#my grandma just bought me a dart gun???
bean-galleria · 1 year
Me: how did you know that the war was happening? You were in elementary school at the time.
My grandma, with a completely blank face: because I was bombed.
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gravelyhumerus · 4 years
Criminal Minds College AU - Chapter Ten
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Title: “I may just take your breath away”
Relationship: Jemily
Total word count: 47,939
Emily tries apple cider, things get corny, Spencer wins a prize, and the night ends with a kiss.
Slow-burn Jemily college AU where they live across the hall and despite all odds, the universe pushes them together. AKA they’re silly gay babies who pine after each other for months. Takes place over the span of the first semester of their sophomore year.
Read it on AO3
Tumblr:  One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, (bonus scene), Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty, Epilogue
“See, I told you it was good,” JJ grinned up at Emily, adjusting the blue scarf that was wrapped tightly around her own neck against the cool air. 
Emily licked her lips as she held a paper cup filled to the brim with apple cider tightly in her hands. 
“Ok fine,” Emily admitted, “You were right, cider is good.”
JJ watched as she took another sip, as a smile spread across her face at the taste. JJ knew she was right, that apple cider at a fall fair always tasted better than anything from the grocery store. 
The two of them walked across the leaf-strewn grass, trailing behind their friends to talk. When JJ had told Penelope about her conversation with Emily about how the girl had never been to a fall fair, her roommate insisted that they rally the troops to make it happen. 
Both JJ and Emily still had a lingering cough, but other than that, they had just about made a full recovery. Somehow, the others had escaped coming down with the same thing, and so all of them were able to make the trek to the other side of their college town to attend the fair. JJ had the day off from soccer, a rare thing these days with playoffs imminent, and during essay season, and she intended to make the most of it. 
JJ kept catching Emily looking at her. It was the same way that a wild animal would look at her if she was offering food, nervous, waiting for the other shoe to drop. She could tell something was bothering her. But knew the more she probed, the more Emily would shut down. 
She wondered if Emily felt awkward after sleeping in her bed, and worried that she had pushed things too far. JJ had been forward, and felt slightly guilty about that, but in her own feverish state, her sole focus had been to make sure Emily was alright. JJ reminded herself that Emily was here, and hadn’t run from her despite all that had happened. She could take a slightly closed-down Emily over none at all, any day. 
The fair itself was located on a farm on the outskirts of the city. Their school had arranged for a shuttle bus to facilitate this wholesome entertainment for their undergrads. It deposited them on a muddy grass field filled with carnival games, a midway, vendors and miscellaneous fall themed activities.
Golden leaves shone in the sunlight, and JJ raised her face to feel its warmth. It was a nice day, the first after weeks of rain. Her wool sweater was more for the fall festivities than for warmth, as it was pleasant outside, but she knew once the sun set she would be grateful for it. 
Emily was looking as beautiful as ever, wearing a maroon turtleneck underneath a black corduroy jacket that looked soft to the touch. Her lips matched, painted with a dark purple-red hue that made her look elegant and mysterious.
She hoped that today would be fun for Emily, knowing that the girl missed out on a lot of the childhood staples of the average American, and JJ wanted to rectify it. Hopefully it would also ease some of the tension between them as well. 
JJ gasped when she saw the petting zoo near the entrance, which was a spacious zone filled with chickens, goats, two llamas, some sheep, cows, and most importantly, the most beautiful horse she’d seen in ages. It was, in fact, the only horse she’d seen up close since that summer, and it was quite scruffy up close.
In her excitement, she found herself reaching out her hand, grasping Emily’s and pointing as she exclaimed: “Horse!” 
She internally cringed at her own behaviour, but Emily looked excitedly where she pointed and followed at her side as she veered towards the animals. 
The horse was a brown gelding, with a black mane and a stripe down his nose. As JJ approached he leaned his head over the fence in anticipation of some treats. Slowing down, JJ approached, still hand in hand with Emily, quietly and calmly so that she didn’t startle him. 
His brown eyes watched her, his ears forward and relaxed, and leaned into her outstretched hand as she reached to pet his nose. JJ’s cold bare hand met warm horse face and her mind flashed back to all the times she rode her grandmother’s horse as a kid.
“He looks like Socks,” JJ giggled, as the horse tried to nibble gently at her sweater, “You’re a good boy, aren’t you?”
“Socks?” Emily asked, with a quizzical look on her face, keeping distance between her and the horse. 
The others caught up with them, milling about the petting zoo and interacting with the various animals. Derek and Penelope bought some feed with a quarter from the dispenser and used the flat of their hands to feed some sheep.
“One of my grandma’s horses,” JJ explained, “His name was Socks. He was her favourite and when she got too old to ride, I would.”
“You ride horses?” Emily asked. 
“Not that well,” JJ admitted, “But Socks was patient with me.”
Noticing Emily’s hesitance, JJ smiled at her, trying to reassure her friend. 
“Do you want to pet him?” 
Emily nodded. JJ guided her hand onto his neck, leading her as she stroked it gently. A look of awe crossed Emily’s face and JJ couldn’t help but giggle at the sight. 
JJ removed her hand and let Emily take over, watching as the horse nuzzled Emily, taking great interest in her hair. JJ reached her hand out—and just in time—moved his mouth away just as he attempted to take a mouthful.
“Don’t be rude,” JJ exclaimed, guiding his face away from her friends hair, “That’s not for you.”
Emily’s jaw had dropped, holding onto her hair in horror. 
“They do that sometimes,” JJ explained. 
Emily nodded sagely before nervously returning to give him another pat, her reservations clear on her face.
“Why Socks?” Emily asked, after a moment. 
“He had white marks on his legs,” she explained, “They looked like socks.”
“Seems reasonable,” she said. 
The crew left the petting zoo and walked towards the carnival games area. A wave of nostalgia hit JJ like a truck. Every fall when she was a kid, she and her sister would always beg her for their parents to take them to the fair, insisting that they play all of the games and go on the rides multiple times. In retrospect, it probably cost a ton of money which they definitely could not afford, but her parents would hand them a stack of tickets and let themselves be dragged around the fair by the two girls. 
JJ closed her eyes, breathing in the scent of popcorn, funnel cake and corn dogs—not altogether an entirely pleasant smell—but one that brought her back to being six years old and walking hand-in-hand with her sister.
Emily knocked their shoulders lightly, the motion bringing JJ back into the present, locking eyes with Emily.  
She couldn’t wrap her head around the fact that this was Emily’s first fall fair. The other girl looked onto the attractions with apprehension, gawking at the sheer mass of fried food and the loud rides and hordes of people swarming the games. 
“These games are all rigged,” JJ explained. “They’re next to impossible to win.” 
“But you can win,” Emily said, a challenge in her voice. 
JJ nodded.
“I’ve seen some folks walking around with that bear at least,” JJ gestured at a fuzzy brown teddy bear that sat on the top shelf of the dart game’s prize shelf. Other prizes included dangling stuffed snakes and some other plastic toys. 
“It’s cute,” Emily commented, smiling up at the bear.  
JJ smiled as her whole group went head to head on the water gun game, lined up in a row and shooting at the targets as if they were at a shooting range. Each played the game with the focus and determination as if it were a life or death situation, and not a carnival game. 
After, they all spread out around the stalls of games, competing with each other or going it alone as they played games that interested them. 
Emily’s smile kept crossing JJ’s mind as the games wore on, and the thought of that bear stuck in her mind. It’s cute, Emily had said. JJ could get it for her. She was great at darts. 
JJ circled back to the dart game, slamming a five dollar bill on the table and getting a handful of darts. She tossed one. The balloon popped. Another. Pop. Another. Pop. She hit every single one she threw. 
This was harder than it looked, as the balloons were barely filled, it needed a lot of force, and a wicked aim to pop them. JJ, luckily, had both. 
“Pick something from the first shelf,” the employee told her. 
JJ frowned, looking at the fluorescent stuffed animals on the first row. They looked cheap, and none were as cute as the bear, which sat between a monkey and a rabbit on the top shelf. 
“How do I get the bear?” she asked. 
“Win again,” he said, with an apathetic shrug. He was just a teenager, probably only getting paid minimum wage. JJ couldn’t help but glower at him.
JJ sighed, paying him for another round. She knew that the toy itself was worthless, but it wasn’t about that. It was about winning it for Emily. 
“What are you doing?” A voice asked her from behind as she lined up her next shot. 
Spencer. He was standing to her right, clutching a plastic bag in his hands. He wore a pair of sunglasses and smiled awkwardly in greeting. 
“Darts,” JJ answered, “What does it look like?”
She looked at the bag. It was clear and filled with water, with a small goldfish swimming around inside. 
“You won a fish?” JJ asked.
“Yup,” Spencer said, gesturing over at a game that was essentially beer pong, but instead of cups full of alcohol, it was a series of fish tanks. 
He explained that he had won on his first try, and now was a proud owner of a goldfish. JJ was certain it would die before they got back to residence, but decided not to burst his bubble. The kid was smiling at his fish, looking proud of himself. 
JJ turned back to the game and focused on an orange balloon that waved in the wind. She threw. Hit. The balloon popped. 
“I just want that damned bear,”  JJ hissed, gripping the dart tight in her hand. 
“Why?” Spencer asked, his forehead furrowed. 
“Why” was a great question! For my not-girlfriend because I’m just such a good friend, was the answer, but she wasn’t going to say that . Because I want her to like me, and I want her to date me, but I can’t work up the courage to ask her. Because she might be gay, but might not, and I haven’t even asked her that. Because all I want is for her to smile. 
JJ sighed. 
“I want to win it for Emily, ok?” JJ said.
“You could buy her a nicer bear if you wanted with this money,” he pointed out. 
“I know,” JJ said, aiming her dart. Another hit. “I just have to hit three more and then I win.”
JJ was being pointedly obtuse, she knew if she began to explain, it would all come rushing out. She could handle Penelope’s teasing, but that was her limit. 
Spencer began to speak, but she shushed him. She threw another. Hit. The balloon popped with a satisfying pop. Two more. 
Reid held his fish up to his face, examining it close up. Just as she was about to throw her last shot, she felt a hand clap her on the back in the unmistakable gesture of Derek Morgan greeting her. 
“What’re we playing, kids?” he asked. 
“JJ wants the bear,” Spencer informed him. “For Emily.”
Derek grinned at her. JJ ignored both of them, squinting at a bright red balloon and taking her aim.
Pop. She did it. Both Derek and Spencer cheered for her, despite their earlier misgivings. JJ slapped the metal barrier between her and the employee in glee as he nodded approvingly at her achievement. 
The employee used a telescopic grabber to lift the bear off a tall shelf and handed it to her with a smile. 
She hugged the bear to her chest, elated with her accomplishment despite Derek’s probing looks. She wasn’t quite sure what to do with Emily’s best friend these days. He seemed to know something that she didn’t, and she caught him smiling at her and Emily when they spoke. 
JJ was relieved when he shifted his attention to discussing the logistics of goldfish ownership with Reid.
The three of them wandered through the stalls, taking a break for Reid and Morgan to pick up candy apples, then ran back into the rest of the group. Penelope, Hotch, Rossi and Emily were still at the water gun booth, cheering Emily on as she played against a boy that looked like he was about their age. 
A bell rang, and a light flashed over Emily’s head. She had won. 
JJ walked up behind her, watching as Emily got to point out her prize. She pointed to the exact same bear as JJ had tucked behind her back. 
“JJ will love it,” Penelope said to Emily, neither girl knowing that JJ was right behind them. 
“Love what?” JJ said, confused. 
Emily turned around looking at JJ, clutching the bear to her chest. 
“Uh, you said you saw these bears around,” Emily said, “I thought you might want one.”
Derek and Spencer both burst into laughter, as JJ felt blush creep over her face. Emily held the bear out to her, with a shy look on her face. To her left, Penelope’s jaw had dropped and both Hotch and Rossi’s usually serious expressions were filled with bemusement. 
JJ pulled out the bear from behind her back and presented it to Emily. Both girls were holding identical bears out to each other, each having independently decided to win it for the other. 
“This is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen,” Penelope squealed. 
JJ and Emily exchanged identical bears, both feeling quite silly. JJ was speechless, simply grinning at Emily, who smiled down at her. 
Hotch broke the silence after a minute, pointing to what was in Spencer’s hand. “Is that a fish?” 
   “We should do the corn maze next!” Penelope squealed, pointing at the painted wooden sign leading towards a field with what looked like an endless maze. 
“Mazes are actually quite simple,” Reid said, “You have to hug the right side wall for the duration of the maze and you will eventually reach the exit. It beats getting hopelessly lost in the hopes of entertainment.” 
“That’s one way to do it,” Hotch commented, looking over to a smirking Rossi.
“Come on Reid,” Derek chastised, throwing an arm around his shoulder, “You couldn’t possibly think that’s the best way of doing it.
“How do you suggest we should approach it?” Spencer asked as he shrugged Derek’s arm off of him.
“You gotta get a feel for it,” Derek replied. “Remember where you came from.”
Spencer made a non committal noise.
“Getting lost comes with the territory,” Derek added, “It’s part of the fun.”
Emily gave him a look, but didn’t contribute to the debate. 
“You won’t be saying that when you’re lost, cold and surrounded by corn,” Spencer retorted.
“He’s got a point about the corn,” Hotch quipped. 
“I’ve never seen this much corn in my life,” Emily admits, “I haven’t spent much time around farms.”
Emily touched her hair absentmindedly,reminded of the horse trying to eat it from earlier in the afternoon. “Aren’t you a farmgirl, JJ?” Derek teased.
“No!” she said, “I lived in the suburbs near Pittsburgh. She lived an hour away so we’d visit on the weekends and on holidays.”
“They had cows!” Penelope blurted, “She showed me pictures once. They’re so cute as babies.”
JJ nodded, she loved visiting her grandma when she was little. She and Ros would be allowed to collect the eggs in the morning, and JJ always loved grabbing hay for the horses. 
“What’s your take on mazes?” Derek asked her, “Oh farm girl?”
JJ punched his shoulder in retaliation.
“I say that you two should put your money where your mouth is,” JJ said, “See whose method works in the end.”
“You talking about a race?” Derek asked. 
“That seems only fair,” Emily said, “Since both of you have such strong opinions on how to go about tackling this maze. Let’s see who’s right.”
“Shall we split up?” Hotch asked.
“Very Scooby-Doo of you, sir,” Penelope cooed, “I like it.”
Hotch did not acknowledge this beyond a glare. 
As they approached the maze entrance, a teenage girl, a bit younger than them and wearing a green shirt branded with the name of the farm handed them a map and began to explain the rules of the maze. No smoking, drinking, cheating by ducking under the red ribbon that marked the paths, she told them.
She then offered them a map, a black and white printout that marked out the route. 
“No thanks,” Derek said in a haughty tone, “We’ll figure it out ourselves.”
“I legally have to give it to you,” the girl said, her braces giving her a slight lisp. “It’s a safety issue.”
Derek and Spencer looked at each other, each taking a map, but folding it up and placing it in their pockets. Hotch also took a map, as did Emily. 
“I call dibs on Der-bear,” Penelope said, wrapping her arms around his bicep. “And JJ will go with Emily of course.”
“I’ll follow the wall,” Hotch says, “Reid, you better be right about this wall thing.”
Rossi looked around and seemed to decide to see whether the boy-genius was onto something or not. 
JJ felt a little shy at the assumption that she and Emily would naturally be together. Penelope was getting more and more bold with her attitude towards the two girls. 
The teams set out into the maze, splitting up at the first fork in the road, the boys staying right, Derek and Penelope heading straight ahead, and JJ and Emily veering left.
“What do you think of your first fair?” JJ asked, fiddling with the stuffed bear in her hands. 
They trudged through the muddy maze, with the sound of the fair in the distance, a pleasant hum of music and the clamour of the rides. 
“It’s not what I expected,” Emily said, “I only really saw this stuff in movies.”
“Better or worse than you imagined?” she asked. 
“Better,” Emily said, “but that’s probably just the company.”
“Good friends make a difference,” JJ said. 
“Yeah,” she agreed, “friends.”
JJ hummed, smiling as she felt the breeze in her hair. She loved the outdoors. She spent way too much time cooped up in the library these days. Emily, on the other hand, was picking her way through, careful not to step in any puddles or trip on fallen corn stalks. 
“Left or right?” Emily asked as they neared an intersection.
“Right,” JJ said. 
They headed deeper into the maze, turning left, then right, then hitting a dead end and back tracking. The corn rose above their heads, limiting their vision to a few feet in front of, and behind, them at all times. 
A few times, they bickered over directions, as JJ was certain that they were walking in circles. 
“How long was this supposed to take us?” Emily said, after twenty minutes passed. 
“Not this long,” JJ admitted. 
“Where are we?”
“I have no idea.”
She stopped, and paused waiting for Emily to do the same. JJ listened hard, straining her ears to listen for the direction of the music. 
“I can’t hear the carnival anymore,” JJ said, “We must be on the far end of the maze.” 
“Are we lost?” Emily asked. 
“I think that’s the whole point of it,” JJ said with a laugh. “Let’s head this way.”
“Should we check the map?” Emily asked. 
Emily looked at JJ expectantly. 
“ You took the map, Em,” JJ said with a laugh. 
“No I didn’t,” Emily replied. She rifled through her pockets, then held up her hands in a gesture of: see? Nothing!
She checked her own pockets, and inside the small purse hanging over her shoulder. No map. 
“You sure you don’t have it?” JJ asked, hearing the stress in her voice. 
Emily’s eyes widened, checking her own pockets more frantically. 
Neither had it. JJ began to laugh. Of course she’d get lost in a corn maze with Emily. Of course. 
JJ’s phone pinged. Penelope had texted her.
Penny G: where are you? are you making out in the corn? 
JJ: no, we’re lost. are you all done already?
Penny G: yup. Spencer was a few minutes behind us  
“They’re already out,” JJ explained to Emily. 
“Figures,” Emily huffed. 
Penny G: we can wait for you? we’re going to try the rides 
JJ: i’ll text you when we get out, go ahead
JJ slipped her phone back into her pocket, noticing Emily poking at the edge of the corn with her hands, trying to peer through. 
“More corn,” Emily said, sounding defeated. 
JJ thought for a second, trying to weigh their options. 
“Get on my shoulders,” JJ blurted. 
“So you can see,” JJ said, “I’ll lift you up.” 
Emily looked flustered for a moment, opening and closing her mouth at the thought, but eventually nodded. 
JJ knelt down slightly, letting Emily put her legs on either side of her head. JJ knew she was strong. She could lift more than double her own weight at the gym. Once Emily was settled, she lifted her with ease, standing straight up and holding onto her thighs with her hands to steady Emily. 
“I see, uh, a highway behind us, more fields,” Emily said, then JJ turned a bit to give her another angle, “We’re almost there. We’re on the far right side, but the path is fairly clear. We go left, then it doubles back. But I think I can get us out of here.”
JJ stumbled under Emily’s shifting weight as she turned, finding herself tilting forward before she could adjust, tipping forward and sending both girls tumbling into the corn. 
Emily landed on top of JJ, their limbs tangled, with a loud “fuck!” as they made contact with the mud.   
JJ sat up, rubbing the back of her head where Emily had accidentally kicked her. 
“Sorry,” JJ said, “are you ok?”
Emily sat up, rubbing her wrist which caught most of her weight. Both girls had come out of the fall mostly unscathed.  
“The corn broke my fall,” Emily said with a laugh. 
They burst into laughter, and JJ reached out her hands to help Emily up. 
The girls retrieved their bears, both unsure whose was whose, and began to make their escape from the corn. 
Emily navigated them out of the maze, which, despite their tumble, made JJ’s idea worthwhile. 
“I don’t think I ever want to see corn again,” Emily said as they left the maze. 
“I guess you won’t have roasted corn for dinner?” 
“God no.”
They laughed. 
For the next hour or so, they visited the midway, braving an assortment of spinning rides that bore names like The Annihilator, and The Brain Blender, that were next to carousels and other rides clearly meant for children. 
JJ had a blast, she was definitely an adrenaline junky and the rides gave her the same endorphin high as sports. 
Emily was clearly nervous, but was a good sport. She took a couple rides off, claiming to need to babysit Spencer’s new fish (he decided it was too cold out for the goldfish, so he had been wrapping it in his coat to keep it warm. Emily did the same during her time as babysitter as Spencer rode the ride.)
The sun began to set, and as the sky filled with colours, the carnival lights dazzled them, glowing in a rainbow of incandescent light. 
“One more ride?” Hotch asked them, as he noticed their energy fading and their stomachs growling. 
“The Ferris wheel!” Penelope announced, “we have to.”
“The last Ferris wheel I was on was the London eye,” Emily commented. 
“We’ll miss jet setter,” Derek replied, “this will probably be a bit less glamorous.” 
They waited in line for it, laughing and goofing around. JJ smiled at her friends, while her nerves grew in her stomach. She tugged on her sister’s necklace, pulling it tight against the back of her neck to calm her. 
“Hey,” Emily whispered, “what’s wrong?”
“I’m fine,” JJ said back, quietly. “Just a little nervous with heights.”
Emily smiled down at her, with no trace of judgment on her face, and JJ softened. 
“Didn’t you just ride The Bonebreaker earlier?” Emily asked, talking about a ride that locked them in a cage, and flipped them in punishing rotations. 
“Those are different,” JJ said as tucked her hair behind her ears, trying to find the words to explain. “You’re strapped in, and there’s a cage. Ferris wheels have just the bar. You’re exposed.”
“Are you good to do it?” Emily asked, concern etched into her features.
“Yeah, of course,” JJ said, setting her shoulders back and gritting her jaw. “I’m not actually scared.”
JJ forced herself to relax, making good on her promise, leaning onto the chilly metal barricade. She was so happy that her little troupe of Penelope and Spencer had expanded to include all of these new people. Their dynamic was fun, and warm, and felt… right. 
“This would be a beautiful photo,” Penelope exclaimed, pulling out her phone and gesturing at the whole group to get in close. 
JJ turned to face the camera, smiling wide and meaning it. Reid and Emily wrapped their arms around her shoulders, and she was squished into the big group of friends. She felt the happiest she had felt in years, despite the creeping fear building up inside her. 
The line moved quickly and they were shuffled into their seats, two by two. Emily and JJ were together, like before, and soon they were slowly lifted into the sky, side by side. 
“It’s beautiful,” Emily gasped.
She looked down onto the fair, leaning forward as she gazed into the quickly shrinking fairgrounds. 
Emily’sbeautiful, JJ thought, looking at her friend as she looked out into the night. 
“Yeah,” JJ agreed, feeling a touch of vertigo, breathing deep to keep calm. 
“Thanks for bringing me,” Emily said. 
JJ clutched the bear tightly, as though someone was going to take it away from her.  
“I told you that you’d like it,” JJ said, focusing on Emily’s face instead of the height. 
“I admit it,” Emily said. “I like apple cider. Fairs are fun. I’m a country girl now.” 
“Not yet,” JJ said, “we’ll work on that.”
“I’ll hold you to that,” Emily said with a smile. 
The Ferris wheel slowly turned as new passengers boarded, raising them higher into the air until they were at the very top, when they stopped. 
Emily leaned forward, then back, making the chair swing slightly. JJ gasped as her stomach clenched, the fear of her plummeting to her death high on her mind. 
JJ realized that her hand had shot out and now rested upon Emily’s. The other girl did not pull away. 
“Sorry,” Emily giggled. “I had to.”
JJ glowered at her, but knew she was kidding and wouldn’t actually put her in danger. They rested at the top of the Ferris wheel, their chair swaying slightly, hand in hand for a few minutes. 
JJ shifted closer to Emily, mentally telling herself that she was doing it to get closer to the warmth. Emily leaned towards her, allowing their shoulders to meet softly. 
“We’ve been at the top for awhile,” JJ said, a little nervously. “Do you think it’s stuck?”
“I can’t imagine these things get stuck,” Emily assured her, “it’s probably someone getting off or on.”
This did nothing to quell the bundle of nerves in JJ’s stomach. She clutched the bar even tighter. 
“JJ look at me,” Emily said, her voice soft, but stern. 
JJ complied, tearing her eyes away from the ground far below her feet and focusing on Emily, sitting right next to her, feeling her warmth radiate out from her hand. 
“You’re ok,” Emily said, calmly. “Don’t worry.”
JJ believed her, knowing that whenever they were together, nothing ever seemed to go wrong. 
Their eyes locked, and for a moment, the world faded away. JJ got lost in her warm brown eyes that looked at her with concern. Emily had done a perfect wing of eyeliner, sharp on the corner, and covered her lid with a neutral brown eyeshadow. Emily was so beautiful. Her brows framed her eyes so perfectly, forming a graceful arch. Her cheekbones were sharp and her smile warm, but rare on the serious girl’s face. JJ took her in, relishing the moment to look unheeded. 
JJ felt Emily’s grip on her hand tighten, and there was something about her eyes that beckoned her closer. JJ felt herself, acting almost on autopilot, leaning towards Emily as if she’d done it before.
Emily’s arm, which was thrown casually over the back of the chair, wrapped around JJ’s shoulders, pulling her oh so slightly closer. An invitation.
Without thinking, JJ found herself just inches from Emily, their breaths mixing as their foreheads touched. 
Jennifer Jareau couldn’t believe this was happening, that Emily Prentiss, the girl across the hall, who she had been pining over for months, was probably about to kiss her. 
She did not think of the billion ways this complicated their friendship, or the fact that she didn’t know if she could even handle jumping back into a relationship, or how she was thirty feet in the air on a rusty ferris wheel, all she could think about was the idea of Emily’s lips on hers. 
Their lips met. Before this moment, JJ thought the phrase “sparks flying” was an exaggeration, but the electricity that she felt when Emily kissed her set JJ’s body on fire. 
Her lips were soft, velvety, perfect. At first, it was chaste, with their hands nervously still holding onto the railing. Then, it deepened, lips moving slowly against the other. Emily’s hand moved from on top of hers up to her face, pulling her closer than before. JJ did the same, tangling her fingers into Emily’s black hair. Their matching stuffed bears were squished between them. 
JJ’s mouth opened, and Emily’s tongue gained entrance, rubbing against JJ’s. It felt heavenly, and in that moment JJ decided that she didn’t want to do anything else in life but kiss Emily. 
Their kiss was gentle, yet needy, with a passion that made JJ’s head spin. Emily’s hands rested delicately on her face, stroking her cheek, and wrapped almost protectively around her back. 
The two girls only came up for breath, kissing like their life depended on it. 
JJ felt her heart race, but a wave of calm washed over her. It felt like a kiss she had had a thousand times, and one she would have a thousand more. As familiar as something that she had experienced in her past lives, and something she knew she wanted to do for the rest of this one. 
Suddenly, the chair rocked, and the Ferris wheel roared back to life.
They pulled apart, looking away from each other and catching their breath. JJ could feel a blush rise up her face as Emily tugged her arm out from behind JJ’s back.
Neither made eye contact as the Ferris wheel spun around, the carnival blurring out as they picked up speed. 
They turned once, twice, a third time, before it slowed to a stop and people began to exit. 
JJ no longer felt the acute fear of heights tug at her stomach, on the contrary, now it was the knowledge that she had just made out with her floormate weighing on her mind. 
Her head was spinning and her lips tingled with the memory of the kiss. Her blood roared in her ears, as anxiety took over as her brain flashed with all of the million ways this could go terribly wrong. 
Wordlessly, they dismounted and waited quietly for the rest of their group, who all babbled about how pretty the wheel was and how Derek wouldn’t stop swaying the chair. JJ scanned their faces, wondering if anyone could tell what had happened.
JJ drifted alongside the group, lost in her thoughts, unable to meet Emily’s eye, clutching her bear tightly to her chest all the way home.
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clownsgobeepbeep · 3 years
I look like a crime scene
“I still can’t believe my nana owns all of this stuff. She’s so rich.”
“Yeah, she definitely is.”
“Do you think she’s gonna buy more stuff?”
“I don’t really know about that stuff. Last I heard, she might end up retiring when you and your cousins are older. She’s been doing this for years.” 
On a fine summer day was Felix, away from his siblings who were doing their own things. His sister was having a day with their aunt Ula and her eldest girls, and his brother was probably in their own home doing as he usually did. Felix however could hear each of his footsteps make an almost satisfying sound when they walked over the wood that created the pier owned by his grandma.
He had personally asked Cordelia if she could send the word that he wanted a certain somebody to watch over him while she did her own things, and he was rather gleeful when said person accepted.
“Hey! That’s a weird looking carousel.” Felix pointed to the center of the bridge that they finally reached, seeing the line that was formed around it. “What are those little pink critters called again?”
“Wow Carney, you’re so smart.” Felix nodded as he watched the carousel start up, its calliope music being heard from that distance.
“Do you know why they have axolotls?”
“Because it was a birthday gift from your grandma to your aunt.” Carney stated as he too looked at the carousel. “Before Davey and Cordelia were born of course.”
“Whoa! That’s awesome!” Felix’s eyes widened, thoughts now pouring into his mind.
“Pretty sure you guys will also get something like that. She likes to spoil all of the kids.” Carney shrugged before patting Felix’s shoulder. “Come on now, we gotta get some food before going to the rock-climbing place.”
“Fooooooooooooood!” Felix exclaimed, already on the run before he didn’t realize that he was running in the air after Carney picked him up to prevent him from zooming away. “I’m sooo glad you mentioned food! I saw some corn dogs and cotton candy and popcorn on the way here! Rowan told me about the pirate themed restaurant, and, and the sushi! All the fish and-”
“Yo, wait.” Carney had now placed Felix under his arm, bringing his free hand to his lips so that he could shush him with a finger. “Promise no zooming off and I will also take you to the arcade.”
“Yes!” Felix pumped his air in the fist, not minding that he was under Carney’s strong arm. A rather strong arm that caught sight of a certain young man in the distance, having minded his business until hearing Felix’s rambling.
“Can we get some nachos first?”
And so, Carney walked around the pier with Felix still under his arm. They had received a few strange looks, but most assumed they were just siblings acting in a silly manner. Others thought...it was almost attractive on Carney’s part, such a good man with kids.
“Whadd’ya want on them?” Carney asked as he stood in line, really not bothering to put Felix’s figure down. “Just cheese?”
“How much even are they?”
“Doesn’t matter, just tell me what you want.”
“Whatever...I want?”
Carney glanced down at Felix, a small smirk forming on his lips before he slowly nodded his head.
In that moment, it was almost as if stars had appeared in Felix’s eyes.
“EVERYTHING!” Felix demanded, going as far as startling the vendor who was too intimidated by Carney to say anything. “From the melted cheese to the olives! Pack it up, my good sir!”
“You heard him, make it loaded.” Carney waved a finger at the vendor, the latter nodding before the two watched as a large tray was brought out, being loaded with a good amount of nachos that soon had cheese poured all over them.
Felix was practically salivating at the sight, nodding as more and more of the toppings were brought out and placed on top of the nachos. Ever since Cordelia brought her friends and family into his and his siblings’ lives, they had been spoiled by nearly everybody. But this? This was probably one of the best things by far, since Carney had been nice enough to purchase other things for him.
Once the vendor was done with the large tray, no doubt meant for more than one person, it was handed over to the still-being-carried Felix who gasped and shook with excitement. 
“Can we sit by the aquarium? Can we go into the aquarium!?”
“I dunno if we have enough time for the aquarium and the rock-climbing.” Carney scrunched up his face, making his way to the secondary bridge that connected the pier to an area leading to the nearby aquarium. “But we are here already, might as well go in.”
“Let’s goooo!” Felix kicked around, somehow being careful not to drop his tray of nachos.
But before Carney could actually reach the other bridge, he stopped in his tracks when his eyes caught red hair not too far from the area.
“Why’d you stop?”  Felix looked up at Carney then followed his gaze to where he spotted a good friend of Carney’s. “Oh?”
“Just give me a minute kid.” Carney turned from the bridge to head to the railing where a red-haired male stood, the latter pretending that he had not seen Carney and instead enjoyed the breeze. “Hey, Harper.”
“Oh! Hi Felix, hi Carney.~” Harper replied after dramatically turning his head to Carney, fluttering his eyelashes with a coy smile. “I didn’t see you there.”
“Ha. Hope I didn’t spook you.” Carney quietly chuckled as his cheeks now had a tint of pink on them.
“You could never.” Harper giggled, taking notice of how Felix gave him a strange look of confusion. “What brings you around here?”
“Just taking Felix around town, having fun.” Carney shrugged with a smile, not realizing that Felix was also giving him a strange look. “We were on our way to the aquarium, but thought we’d sit out here to eat first.”
“The aquarium! How nice.” Harper fake gasped while twirling a bit of his hair, his other arm placed on a table that was behind him, now beside him. “A good place to have a date on this fine day, with all the colorful fish. Especially the heart-shaped one.~”
“Don’t think Tuesday would be the best day for a date. Maybe Friday or Saturday would be nicer.” Carney tapped his chin, once again not realizing that he was receiving a squint from Felix. “Though a date would be nice there.”
“Uuuh, yeah.” Harper had to take a moment to blink, shaking his head to shake away the slight astonishment. “Well, how are you two boys doing? I see you have a nice tray of nachos.”
“Oh yeah, Carney bought these for me!” Felix made a thumbs up before shoving a few nachos into his mouth. “He also bought some ice cream over by the beach! We were thinking of going rock-climbing but we might be going to the aquarium instead.”
“Rock-climbing?” Harper quirked an eyebrow, purposely making his eyes trail down to Carney’s arms. “Carney’s arms are perfect for that.”
“Definitely! Like,” Felix began but soon stopped himself, eyeing Harper who fluttered his eyelashes like before. “Wait a minute…”
“But even with those strong arms, it must be tiring caring that hand around.” Harper continued before offering his own hand. “How about I hold it for you?”
“I mean, it’s not heavy. I am holding Felix after all, so I think I can bear with it.” Carney smiled in reassurance, Felix now looking back at him. “I don’t mean to brag but I can carry a lot of heavy stuff.”
“I know you can.” Harper ignored the previous comment, having made a face that immediately turned back into his flirtatious one. “Pretty sure you could even carry me.~”
“Of course I can!” Carney scoffed jokingly as Felix continued to watch him. “You have a nice body that I can easily carry.”
Felix’s eyes widened as Harper’s did, the latter having his cheeks flare up before Carney spoke again.
“So if you ever need a boost or something, I’ll come in clutch.” Carney made a finger gun before a still flustered Harper gave a laugh, placing a hand on Carney’s bicep. 
“Oh Carney, you must be a camera.”
“Huh?” Carney blinked a few times after his smile had drooped. “Why’s that?”
“Because being around you always makes me smile.” Harper flashed a grin before Carney smiled back.
“Well, I’m glad to hear that.”
“I mean seriously, I’m no photographer but I definitely picture us together.”
“We are together though?” Carney made a weird face while still smiling.
“Oh my god.” Felix now came to a realization after watching the men’s interactions for a while.
“Y-Yeah, we are.” Harper attempted to laugh off Carney’s comment while still twirling his hair. “But…”
Harper was having a crisis in that moment, wondering if Carney was just yanking his chain. He couldn’t have been...this oblivious. Even Felix knew what was happening!”
“Do I look like a crime scene?” Harper whispered to Felix who shrugged as best as he could, both then looking back up at Carney.
“But like, we can definitely hang out more. I like hanging out with you.”
“Oh, you do?” Harper suddenly perked up, cutely clasping his hands together as he fluttered his eyelashes.
“Yeah. Like, I appreciate those moments when my sisters leave me for their boyfriends, and you stay with me.” Carney darted his eyes away, ignoring the blush that had formed on his cheeks. “Hanging out with you is always nice.”
“Oh stop,” Harper giggled as he made a coy hand motion. “You flatter me.~”
“Ha, and-”
Harper and Carney snapped back to the actual reality rather than remaining in their little shared world, looking under Carney’s arm where Felix had already finished eating his nachos.
“This talk is cool and all but I’m still hungry. Can we go to my nana’s sushi place inside the aquarium?” Felix grinned before seeing Harper once again place a hand on Carney’s arm.
“I would love to.~” he watched Carney with half-lidded eyes. “How about you Carney?”
Carney blinked for a bit, looking down at Felix who offered a thumbs-up and enthusiastic nod.
“Sounds great.” Carney nodded before feeling Felix wiggle out of his grip, giving Harper the perfect chance to snake his arm into Carney’s. “Maybe we can hang out at the aquarium too?”
“Sounds great.~” Harper fluttered his eyelashes one last time, walking alongside a confused yet flustered and delighted Carney as Felix snickered behind them.
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the-kryomancer · 7 years
Who's Who in the Shimada-McCree Family
A/N: This is the family for my McHanzo domestic AU, I’m writing it along with a lot of other things. Please ask about the fam. They’re precious.
The “strict” father.
Goes to all of his kids’ extra curricular activities.
Wakes the kids up for school.
“Yes, Weston. You need to go to school today.”
Is a big softie for Hatsu and Eiji.
Does most of the cooking.
Always worries about the kids when he’s away on missions.
Gives the older kids life advice.
Has all of their awards and certificates in a trophy case or hanging on the wall.
Lowkey brags about his kids.
Loves when his kids ask if they can meditate with him.
Makes the whole family go on yearly trips to Hanamura.
Loves taking the kids on camping trips.
He’s usually the only one actually getting the items on the grocery list.
“No, Jesse. We don’t need… denim scented candles?”
“Weston don’t climb that!!”
“Ana, Dominic. Where’s Eiji and Hatsu?”
Forces Jesse to come to all of the parent-teacher conferences.
Isn’t mad, just disappointed.
Encourages his kids to achieve their dreams.
Has to defuse any and all fights between Dominic and Ana.
Hates when the kids fight with each other.
Let’s his kids get away with just about everything.
Sneaks them candy before dinner.
And after.
Let’s them stay up late.
Even on school nights.
Makes breakfast while Hanzo wakes the kids.
Also makes their lunches.
Bakes a ton of sweets for the school bake sale.
Likes to flirt with the moms on the PTA to mess with Hanzo.
Hates going to parent-teacher conferences.
Probably tried to bribe the teachers to pass his kids at least once.
Isn’t disappointed, just mad.
When he’s away on a mission he calls the house every chance he gets.
“You kiddos okay?”
“Yes, dad. Same as when you called ten minutes ago.”
Best cuddles when it’s cold in the house.
Likes it when the whole family is snuggled up on the couch.
Always let’s any of the kids sleep in bed with him and Hanzo if they can’t get to sleep.
Gets everyone in the family hats and serapes matching his.
Along with the kids, begs Hanzo to let them get a pet.
Teaches the kids how to shoot a gun.
Always takes them to visit Reinpa and Grandma Amari and Grandpa Gabe.
Isn’t allowed to be alone with the younger kids for more than a few hours.
The fun grandparent.
“Reinpa” because his name was too hard to pronounce for the little ones.
Teaches Ana, Dominic, and Weston how to speak German.
Loves taking them to visit Germany.
Always bringing them stuff back from his travels.
Is a big teddy bear.
Always has at least one grandchild with him while he’s visiting.
Picks up the kids and puts them on his shoulders.
Let’s them climb him.
“Rein, be careful hE MIGHT FALL”
But seriously, will dote on his grandkids cause he’s a concerned Reinpa.
Highkey brags about them to anyone he meets.
Has pictures of them in his wallet.
Brings them sweets from Germany.
Ana Amari:
She’s the best at getting the kids to behave.
Is always able to get them to bed.
She secretly sleep darts them.
Loves taking Ana and Dominic to Egypt.
Teaches them Arabic if they want.
Cried when she heard her oldest granddaughter was being named Ana.
Loves being with the youngest ones.
Somehow manages to know when one or more of the kids is sick???
Makes the best tea and chicken noodle soup.
Is the go-to babysitter though.
Will drop everything to be with her grandkids.
Goes to every event for the kids.
Lowkey wants to take them home with her.
Teaches Dominic and Ana how to use a sniper rifle.
Goes to all of Dominic’s concerts.
Supports her grandkids.
Is the best grandma.
Let’s Hatsu and Eiji play with his dragon.
Speaks to them in Japanese so they know their native tongue better.
Let’s Weston use his sword.
Gets in trouble for letting his nephew use his sword.
Insists he doesn’t have a favorite.
He does.
It’s Weston.
Loves to make them his favorite Japanese meals.
Loves to babysit his nieces and nephews.
Encourages Dominic to choose his own path.
Literally encourages him to rebel against Hanzo.
Is Hatsu and Eiji’s nightlight though.
But the kids refuse to hug him in the winter because he’s so cold.
Except for Hatsu.
She loves cold.
Highkey tried to take one of them home with him one time.
Hanzo and Jesse noticed two hours later that Weston was missing.
He takes them to the arcades all the time though.
Is the best as claw machines.
Wins Hatsu and Eiji whatever they want.
Tried to give Dominic Sake once.
If he heard Dominic or Ana has a date, lowkey follows them.
They still know he was following them.
Is jealous when one of the kids says Hanzo’s cooking is better.
Has known just about all of the kids since birth.
Was the pediatrician for all of them.
Still is for Hatsu and Eiji.
Literally is always doting over Weston.
Calls the house every week to see how Weston’s genetic therapy is going.
Makes sure all of the kids are eating healthy.
Has and will call one of the older kids out on their shit if they make her mad enough.
Is usually fairly patient though.
Gives extremely good advice.
Always gives them Swiss chocolate.
Helps Ana through her female problems since her house is full of males and the only other female is Hatsu who is five.
Sometimes stays the night if Weston is having a problem with his dyslexia and can’t do his homework.
Helps Weston through his low points about himself.
She’s always there to give words of encouragement.
Answers any questions they may have about medicine or treatments if they are sick.
Will stay at the house the entire time one of the kids is sick if she feels she needs to.
“Angela, you don’t need to-”
“Jesse, I am staying. Eiji has the flu, he needs me.”
Loves to take Hatsu and Eiji to the park.
If Ana or Dominic is mad at the other or their parents she lets them stay with her.
Is like the mom for the kids.
But she’s their aunt.
  Soldier 76:
Forgets their names half of the time
If he’s babysitting he’s either doing paperwork or sleeping.
Sometimes both.
Calls Weston “Mini McCree”
Fell asleep on the couch once.
He slept on the remote.
Gets Dominic and Weston confused sometimes.
Insists he’s the best grandfather though.
Lost Hatsu and Eiji at the mall once.
Everything is a challenge though.
Don’t let him get Christmas gifts.
He either wraps them in newspaper or doesn’t wrap them at all.
Lowkey loves his grandkids and brags about them to everyone.
Doesn’t let Gabriel or Jesse or Hanzo know he really does love the kids.
They do know.
Honestly, the best grandfather ever.
Takes his grandkids to the best restaurants.
Always insists he stay the night.
If he’s babysitting over night and Hatsu or Eiji wakes up from a nightmare he hums or sings to them.
Has conversations with Dominic in Spanish.
Loves to help the kids prank Jesse and Hanzo.
Took Eiji home with him once.
It was the best two hours of Eiji’s life.
He always manages to bring some kind of stuffed animal for Hatsu and Eiji.
He spoils his grandkids to death.
He bought them too many Christmas presents at one point.
He was put on a budget.
He could spend $300 on each kid.
He bought 600 stuffed animals from the dollar store, 300 for Eiji and 300 for Hatsu.
Makes all of the Halloween costumes for the kids.
Made matching costumes for everyone.
They were a Mariachi Band.
Always talks about how he’s the better cook.
Hanzo disagrees.
But Gabe makes all the traditional Mexican food for his grandkids.
Loves listening to Dominic’s music.
Sneaks so much candy to them.
They aren’t hungry by the time it’s dinner.
Loves to cuddle Hatsu and Eiji.
They’re always attached to his legs.
Gets the kids ice cream if they’re upset.
Has tons of pictures of his grandkids.
Shows everyone.
No matter where he’s at.
Ana Gabrielle:
The oldest kid.
Loves her siblings.
Sometimes not Dominic.
Loves her grandparents.
All of them.
You know how a lot of girls wanted to marry their fathers when they were young?
Ana wanted to marry her Aunt Mercy.
Lowkey loves rock music.
Highkey is obsessed with classical and instrumental music.
Loves animals.
Tried to bring a sloth home from the zoo.
Is secretly good at singing.
Meditates with Hanzo on a daily basis.
Honestly, has punched Dominic more than once.
Their fights get physical sometimes.
Ana is a badass though.
She secretly misses her mom.
Curses in Japanese when she’s frustrated.
Plays the piano and the drums.
Highkey loves spicy everything.
Is the best baker in the house, second to Jesse.
Halloween is her favorite holiday.
Insists she buys all of the Christmas presents by herself.
Makes Christmas dinner with Hanzo and Grandma Amari every year.
Stays up at night helping Weston with his homework.
Sleeps like four hours a night.
Help her.
But the biggest nerd ever.
Really sweet.
A hard ass.
But sweet.
Is closer to his Grandpa Gabe than anyone else.
Tells him everything.
Writes Spanish songs and plays them for his Grandpa Gabe.
Loves his Grandma’s tea.
Cranky if he doesn’t listen to music at least once a day.
Hates country music.
Obsessed with pens.
Has hundreds.
Prefers erasable ones.
Plays so many instruments.
RIP Hanzo and Jesse’s bank accounts.
Dyed his hair blue and green once.
Hanzo fainted.
Dominic regretted it.
Picture day was a week later.
Most Christmas spirit out of the whole family.
Sings Christmas songs every year.
Is the first person to wake up.
Buys the best Christmas presents.
Wants to be a musician.
Wants his own car.
Can barely afford his guitars.
Ditched school for his gigs.
Loves the rain.
Has run outside during a storm.
He got sick.
Loves to read books.
Fantasy specifically.
Protect him.
Just wants to be happy.
Is really insecure about himself.
Loves his uncle Genji.
Steals Jesse’s hat a lot.
Likes to use his gun.
Eats fried chicken as a midnight snack.
Talks in his sleep a lot.
Shares a room with Dominic???
He likes to stay with his dads though.
Brags to Hanzo and his Uncle Genji that he has three dragons.
Thinks it’s funny to unleash them in school.
Loves playing video games.
Watches old west movies with Jesse a lot.
Likes to be called “Wild Weston”.
Hates the water.
Hates his dyslexia.
He loves his family a lot.
Loves being with his Grandma Amari and Grandfathers.
Doesn’t like it when his sister and brother fight.
Has fought a few kids at school though.
Sneaks cookies and brownies to school.
Eats ice cream for breakfast when his Grandpa Gabe is in charge.
Has a small crush on his aunt Fareeha.
Hatsu and Eiji:
Hatsu is more outgoing then her brother.
They’re the babies of the family.
Get away with everything.
Love sugar.
Are very attached to their stuffed animals.
Practically share a room with their dads.
Eiji loves vanilla ice cream but Hatsu loves mint chocolate chip.
They hate pancakes but love waffles.
Christmas is their favorite holiday.
But they’re always the last ones awake.
Love school.
Have a lot of friends.
Loves to be with their Grandma Amari or their Grandpa Gabe.
Hatsu’s favorite color is blue while Eiji’s is orange.
Can’t sleep without a nightlight.
Love TV.
But they don’t watch it often.
Get tired really easily.
Hatsu is Hanzo’s favorite and Eiji is Jesse’s.
Are very creative.
Really energetic too.
Surprisingly love vegetables.
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pnstudios · 6 years
Make sure your Nerf war guns are 'easily identifiable' as toys .One commenter said they saw 10 or 12 teens at a Redbank Road Walmart recently looking at Nerf guns. "Our officers are sometimes dispatched to potentially dangerous situations involving the “dart wars / Nerf wars” currently .Steven Soderbergh interview: Logan Lucky director on studios PN Studios.Incredibly versatile and efficient director (just ask Adam Driver) Steven Soderbergh stops in to Kernels this week to talk to host Christopher Hooton about coming out of retirement, fucking with the studio system and the value of .Xbox Design Lab Gives Their Own Creative Nod to Infinity WarEveryone and their mothers are talking about the latest Avengers film, Infinity War, and it seems like even Microsoft couldn't bear to stay away from the hype. Xbox has a . @marvelstudios please nerf immediately. #InfinityWar .This Custom-Made, 1200-Round Nerf Gun is Bigger Than Your Nerf Gun.But his newest contraption might be Cooper's best work yet: a relatively simple mod that results in a massive Nerf gun that looks like it belongs in the next Star Wars movie. It is so big, in fact, that Cooper requires a tripod just to .Nerf Alliance packs heat during monthly Nerf warShots were fired, sock bombs were thrown and matches were won at the Nerf Alliance's monthly Nerf war in Evans Commons on Thursday. The Nerf Alliance hosts a variety of games, and once a month it has a Nerf war, Nerf War.Grandma Duggar Sparks Debate About Gun Control After .A seemingly harmless snap shared by the Duggar Family Official Facebook page took a dark turn when people started discussing gun control in the comments. Grandma Duggar posed for the camera with a pair of Nerf guns .Nerf blaster goes next-level with propane powerNext follows the obligatory sequence for all souped-up Nerf guns: slow motion annihilation of various food items and beverage containers. To obtain some extra punch, some custom Nerf darts were 3D-printed, including one .Declan Donnelly gives emotional speech at Saturday Night .Paying tribute to the cast and crew of Saturday Night Takeaway he added: "Thank you to our amazing production team. They carried me through the show. "To all the crew and staff her at the London studios, which has been .This 1200 Round Triple-Nerf Blaster Is a Force to be Reckoned .There are plenty of ways to wreak havoc with a Nerf gun. The company has consistently outdone itself in recent years by releasing rapid-fire products that are more like actual canons than toys. For example, there's the .District 9 director Neill Blomkamp releases trailer for new sci-fi .Neill Blomkamp has released a trailer teasing new experimental film studio Oats Studios. Titled Oats: Volume 1, the minute-long clip starts by depicting the Eiffel Tower covered in fauna while a voice over explains how aliens .This Custom-Made, 1200-Round Nerf Gun is Bigger Than Your .When it comes to taking standard Nerf guns and making them totally badass, nobody can best Frank Cooper. His YouTube channel (Coop772) is a visual feast of modified foam-flinging masterpieces. But his newest .Unknown spots in San MarcosThe San Marcos branch is the company's ninth location in the United States. The fitness studio offers work-out classes like no other with its indoor SURFSET boards. These special surfboards involve no water and are built into .Nerf blaster goes next-level with propane powerThere are no shortage of Nerf gun mods out there. From simply upgrading springs to removing air restrictors, the temptation of one-upping your opponents in a Nerf war speaks to many! Not content with such lowly .Nerf war at the YMCAThey brought their own Nerf guns from home, but the YMCA supplied eye protection and foam bullets. Competitors came strapped with dart guns ranging in size from pistol to sniper rifle to a sort of chainsaw-gun hybrid.Annual Nerf war underwayThe CEC Nerf War is a non-school-sanctioned competition organized by high school kids for high school kids. It has rules and teams rosters and three commissioners: Cloquet's Christian Loeb and Jordan Bolos, Esko's .Enerf! Annoying husband pesters wife with a toy gun until she .'In 2017, my wife bought Nerf guns,' Michael Colombo said in the caption for the video that was posted on Friday; Throughout the clip, Michael stalks his wife and repeatedly opens fire on her with the Nerf gun; But eventually .
0 notes
pnstudios · 6 years
Make sure your Nerf war guns are 'easily identifiable' as toys .One commenter said they saw 10 or 12 teens at a Redbank Road Walmart recently looking at Nerf guns. "Our officers are sometimes dispatched to potentially dangerous situations involving the dart wars / Nerf wars currently. Steven Soderbergh interview: Logan Lucky director on studios PN Studios.Incredibly versatile and efficient director (just ask Adam Driver) Steven Soderbergh stops in to Kernels this week to talk to host Christopher Hooton about coming out of retirement fucking with the studio system and the value of. Xbox Design Lab Gives Their Own Creative Nod to Infinity WarEveryone and their mothers are talking about the latest Avengers film Infinity War and it seems like even Microsoft couldn't bear to stay away from the hype. Xbox has a . @marvelstudios please nerf immediately. #InfinityWar. This Custom-Made 1200-Round Nerf Gun is Bigger Than Your Nerf Gun.But his newest contraption might be Cooper's best work yet: a relatively simple mod that results in a massive Nerf gun that looks like it belongs in the next Star Wars movie. It is so big in fact that Cooper requires a tripod just to. Nerf Alliance packs heat during monthly Nerf warShots were fired sock bombs were thrown and matches were won at the Nerf Alliance's monthly Nerf war in Evans Commons on Thursday. The Nerf Alliance hosts a variety of games and once a month it has a Nerf warNerf War. Grandma Duggar Sparks Debate About Gun Control After .A seemingly harmless snap shared by the Duggar Family Official Facebook page took a dark turn when people started discussing gun control in the comments. Grandma Duggar posed for the camera with a pair of Nerf guns. Nerf blaster goes next-level with propane powerNext follows the obligatory sequence for all souped-up Nerf guns: slow motion annihilation of various food items and beverage containers. To obtain some extra punch some custom Nerf darts were 3D-printed including one. Declan Donnelly gives emotional speech at Saturday Night .Paying tribute to the cast and crew of Saturday Night Takeaway he added: "Thank you to our amazing production team. They carried me through the show. "To all the crew and staff her at the London studios which has been. This 1200 Round Triple-Nerf Blaster Is a Force to be Reckoned .There are plenty of ways to wreak havoc with a Nerf gun. The company has consistently outdone itself in recent years by releasing rapid-fire products that are more like actual canons than toys. For example there's the. District 9 director Neill Blomkamp releases trailer for new sci-fi .Neill Blomkamp has released a trailer teasing new experimental film studio Oats Studios. Titled Oats: Volume 1 the minute-long clip starts by depicting the Eiffel Tower covered in fauna while a voice over explains how aliens. This Custom-Made 1200-Round Nerf Gun is Bigger Than Your .When it comes to taking standard Nerf guns and making them totally badass nobody can best Frank Cooper. His YouTube channel (Coop772) is a visual feast of modified foam-flinging masterpieces. But his newest. Unknown spots in San MarcosThe San Marcos branch is the company's ninth location in the United States. The fitness studio offers work-out classes like no other with its indoor SURFSET boards. These special surfboards involve no water and are built into. Nerf blaster goes next-level with propane powerThere are no shortage of Nerf gun mods out there. From simply upgrading springs to removing air restrictors the temptation of one-upping your opponents in a Nerf war speaks to many! Not content with such lowly. Nerf war at the YMCAThey brought their own Nerf guns from home but the YMCA supplied eye protection and foam bullets. Competitors came strapped with dart guns ranging in size from pistol to sniper rifle to a sort of chainsaw-gun hybrid. Annual Nerf war underwayThe CEC Nerf War is a non-school-sanctioned competition organized by high school kids for high school kids. It has rules and teams rosters and three commissioners: Cloquet's Christian Loeb and Jordan Bolos Esko's. Enerf! Annoying husband pesters wife with a toy gun until she .'In 2017 my wife bought Nerf guns' Michael Colombo said in the caption for the video that was posted on Friday; Throughout the clip Michael stalks his wife and repeatedly opens fire on her with the Nerf gun; But eventually.
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pnstudios · 6 years
Nile Rodgers: The grandaddy of funk is thriving in his new role .So here's the rub: what producer can be in the studio with other artists alongside a 40-odd date international tour in 2018 in the US, Australia, Europe, and most importantly the UK, while writing and recording new material of .Steven Soderbergh interview: Logan Lucky director on studios .Incredibly versatile and efficient director (just ask Adam Driver) Steven Soderbergh stops in to Kernels this week to talk to host Christopher Hooton about coming out of retirement, fucking with the studio system and the value of .ESPN and Kobe Bryant's Granity Studios Team Up for New .ESPN announced today at the Television Critics Association Press Tour (TCA) that the network has teamed up with Kobe Bryant's studio, Granity Studios, on a new show called Detail – written, produced and hosted by Bryant.This Custom-Made, 1200-Round Nerf Gun is Bigger Than Your .When it comes to taking standard Nerf guns and making them totally badass, nobody can best Frank Cooper. His YouTube channel (Coop772) is a visual feast of modified foam-flinging masterpieces. But his newest .Grandma Duggar Sparks Debate About Gun Control After .A seemingly harmless snap shared by the Duggar Family Official Facebook page took a dark turn when people started discussing gun control in the comments. Grandma Duggar posed for the camera with a pair of Nerf guns .This Custom-Made, 1200-Round Nerf Gun is Bigger Than Your .But his newest contraption might be Cooper's best work yet: a relatively simple mod that results in a massive Nerf gun that looks like it belongs in the next Star Wars movie. It is so big, in fact, that Cooper requires a tripod just to .Kendrick Lamar shakes up the Pultizer game: let's discussBut DAMN. has multiple producers, composers and performers (even Rihanna and U2 cameos!) layering tracks in studios. Lamar is the auteur, fully in charge but not the sole creator. It's another way of making music that .Make sure your Nerf war guns are 'easily identifiable' as toys .One commenter said they saw 10 or 12 teens at a Redbank Road Walmart recently looking at Nerf guns. "Our officers are sometimes dispatched to potentially dangerous situations involving the “dart wars / Nerf wars” currently .Unknown spots in San MarcosWe are the only studio offering classes on these indoor surfboards.” To try out these workouts, visit the website to register for a class. City Surf Fitness is located at 700 N LBJ Suite 103A. 3. P'n'P Asian Market. Another Nerf War.Enerf! Annoying husband pesters wife with a toy gun until she .'In 2017, my wife bought Nerf guns,' Michael Colombo said in the caption for the video that was posted on Friday; Throughout the clip, Michael stalks his wife and repeatedly opens fire on her with the Nerf gun; But eventually .Declan Donnelly gives emotional speech at Saturday Night .Paying tribute to the cast and crew of Saturday Night Takeaway he added: "Thank you to our amazing production team. They carried me through the show. "To all the crew and staff her at the London studios, which has been .Photos: Nerf gun battle field opens in HerrimanLasers are great, but foam weapons are even better, according to a new game center offering Nerf tag and other games in Herriman. Above, Trevor Delrio, of Herriman, 14, peeks around a barrier Friday during a game with .Nerf war at the YMCAThey brought their own Nerf guns from home, but the YMCA supplied eye protection and foam bullets. Competitors came strapped with dart guns ranging in size from pistol to sniper rifle to a sort of chainsaw-gun hybrid.Police Called On Student Participating in 'Nerf War'Police told Waukesha Patch that an area high school was having a Nerf war this week, and that the student was likely part of the festivities. Nerf is a manufacturer of outdoor toys, including spongy footballs and spring-loaded .Make sure your Nerf war guns are 'easily identifiable' as toys Nerf Gun.One of the guidelines asks participants not to carry a Nerf gun that is all black and "ensure your Nerf gun is easily identifiable as a toy gun and is primarily painted with fluorescent colors." "Remember the rules of Dart wars: if .Giveaway: Train to Take on Thanos Like Star Lord and the Hulk .You have the chance to enter to win these two Infinity War Nerf sets, both from Nerf's Assembler Gear line. One is inspired by the Hulk, the other is Star-Lord inspired, and both feature several pieces that fit together to create .District 9 director Neill Blomkamp releases trailer for new sci-fi PN Studios.Neill Blomkamp has released a trailer teasing new experimental film studio Oats Studios. Titled Oats: Volume 1, the minute-long clip starts by depicting the Eiffel Tower covered in fauna while a voice over explains how aliens .
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