#my grandparents are in Ft. Myers
mulder-fight-him · 2 years
We lived through Ian. Husband leaves tomorrow for our new home in Kettering, UK.
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oimoi-op · 2 years
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My grandmother certainly has a way of texting
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lakelandg · 1 year
Editorial DeSantis the Clown
Whenever my family drove from my grandparents’ home in Ft Myers to Walt Disney World, my squirrel brain would get distracted by the giant “CIRCUS WORLD” marquee that loomed above Interstate 4 outside Haines City. We only had a few exits to go to reach Disney, but every time we passed the sign, the advertising did its job of provoking me to whine to my parents that we really, really ought to go…
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usernoneexistent · 3 years
Hi, thought this would be appropriate for my first post of my MC for HPHM. I’m new to tumblr and HPHM but I got so sucked into all the theories and I wanted to put my ideas in one place. So, without further ado, here’s my MC and yes I was very inspired by @marmotish​ art style and didn’t realise how our MCs are quite similar in appearance until later haha…
EDIT: The mess beneath has been tidied and I added extra info
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General Information
Full Name: Juniper Hamia Hasni-Moss
Born: 16th January 1973
Hometown: Fife, Scotland, U.K
Nationality/ethnicity: Half Scottish, half Algerian
Blood Status: Half blood
Myers-Briggs: ENFP - T (Campaigner)
Strengths: Curious, Perceptive, Outgoing, Open-minded, Optimistic, Loyal, Tenacious.
Weaknesses: People-pleasing (Stops later), Disorganised, Overly accommodating, Restless, Hot tempered, Pessimistic (happens later), Secrective
Hobbies/interests: Conspiracies, Duelling (including wandless and non verbal), Chess, Curse breaking, Exploring, Flying.
Height: 1.63m or 5'3 ft (as an adult)
Weight: 52 kg (as an adult)
Hair: Light greyish blue hair, usually straight but curls it regularly, length can vary but is usually kept pass shoulder length
Eyes: Deep brown almost black eyes
Skin: Lighter brown, toffee coloured
Style: Earlier years, Juniper wore quite a lot of comfortable clothing but about 5th year she started developing a taste for casual elegance. Main staplers of her wardrobe are turtle necks, long coats and knee heigh boots.
Wand: 11 inches, Hornbean, Dragon heartstring
Animagus Form: Prussian blue cat
Boggart: Voldemort, Dead loved ones (later)
Riddikulus: Voldemort as a clown
At Hogwarts
House: Ravenclaw
Best subjects: Charms and D.A.D.A 
Worst subjects: Herbology 
3rd Year options: Care of magical creatures and study of ancient runes
Quidditch position: Seeker (I don’t care that we don’t have seeker yet in the game)
* Jalil Hasni (Father)
* Julia Moss (Mother)
* Jacob Khalil Hasni-Moss (Brother)
* Farid Hasni & Gazala Hasni (Paternal Grandparents)
* Said Hasni (Uncle)
* Hamida Hasni (Aunt;Deceased)
* Rowan Khanna (Soulmates but as friends)
* Ben Copper (Part of the OG trio)
* Penny Haywood (Gossip friend)
* Bill Weasley (In a platonic relationship) 
* Tonks (Prank partner)
* Tulip Karasu and Badeea Ali (Dorm mates)
* Barnaby Lee (soft boi but nothing else)
* Andre Egwu (Girlfriend) 
Love interests: 
* Talbott Winger (Crush)
* Charlie Weasley (One sided on both sides; it was a miscommunication as both thought the other one wasn’t interested)
Pets: Mewles (Tawny Owl) and Mr Mosley (Family pet cat)
Rivals: Merula Sydney, Patricia Rakepick
Bonus info: 
*Juniper is very outgoing and is the type to have many friends but not many friends that really knows her properly. 
* She suffers from some form of anxiety and insomnia but keeps it well hidden from most of her friends but some fellow Ravenclaws have noticed her wandering to the bathrooms at 2am.
*Becomes an adrenaline junkie over the course of her curse breaking adventures at Hogwarts.
*Despite having being named after plants, Juniper is a plant murderer.
*Her blue hair colour is her natural hair.
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themintycupcake · 7 years
So my grandfather is stuck in Ft. Myers. He’s in a place that should be as good as a shelter, but we’re still really worried. Our biggest concern right now is staying in contact with him, which is going to be difficult if (or when, rather) the power goes out. We wish we had gotten him out sooner but my friend, who’s currently driving out of Ft. Myers, said that the east coast Floridians kinda had first priority when flights were still going out. But of course the fuckin hurricane had to head up the west coast instead.
I’m not asking for money or anything, I’m just venting… I went to college in Ft. Myers and I’m having a lot of weird feelings about it. I hated college and Florida with a passion, I used to joke about it going underwater someday, but now that it’s happening it’s really difficult for me to process.
If I see my grandfather in a random disaster photo getting rescued on a life boat I’m gonna shit myself.
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nightmaresart · 3 years
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𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓶𝓮 𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓶𝔂 𝓭𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓼 𝓭𝓸
I don't give a fuck about you anyways
Whoever said I gave a shit 'bout you?
You never share your toys or communicate
I guess I'm just a play date to you
Play date - Melanie Martinez
𝕭𝖆𝖘𝖎𝖈 𝕴𝖓𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖒𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
Full Name: Orla Shannon Atkinson
Meaning of Name:
The name Orla is from Irish origins and means "Golden princess/ Golden lady"
The name Shannon is from Irish origins and means "Little old wise one" or in some rarer cases it means "Possessor of Wisdom"
Nickname: The empath, Lala & Vipertooth by Jackson @carewyncromwell
Reason of Nickname:
The empath is a nickname Orla recieved after some of her friends and fellow students managed to figure out that the girl always knows how other people are feeling, this caused her to show more empathy to those she sees as friends
Lala is one of the two nicknames that Orla received from one of her good friends, Jackson Knightly, at first the girl didn't like the sound of the name at all but she soon grew fond of it the more Jackson used it
Vipertooth is the other nickname that Orla received from her good friend and partner in crime, Jackson Knightly, she managed to get this nicknsme due to the fact that she doesn't back down in a fight and easily hexes people when they're bothering her and her friends
Gender identity: Cis-Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Hetrosexual
Age: 17, but depends on what I write
Birthday: 31-12
Zodiac sign: Capricorn ♑
Place of birth: Tralee, Ireland
Blood Status: Pure Blood
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖒𝖆𝖌𝖊
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff
The wand: Cedar, Dragon Heartstring core, 12 ½ inches
Cedar: Whenever I meet one who carries a cedar wand, I find strength of character and unusual loyalty. My father, Gervaise Ollivander, used always to say, ‘you will never fool the cedar carrier,’ and I agree: the cedar wand finds its perfect home where there is perspicacity and perception. I would go further than my father, however, in saying that I have never yet met the owner of a cedar wand whom I would care to cross, especially if harm is done to those of whom they are fond. The witch or wizard who is well-matched with cedar carries the potential to be a frightening adversary, which often comes as a shock to those who have thoughtlessly challenged them.
Dragon Heartstring core: As a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner.
The dragon wand tends to be easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, though it will not incline that way of its own accord. It is also the most prone of the three cores to accidents, being somewhat temperamental.
Patronus: Black Swan
Black Swan - Thought to have been rarer than a unicorn when first discovered, black swans represent loyalty, monogamous love, and caring for loved ones. They may have a wild youth but remain monogamous later in life. Black swans represent the healing power of love and romance. Have you ever been on the receiving end of a protective mother swan? Dementors will be chased away by a whirling dervish!
Magical abilities: Emotion Manipulation, Legilimency, Occlumency
Emotion Manipulation/Enhanced Empathy: User can sense and manipulate the emotions, including feelings, moods and their affects, of themselves, people, animals and other creatures, whether by increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise channeling emotions, even manifesting the emotional energy to physical level.
Legilimency: Legilimency is the act of magically navigating through the many layers of a person's mind and correctly interpreting one's findings. 
Occlumency: Occlumency is the act of magically closing one's mind against Legilimency.
Her parents looming over her, wanting to cradle her and close her off from society forever to protect her
Riddikulus form:
Her parents turn into their house elf Elijah and he starts to pull the silly faces he always made when Orla was younger
What do they smell?
She smells old books, the sweet smell of a variety of pies and the woods
What do they smell like?
Orla smells like freshly plucked strawberries, a variety of flowers and a rainy day
Mirror of Erised
She will see herself in the future, with her friends and her boyfriend graduated from Hogwarts and no longer having to follow rules that were only ment to hold the young woman down
𝕻𝖍𝖞𝖘𝖎𝖈𝖆𝖑 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊
Eye Colour: Gold
Hair Colour: Light Blonde
Hair Style: She always keeps her hair up in a neat bun
Weight: 43 kg or 94 lbs
Height: 1,55 m or 5,1 ft
Type of Body/Build: Mesomorph/Hourglass figure, on the thinner side
Skin Tone: Pale Ivory
Distinguishing Marks: Her eyes stand out as well as the freckles that adorn her face
Face claim: Dove Cameron
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Overall Personality:
She is a loyal and hardworking girl who can come off as harsh and crude when you first approach her. When you get to know her you will see that she is fierce and creative as well as loving. She just needs to time adjust to you and she'll eventually warm up. She is no softie and can easily hold her own if necessary. You wouldn't like this gal angry
Briggs myer type: ISFP
Good traits:
Loyal, hardworking, caring and kind
Bad traits:
Rude, easily agitated and annoyed, closes herself off once she is in pain
Towards people they hate
Orla is very cold towards the people she hates, she doesn't even spare them a glance whenever she passes. However, when they're purposely pushing all her wrong buttons she will not hesitate with lashing out and fighting them.
Towards people they tolerate
A small smile is all that Orla will over to the people she tolerates, she doesn't want to chat with them but she won't treat them cruelly at all.
Towards people they consider friends
Towards the people she considers and sees as friends, Orla is nothing but kind, of course she will make snarky remarks when they're being idiots but she wouldn't trade them for anyone else. She is loyal and will stand by their side no matter what.
Father: Jacob Atkinson
Mother: Anastasia Atkinson
Kenneth Jones, Lewis Gallach, Tadgh Lynch, William Rosen @unfortunate-arrow , Monty Bloom, Teddy Ellison, Stella Seabright @cursebreakerfarrier , Jackson Knightly @carewyncromwell , Danny Gibson @catohphm , Logan Rosseto @demon-twins-and-co , Josie Edwards @lizzieparkerhphm
Rivals: TBD
Born in Ireland to the family Atkinson, Orla has always been an only child to the pair Jacob and Anastasia Atkinson. This caused her parents to become protective over their daughter from a very young age, the young girl got whatever she wanted but she never got to interact with other children her age.
She was kept inside most of the time and was only allowed to leave the house with supervision of either her parents or their house elf Elijah. This continued for most of her life and Orla thought it was normal and that all parents were like her own.
Around the age of ten she discovered that she could sense other peoples/creatures emotions much stronger than anyone else could, she kept this a secret from her parents as well as the Legilimency and Occlumency she goes to discover once her grandparents visit her at her eleventh birthday.
Orla finally attended Hogwarts at the age of thirteen for the first time, her parents had alot of trouble coming to term with this but reluctantly allowed her to go with the promise of the headmaster that he would keep an eye on the blonde girl.
This is where she begins to discover more and more about herself and her powers, eventually unlocking their full potential once she reached the age of eighteen.
𝕽𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖔𝖒 𝕱𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖘
She eventually becomes a perfect.
She always wears long clothes that cover her body as she isn't comfortable showing much skin.
Due to her upbringing, Orla can come off as harsh and rude while in reality she has never interacted with people her age before and thus struggles with it.
She adores dressing up and often does so when she is either alone or when Jackson decides to drag the blonde along to go shopping.
She doesn't talk about her parents at all, she is embarrassed by them and often wishes they weren't so protective.
She is quite a powerful witch and can and will do some serious damage if people get on her bad side. Her parents may have been reluctant of her going to Hogwarts but that doesn't mean she hasn't been taught alot already.
She respects house elves alot and sometimes even helps them out whenever she has the time or feels like it.
She knows quite a bit of healing spells and uses them on her friends if they managed to get themselves hurt.
She can manipulate peoples emotions but doesn't do so, atleast not on purpose. Her feelings, when they're too much, sometimes affect the people around her and she doesn't even notice it until its mentioned to her.
If you want your mc to be added to her friends list, or if you want them to be her rival, just tell me and ill add them!^^
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HPMA MC (Short Version right now)
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Name: Doria Ann Cox
Gender: Doria refers to herself as a weirdo when asked but she use she/her pronouns.
Age: 12
Birthdate: October 30th
Blood Status: Half blood
Sexuality: Aromantic Asexual
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Ethnicity: Irish
Nationality: Irish
Residence: Her families Lighthouse.
Myer Briggs Personality Type: ESFP - The Performer\
Wand: Ebony, 11 inches, bendy, and a unicorn hair core.
This jet-black wand wood has an impressive appearance and reputation, being highly suited to all manner of combative magic, and to Transfiguration. Ebony is happiest in the hand of those with the courage to be themselves. Frequently non-conformist, highly individual or comfortable with the status of outsider, ebony wand owners have been found both among the ranks of the Order of the Phoenix and among the Death Eaters. In my experience the ebony wand’s perfect match is one who will hold fast to his or her beliefs, no matter what the external pressure, and will not be swayed lightly from their purpose.
Unicorn hair generally produces the most consistent magic, and is least subject to fluctuations and blockages. Wands with unicorn cores are generally the most difficult to turn to the Dark Arts. They are the most faithful of all wands, and usually remain strongly attached to their first owner, irrespective of whether he or she was an accomplished witch or wizard.Minor disadvantages of unicorn hair are that they do not make the most powerful wands (although the wand wood may compensate) and that they are prone to melancholy if seriously mishandled, meaning that the hair may ‘die’ and need replacing.
Boggart: The sea in a storm
Riddikulus form: The sea turns into Jello and tosses ships comically around.
Amortentia: (What do they smell like?): Sea spray, water lilys, and old paper.
Amortentia: (What do they smell?): Doria would probably smell Honeysuckle (its her favorite flower) and sawdust. If she smelled anything at all.
Patronus: A whale
Patronus Memory: Sitting outside and watching seals in the family cemetery with her older brother Timmy before he left for the mainland.
Mirror of Erised: Her brother home again with no one mad at him.
Specialized/Favourite Spells:
Reparo- Doria breaks her glasses a lot.
Serpensortia- The best prank ever, just climb up in a tree and drop a snake on some poor idiots head
The Ebublio Jinx- Uses this on bullies and then pops it with her slingshot, dropping them from great heights.
Spongify- Her Da would be so disappointed if she went to Azkaban for murder, so she casts this spell before dropping bullies.
Lumos- Its useful.
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Voiceclaim: Eva Whittaker
Height: 4 ft tall. Timmy says she's a waif
Weight: 80 lbs
Physique: wiry from years of clambering up and down rocks and swimming.
Eyes: Blue and warm..”
Hair: Jet black.
Skin Tone: Light and covered in freckles.
Body Modifications: Pierces her own ears on a dare and wears studs in them.
Inventory: Carries her wand on her, a picture of Timmy, and her slingshot. The slingshot looks a bit like this
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Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Cashier at Zonko’s Joke Shop (4th year-7th year)
Alchemist (18- death at age 98)
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: A Charms: E DADA: E Flying: E Herbology: A History of Magic: O Potions: O Transfiguration: O
Ghoul Studies: O
Xylomancy: O
Quidditch: Chaser.
Extra Curricular: Frog Choir and Alchemy/Mad Scientist club.
Thyme  ‘Timmy’ Cox
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- Slytherin
- 16 years old, birthday is April 9th
- Doria adores him and he loves her. He affectionately refers to her as Waif.
- He had a fight with their father due to Timmy’s disturbing interest in Dark Magic which led to Timmy going to live with Aunt Calliope
- Good singer, was also in Frog Choir. Helps Doria practice.
Eric Cox
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- Hufflepuff
- Was a spy for the Order during the first and second wizarding war. Quite a bit older than his wife.
- Has one child from a previous marriage: Gwen Applegate. His first wife Marie, also a muggle like Sorcha , died of cancer.
- He’s a quiet man but very kind. Loves his children and was upset about the fight with Timmy and Timmy leaving.
- He appreciates his youngest’s energy but is slightly concerned about her tendency towards violence. Takes her with him everywhere.
Sorcha Cox (Nee Riley)
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- Muggle, attended Nursing School and works as a midwife.
- Adept Sailor.
- Has no idea what to make of her husband or her children, or her stepdaughter but loves them anyways.
- Sorcha is really interested in Magical History and Doria often teaches the subject to her mum which is how she gets O’s in it.
Aunt Calliope Cox
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- Lives in Dublin.
- Slytherin
- Doria and Calliope are very similar in personality and get along quite well. Calliope calls her “The Imp” or Impling
- She dabbles in Dark Magic but generally tries to discourage Timmy from getting too interested. 
- Owns a magical tattoo parlor.
Gwen Cox-Wu
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- Eldest girl at 24 years old.
- Ravenclaw
- Fond of her younger sister but doesn’t always understand her. They bond over a mutual love of books. She calls Doria ‘The Pixie’.
- Has a daughter named Aoife and a son named Peter ages five and four.
- Tutors children in Hogsmede where she lives with her husband.
Jason Wu
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- 26 years old
- Gryffindor.
- Loves his tiny chaotic sister in law and gives her Ideas, much to everyone’s chagrin.
- Owns his own Bar in Hogsmeade and works as a Bartender there. Calls it ‘The Fireball’. Has a friendly rivalry with Madam Rosmerta.
Aoife Cox-Wu
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- Wary of her Auntie, she’s clearly trouble. Will accept books from her however.
- Well behaved child.
- Future Ravenclaw
Peter Cox-Wu
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- Loves LOVES his Auntie Doria.
- Prankster in the making.
- Future Hufflepuff like his grandad and Aunt.
Love Interest: None.
-Doria is a bit eccentric and does her own thing. 
-Tends to be quiet around people she doesn’t know well but then you get to know her and WHOO BOY she’s actually a little off her head.
- . Mischievous and likes to cause problems
- Odd fascination with death and dying, very morbid sense of humor.
- Human version of the horrible goose.
- Gets away with a lot because she’s quiet.
- Her father brought her an owl she named Archimedes. He follows her everywhere if she doesn’t cage him.
- Knows a lot about Marine Biology and can answer any question about marine animals. Wanted to be a Marine Biologist or a Mortician before getting her Hogwarts letter. Now Doria would like to be a Gamekeeper like Hagrid or own a cursed object shop like Borgin and Burkes. Or be a Mortician
- Loves the TV her dad charmed to pick up any station and really likes the old Twilight Zone show and the Rupert the Bear cartoon. Her whole family also watches Muppets.
- Joined Frog Choir with a toad she caught near the Black Lake. His name is Robin.
- Likes to take charcoal rubbings of tombstones at Hogsmede and seeks out the Hogwarts House ghosts to ask them questions.
 - Delighted with Peeves. He often uses her to play tricks on people since no one ever suspects Doria and they like each other.
 - The lighthouse has its own cemetery. Doria likes to go out and ‘visit’ with her paternal grandparents. She also visits her great-great-great aunt Doria Manus who Doria is named after.
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devoticn · 4 years
hello sunshines!!! u all can call me lis and this is my sweet bb sammy ( though i wouldn’t actually call him sammy to his face probably ). i am v excited to be here with u all akfhkjfhkjfdkj.  i’ve got almost too much stuff about him below and i’m working on typing up a wanted connections page as we speak! ( i’ll hopefully get that all posted not long after this goes up? ) i am plot whxre so please throw them a l l at me, i won’t mind! i honestly feel like i’m rambling at this point so i’ll stop to save u all. but if u wanna plot with my boy hit me up on here or on discord ( → 𝚕𝚒𝚜#2158 ) xoxox
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°☆。⇝ :  ( park jimin + cis male + he/him ) ─── welcome to new york city, SAMUEL ‘SAM’ CHOI!  you are the TWENTY FOUR year old DANCE TEACHER, right ? i thought so ! you’re also a SAGITTARIUS, is that so ? well, that explains why you’re quite OPTIMISTIC and ADAPTABLE, but can also be a bit STUBBORN and RESTLESS. either way , i’m sure the squad adores you ! warm jumper from the dryer, a dozen unanswered texts, an oversized hoodie & iced americanos  . 
FULL NAME; samuel choi
AGE; twenty-four (24)
BIRTHDAY; december 13, 19-
BIRTHPLACE; san diego, california
GENDER; cis male
S/O STATUS; single  
OCCUPATION; dance teacher
FC; park jimin
HAIR; naturally black but it is currently blonde, he likes to change it up every few months.
EYES; dark brown
HEIGHT; 5'7" ft.
BUILD; smaller in stature but has an athletic build from doing dance while growing up.
MARKS/SCARS; a menagerie of scars on his arms and legs from being a rowdy kid.
TATTOOS; THIS on his rib cage.
PIERCINGS; ears - standard lobe and tragus
LABEL; the maverick
HOUSE; hufflepuff
RELIGION; agnostic
ENNEAGRAM; the enthusiast
BIG FIVE; extraversion
↳ born and raised in san diego, california as the only child to lower middle class parents peter and linda choi.
↳ as a child sam was always much closer to his mom than his dad. she always seemed to understand the boy much better and didn’t try to make him play a “real sport” like his dad always did.
↳ at around six years old his mom enrolled him in dance classes, much to the dismay of his father, and sam took to it immediately. quickly becoming the most skilled in his year, the medals and trophies quickly filling up the small bookshelf in the corner of his room.  
↳ but when sam was around ten his mom was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer almost out of the blue. this dropped a bomb on his relatively normal life up until that point. the next nine months were spent in and out of hospitals as his mom got treatment, sam usually skipping dance practice to spend a few hours with her after school (he always got an earful from her about that but he continued to do it anyways).
↳ after she passed away he spent the next few years throwing himself into gymnastics in an attempt to not spend as much time at his house with his dad. their relationship had turned almost toxic at this point and sam spent any free time he had at his best friends house, their parents quickly turning into his second parents. they fed him, clothed him and always took him on any family vacations they went on.
↳ everything came to a head with his dad when he came home from school just a few days shy of his 18th birthday and found his bags packed waiting in the front hallway for him. his dad’s only reason being that he was almost an adult and he needed to support himself now, his job was done.
↳ without a second glance back sam took his bags and went immediately to his best friend’s house, who accepted him with open arms. he has not spoken to his father since he left the house that day.
↳ after graduating high school he spent the next few years doing college courses online while he continued to work on his dancing, paying for both on his own while he worked at the dance studio and at a small cafe downtown; all while living in the basement of his best friend’s parent’s house.
↳ after about a year he had finally saved up enough money to move out on his own and ended up in new york.
↳ can speak and understand conversational korean but cannot read or write it, much to the dismay of his entire family.
↳ third generation korean-american, his grandparents moved to the states in the early 1960′s.
↳ sam is perpetually confused about his sexuality. he grew up considering himself straight, having no issues in the lady department at all but was never one to shy away from appreciating a good looking guy (it never went any farther than that though). when he graduated high school and moved into the basement was when he really began to notice all the attractive humans around him. although he has accepted himself the way that he is, he is still way too terrified to even think about approaching anyone.
↳ is NOT a morning person, never was and probably never will be. the only time sam doesn’t have his sunshine personality on full display is in the first couple hours after he wakes up so he makes it a point to avoid everyone until he feels more like himself.
↳ sam is absolutely terrible about his phone. it’s always dead or broken and he almost prefers it that way. this boy always has at least 17 unread texts and 9 missed calls on his phone at all times. if you are trying to get in contact with him it’s best to just show up at his job.
↳ the duality this boy possesses is almost comical. day to day he is just sam, the ball of sunshine and happiness most people know him to be but the moment he steps into that dance studio he turns into a different person. he becomes the type of person you probably wouldn’t want to bring home to your parents. sam can turn this side of him on and off like a switch though most of the time he doesn’t realize that he is even doing it in the first place.
sam can be a sassy little shit when he wants to be, typically always joking around and always in a good mood. it’s very rare to see this boy have an off day. despite this sam has the most insane worth ethic which is why he is either practicing or working, rarely letting himself have any sort of off time (he prefers it this way tbh). it takes a lot to pull him away from the studio since his dream is to become a choreographer someday, he thinks if he takes time off he takes a step back from reaching it. at the end of the day sam is really just a giant ball of sunshine wrapped up in a cinnamon roll. all he wants is to be your friend and make sure you feel loved. (he doesn’t always save a lot of that love for himself though asfjhg)
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killerchickadee · 8 years
@fancypants-qc I didn't know that! Where?! Up by Daytona? I grew up way down on the Gulf Coast in Ft. Myers, and on a clear day we could see the tiny little light from the flames. The REALLY creepy thing is my grandparents lived on Merritt Island, like 10 miles away, and you could hear it, right? But since sound travels slower than light you'd see it way up in the sky, and then a minute later hear the sound of the engines firing up, like a ghost. Always spooked me but I loved it. Oh also the sonic boom when the shuttle landed. Always shook the house. Fuck I'm fucking homesick.
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jenniferjoycampbell · 6 years
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November 24: I'm grateful for all of my grandparents, and I am especially thankful to still be able to spend quality time with my Grandma Lucille. And I'm so glad that I will see my other three grandparents again one glorious day in Heaven. My Grandma Ethel taught me to play the autoharp and my Papa Joe made homemade ice cream every summer. I still make my Grandma's chocolate pound cake in her memory. I used to sing and dance around the house pulling a little dog-shaped toy with my Papa Sig as he pulled a turtle-shaped toy. We also went to their condo in Ft. Myers as well, enjoying the pool and of course, the beach! I'm so blessed to have such fond memories with them and now I have the joy of continually making new memories with my Grandma Lucille and my Dad! #30daysofthanks #givethanks #grandparents #Grandma #Papa #family https://www.instagram.com/p/BqlnCJdgpT3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nyl6nizimw4m
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