#my greatest shame is that i don’t like mangoes :((
starbuck · 2 years
Top five favorite fruits!!
oooooooooo, this is fun!!
1. Cherries
Literally just the best… I’m always SO happy when cherry season starts and go into mourning when it ends… But, every summer, i FEAST on a big ol’ bowl of them for lunch every single day. I like spitting out the pits too! It’s fun!
2. Peaches
If you can get one perfectly ripe and juicy and with good texture, a peach is DELICIOUS!!!!!! One of the best fruits out there, no doubt. I prefer yellow peaches because I tend to like tart things more than sweet, but I won’t turn down a good white peach either! Last year I ate one like an apple in a frenzy over the trash can with the juice spilling all over my fingers and going everywhere and it was a truly primal experience.
3. Strawberries
Don’t get to have these very often due to their terrible habit of rotting the day after you buy them, but they’re my favorite berry by far when they’re good! The perfect breakfast fruit.
4. Honeycrisp Apples
I’ll eat a couple other types of apples as well, but honeycrisps are ideal. Got introduced to them by my eighth grade gym teacher and haven’t looked back since. If anyone out there has never had one of these, you’ve GOTTA try ‘em. It’ll change your life.
5. Blueberries
Not my favorite fruit by far, but I’ve developed an affection for them due to their excellent track record for NOT rotting before I can eat them! I also appreciate how easy they are to “prepare” since you just have to rinse them off and then they’re set! No chopping or peeling! That’s something I can get behind when I’m tired in the morning or just short on time!
Thanks for asking, friend!!!! ❤️❤️
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rphelperblog · 2 years
Brooklyn 99 Quote Rp Meme
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inspired by @nctafraid​
“Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. No doubt, no doubt, no doubt.”
“Love, it sustains you. It’s like oatmeal.”
“You’re under arrest for ruining something perfect!”
“Every time you talk, I hear that sound that plays when Pac-Man dies.”
“A place where everybody knows your name is hell. You’re describing hell.”
“Two steps forward and one step back is still one step forward.”
“Every time someone steps up and says who they are, the world becomes a better, more interesting place.”
“All men are at least 30% attracted to me. My mother cried the day I was born because she knew she would never be better than me.”
“My Snitches are the best. The key is to always send them handwritten thank-you notes.”
“How did you manage to step on both of my feet at the same time?”
“You can't handle the me!”
Never took off the Speedo. Big mistake. It is inside me!”
“Oh, man, I had a really gross tennis instructor.”
I don't know! I didn't want to make the name too sexual and I panicked!”
That means nothing to me. I don't see those movies, I'm too pretty.”
“Well done, detectives. That is if you were trying to disappoint me.”
“What is the bandwidth on the Wi-Fi here? We have much content to stream.”
“We’ve busted murderers; we’ve taken down cartels. But today we face the worst New York has to offer: the fire department.”
“Aw, man. All the orange soda spilled out of my cereal.” 
“Captain, hey! Welcome to the murder.”
“I ate one string bean. It tasted like fish vomit. That was it for me.” 
“You don’t care who you piss off, do you?”
“Do not trust any child that chews bubble gum-flavored bubble gum. Do not trust any adult that chews gum at all. Never vacation in Banff.
“Actually, that’s exactly your place to say. You are my assistant. What, precisely, did you think your job was?
“Let’s not overlook the fact that he turned his crime scenes into tea parties for dollies.”
“If I die, turn my tweets into a book.” 
“This man is a Timberlake and you need to stop treating him like a Fatone.” 
“You should make me your campaign manager. I was born for politics. I have great hair and I love lying.”
“You think you can just bully people, but you can’t. It’s not OK. I’m the bully around here. Ask anyone.”
“The only thing I’m not good at is modesty, because I’m great at it.”
“A place where everybody knows your name is hell. You’re describing hell.”
“We can go to my apartment. No one knows where I live.”
“Great, I’d like your $8-est bottle of wine, please.”
“Fine, but in protest, I’m walking over there extremely slowly!”
“I wasn't hurt that badly. The doctor said all my bleeding was internal. That's where the blood's supposed to be.”
“Anyone over the age of six celebrating a birthday should go to hell.”
turn your greatest weakness into your greatest strength. Like Paris Hilton.”
It'll be the perfect opportunity to update my rankings. Can we stop at home for a pizza bib?
I think you mean 'Checkmate.' You really need to learn how to play chess.”
“I appealed to their sense of teamwork and camaraderie with a rousing speech that would put Shakespeare to shame.”
“I just negotiated my baby girls down from a pony to a hamster. Little fools.”
“I don't know what's gonna happen on this assignment, and if something bad goes down, I think I'd be pissed at myself if I didn't say this. I kinda wish something could happen, between us, romantic styles.”
“The English language cannot fully capture the depth and complexity of my thoughts, so I’m incorporating emojis into my speech to better express myself. Winky face.”
Move over! Okay. And if I may do a third toast, it’ll be focused primarily on the mango yogurt.”
“I asked them if they wanted to embarrass you, and they instantly said yes.”
with all due respect, I am gonna completely ignore everything you just said.”
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@infernal-general​​ said: (I couldn't contain myself any longer; for Sakuya)
Rozália rarely trust anyone with her secret of how badly even alcohol affects her. After the vicious fight in the Viper Club she could hold herself together until she was away from the crowd's eye and only Athrox & Sakuya took care of her. One of the twins possessed hidden venomous extendable spikes on his back and pumped her right thigh full with nerve damaging toxins to get out of her crushing hold.
Restricting the blood flow to prevent it spreading further was the only available option and after the still bright victory to get away as soon as possible. She could faintly recall the pink skinned Overlord standing close despite her being half transformed to allow the healing factor work faster. Despite everything, it was a fond memory and Rozália was thrilled when the other demoness showed up on her doorstep.
“I have many titles, aliases for a reason.” she chuckled fondly “Although I don't think I can cram an another fight into my schedule with extermination approaching.” she admitted, some of the phantom pain still present.
“But I have gotten you a little something. Roses or cherry blossom would've been too predictable.” Rozália motioned at the small orchid bouquet with large, hot pink flowers
Strangely, her alarm was silent at the sudden visit, probably Sakuya was curious or maybe even concerned about how she healed from the encounter. After locking her door, she went back to retrieve her favorite mango juice left on the counter near the bouquet and took a seat in her usual chair.
“You seem tense. Is something or someone troubling you?” the General spoke after a gulp, picking up the signs after a more thoughtful look over the smaller woman
“You know that I-” a weird, cold, sick feeling started to form within her to her greatest confusion, halting her speech
“Have I...accidentally taken your whiskey glass...instead of mine?” Rozália asked with a flinch when the burn she was not used to became stronger and spreading
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Her “concerned” expression was still present on her face as she approached Rozalia, a hand gently caressed the other woman’s face. “Oh no, it’s yours. I made sure of it. But I might have added a little something extra to it.” Suddenly, Sakuya gripped the General’s face in her hands, digging her long manicured nails into Rozalia’s flesh. She leaned forward, her cheek brushing against the other woman’s as she whispered into her ear. “Poison for instance~ It’s a shame though, because I really do like you Rozy...”
In a flash, Sakuya slips out a blessed knife she had hidden in her boot, and plunges it into Rozalia’s stomach. “But there’s been talk going ‘round that I’m starting to go soft.” Sakuya tightens her hold on the Rozalia’s face. “And I refuse to be seen as weak.” She hissed lowly in her ear, twisting the knife still buried in the General’s stomach before she suddenly yanks it back out and releasing her hold on Rozalia’s face. The poison should take it from here.
Sakuya was glad she decided to attend Rozalia’s fight against those twins, or else she’d probably never would have known that so-called Viper would be this susceptible to venom and poisons.
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The cherry blossom Overlord took a step back, slipping her blessed knife back into her boot. Then she took a moment to look over her handiwork, a sadistic grin slowly stretching across her face. “Nothing personal, darling.” She then turned on her heel and headed towards the counter where the bouquet of orchids sat. Humming, Sakuya picked it up and spared one last glance over at the poisoned General. “Thanks for the flowers, Spitfire.”
Flashing a grin at Rozalia Sakuya left.
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sonipanda · 4 years
And we welcome another new brand to the blog, which I do not have information for either ��� such a shame! This brand is only available from Amazon, as far as I am aware of.
This pair was gifted from my Amazon Wishlist to try out, so let’s get right to it and see what they’re like.
The Spec
Colour: Black
Size: XL
Denier: Around 40
Materials: 97% Polyamide, 3% Elastane
Price: £3.09
Website: Amazon – AGEE 1 Pair New Women’s Ladies black patterned tights 40 Denier size XL 18-20 R 22
My Outfit
Now I wanted to create a smart casual look, as I haven’t worn a hoodie with a skirt for a while. I teamed up my oversized hoodie with my leather skirt and added some suede court shoes to finish off the look.
My Deets
Hoodie: The Weeknd
Skirt: Mango
Tights: Agee
Heels: Dune
    The Review
The Packaging: well this is something new. They actually came like this through the door; no outer packaging or anything. They actually stuck the delivery details on the front, which I was super shocked with. I can’t say I am impressed with this…
Getting into the packaging, these are flat folded so there is no foot or leg shaping to them. One thing that I forgot to check was the sizing; this pair is XL – LIKE SERIOUSLY!!!!!!? So I have that double seam at the back to work with! I am not looking forward to this to be honest.
  Getting Them On: well there was no point in shimmying these up the legs; they were so long I didn’t have to do anything and just pt them on like I would a pair of trousers. You will see below how much material I am working with…
  On The Legs: okay so let’s start off with the pattern. I have to say I haven’t done this design for a long time; this was one of my favourites, especially for workwear. It was one that made an outfit classy and fun at the same time. A lot of women tend to go for this style if they are after a ‘patterned’ pair for work and didn’t want to do polka dots. I liked the double diamond design, especially as I worked it as a smart casual outfit.
Now the quality of these aren’t great to be honest; they could be so much better, but then again what do you expect from a cheap pair? I know it is bad to say, but these aren’t the greatest in my eyes. These snag quite easily and the material they have used I didn’t really like.
The fit of them – actually let’s not go there. They’re huge for me.
The feel of them are ok, but they did irritate my skin a little. I did find them slightly rough and they aren’t as smooth as they might look. They might not be so bad on a person who wears XL, but these don’t work for me.
  The Toes & Ankle: it’s safe to say my toes did not feel cramped with the amount of room I was working with. I will say that I was surprised that it wasn’t baggy around the toes and feet; I expected them to be hanging off me.
The toes are reinforced on these, so thumbs up from me there. Around the feet and ankles, I didn’t experience much wrinkling sitting down.
  The Waistband & Gusset: well this sat a lot higher than expected; they were inches above my belly button and sat just under my chest.
The band itself is super thin, and to be honest this did roll down multiple times on me. They were sitting too high up on me, and because of this, they ended up rolling down most of the day. It was too much hassle for me!
  My Thoughts?
To be honest, I don’t think I would recommend these. It’s not because they didn’t fit, but the quality could have been better in my eyes.
AGEE Socks Black Patterned Tights And we welcome another new brand to the blog, which I do not have information for either - such a shame!
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dovabunny · 5 years
Top 10 Songs Tag!
(v.2.0 for reasons)
About a year ago I took the ‘top 10 fave songs’ tag and made it my top 10 songs to write DA fiction to (it’s here, none of these songs are repeated below). However... I’ve wanted to do an update on it, because I have new writing faves and other reasons.
SO....! Here we go!
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Rules: List 10 songs you’re vibing to and tag 10 friends 
1. Taylor Swift (don’t judge me): You need to Calm Down - Dorian strutting down the streets of Minrathous with this playing in the back yes gawd work
“ You are somebody that I don't know - But you're takin' shots at me like it's Patrón - And I'm just like, damn... it's 7 AM” and of course a reminder that “Shade never made anybody less gay!”
2.  Rag’n’Bone Man: Skin - This is Anders’ anthem to Karl as the Chantry blows, knowing full well these are his last moments
“ When I heard that sound When the walls came down I was thinking about you About you”
3. Lewis Capaldi: Someone you loved - FENRIS FEELS HNNGGG, him trying to cope with Hawke leaving him and moving on
“ Now the day bleeds into nightfall And you're not here To get me through it all I let my guard down And then you pulled the rug I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved “
4. Lady Gaga: Always Remember Us This Way (A Star Is Born) - ZevWarden feels so good it hurts. Zevran thinking back on his beloved, his only and last love who died to save the world, this song is his bittersweet melody memory.
“ Lovers in the night Poets trying to write We don't know how to rhyme But, damn, we try But all I really know You're where I wanna go The part of me that's you will never die”
5. Lewis Capaldi: Fade - Fenders Handers man... them Handers feels... Fenris Hawke knowing their love for the mage is both dangerous, broken, but perfect, all while feeling him slip from their lyrium fingers. 
“ Wish somebody would've told me... That I'd end up so caught up in need of your demons That I'd be lost without you leading me astray Guess I'm such a fucking fool for the way that you caught me Girl, you make my heart break more every day...But don't fade away”
6. This is Me (The Greatest Showman) - Anders and Fenris, as individuals. Anders throwing off his shame of being a mage, Fenris holding his head high to meet someone's eyes, both fiercely refusing to be held down by those who tell them who they’re supposed to be. Slaves, Mages... It shines light again on just how similar their are and makes the fenders ship so bittersweetly beautiful.
“ I am not a stranger to the dark Hide away, they say 'Cause we don't want your broken parts I've learned to be ashamed of all my scars Run away, they say No one'll love you as you are”
7. Billie Eilish: Bad Guy - Isabela. Duh. And not the least bit sorry about it.
“ I'm that bad type Make your mama sad type Make your girlfriend mad tight Might seduce your dad type I'm the bad guy, duh”
8. Dermot Kennedy: Power over Me - Cullen falling in love, helplessly and wholeheartedly with Dorian the Inquisitor
“ Call and I'll rush out... All out of breath now.... You've got that power over me, my my. Everything I hold dear resides in those eyes”
9. Common, John Legend: Glory (Selma Soundtrack) - Mage Freedom vibes.
“ The movement is a rhythm to us Freedom is like religion to us Justice is juxtapositionin' us Justice for all just ain't specific enough”
10. Janelle Monae: The Way You Make Me Feel - Okay, so, hear me out. Alistair. Him figuring out why his heart beats faster when he looks at Zevran the Warden. He might not have the words, but heckie, he can say how they make him feel.
“ Baby, don't make me spell it out for you All of the feelings that I've got for you Can't be explained, but I can try for you Yeah, baby, don't make me spell it out for you”
BONUS: Just some fave South African songs I’m really vibing atm as I’m pretty homesick atm. Guaranteed to get you into a jiving mood!
~ Miriam Makeba: The Click Song (aka the hardest song ever)
~ The Ndlovu Youth Choir: My African Dream (cry with me pls)
~ Mango Groove: Special Star (this is my go-to dancing in the kitchen song)
I’m sending a friendly tag to some darlings, let me know what songs you’re vibing on or inspire you atm? in general or about an OC or ship? @typhonserpent @mago-emplumado @blatterburystreet @lethendralis-paints @storybookhawke @cicide76536 @kimsywims @emotionalmorphine @hollyand-writes @morthils @mhandersmyheart @contreparry And anyone else you wants to!
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Decide to Become One of the Few Good Leaders in This World
If you believe that you are called to the ministry, then you are called to leadership.  That is why this book is very important for your life.  So that you will be a good leader for the Lord Jesus Christ.  Paul wrote to Timothy and told him to do certain things to make him a good leader. There are good ministers and bad ministers. Decide to be a good minister!
…thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ… 1 Timothy 4:6
If you are going to be effective in the ministry, you must study leadership.  Whenever I go into a bookshop, I find myself gravitating towards the leadership section.  I have read countless books on leadership. I have studied this all-important subject.  I want to be a good leader. Good things do not drop on you like ripe mangoes from a tree. You have to study and discover all that there is to learn. 
It is obvious that there are not many good leaders around.  If there were,  you and I would be able to point them out without much difficulty!  I believe that there are many reasons why there are few outstanding leaders, but let us start by looking at why people do not want to be leaders in the first place! 
Overcome The Obstacles To Becoming A Leader
1. Overcome ignorance about your calling to leadership
They do not know because no one has told them so!  They don’t even know that they have the ability to lead.  Some people think that only a few people are born to lead.  I do not believe that few people are born to lead.  I believe that many people are born with the ability to lead but they are not prepared to pay the price to become leaders.
So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen. 
Matthew 20:16
For many are called, but few are chosen.
Matthew 22:14
The Bible teaches us that many are called to service.  Anyone who yields himself to the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ becomes an automatic leader.  A minister of the gospel has to demonstrate leadership qualities and abilities all the time. 
If you are called to His service, then you are called to be a leader.  You cannot avoid it!
2. Overcome accusations that stop you from becoming a leader. Leaders are often accused of being ambitious. They are often accused of having bad motives. I was very surprised when I heard  some people accuse me of being in the ministry for money. But God spoke to me and told me that it is inevitable that I should be accused. Every good leader has many enemies.  The nature of good leadership is that it charts out a course and maintains the direction. This means that you may cross over and hurt certain people.
And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple. Luke 14:27
Many years ago, I told a brother that I did not want to be a leader in a certain fellowship.  I told him that I was a quiet person and that I enjoyed my privacy.   I told him that I did not want to preach or to lead. But God had another plan for me and today I am a leader in God’s house.  Becoming a leader will cost you your valued life. I have very little private life left.  Most people know a lot of things about me.  I am discussed in people’s homes and cars.  Like all leaders, I am praised by some and criticized by others. This is the lot of a leader.  This is why some people shun leadership.  But Jesus said that you should take up the cross and follow him.  Christianity involves sacrifice.  It is worth becoming a leader within the church.
3. Overcome the fear of disgrace.
There are many leaders who have ended up in disgrace after taking up the mantle of leadership.  Others have experienced terrible hurts and had bitter experiences.  Some have been crucified by the people they led.
I have personally watched how leaders have been rewarded with evil after many years of service.  I have seen several (and I mean several) churches throw out their pastor after he has led them for many years.  I have seen pastors ridiculed and humiliated by members they have ministered to for years and at great expense.  I have watched pastors being rejected over issues like cars and houses.  How sad!  We all know how Jesus was crucified after three and a half years of ministry.  That was his reward for being a shining light to His people.
In my country, I have seen several Heads of State come to unnatural deaths after ruling the nation for some years.  We have seen judges being murdered in cold blood after delivering judgments they thought were right.  Who then would like to be a leader in such an environment?  When you study the fate of the leaders around, it is only natural that people shun leadership and choose a quiet life of peace and anonymity.  I can understand why somebody would stay away from the world of lying politicians and corrupt leadership.
 In this book, I am urging you to take up the mantle of Christian leadership. I am urging you to take up the call to leadership in the church.  It is worth it!  The challenges are very similar to secular leadership.  The accusations are often the same.  But it is worth it! 
Secular leaders work for human rewards like money and fame.  But these are perishable rewards.  When you work for Jesus you receive an everlasting reward.
…Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible. 1 Corinthians 9:25
There are many times that I have experienced the pains of being in leadership. But when I think of the rewards that await those who faithfully do the will of God, I become encouraged.  I know that one day I will be glad about everything. 
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.  For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.
Hebrews 12:2,3
4. Overcome your inferiority complex. Some people think they are not morally up to the standard of leadership. Others think that they have no leadership qualities. 
Others feel that they have too many personal problems to become leaders.  
They cannot imagine being saddled with other people’s problems. I have good news for you today! God does not work with perfect people. He works with willing people.  He looks at the heart and he understands your human weakness.  
If Jesus had looked for perfection, I can assure you that none of the disciples would have qualified for leadership positions in the church.  Take Peter for example; he betrayed the Lord Jesus three times just a few weeks before he was ordained.  He swore and cursed as though he had received no training. 
Yet, the Lord used him.  Take the other disciples, who argued over their positions in Heaven.  “Who would be the greatest?” they asked. And there was also a strife among them, which of them should be accounted the greatest. Luke 22:24
After arguing over who would be the greatest, they all deserted Christ when he needed them most.  Would you trust such people?  Would you use such people?  Yet the Lord did!  You do not have to be perfect to become a leader.  If that were the case, then there would be no leaders in the world or in the church. This does not mean that there are no standards.  God expects the highest standards of character and morality.  And yet, he works with imperfect people.
God looks at the heart.  Make sure that your heart is right and God will be able to use you.
…for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.
1 Samuel 16:7
5. Overcome selfishness. Such people care only about themselves. They are happy to have salvation. They are happy to have the Holy Spirit.  They are happy to have                 prosperity.  But they couldn’t care less about anybody else.  “Once I am okay,” they think, “Everything is okay.”  That is a spirit of selfishness.
A selfish person cannot be bothered to go through any training or sacrifice to become a leader.  He will not expend any energy to help another soul.  If Christ had decided to stay in the comfort of Heaven, where would you be today? He rose out of the grave and you cannot even get out of bed. I rebuke that spirit of laziness and selfishness! 
Thank God for missionaries. Thank God for people who traveled away from their homes into foreign cultures just because they wanted to help somebody.
by Dag Heward-Mills
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Decide to Become One of the Few Good Leaders in This World
If you believe that you are called to the ministry, then you are called to leadership.  That is why this book is very important for your life.  So that you will be a good leader for the Lord Jesus Christ.  Paul wrote to Timothy and told him to do certain things to make him a good leader.  There are good ministers and bad ministers.  Decide to be a good minister!
…thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ…
1 Timothy 4:6
If you are going to be effective in the ministry, you must study leadership.  Whenever I go into a bookshop, I find myself gravitating towards the leadership section.  I have read countless books on leadership.  I have studied this all-important subject.  I want to be a good leader.  Good things do not drop on you like ripe mangoes from a tree.  You have to study and discover all that there is to learn.
It is obvious that there are not many good leaders around.  If there were,  you and I would be able to point them out without much difficulty!  I believe that there are many reasons why there are few outstanding leaders, but let us start by looking at why people do not want to be leaders in the first place!
Five Reasons Why People Avoid Leadership Responsibilities
1.              Many people do not know that they are leaders.
They do not know because no one has told them so!  They don’t even know that they have the ability to lead.  Some people think that only a few people are born to lead.  I do not believe that few people are born to lead.  I believe that many people are born with the ability to lead but they are not prepared to pay the price to become leaders.
So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.
Matthew 20:16
For many are called, but few are chosen.
Matthew 22:14
The Bible teaches us that many are called to service.  Anyone who yields himself to the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ becomes an automatic leader.  A minister of the gospel has to demonstrate leadership qualities and abilities all the time.    
If you are called to His service, then you are called to be a leader.  You cannot avoid it!
2.              People fear that they will be accused and hated.
Leaders are often accused of being ambitious.  They are often accused of having bad motives.  I was very surprised when I heard  some people accuse me of being in the ministry for money.  But God spoke to me and told me that it is inevitable that I should be accused.  Every good leader has many enemies.  The nature of good leadership is that it charts out a course and maintains the direction.  This means that you may cross over and hurt certain people.
And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.
Luke 14:27
Many years ago, I told a brother that I did not want to be a leader in a certain fellowship.  I told him that I was a quiet person and that I enjoyed my privacy.   I told him that I did not want to preach or to lead.  But God had another plan for me and today I am a leader in God’s house.  Becoming a leader will cost you your valued life.  I have very little private life left.  Most people know a lot of things about me.  I am discussed in people’s homes and cars.  Like all leaders, I am praised by some and criticized by others.  This is the lot of a leader.  This is why some people shun leadership.  But Jesus said that you should take up the cross and follow him.  Christianity involves sacrifice.  It is worth becoming a leader within the church.
3.              People do not want to end up disgraced and hated as many prominent leaders have been.
There are many leaders who have ended up in disgrace after taking up the mantle of leadership.  Others have experienced terrible hurts and had bitter experiences.  Some have been crucified by the people they led.
I have personally watched how leaders have been rewarded with evil after many years of service.  I have seen several (and I mean several) churches throw out their pastor after he has led them for many years.  I have seen pastors ridiculed and humiliated by members they have ministered to for years and at great expense.  I have watched pastors being rejected over issues like cars and houses.  How sad!  We all know how Jesus was crucified after three and a half years of ministry.  That was his reward for being a shining light to His people.
In my country, I have seen several Heads of State come to unnatural deaths after ruling the nation for some years.  We have seen judges being murdered in cold blood after delivering judgments they thought were right.  Who then would like to be a leader in such an environment?  When you study the fate of the leaders around, it is only natural that people shun leadership and choose a quiet life of peace and anonymity.  I can understand why somebody would stay away from the world of lying politicians and corrupt leadership.
In this book, I am urging you to take up the mantle of Christian leadership.  I am urging you to take up the call to leadership in the church.  It is worth it!  The challenges are very similar to secular leadership.  The accusations are often the same.  But it is worth it!
Secular leaders work for human rewards like money and fame.  But these are perishable rewards.  When you work for Jesus you receive an everlasting reward.
…Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible.
1 Corinthians 9:25
There are many times that I have experienced the pains of being in leadership.  But when I think of the rewards that await those who faithfully do the will of God, I become encouraged.  I know that one day I will be glad about everything.
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.  For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.
Hebrews 12:2,3
4.                People think that they are not good enough to be leaders.
Some people think they are not morally up to the standard of leadership.  Others think that they have no leadership qualities.  Others feel that they have too many personal problems to become leaders.  They cannot imagine being saddled with other people’s problems.
I have good news for you today!  God does not work with perfect people.  He works with willing people.  He looks at the heart and he understands your human weakness.  If Jesus had looked for perfection, I can assure you that none of the disciples would have qualified for leadership positions in the church.  Take Peter for example; he betrayed the Lord Jesus three times just a few weeks before he was ordained.  He swore and cursed as though he had received no training.  Yet, the Lord used him.  Take the other disciples, who argued over their positions in Heaven.  “Who would be the greatest?” they asked.  
And there was also a strife among them, which of them should be accounted the greatest.
Luke 22:24
After arguing over who would be the greatest, they all deserted Christ when he needed them most.  Would you trust such people?  Would you use such people?  Yet the Lord did!  You do not have to be perfect to become a leader.  If that were the case, then there would be no leaders in the world or in the church.  This does not mean that there are no standards.  God expects the highest standards of character and morality.  And yet, he works with imperfect people.
God looks at the heart.  Make sure that your heart is right and God will be able to use you.
…for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.
1 Samuel 16:7
5.              Most people are too selfish to be leaders.
Such people care only about themselves.  They are happy to have salvation.  They are happy to have the Holy Spirit.  They are happy to have prosperity.  But they couldn’t care less about anybody else.  “Once I am okay,” they think, “Everything is okay.”  That is a spirit of selfishness.
A selfish person cannot be bothered to go through any training or sacrifice to become a leader.  He will not expend any energy to help another soul.  If Christ had decided to stay in the comfort of Heaven, where would you be today?  He rose out of the grave and you cannot even get out of bed.  I rebuke that spirit of laziness and selfishness!  Thank God for missionaries.  Thank God for people who traveled away from their homes into foreign cultures just because they wanted to help somebody.
by Dag Heward-Mills
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gottagobuycheese · 6 years
Tag Thingy
Thanks @indezaisive for tagging me! This is a welcome distraction from studying for OSCEs though I really should get on that :P
Name: Cheese 
Gender: Meeeeeeee 
Sign: Gemini 
Height: allegedly 160.5 cm, which is somewhere around 5′3″? 
Sexuality: Ace! (aroace probably but because of this one brief weird time from high school the jury’s still out) 
Lock Screen Image: That generic bright blue space photo on iPhones because I have no personality and also like space 
Ever had a crush on a teacher?: Nah 
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: cremated uhhh let’s see, ten years, ten years. That’d be...2028? So ideally, if everything goes according to plan and I don’t shoot myself in my remaining foot, I’ll be a couple years into a job, unless I somehow get into some fancy pants specialty that requires more than a standard residency (but I’d have to get a decent grade in pathology for that so whelp) 
If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be?: The ISS, or Antarctica, or Denali, or somewhere equally wide open where I could pretend I don’t have any pressing responsibilities and feel that awesome wonder you get when you see a sky which a bunch of stars. Or if that’s too outlandish, Japan because that was the greatest break I’ve ever taken 
What was your coolest Halloween costume?: I dressed up as the bubonic plague one year for extra credit in my history class and had a grand old time. Everyone who dressed up (for extra credit) was supposed to give a presentation about their historical relevance, and my teacher loved my costume so much she made me come back for her last class of the day to do it again. A lot of other people were creeped out by it, which was extra fun. I still have this bald patch on the back of my hand from where I had to yank off this one stubborn raisin 
Favorite 90s TV Show: I don’t know what TV shows I presently enjoy were from the 90s, but at the time I loved Digimon. Still enjoy it, but mostly for the nostalgia at this point. I think I also just enjoyed that whole feeling of getting up super early on a Saturday with my brother to watch the latest episode of whatever season was playing at the time 
Last Kiss: Probably my dad? That was months ago before I started Hell Semester 2.0, but I'm fairly certain he was the last person to see me off to the airport so. Probably 
Have you ever been stood up? The bus...it keeps ghosting me. This whole week has been an exercise is betrayal. Like, you get up at 7-whatever so you can catch the 8:02 bus to make it to your 9 o’clock class, but nooooo, by the time you get to the bus stop, the 8:02 bus doesn’t exist! So you have to wait for the 8:17 bus! But that bus is late! And by the time it finally reaches your stop it’s so full of people that were betrayed at all the previous stops that you can’t even get on! And then you have wait for the next bus and be atrociously late for class and walk in shame through the front of the room right in front of the lecturer to the only available seats left in the lecture hall, or you try to sprint to the next stop before it gets there so you can nab a spot once some of the people disembark that only worked once though and it was because the traffic lights were in my favor. Or take a cab, but that’s so expensive 
Ever been to Vegas? Yup! Twice, I think. Once when I was around 6 (which could mean I was anywhere from 4 to 9, because I ascribe almost every vague childhood memory I don’t have a specific time period for to “when I was 6″) and once for New Year’s 2017. A better experience the second time since we didn’t lose any precious stuffed animals, but it was quite loud and drunk because it was New Year’s. But we did go see a magic show, so that was neat. And it wasn’t a creepy magic show and they didn’t rope us in for audience participation, so that was even better 
Favorite Shoes: I really like these velcro sandals of mine, but they’re so old and tattered I feel like the straps are just going to fall off soon. My foot is already breaking through the body of the sandal into the hollow space inside, and there’s basically no sole left. I should probably get new ones, but meh 
Favorite Fruit: Oh jeez this is a hard one. Fruits have grown on me so much. I do love mangoes, but tangerines are such a good regular reliable snack, and I’m more picky about mangoes than tangerines. Oh but I had these insanely good mandarins in Japan once that tasted like actual heaven, especially because it was so hot and they were so cold. So maybe those after all 
Favorite Books: I haven’t read in so long I’m sorry I think the most recent book I enjoyed was Howl’s Moving Castle or The Martian, but those were more oh-no-I-have-important-things-to-do-let-me-procrastinate-harder reads. I guess if we’re talking comforts reads that I know I can enjoy at pretty much any time, probably Harry Potter or Warriors, but I know I’ve read a lot of other books I really enjoyed at the time. Unfortunately, I have the memory of Mouse AB#310013 so I cannot recall what they were 
Stupidest Thing You’ve Ever Done: gonna take a leaf outta Zai’s book and say going to med school because let’s face it the way things are going this isn’t gonna end well for me or for the general public. In terms of actual, genuinely, 100% beyond-a-shadow-of-doubt stupid things I’ve done, probably this one time in high school where I made the mistake of trying to wear a dress. I was home alone, about to leave for a school performance, and I thought to myself, “Hey, since this is already here, instead of wearing my normal funeral performance clothes, what if I try this out?” I didn’t know that the bows on those kinds of dresses could be untied (I thought it was just stitched in as part of the design), so I tried to squeeze my head and arms through the darn thing by sheer force of will (in hindsight, I may have been trying to go to the armhole instead of the head hole because I’m just That Bad at wearing anything but a t-shirt and shorts). At some point my vision started to go spotty and I toppled over, and the only reason I am still alive to tell you this story is because I had the foresight to remove my watch. I managed to squeeze one arm through next to my head and yanked on that bow like my life depended on it which it did and freed myself from its murderous grasp. And I haven’t ever tried to wear a dress since because I’d probably die :D 
Best Thing You’ve Ever Done: In sixth grade I let this low-key annoying stranger borrow my valve oil in our first few days of band class and now they’re one of my best friends so I’m grateful for that
Why do my answers keep getting so long every time 
Tagging @pachelbelsheadcanon, @averybritishbumblebee, @christlovez, @sailorlock, @stealingyourdreams, @eiramew, @shingeki-no-korra, and YOU! If you want to. But don’t feel obligated! 
#Cheese's personal molasses#tag game#tag thingy#actually maybe the stupidest thing I've ever done was (again in high school)#try to respond to this note someone left on my car telling me to ‘get out and park somewhere else!’#with what I thought would be a very courteously drafted letter articulating my reasons for parking there#and what I assumed were their reasons for wanting me not to park there#it was supposed to be raining the next day (back when it actually used to rain there lmao) so I left them two hand warmers as well#but because of the aforementioned rain my dad didn't let me drive to school that day#pretty sure if I left that note there I would've gotten my teeth punched out because looking back on it now#there is nO WAY to read my note and not think I'm being terribly sarcastic and snarky#which maybe I was a little bit but I was also sort of genuine#probably a good thing I didn't engage though 'cause I found out from their next note they were just a racist jerk#that was kinda scary to learn because that meant they'd seen me but I hadn't seen them and that meant they had more power than me#but I showed the note to our parking security guy and he took care of it (I assume)#plus I didn't even have to drive to school after that week so nothing came of it#ANYWAY I got terribly sidetracked again so I'm gonna go either study the marksheets for tomorrow's osce#or procrastinate by writing another story I don't have time for#but in either case thanks for tagging me!#it was fun#I'm gonna post this and see all the hundreds of typos I made and kick myself but whatever
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heyscience · 7 years
Tagged by @solasandsadness - thank you so much!! I tag @tea-me-and-smut and @retro-sci-fi-songbird - do this if you wanna! A: AGE - 27 B: BIRTHPLACE - Australia C: CURRENT TIME: 1:48pm D: DRINK YOU HAD LAST - water. so much water. I am very hungover. E: EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO - my face, in the mirror. She judges me just the right amount. F: FAVORITE SONG - Uptown Funk, bcos I am too hot, hot damn G: GROSSEST MEMORY - I’m allergic to pumpkin (it’s an odd allergy) but when I was little my mum didn’t believe me, so she hid some pumpkin in my mashed potato. She said that once I projectile vomited all over the walls she never doubted my allergy again. H: HOGWARTS HOUSE - Gryffindor I: IN LOVE? - love is a strong word but I’ve got this polyamory thing going on with a hella rad gal and a sweet boy and it’s really working out for me. J: JEALOUS OF PEOPLE - oh yeah, a lot. I’m jealous any time my friends do fun things and I can’t make it bcos my body is unreliable and I get sick all the time, but it’s not a huge thing. K: KILLED SOMEONE - Look probably L: LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT OR SHOULD I WALK BY AGAIN - it’s a yes for lust at first sight, definitely. I am actually very shallow. I was at a themed party last night and this exceptionally attractive friend of mine walked by and I complimented him on his costume, and he was like ‘haha thanks but I need to put on a shirt’ and I was like ‘do you? I think you’re good like this’. Ofc he should put on a shirt if he’s feeling uncomfortable but the moral of this story is that I’m a giant jerk. M: MIDDLE NAME - Kay. It was originally going to be Gay because my dad wanted to name me after my aunty, but mum didn’t want me to be teased at school so it became Kay (v kind of her). Irony is I turned out HELLA GAY N: NUMBER OF SIBLINGS - 9, but they’re most half- and step- siblings. My parents divorced and remarried and their partners already had kids and my dad had more kids so yeah, there’s a lot of us. My brother had to uninvite all the siblings to his wedding because there were just too many and it would be super expensive. O: ONE WISH - I wish I had an obscene amount of money. Just like, there’d be so many things I could do and people I could help and places I could go and cool shit I could buy it would be AMAZING. P: PERSON YOU CALLED LAST - my friend Anna who moved to a small-ish town a few weeks ago. I think she’s liking it so far. Q: QUESTION YOU ARE ALWAYS ASKED - “what are you doing?” like look buddy, I don’t know. It just feels right (this question usually relates to some kind of rad dance move I’ve just pulled out on the dancefloor) R: REASON TO SMILE - Memes. God I love memes. S: SONG YOU SANG LAST - Shake it Off by Taylor Swift, along with everyone else on the dancefloor last night T: TIME YOU WOKE UP - 11am (it’s a Sunday) U: UNDERWEAR COLOR - White with a picture of Paris on it. Yeah I like pretty undies. V: VACATION DESTINATION - I’m hella keen to go catch up with my buddy who’s working on the ski fields in Banff, Canada. I’ve never been skiing before and she said she could give me free lessons heheh, plus I’m keen to hang out with her and see more of Canada like fuck it’s so beautiful. W: WORST HABIT - I forget birthdays and important events and I forget to wish people a happy birthday on Facebook which is my GREATEST SHAME. Again, I am a giant jerk. X: X-RAYS - Oh god I have had SO MANY chest x-rays. I had a cough that lasted 6 months when I was a kid so I had a lot of x-rays and blood tests and stuff to try to figure out what was wrong. Turns out I had an obscure tree spore allergy, which thankfully was an easy fix once we knew what the problem was. Y: YOUR FAVORITE FOOD - mango is nectar of the gods Z: ZODIAC SIGN - Libra
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firstumcschenectady · 7 years
“Bread for the World” based on Isaiah 25:1-9
In 2005 I was commissioned as a probationary Elder in The United Methodist Church, and immediately thereafter I went to Cuba on a Volunteer in Mission Trip (VIM). Cuba was fascinating and the trip was meaningful and educational. We started and ended our time in Cuba at the Methodist Hospitality House in Havana. On our last night, we were to have closing worship and the other clergy on the trip informed me that I was to preside at the communion table (for the first time). As a seminary student, I'd been involved in a lot of conversations about bread and grape juice; particularly around the idea that the the bread and wine that Jesus had used were the common elements of food for the people of his day, and that in places where bread and grape juice are not common food, perhaps they should not be the elements of communion. I found it convincing, particularly after having learned that grape juice is SUPER expensive in Cuba as grapes are not native and embargoes limit trade.
Thus, I decided to preside over the table with the elements of the people: salines and mango juice. Once our Cuban hosts heard about this, they wanted to partake as well. So, in one of those strikingly holy moments of life, I stood as an American woman in a rooftop in Havana, and presided over a bilingual communion service with salines and mango juice.
Not so long after that, I was back at school and back at my pastoral internship, helping to serve a Thanksgiving meal at the Hollywood UMC. It was a Sunday night, and the large room was filled with tables and the tables were filled with people. After serving most of the crowd, I looked up. What I saw took my breath away. It was the church's Thanksgiving Dinner, so many of the people who were present were church members; but they also made all meals open to the community, so many of those present were people who were homeless and hungry. The two crowds were intermingled at each table, sitting together and sharing a meal. The tables were diverse in other ways as well: age, race, country of origin, sexual orientations, gender identities, and even religious faith. On that day when I looked up and saw God's beloved people talking, laughing, and eating together I knew I'd seen the kin-dom of God on earth (if only for a moment).
Somewhere along the line, those two powerful moments have bonded in my brain, the communion meal intermingled with the shared meal of church fellowship that also fed the hungry. Perhaps they were tied together by the reflections of Rev. Dr. Barbara Thorington Green, who often speaks about the ways that God's Table (communion) invokes and also blesses the tables we share fuller meals at. Food is sacred, shared food even more so, and whether it is meals that fill the belly or tiny pieces of bread meant to satiate the soul, they matter.
Isaiah shares a vision of God in our reading today, and it is one that invokes and expands both of the stories I just told you. In this passage God prepares a table, a feast actually, of rich foods that would nourish bodies, and invites ALL people from ALL nations to the feast. God makes the food, for God's people, and all can eat together. It is so spectacular, so marvelous, that it makes sense that within such a God-drenched experience that God would also bring an end to death and bring God's presence fully to the people.
Abundant, life-giving food, prepared for ALL people by God's own self is equivalent, it seems, to swallowing up death itself.
This is not the world we live in. (Sorry to break it to you.) Death is here, still. Abundant, life-giving food is not available to all of God's people, and while the presence of God may be here with us, we often don't feel drenched in its goodness. According to the resources provided by Bread for the World, “Nearly 15 percent of U.S. households — approximately 49 million Americans, including 15.9 million children — struggle to put food on the table.”1 The problem is not limited to the United States. They also share, “The number of hungry people in Asia has also declined substantially, by 217 million between 1990-92 and 2012-14, according to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization. Yet Asia still has to two-thirds of the world’s hungry people.” Specifically, “More than 40 percent of children in India are stunted (being too short for their age group) due to malnutrition.” The other area of the world in greatest need is sub-Saharan Africa, “Just over a quarter of the world’s undernourished people live in the countries south of the Sahara Desert in Africa. Progress against hunger has been slow in this region. In 1990, one in three people in the region were undernourished. Today, one in four suffer from hunger”.2 “All added up, worldwide, 1.2 billion people still live in extreme poverty—on less than $1.25 per day.”3 This is WAY down from the recent past, but still unacceptable.
Bread for the world links to the United Nations Sustainable Development goals, which include the information that “In 2016, an estimated 155 million children under age 5 were stunted (low height for their age), down from 198 million in 2000, ”4 and “The proportion of undernourished people worldwide declined from 15 per cent in 2000-2002 to about 11 per cent in 2014-2016. … Globally, about 793 million people were undernourished in 2014-2016, down from 930 million in 2000-2002.”5 The decline in global hunger is a great thing, but it is still way too much.
We don't live in a world where abundant, life-giving food is available to all of God's people, not at all. And while global poverty and hunger was on the decline this year (praise God!), within the United States it rose, and is expected to keep rising. In previous years we have participated in the Bread for the World offering of Letters, asking our state and federal elected officials to pass expansive legislation to make food available to hungry people, this year we are aware that it will fall on deaf ears. We aren't fighting to expand programs to hungry people anymore, we are now fighting to keep resources that exist, insufficient though they are.
It is especially difficult right now, in the US and in the world, because the impacts of Global Climate change are drastically impacting food production, droughts and floods, wars and migration, transportation and food prices. All of this means that access to abundant, life-giving food is very difficult for many. Thanks be to God for the many organizations committed to finding ways to get food to hungry people, and thanks be to God that in the world at large there was a DECLINE in hunger despite these extra challenges!!
Isaiah's dream, however, still feels far off. I want to retell you the dream, in slightly different language, because I think we all need to soak in it a bit.
Our God, the one who never abandons us, the one who holds us together, We remember all that you have done, all the acts of liberation, and justice, all the ways you've sparked creativity, nurtured love, and healed brokenness. You have acted, and you have guided us to destroy the fortresses of oppression, and you ensure they will never be rebuild. The powers that deny anyone's humanity are over. The systems that privilege one over another are no more. Awe has struck all of us, the strong and the weak alike, at what you can do. You have reminded us of your values, and brought them to life. You are the sanctuary for the poor, the one who is safe shelter to those in need and in despair, protection from from hurricanes and rainstorms, a fireproof haven from the sun and from the fires, a sturdy foundation that not even an earthquake can harm. When the powerful attacked the weak, like a blizzard attacking a disintegrating home, when the cries of those calling for injustice seemed to drown out the voices calling for justice, you acted. You provided reinforcements and insulation for the homes, you reminded those calling for injustice of their own needs, and they stopped yelling and started listening. Here, here in this place, this place that has known such tragedy, fear, anger, sadness, and despair, here in this place you will give gifts to all your people. One will sit by another, and no characteristic of humanity will separate them. Here, in this place, you feed us all with delicious food, nourishing us, healing us, reminding us of goodness once again. Here, in this place, comfort will be shared, tears will be dried, shame will be destroyed, and death itself will lose its power to frighten us or bring us pain. Knowing that this will happen, let us be glad and rejoice in the goodness.
Commentators say that this vision won't necessarily come true exactly as written. #spoileralert Yet, I'm told that we can't be part of creating what we can't dream of, and we can't see what we can't conceive of. In the midst of the brokenness all around us, we need reminders of what goodness looks like, what hope would create if it could, what dreams God is dreaming over the long run. Some of us (me included) are so busy being concerned about the present that we lose sight of the idea that God is very good at playing a very long game.
So, bread for the world, that's the dream. All people being fed with abundant, life-giving food. Isaiah says not just bread but delicious soups and sauces, not just food but drink as well. No one going hungry, no one in need, not in body nor in soul.
That's one of God's dreams, and it is surely a God sized dream.  Bread for the World and the United Nations are actually dreaming it with God, the goal is to eliminate hunger in the world by 2030. They say it is going more slowly than the hoped – but it is GOING. God's dreams might just be in reach, this one and all the rest as well. May we take the time to soak in the goodness of God's dreams, to trust in the visions God has for an abundant and just world, and give our attention to what might be – God is so good the dreams and visions are nourishing for us. Amen
1Bread for the World “About Hunger” http://www.bread.org/where-does-hunger-existaccessed on 10/12/17.
2Grassroots Advocacy Resources, Facts on Hunger and Poverty,http://www.bread.org/sites/default/files/downloads/gar-issues-poverty-hunger-us.pdfaccessed on 10/12/17.
3Grassroots Advocacy Resources
4United Nations, The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2017,https://unstats.un.org/sdgs/files/report/2017/TheSustainableDevelopmentGoalsReport2017.pdf accessed on 10/12/17.
5United Nations
Rev. Sara E. Baron
First United Methodist Church of Schenectady
603 State St. Schenectady, NY 12305
Pronouns: she/her/hers
October 15, 2017
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mijntuin · 7 years
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Book review 1 - Bob Flowerdew's Complete Fruit Book.
Whatever your experience, or lack thereof, Bob Flowerdew’s books are always useful. His Complete Fruit Book does expect some prior knowledge however. The usual planting instructions are not mentioned for example. But having read and heard the mantra of ‘dig a wide and deep enough planting hole, loosen up the soil, add some compost, add plenty of drainage, firm in and give them a good soak’ millions of times, I absolutely did not miss it. I think it would have been rather irritating if it would have been included. Buying a complete book of fruit does imply the reader is not only just getting started with his first pot of strawberries and an apple tree, doesn’t it?
One of the good things about this work is that Bob does not only recommend varieties based on disease resistance and yield per acre like a professional fruit farmer or supermarket would do. Writing for gardeners, he includes the more important factors of taste, smell, and texture (apparently a ripe peach is supposed to be ‘a bag of syrup waiting to burst’ instead of a hard sweet-sour cannonball like the ones in the shops). Because why would you choose a tasteless variety that was developed for shelf-life over one that was bred because people actually enjoyed eating it? It is no coincidence that children (and adults too!) don’t enjoy eating fruit (and vegetables), but do like sweets and other snacks; they make up for the lack of flavour of the fruit and veg that are grown for sale rather than for edibility and enjoyment!
Bob gives short overviews of the history of the fruits he writes about. He sums up the uses, gives recipes, even tells what the wood of the plants can be used for. And he presents lots of interesting facts. Of the apples, the humble ‘Golden reinette’ has been around since before 1650, and the French variety ‘Court Pendu Plat’ was already grown in the 16th century and may even be a true Roman variety. Who knew it was so easy to have a true historical experience?
But Flowerdew does not only write about apples, nor is it the only fruit he grows indeed. He’s famous for his pineapples, but gives information on all kinds of tropical and subtropical fruits. Some, like coconuts, dates or mangoes could only be grown by people with a Victorian era greenhouse plus staff at their disposal, but his tips on growing things like monstera fruits, bananas and pineapples are most useful. 
Bob is a fruit enthusiast, as would we all be if we would eat the right sorts, which are often only available if you grow them at home. I do feel something is missing from this book though. His usual anecdotal style of writing is only marginally present. Only few references to his own way of growing things are made, and this makes the whole thing read more like an encyclopaedia than a work by one of the greatest garden writers of our time. The word Complete in the title already suggests this of course, but still, it’s a pity.
Any way, this is a very useful work for those who wish to really make an effort at turning their garden into a fruiting paradise. And after reading this book I wonder why people with gardens do pave them over, or worse: grow nothing but grass, instead of planting as much fruit as fits in there. It’s rather unfair to those of us who are stuck having no garden whatsoever, but it is also a real shame for those people themselves. They could enjoy the most delicious things to eat, but choose to mow a lawn, sweep pavers and eat tasteless produce from supermarkets instead. Bob Flowerdew’s Complete Fruit Book whets your appetite for eating and cultivating fruit, which is perhaps the greatest quality of this work. It’s not only a practical guide, the book really affects the reader. It’s not jut my knowledge of fruits that has been enriched, the way I think about fruit has changed. 
Bob Flowerdew, Complete Fruit Book. Revised edition. London: Kyle Cathie, 2009. Retail price: £25, seems to be out of print so I recommend buying second hand.
P.S. Note the weird typographical choice the publisher made for the cover, using a zero for B0B but a letter o for FLOWERDEW and the other words.
P.P.S. I will not publish pictures of the inside of the book, because I don’t want to infringe copyright on this blog.
P.P.P.S. My ask box is always open for more info about the books I review and their contents.
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sabbathmagazine666 · 4 years
I was reading Chaos Theory a few days ago. As I read, I thought, well - how was it possible for this strange and simultaneous position of this order and chaos, this symmetry and asymmetry in the world? This is the Vortex Man, this is the Golden Ratio, this is the Fibonacci Sequence, this is the talk of Nikola Tesla 3-6-9, I looked at the bronze statue of Nataraja in my house. I saw, strangely enough, an inverted 3-6-9-made Koira-headed lover Mahadev is standing with one foot on the ground! I thought, well - is this a symbol of the destruction of Nataraja? Religion always makes me think. Religion I reject as a child, I know for sure, I can't be a believer in religion in this life. But I always think about the power of religion. The way religion has a strange ability to control not only human life, but also its mind, I think, where is the source of this power. Atheists who learn to read new pages tend to believe that illiteracy is associated with faith, that is, uneducated people become believers. I don't see it that way. I believe that faith has nothing to do with education and especially formal education. A teacher with the highest degree in the university or a Nobel laureate physicist can also be a believer. Because faith in God is associated with the ancient human psyche. And I know for sure that you know - the ancient meaning is not void. I believe, the greatest invention of ancient man is not fire, not wheel. Words and language were the greatest discoveries of ancient man. It is true that modern people can go to the moon, it is true that they can build dams on rivers, it is true that genetic engineering can produce more productive crops in less time, but it has not been able to give birth to a second strange thing like language. The strange feeling that arises in a person when he hears a word, the strange way a picture of a mango or an elephant is formed in his head as soon as he hears the word mango or elephant, the way a person cries, laughs, gets angry - is another invention of the modern world. Dia is not replaced. I believe that religion, like language, is the second best invention of ancient man. Religion, like language, can create a surreal world in the style of 'Thika' was a handkerchief and became a cat 'and can control people's minds. There is a clear difference between the ancient pagan religions of the world and the Abrahamic religions. No, I'm not talking about gross differences like monotheism or polytheism. I'm talking about symmetry and asymmetry. As you can see, the main features of the pagan religions were chaos and inequality. The main features of the Abrahamic religions, on the other hand, are discipline and equality. The idol of Nataraja or Ganesha or Goddess Durga is a statue of unequal balance, on the other hand the first feature of any synagogue or church or mosque is unnatural geometric equality. That is why the pagan religions create in the human mind a desire to be one with nature and the Abrahamic religions create in the human mind a fear and a desire to kneel. Even though I don't believe in religion, I think about religion. I believe that the second best invention of ancient man after language is the story of the connection between religion or the idea of ​​a Creator God with a religious God. All institutional religions were born for the purpose of establishing power through the creation of a resource-dependent economy and for the protection of power and the politics of exercise of power. And in this politics it was urgent to replace the god of human imagination with the god of religion. Because if man believes that his Creator God is omnipresent, and if he thinks that the source of quantum mechanics is God, then it is impossible to control him. Our ancient ancestors were undoubtedly intelligent. People live in Boila, we are becoming more educated and intelligent than the people of the previous generation. I don’t believe in these bhugichugi things. I believe, day by day we have become modern, advanced, unnatural and ass. Being modern advanced unnatural is certainly not a bad thing. There is no doubt that modern life is more interesting than walking naked in the streets, hanging in the bamboo bushes, raping, dying of cholera. But in contrast to this fascinating life, the way we are controlled by religion, the big brother of religion, capitalism, and the big sister masculinity, giving up all our freedoms, transforming ourselves into servants of the system, regardless of gender, is going to die at the end of the day. Honestly, it would not have been possible if he had not been less intelligent than the previous people. In religion, therefore, there is nothing to see in the small koira. Only stupid atheists want to blow away the things that have been able to control people in this way for so many ages. They go to Bhuila, the miraculous unreal unexplained subject is the daily companion of man. It's like a dream, you're on your knees on the street, and seven thousand miles away, your mother calls you to tell you if you have pain in your legs, it's a matter of marking a flock of birds, it's a matter of looking at your hands, The matter of calculating your destiny with the stars, you can dispel nonsensical superstitions in matters like the soul, you can say coincidences, unscientific or pseudoscience if you want - whatever you want to say so there is no problem, but even then all these things do not exist. And so through the space-time curve, or through the non-existence of time, or through the Grand Unified Field Theory, the day when Renেনে Descartes' famous Observer Theory's famous quote, "I think, so I am," will prove that the need for institutional religion in the world will end. Even if all the people of the world are educated in formal education, even if the prophets of religion are slandered all day long, even if thousands of gross gaps are discovered in the books of religion, it will not be possible to eradicate religion from the world by making the righteous militants, murderers and rapists. Gothold lacing has a funny thing to say. He was saying, “If God hides all the truths of the world with his right hand, and with his left hand shows the way to the unwavering search for that truth; And he told me to choose between the two, as long as I knew that I would go the wrong way forever, but in the end I would choose the left hand with humility. " And this is why I am an agnostic and will remain so for the rest of my life. I believe, truth is only relative, truth is only political, truth is only perspective dependent. So no one in the world is able to claim the truth. I believe that all knowledge is semi-knowledge. I believe that there is no such thing as the path of truth, only the path of truth-seeking in the world. And so I do not reject any knowledge of the ancient world, not even religion. I believe that the day man can answer without hesitation, who he is, the day only the need for religion will be met. I am not saying that religion is without problems. But no system in the world is without problems. There are problems in capitalism, there are also problems in socialism. There are problems in masculinity, there are also problems in feminism. We must get rid of all these problems in establishing an egalitarian society, but since all these systems can control one of the main human traits nurtured in the collective unconscious memory of man, namely greed for power and money, greed for control over others, these systems cannot be overthrown overnight. Should not be. I often wonder if the religion or economy that I oppose, or the patriarchy that I oppose, would not exist in the world today. I wonder if today's world is urgent. I wonder if the birth of religion or capitalism was the future of man. I wonder if we are carrying halahal only in search of immortality, whether we are destroying the earth with that halahal. Again, I think this, if not halahala shiberai or how would have been born? How could Shivai or Nilakantha be? I wonder, if there was no chaos in the world, how would we look for chaos? How would I celebrate life without death? If there was no subjugation, how could I go to Moira with my throat cracked for freedom? How could socialism come if capitalism was not born? How could feminism and these useless feminists like me be born if masculinity was not controlled? I wonder if the purpose of human life is to find the truth or to find the equilibrium and stability of the 3-7-9 of the world? I wonder if the balance is really something? I wonder if the homeostasis of our body is really eternal homeostasis? I know my thoughts are random. But I am not ashamed of it. Shame is only a characteristic of people who find their own identity. I do not know my identity. Still.
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dentalrecordsmusic · 4 years
Show Review: Sled Fest - A Double Whammy Review
Review Part One ft. Emo Trash
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By Robin and Jer
So picture this: you’re one of two 20-something music nerds from nowhere, Connecticut and you’re lugging about 20 pounds of audio equipment in a backpack on a plane to go spend a weekend in the basement of a suburban home in Chicago (a city you’ve never been to before) for a crazy, over the top, killer house show festival (which you have only attended maybe 2 house shows before this.) Great, now you know how myself (Robin) and my cohost Jer were feeling as we braced ourselves for day one of Sled Fest!! A chaotic mix of anxiety, excitement, and caffeine led us to the Panda Palace, and thanks to the wonderful people running Sled and all the amazing bands who played, any nerves melted away as the night drifted into pure, unbridled enjoyment. Anyway, let’s tell you about the very bands that made sled fest so memorable.
Dogma Soup kicked Sled Fest off with a bang. Their chaotic energy shined through in the small basement full of string lights. They filled the room with an energy that immediately got everybody on board for what was going to be a crazy night. You could tell how much of a blast they were having up there and it was truly infectious. By the time they ripped through their last song, there was an unmistakable sense that a bar had been set, every band playing was going to have to BRING IT.
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Mango Tree left me stunned. It’s as simple as that. The way their songs wormed their way into your ear with their soothing yet unbelievably catchy melodies made it impossible to look away. We all just watched in awe as two people with captured the entire room, and made it feel like a life-defining moment. It was a beautiful experience full of sing-a-longs, storytelling, dancing, and the true DIY experience: losing your mind having fun in a basement surrounded by people you truly connect with.
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Poncho Villa’s Skull brought a raw and intimate energy to the dimly lit, crowded basement, and they managed this using only a cajon and a well-weathered Spanish nylon. From catchy melodies and anthemic choruses that had members of the crowd singing along to slower, more personal songs of loss and family, the sibling duo had a unique flair and salsa-fueled rhythm that stood out and caught people’s attention.
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Marmalade brought the vibes hard. They came out and slowed things down for everyone, without losing any of the passion that had driven the day. Putting on a killer performance, they flowed with their songs and filled the multi-colored basement with sweet riffs and gorgeous melodies. You couldn’t help but get lost in it. 
Tunnel Songs played one of the most hectic sets at Sled Fest. Dom immediately brought his trademarked chaos, playing in a full Santa suit, and the crowd was ready. As they started ripping through their songs the pit immediately opened up as people from all over the room flooded to the center screaming lyrics back at each other. The entire room reacted to Tunnel Songs, from the stage where people were spilling over from the pit onto the band members, to the stairs where people came down dancing their way to the pit with giant smiles on their faces. People had come ready for Tunnel Songs, and Tunnel Songs was ready for them.
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Equipment played one of the tightest DIY sets I have seen in recent memory. It perfectly showcased their chaotic sound and the entire basement went wild for “Wet Mulch.” Energy spread throughout the crowd as they played; chaotic, feral energy, and the only solution was to go absolutely wild. They played with such confidence and energy and passion that you could easily just get lost in the energy. A truly phenomenal set by a truly phenomenal band.
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Vermont brought the bangers and the Sled Fest crowd definitely responded in kind. Their songs conjured up the last energy remaining in a sweaty basement after a packed day and made magic with it. The set had chill energy that allowed everyone to hang back and recover while at the same time inviting anyone to lose their mind one last time before the night was over. Plenty went with the latter, and we left everything we had left in that pit.
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Robin and Jer brought a skateboard to Chicago cause they thought it was Shred Fest?? Find out more about their ridiculous hot takes and garbage music tastes over on their show, Emo Trash (Spotify/Apple Music/wherever!) and hit us up on Twitter. Also emotrash.net is our HQ.
Review Part Two ft. Ari Jindracek of DRM
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Words by Ari Jindracek
As a newer member of the DIY scene, Sled Fest on Saturday, December 14th was the first house show I had ever been to. (I couldn’t go to the first half-day of the festival due to previously-scheduled appointments, so I will not be speaking to the bands that played December 13th except to say that I know full well that I missed out because the lineup was amazing.) At first, I didn’t know anyone and felt deeply out of place, because it seemed like everyone knew someone else except for me; however, part of my problem was the whole “sitting in a corner, making sure my camera settings were right” thing I was doing. As the night went on, I made some Show Friends and had the absolute time of my life, both during the quick musical sets and during the periods in between, when people would just sit on the floor in clumps or hang out in the garage and, according to Twitter, drink hot dog water for fun.
Bailey Minzenburger kicked off the set with a friendly vibe, chatting with the audience throughout the set like it was any old rehearsal; most of the day’s bands would have a similar conversational attitude. The music was slow, fuzzy, and peaceful, like a blanket in the cold afternoon. Guitarist Georgia contributed a lot to the effects, pulling out a slide to make shivery tones on and off, and Bailey, the namesake of the band, ranged from whispers to howls over the course of the set. The rhythm section, bassist Niko and drummer Jack, kept the sound rock-steady, laying a foundation for an impressive array of songs.
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Half Kidding, or 60% of Half Kidding, weren’t on the bill, but when the scheduled band didn’t make it, they stepped up to the plate with borrowed instruments for a bite-sized three-song set, because, well, DIY. It speaks to how tight-knit the scene is that not only was most of the band in attendance, they were ready to play at a moment’s notice. The sound was obviously sparse, since the band’s drummer was not in attendance, but vocalists Madison and Kate’s voices blended smoothly and beautiful, and their songs were groovy and fun.
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No Momentum held court for the first really heavy moment of the day, including an attempted circle pit (it dissolved pretty much instantly, which is a crying shame). Their music was crunchy with feedback and fun to listen to, which means that I’m looking forward to looking them up in my free time and hearing that unreleased album they were selling out of in the merch room.
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Thank You, I’m Sorry bandleader Colleen kicked off one of the band’s songs by saying “Who’s ready to get fucking sad?” and no one could have made a more apropos remark about the band. I actually did reach the verge of tears during “Menthol Flavored Oatmeal”, though, this far removed from the show, I don’t quite remember which lines got me there. If I got emotional over a song I could hardly comprehend, just imagine what kind of things Thank You, I’m Sorry can make you feel if you really sit down and tune in.
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Mush's set had a real convivial energy, as they performed with smiles and joked with each other between songs. Frontman Erik looked like he was having fun during the whole set, and the vibes leaked out into the crowd. Their music felt very mid-2000s in its tone, bouncy songs that got people dancing like it was hard to stand still.
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Teamonade as a band are deeply skilled: Ryan and TJ on drums and bass respectively made for a solid rhythm section that gave guitarist Osi plenty of time to show off with stunning vocals. The band played several songs that they described as “jostlers” that were impossible to ignore; “Sadder Than U” caught my attention for how fun it was to learn and immediately sing along with. Watching Teamonade felt like the most radical kind of party you could ever feel lucky to get invited to.
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Biitchseat, apparently, screeched up to the gig with twenty or so minutes to spare before their set, and I’m thankful they arrived in time. Dual guitarists Kris and Talor traded off vocal duty on singing about some of the most specific tiny joys of life, like finding friends in line for the women’s bathroom, naming bees, and loving the people you choose to spend your life with.
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“Folk-goth” act Winnebago Vacation brought very soothing music into a sometimes-too-loud show, giving everyone a moment to breathe. Their sound at times made me imagine sitting in a pine forest at dusk; if you imagine that too, it was about as peaceful to stand there, swaying in time. Quiet guitar and ethereal vocals twirled around each other like campfire smoke in the late afternoon air, completing the audio-visual illusion.
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World’s Greatest Dad brought a hard edge back to Sled Fest, and they made damn sure of that by stopping before the end of one of their songs so vocalist Maddie could warn people that a pit was about to open up and everyone had best be ready. (My expensive camera and I appreciated that warning.) The band seemed like they were constantly moving, and at one point, they all turned toward the middle of the stage to smile at each other to grin, clearly having the time of their lives rocking our worlds.
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The effect-heavy sound of Mess made the Panda Palace basement feel like it was echoing even though it was too crowded to hear reverberation. The wash of sound felt smooth, like a really good piece of chocolate tastes, and washed over the room like a ray of sun. I hesitated to call Mess’s set peaceful, though, because I was so tuned in the whole time, trying to drink up every last note of their music in all its layers.
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Elton John Cena, featuring Erik from Mush, felt like a band on the punkier side of pop-punk with the sharpest corners sanded down. Singer Avery’s voice is immediately recognizable no matter her project and brings a distinct sound into the band’s work. Their edge was undeniable, with guitars that bit and a high-octane Guided By Voices cover that got everyone moving to the grooving rhythms.
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Arcadia Grey’s set was plagued with technical difficulties, but they may have been the highest-powered band of the night. They barely stopped moving around, creating a moshing set for the crowd and themselves. Vocalists Cori and Nate swapped duty amongst themselves and had stage presence that was almost too good for a chilly basement. Their songs are fun and ear-shredding, and if they’re playing to sold-out, adoring crowds in a few years, I wouldn’t be surprised.
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Plans swung into their set with an upbeat force, constantly volleyed up into the air by drummer Sebastian’s skillful work. They were also the only band of the night to really get serious with the crowd mid-set when vocalist Cody stopped to talk about mental health and suicide to a group of people; while a lot of artists sang about mental illness, hearing a mid-set speech about it is different, and I appreciated the moment to talk about the realities of life outside of the string-light-lit basement.
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Niiice screamed their way into the home stretch of Sled Fest with a musical fervor that turned toe-tapping rhythms into mosh-pit energy. The guitar and bass roared, ragged-edged in the way good punk bands can be and drummer Sage, also of Thank You, I’m Sorry, seemed to pour himself entirely into his kit, powering the set like a colossal motor.
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Savvy readers will know that I had the pleasure of knowing about Mover Shaker in advance of this gig, and, if all the people singing along are any indication, a lot of people were there with me. The band started off their set with their most peaceful song and ended with a pit that took up half the basement when they pulled out the one song in the set that wasn't from their newest album. From disco to screamo and from laughing over stage banter to the verge of tears over flawless lyrics, Mover Shaker's set was an emotional roller coaster and I'm thankful they let me get on board. 
Sled Fest had everything I wanted it to have and more: fun people, amazing music, a dog, hysterical overheard jokes, and, most of all, an environment where I was able to feel like part of something. I was able to talk, face to face, with artists who were about to go on stage and melt my brain and make me love every second. I felt at home in the Panda Palace and in the DIY scene of the day, memes and all, and I hope that some of us meet again at the next show at the next house and mosh together like a family.
Ari Jindracek hasn’t been on a sled since probably 2012. You can maybe see more of Ari’s blurry cryptic photographs of bands on Twitter.
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envirotravel · 7 years
The Great Escape: Month 59 Roundup
Oh, my monthly roundups. They are so ridiculously out of sync with real time now (this post is basically one year late, ha ha) that I recently considered axing the series, but I decided to play catch up instead — so brace yourself for a couple of these coming up! However, now that I’m writing on multiple timelines they do serve as a nice roadmap of my archives for those who want to follow my travels chronologically.
Apologies for the delay, but I suppose better is late than never… right?
Oh, how hard it was to leave my island life! This was my final month in Thailand before jetting off to Brazil and a stateside summer, and it was a struggle to say goodbye. Aside from one hellish visa run and one giggle-filled girl’s weekend in Samui, I stuck close to Koh Tao and enjoyed my last bit of stillness.
This is a simple post for a simple month!
Where I’ve Been
• One night in overnight transit
• Five nights on Koh Tao
• Two nights on Koh Samui
• Twenty-one days on Koh Tao
• Breaking my Diet Coke addiction! Long time readers know that I’ve long considered the stuff to be carbonated gold, and I spent years jolting out of bed and immediately heading out on a mission to source a can if I happened to find myself without it. I was well and truly addicted.
When I started thinking about doing a DIY health retreat, I knew I wanted to kick my ridiculous Diet Coke habit. But it took me months to psych myself up for it! I knew that there was nowhere better than Thailand to do it, since I don’t actually love the Thai formula for Coke Light. And you know what? It was raging success — so much so that I extended my initial four weeks to six! I took a million notes and learned SO MUCH from the process. Literally one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever given myself. It’s basically not travel related at all, but give me a shout if you’d be interested in a post about getting un-addicted from diet soda!
• Crushing my 5K time. Well, perhaps crushing is a bit of an exaggeration. But I did semi-train for a run for the first time ever, and I saw the results! I set a new best pace for myself, and had a blast crossing the finish line. It wasn’t just that final moment of euphoria though — I also cherished my sunset jogs with my running buddy Amy leading up to it.
• Easter Brunch. Our whole Samui girl’s trip was divine — not because we did anything super special (apart from the race, of course) or ate or drank anywhere especially noteworthy. But we were together, and it was our last big hurrah before my summer departure, and I just loved it. The highlight was our Sunday brunch complete with DIY mimosas and endless toasts to friends and upcoming farewells.
• Not one but two diving courses! A sidemount speciality and an enriched air certification were the perfect courses to take side-by-side. I learned so much, I got excited about diving on Koh Tao again, and I got to cap it all off with a group trip to Sail Rock surrounded by friends. I couldn’t have asked for better days in the ocean.
• Celebrating Sonkgran! My first Songkran years ago was just days into a heart-wrenching breakup with my boyfriend of three years, so suffice it to say that was pretty bittersweet. And I’ve been just missing the big day ever since in my comings and goings from Thailand. Finally, in 2016, I got to have a big wet and wild, happiness-fueled do-ver. Travel BFF Heather even flew in from Bali! Honestly, it was the best day I could have asked for. It’s one of the greatest holidays I’ve had the privilege of celebrating!
• Calling quits on Photo of the Week. It had to happen! I didn’t regret it for a second and I’ve really enjoyed focused more on my Instagram and Facebook since. (My newsletter has been far less successful, unfortunately.) It just took so much pressure off!
• Getting enough sleep. It says something funny about our society that I write here every day about my travels around the world but I’m almost embarrassed to say that I get 7-8 hours of sleep a night when I’m on Koh Tao because I know what a luxury that is.
I’ve spent years with various degrees of sleep deprivation due to anxiety and extreme scheduling. Not that both those didn’t flare up occasionally over my time in Koh Tao — and not that I didn’t have the worst mattress on the planet — but overall it was the most well-rested half a year I’ve had.
Lowlights and Lessons
• Another hellish visa run to the Burmese border. Paying to spend twenty-four hours being motion sick and be bored to tears by a bureaucratic puppet show? I vowed then and there to never do another one — and so far I’ve stuck to it! (I take mini-vacations instead.)
• Our Samui hotel was pretty disappointing. After all the fabulous places we’ve stayed over the years, it was kind of a letdown to land somewhere so meh for such an epic trip — I really wanted to treat my girls to something special! Ah well, that’s what we get for booking last minute! We still had a blast.
• My Brazilian visa photo. Lol? I know it sounds like a funny thing to complain about, but I was legit horrified to learn that the awful passport photo I’d submitted with my Brazilian visa application was PRINTED ON THE VISA AND PASTED INTO MY PASSPORT. Of all the passport photos I’ve had to submit over the years, none but the original have actually ended up in my passport! Lesson learned: I’ll never settle for anything less than frame-worthy again. Tears were shed, guys. My vanity knows no bounds.
• The Boat Party… ugh. Honestly, this was so traumatizing of an event that this is the first time I’m mentioning it anywhere in public. And frankly, I’m still going to be super vague, because I’m always on edge writing negatively about anything pertaining to the Thai Government or authorities, considering the country’s track record of warmth towards free speech and criticism.
But basically, what happened was this: a yacht was hired for a private party of mostly long-term expats. We boarded the boat with much elation and enjoyed our fun at sea for about an hour before being approached by a police vessel which boarded the boat and forced it back to a pier other than the one we’d departed from. When docked, we headed for the end of the long pier — only to realize the police had locked it from the other side. We spent two hours in the hot sun with no water or access to bathrooms, portions of it on our knees with our hands over our head, while the police tossed the boat and tried to figure out what charges we could be held on. When we were released, we had to write down names, passport numbers, addresses, and more. It was incredibly traumatizing and I actually cried when we were finally freed. Anyway, that’s the short version — for the longer one, you’ll have to wait for an incredibly juicy chapter of the book I’ve finally accepted I’ll try to write someday.
• Leaving Koh Tao. Seriously, it never gets any easier. This was one of the best seasons I ever spent on the island, and leaving literally felt heart-wrenching. That said, a travel writer stranding herself on an island that is the isolation equivalent of being a 4-5 hour drive from the closest, most expensive airport and a 7-8 hour drive from the more reasonably priced one is not a sustainable business plan and I recognize that my time off the island is necessary for both my business and my mental health! Still, there are always things I long for when I’m away.
Best and Worst Beds of the Month
Best: Well I didn’t really travel much this month but I did soak up my last beautiful weeks of sleeping in my own apartment! Kind of a shame that I loathed, ya know, my actual bed.
Worst: Easy — my evening on the night boat with broken AC followed by a miserable motion-sickness inducing car ride to the edge on Thailand on my visa run. (Though frankly, the hotel in Samui was nothing much exciting either.)
Best and Worst Meals of the Month
Best: Our post-Songkran brunch at my friend Janine’s house! I made banana cinnamon pancakes and mango mimosas — hangover food in the tropics.
Worst: Sorry to be a broken record, but I’ll have to go with “whatever shitty snacks I compiled from a five-minute stop at 7-11 just over the Burmese border.” Yeah, I really hate those visa runs.
I had another nice and low-key month of expenditures (much needed before the spend-storm that was Brazil!). While Songkran and our trip to Samui were mild splurges, my day-to-day lifestyle on Koh Tao is so affordable it can definitely absorb the blow of a few fun activities thrown in per month. In Samui I also used some built up hotel credit I had — nothing special for being a blogger, just normal loyalty programs anyone can use! — to cover the majority of the cost of the rooms.
Unusually for me, two of my biggest splurges were clothes and accessories — new bikinis from local Koh Tao designer Flip Flop and Treacle, and some new jewelry from local island jeweler Amy Jennifer Jewellery. Had to send myself off in style!
Hallelujah! I doubled my income from the previous month thanks to a few big campaigns coming in with my regular blog partners, as well as a successful month for affiliate income. Again — right before Brazil, I seriously needed it.
Health and Fitness
Between my 5K, the training for it, and trying to use up all my gym and yoga passes before heading off to Brazil, I basically crushed it. Admittedly, Songkran was quite debaucherous, but overall
What Was Next
Six weeks in BRAZIL!
I simply couldn’t ask for better travel companions than all of you!
Since I left home for my Great Escape, I’ve been doing monthly roundups of my adventures filled with anecdotes, private little moments, and thoughts that are found nowhere else on this blog. As this site is not just a resource for other travelers but also my own personal travel diary, I like to take some time to reflect on not just what I did, but how I felt. You can read my previous roundups here.
The Great Escape: Month 59 Roundup posted first on http://ift.tt/2k2mjrD
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