#my grandma's dying and idk when i'm gonna see her again and idk what im gonna do when she's gone
lovecorebasil · 2 years
hmm .
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feuqueerfire · 25 days
4 Minutes Ep 5 - 6 Live Blogging
Ep 5 (Aug 23)
Coincidentally this started airing on iQiyi the same week I'm on my VIP trial. Downloading it to watch on my phone during lunch (while outside lol not in the office) but I can only get the regular version, not sultrier.
im watching this on my lunch break outside where it is very sunny + on my phone so im ngl that entire first part was just pretty much a dark screen for me.
i still cannot quite comprehend the Great and Tyme relationship.
i also don’t get how Tyme’s parents ended up killed but ok
ah, so Nan was not the female doctor. She was in this and decided to team up with Tyme
Watching Sultrier version: okay Nan's friend Mon did die at the gambling place! I was wondering if we weren't gonna see something happening to Mon that was gonna turn Nan against the gambling place even more.
20 minutes in, gonna watch rest while on the subway home bc the lighting will be fine at least.
Spoilers from twitter: Great is dying, Tyme is possibly dying (smth about them dying after e/o? idk), a screenshot where the user was saying Tonkla killed Title, everything was fake from great’s mind?
Sultrier version: the parents trying to figure out what to do about Great helping Nan get away
ah, he took the money because the company owner greats father was there as was Tyme's grandma
rewatched pre-credit scene and ohh it’s how tonkla got Title in a vulnerable position to probably kill him
Nan went ahead on live and is trying to expose the illegal gambling business
as expected, it seems like the woman who tried to kill herself’s son likely was involved in that gambling pool
lol Fah knew about Korn seeing Tonkla and now wants to put an end to it so that they can get married
what’s even going on with the woman giving away her entire life savings to that guy and premonitions of death
wait, misstress son… so Great is related to the dad but out of wedlock and while he had a different wife?
Also, the treatment of Korn and Great is so different. Korn got slapped by the dad like 2 sentences in, right after he spoke harshly to Great's mom about Great. Great on the other hand is allowed to be rude and confrontational.
oh, the woman sent the killer after Great's mom/the company leaders
why did the 4 minutes thing just happen immediately? Like shouldn’t the guy have shot the gun 4 minutes later?
ah, she died anyway
We're at 11:03 this episode, the time is back after not really appearing in ep 4. On the other hand, barely any Tonkla, just that cold open. More and more curious when and how Tonkla and Great's stories will converge (in bigger ways than just Title and Dome)
The watching experience of this episode left a lot to be desired since I was fr just watching on my screen, barely able to make anything out in the darker scenes because of the sun. Maybe I should rewatch but don't really feel like it.
3 more weeks before it all (hopefully) makes sense, oh man.
Ep 6 (Aug 28)
Using data during my walk outside on lunch break but I barely have any data left so probably won’t be able to watch much hmmm
So what’s the timeline, Win found out about Tonkla being a suspect, slept with him again (after finding out he was cheating), then came to catch him? Or is this in a different timeline? Or is the order of events incorrect? But also lowkey why does it feel like Win kinda gave Tonkla a heads up or something to get him outta there.
Oh, we’re starting from the very beginning but presumably seeing the original timeline events
Ah, Tyme’s elusive ex girlfriend
The shots of Great at the end of the table is so beautiful
god Great is such a dick
no like in DFF Great would have been part of the shitty friend group that bullied Non and got him killed, except it’s even worse because Great killed some woman with his car and helped Title hide a body (and he watched as Title first killed the guy)
ah, Great and Tyme’s original meeting
bro I really can’t see shit in the dark scenes
okay back at home
oh I remember some people saying they probably had a one night stand the first timeline and stuff instead of pursuing a relationship
Tyme bugging Great's room?
oh we are Seeing the lube, that's crazy
oh that's crazy, the camera captured them fucking?
girl what, Tyme is gonna post revenge porn of Great?
he really did post it woah. TymeGreat are truly horrible4horrible
Great's dad is saying that Tyme's parents were the ones who originally started this gambling business (+ that he didn't kill them hmm)
Great's conversation at the dinner with Tyme after the clip... he's crazy fr
The way Great said "Wanna hook up?" is so funny, I actually lol-ed aloud. and what a character he is, asking this after knowing the Tyme initially had sex with him to post that clip bc he's beefing with his dad
Oh, in this timeline, is Korn crueller?
In the original timeline, Great pulls down Tyme's mask after he attacks Korn, rather than Tyme pulling it down himself
Aw man, Nan just died in this timeline and Tyme's has to come to terms with that. I get that Tyme's gonna be grieving and such and he does have a point about Great being able to do something because they wouldn't have shot him but... Tyme knew this was a possibility from the start, right?
Great's mother must die in this version too, right? Or wait actually I guess not because the lady who sent the assassin was actually killed by Great. saved his own mother's life in a round about, killer sort of way actually
Ohh, Tonkla shot Great in the original timeline, the reason he's in the hospital.
Okayyyy interesting episode to get the original ep 1 - 5 events! I wonder what this means for the last two episodes. I think if we were going for a "and nothing was changed, Great dies, Tyme dies" after the changed timeline storyline, then we wouldn't have gotten this episode today. Feels like the next 2 episodes are gonna try to tie original and redo timeline together somehow?
I'm curious and excited, this might've been one of my favourite episodes.
The Great and Tyme dynamic feels so much more grounded and realistic this time around, the way Great wants to hook up while Tyme's like wtf... ?? The rosy original timeline was clearly not quite right. But it again brings into question what even is going on with their romance in the redo timeline because they're not in love here + Tyme kinda hates Great right now, so what's up with such a cutesy romance in their redo thing? I can see it from Great's end but Tyme?
Also Great truly is suchhh a piece of shit. Not even in a bad way. well like bad way obviously because he's a bad person but as a viewer, it's extremely entertaining and compelling.
I think I should rewatch this show on my laptop because there are definitely moments esp last week where I was watching on my phone while outside and it was just too dark to truly see stuff. And maybe I'll notice stuff on a rewatch. Dunno if I should do it this weekend or wait until the week of ep 8 and rewatch in preparation for the finale.
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unearthlydream · 7 months
im sad and can't focus on work so instead time to scream into the fucking void so it at least looks like i'm trying to write this story thats due at the end of the day.
i keep finding myself thinking "i wish things were normal" and wishing i could go back to pre-Oct 31 and how things were before all of these things happened. but i don't think there is a noraml to get back to and i think that this is just what my life is now. and idk how to cope with that tbh lol ijust wanna jump off a building
i want to be able to see my friends and talk to people and work on craft projects but instead all i do is sit at home in silence after work dissociating into a game or a tv show because i don't have the energy. i can't lie and mask my way through life anymore and i feel uncomfortable w the fact that i can't have a conversation with anyone without them inevitably asking how i am or what i've been up to. how can i even engage with people when i have nothing positive to share and most of the convos just end up with "i'm so sorry, let me know if you need anything"??
my mom has been on and off dying (thankfully off for good now i think? long recovery process) since december. i've cared for my grandpa from oct 31-dec only for him to now be on palliative care. my family is being so normal and cool about it and i'm the youngest one and being forced to deal with all of their issues because my aunt and uncle can't be not self centered for once in their lives-- and obv my mom is dying and my grandma is grieving and helping w my mom so like who else is gonna take care of things and manage people's emotions and be a shoulder to cry on?
so i'm actually doing horribly and don't have the capacity to make up lies anymore. and what have i been up to? spending tons of time in hospitals and then getting various illnesses because people can't seem to mask up in a fucking hospital of all places!!! i don't have the energy to lie anymore bc i'm funneling everything i have into just waking up in the morning and doing thebare minimum to make sure i do'nt die and my household is clean enough that it's not a danger to my cat.
and even when my friends and partnersask like 'how can i support you' -- idfk put a bullet in my brain??? like no one can do anything to help me. i'm alone andhave always been alone and will always be alone and forced to be the mommy in every situation and i'm so tired. i just don't want tot hink. but then when i say 'it stresses me out that you're waiting on me to make the plans for groceries or doing laundry and i just need you to get it done,' i hurt peoples feelings and i'm being too rough.
i'm just so tired. i'm so fucking tired and i wish my brain didn't go from zero to "just kill yourself" so quickly. i wish i knew what i needed and how tomake it better. i feel like my stupid ass needs to be committed. i'm worried about self harming again as i already relapsed late last year amidst all of this. i'm worried one day i'll be so lcose to the end of my rope that i'll act on one of my impulsive thoughts and make things worse for myself.
i don't wanna worry anymore but i think that's just what's in the cards for me. which is like... doubly scary bc of the genetic lottery i've already won (mom had a stroke in her 40s and now is dealing with all of this which like.... most of it is caused by stress and not taking care of herslef and i'm falling down that same rabbit hole without my consent which is so cool and funky fresh).
and the worst part... i don't even think things would be easier if i died. the guilt of knowing what i'm leaving behind won't even let it in the realm of possibility.
this is so long. i might delete this later. but like holy fuck. a bitch needs a fuckin break. a bitch needs a resource officer or somethnig like hold fuck.
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fart-gate · 4 years
Season 5 Episode 6
Notes by me
- ive heard this episode is Rodney centric with lots of cough whump cough. So that should be fun for me hehehehehehe HERE WE GO LADS
- well it just gets right into it doesnt it huh
- hes acting like he has some sort of brain damage ?? Maybe bad head injury I'm guessing
- hes calling for john 😫💟
- what happened someone tell me
- infected????
- hes DYING ! Of what!!!! Somebody say what it is!!!!
- while the theme plays i want to acknowledge davids exquisite acting skillz 👌👌👌👌🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
- a few hrs earlier.....or days.....idk they didnt say lol
- woolseys bored when they arent there haha
- theyre trapped on TOP OF THE GATE THIS IS GOOD SHIT
- shivering 😌
- wet team atlantis is aahhh
- he had a fever immediately? Suspicious
- this shot of them on the gate in the middle of the lake with no lights but the wormhole POETIC CINEMA
- ronon carrying Rodney 💖💗💖
- wait hes back to normal? I dont trust it
- "our boy" AAWW
- back to the present! This is sad I'm sad
- again davids acting is just 🔥🔥🔥
- "Meredith?" 😭😭💟
- "I'm sick" you know when boromir keeps getting shot with arrows and when you think its over he gets shot with another one. This is what watching this episode feels like. I'm boromir
- ronon hugs are the best. I mean who doesnt want to hug Jason mamoa? Hes like hugging a bear that can tear your head off but youre 84% sure he wont
- ronon WHAT theres a place where he can be himself again?? Oh its dangerous yeah that tracks with ronons previous ideas
- WOA Rodney looks handsome in this video log
- something he wanted to say to keller. His feelings about her maybe??? 5 bucks!
- "second childhood" ronon has dealt with it before thats cool
- awwww the fruit cup
- ronon wants to save him so bad 😭😭😭💗💗💗💗💗💗
- "you learned to hunt when you were 6?" I'm laughing,woolsey, have you MET HIM. NO ONE ELSE IS SURPRISED LMFAO
- ronon #1 Rodney Protector
- woolseys story about his dad with alzheimers . I get it. my grandma has that.
- "I'll take him myself"
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- lOVE how ronon doesnt do anything when keller says rodneys not leaving without her permission. The respect this man has for everyone
- "ronon dex"
"Thats right buddy"
DECEASED 💀 bye world it was nice knowing ya. Tattoo this dialogue on the back of my eyelids
- "hey john!" I CANT TAKE THIS
- come on keller! I get not wanting him to be in danger but I mean...if theres even a chance.....
- jeannie pulls thru 💪 off to wraith territory! I just realised thats probably not a good thing
- he recites pie in one of his videos
- Woolsey wants Rodney to know he said goodbye??? Unrealistic. Blocked
- sending a malp is a good idea. They should keep doing that
- "john!"
- oh NO hes so scared. David should really have an award for this episode
- john being so sweet 💖💖💖
- "I drink beer?" "Alot!" Lmao
- im sorry but Rodney immediately going to johns courters when he couldnt find anyone.....its true love
- "how about we say goodbye now?"
Damn ok lol
- "pretty soon I wont remember who you are!"
"Then I'll remind you!"
I mean I have nothing to say to this
- bossy!John when hes emotional
- "youre a good friend arthur" THAT LAUGH HAD TO BE REAL. WAS THAT IMPROV. IT LOOKED LIKE IMPROV. johns laugh makes ME laugh . CUTE
- im in love with how theyre all taking turns in taking care of Rodney like making sure hes walking okay and stuff. Its amazing how much everyone loves him even though he was quite a dick in the beginning and no one liked him. I just love how much hes grown and how close they all got to each other. Thats the shit I love. Warms my heart.
- "john!"
- "jeannie?" HES BACK
- in his video log he said he keeps seeing his mom? Thats...really sad actually
- "I DIE?!?!?" oh god hes panicking again
- wow keller was right about his reaction I guess
- is this gonna be The Only Person That Can Save Him Is Him
- "save me some ham" lol
- it retracted from the radiation? So its smaller.... Do the surgery!
- weak Rodney is good stuff
- "youve thrown an awful lot at me in very little time"
"Thats life"
- his goodbye video
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- john helping with the surgery even tho he clearly isnt trained for this. Lord let nothing go wrong pls
- EW this is gross
- its coming out by itself??
- "you could have stepped on it"
"She told me to shoot it"
Ronon will take any opportunity to shoot things
- thats all they had to do!!!! Can you imagine.....now they can let the word out and tell everyone around the galaxy to do this when one of their elders gets the parasite! Just go to a cave and do unsanitized surgery
- "thank you" fuck my life
- "I love you. Ive loved you for some time now" THERE IT IS. what a reveal. She's crying! Oh i cant take this. I'm glad that they realise feelings after so long of knowing eachother instead of right after they met. We got to see their relationship grow!! Also someone owes me 5 bucks
- does she love him back???? DOES SHE
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