#my friends helped me get the coat and mount i'm so happy
dovalore · 2 years
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simple diagram of my wol and his carbuncle
also some updated info on him since a lot has changed since the last time i talked about his lore
he's at least half viera and has like, 8 other siblings who are also at least half viera
the scar going across the bridge of his nose was from a wound he sustained during That One Fight in stormblood
not pictured are his little fangs he likes to bite specific people with
dovae's tail is so long and fluffy he curls it into a swirl behind him when he's not active. it uncurls when he's in battle or otherwise particularly active
he's incredibly meticulous when it comes to his physical appearance, he prides himself on being well-groomed. especially his tail, he enchanted a brush specifically to help him keep it free of matting
brick is still brick, absolutely nothing has changed about him except his power level, which has only increased
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custardmylovewrites · 2 months
☘ Requiem for Yesterday // prologue + chapter 1
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SUMMARY: Kobii is a boy who knows very little about most things, which isn't exactly ideal when faced with a very big landscape full of both creatures that won't hesitate to harm him and the local towns people not exactly welcoming him with open arms. But, that's fine, he has nothing to worry about. Not remembering where he came from? It's best to focus on the future! Not remembering his family? If they're not around, its for the best! Flashes of a godly figure he can't remember appear in his dreams and having a suspiciously similar phone to said godly figure that tells him every single task he should concern himself with doing? Well, that just makes it easier to manage tasks!
WARNINGS: none for this chapter! :D
NOTES: here's the first chapter of the fic that made me want to make a tumblr in the first place! This fic is a multi-chapter Pokemon Legends Arceus fic focused on an oc! It will have no ships unless canon and focuses on found family vibes mainly :D It's also available on A03 or Wattpad if they're more your jam.
masterlist | chapter 1 | next chapter
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"You know I'm proud of you right?" Kobii stopped trying to battle the hotel's fitted sheets and turned to face his mother who was standing in the doorway with a soft smile on her face, the soft yellow glow of the lamps in the room illuminating the space.
"Of course, I do, why?" He responded with a slightly confused tone. Sierra looked upon her son with nothing but pride and love, walking over to him and ruffling his hair.
"You've grown so much during the last few months. You've helped countless people and made some lovely new friends. I hope you're ready for a pretty boring vacation in comparison to your last adventure." Kobii looked up at her before grinning,
"I think boring sounds really good right now." He leaned back out of range of any further hair ruffling, causing Sierra just to sigh with a smile.
"I'm sure you'll think otherwise next week." She took one last look at her son and walked back to the doorway,
"I love you, don't stay up too late alright? I was thinking we could go to Mount Coronet and have a picnic tomorrow." Kobii nodded with a smile. "I won't, love you too. Goodnight mum." .
Kobii awoke to the taste of sand in his mouth, the third worst place for sand to be, a pounding headache and the sound of faint yelling in the distance that was slowly getting closer. So, perfectly normal. He thinks. Pushing himself up to sit up, he ignores the yelling that is in fact still getting closer and prioritises spitting out the sand that had invaded his mouth. In the back of his head, he has a small thought questioning why and how he got to be in such close proximity of said sand, but the reasoning behind such a thought is gone as soon as it came.
Sitting up, he was met with a relatively small beach and a sky that was currently progressing towards late afternoon. Another nudge to his hand pressed into the sand brought his attention away from the landscape and to a small creature.
'Cyndaquil, a fire type Pokémon.' The thought felt both familiar and foreign at the same time, although this didn't stop Kobii from giving the smiling creature a light, if not slightly confused, pat on the head. It let out a happy noise in response, along with two other noises from behind him which turned out to be two other Pokémon.
'Oshawott and Rowlett. Water type and grass type.'
Kobii kept his gaze on the two before the sound of heavy footsteps got closer. The footsteps belonged to a man dressed strangely. Why was it strange? Kobii himself didn't quite know why but in his mind it didn't quite fit. The man wore a white lab coat, waistcoat and black bowtie combo and a purple beanie with a white pom-pom. Instead of commenting on the bold if not clashing colours and themes, Kobii waited for the man to catch his breath once he reached where he was currently sitting on the sand.
"My boy, are you alright?" The stranger asked, a genuine look of concern, if not also mixed with a bit of wonder, crossed his face as he took in the boy's appearance.
A white shirt with short sleeves and short black pants one would wear in warmer weather. The stranger continued to speak before Kobii could even collect his thoughts enough to give the man a cohesive answer.
"You gave me quite the shock falling from the sky like that," He spoke with a smile,
"But thank goodness you seem unharmed!" Kobii wasn't quite sure what the man was on about but at least he didn't seem threatening, if the choice of headwear didn't point that out already.
"... Who are you?" He stood up from the sand, much by the disappointment of Cyndaquil who seemed to be trying to nap on one of his feet.
"I'd like to ask you the same! I mean...you did fall out of the SKY you understand?" Kobii did not understand.
"Come now – Who in the world does that!?" The man asked quite bewildered, oblivious to the fact that the boy looked just as confused as he did in this moment; Although he did look Kobii over properly, perhaps to double check for serious injury.
"I must say," He spoke thoughtfully,
"Your clothing is...unusual. You wouldn't happen to have an acquaintance in these parts would you?"
"Where.. exactly are these parts?" Kobii replied, slowly realising how strange the situation was becoming. And also, the headache that was forming in the back of his head.
"Why, this is Prelude Beach of course." The man's look became slightly worrisome as he continued,
"Dear me, did the shock of your fall somehow addle your memory?" He asked. Kobii himself took a moment to think about it before shrugging,
"Can't say the name is ringing any Chinglings for me."
'What is a Chingling?' Kobii just said it like it was normal, but he couldn't seem to actually pinpoint what a Chingling was. Perhaps a device? The man continued unaware of Kobii's dilemma.
"I see...you seem to be in a bit of a pickle. Might I offer some directions? Do you have anywhere around here you could stay?" Despite his mind urging him to nod, he shook his head.
"Doubt it.." He mumbled. The man frowned.
"So you don't know anyone here, and you don't even know where to spend the night...Well...this is a proper pickle indeed." He said unhelpfully.
"Are you quite sure you'll be able to survive?" At first the question seemed a bit out of pocket for one to say, especially to someone of his age, he's only fourteen! But just as soon as he thought of that, he also couldn't come up with why that would be. Kobii resolved on just shaking his head again.
"I see..." The man grinned and nodded as if making up his mind on an important decision.
"Well, no gentleman would abandon a person in such need!" He exclaimed, much to the relief of Kobii. It was then that the three Pokémon who had previously been waiting at Kobii's feet decided they didn't have enough attention and decided to make themselves relevant again.
"Oh my, I'd completely forgotten!" The stranger said, focusing his gaze onto the Pokémon.
"I had just caught up with these three runaway Pokémon when you tumbled out of the sky...It's almost as if they knew you'd appear here!" The man grinned. Kobii doubted it but when he looked down at them, the three creatures seemed to give him playful expressions. Huh.
"Ah, but do you even know what a Pokémon is?" This made Kobii focus back onto the man. Although he himself didn't exactly know what a Pokémon was, he found that he felt compelled to nod. And after all, he did recognise these three somehow so maybe the growing headache he had was to blame? He nodded. The stranger seemed happy with his answer.
"My, that's a relief! Though you fell from the sky, it seems we have some common ground, eh?" Before Kobii could even respond to his comments, he kept speaking.
"Yes, well, these three Pokémon belong to me, mysterious creatures that they are." The Pokémon at Kobii's feet, moved to chase each other around the man's feet, happily chatting amongst themselves in their own ways. He smiled and crossed his arms, looking up once again.
"Oh yes, and...what might your name be?"
"Kobii." He responded immediately. Although his mind was a mess at the moment, he was sure of this. The man nodded.
"Oho, so you're called Kobii! That name has quite the ring to it! I imagine it must have some lovely meaning." The man grinned and crossed his arms, before his expression became one of surprise.
"Oh, but I do apologize! I haven't even introduced myself! My name is Laventon. I am something of a Pokémon Professor."
'Pokémon Professor..' The term sounded familiar to Kobii although he couldn't pinpoint if it was because he knew of some other person with the role, or it was purely because he had heard of the role before. Professor Laventon continued on, not seeming to notice the boy's slight confusion or recognition of the term.
"That is to say, I'm a scholar seeking to deepen our understanding of Pokémon." He nodded to himself, as if used to people not fully understanding what the term meant.
"Yes, Pokémon such as these three here, whi-" As soon as Laventon had turned to gesture to the three creatures, they turned and ran up the beach, past a slightly run down wooden hut and around a grassy corner.
"Oh blast and bother! My darling Pokémon! Why must you run from me again!?" The professor exclaimed, looking he was just about to give chase before turning back to Kobii,
"I'm terribly sorry, but do you think you could help me round them up? I beg you!" He seemed desperate, perhaps Pokémon were a lot more dangerous than Kobii thought? Without waiting for a response, Laventon turned and started to run after the creatures.
"Wait you three! Waiiiit!" Kobii took this moment to put a hand to his head and take a deep breath, the Professor's yelling not helping his now growing headache. He took one breath in, one breath out, and looked out to the seemingly never ending ocean behind him, rolling blue waves crashing against the sand and a small wooden boat tied to an equally small wooden dock. Taking one last moment to enjoy the almost quiet scenery, Kobii started to walk towards the sounds of Laventon's pleas and the sounds of Pokémon.
He was close to the corner where the sounds of Laventon's struggle seemed to be coming from when something shining on the ground to his left caught his attention. Stepping closer to it, although with slight caution, quiet beeps coming from the object could be heard. He took a few steps closer to it before carefully picking it up. A black smooth surface with a hard white outer case and strange yellow details, a few shiny green gems were on it too.
'A phone with a weird case..' Kobii didn't even bother trying to ponder how he knew what a phone was or how he forgot what it was in the first place. He turned it over in his hands a few times before looking at the shut off screen again. Suddenly the screen flickered to life, causing Kobii to nearly drop the device. A single message was displayed;
'I bestow upon thee this Arc Phone and thy mission: seek out all Pokémon.'
Huh. All Pokémon... Kobii himself felt a tiny bit of dread at the thought of seeking out all Pokémon, despite not knowing how many Pokémon there even were. He guessed it was probably more than ten. Not wanting to dwell on it more, he slipped the newly dubbed Arc Phone into a pocket in his shorts and continued to walk towards where he assumed Laventon was struggling trying to catch the three Pokémon from earlier.
Kobii walked up to Laventon, who was standing in the middle of a small field, the ground below them dirt from constant foot traffic he assumed. The professor sighed, shaking his head.
"Alas... yet another miss!" Hearing Kobii's approach, he turned around with a smile, his failures seeming to not dampen his mood as much as one thought they would.
"Aha! I'm glad you've come to my rescue, my new friend from the sky!" He didn't bother asking what the professor meant by that, surely he didn't actually fall from the sky. Right?
"I tried catching my little runaways by tossing some poke balls their way, but I'm not the best at this sort of thing you see..." He explained, with a troubled expression, crossing his arms once again.
"I'd love to give you a go at it, but perhaps I should tell you more about these three first?" For once, he seemed to wait for Kobii to give his own response, he promptly nodded.
Laventon smiled and turned to point to the most birdlike out of the three creatures, who was scratching around on a small grassy incline.
"Now, that one is Rowlet!"
'So I was right..' Kobii noted as the Professor continued.
"Rowlet can photosynthesize like a plant and apparently it uses it battles using it's sharp feathers." With that, Rowlet stopped scratching around to stretch out it's short brown wings and let out a krooing sound. Laventon then pointed to the one Kobii had recognised to be Cyndaquil, it was darting around some rocks on a dirt patch, the flames on it's back flaring up occasionally.
"That one over there is Cyndaquil! The fire burning on Cyndaquil's back will flare up whenever it is surprised or irate." And just like that, Cyndaquil came to a skidding stop and stretched, the flames on it's back flaring up for a moment before it continued to race around.
And finally, Laventon directed his attention over towards the last creature who was investigating the small shallow pond.
"The Pokémon by the pond is Oshawott. Oshawott naps while floating on the water, and it can battle using the shell like object on it's belly!" Even though the small facts the Professor offered were pretty obvious, Kobii could tell he seemed genuinely interested and excited with sharing his knowledge on them with someone else.
"Oh my! I nearly forgot to cover the most crucial thing—How to go about catching a Pokémon!" As Laventon turned to face Kobii, he felt the strangest feeling of déjà vu, nearly as if he had been in this exact situation before and heard a phrase startingly similar. Something in the back of his mind told him to be ready to hold something. What that something was, Kobii wasn't quite sure.
Reaching into the pockets of his white coat, Laventon pulled out a singular ball and handed it to him with a smile.
"Here you are, my boy: Poke balls! Throw these at Pokémon to catch them!" Kobii looked over the smooth wooden ball, tracing his fingers over the cool metal clasp. For a moment, he thought to ask why it was made of wood, but he couldn't think of why it wouldn't be made of wood. For some strange reason, the fact it was a more vermilion and light brown instead of bright red and pure white made him feel a bit strange in a way he couldn't pinpoint.
Assuming Kobii's examination of the balls to be one of unfamiliarity, Laventon continued on with his explanation,
"Ah, but that won't do for an explanation, will it? I do apologize. Let me be more thorough." He grinned.
"Now, I've mentioned already that Pokémon are strange, marvellous creatures. What's so strange about them you ask?" Laventon continued, starting a spiel that Kobii thought sounded oddly like he had either rehearsed it or had said it multiple times.
"Well, each and every Pokémon is able to shrink itself down to miniscule size!" As ridiculous and far fetched that idea sounded, it also didn't sound all that surprising or far fetched to him.
"And that's where poke balls come in!" He nodded along as he spoke with a grin,
"Poke balls are a recent invention, you see. Throw one at a Pokémon and why, the Pokémon will shrink down and fit inside the ball, comfy as can be!"
The small pit of unease and slight distress that had been at the bottom of Kobii's stomach since he had awoken on the beach grew tenfold as soon as he heard about the poke balls, more specifically how recently they had been invented, but yet again, he couldn't tell why he felt this way.
"And with that, you've caught a Pokémon!" The professor grinned as he finished his explanation. Kobii hoped his growing worry wasn't visible on his face.
"I know we've just met, but I have no one else to turn to," He shook his head with a slight frown,
"I'd be awfully grateful if you could catch my three runaways!" He held his hands in a pleading motion. Well, Kobii already had the poke ball in his hand, which he couldn't say didn't give him a little sense of comfort for whatever reason. With that, he slowly nodded.
"Um, I can try?" To be honest, he couldn't tell if he'd be able to accomplish the task if even a Pokémon Professor couldn't, but again, he had a feeling in his gut that he'd be fine. Even if his answer didn't exactly scream confidence, Laventon smiled nonetheless,
"Now, the proper technique is to take aim at the Pokémon, then let the ball fly—it's quite simple!" He then seemed to deflate a little as he continued to speak.
"Though, far be it from me to say so, I suppose, given my own dire lack of skill in this area."
"W-well, at least you're good at explaining it? I think I've got the idea." Kobii tried to console, although he hadn't actually seen the Professor's skill or lack thereof. However, he seemed to appreciate it anyways.
"Exactly! Now, go and try it for yourself! I will wait here so I don't accidently spook them." He grinned and offered a thumbs up. With that vote of confidence, Kobii turned to face the field and choose which Pokémon he would try to catch first...
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I loved it, MBD! Thank you! I'm always happy to extend my birthday :) and safe Claire is my favorite Claire.
As the forest opened out into a clearing, the big house at Lallybroch came into view. Clinging to Jamie, Claire peeked around him to watch as they rode steadily closer. Though she yearned for a nice warm fire and a clean bed, she was actively disappointed that her alone time with him was coming to an end. 
Holding her hand tight against his chest, he kept her close to him, her legs tightening around his as the gait of their horse widened - his steps elongating as he strode down the hill and into the valley. Sensing her hesitance, Jamie halted Donas, the large black stallion, beside a small stream, pulled them both from his back and tied him to the nearest post.
“Yer worrit?” Jamie asked, giving her chance to read his lips before leaning in to place a delicate kiss on her forehead.
‘Everything’s changing.’ She signed, sighing as she licked her dry lips and buried her hands in his coat - warming them in an instant.
“Aye,” he whispered in her ear, the wind rising for just a moment as their hair fanned out around their heads. The chill made her shiver and Jamie clutched her closer for another minute, revelling in the silence that surrounded them. He had no idea how Jenny would take the news of their handfast. She was feisty at the best of times, but when news was sprung on her - she was liable to take it either way and it made him a little nervous.
On the horizon he spotted movement - possibly Jenny, or one of the bairns. He knew from Murtagh’s stories of his ancestral home that Jenny had married his best friend, Ian Murray. Dougal had spread some fairly atrocious rumours through Leoch that his sister had taken up residence with the redcoat captain who’d ousted him from his home and Murtagh had been kind enough to ride out here and see whether it bore any truth. It had settled his mind to be told it was all nonsense but he wished he’d been able to come himself.
Sensing a change in the air, the atmosphere tightening around them somehow, Claire took hold of Jamie’s hand and kissed each of his fingers individually. They were rough and large - bigger than Frank’s hands, but with it they were gentle. He was always soft, his ministrations soothing her rather than causing her any pain. She marvelled for a moment at how he could treat her with such reverence when he could clearly crush empires in his grip.
Soft droplets of rain brought her out of her reverie as she slipped a quick kiss at the base of his neck.
“We should go,” Jamie sighed, “before the heavens open and soak us both.”
Nodding, Claire allowed him to help her back onto Donas before untying the braying stallion and mounting him in front of her.
Her belly clenched the closer they got the main house, feeling sicker as the large brick arch towered above them. Part of it was the morning sickness showing itself, but she didn’t doubt that it was being exacerbated by the thought of meeting Jamie’s family. Painfully aware of the reception she’d received at Leoch, she wondered how Jenny and Ian would react to a deaf mute who’d arrived attached -quite literally- to their brother. At best she expected cool indifference but Murtagh had warned her before they’d parted ways about Jenny Murray’s sharp and sometimes cruel tongue.
Closing her eyes, she gripped Jamie’s jacket as hard as she could trying to dispel the nausea that was currently ravaging her. Breathing in through her nose and out through her mouth, she settled her cheek against his back and concentrated on the soothing motions of the horse beneath her, swaying to and fro as they rode up and under the arch and into the courtyard of Lallybroch itself.
In moments the place was buzzing with life. Jamie barely had time to hoist Claire from Donas before Jenny descended, Ian in tow. He wanted to tell her that it would be alright, but he didn’t get the chance as Jenny launched herself at him, wrapping her arms around his waist before pushing him backwards to take him in.
“Damn ye, brother!” She castigated, slapping him lightly on the chest as she cocked her head to the left. “I kent ye were alive when uncle Murtagh came by, but ye didna half scare me to death.”
“It’s good to see ye too, lass.” He jested, stepping to the side to allow Claire to shimmy forwards and take his hand. “And there’s someone I’d like ye to meet.”
Solely focused on Jenny’s face, she didn’t read what Jamie was saying but she felt the vibrations of his voice from where they were joined and she took solace in the close contact. She could tell in an instant that Jenny wasn’t pleased. Not being able to hear, Claire had attuned herself to the facial reactions of others - talking was one thing, but body language had its own distinct variations and she could usually read them well.
With her shoulders suddenly tightened, the muscles in her fingers pulsing with a sort of wary interest, Jenny Murray turned and quirked a brow in Claire’s direction. The hostility was clear, a flash of something akin to distrust flared behind her eyes as she took one deliberate step forwards.  
“Ye canna talk?” She asked, her arms crossing over her chest as she tapped her foot impatiently against the floor.
It was only three words but to Claire it felt like the start of an interrogation. Jenny did not mean to accept her into the fold easily. She shook her head. She did think about signing, but she had no idea whether Jenny would understand her so she refrained from doing so.
“Or hear? None of these things yet ye ken what I’m saying to ye?”
Though the intonation wasn’t clear but the meaning was.
“Janet!” Jamie snapped, feeling Claire flinch beside him. “She is my wife, ye will hold yer tongue.”
“This is my home.” She hissed. “I will no’ be silenced whilst I still breath under its roof, aye, brother? I’ve been here, looking after what mam and da built for us whilst ye’ve been unable to come home and here ye are, wi’ a wife nonetheless, telling me to haud my tongue - well, I willna! How do ye ken who she is if she canna talk to ye?”
Jenny’s finger was hovering perilously close to Claire’s chest, her face clear enough that she could understand every word.
“And how can she even understand me when she canna hear? Yer being had, lad.” She continued, not waiting for Jamie to answer any of her questions.
“She can read yer lips!” Jamie spat back, his posture rigid as he pulled Claire closer to his side. “And Murtagh can sign, if ye hadna recalled. He’s been teaching me and acting as interpreter when it was needed. I didna come home to be berated by ye, Janet Fraser Murray, nor did Claire.”
Wrapping his arms around Jenny, Ian gave an apologetic glance to Claire before pulling his wife back a little. “I think we should all take a deep breath and come in for a wee dram, aye? Yer tired, Jenny. Wee Jamie has been keeping her up at night recently,” he added as if to explain her dire mood, “and I’m sure yer no’ well rested if ye’ve been sleeping rough in the woods the last few nights. Let’s get some food and drink in us all and we can talk - in a more civilized way.” He whispered in Jenny’s ear as he steered her inside.
Jamie followed with Claire in tow. Again he thought about keeping her back - to apologise for his sisters rude appraisal more than anything else - but Jenny turned her head to look at him before he had chance causing him to abandon the thought immediately. Clearly they weren’t going to get any free time whilst she had anything to do with it.
Tea was a quiet affair. Ian and Jamie kept quiet counsel over the table as Jenny poured a slug of good whisky for each of them and Claire watched from the sidelines. Her assertive nature still bubbling beneath the surface, she felt as though this moment wasn’t the right time to pick a fight with Jenny and the feeling of helplessness began to spread through her like a wild fever.
It was fight or flight and she wanted to run away.
She had no ammunition here. Jenny could scream and shout, make crude and cruel remarks should she wish and Claire would be able to nothing in return. Sure, she could sign out her anger - but none of them were likely to understand her. The dull thud of her heart echoed in her ruined ears, the sound of it emanating through every inch of her body as she tried to calm her fragile nerves.
With the tension running high in the small kitchen, Jamie lost sight of Claire’s frantic internal panic, his attention focused on his sister and brother-in-law and they cast subtle glances at her where she sat by his side. It felt like the evening had lasted a lifetime and, sensing her discomfort, Ian rose, coughed and held out a hand for Claire.
“Weel, I think yer lass looks fairly weary, Jamie,” he said, a small smile covering his face, “maybe I should show her where yer rooms are on my way to bed, aye, Jenny?” He let his hand hover over the back of Jenny’s chair as if to suggest that she needed to walk away and calm down but she didn’t seem to heed her husband’s prompting.
Instead, Claire nodded, placing her unused napkin on the table and pushing her full -untouched- plate of food away.
Jamie turned in his chair, but didn’t get up either.
“I’ll be up shortly, mo nighean, aye?” He mouthed quietly up at her.
Claire nodded before turning her back on the table and following Ian out into the hall. Neither made any attempt at further conversation as he lead her through the silent Lallybroch halls and up onto the next floor of the property. Opening the door to a large suite, Ian ushered her inside before cocking his head to the left and taking a small step backwards.
“It was nice to meet ye, Claire.” He said louder than he meant to. A strong blush coated his cheeks as he remembered that she couldn’t hear him no matter how much he raised his voice. “I’m sure tomorrow will be a better day, sleep well.”
After the door had been shut firmly behind him, she took one large breath and headed towards the large bed. The sheets had been freshly washed, that she could tell and the fire had been lit but they’d sat downstairs for such a long time that the flames had long since extinguished themselves. Still, a warmth hovered in the air which made her grateful. Stripping down to her shift, she let the moisture gather in her eyes - the thought of Jenny’s anger causing her heart to pound heavily in her chest.
Having encountered distain from some of the inhabitants at Leoch, she was used to ignoring some of the ruder behaviours exhibited by the few. But Jenny was a different matter entirely. Jamie had accepted her from the very first moment they’d met, and to her, he was the only thing that mattered. Some cursory inhospitality from strangers was one thing, but she didn’t expect to experience that from his family.
A throb rolled through her at the memory of their arrival.
She desperately wanted to feel at home here. Jamie had spoken at length about his longing to remain here once they’d settled and she wanted that too. For too long she’d roamed this earth looking for somewhere to belong. Now she’d finally found the other half of herself, the part that she’d been missing in the future and she felt hollow at the thought of his family casting her out.
Sneaking under the sheets, she turned her head and buried her face in the pillows - allowing the firm material to soak up the water from her tears as she sobbed openly, her shoulders shaking mercilessly as her shuddery gasps for breath echoed around the silent room.  
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