#oh pineapple! i forgot about pineapple! pineapple is also good
starbuck · 2 years
Top five favorite fruits!!
oooooooooo, this is fun!!
1. Cherries
Literally just the best… I’m always SO happy when cherry season starts and go into mourning when it ends… But, every summer, i FEAST on a big ol’ bowl of them for lunch every single day. I like spitting out the pits too! It’s fun!
2. Peaches
If you can get one perfectly ripe and juicy and with good texture, a peach is DELICIOUS!!!!!! One of the best fruits out there, no doubt. I prefer yellow peaches because I tend to like tart things more than sweet, but I won’t turn down a good white peach either! Last year I ate one like an apple in a frenzy over the trash can with the juice spilling all over my fingers and going everywhere and it was a truly primal experience.
3. Strawberries
Don’t get to have these very often due to their terrible habit of rotting the day after you buy them, but they’re my favorite berry by far when they’re good! The perfect breakfast fruit.
4. Honeycrisp Apples
I’ll eat a couple other types of apples as well, but honeycrisps are ideal. Got introduced to them by my eighth grade gym teacher and haven’t looked back since. If anyone out there has never had one of these, you’ve GOTTA try ‘em. It’ll change your life.
5. Blueberries
Not my favorite fruit by far, but I’ve developed an affection for them due to their excellent track record for NOT rotting before I can eat them! I also appreciate how easy they are to “prepare” since you just have to rinse them off and then they’re set! No chopping or peeling! That’s something I can get behind when I’m tired in the morning or just short on time!
Thanks for asking, friend!!!! ❤️❤️
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cyborg-franky · 16 days
Prompt: hello friends! thank you for providing us with such a fun event, can it be April already? 🤧 if anyone of you feels inspired from it, can i request grocery shopping headcanons with Law, Thatch, Sanji and Robin? like would they scold you for buying too many sweets or do they leave you at the checkout to fetch something they forgot and you panic like when you did when your parents did the same? lol just thinking out loud 🤣 i’m sure i will love everything you come up with! thanks a lot!!
Repost of mine from libary of ohara
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Chaos, she lives for it.
She will let you get whatever you want, she doesn’t mind.
If it’s Halloween she’ll add almost every decoration she can find in the store, deal with it, this is your life now.
100% takes all the free samples, she has many hands, a sample for each right?
She enjoys watching badly behaved kids run around and trip over, the delight on her face when the little shit walks into something.
A fun person to shop with, will always coax you into shopping at strange times of night because that’s when all the lunatics come out, she enjoys being around ‘interesting’ people despite how you cling to her when the guy arguing with the can of baked beans makes eye contact with you.
Neither of you is going to be the one that reminds the other you need more than coffee and Halloween decorations for substance.
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-Every time he hears a child scream you can feel he has this look on his face even if you can’t see it. - Is the type to move someone’s cart if it’s in the middle of the lane. - Law is already mentally done with the trip the second you set foot in the place. - Hears a child crying and just nods his head and mumbles ‘mood’ under his breath. - You have to bribe him with coffee to get him in and to shop. - Has very few opinions on things but will be vocal if he doesn’t like something. - Tries his best not to throw hands at the next person who gives him and his tattoos a shitty look. - Sometimes you decide to leave him on the magazine row and do the shopping yourself. - It takes you both as a pair two hours of him dragging his feet and being unhappy to shop whereas it takes him five minutes by himself. - Just rooms everything into the cart regardless of if you need it.
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Has like five shopping lists.
Spends like an hour caressing the melons and other produce to make sure he’s getting the best.
Will fight to the death with the man at the fish counter over prices.
Will fight to the death with the cheese guy if he thinks he’s being cheaped out on quality.
Will fight to the death with the meat guy who cut a piece with too much fat.
Just expect a battle over everything.
Also mansplains all the wines as you pass them, he gives you like an hour-long ‘pros and cons’ of this wine versus this when all you wanna do is get smashed this weekend on the £2.99 bottle of red with the clip art font on the front.
You can have whatever you want as long as he gets to check the label.
He will also fight you to the death if you pick up instant noodles or microwave meals.
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Thatch is just an angel.
He might spend too long picking out bread, you notice how much his hair looks like a fancy loaf.
He can’t walk past the fruit section without picking up a pineapple and making a joke about Marco.
You beat him to it now, just to speed things along.
It’s you who needs to have a magazine to hand when he’s shopping in the hair care section.
He’s talking about how he needs like eight bottles of the £10.99 brand, or his hair will just not behave for him.
Puns, puns oh lord puns.
“We need to grab some buns” “I’ll give you some buns to grab” -EYEBROW WAGGLES IN 4D-
He’s fun though, he lets you have some bad things and treats as well as good choices.
Likes to use the cart to whiz along, enjoy a forty something year old man going ‘weee’
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rhodesrider · 10 months
Hey could you do more mafia Judgment day x little! Reader????
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Little One
Cg! Judgement Day x Little! Fem! Reader
Warnings: Visible age regression, visible violence and aggression around the regresseed, cussing, nicknames
Y/N was humming along to her music while putting ingredients in the blender preparing for her Saturday. She scrunched her nose at the veggies that ones of her caregivers told her to put in but she didn’t feel like getting a lecture, so she just did as told. She grabbed a few leaves of spinach and kale and dropped them in the container tooting her nose up like they were poison. She continued her quest of putting in fresh mangos and pineapples, ice and some juice to balanced it out. Her song ended and soon she heard the muffled screams that she was drowning out before. She looked over seeing a man on the floor, tied up blindfolded, muffling for help hoping someone hears him. She was told to watch him,if he does anything stupid she calls one of them back in the living room. Her caregivers were having a meeting about the man. She simple stepped over him after she finished up putting her smoothie in a cup and Bluetooth her headphones to the tv. She turned on her program and enjoyed her time watching her shows while the captive still screamed desperately for help in front of her.
The door clicked opened and heavy footsteps could be heard, the body down below wiggled more. Y/N didn’t hear the aggressive screaming but saw the movement looking down at it. She looked was greeted by kisses on her face making her giggle and blush. She took off her headphones and looked up seeing it was Finn, one of her caregivers and Damien grabbing the body. “Next time munchkin, ask mama for help with the smoothie. You did good and I bet it tastes amazing but you forgot to clean up again.” She pouted at the statement but nodded since she was in her headspace. “What cha gonna do with the dummy?” She calls the people that they bring in for interrogation “dummies” since they show no face at all to her. “The dummy we will handle princess, thank you for watching him for us.” Damien gave Y/N kisses all on her face making her smile. She loves to help whenever she can. “When is mama gonna be ready? I wanna go to build a bear..” she asked looking at the two. Finn forgot to tell Rhea about Y/N wanting to get a new stuffed animal, she cursed under his breath and Damien rolled his eyes knowing it crossed Finn’s mind last minute and called Rhea.
Rhea was getting the tools ready with Dominik and JD. JD was still getting use to the room of screams and torture but that’s how they get info and stuff done. It was honest his first time meeting Y/N, he’s not permitted to speaking to her or anything but he knows that’s the crews girl. Rhea got the call and answered. She sighed cursing under her breath and hung up. “Dom I need to go get something I’ll be out for a while so help them with the fucker if you need to. Same as you JD.” “Ok mami.” Dom nodded and JD nodded as well watching her walk out. JD now has some courage to ask a few questions. “Hey so, about that girl I saw?” Dom looked up at him while he was texting. “What about her?” “Well who is that? No one is really telling me anything.” Dominik rolled his eyes and showed him his lockscreen. A picture of Y/N and him, she was sleeping on him during a car ride in his arms. “Oh so she’s your girl?” JD assumed. “No not just my baby , she’s also Damien’s princess, she’s even Finn’s munchkin, and Mami’s sweetheart.” He said casually. JD was still a bit confused. Seeing the look on his face, Dominik explained more. “We all take care of her, she’s been through a lot and we watch over her and love her equally. She diffuses a lot of anger in the house and she’s a really good person.” “So you have her around all this?” JD asked meaning all the killings the bodies and times where the people come over to talk about the drug exchanges. “We tried not to at first, we were hiding it the best we can. But literally one night when we were talking to a dude, she popped up outta nowhere where. Saying his screams were making it hard to sleep, she didn’t have her headphones on. We thought we were in trouble, and she wasn’t gonna fuck with us no more. But instead she went to the car and got her headphones, put them on and went to Rhea while she was in a chair watching and sat in her lap facing the other way putting on music falling asleep on her.” JD chuckled some, thinking it was kinda cute. “So she’s been around it before and ignores it-“ “Oh no she helps out too.” JD raised an eyebrow. “How?” Dom told him how Y/N wasn’t in her headspace like she usually was for once. “It was a dude that gives us fake money, and was trying to run away. But she saw what he looked like, that was a man that wasn’t the best towards her. He abused her and tried to sell her body. But she escaped.” JD remembered the story. “And someone shot him in the leg.” JD knew that someone was Y/N. “Her face was in so much anger, I’ve never seen it before. She even put one of our bandanas over her lower face to not be seen. Of course I wanted to intervene because it was just me and mami at the time, but she let her finish him off. After that I got the body in the car, and Y/N was silent the whole night. She cried when mami tried to check on her in the back, we both were worried but Y/N explained to us what happened.” JD soon heard the guys come in with the body. “Sorry for the delay, she wanted to make us smoothies.” Finn gave Dom a cup, and Damien gave JD a cup. “She made one for me?” He smiled some. “Yea she’s warming up to you.” Damien smiled. “Now about dude.” He pointed at the body on the floor by the door. “Let’s finish with him because princess wants a game night and I’m fixing to kick some ass in Mario kart.” Damien smirked. “Like hell you will.” Dom smirked back and got up getting ready for the interrogation. JD nodded and finished up his smoothie in two gulps putting the cup down getting back to business.
Later that night,
Y/N was holding her new hello kitty plushie, watching her caregivers and JD play the switch. Her eyes were starting to heavy and she yawned some. “First yawn of the night Cookie Monster!” Dominik tickled her some making her giggle and kiss her cheek. “So who do you want for your tuck in? Remember we go to the mall tomorrow morning.” Rhea reminded her. Y/N thought about it and pointed at JD and soon a weight was dropped on his chest looking at Damien. “Really? You don’t want me or Finny princess?” She shook her head no getting off Dom’s lap kissing his cheek first then one by one the rest of the crews saying goodnight. After she walked to her bedroom, they all looked at JD. He was shocked too. “I…I don’t know what to say..” he was nervous, what if he does something wrong? He’s still a newbie to the group he would hate to be dead. “Just read her a book till she falls asleep dude you got this.” Dom smiled. JD nodded and went upstairs after.
He walked her room that just resembles a gothic like princess theme. The walls were stone and the floor a plain white tile. Lights for comfort and her bed a giant king size, he was amazed. Y/N was in her bathroom changing in her night clothes stepped out jumping seeing him up here so quick. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.” “It’s okies.” She said low and went over getting her stuffed animal and a book getting in her giant bed. He sat on the bed getting the book of 5 minute storybooks with Disney princesses inside. “Ok, nice choice. What princess you wanna hear about tonight?” She thought about it while fluffing her pillow. “I’m not sure…” she pouted not able to choose. JD smiled and closed his eyes pointing at the cover which had all the princesses on it. “Eenie meanie..mineie…” he blindly chose the princess Cinderella. “You want me to read Cinderella?” She nodded as she started to get comfy and had her stuffed animal ready.
Finn went upstairs to see what JD was up to, soon hearing heavy snoring. Knowing Y/N doesn’t snore like that, he peeked in and saw both her and JD sleep in the bed, he had his arm around her protecting her even. Finn rolled his eyes and closed the door, letting the two sleep. “He’s knocked out along with her.” Finn said. “She’s warming up to him finally.” Rhea smiled as she was helping clean up. “That’s good, I remember when she couldn’t even be around him, like hiding and stuff behind me and Damien.” Finn chuckled. “I’m glad she’s giving him a chance.” Damien mumbled as he was washing dishes. Y/N always gives a chance she’s just happy she has people that care.~
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neymarismyfave · 1 year
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Warning(s): Angst and fluff.
Parings: Husband!Neymar Jr and Female!Reader.
Requested?: No. (C'mon yall!)
Summary: Neymars frustration about his hair is getting on Y/ns nerves.
A/n: I'm so sorry about being so inactive!
"Neymar. It's hair." Y/n sighed of annoyance for what seems to be the one-hundreth time.
"So? It still matters!" Neymar complains as he attempted to fix a strand of hair that was getting on his nerves. "Damnit!" He curses as he fails for what also seems to be the one-hundreth time.
"Oh my god Neymar! Just let me help!" Y/n snapped as she walked toward her husband.
"What the fuck are you trying to do?" She asked with a sigh.
Neymar rolls his eyes before going back to working on his hair.
"Y'know I hate it when you ignore me." Y/n muttered.
"I rolled my eyes at you, so basically I didn't ignore you." Neymar replies snarkily.
Y/n gives him a sharp glare. "Fine." She snarls before begging to walk off. "I rolled my eyes at you, so blah blah blah." She mocked her husband's Brazilian accent and sparky reply.
"Mock me all you want." Neymar murmurs to himself.
"Will do, Pineapple." Y/n mumbled before turning the corner and exiting the bathroom.
Over the next five minutes, Y/n had sat in silence, listening to her husband's curses, occasionally chuckling to herself.
She found it amusing at how independent he was, but then she assumed it was his Aquarius energy.
"Meu Amor?" She heard Neymar call out.
"Yes bebê?" She called back.
"Help?" She barley heard her husband say. She rolled her eyes. "What'd you do this time?" She'd call back.
"Just c'mere." She heard Neymar groan.
She huffed as she stood up and stretched. She yawned before heading into the bathroom once more, only to see frustrated tears streaming down her husband's face.
"If men had periods...this would be the definition of it." Y/n sighed to herself as she stood and watched her love cry.
"Oh amor." She whispered as she approached the stressed man.
"It won't fucking stick." Neymar whispered as his wife placed a hand on his shoulder.
"This?" She asked softly as she pointed to the loose strand of hair Neymar had been trying to manhandle for the last 20 minutes.
Neymar nods and wipes the tears.
"Didn't you try hair gel?" Y/n asked and it clicked.
Neymar chuckled at himself. "Meu amor, you are a genius." He sighed before walking over to the cabinet to grab out his hair gel he completely forgot he had possession of.
"Neymar Da Silva Santos Jr." Y/n sighed as Neymar had successfully put a small amount of hair gel in his hand and finally put his hair into place. "You're telling me, you worked on your hair for 20 minutes and even broke down because you forgot hair gel?" Y/n asked, almost asking herself at this point.
"Sorry, amor." Neymar said with a cheesy smile as he turned around to face his wife he'd basically die without.
"You owe me cuddles." Y/n muttered as she walked up to man she loves and wrapped her arms around his waist.
"But-" Neymar was stopped. "You owe me." Y/n glared.
"Fine." Neymad muttered.
"Good. Now kiss me, please." Y/n whispered as she puckered her lips causing a larger and cheesier smile to form.
"So needy. I hate it." Neymar teased. As he leant down and placed a soft kiss on Y/ns slightly chapped lips.
"But you love me." Y/n whispered against Neymars lips.
"That I do."
Hope you enjoyed!
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filthforfriends · 1 year
Chapter 4: Comfort
The Sun is the Center of Everything
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See Authors Note (CW: Addiction, hard drug use)
Word count: 4.1k
“The label would like to fly you out to London.”
“Do they know we’re broken up?”
“This isn’t for an event. Sony believes that you’re the most effective kind of damage control when it comes to Damiano. They’re probably not wrong.”
“Is he okay?” Already, you’re opening Twitter.
“For now. I think he’s reached a turning point where the drugs are more scary than they are rewarding. If we can just get him into rehab…” In moments of wishful thinking, you’d done some research into rehab programs in Rome. In a moment of poor impulse control you’d stuck Damiano’s name on wait lists, which was no small undertaking. It meant using confidential healthcare information that you knew from the five year relationship. The fact that he hadn’t consented made it not entirely legal, but you justified it as a means to an end.
“The label is willing to refund Damiano for the program, whatever he chooses.” 
“I think the difference might be an Italian-speaking facility.”
“I agree. So you’ll come?”
“Yes,” you wince. This might go horribly and hurt like a motherfucker.  
“Good. Your flight leaves in four hours. The car service will drive you to the hotel. They have a gig tonight.”
“Oh lord.” The chauffeur actually took you straight to the venue, promising to deposit your belongings in your hotel room. You still had your friends and family badge. Wearing it again felt like putting on a costume. The cavernous backstage area was weirdly empty. You had to follow the arrows to the dressing rooms, of which there was an entire hallway. It was unusual that each band member had their own and that none of them were there to greet you. Handlers and security gathered around the entrance to what you assumed was Damiano’s room with crossed arms. You weren’t sure why, until you heard the yelling.
“Shit, he’s gonna shred his voice for tonight.”
“We’re past that point,” someone responds, not even looking at you.
“Just leave him to calm down,” another suggests.
“We need him for soundcheck,” someone else hisses. Many of these staff members were added since the breakup. Luckily, you found Ronnie.
“Hey, staring at him like a zoo animal isn’t helping, no?”
“Oh, hey. Yeah, um…” 
Damiano comes out of either a closet or bathroom, slams the door and bellows, “Why the fuck are you watching me?”
“We don’t know what he has on him or if he’s eaten today.” Damiano slides down with his back against the wall and curls in a ball behind the couch. He’s so defeated and powerless that it shatters your heart into splinters of glass.
“He’s totally dysregulated. Have you offered him food? Water?”
“He’s insisted that he won’t eat,” says another new voice. 
“Get him some pizza from the bougiest place you can find and if he doesn’t eat it, fine. What about his rider?”
“It contained alcohol so we had someone remove it.”
“You removed the whole rider, not just the alcoholic drinks?” You look at Ronnie in astonishment. “Fresh fruit is on his rider because he eats it before a gig. So he has something in his stomach, but it won’t make him sick running around on stage.”
“Right can, uh…can someone get some fresh fruit for Damiano?”
“No citrus, no pineapple,” you add. “Don’t need to douse his vocal chords in citric acid right before a gig. Also throat coat tea and cold compresses to help him calm down. Alkaline water, as well.” You look into the giant dressing room to see if he’s noticed your voice amongst all the others. Dami seems to be in his own little world, and not in a good way. You can’t do this with an audience.
“One more thing, could you just back up a little bit.” You herd the onlookers out of the doorway so you can achieve privacy. “Just a little more, mhm. Okay, great.” Before they realize what you’re doing, you close the doors of the dressing room in their surprised faces. Trying not to startle him, you place a hand on Dami’s back. It smells like he forgot to put on deodorant. Or maybe he was so stressed he sweated through it already.
When that doesn’t elicit a reaction, you rub his back and run your fingernails along his scalp. Dami shivers and looks up in confusion. That was your touch, but how the hell were you here? He’s obviously high, pupils completely blown out. Could phone camera’s catch that on stage? 
“I closed the doors, it’s just me and you here.” He’s still processing, confusion turning into surprise.
“What did you take? Blow and liquor?” He nods sheepishly and avoids your eyes. “What about pills?” Looking sincere, Damiano shakes his head. 
“They sent you here to talk to me?”
“I guess. I’m not here to chastise you, though. It seems like you needed some peace.” You stroke his head, then down his face. Dami leans into you organically. 
“Can we sit on the couch instead of the floor?” As he stands, there's a timid knock on the door. Someone slides a couple trays inside. Fruit and tea on one, ice water water and a stack of cloths on the other.
“Thank you,” you say curtly and lock the door. “Ohh-kay, do you want some tea for your voice?”
“No thank you,” Damiano clears his throat. You wrap the first cold rag on the back of his neck and use the second to softly wash his face, redipping to keep the cloth cold. As much as you’d like to ask questions, it was clear that soothing is what Damiano needed.
“I’m gonna go grab the other tray.” You start eating the fruit yourself, knowing that will encourage Dami, and he takes sips of tea. You exchange the rag on the back of his neck with a fresh one. This is the tipping point. He opens the water bottle, but doesn’t drink. Instead, Damiano reaches towards you, arms around your waist and head in your lap as his face crumples.
“I can’t control it!”
“I know,” you murmur, stroking his flushed complexion.
“I can’t control it and I don’t know what to do,” he cries. “I just want to go home.” How childlike we all are, when worn down to the bone.
“That’s why I’m here, to take you back to Rome after this gig.”
“No, I fucking hate Rome,” he bites.
“Rome is your home.”
“No, you were my home and now whenever I go to Rome I can’t come home.” Closing your eyes, you try to steady yourself, with a few deep breaths, then a few more. 
“I’m sorry,” you whisper.
“I fucked it all up and I’m afraid…it feels like I’m too far gone to turn back.”
“You are not too far gone! People spend years in hard drug addiction and they’re not too far gone. Please, don’t give up on yourself! I haven’t given up on you, not at all.”
“Why not?”
“Because you are right here, right now, acknowledging that this is out of your control.”
“I’m so afraid of getting better because there’s only one direction. If I don’t do it then I’ve failed. If I fail, then I might as well die.”
“No, that’s not true! If you’re alive, then there's always a chance to get better. And if you relapse, you can get clean again.” As you say the words, they sound more like a Hallmark card than a mature piece of advice. Neither of you were equipped to handle this particular moment.
“Then you won’t want me anymore!”
“Yes, I will! My love isn’t that fragile. I am not that fragile. I dealt with your self-destructive alcoholic ass for months before we ended it.”
“I’m never happy. Even the blow doesn’t make me happy, it just keeps me going. The other day I was so close to trying crack, just to see if I would fucking feel something again.
“But you didn’t?”
“No, but I almost –” You lean down and press a long kiss to Dami’s cheek.
“You’ve already started getting sober then. Plus you’ve admitted that you need to get better, that this is all out of your control. Three weeks ago you couldn’t say that. You’re doing good.”
“It feels like it was all for nothing. I burned every bridge to force Sony’s hand in a new contract, and now I’m even more miserable than before. I can’t even enjoy it because I can’t enjoy anything! I’ve driven so many people away and the ones left are other addicts, but they’re all fucking miserable too. I can see them pretending they’re not and its so fucking depressing that sometimes I don’t even want to –”
”Go on,” you whisper horsely, stiller than a granite statue.
“I don’t even want to be alive anymore,” he finally admits. “The entire world thinks I’m a druggie playboy and they’re not wrong. I’ve destroyed all my credibility, every good thing that people thought about me and I’ll never get it all back.”
“I disagree, I think an epic rebrand will be humanizing and make you more lovable than ever. People crave a comeback story.”
“But I never put 100% into getting sober before! I don’t know how to try, what if I’m not good at it?”
“I guarantee you won’t be, which is why you’re going to go to one of the best rehab facilities in Rome. You’re gonna get psychiatric care to treat the why of your addiction so you can stay clean.”
“Come on,” Damiano sits up, face riddled with skepticism. “It takes weeks or months to get into those places.” He starts eating just like you’d predicted.
“That's why you’ve been on half a dozen waitlists for a few months.” Damiano scoffs and catches a grape in his mouth.
“No I haven’t.”
“Yes, you have.”
“How would I –” When he makes the connection, Dami’s mouth falls open in surprise. “You? But you’d need my SSN and fiscal code, right?” You nod with a self-satisfied grin. “Did you steal my identity, y/n?”
“For your own good.” He shakes his head in mock disapproval, but gives it away with a poorly suppressed smile. “I secured a spot for you before I got on the plane.” Secured was a nice way of saying frantically called and pathetically begged until I got a yes. His face falls.
“What? Do you really hate Rome that much? I’ll visit you.”
“No, no…I was just hoping for an excuse to stop by the apartment for a night.”
“When you get out, you’ll make me dinner and meet Cheeto, okay?”
“I’d love that. We’ll have– ‘scuse me.” He makes a face then bolts to the bathroom. Damiano turns on the faucet and fan, but you can guess the sound he’s concealing. Giving him a few minutes before checking in, you snoop through all his stuff. In the bottom of his box of cigarettes is a mostly empty dime bag of white powder that you almost missed. There’s also a pill case at the bottom of his purse which has coke in it, too. You feel silly after checking the room itself for drugs, as if Damiano wasn’t taping heroin to the underside of the sickly-green velvet couch.
“Babe?” Oops. “Dami, I’m coming in okay. In sickness and in health.” He’s sitting on the floor in the corner, panting, face scrunched in pain. You retrieve the water and cold compress tray.
“You really can’t keep anything down?” He shakes his head, obviously exhausted. “I’m so sorry. I know that cocaine can be hard on your stomach.”
“My own fault,” he winces.
“Yeah, but I still hate seeing you suffer.” You sit down on the floor beside Dami and pull his legs across your lap. Naturally, his head rests on your shoulder. You rub his back for a while, wiping it down with a cold cloth first.
“That's nice,” he whispers.
“Mhm.” You make a fresh one to wipe the sweat from his face. Then you take an ice cube and run it across the top of Dami’s chest to stimulate the vagus nerve. His breathing starts to slow and he leans into you more.
“I really miss this.”
“Comfort. Everyone is…exhausted with me.” Not knowing what to say, you wrap one arm around Dami, set the other hand above his knee, then rock back and forth. For a few more minutes, you sit in silence on the hard tiles of the bathroom floor, just being together.
“Okay, I’m about to fall asleep, which means I need to get ready.” With a grunt, Damiano stands upright, then pulls you up after him. “Thank you, my lo – sweet – y/n.”
“Mm, thanks,” he cringes, walking up to the sink. He picks up a travel toothbrush and fresh tube of toothpaste that someone had already left there, prepared for this moment. You unlock the door and peek your head out to find Ronnie leaning his back against the opposite wall. 
“Hey is he, is he gonna do the show?”
“Yeah, can you get us tickets back to Rome as soon as possible? His place is being held at a facility that does 24/7 intake.”
“Like right after the gig?”
“Yeah, I don’t feel comfortable taking care of him overnight. He needs people who know what they’re doing.”
“So he agreed to rehab. How’d you get him in?” 
“Uh, name dropped,” you shrug, trying not to overcompensate. “So by the end of the show we’ll need a car ready with all our luggage, plus a change of clothes for Dam.
“Something inconspicuous. There’ll be a car waiting when you land, of course.”
“What if Twitter finds out we’re traveling?” Fans wanting a picture was inconvenient, but paparazzi wanting a story were truly the worst ever.
“Security will be there as soon as you deplane. We’ll keep this need to know.”
“‘Kay because he can’t handle any stress. I’ll need an ETA before we take off to give the facility and um…I don’t want him to get arrested for drug possession.”
“Damiano never puts drugs in his luggage, he always keeps them on his person.” You can already feel the nerves of walking by drug sniffing K-9s, hoping to god that there isn’t any significant residue in the bottom of his pant’s pocket.
“So we’re depending on the addict to be rational, thorough, and honest in the process of throwing all his drugs out? Really?”
“He’s good about not taking stuff through TSA. We wipe everything down. There's a system and we haven’t been caught yet.”
“And as great as that is –”
“Y/n,” Ronnie takes both your hands in his own. “Neither of you will end up in English prison tonight, I promise.” The lingering skepticism is written all over your face. “I promise,” he insists. 
Damiano acts the very same before going on stage. He smokes a cigarette and bounces in place to mitigate his own adrenaline.You always stand with him in this moment, rubbing his arms and reminding Dami to be gentle while stretching his neck. It’s comforting to see the band comradery persist now that they’ve come together. There's fist bumps, plus Thomas and Victoria threatening to ruin the other’s performance. Mia is joking along with them, cheeks flushed and her top inside out. Tom keeps a hand on the neck of his guitar so it doesn’t hit her.
At this moment, you’d kiss Dami good luck, having to get on your tiptoes because of his stage shoes. Today you slink into the shadows and see him take a breath from an oxygen canister. Their stage manager counts down from ten while shining a flashlight at the floor, so no one trips on a wire or seam in the stage. You can see him put the persona on, then drop the cigarette on the floor and stamp it out. If you were beside him, Dami would take a final puff and hand it over for you to finish. 
Ethan goes on stage first, then the rest of them. The audience releases a wall of sound and the unhinged screaming only intensifies as the lights go up. You can barely hear Ethan’s sticks click as he counts the band in. Mia cheers with the crowd, in case Thomas looks back. They never look back, but you both did it anyway. Just in case. She begins walking towards the audience exit. It was easiest to slip in front of the barricade unnoticed at the beginning because of the hysteria. You feel the tug in your chest to go with her, sing the lyrics to songs that Damiano had shown you first. 
“Y/n! Oh my god!!” It's jarring to be noticed in real time since you feel so stuck in memories.
“Mia, hey!” You try to match her enthusiasm. “Looks like you’re having fun.” You flick the tag of her blouse as she comes in for the hug.
“Yeah, this venue is huge!” She doesn’t pick up the reference, but enthusiastically agrees anyway. Her and Thomas were both like that: sunny.
“I see you made use of the space.” Mia finally looks down.
“Oh shit! We weren’t sure how long the show was delayed, but Tom thought we had more time to, you know, finish. I wouldn’t touch his guitar if I were you.”
“Ew! You guys are disgusting, I’m so happy for you.” 
“Yeah, thank you!” she laughs. “Let me just...” Mia ducks into Thomas’ dressing room and fixes her top. “So, c’mon let’s go watch.”
“I, um…We’re not back together.”
“Okay, but I’m sure Dam would love to see you out there.”
“I can’t be filmed or photographed today. Also if you could not tell anyone that I’m here?”
“Uh, sure,” she’s put off, torn between staying backstage with you and watching the show.
“But, you go ahead! I have a ton of work stuff anyway, so I’m actually gonna be busy.” A total lie, but Mia isn’t the type to question the authenticity of a friend.
“Oh, okay! Love ya, good luck!” She pulls you in for a goodbye side hug, and practically skips down the hall. Was Damiano expecting to see you in front of the barricade? He probably hadn’t thought about the social media and paparazzi component, which meant he’d be disappointed. This realization didn’t change anything, it just made you miserable. 
Except for the roadies, it's just you backstage. The actual concert was their time off, since they began hauling gear in total darkness as soon as the band finished. Despite how labor intensive their jobs were, the crew was in good spirits, their laughter echoing down the hall. They wore all black with tattoos scribbled on their forearms and cursed as much as possible. You consider saying hi, but this is no longer your space. It'd be like walking into your childhood bedroom with the Justin Bieber posters, hot pink bedspread, and tinkerbell night light still intact. You were visiting a past life, like a ghost.
While Thomas opens the encore with his solo, Dami runs back to his dressing room. You know that his body has become dependent on coke to get through a show and that if he stops now, he’ll crash before you can hand him off to the professionals. Still, it's awkward for both parties. Damiano pulls the pill case from his purse and looks at you with a pained expression.
“I…can’t do this while you’re watching.”
“Right, okay.” You stand up and gesture towards the door. “So I’ll just…”
“No, no, you shouldn’t have to leave. I’ll just go in the bathroom.” Dami closes the door halfway and hesitates because that seems a bit excessive.
“Are you gonna shove it up your ass or?” Dami’s laughter bounces off of the tiles.
“No, I only do that on certain occasions.”
“Like a birthday special?”
“Exactly.” You can hear the tap of something plastic against the porcelain sink. “Can you tell me you’re disappointed in me or something? This feels wrong.” You try to come up with something to say, but end up blanking.
“You are…a very bad boy.”
“Ugh, I’m trying! Disappointing…your behavior is disappointing. You are too grown not to know better. Refusing to acknowledge a problem exists is…counter productive to healing. You need to prioritize healing because nobody can do that for you. You have –”
“Okay, done!”
“Thank god.”
“See you in 15!” You walk around the kitchen collecting possibly useful supplies for the car ride, plus the pizza box with Dami’s name on it. The chauffeur walks down the hall with Damiano’s clothes in a garment bag.
“Your flight departs in two hours and 41 minutes,” he says in a professional tone. “Shall I take that to the car?”
“Huh?” Oh, thank you.” The jitters have already started to set in. “And has Damiano’s luggage been inspected?”
“Inspected, ma’am?”
“Yes, has someone on their team looked through it?”
“His luggage was packed by a member of their staff, although I am not sure if they inspected it in the process. Should I ask?”
“Yes, please.” He walks away looking bewildered. You hear the final scream of the concert and try to locate Damiano through the rush of activity backstage. Each band member walks towards the dressing rooms with a towel in hand, drying the sweat from their faces. Dami is exhausted, but he smiles wide when he sees you.
“Hey, were you out there?” 
“No, I didn’t want to get mobbed when those photos hit Twitter.”
“Ah, smart.” He’s still disappointed.
“I’m sorry, but I need you to hurry up and shower. There's a change of clothes hanging in the bathroom. Also I made a cup of baking soda and water for your stomach. Our flight leaves in two and a half hours.”
“Jesus.” He pulls his shirt off while walking into the dressing room, the muscles of his slick back rippling. For a moment you’re very distracted with memories of digging your fingernails into that back while he fucked you to overstimulation. Or when you’d peg him from behind, cupping his balls in the palm of your hand, lips to the nape of his neck. Damiano made the most beautiful sounds when he bottomed. So whiny and demanding.
“Y/n? Y/n?”
“I was saying it's so nice to see you,” Victoria panted. Ethan agrees behind her.
“Yes, you look well.” His formal way of speaking had endeared you from the very first meeting. Tom is nowhere to be found, probably finishing what he and Mia started before the gig.
“Oh uh, thanks. Sorry, I’m distracted. Our flight is…soon. Too soon.”
“Like tonight?” Victoria exclaims, pulling her own shirt off. She was bare breasted and unapologetic as per usual.
“Yeah, I guess the sooner, the better.”
“So he’s really going? Of his own volition?” 
“Mhm! He’ll be in the facility by breakfast tomorrow.” 
“Oh my god, that's amazing,” Ethan lets out a huge sigh of relief and Vic grins.
“I’d hug you if I wasn’t disgusting.”
“Well, that’d just give me a boner,” you deadpan. Nobody loved raunchy, flirtatious humor like Victoria.
“Ooh, well since you and Dam are on a break…” She wiggles her eyebrows and shimmies closer, sauntering around you with a provocative expression. Meanwhile, Ethan is silently laughing with his eyes scrunched. It's enough to evoke a genuine smile, but also your heart aches for the months you’d missed with these dumbasses.
“Since he’s busy, do you want me to show you what it’s supposed to feel like?” She gives an over exaggerated wink. There had been a strictly no band members policy in your non-monogamy.
“I heard that! Keep your paws off of her, Vic!!” Dami yells from the bathroom.
“Ugh, fine!” She gives your ass a robust slap before disappearing into her dressing room. Your understanding was that “on a break” and broken up were vastly different things, even though phonetics would suggest otherwise. Had Damiano lied or were you reading too much into it? And why did it make you so happy? Before you can get caught in a hell cycle of intrusive thoughts, Ronnie walks up and hugs you. 
“I’m really glad you came,” he admits, pulling away. Your arms hang limply by your sides in surprise. Ronnie wasn’t the hugging type or the emotional type, but his eyes are glassy. It throws you off guard even further.
“You okay?”
“What? Yeah.” He clears his throat roughly. “And we checked everything twice. Someone is currently wiping out Damiano’s purse, just for you.” 
“We can’t all be rock ‘n roll. Some of us have to be anal as fuck.”
“Agreed. I just wanted to wish you luck.” He gives a tight lipped smile and continues down the hall.
“Am I gonna need it?”
“Hopefully not,” he yells over his shoulder.
“Very reassuring, thanks.”
Notes: This is queue. I am currently camping because today is the anniversary of my grandmother's death. Taglist will be updated when I return. Thank you for reading, I promise it gets way less depressing really soon.
-XOXO Eden
Taglist (or taglist removal)
@surelyfreedombound @shinshans @lonnybunnys @davianos-blog @hauntedpostperson @lizzylynch1 @kammerstx@harryssshouseee @slavicgoddess13 @persona1read1ng@katyldamusic @whore4damia @the-chaotic-cow@icarodamiano @gr8rainbowpunk@elvirabelle@bright-shiningstar@maneslut @stardustingold @little-moonbeam-666@que--sera--sera
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ellena-asg · 1 year
I love 1x02 scene in suspect's house where Steve's like "Oooo, computers! Oh no, Danny, we need a hacker!" and Danny's like "Oh, I know one".
And then... We know that after this scene they went to a shop (they bought lollipops for Toast) but we see them again at Toast's place. And that's when Steve asks Danny about Toast (Who is he? How do you know him? blah blah blah).
I mean... Normally Steve would have been curious much earlier, I guess. He would have been also cop!curious, right. He would have asked about Toast in that suspect's house or while going to their car or while driving the car or in the shop eventually.
But nah, suddenly Stevie forgot about asking, he even forgot about their hacker. About their case. Cause OMG SHOPPING WITH DANNY. It means romantic walking through shop aisles. It means cheerful chatting. It means mutual *heart-eye*-gazing (aka eye sex). Hacker? What hacker?
And later in the car... OMG DANNY TOOK ME ON A SHOP DATE - it's a good time for being happy, for extra cheerful chatting and just for driving Mr Sunshine. Case? What case?
And Danny was no better. He suddenly forgot too. They're just driving, having fun and only tiny parts of their brains still knew exactly where to go (yeah, autopilot brains). Who knows, maybe it was like:
Danny: *heart-eyes* Hey, wanna a lollipop?
Steve: *heart-eyes* Yeah.
Danny: *heart-eyes + sexy smile* Let me guess: Sweet Sweet Pineapple?
Steve: *heart-eyes + dreamy smile* Oh yes, please!
And then, suddenly (when they were near Toast's place), Danny's memory came back ("Oh no... The case! Toast!"). So Steve's too ("The case, yeah, the case! Of course!").
They parked their car and THEN Steve thought "O God, who this Toast guy is? I'm so curious!".
#I can't with these two
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eeboshmeebo · 8 days
🍭Sweet Tooth🍬
You tore open a pack of gumdrops that you had stowed away in your jacket earlier that day. Originally, you didn't even like the sticky stuck-in-your-teeth treat, but a few events changed that.
You sauntered over to the loudest voice in the hallway, a gumdrop in hand that you pressed your lips against before firmly holding it in your fingertips.
Quietly as you could, you snuck up behind the familiar back of the boy you loved teasing. Then, you stepped back as he bent over backwards. A mystery on how he could just do that like one of those slapstick wristband rulers, but one you'll find out eventually.
"HRAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I can't believe you losers went out looking like tha- Eep!"
He jumped and stumbled back upright as you touched his ear and lightly blew into it, looking at you with an outraged and surprised expression that was either red from anger or from embarrassment
"Oh, Bon-bon~! It's me."
"...you. Always ruining my moment right at the peak. Can't you see that I'm busy? Gosh, no wonder you're apa-"
You placed the gumdrop you've been holding into his mouth, placing a finger on his chin to close his open mouth properly.
"Careful now. I heard that if you open your mouth too widely, you might attract flies. Especially now. Those hawkers outside of school always said that honey attracts more flies than vinegar."
The gumdrop was honey flavored. You only noticed that after looking at the packaging of the candies you had brought with you, so you couldn't help yourself.
"Would you stop interrupting me for once? Really."
Monoma crossed his arms over his chest, genuinely annoyed with your antics.
"Alright then. One last thing before I zip shut, I do like honeyed cherries."
He still seemed a bit suspicious of you, though Rin, who was just about to grab Monoma to stop him from ranting again, facepalmed out of nowhere and turned to leave.
"Ba! I didn't come here to be choked with dog food!"
"I've gone on douyin before with Rin. I'm not gonna tell you what he means, though I've read in romance novels that lips have been compared to cherries before. Heheheheh~!"
Setsuna snuck off after that, snickering to herself as she trailed off after Rin. You ran off too, if only to escape Monoma's voice.
Despite him having a really nice voice, he can yell loud enough to cause pain if the groans and curses of the people behind you evidenced to anything.
Real gelatin was always tastier. It had more depth and retained more flavor, and after your first gummy, you knew you couldn't go back.
Making them yourself always was better. That way, you can put whatever flavor you wanted instead of having a bunch of 'meh' flavors and flavors you didn't like. Plus, they didn't make your mouth taste weird.
"Isn't that right, Raffy-chan? Oops, sorry, I forgot, heheh!"
The girl's head was put in a ziplock bag, currently in the sink. You had already sold her teeth, nose, tongue, and eyes off-campus, leaving only the meaty bits.
"Such a shame that human brains are inedible. I'd have loved a good braised pig's head for dinner, but I guess I'll have to cremate you later."
Humans were also known as 'long pigs'. The girl was actually decently pretty, but she had made one mistake.
She left a love letter to Monoma.
It was like seeing the cake you helped make and ordered get drooled over by another person before having a bite taken out of. You weren't going to risk that bite because Monoma was yours.
Yours. Only yours. Forever. The sea-salt caramel filling to your dark chocolate. The candied flower to your cupcake. The cream to your coffee.
You grinned as you scooped out the scum from the boiling pot. Despite your efforts to clean them, bone marrow and blood was bound to be in the joins somehow.
"Now, to add sugar and remove the rest of the residue and the leftover waste..."
After a short while, you were done. You added pineapple, strawberry, cherry, raspberry, apple, mango, and various other fruit flavors to your gummies since there was so much 'base' to use up, putting the decapitated head in the minifridge you had after you were done.
"The gummies should be done in a few hours. In the meanwhile, let's see what other ingredients tried to snatch my beloved."
You popped a gummy into your mouth that you had set aside earlier, savoring the taste while opening the drawer that was originally meant to hold some miscellaneous cooking tools.
Now, it was full of love letters to Monoma. Of course you replaced them with ones you wrote yourself, even if mimicking all that handwriting was a pain.
Monoma was worth the pain and effort. He always was.
"Let's see... I heard that there's a dessert made from chicken breast, right? Let's see if there's any ingredients that have bird features."
Suddenly you heard the door opening behind you. You swiftly closed the drawer after stuffing the letter back inside, turning back to the person that almost caught you.
You couldn't just kill him to get rid of the evidence if that wasn't obvious enough.
"So. What did you mean by liking honeyed cherries yesterday?"
"Hmmm... it's exactly what you think I mean."
You pulled your sleeves over your hands before covering the lower half of your face, putting on some chocolate-flavored lip balm quickly to mask any other possible flavors. And, since only the lower half of your face was covered, you got to see Monoma slowly go from annoyed and huffing to flustered
He's pinker when he's blushing out of embarrassment instead of anger.
"Cherries are sweet by themselves, but with a hint of honey-"
"I don't need any honey, I can be sweet by myself just fine! Hmmph!"
"Oh, really? Then... can I have a taste?"
He stiffened up the moment the thought of what you just said finally was processed in his head. It was kind of like watching a thermometer.
"Just kidding!" You teased, placing a finger on his nose playfully as you watched him rapidly change in demeanor.
"Or am I?"
You pressed your fingertip against his lips and pulled your hand back before licking your fingertip.
"W-wh... you can't just do that! That's... um, unsanitary!"
"Really? There's lots of other unsanitary things that I can do."
"Shut up!"
Monoma covered his lips, gazing at you as if you were going to eat him up.
It was very tempting. That trace taste was sweeter than most, if not all other candies you've eaten before.
However, delicacies like Monoma were meant to be savored in small nibbles for maximum flavor in your experience.
"Hmmm... don't wanna."
You kissed the back of his hand that covered his lips anyways, stealing a taste before he squeaked and ran off.
You licked your own lips. You couldn't recognize what flavor he was, but that was fine. It's your new favorite anyways.
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Many Roads Diverge in the Woods - Part Two
A JSE Interactive Fanfic
The results are in.
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Your path has been decided. Strange how such a small choice can change so much. Can't wait to see how you guys handle the situations that are coming :)c
The poll at the bottom to decide what happens next is only open for one day, expiring on October 5th at 12:00pm PST. Part Three will be up on October 7th at the same time.
“Thanks Jackie, but I think the food situation is a bit more important,” Chase says.
Jackie sighs. “Yeah, you’re probably right. But hey, you can always join later.” He turns and heads down the hall, leaving Schneep and Chase there.
“Ah, thank you, Chase,” Schneep says awkwardly.
“Hey, it’s no big deal. You’re right, if we don’t have food that’s kind of a bummer.” Chase leaves the bedroom, closing the door behind him. “Besides, if we don’t have anything, I’ll have to drive over to the town to get groceries. You guys should really pass your driver’s tests, you know.”
Schneep shrugs. “There has never been a need for it until now.”
The two of them head downstairs. Jackie has convinced Marvin and JJ to help him with the PS5, so they’re all currently crowded around the TV. “Hey guys.” Chase waves at them as he and Schneep walk past. “How’s it going?”
“Hey Chase,” Jackie says. “We’re teaching JJ how to set up a console.”
“It’s not that difficult,” Marvin adds, nudging JJ teasingly.
JJ rolls his eyes. Alright, alright, I get the picture.
Chase laughs as he and Schneep head into the kitchen/dining room combo. The rustic look continues here, though Chase can’t help but notice the countertops are made of fancy-looking green marble. Those must have cost a fortune. In fact, this whole place probably cost a lot. How did Jack’s family have access to this? They weren’t that well-off.
Schneep opens the refrigerator. “Ah, good, Jack was right. There is food.” He lets out a little breath of relief.
“This was really worrying you, huh?” Chase says, opening the cabinets. Each one was full of dried foods.
“I would like everything to go as expected.” Schneep closes the fridge and opens the attached freezer. It is also full. “You know that.”
“Yeah, you get a little, uh... anxious.” Chase gives him a small smile, hoping to reassure him. “Everything needs to be in control. I’m actually surprised you left the house keys by the door.”
“I did?” Schneep pats his pockets. “Oh, I-I forgot about that. You are right, I should probably hold onto those. I would hate to lose Jack’s keys.” He leaves the kitchen to go grab them.
Chase walks over to the archway connecting the area to the living room. Jackie and Marvin are now arguing about what to play while JJ fiddles with the controller. “Hey guys,” Chase calls. “We’re good on food. What d’you guys want to have for dinner?”
“You already know my list of foods I like,” Marvin says, shrugging.
I’m fine with whatever you want to make, JJ adds. It sounds like we may have limited options.
“We don’t want to make a mess,” Jackie points out. “Is there anything that’s easy to clean?”
“Uhh let’s check.” Chase turns around and looks through the kitchen again.
Schneep joins him. “I saw frozen pizzas in here,” he says, opening the freezer. “Yes, five of them.”
“Aw sweet, one for each of us,” Chase says. “Hmm, but would that be too messy?”
“Not unless our friends eat like your daughter,” Schneep jokes.
“Hey!... Well, that’s true.” Chase laughs. “Pizza it is, then. I don’t think five could fit in the oven at once, though. We won’t need all five, will we?”
Schneep shuffles through the freezer. “Oh! I think each one is our favorite, actually. Look, this one has olives for me, there is Jackie’s pineapple—ugh—and Marvin’s plain cheese. Jack must have really planned this out.”
“Huh. Okay, then, I guess everyone will have their own. Who’s the least hungry and ready to wait?”
Before Chase can go into the living room to ask the others, the lights in the kitchen all turn off at once, leaving only the light of the setting sun to illuminate the area. He hears Jackie and Marvin cry out in dismay, and he and Schneep return to the living room. “Of all the times!” Jackie complains.
“The power went out?” Chase says. “That’s weird.”
Perhaps it has been a while since the house was used and the fuse box is old? JJ suggests.
“I can go check,” Schneep suggests. “Jack said that the power was in the basement.” He walks over to the basement door, taking the house keys out of his pocket as he does so. After a couple tries, he finds the one to unlock the basement door, which then swings open. “Alright.” He turns to look back at everyone else. “I will be right back.”
“Hey, I can go with you, if you want,” Jackie offers.
Schneep laughs. “It is just a basement. I’m sure the worst that will happen is spiderwebs.” And before the others can say anything else, he heads on down. “I will text you if something is strange,” he calls, his voice getting farther and farther, echoing up the staircase.
Jackie frowns. “I don’t like that basement,” he mutters. “Strange that it was locked.”
This is more of a vacation home than a real home, JJ says. Of course they would lock everything up when they’re not using it.
“The bedrooms and bathrooms weren’t locked, though.”
“That’s cause the bedrooms and bathrooms only lock from inside,” Marvin says. “If they locked them, they’d have to leave through the windows, and I don’t think the ones in the bathroom open up.”
Jackie sighs. “Yeah, you guys are right. I’m probably just being weird cause it’s October and I’m thinking about horror movies.”
“I mean, if you’re really that worried about Schneep, you can follow him even if he said it would be fine,” Chase points out. “No one’s stopping you.”
“I could,” Jackie considers. He thinks about it.
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pastafossa · 1 year
so i've asked briefcasejuice about this already but i'd also like your take too - since you're part of the daredevil tumblr fandom council and all ...
I'm writing this scene and one of my ocs asks matt if he can handle spicy food and i wanted him to explain this whole thing about pain receptors in his mouth being "sensitive"... and how he hated pineapple because of the bromelain...(the substance that breaks up the protein in your mouth, that's why it's tingly)
and then my oc asks about like regular "body" pain since touch is after all one of the senses of his that have been heightened, and he explains something along the lines of even if the feeling of pain is heightened -- his body isn't actually weaker or more sensitive - so while he gets injured like anyone else he feels the pain of those injuries differently (more). over time he has gotten used to it but its still something he's working on as he hurts himself worse with every fight.
WHAT I'M GETTING AT is that i came to @briefcasejuice about this because they're very knowledgeable about matt stuff and comic matt especially, and they told me it did sound pretty accurate - so now i guess i just want to know -
how do you interpret or view matt's sensibility when it comes to pain - and if it came up in TRT (which maybe it did and i forgot oops?) how would you write it out?
and btw - congrats on the mango thing!! what's next on the fruit discovery journey 🤨 (what else can i be shocked that you didn't try)
Ok first of I love the idea of a Daredevil tumblr fandom council, because now I've got the image of all of us gathered solemnly to talk about DD fandom topics and headcanons like
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Second off, ooooh this is a good question. I can't remember if I've ever gotten deep into it in TRT, although it'll probably come up eventually. But I absolutely agree with @briefcasejuice, and with your take on it. This seems right, for a couple reasons, including my own experience with pain.
So a lot of this is based on my own issues (and one of the reasons I relate really strongly to Matt's sense of touch, touch starvation, and pain, and when writing generally include him being comforted and going near comatose beneath gentle touch). Without getting too specific, due to chronic pain and health problems, I experience something called allodynia - "pain due to a stimulus that does not normally provoke pain." Basically, my nerves are all spun up to 11 and even light sensation often reads as pain, regardless of whether I'm actually hurt - Matt's comment about 'cotton feels like sandpaper on my skin'? I get that, cause rough fabric's painful to me (another ex: put icy hot on my skin once, just about clawed it off my arm because I was convinced something had gone wrong and it was burning me). And on bad days, even very soft fabrics or, hell, a breeze, any sensation anywhere I have nerves feel like bits of glass grinding into a burn. Best explanation I have for a really bad day. And we know Matt's sense of touch is heightened. So I often think he feels a lot like me, and how you described it feels right.
Everything hurts more, even if you're not being hurt more, and even if your body's strong enough physically to take whatever's being done. Physically, there's no reason his body can't handle cotton sheets, or a food with acid, and God knows the man can take a punch. Functionally, his body is fine. But his nerves don't act that way. They send way more signals than they need to, and sure, this helps if he's trying to use them to his own advantage, but it also means he's left wide open to a far higher degree of pain from stimuli that most of us would consider more minor (pineapple, in this case) along with the pain we all regularly avoid.
Does he mostly block it out? Yes. Especially on a day to day, to the point where he may actually miss smaller injuries because he's focused on tuning out other, larger pains. I know I do - your brain eventually just goes 'oh new baseline and I still need to live so Imma put everything below it into the background so it doesn't stop us doing what we need to'. I hug people, I touch things that are rough, I use hot water with the dishes, and if I focus on it, I remember that it hurts a bit, but I've learned to tune that out for the most part. Much like me, Matt's dealt with this for years, so while he does what he can (soft sheets, avoiding certain foods, wearing certain types of clothes), he's gotten used to a lot of the day to day stuff he can't avoid, though like you said, as the injuries pile up, it just gets worse and worse as that pain stacks. Some of it might be tempered by surges of adrenaline and endorphins (why I theorize he can fight even when injured - tune it out thanks to all the practice, PLUS fighting so ferociously that his body pumps him up until he can ignore it, at least until he crashes afterwards, and crashes hard), but he's definitely feeling it far, far worse.
So I basically think it's likely, especially when pain is stacking, that he's just made a bunch of calculations for his everyday life on what's worth the pain and what isn't - certain foods? No point. Cotton sheets? No point. There is no benefit, and so he comfortably avoids it, whereas going out to fight he generally always sees as worth it since there's a tangible benefit. Those calculations at least are something we all do every day - we decide the pain of a tattoo or working out or that sour candy is worth it cause it gives us something we like. Matt just takes it up to 11. I can absolutely see him taking something like, say, pineapple - tingly and acidic - and not only feeling pain when eating it but also just literally running the mental math and going, 'yeah not worth it' because he's in enough pain day to day thanks to injuries and other things he can't avoid.
In summary: you're right and I headcanon Matt operates much like someone who's been dealing with allodynia for a while, which means he'd feel more pain from stimuli even if it's not hurting him, so he chooses things in his day-to-day to avoid and then just throws himself into the pain on big things and hopes the endorphins and adrenaline will help him tune it out.
LASTLY THANK YOU ON THE MANGO! I cannot BELIEVE I went so long without knowing how fucking delicious they were. New fruits I haven't tried that are on my list now that I realized I need to find if there are MORE DELICIOUS UNKNOWNS LIKE MANGOS: boysenberries, figs, grapefruit, guava, kumquats, passionfruit, papaya, prickly pears, and satsumas!
#daredevil#matt murdock#headcanon#allodynia#this is how i treat matt's dealing with pain anyway#i know it's not exact so i often make some adjustments#but there's just things he's said or done that resonate too much for my brain not to go 'like me??? matt is like me???'#which is strangely comforting#and so i've used a lot of personal experience to fill in the gaps on how he might operate in his day to day#and how he might function#in that he's YES more sensitive to pain even if there's not technically more pain#he just FEELS it more and his nerves TELL him it hurts more even if it's NOT hurting more#on the up (down?) side he can probably stand getting stitched up easily because he's felt way WAY more pain so it barely registers#because he's so used to tuning out even more pain so his brain's used to filing that away#BUT#when his concentration is down or he's tired that gets harder#same during injury stacking which'll only get worse as he gets older#either way he'd look at shit like pineapple and just go 'uh no that hurts I'll pass' because there's no good reason to eat it#we joke about matt's catholicism making him suffer and I joke about it too but#i think in reality he'd do these subtle little avoids for stuff like this unless he was REALLY depressed or in I Am Stick mode#or just has a good reason#and on some bad days he probably can't stand being touched tbh and would barely be able to drink room temp water (cold = pain)#at least it means the reverse it true - he'd absolutely melt beneath gentle touch or pleasant things or fleecy soft fabric#and sometimes even on bad days if you touch him *very* gently he'll tolerate the pain because he knows#that the oxytocin he gets from affectionate touch helps dull the sting just a little#(i realize this sounds bad ya'll can hug me if you see me at the con i won't turn them down i like hugs they're worth the sting)
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autistic-crypt1d · 2 months
Season 4 SGA live blogging:
Aight so Atlantis is stranded and lost in a void between systems leaking power, here we go!
S1, S2, S3
- man oh man is there a lot going on off the bat, Weir is down, Rodney is scrambling to figure out how to save everyone in the city, and John is now burdened with leading Atlantis
- god the guilt Rodney is having to shove aside to try and save everyone else is so bad ahhhhhhhhh
- ahhhh seeing John about to cry makes me wanna cryyyy
- the jumper coordination is so cool!!!
- and ofc, Teyla has Atlantis under control while Sheppard does what he does best
- I forgot to add this earlier, SAM
- Ronon is so sweet y'all, poor baby 😭
- seeing Rodney and Sheppard fight like that is so weird and I hate it
- not Rodney scolding Ronon like a damn dog
- how exactly could she do the hand in the head thing while having a mostly human body? Like, how's that work with human fingies
- ya know, the ancients really screwed any future people who discovered atlantis by not leaving the instructions on how to make a ZPM. If it does exist in the database they sure didn't make it at all easy to find considering they never do
- always knew you could do it John
- of course it's Teyla taking care of Weir's things and of course it's Ronon who comes to be with her during it 😭 I love them so much
- Reunion, oh boy
- Ronon I love you but they just tried to kill Teyla, you could acknowledge that before jumping for joy
- Sam in charge let's gooooooo
- PFFFFT the painted pineapple
- Rodney, I love you but please stop speaking
- Ronon, buddy, take it down a notch please
- aw man I just realized Ronon calls the expedition members his people 😭
- Ronon did decorate 😭
- these wraith are going down awfully easy, I can't tell if they're faking it cuz the 3 are in on it or they just haven't fed in a while
- yessss backup your team Ronon
- how tf did Rodney get in that thing
- poor Ronon man, he just cannot catch a break
- "Ronon, where are your friends?" "They're right here. Let's go home." MY HEART
- Doppelganger, ah crap
- please don't touch that John
- god damn it John
- I've never seen the shirt Teyla's wearing before! Very pretty as always
- poor Teyla
- ahhhhhh I hate Keller's nightmare dude!!!
- Ronon's nightmare being completely alone again and being hunted 😭
- Lorne, poor baby
- I have to say, they've introduced Keller as a main character really really well in my opinion
- oh Kate no 😭 (this is what inspired the heightmeyer joke btw)
- ah man John's expression, you know that he has to be feeling so damn guilty right now. He didn't kill her but touching that crystal did even if it's not his fault. Plus the fact that he knows that she died afraid of him. That has to hurt.
- Teyla hugging him after all that must have meant the world to him, he was so scared she would hate him
- of course Sheppard volunteers to be the one to go with Rodney
- god the devastation on John's face about Rodney...
- and of course Rondey runs back into danger for Sheppard!
- I wish we knew why the entity did this, like why it tormented and killed and tried to kill them. Surely by being in their mind they could tell they didn't mean to take it, also the fact that it drew him in, why?
- the team gathering together at the end is so cute
- ah Travelers, this episode is ok
- the closet scene is pretty funny tho
- Sheppard had that gun for all of 2 seconds before it ran out of ammo, but we've never once seen Ronon reload
- oh boy, Tabula Rasa. This episode is so good but also so trippy. It scared tf outta me as a kid
- the way they did the colorgrading, lighting, angles, sound track, so good and so eerie
- I can only imagine how terrifying it is forgetting like that so quickly. People like the doctors and soldiers hanging on to their duties over anything else, not even knowing why they're doing it
- I love the flashing back and forth too
- Ronon has the coolest jackets
- Ronon getting annoyed and impatient and just shooting Sheppard and typing him up will never not be funny
- poor Rodney, knowing that with Teyla gone he's going to completely forget any minute
- also hello Zane from Eureka
- it's so hard seeing Lorne like that, he's trying so hard
- come on John, stop pointing a gun at your bestie
- I love seeing Ronon take charge for once, he really is so smart and capable and awesome and I wish he got to shine more
- of course Rodney is the first person Sheppard asks about
- I'm not a fan of Rodney and Katie, but that was a cute moment
- OH BOY Missing, shit is about to get realllll
- I'm glad we get to see more of Teyla's absolute badassness in this episode even though it stresses me tf out
- poor Keller, her first introduction to off world shit and it's this
- Teyla's face when Keller is talking about summer camp 😂
- Teyla's ability to hold it together even after being told she is the last of her people, so intense
- not the Bola Kai with a damn lolipop XD
- again with Rodney and Sheppard hanging out in their free time playing games
- Teyla is so sweet to Keller, asking her about her home while they're captured
- I also very much love that Teyla and Keller got to bond
- The Seer is pretty interesting. There's 2 rather big plotlines going on here, the replicators annihilating human worlds, and the thing with Teyla's people.
- "well, this is awkward." "Yes."
- Miller's Crossing, this episode is a good one, very stressful. I love when they visit Earth tho, especially with Ronon.
- "I looked dumb!"
- I love that they call Todd "Sheppard's wraith"
- ok I get Rodney going in like a dummy with no backup, but Baret, come on you should know better dude
- also, where tf did Jeannie's change of clothes come from, did they grab them while they were kidnapping her or something??
- it's pretty hilarious they just put Ronon in the same outfit as Sheppard
- Jeannie, that was incredibly fucked up to say
- Walter, why the hell would you stop Ronon from eating while you are talking
- watching Sheppard talk that guy into getting fed on is... rough
- This Mortal Coil is a pretty good episode. The initial issue with the gate and then all the lead up, very cool
- this show has always done a great job of subtly hinting that something is wrong until it becomes undeniable
- I kinda love when Ronon and Rodney get paired up, they're so funny together
- I really love seeing more of the good replicators, they still do bad stuff, but they have dimension ya know?
- I believe that city being destroyed was Sam's vision tho
- the 2 groups meeting remind me of that one SG-1 episode, the "comtria!" dude who duplicates them
- gotta say, Jack takes it a lot worse than John's team does
- aw man, Rodney and Zelenka talking about losing Elizabeth and Carson... this is the first time we really see Rodney be honest about his feelings to anyone but Sheppard
- AHHHH and then Rodney and Sheppard talking about her
- Be All My Sins Remember'd, oof, seeing them trying to evacuate all the planets in the replicator's path before they get hit, that's rough
- PFFFFT the fucking "Colonel"s bit is hilarious
- poor Rodney never being allowed to fully explain :/
- Todd and Rodney are pretty funny together
- Todd looks different here for some reason
- Ridney and Zelenka always make me laugh when they work together istg. Their dynamic has changed so much since the start of the show too. They're much more comfortable around eachother now and interact on a friend level now
- PFFFFT, Ronon immediately moved away from Todd when Larin was gonna kill him
- Zelenka this is what happens when you leave Rodney alone for too long
- OOP, noooot a great moment to tell everyone you're pregnant
- awww Ronon 😭
- god Sheppard is so gay, I've never seen that man react normally to being flirted with by a woman
- pfffft Zelenka shuffling away at the awkward convo XD
- the way F.R.A.N. said "Hello" was so satisfying wtf
- the replicator blob is horrifying I love it
- I always forget how this Elizabeth survived
- Spoils of War, Todd you sneaky bastard
- Ronon is the sweetest y'all, "who says you have to keep up?", him and the rest of the team are gonna love her no matter what, but he's the first one to tell her that
- PFFFT Ronon pulling Rodney out of the room
- Lorne!!
- if this is the episode I think it is, OH BOY
- oh? Maybe not?
- "you touched something didn't you" "no... maybe a little"
- again with Sheppard knowing random ass very specific things about Rodney
- ah gross, the birthing facility
- why do they have the same access play like, all the queens
- Lorne is so sweet 😭
- oh boy, Quarantine
- of course the boys are hanging out again
- pfffft of course everyone's first thing is to try and call Rodney
- Teyla is so over John being skittish about her pregnancy
- oh my god Ronon and Keller are so damn awkward together
- damn it Radek, just let Sam workkkkk
- you're yelling me that Chuck climbed down the tower???
- Harmony, this episode is pretty funny honestly, and I'm always a fan of John and Rodney on their own doin stupid shit
- the kid annoys tf out of me
- why are the Genii always doing this shit
- their faces when she's talking about John like they're married is hilarious
- Outcast, I like this episode a lot, but poor John man
- Rodney requested to go with him AHHHHHH
- pffffft Ronon just showing up like, I'm coming with you, obviously
- ahhhh see this is a much better outfit for Ronon than the last one where they just duplicated what Sheppard was wearing
- not to mention the second outfit with the vest???
- the girl is a badass, gotta say
- Trio... OH WAIT
- this episode stresses me tf out
- it's kinda hilarious that it's 3 nerds stuck though. I mean like, is Sam military and a badass? Yes, but she is also first and foremost a huge nerd.
- man Sam gets like one off world mission in this show and she gets beat tf up during it, we're already at 2 of 3 big ass falls and the 3rd one is OUCHY
- Sam is such a badass, ugh I love seeing her in action again
- Rodney, Rodney please shut up, PLEASE SHUT UP
- 1. Should've tied the rope off a lot shorter. 2. Should've shoveled out dirt as you went
- Rodney really comes in clutch during the escape
- look, Rodney and Keller are cute, I will admit that, but him and Sheppard are still my favorite
- midway is such a good episode oh my god
- yay Teyla is back!!! I missed her
- "I must admit, I am partial to the tator tots" PFFFFFT
- god I've missed Teal'c
- them fighting is so damn good
- *drops sticks, immediately starts first fighting*
- I forgot how small the room is, especially once you put two big ass dudes like Ronon and Teal'c in it
- now see, why tf would they not install and iris on the midway station gates just in case
- man SGA is a lil lazy with their wraith casting, we've seen this same dude play like 3 different wraith that all look identical but can't possibly be the same because we see them die. And the same woman plays pretty much every single female wraith.
- like we just saw this wraith dude die in the cloning facility episode. Technically I guess it could be that he's a clone but to my knowledge, they only cloned soldiers not the other ones
- also, couldn't have locked down the control room a lil quicker? Like idk, THE DOORS
- PFFFT the little smack Sheppard gives Rodney
- the alien boys and their funky alien energy weapons
- I hate him but his hair is nice rn, finally got rid of the weird ponytail
- god it breaks my heart seeing McKay's expression when he thinks Sheppard is dead
- Rodney's face when he finds Sheppard 😭
- poor Teal'c man, he's been through the ringer again and again and now getting fed on by a wraith???
- oop, there goes midway
- the IOA meeting lighting is so weird and creepy I hate it
- how'd they open the jumped from the outside?
- PFFFT Ronon waking Sheppard is so cute, I love them so much
- also, where did they pee during the time stuck in the jumper cuz... they were in there for at least 2 days
- The Kindred pt 1, yesssss a Teyla focused episode!!! I missed her
- Hoffan virus comes back once again
- poor Lorne like, uhhhh Teyla, whatchya doin with that knife
- Lorne has such a sweetie pie vibe, like, look at that face!!
- ah crap, Michael is back again
- Lorne came back looking like a dog that got caught getting into the trash, pure shame face
- woah I forgot Michael figured out how to stop needing to feed. See now why can't they just be friends now, if they don't need to feed on humans they can be buddiessss
- ouch ouch ouch, Rodney's face seeing Carson again 😭
- part 2, boy howdy there's a lot going on this episode
- Ronon and Sheppard's tactical roll over the counter plus Rodney literally pushing Carson out if the way is hilarious
- Poor Keller man, it's gotta be hard having to save the life of the guy who not only tried to kill you and your friend, but also alerted Michael to the location of the Athosians
- ahhhhhh I hate her being in the table dude it's so creepy!!! Michael stop being creepy to Teyla!!!
- the mix of joy and fear Teyla showed when Michael showed her the ultrasound is so sad
- why tf is that extra just standing in the background staring like that wtf
- did he have brown hair when we last saw him? I could've sworn it was white. Like I get that he's been messing with the mix of wraith and human dna but still
- Rodney is so protective of Carson it's so wholesome 😭 his first instinct when gun fire starts is to protect him
- aw man, Teyla now on top of all that having to come to grips with Carson being alive again, OOF
- last episode of the season and boy is it a dosey! The Last Man.
- the idea of being alone in Atlantis is HORRIFYING
- this episode is so sad y'all
- Todd!!
- Ronon 😭
Season 5
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"Strawberry enjoyers"
My last story about the interaction of our Farmers. Thank you very much for the kind words 💕, and feel free to throw a tomato at me if I forgot about someone's farmer 😅 The story of how Julian and Josephine (@jazhand OC) wanted to surprise everyone with unusual strawberries, but Elisa (@elisa6102 OC) outdid everyone.
The whole Republic knows that in the middle of spring begins one of the favorite seasons of all sweet tooths - ripe strawberries will soon fill store shelves. And all as one will agree that there are no tastier and healthier strawberries than in Stardew Valley. Hard-working and caring farmers put on sale the long-awaited berries, which are immediately sold to everyone. Given how this berry boosts the Valley's economy, Lewis decided to dedicate an entire festival to strawberries. The festival is not as large as the egg festival, but Pelican Town residents, as well as many tourists, have embraced the idea. Local farmer Elisa, the biggest strawberry lover in the world, was especially supportive of the idea.
In addition to selling the berries themselves, the farmers decided to display strawberries that would make people gasp with delight and amazement.
Julian decided to use special organic fertilizers and a method of growing strawberries so that the berry was about the size of a human fist. Neither flavor nor health benefits were lost in the growing process, and passing children gasped in amazement and tugged at their parents' clothes, asking them to linger near the display and look at the unusually large berry.
Josephine, a kind and hardworking farmer, decided to introduce people to a new variety of strawberry that no one had ever seen before. White pineapple strawberries impress with an unusual fruit flavor! The berries are sweet, juicy and flavorful, and they are very much loved by children! The appearance of the berry is also striking. It is not like other varieties of red strawberries, it has a white color and red seeds. Like beautiful pearls, they lay on display, and gathered the attention of not only the crowd, but also other farmers, asking Josephine with interest about the strawberries and praising her for her work.
"Oh oh oh! I should definitely buy some from you. It's so beautiful, and it smells so good!" Elisa spun around past Josephine's display, looking at the unusually colored berry.
"Why buy some?", Josephine said, smiling. "Help yourself". She held out a small basket to Elisa, from which Elisa immediately took a couple of berries. "You too, Julian", She held out the basket now toward Julian, who had just arrived. He didn't refuse his colleague's tasty treat either.
"Mmm, delicious! Thank you so much, Josephine."
Julian also thanked Josephine for the strawberries with a nod, not risking opening his mouthful of delicious berries.
"Listen, Elisa, I want to ask you", Josephine suddenly said. "You told us before the festival that you were making unusual strawberries for the exhibition too. Where's your display?"
"Oh! There it is, by the cherry tree"
Josephine turned her head in the direction Elisa had pointed..... and became speechless. Under the tall tree was Elisa's display, and in it was a single strawberry... probably the size of a whole car. Julian almost choked with berries when he saw Elisa's display as well. And these are real miracles: literally a minute ago there was nothing under the tree, and then once - and a huge strawberry!
"Holy cow...", Julian said.
"Indeed", Josephine confirmed his words.
Elisa looked with pride and tenderness at the fruits (or better say berries) of her labor (and a little bit of magic), deep down hoping that no one would buy her strawberries, and she could eat them herself.
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ignore this let me rant about my surge playlist because i really love it
i dont think this majorly fits surge's character (other than the lady gaga meat dress part) but i think she'd probably do covers of queef jerky in universe (provided her life wasnt the way it is)
2. The Mind Electric Miracle Musical
i really love tally hall/miracle musical so um. dont be surprised to find them in a playlist of mine made after i started listening to them. the most commonly accepted theory is that its about someone being given electro shock therapy until they die/lose their mind, which (sort of) fits surge's story!!!
3. Modify Lemon Demon
the song is about extreme body mods. which kinda fits surge i guess.
4. Amnesia Was Her Name Lemon Demon
5. People Eater Sodikken
i think this song is meant to be about an abusive relationship??? it only very loosely fits but its a banger and i cant remove it
6. Fighter Jack Stauber
i dont think this song majorly fits either honestly but it can fit if you make it fit
7. ...Because I'm Young Arrogant And Hate Everything You Stand For Machine Girl
i cant hear most of the lyrics theyre screamed BUT I THINK SHE'D LIKE IT!!! also from what i can make out, it does fit
8. Ghost Machine Girl
this song's instrumental so it's entirely just 'well i think she'd listen to it and its a good song'
9. & Tally Hall
this song's about duality which doesnt majorly fit surge but absolutely sounds like something she'd listen to. also, later on in the playlist, there's A Lady which i added 2 months later which is a follow up of &.
10. Turn the Lights Off Tally Hall
urrrr it's about puberty and she's a teenager urrrr ummm
11. Doku Hakushi Hasegawa
this song barely fits BUT it sounds like something she'd like :D
12. SR20DET Blksmiith
instrumental but you CANNOT tell me she doesnt like breakcore and jungle
13. AM FM Vertigoaway
see above
14. Palmtree Panic - "B" Mix SEGA SOUND TEAM
ok so first of all this song actually is from sonic and second of all it sounds like trying to smile while wanting to scream which ig fits
15. Metallic Madness - "P" Mix SEGA SOUND TEAM
again, this is actually from sonic and also it sounds like something vaguely relating to surge
16. Oh Klahoma Jack Stauber
this song is about someone whose friend has social anxiety and they're trying to help them become social, which hurts not only the friend but the narrator themself. while not fully accurate, i could very easily imagine surge as the narrator and kit as the friend
17. Dead Weight Jack Stauber
similarly to oh klahoma, this is about someone who wants to be social but is unsure how. it doesnt really relate to surge but screw you jack stauber is a wonderful artist
18. The Dragon Game A Loud Scream SEGA SOUND TEAM
see 12, however with the addition of 'also its sonic team'
19. icosa Oliver Buckland
WOOHOO YIPPEE ENA!!!! (this song isnt FROM ena, but plays in auction day)
20. anemoia Oliver Buckland
21. God Race (Temptaion Stairway) Metaroom
22. Kitty City Cyriak Harris
the animation to go with this has nothing to do with surge but i think the music gives surge vibes! ALSO its instrumental so you cant dispute that
23. Scrap Brain Zone Masato Nakamura
scrap brain zone, both as a song and as a stage, absolutely gives surge vibes. in sonic 1, im pretty sure every stage other than sbz and final zone has some form of natural element, and at the very least has happy sounding music. i also slightly associate scrap brain zone with overwhelming misery, due to the way it sounds, the name and also because when i first played sonic 1 i was stuck on it for ages omg
24. Unused Song (Sonic 2) Masato Nakamura
something about this song, including the fact it wasnt used, feels incredibly mysterious, which i mean you can link mystery to surge in a lot of ways
25. FAMILY GUY QUEEF JERKY, ethan is online
similar to the first one except its only 'i think surge would like queef jerky'. i dont know how you link this song to anything other than family guy.
26. A Lady Tally Hall
i think this surge vaguely fits surge and for some reason i cant help but picture this with surgamy. i mostly added it tho because i got mildly obsessed with it and had an excuse to add it seeing as & is in the playlist earlier
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fryingpan1234567 · 2 years
Masterlist? Kind of? REWRITE
fandoms list (yes this is everything, not in any particular order): Hermitcraft, ESMP, Life Series, Marvel, DC, WOF, Riordanverse, MHA, Trap House/ XPLR, Divergent, Hunger Games, Maze Runner, Disney, ATLA, Wizarding World, IT, Ducktales, any and all theater (TECH PEOPLE UNITE), Gravity Falls, SVTFOE, Thomas Sanders, Daredevil, horror (Scream especially my beloved), Transformers, Jurassic World, Star Wars, Little Nightmares, Pacific Rim, Monsterverse, Pitch Perfect, RWRB, Young Royals, Osemanverse, SCP, Six of Crows, TAWOG, Berrybrook/ BBMS, Descendants, TMNT, Alan Becker/ AVM, Top Gun, Umbrella Academy, Neytirix, Voltron, Greatest Showman, X-men, Zelda, DBD, Undertale, Daughter of the Deep, Poppy Playtime, Black Phone, Murder Drones, Free Guy, Good Omens, Nimona (movie), COD, Hazbin Hotel, Dead Boy Detectives, Fast and Furious, AOUAD, WEBTOONs: Homesick, Boyfriends, School Bus Graveyard, High Class Homos, Everything is Fine, BWFA, Clinic of Horrors, Reunion, Castle Swimmer, The D!ckheads
ship moment (and I’m probably forgetting some):
Hermitcraft/ ESMP/ Life Series etc—
Mostly a multishipper? But I do have some favorites
Team ZIT
GLASS!! SPOUSES!! I will die on this hill
Team Rancher
Nature Wives
Marvel —
Parleynova/ any variation
Kate x Yelena I don’t remember
Shuri x MJ
Spideypool but fem
Steph x Cass x Kara?? Not sure about that name lol
Harlivy (DUH)
Yeah yeah I’m a multishipper you know the drill
Sunny is aroace fight me
Moon is also. Aroace
Lynx and Snowfall
Pineapple and Jambu😭
Plus a bunch from Lauren Black’s books if you haven’t read them go do it she may as well be canon
Obligatory Percabeth
Solangelo (duh)
Malconnor (MY BELOVEDDD)
NEW SHIP ALERT: Engineering bfs (Jake Mason x Malcolm Pace)
Wizarding World (oh boy)—
The constant struggle over choosing between Drarry and Scorbus is real
But also Hedric
Wolfstar duh
I don’t remember the Teddy x James one but
It (2017 + 2019)—
we stan aroace Mike
Racer bfs
I don’t know any ship names help
OP and Ratchet
Wheeljack and Bulkhead
Arcee and Arachnid just not when they’re toxic
Star Wars—
Stormpilot ftw
What’s the mando princess x priestess one again
Don’t talk to me canon ships are perfect
Starting off by saying these are CHILDREN and I’m not sexualizing them in any way
Canon ships are SO CUTEEE I CAN’T
I think Jensen is aroace
Hedgehog and whatever that emo kid from the Diary is called (I KNOW THEY’RE MINOR CHARACTERS LEAVE ME ALONE)
Listen I know that Alex and Joseph are both taken but I’m ngl I thought they were dating at the beginning of Enemies
Send ships I’ll probably agree with you
Harlos and Umvie are superior
Multiship lol
Top Gun—
Payback and Fanboy
Bob and Phoenix
Susie x Julie
Hag x Blight
Any of the girls paired up
I know zero ship names
Black Phone—
Finbin/ Rinney
Murder Drones—
I… don’t like Uzi, sorry
Not gonna ship her with N
And V is toxic
And Cyn is a psychopath but they had good chemistry— I like her (thus far)
J and Tessa they’re cute
Thad is gay as fuck. That is all
Nimona x anarchy and murder <33
Okay omg
I think all the ships are honestly arguable we don’t really have bad ones
BUT I do have my favorites
Soapghostroach/ any variation but especially that one
Gaz x Jackson
Alex x Farah I forgot the name lmao
Vox x Valentino
Huskerdust (AAAAAAAAAA)
Personally I’m on Tommie’s side as far as shipping Rayne goes but I do love Sam
Unfortunately. Most of the characters are dead
There’s not a lot of people to ship
Taylor x Ash
Logan x Ben
The fact that there’s official art of them TvT my heart
Castle Swimmer—
Mono x Galoo
Honestly Skiff is so cute. If Kappa and Siren are poly that would be so
Fizz is a dick. That is all
If Levi and Eli and Marcus don’t end up together I swear to god
The mean girl and the druggy they’re perfect for each other
people that own my heart (aka I will write/ rb x readers for, but that doesn’t happen often):
Jason Todd/ Red Hood
Dick Grayson/ Nightwing
Simon Ghost Riley
König (my person hc for his real name is Jakob Kilgore, but I don’t tag him like that)
Any non-specific Ghostface
Matt Murdock/ Daredevil
Sam and Colby
some AU’s I got:
Superhero au (Hermitcraft)
Theater au (Hermitcraft)
Marvel x DC
DC x Riordanverse
High school au (DC)
Greatest Showman au (DC)
Hunger Games au (Riordanverse)
PacRim au (Riordanverse)
Wizarding World au (Riordanverse)
Riordanverse x Marvel
Band au (Wizarding World/ Marauders era)
IT x Stranger Things
Everybody lives au (TBP)
Riordanverse au (COD)
I got 2 different band aus for COD— one is Måneskin themed and the other is Arctic Monkeys
Top Gun au (COD)
Halo au (COD)
Avatar au (COD)
PacRim au (COD)
SCP au (COD)
Jurassic World au (COD)
Homesick x SBG
non-specific tags:
DBD is what I tag everything horror, even if it’s not in the game lmao
everything random that isn’t really related to anything is tagged shitpost
’save’ is everything I wanna come back to
so I know I forgot some ships. send some in I’ll probably agree with you lol
ask! me! about! my oc’s! I have literally tons for basically every fandom so
yes you can make oneshot/ headcanon requests for almost any of these
I yell about a different fandom every day filter by tags XD don’t see the one you’re looking for because I haven’t made anything for it yet? ask away!
consistent formatting is a myth. sometimes I use proper capitalization and punctuation. sometimes I do one and not the other. sometimes I don’t do either. I’m consistent PER POST at least LMAO
asks always open!
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
The end:(( sobs cries wails
Time to loop bittersweet symphony
Oh yeah i forgot about the surprise bday jdsvfkgkf tommy is so SWEET i hate him sobs hes sooo<33
the fucking fire IM LAUGHFOGNGKG i loved this bit so much its so funny ohmugod
Its sooo lovely:( this fic is so lovely i want to cry picturing the house they live in :( they mean the world to me :( i love hats so much
Petition for u to write a chat fic /hj
The texts are some of my fav parts of this fic 😭 theyre so fucking hilarious bee, I'd consume the shit outta a chat fic if u wrote one
I love techno shfkgklgf
When i first read this fic I'd never had cider and was against alcohol bc i thought it all tasted like shit 😭😭 but then once i turned legal age i had cider and DAMN BRO i love cider sm...
I had this delicious berry flavoured one... somersby... so good FHGKKG
I honestly was shocked that i liked cider considering that apple flavoured things normally make me feel nauseous, but cider tasted diff enough that i was able to enjoy it !!!
"I love you"
U are SO good at writing music into fics man... ur so good at describing it
Youre such a talented author bee, i don't think I'll ever get over just *how good* u are at writing
The way you describe stuff... sk well so pretty rahhsss
I love this fic so much
It is 2 am whoops... worth it tho ❤️
This fic makes me feel so whole i adore it with everything i love ti sosoososo much:( i think it gen might be my fav fic by you... it is so lovely:( it means so much to me
Also damn yeah bittersweet symphony fit this fics vibes sooo well, its just been on loop for half n hour shfjgkg
Okie i go sleep now, thanks for being the best author ever ❤️❤️
I loved writing the surprise birthday party in this for many reasons. for one thing it felt natural after I wrote about wilbur throwing tommy a birthday party in nocturnal animals, and also I wrote honey and tangerines over the course of the summer. in a way that timeline of tangerines followed real time, because I wrote the wilbur surprise birthday party in mid to late september which is roughly around cc!wilbur's actual bday (yes yes I know he could be lying about his birthday but it's the one we all go with) so it just felt very fitting time-wise
the fire 😭 I love writing tubbo's antics so much
"petition for you to write a chatfic" you do not know the war flashbacks you just gave me with that
you wanna know why I'm good at writing funny texts? it's bc I have experience. I'm never going to publicly reveal my old ao3 (not really out of embarrassment but bc I don't want people I know from that account to find out I'm writing mcyt fic bc I will legitimately lose friends), but on that old ao3 when I was 16 I wrote a voltron chatfic. and it got somewhat popular. not super popular or anything, but it was my most popular fic up until I started writing for mcyt and it's how I really learned how to write humor. anyway the voltron fandom was the worst fandom experience I've ever had and I hated the ship the chatfic was centered on by the time I finished it bc the fandom was just so goddamn annoying about it. anyway yeah I can't write chatfic anymore it brings back war memories LMAO
I love cider man I love going to a bar and getting a nice cold cider if there isn't any beer I want. it's just so refreshing! and yes not all of it tastes like apples! I had a pineapple cider at a bar recently and it was so good
god I had so many emotions writing the card scene between crimeboys just waaaaa tangerines crimeboys i miss you
I'm so glad I write the music in my fics well, I try so hard to integrate it in a way that feels natural and doesn't pull the reader out of the scene
bittersweet symphony is a song that means a lot to me for many reasons so I usually have a rule to never include it in anything I write so it just stays as something for me, but it fit too perfectly for this fic for me to not throw in there and I'm so glad I did
thank you icy you're so sweet I'm really proud of how I wrote so much of honey and tangerines it's definitely one of my favorite things I've done. I'm so glad you enjoyed your reread :D
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1358456 · 2 years
Zelda - LAD Finale
Time to speedrun this as much as possible! ... Unfortunately, I’m also feeling quite sick today, so I can’t actually finish the game.
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Oh joy. Nydus Worms in a quicksand pit. ... I totally forgot what the hell I was doing in this game, and why.
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Gee, I wonder who this man is...
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This feels like one of those cheat codes in the old games where you input a series of keys at the start menu or something. In RSE, the Regis had something like this, written in visual braille, with Emerald telling you to do slightly different things. Fly/Flash in the center of the room. Left/Right 2, down 2, then use Strength/Rock Smash. Regice’s one had you just sit there for 2 minutes. And I spent so long trying to decipher that thing, the door opened while I was halfway done.
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I... assume the DX version of this game came out after the transition to color.
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Thanks for the hint? “Ha, you won’t kill me like that? Here, try doing this! ... Wait a minute...”
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Lonk desires power overwhelming. Hm. More and more mini bosses are being added. That does make things interesting, but time consuming.
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Not even remotely close! Now give me that fairy! Lonk carefully holds the delicate fairy in his hands. The fairy looks up at him, wondering what he intends to do with her. Lonk digs around his backpack, trying to find a jar, but doesn’t find any. With no options to keep the fairy around for the future, Lonk moves the fairy closer and stuffs her into his mouth. The fairy can only scream as Lonk chews and eats her for HP gain.
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I took the blue pill. I don’t give a damn about how deep the rabbit hole goes. If this was an RTS, I absolutely would’ve taken the damage output. Dead enemies don’t deal damage... apart from Banelings. But in this game, with so many respawning enemies, I need the armor upgrade. Can I get +3 Carapace and Chitinous Plating?
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Ehh... flowers are expensive, sure, but I don’t think a single flower is worth as much as a full pineapple. Still trading down.
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Yay, I got the Dive HM! ... But where’s the Surf HM? Well, fortunately, this item has both abilities. So I can now go underwater! ... Is there a drowning mechanic in this game?
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What a sad boss fight. ... Is that a skull down there? Lonk holds the skull in his hands, and realizes that the skull belonged to his cousin Lunk the Drunk. Link warned Lunk repeatedly to not go near the water while drunk as a fish, but it appeared that Lunk only heard the fish part. “Alas, poor Lunk. I knew him, Marin. A fellow of infinite jest.”
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... Can I help you? ... And do you mind? Lonk is trying to enjoy a little swim! A little privacy, please? ... Ooh, a heart container!
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And that is where I will leave off. I’ll probably continue with the game off-Tumblr at another time. But there is far too much left of this game to finish before the final post goes up, and I don’t want to do it. I’m feeling sick, I have places to go still, and I spent far too much time earlier today watching both ASL and GSL. Oops. Any day I can watch both ASL and GSL is a good day. Would’ve been great if I wasn’t sick. Oh well. So Lonk’s Tumblr journey is officially over. Besides, I don’t think I can stuff in any more goofy Lonk shenanigans, so the rest is just going to be a boring playthrough of a decades old game.
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wodenscild · 2 years
on a scale of 1/100 how feral are the people over there in Australia, and also maybe some examples. I am bored, feel stupid and need distraction.
Hmmm… it depends??? Like the general Australian attitude is just feral??? Okay so- we have this thing where we always talk about invading New Zealand specifically so we can have a day off every year if we win?? Also we have an obsession with building oversized things? In the state capital we have a giant pineapple statue that is also a museum?? & in a town north of me we have a big mango to celebrate how good this region’s mangoes are LDOLSCKSKDL OH OMGS I FORGOT TO MENTION TOAD GOLF- so cane toads are invasive species here who have poisonous glands on their back that poisons native wild animals & is actually making a fair few of them endangered- so what locals do to “help” is… well… grab a golf club & just hit them as far as possible… hhhhhh
But Australians can also be feral /neg :// my sibling dropped out of school cos arseholes kept sending death threats & harassment & what not not fun
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