#my gayz
pikahlua · 10 months
MHA Chapter 408 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 "与一"と名付けたのは自分に最初に与えられたものだったからだ "よいち"となづけたのはじぶんにさいしょにあたえられたものだったからだ "Yoichi" to nadzuketa no wa jibun ni saisho ni ataerareta mono datta kara daHe named [his brother] "Yoichi" because [his brother] was the first thing given to him.
tagline 1 自分のものにならないのなら… じぶんのものにならないのなら… jibun no mono ni naranai no nara... If he won't become his...
tagline 2 No.408 努努‼︎GANRIKI 堀越耕平 ナンバー408 ゆめゆめ‼︎がんりき ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 408  yumeyume!! ganriki   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 408 Relentless eyes*!!  Kouhei Horikoshi (*Note: This chapter title is as interesting as it is incomprehensible. "Yumeyume" is a word that means basically "more, extra, whatever it is but PLUS ULTRA," and "ganriki" is something of a meme Horikoshi loves and uses a lot in MHA that refers to eyes bright and extra detailed to the point of being distracting or over-defined. It can refer to the eyes or even just the "power within the eyes" or one's gaze. All together it's basically just some nebulous sort of concept of eyes that are bright/sharp with dreams or effort or toil or just EYES, BUT EXTRA.)
3 弟が彼の元を去ってから おとうとがかれのもとをさってから otouto ga kare no moto wo satte kara Since his younger brother had left him,
4 約2ヵ月が経っていた やく2ヵげつがたっていた yaku 2kagetsu ga tatte ita about 2 months have passed.
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1 所有物を奪った青年と目が合うも おとうとをうばったせいねんとめがあうも otouto (kanji: shoyuubutsu) wo ubatta seinen to me ga au mo He met eyes with the young man who stole his younger brother (read as: property), but
2 彼の眼球は生まれつき薄膜が張ったように艶がないので かれのがんきゅうはうまれつきうすまくがはったようにつやがないので kare no gankyuu wa umaretsuki usumaku ga hatta you ni tsuyaganai no his eyeballs were lackluster from birth, as if they were covered with a thin film, so
3 その瞳に青年が映り込む事はなかった そのひとみにせいねんがうつりこむことはなかった sono hitomi ni seinen ga utsurukomu koto wa nakatta the young man was not reflected in those eyes.
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1 僕が「与えた」筈の異能が消えていた ぼくが「あたえた」はずのいのうがきえていた boku ga 「ataeta」 hazu no inou ga kiete ita The meta ability I definitely gave him had disappeared.
2 「他人から奪ったモノ」「隷属させる為に奪ったモノ」はいらないと拒み続けた与一に無理矢理与えた力… 「ひとからうばったモノ」「れいぞくさせるためにうばったモノ」はいらないとこばみつづけたあいつにむりやりあたえたちから… 「hito (kanji: tanin) kara ubatta MONO」 「reizoku saseru tame ni ubatta MONO」 wa iranai to kobami tsudzuketa aitsu (kanji: Yoichi) ni muriyari ataeta chikara... The power he forcibly gave Yoichi, who kept refusing, saying he didn't need "something taken from others" or "something stolen in order to enslave"...
3 こんな事は今までなかった こんなことはいままでなかった konna koto wa ima made nakatta This sort of thing has never happened until now.
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1 いや…与一に"異能"がないのは僕の力で確認している いや…よいちに"いのう"がないのはぼくのちからでかくにんしている iya...Yoichi ni "inou" ga nai no wa boku no chikara de kakunin shite iru No...I'm confirming with my power that Yoichi does not have any meta abilities.
2 自我も芽生えぬ頃に「奪った」かと思っていたが… じがもめばえぬころに「うばった」かとおもっていたが… jiga mo mebaenu koro ni 「ubatta」 ka to omotte ita ga... I thought I stole it before I even had a sense of self, but...
3 僕の"異能"が認識できぬ程に小さく機能しないゴミが検査で見つかった ぼくの"いのう"がにんしきできぬほどにちいさくきのうしないゴミがけんさでみつかった boku no "inou" ga ninshiki dekinu hodo ni chiisaku kinou shinai GOMI ga kensa de mitsukatta I found upon inspection a piece of trash that was too small to be recognized by my meta ability.
4 形成時の栄養不足によって形にならなかった因子のようなもの… けいせいじのえいようぶそくによってかたちにならなかったいんしのようなもの… keiseiji no eiyou busoku ni yotte katachi ni naranakatta inshi no you na mono... Something like a factor that did not take shape due to lack of nutrition during its formation...
5 まさか…動いたのか…? まさか…うごいたのか…? masaka...ugoita no ka...? It can't be... Did it move...?
6 リーダーあの敗戦の時ーー リーダーあのはいせんのときーー RIIDAA ano haisen no toki-- "Leader, at the time of that defeat--"
7 AFOには触られてないんだよな? オール・フォー・ワンにはさわられてないんだよな? OORU FOO WAN ni wa sawararetenainda yo na? "you weren't touched by All For One, right?"
8 しつこいなブルース shitsukoi na BURUUSU "You're so obstinate, Bruce."
9 結果だけ伝えろ けっかだけつたえろ kekka dake tsutaero "Just tell me the results."
10 「あの日以降全身に違和感」…よく気付いたよ… 「あのひいこうぜんしんにいわかん」…よくきづいたよ… 「ano hi ikou zenshin ni iwakan」...yoku kidzuita yo... "You noticed it well...how since that day something's felt out of place all over your body..."
11 因子が2つある… いんしが2つある… inshi ga 2tsu aru... "You have two factors..."
12 生来のものと…出来損ないのような小さいものが せいらいのものと…できそこないのようなちいさいものが seirai no mono to...dekisokonai no you na chiisai mono ga "Your innate one, and...a small, seemingly useless* one." (Note: FYI this term, "dekisokonai," is the word Izuku uses in DvK1 to tell Katsuki that his "Deku" name won't always mean "useless.")
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1 ……なんとなくそうじゃないかと思ってた ……なんとなくそうじゃないかとおもってた ......nantonaku sou ja nai ka to omotteta "......Somehow, I was thinking that was the case."
2 与えた"異能"が消えたのは…足りない部分を補う為に取り込み…「奪った」…! あたえた"いのう"がきえたのは…たりないぶぶんをおぎなうためにとりこみ…「うばった」…! ataeta "inou" ga kieta no wa...tarinai bubun wo oginau tame ni torikomi...「ubatta」...! The [reason] the meta ability I gave him disappeared...was because he took it in to make up for the missing part... [He] stole it...!
3 僕は兄さんを止められなかった ぼくはにいさんをとめられなかった boku wa niisan wo tomerarenakatta "I couldn't stop my older brother."
4 僕を生かしてくれた ぼくをいかしてくれた boku wo ikashite kureta "[You]* kept me alive." (*Note: Yoichi is likely speaking to AFO in this frame as implied by the art.)
5 他人が玩具やゲームにしか見えてない ひとがおもちゃやゲームにしかみえてない hito (kanji: tanin) ga omocha ya GEEMU ni shika mietenai "He saw other people as nothing more than toys or games."
6 もしほんの少しでも他人を思い遣れていたらーーーー もしほんのすこしでもひとをおもいやれていたらーーーー moshi hon no sukoshi demo hito (kanji: tanin) wo omoiyarete itara---- "If [you]* could be even a little considerate of other people----" (*Note: Yoichi is likely speaking to AFO in this frame as implied by the art.)
7 俺の中に与一の意志が おれのなかによいちのいしが ore no naka ni Yoichi no ishi ga "Yoichi's will is inside me."
8 まだ在るのか まだあるのか mada aru no ka "So it still exists?"
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1 与えるも奪うも あたえるもうばうも ataeru mo ubau mo "Whether giving or taking away,"
2 世界一優しい力になったかもしれないのに せかいいちやさしいちからになったかもしれないのに sekai ichi yasashii chikara ni natta kamo shirenai noni "it might have become the kindest power in the world."
3 涙を出せば狼狽させられるから出した なみだをだせばろうばいさせられるからだした namida wo daseba roubai saserareru kara dashita If I shed tears it would make me flustered, so I shed them.
4-8 嫌がる事と望んでいる事を操り貶めそうやって手中に収めてきた いやがることとのぞんでいることをあやつりおとしめそうやってしゅちゅうにおさめてきた iyagaru koto to nozonde iru koto wo ayatsuri otoshime sou yatte shuchuu ni osamete kita I took possession of that which I hate and that which I desire through manipulation and degradation.
9 なのにおまえは nanoni omae wa But you
10 思い通りにならない おもいどおりにならない omoidoori ni naranai did not go the way I wanted.
11-12 ただ欲しいだけなのに ただほしいだけなのに tada hoshii dake nanoni I only* want [you], but (*Note: He's not saying he wants Yoichi and nothing else but that the only thing he feels is desire in this situation. You could read the "only" here as "simply" to have it make better sense.)
13 追っても おっても ottemo even though I chase
14 追っても おっても ottemo and I chase,
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1 すり抜けていく すりぬけていく surinukete iku [you] slip through the cracks.
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1 おまえのせいだ omae no sei da "It's because of you,"
2 駆藤‼︎ くどう‼︎ Kudou!! "Kudou!!"
3 駆藤!奴の血縁は絶やした!それだけじゃない奴に近しかった女も子どもも疑わしきは全て! くどう!やつのけつえんはたやした!それだけじゃないやつにちかしかったおんなもこどももうたがわしきはすべて! Kudou! yatsu no ketsuen wa tayashita! sore dake ja nai yatsu ni chikashikatta onna mo kodomo mo utagawashiki wa subete! Kudou! I eradicated his blood relatives! Not only them, but all the women and children and anyone suspicious who were close to him!
4 もし奴の血ならばーーー もしやつのちならばーーー moshi yatsu no chi naraba--- If [Bakugou] has that guy's blood---
5 あの時何か感じるものがあった筈! あのときなにかかんじるものがあったはず! ano toki nani ka kanjiru mono ga atta hazu! I surely would have felt something back then!
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1 ー眼が!あの時はまだその眼じゃなかった‼︎ ーめが!あのときはまだそのめじゃなかった‼︎ -me ga! ano toki wa mada sono me ja nakatta!! --His eyes! Back then, he didn't have those eyes yet!!
2 ただの空似だ ただのそらにだ tada no sorani da It's just an accidental resemblance.
3 だが今確かに駆藤に似た意志が だがいまたしかにあのおとこににたいしが daga ima tashika ni ano otoko (kanji: Kudou) ni nita ishi ga But right now, there is certainly a will similar to that man's (read as: Kudou's)
4 時空を超えて じくうをこえて jikuu wo koete transcending space and time, and
5 僕を阻んでいるのだ‼︎ ぼくをはばんでいるのだ‼︎ boku wo habande iru no da!! it's blocking me!!
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1 "ワープ"で強制的に引き剥がそうにも転送可能ポイントは "ワープ"できょうせいてきにひきはがそうにもてんそうかのうポイントは "WAAPU" de kyouseiteki ni hiki hagasou ni mo tensou kanou POINTO wa Even if I were to forcibly remove him with a warp, the transferable points are
2 すぐ近くのオールマイトか弔の位置しかない…! すぐちかくのオールマイトかとむらのいちしかない…! sugu chikaku no OORU MAITO ka Tomura no ichi shika nai...! only the positions of nearby All Might or Tomura...!
3 これ以上交戦し体を小さくするわけにはいかない‼︎ これいじょうこうせんしからだをちいさくするわけにはいかない‼︎ kore ijou kousen shi karada wo chiisaku suru wake ni wa ikanai!! I can't afford to engage in battle any more than this and make my body smaller!!
4 弔の元に辿り着いても とむらのもとにたどりついても Tomura no moto ni tadori tsuitemo Even if I reach where Tomura is,
5 彼は既に僕を拒否しているのだ争いは必至 かれはすでにぼくをきょひしているのだあらそいはひっし kare wa sude ni boku wo kyohi shite iru no da arasoi wa hisshi he has already refused me. A fight is inevitable.
6 "譲渡"を成立させる為余力を残しておかねばならない "じょうと"をせいりつさせるためよりょくをのこしておかねばならない "jouto" wo seiritsu saseru tame yoryoku wo nokoshite okaneba naranai I must leave enough energy to make the transfer happen.
7 …と思っていたがもういい… …とおもっていたがもういい… ...to omotte ita ga mou ii... "...or so I thought, but enough..."
8 おまえを殺すのもゴールも譲渡も… おまえをころすのもゴールもじょうとも… omae wo korosu no mo GOORU mo jouto mo... "I'll kill you, [reach my] goal, and [do the] transfer..."
9 一括だ いっかつだ ikkatsu da "all at once."
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1 来る くる kuru "[Here it] comes."
2 全因解放 ぜんいんかいほう zen'in kaihou Unleash all factors
3 "全ては一つの目的の為に" "オール・フォー・ワン" "OORU FOO WAN (kanji: subete wa hitotsu no mokuteki no tame ni)" "All for the sake of one goal (read as: All For One)"
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1 押し通る おしとおる oshitooru "I'll push through."
2 あの膨大なエネルギーを推進力に…⁉︎ あのぼうだいなエネルギーをすいしんりょくに…⁉︎ ano boudai na ENERUGII wo suishinryoku ni...!? "He's using that huge amount of energy for propulsion...!?"
3 一気に総取りするつもりだ…! いっきにそうどりするつもりだ…! ikki ni soudori suru tsumori da...! "He plans to take everything all at once...!"
4 ……赤ん坊にまで戻るぞ!賭けに出たか! ……あかんぼうにまでもどるぞ!かけにでたか! ......akanbou ni made modoru zo! kake ni deta ka! ......He'll return to being a baby! He's taking a gamble!
5 避けろ少年ン!!! よけろしょうねんン!!! yokero shounenN!!! "Dodge, young man!!!"
6 バカがてめえんなもん BAKA ga temeenna mon "You really are such an idiot."
7 勝てるわけねーだろ かてるわけねーだろ kateru wake nee daro "There's no way you can win."
tagline しかし、確かに、希望を見据えてーー しかし、たしかに、きぼうをみすえてーー shikashi, tashika ni, kibou wo misuete-- However, certainly, looking toward hope--
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teruel-a-witch · 1 year
i continue to be astounded at the shippy fanfic levels of miscommunication that steve and danny have in canon.
what steve says: i won't allow you to rent a house down the street from mine
what he means: the only move i want you to make is from my couch to my bed, i want you to stay forever but i'm too emotionally stunted to say what i want so i fall back on sounding like an authoritative dick
what danny hears: i not only cannot wait for you to move out, i'm so sick of you i don't even want you to live in my neighborhood
so blinded by their own yearning that can't see the other burn with the same flame.
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*both sick with want* nope, no yearning whatsoever, not even a little pining...
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unhingedandcringe · 3 months
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homie about to get some fanservice
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usertoxicyaoi · 1 year
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"It's quite sad when you think about it. You should go."
STAY WITH ME (2023). Episode 13.
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jankwritten · 2 years
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The card only speaks the truth……
THANKS FOR THE STICKERS BUD @pthalomars cannot wait to adhere the gays to things
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thelazzyblogzz · 11 months
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coffeeshib · 2 years
I'm HERE for your nsfw arting journey
thanks broski, was thinking of only posting when i get decent but might as well just share the embarrassing beginnings (hoerny edition). i can only post that stuff on twitter until tumblr 100% allows to show hole
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ashamed-arcade · 4 months
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oc art!! ^_^
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teruel-a-witch · 1 year
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just bro things: ~softly gazing at each other in the candlelight~
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some-murmurings · 4 months
lagged in procession, lorn
from your colddark home torn
mere halfshadow beside the sun
an unfinished eclipse never begun
lovely stranger bleakly in view:
Daylit moon, do you burn too?
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abysswatchers420 · 2 years
always found it interesting how depending on what niche community you reside in online it changes how you type and talk to people. your internet speak
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natspookie · 1 year
music to my heart
natasha x shy!fem reader
☆ summary : just reader who likes music, and natasha who likes reader
☆ warning : not proofread & messy ….
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natasha was raised to be observant. noticing the details many miss at first glance. her first impression of you was, clearly, shy. but she saw how loud your actions were.
when there were meetings and a question was asked there would be a silence for a moment. she’d see you inhale, about to open your mouth, when someone else answers and you sink back to your chair.
natasha notices the bouncing of your leg when it’s almost your turn to present the mission recap, and the gulp you take before speaking a few quiet words. but she also sees how you straighten your posture, more confident after a while.
but more so, how it’s rare to see you without your earphones. working out, eating breakfast, sitting outside, laying on the bed, there was always those wired earphones connected to your phone.
occasionally natasha could catch a glimpse of the album cover playing on your lock screen.
it was only recently when everyone was gathered in the common room, enjoying free time, when thor returned. you broke your right arm on a mission so you had a cast, unable to move it.
you had left your earphones on the couch while getting a glass of water when thor’s hand accidentally brushed it and a little crackling noise was heard.
natasha turned to the sound and frowned when she saw the white (really a little grey since it’s been used for so long) earphones turn a burnt brown color.
you returned and saw thor examining your earphones. he apologized over and over saying he would get you a new pair as soon as possible, you nodded, muttering a ‘don’t worry’, and took them as you left.
natasha liked that you didn’t say ‘it’s okay’, because you probably wouldn’t have meant it.
natasha decided to check up on you, knocking on your door. she heard a few grunts and things falling but the door opened as you pulled a sweater over your tank top. “hey natasha” you smiled, widening the door with your hand.
“you alright? where are you going?” natasha examined the room “uhh about to get some new earphones” “you’re driving with one hand to the mall” natasha raised a brow “perhaps” you shrugged, putting on your socks.
“i’ll drive you” natasha offered “no! i mean- no..” natasha squint her eyes “.. i don’t want to bother you” “i was bored anyways, see you at the front in 5 minutes” natasha winked and left with no room left to argue.
you laughed quietly before becoming a little nervous. you admired natasha, who didn’t? but you always knew natasha was an observer, you were too. you couldn’t help but feel a little shy as she read you like an open book, that’s what you thought at least.
you met natasha outside as she smirked in her chevrolet corvette stingray. you smiled, hopping inside as you put your seatbelt on.
“so what mall are we going to?” natasha asked “the closest one” you shrugged
it was comfortable silence for awhile until there was a red stop light and natasha fiddled with the screen in the car. she handed her phone to you and you looked at it confused. “play your music, sweetheart” she started the car again as the green light went.
if you were standing you would have fallen to the ground with that nickname. “thanks” you murmured, searching the songs you wanred on her spotify. you smiled already seeing fleetwood mac in her searched.
you played around with it a little, starting off with dreams, then drake’s passionfruit, and some daniel caesar songs. it wasn’t a long ride but natasha could tell you were biased daniel.
she watched from her peripheral as you mouthed the words quietly, gazing (gayzing) out the window.
the walk inside the mall was quiet. natasha insisted she come with you. you bought yourself the normal pair of wired earphones at apple but decided to spoil yourself and get a pair of wireless headphones, just incase.
she didn’t mind staying behind or beside you as you smiled hearing music, testing the different kinds of headphones. you turned around and tapped natasha’s shoulders, she looked at you expectingly as you turned one side of the flexible silver sony headphones to her and she pressed her ear against it. daniel caesar’s “do you like me” flooded her ears
“Is this one good?” you looked at her. she stood up straighter and nodded. “the rose gold one looked cuter on you though” she rasped out while you blushed.
you walked to the counter. you bought the rose gold ones. the ride home all you played was daniel caesar.
you hugged natasha with one arm as a thank you before hurrying to your room, eager to try your new headphones.
natasha wondered if it was a good idea to let you buy them because now, she seemed to talk to you less.
it had been 2 weeks later, arm fully healed when natasha asked you, personally, to assist her on her 3 day long mission. she just wanted to spend more time with you.
you nodded with a small smile and natasha was ecstatic. until she heard you at the kitchen. “hey! i was wondering if you wanted my daniel concert ticket? i don’t think i’ll be able to make it…” natasha saw you fiddling with the blue ticket, her chest tightened. “great! i’ll send over the tickets later, thanks!” natasha made her way to her room, to do research on this concert.
she kept a straight face as the concert was the exact 3 days she had just asked you on a mission for.
natasha would make it up to you.
right after the mission, natasha dropped the team off at the shield headquarters when she flew you both to the next location this daniel caesar was performing. “nat, where are we goin?” you laughed
“surprise” she winked
she asked you to change into your usual clothes and dragged you through the crowd. “oh my god” you saw the banner of the concert “OH MY GOD!” you shrieked as you walked into the theatre “NATASHA! you! i-! what!” you jumbled your words as natasha laughed at your antics, dragging you to good middle upper seats.
“no one has ever done this for me” you admitted, staring into her eyes. people started screaming as your favorite artist entered the stage. you still couldn’t tear your eyes away from natasha.
the song “do you like me” played and you sang quietly the lyrics to natasha ‘low on time i’d like to make a move’ you murmured, inching closer to you, as she did. when your lips met, you felt on fire.
“thanks for driving me to the mall that day” you said against her ear, grinning “thanks for being the music to my heart”
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a/n, i’m seeing daniel next week and this is how i cope… i’ll never be fine again
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mayakern · 6 months
I accidentally ripped one of your skirts that I’ve had for years (star gayzing) and ended up using the opportunity to make my dog new toys and give it a second life through recycling its use. Your skirts bring joy even after its intended purpose is served! 💖☺️
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ohhh i love this! 🥹 this is such a cute idea and your puppy looks so happy with the new toy.. i adore this
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selins-drawings · 1 year
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My favorite pics of Ed, he looks very nice in tank tops. And I hate drawing guns but I had to fill the annoying space, sooo, a pistol it is
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Some sketches of them gayz
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laun-sina · 9 months
FRAN X C.C. || FALLIN' FOR YA I know I shouldn't but I I just can't stop myself from Falling for ya, falling for ya Can't hold on any longer And now I'm falling for you
after how many years of drought i finally found time to make some edits for my favorite duo! AAAA, you can't deny the Gayze in cc's eyes once she saw fran i mean??? hello hello??? HAHAH i hope you guys like this short little thing for the francc fandom <3
disclaimer: i do not own any of the clips used in the video. the video is made for entertainment purposes only, no copyright infringement is intended. all rights belong to the nanny. :>
audio credits: remyhvdley
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