#my grades were pretty good considering i sometimes barely paid attention at the lessons
isabeladraws · 4 years
i finished kotsam and i just wanna say that i love yakov despite the 0 affection and barely any conversation 😔💗
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0506ft · 6 years
i like u as much as u like me but do u like me as much as i like you as you like me? [taeil]
“Ugh, what is that?” Donghyuck muttered in disgust.
“It’s a thestral, Hyuck. You’d know if you actually paid attention in class.” Mark fought, almost annoyed by his younger friend. Donghyuck stuck his tongue out to Mark who only through a rock at him in defense.
“Well whatever it’s called it’s hideous,” Hyuck yelled, pinching his nose. “And smelly.”
“I think it’s kind of pretty.”
You looked over at Taeil who seemed almost awestruck by the creature. His hands reached forward to touch the winged horse before Donghyuck pulled Taeil back. You chuckled, almost amused by the situation.
“Are you crazy?!” Donghyuck exclaimed. “I’m not picking up your ashes when you die. You can get Mark to do that.”
“I’m not picking up his ashes!” Mark yelled back before looking at Taeil, “I mean, he’s not going to die, Hyuck.”
The thing about Taeil was that he was different than others. Though he was quiet and stoic, he was daring, smart and kind. Something about him just made your little heart flutter. Outside of school, Taeil harboured a large interest in magical creatures. He thought each and every one of them were beautiful, no matter how dangerous some of them were. He thought every one of them had their own charm.
Hagrid almost seemed to forget the large creature was famished with how it was inching towards poor Yuta who seemed to have a large piece of meat hanging loose from his back pocket. The thestral screeched as Yuta dropped to the ground. Taeil stepped forward in front of Yuta who had fallen on the floor.
Raising a wand against the large beast, Taeil mumbled a few spells, hoping the beast would calm down. Hagrid, who was about to drag the boy back, stood at the side almost surprised by Taeil. The beast lets out another pitchy shriek before returning back into the woods.
“Wonderful!” Hagrid yelled.
His large stature hanging over Taeil as he hugged the boy, lifting him off the air and placing him back on the ground, proud that at least one student of his was paying attention to his lesson and was excelling well enough to deal with such a creature.
When all of you got back to Hogwarts, you couldn’t seem to get Taeil off your mind. His fluffy hair that had blew against the wind as he stood across the beast, his lips plump and full as he mumbled the spells, you were absolutely whipped by him. You wondered why he was so quiet when he had so much to show. It was a mystery to you. You knew he was one of the smartest kids in class, he was topping every class.
“Hey!” Someone called you. Your head snapped back only to be met by Taeil.
“Uh, hi!” You greeted, bowing. You had no idea why you bowed but decided to ignore the extra courtesy given.
Taeil seemed to have notice your flustered expression and proceeded to give you a small smile as if telling you that he didn’t find it weird.
“Can I help you?” You asked.
“Well,” It was Taeil’s turn to be flustered. You were sure his cheeks were pink, but the dimly lit hallways could be playing tricks on you. “I need your help. I’m really in need of a defense against the dark arts tutor and I thought you could help me.”
“Wait,” You mumbled. “You’re asking me for help?”
Now that got you thinking, you were sure he was the top for almost every class. You were sure he could make it, he had outstanding grades. Though most of your grades for your classes were quite mediocre, the only grade worth bragging about was your Defense against the Dark Arts grades.
“Yeah, I mean, I’m kind of…uh, flunking in the subject and I heard you were one of the top scorers too.” He scratched the back of his head shyly.
“You could’ve asked Jaehyun.” You muttered, coming off cold and brash.
“Oh…I mean I just…sorry, if I made you uncomfortable.” Taeil apologized.
Your eyes widened, hoping he wasn’t offended, “No! I didn’t mean it like that. I just thought that you and Jaehyun were pals.”
“We’re pals with very different personalities. He’d annoy me the whole time. That abrasive know-it-all’s a good friend but a terrible tutor.” He murmured, almost annoyed at the imaginative scenario that played in his head before shaking the thoughts out of his head and placing his focus back onto you. “I just thought I’d ask you. You seem pretty and nice.”
You smiled shyly at his compliments.
Taeil seemed to notice that he said something before shaking his head profusely, “I meant…pretty nice.”
“Oh, so I’m not pretty?” You joked. You didn’t know where the courage was coming from but the small compliment from Taeil had given you a small push over the edge, enough to question him boldly.
“You are! One of the prettiest in Hogwarts actually,” Taeil admitted before slapping his mouth in embarrassment. “I’m sorry, you’re probably very weirded out.”
“Not at all. I find it very cute actually.” You professed. “I’ll meet you at the Ravenclaw common room at 7. Don’t be late.” You smiled before turning and quickening your pace to leave for your room.
During the little study session, Taeil was glad. To be very honest, Taeil had perfect grades, he didn’t need a tutor at all. He just admired you and recently plucked the courage to talk to you but at the sight of your big brown eyes, he was almost in puddles, immediately taking his younger friend, Donghyuck’s, advice which was to lie. So, he did. He lied that he needed a tutor and hoped to God, you didn’t know he was actually the top scorer next to you and Jaehyun.
After the second hour, Taeil was sure he wasn’t even listening. He was just feeling jittery and happy inside, knowing he was so close to you. He could feel the heat radiating from you and his heart was full just being next to you. He constantly took small glances at your face and then blushing only to get caught by you. He’d look back at the book and act like he was listening, but you knew that he had been staring at you.
However, you took it the wrong way. Let’s just say you weren’t the most confident person in the world. To any other person in the world who looked at the situation they’d very much know that Taeil was in love with you. But in all honesty, you thought you had something on your face, that would be the only reason Taeil would glance over to you this much, wouldn’t it?
“Is there something wrong?” Taeil queried, frown lines appeared on his forehead, noticing that you had stopped speaking.
“Uh, no!” You said, returning your gaze back to the book.
“Are you sure? You were staring at the shelf for quite long. Is teaching me boring?” Taeil mumbled.
“No, how could I ever be bored by you?” You confessed before realizing what you had said was completely and utterly insane. You laughed uneasily and shook your head. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. I was feeling the same way.” Taeil blushed.
“Oh.” You chuckled.
Taeil cleared his throat before opening his mouth up to speak, “Uh, I was wondering…if you’d come see me play the quidditch game against Hufflepuff tomorrow.”
Your heart raced, was Taeil actually inviting you to a game? Usually during the game, you were one of the few students who headed back to the dorm to sleep or sometimes read a book. You weren’t that big of a quidditch fan and you barely said it aloud knowing you’d earn gasps and distasteful looks. But strangely, for Taeil, you had agreed to his proposal in a heartbeat.
“Sure thing! What time is it?”
That same question led you to the deafening game. Everyone around you was screaming at the top of their lungs, you were sure you’d have problems hearing after this. Funnily enough, as soon as you saw Taeil at the field, it was as if the whole stadium had turned silent. Your eyes were fixated on him and only him. It was as if he had heard your thoughts about him, he turned around like he was looking for you. Searching the crowd, his eyes finally land on yours. You didn’t really know what to do, considering it was your first time at the game. Giving him two thumbs up, he guffawed before turning back to focus on the game.
You didn’t really understand the game, you just knew they had to catch a golden ball or something like that and the players would ram against each other and sometimes even cause extreme injuries to one another. You didn’t understand why your school condoned such a violent game but you never bothered bringing it up. Though by the end of the game, you learned something new and that was not to cheer when you had no idea what was going on. 
During the game, you had screamed for the opposing team by accident multiple times, confused at the colours and the uniforms of the teams. You gave up midway through the game and decided to just focus on Taeil and everything seemed to go your way afterwards. When he smiled, you smiled. When he frowned, you frowned. When you could sense the anxiety from him miles away, you were feeling just as anxious.
When the game ended, you turned to your left, almost embarrassingly asking the person next to you, who actually won.
“Hufflepuff.” The girl beside you mumbled, a frown on her face.
That meant Taeil lost, right?
You didn’t really know what he’d be feeling since you hadn’t really been into competitive sports like these or even any competition at all.
You spotted Taeil by the very bottom with his broomstick by his side as beads of sweat dripped down his forehead.
Unsure of how he’d be feeling, you kept a small distance away from him.
“Are you alright?” You asked after gathering the courage to go up to him.
His scowl softened when he saw you approaching.
“Yeah, it was a disappointing game. But it’s fine.” Taeil beamed softly.
“Uh, though I’m not very sure how quidditch works, you did great out there.” You offered.
Taeil chortled, “Thanks. It means a lot coming from you.”
Your cheeks pinked, “Oh.”
“Can I tell you a little secret?” Taeil spoke.
You nodded slowly.
“Truthfully, I didn’t need a tutor.” Taeil admitted. “I was kind of just hoping to get closer to you.”
You didn’t really know what to say. You kept silent, but you knew your cheeks had turned completely red due to the warmth you felt on your face.
“This might be due to fatigue and downright delusion, but I like you.” He confessed.
Taeil shuffled closer to you, pulling your chin up.
“I might be taking a leap of faith here, but do you feel the same way?”
Your eyes fluttered to his arriving members who trudged behind him.
“Well, well, well,” Donghyuck cackled. “What do we have here?”
“Can’t you see they’re having a moment?” Mark rolled his eyes before slapping the back of Donghyuck’s head. “You dimwit.”
“So, did you do my little tutoring trick? You did, didn’t you?” Donghyuck giggled, the mischievous glint in his eyes evident to you.
“Hyuck, I’d love to teach you a lesson by beating you to a pulp but I’m currently having my stomach twisted because she hasn’t answered me,” Taeil sighed. “So if you could just leave the two of us alone, that’d be great.”
“Alright but-“
“Mark.” Taeil pleaded. “Please.”
It took Mark about a few minutes to drag Donghyuck and his stubborn head out of the field but when Mark finally did.
You were met with Taeil’s pleading eyes.
“That kind of ruined the moment, didn’t it?”
“It did,” You agreed. “But not enough.”
Taeil looked at you confused, “What do you mean?”
“Uh, I mean…I like you too. Enough to see through your weird friends.”
“You like me back?” Taeil questioned, almost surprised.
“Do you not want me to?”
“No!” Taeil yelled before realising his over-eagerness, “I mean no. I like that you like me the way I like you like you like me.”
“You’re confusing me,” You laughed. “But yes. I like you the way you like me the way I like you.”
“I can see why you think I’m confusing you. I’m just as confused now.” He chuckled.
“Well then,” Taeil spoke. “Would you go out with me?”
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