#my favorite muse was muse A and my main one. the guy i wrote everywhere
crowshoots · 1 year
u ever just. look back at a rp situation and then go. hm the way they treated me was kinda shit
5 notes · View notes
imagine-fight-write · 4 years
Welcome back to in-dept gushing about all the greatness of Banana Fish!
Whew, this took forever. Ah, but I love it so much! I hope you do too!
Today is extra lovely, because today we meet our main monstrous villain, Dino Golzine! 
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He is a glorious villain, just you wait. Oh, how I hate this man. 
Yes I’m aware he’s a fictional character, but I can’t help but remember there are too many actual people like him in real life. No seriously. There are too many. I try not to think about this fact too much, & you shouldn’t either. Ah, but remember!
There’s hundreds, no thousands, billions more good people.
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(here’s a few)
Or at least, people trying to be good. Sometimes they fail. Sometimes they don’t.
People who are fighting people like Dino Golzine.
You can join them. And they’re the ones who’re going to win in the end & have the last laugh & final joy.
Not people like Dino Golzine.
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*Speaking of Dino Golzine, there are not a lot of useful gifs of him. Why?
I need them to make fascinating blog posts for you. Someone with the skills snap to it, thanks.
Before we begin, please note, if you haven’t read this scene yet, or the back summary of Volume 1, please do that 1st. Otherwise you’ll be spoiled.
Summary: So. Ash, a clever & skillful gang leader in New York City in the 1980′s, has arrived at Dino’s mansion, demanding answers for why 2 of his gang members were out murdering a dude on Dino’s orders. Marvin, of all people, delivers a deliciously chilling line I gushed about last time:
“I’ve never seen you in the sunshine before.”
And finally Ash is let inside the mansion.
It occurs to me I’m not exactly sure where Dino Golzine’s mansion is. Except it’s outside of New York - there’s trees & grass - & Ash mentions it’s a long way for him to come out for a talk. A suburb place?
Not sure why I’m musing about this. Let’s continue.
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Wait! Is this also the same mansion where we have the infamous dinner & the grenade launcher line? Or does Dino have more than 1 mansion? (He probably has more than one.) But I’m going to guess they’re the same. Moving on.
So, starting pg. 36, Dino’s bodyguards have the best mustaches.
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(Not as epic as Hercule Poirot. But up there in epicness.)
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Also 1 of the fabulously  mustached bodyguards is named Angie. Angie. No, I am not making this up (read pg. 40.) This is priceless. Also very 80’s. Stay classy, Banana Fish. (Which was written in the 80’s, remember.)
*I can’t spelled mustache, much less mustached, by the way.
Oh, & I try to keep my blog clean (if sometimes grim, bloody, & funny) but I must point out the joke Ash makes to the bodyguards in the top panel of page 36. “Groupies” is a special word for me, because it was lovingly explained to me by a friend in high school. By which I mean I was laughing so hard it hurt, & couldn’t stop for several minutes. Great memories!
Ah, & I’m intrigued by Ash’s words to the fabulously mustached bodyguards, 
“Relax . . . I just came to talk. Not pick a fight.” 
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(Can’t you just tell Ash’s a teenager, ragging on grown-ups every chance he gets? And they all deserve it, by the way.)
But anyway, I’m so intrigued! Has Ash come in before wanting to pick a fight, or caused a fight, and over what? Also, Ash likes to tease the bodyguards about being overprotective. And it’s funny & I understand why he does it (trying to pretend he doesn’t care & isn’t bothered by them & hey, maybe he isn’t). But I will point out, being “over protective” is how bodyguards should be. It’s their job. Because you never know.
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Anyway, 1 of the guards, who I’m going to call Angie because I’m not sure who’s who, discreetly knocks, in the middle panel pg. 36, to the door of Dino’s - Dining room? Breakfast room? (Dino’s rich enough to have both). Anyway, Dino is eating breakfast. This is important & I’ll explain why in a moment. 1st, I do want to critique this panel, because I think the star shape indicating the knock should’ve been bigger & higher up - it gets dominated by the speech bubble. Then again, it is a discreet knock. Dino says “come in” in classic bad guy fashion, and before he lets Ash in, Angie gives him such a look. (I can’t describe it, it’s great.)
This is roughly my response.
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Finally we get to see Dino Golzine!
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I hate this man, so much.
Note how the first panel of him, bottom of pg. 36 is disturbing - because we actually don’t see his face until the next page. Naturally, since he’s the main bad, we should be disturbed. Also note how he’s surrounded by signs of wealth - a butler / footman, fine dining, French windows open to green countryside, potted plants and soft rugs, and a pair of lovely double doors.
Otaku, She Wrote has a great analysis of this in the anime: 
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I love double doors. You go through them & always feel grand. Oh yes, and Dino Golzine is dressed in a classic fancy robe / dressing gown. Typical mob boss. Now, although we don’t see his face yet, Dino does speak. Right away, it’s a power play. Dino makes it clear he knows Ash & is familiar with him, can guess his actions: “I thought you might come.” This is a statement reminding Ash Dino has power over him. Yes, he concedes Ash came earlier than expected. But he was still expecting him.
*Please note Angie’s fabulous mustache on the top of panel of pg. 37.
Ash doesn’t reply, so Dino offers breakfast (another sign of how early it is.)
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There actually weren’t any pancakes (that I saw), but I included this because it looked fancy (and delicious.) There was actually an egg, & either bacon or sausage. So it was actually like this:
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But fancy. That’s from Howl’s Moving Castle, by the way.
Back to Banana Fish.
I’m guessing Ash got maybe 6-7 hours of sleep. No wonder he takes a nap later. (It was almost 1 in the morning when he finds the poor dead guy, as a time stamp helpfully tells us.)
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(Another Howl’s Moving Castle gif. I’m distracted.)
Back to Banana Fish.
Ash refuses the offer of breakfast (I wouldn’t accept it either.) Not that I think the food is drugged or something (though I wouldn’t be surprised OR if Dino had done such a thing before). (Shudders) But it’s the principle of the thing. Don’t accept food / eat at a table with monsters. By which I mean people who are terrible & evil & have no remorse for all the pain they inflict on others.
Food & eating together is a sign of community practically everywhere in the world. (I assume?)
And Dino Golzine is most definitely Ash’s enemy. Despite them currently having an agreement.
So of course, Ash refuses the offer of food. Just wait until their fight starts. It’s beautiful. There are conversations that are basically exchanges of epic threats & insults. I love it.
And now I’m wondering what Ash ate for breakfast. Probably not much? Food is important, especially breakfast! It’s basically the fuel you start the day with. (says the person who usually dashes off with toast & a granola bar & coffee.) What do you usually eat in the morning? I’m always curious.
OR What is your favorite breakfast?
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(I’m going to fall on the Breakfast Hill, but I love the inclusion of sign language here in The Dragon Prince.)
Anyway, back to Banana Fish. Dino brags about how his food comes from a farm in Surry, wherever that is. 
I want to say Surry, England for some reason (probably because it sounds posh) but that can’t be right. Can it? So, after bragging, Dino asks if Ash is sure he doesn’t want to eat. Ash responds, “I didn’t come all the way out here to eat.”
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And the bodyguard I’ll name Toussaint (what a name, I like it but it’s strange) Toussaint gives Angie such a look behind Ash’s back. You can practically hear the mental sigh, followed by “kids.” Or maybe “teenagers.” (sigh)
The poor bodyguards. Also, for shame, Dino does not finish his breakfast. He wastes food! After bragging about it and everything! There was still a whole egg on it! And bacon! (I think). Wasteful. (Eggs are really good for you & easy to make!) This man . . . Even in the small things, I can’t stand him . . .
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Of course, I will admit it is uncomfortable eating when no one else is and they’re standing right there waiting for you to finish. Dino would lose power in that exchange. So that’s probably why he didn’t finish. But still. Oh yes, and please note, Dino is sitting at a table (whose legs I don’t trust, they look so delicate) while Ash is standing. This changes, and that’s important. Note their positions before Ash leaves at the end of their conversation. This whole scene, in fact, is fascinating. Especially when you compare it to other conversations Ash & Dino have later. Here, as you’ll soon realize, Dino is the one with the power. Ash goes to him demanding answers. Meaning, Dino is the one with knowledge & the power to give it or refuse. Yes, Ash quips and mouths off, but it’s clear he’s the one on defense.
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Of course, given Ash’s smarts, one could argue his “powerlessness” here is at least partly an act & also how Ash survives. But not, I’d argue, entirely. Dino Golzine does hold a tremendous amount of power over Ash. Like it or not, it’s simply a fact.
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Also of note is the parent-teenager vibes in the conversation. Which makes partial sense, as Ash is, or was (?) Dino’s heir (remember the synopsis on the back of the volume). Except remember, it also mentions Ash was Dino’s “sex toy.” (shudders)
Their relationship is all amounts of complex, confusing, & disturbing, is what I’m saying. (I’m so confused & disturbed). Now on to the actual conversation! (the dialog is great, by the way.)
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At the bottom of pg.37 we finally see Dino’s face / ugly mug, & he makes a very resigned parent comment & expression, “I’ve told you before. Keep your hands out of your pockets when you talk to me.” Ash responds with classic teenage mulish silence, complete with glaring.
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Dino orders his bodyguards to take it off him, but Ash is like fine, & gives this challenging statement (particularly bold given their history) “You can’t relax until you’ve completely stripped me.” (This is such a Femme Fatale statement.)
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(I have yet to watch Double Indemnity yet, but oh, I really want to.)
Back to Banana Fish. Dino just laughs Ash’s comment off however, and moves the conversation to the den (another power play.)
Laughing at a challenging statement & ignoring it also demeans it.
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(Both Hiei & Kurama are laughing at something Yusuke said in YuYuHakusho, which if you haven’t watched / read, please do. It’s hillarious & has a lot of heart.)
A lot like Banana Fish.
*Note: This is why, if someone kidnaps you, fight for your life if they try to take you to a different location. Because 9 times out of 10, it will not end well for you.
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Also, as shown above, it’s actually extremely hard to shove somebody into a car / trunk, so you can sleep well tonight.
There’s 2 grown dudes trying to shove a teenager (probably underfed) into a car & they are having difficulties. I’m just waiting for red haired dude to get his eyes jabbed, & dark haired dude is going to get bit or a head butt in the face. ( I haven’t gotten to a part where anyone is trying to kidnap Ash yet, so you’re as spoiled &, I hope, intrigued as I am.)
But back to Volume 1.
In the den, Dino offers Ash a drink (another sign of friendship, like food, especially since it’s a alcoholic drink).
*It makes sense. After all, being drunk, or even tipsy is to also be vulnerable. Thus, if you’re wise, only drink with friends & family, or at least people who you trust.
Or drink alone. Nothing wrong with that either.
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Ash refuses the offer, (as any decent person would) and mocks it, calling it “booze” (scoring a point in the power play) but Dino hands him the drink anyway. 
Dino also brags about, “my newest concoction.” Otaku, She Wrote mocks this in her review of the same scene in the anime, it’s great. (Dino deserves to be mocked. He deserves everything shameful & terrible. I really do despise him.)
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(Not quite enough glare & disgust, but it’s the best gif I could find.)
Note how often even in this single scene Dino continually ignores or overrides Ash’s refusals or flat out “no’s”. It’s a clear sign of just how little respect he has for Ash (also creepy). An excellent touch done by the mangaka, Akimi Yoshida.
Note: fancy drinks will come up again in another conversation between them, in which Dino asks if Ash remembers training that Dino gave him. This man never stops with the reminders of power. Then again, he is a mob boss.
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(I’m sure Dino would respond “yes” to this offer. Dino even pets a cat later too! I just wanted to point that out.) I’m sure his history is fascinating (and bloody).
Ash ignores the drink & gets down to business, demanding to know why Dino sent his / Ash’s gang members to kill the mysterious banana fish dude.
To be clear: A grown man sent teenagers to kill a man. For money.
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Dino reminds Ash he calls the shots (literally, in this case): “. . . Any why I didn’t tell you? I wouldn’t think it necessary to trouble you with a matter so trivial.” This is a very condescending statement. Again, Dino speaks like a parent to a child. Or a man to a lady, “Don’t worry your pretty head about it.”
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Except this “trivial” matter Dino speaks of is murdering a dude.
(Yes, he deserves a burned hand, & a lot more.) Ash calls him out on this & is upset, as any decent person would. He smacks the table (top of pg. 40). Great emphasis on the line work, except the drink sorta appears to merge with Ash’s hand. (Whoops.)
 Dino’s bodyguards burst in, as good bodyguards would, concerned by the shattering glass.
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In yet another power display, Dino dismisses them, claiming it’s nothing and cooly tells Ash to calm down.
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(Not exactly like this, but you get the gist. Also, I need to watch Koroko no Basket.) (Adds to never-ending list of anime & manga)
Dino does make a quick apology for upsetting Ash, but one without weight, saying he doesn’t take Ash’s position as a gang leader “lightly.” This sounds respectful, but I think it’s actually a subtle reminder Ash is where he is because of Dino. Ash’s reaction (top of pg.41) highlights this. He slumps back on the couch. 
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(just look at Ash’s defeated pose. And Dino hasn’t done anything but talk.
He’s like the bad guy in the 1st book of the Sharing Knife series by Lois Bujold, which you should seriously check out, it’s great.)
Anyway, Ash sags at Dino’s words, because the point worked: he remembers how much power Dino has over him. 
He stops arguing, though still upset. Oh yeah, he keeps talking, fiercely, but you can hear the uselessness in his voice (or imagine it, if you’re reading the manga), “We had an agreement. You promised not to use my boys to kill!” On my re-read of this I was like, “Oh sweetie, you’re talking to a mob boss. What were you expecting?”
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(the tea, or in this case, coffee, is always poisoned, by the way. Or drugged. And probably tastes bad too, because bad people have no taste. Or skill. Unless they’re the lead villain. In which case, at least you can enjoy your cup of poisoned tea or coffee before you die or are otherwise horribly inconvenienced.)
But, Ash does not accept the wine glass in this case, which has already been spilled & smashed, so lets continue.
“You promised not to use my boys to kill!” Ash to Dino This almost sounds remarkably naive compared to the smart, street-wise Ash later on. Except it also reflects comments later on in this volume, how the teenage gangs have an honor system (and consider themselves morally superior to the grown-ups. Ah, I love it.)
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(this is so me. Also, Kuwabara’s cat is the cutest anime cat I can think of in a quick 5 seconds.)
*YuYu Hakusho is also a show where the heroes have to fight unfair, powerful, & dishonerable grown-ups. It’s also rip roaring funny. Yusuke & Ash would probably get along, while Eiji & Kurama would definitely be friends. Ash would be friends with Kurama too. I’m not sure how he’d respond to Hiei or Kuwabara though . . . I love both shows so much.
*Random Note: For some reason I’m reminded of deal Lando makes with Darth Vader in the Empire Strikes Back. There, it’s also clear that Vader has all the power. “Pray I do not alter it any further.”
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Dino usurps Ash’s power again, negating the agreement by insisting “the circumstances were extraordinary” & the man “wasn’t a member of the syndicate” which I assume is part of their agreement, a.k.a., no asking members of Ash’s gang to take out people in the mob. I am now highly curious as to when they came to this agreement, & when & how, but alas, no details yet. Again, Dino trivializes the assignment, calling murdering a person:
“a very tiny mouse that wanted stepping.” Brrr.
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*This is from Mrs. Frisby & the Rats of Nimh, which is also based on a great book. I always think fondly of mice because of this. Also due to Redwall.
Here, Dino is clearly trying to play it off as nothing (which to him it partly is, he has no qualms about murdering people) but also because he wants Ash to leave the matter alone. So he also expresses surprise Ash even bothered to learn about it. Note at this point Ash is sitting on a couch & Dino is pacing or standing near him. Like this: 
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*I know I used this gif before, but like I said, the gifs are few.
The power dynamic is obvious. Again, props to the mangaka. It would’ve been easy to have them both sitting or standing, but here the power Dino has is obvious in their mere positions. After Ash mentions he noticed the 2 gang members were acting suspicious, Dino praises him for being smart. Again, like a parent praising a child. Dino continues, saying Ash is too smart to be a mere gang leader and makes this statement, while placing his hand on Ash’s shoulder, “I do wish you’d put that right hand of yours to work for me.”
The reader already knows Ash is dangerous with a gun (recall the scene with his 2 gang members earlier) & this echos that. 
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Still, the double meaning of the statement is obvious, especially when you remember the synopsis on the back of the volume.
And if you don’t know what it means, I say it’s not important & disgusting. More power to you for not knowing.
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I am curious as to how Ash escaped that & got free to have the more respectful role of gang leader. Note, it’s also clear from their talk Dino & Ash have had some falling out, or at least distancing (since Ash became a gang leader, maybe? I really want to know!)
Also, based on the rest of the conversation, you can tell Ash isn’t just one of the no doubt numerous gang leaders Dino knows, uses, & supports.
The synopsis on the back cover says Ash was brought up as “Dino’s heir” but it’s clear he rejected that path.I really want to know why & what caused him to change. And what happened. How did Dino notice him the first place? Was it pure chance, or did Ash do it on purpose, to survive?
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Anyway, Dino asks if Ash “would put that right hand to work for him”.
Ash responds to Dino’s disgusting offer with a great quip, “Is that a joke, or have you actually gone senile?”
Reminding Dino of his age (who’s like 50? even Google isn’t sure) complete with a mocking grin too.
Score for Ash!
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Except not when you remember Dino’s creepy vibes / words all through this conversation, especially at the end.
And I must remind you, dear reader, Ash is 17/18. Meaning, there’s at least a
30 year gap between their ages.
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And there’s nothing wrong with age gaps in relationships, romantic or not.
I like the Sharing Knife series, for example. Sailor Moon & Tuxedo Mask, 
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Tohru’s parents in Fruits Basket, etc. Those have age gaps, but they’re good.
What’s wrong here is Ash & Dino’s relationship is abuse, no matter how you slice it. Their’s is in no way, shape, or form one of mutual respect, care, or even basic agreement or attraction by both.
Ash & Dino’s relationship never was & never will be healthy or good for either one of them (unless something stunning happens that I haven’t gotten to yet. I mean, people do change, even monstrous ones.)
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Still, even in this 1st scene, it’s clear their relationship is bad. Dino holds all the power & is determined to keep it. There‘s no mutual respect or care between them, no matter how Dino tries to convince himself otherwise. Only dominance, fighting quips, & words wielded like weapons. Dino doesn’t care about what Ash wants - Dino just wants to use him.
Ash, in turn, has only used what Dino has given & taught him in order to survive. He never wants or cares about Dino’s attention, & makes this very clear even in his littlest actions.
Remember. He didn’t come to Dino’s mansion because he wanted to. It was for information only, and quick as he can, he leaves.
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Now, back to the conversation. Dino responds to the age zinger by reminding Ash he watched Ash grow up & helped train him, taught him all he knows, (I’m smarter & older than you).
He also reminds Ash of previous weakness, “You used to cry over every assignment I gave you.”
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(I told you Dino’s play for power never stops.)
The reader can assume those assignments were also murdering people, just as Dino casually ordered Ash’s 2 gang members to do. Brrr. It also reminds Ash of the power Dino has over him, training him.
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*Which means, since Ash is a badass fighter, Dino is too. I mean, he is a mob boss after all. And he’s not so old he can’t still be in good shape.
I bet you Dino’s good with a gun. Ash quips it off, “I’ve got a bad memory” but it’s a feeble jab & Dino doesn’t relent, “There’s something you must never forget . . . It was I who took you in.” Dino has the power here & he’s determined to make Ash remember it again. I took you in. Raised you. Trained you. Made you everything you are today. I own you. I know you. Brrr. It’s so creepy & controlling.
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And it’s all done with words. Dino actually hasn’t done anything yet (apart from hinted history. Just you wait.) Poor Ash. Even without knowing the specifics of Ash’s & Dino’s relationship, it’s clear Dino has some twisted hold over Ash. Whew. I’m exhausted just reviewing this scene. And we’re not done yet. Dino is just so - overwhelming. As a good villain should be. Banana Fish. I love it.
So. After that chilling reminder of how much power he has over Ash, Dino lightens the mood a bit - note how often he directs the conversation.
He asks, jokingly, if Ash has a girlfriend - while also pointing out he keeps tabs on Ash’s spending & has noticed he’s been spending more lately. Yet another sign of his power (over Ash.) This man never stops, not even with jokes (no wonder he’s a mob boss.) Fight him, Ash!
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And Ash does. He snaps, “None of your business!” I must note, I cannot lie, Ash looks cute & angry in this panel (middle of pg. 43.) Also Dino’s knowing look in the panel next to it is all sorts of creepy. Have I mentioned art in Banana Fish is good? Because it is. Dino puts his hand around Ash’s throat in a very intimate manner (your throat is very vulnerable, as I’m sure you’re all aware). I will note the art here makes the gesture look very odd. It looks less a tender gesture & more like also a choke, or the threat of one. But maybe that’s the point? Dino’s also standing while Ash is still sitting on the couch, by the way. Dino says, I imagine quite softly, “Don’t forget me. You know I love you, sweetheart.”
Now, taken out of context, this sounds like a line said to a lover. Or even a parent to a child. But it’s clearly not. First, Ash’s expression in the bottom panel has none of the delight or relaxation such a line should make. He looks - resigned? Uneasy? Distant?
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This is why I (truly) love manga. Because expressions can be read in so many ways. Regardless, it’s clear Ash is not happy or pleased by this (supposedly) endearing statement. He looks like he’s remembering things he’d rather forget, and resigned to Dino touching him. Resigned, as in, I have no choice, I can’t brush him off. All the red flags & sirens should be wailing & waving in your mind.
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They’re wailing in mine. Even if Dino meant that as a parent / mentor (mentor hah! I mean, teacher), it’s still messed up.
Because, as I hope I’ve made it clear while analyzing their conversation so far, it’s clear even if Dino himself believes these words (which he very well could) and yes, even if Ash believes Dino cares about him - It’s clearly not true. Dino’s actions make it obvious - he doesn’t respect Ash (much). He clearly, without doubt, doesn’t view Ash as an equal. Only someone to use, & discard at his leisure. And it’s hard, if not impossible to my mind, to care about or love someone who you don’t respect. Note: I don’t think Ash believes Dino’s words. And finally, the conversation is over. Whew, I need a cup of hot tea & some sunshine, that was awful & tiring. No wonder Ash takes a nap after this. The conversation is done, Ash is out, vest & all. He’s his mouthy teenage self again, quipping at the poor bodyguards, pg. 44, top panel.   “Thank you so much for your concern.” Ah, I love it. Most people would leave it there & move on, but I’m a suspicious individual with a dark imagination. Did the convo really end with Dino’s creepy “I love you, sweetheart” & Ash got up & left. OR was there more? After all, when Ash steps out, he’s wearing his vest again. Hands in his pockets, of course. A small defiance, but one nonetheless. Of course, he just grabbed it on his way out from the den to the - what do you call it? The breakfast room, let’s just call it that. The room where Dino wasted perfectly good food.
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  I am not going to forget. Anyway, ignore my dark suspicions (I’m just concerned by Ash’s silence & his unease in that last panel.) Because Shorter is here!!! (pg.44)
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*Shorter usually has purple hair, but I like this gif a lot. It’s shows how Shorter is great at talking over information with Ash.
His coat looks so comfy in the manga. Also I love the tiny heart next to his eye. Shorter is important - not the least because he shares one of the funniest scenes in Banana Fish with Ash later. I am so excited!
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Also because next time will be some great stuff about teenage gangs (and how they’re better than the grown-ups) & we meet Skip!!! & Eiji!!! & Ibe!!!! Unless I gush too much 1st. Then it might the post after. There will be mystery, snark, & danger.
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Until next time!
2 notes · View notes
killthebxy · 6 years
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          i decided a bit of writing about this topic would be a good idea, considering it’s one i talk more and more often about in this blog. so... why am i so openly opposed to the idea of Jon sitting the Iron Throne? as a starting point, for this to be viable, the show went for the theory that Jon is the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark --- fair enough. it is not my favorite theory for Jon’s parentage, but it doesn’t bug me and i can live with it. especially because it has some advantages, such as making it possible that Jon becomes the one who rides Rhaegal, which is always super interesting to explore in my writing and my headcanons. the actual problem, as turns out to be the case with pretty much everything D&D do, is not the content but the way in which it is presented.
          first, and from my perspective, it’s cliché writing that clearly aims for a happy ending --- Jon Snow is our lord and savior and never did anything wrong in his life, therefore deserves to be king and rule for 76 years and live happily ever after. i’m speaking for myself here, but i’m sure 99.8% of the ASOIAF rp community will agree when i say that this series (the books, at least) are NOT meant to have a happy ending. bittersweet, at most. because that’s the world GRRM has built and, hey, it’s real life. it is very unrealistic to expect that this story can have a simplistic ending, where the good guys win and the bad guys lose and everything is linear and easy. so what did D&D do? they clearly wanted Jon to become the main protagonist, because Kit Harington is hot and has nice hair and the audience loves him, so they needed a motive to make him the heir to the throne --- so let’s just find a way to make him a Targaryen because Targaryens are the royal people! let’s go for the easiest way possible and say that he’s Rhaegar’s son even though there was barely any foreshadowing for this before (friendly reminder that GRRM is quality trash for symbolism and foreshadowing) and let’s do it because we can and for the heck of it! who cares if it’s commercial writing and cliché people love this!!!!! lol who cares for realistic characters and storylines anyway we have CGI dragons!!!!
          which immediately raises a question: what about Aegon Targaryen? and by Aegon Targaryen i mean Egg, Young Griff, the son of Rhaegar and Elia and younger brother to Rhaenys --- the only Aegon Targaryen i will ever acknowledge in this blog. for argument’s sake, i’ll assume that in the books Young Griff is not an impostor and Jon Connington is actually doing the realm a service --- which means this is the actual heir to the Iron Throne, if we also go by a logic that a rebellion is a non-valid way to claim a throne and that Robert was indeed a usurper. even if Jon is Rhaegar’s son, Egg is older than Jon --- therefore, HE comes first in the line for succession. and here let me be fair --- this isn’t solely a GOT problem, it is very difficult, if not impossible, for a show to ever capture the depth of the books it is based on. the ASOIAF series has hundreds of characters, i do not completely fault the show for not including all of them and i can understand this. what i cannot understand is thinking that Aegon is the only Targaryen name that ever existed and therefore LET’S NAME EVERYONE AEGON!!!!!!!! seriously. even if the guy does not exist in the show (or, well, never survived the sack of King’s Landing) --- why would you do this. literally you could just use Google and search “popular kingly Targaryen names”. can you be any lazier than this.
          anyway. on the other hand, and even assuming Egg does not exist anymore in the show --- then what about Dany’s claim? true, in this scenario, Jon’s claim would come first --- because he’s older, and because he’s a man. much as it IS sexist and misogynist and unfair, this is the way Westeros works save for Dorne. thing is... the only way for this to make sense would be if Jon is Rhaegar’s legitimate son AND THIS IS THE “DETAIL” THAT MAKES ME SEETHE AND SPIT SALT EVERYWHERE. let me address this step by step... i already wrote a meta about Jon’s bastard nature (CLICK) and the impact it has. being a bastard is the central pillar in Jon’s identity and his psychological functioning, and you do not erase 20+ years (in show canon) of living with this mindset in a day or two. you do not. it’s not realistic, it’s not humanly possible. Jon has internalized that stigma, he sees himself the way almost everyone in Westeros sees bastard children, and he feels the constant need to compensate for it --- to prove that he’s not of bad blood and not a cunning, treacherous, ambitious person who’d do anything to have a real name and real power. you don’t just push a button in your brain and suddenly none of this matters anymore.
          which comes laced with another huge problem, to say it very mildly: the annulment of Rhaegar’s and Elia’s marriage. i am honestly not even going to detail how much of a complete disrespect this is, to Elia Martell in particular and to Dorne in general --- my lovely friends who write Dornish muses can do this much more brilliantly than me. but. can i just state how much of a dick move this is? how racist and xenophobic? let’s just grab this poor woman who was already humiliated, raped, harassed, butchered by Gregor Clegane and shit on her even more by saying almighty beautiful noble Prince Rhaegar didn’t care for her to the point of getting a divorce for the sake of marrying another woman. because according to robot-Bran HE LOVED HER AND SHE LOVED HIM!!!!!! ROBERT’S REBELLION WAS BUILT ON A LIE!!!!!!!!! WHO CARES IF AERYS II LITERALLY ROASTED BRANDON AND RICKARD STARK ALIVE!!!!!!! IT WAS ALL FOR EPIC ROMANTIC LOVE!!!!!!!!! ...like. what do you even say to this. i, as someone who loves Jon Snow with every cell of my entire being, am ASHAMED that Elia Martell was portrayed as no more than meat for slaughter and a plot device so that my muse could become a legitimate heir to an ugly iron chair. not to mention --- what does this whole thing mean in the end? that a bastard is not fit to be king, therefore he must first be legitimated by any excuses possible no matter how low and vile. BASICALLY D&D CONFIRM EVERY SINGLE STEREOTYPE ABOUT BASTARDS. THEY’RE ONLY GOOD AND PROPER IF THEY HAVE ACTUAL PURE BLOOD. CAN YOU BELIEVE HOW STUPID THIS WHOLE THING IS, I FEEL MY SOUL LEAVING MY BODY EVERY TIME I EVEN THINK ABOUT THIS.
          ...in conclusion. these are the reasons why i absolutely loathe the idea of Jon as the heir to the Iron Throne. continuity errors and cliché/lazy writing that i can live with to a degree but, above everything else, the disrespect to Elia and the disrespect to Jon himself. and this is why, in this blog, i will never ever acknowledge Jon as a legitimate Targaryen. in this blog, he’s always bastard-born, no matter who his father or mother are. and this is also why the only verse where i’ll write Jon as heir to the throne and king is my mad king verse (CLICK) --- because it comes with consequences and at a heavy price, and even in this verse he’s bastard-born. in every other verse and thread and plot i write, he’s king regent/king consort because he married the rightful queen. and he’s a Snow. Jon Snow doesn’t need to have legitimate birth for me to love & adore him fiercely and for me to want to die a thousand deaths for him, and he certainly does not need to be heir to a chair. and, no matter what s08 brings, i’ll be here to rewrite it because D&D are gonna ruin this boy’s essence and nature over my cold dead body turned to a wight with black hands and blue eyes.
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justawaychan · 6 years
Gin-san and The Parfait
Note: Hey guys! I wrote this horror (?) fanfic for Gintoki’s bday 2 yrs ago. I finally edited it so I’d appreciate it greatly if you guys can give me feedback! It’s my first time writing a horror one, and tbh I imagined this story line in video/manga format. Please don’t be too harsh on me! Thank you and enjoy!! ^^
Lesson 1010:
When Your Doctor Tells You To Lay Off The Sweets, You Should Probably Listen To Him
 “Parfait, parfait~
Strawberry, strawberry~”
 Gintoki hummed mindlessly as he opened the door to the restaurant, ready to order his all-time favorite dessert. To his surprise, a perfectly concocted parfait with fresh strawberries and strawberry/chocolate Pocky sticking out on the side was waiting for him on the bar counter. A shiny silver spoon was laid out next to it.
“HO HO HO ~" He mused.
"I guess the owner finally realized what a valuable customer I am!”
He jumped to a seat at the bar, pulled the dessert close to him, and admired its beauty with twinkling eyes. A minute later, he finally grabbed the silver spoon, kissed it, and readied himself for battle. He started with a spoonful of strawberries at the top, chewing every bit of the fruit slowly, savoring its sweet yet tangy flavor. He headed for the Pocky after, dipping the chocolate-covered tips into the strawberry cream, biting them piece by piece. Once the garnishes were gone, he unceremoniously dove right into the main course. Spoonful after spoonful, bite after bite, Gintoki showed no signs of slowing down. After all, hesitation in battle could be deadly. The only time the White Yaksha would stop was to loudly sigh in satisfaction. It was during one of these interludes, as he leaned back on his seat, that he finally looked around the restaurant. It was empty and eerily quiet - there were no annoying yelling of the regular Amantos, the stuttering of the new waitresses in their short frilly aprons, or the crying of the grade school kids who wanted to leave and play at the park nearby. Odd, he thought, but Gintoki being Gintoki, pushed the uneasiness to the back of his mind and refocused on finishing his parfait. He was midway putting another spoonful in his mouth when it happened:
                           B     A     N    G    G   G  G  G G  ! ! !!!
                                                                                              the lights went out.
“Cho-cho-chotto…" Gintoki stuttered, trying to reach the bar counter from the floor. "A-a-ano…”
“Yo-Yo-You se-se-see, I have ni-night blindness and I dropped my spo-spoon and I still have some pa-parfait left and I don’t want to be rude and not fi-finish the whole thing CAN YOU HEAR ME???!!!”
“Ha! This is so funny! You’re really funny!! This is a great prank!!! HA HA HA!"
“O-O-Onegai… just le-le-let me finish my parfait and I-I-I’ll be on my way…”
                       H E  A  V Y     B R E A  TH I  N G
                                                                                      ...more silence.
 “G  A  A A  A  A  A  A A A A  A  A A  A  A A A  A H  H  H H  H  H H  !  !  !  !  !  ”
       d         a        s       h  
                                                                        kreen ~ jin-gle!
                                                                                                 B A M M M M M M
Panting heavily, with his hands on his knees, Gintoki barely kept himself from collapsing to the ground. He looked up and noticed a crowd of people staring at him and whispering, but the loud pounding of his heart prevented him from deciphering what was said. Passersby glared at him for taking up too much space on the sidewalk, mouthing the word "crazy" as they walk past him. Not wanting any more attention than he already had, Gintoki stood up straight, dusted his yukata, and casually walked off.
"F-Funny old man!" He shouted at the restaurant, nervously glancing at the people watching.
"I-I'll definitely get you next time! Ha ha ha!"
What transpired back there was nothing but a simple, random power outage - at least that was what Gintoki wanted to believe. It was just his luck that he was all alone when it happened, no big deal. Still, Gintoki's adrenaline hadn't gone down yet. He speedwalked away from the restaurant, checking behind him a few times to make sure no one was following him. He only slowed down when he couldn't see the diner anymore. Calm and relieved, he started wondering when their next job would be since rent was due next week, which then reminded him that he still owed Otose-san last month's rent. He scratched his head; all this thinking was going to make him bald. He then wondered whether he could sell his hair, but thought against it because who on Earth would want a naturally permed silver hair anyway? He realized, at this moment, that the street he was walking on was empty, and he, yet again, was alone. He then saw Madao up ahead, sitting on a flattened box in front of the convenience store with nothing on but his sunglasses – no shirt, no pants, no nothing. He was surrounded by his usual dark, gloomy aura, and Gintoki wanted nothing to do with it, or him. Looking straight ahead, he hastened his pace.
“Oy,” Madao called out softly. “Gin-san...”
Gintoki ignored him and proceeded onwards.
“Oy~ Gin-san, how was the parfait?”
Gintoki, unrelentless on his purpose of ignoring Madao, treaded on without a glance towards the latter's direction. He turned right at the corner at the end of the street, then another right on the next. It was about a mile past the store when he started to slow down. Finally able to collect his thoughts, he remembered what Madao said.
How was the parfait? echoed in Gintoki’s head.
How was the parfait?
Gintoki came to a halt. Sweat formed on his forehead, with some already trickling down his face. He could hear his heart race back up again. He looked around and found himself in a yet another empty street, dark and desolate.
Good grief, he thought.
Did everyone decide to stay at home today?! The dramas don't start til 8 pm anyway! What, do they all have hemorrhoids and need to-
He was in the middle of his ruminations when he heard loud, heavy footsteps coming from his left. He saw through his periphery a dark alleyway from that direction, and a dark silhouette moving towards him.
The footsteps were getting louder and closer. He heard heavy breathing, but whether it's from the stranger or from him, he couldn't tell - his pounding heart was too loud. With adrenaline kicking in, he only had a few seconds to decide whether to run or fight. Whoever it was, he knew he could take them on, given they were human, or even Amanto. But, his mind interjected. But if it's a g-ghost...
Gintoki decided running was the only option for him in this situation. After the incident at the restaurant, it might be an omen from the gods that he, like everyone else, needed to stay home tonight. He tried hastily to move his feet - left, right, left, right - but they won't budge.
Desperate, he punched his thighs a few times as some kind of reset. Gah! This is not a video game! Why the hell are you guys lagging now that I need you to work?!?!?
Left with his only other option, he gripped the handle of his wooden sword.
The footsteps stopped. Gintoki was getting ready to strike back when he suddenly heard a familiar voice. 
“Dono, have you seen Madao?”
“O-Okita?” Gintoki blankly asked.
“Haiiiii…” Sougo replied, coming out of the darkness eating ice cream.
“Wha-What the hell are you doing in a dark, creepy alleyway eating ice cream?!?” Gintoki shouted. “…scared the shit out of me…”
“Oh, did I scare you? My bad~” Okita said half-heartedly. “Anyway, have you seen him? MADAO.”
“Ma-Madao? Wha-Why are you looking for him?”
“Well, he’s kind of a prime suspect right now,” Okita answered as he licked his ice cream.
“P-Prime suspect...?”
“Uh-huh.” Lick. “Allegedly, he killed the owner of the restaurant by the station. The employees last saw him with the owner, and they seemed to have been arguing about paying for a parfait or something.”
“Re-restaurant by the station? Pa-parfait?” Gintoki repeated.
“Yeah, the one you go to a lot. It was just chaos this morning – blood everywhere, body missing, employees were in shock. Some of them even passed out, had to go to the hospital by ambulance.” Okita explained, still eating.
“T-This morning? But I was just there… an hour… ago…” Gintoki gulped, his words trailing off.
“Dono?” Okita took his focus off his ice cream, looked up, and watched Gintoki with interest.
“N-Nothing. About Madao, I-I haven’t seen him at all.” Gintoki replied, his voice cracking towards the end. Okita stared at him. Gintoki averted his eyes away from Okita’s gaze, and tried to act as nonchalantly as possible. He started humming the new song that Otsuu-chan released, making a mental note to beat up Shinpachi later for getting it stuck in his head. He even started to mumble about the new Jump coming out this month. But Okita kept his stare, one side of his ice cream starting to melt. Gintoki, feeling the pressure of not telling the truth, was thinking of excuses to use to get out of the situation.
"Okita, I-"
“Well, if you do see him, give me a call. I’m going to head back to HQ. Hijikata might be looking for me and he’ll give me hell if he saw me eating ice cream while on patrol. Not that I care though,” Okita interrupted, licking the melting part of his ice cream before finishing it off in one bite. “Jah ne~”
“M-Mhm, jah ne...” Gintoki mumbled, waving goodbye to Sougo. He started walking towards the Yorozuya again. He couldn't fully comprehend what Okita told him and didn't really want to. Moreover, he didn't understand why he lied in the first place.
“Oh, Gin-san!”
Gintoki turned around, ready to come clean to Okita just in case he figured it out.
   “   H   O   W      W   A   S      T   H   E       P   A    R    F   A    I    T   ?   ”
 "G A A A A A H H H H H ! ! !” Gintoki screamed, running as fast as he could away from the streets and into Otose-san's bar. It wasn't Okita who called him back in the alley. For a second, he thought he saw Madao's face. Scratch that, he was sure it was Madao - who couldn't recognize those sunglasses of his? But if it was Madao, Gintoki thought, why the hell was he looking like a ghost and screaming at me like a damn banshee? How the hell does he know about the - ?
Gintoki became aware then how dark the bar was. Around this time usually, the old hag and Catherine were busy getting ready to open up shop, with regular customers coming in right after work.
“Gin-san…” someone in the dark called out. “How was… the… ”
Gintoki blinked, clumsily opened the door, closed it behind him, then sprinted up the stairs into his apartment. He slammed the door shut, locked it, then double locked it as if his life depended on it. Feeling safe and secured, his breathing started to come down. He collapsed into the couch, and started to take off his yukata, thinking how great a shower would be right now. He couldn't believe the amount of sweat he produced in a short amount of time. He was halfway inside the bathroom when he noticed how unusually dark the apartment was. He gulped. His instinct told him to run, but his pride wasn’t letting him. This was his house after all. He wasn’t about to let his house scare him off, not one bit. He tried turning on the lights, but either the switch wasn’t working or the bulb burnt out. Damn Kagura for always leaving the lights on! Gintoki complained. So he started looking for candles. He looked everywhere – the drawers in the kitchen, the cabinets, on top of the fridge, under the sink – he found none. He started to panic.
“Cho-cho-chotto. Thi-This is my house! Why am I sc-scared?!? Hahahahaha..."
Then he heard feet shuffling.
“H A H A H A H A H A H A,” he laughed maniacally while slowly finding his way towards his room. When he found the door, he quickly opened it, leapt inside, and bolted it. He pressed his ears on the door, straining to listen for more footsteps. It was quiet. He breathed a sigh of relief. He felt heat radiating inside his room and noticed how brighter it was getting. With one hand still on the doorknob and the other on his sword, he slowly turned around.
P O P !  went the confetti canons.
                            “ H A P P Y     B I R T H D A Y ! ”
 Everyone shouted, though discordantly, with some already singing the Happy Birthday song. He could hear Shinpachi’s tone-deaf singing; Zura’s obnoxious laughter, telling Elizabeth how he thought of this surprise party for Gintoki but Kagura yelling at him for taking credit for her idea; Kondo's annoying laughter followed by him choking after getting kicked by Otae; and Sa-chan declaring herself as Gintoki's only-needed present. Everyone chatted away, mostly complaining about how long they waited in the dark, and how there better be food because they were starving. Tama then started passing out plates in the back as if on cue. The room was so loud and lively that the guests didn’t notice how silent and pale Gintoki had become. After all, in front of him, holding the cake, was none other than Madao’s half-illuminated, grinning face.
“How was the parfait, Gin-san?”
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limejuicer1862 · 5 years
Wombwell Rainbow Interviews
I am honoured and privileged that the following writers local, national and international have agreed to be interviewed by me. I gave the writers two options: an emailed list of questions or a more fluid interview via messenger.
The usual ground is covered about motivation, daily routines and work ethic, but some surprises too. Some of these poets you may know, others may be new to you. I hope you enjoy the experience as much as I do.
Charlie Brice
is a retired psychoanalyst and is the author of Flashcuts Out of Chaos (2016), Mnemosyne���s Hand (2018), and An Accident of Blood (forthcoming), all from WordTech Editions. His poetry has been nominated for the Best of Net anthology and twice for a Pushcart Prize and has appeared in The Atlanta Review, The Main Street Rag, Chiron Review, Fifth Wednesday Journal, The Paterson Literary Review, and elsewhere.
The Interview
1. When and why did you start writing poetry?
I started out as a fiction writer. I wrote a couple novels but wasn’t happy with them. Tinkered with them endlessly. I wrote poems in high school and in college, then met my wife to be, the poet Judith Brice, read a couple of her poems, and stopped writing poetry for about 25 years! About 15 years ago, Judy and I attended a writers’ conference in Michigan: Judy as a poet and me as a fiction writer. I had some down time and Judy talked me into attending a workshop offered by Maria Mazziotti Gillan (the Editor of Paterson Literary Review). Maria gave us an assignment: write a poem that refers to a popular song. I wrote a poem called “The Game,” about going to a minor league baseball game with our son, Ariel. On a lark I sent it in to a magazine and it got published immediately. More and more of that happened with my poems and I discovered that I was a poet!
2. Who introduced you to poetry?
Well…my first poetry teacher was a horrible woman named Sister Humbert, a Dominican nun who was a full fledged sadist. She made us sixth graders memorize a poem and I memorized Excelsior by Longfellow. I immortalized this experience in my first book, Flashcuts Out of Chaos, with my poem, “My First Poetry Teacher.” Actually, the nuns, for all their faults or because of them, have turned out to be terrific muses for me. The guy who really got me writing poetry was named Bernie Beaver, my freshman English teacher at the University of Wyoming. He really wasn’t a very good teacher, but one thing he drilled into our heads was that “anything can be a poem.” I will forever be thankful to him for that. Because of him I never run out of subjects to write about. Just recently I wrote a poem about what I don’t want to write about. See what I mean?
3. How aware are and were you of the dominating presence of older poets traditional and contemporary?
I never thought of these wonderful people as “dominating,” but as poets whom I loved to read and learn from. I suppose the first poet I loved was e.e. cummings. You’re not supposed to like cummings now. You’re supposed to think of his as a light weight. But lines like, “It may not always be so, and I say, that if your lips should touch another’s as mine in time not far away”…or “nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands” (this may not be perfect–just rattling off the top of my head), lines like those just send me someplace out of this world. Other American poets that I loved: Theodore Roethke, Thomas Lux, Jim Harrison, and the great European poets, especially Rilke, Dylan Thomas, Keats, Shelly, all those wonderful writers, they were all so inspiring to me. People I could not only learn from, but get comfort from. I used to had out poems to some of my patients. Hopkins’ poem, “Margarat are you grieving over golden groves unleaving” was especially helpful to people undergoing vast life changes.
4. What is your daily writing routine?
I spend the morning reading. I love fiction, am rereading Jim Harrison’s, The English Major, and Dickins’ Bleak House right now. Just finished, today, The Galloping Hour, by Alejandra Pizarniek–a South American poet who wrote in French and who was clearly interested in the French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan, and I’m reading Lawrence Krauss’ book on astro physics, A Universe From Nothing. I find physics, especially quantum mechanics, to be an orchard of metaphor for poets. In the afternoon I go up to my study and write. If I don’t have a new poem, I edit and revise old poems, especially ones that have been rejected. I submit a group of poems every day. I see submission as part of my writing day. I love the entire process including editing my work and doing interviews like this one.
5. What motivates you to write?
I think my main motivation is interest in the world and in what we are all up to in our lives. When I was at the Universtiy of Wyoming I was lucky enough to run into a philosophy professor, Richard L. Howey. I took loads of courses from him. Richard taught us to be interested in everything and skeptical of everything and to think before we speak and anticipate the arguments of others before we venture into a debate or dialogue. I have dedicated my new poetry collection, An Accident of Blood, to Richard.
6. What is your work ethic?
My work ethic? I write every day, or submit, or revise. I really feel horrible if I don’t do one or all of those things every day. I can write in all conditions and almost anywhere. I usually start out in longhand in a notebook I carry with me everywhere, then type it up, get it on the computer and go from there. It’s unusual for me to send out a poem that hasn’t gone through at least 7 revisions. Some have been revised as many as 30 times. One poem, Soulium (in my second book, Mnemosyne’s Hand) was accepted 20 minutes after I wrote it! That’s a record for me.
7. How do the writers you read when you were young influence you today?
Cummings remains an influence. I want to write poems that provoke an emotional response in the reader. I don’t care for the more academic writers, the Ashbury’s of this world. If I can’t feel something or if my world isn’t improved by reading a poem, then I’m not interested. Tom Lux and Jim Harrison always produced strong feeling in me and that’s what I want to do in my own work.
8. Whom of today’s writers do you admire the most and why?
I admire so many writers. I love Facebook because I’ve “met” some great writers like Ace Boggess and Gary Glauber there. I admire their work immensely. I think the poetry of my teachers is wonderful: Jack Ridl, Michael Dickman, Robert Fanning, Richard Tillinghast, Maria Gillan, and Maria Howe are terrific teachers and wonderful poets. The poetry community here in Pittsburgh is incredible. Every day of the year, all year long, there is at least one poetry reading in our city. It’s incredible! My favorite poets here are, Judy Brice (my wife), Jason Irwin, Jen Ashburn, Angele Ellis, Janette Schafer, Joan E. Bauer, Michael Wurster and a slew of others too numerous too mention. I feel very lucky to live in this city.
9. Why do you write, as opposed to doing anything else?
I don’t really know why I write. I just write. I can’t imagine not writing. I’m retired now. I was a psychoanalyst for 35 years and I’m much happier as a poet. I miss my patients, but my analytic colleagues were, mostly, much more troubled than my patients. I haven’t met any writers that are as troubled as my former colleagues. Anyway, I just love writing and I’m not sure why I do. I just do.
10. What would you say to someone who asked you “How do you become a writer?”
As for advice on how to become a writer–read, read everything. Do what Howey taught us to do: be interested in everything. My mother always said that if you’re bored, it’s your own fault. You’re not looking far enough or deep enough into your world. She was right. In terms of the writing itself, the most important thing to overcome is the inner critic, what we called in my former profession, the super ego. There will always be a “voice” in your head that will tell you not to write somethin or that no one will be interested in what you say or that you are immature… . Fuck all that. Get rid of the critic. Often, the very stuff you’re critic is telling you not to write is what readers will be most interested in. Also, allow the music you love to influence you. I always write with a soundtrack (usually classical music, but that’s just me).
11. Tell me about the writing projects you have on at the moment.
My new book, An Accident of Blood, should be out in just a couple weeks. I’ve got almost enough poems in the hopper for a third book. Aside from that, I’m busy arranging readings and promoting my latest book, Mnemosyne’s Hand, in any way that I can. I’m very grateful for the opportunity to do this interview. Thanks so much.
Wombwell Rainbow Interviews: Charles Brice Wombwell Rainbow Interviews I am honoured and privileged that the following writers local, national and international have agreed to be interviewed by me.
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