#my friends and I had an interesting convo cause of this art 😭😭 but one of the good ideas that came from it is ace cuddling the nui
ashipiko · 1 year
</3 nui thoughts
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I'm a Scorpio with a preference for males, and I'm 5'4 so not tall but not very short either!! I love anime/manga (I have a collection!) And I've spent most of my years playing piano. I love the arts, all kinds of art mediums, from painting to sculpting, but my most dominant one is digital art and story telling ❤️💖❤️ I'm a very loving/caring person, my dream is to help as many people as I can. I one day hope to be rich enough to buy a shopping cart full of toys and donate them all to kids 😭😭. I do have extreme ADHD, so I tend to be scatterbrained, but I consider myself to be very intelligent... That's all!!
Eyo @mefuckinzone !! Sorry if i kept you waiting ^^” Here’s your match up! I hope you enjoy it! 🌘🖤have a great day~🖤🌒
unfolding another…. log 1 - as friends
+ You guys got along well from the start! But of course, not……immediately + He is a very wary and shy person. When you first came in, he didn’t fell really safe *who is she? where did she come from? what can she do?* a lot of paranoid questions. + He doesn’t glare at you, that’s for sure. But he does avoid talking or getting near you. + But this ’avoiding’ comes to an end when you realize it. + You thought he had a problem with you (a-) or you did something wrong to him without yourself knowing. + So, mission 1: Talk To Him. + Ok you tried but well, he glared. (O>o) + tried again, he walked away. + Again- “What is it that you want from me?” + *Oop- Uh- Say something aaaa* ”W-well, I should ask you the same question” ”Really now?” ”Yeah, because I’m not the one running off when somebody is trying to talk to them,” ”I- good point. BUT, at least I didn’t hesitate to speak.” ”Well I was SHY!” ” Well so am I!” ”…” ”…” + You gave him some time to cool off- “Ok, so what is it?” ”One question-“ ”Make it quick then,” *This guy-* ”Ok, do you have a problem with me or did I do something wrong to you? And don’t act like you do NOT know what I am talking about,” + He looks at you for a good minute and explains why. + ”Do I really look that scary?” ”I never mentiones being scared of you, I just said that I was wary of you, that’s it,” ”ok..may I ask why?” ”Well, *explanation*” + after that, you guys just, well, talk like normal. + Having converstaions, short and long ones, weird and serious ones. Overall, good convos + He finds you being scatterbrained quiet interesting (adorable, it means he finds it adorable) Its just cutely entertaining to see you well, blur. + Sometimes he helps you out when it causes a problem. ”Ok and then- and then……and then what?” ”Pfft- you were talking about how your soap looks like a duck?” ”Oh ya!” (adorable ✨)
lovely fairytale log 2 - lovers ❤️
+ Do i have to explain how and why the two of you are a couple? + (Maybe I do hahaha) It all began from the moment you spoke (oooo~) Your voice hits different. + Like a destined melody, a tune that accompanies the beautiful night sky, a gorgeous forgotten protrait. + Whatever you did to this man, which he doesn’t know what, you managed to make him soft for you. As in really soft. + We all know that Helen or Bloody Painter is manipulative, double faced? a jerk with a face of a gentlemen. + I guess you are someone he sees that doesn’t deserve those things. + He treats you like a goddess. + Tell him anything you want, he still doesn’t see why you love him. + This mans trust for you is indescribable. af. + When you play the piano, he would request soo many songs. ”Play Dawn by Dario Marianelli” ”You do know I need the piano sheet to play it right?” “🥲” + OK ✨ART✨ SO MANY ART. LIKE SO MANY. IF YOU TWO WERE TO OWN A HOUSE, A SPECIAL ROOM IS DEDICATED TO JUST ART. CONSTANT COMPETING I TELL YA (healthy competing) + “Once, I hit a guy on purpose be-“ ”Let me guess, because he said Da Vinci with a ”k”?” ”YES! YES HE DID! AND HE DESRVES TO BE HIT WITH A CROCODILES TAIL-“ ”A WHAT?” + lmao + He’s a bit apathetic to not important things, like kids he don’t know. But, either way, he will help you to pursue your precious dreams~ + “Hey, guess what, I bought these, *shows-off the plastics of plushies*” “OoO <3 Are those for-“ ”Yep” ”JJDNJKNKDJIOEHGASYWTIW” ”They’re for you ^^,” ”oh..” + You took one and told him you wanted to donate the others. He agreed to it, no worries. + Overall, A PRECIOUS COPLE AAA
I had so much fun writting this. The wholesomeness aaa, be my friend. please. Hope you have a great dah and take care!! 💕💕
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