 "Should we make the magnifying glass face right or left?" "Yes."
📗📘📙📓📔📕📒 School books with actual teeny tiny words on it
💷💶💵💴 Bread
📧 E-mail
🔏When you lose your key so you have to jam a calligraphy pen into your lock
⚔How to challenge your textmate to a duel
🔫 How to get revenge after you lose the duel
⚰⚱They ded in one of these
🛢Or... in one of these?
🔮 Yes because yes
☣☢ For when you receive dick pics
☮☦☯️🕎✡🕉 Various religions again plus some others
📴Yes hi I was about to send you this emoji to let you know that my phone is off but well...
♂️♀️ Ah yes the two sexes and their token colours. Although honestly they probably did that because people always forget what symbol is which.
➰➿ Upside down cancer loop and double cancer??
🆓️ For Ebay
▫️◻◼◽◾⬛⬜🔶️🔷️🔸️🔹️🔺️Odd shapes
and get ready for it....
Flags upon flags upon flags. Damn this is a lot.
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fire-the-hylian · 7 years
The latest Steven Bomb's Just Peridot Things™
- The little alien emoji Steven puts in Peridot’s contact name - “But what about our crops?!” Avid gardener Peridot is best Peridot - Peri almost nearly crying again - She’s kinda afraid of Lapis, but still cares about her so much - Lapis loves when Peridot “bends over backwards” and I need context on this now - The smol kiss on the head she gives pumpkin. She loves her pet :‘0 - The silence after Lapis leaves, and Steven puts his arm around her. Ouch my heart. - Oh look, I guess she’s back in the bathroom. Nostalgic. - the rly sad “wow thanks”. Poor baby. - Depressed Peridot is unbelievably relatable. - Depressed Peridot facial expressions will almost definitely become a meme - “All the Amethysts are gone” “hey” “all the properly formed Amethysts are gone”. Fucking savage. - Peri gradually getting over her sadness. Reminds me a lot of her redemption arc, where she gradually started befriending the gems. - Even more gardening - holy shit she’s really angry. - She gets fuckin VORED by the turnip monster I’m- - When you thought that she was gonna be poofed and maybe even get her star but she’s just lying there and says “I need to go to the bathroom”. Lmao Peri why. - PROTECT THE SHORTY SQUAD, THEY ARE MY 3 FAVS AND THEY ARE SO PRECIOUS TOGETHER IT’S TOO MUCH TO HANDLE.
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eggyoels · 7 years
11 Questions Tag 💖
Post the rules.
Answer the questions given to you by the tagger.
Write 11 questions of your own.
Tag 11 people. (if i tag you don’t worry about doing it or not!!! i understand that not everyone has time or has the motivation to do things like this!!)
i was tagged by @markiepoohismysunshine @glitterymin and @cuddletuan 💖💖💖 i’m putting it under read more because.... i have been putting this off and its a lot omg
questions by @cuddletuan 
1) If you’re a book/fic, what would be your genre and alternate universe?
i think if i was any kind of book i might be like a self-help book??? i’d like to think i’m a supportive person who wants everyone to do their best tho sometimes it gets to the point that it’s probably annoying or obnoxious but!! if not that i would definitely be  fantasy just because i usually have my head in the clouds a;sdkf
2) Best nuggets in the world?
dinosaur shaped nuggets.... obviously....
3) Do you have your own emergency stack of ramen?
a;lsdkjf;ads no i actually don’t eat much ramen but i have like five things of those microwave cup mac n cheese (triple cheese ofc) packs
4) What do you want to eat right now?
i’m feeling a little sick still but i’ve been absolutely craving a fish platter from sheetz
5) Oldest Korean song (from a Korean idol/group) you know by heart.
replay by shinee!!!! it’s still one of my favorite songs
6) Do you have any pets?
i have one golden retriever named sammy but he is at home and not with me in the dorms :(
7) What song are you listening to right now?
heaven by exo :’))
8) What do you think of Tumblr?
for some reason i can’t leave but at least it’s.... more calm than twitter....
9) Is there anything you want to wish when you meet the dragon Shenron of Dragon Ball?
i wish i could have all my homework just.... be done 
10) Favorite Korean variety/reality show?
i really like weekly idol!!!! i feel like they do a good job of keeping things interesting
11) Say something about your ult bias.
UHM park chanyeol has ruined all other men for me
questions by @glitterymin
1) How did you realize your ult was your ult?
my youtube history turned entirely into like “chanyeol’s silliness” and “chanyeol aegyo” and “chanyeol is scared of everything” so like.... probably then
2) Nicest thing someone has done for you?
during the summer i had one night where i was just feeling... really terrible and anxious and i got sick due to my anxiety and even hit my head on the corner of the counter in the bathroom after. and like i honestly didn’t think that my friend group had noticed that i went missing because i told them i felt sick and left, but then after their group call ended at like 4am, i got one from my one friend, and he listened to me and let me cry over everything that i was worried about with no questions asked. as much as i think i’m an ugly crier, it soothes me to know that someone is there, even when it’s just over the phone, and i usually ask people if they need me to call them when they’re upset because i don’t want them to feel like they’re alone through this, you know? i think that’s probably the nicest thing someone’s done for me in a while.
3) Favorite movie?
now you see me is the best movie in existence don’t try to convince me otherwise
4) Handwriting or typed?
depends i think?? i generally like to handwrite notes because i feel like i remember the information better
5) Piercings?
i love piercings i want so many sdlk;fasd i have a septum, both my ears pierced, and two helix piercings in my right ear
6) Pet peeves?
loud breathing, chewing with your mouth open, obnoxiously loud music, etc
7) How did you discover kpop?
i was watching dance videos and lia kim did a cover to tt and i fell in love with the song!!! it went downhill from there
8) Describe the most recent dream you remember?
so basically somehow i died for a couple of days? i dont remember how but i woke up and my dad and brother were there?? and we had to keep these couple of kids from dying i think??
9) If you could change your birthday what would you change it to?
i really like when my birthday is but maybe a little more toward the end of the month since libras are more compatible with sag than virgos :(
10) Do you see yourself starting a family in the future?
yes!!!! i would really like to get married and have kids but like... not really have them more just like adopt and foster
11) Interesting fact about yourself.
i work at target!!!!
questions by @markiepoohismysunshine
1) What is our favorite quote from any songs of your fav group(girl or boy)?
2) If your life is a book or movie or drama, what would you name it (title)?
dave vs evad
3) Would you write a song, choreograph, or become a manager of your fav group?
manager!!!! i can’t dance or write songs but it would be cool to hang out with the boys and make sure they’re safe and on time you know?
4) Coffee, chocolate, tea, or water?
chocolate!!!!! or water but definitely chocolate
5) If you were to be in the situation like Madea’s Witness Protection movie and have to live with her, how long would you last?
i’ve never seen this movie but idk probably not very long bc i don’t like living with strangers
6) Which emoji do you usually use?
7) Where would you go if you were given a plane ticket and your flight is leaving in 2 hours?
i’d really like to go to europe somewhere... maybe spain because i know spanish and i could actually figure out what’s going on... i really wanna go to cali too just bc i’ve never been anywhere near the west coast
8) *cont from Q #7 ... And who would you go with? One of your parents or siblings, best friend, or your ultimate bias?
i’d really like to go with the girl that i like because i feel like it’d be a good time ;lsakdj;ls if not her then definitely chanyeol definitely
9) Heights, deep water, insects, or reptiles?
i’m rlly scared of insects, but i like reptiles!!!!
10) If you could pick a director, actors, and actresses to direct and play your life, who would they be and why?
uhhhhh idk directors but i’d really like to be played by michael cera because i feel like he’d rlly be able to bring out my awkward and shy and sweet side!!!
11) Branded makeup or drugstore makeup?
a;lskdfj;lsd i don’t wear makeup
my questions!!!!!
1) Best ult bias hair?
2) If you could listen to one song for the rest of your life what would it be?
3) Favorite tv show/drama?
4) Salty foods or sweet foods?
5) One group you would give anything to see in concert?
6) What was the last video game you played?
7) If you could pick anywhere in the world, where would you like to live?
8) Bottled water or tap water?
9) What time of the day are you most at peace?
10) How many blankets do you sleep with?
11) Do you believe in aliens?
i’m tagging my regulars and some new mutuals because i’d really like to get to know you better!!!! 😖💕💕💕  @ka-xing @nodeexo @d-kyvngsoo @baekhyuneeeee-exo @lionbaekkie @dangerousehun @oshnverse @ratbyun @tadaeshi  @yeolidae @freckledksoo and anyone who wants to do this!!!!
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aesthetic-lover77 · 5 years
🐰 - do you believe in soul mates?
Yes, Yes I do. You need and CAN find the perfect match for you ;)
💌- diary or journal?
Journal, because a diary attracts more peoples' attention. Plus, I can write whatever the fuck I wanna write.
✨- which fictional character (book, show, or movie) do you relate to most?
Princess Tiana ("Princess and the Frog" ~ YES, A FUCKING DISNEY MOVIE, GET OVER IT!). She's SO confident.
💕- are you crushing on someone?
💋- kissing in the dark or kissing in the rain?
How about both ;)
🐝- describe your aesthetic in emojis
👑🥀🌈✨💎❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 🖤🏳️‍🌈
🍼- what is your favorite memory?
Going to a carnival with my friend ;)
🌸- what is your favorite flower?
Roses. Black, Red, White, and Light Pink Roses
💖- have you ever been in love?
Yes, but I've also had my heart broken, so yeah.
🍰- strawberry or vanilla?
Vanilla! But I also like strawberry...
🍯- describe your favorite smell
That's hard. How about, a mix of blue and pink, with a tint of green, and some black and purple spots?
🎂- if you had 3 wishes, what would they be?
1.) I wish to meet all my favorite celebrities
2.) I wish to have a shit-load of money
3.) I wish for everyone to be happy ;)
🍪- cookie dough or cookies?
Oh, I would say cookies. Cookie Dough is very unhealthy for you.
☕- coffee or tea?
It depends.
🍃- would you rather live in a sea with mermaids or a forest with fairies?
How about, a place with a garden of Unicorns, Alicorns, and Pegasi, and Forest of Faries, a Space Center for Aliens, and a Sea with Mermaids?
🍂- what’s your middle name?
Danielle. My full name is Odafenikhoa Danielle Aigbodion. (<<<DO NOT TRY TO PRONOUNCE)
💫- what is your sun, moon, and rising sign?
Taurus ♉️
🌧️- favorite thing to do on rainy days?
Sleep. Eat. Watch YT and Netflix. Read fanfiction. Sleep.
🍭- how tall are you?
5' 4" and 1/2. People say I'm taller than that.
💒- which show would you want to live in?
🎄- what is your favorite holiday?
Christmas, Easter, my birthday, and all my fav celebs birthdays.
🍦- what scented candle is your favorite?
Lavender, Vanilla, Lemon, Maple, and Cinmmin :)
🎶- favorite song right now?
Hmmmmmmm...I don't have favorites, but I have favorites off ALBUMS, so yeah.
💘- 3 ways to win your heart?
🍩- current mood?
Imma put that in song version: "Nightmare" by Halsey
❄️- what is your favorite season?
Spring bitch!
💍- your current relationship status?
Single as a motherfucking pringle ;)
📷- a photo of yourself
Hell. To. The. Naw.
💅🏻- do you like being spoiled?
Yes, Yes I do. But not TOO spoiled; I'm not a bratty ass bitch.
🕊️- 3 habits you have?
1.) Zoning Out
2.) Keeping my mouth open/Breathing with my mouth
3.) Biting my nails
🦄- how do you perceive yourself?
Amazing. Weird. DIfferent. Queen. ME!
🦋- how do you think others perceive you?
Meh. As myself, I guess.
🌈- things I find attractive in girls/guys
Loyalty. Personality. HEARTS NOT PARTS.
🍓- one secret about yourself
Ehhhh. I’m not sharing ;)
🍒- how do you act when you have a crush?
I act completely normal. I may avoid eye contact and smile when I see them, but that's it. I'm not obsessive or weird.
💔- the reason behind your last breakup?
That person was a bitch. He was cheating. He was unloyal.
💬- what does your last text message say?
🎥- what show are you currently binging on?
Meh. Riverdale, tbh.
⛅- what is your morning routine?
Wake up. Go back to sleep. Wake up again. Listen to music. ACTUALLY get out of bed. Brush my teeth. Take a shower. Sleep again. (<<<ON THE WEEKENDS)
💗- who do you miss?
My friend named Sarah. God, I miss her so fucking much.
🥀- last time you cried?
Last night. (Personal reasons)
🎁- when is your birthday?
🔪- scariest/creepiest experience?
When I heard someone's footsteps behind me, and there was no one behind me. Then there was screaming.
💤- date someone younger, older, or the same age as you?
Okay, I rather you be at least 1-3 years older than me, or the same age as me.
0 notes
beefstew252 · 7 years
i was tagged by @davidbowie69​ to do this time- consuming tageroony
(answer 92 questions and tag 20 ppl)
the last
1. drink: water cuz im basic
2. phone call: mi amiga ella
3. text message: “ehehhehehehehehhe with like a million laughy face emojis cuz im too awkward to live”
4. song you listened to: telephone line by ELO
5. time you cried: probs last night when i cried myself to sleep or yesterday when i watched life and was too scared so i leaked from my seeing crevices
have you
6. dated someone twice: never even been on a date whoops im a loooser
7. kissed someone and regretted it: lhehehehehe my mommy
8. been cheated on: friend wise- yes but not like in relationships lol im not kewl
9. lost someone special: mhmhmhmhm i move everyday and am unlovable soo not a good combo
10. been depressed: lol yup yup yup everyday but i cover it with smiley face stickers and sprinkles
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: mayyybbeeee when i accidently drank a bunk of mikes hard lemonade hehehhhhehehe
list 3 favorite colors
12. yellow
13. mintish green
14. sky blue
in the last year you have…
15. made new friends: @davidbowie69​ i love my mommm 
16. fallen out of love: nope im always in love with everyone ever
17. laughed until you cried: EVERYDAY im a giggly person tbh
18. found out someone was talking about you: not really but i constantly feel like my friends talk about how horrible i am sooooo same difference 
19. met someone who changed you: everyone i meet tbh <3333333
20. found out who your friends are: i think maybe if they actually love me as much as i love themmmmm <333
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: what even is face book tbh
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: girl i dont understand this booking faceeeee
23. do you have any pets: my dear pet rock mildred and her associate mr pebbleton (but i wanna doggo so badddd)
24. do you want to change your name: nah m8 sofia is fineeee af i think
25. what did you do for your last birthday: 4 days agooo hmmm i slept in and had avocado toast like a true millennial and went to the grocery store with my mom lol and then went to my fav place in the world an art store then had cake and watched life which was horrifying twas pretty fun
26. what time did you wake up: 10ish but usually like afternoonish whoops
27. what were you doing last night at midnight: i was watching the OA which was actually amazin tbh
28. name something you can’t wait for: WINNING THE PRESIDENCY WITH MY VICE PRES KANYE IN 2020 HONESTLYYYY
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: just now when she told me to do the laundry
30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: i wish i had stayed in one place and had real, true friendships
31. what are you listening to right now: build me up buttercup- the foundations
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: no not really???
33. something that is getting on your nerves: constantly thinkin im not good enough and some “people” i know heh
34. most visited website: tumblr, netflix and gmail tbh
lost questions. i just put in random info about me
wow op was a little bitch--- keepin this in thx ellie
35. moles: yes but theyre outside and probably have rabies and are blind af and no longer are in my backyard---- jkjk yea i do tho
36. marks: everywhere on my ugly af self
37. childhood dream: i wanted to be a squirrel when i grew up sooo
38. hair color: dark brown
39. long or short hair: short shoulder lengthish??
40. do you have a crush on someone: yeah everyone i meet ever 
41. what do you like about yourself: my curly af hair and strangely large energy reserves (gracias mitochondria)
42. piercings: ear piercins
43. blood type: idk man but i hope its the kind from that episode of doctor who with the aliens and they controlled u with blood or somethin and david tennant lost an arm it was wild
44. nickname: sofie, sofie dofie, didi, olaf, mr. f@#*ing compassion, slink, softpants once again, sof fresh, coneybear? leaf?, ronnie, macaronnie, charlie kelly tbh
45. relationship status: hahahahahahahahahahaha
46. zodiac: cancer, (yes i know im a crabb dont make funna me)
47. pronouns: she/her also ultimate supreme ruler of 7M tbh
48. favorite tv show: stranger things, its always sunny in philadelphia, parks and rec, the office, tbh the new show i just binged yesterday called the OA, friends, etcetcetc
49. tattoos: nope i have a very low pain tolerance
50. right or left hand: right im bland af
51. surgery: yea my poor eye lol ive had like 3 on that one alone whwhwhw
52. hair dyed different color: no id look like a uglier potato
53. sport: competitive cloud watching
54. *GASP* there is no spoon…there is no question 54…………………….  ………………………..hey remember those wayside school books because i sure do------ also keepin this im unoriginal and still dont understand tags lol
55. vacation: the moon
56. pair of trainers: white superstar adidas or grossly dirty “white” converse cuz im basic once again
plus generales
57. eating: i just ate strawberries and a grilled cheese sandwich sooo
58. drinking: w a t e r ---stay hydrated mis amigos
59. i’m about to: host the most lit party in the world tbh (mario kart and pizza binches)
60. *bo burnham voice in my head, for some reason* it’s not real. time is an illusion.------ im lazy do u see a trend????!?
61. waiting for: my next trip to the northeast cuz i miss it
62. want: a real friend tbh.        also *dr evil voice* 1 MILLion DOllaRs
63. get married: yup and i agree with the bae on “why couldn’t this have been question 64 because when i’m sixty four by the beatles is also the best song ever sooooo”
64. career: eww the future i h8 probs an astronaut so i can fly into the void
which is better
65. hugs or kisses: AWW ILL TAKE ANYTHIN
66. lips or eyes: eyes who even looks at lips eww theyre like chapped and stuff
67. shorter or taller: short lil bean or tall beans everyone is valid
68. older or younger: all the ages?
69. yOU hAVe GOt To bE KiDdINg ME wHY is 69 SKipPeD--- gracias por las cosas
70. nice arms or nice stomach: eww nice personality honestly
71. sensitive or loud: sensitive like me hehehehhee
72. hook up or relationship: relationshippppp<3 if any soul could stand me for longer than a day
73. troublemaker or hesitant: ??????? i like robbie rotton
have you ever…
don’t we need tequila  apple juice for this part
74. kissed a stranger: no but today i made a snarky comment quietly about a kid who was smoothie drinkin and bikin and we made solid eye contact for like 30 secs sooo same difference
75. drank hard liquor: i licked vodka once it was gross and i almost threw up
76. lost glasses/contact lenses: jason sat on and broke my glasses once so same thing
77. turned someone down: yeah the monster livin in my drawer tried to take me to the movies once and i was like BOI UR A MONSTER LIVIN IN MY ROOM COME ON
78. sex on the first date:   eWWWWWEWWewewewewwwwew
79. broken someone’s heart: hah no one has ever liked me in the history of the human race sooo
80. had your heart broken: everyday
81. been arrested: im what the police call “an angel”
82. cried when someone died: every time my fav character died or any other time im an emotional lil bean honestly
83. fallen for a friend: yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhehehehhehe
do you believe in…
84. yourself: eww no i suck
85. miracles: one time someone said i was pretty 
86. love at first sight: yes i’m certain that it happens all the time STEALIN IT ELLIE SOZ NOT SOZ
87. santa claus: yes yes yes 
88. kiss on the first date: mmmmmmmmmidkman
89. angels: me
man, op really ran outta ideas here
90. current best friend’s name: none of my “best friends” think im their best friend too soooo no im a lonely person but if i had to say somethin itd be russell crow(e?) as javert tbh
91. eye color: poop brown
92: favorite movie: all of them but also good will hunting, cinema paridiso, life is beautiful, dead poets society, breakfast club, 16 candles the list goes ONNNNN man
well, it’s been real
i tag vlad putin and jeff
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