#my humor is broken okay HSHSHS
bluelolblue · 5 months
I love how Santino looked at the pictures, idk why
And how this mini conversation is, like you can't see Santino, just hear him 😭
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alltheselights · 5 years
Omg wait you have a farm fic? Please elaborate on all your fics hshshs
Yesss I do!! Okay so….
ABO BLFF Fic: This one is coming this week so I don’t want to give too many details, but the prompt is: ABO AU Harry is an Alpha who has trouble sleeping at night, so he hires an Omega, Louis, from a credited service that provides insomniac relief based on the fact that Omegas and Alphas thrive the most when they are together. It’s my first ABO so I’m nervous and I hope people will like it!
Secrets/Plane Fic: I feel like everyone knows everything about this fic already, but basically, Louis sits next to Harry on a flight and when they hit bad turbulence, he accidentally just starts word vomiting out all of his deepest darkest secrets. Come Monday morning, he realizes that Harry is the new CEO for his company. From there, it’s basically a lot of humor and smut and fluff and a lil bit of angst, but it’s a really fun fic overall.
Political Mpreg Breakup AU: This fic is gonna be my baby and probably my favorite of all time. The premise is that Harry is running for political office in the U.S. and Louis is his long-term boyfriend, but they break up. A few weeks later, Louis learns that he’s pregnant. They decide to keep the baby and fake a relationship until Harry gets elected because they fully realize that it would look pretty bad for Harry’s public image to make it look like he’s broken up with and abandoned his pregnant boyfriend. Cue a lot of angst, them having to live together despite being broken up, adorable and sad pregnant Louis, super protective Harry, and a TON of fluff, despite all the sadness. This is basically a trope-fest….breakup fic, fake relationship, mpreg……you name it ajklfdjkadfs. Hopefully I can pull it off.
Farm Fic: The premise of this fic is that Louis has been raised by his grandfather on a farm and he comes back from grad school for the summer and finds that his grandpa hired a new guy to help him on the farm. Louis is lowkey offended by this because usually it’s HIM that helps (though he has no interest in it and isn’t great at it), so it’s some light-hearted enemies to lovers as Louis learns to deal with this new guy.
Professor Harry AU: Not sure if this will ever come to pass, but I promoted a very talented gifmaker to make this AU gifset on Twitter and people requested that I write a fic for it. My idea is that professor Harry meets grad student Louis at a coffee stand on campus and makes some cheesy dad jokes that get Louis rolling his eyes, but also hopelessly attracted. They keep running into each otehr on campus and become friends even though they probably shouldn’t be. One night, Harry runs into a cute and slightly tipsy Louis, who’s upset over an exam grade because he’s so exhausted by working two jobs to put himself through grad school. Harry takes him out for drinks, one thing leads to another, and then after however much other angst I choose to include, they eventually live happily ever after.
WOY Sequel: This is in the very early stages of thought, but it’s going to feature vampire Louis for the first time and Harry’s going to go undercover in it. Beyond that, we’ll see.
I have some other ideas for fics, but these are the ones on my radar at the moment.
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