#my favourite lesbian herbo
autumnfangirler · 11 months
i keep on making new sidesteps, which is fun and all but its really difficult to keep track of all of them and figure out all of their characters 💀
It doesnt help that i play favourites either LMFAO
HOWEVER. ive been stuck in philippines with very shitty/no wifi so i got plenty of time to think about them and i think ive finally gotten a semi-solid handle on cecilia so!! it is time to inflict her on the world
ive mentioned her before but cecilia rider, in all her herbo glory, truly is the ideal of fuck around and find out. she has the highest daring out of my steps and is reckless in ways that give all my other steps heart attacks. and like ive said before, cecilia is not the type of person to regret her actions, past and present. she will keep moving forward even when it hurts. nothing demonstrates that more than her relationship with the other rangers
cecilia is a hunger scar step, and by god does she hunger. she craves human connection, to have a relationship and feel loved again. the only thing that kept her from walking to the front door of HQ after her second escape was her work as a villain– she didnt want to be distracted, not when it was something she looked forward to for years.
her first reaction to meeting ortega again was excitement. she was so happy to see him, her best friend of years, and once upon a time one of her only connections to the outside world. The old jokes, banter, smiles and hugs was something she didnt even know she wanted, but when she got it again she was desperate for more. she couldnt live without it. after that, she cared so much and so recklessly, with no concern over what would happen if she did
after ortega, she ended up befriending herald (though that rooftop kidnapping was rough, she got pissed and ended up punching him djsjjdjs). it was really smooth, actually– cecilia is just a nice person, very bubbly and kind, and she loves being around herald, his thoughts made her feel warm and cared for (even if, in her eyes, he only cared for sidestep, not cecilia). plus, shes a lupin thief. i can imagine herald and cecilia discussing and debating art with eachother in their downtime. it makes me SO sad that you can only hang out w one ranger in checkpoint 4, even if it makes sense, because i think cecilia would totally go out with him for dinner for the free food and then waylay him with an "actually, im a lesbian who's going for your ex girlfriend" when he asks her on a proper date. in my heart this and the hangout with argent happened. I accept nothing else. Anyway those two are bffs and cecilia would beat the shit out of anyone who hurts him(except herself, because she did end up beating him to high hell at the museum. sorry danny lmfao)
cecilia ended up befriending chen next. actually, she never really wanted to be friends with him. she was perfectly content leaving him as the one ranger she hated. but, well, he has a dog, so she couldnt really stay mad at him, could she?
Bless spoon for all his hard work, because cecilia wouldve never interacted with chen civilly otherwise. she discovered that she actually liked walking with chen, as weird as that was, since hes at least less of a dick now. she went to walk spoon after therapy(sorry ortega) and was pleasantly surprised to find that chens quiet, more contemplative nature did well to calm her, especially since shes just a rowdy person in general. when she found out chen was gay and jealous of her, though,,,,, well, all i can say is rip chen because cecilia would never let him live that one down. i can imagine she teases him mercilessly about getting him and ortega together. chen will never know a moments peace again
and then there is, of course, argent. cecilia didnt care much for her during rebirth, up until the gala fight, where they fought eachother for the first time. she fought her fairly in the sewers and ended up enjoying it, even though argent stole her cape. from that point on, she looked forward to their fights just as much as argent did. in the bridge, she was very pleased to know that the flirting was reciprocated, and that kiss as she was very probably about to die did wonders for her heart rate. same with getting choked in the HQ. she had ample time to stop argent before it happened btw, she was just curious and then faced the consequences of her own actions lmfao
all that said, most of it was just cecilia finding her hot. she didnt really start being drawn to argent until the casino. the regenerator was the first time cecilia saw real desperation in her, a want that made her think, for once, maybe somebody could understand her. that somebody could relate to the constant feeling of need gnawing away at her. and of course, because this is cecilia, she made the most drastic decision she could think of to confirm it– she took her chances and revealed her tattoos, and herself, to argent. she had no qualms taking the subsequent consequences, and was very happy to know that the worst she suffered was a swollen lip(one that shed use to torment ortega later on anyway)
i cant explain it very well but argent and cecilia make me so jdjjjdjkkkkdj yk. theyre so similar. theyre both so stubborn, moving on from things without a second glance, because if they didnt theyd drown in it. they dont regret (most) of their actions. and most importantly to me, they can become very soft when it comes to the people they care about. cecilia is more open about it since she has more people she trusts with that part of herself, and she extends that to argent. sure she loves to flirt and tease, but shes unabashedly honest when it comes to what she feels. she accepts most things that comes her way, and the things she doesnt she isnt afraid to speak her mind about. and maybe thats what gets her on argents couch, stealing chocolate eclairs from eachother and watching sappy 70s movies. either way, shes quite happy with where she ended up.
or, shes happy at least until the crash. her canon run is a revealed ending. all of the relationships that shes built over the past few months? gone, just like that. everything shes ever wanted, everything she got, was stripped away from her a second time, which was Not fun for her hunger scar ass. she has no idea what she'll do, and shes terrified of the farm coming to take her in. for once, she regrets everything, all her actions leading up to this moment. but what can she do? theres nothing left for her, and once the farm gets her, theres going to be less than nothing.
argent saving her is probably the best thing that ever happened to her. both because she wont have to go back to the farm, and also because its a quiet confirmation that she hasnt lost everything. That she still had people she could trust. everyone else would be a long and difficult task of mending and rebuilding. but then again, when has she ever shyed away from the long and the difficult?
doing the hard thing has always been what she does best
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faunusrights · 4 years
The scarlatinas are a big family with aunts and cousins visiting a lot right? Have you got an idea of how their house looks? (also could you release the Scarlatina family descriptions you gave me to the public?)
well, really the scarlatina family isn’t big in the, uh, family tree sense; it’s not like Velvet has 100+ cousins and that sort of stuff, but they’re big in the sense that they all live together, hjdshkjfsd. so it’s a big household! sixteen people! it’s nothing to sniff at! so the aunts and cousins dont visit, really, because they literally live next door, lmao.
the scarlatina homestead is split into two houses that keep getting added to every once in a while. the bigger one (aka the first) has georgette, rajah, taffeta, ash, chiffon, velvet, satin and hickory live there, whilst the second (rapidly growing) house has cotton, tenné, hawthorn (+ hawthorn’s wife, saffron, and their kid, fir), ramie (+ her wife, auburn) and birch. that said, the houses pretty much act as one, and people tend to drift in and out of either of em at will.
the houses are similar in terms of their footprint, since they sorta both evolved abt the same time for the same needs (oh shit a kid oh shit a marriage oh shit ANOTHER kid), and save for two smaller second storeys for storage/spare room needs, almost the entire thing is on the ground floor (heat rises, baby). they share a big old shed/workshop which ash lingers in CONSTANTLY, as well as two little gardens where they grow their own produce. they also have some solar panels and a huge windmill out front, both of which usually power their houses since they don’t typically draw a TON of energy, though they do have a generator that runs on fuel as a backup.
okay if we’re describing the whole family im gonna shunt this under a cut this goes on for a while dsfjhgjhskfgd
GEORGETTE SCARLATINA: the matriarch of the family! well, sorta; she’s let her own daughters sort of have run of the place in her stead, because she’s “retired” now and that means she mostly sits back and enjoys not Working all the time. back in her heyday the woman was an absolutely powerhouse, 24/7 on the grind, but even now she’s very… well, she’s still a force to be reckoned with, really, and whilst she isn’t uuuuuuuh Strict, per se, she’s very disciplined, and no matter what her kids and grandkids choose to do, she expects them to really throw themselves into it. weiss is both terrified of her and desperately wants her approval, which isn’t hard to get, but weiss is, how they say, dumbass. georgette is also the reason why taffeta and cotton are… Like That. like what? stubborn loud fuzzy taking zero shit, etc,
RAJAH SCARLATINA: scarlatina women seem to always land themselves timid men and nobody is sure how, or why, but georgette wasnt the first to start this trend and shes def not the one to end it. rajah is pretty mild-mannered, but like georgette, never rested when people needed help. he and ash (and tenné) get on real well because they’re happy enough to mind their own Fuckin Business whilst their wives barrel around with all the grace of rampaging bulls. still, rajah’s also very much a product of his time as an early settler to menagerie; he’s never really… happy with everything, because they lost so much leaving for this shithole, so he’s always kinda… mildly sad about stuff, but the same can be said of any faunus his age tbh.
COTTON SCARLATINA: the older of the two Scarlatina Daughters, cotton is… manic. full of energy, always looking to burn it off. she’s an optimist at heart since she and taffeta came to menagerie when they were ten and therefore are more accustomed to the island, and her primary objective is making a good home and a good start for the family. she’s not too interested in politics or revolution, mainly because she’s the type of woman who plans by meals and mouths to feed, if u get me. she’s also pretty smug because her side of the family are rly growing up (TWO wives. a GRANDKID. its ALL COMING UP COTTON) and it means she gets to spend more time doing stuff she’s passionate abt!!!!!!! nice!!!!!!!!
TENNÉ SCARLATINA: i put an accent on his name and i regret it every day of my life. anyway. tenné isn’t entirely sure how he ended up with just The Most scarlatina, but he did and, well, there’s no backing out now. tenné‘s a deer faunus and was around cotton’s age when he and his family moved with the scarlatinas to menagerie, so he and cotton have always been close. he’s very patient and doesn’t always have a lot to say, but he and cotton are a great team when it comes to managing the entire homestead together. again, he’s not a political type, and just wants to keep his corner of things safe in uncertain times. he always pretty rarely leaves the homestead for anything, so he’s also kinda reclusive, but so is cotton! it all works out!
HAWTHORN SCARLATINA: i won’t go into the partners lest i Die but hawthorne is the eldest child of cotton and tenné. got antlers like his da, and he’s a pretty big fellow by scarlatina standards (that is to say, not thin enough to fly away in a stiff breeze). hawthorn is… well, long and short, he’s a himbo, but he’s also a pretty devoted homesteader (this is a trend! watch this space). his wife, saffron, was from desert sands and they’d been dating for a While before they got married, and they’re the first to have kids of all the first-gen* scarlatinas. he’s got cotton’s love of the family and tenné’s sort of quiet offset nature, though he was pretty rowdy as a kid (he grew out of that once velvet broke his nose tho).
RAMIE AND BIRCH SCARLATINA: twins! twins! oh my god! twins!!! fraternal twins!!!
ramie is the older of the two (my friends who were w/ me when we played the RWBY ttrpg will Remember Her) and she’s. well she’s surprisingly enough like taffeta that cotton jokes that clearly she’s gone and had the wrong kid. she’s very Firm abt things and has a way of naturally corralling people to follow after her, if only because this bitch has enough common sense for herself and, like, five people. she was also voted Best Lesbian Cousin five years in a row, and she and auburn get on like a house on fire. they’re also very into PDA, don’t mind them.
birch is the younger of the two and ramie always calls them the emo one. they’re not really so much into people as they are into their crafts and their plants (their bedroom looks like a greenhouse dont mind them) and they have tenné’s nature and georgette’s focus on working all the goddamn time. they’re good company is you strike up convo in the areas they have interest in, but sometimes it’s like talking to a brick wall. ramie is very fluent in their noncommittal grunts of disinterest, though.
FIR SCARLATINA: he’s one year old. he’s a baby. idk shit.
TAFFETA SCARLATINA: here’s the bitch we’ve all been waiting for
taffeta is like georgette if georgette was somehow more like herself. whereas the other half of the family are more core to the values of the clan, taffeta’s a tribe woman, and when she wakes up in the morning her focus is always on the wider community. taffeta’s very much just a machine of intent; she farms, she builds, she repairs, she trades, she gives, she travels, she does SO much and she’s very much the face of the family at present (which is why ppl hear the name ‘scarlatina and go ‘oh god’ w/o realising the other half wont bother u even slightly djsfggjsdfh). she’s STURDY she’s FLUFFY and she has zero qualms abt putting u in a headlock if u deserve one. dont test her. that said, taffeta’s a very reasonable woman; i’ll eventually go more into that at some nebulous point in the future hdjsgfjghksfd
ASH SCARLATINA: it’s everyone’s favourite da! i’ll TRY and keep this short. ash (MUCH LIKE THE MEN SO FAR) is just. so chilled out. can everyone PLEASE be quiet. well, he didn’t used to be – ash lived in kuo kuana before meeting taffeta and had such severe anxiety abt crowds that the boy could barely put a sentence together, let alone much else, not in the scarlatina household, he’s very calm and hard to ruffle. ash really just likes to do his thing, which is everything taffeta doesn’t do; he cooks, he watches the kids, he fixes stuff in the workshop, and he’s big into photography of the family, which is where velvet gets it from! ash is basically taffeta’s counterbalance, but being with her means he’s also become pretty well known about the town (if not for. entirely the reasons you think,)
CHIFFON SCARLATINA: the eldest of ash and taffeta’s kids! chiffon is a weird one; she takes a lot after ash in that she’s pretty reserved and doesn’t let a lot bother her, and when stuff does bother her, she expresses it pretty quietly. also, unlike her cousins who are all homebodies, chiffon was the first kid to actually leave the homestead for kuo kuana to work on the docks during a biiiig overhaul and extension of the boardwalk. she wanted to get out and see the world, but human tourists really out her off the idea, so after about a year and a bit she ended up returning home where she’s stayed ever since. after taffeta retires, she’ll probably be the next face people know and relate to the name scarlatina, tbh.
VELVET SCARLATINA: do i. do i have to say anything about her. you KNOW this bitch. anyway. velvet’s got taffeta’s stubborn sense and ash’s compassion, wants to travel like chiffon, has enough determination to just keep going when it gets her down. extremely stupid. herbo energy. trans jock. has fists will punch. fluffy. fuzzy. hot. dumbass. seriously, do i have to say anything else?
SATIN SCARLATINA: it’s a baby! just kidding, she’s 11. satin is pretty young but she’s at that age where she’s tryna figure out the world for herself. she’s already shaping up to be a lot like taffeta – bold and brash and determined – and much like her older siblings, politics is already playing into her interests. satin really wants to see vale and her tribelands, but after what happened to velvet at uni, taffeta’s trying to… well, not talk her out of it, but encourage her, gently, to reconsider. it’s not working. she and chiffon get on spectacularly well, and she and velvet get on ever better.
HICKORY SCARLATINA: okay, NOW baby. well………. okay, yeah, he’s 7. hickory is a little dreamer, never really in the present. he’s super into making stuff and helping out the adults around the homestead, and he’s not really noticed enough to be infuriated like satin, so he’s got that youthful, uh, innocence, let’s say, that means right now? life is GREAT! eventually he’ll find out that no, it’s not all that great, tbh, but right now he’s a champ at feeding the rabbits, pulling up veggies, and finishing his plate. good job hickory!
AND THAT’S THE FAM (save for the inlaws). theyre great and i think abt em all the time. could u tell? could u tell, sharkie,
*so i looked up the whole ‘generations’ thing to check if i was right and it turns out both first-gen and second-gen have incompatible definitions (thanks america) but for the sake of not going nuts, all of cotton’s and taffeta’s kids r first gen and fir is second-gen. u could also argue cotton and taff are first-gen on account of being pretty young when they came to menag but honestly it’s too complicated. lets just leave it at that sdfjhgksdf
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everyoneprotector · 4 years
The Results for the Simpable Character creator
thanks tumblr and friends for helping me create these characters!
These three characters are going to be featured in ‘Rainbow Rebellion’ as minor characters, though in the future they may be given bigger roles as it depends on the results of the survey!
Results under the cut <3
Starter Questions
So, for question number one, should these characters be evil it was a tie between one and two of the characters being evil. I will not tell you all how many will be evil now. You will have to wait. Coming in second was all of them being evil and dead last was no evil characters please.
Question number two’s results (Setting for the characters): Cyberpunk by 1 vote, 1800′s historical/pirates and fantasy reaching second place together, horror coming in third, scifi fourth and dead last was 1700′s historical
Character 1
Character one is a tall man with a warm toned pallet. It was a tie between muscular and soft so he will be soft shaped. You have voted for a friendly man, though my favourite submission as to what type of character he is is: Thembo/Himbo/Herbo. Depending onthe character's pronouns.
Character 2
Character two is a tall muscular woman with a dark colour pallet. You have all decided that she is mean, however my favourite submission is the reasonable, responsible one so she may not be mean spirited just a bit harsh. I dunno. 
Character 3
Character three is a short nonbinary person. They have been voted friendly but shy by you all! There are two ties between them: their colour pallet and their build. They’re colour pallet was split between dark and bright, so I chose a dark pallet to blend in well with the cyberpunk theme of the city that the group will be found in, though they will have bright accent colours. Their build is split between muscular and soft, so i went through the submissions and decided to make one person happy by making them compact and tiny (though, my favourite submission was to make them lesbian eye candy. i will make character 2 look like laura croft for you lesbians)
Group Questions
For the group, you guys voted for them to be enemies that are forced to work together, however enough of you voted for found family that I had to ask my twin for a tie breaker. She wanted them to be lovers, but settled for found family. She describes the group as ‘half way through an enemies to lovers fic’. I hope I make you all happy with this.
Two people voted no weapons. Twenty people voted for weapons. Here, I’ll tell you what weapons they have now. I had to go through every individual answer to get these because you guys type a LOT.
10 people voted for swords, but only three people said so in a normal way. I’m not mad, just disappointed. Holographic blades was voted for once and I’m giving that to character three because it fits their aesthetic. Throwing daggers and crossbows were voted for a fair amount, so I will give throwing daggers to character one and a crossbow to character two.
A survey will be released to name these characters when all of the designs are completed. Have a good day/night!
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