#my friend and I will compete to see who gets it the wrong est
gb-patch · 3 years
Ask Answers: August 8th
Well, doing big posts all together worked for a while but lately I’ve been putting it off because it takes a long time to get them done. I think I’m gonna try switching back to answering asks whenever I can fit it in and posting them one at a time instead of waiting until I’ve filled out one of these major collections.
But for now, here’s more ask answers! Thank you for the questions and for all the kind words along with them ^^.
Hello!! I'm here to ask if its possible to get  the game and its dlcs on steam and play it on android?
I’m afraid not. Steam doesn’t have Android builds on their own site and Steam is not cool with keys for other sites being given out for Steam purchases, so you don’t get the Itch version from buying on Steam.
Hello! Sorry to bother you but, I had a question, if we buy the Game on itchio do we get steam keys or would we need to purchase it twice? 
You would have to buy it twice if you want it in both places, I’m sorry. To repeat myself a little, Steam doesn’t like the key trading thing. Itch may support giving keys for another site, but the reverse isn’t doable with Steam and Steam doesn’t even really want you to get a Steam key for buying somewhere else either. So we just don’t mess around with that.
hey, sorry if this is frequently asked, but is step 4 free dlc or paid for? some of your sources are contradicting each other. 
It’s free! There’s a paid wedding DLC, but Step 4 itself is entirely unpaid.
Hello! I just had a quick question, for the Baxter and Derek DLC's will we be able to confess our feelings to them or let them confess to MC? or will it only be one way? (they confess to MC)
Both type of options will be available!
Hey there! I wanted to ask whether or not the Derek DLC is still on track to be released in August since on the steam discussion board it says it will be released mid 2021. I totally understand if it isn't, I'm just really looking forward to it! If you answer then ty! And keep up the amazing work :D 
It’s not, aha. Unfortunately, 2021 wasn’t easier than 2020 as we hoped so things are still slower than planned. It’ll come out late 2021 or early 2022.
Hi! Firstly I just want to say that I LOVE Our Life. I have played a bit of similar games but this one instantly wins for the best one! Everything about it is amazing! I just wanted to ask if Derek would ever lose feelings for MC, like if they make the deal and then MC gets with Cove would he move on? and even if you don't, after "losing contact" would his feeling fade or would he still like MC? 
If you don’t really keep in touch with him and clearly move on with your life, Derek will too and he’ll be over it. But if you are still close as best as you can be, he’ll still think the MC is special. Though, he’ll always support your relationship with someone else if that’s what’ll make you happy.
Hello! Sorry if you've answered this before but: 'How's Lee related to us? Though which momma? And does she share our player-chosen last names? Also, do you know if Noelani took Pam's last name or did it happen the other way round? 
She’s related to Pamela and Pamela’s last name is the one they use, so the MC has the same last name as Lee.
Will we be able to choose which (they or he) we tend to call Qiu by more often, or will it randomly change depending on the moment? 
Qiu knows which pronoun they’re comfortable with at a time and you’ll call them what they’re happy with. And it doesn’t change between lines, it takes multiple scenes or even full Steps for it to switch. So for extended periods Qiu will be totally a guy or fully agender.
Will Step 4 of OL2 have moments?
It’ll be an epilogue like it is in OL1, so it won’t have a bunch of different Moments.
Hello! Just a quick question, is Sunset bird from OL1 based on a real location? If so what's it called? I wanna visit it +_+
ps i love your games so much <3
It isn’t based on one specific town you can go to, but there are a lot of little coastal towns in Cali that have a similar vibe!
Heyaaa ( I hope you're all well ), umm… it might seem kinda stupid to ask but did Patreon members can have a key for the dlc's ( all the steps-released dlc ) even if they became a member this month or later ? (me? saying this cuz it's my case? maybe ;-;), and once again thanks for absolutely all the amazing works on all the games ! u-u 
You wouldn’t get the DLCs for backing there. The Patreon is for extra bonus content/early access, rather than being a storefront to purchase the normal DLCs. Rarely we give them out as a side gift, but it hardly happens and if what you want is the DLCs it’s best to ignore the Patreon and  buy keys for those directly from Itch or Steam. I’m sorry for the confusion.
Hey y'all, love what youre doing w/Terry. Trans rep outside of player customization is so rare and important to see more of so thank you so much. I do have a question and its that does he have a canon sexuality? I know Miranda was said to be straight ace but I dont believe anything was stated for Terry probably because he wasnt revealed to be a guy which changes things. Im also curious if well get answers on how long hes liked Miranda since he may have liked her in step 3 before she liked him 
Terry likes women and Randy likes men! And he did like Miranda back in Step 3.
Will the Wedding Dlc release at the same time as Step 4? 
They’ll come out separately with Step 4 releasing first.
I really love Our Life so much! I've spent over 20hours playing it even though I only got it a week ago! I was wondering if I could make a fangame for Our Life with a different love interest but same plot. Next-door neighbors romance, multiple steps, etc? I'll probably make it on Google Slides though- 
Sure! I hope you have fun with it and I’m glad you love the game.
How does Cove feel about poly relationships? 
He’s got nothing against them for the people they work for, but he’s 100% monogamous and would only be comfortable with a partner who was willing to be monogamous with him.
Idk if this has been answered before but will Step 4 include the option to advance your feelings towards Cove? 
Yep, you’ll be able to determine your feelings and what your relationship is.
In step 4 will there be a chosen to say we live with Cove even as just friends? 
Yeah, you can choose to live with Cove and that can be done when you’re friends.
I just played the game with the MC and Cove being best friends and omg it’s still so damn cute like the wholesomeness of it all is too much for my heart I swear ^.^  Now with that all said I was wondering can we still marry Cove? if we only love him as a friend like let’s say we’ve made deal with him similar to the one we can make with Derek because let’s real no one could compete with what the MC and Cove have even if they aren’t in love. 
It’s great to hear you enjoyed the friendship story! You can live with Cove, but you can’t marry him platonically. Cove has familial affection for the MC if they’re best-est friends. He wouldn’t think to marry someone he loves like family and even grew up with as though they truly were siblings.
Are you still going to be making a DLC for XOBD? :] 
Yes! We’re slowing adding voiced lines and fixing errors.
It makes me laugh that Shiloh's last name is Fields because that's what I put as my last name! So in Our Life when he talked about "Ms. Fields" picking him up I was extremely confused, lol. That dude mimics personalities so much that he stole my surname!
Oh, wow, that’s a very funny coincidence, haha.
hi !! i cant seem to be able to get the scene where mc is able to propose to cove despite being at the 'love' stage and telling him i'd want to get married, are there any other details that im missing out on? the options just dont appear at the end... 
Maybe you missed telling Cove you were in love with him even if you mentioned wanting to get married or you might’ve accidentally said earlier in the game that you don’t want to progress your relationship further with Cove. We haven’t removed them, so you can get the scene again. It’s just kind of easy to miss since there’s multiple requirements. You can read a little guide in the FAQ.
wait what di you need to do to be able to propose to cove? I've been trying but haven't had much luck 
You can check out the FAQ linked above!
does cove only develop a crush on the mc if the mc is also at crush/in love with him? 
Technically, yes. We treat the non-romantic relationship options as truly non-romantic since we don’t want to bait and switch people. But there’s nothing wrong with headcanoning that Cove does have feelings developing for the MC even before the MC has.
Is there a way to make/allow Lee and Baxter to date?
No, they just don’t have enough time together.
We also got a group of asks related to Tamarack in OL2, but I’m afraid the way they talked about people with larger bodies made me not want to post their words, even if the person didn’t say they’re trying to be hurtful. I will separate out the core question and answer it though, so people can know that info.
Does Tamarack lose weight in later Steps?
No, she doesn’t. As for the other questions included, to be honest, I don’t have to explain/defend having romance options of different sizes. I’m sorry if you’re dealing with unhappiness that’s connected to body image, if that’s where the negative emotions are coming from, but even so I can’t meet you on that level and pretend it’s a problem that needs an answer. A girl who simply isn’t thin being a main love interest is just not an unreasonable concept. Also, Tamarack isn’t a lesbian. Yes, she can date a female MC, but that doesn’t undo her actual sexuality, so I’m not sure where that one part at the end was coming from.
I wonder... can we "fight" with Qiu over leader status? 👀
Not really, haha. No matter how cool your MC is, they’re never gonna replace Qiu for the other kids around. So you can either partner up with him, follow him too, or not be a part of all that group politics stuff.
So when I play the game, sometimes I mentally call Cove “Covie/Covey” and that made me wonder, how does Cove feel about being nicknamed? Not like Romeo/Space Cadet/etc. but like pet names relating to his actual name
It’d depend on his age, personality, and your relationship with him! When he’s younger he’d probably be embarrassed, when he was grown he’d probably be more casual or happy about it.
will you be able to date baxter in step 3 while at crush with cove (but not dating him ofc) sorry if this has been asked already. i really love baxters step 4 design btw!! 
Yeah, you can be crushing on Cove and date Baxter if you weren’t already dating Cove. You just can’t be truly in love with Cove and then switch to Baxter.
I just got my friend into our life, and they adore shiloh and derek sooo will there be more of them in the second game? 
I’m afraid not. But you can see plenty more of Shiloh in XOXO Droplets/XOXO Blood Droplets, haha.
I see you haven't gotten any xoxo droplets asks recently but I'm still obsessed with these boys!! I was just wondering if Nate would curse under any circumstance? 
Yeah, Nate does use certain swear words (damn, hell, bastard) on very rare occasions.
Hi there! I have a question about the wedding dlc. Will we be able to plan a honeymoon during the planning stages of it or would it be something that Cove and the mc would rather plan later on? Thank you! Absolutly love the game by the way, definitely one of my favorite games! 
The focus will be on the wedding day itself. The topic of the honeymoon might come up a bit, but there won’t be any choosing of the exact location and such.
Hi! I have two questions and it's completely understandable if you only answer one/neither and I'm sorry if you've already answered either before! First, is there a set year in which OL:B&A takes place (ex: Step 1 being set in 2010 & Step 2 being set in 2016, etc.) or is it simply up to interpretation? Second, have you guys thought about doing a coming-of-age game where the MC has a tough home life or upbringing? (like one of their parents is an addict, a parent being transphobic whilst the player has the option to be trans, or having friends that are influencing them to do drugs, etc.) That's all! Thanks for making beautiful games. <3 
There is a set timeline!
Step 1: 2006 Step 2: 2011 Step 3: 2016 Step 4: 2021 
And we don’t currently plan on making a game like that. The Our Life series exists to be a safer environment for people to play around in and if we did do a brand new series that was harsher edged it’d be something more fantastical and/or plot-driven instead of a different type of modern day slice-of-life growing up story. I’m sorry.
i don’t know if you’ve already answered this, but do you have a guess on when phase 4 will come out? as well as ol2? i’m so excited for both of them, the inclusivity in this game is amazing, you guys should be really proud of it! 
Step 4 will be coming out very soon! OL2 is gonna take until 2023 to be anywhere near completion. But we might episodically release the Steps one at a time as they get done instead of waiting for three to be finished before launch like we did with the first game.
Hello, I was curious if there was an official or unofficial discord server for the game? 
We do have a discord! You can join by clicking this link HERE.
how long do you plan to keep ol's patreon running? 
Hopefully for at least a few more years.
Are you considering ever making merch? 
Yeah, but I don’t know when it’ll happen or what exactly we’ll make, aha. It’s something we want do, just nothing is set.
hi! i just found out about your game a couple of days ago on tiktok (so sorry if you’ve already answered this question) and i was wondering if y’all are ever planning to release it on iOS? 
I have no idea. It’s hard for a small group to get Apple approval and I honestly can’t say if it’ll ever happen or not. Maybe someday, though!
Hi, I love the art style of Our life and I would like to know if the artist has a Twitter? Also, could it be possible to fund more CGs for the game from him/her? So many times, I wish there was one like when the cutscene of the sunshower. 
That’s nice of you to offer. He doesn’t have a Twitter, at least not one that’s public enough to be shared with me. And I’m afraid not. The issue is that the CGs take huge amounts of time rather than there not being a budget for it. He’s gotta make CGs for Step 4, the DLCs, and new character sprites, too. There isn’t space in the schedule for even more. Sorry for that.
Hi, how are you?!
Are you planning on accepting new writers or is it always the same people who write your stories??
Our Life: Beginnings & Always won’t be getting new writers, but we will be hiring a new team of writers for Our Life: Now & Forever eventually!
perhaps this counts as nsfw and I'm sure it has been answered before but what does Cove prefer, chests/boobs or butts? or perhaps both :3c thank you for this wonderful game (and the patreon bonus moment, it was worth all the waiting and more ♥) 
He’s a “chests of all shapes and sizes” kind of guy, haha.
i was wondering- did any of the writers actually grow up by the beach? as someone who's lived in a beach town all their life it really did feel nostalgic to play through our life 1 
I was born and raised in Cali! Though, not right by the beach. We still had to make trips out, but the setting is based on my own childhood memories of small beach towns we went through.
In Derek’s upcoming DLC, will we be able to reference the pact we made as teens? (love olba and xod/xobd so much btw you’re literally amazing) 
Yep, you will be able to talk about that!
Oh, sorry about the Cole being secretly L ask, then!
If you wanted context: Death Note is about this one guy who finds a notebook that kills anyone who you write the name of in there. The guy eventually develops a God Complex and starts mass killing criminals and stuff. L is the one trying to find out who is killing all these people.
Me and my sister first joked about it because I couldn't remember how to translate a word about the way Cove was sitting, so I just did the pose, and it looked a lot like how L himself sits! Then we just snowballed from there, with more and more nonsense connections.
That’s okay! Thanks for explaining. I’m sorry I didn’t know what you meant.
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vukovich · 2 years
Drarry Tag Game
Thanks, @kbrick!
✨  Drarry Tag Game! ✨ Answer any questions you’d like and ignore the rest!
When did you get into Drarry and why? Summer, 2020. Because... hm. Because enemies to lovers and power dynamics in het pairings often get dodgy? Also... TWO dicks.
Which Drarry fic hooked you? I have an absolute goldfish memory when it comes to fic, so I have no idea. Knowing me, it was probably smut.
Top three favorite Drarry fics: Harry Potter and the Possibly Very Bad Sex, by private_eyes (This is my only bookmarked fic. It is the only fic I've read more than once. Not even joking.)
My other top two are probably @mintamintathings's works.
Why can’t you quit them? The first, because it's just fucking hilarious. It's rigoddamndiculous. I can't. And Grace's writing, I think because when you know good kink, you're allowed to enjoy wrong kink.
Would you rather be friends with Harry or Draco? The way I write them, neither. Pitiful bastards.
Who breaks your heart more often?  Molly.
Ideal career for Harry? For Draco? Harry? Hm... Teacher who burns out by his early thirties and puts all of his energy into rebuilding Godric's Hollow into an intentional community. Draco? Trust fund brat who ends up President of a historical preservation society in his late forties and is shockingly competent. Yes, these paths would cross around age 48. No, I don't plan on writing this. Probably.
Harry and Draco are being sent to a desert island for a week with plenty of food and water. Each is allowed to bring three additional items (no wands). What do they bring?
Harry: A sleeping bag, an axe, and Ron. Draco: The male starting line-up of the Pride of Portree, a tub of Crisco, and a bag of unlabelled pills.
Favorite non-Drarry HP character? Luna. Luna all day.
If you had to pick one, enemies to lovers or (enemies to) friends to lovers? Enemies to lovers, because that's why I'm here.
Would you rather read a fic that made you laugh or one that made you cry? Laugh. Definitely.
Three songs that scream Drarry to you (feel free to include the Drarry-est lyrics!): Just gonna go raid the recent playlists and also specify which fics they're attached to.
Vis à Vis, by Euzen (Vis à Vis à Vis, obviously) "Eat my soul and stay alive More to share is more to have Pleasure is the natural call Sentience is binding us all"
All Part of the Plan, by Punch Brothers (It'll Come Back) "This is all part of the plan Look I'm a god more than a man Now I'm a god I don't give a damn about my soul So if I sign it away in blood So I can scare the world into loving me And I scare the world into loving me I'll have turned nothing into something and buddy If you think I look rough You should see the fool on the other end of the deal"
Adam and Eve, by Ani DiFranco (holemate) "Everything I love is ugly, I mean really You would be amazed. And just do me a favor, It's the least that you can do. Just um Don't treat me like I am Something that happened to you. I am, I am, I am Truly sorry, Sorry about all this."
Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rhythm of the War Drums, by a Perfect Circle (WIP) "Don't fret, precious, I'm here Step away from the window and go back to sleep Safe from pain and truth and choice and other poison devils See, they don't give a fuck about you, like I do"
Favorite authors outside of fic?
Silvia Moreno-Garcia. Hands down. After her, probably Kim Harrison. And Tara Westover.
Tagging @calypsotempete @peachpety @wheezykat @tontonguetonks @dewitty1
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cwnyanyu · 3 years
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hey, howdy, hey! it’s mali again ( she/they, 21, est ), and i’m back with my cwn2nd, chen yanyu ( aka daphne ). i’ve discovered that tumblr ims suck for me, so i’d prefer to text via twitter or discord. however, if you only use tumblr then no worries! i will try to navigate the dark trenches that are tumblr ims. if you’d like to plot with this lovely lady, give this post a like! if you’d like a starter based off of one of the sentence starters below, please respond with the corresponding emoji.
an endearing princess who holds her kingdom close, yet it is the freedom of her father which chen yanyu desires most.
STORY. ( tw: mentions of death, brief/light mention/implication of gore )— STATS.— VALUES. — PLOTS.
ONCE UPON A TIME … yanyu had a normal life. she lived with her father in hong kong for the majority of her childhood, and only saw her mother on occasional visits to the kingdom of spades. her father owned his own bakery in hong kong, and her mother was a diplomat in the kingdom of spades who specialized in foreign affairs.
it wasn’t the best life. she didn’t own a polished pair of heels or a plethora of silk dresses. her life was full of street markets, worn down pavement, and cramped apartment that she called home, though, yanyu wouldn’t have had it any other way.
IN THE KINGDOM OF …  ( tw: mentions of death ) spades, yanyu didn’t want to leave her home, but she wasn’t going to disobey her own mother-- especially when her own mother was ill. what she wasn’t prepared for, however, was the chance to compete for the throne. it wasn’t yanyu’s decision to go, it was her mother’s. seeing her own daughter go to live a better life was the last memory her mother wished to have, and so she left.
years later after her mother’s passing, yanyu was met with another challenge. her father’s trial.
THE SWEET PRINCESS FELL TO HER KNEES … pleading for the queen to show mercy. her father could never betray the kingdom, right? after he raised such a gentle, loyal soul, how could he? there was no evidence against him-- just the whispers and disgusted looks of the palace residents. yet still, she kneeled there in tears as her father was carried away. and what was the price she paid for speaking out? being denoted from a second-tier princess to a third-tier princess. 
SHE COULDN’T LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER …( tw: mentions of death ) not after her father’s trial, and definitely not after the murder of her own friend. she wanted justice, not revenge, which is why she decided to remain a princess-- no matter what tier she was. the only way to honor the fallen and release her father from his wrongful shackles was to earn the crown herself.
good-natured, sociable, enthusiastic, and curious are a few words that could describe the princess, though she is also a people-pleaser, sensitive, and stubborn. it’s hard not to get along with the princess unless you cross her or her family/friends.
yanyu is quite the ambivert. she has an introverted persona, and frequently claims she has a low social battery. however, she is quite the secret wild child. when she doesn’t have her head stuck in a book, she is snooping around with a friend living her best life. though she doesn’t like to show this side much, as her father’s image ( and partially her own )  in the palace is already tarnished.
yanyu is a hopeless romantic. often times hookups become potential love interests in her mind, though she tries not to get too attached. a serial dater, if you will.
sentence starters.
🍓: [text] _____, you love me, right? so...could you do me a favor?
🍊: “where would i be without you?”
🍍: “wait-- don’t leave! i was just about to tell you my big three.”
🍎: “where’s my attractive yet mysterious love interest that’s supposed to sweep me off my feet? i guess when they say these books are fiction they really mean it.”
🍋: “i think some of us here need to learn to be quiet, and by some of us i mean you.”
inspiration: dynasty ( rina sawayama ), sofia the first ( disney ), belle ( disney ), annie edison (community)
yanyu is her legal name, and daphne is her nickname/given english name. so for any friends who don't call her daphne or some nickname she might look at you a little weird (it's a bit formal for her liking).
psd credit.
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georgiasfm · 3 years
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[ scarlett leithold, cis female, she/her ] have you seen GEORGIA CALLOWAY lately ? yeah, i heard they're TWENTY TWO years old and a REALITY TV STAR/PODCAST HOST now in charleston city. i mean, i don’t know if it’s their LEO vibes or that they’re -OBSTINATE and -CAPRICIOUS but also +GREGARIOUS and +EMPYREAN but they remind me of MIND GAMES by BANKS. here’s to hoping they don’t cause too much trouble around here. 
hey besties ! i’m ley , i’m 20 ( well .... i will be at midnight ) , i go by she / her pronouns , and i’m livin’ in the est timezone ! i unfortunately have a super busy weekend bc it’s my birthday , so i won’t be able to be around as much as i want to be. but i’m gonna do my best to as active as possible ! thankfully i wrote this intro ahead of time so for once it isn’t a complete disaster ( it’s still not good tho so don’t have high expectations ) anyways , here’s miss georgia calloway !! 
𝐈  . 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬  :
FULL NAME  :  georgia belle calloway .       AGE  :  twenty - two  .   DATE OF BIRTH  :  july 23rd . ASTROLOGY SIGNS  :  leo sun , aquarius moon , pisces ascendant .   GENDER  : cis woman  .   PRONOUNS  :  she / her / hers  .   SEXUALITY  :  bisexual .       MOTHER  :  diane calloway  :  former pageant  &  debutante queen turned stay at home mom / trophy wife .   FATHER  :  jack calloway  :  career politician  &  mayor of charleston .  SIBLINGS  :  georgia is the middle child of five kids . two older brothers , two younger sisters .  POSITIVE TRAITS  :  gregarious  ,  vehement  ,  alluring  , venturesome  ,  empyrean , altruistic  . NEGATIVE TRAITS  :  obstinate  ,  reticent  ,  flighty  ,  temerarious  ,  capricious  .   AESTHETICS  :  the patter of raindrops against glass windows , the lingering scent cigarettes mixed with sweet perfume , drinking honey whiskey out of red solo cups ,  watching constellations with exhausted eyes , sneaking out by means of the vine trellis , leaving texts unanswered for days , a box of pageant awards hidden away in the closet , secrets that weigh more than gold on cherry stained lips , bending every rule just enough to get away with it , wrinkled white satin dresses and knee high ruffled socks , one too many bottomless mimosas at brunch , hearts drawn on fogged glass mirrors , lollipop stained lips . CHARACTER INSPO  :  brooke davis ( one tree hill ) , sarah cameron ( obx ) , lux lisbon ( the virgin suicides ) , jackie burkhart ( that 70s show ) . 
click here for a quick trip to her pinterest bc it describes her better than i ever could !!
( tw ; infidelity , death , drunk driving )
𝐈𝐈 .  𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝  :
       from the second she was born , georgia was treated as her mother’s little doll. diane had been ecstatic the day she found out she was with child for the second time , and even more ecstatic to find out she would be having their first little girl. she was dressed up in pink dresses and frilly socks , shown off to all of the women country or her mother’s weekly book club nights. she was the apple of her parent’s eyes , until she wasn’t. with brunette tresses  &  honey brown eyes , georgia was adored by everyone .... her beauty noted with claims that she would grow up to be a heartbreaker. her mother thrived on the compliments ; the subtle reminders to what her own childhood had been like. she had always planned on having a little girl that she could do pageants with just like she had with her own mother , and darling little georgia was perfect for that. at such a young age , georgia fell in love with the pageants. she thrived in the spotlight , with all eyes on her. and just like her mother , she won every competion she was entered in , until she didn’t. by the age of nine , georgia was starting to grow bored of the constant pageants and recitals , wanting to explore other interests. by that point , diane’s interest in her had worn off and moved onto the next child , a five year old with beautiful blonde curls and dimpled cheeks. georgia grew to know the subtle ache of rejection , and from that day forward , did everything she could to win back her mother’s affection. 
      from the outside , the calloway’s came off as the picture perfect family. but from the inside ? things were quite the opposite. georgia’s parents had unmeetable expectations for their children. get perfect grades , nothing below a b acceptable. sit down , look pretty , and shut up. don’t cause a scandal. their love was entirely conditional , only being shown when their was something they believed deserved rewarding. if you were to ask georgia , she wouldn’t be able to tell you the last time her mother actually hugged her for genuine reasons , and not to manipulate her into doing what she wanted. their father was rarely home , always away working or traveling for work. it became obvious that he was having an affair –– multiple affairs , but diane just looked the other way. the calloway family was very prominent in charleston , especially with her father being elected mayor , and their was nothing that diane would allow to ruin their image. even if it cost her own happiness.
       things got considerably more difficult around the calloway home when georgia was sixteen. her eldest brother had gone out for a night of fun with a group of friends , and made the fatal mistake of getting into a car with someone who was far too drunk to drive. georgia will never forget the conversation she overheard from the living room that night ; “ they were drunk. lost control of the vehicle. died on impact. ” it tore the family apart , dividing them even more than they already were. georgia couldn’t stand the silence of her home after her brother’s death. so she started partying constantly , going on 48 hour benders and staying out long past her curfew. she couldn’t even recognize herself in the mirror. gone was their innocent little girl , the apple of their eyes. even this couldn’t get the attention of her parents , they barely even noticed she was gone most of the time ; all they did was yell at her to not make them look like fools. 
        for her whole life , georgia followed her parent’s rules. after graduating high school , she was expected required to go college and get a degree , but georgia just couldn’t be bothered. this is the one time she went against her parent’s wishes. her fear of being stuck here forever , with the same life as her parents ; a husband that doesn’t love her and miserable children , won out over the need for approval from her parents. so she ran off to la , and landed herself on love island usa after being approached by a producer. georgia is reality tv gold , and quickly became a fan favorite. her most memorable moment being after she got her heart broken on live tv , when she purposely held up a lighter to set off fire alarms ; and then laid on the ground getting drenched by the sprinklers. so now she’s single again after being made a fool of in front of the world , back home with parents that hate her for bringing them unwanted attention , and stuck in the city she tried to get away from. but , she’s got a podcast. it’s called the bimbo summit and it’s pretty much the only thing bringing her joy right now. it started as a way for her to expose some behind the scenes shit from love island , but now it’s just for fun. 
𝐈𝐈𝐈 .  𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲  :
georgia is the girl that’s not easy to forget. she’s outgoing and amiable , but stubborn and not easy to push over. she was the one that moms would warn their kids to stay away from in high school ; she leaves a trail of destruction wherever she goes , no matter how hard she tries not to. she has the purest of intentions , genuinely just wanting love  &  happiness for herself and everyone around her , but it seems like the universe has different plans. 
she almost has this air of melancholy surrounding her ? like even when she’s happy and smiling , you can still sense it or see in her eyes that she’s not truly happy 
very charismatic , she’s a major people pleaser so she’ll put everyone else’s feelings before her own . she just wants everyone to be happy even if it means she ends up being miserable . 
georgia’s a selective oversharer . she’ll tell you all these useless little facts so you think she’s opening up when in reality you don’t truly know her because she refuses to talk about the things that matter . 
she’s trusting once she gets to know someone , but if you break that trust even once she’s not very quick to forgive. she’ll hear you out , but it’s unlikely that she’ll ever let you back in. 
she is completely unhinged. somehow picks the worst possible decision every time a problem arises. she’s not much of a logical thinker , and tends to let her heart make decisions for her. it’s gotten her into a world of trouble one too many times , and yet she’s never learnt her lesson. 
she’s also a serial dater. in her pea brain attention = love so she’ll flock to wherever she gets that. she likes the validation of relationships but hates the commitment , so pretty much all of her relationships end before they ever really start. 
don’t ever tell georgia she can’t do something. she’s a stubborn bitch and she’ll either do it immediately just to spite you or dedicate her entire life to proving you wrong and that’s not something anyone needs to deal with.
very opinionated and not afraid to make sure you know !! she will stand up for what she’s believes in without even a second of hesitation.
she would not be caught dead looking unpresentable .... she’ll do her hair and a full face of make up even if she’s waking up at 4am. and don’t even bother to ask her to go out after she’s done her skin care routine .... there’s no chance 
doesn’t really know how to handle her emotions ? so when she’s hurt she tends to just .... shut down & push everyone away 
she is a hardcore adrenaline junkie , she does so much stupid shit just for the thrill. making spontaneous and impulsive decisions is her favorite pass time.  she just holds a lot of emotion in , so anything that will release all of that or make her feel anything other than the things she’s avoiding are very much welcomed.
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starvonnie · 4 years
Love Languages
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Fandoms: The Transformers (IDW Generation One), Transformers - All Media Types Relationship: Megatron/Rodimus | Rodimus Prime Characters: Megatron (Transformers),Rodimus | Rodimus Prime Additional Tags: Kissing, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, In a way, Suggestive Themes
Prompt: Patience
Also on AO3 “Be patient with him.”
That had been Drift’s advice when Rodimus broke the news to him that Megatron and him were now “a thing.”  He’d little more to say on the matter at all.  Just that he was happy for him.  Oh, and that he’d kill Megatron if he hurt Rodimus.  Which was fair.
Rodimus regretted that he hadn’t really asked for clarification on what he’d meant.  Be patient with what?  Did he just need a lot of foreplay or something?  
Whatever.  He didn’t dwell too much.
They kept to themselves for a little while.  Just long enough to spread the news to close friends and to smooth things over with Ultra Magnus before it got to the rumour mill. It took a week or so before they decided to just announce it (which was weird and awkward… but necessary), so now the whole ship knew.  Now they could just be a normal couple, right?
Rodimus strolled onto the bridge happily, for once. He walked right up to Megatron, touched his arm, and went to get up onto the fore of his pedes when Megatron took a half-step away.
“Good morning, Rodimus.”
Rodimus tried not to look hurt.  “Morning.”
Megatron awkwardly patted his hand, then got back to what he’d been doing.
Rodimus sheepishly made his way to the office, feeling optics on him.  The day passed slowly in a haze of rejection and paperwork.
The next day, he tried to walk normally and keep up a smile.  Again, he made a beeline for Megatron.  This time, he wasn’t engrossed in any work, and noticed Rodimus before he got to him. He went to do the same thing, and again, he stepped out of his reach.
“What gives?” Rodimus hissed.
“We’re at work.”
“Hmph.  Fine.” Rodimus stewed for a bit, but managed to lose himself in his work.  Plus, it was easy to look forward to the end of the day.  Megatron had agreed to go with him to Swerve’s for trivia night. If I must, he’d said.  
Still.  They wouldn’t be at work.  He couldn’t refuse a kiss then, right?
“I’ve got an idea to make this a little more interesting,” Rodimus said later, sitting across the table from Megatron.  
“Oh?”  Megatron looked wary.
“Well, I know most of the people here are on teams, but what if we competed?”
“I thought the point of this night was to be a couple’s thing?” Megatron asked, looking confused.
Rodimus shrugged.  “It’s not like a rule or anything.  That’s just what tends to happen.  But we’re both pretty smart, so I think it’d be fun to see who’s the smartest.”
Megatron shrugged.  “If that’s what you want.”
“Hold on, I’m not finished.  I haven’t gotten to the stakes.”
“I’m beginning to regret agreeing to this.”
Rodimus rolled his optics, annoyance creeping into his field.  “Don’t worry, it’s nothing bad.  I just figured that if one of us gets an answer wrong that the other gets right, the one who got it wrong owes the other a kiss.  Kind of a win-win situation, y’know?”
“Or you could just ask for a kiss.”
“Come on, Megs,” Rodimus whined.  “Can’t we just have a little fun?  Please?”
Megatron sighed.  “Alright, Rodimus.”
Fortunately, or unfortunately for Rodimus, they were both either really good at trivia or Swerve was really bad at coming up with trivia questions.  Either way, they hadn’t gotten any answers wrong.  It was time to take matters into his own hands.
“Whoops, looks like I got that one wrong,” Rodimus said, sarcastically feigning disappointment.  “Darn! Looks like I owe you a kiss.”  He crooked a finger at Megatron, pursing his lips slightly.
“… Yeah?”
Megatron shook his helm.  “Just keep a tally or something.  I’ll give them to you once we’re back at our habsuite.”
The rejection stung again, but at least he was able to soothe it with that fact that Megatron had called it our habsuite.
“Fine,” Rodimus muttered.
He had no trouble getting the rest of the questions right.
At least when they were walking back, Rodimus managed to capture Megatron’s hand and he didn’t take it back.  He seemed surprised at first, but then squeezed back with a smile on his face.  What weird rules did Megatron follow?
Whatever.  They were holding hands and heading back to their room together.  And maybe once they were inside…
Finally, Rodimus got his kiss.  He’d been so starved for kisses that the first one sent a rush of electricity through his frame.  His knees literally felt weak.  Really, every trope he’d ever heard was taking over his frame.  He did his best to steer them towards the berth, but he had no strength in his limbs.  Megatron had to be the one to do it.
“Satisfied?” Megatron asked with a little smirk.
“With you?”  Rodimus pulled him down again.  “Never.”
Rodimus wished the hands sitting courteously on his waist would slide lower.  After all, it had been long enough.  Too long, in Rodimus’ opinion.  If Megatron were one of his exes, they’d be getting into the kinky stuff right now. But here he was, stuck on first base.
Maybe he was just being cautious.  There were a couple conspiracy theories circulating around the ship.  One was that he’d manipulated Rodimus or was blackmailing him.  The other suggested literal brainwashing.  So… Rodimus would just have to make his intentions crystal clear.
Rodimus fixed Megatron with a lustful gaze.  He softly bit Megatron’s bottom lip during their next kiss and tugged on it as he pulled back.  With a sultry smile thrown over his shoulder, he guided Megatron to the berth and lay down.  He put his hands above his helm and spread his legs a bit, giving himself wholly to Megatron.  Wherever he wanted to touch, he could.
“Could you move over a bit?” Megatron asked, a little irritation in his voice.
Rodimus gave him an annoyed look, but obliged.
“For someone your size, you manage to take up most of the berth,” Megatron commented as he climbed in.
“We’re supposed to share,” Rodimus said.
“And that’s a two-way street.”
Rodimus stifled a frustrated growl and rolled onto his side.  He pressed himself flush to Megatron’s frame and kissed him again.  At least he seemed to be okay with this.  
Trying to be subtle, he slid his hand down Megatron’s frame. Just before it got to his array, however, Megatron grabbed his wrist.  He froze, his field crackling with confusion as he met his lover’s gaze.
“Sorry,” he said, when he realized how forceful he’d been. He lifted his hand to kiss where he’d hurt.  “Not tonight. I’m a little too tired for that.”
Not tonight?  More like, not ever.  Why didn’t Megatron want to frag him?  Did he not think he was hot?
“Okay…”  Rodimus tried not to let it show, but disappointment flooded his field.  His spoiler fell, too.
Megatron lifted Rodimus’ fallen chin.  He kissed him and pulled him close, instead.  It was nice, but… all of these rejections were piling on top of each other and weighing him down.
Did Megatron not want him anymore?  Maybe there was something to those conspiracy theories…
It didn’t help when he woke up in berth, alone. Tears pricked at his optics.  He was going to look so stupid in front of everyone when they found out he’d already managed to screw things up.  This was Megatron.  He should be happy anyone looked his way!  And why go to all the trouble of telling people and announcing things and even filling out paperwork because of their “working relationship?”
Well, frag him.  He can go to hell and he wasn’t even that hot and—
Rodimus cursed when he knocked over a glass on the nightstand and spilled energon everywhere.  He was already berating himself for forgetting about leaving it there when he saw the note.
Had to leave for an emergency.  It’s nothing major, and I can handle it.  
Ah.  He hadn’t forgotten.  But that meant he’d spilled what Megatron had left for him.
Sighing, but feeling a little better about things, Rodimus cleaned up the mess and mixed his own ration before heading to the bridge. He was thankful Megatron was in the office when he got there.  After checking in with Ultra Magnus, he went to the office, ensuring that he left the door wide open, since he could feel Magnus’ optics on his back.
“Thanks for dealing with whatever.  And for getting me my ration.”  He left out that he spilled it.
“You’re welcome, Rodimus.  I know you forget some mornings and the last thing we need is a cranky mech capable of creating fire.”  He smiled at him.
Rodimus chuckled.  He considered trying for another kiss, but decided against it.
He nodded towards the stack of data pads.  “A lot of paperwork today, huh?”
“I’ve got it today.  You go keep an optic on things out there.”  Megatron gave him a small smile.
“Okay.  And, um… we’re still on for tonight, yeah?”
“I wouldn’t miss it.”
 Rodimus had gone through every possible reason for why Megatron might be late until he landed on the only one that really made sense.
He wasn’t late; he wasn’t coming.
He dangled his pedes into the oil reservoir, pointedly choosing to not look at the stars.  Maybe then he could just pretend he wanted to be here alone.  It wasn’t meant to be romantic.  Maybe he was just checking the integrity of the oil, or making sure they had enough or…
Or maybe he was alone because he was so undesirable that even Megatron didn’t want him.  He was ready to slink back to his habsuite—his, not theirs—and cry himself to sleep when he heard the door open.
“I’m so sorry I’m late, Rodimus.”
“Oh, did we have something planned?” Rodimus said sarcastically.  “Well, there goes my plans to drown myself.”
Megatron sighed as he took a seat next to Rodimus. He refused to look at him.  He’d see anger in his optics, yes, but also the tears threatening to escape.
“I was on my way here when I saw Brainstorm… being Brainstorm.  I had to get him to stop what he was doing and then find some experiment to give him permission for that wouldn’t blow up the ship or tear a hole in the time-space continuum.  You know how he is.”
“Yeah, and I know how you are,” Rodimus said bitterly.
“I truly am sorry, Rodimus.  I wanted to be here.”
“Uh huh.  Just like you wanted to kiss me all those times, or, or frag the night before or like a week ago or when you wouldn’t hold my hand, or…”  Rodimus clenched his denta to keep himself from crying. He must already look so pathetic. He certainly sounded pathetic. It all sounded so petty when he gave voice to his thoughts.
“I’m sorry, Rodimus, this is… difficult for me.”  He sighed again.  “I apologize.  I didn’t realize this was weighing on you so heavily.”
“I don’t care.”
“Yes, you do.”
“Yeah!  Well!  If you don’t want me why did you even agree to date me?”  He turned flaring optics his way.  His anger fizzled out a bit when he saw the apology in Megatron’s gaze.
“Because I do want you.”
Rodimus scoffed.  “You’ve got a great way of showing that.”  He swiped at the one errant tear that leaked from his optic.
Megatron took one of Rodimus’ hands in both of his. He sighed, deflating.  “Let me explain.  I should have told you this from the start, but…”  He looked away.  “I suppose I was hoping I would just be able to get over it, but it’s clear that won’t happen just because I get to court a beautiful mech.”
Rodimus said nothing, but a blush tinged his cheeks pink.
“I’m sure you know that war can change someone.” He met Rodimus’ gaze, but wasn’t able to hold it.  “For me, one of those changes was touch.  Affection, really.  It’s…” He sighed again.  “Believe me when I say I want to hug you and kiss you and everything you want me to do.  And I will, eventually.  It will just take me a little longer.”
Megatron brought Rodimus’ hand to his mouth and kissed it.
“But… I mean, you let me kiss you when we’re alone,” Rodimus said.  “So it’s clearly not the kiss that’s the problem.”
“It’s not inherently the problem, but, yes, it’s easier to do when we’re alone.  I was caught off-guard at Swerve’s.  But if we’re on the bridge we won’t be kissing.  We’re at work.  We have to be professional.”
“For everything else, though, it’s… complicated. The want is there, but doing it…”
Rodimus put his free hand over Megatron’s.
Megatron looked up and smiled at him.  “I think I’m just having trouble letting my guard down. It has nothing to do with you.”
“Okay… so… what can I do?”
“If you want to do something, just ask me.  At least for now.  Whenever you…”  His face scrunched up in thought.  “You know when you hear a loud noise you weren’t expecting?  How your weapons seem to power up on their own?  Or your plating clamps down to prepare for a fight?”
“Yuuuup.  Fun stuff.”
“It’s like that.  In a way.  If I’m not expecting someone to touch me, well, that could be someone coming to stab me in the back.  Or you’re trying to get me to let my guard down to launch an attack when I’m not prepared.  And before you say anything, yes, I know how crazy it sounds.  I’m working on it with Rung.  Because I know you don’t want to hurt me.  I’m fighting my instincts here.  Instincts that kept me alive for millions of years.  I’ll get there, eventually.”
Drift’s words made a lot more sense now.
“Okay.  I’ll be patient with you.  But you gotta be patient with me, too.  Or understanding, I guess.  I’m pretty touchy-feely.  If I’m honest, I thought you’d just already gotten tired of me.”
Megatron chuckled and then gave him a sympathetic look. “I don’t think anyone could tire of you.”
“You’d be surprised.”
“Well, I can’t see it happening with me.  That being said, can I kiss you?”
Rodimus beamed.  “Of course.”
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Knife in a Gun Fight --The Commodore
Summary:  In 1929, the Nevin-Klaff Gang, a collection of bootlegging cousins from the farmlands of Texas find themselves on the run and in need of help.The gang finds their way to St. Paul, Minnesota where the make the acquaintance of notorious, underground, bootlegger smuggling gang, The EST. Immediately, the leaders of these two gangs, Siobhan (Shiv-on) “Shiv” Nevin, and Colson “The Gun” Baker, can’t stand one another. When their subordinates go behind their backs to agree to work together, Shiv realizes how dangerous it can be to be a knife in a gun fight.
A/N: I apologize for how this was def. not posted when I originally anticipated. I had a major plot hole I had to fix and basically rewrite this chapter!
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Built in 1920, the Commodore was a quaint place for passersby to take refuge during their journeys; however, after the hotel’s bar was shut down, it was secretly relocated underground to become an exclusive, and on occasion, nefarious, speakeasy. All of the gamblers, bootleggers, and gangsters that Saint Paul attracted knew of the speakeasy, but more importantly, they all knew of The EST.
Almost as well known as the Nevin-Klaff gang, the EST was a staple of the mid-west’s criminal underground. The EST began in Cleveland as a collection of bootleggers and smugglers, each trying to escape their own predetermined fates, and arrived in Saint Paul roughly two years ago. Siobhan had heard the rumors of the EST’s near invisible smuggling and bootlegging operations, and they served to be accurate given how little media attention the received. Sure, Saint Paul was her first pick of a hideout because of it’s magnetic pull to the criminal world, but when she realized the EST was there, that was when she devised an escape plan.
Since the collective Nevin and Klaff siblings began working together, Shiv could feel Walter and Eddy’s fear--they would never admit to it in order to not feel as if they were burdening their older brothers--and the discontentment George and Art constantly repressed from the younger three regarding if they’ll make it out alive. She knew it was up to her to save all of their asses. She knew George was one snarky comment away from getting a hole blasted through him--by the cops or another gang, it didn’t matter; he was a smart-ass to everyone. Art was intelligent, but didn’t have the patience to see more than two minutes ahead of each action he took, Eddy and Walter were by no means children, especially after everything they’ve witnessed and experienced, but neither had the brains to figure out where to go or what to do next. Shiv was the planner, the decisive, witty, strategic thinker the gang needed to escape the country without striking interest in the wrong people.
Who else do undesirables go to for help other than more undesirables? she thought not long after arriving in Saint Paul. The EST was far from her first plan, but it was the safest one she could come up with.
“Just mingle,” Shiv reminded her brothers and cousins as they entered the Commodore speakeasy. The large, open room was flooded with people of various different walks of life. In one corner, a known gangster spoke freely with what appeared to be financial businessmen, near the billiards table, housewives and flappers cheered while their men competed, and throughout the crowd, men and women spoke, danced, and drank as if the law could not reach them down here, beneath the streets of Saint Paul, Minnesota. “Don’t draw attention to yourselves,” Shiv stated with a glare in George’s direction as she followed the men down a short flight of stairs.
“Where are we meeting up and when?” Walt asked as a young, redheaded woman caught his eye.
“If you meet anyone in EST, try and set up something for tomorrow” Siobhan said softly under the music. “Breakfast, river dancing, anything” she continued slightly sardonically with a scoff. Already Walt and Eddy peeled themselves away from the group and made their introductions to the young woman and her friend. George and Art also pulled away from Siobhan to begin a game of billiards at an open table. 
Shiv took a deep breath and slowly approached the bar. Her reflection bore back at her from the mirror behind the bar, and she quickly examined herself. Her long, toned arms had lost their tan from working under the hot, Texas sun, however the muscle remained, especially after having to carry the Nevin-Klaff gang on her shoulders for the past eight or nine years. Her long, dark hair was tied up elegantly--something her younger cousin learned to do as a child when his mother asked him to help her with her hair on Sundays--and a hint of makeup accentuated the twinkle in her doe eyes. A soft, cap sleeve evening gown hung from her shoulders in shimmering, golden beaded hues before transforming into a flowing swirl of pale blue tulle. The gown hugged her body gently before it fell to gather around her feet, and despite the few eyes she’d caught glancing her way, she grew anxiously uncomfortable in the attire.
For the past near decade of her life, Shiv had been carrying out secret plans of illegal activities; she never had a moment to reflect on her appearance or the appeal she had towards others. Often, her brothers and cousins would meet flings wherever the group sought shelter, but Shiv didn’t have the luxury of forgetting her surroundings and abandoning all concerns. People brought out the worst in her; it was a fact as inarguable as the sky being blue or the grass being green. Being raised on a farm, as the only child in her household, she not only endured the worst from her peers for being poor, but also was not shielded from her brothers’ and cousins’ ‘boys-will-be-boys’ antics. She grew up to be tough and level-headed, but more so, Shiv’s experiences with people outside of her family--and sometimes even within her family--led her to putting up the harshest of fronts and strongest walls imaginable.
“Can I get you something ma’am?” the bartender asked as Shiv’s eyes flicked away from the table top and to the young man before her. He couldn’t have been much older than Walter or Eddy, but he seemed much younger due to the lack of farm-built muscle that defined her family.
“Just a double whisky, neat,” she stated monotonously with a small smile in exchange for her off-putting tone. With a nod, the bartender sauntered away to pour the drink, and Shiv turned on her heel to examine the room once more. George and Arthur were playing against one another and attracting a large crowd of predominately female spectators, Walter sat at a booth with the redhead he saw upon entering the bar and laughed with her at a story she appeared to be telling, and Eddy wasn’t very far away from Walt, carrying back a round of drinks alongside a blonde girl who seemed rather taken with him.
“That’s a pretty strong drink,” a deep voice said from over Shiv’s shoulder as she turned around to take her glass from the bartender and meet the stranger’s eyes. The man beside her was folded into the bar and had pulled a nearby stool towards him with his long legs in order for him to sit as he sipped from his own glass. He wore a stone grey three piece suit with a black tie, wore his blonde hair slicked back and to the side, and seemed all too sure of himself for Siobhan’s taste.
“Not strong enough if you ask me,” she commented in a dry and rather unremarked tone as she refrained her natural instincts to continue to scope out the man beside her.
“It’s not too often that I see a nice girl such as yourself drink a man’s drink,” he said with a small chuckle. Slowly, Shiv’s eyes drifted to her right as she held her breath and clenched her jaw.
“What in the world would lead you to assume that I’m nice? And why the hell do men think they have a monopoly on everything?” Shiv questioned without an ounce of emotion rising from her tone.
“Can’t you just take a compliment?” the man huffed as he rolled his eyes and took a small swig of his drink.
“I’d love to, but unfortunately, there was nothing of substance in anything that you said for me to even assume to be a compliment,” Shiv stated as monotonously as she could. 
“What is your problem?” The blonde man with his hair slicked back and to the side grumbled as he poured the rest of his drink down his throat and narrowed his eyes in curious observation at Siobhan. As she quickly lost whatever patience she had left after dealing with George all day, Shiv exhaled sharply, tossed back her whisky, and stared the man in the face.
“You’re my problem,” Shiv stated in response to the man’s question.
“Me?” he quickly questioned in return only to get an annoyed glare from the woman across from him.
“Yes, you. It was more than obvious that I wanted to be alone; did you not come over here because you figured I was the only woman in this place completely isolated?”
“Maybe I wanted to talk to you,” the man attempted to explain away her accusations.
“Maybe you did,” she sighed and rolled her eyes, “after your silver tongue and semi-suave persona failed in picking up either of the women chatting at the table behind us.” Hesitant to admit his shortcomings with the brash woman before him, the man narrowed his eyes at her and pursed his lips, as if prompting her to continue. “There’s a mirror on the bar, I couldn’t have ignored that train wreck even if I wanted to.”
“Did anyone teach you how to smile?”
“Did anyone teach you how to pick up on basic social cues?”
“Damn, why are you so mean?” the blonde man gasped in aggravation.
“It’s what the world does to you, pretty boy. Maybe you’ll learn that one day,” she said before standing up and leaving a tip on the bar for the bartender.
She didn’t want to come out tonight. Befriending EST was not apart of her original plan; it was just some bullshit addition George wanted in order to feel like he was contributing something to protecting his brother and younger cousins. A simple ask-around-town and introduce-yourself before asking for a favor would have worked. Personal, human interactions were obsolete. It didn’t matter one way or another if they were best friends or simply business partners, but George threw a fit and threatened to take off on his own, which subsequently terrified Walter of losing his brother and then sent Arthur and Edmund into a panic about separating from their cousins. 
“I should have let him leave,” Siobhan muttered to herself as she paced towards an empty booth in the darkest corner of the speakeasy. There was a distinct difference between each Nevin-Klaff member’s reason for being in this criminal boat, and Shiv was near certain of each person’s motives. 
Walter didn’t want to be left out. Being the youngest instilled a fear in Walt about being the only one not able to do something out of the Nevin-Klaff cousins. Edmund knew the work he would have to pick up around the farm with George, Arthur, and Siobhan gone would be too much for him to handle, and he wasn’t about to handle the brute of harvest on his own. Arthur only continued to help George in order to keep him on the right track. George wasn’t the brightest, and he certainly didn’t know what he was doing in the beginning. Shiv always figured he assumed he could stash jugs of whisky or moonshine in the bed of a truck, drive two counties over, and collect some cash. Without Art to be a sound moral compass with more than half a brain, George would have been locked up not too long after he started. Shiv never really clicked with George. Throughout their childhood, she never understood why the family favored him so much, but she did know they were unaware of the many secrets he harbored from them. Initially, he stole from his parents--it wasn’t much, but taking anything from a dirt poor farmer was more than enough to ruin him--and then got into bootlegging as a way to get enough money to payback his parents without them knowing. 
There wasn’t a doubt in Shiv’s mind that, if the gang were to go their separate ways, George wouldn’t stick to the harmless crimes they commit now. He’d go on to rob trains or banks, make a mistake and kill someone or end up being killed. That’s the only reason she didn’t devise a way to travel in smaller groups or spread out across the country, because whoever was stuck with George would be screwed.
“He has dumb-ass plans anyway,” Shiv sighed to herself as she reexamined George’s idea of becoming friends with EST. Allies, sure, Shiv could understand that, but friends? This wasn’t a school playground. This is 1929 Saint Paul, Minnesota and they were wanted in who knows how many states. There’s not any time fro friends, and their idea of going to a speakeasy and flushing out the people they’re essentially stalking in order to get close to wasn’t going to come to fruition tonight. “Screw this,” Shiv huffed as she slammed her hands down on the table in front of her and sprung to her feet. “I didn’t want to come. I told him this was stupid. No one ever listens to me, even when my only job requires them to listen!” Over and over, more and more complaints flooded Shiv’s head as she made her way to the exit. She grumbled each one under her breath and did her best to ignore all of the concerned glances being exchanged her way; all except for one. The baby blue-green eyes of the man who had pissed her off by reminding her all too much of George noticed her leave, and wore the smallest expression of guilt on his face. 
Shiv noticed him, and it made her even angrier.
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juminsmysticmc · 4 years
How would the RFA+ minor trio react to a Romanian s/o?
RFA + Minor Trio with a Romanian Mc
So, I hope I have everything right, I love to write these kind of things because you can learn a lot of things from other cultures, although I‘m often unsure since the internet often also gives wrong information...so please forgive me and if anything isn’t correct, tell me please
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When the guard let you in, he couldn’t believe that such a beautiful woman actually existed.
You were tall, but not as tall as the black haired CEO-in-line himself. 
You were slim, but still had a beautiful body and were fair skinned.
Your eyes were as blue as the summer sky and Jumin thought that looking at you would be like looking at the sky.
Your long blonde hair was just as shiny as if it was made of gold.
,,Beautiful…“ he mumbled, which made you chuckle, which was also very beautiful to hear.
It wasn’t a fake chuckle like every woman did who wanted to be one of his favourites.
The two of you got to know each other better and he quickly found out that you weren’t Korean, but Romanian.
,,I wanted to get to know something new. Just when I was about to go back to my homeland, Unknown contacted me and I actually fell in love with you…“ you told him.
And finally, it was far more serious than either of you imagined.
You guys got married and Jumin got to know your family. 
You weren’t just sociable, your whole family was!
,,Taking me to your home here in Moldova was an amazing idea… the nature, the green landscape… I think we should buy a house to spend our vacation here in the future!“ Jumin told you and was quite amazed by the surroundings.
You guys found out that pancakes with melon marmalade was actually your favorite dish from then on.
Hand in hand, you and your beautiful boyfriend walked down the street.
Suddenly, you noticed that Zen kept looking at you.
,,What is it?’’ you said to him in Korean. 
From your accent he could hear that you weren’t Korean, but hell, your voice and the Korean sounds sounded way more correct than other’s words.
Zen held your hand tighter as he suddenly felt his heart throb. 
He never thought he could fall in love so deeply with a person.
He never thought that this beautiful feeling could hurt him just as much.
The young man wanted to know more about you.
With the free hand he had, he stroked your pale cheek and lightly touched your skin.
As if he was in trance, he put back your long dark blonde hair.
He then looked up to you, into your green eyes.
They were just as green as the shiniest emeralds.
,,Where... where are you from? You’re such a beauty. Are you sure that you’re not an angel?’’he asked you, unsure as he kept looking at you.
You chuckled ,,Yeah, I’m pretty sure, my prince. I’m the work of two human beings who lived their whole life in Bukovina, won’t you go and see it for yourself someday?’’ you asked him.
You perfectly could kiss him on his lips since you were almost just as tall as he was.
Zen couldn’t believe it but a few days later you proudly showed him two tickets for your homeland in romania and a few days later the both of you found yourself in a stranger’s bed.
He chuckled as he tucked you below the warm and cozy sheets.
,,Are you sure that they won’t kill us?’’ he asked you.
Your cold hands searched his warm skin and rested on his hot spots.
,,Yeah. Here, everyone is welcome. We Romanians take in everyone and even if they kill us, we can die together!’’ you laughed and made him smile again.
Zen believed in you.
And indeed, two days later, after sleeping at random people’s houses, you two arrived at your parents’ house.
A bright light appeared behind you as the young blond man looked at you.
Your dark hair rested on your shoulders as you approached him, just to make him realize how much taller he was when you stood in front of him.
Nonetheless, he felt as if he had to reach out for you.
It was as if you’re so far away from him and as if it would take him years until he could touch your skin.
,,MC!’’ the young man suddenly jumped up straight in his bed with wide eyes that had to adjust to the dark room.
Suddenly, someone turned on the light.
You rubbed your beautiful eyes and looked at him with your brown innocent eyes.
Your dark cheeks seemed kind of red tonight.
You put back your brown hair and looked at him.
,,Ce este?’’ you asked him in Romanian as you kept rubbing your eyes.
,,Don’t, it’s bad,’’ he mumbled half asleep as he took your hands in his own, away from your beautiful eyes.
For a moment, you stared at his face before you glared at him.
,,Seriously? Yoosung, you called my name! I was dreaming!’’ you whined and made him chuckle quite a bit.
But then you pushed him back into his pillow with all the strength you had. 
Your body was on his and the sheets were on the floor.
Yoosung had to blink three times before he could fall into your beautiful brown eyes.
,,Know what I was dreaming about?’’ you asked him, your voice quite hot.
He chuckled and stayed silent so that you would keep talking.
,,I had a wet dream and…’’ you began to move your hips.
,,When you called my name…’’ you went on, kissing slowly on his neck.
,,I thought you did the same…’’ you laughed.
,,What did you dream this time?’’ you whispered as you looked at his face.
He suddenly embraced you and nuzzled his head into you as he mumbled that he felt as if you would go further away.
,,No way. The only place I would go to is Muntenia, but of course I would take you along,’’ you tried to joke.
,,I’m here… forever,’’ you promised him.
The young, long haired, woman entered her shop just to see you quarrelling with Yoosung once again.
Jaehee had to chuckle for some reason. 
It was impossible to change your nature after all.
,,Yoosung,’’ Jaehee called, seeing that Yoosung’s eyes were teary.
,,What did you do to my Oltenia girlfriend?’’ Jaehee asked with a smile on her face.
,,I wonder too!’’ the boy whined as he watched Jaehee so he wouldn’t have to look into your big green eyes.
Jaehee laughed as she kissed you.
,,Are you all so quarrelsome?’’ she asked you and laughed.
You turned your head and suddenly blushed a deep red.
,,No… I mean, yeah...?’’ you confessed and kept making some Savarine.
Jaehee loved to see you make desserts from your homeland.
They were much sweeter than the Asian desserts and it was something that she loved.
But you couldn’t just do desserts pretty well, but also normal dishes like Ciorbă de burtă, which somehow became one of her favourite soups.
You and Jaehee actually already visited Oltenia for the fifth time.
And Jaehee had to be honest. 
She was so thankful and happy that she finally found you and that you freed her from Jumin’s prison. 
You made her see something more from the world and feel totally different feelings.
,,What are you looking at me, huh?’’ you asked her, blushing again.
,,Actually,’’ Jaehee laughed ,,I’m unsure if you're an Oltenia woman or if you’re just a Yandere!’’ Jaehee teased you.
,,Ahh! I‘m gonna kill her! Vacă stupidă!“ you hissed, making your boyfriend and his twin brother look at you.
,,Saeran, hide yourself! She‘s going to become a vampire!“ he whispered, making you glare at him.
Your pale cheeks slowly turned red because of the anger.
Saeyoung kept laughing and got up, stroking your blonde hair.
He looked at your beautiful blue eyes until he finally asked you why you were so angry.
Usually you were the most opportunistic in the house who could change a single detail and turn it into something valuable for you and your family.
But even though you were like that, you were pretty short tempered.
,,Someone who’s supposed to be my friend stabbed me in the back,’’ you explained and closed your phone.
,,You know,’’ you went on ,,I live with the M-o-facut mama Oltean song: Cin’ se ia cu mine bine, íí dau haina de pe mine, cin’ se ia cu mine, rau, sa-l fereasca Dumnezeu, ca sunt sarpe de Dudau, de-l galben ce musca rau,’’ you told him.
Saeyoung nodded, understanding every word while Saeran looked at the both of you in disbelief before he got up, shaking his head while walking out.
,,So, can I be good and bad to you? I want you to get me your clothes, but I also want the yellow bush snake in you to bite me ferociously,’’ Saeyoung laughed.
With your bright smile and good mood you took Saeran by his hand and led him through the Festival Ouălelor Încondeiate, which takes place every year in Romania.
Both of you were currently enjoying some vacation since staying in Korea was too much for both of you to handle right now.
,,Ciocanesti is the village of the Painted Eggs Museum,’’ you began. 
Looking at all the beautiful colors made your blue eyes shine even brighter.
,,It’s amazing because national and international artists can display their talent,’’ you told him, looking at the market with your red haired boyfriend.
But you weren’t the only one who was amazed by the whole colorful pictures. 
By the good mood around you and the music which made the atmosphere even better, he too couldn't stop grinning as he looked at all the people competing against each other and still having a lot of fun.
Suddenly, you pulled him to you and began to move your head to the rhythm of the song which the priester sang.
,,This is our music!’’ you said happily.
Saeran suddenly realized that you guys were pretty religious.
And quickly he realized that this atmosphere was totally different from where he lived all his life and that now that he knew you, he wanted to see something new about you.
You and your boyfriend walked up the street, you with your colorful bandana which covered your head.
Your dark hair was put together since the weather was kind of warm and sticky.
But still, Jihyun couldn’t stop taking pictures of you.
He took pictures of your smiling face, your shining eyes as you looked at the landscape around you, and the wonderful expressions you made whenever you saw something new.
You and Jihyun were currently in Timișoara since you wanted to show him the Piața Unirii and the surrounding area.
,,You know,’’ you began as your eyes stayed on the building.
,,The idea of doing this church was from 1732. Can you imagine how long this has been here already?’’ you asked him, amazed by the building.
Finally, Jihyun looked at the building instead of you and suddenly he could feel the amazing feeling he had towards the Romanians.
Both of you walked a lot that day as you looked at the ,,Casa cu lei’’ which was the house of the leons and even entered the church.
The beauty of the inside made you gasp.
Jihyun looked at you. 
This was the moment after three years where he realized that he was going to marry you, who would get amazed by such simple things.
,,It’s too hot to go sightseeing…’’ Vanderwood complained as you pulled him into the Peles Castle.
It was a wonderful summer castle which was constructed in 1874.
But as soon as he entered the beauty of your homeland, he had to gasp at its beauty.
This wasn’t your first time in the castle, but you still knew how he must have felt.
So much beauty and the past in one single building.
,,Vanderwood, our hotel is just 10 minutes away from the castle!’’ you laughed when he grumbled about how long it would take.
Vanderwood wanted to visit your homeland once and as soon as he told you his wish, you booked a room in your aunt's hotel and made sure that your boyfriend got to know your family and your environment.
,,I have to say that I really enjoy the time here…’’ he whispered as you sat next to him around a rivulet in the woods.
It was just the way Vanderwood liked it: Neat and calm.
Just the both of you and your love.
,,Tomorrow we can go to Sinaia. It’s the city which is just 800 Meters away from here,’’ you told him, looking up at him.
He nodded and suddenly kissed you while he stroked your pale face.
,,Mc...’’ he mumbled as he put your blonde hair behind your ear.
,,Mhhh...?’’ you asked him, nervous about what he would say.
,,I want to come here again with you someday so… let’s take things easy with the sightseeing,’’ he chuckled, making you roll your eyes, but also kiss him back.
I went on booking.com and googled the place, the Hotel I found looked so good (even though I’m not the kind of person who likes the nature) that suddenly I wanna go there...lol
19.03.2020// 00:17 MEST
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
Do you know anybody who is ambidextrous? >> Maybe.
Have you ever been 4-wheeling? >> Nope.
What's the weather been like today? >> Sunny and kind of hot.
What was the last exam you sat for? >> ---
Will you be attending any weddings in the near future? >> I’m guessing not.
Do you currently have any unread text messages, and who from? >> Nope.
Speaking of text messages, what colour is your cell phone? >> It’s black.
Do you live anywhere near the woods? >> Not any big forested areas, no. Or, maybe. There might be some I don’t know about. I just know there’s a lot of farmland around here, which tends to compete with forest growth.
Would you ever consider a career in the tourism industry? >> Not at all.
Do you have any important anniversaries you celebrate? >> I have a wedding anniversary that I suppose we’ll be celebrating in some fashion.
When was the last time you used q-tips? >> I don’t remember.
How does your hair react to humid weather or rain? >> It doesn’t react to humidity.
What's your favourite flavour of iced tea? >> Any flavour that I would also enjoy as hot tea. Also, bubble tea.
Do you understand music theory? >> I struggled mightily with music theory when I was in high school. It just refused to stick. I don’t know how well I’d grok it now, but I’m not interested in it now so it doesn’t matter.
How many hours of sleep did you get last night? >> I’m not sure. Pain woke me up pretty early and I kind of floated in and out of sleep after that until about 7a.
Are you expected to act professionally at your job? >> ---
Infomercials: entertaining or stupid? >> I’m just not interested in them.
What's your favourite brand of energy drink? >> I don’t drink them.
Do you have (or have you ever had) acne? >> I had it as a teenager, but that was it.
When was the last time you got pins-and-needles? >> I guess the last time I sat weird and cut off the circulation in my leg.
Why did you click to take this survey? >> I mean, because I like taking surveys, idk.
If you have glasses, have you ever smashed them? >> ---
How do you get new music? Buy or download or what? >> Spotify’s generated playlists, usually.
Have you ever sent someone an abusive text message? >> No.
Do you require a lot of time to do things or are you quick? >> It depends on the thing. I err on the side of slow and methodical for most things, though.
What will be the next concert you attend? >> I have no idea.
Turn the nearest television on, what's on? >> We don’t have cable, so if I turned the television on it’d just be on the blank “no source” screen that it gives you when none of the HDMI devices are turned on.
How often do you "wake up on the wrong side of the bed"? >> Not terribly often, I guess.
Can you rap? >> Not freestyle, no. I can rap along to songs I know the lyrics to, though.
What do you usually order when you're at McDonald's? >> I don’t.
Are there any textbooks near where you are right now? >> Nope.
What's the time? >> 5p EST, on the dot. Nice.
Do you know how to use a DSLR camera? >> No.
How's your body temperature right now? >> I feel pretty neutral right now.
Do you use Celsius or Fahrenheit? >> Fahrenheit, unless I’m talking to a non-American, in which case I’ll use google to convert first.
What was the last thing you got a really good deal on? >> I don’t remember.
Have you ever studied any ancient societies? >> Not at length.
Do you like to wear long, dangling earrings? >> Nope. They’re impractical and hurt my ears.
What was the last reason you took medicine? >> I took an Aleve because I had abdominal cramps.
Do you exercise regularly? >> Well, I try to take walks, and do squats and stuff. I don’t really know what else to do.
What is your coffee of choice? (flat white, cappuccino, etc.) >> Decaf.
Do you pay any attention to your country's politics? >> I pay enough attention to know that I don’t want to pay any further attention.
Are you feeling worried about anything right now? >> No.
Are you a gossipy type of person? >> No.
When will your next meal be, and do you know what it will consist of? >> Within the next couple of hours. I don’t know if Sparrow is going to make one of the Dinnerly meals or not, but if she doesn’t then I’ll probably have a salad or something.
Tell me about the sickest you've ever felt. >> I had food poisoning once. Enough said, I think.
What's your opinion on your in-laws, if you have any? >> *grimaces* Like, they’re okay people, I just don’t like the idea of having in-laws period. Definitely a me thing, not a them thing, although sometimes Sparrow’s mother really gets too into the “married into the family” concept, which makes my entire body tense just typing it. *points to myself* Post-traumatic and strongly averse to the concept of family, guys, don’t know how to make that any clearer.
Do you make excuses often, or do you just get things done? >> I mean, sometimes I get things done, and sometimes I don’t. If I don’t, then I had a reason, whether that reason is acceptable to anyone else or not.
Have you seen your best friend today? >> ---
What can you smell right now? >> Nothing specific. Just general house smell, I guess, which I’m nose-blind to right now because I’ve been in here almost all day.
Any important birthdays coming up? >> No.
Fireworks: yay or nay? >> Nay. They make far too much noise for my liking, and because this is a legal state I hear them from the beginning of summer all the way up to like October and it’s the worst.
Do you have any plans for the rest of the day? >> Nah, I’m feeling kind of torpid for some reason so I’m probably just going to veg out.
How about tomorrow? Any plans? >> Taking a walk, showering maybe. Nothing beyond that.
Do you know how to do your own laundry or does someone else do it? >> I know how to do my own laundry, but Sparrow does both of our laundry on the weekend.
If you could eat or drink anything right now, what would it be? >> Meh.
What colour are your headphones? >> Black.
Think of the last long car trip you had, where did you go? >> Uh... Chicago, probably?
Do you have a Twitter account that you use regularly? >> Nope.
Have you ever seen a horseshoe crab? They're scary, right?! >> I don’t think I’ve ever seen one in person, but I think they’re kinda funky lookin. Not scary, just... funky.
What was the last movie you saw at the theatres? >> Birds of Prey.
Are there any new movies that you'd really like to see? >> I don’t even know if any movies are being released right now. Maybe farther into the summer.
If you could play one instrument flawlessly, what would it be? >> ---
Do you overthink a lot of things? >> Maybe.
Is there anybody you miss but can't see again? >> No.
When was the last time you had a hangover? >> I don’t get hungover.
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gretaes-blog1 · 5 years
yup !  i’m nearly the last one to post my intro i think ( ︶⌒︶ ) took five naps.. head going boom boom. but hello!!!!!!!! i’m jay , i’m twenny one and livin breathin the eastern timezone. i am very excited to introduce u my baby greta. my intro will not do her justice but i hope time will. if i haven’t imed u already pleeeeeeeeeeease reach out to me ( even if u are stuck on plots ) we’ll brainstorm something really good. i’ll be switching between ims and my discord ๑•ૅㅁ•๑#4035 for convenience. i promise to get to everything as soon as i can. ill say the end cause i never know how to end those byeeee
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𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠  here  and  do  i  have  the  tea  for  you  .  greta  is  back  on  campus  ,  which  is  surprising  considering  the  threatening  note  i  left  them  .  yes  ,  i  know  all  about how she hides her sexuality to maintain a relationship with her conservative family because  of  their  greed  .  imagine  the  tabloids  and  how  the  navarro  family  would  feel  for  such  information  to  come  out  ,  not  to  mention  the  reputation  of  kappa  because  of  their  actions  .  at  this  rate  , she  is  better  off  staying  put  in  palo alto  ,  california  and  living  off  that 7.9b  family  net  worth  .  what’s  the  point  in  studying  pharmaceutical  science with  plans  to  create  accessible  healthcare  ,  is  it  worth  it  with  what  i  know  ?  anyways  ,  they  may  want  to  continue  to  be  ambitious  &  reliable  because  the  domineering  & sarcastic  attributes  make  me  want  to  spill  .  (  alexa demie  ,  j  ,  est  )  .
family ties 
the name navarro has definitely been painted gold for a while. greta is the child bruno navarro who was passed down his fortune of nava pharmaceuticals - an internationally recognized healthcare company which deals with pharmaceutical merchandise and diagnostics 
she has two brothers which would’ve undeniably been first in line to take their father’s place if they played their cards right
her mother was an ambassador for the company but her voice always meant very little. she never complained though.. being ambassador meant long business trips to places she would never get a chance to visit and live a lavish life without being too burdened 
greta was awfully competitive though and never let herself be thrown to the side. the female roles instilled in her brain seemed like a waste of time and she wanted to be the best , especially in things that others told her she wouldn’t be 
when she was little, it was about the adrenaline of proving everyone wrong but when she got older, she realised her need to succeed and be seen was more deep rooted than that. it wasn’t unusual for greta to feel alien to her parents but seeing as all her private school friends could relate, it didn’t bother her too much. it was the values instilled in her family that were a harder pill to swallow
at the dinner table, greta had to listen to slurs thrown left and right at people who didn’t fit into their conservative agenda. she had to sit through an hour of her father chanting about gender roles and sickening politics that put everyone , except his own empire , at the bottom of the food chain. they knew their power and the only goal was unwavering cash flow
and that is about the only thing greta and her family had in common. her GREED. although her morals didn’t align with the values of her father , her eyes were set on the price. breaking the tradition of men owning their biggest investment and becoming the chief officer of nava pharmaceuticals. and if biting her tongue and faking a smile meant knocking the king over from the top of the food chain then.... CHEck MATE Bitch <3 
but obviously, its not easy living under pressure. especially when the reality is so far from the mask u wear to get what u want
meet greta
under that mask is a greta that is the complete opposite of what her father painted her out to be. she is independent, sometimes even selfish . she is strong and brilliant. she’s determined and ambitious . she challenges herself , she’s eager to excel, to be more than the best. she wants to surprise people with the extend of what she’s capable of. i honestly don’t think greta has even dreamed of what she wants to achieve yet ????? but she knows she has a deep yearning for it. the feeling of bliss and a peace of mind when you’ve gotten everything u worked so hard for.
unfortunately, it’s important to take time and recenter urself from time to time in the chaos of striving for perfection. greta has lost that ability and often impulsively runs off the tracks. u won’t ever see her tripping over her feet at the party but u will probably catch her lying about the amount of alcohol she had if u are sober enough to notice. she’ll let u unbutton her shirt, only if u promise not to tell. she’ll tell u she’s okay and she thinks she is even if she really isn’t 
greta was good in everything except in love. it was hard for her to entertain one night stands unless she had steam to blow off , she always had something more productive to do. she’d lie in bed and battle those thoughts, wondering if she’s only making excuses .... after all , she’s a pretty girl. but those who got to taste her cherry lips were always left with the memory they were told not to share with anyone. she would always find excuses, letting good things pass her by. she didn’t know then what was causing her scattered affection. but it was often because in order to know what u want, u can’t censor thoughts and treat them as distractions. greta has always treated romance as a distraction and consequently, she never let herself reflect on what makes her happy for too long. but, of course , sleepless nights would often lead to her having to face herself. truly. she would think about the people she considers her friends and how she hopes she doesn’t lose them in the process, she daydreams about the future and freedom to speak her mind even when the voice in her head tells her not to. and she thinks about girls..... a lot 
greta hasn’t thought about it enough to put her sexuality on a spectrum. she knows she’s dated boys and she liked it. but, it’s also the only thing she’s known. having her family instil in her brain that being attracted to the same sex is not right and knowing that she needs to play her cards right to be considered worthy of the fortune, it was settled. she would dig a hole in the ground and bury those thoughts deep down under. knowing that if her family finds out she’s been with girls or even felt attracted to them????? her dreams would be crushed and she would be lucky to still sit at the dinner table. 
she battles those thoughts and often gets caught up in them. kissing girls in places where nobody sees and keeping it a secret or turning to lying, saying they’re pathetic for falling for it. basically being a shitty person because she knows there is no way she could ever get away with it??? safe to say, having to feel guilty for the things u cannot change, doesn’t make her the happiest kid on the playground and with knowing how word travels fast, it makes her paranoid to even consider risking her future for that. she continues to strive for perfection instead of wholeness :/
on a lighter note.... she obviously studies pharmaceutical sciences. she sees a future for the company that her father fails to acknowledge. her father doesn’t know it but she aims to take the empathic route and use her fortune for a better cause.. to help make healthcare accessible for all. she’s got the fattttttest heart i tell u and believes in good karma. 
i said this in the app and ill say it again........... Loves cheese bread. honestly bribe her with cheesy bread i dare u. it will work (  almost always )
runs track.... Just as good at this one as she is in running away from all her problems. Stellar performance
reads those motivational books.. ( yup. those ) 
studies hard. really will study all night and fall asleep with a notepad on her face and highlighter stain on her forehead. again, anywhere where she has to compete for first place, she will do anything to get that first place. and if she doesnt ???????? shes a thunderstorm. angry music plays in the background. she storms off. lips pursed. and takes days to recover 
really loves mysteries. and crosswords. the process of figuring out how to get from point a to point b... thats greta. 
and if she doesnt focus and set boundaries in her head, she doesnt know where to finish. she is the most Opinionated bitch. like she has a strong opinion about everything. even whether tomato is a fruit or vegetable. like she knows its a vegetable. Ok? 
she’s the biggest know it all!!!!!! she won’t ever shake on anything and if it comes to it, she will stand by her words until she’s thought about it in her bed for days ( even made a list of rights and wrongs to weigh out how truly “””””’wrong””””” she is ) it’s hard for her to back down. of course.... she definitely is wrong sometimes even if she claims otherwise </3 
basically always a spitfire... always thinks shes right. and to be fair , she kind of always is. greta is stubborn and sarcastic. her facial expressions are transparent ( almost to a fault ) and she has an unwavering determination to be the best....at everything. she wants to be in control of everything in her life, unfortunately thats not always possible and that’s when greta finds herself feeling tense, paranoid and anxious. but she’s got a good head on her shoulders... she’s curious and easy to feel comfortable around even though she is bad tempered 
kind of stupid extras
neat freak..... bacteria be gone!!!!!!!!!!
always called her parents by their name
doesn’t really have a relationship with her brothers but its because they treat her as less and she will not have that so again keeps contact to a minimum and bites her tongue when need be 
pays attention to her nails.... really likes when theyre painted pretty 
has a butterfly necklace.. its a symbol she can relate to :)
here’s the pinterest !!
and the playlist !!!!!
and stats but theyre so bad. ill fix them later </3
       beep me reach me for the wanted connections page weeeeeeee 
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vldelijah-blog · 4 years
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well hello ! my name is blaire (19, she / her, est), and though my app and this intro are very late i’m ecstatic to be here ! i’ve had muse for this baby for a while but was taking forever to make him so here he is ... 4am’s mr. elijah kang ! he’s definitely a lot to handle, but he’s here to bring the party to veil and i’m so excited to see all the craziness he gets in ! i’m super excited to plot with you guys, so please like this if you want to plot something, and check here for his bio, private profile, and public profile ! plots coming soon, i swear, but you can find some general ideas under the cut alongside trivia ! let’s go !
born in la, california !! will always be a cali baby at heart, both his parents are originally from korea but moved there because they wanted to start a family in america !
he has two younger siblings - bora, who’s 12, and jandi, who’s 25 ! such an older brother, he teases / loves them to death and will fly to cali just to fight whoever hurts them !
original name is eunkwang elijah kang, but around middle school he changed it because a.) people always asked him about it or couldn’t pronounce it and b.) he didn’t think it fit him
the only people who still call him that are his parents when they’re speaking korean and his grandparents / aunts in korea. he introduces himself as elijah or eli nowadays, though !
but he prefers eli somewhat because elijah makes him feel like he’s getting in trouble ?? lmao !
his mom tried to get him into child acting because acting was always something she wanted to do, but it didn’t go very far for him
his father hated the idea of him going into the entertainment industry because he didn’t feel like it was a stable career, and thought that as the oldest of the family he should be financially well off
consequently, him and his dad’s relationship has become a little difficult now, he loves him a lot but is frustrated his dad doesn’t seem to be happy for him pursuing his dreams
even so, he started getting into singing because his mom had him join the church choir she lead ! he pretended he hated it but he loved getting all the old people to smile on that little stage
but he really got into performing when he tried to impress a girl with a talent show & won second place by doing a really cringy song & dance performance with friends !
feel free to read more in his bio, but long story short he auditioned as a joke and had the surprise of the century when he made it past auditions AND callbacks !
the idea of being in the “kpop” industy still seems so weird to gim, esp bc it’s never something he saw himself doing ?? he’s a r&b type of guy so it was really weird for him to think about at first
they decided to go with this “flirty bad boy image” for him which isn’t too out of character tbh ?? but they also thought he had the look of a rapper so started training him to be one ! so now it’s one of his positions, and though he finds it really fun he’s embarrassed to call himself one because he doesn’t feel like he has the skills to rap. 
he has a v unique voice, similar to wonpil’s, but since he had no proper training prior to joining the company they had to work with him a lot bc he didn’t really know how to use it !
was a little apprehensive at the whole “boy band” thing at first, until he realized just how much he loved it ?? and then became very invested and has been working hard ever since !he has high hopes for the group and thinks that, as long as they work hard, they can gain a stable following
also was like thank god bc he can’t dance for shit so that helped him otu a l o t !!
like i said before, his personality’s not too different from his brand the company is trying to market him as once they debut ! so “flirty bad boy” pretty much sums it up lmao. he’s got the whole rebellious streak going on, but i wouldn’t call him bad for real because he’s still got a good heart, he’s just dumb and gets into equally dumb scenarios. i think that this pretty much sums it up:
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haha !! anyways he is definitely a flirt, even when he doesn’t mean to be ! but he usually does, and isn’t afraid at all at expressing his attraction to others ! ( on that note - he’s pansexual fyi ! ) but his downfall is that he’s terrible with commitment, he’s just not in the mood to settle down and doesn’t know how but i’m sure he’s got a long list of romantic connections ! 
he’s got a bit of a potty mouth, he doesn’t really have a filter ( unless he’s somewhere for work ofc ) but even then he’s had a few embarrassing slip-ups. def got a few wrist slaps for it bc apparently he can’t shut up !! but please lmk if you don’t want him to curse in our threads bc even though it won’t be that bad in threads, i don’t want anyone to feel uncomfy !
very spontaneous, definitely the type to call you up at 3am on a sunday asking to go out some random place with him, he just loves adventure ! some find it endearing while others find it chaotic, he’s really a hit or miss in terms of this !
a charmer, he knows how to say things that people here....especially when trying to get himself out of a sticky situation ! if he had a superpower it’d be sweet talking people, he’s got a way with words and that’s ultimately how he’s become as successful as he has ! once 4am debuts he’ll definitely give fans lots of fanservice and is the type to “marry” them at fansigns and such.
on that note he’s very deceptive and isn’t pathological liar, but can do it v casually if he thinks it’ll make his situation any better ?? not a good thing but yk just how it is !
bc of these he’s quite the life of the party, and actually gravitates toward quieter people because he wants them to have fun & he’s def the first to try to break the awkward tension !
super carefree - the world could be crumbling, and this man will make a joke about it ! it can be good in stressful situations due to his ability to keep a leveled head, but at the same time it causes him to make poor decisions because he’s less concerned about the end results.
a downside is that he can have a bit of a temper, and if he feels like someone’s competing with him or trying to prove him wrong he gets pretty defensive. also if someone breaks his trust this man holds the biggest grudge i stg
tw: alcohol ! he loves to drink, it’s a habit he started back in america but moved over here ! he can’t do it quite as often bc of company rules he has to maneuver, but if you ask him to go out for some drinks, he’ll never say no.
just...silly lmao !! will literally come into his member’s rooms in the middle of the night just to do a stupid dance then walk out & leave.
very loyal & protective over those he loves !! he’s an older brother, so that’s rooted deep in him and he cares deeply about those he gets close too !
not a leader in any way ( thank god atlas saw that ), but he has his own way of checking up on people ! he’s not the talk-about-your-feelings type per se, but if he sees someone’s down he’ll go out his way to make them laugh or do something to make them feel better
also totally irrelevant but definitely has a retro eboy aesthetic going on here ?? his style very much so resembles jaewon his fc, but with a tinge more grunge ?? his ig is so eboy guys i just...he’s a mess
besties pls ?? 
exes ?? i feel like his exes would’ve ended pretty messily bc he’s the Worst but hey maybe they still vibe !!
drinking buddies ftw !! shall they drink & be merry together !! bonus if ur muse is a stupid drunk two and these two just are losing it 
he misses his siblings a ton so some younger muses, esp girls, for him to interact would be great ? would 100% baby them & treat them like one of his sisters !!
someone equally wild as elijah who he can always count on for a good party or getting into some sot of trouble.
fwb, a no-strings-attached situation except maybe later on ?? depends let’s see he just wants to have fun !
someone very different to him, they’re away of his personality but in contrast are very structured ! it would be super fun to interact with someone like that, see if they butt heads ?
in contrast,  a father-son/mother-son type of friendship where they look out for him to make sure he doesn’t take it too far and he makes sure they take care of themselves and have fun !
give me some rivalry ot enemies pls i love the drama
i promise i’ll add more soon and do a proper plots page but i’m literally so tired i can’t function
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sauveteen · 6 years
Can you write a blurb or an imagine where you’re pissed because he’s not showing you enough attention and seems to find everything more important than you? And when you confront him he just calls you an unsupportive girlfriend so you say you’ll leave and he’s pretending to not care. But the second you walk out of that door he’s in tears and whimpering that he’s sorry and for you to come back and you can’t help but to laugh because he’s an idiot.
“The dictionary describes priority as the fact or condition of being regarded or treated as more important than others,” You recite, watching your boyfriend roll his eyes in annoyance, arms crossed over his chest, “You, however, Shawn, describe priority as anything and everything to do with anything and everything that is not me.”
“I know you were in the debate society in school but this is a little extra for even you, babe.”
“Hardy har har, Shawn, you’re a riot.”
“Don’t I know?”
“You're— you're—,” You stumble on your words, tugging helplessly at your loose hair, “You’re impossible, you know that?”
“I do try.”
“Stop being so unresponsive and painfully unfunny! God, Shawn! This isn’t Friends!”
“What do you want me to say, huh?” Shawn raises his eyebrows, hands animatedly flying around, “Want me to apologise for doing something I don’t even know I did? For putting my career first? What exactly is it that’s making you act like such a bitch?”
“Maybe the fact that you make absolutely no effort anymore? You literally treat me like one of your bros, Shawn. You’ll comment cool, dawg on my Instagrams and not text me back.”
“I comment that because it’s funny.”
“Okay, sure, but ghosting me isn't funny!”
“Hmm, contextual.”
Shawn plops down on the couch, body immediately deflating as the soft leather takes him in, “I just feel like—,” He waves a hand at you, as if trying to put his words into actions, “Like you’re making a big deal out of nothing. So what if I don’t reply? I get busy.”
“But not busy enough to comment mmm mami on a picture of a book I posted?”
“I told you that’s funny!”
“Shawn,” You open and close your mouth, trying to gather your words, “You forgot about our anniversary! That’s literally the one thing that sets me apart from your bros! Well, that and the fact that you get to put your dick in me… but, but that’s not the point!”
“I was an ocean away. Sorry I got a bit caught up and couldn’t exactly serenade you with my love?”
“A simple text would’ve sufficed.”
“No, I can hear you saying that right now,” Shawn points a finger at you, wagging it accusingly, “But had I texted, you would’ve said something painfully predictable like So you can text back but not call me?”
“So you just chose to completely ignore me?”
“Sometimes you make tough decisions in life, hun.”
“What about my birthday, then? You were in town. Literally a mile away from my house. Yet you were a no-show, and my parents thought you knocked me up and left me. My parents love you, and they thought that the only way you wouldn’t show up for my twenty first is if your immature ass knocked me up. So that’s where we are right now.”
“I was in the studio!”
“Yes, recording a very important song about your ex while your current girlfriend cried herself to sleep. Bravo, Shawn,” You clap slowly, fighting the urge to cry. It’s hard, though, because the Shawn you fell in love with and the Shawn who’s pulling out excuses after excuses for his poor behaviour towards you are definitely not the same people, and you have no idea how you can fix it, “If you keep going like you are right now, you’ll have another ex to write your songs about. About how much of a bitch she was being because you couldn’t give her any attention. Is that what you want?”
“Wouldn’t mind,” Shawn mumbles, although his heart aches to just pull you in and give you a hug. He doesn’t know you’d been feeling this way, because you had always asked him to put his career before everything, even yourself. He can’t help the words that fall out of his lips after, “Maybe I’ll write about how unsupportive she was, too.”
That’s the last straw for you. Grabbing your phone, you shove it into your pocket, muttering, “Have a nice life, asshole. Hope the album comes along well.”
You expect him to stop you, to at least apologise for the shitty stuff he’d been saying to you the entire night, for the way he’d been behaving with you for the past few months, but he only yells after you, “Thanks! Hope you win the Young Debater Award, although you’re way too old to be competing!”
You slam the door shut after you, chest heaving. Squeezing your eyes shut, you will the tears back into your body, not finding the argument worthy to be crying over. You understand he’s frustrated, you understand that he’s under immense pressure from fans and management alike to pump out a banger album, but it doesn’t take much to apologise. Or to send a good morning text. Or to just reply to your long ass messages with a heart emoji. You’d be willing to take anything if it only meant that he’d treat you like his girlfriend and not his pet.
With your back pressed against the wall, you stand there for a few minutes, not trusting yourself behind the wheel with your adrenaline at an all time high. Not long after, you hear quiet sniffles emanating from inside the house, and your eyebrows immediately furrow in worry. Did Shawn hurt himself? You wouldn’t put it past him, since he’s literally the clumsiest person you know. Tripped over a goddamn stool, for all you know. Turning around, wiping at your eyes so you can’t give him the pleasure of knowing he made you cry, you shove your key into the lock and swing the door open. Eyes mapping across the living room to see your boyfriend crouched on the floor, rocking back and forth, his head buried in his knees.
“Shawn?” You question, walking towards him, causing his head to immediately fly up, eyes red and curls an absolute mess. Well, messier than usual, and that’s saying a lot. He stumbles up to his feet, pressing his palms against the ground for leverage, and all but flies towards you. You stumble for balance as his arms wrap around you, head dropping into the crook of your neck. He starts mumbling these incoherent words into your shirt and you have to pull him away to try and understand what he’s saying.
“What happened? Why are you crying, bub?”
“I’m so sorry!” Shawn shrieks, and your eyes widen as you lean away in surprise, “I didn’t mean any of that, I swear to God! I love you! You’re my favourite girlfriend! And you’re so supportive! And— and, and happy birthday! And happy anniversary! Both belated—”
You don’t know when you start laughing, but you think you know why. It’s the way he’s all hot and bothered, red faced, tears streaming down his face. The way he’s shouting apologies at you like you’re going to stab him in the head if he doesn’t. And the way he looks like a child left without his mother, wailing his way through the store, that has you giggling like an idiot while he continues to cry.
“Why are you laughing?” He demands through his tears, arms still wrapped around your waist.
“Because you’re crying. And for no good reason.”
“For no good reason?!” He shrieks this part too, and you feel like all the falsetto singing has really gone to his head, “I thought you broke up with me,” He’s wailing again, trying desperately hard to stop his incoming tears, and to no avail, “That’s the good-est reason!”
“Why would I break up with you?” You push his curls away from his face, using your thumbs to wipe at his tears. His skin feels warm under your hands, and he gulps when you lean into to press a kiss against his nose, “You’re the idiot here, not me.”
“Exactly. Because I’m a piece of shit who doesn’t treat you right. And screams at you when you try to better me. And puts everything above you when I know I shouldn’t but God I’m so in love with you that I can’t think straight and it scares me to be alone in a room with you where I can’t dodge you and—”
“Shut up.”
“We’re in love, Shawn. We can have fights without breaking up. Or crying. I’m not going anywhere, bubba. But you do need to work on your priorities, you understand that, right?”
Shawn nods, eyes wide and hair flopping with the movement, and you can’t help the soft smile of adoration that takes over your face.
“And sometimes I’ll get mad at you. And you’ll get mad at me. But that doesn’t mean that we’re breaking up, okay? I love you.”
Shawn sniffs, bending his neck to wipe his face at his shoulder. He then nods, tightening his grip around you as he presses a kiss against your lips, instantly pulling away to start rambling again, “I’m genuinely, truly, honestly, swear to God, so, so sorry. I was just so caught up in all the recording and the travelling and the—”
“Will you just kiss me so I know we’re good?”
The smile that blows up on Shawn’s face then has you regretting the fact that you even insinuated the fight in the first place, but you knew it was necessary. Being in love doesn’t mean that you don’t try to correct your significant other when they do something wrong, does it? No, it means constantly helping them better themselves and them helping you better yourself so you can both grow to be the best versions of you — together. And that’s exactly why you don’t regret making your stupid boyfriend cry, with no fault of either of you; because you’re in love, head over fucking heels for each other.
“I really want nothing more, hun.”
heyo! i’m making a permanent taglist for more shitty blurbs like these, if anyone would like to be added? just reply to this or inbox me! love ya
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silvrwore-blog · 5 years
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---------- OOC.
hi im mitch : ) im a big f*king idiot, too. let me preface this by saying it is currently uhhhhhh 6 AM est and i still haven’t slept yet !!! i thunk i started this around 10 PM last night but im slow. really slow. everything about this ??? a hot mess ™ . it isn’t going to make a lick of sense !! but thanks for stopping by sdkjsadklsd. anywhomst im mitch, i’m twenty, in the est, and im ready to rock and roll buckaroo. my guy here? he’s an idiot. but he’s my idiot. therefore, i have to love him. the history is long ( i know because i started there first ) so ill make a little tl;dr with some simplified notes on him. i think that covers ??? everything ?? so far ? im always down to plot in the DMs or i have discord at oovoo javer #4855 mwuah !!
---------- APPLICATION.
( jack lowden, twenty-seven, cismale, he/him ) – have you seen bennett sharpe, the financial strategy student around oxford yet? i hear they can be conforming and convivial, but those who know them insist they’re reminded of beige turtlenecks and plaid blazers, eraser shavings on an old oak desk, and eagerly belting out the latest tunes when they’re around. rumor has it that due to stress, he had a breakdown in high school that put him a year behind his peers and his family has tried to cover it up. is it true? only time will tell… ( mitch, twenty, she/her, est )
---------- HISTORY.
THEY’D ALMOST STRUCK GOLD with bennett sharpe. smart enough not to have to buy your way into college, but not smart enough for his peers to despise him. the gusto of an entertainer and the charm of a damn good politician ------------ but they’d never been quite able to buff out that chip on his shoulder.
the sharpe’s were an interesting case. too good to slum it with the poor folk but not rich enough to always be able to sit at the BIG table. a family who paved their way in law and then literature. blood in the supreme courts and in those scandelous little novels that housewives sipped a glass of wine over. at least that had been his mother’s contribution to the family fortune ----- a wonderful dinner conversation.
--------- “ oh mother, what raunchy debauchery are you slaving away at now ? “
bennett was the oldest of three ( followed by one girl and then another boy ). he was a good son. would have been a real golden child to anyone else --- well, with a little love, care & patience. normal family things. from a young age he had a memory unmatched and a love of strategy games. a youth who loved to test his brain. which was fine and dandy, however, it wasn’t quite leading up to being a judge. he wasn’t following in his family’s footsteps. he’d gotten a little... off track. he had just been better with numbers. money crunching. equations. it had been a tough pill for his family to swallow but swallow it they would. afterall, it hadn’t been their biggest concern when it came to their oldest son. 
it had always been there. carefully covered up with the occasional “ he’ll grow out of it “ or  “ stop it. nothing is wrong. “ maybe that had been the real giveaway to why he’d never amount to anything big. “ he’s FRAIL. no spine. “ a good and competent doctor would have had him diagnosed and taken care of. seventeen and he’s missing classes but not for normal rich kid things. the world’s bigger and scarier than it ever was. college and a future right around the corner, parental pressure, it snowballs until it is all too much. one day of important testing and bennett sharpe never shows. he had not been on campus at all. sometimes when the panic became too much, it did him well to distract his mind ---- go outside. count the blades of grass or the birds in the sky. breathe. it’s what he had done that afternoon. left and tried to sate his mind. but nothing had done it for him that day. nothing to cure him. the world? bleak. the future? uncertain. weapy and tore down. the little devil on his shoulder named ‘ desperation ‘. he needed out. his parents phone and the message becomes crystal clear... 
--------- “ i can’t do this. “
so he’d ‘” turned tail and ran “, branded some sort of listless coward. he didn’t know what was wrong with himself, nor did his parents. the only thing they were certain of was that they would not have a son coming apart at the seams. they’d grilled him. no one was going to take him seriously or he’d never find himself in any important position if he was always going to go chicken. a breakdown never looked good. it did not matter to the rich or the poor, one would still be ridiculed. but corporations wanted someone steely, confident, put-together. all the things bennett was not becoming. so they’d contacted his school - wrote it off as a vacation. save face. “ oh i got bored. decided to go to switzerland instead ! couldn’t miss it, you see a chance of a lifetime had just presented itself to me, so.... “. however, no donations or pleading on his parents part were going to make up lost time. bennett was held back a year for being unable to complete the necessary testing and exams. oh how he would have to sell that vacation. but it hadn’t quite been a vacation, had it? long days trying to put together the pieces. some days were easier than others. some time to try and buff out that chip. the chip remained.
years down the line and one enrolment to oxford and he’s a lot better than where he started. he’s found ways to cope. some good. some bad. he’s more indendent than ever which has led him to branch out and take care of himself. no watchful eye of mother and father needed. perhaps that’s why he now has therapy pamphlets tucked away inside untouched textbooks. away from prying eyes. just an idea, maybe one day he would water it and watch it grow. go see someone. anyone. now he’s cheery. lively. a staple at parties. heeds his father’s advice and brushes shoulders with the right people. finds himself in the right places. the future is looking bright. oxford may soon to be a closed chapter in his life, but the years had been good to him. until, well, they weren’t. 
the riot club had been for the best. extravagant. a little bit of chasing the finer things in life. that had worked out just well for him. death had never been a thought --- or at least it was always kept at a distance. never upclose or personal. a relative here or there, miles away, he’d barely given it a thought. a funeral and they were gone. parties and death were not supposed to intermingle. maybe that was why it was so jarring. the world is a little heavier, bearing down on him once more. he tries not to pay it any mind when he has to excuse himself twice more than usual for a smoke outside. brushes off clammy hands like they’re nothing. accidents happened. he’d find solace in that word --------- accident. 
---------- SPARKNOTES / TL;DR.
voted most likely to be that annoying fuck outside your dorm at 3 am who doesn’t know how to turn down the volume 
dumb enough to try anything once
despite some tough times he’s just ??? full of life ??? life is a PARTY. and he’s making the most of it now, thank you very much. 
“ are you not ENTERTAINED ? “
he’s not the worst,,, but he’s not the best. yknow?
nice enough to get drunk and talk to just about anyone but snobby enough that you bet he’s going to make some insensitive comments. it’s that -- not rich rich enough to be totally elite, but not hurting enough to be able to sympathize with people who aren’t bringing in a f*ck ton of money. 
his family ( on his dad’s side ) has always been involved in law. typically judges, and some who have made it to be top dog in their fields. his mother is a writer who does rather well. she’s published a handful of book and his father has also published law-related books which brings in money. his dad is pretty high up in the field but bennett’s got his suspicions that some of the income might just be payoffs. i wouldn’t envision his father as being someone hard to be bought. he might want to grill his son for being spineless or weakwilled but i’d imagine that’s just a family trait inherited. 
which uhh brings me to my next point. bennett can be a bit of a follower. there’s not a whole lot of “NO” in him. which may also hurt his relationships because he’s not going to stand against injustices or anything if it is going to put him in harm’s way. which may help perpetuate that rich or snobby idea surrounding him because he’s not about to stand up for the common folk if they’re being belittled for their threads or schooling.sure, he might talk to them here or there in the right occasion but he’s not going to stand for them. he’s sitting pretty. he’s not looking to ruin that. 
essentially he’s not going to have your back unless it benefits him. 
as far as his secret goes, i think he’s worried about the stigma around mental health and how he’d be perceived but i think a lot more has to do with his family. because he knows they won’t be happy if it gets out or if something further happens. they just ain’t supportive in that department, chief. but he doesn’t want to be cut off or anything and not just because he’d be worried about who was putting money in his pockets. he just doesn’t want to stir the pot any further, even though he should really seek help. i kind of vagued on it but i’d say he has gad ( generalized anxiety disorder ). 
---------- CONNECTIONS.
am i picky?? nah. if he can fill something, slot him in. we can chit chat. mwuah
i already know this section is gonna get so neglected because im too tired to think
uhh give me an under the wing sort of relationship ?? listen if bennett can’t repair himself maybe he can touch up someone else. someone he might see something in. buds ? who knows ? not me. but it could b cute. 
long time friends !!! doesn’t have to be since childhood but someone(s) he’s known for a while now and they click. 
anything angsty ? is good too. 
typical friends / enemies plots too !! spice things up. 
i need sleep : ) good night !!!!!!!!!!
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hollowedrpg · 5 years
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CONGRATULATIONS, ANNE! — You’ve been accepted for the role of Sybill Trelawney. I’m so freaking ecstatic to have Godric’s Hollow’s own little seer! I’m so happy to have someone writing Sybill that understands just how complex she is. While so many members of the Order can escape the war by hiding away, for Sybill, there’s constantly a battle being fought in her mind, and you conveyed that beautifully. I can’t wait to see where you take her character.
Thank you so much for applying. Please create your account and send in the link, track the right tags, and follow everyone on the follow list. Welcome to Hollowed Souls!
Name: Anne
age: (seventeen and up only) 31
preferred pronouns: she/her
timezone: EST/GMT-8
activity: (include a brief explanation)  I work full-time and am in a 6-month training course that meets once a month two hours away from me. I also haven’t rp’d in a tragically long time because of my mental health. That being said, I do have two days a week all to myself and a fairly generous work schedule, so there’s absolutely no reason I can’t work in a few hours 4-5 days a week. I’m also counting on my excitement keeping me going long enough to form a habit of checking the group regularly.
are you applying for more than one character?: Not at this time.
how do you feel about your character dying?: (in a roleplay centered on war, death is always a possibility. as an admin, it’s best to know ahead of time which players are comfortable with playing it out.) I would definitely be disappointed, but I could play it out. I’m a sucker for good plot and drama.
anything else?: (questions, concerns, etc.)
ic details.
full name: Sybill Audra Trelawney
date of birth: Nov 10th 1953
former hogwarts house: Ravenclaw. A reputation as a seer that left everyone clamoring for readings made them forgetful of the fact that Sybill was actually incredibly competent in most of her other classes. Transfiguration gave her some difficulty, but when she actually put in the time to practice, she’d master any of the spells and techniques thrown her way. The lives and futures of her peers tended to keep her preoccupied, at least until the courtyard accident in her fifth year. Traumatized by what she’d seen and then lived through, she dove into her studies as a way to distract herself and her inner eye. It didn’t work - she was still haunted by visions of the cruelty and violence burning through the country and of what terrible things some of her classmates got into when no Professors were around to catch them. The only thing her new devotion to her studies did for Sybill was successfully isolate her from the rest of her classmates, who in time stopped coming to her for readings as often. By the time she graduated, she was considered an oddity who they could mock, until they needed her for something, usually some hint of news of how a family member was faring in the war.
sexuality: bi/pansexual. Sybill likes to dramatically state that it isn’t the person she’s attracted to, but their aura and their sense of person. She isn’t exactly in the market for a relationship, however. Something about seeing the death of someone you dearly love can do that to a person. Sybill can’t yet bring herself to be too close to anyone in a long-term sense, but there’s nothing wrong with occasionally spending a long, cold night staying warm with someone else.
gender/pronouns: cis-female/she and her
face claim change: No, thank you! Zoe Kravitz is wonderful.
how do you interpret this character’s personality? how will you play them? include two weaknesses & two strengths.
Sybill is incredibly complex and full of contradictions. She is intensely dramatic in her presentation, but down to Earth at her core. Part of her drama is all in fun. Since she was a young girl, she’s enjoyed teasing others and making fun of the stereotypes people hold about seers. She loves playing a role and being over the top. However, when it comes right down to it, she takes the inner eye very seriously and doesn’t appreciate it when others are flippant of the sight. Time is such a fickle creature and there are so many variables and players that being able to make accurate predictions is not some cheap parlor-trick (even if it is fun to play that part). However, as the war goes on, she finds it harder and harder to keep up the act. Sure, she tells her clients what they want to hear, but never anything too real. She won’t tell old Mrs. Boyce anything about her great-grandson, not even that he is actually still alive. The joy the old woman would feel would be beyond words. But then, how could Sybill protect the woman from searching for him and discovering the truth - that he’s a Death Eater who was responsible for the murders of his cousin and her family? Dark truths have always haunted Sybill, so she swallows them with shots of whiskey and assurances that the weather will be just fine for that small garden party you plan on throwing this weekend. Sometimes small and petty comfort is all we’re afforded.
Sybill doesn’t make friends easily. Her peers rarely seemed interested in her - just what she could do. She grew close to some girls in her year at first, but as time passed and her visions grew darker, she found it hard to be there for them. She would grieve twice for them - once when the vision hit, and then again when it came to pass. Her friends found it harder to relax around her. They would always be wondering what terrible things she had seen that she wasn’t telling them. If she did happen to tell them, they would desperately search for ways to prevent the vision from coming to pass, which more often than not was in vain and just served to make them resent her more. Her father’s condemnation of her curse ate away at her. After the accident in fifth year, it became a roar. Sybill would only ever bring misery and misfortune to others. The more she tried to bury her abilities, the more closed off she became. The day she graduated Hogwarts, she rode away on the Express in an empty compartment, with only her cat to keep her company.
She may not make friends easily, but she is not unfriendly. Perhaps distant, but never cold. She genuinely cares for others, even if she isn’t sure how to do right by them. Being surrounded by so much pain in Godric’s Hollow will be a real test to Sybill’s compassion. A platter of biscuits won’t be enough to ease the heartache felt by those who’ve lost everything. If she had done more, could she have prevented some of the tragedy? Her father had always told tales of how Cassandra brought misery and destruction when she unleashed her sight, but Sybill had done far worse by locking it away. Her guilt will not pass easily and will eat away at her until she can find someone to trust who can help her through it.
+Sybill is resilient. She could fog her mind and keep the visions at bay, but she refuses. She believes that she was given the sight for a reason, and that day Arabella found her was it. Sybill believes that she was always meant to prophesize the fall of the Dark Lord and now it is her duty to help keep the child safe. It’s why she’s come to Godric’s Hollow. Though a deceptively capable witch, she has no interest in war strategy and little stomach for battle.
-Sybill is often condescending. In school, things came so easily to her that it would baffle her that anyone could struggle or need her help with test questions. She just could not understand how people might have struggled with simple charms or potions. Her sight and ability to make predictions gave her insights to the manners of thinking of her peers and so she couldn’t understand how people might mis-read others. When her classmates would come to her for love advice or for answers to their homework, Sybill would often lose patience. It was all so simple - how did they not get it? For a time, she was forced to be a tutor in an attempt to get her to learn a little empathy and to make her a little less haughty, but it could only end badly, which it did.
+Sybill is reverant. She has a great deal of respect for her gift and for time itself. Though not common, she’s seen visions change midway through their playback and the outcome be completely different than what appeared to be the path at the start. She’s had the feeling of a vision float in the back of her mind, refusing to come into focus until moments before the event pass and then overheard a participant breathe a sigh of relief, stating “I had absolutely no idea how I was going to handle that!” She overall is a very respectful person. When she came to Godric’s Hollow, she first walked slowly through the town, breathing in the despair and heartache until she felt it. Stopping in her tracks, there was a house on the right. Pristine, except for a blown-out bay window that overlooked the destroyed garden. At that moment, she knew she’d found it - where she was supposed to be. While there are those who balk at her and call her disrespectful for taking up residence in the abandoned dwelling, it’s quite the opposite. It’s a house that has experienced such great love and loss that to simply abandon it and allow it to decay would be doing it a disservice. It’s not and never will be her’s. She is simply its caretaker. No one is coming back to claim it; she knows this. But she can’t let it fade away.
-Sybill is spiteful. She doesn’t get past slights easily. A lot of it comes from embarrassment of not always seeing the betrayal coming. The more blind-sighted she is, the harder it is for her to forgive. She forgave most of her school friends for their abandonment of her. She nearly always saw it coming and could understand why they did it. It was the kids who knew nothing about her but turned mean and cold that she couldn’t forgive. The kids who never appeared in any of her visions, who she had no reason to suspect, who suddenly turned on her - those were the betrayals that hurt the worst. When she was an adult, the hurt mostly came from those who still didn’t understand. Those who thought a seer in a dusty shop on Knockturn Alley would stop the war. They came wearing their mourning robes, throwing Sybill’s tea in her face and screaming that she ought to have told them - told them that their son was next. She should have told them not to let him go off by himself that day. She should have warned them that he was going to be snatched - that their family would be made an example of by the Death Eaters. She understands their pain and she tries to forgive it, but it hurts her too. Their blame hurts and is unfair. They’re adults - by now they should understand how this works (there’s that condescension again).
how has the war affected this character, emotionally and otherwise?
Compared to a great many others, Sybill has gotten off light and she knows this. Her family escaped being casualties of war by instead succumbing to completely natural calamities. If the Death Eaters know the source of the prophecy they fear, they haven’t considered her important enough to do anything about. That isn’t to say that she’s unscathed. Sybill has lost her friends. She’s lost any hope of making a significant connection with another person. She dreads the visions that come to her, showing her flashes of violence and misery. She is surrounded all day by death and sadness and that’s certainly taken a toll on her mental well-being. She maintains a dramatic and sometimes playful air, but it’s a desperate clinging to simpler times.
where does this character currently stand? with those who wish to hide in godric’s hollow until the war ends, with those who wish to rebuild the order and continue fighting the war, or on neither side? Why?
Honestly, Sybill stands with those who want to rebuild. She doesn’t understand how they can just hide until the war is over, when the Order is the only cohesive group fighting the Death Eaters. In her mind, if the war is ending and they’re hiding, then it’s only over because Voldemort has won. At that point, she fears that everyone will be too defeated (literally and figuratively) to resume fighting. If they don’t start getting their act together and begin striking back, then there will be no coming back.
But she never says any of this. Sybill is not a member and doesn’t feel that her opinion matters. She isn’t a strategist. She isn’t a warrior. She would be arguing for other people to do the fighting and she knows that isn’t fair. So for now, she keeps her mouth shut. She avoids vocally taking a side and she focuses on getting everyone somewhat settled in. She fixes up the home she has taken over as “caretaker” and she helps others do the same.
Has Sybill had any new visions since arriving in Godric’s Hollow?
No, I don’t believe that she has. It’s only been a few weeks since she’s relocated. While it’s true that she can’t prevent herself from having visions (not without powerful concoctions that she hasn’t taken since she was forced to as a child), she has been trying her hardest to make herself preoccupied by throwing herself into repair projects around the town. With everyone else reeling from the events from the past few months and walking on eggshells, Sybill doesn’t want to rock the boat with an untimely vision. But she can feel them brewing. She can feel them just on the edge of her sight, not quite in focus, but gaining form with each passing day.
Does she think she can help the Order, or does she believe her visions will only hurt?
Sybill wants to help the Order. She thinks she can help the Order. But she knows that her visions will only hurt - they already have. If it weren’t for her vision, Godric’s Hollow would still be a cozy village filled with witches and wizards of all ages. If it weren’t for Sybill’s visions, there wouldn’t have been such a massacre. The Order would not be in such a ruinous state and the war wouldn’t be stuck in some standstill threatened with mutually assured destruction if the fighting should continue on like this.
But as much as she blames her visions, they’re a part of her. They’re who she is and she wouldn’t change for anything - not even peace and an end to this bloody conflict. They all know that the boy will be the downfall of Voldemort. It’s just a matter of time and keeping the boy safe. In that capacity, Sybill is determined to help the Order. It was her prophecy that started this, it’s her responsibility to see it through.
I wasn’t sure I’d be applying for Sybill, so I went ahead and tried to get a feel for her with the “if I were…” questionnaire. In my mind, she’s incredibly complex and loves the melodrama associated with seers
if i were a god/goddess, i’d be Hanuman - the Hindu deity of perseverance, service, and scholarly devotion, he aided Lord Rama in his battle against evil forces. After the things you’ve seen and witnessed, it would easy to admit that father was right - that you’re cursed and a bringer of dark tidings and misery. But you refuse to give up. You wrap yourself in another shawl and you persevere. Though great, you resist the temptation to give up and fog your mind or dull the senses as father made you do so many years ago.
if i were a season, i’d be false spring - the weather is on the upswing, the snow and ice have melted. The mud is thick, and grass will appear any day now. But up above, the sky is a deep blue and the wind has a biting chill to it that can only mean an impending freeze. Take the plants back inside and gather the firewood. These good tidings never last long.
if i were a time of day, i’d be early dawn, when the dew clings to grass and spiderwebs and a fog sits in the field - the day has barely begun and there’s still plenty of time for a few surprises.
if i were a place, i’d be the hidden reading nook in the dusty bookshop you didn’t know was still open - quiet, dark, but with a hidden hope and optimism.
if i were a type of weather, i’d be an oppressively hot day in summer - though scared of the power within, there is no denying its intensity. The opposition was given its first real taste of it and it made them desperate and overly aggressive. They paid a heavy price for their arrogance and there’s no telling what more tales of the future could do.
if i were a scent, i’d be coffee and whiskey mingling with an uplifting haze of sandalwood.
if i were a plant, i’d be a wisteria - beautiful in its blossoms, it appears delicate, but is incredibly resilient and can be poisonous.
if i were an element, i’d be earth - grounded and steady but intensely dramatic and moving.
if i were a color, i’d be a dark slate blue - haunted yet calming.
if i were a song, i’d be The Chain - your father promises that if you would just stop this foolishness, everything will be better. He isn’t mad at you, he still loves you, but you make it so damn hard when you carry this burden and insist on growing it instead of stamping it out. But he doesn’t realize that this thing that you have isn’t a burden. It isn’t a curse. It’s who you are. And if he can’t love you in spite of it, then, well… he never really loved you and never will.
if i were an item of clothing, it’d be a shawl - you cover yourself and who you really are. You bury yourself in the smooth fabric and become what they want you to be. You pull the silk over your nose and breathe in, letting it filter out the perfumed ash that hangs heavy in the air, the kind you’re supposed to sit in, as if that helps your inner eye see their futures better.
if i were an object, i’d be a candle - so smooth and solid from a distance, but covered in a thin layer of ash and brimming with uncertainty. A giver of light to illuminate the darkness, but reveals and strengthens the shadows in the process.
if i were one of the seven deadly sins, i’d be sloth - the fear of the known and the inability to stop it, leading to inaction. It is said that evil thrives when the good fail to act. When faced with visions of the future, it’s so much easier to forget it and move on.
if i were one of the seven heavenly virtues, i’d be humility - a deep respect and subservience to the nature of time. There are things that will always come to pass and others that are far more fickle - how do you know which is which? How do you know what won’t be made the worse with your meddling?
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bettydgunter90 · 3 years
Appraisal Institute Board of Directors Tried To Sneak Sham Bylaw Changes Past Membership
Back on December 4, 2020, I wrote about the sham bylaw change being floated by the Appraisal Institute to avoid the embarrassment of the recent sham election process: The Sham 45-Day Bylaw Modification Process To Keep Jim Amorin’s Sham Petition Process Explained
To rush this through, the Appraisal Institute Board of Directors meeting is being held Wednesday, January 6th with sketchy notice.
Don Boucher, SRA and Jennifer Marshall, SRA, AI-RRS came through for membership and forwarded notice of the meeting. - send Joan an email requesting the login as presented below
_________________________________________ Dear AI Professional, We hope that 2021 will be a happy, healthy and prosperous year for you! Sorry about the late notice but we wanted to make sure that you know about and request an invitation to the Special Board Meeting on January 6th at 3 EST. At the Meeting, the Board will be discussing and voting on changing the Bylaws based on the recommendations in 45-Day Notice on VP Election Process and memberships comments. To request the link to attend the meeting please contact the Board Secretary, Joan Barngrover, at [email protected]. Thanks for continuing to be proactive and staying involved. Regards, Don Boucher, SRA and Jennifer Marshall, SRA, AI-RRS _________________________________________
Everyone who reads this post and who is a member of the Appraisal Institute should attend the virtual board meeting. As members, you have the right to log in to the meeting. Here's how:
Thank you for expressing your interest in attending the Special Board Call, January 6, 2:00 pm CT. Following is the GoToMeeting connection information to observe this meeting. Please mute your phone when entering the event and please do not share your webcam. You will want to log on at least five minutes early as the meeting will begin right at 2:00 pm CT. Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/876886637 You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (571) 317-3122 Access Code: 876-886-637 New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/876886637.
These changes being floated are so blatantly corrupt that it is beyond unethical. The purpose of these proposed bylaw edits to the existing bylaws will enable FOJs (Friends of Jim Amorin) to keep their own exclusive club paid for by the membership with salaries at 2x the market rate, first-class travel all over the world including wives and friends, and cornering control of lucrative teaching stipends as they have for the past 10+ years.
As a further sign of the lack of transparency, notification of the board meeting to vote on these sham maneuvers wasn't adequate. Some members only received notice today (Tuesday) for a board meeting on Wednesday. The cynical me believes that this meeting was timed to occur at the moment there will be a massive global media circus in Washington, D.C. (Wednesday) to decide whether to confirm the state results in the federal election. In addition, it is three days into the New Year and they were clearly counting on rushing this under the radar before people wake up from their holiday grogginess. This is a strategic move pure and simple - to continue to wrestle control of the organization from membership and it marks the beginning of the end of the Appraisal Institute.
All eyes will be on the new AI President-Elect Rodman Schley, MAI, SRA at the Board of Directors meeting - who has created a favorable reputation with the membership as someone who believes in transparency and has showed signs of pushing back against the FOJ pillaging of this once-proud organization.
This is Rodman's moment - if he allows for these sham changes without a fight and hides behind the use of "executive sessions," he will be just another annual decorative rotation in the Presidential position - Jim Amorin's posse gets to keep running AI National into the ground until it takes its last breath (in about 5 years).
Incidentally, I've been told a member has reached out to the Illinois State Attorney General for their interpretation of "executive sessions" as a tactic used by the Board of Directors to hide their actions - apparently it is not permissible because Illinois is an open session state.
At the end of the year, in the middle of the holidays, 76 Appraisal Institute members signed and sent a letter to their Board of Directors outlying what was wrong with the suggested bylaw changes in the 45-day notice letter. To wrangle 76 members in the middle of the holiday season in late December represents how upset these members were. All the signers are heroes as far as I'm concerned who care more about the future of the Appraisal Institute than its executives do.
Here it is:
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Here are my thoughts on yet another sham election maneuver to ensure the continued corruption of The Appraisal Institute:
Any member of the Board of Directors who votes for these changes is corrupt and should be removed from their position immediately. They are in favor of self-dealing and not membership. The BOD should not be afraid to hide their votes.
The proposed changes are being made to enable CEO Jim Amorin to override the NNC after they thoroughly vet a candidate proposed from membership like they tried to do to Craig Steinley and failed because of the membership uproar. These bylaw edits are being made to tidy up the loopholes to make it happen next year.
The 6 year period to lockout executives after NNC membership should not be reduced to 4 years because it makes it easier for FOJ's to self-deal.
To raise the 20% board member vote requirement to 30% is a pure sham. I believe most organizations require a supermajority to override. My goodness, the absolutely embarrassing procedure to insert FOJ Tankersly instead of the NNC's Steinley thoroughly vetted nomination because Jim asked him to is unconscionable. Unconscionable that it was proposed and that Tankersly gladly accepted.
This bylaw edit more easily enables the Board of Directors and the executive team to publically smear and shame a vetted candidate who won. Guess what happens? Quality candidates won't apply anymore. Only FOJs.
This bylaw edit is clearly an act of misconduct by the board. It is a blatant abuse of power and board members who vote for these edits could very well have legal exposure in the future.
"Executive sessions" or voting in secret is unethical - if you have to hide how you voted, then something is wrong with your motivations - you see yourself as answering to Jim Amorin and not the membership - you can't have it both ways.
The proposal to ban any input on a candidate is bizarre and reflects the AI's drift towards irrelevance through self-isolation. Elected officials, competing trade groups, regulators, etc. should all be relevant to weigh in on the quality of a candidate. This proposed edit essentially dictates that a candidate has to get recommendations from FOJs for an application. Incredible.
Finally, this bylaw edit is not being done for the membership - it is being done for FOJs exclusively. Imagine Jim Amorin explaining his edits in a public meeting - membership would be booing and throwing beer cans at him for the basic audacity of it.
Over the last decade, the Appraisal Institute went from 27K members to 17K members. That's a 37% drop, trailing basic U.S. credential trends over the same period. What's AI National going to look like in another decade with only 7K members?
The membership needs to apply the heat to the Board of Directors NOW. I'm also waiting for a board member to step up and get state and federal law enforcement to look at the sham election maneuvers as evidence of corruption.
My goodness Board of Directors, are you there only to pad your resume, or are you there to uphold the responsibility of the position? If you do nothing but go along then you're just as corrupt as the FOJs.
The post Appraisal Institute Board of Directors Tried To Sneak Sham Bylaw Changes Past Membership first appeared on Miller Samuel Real Estate Appraisers & Consultants. from Real Estate Tips https://www.millersamuel.com/appraisal-institute-board-of-directors-tried-to-sneak-sham-bylaw-changes-past-membership/
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sexvimpulse · 4 years
Milo: [Puts on his cap and sweats to look as unlike himself as he can and he makes his way to her dorm. He checks his phone again and gets increasingly worried until he knocks at her door] Nadine?
Nadine: [Mutes him on her phone so that she doesn’t see the calls or messages from him. She starts packing up her things, wanting to leave after what happened. Hearing a knock at the door she parts her lips as she hears his voice. She hesitates for a few moments before cracking the door open as she gives him a cold look] Que fais-tu ici? [Stares at him with a harsh gaze as she hollows her cheeks] You need to leave. We have nothing to discuss.
Milo: Baby. [Sighs in relief as he sees that she’s okay] Thank god. I was so fucking worried. Are you okay? [Blinks as she’s so cold to him] Hey, hey.. wait.. [Holds the door] What’s going on? Can we please talk?
Nadine: [Her heart aches as he calls her “baby” but she doesn’t fall for it as she narrows her eyes at him] Pourqoi? What is there to talk about? [Raises a brow as she steps away from the door to show that she’s been packing up some clothes] We don’t have to talk about anything, Milo. I already know everything I needed to know. [Breathes roughly, feeling hurt and angry as she still sees that woman on his desk, waiting and willing for him]
Milo: [His brows draw together as he sees her packing her stuff, his heart sinking] You’re leaving? [His eyes are glassy but he thinks maybe something is wrong] Is your family okay..? [Thinks that maybe she’s grieving and that’s why she’s so hostile. He enters and just stands at the closed door] Talk to me, please. [Bites his lip] I thought you got hurt or something.
Nadine: Oui, I’m leaving. [Looks at him with an incredulous expression] They’re perfect. They’re so excited for me to come home. [Puts on a fake smile before scoffing at his words] Milo, abandonner l'acte. [Purses her lips as she furrows her brows] You don’t care if I stay or go. You’ve already replaced me, non? [Laughs sarcastically before she stares at him] Je t'ai vu. Je l'ai vu. [Her voice wavers as she feels her heart breaking before she shakes out of it] I knew you had a friends with benefits, I just didn’t know you were fucking another professor. [Hisses as the rumor she heard was true. She can’t even look at him as she feels betrayed, insecure, and humiliated]
Milo: [Stays still and listens to her, his brows burrowing as he wonders how she found out about Rose] Who told you that? [Cocks a brow] And yeah.. it was Rosalie.. I didn’t tell you because she’s married. Does it matter who it was? [Shrugs] Is that really the reason you didn’t talk to me for three days and are leaving? [Blinks] I haven’t seen her since the day I told you I loved you..
Nadine: [She hollows her cheeks as he acts so blasé about it. Her chest rising and falling in quick succession before shaking her head as she loses patience] Non? You haven’t? [Feigns innocence, tilting her head as if she’s playing dumb] So then why was she in your office in nothing but lingerie expecting you to put your dick in her married cunt? [Tears well in her eyes as she becomes visibly angry and hurt] I guess you love me like you love her too. [Wipes her tears from her cheeks as she glares] Tu es un menteur!
Milo: [Blinks as he hears her words] Excuse me? [His brows raise and he frowns as she starts to cry] Hey.. Nadine.. [Steps closer] I had no idea she did that. I’m so sorry. [Shakes his head] I told her we were done. I haven’t seen her since that. Please you have to believe me. I didn’t know. [Reaches for her hand]
Nadine: [Shakes her head, not wanting his lies to fill her mind as she steps back from him once he moves closer] Non, non! You’re lying to me! [Moves her hand away as she holds her arm out to show she doesn’t want him near her] You told me you were in love with someone. And then you said that she wanted you back but that it was hard ending things. [Scoffs, feeling insecure and completely hurt] Why don’t you just say that the reason you were with me was because you were waiting for her! [Hisses, unable to stop her tears as she’s filled with emotion] Tu ne m'aimes pas. [Lower lip trembles] You got what you wanted, Milo. You finally have her wanting you back.
Milo: [Is hurt as she rejects him so harshly when he didn’t do anything. He starts to shut down, staring at her as she yells at him] You’re putting words in my mouth. [Says calmly] I got what I wanted with you. [Answers her] You think I want her still? She’s /married/ Nadine. [Is voice is soft as he looks at her pleadingly] I love you. I love us together.. I’ve never been so in love with someone in my life. [Licks his lips] I would /never/ throw what we have away like that. [Shakes his head] I am guilty of fucking a married woman in the past.. but I’m not a cheater. [Shakes his head] I know it looked bad so I won’t hold it against you for doubting me.. but you have to believe me when I say I didn’t know she did that.. it’s not like her to do something like that after I rejected her. [Rubs his face] I don’t know what else to say. You either believe me or you don’t. [His chest aches as he really might lose her because she’s so emotional and so young that she might let her feelings tear them apart]
Nadine: [Raises a brow as she blurts out her harsh words from the heartache she feels] Married? It didn’t stop you before. [Looks away from him, crossing her arms and wiping her tears off her cheeks as much as she can. She hates how desperately in love she is with him because it hurts her so much to hear what he has to say] Non? Then you must not have been clear when you rejected her because she obviously saw that there was still a chance. [Narrows her eyes, picturing the woman’s perfect blonde hair and tight figure as she waited on his desk] You say you love me but you loved her too, non? [Hollows her cheeks as she looks at him with a pained expression] And you said.. you only liked older women. So why me? Why is this any better for you? [Chest heaves] Elle est belle et intelligent. Isn’t that what you want?
Milo: I was very fucking clear. [Clenches his jaw as she’s punishing him for something he didn’t do] I don’t love her anymore. [Answers her questions defeatedly] This is better for me because it’s reciprocated.. and mutual.. [Shakes his head as he doesn’t know what to say as she keeps talking] You are what I want, Nadine. [Says softly] Look.. I’m just going to go. I can’t.. take anymore of this right now. [Feels his chest ache as he clams up from her berating him like this] it’s clear you don’t believe me and I guess you don’t see me as a very good person. [Swallows] I don’t want you to constantly have doubts about me. [Chews on the inside of his cheek as his eyes well up] Maybe it’s for the best. [Shrugs as he purses his lips to keep from breaking down] Have a safe trip home. [Nods before opening the door, hating how it never works out for him]
Nadine: [Swallows back her words as she can’t compete with a woman like that. She thinks of what he’s had with Rosalie and it makes her feel insignificant. Hearing that he’ll leave, she parts her lips, tears running down even more. She watches him make his way towards the door before shaking her head] Non.. Milo.. [Whimpers before walking across the room to shut the door, stopping him from leaving] I’m not good enough.. I’m not like her.. [Bites her lower lip as she aches so much to be everything for him] Even if you still want her.. even now that you know she wants you back.. S’il vous plaît.. Can you keep me too? [Feels defeated as she can’t let him go, desperately wanting his love and for him to want her]
Milo: [Is surprised as she keeps him from leaving. He cups her face and wipes her tears with his large thumbs] Shh.. you’re absolutely good enough. Stop. Don’t say that. [Shakes his head, finally understanding her insecurities] I don’t want her, Nadine. [Remains patient she compassionate because he knows she’s struggling] She doesn’t love me, Nadine. [Shakes his head] And I don’t love her. [Tells her the truth] You’re the only one I want. [Pulls her into his arms and kisses the top of her head] I am keeping you. Forever. Just you. [Rubs her back and scratches her scalp] I love you, Nadine. [Tilts up her chin] I didn’t cheat on you. I would never. [Frowns as he sees her crying face] I told you that your heart was safe with me.
Nadine: [Exhales slowly as she feels his warm touch, having missed it for the past three days. She avoids his gaze as he speaks, feeling guilty for hurting him now that she realizes he was being honest] But she wants you.. [Speaks in barely a whisper before holding him tightly as she gives in. She breathes in his scent and listens to his voice before tearing up more as he says he loves her] Forever? But why me? I was foolish.. [Closes her eyes, engraving his claims into her mind] Je t’aime, Milo. I am so in love with you that it hurts me.. [Kisses his neck, desperately giving him the love that she threatened to take away and lose] Je suis désolée, will you forgive me for how I treated you? I know.. I don’t deserve it. [Swallows as she realizes how harsh she was] I.. I heard about it from someone else but I didn’t want to believe it.. and then I saw her in your office.. [Bites her lower lip, remembering the way her body felt cold] I was hurt. I’m sorry, Milo.
Milo: [Melts as she softens up. He holds her in his arms and listens to her] I love you too, baby. [Coos sweetly before he moans softly at her kisses] I forgive you.. it wasn’t your fault you had to see that.. [Frowns as Rose now knows about her] I’m surprised there were rumors.. I thought we kept it pretty secret. [Shakes his head] Will you try to kill those rumors when you hear them? I don’t want to be involved if she ends up getting a divorce. [Thinks of Rose and not wanting her to lose face or property because of him out of respect] I accept your apology. [Pets her head before bringing her to her bed so he can cuddle her]
Nadine: A few of your regular students said she noticed that you and.. her.. were together quite often. [Bites the inside of her cheek before listening to his request. She nods, wanting to protect him as well] Oui. [Before drawing close to him on the bed, hiding her face against his neck] I missed you so much.. I thought you didn’t want me anymore.
Milo: [Blinks as he listens to the reason for the rumors. He feels the need to warn Rose but he pushes it to the back of his mind for now] Thank you. [Scratches her scalp] Of course I still want you. [Frowns] I wish you came to me right away.
Nadine: [Hides her face against as she pulls him closer to her] I couldn’t bring myself to do it.. [Bites her lower lip] I saw how excited she was for you.. Je me sentais tellement blessé. [Admits softly, unable to grasp how insecure she feels when she’s always been so confident in herself before and in other relationships]
Milo: [Nuzzles her hair as he listens] I’m sorry you had to see that. [Frowns] I’ll have to talk to her about it.. especially because she knows about you now. [His brows furrow as he knows that dating current students is prohibited]
Nadine: [Pulls back slightly, looking at him deeply. She trusts him, but it doesn’t stop her from feeling insecure] You’re going to meet with her? [Bites the inside of her cheek] Pourqoi? Do you think she would say anything?
Milo: [Frowns as she’s upset] I have to.. to protect us. [Licks his lips] I don’t know.. I don’t think she would because of how much I know about her.. but I’d rather clear the air.
Nadine: [Inhales deeply before nodding her head, hoping that nothing will happen] I understand. [Turns around, letting him act as the big spoon as she curls up against him and kisses his knuckles] I don’t want to lose you. Je t’aime.
Milo: Don’t you trust me? [Frowns as she turns away from him, he pulls her close] I love you too, Nadine. [Sighs as he squeezes her in his arms]
Nadine: I do. It’s her I don’t trust. [Relishes in his warmth as she remains close to him] She really wants you to herself again.
Milo: You don’t have to worry about her. [Assures her] I don’t want her anymore. [Kisses her neck affectionately] You made me crazy worrying about you. [Bites his lip]
Nadine: [Moans as he kisses her neck, a sensitive spot for her] Je suis tres désolée. I shouldn’t have avoided you. [Frowns, feeling guilty over it] What can I do to make up for the past three days, daddy?
Milo: I don’t know.. I’m still kind of processing everything. [Murmurs as he’s just happy she’s okay] Are you always like that..? [Asks, worried about future problems arising]
Nadine: [Frowns as she worries that how she reacted made him love her less] Like what? [Bites her lower lip as she turns around to face him, feeling somewhat ashamed]
Milo: You know.. aggressive. [Tilts her chin to make her look at him]
Nadine: [Frowns as she avoids his eyes] I can be.. I felt.. Je ne sais pas.. [Trails off as she felt all sorts of emotions] Everything. [Sighs] Does it make you hesitant to be with me now?
Milo: [Blinks as he listens to her] I’m a little worried. [Murmurs] I don’t want it to be like that every time we have a disagreement.
Nadine: I saw your ex in your office with nothing but lingerie on.. I didn’t know how to react. But.. oui.. I was very wrong. [Takes in a breath, nodding her head and feeling a little heartbroken about it] Je comprends.. [Trails off as she looks at him] Should we take it slow then?
Milo: I guess you’re right.. that can’t really be considered a disagreement.. but I didn’t like that. [Is honest with her] I think we should.. I just want to get to know you better. [Says softly]
Nadine: [Her throat feels tight as she hears him, feeling defeated and even worse about the whole ordeal] Okay, Milo. [Forces a small smile as she pulls back to give him some space]
Milo: [Frowns as she pulls back, feeling the distance between them now] I’m going to go.. [Chews on the inside of his cheek as he really does need some time to himself] Will you be in class tomorrow?
Nadine: [Decides to let him be as she tries to process her own feelings, suddenly thinking that he might not actually love her] Oui. [Lowers her eyes] I’m very behind. I’ll ask for help from the other students. [Tells him as she doesn’t want to ruin the space he wants to himself]
Milo: I emailed you everything you missed and my notes. [Murmurs] I’ll see you tomorrow then, Nadine. [Gets off of her bed but kisses her forehead] I love you. [Kisses her nose and then her lips]
Nadine: Au revoir. [Speaks softly, not expecting him to show any affection before he surprises her with it. She aches as she hears his words, not knowing if loves her the same way that he used to. She gets up and pulls him in, pressing her lips to his to kiss him slowly, wanting him to taste the love she has before pulling back] See you.
Milo: [Closes his eyes as she kisses him again, moaning softly] You can’t kiss me like that and expect me to leave now. [Pouts as he kneels at her bed between her legs] Kiss me again.
Nadine: But you said you were going.. [Melts for the pout on his lips as she slowly starts to feel connected to him again. She doesn’t say anything as she places her hand on his cheeks and leans in once more] Mmm.. [Gently parts his lips with her tongue, giving an open mouthed kiss while dipping her tongue in and out of his mouth slowly to steal a taste]
Milo: I know.. [Stares at her mouth as he leans in, feeling himself soften inside for her] Mngh.. [Moans as he grips her hips and tries to catch her tongue]
Nadine: [Feels her tongue vibrate from the sound of his mouth, making her move closer to him] I’ll be better.. Je promets.. [Whispers before giving him her tongue as she kisses him deeply. Her legs almost wraps around him from her desire to be close]
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robotnik-mun · 7 years
I usually have answer for questions like these...but what specifically about Mobius: XYL made it so horrendous that not even someone with actual writing talent like Flynn could save it? I'd say that it was just a blank slate and that any competent writer could fix it.
*Sighs, pulls out a bottle of whiskey and a shot glass. Pours the glass. Takes the shot* 
Alright, before I get into the specifics, I’m gonna contextualize a few things for you. I want you to picture a comic book, one built primarily (but not exclusively) around action, and despite the intense quality issues it tends to suffer from its still pretty popular, with a fairly vocal fanbase. One day a character is teased- the daughter of a major character, hinting towards an amazing story that will show the future of your favorite characters. Years past, the hype builds up. A hint of what’s to come is given in a story where this mystery character is featured, pulling forth an intriguing scenario in which her father, one of the heroes, will become a villain years later. 
Finally it is announced- at long last, this much anticipated storyline is going to happen! We’re going to see the future of the setting, the future of the characters and their offspring! Oh, what things will await? What mysteries will build in the interim? What new villains will operate in the future? What will the children of the heroes be like? 
Well, eventually, the storyline finally comes. All that waiting, all that excitement and hype, all of that theorizing... and all it amounted to was a fart in the wind, all noise and fury signifying nothing. 
That, in a nutshell, was Mobius 25YL. 
Now let us get into specifics. Forgive me if I miss anything, for there is a LOT to get into, so I’ll just summarize what comes off the top of my head. 
-Firstly, there was Lara-Su herself. Oh, poor Lara-Su. That’s really one of the great tragedies of the Pre-Flynn era. She had the design. She had the concept. She had the hype- people were doing fanart and fanfiction of her long before she debuted properly in the book. And then 25YL came along, and what we saw was... 
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....yeah, that. See, it turned out that she wasn’t being trained as a guardian. She was just a normal leading a normal teenage life, and my GOD it was boring. Our opening scene involves her thumping her stupid cousin on the head with a book for insulting the Guardians, and this? This is how she became a Guardian. After everything we had been led to believe, everything we had been wanting to see, the mysterious, much-anticipated Daughter of Knuckles... turned out to be a whiny, entitled little rich girl who literally whined her way into being a Guardian. Not that we got a chance to see her tenure as a guardian, oooh no- it was FAR more important to see her sweet sixteen and a sleepover with her friends, and of course pool party antics. Which brings us to the next point....
-...namely that this story went *nowhere*. Like it was literally the last few issues that the damn plot moved forward and reached a climax. THe build-up took a back seat to what Penders evidently felt was what the audieance REALLY wanted- DOMESTIC DRAMA! Marvel in Lara-Su getting in fights at school because someone had an opinion! Wonder in the glories of her sweet sixteen! Behold the pool parties! Amaze at Sonic’s son being a little pervert! Hey, do you know what we needed more of? Sonic and Knuckles getting in a belching contest at a dinner party! And so on and so forth- the whole thing was basically a domestic drama, a really, really cheesy and badly written one, and these aspects of the story overtook everything else. Even worse, this story dragged on and on and on at a snails pace, and as I said, the only remotely exciting thing happened literally within the last few issues, with the build up being drawn out and unengaging. 
-The future was boring. Very, very boring, and even worse, we were told exactly how it got that way. What portions of the story weren’t dedicated to observing the Domestic Life Of The Teenage Echidna were spent infodumping and expositing about the events of the past that led to the present time. And at the present time? Everything was so peachy and perfect it could make you sick. There was no danger, no new menaces to fight in the Post-Robotnik Mobius, everything was just bland and happy and nooo real problems whatsoever. The Kingdom of Acorn now ruled Mobius, and Angel Island was now a superpower, and all the enemies of the past were either defeated or domesticated (more on that below). There was nothing to draw people in. No conflict to engage the readers. Even worse, ss this at the time was regarded as ‘the’ future and not just a ‘What-If’ (the debate of which caused an infamous feud between Penders and Bollers), the exposition ensured that there could not even be a potential mystery in figuring out how things got to this point, because the entire future was now laid bare before us. And since we now knew that this achingly perfect and tranquil future was to come, and exactly HOW Eggman was going to be defeated, there was little reason to become invested in past stories. What’s the point of sticking around when you know how its all gonnna go? Every conflict that took place in the past was now rendered irrelevant thanks to this future, which pretty much gave away the ending. 
-On top of all that, the developments of the characters from the past who were featured in this future were... nonsensical, and in some cases deeply insulting. Knuckles, for example, who had grown up in the wilderness away from cities and the like, was now in a position of power as not only Guardian but the head of the EST, and living very comfortably in a manor, with a maid of all things. Even accounting for the fact that the years change people, this doesn’t really feel like the kind of life Knuckles would ever want to live or COULD ever want to live, instead feeling like a reflection of Penders’ own ideal for what a happy ending should look like. Worse though was what happened to Julie-Su... while her depiction as such was not always very stellar, there was at least a token amount of effort applied to depicting her as a capable soldier and action girl, and prior to the release of this he swore up and down that she would STILL be a badass. This was false. This was very, very false. She was pretty much a stay at home mom who did upkeep on the house, acting as a *painfully* cliche ‘50s Housewife’ at utter odds with her prior depiction. While there is nothing wrong with being a domestic or anything like that, the fact was that this was definitely not how anybody ever wanted to see Julie-Su, and even worse, despite Penders’ touting of the ‘non-traditional’ nature of their marriage (which I should add was a reflection of the fact that he and his own wife operate under a common-law marriage), the fact of the matter was that the marriage was even MORE tradtional and bland than most marriages in media at that time. 
And it didn’t end there either. Sonic was now King of the world and pretty much going through a midlife crisis, and Sally, who actually WAS a leader of men during her youth and Queen of Mobius, was now happy and content with taking a backseat to Sonic and letting him make all the major decisions. There are many arguments about whether or not Sonic should have ever been a king or if it fits his character, but the point of order is, nobody at all wanted to see THIS from Sonic, or Sally. The decision to make him King was especially baffling because in real life, that’s not how European monarchy’s work. Sonic is not nobility, and even if he were, his lower rank would ensure that he would only ever be a prince or a regent at best, while Sally would be the one calling the shots thanks to her being higher ranked than him to begin with. 
And then there was Lien-Da. Recall how I said some threats became domesticated? Well this here is Exhibit A- wanna now what kind of future Lien-Da has after a lifetime of terrorism, deceit and murder? She’s living comfortabltly in suburbia with her son (with no mention or hint of who the father could be), and is just so gosh darned chummy with her half-sister that they gossip like a couple of old hens. I mean sure, Lien-Da helped murder Julie’s mother and their father, and then had Julie mindwiped twice-over, to say nothing of spending generations trying to murder the Guardians, but it’s all coooool, brah! No hard feelings, no bad blood whatsoever! Why, even Dimitri himself confirms that all of Lien-Da’s ambitions would never ever come true anyway, so hey, why carry a grudge? Family trumps all!
Yeah, I digress. Whatever people envisioned for the future of the characters they loved, this wasn’t it. At all. 
-The kids sucked, both as characters and from a design standpoint. For visuals, Lara-Su got off easy, having a reasonably unique and recognizable design that made her an instant hit with a lot of fans... the fact that Penders didn’t design her might have had something to do with that though. Everyone else? Clone children. Clone children as far as the eye can see. Literally they were all just traces of their parents with different clothes, and they had even less going on with regards to personality. The one with the most distinct personality was Manik, who was such a loathesome little creeper that everyone kind of wished he really WAS just as bland and forgettable as everyone else. While obviously children are gonna resemble their parents, making them flat out clones was just a step too far (sadly this would plague the sequel series as well). There have been many fan ideas and conceptions of what the children of our heroes would look like- all of them were better, or at least made more of an effort, than this. 
-While the book might have been called “Mobius: 25 Years Later”, it was actually more like “Angel Island Twenty Five Years Later”. Given that this storyline started out as a special called Knuckles: Twenty Years Later, this isn’t really that unexpected, but for a storyline that billed itself as the future of Mobius itself, the focus on Angel Island at the expense of everything else left a bad taste in everyone’s mouth. WHile it would be impossible to cover everyone, it was Knuckles and his family that got the most coverage, with the extended cast getting cameos or token mentions regardless of how important they were in the past. Bunnie and Antoine didn’t show up, Tails only showed up much later, we barely get any action from the other Chaotix... you get the idea. Even worse, Knuckles was pretty much revealed to be the destined savior of the planet, the one to finally defeat Eggman instead of Sonic, and the reveal of what was causing problems in the future would eventually be revealed to be SOnic’s fault! The Knuckles favoritism was incredibly grating, and incredibly disappointing. People wanted to see the future of *Mobius*, not JUST all the parts most relevant to Knuckles. This was the storylien that really did much to establish how little Penders cared about the title character of the series and how hellbent he was on ensuring the ‘legacy’ of his personal pet despite the Knuckles series having been gone for years by that point. 
-On a retroactive front, the reveal of Rotor being gay, or rather the rationale and circumstances of it, did a lot to taint the perception of the series. Even when the series was going on, Penders hinted that one of the cast was gay, and didn’t reveal who it was until years after he had left the book...it just happened to be Rotor, who just happened to be tortured in the new 30YL storyline while his supposed lover, Cobor, was dead. That he timed the reveal in such a way that it made Flynn look like a homophobe was suspect enough, but his reasoning behind the reveal was especially troubling, with him declaring that Rotor was gay due to his shyness. Adding insult to injury, there was absolutely no chemistry between Cobor and Rotor, like at all. In a fandom where two characters so much as looking at eachother too long can result in shipping, this was especially noteworthy, as nobody at all shipped Cobor and Rotor before the reveal... and after, for that matter. Penders loudly patting himself on the back for this despite how little he had done in-story to indicate it did a lot to taint the storyline in people’s eyes, and forever made Rotor’s sexuality a touchy subject due to knowing that Penders would always be eager to take credit for it despite having done nothing to build it up. While there was only so much one could really do at the time it was written, that doesn’t excuse the fact that there was so little affection and so little to read into with regards to Cobor and Rotor, due to the fact that believable, human interaction is well beyond Penders’ capacity as a writer. 
There is probably more I am not considering. Anyone who has anything to add is free to do so. But in conclusion? For everything that this story promised to be, and for all the ways that promise was broken, this whole thing became a black hole of wasted potential, a vortex of suckage that would consume everything in proximity, and that is why despite everything, a lot of people are not that eager to see it re-visted, believing that its just impossible to un-anchor it from the awful, awful story that spawned, and that there is nothing worth salvaging from it. 
They might have a point. 
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