#most everyone ran away their last hour on reg and i had to take care of a lot of it towards the tail end of the hour
lovecorebasil · 2 years
hmm .
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mqgriett · 4 years
Crosshair- The Exam
Prompt: “You’re the only thing that matters”
Pairings: Crosshair x Fem!reader
Warnings: none!
Summary: you’ve been studying your ass off for a month trying to prepare for the exam that will dictate whether or not you get to go back to the 104th battalion as a medic. 
Notes: IM SORRY THIS IS SO LONG thank you sm for requesting @lightning-wolffe
You shut off your data pad and pushed it under your armpit, squeezing it with your bicep to not let it fall from your grip as you open your textbook. Before you received the chance to re-read your highlighted notes you felt a tap on your shoulder. 
“I heard that your boys landed in Hangar 5.” Kix chirped, pointing behind him with his thumb. He ran his opposite hand through his short brown hair, smiling kindly. 
You hummed in response, your attention mostly focused on your annotations. The big exam, one that basically determined whether or not you were allowed to return to your assigned Clone Force, was in three days. Every quiet moment was spent with you cracking open a textbook or reviewing your notes. Now that you thought about it, when was the last time you ate… or slept?
Kix quickened his pace and moved in front of you, using his index finger to push your book down to properly view your face. “You know the exam isn’t for another three days, right?” he asked. 
You pressed your lips in a thin line, “Unfortunately not everyone has a memory like yours. I need to study.” you said, closing your book and bopping him on the head with it lightly. 
He took the textbook from your hands, holding it up in the air until it was out of your reach. “Fives!” he called to someone you couldn’t see, “Batchers still here?” 
Behind you, the ARC trooper nodded, “Gonna be here for the next coupla hours. Engine is shot.” 
Kix let his guard down just long enough for you to grab your study materials back. You gently nudged him to the side and walked past, just wanting to get back to your quarters and study. 
The medic gave up, hurrying to catch up with Fives as you walked in the opposite direction. 
Were you dying to see the Bad Batch? Absolutely.
Did you have the time to? Unfortunately not.
Someone (a medic from the 212th apparently, but you tried not to believe rumors) had fucked up a month ago, and it costs you your privilege of being an on-site medic. All field nurses were sent back to Coruscant to retake the big medical exam to prove that they could still serve as medics. 
Unlike Kix, you took it very seriously. Getting anything below a 80% would make your chances of returning small. Only the top 45% of nurses would go back to their battalions while the other 55% stayed on Coruscant to continue their studies. 
The large metal door to your room slid open as you scanned your hand and you stepped inside. Without looking up, you wandered to your desk, which was covered in an assortment of different papers and sticky notes. 
Still reading your textbook, you typed in the access code for your online notes. After a few seconds an automated female voice began to quiz you on questions you had written down two weeks ago.
You stood up and undressed yourself, lazily pulling a dark brown shirt over your head and letting your hair fall loose from the bun that had sat on your head for the majority of the day. 
“Define Choledocholithiasis.” said the voice. 
“Stones in the gallbladder or common bile duct” you replied effortlessly, shuffling to your bathroom to fill the water compartment for your caf. 
You plugged the machine into the wall, allowing the slow drip of heavenly brown liquid to start as you sat back down at your desk. It gave you a moment to think about everything. Realistically, you were more qualified than half the shinies going in to take the exam. 
Kriff, you were wasting your time here. 
You pushed back from your desk and slid on the first pair of shoes that were near your door. 
The halls had quieted down for the most part, most of the clones eating dinner or heading to bed if they had an early start tomorrow morning. 
Massaging your scalp and yawning, you made your way to Hangar 5. 
You looked a little tired, but it didn’t matter as long as you got to see Crosshair. You knew none of them would care but especially not him, in the small window of time you two got alone he frequently told you how much he loved your messy hair. He wasn’t much of a verbal communicator when it came to your relationship, but he always made up for it in physical gestures. 
Rounding the final corner, your eyes began to scan the busy hangar for the marauder. You took back your thought from earlier, seeing that Hangar 5 was a lot more busy than you had anticipated. 
At least two different squadrons were shipping out, from what you could tell it was the 104th and 312th battalions. The blurred figures of grey and green armor made it difficult to keep your focus on one thing at a time. 
You carefully started to walk along the wall, ducking until a small cruiser as a short cut. 
After another ten minutes of searching you finally spotted a familiar face in the bottom right corner of the hangar. 
Tech typed away at his data pad, turning to shout something up at Wrecker, who was sitting on the top of the ship and swinging his legs like a mad man. 
Despite the excitement bubbling in your stomach, you took your time walking over to them. It was nice to just observe and laugh at their behavior for a few minutes, it lifted your spirits.
Once you were within vision to Wrecker, he didn’t hesitate to point and shout at you from the top of the Marauder. 
“Tech!” You called as he mindlessly searched for you in the crowd of people. 
He grinned widely, opening his arms up as you jogged over to him. He hugged you tightly, another pair of large arms suddenly wrapping around both of you. 
Wrecker finally set you two down, giving you an individual hug and swaying you from side to side. At one point you were almost choking. 
“Thought you were studying for the exam.” Tech said skeptically, eyeing you as if you would ever hide something from him. 
You shrugged, “priorities” you peeked over his shoulder, looking for a specific person. 
Tech noticed your wandering eyes and smiled, “Cross is taking inventory with Cody.” 
“Where’s Sarg?” you asked, linking your arm into his. 
“Talking to some of the blue regs.” Wrecker replied loudly, making a few of the 501st soldiers turn to look at him. The large clone was never one to be secretive when it came to addressing the other clones as “regs”. It often drew attention to the group, not necessarily the good kind either. 
From a distance you could see Hunter walking back towards the Marauder with Fives, both of them with their helmets at their hips. 
Sarg’s eyes lit up at the sight of you, his pace quickening as his urge to be with you grew. He hugged your torso tightly, allowing his arm to sling around your shoulder loosely afterwards. 
“It’s been a while.” He said, gently nudging you away from Fives before the ARC trooper could talk.
“It’s been two months. And I always call.” You replied, smiling. 
“You look exhausted.” Hunter pointed out quickly, looking down at the bags under your eyes. 
You shrugged, “could say the same for you Sarg.”
You four situated yourselves underneath the Marauder, sitting on top of a few power supplies and food crates. Hunter sat next to you, Wrecker and Tech mirroring both of you. 
“We were told you wouldn’t be coming down.” Hunter said, leaning back on his elbows. 
You raised a skeptical brow, “who told you that?”
“Fives” he answered nonchalantly, “why else would I be talking to him?”
His comment made your eyes roll, “be nice.” You warned, poking his stomach where armor didn’t cover him. 
Hunter swatted your hand away, briefly turning his head and smiling. “Look who’s back,” he jutted his thumb behind him, pointing to the two other clones making their way back to the ship.
Cody held a clipboard loosely at his side as he spoke to Crosshair, who carried his helmet against his hip. The 212th trooper laughed at something he said before saluting the sniper and walking in the opposite direction. 
You always seemed to forget how handsome Cross was in person. The blue hologram of him during your brief calls did nothing for his strong jawline and high cheekbones. The scruff along his jaw and neck was slightly more visible now, a grey shadow lingering along it. 
Pushing yourself off the crate, you broke into a swift jog towards him. For someone with perfect eyesight, he didn’t notice you coming until you were a few meters away. 
He opened his arms up, catching you perfectly as you jumped to him. 
His long arms held your waist completely as he lowered you to the ground, back arched due to his height compared to yours.“Didn't think you would come.” he said softly in your ear, his voice alone producing butterflies in your stomach. 
“I wanted to see you.” you replied, pulling away from him and moving to his side. 
Crosshair sent a small smirk to you, which was enough to indicate that he felt the same way. 
You walked side by side back to the rest of the group, shoulders touching and hands grazing against one another’s. The gestures were sweet, like the type you would make in school when you were younger. They were enough to make the other person feel loved without drawing too much attention. 
The Bad Batch, plus you, sat underneath their ship once more as the rest of the 104th took off in their ships. You waved to Sinker and Comet from the opposite side of the hangar, tossing over-dramatic kisses in their direction while they climbed up the steps. Another mission for them, one that you wouldn’t be going to. 
“When do you expect to return?” Tech asked from the top of his crate. You had situated yourself on a lower case, one that was used to store bombs and other small explosives. It kept you about seven or eight inches off the ground while Crosshair took your spot next to Hunter. 
You let out a long sigh, “I don’t even know if I’ll go back.”
“They need ya out there.” Wrecker replied, crossing his large legs like a child would. 
Crosshair could sense your unease and pushed himself off the crate, settling on the ground in front of you and leaning back so his head pressed against your chest. He let out a small chuckle, no doubt feeling your heartbeat quicken for a few moments. “They’ll take you back.” he said calmly, reaching for your hand and placing it atop his head. 
You began to run your fingers through his short, grey hair. “If I don’t get above an 80% then I’m not going back.” You mumbled. 
“Why 80?” Hunter asked innocently. 
“Because she’s a girl.” Wrecker replied loudly, having absolutely zero common sense as to who could be listening. 
Crosshair tense underneath you, muscles tightening against your legs, “Wrecker.” he seethed, using his brother’s full name. 
Your face dropped, cheeks heating up. He was right, but hearing someone finally say it out loud made it worse. That was the real reason you had been dedicating so many weeks to studying. Even if Kix received a 45% and you an 80%, they would choose him over you. Clones were bred to be intelligent. You were just a girl who somehow got Senator Palpatine to assign you to a clone squadron. 
You wiggled your way out from under Crosshair, stepping over the low crate of explosives and walking up the steps of the Marauder. It was cold inside but the chill felt so nice against your hot body. 
In all honesty, you wanted to cry. You wanted to go back to your room and bawl your eyes out until you physically couldn’t produce tears anymore. But you knew you couldn’t, that would be showing weakness. 
Soft footsteps echoed behind you, Cross’s monotone voice ringing in your ears shortly after, “he didn’t mean that.”
You shook your head, “No no, he’s right.” 
He took a few steps towards you, gently reaching for your wrist and pulling you into him. He rested his chin on your head, “you’ll do great on the exam.” 
You pushed off of him, needing a bit of air to keep from crying. You shook your wrists out and looked up at the ceiling, it helped a little bit. “Just nervous.” you muttered. 
He stayed silent, not exactly sure how to comfort you. Words frequently failed him and in the rare occasion that you were upset Tech was able to calm you down, but not this time. Crosshair wanted to make you feel better, no matter what it took. 
You hated being this vulnerable around anyone, the panic in your stomach growing every second of silence that passed. 
Taking a deep breath, you began to walk past him, “I need to go, you have more important things to-” 
He caught your bicep and spun you back around, other hand holding the small of your back as he kissed you. It was a deep, passionate, yet chaste, kiss. You melted into his grip, leaning backwards to force his lips onto yours more. You held the sides of his face, the small scruff on his jaw feeling immaculate against your own. 
He rested your foreheads together and quietly, barely audibly, whispered, “you’re the only thing that matters.” 
You were about to kiss him again when Hunter, Tech, and Wrecker walked through the door. 
Hunter smiled, “Guess who’s got a new nurse on the team.”
Your head cocked to the side, Wrecker looking like he was about to explode from excitement at any moment. “We do!” he bellowed, “and it’s you!” 
Mouth hanging open, you looked from Crosshair to the other three. “What?”
“Welcome to Clone Force 99, medic.” Hunter answered proudly.
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siriuslyloonylove · 3 years
One Rule, and One Rule Only by siriuslyloonylove
Sirius Black has one rule, and one rule only, about his feelings: “never, ever bother someone with your feelings if they’re busy”. And he’s always stuck to this rule, for example when James has a quidditch match the next day, he won’t wake the boy up if he has a nightmare, or if Peter’s eating, he doesn’t talk about how his parents starved him over the summer.
But the most important person he doesn’t want to bother is Remus, the boy whose problems seem worse than Sirius’, even though Remus repeatedly tells Sirius that it’s okay. The raven haired boy doesn’t want to bother him because what if he thinks badly of me for complaining about my stupid family while he never complains about turning into a werewolf every month?
Sirius knows he’s being illogical with that last bit, but when are feelings ever logical? He logically knows that Remus would do everything in his power to help him, even on the days before and after the full. He logically knows that being in a relationship means having someone to lean on when you can’t stand by yourself. He logically knows that Remus is the only one, besides James, who can help him when he’s feeling down about his family.
But he irrationally thinks that no one loves him, even after Remus spends an hour every night before bed kissing each and every one of Sirius’ scars, telling the boy a different thing he loves about him for every scar on his body, and has yet to repeat the same reason twice even after a year of doing it. He irrationally thinks that he’s only James’ friend because of coincidence, even after he took Sirius in as his own brother when he ran away from home and held him when he woke up in sweats from a particularly bad nightmare. He irrationally thinks that Peter is only his friend because James is, even after Peter smuggles freshly made blueberry muffins from the kitchens when Sirius is having a bad day.
He logically knows that he thinks irrationally, which leads to him bottling up his feelings until one day they explode and there’s nothing anyone can do to calm him down other than getting Remus, because everyone knows the only person he’ll listen to in this state is the boy with scarred skin and curly blond hair.
The explosion happens on a late fall evening of seventh year in the Gryfinndor common room after an eventful meeting with Headmaster Dumbledore.
“Headmaster, you wanted to see me?” Sirius announces himself to the room after walking up the spiral steps that lead to the Headmasters office. He can hear his great-great grandfather muttering curses about Sirius from where his portrait hung on the wall, but chose to ignore the hateful man.
“Oh yes, thank you Mr Black for meeting me on such short notice, please sit” Dumbledore said, gesturing towards the chair sitting across from his desk. Sirius nodded politely and sat down, looking around the room to take in his surroundings as this is the first time he’s been in here without knowing he was in trouble - I haven’t done any pranks this month, so am I in trouble?
As if reading the boy’s mind, Dumbledore laughs and says “Don’t worry, you’re not in trouble, I just wanted to have a chat with you about a pressing issue.”
Sirius sighed in relief, shoulders untensing for a short moment until he remembered what the man had said. “What issue? Has Regulus done something? I swear I don’t even talk to him anymore, well he doesn’t talk to me.” He said, nervously playing with the rings on his hands.
“No, no this isn’t about your brother, well it is but it is more about your family in general - I received some unsettling information this morning about the whereabouts of your parents and wanted to gauge your reaction.” The old man vaguely said, leaving the boy confused.
“Okay?” Sirius started, “Have they done something bad-well something worse than usual?” He corrected himself mid sentence.
The old man chuckled at his response, shaking his head in surprise, “I see you already have a gauge for their actions,” he smiled sadly, “But yes, they have done something that they don’t see is wrong.” Dumbledore said vaguely, again.
“Okay? So why am I here, I mean I’m in no contact with my family other than the occasional howler sent to me when Walburga is drunk.” Sirius says as a matter of a fact, not understanding why he has to be here when he could be spending his time with his friends, sadly not with Remus because he has an essay to write in the library with Lily.
“Yes, Mr Black I am well aware of those howlers - we really need to block those coming in, that’s on me - but I am also aware of the fact that you don’t speak with them.” Dumbledore agrees, making Sirius even more confused, “Can you tell me your feelings on that?”
This catches Sirius by surprise, no one has even dared to ask that question in fear that they might get hexed, and he can’t very well go on hexing the Headmaster, so he shakily answers, “Well Sir, it’s not really something that I know how to describe - I wasn’t surprised when they disinherited me, I saw it coming from the moment I got sorted into Gryffindor, but I was surprised when they disowned me, not the family itself but Reg, because that’s when I knew that he had picked a side and it wasn’t mine.”
Dumbledore nods solemnly, “Yes, and who’s side are you on?”, which was the wrong thing to say.
“Are you asking me this because I’m a Black? Are you asking me who’s side I’ll pick in the end because I have incestual blood running through my veins, or is it because dark magic was taught to me before I could speak? Maybe it’s because you think I’ll choose my brother over my real brothers - which you must know that family doesn’t mean blood, love does. And if you think that I’ll pick Voldemort's side, then you’re not who I thought you were, because I’d rather die than let my friends die.” Sirius says defensively, not caring that he’s mouthing off the Headmaster, who doesn’t even have the audacity to look surprised.
Before Dumbledore can even open his mouth, Phineas shouts, eerily calm, from his place on the wall “How dare you speak to your Headmaster that way you filthy little blood traitor, I cannot believe you come from the Noble House of Black-”
“-Silence” Dumbledore booms from where he’s sitting at his desk before Phineas could spit more curses at him. If he wasn’t so angry, Sirius would’ve poked his tongue out at him just to piss off his great-great grandfather even more.
“Now Sirius, I know you’re upset, and you have every right to be, but that doesn’t give you permission to talk to me like that because all I’ve done is help you.” Sirius fights the urge to roll his eyes because he knows damn well that Dumbledore only does things that will eventually benefit himself, he’s heard the exact words come from his parents. “However, I am glad to know that you feel this strongly about the war.” Dumbledore says, smiling.
“Of course I feel this strongly about the war, I’m right in the middle of it and I learned a long time ago that I can’t push myself to the sidelines because someone will get hurt.” Sirius shivers, remembering The Prank.
“Yes, and I should’ve thought of that before having you come here, well now that I know how you’re feeling, you are free to go.” Dumbledore says, making Sirius sigh in relief.
But just as he’s about to get up, he remembers what started this conversation, “What did my parents do?” he asks, looking Dumbledore strongly in the eye.
“Nothing for you to be concerned about.” Dumbledore lies through his teeth, and if Sirius would’ve been more clear headed, he would’ve pressed on but instead he nods and gets up, walking towards the staircase.
“Oh and Sirius,” Dumbledore says as Sirius is about to walk down, “I’d be more careful about who you choose to shout at, you never know if you choose the wrong person in the end” He finishes vaguely. Sirius furrows his brows but chooses not to question it, just nodding and walking down the stairs.
When Sirius gets back to the common room, he immediately goes and sits down on the comfiest chair available, not even noticing his friends trying to get his attention. The only thing on his mind is wishing that Remus was here, but Sirius knows that he won’t get to see his boyfriend until after Remus was done with his prefect rounds after the library.
“Sirius Orion Black-Potter!” James says, exasperatedly, finally catching Sirius’ attention with his name changing.
“Huh- did you just call me Sirius Orion Black-Potter-Lupin?! Me and Remus aren’t married, and why did you add Potter?” Sirius says, looking confused.
“Yes! You weren’t listening so I had to get your attention!” James says frantically, moving his hands around in exasperation. “And one, you are a Potter, two you and Moony will probably get married before me and Evans will.” James says seriously.
“I second that last one!” Marlene shouts from across the common room, stopping snogging Dorcas for a second before going back to it. Get it Marlene!
“See!” James shouts happily, excited that someone agreed with him for once, before realizing Sirius’ solemn expression. “Wait what happened? Did you just get back from Dumbledicks?” James asks, reaching up to fix his glasses on his nose.
“Yeah.” Sirius responds, “But it’s fine, I promise, we’re not in trouble” he adds shakily, quickly standing up from his seat, “I’m going to go upstairs and lay down, I’m kinda tired” Sirius ends, walking towards the stairs before anyone can say anything, especially since it’s a Friday.
He hears Peter asking James what’s wrong, but doesn’t stay long enough to hear the laters response. Sirius quickly enters the dorm room and closes the door before taking off his shoes and getting in Remus’ bed and under the covers, taking comfort in the smell of soft vanilla and chocolate.
The tears don’t come immediately, but Sirius also doesn’t realize when he starts crying so he doesn’t really know how long he’s been crying by the time he does realize it. All he knows is that he’s clutching Remus’ pillow in his arms and crying into it because I’m so overwhelmed.
Why would Dumbledore even ask me that? Doesn’t he know how much it hurts to hate someone you love? Doesn’t he know-
Sirius’ thoughts are interrupted by someone opening the dorm room door, making him settle deeper into the bed wishing that whoever it is thinks that he’s asleep. His wish goes unheard when the person sits on the bed next to him. He slowly opens his eyes to see James sitting next to him with a sad smile and Peter standing behind him with a warm muffin in his hands.
“Hey Pads, we brought you a muffin” Peter smiles sheepishly, blushing pink.
“Yeah, and we brought you a cup of your favorite tea, we had to bribe the elves with helping do the dishes for the next week.” James and Peter smile proudly, which makes Sirius start to cry even more. “Oh no, Pads don’t cry! We don’t mind it, it’s worth it to see you feel better! Well I hope you feel better…” James says, looking scared.
“No, I- thank you, I know, I just had a really hard meeting with Dumbledore and I just feel overwhelmed” Sirius hiccuped through his crying, quickly wiping away his tears. “I promise I’m fine, I just needed a moment, but siriusly thank you guys” He tries to smile at his joke, though it comes out more like a grimace.
James smiles at him softly, reaching out to gently pat Sirius’ arm and move the comforter higher up. If Sirius were clear headed, he would push James away because he’s such a mother hen, but right now it comforts him.
“Okay Pads, do you need anything else? I can take over Remus’ shift if you need him” James offers, which makes Sirius start shaking his head muttering ‘no’ over and over again, he sits up and starts quickly mumbling about how Remus is busy and he doesn’t want to bother him, James can barely make it out.
“Okay Sirius, okay, settle down, I won’t get Remus” James promises, wrapping his arms around Sirius gently trying to get him to lay back down, noticing that the tears are falling faster down his face. James looks at Peter with a look that says “go get Moony” who responds with a quick nod and sets the muffin on the bedside table before quietly leaving the room.
“Please, you can’t get him Prongs, he’s so stressed with his essay and his rounds, I don’t want to bother him, please” Sirius cries out, grabbing onto James’ wrists and looking him in the eye. “I can’t let him know how sad I am, please”, his voice breaking off.
“Okay, calm down love, I won’t get him” James says, heart breaking at the sight of his best friend crying. Sirius nods frantically, letting go of James’ wrists to latch onto the pillow again.
Remus can’t see me like this, he just can’t. Would he think that I’m weak? I mean he breaks and rebuilds his bones every month and he doesn’t complain about it, this isn’t nearly as bad as being a werewolf - family issues happen to everyone, they have to, right? What if he breaks up with me because I’m selfish and crying over something that isn’t that bad?
James can sense that Sirius is overthinking everything, so he lays down next to him and wraps his arms around the shaking boy. Fifteen minutes pass of Sirius crying in James’ arms, the later hiccups every once and a while but relatively stays silent, sobbing quietly.
The door finally opens and he gently lets go of Sirius and stands up to give Remus room to climb into the bed, James nods at him, smiling sadly. Remus just looks at him with sad eyes and gets into the bed, wrapping his arms around a panicking Sirius.
“James, you promised!” Sirius exclaims, starting to shake even more, trying to push Remus away out of fear of rejection.
“I did promise, but I said nothing about Wormtail!” James said sheepishly before running out of the room and shutting it behind him and a flushed Peter.
“Fucking dickhead” Remus hears Sirius mutter, making him chuckle sadly.
“Hi, mon étoile” Remus softly says, making Sirius blush even through the tears. Sirius lets go of the pillow and cuddles closer to Remus, laying his head on his boyfriend's chest, even though the irrational part of his brain is screaming at him for it.
“Hi, mon loup” Sirius says, blushing even more at their terms of endearment before crying a bit more.
“Wanna tell me what’s going on?” The curly haired boy gently says, running his fingers softly through Sirius’ hair, making him cuddle more into his chest.
“Not necessarily” Sirius whispers. He would never admit it, but having Remus there makes him feel a lot better even though his mind is racing with irrational uncertainties.
“Can I tell you what I think is going on, and you can tell me whether I’m right or wrong?” Remus says, pressing a soft kiss to the top of Sirius’ head.
Sirius takes a moment to think about it, what if he’s mad at me? Or what if he pities me? But what if he loves me anyways? Sirius’ curiosity takes the best of him and slowly nods his head.
“I think that Dumbledore said something upsetting, or inferred something, about your family and you’re overwhelmed and think that I will think badly of you for having feelings, which by the way is bullshit because your family sucks and I love you no matter what.” Remus says, surprising Sirius, because that’s exactly what he’s thinking.
“What the fuck Moony? Are you reading my diary or some shit?” Sirius says while smiling, wonder and tears filling his eyes while he looks up at Remus to see his face.
“Sirius, I know you, I’ve known you for seven years and have loved you for every single one” Remus says, making the boy in his arms blush, “I know you think no one truly loves you, but I’m here to prove you wrong, for almost the billionth time by the way, because I love you and you’re allowed to have feelings. I know you’re scared that I’ll think you're weak, but you’re not. You’re the strongest person I know, stronger than me, and not to compare trauma, but hateful parents is a lot worse than my furry little problem.”
“But Remus-”
“No, you can’t change my mind about this, you are so unbelievably strong and I’m so proud of you. I don’t know what happened in the meeting, but I do know that it hurt you a lot. Fucking Dumbledore, he better stay away from the shack this next full or the wolf’ll tear him to shreds and I wouldn’t even care.” Remus interrupted him.
“Moony!” Sirius exclaimed, laughing while still crying.
“I’m serious!”
“No, you’re Remus, I’m Sirius.” Sirius said proudly, the tears stopping in favor of being proud of his joke that got old years ago.
“Fuck I walked straight into that” Remus laughed.
“You’re gay.” Sirius said feigning seriousness.
“Sirius! Stop!” Remus said, now crying from laughing so hard. “I’m trying to be- well you know what I’m trying to be, but really, I love you and nothing can get in the way of that, not your family, Dumbledore, not even Azkaban.” Years later they both would look back at this, one hoping it’s true and the other hoping the other knows it’s true, but for now they laugh with tears in their eyes.
“I love you, mon étoile.” Remus says, reaching up to wipe the tears from Sirius’ face and resting them on his cheeks.
“I love you too, mon loup, so much, thank you” Sirius says, wiping Remus’ tears away and leaning up to press a soft kiss on his lips, the love overpowering the sad feelings.
second post for the night! i'm not really sure i like this one, it didn't turn out how i wanted it to and didn't even come close to what my original prompt/idea so yeah that sucks but it's alright. plus i think it was very fast paced and weird but oh well, please tell me what you think though! some people seemed to like it on ao3 (i still don't know how to link it in this post) so i decided to post it on here too :) i think i'm going to rewrite this sometime because it's not my favorite and i think i can improve!!
edit: bahahaha i accidentally named this the wrong name, it's supposed to be "only rule, and one rule only" lmao not "explosive feelings", i mean it was the original title but it didn't really fit so yeah sorry lmao
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starsandmoonys · 4 years
The Black Brothers
This is Angsty as fuck. all the warnings, literally, at your own risk. but y’all asked me to post so here you go. 
Okay, it’s more of a fic idea rather than a headcanon.
Basically due to the status of the house of black. I’d like to think that the black brothers had their own dorm in Hogwarts, a fully furnished room with two beds for both boys in the Slytherin dungeons.
Sirius was supposed to get sorted into Slytherin and stay in it, and the following year he’d share it with Regulus. But alas, that didn’t happen and Sirius got sorted into Gryffindor, stayed with James, Remus, and peter. 
The dorm was left empty till the next year when Regulus joined and got sorted, now only one bed. His own room with no one to bother him, just like back home. Except he wanted Sirius to be there. He couldn’t understand why his brother would abandon him like that.
Sirius understood what Reg must’ve felt like and started to sneak into the Slytherin dorms almost 4 times a week after his and Reg’s classes just to spend time with him.
He Showed up the first day of school after the sorting and found Regulus curled up in bed, crying. Regulus wanted to go home, he didn’t want to be alone. He was destined to spend all his school years in that room in a different house and he hated it. He hated every single second of it.
Sirius promised him that day that he’d always be there, whenever he can. He won’t let Regulus stay there alone. It would be like they’ve never left home minus Walburga.
They would help each other with classes, Sirius sucked at potions, and luckily his brother seems to be an honorary student in it. He would give Reg practical tips and training in DADA and Transfiguration. Talk about Quidditch. Sirius was more than proud when his brother got the seeker position in the Slytherin team. “You’d be playing against us, I’ll tell James to go easy on you.”
They would talk, play, vent, and cry about letters their mother sends (mostly to Sirius). Regulus gets a lot of nightmares. So just like home, he needed Sirius around him.
Sirius spent the nights there, in that room. He rarely slept in his own bed. The rest of the boys would question his absence, he told James and asked to borrow the cloak when he needs it to facilitate sneaking in and out of the dorms at night. 
They came out to each other one night during Sirius’ fifth year. Sirius was ranting about Remus, how he drives him insane, etc. When Reg jokingly said,” Are you sure you’re straight, Siri?” that’s when Sirius just looked at him and some sort of realization hit them both. “I’m gay?” “You’re gay!” and they just hugged. Regulus promised no one will ever know about it until Sirius is ready for that step. To offer insurance, he told Sirius that he doesn’t really think that he has feelings or has ever felt anything towards anyone. Both ways.
Sirius told him that he could be Aromantic and that if he is, that’s absolutely fine. It doesn’t mean that he lacks feelings because Regulus feels more than anyone he knew. And that he’s not broken. They just cry a lot that night. Each one with his own demons to battle. But at least they had each other.
Sirius stayed with Regulus 24/7 after the prank incident when everyone in his world seemingly hated him. Reg would read muggle books to him and beat him in chess. And sometimes let him win.
This routine happened during most of their years at Hogwarts, the marauders knew about it. McGonagall and Slughorn also knew but no one dared to argue with the boy.
Regulus was a priority to Sirius and everyone knew it.
Until the summer before the sixth year, when everything fell apart. Sirius ran away. He did it again. He left him. He left him again. He didn’t look back at what he was leaving behind, at who he was leaving behind. Regulus couldn’t get over it. He knew Sirius abandoned him again. He didn’t know how to forgive him. Why didn’t Sirius think about him? Why didn’t he take him with him? He felt like he didn’t really matter to Sirius that much. He chose the Potters, just like he chose Gryffindor all those years ago.
The first time Sirius showed up to his room during the Sixth year, Regulus couldn’t control his anger. He lashed out at him. “We’re not brothers, you’re not a Black. Now, get the fuck out before I call Slughorn” Called him a traitor. Not a blood traitor, he didn’t really care about those values, no, Sirius betrayed him. He broke the promise. He kicked him out. Asked to never have to see him again. Not even in the hallways. Despite all his pleas and apologies, Sirius left that dorm feeling worse than when he was kicked out of the Grimmauld place.
Despite all the anger that Regulus felt, he would never allow anyone to shit-talk his brother. He would straight up pick up fights with anyone calling Sirius a slur. He called Sirius brave for what he did. He didn’t hate on Sirius for leaving that wretched place and having different values. He looked up to him and he wanted to go with him. He can’t now, he was alone, with them, and a very dark future ahead of him.
Sirius never left though. Because he knew Regulus wasn’t okay, he wasn’t okay either. His friends were being great but he missed his brother.
Sirius borrowed the cloak every night, sneaked out in the middle of the night. He just hid under the cloak and sat on the floor next to Reg’s bed, for hours. He needed his presence. Just to be there. He cried a lot because he could hear Regulus having nightmares and he couldn’t do anything. He’d just kick him out again.
Regulus figured out what was happening later on, in Sirius’ seventh year. He never minded. He was awake. Sirius was awake. Each one just being silent. They just stayed there. No one talked. Sirius being under the cloak. And Regulus on the bed lying on his back.
It was Reg’s last year. Sirius wasn’t there. He left Hogwarts. Joined the resistance. He’s fighting for the good side. Regulus wanted to go to. He wanted to be part of the Order too. He stayed in that room, reading the letter his mother had sent him. He would be taking the dark mark. Nothing twisted his heart like that letter. He didn’t know what to do. He wanted to write to Sirius. He wanted him to tell him it’s going to be alright. But he knew it won’t.
Nothing will be alright. There is no turning back. He’ll be one of them and he’d be hated. Sirius would be ashamed of him.
He took it, he let the dark lord mark him, with his family around, celebrating him. Like he’s some kind of a hero. He wasn’t. He was the lowest of the low. He would look up to the sky and watch that certain star. “Please, help me” he would whisper. But he was never answered.
Regulus was writing the note. He knew was he was about to do. It was death. But he didn’t care. He believed anything would be better. He can’t live with himself. He wanted to burn it off, cut his damn arm. But then he would know and it won’t end well.
He figured since he’d either die this way or another. He would go trying to do something good. Just one step closer to the fall of the dark lord. He drank the potion with one person in mind. And was dragged in the water with one last thought. “I hope you’re proud of me.”
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loopsforlupin · 4 years
A Yes That Changed the World
      Sirius was sixteen when he decided he could take no more. Walburga and Orion were going to kill him. They were. Sirius was sure of it. His mother’s gaze was even colder then usual, and his father, well he had always just ignored his sons, but now Sirius could swear he had seen his father reach for his dagger that he always kept on him, only to stop right before he touched it. They were furious with him. No longer was he the silent lamb they could lead around by the rope, and force their opinions down his throat. No he was a Gryffindor, he was loud, he was opinionated. He spoke out against the dark lord, flaunted his friendships with muggle-borns and half-bloods, he proudly stated what he thought of the supposed “Dark Lord”. For every rebellion, he was beat. He was crucio’d. He was threatened with everything from disownment, to being lead before Voldemort himself for his impudence. Nothing broke Sirius’s will, made him submit to his mother’s cruel desires. Sirius’s body was in a constant state of pain, his cuts and bruises stinging and bleeding randomly throughout the day. Sirius hid how bad he was feeling. He’d give them nothing, couldn’t let them see his flinches, or how badly he was feeling with every step. There was only one thing that kept Sirius from leaving. 
      Regulus. How could he leave his baby brother with them? The tiny baby, who had been thought to weak to live, who had grown up to be a fragile toddler, who his mother had told him to protect. His baby. A tiny toddler with long black curls, who clutched Sirius’s robes and whose first word was “Siri”. Sirius had raised the boy. Had shown him how to walk quietly in the shadows, to avoid their parent’s wrath. Had taught him table manners by the age of two, so that their mother couldn’t sting his hands when he reached for the wrong fork. Sirius’s baby, who learned French and Russian, at the same time he learned English, because their mother had many French friends, and their father had Russian business partners, and it was only proper to be able to speak to their guests in a language they understood. Sirius’s baby brother who could recite the proper pure-blood etiquette word for word, and was the “proper son”, the “ proper Pure-blood”. Sirius had done everything he could to ensure his brother would never gain the wrath of his parents. Surely, now that his brother was nearly of age, surely Sirius could be selfish. Right?  
      It was late at night, long after his mother and father had went to bed, that Sirius finally recovered enough to leave. His mother had punished him severely for his “lack of respect”, because Sirius had commended his cousin Andromeda for running off. Because he had the gall to celebrate her marriage to a “no good, waste of magic mudblood”. Sirius’s cousins, Bellatrix and Narcissa and their parents had been over for a “Family gathering”. Bellatrix had mentioned her sister’s “plight into insanity” and lamented that a once proud member had fallen so far from grace. Sirius had snorted, and looking his insane cousin in the eyes, had stated that Bella should be well familiar with insanity. That hadn’t won him any laughs, and instead resulted in his current situation. His ribs were broken, and if he had to judge, based on the sharp excruciating pain emitting from his left arm, so was his forearm. Regulus had been sent to his room, and Kreacher had been instructed to ensure that the room was sound proofed. The demented elf was all to eager to follow his mother’s order, Regulus had looked scared, and almost like he was going to argue. Sirius shook his head slowly, Regulus didn’t look entirely convinced so Sirius mouthed: “Go, go!” The following couple of hours were mostly lost in the haze of pain. He thinks he remembers his mother’s cold laugh as he cried. His father’s harsh voice yelling hexes and curses so quickly that even Sirius’s naturally beater instincts were unable to dodge the colored spells coming his way. The punishment went on for hours, well into the night. 
      Now his body was yelling at Sirius. No more, it seemed to beg. He knew then, if he stayed, the next time they punished him, it would be his death. His own parents would kill him, and in his mother’s case at least, would laugh as he died an agonizing death. With every ounce of will he had left, Sirius forced himself up, and into his room. A flick of his wand had everything he wanted packed flying into his trunk which he shrunk and placed in his back pocket. He looked around one last time at his childhood room. The posters he had stuck to his walls in an effort to piss of his parents. It pleased him greatly that even when he left, his mother and father would not be able to entirely erase him from their home. Two pictures caught his attention, one of his friends at Hogwarts, their faces laughing and smiling at him from the wall. The other one a picture of his brother and him, when Regulus was younger, and Sirius was in his Hogwarts robes. His brother was clutching Sirius’s robes, his knuckles white and tensed at least to Sirius’s trained eyes. This was the last photo his mother had willingly included him in, and it was bittersweet, because Regulus was losing his brother for the year, and Sirius was about to puke from the anxiety of how he was going to be sorted. It was their eyes that Sirius noticed, both of their eyes were filled with fear. Sirius couldn’t help but remember how after they had hugged one last time, that Sirius had whispered in his baby brother’s ears to remember everything he had taught him, to behave to not make waves, to survive until Sirius was home again to protect him. Regulus had been scared but told Sirius he would try. Then Sirius had been a Gryffindor, had made friends for the first time in his life, had learned to have his own opinion, to think for himself. And from then on, Sirius was the enemy. Sirius wanted the picture, it may be the last reminder he every had of his brother. So with careful hands, he cut the wall behind the picture and stuck that in his pocket. 
      Sirius shut his bedroom door, and made his way to the door he knew almost as well as his own. He didn’t open the door, he stopped in front of it and debated. Should he wake his brother to say goodbye? Would Regulus try to rat him out? Would Regulus miss him as much as Sirius would miss him? Sirius was torn, he wanted to say goodbye, but he didn’t want to have the last memory of his brother being an argument. He had just decided to move on when the door in front of him cracked open. Sleepy slate grey eyes, peered up at him from the fragile face of his baby brother. Sirius didn’t dare to breathe. Regulus looked up at him, his eyes narrowing as he took in his brother’s attire. Sirius was wearing his favored leather jacket, jeans and his black boots. In all, it was his normal bike riding outfit. 
      “You’re leaving.” Regulus stated, his eyes slowly losing what little warmth had resided in the grey orbs. Sirius didn’t think he could physically respond, so he nodded; his head bobbing slowly just once. Regulus pulled the door open wider. 
     “Where will you go?” Sirius paused. He hadn’t actually thought it out to much, just ran on the instinct to leave as quickly as he could. 
    “Probably the Potter’s. James will let me crash for a day or two I’m sure. Then I guess I have to find a flat somewhere.” Regulus looked into Sirius’s eyes, trying to find something. Sirius was unsure what exactly his brother hoped to find, but he kept his expression sincere, he would not lie to his brother.  Regulus soon looked resigned, his face falling. 
    “I guess this is goodbye then. I wish you well Sirius.” Sirius couldn’t breathe. Here was his baby brother, who he had raised, and loved and taught how to survive their unloving and cruel parents, formerly wishing him well, like they were schoolmates who barely knew each other. And Regulus was shutting the door, his baby brother was going to close the door, and that was the last time Sirius would see Regulus. 
    “Come with me!” Sirius blurted out, his voice barely above a whisper, but his tone urgent and panicked. “Come with me Reg!” 
     Regulus stopped his action and looked at his brother. His protector. His sanity in a house full of shadows, abuse, and anger. The lion born from a pit of snakes, who roared his opinion, even when everyone around him demanded silence. His brother who took the brunt of his parent’s anger and hatred, and protected him, was standing in front of him now, telling Regulus that he was leaving, and asking him to go with him. Regulus was fourteen years old and he knew this was a defining moment of his life. If he said no, Sirius was leaving, and he would be alone in this hateful house. Regulus would have no brave lion to shield him from his mother’s anger, or to curb his father’s wrath. Regulus would most likely be pushed into becoming a follower of Voldemort. He would stand on the opposite side of his brother. Or Regulus could say yes. But what would happen to them?  No house? No family title? They would be starting from the very bottom, but Regulus would have his brother. Sirius would protect him, of this Regulus was certain. He was so sure of this in fact that Regulus found he had no good reason to stay. His entire family was in front of him right now offering to take him away from all the horrors in this house. 
      It stunned both boys when Regulus nodded his head slowly once. Then speed up as if he believed Sirius would change his mind and leave him there alone. Sirius’s heart pounded in his chest, and his lungs sucked in a greedy gulp of air. His brother said yes. HIS BROTHER SAID YES! Sirius wasn’t losing his whole family, he was keeping the most important part with him. Sirius grinned at his brother and pushed open the door to the room. Whispering for Regulus to grab his wand, and to stand back Sirius entered the room. He whispered a command to get dressed, and to keep one jacket out. Sirius began to prepare his brother to leave. A flick of his wand, had the entire contents of his brother’s closest getting packed into the trunk. Any lose books, quills, or papers also flew into the trunk as well as When everything was packed away, Sirius took one of Regulus’s formal jackets, and transfigured it into a leather styled jacket like his own. Seeing Regulus’s confused expression, Sirius grinned, the kind of grin that James and Remus would have realized meant terrible trouble. 
     “Trust me Reg, gets a bit cold traveling my way.” Another flick of his wand shrunk his brother’s trunk, which he carefully tucked into his brother’s pocket. Together to the two brothers snuck their way down and out of their childhood home for the last time. Neither of them looked back, the only thing they would have regretted leaving was beside them. Once they were quite a ways away from their old home, Sirius stopped Regulus, looked around to ensure no body was near, before he pulled a chain around his neck out from underneath his shirt revealing a motorcycle charm. With a tap of his wand, the charm grew and grew and grew until an oversized motorcycle sat in front of the brothers. A black helmet with gold embellishments, hung on the handlebars. Regulus gulped. His brother had to be kidding. They couldn’t ride this thing to the Potter’s! Sirius grinned knowing his brother’s thoughts based on his face. 
     “Come on Reg! Time to get going. Hop on after me okay. Make sure your trunk is tight in your pocket. Alright?”  Regulus nodded his head still shocked. Sirius went to pull on his helmet before he stopped. He leaned down and looked at the rocks nearby before grabbing one the size of his palm. Another tap of his wand, and he held a dark green helmet with silver details sat in his hand. 
    “Safety first Reg. Gotta have a helmet to ride Gryff.” Regulus put the helmet on, waited until his brother was seated before climbing on himself. He wrapped his arms tight around his brother’s waist. Sirius double checked that Reg was secure before he started the engine. It growled to life, before settling into a deep purr. Soon enough, Sirius and Regulus were roaring down the road the wind whipping their jackets and chilling them through to their cores. When Sirius thought they were well into the country, and therefore far enough away from prying eyes, he turned his head just enough to catch Regulus’s attention. 
     “ Hold on tight, now’s the fun part!” With no other warning, Sirius pushed a button on his handlebars, and suddenly the brothers were soaring into the sky. Regulus clutched him self tighter to his brother. Sirius let out a laugh, and took them higher, and higher until they were covered by a thin layer of clouds, for any muggle out and about at this time of night. They stayed in the cover of the clouds mostly, only dropping down for a second or two to ensure they were heading in the right direction. Sirius’s wand was occasionally pulled out and a “Point-Me” charm was used. They flew for a while, close to an hour, before Sirius yelled back to his brother again. 
      “Going to land! Hold on tight and lean when I do!” Regulus shouted back an okay, and the bike began to descend. Riding the motorcycle was different from a broom, definitely different from a broom. The descent took a little longer than their liftoff, but soon enough the brothers were lading in a secluded area outside of a beautiful manor house. It was gorgeous. Sirius pulled up to the gates, tapped them with his wand, and passed through them with ease. The pathway leading to the house lit up with their approach, little orbs of light lit up the cobble stone pathway. Eventually they reached the circle drive in front of the manor, where Sirius parked the bike. Regulus got off first, his legs feeling kind of unstable as he stood up for the first time in about an hour. Sirius also got off and stood up, stretching his muscles. With a grin, Sirius wrapped his arm around his baby brother and pulled him up to the steps to the grand door. 
    Unabashed, Sirius banged on the door. His face was bruised, his lips were split, but Sirius was smiling like a loon. His brother was beside him, and his other brother was behind the wooden doors, along with parents who loved and shared instead of shaming and hating. With a quiet creak the big doors were open, to reveal a tiny little creature with floppy ears. Sirius’s grin grew even bigger. He kneeled down and looked at the small creature. 
     “Master Siri? Master Siri hurt?!” “Wotcher Bindy! Think you can get James for me?” The elf nodded and popped away with barely a snap. Sirius turned to his brother, still standing awkwardly and sort of shivering, and flashed him a bright grin. Regulus couldn’t help but send a small grin back, they were together, and that was all that really mattered now. A minute passed before another small popping sound was heard and a shirtless, sleepy looking James was standing at the door, his wand pointed at them. His eyes were still sleepy looking but alert enough to be suspicious. Sirius situated himself in front of his brother, who was a little shocked to see the Gryffindor chaser shirtless and holding a wand on him. 
      “ What prank did I play on Lily Evans in second year?” Sirius grinned doggishly and stood up straight his posture relaxed and sure. 
    “You put a skin-color changing potion in her pumpkin juice, you made her a brilliant scarlet color but changed her hair to gold. Then you called her the Gryffindor Lioness for the next month. She hexed you twelve times.” James relaxed, and rubbed his eyes tiredly. 
      “Dammit Pads. What you doing on my doorstep at four in the bloody morning?” James looked at Sirius more closely, and seemed to finally realize that Regulus was there. Interestingly enough, he seemed to become self-conscious, reaching up and crossing his arms over his chest before acknowledging Regulus. “Uhh, hey Regulus.” An awkward little wave followed. Regulus grinned. Potter was an awkward dork. Regulus grinned and waved back over Sirius’s shoulder. 
     “Hey yourself Potter.” Regulus grinned like a shark, his teeth flashing white in the dim light. Sirius grew tired of being ignored as the other two dark haired boys looked at each other.        “Prongs, you gonna leave us standing in the cold?” That snapped James out of his stupor, and he sheepishly gestured them into his home. Both Black brothers sighed in relief, the feeling of warmth seeping into their bones a welcome sensation after the cold wind whipping at them on their journey. 
      James led them into the kitchen the whole way fussing over Sirius. He had finally realized that his friend was injured, and had began to act like a mother hen which he normally is. Sirius took all the fussing in stride, barely baiting an eye as James forced him into a chair. James called for Bindy, asking her to gather bandages, potions, and to wake his mother. Sirius did start to fuss at that last part.
     “Prongs! Don’t wake your mother for this. I can wait ‘til morning! Seriously Bindy don’t wake Mrs. Potter, I’m fine.” His voice was actually distressed at the idea of waking Mrs. Potter, causing Regulus to tense. Would Mrs. Potter treat them the same way their own mother did? Would she punish Sirius for coming to her home so late? 
    “Pads don’t be daft! You’ve got a broken arm!! I can’t fix that by myself. We need her. Bindy go wake my mother please.” Bindy popped away quickly, her own face worried as she looked at the Black heir. Sirius didn’t seem convinced, but he stopped protesting. His shoulders were still tense though, and his eyes shifted around to look at all the possible exits. Regulus tensed even more. Sirius had driven them here? With a broken arm? He had known his brother was strong, but this was next level of strength.  James having done all he could for Sirius turned his attention to Regulus. His eyes seemed nervous, but he stepped closer to him. 
     “Regulus, do you have any injuries?” James’s eyes seemed to stare through Regulus’s clothes, as if he was mentally undressing him, and imagining all the worst bruises he had seen on Sirius on Regulus’s slender frame. 
      “I’m perfectly fine Heir Potter. Sirius taught me to avoid their wrath from a young age.” James flinched at the formal title his eyes dulling even as a small smile flitted on his lips. 
      “Good, I’m glad you were safe. I’m also glad that Sirius brought you here. No body deserves to be left alone with those... those.... those MONSTERS.” James’s face made it clear that the word monster was inadequate to describe what he thought of the Black parents. Regulus just smiled, tilting his head to the side. James Potter was a strange person. He defended Sirius because they were friends, but why was he so concerned about Regulus? James seemed a little in awe from Regulus’s smile, meeting it with a wry grin of his own.
      The sound of the kitchen door opening broke the little spell Regulus was under. Mrs. Potter was a slightly older woman, but she moved quick as a whip. She was next to Sirius in the time it took Regulus to blink. Her wand was out and she was casting diagnostic spells. Her voice was slightly lower than his mother’s, but it was infused with a sense of warmth. She was muttering spells as she moved, and also fussing over his brother at the same time. Sirius’s face was an interesting color of red, as the matronly woman fussed over him. 
      “Oh you dear boy! What did that horrible woman do to you! You’re black and blue! And that arm! How in Merlin’s name did you travel here with a broken arm! You stubborn boy! You’re lucky you didn’t hurt yourself worse! Wait until I get Fleamont up, flying across the sky on that bike of yours no less! With a broken arm! I ought to to tie you to your bed for your own health! Between you boys I’m not sure who’s going to make me grey!” 
     James was laughing, as his mother was fussing. Sirius was a brilliant red color now, his eyes wide as he watched the matronly woman. He lifted limbs, and moved as she instructed. He barely flinched when she healed his arm, was practically motionless as she then strapped it into a sling to help. He did nothing until she was finished, and she planted a kiss to his forehead, when she moved he looked desperately at James, who was to busy laughing to notice his friend’s distress. 
      Mrs. Potter then turned her attention towards the only other boy in her kitchen. He was a slender thing. His hair not quite long, but definitely shaggy. His eyes were so similar to his brother’s only instead of lighting up with mirth, those grey eyes tracked her movements. She stopped about two steps away from him, her wand clearly in his sight. She noticed that while his face was unreadable, his shoulders had tensed and his eyes shifted to find his brother. He was scared. Unbeknownst to her, Sirius had caught Reg’s eyes and had nodded. She was to be trusted. 
     “Hello dear. My name is Euphemia Potter, but you can call me Effie. Do you need any healing as well? I can’t imagine our Sirius-” here she looked over at the still red faced boy with a motherly smile, “-Let anyone raise a wand to you. But you never know dear.” She turned her attention back to him. Her eyes were hazel like her sons, but where James’s were usually warm and full of laughter, her eyes were full of motherly affection. It was a sight he was unfamiliar with but his heart welcomed immensely. 
     “No ma’am. I’m fine. Like you said, Sirius never let me get injured.” Regulus gave his brother a shy smile, which his brother returned eagerly. Effie looked at Regulus with a mock stern expression. 
    “None of this Ma’am business. Effie I insist. Or if you really feel the need to be formal, Euphemia. Ma’am makes me feel old, and while I’m no spring chick, I refuse to the old hen.”  
      Sirius and James both chuckled, while Regulus grinned. 
      “Euphemia then. Thank you for letting my brother and I into your home. We appreciate your hospitality.” Regulus took her hand and kissed the back of it. 
      Euphemia chuckled, as she curtsied in response. 
      “My aren’t you a little charmer. Sirius! You could learn a thing or two from this young man.” Sirius grinned, his face finally returning to it’s normal pale color. 
      “Nah Effie, who do you think you taught him how to charm the ladies!” Sirius then glanced at James and muttered something under his breath. If Regulus had been closer he would have heard the muttered “And some blokes apparently.” But Regulus was too far to hear the comment that made James turn into a beet root red, but he was close enough to appreciate the way James looked when he was embarrassed. 
    Effie’s laugh tinkled in the room, making all three boys smile. She then called for Bindy to make some tea and some snacks for “her three boys”. Regulus and Sirius both perked up at being included, making James’s heart ache for how starved for family both young boys were. After a quick cuppa and a snack of fairy cakes, the three boys were lead up to their bedrooms. Sirius was placed in the bedroom he utilized when he stayed with the Potter’s for breaks, and Regulus was placed in the room across from his. James told Sirius he would raid his closet for a set of pajamas for the pair of brothers. 
       James returned from his closet with two pairs of pajamas. One set included a white, long sleeve shirt made out of a soft material, and a pair of sleep pants with little gold snitches on them. The other set wasn’t actually sleep wear, but instead was an old black hoodie paired with some grey sweatpants. To Sirius he threw the sweatshirt and sweatpants. He shyly held out his other offering.
        “Here. I don’t know if they’ll fit too well, but since you play quidditch I thought you’d like these. The other pairs.... are a little more Gryffindor colored. I didn’t think you’d appreciate wearing red and gold.” Regulus took the bundle of clothes, noticing that the clothes smelled like James. An interesting mix of spicy and cool, a pleasant mix of cinnamon or cloves, mixed with something citrusy, as well as something that Regulus couldn’t help but describe as warm.  
     “Thanks Potter. These will do great. Loads better than sleeping in a button down and jeans.” James smiled at him again, making a peculiar sensation take hold of Regulus’s stomach, and lower regions. Something to think about later he thought wryly. 
     The boys split up, with the Black brother’s changing into their borrowed clothes. They met up again in James’s room. Sirius, while smaller than James, filled out the clothes quite nicely, with only certain areas being baggy. Regulus however was basically swimming in James’s clothes. The drawstring on the pants, the only thing keeping them up on his slender waist. James upon seeing Regulus swimming in his clothes, had his eyes wide, and kept nervously biting and licking his lips. He also kept crossing his arms and uncrossing them as the boys chatted before bed.
    Regulus wished his brother goodnight, and turned to James. Looking up from under his lashes, he bid the Potter heir a goodnight, before thanking him again. James stuttered out a welcome and attempted to say goodnight as Regulus walked over to his own room. Right before Regulus closed the door, he swore he heard his brother say something along the lines of:
     “Merlin James, that was more awkward then you trying to flirt with Evans!” 
 To which he swore he heard James respond: 
     “ Shove of Pads! You’re no better when you try to flirt with Moony!” 
      As Regulus prepared for bed, he heard the other boys descend into a small argument, which consisted of various insults about the other’s inability to flirt, or their general lack of intelligence. It wasn’t until Euphemia shouted for them to settle down and go to sleep did they finally fall quiet. 
     For the first time in the twelve years that he could consciously remember, Regulus Black fell asleep knowing that when he woke up his brother would be safe, and they wouldn’t have to see their parent’s over the breakfast table. Sleep pulled heavily on Regulus’s eyes, until he fell into a deep slumber, where Regulus dreamed of hazel eyes laughing, a cheeky grin against tanned skin, and his brother’s infectious laughter surrounding him. It was the beginning of a whole chapter in their lives. 
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Wip Wednesday
Untitled fic (Correspondence)
Summary/Story so far: HotchReid, slow burn, AU where Reid never joined the FBI, but got roped into consulting for the LA field office while working and teaching at Caltech. Hotch gets his email from a fellow agent, and they start to work on cases together -- until they start talking on a regular basis. Regular becomes frequent, frequent becomes constant. We are now months into this... tentative thing that is beyond friendship, beyond flirtatious, they still don't know much about each other on paper... but this feels a lot like dating. And then one day, Hotch abruptly stops answering his phone.
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)
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(Set in season 6, unbeta'd, still the first draft, text/email templates are temporary)
((Notes: Spencer's POV this time, he is 29 and working at CalTech, Hotch still doesn't know how old he is though he does know that he's at least younger than 45 now. Hotch has been MIA now for about 18 hours.))
Spencer spends way too long online that morning, searching for anything about the case Hotch is working. There's nothing about a raid, or a shooting, or even an arrest -- which could all just be apart of the ongoing media blackout -- but it also does nothing to stop him from panicking. 
With a drafted email pulled up to Ms. Penelope Garcia, the BAU's personal tech analyst, he ponders how to... even word this without it sounding too personal. Too much like he and Hotch have more than just a working relationship.
Because they do. They have... something.
Something that gives him fluttering sensations in his stomach, makes him check his phone constantly, and react to even the slightest chime similar to his text tone. Makes him smile when he sees Hotch's name on his notifications, in his email inbox, makes him message the man in the middle of the day at the most random thoughts. Just because he wants to make him laugh.
[]You're going to get me in trouble.
[][]Did I make you smile?
[]I'm at a crime scene. There's a dead body in front of me.
[][]Then why are you checking your phone?
[]You know why.
But that’s not something that is shared with the rest of the team, he’s sure. So he should be careful how he words his email, lest Ms. Garcia realize that Spencer isn’t asking purely as a colleague. 
Surely they know he has friends, though?
Chewing his lip, Spencer types out a brief email asking if Agent Hotchner is feeling well since he missed an appointment the night before and hasn’t been returning his calls. It’s a phrase he’s used often, so it comes naturally to Spencer as he types it out, and he realizes… he hasn’t called. He’s sent a dozen text messages, but not a phone call. Never a phone call. That was against the rules. 
He looks to his phone beside him on his desk, and tries to fight back the dueling forms of panic clawing at his chest. Panic that Hotch might not answer, panic what that means for the man he’s been… becoming more and more inclined to than any other person he’s met in so long. Panic if he does answer, breaking that barrier of written words to spoken, and the opportunity to hear Hotch’s voice. But he would also hear Spencer’s, and then there would be no hiding just how… how young he really is.
But his phone is in his hand before he can stop himself, and Hotch’s contact pulled up and his thumb hovering over the phone number with baited breath. 
Was he really going to do this?
He presses the touch screen and can hear the line connecting, the dial tone ring even before he gets the phone up to his ear and waits. It rings, and rings, and rings a fourth time -- before clicking over to voicemail. And Spencer’s hyper-fast thought processes realize he’s going to hear Hotch’s voice for the first time. Frozen in a panic, unsure if he wants to or if that had been something he wanted them to do together that the seconds slip by and suddenly it’s too late.
“You’ve reached the voicemail box of -- (703)-567-8790 -- this caller is not available. Please leave a message after the tone--”
It’s an automated, female voice that rattles off the numbers and generic call back message, and Spencer hangs up before it can begin recording him. Exhaling a shaky breath, that nothing had been ruined between him and Hotch thanks to an ill-timed phone call. 
He keeps the momentum going without much thought, and adjusts his email to Ms. Garcia before sending it. 
It feels so understated, and yet over dramatic the more he thinks about it. The more he reads it.
Please let me know of his well-being.
God, no wonder Hotch thought he was in his 60’s. 
But Spencer has to keep the façade up, not give away anything he doesn’t want to just because the emotional part of his brain is running rampant over the rational one. There are… many explanations as to why Hotch isn’t answering him. His gut feeling aside, he doesn’t need to be panicking like this. The world is still turning, he still has work to do, so Spencer tries to gather himself into some semblance of order and preps to talk to his doctoral students within the hour.
His morning routine progresses as usual, to start. Dr. Reid has his mandatory round up with his doctoral candidates going over thesis and dissertation parameters, class lecture schedules, updates, the works. Like morning announcements, but he requires them all to be there and to listen, and they all show up. Everyone knows of Spencer’s eidetic memory. He will certainly not forget a single date or schedule change, and he expects his students to not forget as well. 
But this morning Spencer is fully distracted, his mind elsewhere, somewhere in the state of Delaware with an agent who may or may not be in danger. Because Spencer cannot shake the feeling that something is wrong. It almost seems more like a fact than a feeling. 
He becomes even more distracted when his email pings, a response from Ms. Garcia of Quantico, VA flashing across his laptop screen, right in the middle of his department announcements. Spencer’s eyes skim the preview sentence in the pop-up box, and his voice trails off as his mind… whirls. 
Dr. Reid, I’m sorry to tell you I don’t know when Hotch will be available again. There was an incident, and he’s still in surg-
That vice-like grip of worry that has taken hold of him since last night tightens further, to the point Spencer can’t breathe. Hotch is hurt, he’s in surgery, and if he hasn’t been answering his phone since last night -- or even late yesterday afternoon -- it was not a minor thing.
Hotch is hurt. 
“Dr. Reid? Are you okay?”
“I--” he’s still looking at the email pop-up box, and is clicking on it before he can stop himself. Immediately disconnecting his laptop from the projector as his email loads there. It takes him a faction of a second to read the email. “I’m sorry, an emergency just came up. Kimmy, finish reading off the schedule for me?” He doesn’t even wait until she answers him, just picks up his laptop and retreats to his office as fast as his long legs will carry him.
--surgery and we’re still waiting on word. I know you 2 talk on the reg so I’ll keep you posted. 
Fret not, genius professor, our fearless leader has been through much worse than this.
She’s using informal speech patterns, which she has never done before. It bleeds her nervousness, and worries Spencer even more. Ms. Garcia also revealed she knows he and Hotch talk, but surprisingly that doesn’t have the effect he thought it would on his already rattled nerves. Instead, any and all reservations fall away as he types out a response much in the same way he and Hotch had started their friendship all those months ago.
Please, is there anything you are allowed to tell me about the case or his condition? We --
Spencer pauses, bites his lip as he considers crossing this boundary into the uncomfortable unknown, and then thinks about Hotch on a hospital operating table three thousand miles away.
“Screw it,” he mutters and continues to type.
--We’ve become good friends and I’m very worried.
The reply is almost immediate.
That makes 2 of us, boy wonder, but I’m already hacked into the hospital records database and Prentiss is in the waiting room.
I’m sending you the case files and the incident report from last night. Maybe you can see some shiz we can’t b/c the bossman is tough but he’s been in surgery a long time. 
Of course, whatever he can do to help. Spencer’s heavy heart-beat triples in his chest as pulls up the files and immediately prints them out so he can read through them faster. But then his mind sticks on something from the email. 
Boy Wonder.
Ms. Garcia knows how young he is.
She must have done a background check on him, that would make sense since he’s been consulting so much lately. But why would Garcia know his age, and not Hotch?
Ms. Garcia, did you update my dossier with the bureau after you ran my background check?
If you’re referring to why Hotch seems to think you’re rocking the senior discount at restaurants and not still getting carded for beer, then no I didn’t update it. I’m very anti-gov files having every detail of our lives in them, that’s what I’m for, and I figured there was a reason he didn’t know. Your secret is safe with me, sugar bean.
The real reason is Agent Anderson of the LA field office is a dick, with a bully streak he never outgrew after high school, and didn’t bother filling out a full file on him the first time Spencer consulted for the FBI. Then, he couldn’t be bothered to update it when his consultations became more than a one time thing.
But that was all in the past now, and Spencer can’t even be upset about it. Because now he has Hotch.
Thank you, Ms. Garcia. I’ll let you know my findings soon.
He skims the file quickly, pulling information out at lightning speed. It appears a very straight-forward case. As straight-forward as a murderous sociopath can be, anyway. Very anti-establishment, specified targets that devolved to anyone in a uniform. Anyone who appears too official, or lables as official. 
It’s easy to see, now why the unsub attacked Hotch instead of running from him. He practically served himself up on a silver platter. But there’s something about the kills that’s bothering Spencer. The knife wounds, bludgeoning, even the gunshots during the first murders -- it’s all overkill. Rage. Every single target has died from massive internal bleeding, M.E. reports all label the knife wounds and beatings as the cause. But the amount of blood left over, measured during autopsy, doesn’t add up. They bled too much. No wounds indicating intentional bleeding occurred, and the tox screens are all clean. 
Except, every victim has elevated potassium rates.
“Oh, God,” Spencer whispers, quiet and horrified. “Hotch.”
There’s no time for email.
He picks up his phone, goes to an older email that has full contact details in the footer, and dials Ms. Garcia’s direct line in Quantico.
“Speak, and behold greatness.”
“Ms. Garcia, it’s Dr. Reid,” Spencer says, and his tone and quickened speech patterns gives way to his panic.
“Dr-- Dr. Reid?” 
“Yes, quick there’s no time. Do you have Hotch’s hospital records in front of you still?” 
“Yes,” Garcia says, her voice a musical thing even in it’s breathless reaction to his heightened state of haste. “Updated every two minutes.”
“Is his potassium elevated?”
Some quick typing of keys that move faster than even he could ever hope to type. “... Yes.”
God. “Okay, okay I need you to call the hospital right now,” Spencer says in a spiel that all sounds like one word. “Whatever you have to do, he needs Sodium Polystyrene Sulfonate as soon as possible, to counteract the chemical imbalance or he’s going to go into kidney failure and bleed out.”
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pregnant-piggy · 4 years
A place to call home - part II
Sirius Black x reader
This is part of All I want for Christmas is fanfiction
Words: 3.1k
A/N: there’s is mentioning of Regulus in this part and I’d like to remind you that Sirius didn’t know that Reg turned against Voldemort. It’s only a very short moment, but I just wanted to say that I like Regulus. Anyway, enjoy!
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On Friday morning Sirius was sitting in the kitchen, ready for another day of cleaning with you. Today’s plan was to clean the kitchen for as much as you could and then to make something for the people at the meeting that night. Sirius was looking forward to use the kitchen again. It was the only place in the house that he actually liked. When he was younger he used to cook with the house elves whenever his parents weren’t home.
But you didn’t come down. People came and went. Remus dropped in to bring Sirius the newspapers and stuck around. Sirius talked with everyone who came by, but he could not keep his mind anywhere else but you.
‘She still hasn’t come down,’ Sirius said to Remus as this one was sitting opposite of him.
‘Sirius, I am sure she is just fine,’ Remus replied, his attention focused on the newspapers.
‘But what if she is not? What if she feels terrible and she needs something?’
‘You’re not saying you care for his girl, are you?’ Remus asked, putting his newspapers aside and looking Sirius in the eyes.
‘I don’t know, Moony! I like her! She has this energy that… I don’t know. I just like being around her, talking to her.’
Remus laughed and slapped Sirius on his shoulder. ‘Just… don’t do anything about it right now. This girl already has too much on her mind,’ Remus said as he got up. ‘I’ll see you tonight at the meeting.’
Sirius said goodbye to Sirius and cleaned up the table. He stood hesitating in the kitchen for a moment but then sat down at the table again, taking the newspapers. He tried to concentrate on the articles but he could not stop thinking about what Remus had said. You did have a lot on your mind, Sirius knew that. But what if you needed someone to share your thoughts with? What if you needed someone to help you through this? What if Sirius was that person?
After another hour of contemplating whether to go up or not and scanning through the newspapers, you still hadn’t come down. Sirius looked at the clock and noticed it was approaching twelve. It wasn’t like you went to bed that late, so you’d probably be awake.
Sirius left the kitchen and went to your room.
‘y/n, are you alright?’ Sirius asked after knocking on the door. ‘I uhh- I noticed you didn’t come down yet…’
The door opened and you came to Sirius’ sight. You were still wearing your sleepshirt and socks, you had put you hair in a bun on the top of your head. ‘I’m fine,’ you muttered, rubbing your red eyes. You voice was soft and low and Sirius didn’t miss the quivering of it as you spoke.
‘Are you sure?’ Sirius asked carefully, tilting his head to the side.
You laughed softly and nodded your head. ‘I’m sure. I just slept in and didn’t really feel like coming down yet.’
Sirius nodded but he didn’t believe you. It was obvious that you had been crying. But Sirius said nothing. He didn’t want to push boundaries.
‘What time is it anyway?’
‘’Bout twelve,’ Sirius said.
‘Twelve?!’ you cried out. ‘Why didn’t you come earlier? We have to clean the kitchen! Have you seen the size of it?! You go down and start, I’ll be down in ten minutes,’ you said as you hurried off to the bathroom.
Sirius looked after you as you ran away. His eyes scanned your body. Your hair, tied up and a mess, your way too big t-shirt, that seemed to be a quidditch shirt, your legs that came out from under the shirt and your feet, hidden in woollen socks. As you disappeared in the bathroom, Sirius turned around and smiled.
Despite having slept most of the morning, you felt tired. After cleaning a part of the kitchen, because there was just too little time to do the whole kitchen, you and Sirius baked a pie for the people at the meeting. It had surprised you to find out that Sirius was a keen baker. You hadn’t expected the tough, big man to have such a sweet tooth.
It was now ten minutes before the meeting and you were sitting at the table in the dining room that was adjacent to the kitchen. With just the two of you in the house, you and Sirius most of the time ate in the smaller table in the kitchen. But for company, parties or Order meetings the dining room came to a good use.
Your head was resting on your arms. Your arms were sore from all the scrubbing; it had been your idea to do the floor first, so that was done. But the kitchen hadn’t been cleaned in years and it took all the strength in your arms to clean it floor. So much that it was too tiring for you to put weight on your arms. Thus you were resting your chin on your arms that lied over each other on the table.
Sirius was walking around in the house looking for certain documents, but he couldn’t find them. ‘I swear I put them here! How can they not be there!’
You laughed at the stressed man that ran around the dining room. His hand was going through his hair the entire time, messing it up in a way that gave you a twitch in your lower stomach.
‘Are you sure you didn’t put them somewhere else?’ you asked carefully.
Sirius turned around to you and squeezed his eyes. He placed both his arms on the other side of the table and leaned forward a little to you.
‘Are you questioning my memory?’
‘Oh no, not the slightest. I’m just making suggestion in the air,’ you said with an innocent voice. Sirius turned around and walked away, but you could have sworn he smiled. You yawned and looked at the clock. It was seven o’clock; people should be arriving now.
Slowly the kitchen of Grimmauld Place started to fill with people. Remus and Tonks arrived and Remus helped Sirius with looking for the documents, which he still hadn’t found. Molly and Arthur also arrived. With said documents.
The meeting started after the last person arrived. The loud voice of Moody, who was leading the meeting, drummed into your ears and you felt your eyes growing heavy. To keep them open you looked around the room. Most people were listening concentrated, some people were making notes and a few were chatting with each other. You looked to the right side of the table and saw Sirius, who was looking at you. You gave him a small smile and he smiled back, before quickly averting his eyes.
Resting your head back on your arms, you tried to focus on Moody’s voice. The warm air in the room seemed to fall as a haze over you and you were taking under a trance. Moody’s words didn’t reach you anymore as you travelled to an unconscious state of mind.
‘So that’s it. Thank you for coming. Next week same time is the next meeting,’ Moody barked and you were startled awake. You had fallen asleep on your arms.
People around you were getting up and leaving. You turned your head from one side of the room to the other and tried to remember when you had dozed off. You dropped your head on your arms again and rested your cheek on your forearm.
‘You should go to bed,’ Tonks said with a smile, while she lowered her head next to you. You giggled as her head was at the same level as you. She pushed the hair out of your face and tucked it behind your ear. ‘How are you doing?’
‘I’m fine. I mean it’s not really easy, being out here hiding from those death eaters, but Sirius does make it a lot more fun.’
‘So you like Sirius, huh?’ Tonks said and she raised her eyebrows.
You pushed her away and smiled as you lifted your head and searched for Sirius in the room. He was talking with Remus in the doorway. They were both talking with serious faces and their voices, though you couldn’t hear what they said, seemed annoyed.
‘Yeah, I do like him,’ you sighed and turned back to Tonks. She was smiling at you and you shook your head when you saw the glint in her eyes. ‘Stop that!’
You talked with Tonks for a while until she and Remus left. You looked at Sirius while he cleaned the table.
‘You should just go to bed,’ Sirius said when you yawned.
‘But then you’d have to do this alone!’ you sputtered.
‘Yeah, because you are helping me so much right now,’ Sirius said with a smile.
You sighed and got up from the table, lingering in the doorway. Sirius took the broom and chased after you until you were upstairs. He stood at the bottom of the stairs with the broom in the air, as if to warn you he’d come after you if you didn’t go to bed.
‘Goodnight, Sirius.’
Sirius and you spent the following days cleaning the rest of the kitchen. It brightened Sirius up to see the only place in the house that he liked cleaned up. It was as if cleaning undid the spirit of his mother that seemed to hang all over the house.
After the kitchen followed the living room. The space was big, but unlike the bathrooms and kitchen the room didn’t need any scrubbing. The curtains were cleared from dust, the couches and tables cleaned, the carpet on the floor got a wash and the chandelier on the ceiling was replaced with something less kitsch.
However the room did take a lot more time to clean. After four days all of the said things were done, but there was a stain on the wall that you had to call Molly’s help for. While you and her tried to get rid of the stain, Sirius focused on the cupboard with this families antiques. He got rid of almost everything. He didn’t want to be reminded of the shadow casted over this house by his family.
He could not help the tears that sprung into his eyes when he saw a picture of him and Regulus when they were younger. Both so young and innocent, Sirius not older than just 5 years old, both unaware of the brutal world they would grow up in, both just kids having fun at Christmas. Sirius sat down on the sofa and looked at the photograph that was in his shaking hands.
‘Sirius? What’s the matter?’ you asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.
All that left his mouth in an answer was a sob. You quickly sat down next to him and wrapped your arms around him. Molly muttered something about the kitchen and she quickly disappeared from the room.
Sirius felt safe in your embrace. He let the tears fall freely from his eyes as he buried his face in your neck. You let him cry in your neck and rubbed circles on his back, whispering comforting words in his ear.
After a few minutes Sirius had calmed down and he lifted his head from your shoulder. You smiled at Sirius and wiped away the tears on his cheeks, cupping his face with your hand.
‘Can I ask who that is?’ you asked softly.
‘It’s my brother,’ Sirius whispered as if there were other people in the room that weren’t supposed to hear it. ‘Regulus. He was the perfect son and I lost him to them. He turned to the death eaters after school. What else was supposed to come from him in such a family?’
You nodded understandingly, still rubbing Sirius’ back. He eased to your touch. It brought comfort. And although you and him weren’t very touchy, it felt as if this happened all the time. As if this was natural.
‘He’s dead. Probably killed on one of his death eater trips,’ Sirius sniffed. Your hand on Sirius’ back stopped and Sirius felt your nails in his skin as your hand cramped together. ‘But he was still my brother.’
Tears pricked in his eyes again but he shook them away. He wouldn’t let Regulus get to him. How many times had he offered to Regulus to come with him? How often had he asked for Regulus? All those times his questions had been left unanswered.
‘I think we should quit it for today,’ you said, trying to hide the emotion in your voice. Sirius did hear the tears but he ignored them, figuring that it wouldn’t do any good if you both ended up as a crying mess. ‘Molly and I figured what to do to the stain, so I can do that tomorrow. And you can continue tomorrow as well, right?’
After Sirius had got rid of all the reminders of his family, he felt better. For the first time in his life he actually felt comfortable enough to sit in the living room, without the history of it pressing on his chest. With the open curtains and the dark accessories gone, the room was unrecognizable. A new wind had blown through not only the living room, but the entire house and Sirius was more than grateful for you. You had been there for him the entire time and you had given Sirius the final push he had needed to make this place more a home.
However, although you talked and laughed with Sirius, he felt like you didn’t fully open up to him. He understood, as you were ripped from your home and pushed into the dark and mysterious place that was Grimmauld Place, but he wished there was a way to have you open up to him more. He enjoyed spending time with you a lot and to say that he was just attracted to you was an understatement. You made Sirius feel things that he hadn’t felt in a long time, if he had ever felt them at all.
But he stayed low. He didn’t want to push you away or make you uncomfortable. You still had to hide at the house. The death eaters that had been after you on that night a few weeks ago were still walking around London, looking for you. Through Remus and Arthur Sirius had heard that the death eaters even had asked some of your friends after you. You didn’t know, Sirius could not get it over his heart to tell you. He hated to see you broken and the thought that he would worry you with the news made him ache inside.
‘What do you want to do for Christmas?’ Sirius asked on a Tuesday morning.
You and him were having breakfast in silence, you buried in yesterday’s newspaper. Sirius was wondering what you had planned for the holidays and if you’d stay at Grimmauld Place.
‘I thought the Weasleys and Harry and Hermione were coming?’ you asked without looking up from the paper.
‘Yeah, but are you staying here or not? I mean you probably already made plans with your family, but I’m just saying that you are more than welcome here.’
You looked up from and smiled sadly at Sirius. You lowered the newspaper on the table and sighed before you talked. ‘Sirius, I don’t have a family anymore. My parents are dead and I don’t have siblings.’
‘Oh,’ Sirius just said. ‘I’m sorry.’
‘It’s okay. You couldn’t have known, I didn’t tell you,’ you said, avoiding looking Sirius in the eye.  ‘But I am happy to hear I am welcome here!’
Sirius smiled at you and took your hand over the table to squeeze it. ‘Any time, darling.’
You chuckled and shook your head. ‘You better think of a good gift!’ you said, winking at Sirius.
Sirius nodded and got up from the table. He placed the plates and mugs in the sink and let the water from the tap run over it. With his wand he conjured soap and he started to clean the few dishes.
‘Maybe you can invite Remus and Tonks,’ Sirius heard you say from behind his back. He nodded and thought of what Remus would say right now. Probably something about not doing too much. Sirius’ mind travelled back to the conversation he had had with Remus after the meeting last Friday.
Remus had asked Sirius how he was doing and when Sirius said that he had taken Remus’ advice, Remus had nodded.
‘Good, good. Now just keep doing that,’ Remus had replied.
‘Remus I don’t know how much longer I can take it. It’s driving me crazy! She is with me every day and I just… I just…. want her, you know? She’s perfect!’
‘Pads, does she feel the same way?’
‘I don’t know. I can’t tell what she is thinking, she is so closed.’
Remus had put a hand on Sirius’ shoulder. ‘Well, maybe there is a reason for that.’ And with that Remus had walked away, leaving Sirius alone and frustrated with the logic of his friend.
‘That plate doesn’t need to break, Sirius.’
That broke Sirius’ thoughts. He looked at his hands and saw that they were holding the plate on both sides. His knuckles were white from the strength he was forcing up on the plate. He had gone so up in his thoughts that he hadn’t realised he was outing his anger in a plate.
‘Yeah, yeah, you’re right,’ Sirius muttered. ‘I uhh… I have to… I need a moment.’
He dropped the plate back in the sink and made his way out of the kitchen. However, before he could even reach the door, he was stopped by your touch. You had grabbed his hand and pulled him back.
‘Are you okay?’ you asked with a tender voice.
Sirius softened at your touch and he looked in your eyes, feeling he was melting away. He nodded and closed his eyes for a moment, like he would never get away from you if he kept looking at you. ‘I just don’t feel so good. Maybe I ate something bad.’
You let go of Sirius’ hand and his arm fell back along his body. ‘Just tell me when you need anything, okay?’
Sirius nodded and he left the kitchen, already missing your touch.
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general HP: @kitkatkl @girllety @yuptha-tsme @sleep-i-ness @iamak20 @thefuturelawyer @weasleydream @missmulti @deafgirltingz @moonstarrnghtsky @mytreec @lilulo-12fanfiction @emmaloo21 @kashishwrites @ananad1 @figlia--della--luna @kylosleftbuttcheek @mrs-malfoy-always @thefandomplace @magicwithaknife @mt2413 @aesthetically-hailey @superbturtlemakerathlete @the-natureofme @missswriter​
Sirius Black: @treestarrrrrrrr​ @bumbelbeeesblog​ @with1love1anu​ @transparentttttttttt​ @sirius-satellite​ @cheoco​ @malikinglove​ @alwaysinmydaydreams​ @eateraa​ @bi-andready-tocry​ @fangirlofbooksandpasta​ @littlemissgothgirl​ @always394patronus​ @heavenly-ascended-melodies​ @coldlilheart​ @fific7​ @april-showers-and-flowers​ @susceptible-but-siriusexual​ @classicrocketqueen​ @kingalrdy​
Marauders: @secretsthathauntus​ @ronniethelost​ @sognatrice-as-a-hobby @hxrgreeves​ @wecouldbreakthedistance​ @valentina-007​
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The Sniper and The Medic: Chapter 7
Starring: Crosshair, OC Joan Vo, Tech, Hunter, Wrecker
Chapter Warnings: Mention of injury, mentions of bullying
Taglist: @proadhog @skippyhopperwisdom
AO3 Link (In case you like it better over there, it’s okay, no judgement)
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Chapter 7: On the Mend
It was a full week before Crosshair saw Joan again. She canceled his check-ups, so he could use the time to rest instead, and Tech served as the messenger to report on his healing progress. And he was progressing, thankfully. The pain eventually subsided and by the end of the week, he didn't have to actively think about breathing anymore. As long as he was careful with his stretching and other movements, he was almost good as new.
In addition, their ship had finally arrived, and much to everyone's relief, Hunter stopped the simulation runs in favor of working on the craft instead. They outfitted it with all the tools and weapons they could get their hands on, and each took turns piloting through the storms of Kamino. They weren't allowed to break the atmosphere, but it would only be a couple short weeks before they were officially deployed anyway.
Crosshair found himself at a mental crossroad. They were getting ever closer to the moment he'd been waiting for his whole life, the day he finally got to leave this forsaken place. To say he'd hated his time here would be an understatement. The experimenting and the bullying and even the way it smelled.... He couldn't wait to finally be free of it. To be on real missions, not simulations. To see real trees and feel real dirt. To use his marksman skills, the only thing he was good for, to do something important.
But then there was Joan. There was hardly a moment he didn't think about her. He couldn't help it. She was unlike anyone he'd ever known and he couldn't get enough. Her voice, her smile, her gentleness, her confidence. Going a week without seeing her had been hard; he wasn't sure what he'd do the day he'd have to leave, and probably never see her again....
A sudden snapping noise came by his ear, forcing him to shake away his confused thoughts and turn with a scowl. Tech was scowling back.
"You didn't hear anything I just said, did you?"
Crosshair hadn't even noticed him approach. They were in the hangar, Hunter and Wrecker arguing nearby about what to name their ship. Hunter wanted The Marauder because it sounded "slick." Wrecker wanted The Havoc because it sounded "badass." Crosshair was staying out of it. And Tech had been gone for most of the day.
"Where've you been?" he asked.
Tech readjusted the pack he had slung over his shoulder with a huff. "If you'd been listening... I was doing some research on Felucian Gelagrubs in the library."
Crosshair almost started tuning him out again, until his brother looked up with a playful smirk.
"And then I ran into Doctor Joan. She was wondering if you were well enough to take her up on that deal yet?"
"What deal?" came Wrecker's voice, muffled by some food he was chewing on. Apparently he and Hunter had finished their argument and were more interested in this new conversation.
"Cross promised to teach Joan how to shoot once he felt better. I told her you were feeling much better, and she said she'll have a few free hours tonight if you're interested."
Crosshair wished he could smack the smug grin off Tech's face. And shove that turkey leg down Wrecker's throat to stop his howling laughter. Only Hunter wasn't making fun. If anything, he looked confused.
"But she knows how to shoot," he said with a frown. "She's told me...."
Tech shrugged, starting to walk toward the ship's ramp. "Maybe she wants a refresher?"
"Or she wants to cozy up to Crosshaaaair," teased Wrecker.
Crosshair felt his face growing flushed. He was about to snap at them for being idiots, but Hunter intervened.
"Okay, that's enough. I'm sure Joan didn't mean anything by it..." Hunter paused with another frown. He didn't sound convinced; in fact, he sounded concerned. But then he shook himself and gave Crosshair a nod. "If you want to help her practice, fine by me. Just make sure you help us with the paint job before you go."
Hunter gave the ship a fond tap on its hull.
"What name are we going with?" asked Tech.
"The Havoc Marauder."
* * *
Crosshair made it to the simulation room before Joan. He programmed it to Felucia, inspired by Tech's mention of it earlier. It was another green planet, but with stranger-looking flora and a mist that hung low in the air.
"This your favorite?" came her low voice. It was a little raspier than usual; maybe she'd been talking a lot that day.
Crosshair swallowed down a wave of nerves that threatened to overcome him. It was so nice to see her again after so long apart.
"It's a good challenge," he shrugged. "Decreased visibility. Uneven terrain. Hostile flora and fauna."
Joan stood beside him, looking around. She was wearing the same outfit as last time and had her hair braided back. A standard-issue DC-15A blaster rifle was strapped across her back.
"Did you steal that from a reg?"
She didn't laugh like he'd hoped, but she did have a faint smile. She swung the rifle around and held it firmly, confidently. "It's mine. Most medics were only given pistols, but my troop let me have this one."
"So you do know how to shoot," he said.
Joan lifted the rifle to her shoulder and aimed up at one of the simulation targets on a tree. She fired and made the hit.
"A straight shot with no stress or pressure, I'm not bad..." She then grimaced. "But I was never good in an actual firefight. They only gave me a gun for self-protection. The rest of the time I just focused on tending wounds, let my brothers take care of the cover fire."
Her use of the term "brothers" did not go unnoticed to Crosshair, but he didn't comment on it. He nodded his head and brought out his own gun. It was a much superior model than hers, but he wouldn't show off. Not too much, anyway.
He led her to some higher ground and got to work, teaching her what he knew, just like she had taught him the week before. He went over posture and breathing. He threw in some facts about angles and trajectories. He had her find an "anchor" for herself, a way that she would always hold the gun and her body, so no matter the situation, she could fall into that comfortable position. And he took any opportunity he could find to place his hand or his arm around her.
This was his life, things he'd engaged with for years and years. And even though he only had mere hours with her, he wanted to share as much as he could.
Joan was a good student. She wasn't the best shooter, but by the end of the night, she had made some improvement. She was no longer hesitating with the trigger and managed to take down a simulated Acklay despite being scared of it. That was a win in Crosshair's eyes.
When she finally showed signs of fatigue, he turned off the sim and sat with her on one of the benches along the walls. They sat in silence for a brief time, and Crosshair was grateful she didn't seem uncomfortable by it. He let his head rest against the wall and closed his eyes.
"Is Tech okay?" she eventually asked.
His eyes reopened, only so he could furrow them in confusion. "Yeah, why?"
She shrugged and stifled a yawn. "There were some... uh, clones bothering him in the library earlier. Wasn't sure if it upset him."
"He didn't mention it," Crosshair said with a clenched jaw. He really hated when the regs messed with his brothers, especially Tech.
Joan shifted to better face him. "He's a hard one to read. Most of his visits, I'm answering his millions of questions about human anatomy. He only puts stats on his chart. Like that assignment I had, to write things about yourselves? He drew a diagram of his body with arrows pointing out his height, eye color, body fat percentage...."
She chuckled softly and Crosshair found himself joining in. That sounded like Tech, alright.
"I don't know. I just want to make sure he's not really hurting inside. You were the one I thought I had to worry about. Wrecker wears his emotions on his sleeve. Hunter's guided by duty, so it's easy to predict what he feels."
"And me?"
"You put up walls. Which I get. It's hard to be... you." She cocked her head with a knowing look. "But when you respect someone, you let them in. And from there you're an open book."
He frowned. "I am not."
"You kinda are though," she laughed. "I can always tell by your tone when you like certain things or not. Scowling is your default, but when you're really upset your jaw clenches. And..." she looked down in her lap with a small smile, "you blush sometimes when I talk."
Crosshair's eyes widened in horror, which only made her laugh more.
"It's okay. It's... flattering."
He gulped. Her cheeks were pinker than usual as well, but that must have been from the training they just did. Surely....
"I'll, uh... I'll keep an eye on Tech," he stuttered. "He'll be fine."
"Good." She clapped her legs and stood up. "Well anyway, I won't keep you up much later. Thank you for the lesson. It was fun."
He stood, too, and decided to say, with a shake in his breath, "I hope it won't be another week before I see you again?"
"Well, I guess I should take another look at that little wound of yours soon."
Her smile faltered, ever so briefly, and Crosshair panicked. Was he sounding too eager? 
"Sure. I should have some time... three o'clock?"
He nodded with an internal sigh of relief. She let her gaze linger on his for just a moment more, and he started to think maybe, just maybe, she had been blushing after all. Maybe there was a chance she liked him back.
He hoped she did. But at the same time, he knew it would only make it that much harder to leave....
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Written In The Stars CXXXIX (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: I’m scared to see how you guys will react to this one, hope you at least find it enjoyable despite my very self-indulgent plots -Danny 
P.S. Huge s/o to @bwbatta​ bc I decided to update my fic and now I have pretty dividers in all my books! Most of the ones I ended up using are her work so go check it out :)
Words: 4,641
Series’ Masterlist
Book V // Next Chapter
Listen to: ‘Need Your Love’ -by Joshua Wicker
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Chapter One: Dumbledore's Mission.
"A galleon says Erick will crash the car —"
"Shut up!"
"Don't make him nervous," Emily scolded Harry. "If you continue this I won't teach you how to drive!"
"We don't need to learn," Mel snorted. "We'll apparate everywhere..."
"I thought you hated it," Her mother raised a brow.
"Yeah, but she's lazy," Harry smirked.
"Why is Harry here? He's not allowed to leave the house, is he?" Mel frowned.
"He's not allowed to be alone outside, there's a difference. We're babysitting two infants, unfortunately..." Erick taunted.
"What's the matter, Flint? You have stage-fright?" Harry replied.
"Oh please, he feeds on attention! Like a dementor but in a more annoying way..."
"Enough!" Emily looked over her seat. "Is that the kind of things you want to teach your brother?"
"I doubt he'll remember any of this!"
"We know he can do it, Em, we're just teasing," Harry said blithely.
"Yeah, he's the only adult here apart from you, mum. It's kind of his obligation to be good at driving."
The baby let out a squeal of agreement, he was three weeks old but had a good set of lungs that he was happy to use at any given time, especially while everyone was sleeping.
Harry leaned and checked that the baby's blankets. Mel beamed at the sight, the boy had pretty much adopted the boy as his own brother, which she thought made a lot of sense, not only because it was Sirius' son, but because he'd been part of her family for so long that anything else would've been silly.
They were well aware that bringing little Regulus to their driving lessons was a bit risky, but Emily wasn't as keen to leave Mel and Harry alone in the house as she used to, so she put a few safety spells on the chair once the baby was seated while Harry and Mel sat on both sides of it.
Erick turned out to be a good driver, but he still had a bit of trouble understanding how cars worked.
"I have to be pulling and pushing stuff all the time!" He complained as he activated the windshield on accident for the third time. "Why can't I just turn the key and press the pedal?"
"Cars don't work like that," Emily said patiently. "It's complicated, but you're good!"
"He's only gone up and down the street for half an hour, Leggie fell asleep already," The girl huffed.
Emily looked over the seat once again, she was frowning. "Erick, switch seats with Mel."
"You're joking... right?"
"Erick," The woman repeated.
"On it," He said happily. "C'mon Mel, are you scared?"
Ten minutes later, Erick was in the backseat and she was tightly holding onto the wheel.
"I'm doing it!" She said. "Is not that hard, is it?"
"A slug could move faster," Harry was looking at the roof of the car and dying of heat. "I thought you were going to be more... the reckless type of driver."
"Me too..." Erick agreed lazily, he was playing with one of Reggie's feet.
"I'm not going faster, my brother's in the car!" Mel scoffed.
"We're not asking you to! Just enough so we can feel like we're actually moving!"
"Bringing you three was a bad idea," Emily said over the boys' laughter.
"Fine!" Mel pressed down the pedal, the car immediately gaining speed. "I'm was just being careful!"
"Which makes me proud," Emily softly patted her shoulder. "It feels like it was yesterday when you were running around Remus' house in nothing but a diaper and now you're driving!"
"The other night I ran into her wearing no pants, so she's hasn't changed really," Erick murmured nonchalantly. "I stepped on Grey's tail thanks to that... maybe that's why he hates me so much."
"What?" Harry's head snapped to the side so fast he hurt himself.
"I forgot you live here now! Sometimes I sleep like that, s'not a crime!" She looked at Harry through the rearview mirror. "I've been an only child for sixteen years, sometimes I forget there are more than two people in my house..."
"I'm surprised her scream didn't wake up Leon," Erick sniggered.
"He's a heavy sleeper like his dad," Emily responded distractedly.
The conversation died instantly. It wasn't the woman's intention, of course, but it'd been only a few weeks since Sirius' passing, sometimes they would forget for a moment, just a brief second, then one of them would talk about Sirius and everything would start again...
It was painful, and it was weird. Mel had never endured something like this with anyone except Harry. Having a larger group of people sharing the same pain was strangely comforting.
Mel cleared her throat. "It's Harry's turn..."
"I'm okay," He said quickly. "I can learn another day..."
"Glasses, you and I have a tradition of experiencing things at the same time," The girl stopped the car and turned to look at him. "You're not going to ruin our streak. Besides, I need to know if I'm better than you."
Harry stared at her in amusement, then he looked at Erick.
"Is it fun, having her bossing you around all day?"
"I boss her around too," Erick smirked.
"They take turns," Her mother sighed.
"I'm sorry to hear that," Harry gave the woman a look of sympathy as he stepped out of the car.
"There are worse things than being stuck with two pushy teenagers..."
"Sorry," Emily smirked. "A pushy teenager and a pushy adult."
"If it annoys you that much I'll move out," Mel offered humorously. "What d'you say, Prince? Should we try our luck outside our comfort zone?"
"You wouldn't last a day," Erick taunted.
"Fiddlesticks," Mel muttered, to which Harry laughed.
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It was around three in the morning when someone knocked on her door. She'd been awake for a while now, so she stood up and opened it.
"Hi," She rubbed her eyes. "What's up?"
"Can't sleep," Erick mumbled. "Care if I stay a moment?"
"Go ahead..."
She went back to bed, Erick sat at the edge and stared at her for a moment. Grey let out a sleepy growl, curling further away from his reach. Erick pulled out his pocket watch, now hanging from a chain he'd found in Regulus Black's room back in Grimmauld Place. The reason why he'd taken it was unknown to Mel.
"What's up?" She mumbled, suppressing a yawn.
"I'm thinking."
"How lucky I am."
Mel let out a puff of air without replying. He would do this often, say he was lucky to be there, that she'd saved his life... She just wanted him to shut up.
"I really don't want to punch you, Prince, I'd ruin your pretty nose."
He smiled, unbothered.
"You know, a few years ago you would've been pleased to hear me say that, you ungrateful git."
"Yeah well, a few years ago my biggest dream was to become a princess," She joked. "So you see my priorities were a bit messed up..."
"You'd make a cute princess."
"C'mon —"
"I mean it."
"Erick," Mel said in a tone of warning. "Stop."
He'd been acting like that for a whole week: flirting when no one was around, complimenting her... Mel had closed up so tightly around herself that she was barely capable of saying I love you to her mum. Erick had lived deprived of affection his whole life and was just getting out of that environment. At what point had she become the cold, distant one, and he the ray of sunshine?
She knew right away what he was trying to do, but she was so numb... Mel cared about him, but she was not there yet.
Erick leaned on the wall and tilted his head a bit so he could look at her.
"I'm sorry."
"Why?" She replied. "It's not your fault... I just — I need time."
He nodded shortly.
"We can talk later?"
He was wonderful, but she was in the middle of all that was wrong in their world, right next to Harry and the lifeline that she still hadn't decided whether she wanted to keep or not.
"We should go to bed," She murmured, still unable to make any real decisions for herself.
"Yeah," He stood up, carefully putting the blankets back in place and dropping them all over Grey on purpose. He put the watch back in his pocket as well. "Sweet dreams, Mely."
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The Ministry of Magic
The Wizarding community is currently under threat from an organization calling itself the Death Eaters. Observing the following simple security guidelines will help protect you, your family, and your home from attack.
"I have a better way to protect our house," Erick groaned, he was gently rubbing his temples. "Let Leon cry the whole night and not even Voldemort will try to enter... I myself am starting to consider living on the street just to get away from the noise."
"S'not that bad," She answered, the dark circles under her eyes giving her away. "It's hard to get used to being a human, you know?"
"Look at this," Emily unfolded the newspaper. "'Scrimgeour succeeds Fudge' — Well, haven't met him yet but I hope he's got a bit of brain, Tonks told me a few months back that he's certainly a bit brisker..."
The doorbell rang and Mel left to open the door.
The routine at that point was established even if it had been only two weeks since their arrival; Erick got used to life at Privet Drive quite easily, he spent two whole days examining every corner of the kitchen, and when Mel showed him what a movie was, he wasted a whole day in the drawing-room watching the movie adaptations of the books she'd lent to him.
Harry would go daily to check on"Reg". Once he'd stayed the night but refused to sleep in Mel's room, not that she'd tried to convince him otherwise.
"Goodmorning," She opened the door without paying attention, "you're a bit late for breakfast but I'll let it pass as soon as you —"
She stopped talking at the sight of her great-uncle, Dumbledore smiled at her and walked in.
"I can't stay for breakfast, but I dare say I regret it deeply."
"Professor... I — Is everything okay?"
"To what do we owe the pleasure?"
Mel turned to see her mother standing near the stairs, gazing at Dumbledore coldly.
"Emily," Dumbledore said. "Good morning... I'm here to speak with Mr Flint."
"Is he in trouble?"
"Quite the contrary, I believe he's never been better."
"Professor," Erick's posture changed when he walked into the room, suddenly he looked more like a young man and less like a boy. "What can I do for you?"
"I have a mission for you... Mel as well, but only if she wishes to go."
"She's not of age," The woman replied quickly.
Mel was ready to accept whatever it was he wanted her to do, she needed to feel like she was doing something. Although she wasn't exactly happy to see him so soon after the end of their last term.
"As I said, only if she wishes to come. I assure you she'd be safe."
The girl looked at her mother and then at the men standing in front of her.
"Can I hear what this is about first?"
Emily crossed her arms without uttering a word, her uncle signalled towards the couch.
"A word, then?"
Erick nodded, making a beeline to the closest armchair. Emily turned to leave, but Dumbledore spoke again.
"You can stay."
The woman shared a look with her daughter, Mel couldn't hide her eagerness to hear what the old man had to say.
"I won't sit there and watch history repeat itself," Emily sighed.
The woman left before Mel could say anything. She would talk to her later, but first, she needed to talk to Dumbledore.
"I beg you not to interrupt me while I speak."
Both pupils silently agreed to his petition.
"Now, I find myself in need of a new Professor, but the man I'd been contemplating for the job has been on the run for almost a year — He's not guilty of any crimes," He added, noticing the way their faces grew worried. "He's just afraid like everyone else... I need you to track him down and point me to where he is so I can have a word with him."
"I'll do it," Erick responded instantly.
"Alone?" Mel frowned.
Dumbledore stared at her for a second too long.
"If I remember correctly today is your sixteenth birthday, isn't it?"
"Mr Flint turned seventeen in January — You may know that's considered to be the start of our adulthood."
"Erick is allowed to do magic outside school... But you still have a year left."
"I don't see  —"
"You have Matthew's spirit when it comes to saving a friend, Mel. When you were eleven you left this house with Hagrid so you could look for Harry yourself... The time has come for me to finally be honest with you."
"What do you mean 'finally'?" The words were burning a hole in her brain. "You mean all the things you told me when I was in your office last month... that wasn't it?"
Erick stared at them with polite interest, even though she knew he was dying to ask. Mel hadn't told him a thing about that night out of respect for Harry's privacy.
"That was all I had to tell you regarding the Harry," Dumbledore replied. "There are plenty of things I haven't said, and I wish to talk about them with you."
"And if I agree to go with Erick on this mission... you'll tell me?" Mel raised a brow.
"I'll tell you whether you help me with this or not, but I believe there's nothing else I can teach you, Mel. All that's left for you is to start putting your knowledge to use; I recommend you to go on this mission."
"What about my animagus lessons?"
"Ah, yes," Dumbledore smiled. "I'll help you with that, but that'll be it. You've concluded your lessons with the highest marks, dear girl."
She would've been elated hadn't been because of the strange way her uncle was acting.
"Aren't you happy?" Erick nudged her arm gently. "You've worked hard for years, you should be proud!"
"I am proud," Mel replied shortly. "And I'd love to help, but I can't leave my family, it's not safe."
"They'd go to the burrow if you leave."
"What about Harry?"
"He'll go to the burrow too, but I have a few matters to attend with his family first."
"If Mel wants to stay that's alright, I can go on my own —"
"You can't."
Erick looked at her irritated.
"It's not like you can do magic outside school."
"It takes more than magic to survive out there — You don't know how to blend in with the muggles, do you?"
"You can discuss this throughout the day," Dumbledore grabbed a letter from his pocket. "In this, you'll find all about Horace Slughorn's last known whereabouts and a picture so you can identify him. If you do, don't approach, he'll know you're following him. As soon as you find him come back to Privet Drive and write to me."
"This is all just in case we decide to go, right?"
"I'm going," Erick scowled at her.
"We'll talk about this after dinner," She glared back.
Dumbledore stood up and they followed, Emily was at the entrance ready to let him out.
"I'll wait for your response, then," Her uncle stared at her for a moment. "You and Harry..."
"We haven't decided," She was quick to reply. "We need time."
"Very well."
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"You're quiet."
"I have a lot to think about."
Her day had been slightly ruined by her great-uncle's visit. Although Lupin had been there for a couple of hours and stayed for dinner. Mel and Erick talked about the mission and she'd promised to tell Harry after the party was over, which was now.
The Slytherin was upstairs taking a shower and Emily was putting Reggie to bed. Mel and Harry were sitting on the grass, watching the stars above them. She'd fallen into contemplative silence, pondering what to do. She could go chase some stranger for Dumbledore's benefit, or she could stay and look after her family.
"This would be much easier if my mum had asked me to stay!" She pouted.
"I reckon she knows that," Harry responded, throwing small rocks over the fence.
"Won't you?"
"You won't ask me to stay?"
Harry stared at her.
He didn't explain his reasons, but he didn't need to. Mel had made up her mind even if she didn't want to admit it. That was exactly why she was so upset, she wanted to look after her family, but her responsibilities were keeping her apart. Three years of hard work had led to this, and although Mel was a big sister now, winning the war was more important than changing diapers.
Her mother was a whole different problem too. Around them she was always cheery, but Mel was sure she'd heard her cry when none of the boys was around to hear.
She believed it was about Sirius, but it could also be about her and Harry, that she was scared for them. Mel didn't have the heart to lie if her mother were to ask about the prophecy. It was, as they had agreed without even having to speak about it, too much weight to put on their loved one's shoulders. The idea of Emily, the closest thing to a mother Harry ever had, finding out there was a big chance one of them would die after having lost Sirius in such a brutal way...
"I don't think I'll be able to look at Dumbledore in the eye if I come back empty-handed..."
"You're one of the best witches I know," Harry shrugged. "You'll be fine, just try not to murder Flint while you're away."
"He's less annoying now," She grinned. "Ever since he left his parents' house, dunno, he's improved. Although I might murder him if he doesn't stop —"
She was going to say 'flirting', but for some reason, she didn't feel ready to talk about that with Harry. She wasn't ready for anything and yet the world was forcing her to keep moving, it was exhausting.
Mel got up and offered her hand to her friend.
"Do you remember when you were just Harry and I was just Mel, and we were the odd kids at school?" She fixed her gaze on her bedroom window. "Wish we could go back to that."
"When I didn't know I was a wizard?"
"Things were easier back then, don't you think?"
"Maybe," He retorted. "But they were never entirely good."
In Harry, Mel found another reason to stay.
They could have the summer to talk about the things they needed to. She would stare at his aged features and compare them to the ones of that young boy she used to call her best friend...
Their bond still had thousands of cracks that had to be fixed, Mel was having a hard time letting him in again and they needed to be okay in order to know if they wanted to keep the lifeline or not. It wasn't that she didn't want to like him, she wanted the comfort he used to provide, the warmth and security of having someone who understood.
He knew it, and he was trying his best to not mess it up, but Mel didn't want to love him again, cutting the lifeline was the best way to assure that... It was easier said than done, though.
Harry was confused. Sometimes it felt like nothing would ever happen, then an overwhelming affection would crush his chest whenever Mel laughed or touched him. He didn't want to put a name to it, he was terrified of saying it, even to himself. All he knew was that the connection was a way to make sure Mel would be safe, and he didn't want to give that up.
"I should go."
"Happy birthday," He said. "I have to be honest and tell you that your present was meant to be sent last Christmas, but..."
"I didn't give you a present either, it's okay... I'm a bit angry though, that was a missed opportunity, I could've won."
Harry laughed.
"You'll have a new chance this year, but I doubt you'll be able to beat me — I've already gotten yours..."
"It's July!"
"I know," His smile vanished suddenly, then he added. "Be careful out there, please."
"Erick'll make sure I don't do anything stupid," Mel smiled. "He's so obsessed with protecting me — as if he didn't know I can do it alone just fine!"
"Yeah, but now's different."
"Different how?"
"We need you alive," He told her. "You want to live long enough to become Headmistress, right?"
Mel froze, not knowing what to answer.
"What?" Harry tilted his head.
"I lied," She blurted out. "I never wanted to be Headmistress — I saw you that night, in the mirror... I saw..."
"What?" He asked again, this time softer.
"You kissed me. A real kiss... like the type we used to gawk at as children."
Harry cleared his throat. "Oh."
A tense silence surrounded them. The variations of colour in his eyes were remarkably easy to notice from where she was standing. She was tilting her head up now, perhaps they were too close.
"Be careful."
"You told me that already," Mel whispered, unable to look away. "Anything else you'd like to say?"
"Yes," He paused, his eyes took a quick glance to her lips. "But if I say it you'll get mad."
Harry kissed her, Mel responded by pulling him down.
It was hard to tell whether she was euphoric or scared, perhaps both, or perhaps neither. As soon as it happened Harry jumped away, and she was dropped back into reality.
"I can't do it — We haven't talked about  the lifeline — We won't make the right choice if we let our feelings —"
"You're right! Yes!" Mel said, acting just as agitated. "It's a terrible idea — I like you, but—"
"—it's confusing," He said anxiously. "Do you have feelings for me?"
"Do you have feelings for me?" Mel asked in a high-pitched voice.
"No!" He responded, but his voice trembled with a lack of confidence. "I care about you a lot —"
"— I care for you too —"
"— But just —"
"— as friends!"
They stared at each other with the same frightened expression.
"I'm sorry if I made things uncomfortable," He groaned, running a hand through his hair. "I... I don't want to lose you."
"We need to spend some time apart," She nodded, avoiding his eyes. "We can ignore this happened, right?"
"Absolutely," He agreed. "You're spending the summer at the burrow?"
"My mum and my brother will be there, so I kind of have to... is that okay?"
"It's okay," Harry looked around. "We... we should go."
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"Did you ever regret falling for my dad?" Mel asked randomly. "I mean, you ever wonder how things would've turned out if you'd stayed as friends?"
Emily stopped folding her clothes.
"Something nagging that head of yours?"
"I think relationships are a waste of time. They all break and you always end up hurting..."
"What makes you think such nonsense?" Emily raised a brow, leaning back on the couch. "Who are you and what did you do to my daughter?"
"You don't think that way?" She asked doubtfully.
"Because I lost my partners that means I have to be bitter?"
"I didn't mean it like that," Mel replied quickly. "But... yeah."
Emily remained silent for a moment, gathering her thoughts.
"Solitude can do weird things to your heart, love. It can pull you towards bad or good places... People that make you feel a little less lonesome, someone who understands you. You should hold onto that for as long as you can, no matter how scary it is. You never know what wonderful things may bring you..."
"Sirius said something similar a year ago," Mel said quietly. "Something about finding my equal, that the earth's full of options and stuff..."
"I won't force you to find a partner if that's not what you want, but you're young and the world is big, you can't turn your back on every opportunity."
"It's not like I have lots of prospects right now..." She huffed.
"You don't need lots, just the right one."
Mel hesitated for a moment, then added:
"I know you used to have a crush on James Potter."
Emily looked up from the laundry again, she raised a brow. "Oh?"
"I know it was a long time ago," She shifted in her place awkwardly. "But do you ever wonder what would've happened if you two..?"
The woman sighed.
"Only once."
"When I found out Voldemort was after his son," She folded the last shirt and handed it to Mel. "I asked myself if I had made the right choice by giving him up... When I look at you I know it was the right thing to do. What happened to James and Lily... it was horrible, but it wasn't my fault. I was happy with your father; maybe Matthew wasn't my first love, but when it comes to this, your first love rarely is the one that lasts."
"Mel?" Erick walked into the room. "If we're planning to drive around all day tomorrow, you should sleep," He nodded shortly at both of them and left the room, her mother chuckled.
"You know, Erick reminds me of your father... I know Sirius said he was like his brother, but Regulus made all the wrong choices... Erick's done all this for himself, to be better. Just like Matty."
Mel's gaze lingered on the doorway long after Erick had left.
"Thank you, for letting me go," She sighed, looking back at the woman. "I don't love following Dumbledore's orders but I... I want to make this world a better place."
"Love," Emily cupped her face adoringly. "I know why you're doing this. Just how I knew why you flew that car to save Harry, and why you went to the Ministry... but you're my daughter, and it's my job to worry about you anyway."
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Erick and Mel took three changes of clothing and put them in the trunk, Emily gave them muggle money. Mel had a fake driver's license as well as Erick, and they would take turns driving. Harry was nowhere to be seen, but it was expected since it was five in the morning. She hadn't mentioned the kiss to either her mother or Erick, she was determined to keep it that way, much like the whole lifeline stuff and the prophecy.
'Just pile more secrets on top, why don't you,' She thought bitterly as she walked out of the house.
Emily hugged both and let them kiss Reggie goodbye, Mel promised they would see each other soon, and Erick vowed he'd make sure Mel would be safe (she snorted loudly at this). Once inside the car, her friend took a deep breath.
"This isn't our first adventure, Prince."
"This one's the first we do with permission."
"You're an adult, you don't need anyone's approval."
"You know what I mean," He rolled his eyes.
"Sorry. I get defensive when I'm —"
"I know," He sighed. "I talk too much when I'm worried."
"I know," She put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed lightly. "I'm ready... We'll be okay."
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Next Chapter —>
@dee123ksha @vampiregirl1797 @siriuslysirius1107 @stardusthigh @mikariell95 @vernon-dursley @thesuitelifeofafangirl @tomshollandz @wlwmaximoff @reverse-hxlland @hamiltonwc @omiwashere @t-rexs-world @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @21bruhs @i-am-scared-and-useless-bisexual @dielgonacoffee @thelastpyle
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Chapter #34: Bad (Blood) Batch
Crosshair got to meet Bo-Katan and now it's Korkie's turn to meet the Bad Batch. Also, IDK on how to strikethrough a title text. Sorry.
The next planet looked dense and populated. It wasn't dense like Corusant, but it was populated enough that they know there were bounties abound. The wait time for a hangar wasn't as bad as the last one. It gave enough time for Korkie to work his Force visions and they had an adequate hangar to stay at.
When Korkie got up from the visions, Crosshair and Fennec were checking their weapons. Crosshair saw the rifle might need a new scope and knew they do not have another scope around.
"There's a huge bounty here," Korkie said as they kept checking. "It's locally known and the prizes they say are big."
"How big are we talking?" Fennec asked. She checked enough that her rifle was ready to end a small battalion.
"Big enough to buy an entire army."
"We don't need an army," Crosshair said. "But I would like a few upgrades."
"We should have taken some of the rifles from the basement," Korkie lamented.
"No. I'm not making your former aunt go insane and try to annihilate us because we took some of your ancestors' weapons."
"Well, they were still his," Fennec pointed out. "I mean, he had the rights to take them before Bo-Katan kicked him out."
Crosshair rolled his eyes as he went to open the ship's entrance. He would have liked some of the blasters Korkie showed him during their practice, but he felt the eyes of a thousand Kryzes judging him for possibly firing their blasters wrong. He looked at the picture of Korkie's late grandfather during the practice and thought Adonai Kryze's spirit was shaking his head thinking that his only grandchild would marry what might be an adequate sniper on his deceased mind.
Korkie went to his side and walked out the hangar with him. Fennec was still behind them. She was starting to prefer being behind of her two teachers because in her point of view, they always start the best drama and she had backstage passes for life. Korkie was pointing out the best cantinas and bar to find other bounties if there were too many bounty hunters going after the same bounty. Crosshair was not budging on bailing about the best prize.
"Then that one," Korkie said.
He pointed at the most rundown cantina they had ever seen. And they've been on Tatooine. The cantina at Mos Eisley was still presentable compared to this. There were no windows, the doors were broken, and there were a ton of drunkards hovering.
Crosshair said nothing as they entered the cantina. Suddenly, it was all eyes on them. Fennec smirked at the sight because they were dressed like everyone else. Well, Korkie had brought his family sword, but it was not enough to set off a bar fight. Maybe it was Crosshair? He was wearing his armor to cantina, but he did add Kryze blue to it when Korkie was asleep to look more like a Mandalorian and not a clone trooper.
Korkie was the one who found the manager of the cantina. He asked about the bounty and got a shrug. Korkie backed off and Crosshair got to the manager's neck. The poor manager was scared to see Korkie whisper something in Crosshair's ear.
"Okay!" he screamed.
He took out a fob and threw it to them. Korkie caught it and \waved it to Fennec who laughed at the antics. She knew they weren't really saying anything threatening to the manager. She was beginning to pick up some Mando'a and she knew Korkie was actually talking about making a good dinner for them.
Crosshair dropped the manager as his fiancee and apprentice walked away with the fob. The rest of the cantina got out of their way. They saw the 360 Korkie did and were not wanting to fight someone who might just smile at their deaths.
"So," Korkie said as they walked around the city. "What do we want for dinner?
"Korkie," Fennec sighed. "Please stop being a mother porg. You make the best dinners."
"No," Crosshair countered. "Please act like a mother porg. You need practice when we might have Sarad."
Korkie scoffed. Ever since the two talked about having a daughter, Crosshair agreed that Sarad was a beautiful name for a young girl. He also wanted their future daughter to be a sniper like him because it might be safer for her to not be connected with the Force. Korkie was sadden by his opinion, but he did agree. Even if Sarad wasn't a Force Seer like Korkie, the Empire was never going to let another Force user live. He rather have a normal child than put one in danger because of who they were to the Force.
"Please stop talking about your future child," Fennec said. "You're not even married yet!"
"Well, Fennec," Korkie said. "It's better to talk about a family now because then we don't have to worry about whether or not your having a niece."
Fennec gave up. She was young herself, but why do Mandalorian have to talk about marriage and family when they're so young? Was it because of the constant state of fighting for their lives, or was it because they're open about having a huge family.
The three were walking about when they stall another set of food stall. Fennec's stomach betrayed her and growled. Korkie and Crosshair looked at her like they were becoming her new set of parents.
"I may be a bit hungry," Fennec admitted. "But we should have food at the ship."
"It's an hour away," Korkie said. "Come on Fennec. Let's have some snacks."
Korkie led Fennec over to the stalls. Fennec was not a picky person, but the options were so numerous and she didn't want to buy too much food. Yet, they smelt so good. Korkie told her they had enough money to provide her a small feast. So Fennec started picking all the ones that smelled divine.
Crosshair smiled as they picked snacks by the smell. It reminded him how Hunter always knew what they should get from the stalls during their missions. Wrecker was never picky himself, but he also didn't want to break the budget. Tech was always to busy reading up on the snacks. So it was between Hunter and Crosshair to give them the cheapest and best snacks. When Echo entered the Bad Batch, it became a three person duty to provide the snacks.
Crosshair was beginning to beg whatever god or deity that controlled life that he'd be with his brothers once again. He knew he ran away from them because he was mad at Hunter, but Crosshair wasn't fair to the rest of his brothers. He was always Tech's older vod even if he never said it out loud. Wrecker and him did butt heads, but they always had each other's backs. Even Echo grew on him. Which was a surprise because he thought he'd always hate regs, but there were some who actually made him feel normal.
Crosshair walked to them, but stopped. He looked beyond Fennec and Korkie's eye spots and saw Echo. Crosshair wanted to punch a deity now because it felt way to coincidental to just see one of the Bad Batch here when he wished for it. The Echo lookalike looked at his direction and gasped. Then he left.
Crosshair ran after him and left Korkie and Fennec bewildered by the action. Korkie had the fob and he was sure they weren't near a target. Fennec grabbed Korkie and the two ran after Crosshair.
"Echo!" Crosshair cried.
Yet, no one looked up. The place was too busy, and with too many people. Korkie got to his side and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"What was that?" Korkie gasped.
"I thought I saw Echo," Crosshair said.
"Well, if they're here, then we'll find them."
"If they're here, then we could look at the hangars near by."
"You know there's a ton go hangar here, right?" Fennec asked.
"I'm not running again from them. I need to apologize."
Fennec looked at Korkie and smiled to the former duke's confusion. He was a good influence to Crosshair because to Fennec, he got to know the huge difference between their families. Korkie was born to a family who hated Jedis and want nothing with members who would be Jedis. Crosshair had his brother who never cared about his defects and saw him as their brother.
And Crosshair wants his brothers back.
"Then, let's walk," Korkie said.
They left the place and walked to the nearest hangar. It didn't take long for them to see a hangar station. Suddenly, a bunch of people got in front of them. The leader was laughing at the three.
"I heard you have the last fob," the leader said.
"We do," Crosshair answered. "But you're not taking it."
"I will."
"And why?" Fennec asked. "I've known a ton of mercenaries, but you're not even important for me to remember."
The leader lost it and attacked them. Korkie took out his sword as Fennec and Crosshair opened fire at the gang. There must have been almost thirty people. Many of them didn't look like they belong to just one group, they were just attacking Korkie, Crosshair and Fennec for the fob. They must have come late because they didn't see them at the rundown cantina.
Korkie was slashing down and slitting throats left and right to protect the fob. Fennec shot down any that came behind Korkie as Crosshair aimed at the leader who was fleeing the scene. They were backed to a corner and the gang was still coming at them.
Then, all kriffing hell broke lose. Wrecker jumped from above them and a vibro-knife from Hunter was launched at a face. Crosshair laughed at the sight of his brothers. He wasn't going insane, a deity really did listen to his wish. Tech and Echo were in front of the gang and launched a flash grenade went off. The Bad Batch, Korkie, and Fennec closed their eyes.
"Get them out of here, Crosshair," Hunter ordered. "We'll cover for you."
"Sorry, but no," Crosshair said. "Korkie's clingy."
"And what about Fennec?" Wrecker asked.
"I have a rifle if you forgot," Fennec said.
Hunter groaned as they attacked the gang. By the time the last man ran away they were done. Hunter looked at Crosshair and took out his hand.
"I know how much you hate hugging," Hunter said. "So this is my best 'I'm sorry for making you run away' shake."
Crosshair smiled and surprised Hunter. He did hug his older vod to the shock of the entire Bad Batch and his companions.
"And I apologize for being the worst brother you have," Crosshair said as he let go. "I know I had all the right to leave, but it still wasn't right to leave my other brothers."
"Who are you?" Wrecker asked. "Where's the real Crosshair?"
"I can scan!" Tech said.
"Please don't scan and I have a reason for changing," Crosshair said.
He presented Fennec and Korkie.
"Duke Korkie?" Echo said.
"You know me?" Korkie asked.
"Well, I used to work with Commander Cody. He met Duchess Satine before. I'm sorry for your lost."
"It's fine. Also, I'm not a duke anymore."
The Bad Batch looked at Crosshair who smirked.
"Any chance you have some food?" Crosshair asked. "Korkie can cook. Real good."
"No?" Hunter said. "You know what we always had to eat."
"Then dinner's on me."
The Bad Batch didn't understand what was going on, but they followed the trio. Then they got the memo once Crosshair took Korkie's hand when they got to the hangar.
"Um, Fennec," Tech whispered. "I know we're not close, but are those two?"
"Yes," Fennec answered.
Wrecker dropped his mouth as Crosshair opened the door and let Korkie kiss him on the cheek. The former duke went to work as the Bad Batch waited outside with Fennec bringing in seats. Well, Korkie's storage boxes, but it's what they had.
"When?" Wrecker asked. "And how?"
"Did you ever heard about a Mandalorian bounty?" Crosshair asked.
"No," Echo said. "You did not."
"Oh I did."
"You fell for a bounty?" Hunter screamed.
"And royalty at best?" Tech asked.
"He was very persuasive," Crosshair laughed. "He became the best thing in my life after everything that happened between us."
"So why is he not royalty anymore?" Echo asked. "I mean, Duchess Satine may have died, but Korkie is her heir."
"Well, he got kicked out of House Kryze."
"HOW?" They all screamed.
"Well I'm marrying him," Korkie replied.
He had dinner ready. A huge pot of soup and some meat. He placed them in the center of the Bad Batch and Fennec gave them a dish plate.
"You've got to kidding us," Wrecker said. "HIM? CROSSHAIR?"
"Yes, brother-in-law," Korkie smiled. "Though, it's more like he's marrying me. My side of the family is drama upon drama."
"And ours is not?" Hunter asked.
"Well, you've only worked with the Jedi. I'm the secret son of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Duchess Satine Kryze."
Korkie has never been asked so many questions in rapid fire response before. But, he's not mad. They were his future-in-laws.
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More Slytherin Sirius please? I was reading your last Slytherin Sirius fic, and suddenly I had this thought: Sirius saying, "since when did we start dating? Last time I checked, we’re barely even friends," and James answering, "when was the last time you checked?” and making Sirius realize they've actually been doing things couple do because of course what else could these two do? Please and thank you!
"-and I mean," James was saying, "we've been dating for long enough that you'd think the novelty would have worn off, y'know?" 
"We're dating?" Sirius asked, not really looking up from where he was doing his homework. James was supposedly doing the same, but so far all he'd managed was unpacking his books, parchment, quills, and ink; he's spent the rest of the time complaining about his various housemates. "Since when? No offense Jamie, but the last time I checked, we're barely even friends." 
"Yeah, and when was the last time you checked?" James asked in return, not overly bothered by Sirius's question. 
"It's been a while since I had to think about it since it's so obvious." 
"Uh-huh. That's why we, as complete and total not-friends, are doing our homework together in the library." 
Sirius started to nod, but he stopped and glared when it was clear that James wasn't agreeing with him. He expected-- read: hoped-- that James would stop there, but he kept giving examples. 
"It's also why we walk to our classes together." 
"We have the same classes," Sirius grumbled. Them having the same classes had been a calculated attempt to optimize the time they could annoy each other. 
"Yeah, that's why we hold hands and sometimes duck into empty corridors to snog. It totally explains why we go on dates every single Friday and sometimes have inter-House parties just so there's an excuse for us to get drunk and hang off each other when we're in public. It also explains why you got me chocolates for my birthday and kept sending me letters last summer." 
"You... wrote me first," he muttered petulantly. "We're rivals, that's all." 
James rolled his eyes, but it was completely fond instead of annoyed. That alone should've been enough for Sirius to realise he was wrong, but he kind of didn't want to give in now. Sure he'd been dating someone for over a year and not noticed, but he couldn't just admit that without James getting to tease him over it for the rest of their lives. That was hardly the first Sirius had thought of their relationship as lasting years into the future, but this was the first time he'd realised what it meant. Merlin, he really was an idiot. But he wasn't going to tell James that much. He had his image to think about, after all. "We're dating, Sirius, just admit it." The way James said it was nonjudgmental, but Sirius already had it in his head that he wasn't going to give in. 
"Nope. Nothing to admit because we aren't." 
James chuckled, expression more fond than ever. "Okay. Whatever helps you through the day, I suppose." 
"As much fun as this was," Sirius said drolly, "I have to go spend time with my actual friends. Maybe you'll be able to get that essay for McGonagall done without me distracting you." Sirius shoved everything haphazardly into his bag and ran away. 
He didn't have friends. James knew that. Which meant that now he had to go bother Regulus for a couple hours. James would probably guess that, but this whole thing was a matter of perception anyways. As long as Sirius didn't admit that that's what he was doing, it was fine. This was about saving face and- and... pretty much nothing else. Whatever. 
Unsurprisingly, Regulus was not happy to see him. Surprisingly, when he was trying to get rid of him so that he could focus on his coursework, he said, "Can't you go bother your boyfriend instead of me?" 
Regulus had never called James his boyfriend before. He knew that for a fact, because otherwise he would've been having this entire crisis earlier. Also because if Regulus had told him, then he wouldn't be trying to pretend like they weren't to James's face right now. "Since when is he my boyfriend?" 
"Isn't he?" Regulus asked, forehead scrunched as he looked over his book at him. "I thought I'd seen you holding hands last week." 
Last week... right, when Sirius had done it as part of joke, but it had felt nice so he didn't let go as soon as he might have under normal circumstances. "You did." 
"Then why are you asking me about when you got together? Which, I can't believe you didn't tell me. Not telling me when you started shagging is perfectly fine because I don't want to hear about that, but dating? I'm your only friend, and you didn't tell me. No wonder you're so grumpy all the time; you never gossip." 
"You're not my only friend," Sirius lied. "You're just my best friend." And they gossiped together plenty. Most of it was family drama but still. 
Regulus, who knew perfectly well that he was his brother's only friend, scoffed. "Right. Why don't you go bother some of your lesser friends so that your best friend doesn't fail his classes?" 
"You're not going to fail anything, you dramatic little bugger." 
"Go away," he said, hunching down so that all Sirius could see over the top of his book were a few strands of black hair. 
Since Sirius didn't actually want him to have issues in his classes, he left, but not without ruffling Regulus's hair to piss him off. If Reg wasn't going to support him in this, then he should double down. Get James something really nice to say that he acknowledged they were together and he liked it. 
"So not that I'm complaining," James started out, his words carefully chosen and his tone measured, "but is there a purpose to the entire garden that is now taking up my dormitory? Or the three necklaces? Or the twenty different boxes of chocolates?" 
Sirius blinked. "Too much?" he guessed. 
"A tad." 
"Hmph." Sirius had only meant to get him like, two of those things, but he didn't want to get him the wrong gift. At first, he bought James yellow tulips because he'd heard James saw they were pretty before. Then he'd added on red roses because James was a romantic, and red roses equaled romance. Then he'd seen blue hyacinths and added them on, and with three different colors and none of them being certain, it had felt safer to do a full rainbow or varieties. 
After all that confusion, he'd felt like he had to get him something else since none of the bouquets were guaranteed to be his favourite. The first necklace he'd chosen was red and gold, but it occurred to him that he didn't know if that was James's actual colour preference or if it was because he was in Gryffindor. Sirius added on a silver band in case he didn't like gold, then he did a necklace all in black because fuck it, if he didn't know what James would like, he was at least going to get him something that Sirius would like to see on him. 
He was pretty sure that there weren't twenty boxes of chocolates. It should've been more like a dozen. Because he didn't know if James would like the flowers or any of the necklaces, but everyone liked chocolates. Unfortunately, he had no idea what James's favourite was for that either, so he'd snuck out to Honeydukes to place an order. Browsing the shelves did him no good, so he'd shoved a handful of galleons at the person behind the counter and asked for them to send as many to James's room as that money would buy, preferably in a variety of their most popular products. 
"It's not a bad thing," James tried, but Sirius just glared at him. James cracked a smile, sitting down next to him. "What happened to denying that we're dating? I thought that was pretty entertaining for the whole minute that it lasted." 
"Yeah, well when Regulus thought we were dating too, I figured I should give you something to let you know that I like that I'm dating you." 
"One bouquet would've done that." 
"I didn't know which kind were your favourites," he muttered petulantly. 
"I like all flowers," he said immediately. "Anything they sell at a florist, I will like." 
"Hmph," Sirius said again. "Which necklace did you like?" 
"All of them." 
Sirius had to wrestle down the urge to hit him with a Stinging Hex. "Which one did you like best?" 
"Does it matter?" 
James leaned over and kissed his cheek, then coaxed him into a real kiss. "I love them all. Fair warning, I'm sharing the chocolates with my dorm mates so they don't riot." 
"Aw, do you not like me sharing your gifts?" 
He didn't much care one way or the other, so he kissed James again. "Shut it." 
Clearly, James took that as a yes to his question, because he grinned. "Aw, sweetheart, it's like-" 
"Shut it," he said again, and this time he made the kiss long enough that James would have to put his brain back together if he wanted to tease him. 
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fuckingthefictional · 6 years
Hi! I love your writing ❤️ I was wondering if you could pretty please write a one shot where Reggie finds out his girlfriend is abused by her father (if you don’t feel comfortable writing this I completely completely understand 💕) and he stepped in and basically saves her from her own home? Pls?❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️
Broken Home
A/N- Okay I want to make this clear, I’m not romanticising abuse in any way. It is such a shitty thing and I’ve seen what it can do to people both mentally and physically. If you as a person are affected by this, Please remember that you are not alone! You have people who care about you. There are people and places to reach out to. I have also never been abused by my parents- like the ‘y/n’ in this fic. I have tried to research and make this as realistic as possible. Because there is absolutely no reason to sugar coat anything related to this topic.
M a s t e r l i s t
Reggie Mantle was never perceived as particularly academically gifted. That was for the most part, true. But that didn’t mean that he didn’t notice things.
After his dad left him and his mom, he had a tendency to look out for others in a situation similar to his own. For the people who silently suffered and endured all the pain that they didn’t deserve.
Abuse was something Reggie was familiar with. He’d perfected the art of lying to his peers at school about the bruises that were constantly being littered across his skin. Saying that they were from football practice.
The messed up thing was that he couldn’t confide in anyone, because he would just be told that he was weak, that he needed to just man up to his dad. That it wasn’t real abuse.
So he went through it alone. Something he’d never let anyone go through alone.
Most people in Riverdale knew Reggie as the “stupid, rich football player”, he saw himself as the weak, pathetic boy who couldn’t stand up to his own father.
Y/N hadn’t though, Y/N could see right through the wall he put up to protect himself. Because she had the same defense mechanism. The same wall that protected her from the judgement of everyone in this shitty, little town.
Riverdale- the town that created psychotic killers and abusive parents. The town that was the reincarnation of hell. The place of suffering.
More often than not, Y/N found that sleep was the only way to escape. Even if it was for a few minutes, it was an escape from everything that she was forced to endure when she was awake.
“Where’s the little bitch gone?!” A slurred voice rang out, the crashing of glass following soon after.
Y/N felt her heartbeat spike in fear, Her mother was the worst when she was drunk. She got physical and violent.
Y/N immediately scarpered to the wardrobe and climbed in, she felt her body shake and her throat tighten. Her arms wrapped around her knees in an attempt to get some sort of comfort.
The sound of her Mother’s stomping footsteps came closer.
“Y/N,” the last syllable of the name dragged on, “Where are you?"
Y/N felt the tears start to form, but was determined to keep her hiding place a secret. That was until the sounds of her possessions hitting every other hard surface hit her ears.
She let out a small whimper, when she felt what she assumed to be glass hit the wardrobe door.
It was then when the door was ripped open and Y/N was dragged out, sobbing and crying out for mercy.
“Mom! Stop please stop!”
She felt pain coursing through her veins, and the vague shouts of her to “shut up!” She felt disoriented and scared.
Y/N’s body was thrown down onto the floor, down into a pile of glass debris. She felt nothing but pain. Hot, searing pain.
Before blacking out she saw the hazy figure of her mother, towering above her imposingly. She felt dissociated like she was watching from the outside. She watched despairingly with tears welling up in her eyes as her mother threw one final kick to Y/N’s ribs and spat down on her, before she finally lost consciousness.
She woke up to the generic hospital smell, the beeping of the monitor and the blinding white walls of what she assumed to be the local hospital.
The first feeling that Y/N felt rise in her was panic. Or more specifically what the hell her Mother would do to her when she was released.
She would be so angry and so undeniably pissed. And the beatings would be ten times worse that usual, and it scared her. She felt trapped, like she had no other option than to endure the pain.
The beeping of the monitor became more rapid and quick paced. Y/N was getting even more anxious- she didn’t want to answer questions on how these injuries had occurred.
Instead it alerted a sleepy person sat in an uncomfortable looking chair, in the corner of her room. He immediately bolted up right, panic clear in his eyes too.
He was tall, muscular and Y/N would be lying if she said she didn’t think he was handsome. He had somewhat tanned skin and raven hair that had obviously not been attended to for a few day. Reggie Mantle.
The star football player, took small steps forward trying to show that he wasn’t going to hurt her.
“W-Why are you h-h-here Mantle?”
“It was my turn to return the favour.”
Y/N’s brows furrowed in confusion, her face prompted Reggie to explain what he meant.
“I know you called the cops on my dad Y/N.”
She felt her heart stop  and her face heat up, “I-I-” Y/N stuttered, “I’m so sorry!”
“Don’t. Don’t apologize. I’m glad you did it. Y/N you saved my life.”
“You know my name?” Her head cocked to the side. All she got in return was the classic Mantle smirk.
“See you around...Y/N.”
Reggie didn’t know what to do. He felt conflicted on what he should do. Should he report whoever did this to Y/N? Should he keep an eye on her? Or should he just forget it all?
He thought back to when he was in the same position, how he wished someone would intervene and save him.
And as unmasculine it sounded- he remembered fearing for his life. He thought that he would be caught by his father and punished for trying to get some support.
So what did he do?
He’d try his best.
For the next few weeks you’d noticed Reggie’s behaviour becoming...different. He hovered around more, watching you as if he was trying to figure something else. Whether there were any new marks lashed on you probably.
In all honesty you hadn’t been back home since the ‘incident’, instead you chose to stay with a friend on the Southside.
You were so sick and tired of this abuse. You wanted to turn in your mother. You wanted to leave Riverdale and never come back. But you were scared, a coward.
You knew that your ‘mother’ would hunt you down and kill you, if you got her arrested and you wouldn’t put it past her to do something as horrific as that.
Cut to a few months later and Reggie was still at a loss of what to do. So he did the only thing he could think of. Asking his Mom for advice.
He walked into the living room to see his mother sat on the couch, glasses on and book in hand. Completely in her own little world.
She looked up and smiled at her boy, but it fell once she saw the sad look on his face.
“Reggie Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” She placed the book aside and opened her arms for him to hug her and gain some comfort.
“I need your advice Mom, I don’t know what to do anymore.”
She sat the both of them down and sighed deeply, “What’s going on Reg?”
Reggie rubbed a hand across his face, “There’s this girl and I know she’s being abused. Like badly abused. The same girl I visited in hospital a few months ago- and I don’t know what to do.”
His mom smiled sympathetically, “What’s her name?”
“The same Y/N that turned in your-“
“Yes.” The simplicity and finality in his voice was heard.
“What I was going to say was that, she saved our lives. She ended the one thing that gave me the most pain in my life. Which was watching you get beaten down every single day. I am forever in her debt and I will do anything to help her, even if that means she lives under our roof for a short while.”
Reggie nodded, it needed to happen. This needed to end.
The next thing he did was called the Sherrif’s office in town, anonymously tipping off that something was happening at the Y/L/N residence and that he was concerned as a neighbour.
About 2 hours later a fast paced knocking sounded on the door. Reggie and his Mother were locked in a gaze. The footballer creeped towards the door, paranoid that it may be trouble. He counted to three and yanked the door open.
Only to see... Y/N, sopping wet from the torrential downpour outside. She was sobbing hysterically and shivering uncontrollably. There were red patches of what he could only assume was blood on her shirt.
She stumbled clumsily into his arms, her breath becoming a spurt of hyperventilated gasps.
Reggie turned back to where his mom was around the corner.
“Mom! Come quick!”
He immediately heard the quick paced steps on the wooden flooring, a gasp was heard.
“Oh god. Reggie take her to the couch, I’m going to get a first aid kit.”
He complied to his mothers words, swooping you up into his arms. He felt you bury yourself in the crook of his neck. Your hot breath caused goosebumps to pop up all over his skin.
“Y/N, you need to tell me what happened. Okay? Can you do that for me?”
“S-She did it a-again. She b-beat me... b-but this t-t-time she went t-too far and she tr-tried to s-stab me. Her new b-boyfriend t-tried to f-force himself-” Reggie watched as you wiped your tears away, his shirt was soaked with tears but he didn’t care.
“She succeeded b-barely, I only j-just got c-cut. And then the p-po-police showed up and a-arrested her. And now I’m h-here I guess.”
Her teeth were chattering, she was freezing.
“How did you know where I liv-“ he was cut off.
“I didn’t. I just ran and this is were my feet took me. And now I’m homeless and worthless and damaged.”
“You are not damaged, nor worthless.” The hard voice of Reggie’s Mother sounded behind them, she carried a red tin box with a white cross in her hands. “You are brave and so so strong.” She placed a snuggly blanket around both teens and sat down at Y/N’s feet, taking a shaking hand into her own. “I know what’s it like. But you’re a survivor. You fought through this and we are both proud of you.”
You nodded slightly before wincing at the unbearable pain in your side.
“Right lets get you cleaned up.”
After you were all stitched up, had taken a warm shower and changed into some of Reggie’s clothes. You walked down the corridor to what you could only assume was Reggie’s room. You knocked softly this time until you heard the muffled “come in”
He saw you enter and an immediate smile was placed on his lips, “God, you’re so beautiful.”
You frowned and sat down next to him, “No I’m not.” You tightened your fists into little balls, “I’m unlovable, I’m a waste of space and nobody could ever lo-“
A pair of warm lips covered yours, effectively stopping your self destructive rant, breaking apart you pressed your foreheads together.
“You shouldn’t be with someone like me.”
“I think you’ll find that you’re way out of my league and I’m so lucky to have you.”
“But Reggie, I’m unlovab-“
“Well then, it’s a shame that I’m already in love with you.”
Your eyebrows rose in surprise
“Let me show you what love is like, let me look after you and take you out on dates and be completely whipped for you. Just let me be yours. Be my girl.”
You’re thoughts were overwhelming, each of them flooding in almost to fast for you to handle.
“Okay, I’ll give us a chance.”
“A chance is all it takes.”
142 notes · View notes
Chapter One
Sirius Black is gorgeous, Remus thought as he looked carefully over his copy of the Daily Prophet. Sirius was animatedly describing his plan to get out of their next class, potions, by swallowing a drop of snake oil, which he had used to get out of family affairs several times as a child. He couldn’t help but fix his eyes on a rogue lock of black hair that curled over Sirius’ left eyebrow and tangled with his long, curly eyelashes. His straight nose led Remus’ eyes to Sirius’ elegant lips. Pale red, with a dramatic cupid’s bow and a full lower lip, they framed a perfect set of white teeth, which at this moment had the tip of Sirius’ tongue trapped in between them as he poured orange juice into his goblet. He glanced upwards, trapping Remus in the headlights of his green eyes. “Remus?” Sirius said quietly.
           “Sorry,” Remus forced his eyes down to the Daily Prophet, suddenly very interested in the sports news. There was some news about the England quidditch team looking at some fresh talent at a camp somewhere. Remus sighed. He had never understood quidditch. Remus chanced a glance upwards and found Sirius’ eyes still fixed on him, despite the fact that James was badgering him about homework. Sirius grabbed it from his bag and flung it unceremoniously towards James and Peter, who immediately began to copy it.
           “And make sure you change the wording, I don’t need another detention!” Sirius shot at them. They rolled their eyes and went back to work. “Moony,” Sirius said as he stretched his arms behind his head. “Want to stop by the library with me before potions? We’ve got another hour yet.” Their sixth-year schedules were empty compared to the last five years of back to back classes at Hogwarts.
           “Sure,” Remus said, folding the Daily Prophet and sliding it into his bag. Sirius muttered something to James, and the pair walked out of the Great Hall and were climbing the staircase towards the library when Sirius grabbed Remus by the arm and pulled him in a secret passageway concealed behind a tapestry. Before Remus could react, Sirius spun him around and pinned him against the wall with one strong hand. “Sirius-” Remus whispered. “We shouldn’t, not here, anyone could walk in.”
           “I don’t care,” Sirius growled. “And I’ve told James that Dorcas has left her cat in the common room again, so he and Peter will be occupied shaving the thing for the next hour. Don’t worry, no one’s coming.”
           “Sirius,” Remus sighed, dropping his bag on the floor and reaching out to brush Sirius’ hair out of his face. He knotted his fingers in the curls at the base of Sirius’ neck. Sirius tipped his head forward, brushing his nose along Remus’ jaw. “Sirius…”
           “Say it again,” Sirius whispered into Remus’ neck. He pressed closer to Remus, sliding his hand around the back of Remus’ neck and biting at his ear.
           “Sirius,” Remus growled, pushing Sirius’ robes off his shoulders and wrapping his hands around the back of Sirius’ neck. Sirius’ laugh was muffled by Remus’ neck between his lips. “Sirius, kiss me.”
           “I am,” Sirius whispered against Remus’ cheek. Remus pushed Sirius back, staring into his eyes.
           “I mean really kiss me.”
           “Fine,” Sirius smirked as he put his hands on the wall on either side of Remus’ head, boxing him in. He leaned forward and caught Remus’ lower lip between his teeth. It was torture for him, holding himself back when all he wanted was to take Remus, right then on the cold stone floor of the secret passageway.
           Remus, getting frustrated, closed the distance between Sirius’ lips, pulling Sirius against him by the hips. He slid his tongue along Sirius’ full bottom lip and felt Sirius moan in the back of his throat. “Remus,” Sirius gasped as Remus spun Sirius against the wall and mouthed his way to Sirius’ neck, pressing open-mouthed kisses to the hot, flushed skin. Sirius’ hand pushed through his own hair and grabbed Remus by the small of his back. Remus hummed happily against Sirius’ neck.
           Sirius pressed his hand against his own chest, sliding it down until he slid it into the front of his trousers, trying to control himself as Remus moaned loudly and pushed Sirius against the wall, hard. He slid his hands down Sirius’ sides and pulled his legs around his back.  Sirius gasped as Remus lifted him off the ground. Remus frantically unbuttoned Sirius’ shirt as Sirius twisted his hands into Remus’ pale brown hair. “Fuck,” Remus groaned, and Sirius smiled until he realized Remus was pulling away, gently setting him on the ground.
           “No, Remus, please,” Sirius said, pulling Remus to him again and kissing him.
           “I’m sorry, Sirius. I just remembered,” he glanced at his watch. “I have to go take my potion now.” He looked apologetically at Sirius, brushing his cheek with his fingertips. “Next time.”
Sirius caught Remus’ hand and kissed it gently. “How are you feeling?”
“Tired, irritable, and very horny,” Remus sighed, buttoning Sirius’ shirt and tightening his tie. He pressed a lingering kiss to Sirius’ soft lips and pulled both their robes around their shoulders. “How bad is my hair?” he asked.
           “Not the worst it’s been,” Sirius said, running his fingers through Remus’ hair to flatten the waves, which were already turning grey around the ears. He held Remus’ face between his hands, looking into the other boy’s eyes. “Really, Remus. Are you okay?”
           “It’s not the worst it’s been,” Remus smiled sadly and pulled Sirius to his chest. He rested his chin on the top of Sirius’ head, closing his eyes before reluctantly pulling away. “Shall we?” he smiled.
Hours later, Sirius flung himself into a plush armchair in front of the fire in the Gryffindor common room. He pushed his hands through his tangle of curly black hair. A cat Sirius had nicknamed Cotton Puff leapt onto his lap and curled up, purring. Sirius scratched gently under her chin and looked around the room. It was the last class block of the day, everyone except the sixth and seventh years were in class, but some sixth and seventh years still had class. James was taking his free period to practice on the quidditch pitch, Peter was in Divination, and Remus was studying in the library. Sirius never studied, yet still passed every test with flying colors. He reached into his bag and pulled out his wand. He ran his fingers over the runes etched into the wood and sighed.
It was December first, and in a few short weeks he would be going home with James. Although he adored the Potters, he hated Christmas. It just reminded him of all the years when he received next to no presents compared to his brother Regulus. He loved Reg, of course, but it was hard to love someone who was constantly doted on by your parents, it was hard to love someone when your mother repeatedly told you how much she preferred Regulus to you. How much of a disappointment you were.
And of course, Remus could not join them. The Potters had no idea about Remus’ affliction and were none too prepared to accommodate him during times when he might need help. He would write to Remus every day, but it wasn’t enough. He couldn’t be there for Remus when he was physically hurting and emotionally raw.
Cotton Puff stood, stretched, and bounded up the stairs to the girls’ dormitories. He had no idea whose cat she was, or if she was a girl at all. He was fond of her, and she him, which was his relationship with most cats. He found it ironic that they took such a liking to him, given that his alter ego was a gigantic black dog. He closed his eyes.
 Remus walked into the common room and crossed to the fireplace, where Sirius was slouched in his favorite chair, fast asleep. He sat in the seat across from Sirius and pulled his bag off his shoulder. He opened his copy of Advanced Potion Making and began reading, taking notes for his essay on the Draught of the Living Dead. Sirius opened his eyes, pushed his hair back, and smiled. “Remus,” he said, yawning. “That essay isn’t due for two weeks.”
“And I’d rather start it now than in a week when you and James bring a flagon of firewhisky into the dormitory and start celebrating Christmas,” Remus said with a small smirk. “And I encourage you to do the same, although we all know that you’ll end up copying mine at the last minute.”
“Why risk doing it myself when I know you’ll do it perfectly?” Sirius stretched and stood, crossing to Remus and squishing into the loveseat next to him. “Remus?” Remus turned to look at Sirius, closing his book. “I’m thinking of staying here this Christmas.”
“Why? The Potters love having you around their place,” Remus said, frowning.
“I know, I just don’t want to intrude on their family time and all that.”
“Sirius, don’t be ridiculous- “
“And I was wondering if you would stay, too,” Sirius flushed and turned away as Remus registered what Sirius had said.
“Sirius,” Remus began. “I’d love to. In fact, I’ve already made arrangements to do so.”
           Sirius turned back to Remus, shocked. “You have?”
           “My mum and dad are going skiing in Germany over break, and they asked if I would be okay staying here. Travelling won’t work well with the full moon scheduled right in the middle of the trip,” Remus smiled sadly. “And besides, I’m not coordinated enough to ski at all.”
           Sirius kissed Remus gently and smiled. “Okay, it’s settled. I’m staying.”
372 notes · View notes
Athens Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 18810
"Athens Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 18810
Athens Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 18810
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USAA auto insurance rates?
sorry to ask this in military but i figure yall will know best. i've noticed that since we've had usaa auto they have consistently gone up when our policy renews every 6 months. it's around 20-50 dollars every time. we have not had any tickets or accidents. when i call customer service they assure me it's nothing we've done and that everyone's rates are going up. i find this hard to believe. anyone else having this issue?
Will my car insurance be void?
A few days ago I ran into the back of someone in my dads car. I am insured as a named driver. I am accepting liability but upon looking at our insurance certificate the mileage i said the car would do per year is much less than Its done. Will my insurance check this when the other party claims on my insurance? It was a genuine mistake when purchasing the insurance and I'm worried it may void my insurance when they check. I also find out today that a passenger in the car has a sore shoulder despite it being no faster than 5mph. What happens if my insurance is void and the passenger claims whiplash? Advice greatly appreciated
Looking for health Insurance options in the State of Washington.?
I'm self employed and researching health insurance options. I live and work in the state of Washington. Any good, affordable options?""
Where can i get cheap car insurance?
I keep trying to find a cheap car insurance as a new driver but the cheapest I get is bloody 3000 pounds .
Cheaper auto insurance with EVOC certification?
While I was going through military police training, I was told if you have an Emercency Vehicle Operations permit, you can get a discount on your car insurance. Is this true and what companies offer this discount if at all?""
Car rental insurance? do i need it?
I will be paying with my credit card. I have insurance on my car, but only the basic liability nothing else. Should i buy the insurance the rental agency offers? what happens if i have an accident. Thanks for your response""
Can anyone suggest a cheap car insurance company?
I have used all the comparison sites, so please dont suggest them. If anyone knows of any other company for cheap car insurance please advise.""
Dental Insurance?
Does anybody know an inexpensive yet good dental insurance in Northern CA? I am on a tight budget. The cheapest one I saw is Deltacare for $97/year but I don't know if it's any good. Help please. Thanks!
18yr old with an provisional can i drive my brothers car without me being insurance to drive it?
im 18 yrs old i have a provisional and my brother is takeing me out in his car im just woundering do i need to be on his insurane on his car cos he said thta all i need is L plates and my provisional i just want to make sure thanks ps can u reply asap he taking me out today in his car for the first time
Will getting a CA medical marijuana card affect my health insurance coverage?
I was considering getting a medical marijuana card here in California for my insomnia but I was wondering if it'll go on my medical record that I use cannabis and therefore make my health insurance more expensive. Will my doctor be able to see that Im a medical marijuana user?
Cost of high risk auto insurance?
What is the average cost of high risk auto insurance? I understand it varies by state to state and such things but can nyou give me atleast a range?I got a DUI and a speeding ticket which canceled my old insurancce ($40 a month) and now it appears i will need high risk insurance. I have 8 points on my licemse. About how much is high risk auto insurance?
How much will insurance cost after first dui offense?
I got my first dui for parking my mom's car for her(my intentions weren't to drive home drunk at all... just back 10 feet.) and I use to have insurance but canceled it when ...show more
Honda CBR125R Insurance rates or recommended agencies? 16 Year old male Ontario?
I have an 80% average in school and my parents have auto and home insurance with statefarm. Only 125cc 130km/h tops. first vehicle. Thanks
How to get low mileage discount from Progressive auto insurance?
I know that many companies will give a huge discount on your automotive insurance premiums if you supply them with proof that you drive far fewer miles than average. I understand that the best way to do this would be to mail a copy of recent vehicle inspections so that they can officially see the low mileage driven over time. However, Progressive does not mention anything, anywhere about low mileage discounts. I have been told you have to ask for this, or else you would never know it is possible. Does anyone have any knowledge, advice, tips, etc regarding this? Furthermore, does anyone know how you would go about this specifically with Progressive?""
Motorcycle Insurance in Ontario help?
Hello, I am a 20 year old female looking for motorcycle insurance for a Honda CBR 250r with an M2. I have never owned a bike before and have a clean driving record. Like most people my age it is nearly impossible to get insurance that is affordable if you are under the age of 25. If anyone knows of an insurance company/brokerage that would give a quote below 2.5k a year please give me any way I can contact them. I live in the Ottawa area if that is any help as well.""
Do i need to be a full time student to be covered for medical insurance?
i've always been told that i need to have at least 12 credit hours a semester in order to be covered for health insurance. with the new obama health care is this still true since most 23-26 year olds do not attend school anymore?
What's the average insurance cost going to be for me? (motorcycle)?
18-19 year old Air Force female riding a low power motorbike in Texas. No previous driving accidents or tickets. What else can affect my cost?
About car insurance what will happen?
okay so a few days ago i was driving my breaks dident stop in time it was very slow and i wasent going that fast at all my breaks dident stop in time and i left a very very lil scrab on a guys car and he said if i cant get 220 dollars by tomorow he will call my moms car insurance will that make the price higher?
How much is my insurance going to go up?
I messed up, and rear ended a car. The cop said that while it was my fault, and I admitted that, it's largely because of the crazy intersection. Anyways, my car doesn't have a scratch but the other car's bumper completely fell off (It was a cheap car, so I'd estimate the damages at about $500 at the MOST. If that effects anything). No one was hurt either. I'm insured by AAA, but I'm a 17 year old so I know it looks bad. I've never gotten in an accident before, and I've been driving for almost two years. How much can I expect it to go up? ANY general idea would be nice. Thanks!""
What is the cheapest online car insurance in the market today?
What is the cheapest online car insurance in the market today?
Car insurance question?
I am British and my wife American. We will be relocating to the US soon. Will my British driving licence be sufficient to be a 'named' driver on my wife's car insurance?
How much should I be looking for to pay for car insurance?
Its a 98 ford escort with 127,000 miles and it has a salvage title""
Insurance for Spanish registered car?
I live and work in the uk, but I have a car in the canary islands spain, I only return to the ca66naries about 6 times a year for a week at a time, does anyone know of an insurance company that can cover my car insurance for only 1 week at a time when I need it. The car is locked in my underground garage when not in use. I do not see the point in paying for a yearly insurance for a car that is only used for max of 6 weeks in the year. Its a Spanish plated car reg number""
How much is it to get painting and remodeling permit and insurance in seattle WA?
How much is it to get painting and remodeling permit and insurance in seattle WA?
Will this affect my car insurance rates?
Once, several years ago I had given the information to the other person but had not heard from anyone several days later, so I called my insurance... sadly (my bad) I did not get the other persons information so I was told not to worry about it until the other person reported it... that never happened... what happens here????..""
Athens Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 18810
Athens Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 18810
How do I get car insurance in Massachussets?
Progressive, GEIKO, and more don't serve MA. WHY? I can't find anyone who serves MA. Which car insurance is the cheapest and how do I get it. Thanks.""
Which is the cheapest third party car insurance provider in India?
Hi, I have a standard Zen Car 1998 model...I would like to renew my vehicle insurance...till date I used to take a comprehensive insurance policy...however for the last 4 years, I have not had any occasion to claim...I now feel that a third party insurance would be more practical and suitable for my vehicle...unfortunately, Tata AIG, which is my current insurance provider only provides comprehensive insurance...can somebody give me an idea which is the cheapest third party car insurance provider in India...""
As a sixteen year old guy would a hyundai tiburon jack my insurance?
im about to get my first car. parents are worried that it will jack the insurance because they think it might be a sports car
Home owners insurance question?
My wife fell on our deck about 3 months ago, landed on her butt with both feet out in front of her. We went to the doctor because she was in alot of pain. The doctor said its spinal shock syndrome and just gave her pain meds, said it would heal in time. Well the pain never went away and last week she had Xrays and MRI done. Turns out she has three fractured vertabrea in her back. Shes a teacher and has crappy insurance( like most americans) so a couple of people suggested that I turn it into my home owners insurace. Before I call and look like a dummy has anyone else ever heard of this? I understand if someone else was hurt on my property but if the actual homeowner was hurt...just sounds strange to me. Anyway I see thousands of dollars in bills headed my way in the near future. If this is something that can be done I would like to hear about it. Thanks for your help""
Why is michigan car insurance so high?
I am a 21 year old female with no little credit but I have no bad credit. I rent an apartment and pay all my bills on time. I have a 2004 monte carlo ss that I paid 3500 for. This is my first car. The cheapest quote I got was 350 a month and that's only for the state minimum. I already have health insurance. They want me to pay more for car insurance than my car is worth and if I get in an accident they wont even cover it.
Car accident with no drivers license or insurance?
if someone got into a single car accident because of icey roads and has no car insurance, or drivers license, only a permit, and is over 18 in the state of Ohio, the ticket saying he received 2 offenses.. what are the consequences and is there any way to get out of or lower them?""
Someone hit my totalled car what will their insurance do to figure out how much to give me?
Someone hit my totalled car what will their insurance do to figure out how much to give me?
What is the cheapest auto insurance company for drivers under 21?
I need some help finding a cheap car insurance company in virginia... Let me know what was the cheapest one in your experience Thanks!
Should I tell my insurance company that my car was broken into?
My car was broken into last night, between the hours of 9:30pm, and 7am, just parked in front of the condo we live in. Some things of value were taken, ( estimated around $130, or $150 in value...no damage was done to the car, they must've just picked the locks) so I filed a police report this morning...is this something I should report to my car insurance provider? If so, how would filing a report with insurance help me? I'm 19, and have been driving for a little over two years now, my insurance is through AAA. I have had no previous driving offenses on my record, or anything. (This has never happened to me before, so pardon some irrelevent info, here!) before. Do you recommend I file a claim with AAA, or just let the police handle it entirely? When would I need to file a claim by? (like, a deadline, time-wise.)""
Car insurance for the clueless 19 year old :/?
I'm nervous about getting car insurance but I honestly need to get my foot in the door. Now give it to me straight guys, how high can it go if I'm nineteen years old, male, never been in an accident, had my licence since may, plan on getting a 90s car or EARLY 2000, and only plan to use it for really just going to work and such. :/ I feel like its going to skyrocket...just because I have a penis. Man when they told me that I thought about being arrested for being black on a friday afternoon on a wednsday :/ So how low can car insurance get?""
18 year old motorcycle insurance Toronto Canada?
Hi, I am 18 years old, I passed my M1 2 days ago and i have no driving record. My motorcycle is a hyosung gt250 (250cc) and I am looking for insurance. However I'm having the hardest time finding anyone to insure me. So my question is does anyone know an insurance company that will insure an 18 year old with no driving record, no safety course (I've been riding motorcycles (dirt bikes) ever since i was 8 so i don't need it) and an M1 licence? thanks Location: Toronto Ontario""
Whose insurance company I should contact for the car accident?
I am involved a car accident 5 months ago. There are four cars hit from rear one by one. I am the second car and have no fault in this accident. However, I did not have a collision insurance, so I should look for reimbursement by myself. I asked the insurance company of the car hit me, they said their insured driver has no fault(indicated in accident report), so they cannot pay for me. And they asked me to contact the company of the fourth car. Is this illegal? Cause in our country, no matter in what reason, the car hit you from rear should pay for you directly. And if their insured driver has no fault, they can ask payment from the insurance company of the car hit them. Anyone could help me? I will very appreciate.""
Getting car insurance on a new car?
I'm planning on buying a new car in the next month or so because my old one is falling apart. My car insurance that I have now is actually my mom 's and I wanted to get my own policy for the new car. Do I have to buy insurance before I buy the new car.
Is AARP's Homeowners/Auto Insurance A Good Deal?
Mom's insurance company made a whopping raise in her premium claiming they have been under charging her for 58 years! She wants to switch to AARP for homeowners and auto insurance. Are they a good company to deal with?
Insurance for Pregnant Women?
hello does anyone know where I can find a low cost insurance that covers everything for pregnant women including doctor visits & delivery,,,in Southern California. Discard Medi-Cal & AIM, since i dont qualify :(""
Go doctor's without insurance?
i haven't been feeling well and i think it's about time i have a check up at a clinic....im interested in a walk in clinic that's not to expensive because my insurance does not work here. anyone know any good clinics around buena park, california???""
Health insurance for college students?
I'm going to be a sophomore in college and I don't think my college offers health insurance. I'm looking for cheap health insurance that'll cover me for check ups with my pediatrician, visits to the dermatologist, and prescription drugs. Suggestions?""
What is the best car insurance for teenagers who got their first car?
I have a 1989 Toyota Camry thats need insurance so i can start driving it.
Do I need to insure my car before getting a temporary registration?
recently purchased a used car that DOES require emissions testing. In my state (CT) the DMV offers 10-day temp. registration for vehicles that need testing Do I need to insure this car before I'll be eligible for the 10-day registration? I'd prefer not to insure a car that won't pass emissions because I won't be able to drive it, and I refuse to wait in line at the DMV for hours just for answers on this questions (their website gave very few specifics)""
Buying Car at 17 - Is there easier way to check insurance?
My parents are getting me a car for when i turn 17, and they asked me to look around online for one. The thing is, is there a easier way to check how much the insurance would be for me without answering a million questions. I just want to check approximately how much it would be? Because i need a car that would be about under 1500 a year insurance""
Car insurance for honda civic 2006?
so I'm getting my own car and paying for my own insurance and i'm not sureh wo much insurance is and would just like to get a rough guestimate so that I am able to prepare for it financially. I am getting a 2006 Honda civic with 133k miles on it. I am not getting insurance under my parents or anything and would just like to get some insight. Anymore information needed i'll be happy to provide. thanks.
Proof of car insurance?
I live in Massachusetts, and I have proof of insurance on my registration. There isn't a separate insurance card - but if for some reason I am pulled over out of state, this should be be enough, right? Does anyone have any experience with this?""
Who has the best health insurance in California for college students?
I am a full time college student, and I am looking for health care insurance, but I'm not for sure which to go for. I was looking up Blue Shield of California, Health net, and Kaiser, but I'm new to this.""
What cars get low insurance rates?
i am a 16 yearold and just planning ahead for when im 17 and get my G2. I want to buy my own car...obviously a used one...a very cheap one. I am looking to spend as little money as possible on GAS and INSURANCE. I understand there are possible discounts for good students, or if you take a driving course...but in general, what cars get low insurance?""
HELP !!!!!!! what is a good and CHEAP car insurance company? 10 points =]?
I need the cheapest possible car insurance but thats also good and will cover me =]
Athens Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 18810
Athens Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 18810
What would be the best insurance company to go with for me?
im 22 and im about to purchase a used car from a dealership. i havent went yet i plan to go tomarrow and take a look see. but now im going to have to start thinking about insurance. i know some of it depends on the type of car but i kind of just want an all around knowledge of which on would be the cheapest for my age bracket. or is there any good web sites for me to go to? oh and i dont want to go with safe auto. love.
What companies do not offer employees health insurance?
I was wondering what kind of companies do not give their employees health insurance, besides temp agencies? Thanks""
""Pregnant, unemployed and I need insurance?""
I'm 24, recently terminated from BOA due to a matter with an incorrect procedure. Meanwhile, I'm pregnant with my second child and unemployed. My husband is doing great for our family (we are a small single family living by ourselves). He's working and paying all the bills and then some. Where can I find some much needed health insurance for myself? Please advise. Thanks and God bless.. (I'm 24, african-american, non-smoker, not diabetic, don't have any std or sexual disease, and I'm healthy thus far. Please help) Located in Atlanta Georgia, USA""
18 years old purchasing car and insurance?
I am an 18 year old female and im looking to purchase a car - preferably a new car but we'll see how far that goes... I would like opinions on which car insurance is the best for new drivers. I did a couple of quotes and Geico seems to be good, any other suggestions?""
Roughly how much will my car insurance be?
I'm a female and 18 in July, my parents have bought me a 2010 Toyota Yaris for my birthday.. But I have to pay for the insurance (fair enough deal!) Roughly how much would it cost? Would it be much cheaper if I went under my parents insurance?""
Getting health insurance?
I am a 38 yr old female amd my partner of 17 yrs is a 45 yr old male.my job does not provide health insurance and my partner is self employed.We live in washington state.A few yrs ago we applied for basic health insurance and they wanted my last income tax statement witch I do not have.We need insurance badly my partner has asthma and needs medicine and we both need physicals.Is there any insurance companies that will give health insurance without wanting income tax returns.or proof of income.We need a health insurance provider who will give insurance like getting car insurance just pay a monthly fee no questions asked.Is there health insurance companies like that.
My car insurance wants to void policy?
I have a ford fester 3 doors that is insured with more than. My dad has a stroke and was getting worse as my mum or dad cannot drive I got a Peugeot 206 with 5 doors so that it would be easier for my mum and dad to get in and out of the car when taking them shopping, I also use the car when my partner is using my ford fester. My son (NAME DRIVER) uses my Peugeot 206 to go to and from college this is 3 days a week. Out of 7 days a week my son uses my Peugeot 3 days to do to college they are the only days he uses it. I use it the rest of the week. My son had a crash on the 30/09/2010 on the way home from college. The crash was not his thought as the car had just pulled out on him when the other car should have stopped. The car that crashed into his span the car around and smashed into the side of him, where the car has impacted him side (DRIVERS SIDE) the seat belt locked so my son had to climb out on the seat belt and get out the passenger side as the drivers door was smashed him. We have a witness and CCTV of what happened. When we called the insurance company (MORE THAN) they asked what happened and my son told them. They then said they will be in touch. That night we had to go to hospital as he is really has back, neck and wrist pains. It has not been 27 days since the crash and since then we have found out that we have been investigated for fraud has they are saying we lied about the amount of car in our house hold. My partner has 1 work van, 1 car that is on a classic insurance, and then I have 2 cars. When taking out the new insurance policy for my Peugeot I only said I have 1 car and that was the ford fester which I did, however is I was doing a new policy for me in my name I didt know I had tell them about other cars that my partner has. Now they are saying the under writer have sent u a letter saying if you pat 550 we will add the other card onto the policy and also change the name over to your sons name and u can say he is the main user. HE ANY THE MAIN USER 3 DAYS A WEEK HE USES IT THEN I USE IT THE REST. So they are kinds of bribing me? I own the car and brought it with my money and on the car registration document it says my name So if I say ok I will pay u the 550 the car does not belong to my son Cox it dont say his name of it.""
Is there insurance for Antique Cars?
Hi, I have a 1971 chevrolet camaro. Wanted to ask if there was insurance for antique cars? I know i could just get liability for this car but i was wondering if i could get better coverage for my vehicle? Thanks.""
What is the best health insurance?
Looking to find out what the best affordable health insurance for my 62 y/o father is? Do not want the obamacare!
What should my average house insurance cost?
I'm buying an older house (1920's-1930's) in a working class neighborhood in California for about $200K. What should I expect to pay for my standard homeowner's insurance?
Who can get your insurance. how much does it cost.?
what is the age limit that can get your insurance. are there any limitations to getting this insurance.
Questions about health insurance?
I took my eye exam couple months ago, and now i need change my insurance company, so my question is can i take my eye exam again?""
Lower my car insurance?
My car insurance is high, $1060 for just 6 months because of 2 accidents in the last few years. I am 21 and drive a 2000 Honda Accord Ex V6. I've shopped around and no other company's are lower so don't recommend that. Do you know any tricks to getting your car insurance lowered??""
I need to find new insurance by March of next year...?
because the insurance I'm under now (TriCare) runs out when I turn 21. Problem is: I have bipolar 2 disorder. Not severe enough for SSDI or anything, but debilitating enough that I need medication to fix it. My meds without insurance total nearly a GRAND a month, not including psychiatrist and therapist visits, about twice a month. Even worse, I only work about 20 hours a week at $8 an hour, so I don't make enough money to AFFORD most types of insurance. But like I said, I don't qualify for disability either. Do you know of any health insurance programs that would be affordable enough for my budget, yet cover my expenses? I've searched sites for weeks and haven't come up with much. Any help will be appreciated! Oh yeah, and I like in Iowa, US - I know that makes a difference.""
Should I open a whole life insurance policy or a 401k first?
I met with a financial consultant who told me that the 401k is the last thing I should start. She says it makes more sense to open the whole life which compounds 8% return on my money yearly and pays a yearly dividend. Which is smarter to do first?
Why might a 19 year old driver be glad that insurance companies pool risk?
Why might a 19 year old driver be glad that insurance companies pool risk?
Car insurance without my name on the policy?
Where can i get a car insurance where my name cannot be on the policy. the car dont have my name either. can I do that in california and which insurance can provide me that even I want the full cover its because due some legal status i dont want my name on the policy.
I am in need of health insurance. Is there any kind out there affordable to a spouse of a D.A.V.?
My husband is rated 100% disabled with the U.S. government.
Are classic American cars cheap to insure?
I am a resident of the UK and was thinking about purchasing a classic American car.
What types of insurance are required in Minnesota?
I have a permit test in about an hour and I forgot what kinds of insurance are required in the state of Minnesota? There are 2 of them I think it's liability and no fault? Help please?
New Driving Licence - Insurance?
Okay Heres the plan! Im 18! Ive passed my driving test today, and looking for car insurance the cheapest way ive found is using my mothers policy with 19 years experiance with no claims ever, however shes never had her own policy.. were going to share the same car 1.6 escort 16v quite a hefty engine for my age yeah but still cheapest i can get it, is 1900 Any tips to make it cheaper, or what ever Ive tried all the top brands, equity, tesco, aa, ,quinn direct, churchill, direct line etc so far quinn is the cheapest.. but the first initial premium month is too much to pay (400) help!""
Is it true that in MA your first ever ticket doesn't count against your auto insurance?
Is it like the first ticket is a wash/freebie? or does it raise your insurance points and rates regardless?
Car accident without insurance but not at fault?
car accident without insurance but not at fault car parked in driveway and other car swerved into drive way and hit my car can I sue them , there was a witness, and a police ...show more""
Cheap Health Insurance In New York State for single adult?
Is there any good but cheap health insurance in new york state not based on income?
Best car insurance company in 2013?
I am looking for a new car insurance company. My current one is charging me $2500/year for 2 cars.
Athens Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 18810
Athens Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 18810
How to get off my parents insurance?
I have insurance through my dad but because of a $5000 deductible and my income it is useless to me. He refuses to let me off it. Also refuses to let me get off of it. I'm 20 years old and could go to the health department nearly free if only I didnt have medical insurance> HOW DO I GET OFF THIS?
Getting pregnant & getting Insurance?
I was hoping to start trying to get pregnant within the next 3-6 months. I am a little discouraged after searching on line and finding many people saying most insurances have a waiting period anywhere from 6 months to 2 years!! Before they will cover maternity. Is this true? So I guess I should seek insurance coverage like yesterday if I plan on getting pregnant anytime soon, huh? I do DEF want to use a midwife. Maybe I should just pay out of pocket & spare myself the hassle of insurance. DID YOU USE A MIDWIFE W/ or W/OUT INS??""
Should I get insurance on a car loan?
It's been many years since I got a car loan, but we're in need of a replacement car. I started to get pre-approved, but during the process they asked about insurance on the loan. Things like death, DISM and UEMP . I've no idea what the last 2 are; or if I should or shouldn't get it. This may be what I've heard called GAP Insurance , although doing a web search on that term resulted in hits related to car leases, and I'm not looking to lease a car, but to buy one, so I don't know if that applies or not. Bottom line: do I need this or not? I'm sure the answer, in part, will be it depends ; well, until I know what it depends upon, I can't make any intelligent decision about this.""
Coop Young Drivers Insurance. Where do they install the smart box?
Where do they install the smart box? My car has got two 6x9's on the parcel shelf and they won't insure a car with modified sound, I'm thinking of removing the parcel shelf and hiding the wires leading to it when the engineer comes around. Would they notice?""
Retroactive auto insurance premium?
I obtained an auto insurance policy in August 2007. In January 2008 (five months after the policy was purchased) I received my policy renewal. The renewal price was substantially more than the initially policy cost because the insurance company had written my original policy with innacurrate information (assumptions they made that were incorrect, there was no falsification on my part). I cancelled the policy and found a new provider. The insurance company then sent me a bill retroactively charging me for the original policy with the new information and premium changes. Can they retroactively charge me for the policy that I had already paid in full based on our original agreement? Does the insurance company have any legal recourse or right to collect this money? I already filed an official complaint with the NJ Dept. of Banking and Insurance and am waiting to hear back. BTW don't need people's opinion, looking for response from someone who knows the laws in regards to this""
Where to get kids checkups when you don't have insurance?
My twins are 2.5 years old, and because of changes in our employments, currently do not have health insurance. When we did it didn't cover much, but it did cover yearly checkups. ...show more""
""If you can't afford car insurance, then you can't legally drive. If you can't legally drive, you can't...?""
If you can't afford car insurance, then you can't legally drive. If you can't legally drive, you can't get to your job. If you can't get to your job, you lose your income. How is this fair????""
Do you think its fair to tax smokers to pay for children's health insurance?
Do you think its fair to tax smokers to pay for children's health insurance?
Best rate auto insurance?
i live in North york, On, CANADA i need best rate for auto insurance where i live""
F1-visa student insurance?
I'm traveling to the US to study there and I was looking through a list of insurance companies other than that the university offers ( which isn't obligatory) and I found this company called ISO http://www.isoa.org/ Is it a good insurance company? I mean the rates it covers and the price of the plan is really good. The Gold plan is 39 dollars per month, meaning it's only 468 dollars per year ! Is that expensive, cheap, or just good ? Do you recommend other insurance companies that could be better and affordable ? Thank you.""
What are my options regarding insurance?
My insurance coverage ended on Dec 9 and i forgot to pay for the renewal. According to the letter I received last week my insurance company will reinstate me if I paid by Dec 29th. So I paid today. However a guy hit a bunch of parked cars including my car in a parking lot and died on the spot. This happened last night. I will get the police report next week from our local police station. So now what should i do? Should i wait for the police report and file a claim against this guy's insurance company? Should I contact my insurance company and ask them to deal with it? Will they actually agree to handle this claim?
""I am 17 and looking into purchasing a black 1996 Bmw 328i convertible for $7000, what would my insurance be?""
The car is in my price range, but im just trying to research how much insurance will be. I am 17 have good grades, an Eagle Scout and in National Honor society and my annual mileage would be anywhere from 5-10,000k""
How much will my insurance go up after a DUI??
I got a D.U.I. and i am going to get my license back soon and i am wondering how much my insurance will be compared to before.
When looking at car insurance is the Claims Legal Assistance Service worth it?
When looking at car insurance is the Claims Legal Assistance Service worth it?
MA Small business required costs for insurance. To hard to find quotes.?
Making a pretend business plan for school and I cant find any prices that are needed for a graphic design business. What types of insurance would you recommend and whats the average costs? Thanks
Insurance Agency Tax Help 1120S?
I own an insurance agency. I have a seperate checking account for insurance premium funds. When we collect a insurance premium payment from a customer, the funds are deposited into this account and then we send our agency check to the insurance company. How are these funds treated on form 1120S?""
Does anyone know a car insuarance provider that is cheapest for young drivers?
I am getting a car soon and i was wondering is there a particular car insurance companies that is cheaper for young drivers? (I'm 17)
""I need some cheap car insurance. I have a 2005 suburvan, a 97 chev pickup and a 97 mercury tracer.?""
I need some cheap car insurance. I have a 2005 suburvan, a 97 chev pickup and a 97 mercury tracer.?""
Do I have to be insured to drive an insured car?
I live in California and i recently got my drivers license. I am 17 and still in high school. My dad says i can't drive because i'm not insured even though the car i'm gonna be driving is insured. If i crash what would happen? My friends tell me that only the car needs insurance for me to drive. Who's right?
Can i do this with my car insurance?
am actually going to be out of the country for 6 months for some work purpose my car is just going to be sitting there in the garage during this period is it ok for me to change my car insurance from full coverage to just the basic.. is this a good move so thati could save some on my insurance can i tell my insurance the above ..or will they cause any issue because of this
I got my first DWI i ll be getting my license back soon how much will my insurance go up in the state of mo?
in the state of missouri how much will my insurance rates go up after my first dwi? (and LAST)
How much would car insurance be for a new driver (17 years old) if the car insurance group is 7?
Roughly speaking... Thanks (:
A quick question about car insurance?
now that I have your attention I have a serious question I need help with. Right now i'm 24, and I will be 25 in a few months. Like many young people I have been paying high car insurance rates, and have been looking forward to the quarter life insurance break. The only problem is that within the last year I've racked up 3 points on my drivers license due to an accident and a speeding ticket. Does this ruin my chances for getting a break, or will my break be less significant?""
Does it make sense to use a local car insurance company instead of a big national one?
Does it make sense to use a local car insurance company instead of a big national one?
""Visiting CA, do I need to get auto insurance?""
I have an IL driver's license but no auto insurance. I am planning to visit family in CA. Is it legal for me to drive my mom's car without having auto insurance? If not, where can I get short term (2-day) auto insurance?""
Athens Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 18810
Athens Pennsylvania Cheap car insurance quotes zip 18810
0 notes
The Sniper and The Medic: Chapter 8
Starring: Crosshair, OC Joan Vo, Tech, Hunter, Wrecker, OC clones
Chapter Warnings: Aaaangst, one tiny innuendo
Taglist: @proadhog @skippyhopperwisdom
AO3 Link (In case you like it better over there, it’s okay, no judgement)
< Previous Chapter | Masterlist | Next Chapter >
Chapter 8: Keep the Doctor Away
Crosshair practically skipped down the hallways. Or, at least he felt like he was skipping. Anyone else who saw him wouldn't have suspected he felt anything other than his usual apathy.
He'd started the day with Hunter, getting tattoos. Technically cadets weren't allowed to, but they were only ten days out from deployment, and the Kaminoans had basically stopped caring what they were doing anyway. Tech managed to reprogram an old medical droid to do them. Hunter had been really ambitious with his, sounding just a little insane as he explained his idea for some half-face skull thing. Crosshair went with something much more simple, but he loved the way it turned out.
And he couldn't wait to show Joan.
He'd convinced himself overnight that she was into him. She hadn't asked the others to do things with her outside of their check-ups like she had with him. She always smiled when she saw him. And she'd even said she was flattered that he blushed around her. It just made sense.
And today, after he'd show off his tattoo and let her check on how well his ribs had healed, he planned to ask her to deploy with them. That way he wouldn't have to worry about saying good-bye. He hadn't cleared it with Hunter or any of the others yet, but they wouldn't mind. They all loved Joan.
He came upon the last corner before her office with equal parts eagerness and determination. But just as he turned it, he heard the indistinguishable sound of her laughter... hers, and a few others'.
On instinct, he jumped back, crouching low and peering ever so slightly around the corner. He could still clearly see, and hear, the scene that was happening down the corridor.
"No you didn't!" Joan was saying through her giggles. She was standing just in front of her office door along with two clone cadets in their blue uniforms.
"Yeah, that definitely didn't happen," one of them said, looking amusedly at his identical brother with one cocked eyebrow.
"Yes it did!" the other insisted. "I caught the entire tray, with one hand, and not a single drop of food spilled." 
His brother rolled his eyes, but Joan just smiled. "Well then, Mickey, I'm impressed. Who knew you had such quick reflexes."
The clone visibly puffed out his chest and grinned. "Oh I'm quick alright. Probably more than anyone here, honestly."
"Maybe you should've been called Quickie, then," the other said, causing Joan to bend over in more laughter.
Crosshair couldn't watch any more. He pushed away from the wall and stormed back the way he'd came. Jaw clenched, blood boiling...  It'd been a while since he felt this angry. In about as much time as he had decided Joan liked him, he now determined she most definitely did not.
How could he have been so stupid? So full of himself? She smiled for everyone, not just him. And clearly she flirted with all the clones, too. She even had the audacity to call them her brothers. He should've trusted his first impression of her, all those weeks ago in that cold, sterile examination room, when she'd disregarded all formality and protocol, when she'd claimed to have him figured out with her stupid, hand-written list. 
Detached from emotions, she had written. Well, the joke was on her, because he most certainly was not detached from any emotion right now, thanks to her.
By the time he made his way back to the hangar, however, he had managed to calm himself down a little. At least enough to put back on his usual front of cold indifference, so his brothers would be none the wiser. He only barely paid attention to Hunter as he explained they'd do a quick sim run before putting on the finishes touches to the Havoc Marauder that evening. 
They filed out toward the training room, but Hunter stopped him in the doorway. The tattooed half of his face was still covered in a healing patch, but his expression was clear. No one could hide from Hunter.
"What's wrong?" he asked, and then motioned to his abdomen. "Did Joan not clear you?"
"No," Crosshair huffed. "I'm fine."
He tried to shoulder his way past but Hunter held him back with a hand on his shoulder. There was a pause as Hunter's eyes scanned over his face, searching for the answers his brother wouldn't give up so easily. When he couldn't find any, his features softened in defeat.
"Look, Cross..." He let go of his shoulder and instead ran his fingers through his hair. "I... I don't know what's going on with you and Joan. Maybe it's nothing. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. But... if I'm not, if there is something... I need it to stop."
Crosshair blinked.
"We can't afford to be distracted, not now." Hunter stopped hesitating with his words, squaring his shoulders and slipping into his leader voice. "I like Joan. She's great. I get it. But we have a mission and she's not part of it. I don't want you to lose focus. And I definitely don't want you to get hurt... your heart, or your ribs."
Hunter gave him a knowing look, which made Crosshair want to strangle him with his bandana. But he held back, mostly because he wasn't sure what to feel anymore. He wanted to take offense and snap at his brother for thinking he would ever prioritize his feelings over their mission. He wanted to panic over the fact that Hunter would not be okay with Joan joining the team like he'd thought. And he wanted to wallow because his brother was right, there was something going on, even if it was just him acting like a silly fool over someone who didn't like him back.
Hunter must have sensed his turmoil, as he didn't continue to lecture or press for some kind of response. He did give a gentle pat on his shoulder before finally stepping aside. Crosshair gladly took the out, trying to regain his composure again as they made their way to join the others in the training room.
* * *
That evening, the four of them shed their armor back in the hangar, tired and sore, but not as overwhelmed as they used to be from their trainings. They had a good rhythm now and had learned to balance action with rest. The training itself had been satisfying, too. Crosshair, especially, was grateful to have had something else to focus on. He had ignored all his previous thoughts and feelings from the day and threw himself into the mission. For a few hours, it was just him and his brothers and his gun. And he almost started feeling just a little better.
But then came Joan.
He was cleaning his rifle on the other side of the ship when he heard Wrecker practically shout out her name. And suddenly, all the emotions from before came surging back, making him sick to his stomach.
"Hey Wrecker," she greeted in return, though it was not in her usual, cheerful tone. "Is Crosshair around?"
"Yep, just over there...."
Crosshair panicked. He did not want to see her. Even if Hunter hadn't warned him to back off, he still didn't feel like engaging. Not now. Maybe not ever. He looked around and saw one of the cargo hatches was open on the ship. He abandoned his gun and quickly slipped inside, leaving the hatch just slightly askew so he could peer through it.
She came around and looked over his equipment but didn't say anything. She looked tired, worn out. He could see the puffiness of her eyes, the almost defeated slouch of her shoulders. A part of him wanted to be concerned, but the rest of him pushed that urge down and stayed hidden.
"He's in the ship," came Hunter's voice, just outside his view. "Went to bed early."
"Is he okay? He was supposed to meet me earlier and didn't show up." She sounded concerned for him. He couldn’t decide if he was touched or annoyed by it.
"He's just been busy," Hunter replied. "Focusing on his training. We don't have much longer."
"Yeah...." Her voice was distant and she chewed her lip in thought. "Well, when he has a free second, can you tell him to come see me? I need to make sure he's healed, sign off and everything."
"Of course."
She started walking away and then paused, giving Hunter a half-hearted smile. "Can't wait to see your new ink."
Hunter chuckled and followed her out, leaving Crosshair to brood in the darkness of the cargo hold alone. He'd end up staying there for most of the night, trying to convince himself to stop caring about her.
She hadn't come because she was worried about him, he told himself. She only wanted to check his wound. She was just doing her job. She had only ever been doing her job. Anything else she might have said, any of the times she'd seemed interested or impressed, didn't mean anything. She didn't seem him any differently than she saw the regs.
So he wasn't going to, either.
31 notes · View notes
The Sniper and The Medic: Chapter 3
Starring: Crosshair, OC Joan Vo, Hunter, Wrecker, and Tech
Summary: Crosshair doesn't exactly like medical personnel. In fact, he hates them. They're always poking and prodding, calling him skinny, telling him he's not good enough. But then he meets the new medical examiner, the smart and kind and oh-so-pretty Joan Vo. And suddenly, he's not only looking forward to his medical check-ups, but he's also starting to question whether he wants to go to war after all....
Rating & Warnings: T/PG-13. Eventual fluff. Light angst. Who knows what else will pop up, but I’ll leave warnings when needed.
Taglist: Let me know if you want to be tagged for this fic.
AO3 Link (In case you like it better over there, it’s okay, no judgement)
< Previous Chapter | Masterlist | Next Chapter >
Chapter 3: Bitter Pill
As expected, the conversation among his brothers the rest of the day was exclusively about the new girl.
"Dr. Vo was already a combat medic when the war started," said Tech over their lunch in the mess hall. "The battalion on her home planet took her in, so she knows how to take care of us clones."
"Did you see the scar on her hand?" asked Wrecker during their afternoon fight simulation training. "She got it from punching a droid... a droid! And then she stitched it up herself. That's my kinda woman."
"Joan's got a lot of ideas for whipping us into shape," said Hunter while they showered off in the refresher that evening. "Exercise regimens, diet plans, even some good team building tasks. She knows more than the Kaminoans."
Crosshair had nothing to contribute.
The four of them sat in the common room of their small apartment as the night started to settle in. They had been moved into these private quarters, in a different section of the facility, just last week. Though it was cramped and cold, they were already getting used to the separation from the regs.
"What about you, Cross?" Hunter asked from the seat beside him and the others turned to him expectantly.
The truth was that Crosshair had spent the day incredibly angry with himself. He had not gained any level of insight into Dr. Joan Vo like his brothers had. He hadn't noticed her scars or asked about her life or heard any of her plans for their medical regimen. He had stayed sullen and silent in that damn room. And now, the one time he wanted to engage in conversation over a girl, he had absolutely nothing.
He shrugged, tying to come up with something. But what could he possibly say? The only thing she'd offered up was that she knew someone from the Umbara mission. But that wasn't significant; everyone talked about Umbara. And he wasn't telling anyone about his homework assignment. He'd ran all the way over here to stash the pad of paper under his mattress, making him late for training, just so he wouldn't have to explain it to anyone.
Hunter immediately sensed his discomfort and let out a chuckle, clapping him gently on the shoulder. "She probably spent the whole time reading your long-ass medical chart, huh?"
Tech and Wrecker nodded along, believing that must have been the case. Crosshair didn't correct them.
"I do hope she addresses your insomnia," said Tech, picking up a datapad he had been doing some casual research with earlier. "And your resulting caf addiction. Not. Healthy."
He gave Crosshair a pointed glare before returning to the screen.
"Ah, don't worry about ol' Cross," said Hunter, still in an easygoing mood. "Joan's a professional. She'll get him sorted out."
Crosshair pouted but no one paid him attention. He did not want to be "sorted." Or treated, or fixed, or anything of the sort. This professional could take her war stories and good ideas and shove them, for all he cared. In fact the longer he was spending away from the doctor, the less he could remember why he'd liked her in the first place.
"She's so pretty...." Wrecker sighed for the tenth time that day.
Oh yeah, that's why, thought Crosshair as he secretly sighed along with his brothers.
"Did you notice she doesn't use any of the medical droids?" Tech asked, getting distracted from his research yet again.
"Oh yeah," Wrecker said, "she hates 'em."
"I don't know about hate, but she told me they're better for the menial tasks like blood analysis. Only a human can truly understand another human, she said."
"I'm glad she sees us as humans," Hunter said, a little quieter. "Treats us like humans. Not experiments."
"Does she think we have a chance to deploy?" Tech sat forward. It was a commonly known fact the Kaminoans still had their doubts about the viability of Clone Force 99, and even the clone commanders helping with their training were hesitant to have an opinion one way or the other.
"She does." Hunter straightened, his duty as their leader kicking in. "But we still have a lot of work ahead of us, a lot to prove. She has advice, but we're the ones that have to do something with it. It'll be a hard couple of months. But we're coming out of this as the best damn clone unit in the galaxy."
Tech grinned and Wrecker gave an enthusiastic hoorah! Crosshair couldn't help but smirk, too, though he believed they already were the best damn clones in the galaxy.
* * *
They'd all gone to bed hours ago, but Crosshair was the only one still awake. The lights were out but he could clearly see every pen stroke on the paper. He was sitting up in his bunk, or as much as he could in the cramped space between the mattress and the ceiling, and was reading through the notes Joan had made during his visit, while his brothers snored around him.
Wide peripheral vision
Long-distance vision: incredible
Dexterity: limber, flexible
Detached from emotions
Crosshair blinked at the last note. He'd been feeling pretty good about himself up until then. Detached from emotions? Was it because he'd said he was better than the regs who'd shot at each other on Umbara? He knew it, she had judged him for that comment, just as everyone else did. But it was the truth and he stood by it. How dare she try to twist it into some kind of character defect. And besides, what did emotions have to do with his health anyway?
He found himself growing angry again, his cheeks flushing and heart beating heavily. Without thinking, he scribbled over her note and wrote his own next to it:
I have emotions.
He cursed at himself. That was a stupid thing to write. He tried scribbling over that, too, but it was still obvious what he'd written. He scribbled harder, until the paper ripped and he threw the pen across the room in frustration.
He took a few moments to compose himself and quietly got down from the bunk. This was so stupid. She thought she had him all figured out, didn't she? She hadn't even read his chart, she had no clue just how different he was and how hard his life had been. How badly he wanted, no, needed to get off this planet and fight already.
He picked up the pen from where it'd landed in the corner, just as Wrecker let out a large snore. He was sprawled across a double bed against the opposite wall, while Tech was on the bunk beneath his. Hunter had his own room across the hall, specially-designed with sensory deprivation measures. It was the only way he could sleep most nights, especially with Wrecker snoring like a Bantha.
They were an odd group to be sure, and they'd already been through so much together. Crosshair wouldn't trade any of them for the world.
He hurried back into his bed, taking up the paper and quickly jotting a few things underneath the angry scribbles. That would show her. Satisfied, he re-hid the paper beneath his mattress and finally let himself drift off to sleep.
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