#my guy just really needs a break tbh. a nap if he can swing one. the chance to fucking chill out a little bit :''
ipatrichor · 2 years
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Juno Duskrym || Half-Elf Warlock/Rogue
A boogeyman in the criminal underworld, the Revenant is an enforcer in a syndicate that exists to serve an ancient power. The distinctive bird’s skull mask and dark robes strike fear, and whispers abound surrounding the potential origins and identity of such a dark creature.
Behind the mask is Juno, an orphan with drow heritage and nowhere to go. Heavily traumatized and trapped in a pact he doesn’t fully understand, he views himself as an extension of his patron’s will rather than a person. Even the sharpest tools dull without proper maintenance, though, and Juno has not been careful with himself for a long time.
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59writes · 3 years
written for the lovely @honeyylin
again, thank u for being my first request, I will love u eternally (:
I might do the other version still, idk yet!!! but I hope this is satisfactory!!!
(also shout out to my phone for autocorrecting “finally” to “fistula” I hate it here lol)
tw: food, injury
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• Homeboy would do his damn best to stay focused on whatever task at hand!!!
• he knows you’re a responsible person and you reassured him on the phone that you’re completely fine, but he’s still got the jitters
• but after he zones out for the third time in a row, Jihoon kicks him out of the studio and tells him to go home
• “you’ll do better there, hyung.”
• “But… the songs-“
• “you’re not exactly contributing right now. go home.”
• and so he does, fidgeting the whole way back
• his anxiety is truly at a peak as he reaches the apartment door, practically chewing through his lip as he fumbles with the keys
• he calls your name the second the door swings open
• “y/n?”
• your head pops up from the couch, tired but grinning wildly. “Cheol!”
• the next thing you know he’s wrapping you in a hug, tension finally leaving him
• “I thought you were at the studio.” You frown when he finally moves away.
• “Jihoon made me leave.” He pouts, sitting down on the floor, eyes even with your leg, which is propped up on a chair. “I was too… out of it?”
• “Aw. I’m really okay, Cheol.” You assure again, reaching down to grab his hand, giving it a squeeze.
• “I know, I know. Just… worried.”
• It’s very clear he’s trying not to make a fuss and ask a million questions about the state of your existence, so you pat the couch next to you.
• “C’mon, we’ve got the day off now. Do you wanna finish the show?”
• His face reluctantly breaks into a grin, hopping up to join you on the couch
• and both of you forget about the pains for a little while as you lose yourself in the screen
• it’s peaceful and warm, and finally, you both get a chance to slow down
• maybe you should get injured more often (/j)
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• he trusts that you’re completely fine, but he does not trust that you won’t somehow hurt yourself again
• he will babyproof the house for the next few days
• “nope, you’re not allowed to chop vegetables. give me the celery.”
• “hey! let me get that, idiot, you’re hurt.”
• “I don’t care. If you want the cat then text me and I’ll get her for you.”
• just generally being a nuisance, you know how it is
• but still, in his babyproofing he does make sure you take your pain meds on time, setting a little alarm on his phone so he can wake you up with a glass of water and your pills
• he also doordashes you your favorite food without announcing like he just says “Steve is on his way with food” and you have to just ponder who Steve is until some guy knocks on your door
• “he paid me extra to say that you’re the love of his life, so…”
• “let’s not and say we did.”
• he always makes sure to order something sweet too (:
• but yeah he’s doing work around the house and forcing you to stay in bed
• tbh it’s like having a very bossy butler lol
• but hey, at least he’s actually doing his own laundry for once!
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• oh my god he drops everything when he gets your text
• it’s literally just “hey josh can I get some help? I hurt myself moving some furniture” and this man goes feral
• you know how someone is so anxious that their brain shuts off and they’re scarily calm??? Joshua.
• he’s at your house in like, five minutes
• and tbh you just wanted him to finish moving the bookshelf so you didn’t have to
• but now he’s gently scolding you while wiping dirt and blood from your leg
• it’s not even that big of a cut but he’s treating it like open heart surgery
• like his hands are so gentle…
• of course he moves the bookshelf after a little more scolding before like,,, making soup like this man would definitely make soup
• like it’s just an annoying cut that’s gonna leave a bruise and this man is making some chicken noodle in the next room over like you’re dying of pneumonia
• it’s some good ass soup tho (:
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• he would not know what to do tbh but he would be excellent company while you waited to heal
• he’d definitely be very panicky but would hide it as best he could!! cuz you’re the top priority!!!
• he’d lurk and when you get up he’d be like “do you need anything? aspirin? food?” and you’re just like “Jun I’m good I just need to go to the bathroom”
• he definitely knows exactly what you like, and does his best to do things like keep your favorite show on, or make you tea.
• (even when you assure him that you’re fine)
• his help is very random and antsy but still excellent lol
• and the fact that he’s constantly here to help really proves how much he cares about you and your health (:
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• oh god, this man
• he’d be all over the place
• overreacting and then scolding and then just zoning out and then he falls asleep smh.
• this man would get out a chainsaw and ask which door you stubbed your toe on so he can destroy it lol
• but alas, no chainsaw is around (thank goodness)
• and so Soonyoung just gets to blame everything else while you’re replacing bandages or whatever
• like, he’s going on about how “just because they have safety stickers on ladders doesn’t mean they’re safe!!” and you’ll hold out your hand for gauze and he’d instinctively just grab it and put it in your hand even though he’s on a bit of a rampage
• he also most definitely is the kind to get a stuffed animal for when you’re hurt lol like every time you get sick or injured badly he gets you a bear that says “get well soon” on its stomach or on the heart it holds in its hands and eventually you just have a pile of creatures encouraging you to be healthy
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• this man is just. excellent
• he’s caring without being demeaning, and is just so so so helpful
• he comes home and sees your arm bandaged up and just asks what happened
• and you tell him the story and he tries to hide his smile when he hears about your dumb mistake
• but still he’s patient and willing to help!!
• it’s like he could read your mind on what you needed and would just materialize behind you with a drink or an aspirin or something
• and he’d stay in the room with you whenever he could, reading or texting silently
• it was nice having such a caring presence next to you, even if he didn’t chat much
• I mean, the quiet helped you nap more easily too
• and somehow whenever you woke up, he was still there, keeping an eye on you
• if he had to leave for whatever reason he’d gently wake you up to let you know he was headed out and to call him if you need anything
• he makes the healing process peaceful (:
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• when he hears the news he’s just. suddenly very very quiet
• like this man is out of it.
• he brushes off the others when they ask what happened, and makes it through the day fairly uneventfully
• when he gets home you almost don’t hear him, only noticing when he shuts the door
• “Jihoon?”
• He beelines straight to you before wrapping you in a huge hug. big tight hug.
• definitely swaying back and forth a little <3
• but you’re just like “woah ok bud what’s up with you”
• and one look at his face says everything
• it’s just been so much: the stress of a comeback, dealing with the managers and the other boys, and then his s/o gets hurt on top of that?
• maybe he needs a break too
• and so you both take one
• I hope you like sleeping lol
• basically you guys take the next few days to recover, just ordering food up and watching shows in silence before falling asleep together on the couch or even the floor once (hey the rug is soft!!!)
• and one day you wake up to find your injury no longer aching
• and the bed is empty next to you
• so you get up and peer down the hallway
• and Jihoon is in the kitchen, playing soft classical music while cutting vegetables
• he notices as you approach, silently offering you a carrot stick
• “I see you’re feeling better too?”
• he nods.
• you both spend the rest of the morning waking up again, cleaning the house and making food, Jihoon’s energy and personality slowly coming back too
• maybe your break wasn’t as much of him taking care of you, but you taking care of each other
• almost as if you’re tied together somehow, your ups and downs mutual
• either way, after that you’re both a lot more aware of the balance and way of recovery you two have
• and you can predict things in advance for next time!
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Mingi “BF Headcanons”
Hongjoong version // Seonghwa version // Yunho version // Yeosang version // San version // Mingi version // Wooyoung version // Jongho version // 
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- Mingi 
- Mingo Mango
- Tol but smol baby
- @a-drawingpanda​ ‘s baby
- Now Mingi
- oh sweet baby Mingi
- Is surprisingly awkward when it comes to the first date
- and asking you out 
- it’s filled with a lot of stuttering 
- stumbling over his words 
- avoiding eye contact
- etc
- He’s kind of scared of saying something dumb
- so he opts for not talking at all
- but you know Mingi
- he’s loud and boisterous
- so you could figure out that he was nervous
- and let him know he has no reason to be
- that you wouldn’t have said yes to a date
- if you didn’t like him
- that you like him for who he is and he doesn’t have to hide that
- Cue his beautiful wide smile
- maybe a loud laugh
- all nerves would slowly shake off
- Mingi would break out of his shell
- now idk why I have this image 
- but Mingi would love a picnic as a first date
- on a nice sunny day
- eating good food
- talking
- preferably by a playground
- so he can push you around on swings 
- and go down the slide with you and just goof off
- he’d love that so much 
- like the smile on his face would be so big the whole time
- so precious
- 10/10 would be too shy to kiss you on the first date
- second date however
- innocent smooch but a big one
- Throughout your relationship you always get big smooches from him
- he does it to comfort you too
- He has a hard time understanding when your upset sometimes
- but Mingi tries his best really
- so be patient with him and explain
- he’s really good at comforting you 
- it’s his sweet demeanor
- his big kisses and even bigger hugs
- he just knows what to do
- Even if he doesn’t fully understand why 
- When Mingi’s upset
- it’s so heartbreaking
- he doesn’t know what to with himself
- he tends to blame himself 
- even if it isn’t his fault
- so protect him from those thoughts when he’s sad
- he needs that protection
- he hates crying in front of you but does it anyway
- “what do you mean i’m crying. it’s just dusty in here.”
- Arguments with Mingi can be...
- childish? 
- sometimes it feels like you’re both 15 arguing with each other
- so the fights never last long 
- no extremely harsh words get exchanged either 
- apologies happen as fast as the argument goes down
- plus big pouts from Mingi when he’s apologizing
-  Now Mingi is your #1 cheerleader
- if you have any event
- any competition 
- or just need some motivation to get up
- He’s there to tell you
- You can do it
- It would make him so happy if you could do that for him too
- like he would act embarrassed if you were on the sidelines
- cheering for him 
- but his feigned embarrassment is only to hide his pink cheeks and ears
- he loves it
- the praise 
- he feeds off of it
- Loves letting you here his music that he’s been working on
- it goes through you before it reaches anyone elses ear
- respects your criticism and if you don’t like it
- he’ll work on it
- He respects your opinion so much
- He also loves it when you enjoy his songs.
- It’s his life and if he can make you proud of what he makes 
- it’s amazing to him
- his eyes and face light up
- Now cuddles with Mingi
- they start with him bear hugging you 
- but they’re so amazing
- long arms wrapping around you
- snuggling you into him
- would love it if you wore his sweaters/t-shirts while you cuddle
- If you fall asleep like that 
- it’s game over 
- you aren’t getting up until he does
- his arms are in a locked grip
- no escaping
- Lazy days with Mingi are the best
- he loves them 
- they consist of doing absolutely nothing 
- except for eating 
- watching movies
- he loves those moments the most tbh
- you guys talk alot 
- it amazes you sometimes how Mingi’s brain works 
- very random conversations 
- some that just make you go 
- ????
- but that’s the fun of being with Mingi
- He also loves styling you 
- he thinks it’s fun
- like you’re a real life doll 
- “this color is pretty on you, you should wear it all the time” 
- Mingi tends to compliment you out of nowhere
- You could be wearing a paper bag 
- he’d still call you beautiful
- Back hugs and sweet whispers in your ear
- telling you how amazing you are
- it’s just the way he is
- Mingi would love to delve into whatever interest you have
- Like you could like drawing 
- Mingi would want to try drawing with you 
- you could like a sport
- Mingi is willing to try it
- very open to new things
- Mingi can be kinda clingy 
- He just wants to be around you 
- he loves you
- this leads to some jealousy sometimes
- he finds it hard to express how he feels when he sees with another guy/girl
- it frustrates him 
- which leads to pouty Mingi
- Which leads to you finding him ridiculously cute when he’s jealous
- but reassure him 
- No one is better than your Mingis
Okay Demon Mingi has entered the chat
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- okay
- switch to soft dom
- like most of ateez
- but yeah 
- those beautiful beautiful pouty lips of his 
- he loves being kissed
- he loves makeout sessions 
- they almost always lead to more
- You love seeing his lips all puffy and swollen
- You love nibbling on them 
- he loves it too
- he loves having you sitting on him 
- fingers in his hair as you kiss
- Deep moans
- beautiful sounds
- he’s so loud 
- not scared to let you hear him at all
- it’s like beautiful
- Likes watching you ride him 
- he thinks it’s amazing 
- allows his hands to move all over you 
- ah the praise
- mutual praise is a big thing
- it eggs him on 
- on rare occasions 
- Mingi likes to use his size against you 
- (i see you size kink enthousiasts)
- likes pinning you under him 
- chuckling at how helpless you look under him 
- but this is only if he’s in that mood
- God I can’t get over the thought of him looking up at you with those eyes
- pouting those lips 
- loves it when you mark him 
- he likes receiving marks so much 
- especially his thighs 
- he’s insecure about his thighs so praise the hell out of them with marks 
- aftercare with Mingi 
- it’s a little lazy 
- but in a good way 
- he holds you close kisses you all over
- butterfly kissing you as you relax
- cleaning up might happen right away 
- might not
- might happen after a nap 
- but he always makes sure he hasn’t hurt you
- he’s so smiley
- but not in the regular way 
- it’s a small smile
- as his eyes glitter while looking at you 
- holds you incredibly close
- for some reason
- you guys speak in whispers
- laugh in whispers
- all while holding eachothers hands
- all in all dating Mingi 
- it’s gentle 
- filled with young love 
- it’s lighthearted and sweet 
- A relationship  where you are 100% comfortable with eachother
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A/N: I wrote this at 1 a.m stressed about getting my results to see if I passed this school year or not tomorrow. So please pray for me and please give me your feedback on this ♥
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lgbtyrus · 5 years
Two Exes on Mars
Part 2/?
Words: 2,566
Amber walked into TJ’s bedroom that night asking, “What was that about?”
“What was what about?” TJ asked her, looking up from his desktop. He wasn’t even covering the fact that he was looking at picture of Cyrus. Amber sighed and walked over behind him as he kept clicking.
“Why did you ask Buffy about Cyrus?”
“Because you won’t tell me about Cyrus.”
“It’s not my place. I worked hard to build my relationship with Cyrus, and I wasn’t going to let you throw it away.”
“I just want to know if he’s okay. You won’t even give me that much,” TJ sighed, clicking through Hanukah photos.
“Why do you even want to know, TJ?” Amber asked him. She’s always been mad at TJ for dumping Cyrus, no doubt. Especially because they both still loved each other. “You completely broke his heart.”
TJ didn’t say anything before whispering, “I’m sure he’s fine now.”
“You don’t know that, actually,” Amber said, angry at her brother. Talking about Cyrus always led to both of them fighting or both of them crying. He couldn’t guess where this was going to lead to.
“Because you won’t tell me,” TJ reminded her, continuing to click through New Years Eve photo. It was Their sophomore year of high school when someone had taken a picture of them kiss. It was one of the many pictures that broke his ribcage and punched his heart.
“You don’t deserve to know, TJ,” Amber rolled her eyes, sitting down on his bed. TJ knew this was going to take a while.
“I still think of him every day. I don’t even know if I’ve gotten any better. I somehow always hope that I could run into him at MSU or see his face when I’m walking through Shadyside during visits, but I haven’t seen him since graduation.”
“He’s in California living his best life.”
“So he’s happy there?” TJ asked her, turning to look at her. There was a photo of Cyrus with their late cat Macaroni on his lap on his screen currently.
“I wouldn’t know,” Amber shrugged.
“Don’t you still talk to him like once a week?” TJ asked her, frowning. “Why won’t you tell me, Amber?”
“I already said that it’s not my place, TJ,” Amber said. “If Cyrus wanted you to know how he’s doing, he’d respond to your messages that you are too scared to send.”
“You can’t just text your ex out of the blue and ask how they’re doing Amber,” TJ rolled his eyes.
“Me and Jonah are literally best friends,” Amber rolled her eyes more dramatically to mock him.
“That happened years ago, though.”
“Okay then,” Amber crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow, “wait years.” TJ glared at her before going back to his desktop, continuing to go through photos. He found one of him and Cyrus at the swings. Andi took them on a weekend she came down to visit, so they looked professional. TJ printed a few of the pictures from this day out, and they were currently in a box in the attic of his home.
“I think I made a mistake, Amber,” TJ sighed, once he landed on his all time favorite photo. It was him and Cyrus at junior prom, slow dancing in their matching tuxedos. His eyes teared up just looking at it.
“I know you did, TJ,” Amber remorselessly said. “I don’t know how you thought breaking up was going to hurt less than doing long distance.”
“Is it always going to hurt?” TJ asked her, staring at other prom photos.
“Considering you let go of the guy who was probably your soulmate, yeah. It will.”
Winter break came along Cyrus was finally back in Shadyside. Amber was literally holding TJ hostage in his room, not letting him leave. She stood below his chin, but his fear of hurting her was the only reason why he just didn’t barge past her.
“You are not leaving this house, Tom Jacob,” she said, holding her arms out.
“First of all, it’s not that,” TJ rolled his eyes, “second of all, I’m not going to go see Cyrus.”
“Do you take me for a fool, Thomas Jose?” Amber scoffed, looking up to give him a dirty look. TJ didn’t bother to look at her. He kept his head looking up as she continued to scold him, “You have made no attempt to leave this house the entire four days you’ve been here, but you hear me, on a private phone call with Cyrus that he’s going to come back home today and all of the sudden, you shower?”
“I shower every day, Amber.”
“You know that’s not my point, Tyler Jackson!”
“You don’t remember what TJ stands for, do you?” TJ asked her, still not making eye contact.
“Of course not,” Amber told him. “But still, you’re not leaving this house to go crush all the progress you and Cyrus have made.”
“I just want to have a conversation with him, Amber,” TJ said, trying to blink away the tears that were forming before she noticed. That would be terrible.
“About what? ‘Oh hi, Cyrus,’” Amber started to mock his voice, “’I just wanted to see how you were doing after I got your heart and dragged it through the dirt!’”
“Okay, Amber!” TJ yelled and look at her. “That’s enough.” Amber and him looked each other in the eye, and Amber was clearly trying to figure out if he was tearing up. TJ wasn’t exactly a sensitive person but certain topics like Cyrus let the waterworks unscrew.
Amber didn’t say anything else before making her way out of the room and saying, “If you want to see him, at least text him first. Give him the option to say no.”
His door shut close and TJ laid back on his bed, rubbing his face roughly. He didn’t have Cyrus on social media anymore, and he had his number still, but he doesn’t know if it’s changed or if Cyrus blocked it. He hasn’t texted him since that one time he replied to him saying goodnight. Out of all of the nights since the breakup, that was the worst one. He still loved him with his entire being that night. He probably still did.
TJ took out his phone and looked for Cyrus Goodman. He’s been wanting to this for months, but he still didn’t know what to say.
TJ: Hey
That’s it? TJ wondered. Hey is all I can say after all I did?
TJ: I know this is out of the blue. I just wanted to know how you’re doing.
For almost an hour, TJ laid in his bed, listening to music. Spotify was really the only social media type of thing he had Cyrus on, and he often saw that he would listen to music they had dance parties to or napped to. It was how he knew Cyrus was feeling and boy, was he often listening to his sad music playlist.
Cyrus: I’m fine. I just got home.
TJ’s heart beat went out of control. He didn’t know if he was going to get a text back, but he also didn’t plan for what to do with himself if he replied. He didn’t even know what he wanted out of this conversation. He wanted Cyrus, but he wasn’t sure what side of Cyrus.
TJ: Glad you’re home safe.
TJ couldn’t think of anything else to say.
Cyrus: Are you home too or??
TJ: Ya I’ve been in Shadyside for a few days already.
Cyrus: What have you been doing this whole time?
TJ: Nothing tbh. I’ve just been home.
Cyrus: Want to do something?
TJ did not think this was going to happen. TJ did not think Cyrus would even ask to see him. He was wondering if Andi and Buffy were coaching him text at that very moment. No. Buffy would kill both of us before we ever met up. What is Cyrus thinking?
TJ: They need help passing out toys in West Shadyside at the Elk’s tonight at 6. I volunteered. You wanna come with or do something else later? I figure you’re tired.
Cyrus: No that sounds fun I’m down
TJ: Okay I’ll pick you up at 5:30.
Cyrus: See you then
TJ had three hours to get out of bed and get ready, but he didn’t move until he only had thirty minutes let before having to pick up Cyrus. He also didn’t want Amber to see him, either, so he waited for her 5PM nap. He really couldn’t lie to her now.
He got out of bed and dressed himself in clothes that have been sitting in his closet for a while. While changing, he recognized a white shirt hanging up with a T-Rex on it and realized that was one of Cyrus’ favorite shirts. He had wanted to give him back that and a few other things after the breakup, but he never found it in him to go to him. He felt like he would just succumb and beg him to take him back. He still had no idea what was going to happen when they sat in the car for a while.
TJ grabbed the shirt before heading downstairs and going to his car. He might have not been at Cyrus’ in a while, but he definitely had the route stitched in his heart. His heart pounded faster and faster in his chest as he approached the house where so much happened. He had been wanting this for roughly 8 months, but he never thought to prepare himself.
He pulled up to the driveway and before he could text him, Cyrus was already walking to his car. Everything on the inside and outside of his body burned. And he felt like throwing up. But at the same time, he wanted to kiss him hello. TJ unlocked the car and Cyrus sat inside, the tension rising above what they were used to.
“Hey, Cyrus,” TJ said, failing to sound as casual as possible.
“Thelonius,” Cyrus said. TJ couldn’t help but let out a sharp laugh as he pulled out of the drive way. “How’s MSU?”
“Fun. Exhausting. College basketball was fun in theory, but it drains me. I get a math tutor for every assignment I have to do. It’s a little embarrassing.”
“I don’t think it’s embarrassing. You’re going to school for free to do what you love, and this is just a small part of it.”
“I guess you’re right,” TJ told Cyrus as they passed by a park they would have dates at. It looked so shady at night with its flickering lights and thin blanket of snow. “How’s California?”
“I like it there,” Cyrus said. “I’m glad I went.” TJ’s heart felt a weird pang, and he didn’t like it.
TJ whispered, “Me, too.”
“Their theatre program is great, and I get to do a lot of writing. Still don’t know if I’m more journalism or screenwriting, though.”
“Still planning on doing a script about society on mars?”
“I’m halfway done with it. I’m thinking a two hour movie? Hopefully I use it as my senior thesis.”
“Really?” TJ smiled. Cyrus had been wanting to write a script about Mars for the longest time, he was just always busy. “I’m so happy for you.”
“Thanks, Teej,” Cyrus said softly. It made TJ’s heart melt and if they had still been together, he’s positive he would’ve pulled over right now and proposed to him. “So why did you volunteer?”
“Amber and I were going to do it together because we would get toys from here when we were little, but she’s mad at me right now, so yeah,” TJ said, shrugging slightly.
“Why is she mad?”
“I kept asking questions about you, and she told me to just ask you myself.”
“Which you did.”
“I did. She does not know I’m with you right now actually. I don’t think she would’ve let me leave the house if she knew I was coming to pick you up.”
“Why?” Cyrus chuckled.
“I don’t know. I think she feels the need to protect you.” Cyrus sighed, and TJ knew he rolled his eyes without looking at him.
“Everyone thinks I need protecting like in middle school. I can take care of myself, thank you very much.”
“I know, Cyrus. You’ve always been able to.”
After handing out toys to over 300 kids in Shadyside, TJ and Cyrus walked out of the event, shoulders touching. TJ knew this was the most dangerous game to play, but he’s never exactly been anti-adrenaline. He wondered what Cyrus was thinking the whole night because according to a few words he said, Buffy and Andi had told him to ignore his text message completely.
“Want to go get a breakfast dinner?” TJ asked him as he unlocked the car. Out of habit, he opened the door for Cyrus who got in without saying anything.
“Take me there,” Cyrus said before shutting the door. TJ got in the car before taking off to a diner nearby. It was barely 9PM.
“Do you still have a curfew?” TJ asked him.
“Honestly,” Cyrus turned to look at him, “I have no idea. I just told my parents I’d be back without saying where or with who I was going. They haven’t texted me. Is this adulthood?”
“Where are we going?”
“Jo Anne’s.”
“Wow. I haven’t been there in maybe two years?”
“Really? Me and Amber go eat there all the time when I’m down here.”
“How often do you come home?”
“At least once a month since school started. I’d come over every weekend if I could, but basketball hasn’t really let me. Maybe next semester I might. I got Fridays off, so I could just come Thursday afternoons.”
“Isn’t it a two hour drive to and from?”
“An hour and a half if you take the cuts. Less if there’s nobody else and you speed a little.”
“You’re going to get pulled over one day.”
“It’s fine,” TJ told him, grinning.
“Okay, but don’t say I didn’t tell you so when you’re in jail,” Cyrus looked over at him and gave him a smile. They were walking like they did when they were dating. Why did he let him go so easily? He wanted to lean over and kiss him so bad.
When they got to the diner, they sat across from each other. The waitress brought TJ a coffee and Cyrus a hot cocoa, promising that their orders would be ready in less than 20. TJ’s leg was dancing up and down while Cyrus sat calmly across from his, his hands folded on top of the table while he looked out the window.
“Why did you break up with me?” Cyrus asked quietly.
“Cyrus,” TJ whispered, feeling his heart rip in two.
“I just want to know the real reason, TJ,” Cyrus looked at him. “The real reason.”
“There is no real reason,” TJ shook his head. “Just what I told you when we broke up.”
“Was it worth it for you at least?” Cyrus asked him. TJ bit his lip and looked down at his coffee as if it would tell him how to say.
“No,” TJ looked up at him and frowned. Without thinking it twice, he confessed, “I still love you.”
Part 2!! I don’t know if I want to do a really angst filled ending or just end it on part three with what I have building up. I’ll see as I write lmao. Also thank ya’ll for reading this fun little thing. Here’s the tag list! Let me know if you want to be added or removed! <3
@istillwearyourdenimjacket @moonlightrush @luna--min @tj-looked-back-kippen @fromtheparty @bambikippen @homosexualearthworm @keylla-dunspeh @marvelous-me-always @tomohisa61896 @yeeterparkerbio (its tagging you as bio not boi?? is this you) @way-too-many-fandomss
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harryandmolly · 5 years
The Emancipation of Ginny ~ 5
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summary: shawn and ginny could’ve ruined everything six months ago, and sticking together despite their past could make or break them now as ginny stays on as his personal assistant. but what happens on tour doesn’t stay on tour.
warnings: Language, opulence, the island of Ibiza which tbh should come with a warning label
WC: 5.5k
Andrew sighs, loud and dramatic through his nose so he looks like an adorable little aggravated dragon. Ginny pats his shoulder with a sympathetic smile.
“It’s gonna be fine, love. I promise no one…” She pauses, considering what exactly she’s willing to promise to her boss, “...Will get arrested.”
Andrew grunts and it’s almost pained-sounding. Their gazes are drawn by a loud whooping and laughing from the group of men behind them. Ginny peeks over Andrew’s shoulder at the already rowdy squadron of bachelor party-bound men with a whisper of a conspiratorial grin. It rights into a confident, optimistic, responsible smile when Andrew looks back at her.
“It’s fine. It’s fine, I trust you, it’s two days, it’ll be fine.”
Ginny’s brows lift. “Are you trying to convince yourself or me?”
Andrew huffs again and Ginny can see him start to scroll through the list of reasons building in his head that maybe he really should skip those meetings in LA and just go with them and --
“Andrew, it’s two days,” Ginny assures him. Andrew seems to settle again. He and Ginny exchange a hug and with a few calls of ‘good luck’ and ‘no felonies’ to the guys, he’s out the automatic doors of the private terminal at Toronto Pearson.
Shawn is the first to notice Ginny’s unoccupied. He turns from the group and smirks at her. She wiggles her eyebrows and glides over to him.
“You ready, mate?” she teases, looping her arms behind her back.
Shawn laughs. “Definitely not.”
Ginny giggles along. “Smart boy. I didn’t plan this stag do with the intention of us making it out alive.”
Shawn makes only half an attempt to disguise the awe on his face as she skips away to wrangle everyone.
Shawn’s wedding gift to Josiah is the bachelor party of the century, and Ginny’s gift is to plan it. He told her to use his black card and when she asked about a budget he just shrugged weakly.
“Go nuts, Gin.”
That was his first mistake.
The second, he’s thinking, while he watches her strong-arm the already tipsy band of six twenty-something guys to their chartered jet, is not backing out when Josiah insisted Ginny come along.
She tried to demure her way out of it, insisting it was her gift to him, that she was perfectly fine planning it and not coming along, but Josiah dug his heels in.
“Honestly, Gin, if you don’t come, Shawn’s going to be the default responsible one.”
At that, Ginny blinked in horror and agreed.
It’s not that Shawn doesn’t want to hang out with Ginny, obviously. He’s just… it’s a weekend in Ibiza on private jets in fancy villas drinking and dancing and wearing very few clothes. It just might be tricky.
Tricky. An understatement, he thinks with a wince.
He finds himself chanting in his head the same words Andrew was muttering to himself only moments before. They’re drowned out by the music already playing on Geoff’s Bluetooth speaker as he steps onto the plane, the last of the group.
They’re spread out among the seats as the stewardess, thankfully already chuckling at them instead of looking annoyed and full of dread, takes drink orders. Shawn smiles at her when she walks past and murmurs for a beer with a quiet “thank you” that has her blushing and heading for the galley with her head ducked.
He turns back to see Ginny holding court. She’s gripping two seats, standing in the center of the aisle, laughing at something Josiah said and grinning wickedly. When she whistles through her fingers, she gets the attention she wants easily. The bleary eyes of the boys settle on her and their mouths seal shut. She relishes their reverent silence before she speaks.
“Gentlemen,” she begins in her silky West London brogue, “We’ve gathered this weekend for a very special occasion. Our good friend Josiah,” She pauses to allow for raucous applause and shrieking, “Has met the love of his sweet little life, Sami.”
“SAMIIIIIII!!!!!” Chris, one of Josiah’s hometown buddies, cries from the far end of the plane, beer in hand. The boys laugh and lift their various beverages in a toast to the bride-to-be.
“And to celebrate this glorious union,” Ginny continues, hamming it up for her audience, “We retreat to the one place on earth more suited to a stag do than Sin City -- the island of Ibiza.”
They’re eating up her theatrics, Shawn included. He howls along with the rest of them, drumming the flat of his hand on the leather seat in front of him. He feels a surge of adrenaline. They were already excited, but Ginny’s ringleader speech has got them fucking wired.
“So, boys,” She lifts her bottle with a quirk of an eyebrow, “Here’s to Josiah, may we keep him alive to see his wedding day.”
The group laughs and gathers to knock their bottles in cheers. Josiah, being Josiah, manages to clink his bottle in one hand while taking a picture with the other. He stows his phone and commands the group’s attention before they stray.
“And to Ginny for planning it!” he barks, swinging an arm around her neck to drag her onto the couch next to him, planting a kiss on her temple. The boys cheer again, seeming to never tire of a reason to scream about something.
Ginny stays where she is and Shawn feels her distance. He inches closer, shifting from seat to seat in what he hopes is a somewhat subtle way until he’s buckling into the seat beside hers with a sheepish grin.
“Hey, you,” she greets, pleased to see him. Shawn beams back. Sometimes Ginny’s attention feels like the sun -- warm, life-giving, essential. When he doesn’t have it, he craves it like a junkie.
He sits back in his seat and watches the runway past her curls as they begin to taxi.
“Thanks again for doing this,” he murmurs earnestly. It feels especially intimate over the bounce of “Careless” by Dusky on the speakers. Ginny turns her head from the window. She flashes that dangerous smile again that makes him shift in his seat.
“Don’t say that until see your next credit card statement.” She clinks the neck of her bottle against his. Shawn rolls his eyes and forces himself to look away from her.
If the flight is any indication as to the way the rest of this weekend is going, Ginny will have her hands full.
Getting them drunk on the plane was a strategy. The flight was long enough for them to get drunk and sober up again, long enough for her to observe their drunken behavior in a closed, controlled environment. She had to study up.
Chris is a sleepy drunk, he should be easy enough. Jack is a happy, loud, laughing drunk. Gabe is somehow both sleepy and loud all at once.
Geoff, Shawn and Josiah are no mystery, though. Geoff is rowdy, the troublemaker. Josiah is affectionate and happy and… sloppy. Shawn?
Shawn’s a tricky drunk.
It makes sense. He’s such a good boy most of the time. He gets told to be places all day every day. He’s nice to everyone all the time. He’s under insane pressure and refuses to crack. So when he’s got some whiskey in his system, he’s like an easily distracted giant Pomeranian puppy with too much energy. He bounces around, dances, laughs, bolts away from the group on his long, powerful legs just to be obnoxious. He’s a pain in the ass right until he crashes and then? Then he’s impossible.
At least on the plane when he crashes, they don’t have anywhere to be. Ginny remembers once before they got together that he once crashed in the cab heading back to a hotel in Madrid and Ginny had to physically drag him, mumbling and mostly asleep, out of the car. He’s a heavy nightmare when he crashes.
Ginny is a mom drunk. She can seem like she’s trashed, having as much fun as everyone else, getting just as rowdy and wild, but the moment someone responsible is needed, she snaps into sobriety so fast it’s like she never had a drink at all. It’s handy with people like Hannah and Shawn, both of whom will whine at her to “drink more! Catch up!” if they feel insecure about being drunker than she is. Plus, both Hannah and Shawn get tricky at the most inconvenient times.
Just before the crash, Ginny feels it in the air and passes out water bottles and aspirin. No hangovers on day one, she won’t allow it. She plants herself in her seat next to Shawn looking very self-satisfied as she turns down the music. She props her feet up on the edge of Josiah’s seat while he naps, head tilted, long, silky hair billowing with each of his heavy, gin-soaked breaths.
Shawn looks up from her warm brown legs and smiles drowsily. She mimes sipping water and he obeys, his tricky Gremlin side stowed for the time being.
“Were you the mom friend for Hannah’s bachelorette party?” he slurs.
Ginny tilts her head at his voice and laughs. “I was.”
Shawn grumbles under his breath and starts peeling at the wrapper on his bottle. Ginny lifts her eyebrows and hums. He sighs.
“You should let loose more, Gin. Let someone else be repson-- I mean… respond… responsible.”
He’s so cute. Ginny wants to lean over and squeeze his ruddy cheeks. She giggles, flexes and points her feet in flower printed Keds. Her legs are so long. Have they always been that long? He drunkenly wonders.
“Oh yeah? And who would you nominate in my place, then? Geoff?”
Shawn snorts and knocks his knees together, swinging them back and forth so they bump into hers.
“No. Geoff would kill us all.”
They share a glance at Geoff whose face is smashed into a pillow propped up against a window. His arms are crossed. They snicker in unison until Shawn looks back at Ginny. He tilts his head back and sighs dramatically.
“I could be resp--”
“You can’t even pronounce responsible, love.”
Shawn’s smile is slow-spreading and so sexy Ginny’s thighs press together. God, her legs are looooooooon--
“You haven’t called me ‘love’ since before we broke up.”
Ginny’s head jerks at the rapid change of subject. She blinks quickly. “What?”
“You used to call me ‘love,’” he explains with another sigh, like slowing down to catch her up is totally cramping his style, “All the time. Even before we were together. And when we broke up you stopped.”
Ginny’s lips come together as if sucked in by the corners. Shawn studies them, imagining if he pressed a napkin against them he’d come away with a perfect lip print. He remembers her lipstick is long wearing and huffs.
“I won’t call you that then,” she replies breezily, reaching for her water bottle.
“‘S fine,” Shawn says with a shrug, knocking his knees back and forth again, slumping down further in his seat, “I don’t mind.”
Ginny’s face softens. She takes a slug from her water bottle and picks at her own label. They’re quiet for a few seconds. Ginny looks over, inhales to speak, but the words stop in her throat when she sees him asleep, pouty lips parted, head hanging heavy against his shoulder. She blinks slowly and sinks her teeth into her lower lip. She presses her finger into the recline button on his armrest that sends him slowly, gently into a more comfortable position. He settles in, smacks his lips and wriggles until he’s comfortable. Ginny sips more water to feel like her heart isn’t exploding out of her chest.
She’s mostly successful in keeping the hangovers at bay by the time they land. Due to her excellent planning, the massive dark-windowed SUV is waiting for them on the tarmac. The boys’ praise is slightly less enthusiastic than pre-flight, chalked up to the fact that they’re still recovering from their mile high party.
It’s another story when they pull up to the villa.
Climbing past expansive Spanish style chateaus and gaudy marvels of architecture, they arrive outside a two-level modern mansion planted on the edge of a cliff overlooking the Mediterranean. It’s gleaming white against the battling blues of sky and sea, dotted with massive windows, floor-to-ceiling on the side of the house that faces the infinity pool, which seems to spill straight into the water below.
The praise is ebullient as they roam the house -- “look at this fucking fridge though!” “Is that an infinity pool?!” “Fuck, we’re never fucking leaving!”
Shawn watches with pride that he supposes isn’t really his to feel when Josiah sweeps Ginny into a swinging hug on the deck overlooking the pool. When they separate, Ginny looks to Shawn automatically and his heart gives a squeeze, like she’s waiting for his approval.
He grins and holds out an arm. She hurries up the stairs to tuck herself under it, wrapping her arm around his waist as they look out at the idiots gleefully throwing themselves fully clothed into the 82-degree pool.
“You’re fucking amazing, you know that right?” Shawn offers, quietly enough that it’s just hers. She chews on her lips and cocks her head like a bashful puppy.
“He deserves a kickass stag,” she replies, like anyone would’ve and could’ve done this. Shawn squeezes the arm around her shoulders.
“And you deserve a goddamn crown for this.”
He swipes his thumb affectionately over the skin of her bare shoulder just once before letting her go, running to launch himself, $250 jeans, Chelsea boots and all, into the deep end, jackknife style.
Ginny squeals, laughing heartily with the rest of the guys as he pops back up, shaking his head like a wet labradoodle. This time it’s his turn to look back to her for approval. She lifts her arms over her head to clap. He preens, splashing around, insisting she jump after him.
It doesn’t take much coaxing for Ginny to kick off her Keds and send herself after the screaming boys by way of the best cannonball any of them has ever seen. She emerges into a wall of rowdy boy voices over the pounding of “One Kiss.” She floats on her back, closing her eyes at the almost throbbing cornflower shade of the sky, not feeling Shawn’s eyes from a few feet away.
The night, as is everything else, is pre-planned perfectly. After a few hours of romping in the pool, hitting a joint rather inexpertly rolled by Chris, they retreat to their rooms to nap. Ginny wakes up around 8pm to Shawn plucking at his guitar quietly, wandering around the house like a traveling minstrel.
Dinner is a truly terrifying amount of pizza ordered to the house eaten in the outdoor lounge with the day’s football highlights (in Spanish, of course) on the TV. Ginny mutters bitterly, as is customary, about Arsenal’s “chronic full back problem” through tiny bites of pizza and huge slugs of Stella.
By around 11, pizza and beer are put aside for harder stuff. Some switch to liquor, some carry on with weed, everyone gets ready for their first night out.
Shawn, in signature black skinnies, Chelsea boots and a silky black button up, finished his hair routine earlier than expected and wanders the west end of the house aimlessly, pretending to study the odd modern art and furniture. He’s fiddling with his necklace and second guessing his bracelet choice when he hears her voice.
Shawn follows the lilting sound of it singing The Temptations down a hallway he doesn’t even think he’s found yet because god, this place is huge, like he’s Prince Philip searching for Aurora in the forest. He finds her door and knocks twice with a light rap of his knuckles.
“Come in!”
Shawn lets himself in and gravitates to her, glowing in the slightly orange light of her bathroom. With a tube of MAC lipstick and her vape pen in one hand, Ginny is hovering about two inches from the mirror, her finger poking at her eye.
“Hiya,” she hums, wincing when she makes a jab that misses its target. He wrinkles his nose and steps closer.
“What are you doing?”
Ginny recedes from the mirror and blinks, moving her finger. There’s an uneven patch of gold leaf clinging partly to the inner corner, partly to her finger. Shawn chuckles. She pouts.
“Looked easy on YouTube…” she defends weakly, leaning back in to the mirror, closing one heavily mascara-ed eye to focus on fixing the other. Shawn watches her prod a few more times before he steps in with a clearing of his throat.
“Kay, let me try?”
He’s tugging on her arm and leaning in before she can answer. She flutters both eyes shut and feels the gentle pressure of his fingertip in the corner of her eye, adjusting gently until he’s satisfied.
Ginny looks up. His smile is placid, his cheeks are pink. She blinks quickly and checks the mirror. He matched the other eye perfectly. She grins.
“For that you’ve earned a hit of this.” She offers the vape pen with a wink. Shawn accepts it, inhaling deeply, holding the vapor in for a few seconds and releasing it slowly behind her as she swipes on her lipstick.
He likes watching her get ready, always has. He used to be a bigger pain in the ass, standing behind her, sucking on her earlobe while she was trying to apply eyeliner or something. These days he stands back and watches her work.
While she’s distracted by carefully outlining the plump curves of her lips, he can check her out subtly. She’s in a deep maroon crop top and clingy skirt set that makes her deep caramel skin seem to shimmer. She smells like her coconut body oil, the only kind of fragrance she ever wears. Her curls are springy and bright. She’s unabashedly tall in strappy platforms that have her at his height even without her hair.
She’s fucking radiant. He won’t say a word about it.
She pulls back from the mirror for a look. She’s abandoned her signature red matte lipstain tonight for a dark burgundy shade that matches her outfit and sports a glossier finish. It makes him lick his lips and try not to wish he was licking hers. He tells himself it’s the weed talking. He takes another hit from her pen.
“Gonna share, Mendes?” she prompts.
You? Never.
Yep, the weed is going to his head. He hands off the pen willingly and watches her lipstick leave a splotch of her behind before she tucks it into her little clutch and leads him outside.
He’s got to shake this. He’s been so good about not indulging in his feelings, all of them, any of them, that pertained to her. Up until this weekend. They’ve had six months of good, solid recovery time since the break up. With the way his mind is babbling at him right now, it’s like it wants him to fuck all that up. He can’t let that happen.
At least not until he knows he’s ready for her.
He accepts the swig of scotch from the flask Geoff offers him as they’re piling into the car to take them to their first stop, Pacha.
A flash of Shawn’s smile is all it takes to get them ushered quickly to their reserved table in the VIP section behind the DJ booth. Once again, the boys look impressed, so Ginny sits smugly with her legs crossed, gazing around the club. It’s high season in Ibiza -- Pacha will be filled to capacity all night with a line snaking around the block until they close at 6am. They won’t stay that long, they have another table waiting for them at Amnesia, a 15 minute drive inland.
This is not Ginny’s first tangle with the White Isle. She’s been flying out for weekends here and there since she was 17. Ibiza has long been a favorite of Ginny’s and Hannah’s, but Ginny has never experienced it like this. Like everything else that comes with Shawn, it’s a step above. The table is already littered with booze. A very attentive and attractive waitress makes herself available immediately. She watches Shawn grin up at her politely and order a whiskey ginger, and then looks to the waitress to watch her shoulders drop, her smile spread and her giggle rise up in her throat. Ginny tries not to roll her eyes.
“Take it easy, Mendes, the megawatt smile is a lot for the uninitiated to take.”
Shawn’s at the part of the night where he smirks at her instead of blushing and insisting he’s just being polite, that he doesn’t know what she could possibly mean by that. He sits back in his chair and bites at the inside of his lip.
“Uninitiated? What does the initiation involve?”
Ginny plays along, leaning across to him as she thinks. He watches her eyes turn up to the light rigging in the ceiling and lets himself indulge in admiring her.
“Well first comes the superstar smile. Once you can handle that without your knees turning jello-y, you come up against the gentle Canadian boy modesty and the ‘eh’s and ‘a-boats’ that come with it,” She pauses to watch Shawn tip his head back and laugh hard, “And the trifecta. That laugh that makes me want to put on a performance and make you laugh all day long. I’d raise hell for that laugh.”
The silence that follows is as charged as the room around them that they ignore. They stare at each other in a way they haven’t in months. Neither looks away while they try to understand the moment, and even more so, try to make it last because neither of them knows when they’ll get the chance to look at each other this way without the possibility of getting caught by the people that constantly surround them.
Ginny breaks first, being the more sober of the two. She clears her throat and tucks a hand through her hair, scrunching some curls back into place. Shawn keeps watching.
The chance of being caught by friends or fans is very low. First of all, their friends have scattered to explore the pulsing club, scouting for girls or for other celebrities. Secondly, Shawn is not nearly the most interesting famous person in the room tonight. On their way into the VIP section, Ginny spotted at least half the cast of The Only Way is Essex plus Martin Garrix plus Paris Hilton and their corresponding crews, all of whom attract more attention than the sweet Canadian kid who doesn’t get tricky until at least three drinks in.
Ginny stops Shawn just short of “tricky” and gathers the boys into the car again to skip off to Amnesia. They stick together this time, tucked away in another VIP booth that feels more private than the first. Ginny is bouncing Euro coins off the table and landing them in her friends’ drinks with a wild gleam in her eye. When she catches him watching her, she slips him a coin of his own with a wink.
The coin corresponds with drink number four. Shawn gets creative, positioning a coin on one end of a spoon and smacking the other to aim it at his friends’ foreheads. When he gets Chris in the eye, Ginny takes the coin back, plucks it out of Shawn’s scrabbling fingers as he apologizes profusely.
David Guetta goes on at 3am for a special set and gets the rest of the guys off their asses to dance. Shawn, even at his trickiest, doesn’t get on the dance floor. Ginny usually can be persuaded, but tonight, she hangs back with him, her chin propped on the table as she flips the coin against the surface by pressing onto the edge with her thumbnail.
She’s mouthing the words to “Titanium” but her chin is flat to the table so her head bobs oddly as she opens and closes her mouth. In his drunken state, Shawn is mesmerized. The motion of it, rather inconveniently, reminds Shawn of other times when he watched her head bob rhythmically like that.
“Hey, do you remember the last time we had sex?”
Ginny looks up, looking less startled than he imagines they would if they were both sober. She pulls her brows together and looks thoughtful.
“I think so. The first night in Tokyo.”
Of course she remembers. She’s Ginny. She remembers everything.
Shawn turns his head down guiltily to his lap. “I don’t really remember.”
Ginny smiles at her secret. She presses the pad of her thumb into the coin and decides to ignore potential consequences of getting into this with him.
“We were unpacking in Tokyo. You couldn’t keep your hands off me,” she relays with a smirk. He doesn’t argue. That sounds like him.
“You were mumbling something into my neck about the schedule for the next few days but you pushed your hand into my leggings at the same time. I kissed you and told you we can either talk schedule or fuck, but we couldn’t do both at once.”
Shawn grins at the memory she’s dug out of his subconscious. “I picked fuck.”
“You certainly did.”
Ginny doesn’t choose to elaborate further about the way he grunted with each heavy stroke into her body, that he felt like he was chasing something down inside her and she was willing and eager to let him try. Ginny lowers her gaze, thinking now that whatever it was, he didn’t find it.
“Sometimes with stuff like that you wish you knew it was the last time,” Shawn muses.
Ginny swallows awkwardly against the table and lifts her head. She props up her elbows and knows her brain will shift to overanalysis when she’s sober about the fact that he basically just admitted that he wasn’t planning for very long to end things with her. There’s a lot to unpack there.
“You remember the last time we kissed?” he prods. She looks up again. She shakes her head.
“Me neither,” Shawn breathes, “You deserved more from me.”
Her eyes flutter shut. She doesn’t know why he’s talking like this and she doesn’t know why she’s not stopping him.
Her eyes startle open again when she feels his fingers link with hers across the table. She looks down at them because it’s safer than looking at him.
“Let me give you something good, Gin.”
She’s nodding before he even says her name. When she looks up, he’s leaning halfway over their table, scooping his hand under her chin to press his lips to hers. Despite his intoxication, he’s smooth and slow and molten hot, murmuring gently into her mouth before he sucks on her lower lip and releases her.
“Oh god, yes,” Ginny moans, reaching up to yank him back in by his collar for more.
Shawn’s lips are wet and swollen; he’s been chewing on them all night. They’re both drunkenly panting into the kiss, it’s not a particularly sexy kiss to witness, but to them, it’s everything they’ve been craving since they let each other go last year.
Shawn grunts when he tries to get closer and feels the edge of the table jut into his ribs. He pries himself away long enough to scurry around it and climb into the booth next to her, throwing an arm around her shoulder and sucking her back in.
If they don’t think about it, it’s not bad. This does not have to be a disaster. This can be just a bachelor weekend thing, the equivalent of them hooking up with strangers, only it’s safer because Shawn runs a risk any time he takes home someone who could open her mouth and blab about it on the internet. This way, with Ginny, he’s safe.
Plus, they’re just making out. No way this leads to fucking. I mean, it could. And maybe that wouldn’t be so bad either. Not unrecoverable, at least. It’s just fucking. It’s a biological imperative. And after all, who are Ginny and Shawn to turn their noses up at biology?
Shawn sucks at her tongue and makes her moan into his mouth like a porn star. She actually feels the hair on the back of his neck stand up from where she’s raking her fingers through his curls.
“Goddamn, we leave you alone for ten minutes and you’re trying to swallow each other in public,” Geoff groans from over Shawn’s shoulder. Shawn’s closed eyes squeeze and he pulls away to Ginny’s cheek. When he collects himself, he turns his head to glare at Geoff.
“What do you want?”
Geoff looks delighted to have interrupted. He nods back to Gabe and Jack who have one of Josiah’s arms over each shoulder.
“Time to go. Groom to be’s had it.”
Shawn looks back to Ginny who, in true Ginny form, already has her phone out texting the car service to meet them in the VIP pickup area.
They stay close, though. Ginny hands him a napkin to swipe at the purple lipstick all over the lower half of his face, but she doesn’t drift. While they wait for the car, she even lets him kiss her again, and it’s less frantic and hungry than in the club. It feels more like it did when they didn’t know which kiss would be their last. Shawn likes it better this way.
They continue kissing in the car, ignoring the barfing noises the other guys mime to drown out the wet sucking noises of their lips. They kiss at the front entrance while Ginny hands Jack the keys to the villa. They kiss while they walk down the hall all the way up to where Ginny presses Shawn into his door and nips at his lower lip to feel him growl one more time.
She slides her long fingered hands up his chest and pushes away. Her bleary eyes meet his. He looks half fucked, lips almost comically swollen and again smeared heavily with her lipstick that he’s licking at like it’s melting ice cream, eyes glassy, hair a wreck. He looks like a caricature of someone who’s been necking for 45 minutes.
Ginny takes a deep breath and nods once, all business. “Goodnight, Shawn.”
She twists his door handle and lets him stumble backwards inside enough for her to close it behind him and disappear, clomping away in her loud shoes to her own room.
Ginny wakes with a start at the sound of a splash from the pool. Her shoulders clench, her back tenses, her fingers tighten around their grip on the pillow she’s smashed her face into. Her heart sprints for a minute until she recognizes she is, in fact, alone.
She pushes up on her hands, sniffs and sighs. She’s stark naked, having shed her clothes in a haphazard line from door to bed. When she opens her eyes, she winces at the sight of her pillow, which looks like her face melted into it -- patches of foundation, mascara and lipstick dotted with two bits of gold leaf right where her eyes would’ve been.
Thank god she went to bed alone. It is her only mercy from the night before.
She stumbles into the shower and scrubs at what remains of her face. Tequila leaks out of her pores. She throws on a red cotton romper that skims the swell of her ass and goes outside to find the boys and hydrate.
Half are lazing in the pool playing more EDM that for some reason sounds a lot less appealing than it did yesterday, half are sitting under the cover of the outdoor lounge. Someone made bloody marys. Someone ordered breakfast burritos. Ginny grabs a water bottle and makes a beeline for Shawn, splayed on a couch in a t-shirt and boxers with his guitar in his lap.
“We are morons,” she announces on her approach, flopping down across from him, propping her feet up and taking a sip.
“Fucking idiots,” he agrees without looking up at her, bobbing his head as he riddles out a melody.
“We’re ok, though, right? No feelings hurt?” she checks, ignoring the wailing voice in her head that reminds her of her own stupid feelings.
Shawn does look up now, an easy smile on his lips, smooth from practice, a smile that doesn’t hint at all at the crying of the voice in his own head. “All good. No worries, Gin.”
The day is lazy. There’s napping, smoking, football and more bad takeout. Night two is at Ushuaia and it goes unspoken that Ginny and Shawn are to stay sober and, more importantly, away from each other.
They’re successful. Ginny shimmies in body glitter and a rusty orange bikini. Shawn is in a tank top and skinny jeans again and the body glitter he borrows is his idea, not hers, and he doesn’t ask her to help him put it on. They stay ten feet from each other all night, spinning like tops, trying not to be the one who falls down first.
Please help cure my Ibiza hangover and buy me a Ko-fi (link on main page)!
Taglist:  @smallerinfinities @the-claire-bitch-project @achinglyshawn @infiniteshawn @stillinskislydia @singanddreamanyway @alone-in-madness @abigfatmess @shawnitsmutual @awkwardfangirl2014 @september-lace @grittyisathot @sinplisticshawn @mutuallynotmutual @rollingxstone @yslsaint @randi-eve
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sweetlyocs · 5 years
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«part six» word count: 1.1k+ pairing: platonic!holland brothers x reader / hinted* sam Holland x reader warnings: zero? bad writing? a/n: hi, hello.. welcome back! it’s been a hot minute since I've updated this huh.. this is kinda a background/filler chapter tbh. i’m sorry for making you wait so long
“So how did you become friends?” 
Paddy was home from school and had walked into a wrestling match between the twins with you cheering them on. It wasn’t exactly what Nikki would call progress in a deep clean of the living area but hey, you guys needed a break..
Paddy looked like he was itching to get involved whilst a friend of his was mildly concerned that the twins were actually going to injure each other as you shouted at them and told them where to aim while laughing when one of them called you out for ‘not being on their team’.
“Who? The twins and I?”
“Yeah, I’ve never seen you round but even Pads lets you steal his food from his plate.. no one gets to do that”
You let out a breathy laugh, picking yourself up from the area of the floor that you had decided to claim as your filing area, you bumped shoulders with the young lad. 
“How about we leave these three to clean & I’ll tell you the story of how I got stuck with this lot? We can bake something while we’re at it”
“Hey! Mum said it was you three cleaning up this room, why do you get to get out of it and I have to join…”
“Because, you love me and I’m going to bake some brownies.. plus, the twins are the ones were meant to be cleaning & I don’t trust them in the kitchen” 
“Never said ‘no offence’!”
Making your way into the kitchen, you and Gio started manoeuvring around the area pulling out baking ingredients and bowls. Lightly shuffling him out of the kitchen and into a seat you smiled softly as you began measuring out the dry and wet ingredients as you prepared yourself to share the mess that was your first encounter. 
“So it all started when I first moved here for a training opportunity with a developing performance academy. We had just finished one of our major rehearsals for an upcoming showcase, when some of the older members decided to all go out for a bite to eat so that I could get more acquainted with the team. We were all joking around afterwards when we ran into some boys playing soccer in the huge field near the studios. Tom accidentally kicked the ball way too hard for Harry and it hit me.. I didn’t know that a ball hitting my leg could hurt so much.”
Letting out a huff of air, you looked up at Gio as he was trying to stifle a laugh, 
“Hey! It actually hurt!” But looking at the content smile on his face and the smirks and hushed laughs that soon joined in, you couldn’t help but smile too. 
“I swore that the guys were going to kick Tom’s ass when he ran over.. He was terrified too, not sure if it was from hitting a girl or the three guys who swarmed to check on you”
“Oh shut up Harry..”
“Anyways, Tom felt really bad, and then this curly mop appeared and being the sweetheart he used to be”
“Oi, what do you mean used to be..”
“I said what I said thankyou. Harry came to check if I was okay, helped me up and everything since I fell. Somehow we all ended up at the park for almost two hours.. When Dom appeared with Sam I nearly had a heart attack..”
“It was because I was so good looking”
“Actually it was because you were covered in red paint and I thought it was blood..”
Shrugging your shoulders you placed the overflowing brownie mix into the oven to bake, pushing the bowl towards Sam, you bumped his hip and giggled as he pretended to be seriously wounded. 
“Sounds like the weirdest meeting ever.. but why do you call Sam ‘bear’ for?” 
“Dude.. it’s the funniest story, so one tim-“
“You finish that sentence Paddy and I’ll kick your ass into next year.”
Paddy held the biggest grin on his face as you slapped Sam on the shoulder, 
“How about you be nice to your baby brother hmm,”
Sam rolled his eyes, you turned to Gio and offered him a sly grin. 
“It started because I came over one morning and Sam walked into the living room wearing nothing but teddy bear boxers, so initially it started as a way of me teasing him until it wasn’t..”
“Ahh, I remember that day! Sam was still half asleep and he practically sat on your lap that morning.. took him about five minutes to figure out that you were even there. Never seen him so red before”
“Shut up Harry..”
Rolling your eyes as the boys all laughed at Sam’s expense, you leaned closer to him lightly kissing his cheek. He cheeks growing red from embarrassment. Swinging his arm around you after he placed the bowl in the sink Sam stared down at you,
“Then it changed from it being ‘bear’ because of the boxers to me becoming your personal teddy.. I tell you what, this girl napped on me, stole my blankets, my hoodies, all my personal warmth. As our relationship grew so did the meaning of the nickname” 
As you felt yourself melt more and more into Sam’s embrace, you both failed to miss the soft look from Harry as he watched you hold onto each other. 
“So how long have you two been dating?” Gio’s voice broke through the developing silence. 
It was like the two of you had been caught doing something wrong and were trying to play it off as you let go of each other moving to opposite sides of the kitchen bench. 
“Oh no, umm, Gio we.. y/n and I aren’t together”
“Yeah bud, we umm, we’re just close”
“Exactly, we’re just close friends is all, y/n is strictly a friend. That’s it”
Nodding your head you turned to look at the oven, trying to figure out what you were thinking. 
Quickly you got yourself out of the kitchen with the excuse of needing the bathroom, making the boys promise to start clearing up the kitchen from any mess left over from the brownie batter. 
Hiding in the bathroom wasn’t exactly your first idea, but what else were you meant to do. You and Sam were friends. Close friends. I mean, all close friends hold each other right? Share weird little jokes that no one else understands.. you two weren’t that different from other best friends…
Then why in the world was your heart racing so fast. And why did it hurt when Sam shoved himself out of your embrace when Gio said something.. it wasn’t the first time someone thought you two were a couple. You got it all the time.. why was this time so different. 
tags: @upsidedownspidey  @dottirose @allthedifferentfandoms @malecftw  @barnacleb0i @mrslukehemmings00 @jackiehollanderr @babygirl-4986 @yo-sugg @forevermore-taegi 
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asroarke · 6 years
Hey Alex. Your fics completely cheer up whenever I'm in a depressive state. I've read them all so many times. They're incredible. Unfortunately, my boyfriend broke up with me a month ago I guess hes an ex now and I'm confused and broken and Ive been listening non stop to ed sheeran's song "Happier". I was wondering if you could write post break up bellarke fic based kinda on the song, but with a happy ending from bellamys pov? I need a pick me up and a little bit of hope in my life tbh..
I’m really sorry to hear about your break up! That’s rough. Also, side note, that song made me cry. I had never heard it before. So, the happy ending is kind of ambiguous in this fic, but I fully intended for you to assume that the last conversation goes well and they end up back together. I hope you like it! It ended up being more angsty than I had originally planned. [ao3]
He wasn’t planning on stopping by Octavia’s party, using thefact that he was working late as his excuse. But when Pike announced thatBellamy could clock out early, he knew that he had to at least swing by. IfOctavia found out that his schedule opened up and he didn’t stop by, he’d neverhear the end of it.
It wasn’t like Clarke ever stayed at parties long, anyway.He probably wouldn’t even see her. She likely left an hour ago, since she was probablytoo tired from a shift at the hospital or had one early tomorrow morning. So,he took a few deep breaths before heading over to his sister’s apartment.
The party was still raging on when he walked through the door,and Miller immediately put a beer in his hand. “How have you been?” he asked,and Bellamy just shrugged. Miller looked over at Jackson, and Bellamy didn’tmiss the concerned look they exchanged. Yeah, they were worried about him, buthe was fine.
“There you are!” Octavia shouted before he heard the soundof her loud feet rushing toward him. He turned to be ready for her hug, chucklingquietly at her excitement to see him. “Isn’t this a fun party? You’re so happyyou came, right?” she asked, her words slurring together, and he had to fightnot to roll his eyes. She was drunk.
“Yes,” he replied, patting her on the head as he surveyedthe room. No sign of Clarke, thank God. He wouldn’t know what he would say toher if he saw her again. It was inevitable that he would, so he probably shouldfigure something out. But he needed more time to get over the sting of losingher.
He plastered on a smile as Octavia dragged him through theapartment by his hand and introduced him to all her work friends he hadn’t metyet. She ditched him to go whine to Lincoln about something, and Bellamysettled in next to Murphy as he downed the last of his beer. He looked over hisshoulder into the kitchen, spotting those fake margarita beer drinks that Octaviahad recently gotten upset with and let out a sigh. “The good stuff is out onthe patio,” Murphy explained, and he let out a sigh of relief.
“Thank God,” he muttered before making his way out there.
He probably should have known that there would be one or twopartygoers who would be out there. It’s the only quiet place to be at anOctavia Blake party. Bellamy had ducked out here enough times to know that.
But nothing could have prepared him for finding Clarke andRoan out there together.
He freezes for a moment at the sight of Clarke curledup against him with her legs in his lap. It took him a moment to realize thatshe was asleep, and he probably would have laughed at the fact that ClarkeGriffin fell asleep at yet another party if it weren’t for the fact that shewas literally sleeping on Roan.
He clenched his jaw as he fished out a beer from the cooler.He shouldn’t actually be surprised. He and Clarke broke up. She was going tostart seeing other people. He couldn’t have pushed her away any harder, if hewas being honest with himself. But Bellamy had somehow put the prospect ofClarke moving on out of his thoughts, meaning he was blindsided by this.
“Oh hey, man,” Roan said, tearing his eyes away from hisphone to nod at Bellamy. Bellamy nodded back, grinding his teeth together as hedid. Without a word, he walked back into the apartment and took a seat at theempty kitchen table, one of the few spots in the room that gave him a decentview of what was happening on the patio. Maybe he just wanted to torturehimself, but he couldn’t seem to keep his eyes off the two of them as Roan’shand traced up and down Clarke’s back.
“Didn’t you start this whole thing?” Jasper asked as he saton the table, swinging his legs back and forth so that he occasionally hitBellamy.
“Yes,” he huffed, and Clarke started to stir outside. Sherubbed her eyes as she pushed herself up, and Roan put his phone down to saysomething that caused Clarke to erupt into laughter. His chest panged as he sawher bright smile. He couldn’t even remember the last time he saw her smile likethat.
“So, why are you acting like she broke up with you?” Jaspermuttered, and Bellamy took his eyes off Clarke for a moment to glare up at him.
“Jasper, I’m not in the mood,” he snapped. When his eyesreturned to the window, Roan and Clarke had stood up and were facing away fromhim. Both her hands were braced on the railing in front of her, but Roan wasstill rubbing her back.
The fact that it was Roan shouldn’t have surprised Bellamy.He had always had the suspicion that Roan was attracted to Clarke, and it wasn’tlike he could blame Clarke for becoming interested in him once she becamesingle. He was an attractive guy, one that her mother would definitely approveof. He’d probably fit more into Clarke’s world than Bellamy ever did.
Jasper was still mumbling something when Bellamy pushed awayfrom the table. He wasn’t going to sit there all night watching theex-girlfriend he was still in love with flirt with Roan, so he ducked into thekitchen, which was empty. He hopped up onto the counter and let out a breath.
He tried to distract his mind, but the image of themtogether kept popping up in his head again. Bellamy could see them together soclearly, now. Roan didn’t pick fights with Clarke like Bellamy did, no, he wasfar more relaxed and easygoing. He was also not the kind of guy to screw aroundwhen it came to talking about how he felt. Clarke must love that since shedoesn’t have to guess what Bellamy’s thinking anymore or deal with his freakouts when things got a little too serious. She found herself someone who wouldbe upfront with her, and it’s what she deserves.
He pressed his lips together as he heard the patio doorswing open. “Jasper, are you ready for more shots?” he heard Roan tease, andBellamy threw his head back. God, Roan was even more fun around Bellamy’sfriends. “Clarke?”
“Oh, God no,” Clarke giggled, and it was such a sweet, happysound… and why wouldn’t it be? Clarke seemed to be happy, probably happier thanshe had been with Bellamy. There was a quiet mumbling out there as Bellamyheard Jasper skip after Roan. “What?” he heard Clarke say, and he hit his headagainst the cabinet behind him.
He fucked up. God, he fucked up. He was falling too hard andfast for her and got scared. Everything with Clarke felt so natural and normal,and it scared him how easily he could get comfortable with her, especiallygiven how things went with Echo and Gina in the past.
All he could remember was how much he hurt before, and hisstupid, stupid self did what healways did: pushed her away before she could push him away. And now she was gone.He couldn’t blame anyone but himself for the way he picked that fight.
He was taking another swig of his drink when Clarke strodeinto the kitchen, freezing as soon as she saw him. Her brows furrowed as shegave him a once over, and his heart pounded as he waited for her to saysomething.
“Octavia said you had to work tonight,” she finally settledon, and he fought not to roll his eyes at the fact that the two of them couldonly seem to make small talk now.
“My shift ended early, so I stopped by,” he shrugged, andshe nodded along. Her brows were still furrowed, and he could tell that she hadsomething to say to him. But of course, his jealousy was still festering underthe surface and he said, “You seemed to have a good nap outside.”
Her eyes widened at him, and he immediately regretted it.She was free to do whatever the hell she wants, after all. He shouldn’t try tomake her feel bad for moving on. But of course, he always said the wrong thingat every given opportunity.
“It was a long day,” she settled on, and he nodded along, keepinghis eyes fixed on the almost empty beer in his hand. “Actually, I was just aboutto leave. I should go find your sister before I go,” she muttered beforeturning to leave, and Bellamy hit his head on the cabinet again, cursinghimself for pushing her away again.
He listened as Clarke gave her goodbyes to their friends. Montysaid something to make her laugh, and he found a smile tugging at his lips whenhe heard that beautiful sound. She talked with Harper, he thinks, for a minute…and the ease with which she speaks to everyone causes his chest to pang. Sheused to be able to talk to him that way.
Maybe he should find a way to be happy for her. After all,she seemed happier now with Roan. And Clarke deserved to be happy. He wantedher to be so happy.
When the front door shut, he let out a breath. He survivedseeing Clarke tonight, barely. The panging in his chest probably wouldn’t goaway any time soon, though he wasn’t sure if it ever left.
He was coming up with excuses to leave the party too whenRoan came into the kitchen. “What’s wrong with you?” Roan snorted.
“Nothing,” Bellamy lied.
“So, it has nothing to do with the fact that you saw me withyour ex?” he asked, raising his eyebrows as he filled a cup with ice.
“Clarke can date whoever she wants,” he replied.
“I’m not dating Clarke,” Roan corrected, and Bellamy hatedhow easy his own face gave his reaction away. Roan smirked at him, pleased thathe had finally broken Bellamy out of his fake indifference. “I don’t make ahabit of dating girls who are still in love with their exes.”
“Clarke isn’t—”
“She is,” he interrupted. “It’s annoying, honestly. Fulloffense intended, you were a dick to her in the end.”
“I know,” he huffed, throwing his head back. He didn’t needthis lecture from Roan when he had been giving it to himself all night. “It’show I know she isn’t still hung up on me.”
“Interesting,” Roan muttered as he walked back toward thedoor, “then, why is she still in the parking lot, crying in her car?” Bellamy’shead snapped up to look at Roan, whose eyebrows were raised at him as he lookedover his shoulder. “Don’t fuck it up this time,” he huffed before walking backout to the party. Bellamy jumped to his feet, abandoning his beer on thecountertop before striding toward the front door. He didn’t bother tellinganyone where he went. Everyone was too drunk to notice he was gone, anyway.
When he got down to the parking lot, he found Clarke’s carin the very back. He jogged toward her car, and as he got closer, he could seeher talking on the phone as she wiped a few tears from her cheek. He felt sickat the realization that he was the reason she was crying. He never wanted tohurt her. After all, he loved her… probably a little too much. He was justscared.
Clarke’s eyes widened when she spotted him, and she said goodbyeto whoever she had been talking to. He stood still as she pushed herself out ofthe car, her brows furrowing in confusion as she looked up at him again. “Whatare you—”
“I miss you,” he interrupted, and her eyes softened. “I’msorry. I know I don’t get to just… Fuck,” he mumbled. He hadn’t thought throughwhat he would say to her at all. He hadn’t been thinking when he rushed downafter her. All he heard was that she was upset because of him, and he couldn’t stayaway.
“I miss you too,” she said before he could stutter anythingelse out. Her blue eyes were staring back at him, still a bit red from crying.All he wanted to do was close the distance between them and pull her to hischest.
“Can we talk?” he asked, and she bit down on her lip. Herchest was rising and falling slowly as she took a few deep breaths.
It felt like hours had passed before she whispered, “Yeah.”
A flicker of hope scorched through him as the two of them satdown on the curb. He was going to tell her everything that he didn’t saybefore. He was going to make it right. And maybe, just maybe, she’d let him tryto make her happy again.
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stoopsbookstore · 6 years
Greaser!Wonwoo Part 1
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(A/N) SO... I decided to do this. I finally got the courage to do this. I was debating if I should do this for Wonwoo or Jaehyun, like I was writing this for Jaehyun, but I have a different idea for him now. I have a massive AU that I've had in my head for a good year now and there's most likely gonna be little hints to it in all of these 😐 Please keep in mind that I'm on mobile 99% of the time so some formatting may be weird. Another thing... I might have Sims based on these scenarios that I might make another blog for 🤔
Reader - Female
Greaser!Wonwoo... no one knows who he was until he started to hang out with the Diamond Gang, Pledis Prep's local criminals
He just kinda appeared out of nowhere with Mingyu
Rumors has it he's a narc, but that doesn't make sense... he's.... in the gang... like Seungcheol has straight up said that if Wonwoo was a narc, ain't no one would know he even existed
What had happened was Minghao and Mingyu were partners with Wonwoo for an assignment
Wonwoo has dragged to a race one day and was just kinda thrown in the car after Mingyu get his head smacked
You know that scene in Grease where Kenickie gets hit in the head before Thunder Road?
Yea, that's Mingyu and Wonwoo right now
Seungcheol told Wonwoo if he wins, he doesn't have to join the Diamond Gang, he can just leave with no consequences and live his life. If he loses, he's now the group's running bitch
Take a guess at what happens?
He actually wins, but Jeonghan convinced him to stay with promises of getting to know how to break into the local library after hours
You wanna know how Jeonghan knows this? He's not only lazy, he's also the librarian's son, he has a key duh
Y/N was the stereotypical good girl
Follows rules? Check. Straight A's? Check. Always home at curfew? Check.
Wonwoo hates being called a Greaser and he finds the Socs name stupid
Wonwoo thinks the labels are just pretentious bullshit
Seungcheol has told Wonwoo horror stories about the Socs
How they treats their girls, how they have the cops wrapped around their fingers, how Jeonghan was put out of comission for 3 months just for walking on Soc territory
Wonwoo tries not to believe the b.s., but it's really hard when it seems like all there is, is just a bunch of hatred between the groups
So, he walks around the town, Masonridge, to just clear his mind, when he sees the Soc gang, Neo, at the baseball park, beating up someone who looks to be protecting someone else?
Wonwoo looks around for something to wave in the air to make himself look scary, seeing as he doesn't have the Diamond Gang leather jacket yet.
Right now he's in his glasses, a light yellow sweater with the cutest little sweater paws
He sees a bat left behind by the Pledis baseball team and he goes up to Neo and confronts them
He sees Johnny, Taeil and Yuta turn around and he gets a closer view of the situation
It's Dino... protecting Y/N... after she said she wouldn't sleep with Johnny
At this point, Wonwoo sees red and he starts swinging
The 3 memebrs of Neo seeing this haul ass back to S.M. Academy, but not before Yuta warns Wonwoo that Y/N is just a troubled slut in a poodle skirt
Dino helps calm down Wonwoo and they both help Y/N
Y/N is kind enough to let both of them come to her house, seeing as her parents aren't home, for some tea and so she can wrap up Dino's wounds
Wonwoo texts Seungcheol to let him know what just went down and Seungcheol texts him to stay at Y/N's, let Dino rest and don't let Y/N out of his sight
Tbh this takes place in one of those future of the pasts, like it's 1950s styled... but it takes place in the present
Anywho, all three finally get home and Wonwoo and Y/N patch Dino up and after a little bit, he decides to take a nap because as we all know, getting the shit beaten out of you hurts a lot and may or may not take a lot of energy out of you.
Wonwoo starts to douse off and he doesn't even notice that Y/N left the room until his phone buzzed and he got a text from an unknown number saying Y/N looks really good standing on her balcony right now, with a photo attachment of Y/N looking like a goddess out to the fading skyline
Wonwoo immediately shoots up from the couch, calling for Y/N
He sees her chilling on the balcony, swaying with her cat, Mochi, to some Michael Buble
He's just hypnotized... like he's not one to fall in love at first sight, so he'll call this love in the first 4 hours of knowing you
He finally speaks up, making sure you're okay after what happened
Putting Mochi down, you say you're fine, just a little shaken up
Wonwoo and you are quiet for a little bit, until he finally asks why Yuta called you what he did
You tell him about him the story of your father and mother. Your mom was a Greaser and your dad was a Soc
Within the first year of your life, your mom left with your dad's best friend, who was also a Greaser
Using the excuse she needed more freedom and adventure and that's exactly your dad's friend could provide
When you turned 16, your dad was super protective of you, but you decided to act out like your mother
You got wrapped up in the wrong group, you hung out with Neo and your first love was Yuta, as you were his. You gave your virginity to him, he gave his to you
After that happened, he started to act distant and become more of the Danny Zuko type of Greaser, flirted with everyone, tried to get into everyone's pants, he literally didn't give a fuck anymore
Turns out, while he originally did love you, he just kinda stopped, but he still cared about you... so instead of just ending it, he just led you on and continued to let you believe that he was in love with you1a
After that night when you both lose your virginities, he started to ghost you and you saw him less and less and even thought it was never offical, it was unofficially offical.
So to cope with your heartbreak, you ended up throwing yourself into studying and this is when you met Dino
Yuta didn't like that you were talking with another guy even if it's someone like Dino who you saw as a brother.
Yuta was pissed so he started to spread a rumor about the reason y'all broke up was because you were sleeping with everyone at all of the schools around Masonridge
Yugyeom from JYP Prep, Hyuk from Jellyfish School of Music, and 4 of the other members of Neo were just a fraction of the names that were thrown around. All of them denied it except the Neo members of course
Your father was pissed and while you apologized about treating him the way you did, he didn't fault you because you realize what you were doing
Wonwoo, sensing your tears and against his better judgement, immediately hugged you and held you while you cried
While this was happening, your father came down and saw Dino on the couch, curled up like a cat, using his Diamond Gang jacket as a pillow and Mochi's favorite blanket to cover himself
Knowing Dino, he didn't question this , but still your father goes looking for you and finds you asleep on the bench, while Wonwoo is pacing, trying to stop himself from destroying Yuta
Your dad speaks up asking who he is
Wonwoo introduces himself as one of Dino's friends
Turns out your dad knows exactly who he is because you talked about the tall cute brooding guy who sits in the corner of the library and you're too scared to ask him to move so you could get a book you needed for class
Wonwoo blushes at the fact that you told your father you think he's cute
Your dad shakes you awake because he doesn't want you to fall asleep on the bench when it looks like a storm is coming oh if he only knew
Dino and Wonwoo are offered to stay for dinner and they won't turn down free food like ever
While your dad and Dino are setting up the table, you and Wonwoo are cutting the vegetables and doing the prep
Wonwoo keeps taking peeks at you wondering if you still thinks he's cute or if you don't even like guys anymore or has your shirt always been unbuttoned to the 3rd button and are you getting hot because he is and are yo-
In the middle of thinking, he slices his finger and Nurse Y/N is needed one again hmm... nurse Y/N with Patient!Member? 😏 but what kind of patient is the question
You bring him to the guest room because your dad is very queasy when it comes to blood it makes that time of the month SO MUCH FUN
Wonwoo is sitting on the guest bed while you're cleaning the wound and wrapping his index and middle finger together and Wonwoo just can't stop thinking about how cute you look so focused
You put the final touches on and before you get up to the first aid kit away, Wonwoo sees his chance and kisses you
At first you were confused but then you melted into it
He tasted like coffee and mint and your lips had a light tinge of strawberries
He didn't want to scare you or your dad or Dino. So, he just kept his hands down by his side
Much to his shock, you decided to straddle him and kiss him a bit harder
Wonwoo was in a state of pure bliss until Dino knocked on the door causing you to stand straight up and Wonwoo to fall back in disbelief
Dino, totally oblivious to what was happening beforehand, cheerfully told yall it was time for dinner
Cue the most awkward dinner for Wonwoo, sitting there thinking about the kiss and all of his feelings because he's been thrown for a tailspin in the past month between becoming a member of the Diamond Gang and falling in love after 4 hours with a Soc
Seungcheol finally comes to pick the two after dinner and he thanks you for helping, even shaking your father's hand
You asked your father why he was so chill with the Greasers in his house. Not only Greasers, the notorious Diamond Gang
He said that in his years of being a cop, he noticed that the Diamond Gang hasn't done anything wrong except for drag racing
Other than that, they're just a group of guys who found the real home in each other and anyone who hangs out with Dino is a good kid
And he already likes Wonwoo miles ahead of Yuta
The next day, Yuta confronts you about being with Wonwoo, saying what does Wonwoo have that he doesn't?
You started to list everything about Wonwoo, even the little things about him, that made Yuta furious because you never talked about him like that
Yuta challenged Wonwoo through you, you could say
Yuta tried to pull that whole if he's so good why won't he race me bullcrap and before he could say the last word, Wonwoo accepted
Yuta marched away and you looked at Wonwoo like what the hell
Wonwoo gets up all this courage and says that he knows that he can and will win if you're there with him, cheering alongside the Diamond Gang
You told Wonwoo that Yuta plays very dirty and he's not one to be taken lightly
You smack his arm but also tell him that you'll be there with Nayoung and Roa
The day comes and you couldn't be anymore nervous, you kept thinking what if Yuta does something drastic to hurt Wonwoo and holy shit you've felt this way about one other guy and that was Yuta and you don't like this feeling but you like Wonwoo and has Wonwoo always had that nice of a chest in a white t-shirt?
Nayoung shook you off of your thoughts as the guys got in their cars, Yuta shooting you a wink and Wonwoo blowing you a kiss you know that snarky kiss Xiumin did? with the two fingers? Yea it's like that just with more love instead of snark
Xiyeon stated the rules... there was no rules... and started the countdown
3.... Wonwoo looks at you, 2..... he mouths I love you, 1..... he hits the gas pedal
Both taking off like a rocket, Wonwoo was behind for a good chunk of the race
The turn was coming up and Yuta has going well over 70 while Wonwoo was going to drift
Yuta takes the corner....
But he takes it too wide and crashes
Wonwoo stops, just lead foot on the brake and he unbuckles and runs to Yuta's car
He's shouting and trying to get a response from Yuta, anything, a groan, shout of pain, something
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