#my japanese studies prof would be very proud
junotter · 2 years
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Once a Moga always a Moga
I'm honestly really split on if Japan would've been a Moga. I think in how I interpret the place of the characters in the real world she'd be pressured either way, either an icon of a "progressive" japan to follow or a symbol of the past. Idk, I think that maybe she might like the freedom associated with the Moga movement (similar to the flapper girl) but also see that the "west's" power is growing stronger on her? It really comes down to are the countries an expression of their people or the government?
Also I, like, visualized the 2022 version of her to be like standing on a train platform, going to a meeting or something, and it's like a magazine photo for a piece about her and how she represents the modern Japanese woman in the workforce? idk capitalist propaganda or something
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kyunsies · 3 years
So I guess I can't send pictures on anon :( I was gonna send you pictures of my plants... maybe instead I'll post about them and send it to you idk 😐 but the plant I got is called a Money tree! Though right now it's really small!
Congrats on your exam today!! I know you'll nail it tomorrow too!!! 🥰🥰 I told my sister "hey!! Mädch got a 92% on her exam today!" and she said "oh yay!!" So we're rooting for you over here 🤩
I AM a musician! I checked out that channel and surfed through the videos to find one I thought would be interesting and I ended up watching them react to oneus to be or not to be. I had the weirdest flashbacks to when I was in college seeing them in those classrooms!!! My college classrooms looked the exact same, honestly. The chairs with the swing around desks, the chalkboards with staff lines taped on, and the grand piano in the background... like.. those are my people!!! Everything they said made perfect sense to me and honestly.. there were times when I said the exact same things they did at the same times LDJFHF but anyway I will probably watch more of their videos, I really enjoyed the lil talking session they did after watching the video!!
I kinda have a lot of thoughts about mx and their US vs Korean vs Japanese releases, but I haven't done enough listening and I don't know how the members feel about their different styles within their discography, besides the very little I've heard them say in interviews and similar content, so I don't necessarily feel comfortable saying much (aaand I don't know how much you care to listen to me talk about it lfsjskdh), but their English songs really seem like just another facet of the ever multifaceted mx, y'know? Like, they're just.. rounded musicians that are able to have a multitude of styles and sounds while still being them. Anyway that's simultaneously more and less than I wanted to say, so I'll stop there haha, sorry for going off on that a little bit 😅😅
Oh jeez sorry for the giant wall of text in this ask.. but I hope you're able to rest tonight and do well on your exam tomorrow!! 💖 dkbtho
yeah love u can't send pics on anon :((( but u are more than welcome to send me a pic in the DMs !!!! i would love to see ur cute plants <3m money tree sounds so cUTE hehe
and THANK YOU about my exam ;_____; i was so scared on it but i can't believe i got the grade i did ,,,,,,, i feel like i guessed on a lot of question LOL :') and i did okay on my exam today!!! i initially got an 80% on it which is eh but my prof did some iteam analysts and ended up getting a 82% which i can't really complain about !!! i'll take it hhhh AND PLS U TOLD UR SISTER TOO :(((( you both are so incredibly kind, thank you so much <3
and ahhhh YOU KNEW WHAT THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT :ooo i feel that's like, really high lever music terms (from someone who has never studied music intensely) like ,,,,, syncopation??? modal mixture ?? all that stuff i'm just like e,,,,,,,,,, musicians must study so much to even pick that up from non classical music u know?? they blow me away eveyr time, you guys are absolute geniuses when it comes to that stuff hhhh crazy !!!!!! i'm glad that video was able to bring back some nostalgia for you !!!! i enjoy so many of their videos <3 i suggest watching the ones for shinee (atlantis and don't call me, i think you'd like those videos) bc they have really cool things to say about shinee (i mean it's SHINEE so <3) ,,,, thank u for checking them out :)
and yeah like we'll never know how the members feel about it !!! like they might love the change of pace or they might hate it ya know? we don't really know that and like , me personally i actually don't like a ton of their japanese releases either but i do think that mx definitely covers a wide variety of sounds, and even tho they don't really push the boundaries musically when they make english things, i do think its MONUMENTAL and AMAZING that they are even making english albums in the first place !!!!!!! it really shows how dedicated they are to just making music, i think it sets them apart from other groups objectively. like look at how much music they have been releasing ever since debut, they barely get a break and i think that shows they just LOVE making cool music and i'm always always proud of them whether their music is right up my alley or not <3 mx are an amazing group and i'm so happy we get to experience their talent together with monbebe !!!!! :D
ANYWAYS DON'T BE SORRY LMAO i just sent a long paragraph about how much i love and respect mx HHH we are on the same wavelength <3 but i hope you've had a nice day angel !!!!!! <3 love u !!!!!!
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purplesurveys · 5 years
Looks and Personality
What do you look like? I tick all the marks of a Filipina - kinda tiny, black eyes, morena, flat nose. I’m on the slender side, have thick, wavy hair that gets frizzy when it’s hot, and huge thighs when I sit down.
How often do you bathe? I don’t really have a constant schedule. I take a bath everyday when I have school; I could take a bath everyday especially during summer; but I can also opt to do it every other day when I feel lazy/when it’s colder.
How do you wear your hair? Down, low ponytail, high ponytail, or in a bun depending on what I’m wearing.
What colours do you tend to wear? Black, white, and any muted shade. I have very little color in my wardrobe.
Do you have any tattoos? What, where and why? Nope. I had always wanted to have a ton until I realized I was scared of needles.
What kind of clothes do you wear? My style is a mix of classy and trendy, so I’ll wear little black dresses with flats but I can also sometimes wear a simple top with culottes or long dresses paired with sneakers. Idk, depends on my mood for the day really.
What kind of jewelery do you wear? I’ve stopped wearing jewelry. The two necklaces Gab got me already broke and I haven’t had them replaced with any new ones. Not a fan of rings and I don’t really have bracelets.
Is there anything else you often wear? I’m not too picky with what I put on. My must-have is just a black hairtie on my wrist.
Would you say you had a “look”? Yeah I think so. I’ve molded my style to make it akin to Audrey Hepburn’s, who’s like my biggest idol eveeeeerrrrrrrrr.
When going out, do you dress up or down? Depends on what period of the sem I’m in. I’ll definitely dress up at the start because I want to look good in front of new profs and classmates lmao. But by the end of the sem when all the deadlines are piling up, I’ll go to class in the same shorts I wear at home, a hoodie with nothing inside, and NOT CARE.
What do you wear to bed at home? The thinnest clothes I could find, because it gets really hot. Tank top and shorts will do, but sometimes I’d opt for a tank top and just underwear.
What do you wear to bed when you’re somewhere else? I cover up of course. I’d switch up the tank for a t-shirt, but still keep the shorts.
Is there a place you keep any prized/secret things whilst you’re away? No. That place is my room already.
What’s your favourite food? Either pizza, curry, or sushi. I’m a sucker for all variations of the three.
What’s your favourite drink? Iced caramel macchiato is always so refreshing. OH and I FINALLY recently found out how I like my coffee! Hshssksh Kate poured me a cup of coffee last week and her mix was SO good omg it was 2 packets of cream, 1 packet of sugar, and it can take or leave milk. I’m so excited about this because I never learned how to make coffee that wasn’t just the instant one that does all the work for me. Now I finally feel like a grown-up hahahahaha
What’s your favourite dessert?  Chewy chocolate chip cookies, macarons, cheesecake, and souffles.
What’s your favourite type of food (e.g Mexican)? Indian and Korean. Japanese is a runner-up.
Do you have any mental problems? Yes. I don’t have the time, the money, and the courage to get myself checked and so I just try to get by and get better everyday.
Do you have any phobias? What? Why do you think you have this/them? Cockroaches, needles, and roller coasters. Cockroaches are fucking ugly and we had a lot of them (flying ones!) in our old house; needles are sharp and they hurt; and as for the last one, I generally get bad motion sickness but the whole phobia thing got worse when I had a particularly bad experience on a roller coaster in Singapore.
Why might somebody dislike you? I’m super nice but I’m not denying that I can snap whether it’s warranted or not. I come off a little strongly and it might rub people off the wrong way.
What skill do you possess that you are most proud of? Seeing things through. Like if I want something to work, I do it and I make it work. I hate failure and I like looking like I get a lot of work done.
What is your greatest strength (e.g. honest, loyal, brave)? Loyalty.
What’s your greatest shortcoming or flaw (e.g. cowardly, alcoholic)? My competitiveness can make me a coward. Like I will back out of things as soon as I can detect that I can possibly lose or fail.
Who do you most admire? I don’t really admire anyone.
Who do you most love? Animals.
What three things do you look for most in a partner? I don’t like boxing people into just three standards...I do take a liking to people who kind of stand out from the rest, are intelligent, and have the same stances as I do.
Do you like crowds? Depends on the type. I only like crowds I’m comfortable with, like a concert crowd.
What are your hobbies? Trying out new food.
If you can’t get to sleep in the middle of the night, what do you do? I’ll watch YouTube videos or scroll through Reddit. Knocks me out instantly.
What is your favourite animal? Dogs, cows, elephants, or pigs. Can’t really choose.
What is your favourite colour? Pink.
If you could ask God (to athiests - IF there was one) one question, what? Why’d they make the universe? What’s all of this for? Cheated for using two questions, but whatever.
Where were you born and raised? I was born in Manila and raised in a city a little east of Manila.
Briefly describe your family. We’re five in the immediate family - my mom and dad have been married for 22 years and I have a younger sister and brother. I don’t talk to my brother anymore after an incident a few months ago; my sister and I are generally close. I have three grandparents that are still alive, but I’m generally closer to my grandma on my mom’s side since she lives nearer. I have 11 cousins but the number just gets so much bigger if you count second- and third-degree ones.
You must choose one - your childhood was calm/peaceful or tragic/turbulent? It was both, honestly. Since I lived with extended family growing up, I had relatives with drinking and violence problems on one side, but also relatives who strove to protect us from them and tried to give us a normal childhood. I can’t really pick one for you, because I experienced both.
Did you have any role models? I looked up to wrestlers from a very early age. Shawn Michaels and Lita were my childhood favorites.
What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you? [Trigger warning: suicide] Attempting suicide multiple times, summer 2017.
How did it affect you? [Trigger warning: suicide] Profoundly. I wouldn’t have met my orgmates if I succeeded, because I only joined my college org after the attempts. At the time I did it, I had no friends in college so looking back on it can feel surreal. I also realized that I am scared of myself knowing that I’m capable of physically getting to that point.
Have you ever had any recurring nightmares or themes in nightmares? When my depression was a lot worse two years ago, I would always get dreams of either me or Gab dying. It was always either of us getting shot.
What were they? ^
Do you currently have a boyfriend/girlfriend? I do.
Do you have any close friends? Yes <3
Briefly describe your best friend: She studies architecture, has a mole on the left side of her face, has a classy sense of style, loves The Maine, has two shihtzus named Hailey and Kennedy (the latter after Kennedy Brock from The Maine), and is one of the most genuine, caring, and smartest people I know.
Any enemies? I don’t think so, unless people have a problem with me that they aren’t telling me.
Who? What are they like?
Would you risk your life for your best friend? (not lover or family member!) For Angela? Easily.
With who was your most important romantic relationship? Gabie.
Of what are you most proud? Going to school in UP.
Of what are you most ashamed? My home life. I’m an open book except for this aspect.
Alignment, Ethics and Religion
What is your religion? None. Atheist.
Where do you stand on abortion? Pro-choice. Ez.
Where do you stand on the death penalty? I’m against it mostly for the fact that execution is literally the easiest way out. For shitty people who have done shitty things, let them rot in prison until they die. For people who have done shitty things but want to be better, let them be better and give them a second chance.
Where do you stand on wearing fur? HATE IT. Wear faux fucking fur if you’re so adamant on wanting fur on your outfit.
Do you have a moral code that you follow? What? Don’t we all have our own compasses?
Could you kill somebody? If my loved ones are involved, absolutely.
For what reason would you kill somebody? If my loved ones are seriously harmed. For self-defense too.
Would you SERIOUSLY CONSIDER killing anybody right now? No, not right now.
Do you trust easily, or not? I trust in the first place; but I can easily take the trust away if it’s abused.
What are your political beliefs (anarchy, communism, democracy etc.)? I’m a social democrat. < God, I don’t really pay attention to labels lmao but this seems pretty accurate.
What, if anything, WOULD you sacrifice your life for? Gabie and/or her family. Way too important to me.
Would you ever, for any reason, abandon your friends in an hour of need? I don’t think I can.
What are your dreams/ambitions/goals? Complete college, find a job that pays well, pay for a house, travel abroad, start a family.
How do you plan to reach them? Work my ass off I guess?
How would your ideal partner look? I already have one.
Do you ever want to have a family someday? With children? Yes. I’ll be crushed if I don’t get one.
Who would you want to start this family with, or do you not yet know? My girlfriend, ideally.
What would stop you from reaching your goals (e.g. death, retirement fund)? I’m very money-oriented, like I would rather earn a lot in an okay job than be in a job I’m super super super passionate about but has a lower pay, so I think anything with inadequate pay will definitely demotivate me.
What do you see yourself doing next year? This time next year I’m already polishing up my thesis. I’ll be graduating in a few weeks, and I would have already come out to my parents.
What do you see yourself doing in twenty years? Having a family and being at that point in life where I’m just accomplished. I’d want to be feeling that way by the time I’m 41.
Would you ever have an affair? NO.
Would you ever have a one night stand? Idk, not really for me.
What are your greatest fears? Being a failure.
More information
If you had a month of nothing (no work, no obligations) what would you do? Provided that money wasn’t an issue, I’d eat out. Always. I’d try out new restaurants and the quirkiest food out there.
How do you relax? Sleep, talk to my friends, watch YouTube videos, and, if I have time, take surveys.
What one thing would you change in this world (free Tibet, abolish Sweden)? Do something about pollution or climate change.
Would you ever choose a career or job where your life was at risk? You mean, a journalist? Hahahahaha hell no. But again, unless the job pays well, then no.
Why? In the case of being a journalist, it’s just not worth it to me...which is sad, because I used to be very passionate about becoming one. But when I realized the horrible reality of taking up such a career, it was very easy to turn away. I’ll always be sorry to my 13 year old self.
How would you like to be remembered after your death? Someone who went out of her way to look out for people, no matter the situation. As simple as that.
Random questions
Where you present at any major historical events (e.g. 9/11)? Nope.
How did they affect you?
Do you have any famous relatives? I have relatives in the local government, plus my maternal grandfather’s clan pretty much owns all of Mindoro Oriental so there’s that. I don’t have celebrity relatives though.
Do you have to try and live up to your family’s expectations? Of course.
Are you a loyal member of any organizations? Just the one I applied for in my university haha.
General Information
Name: Robyn.
Age: 21.
Date Of Birth: April 21st.
Race: Brown.
Height: 5′2″
Weight: Uh like 90 something lbs. Idk, it always fluctuates around the 90s.
Are you happy with this? I could gain more weight honestly. I’m a little underweight, and clothes I wanna wear sometimes don’t fit or suit me for being too thin.
Desired weight: A little over 100 would be healthier for me I think.
Sexual orientation: I don’t fucking know anymore lmao. I can be bisexual one day, pansexual the next, and demisexual the next. I don’t really answer when I’m asked this.
First language: Filipino. Second/Third/Fourth etc. languages (if any): English.
Why did you take this survey? I haven’t taken a survey in such a long time because I was swamped with work. Tonight is the first time in two weeks I had enough time to squeeze in a survey.
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rhythmantics · 7 years
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a collection of doodles; stuff for a 3rd Orre game idea I bounce around sometimes and a couple of OCs
the dream is to one day make a fangame for the orre series
tbh with the way pokemon currently is i don’t trust them at all to handle orre
xd was already Lighter and Softer than colo, and i can only shudder to imagine how much lighter they’ll crank that dial. we might even see shit like...routes...and wild pokemon on them...like??
the orre games had this wonderful moral ambiguity and urban decay that i don’t think pokemon is capable of catering to right now, since they’re trying so hard to have this image these days of this sprawling, kid-focused series. and yeah, s/m’s story got dark and shit, but the game wasn’t marketed that way, and it’s more of a juicy tidbit than the core of the experience.
If a third orre game isn’t unnecessarily gritty and edgy then, like, what’s even the point lol
So i do have rpg maker xp and I do have pokemon essentials and i think i’ve more or less worked out the mechanics i need to have implemented, but i dont think i ahve the time to spare to actually finish it in any capacity because the amount of new assets i’d have to create - tiles, character models, etc - is so massive it would realistically take me several, several months even if i was doing it as a full-time job
so in any case here are some ideas to titillate your interest:
level scaling across the entire game, across every trainer (possible to turn off for a more traditional pokemon experience). Regular trainers would be set ~3 levels below your team, “strong” trainers (ie cail, rider willie) would be set at your team, and bosses would always be a few levels above. The only place this wouldn’t apply would be Mount Battle, which is, after all, a side challenge. This mechanic would pretty much do away with the need for level grinding except to balance out team levels. reasoning: the orre games are known for their higher difficulty curve, and this plays off it. Double battles also make for very interesting avenues of strategy exploration; with bosses always a little tougher than you are the hope is you might wipe out a couple times before figuring out a winning strategy.
Lucky egg given early but no exp. share.
higher catch rate on shadow pokemon - since the game would start you out at lvl 25 and honestly this is just an anti-frustration feature
Again, level scaling can be turned off for a more traditional experience, but the idea would be that the levels would get pretty high pretty fast, and by midgame you’d be going up against lvl 55s and stuff (just enough to start encountering some salamences and flygons), hopefully ending the game in the 80′s.
Pokedex -> strategy memo, and seen = obtained. Strategy memo actually contains opinions from the player character rather than just standard “animal facts” type stuff.
No routes! Just cities! Pokespots still in effect to limit the player’s pool of usable pokemon.
Missed pokemon integrated with pokespots or maybe made un-faintable so you have to catch them because i’m really not that good at programming guys
Orre is a cold desert. I know technically it’s based on the Arizona desert, and I’ve been there, but friggin look at the fashion, these people would all get heatstrokes in a matter of seconds.
So to that end, my orre is actually based on the Atacama Desert, whose topography not only resembles Orre’s (volcanic mountains on one side, ocean on the other), but is a cold desert (with daytime temperatures peaking around 60 degrees F) and is considered the driest desert in the world, with some places having not seen rain in centuries, having been compared to Mars in regards to how uninhabitable it is.
you know, like how apparently wild pokemon can’t survive in orre except at the pokespots.
also the orre colosseum looks just like the atacama hand and i dont think that’s a coincidence
canyons, oases, underground rivers and deep underground cave systems, forests to the northeast and a coast that’s actually somewhat habitable via fog collection
gateon renamed Io Port (the japanese name) to go with the gem/mineral naming scheme of the rest of the game. Plaque added outside lighthouse reading “Io Lighthouse” (GEDDIT)
cipher key lair being torn down by reformed eldes, working with lovrina and gorigan, in order to create an amusement park, hopefully to be an international tourist attraction of the more innocent variety than realgam
Areas given a name. Desert is orre desert, northwest forest is Tempor Forest, mountain range is Kabla Mountains, keeping in line with Eclo Canyon
A new town named Appoak, one of those aforementioned fog-collection coastal villages, which has the distinct honor of being the place you buy your wildflower seeds, which are often scattered in the desert as funerary rites because it’s kind of hard to build a grave out there and this is a tradition that natives of orre held long before the settlers/miners came in and which has overtaken the settlers/miners’ traditions, especially during and after the starvation riots that happened after the majority of the mines ran dry and the companies stopped sending their support to the workers that were now effectively stranded in one of the harshest environments on the planet.
Dead were littered on the streets, no one had the ability to bury them all, and so the tradition of scattering flower seeds instead of erecting graves that would simply be wiped out in the next sandstorm (and have you ever tried to dig a hole in dry sand) became popular since it felt like more closure
Anyways Appoak cultivates desert flowers year-round and sells the seeds and performs funerary rites, as a result it’s considered something of a sacred locale in that no one wants to mess with it because you have no idea who you might be pissing off whose loved one was buried with Appoak rites
Michael, 5 years later, now 18 (in xd he’s called an “unknown teen” by ONBS and honestly he’s so short that i’d feel bad if he was older than 13 at the time of the game) is your player character! Trainer class Lab Kid, with a cool hover-scooter, who is now officially a staff member at the Lab HQ as a result of reaching adulthood (though he’s been helping out with field research long before that.)
Your starter is a sylveon, level 25, because this Michael is not a blank-slate character, and sylveon is both in character and doesn’t conflict with any choice of eeveelution from the first game. In fact, this michael made it through the entirety of the first game without evolving his Eevee, like an absolute madman.
Lily and Jovi start the game off overseas giving lectures on shadowfication and purification, mostly so that i don’t have to create their sprites. But also because them leaving is an excuse for them to take all your pokemon from the first game with them, for “demonstration purposes,” leaving you with just your eeveelution and maybe some second pokemon-i-don’t-know-what-yet-probably-your-choice-of-any-starter so you can hurry up and get to the double battles without sacrificing an ability to make a choice on your starter.
Wes is in the game and he is an asshole and you will love him
Cail actually serves a plot purpose
Cameos from all your favorite admins and named characters from Colo/XD, most of which remain unfought until either late or post-game (because the focus is on the new story, you know?)
Miror B and flunkies at Io Port, the proud owners of a popular and, more importantly, lucrative new ludicolo dance act.
Eldes, trying to make up for his past, sponsoring an amusement park being worked on by Lovrina and her brother, with Gorigan overseeing the construction. Snattle offhandedly mentioned as having been elected governer by default (no one else was running) and helping with greenlighting these projects since he and eldes are, apparently, sand-golf buddies and eldes has been twisting his ear for the greater good
also eldes wears a dress shirt with hawaiian print on it
Dakim lives on mt battle now
not as, like, part of the mt battle challenge. he just . sorta. lives there.
Venus is now the onbs weather girl and onbs can’t decide whether they like her or hate her
the jail squad: greevil, nascour, and evice. They’re poker buddies. orre jail for the rich is basically a retirement home because orre is ridiculously corrupt.
ardos? ein? well...
So, your field assignment is to collect samples of M18 - also known in Almia by the name of “Dark Crystal” and sometimes colloquially referred to as “shadow crystal” in Orre - for research.
As you probably already assumed, this stuff works as a catalyst for shadowfication and Orre happens to be supernaturally abundant, though it having been strip-mined out by cipher during the last two cipher events has made it much rarer (and it’s theorized by NPCs that the return of wild pokemon may have something to do with the lessened M18 presence).
touching it initiates a small flashback cutscene, as it’s apparently transformed from normal quartz into M18 by the abundance of negative feelings somehow (again, you’re collecting it for study) so that’s how we get some nice backstory about michael’s dead dad (who isn’t eldes, sorry guys, he’s a guy named Prof. Taiga because - haha - Taiga Lily) and other characters
Somehow this investigation leads you to the first rumblings of a resurgence of cipher, who is also collecting M18, though for much more nefarious purposes
So, anyways, in XD, when you beat ardos in the orre colosseum, he sent you a creepy-ass email declaring that he’s basically gonna stalk you forever and kill you during cipher’s - what, third? - third coming, which he’s totally gonna do. Sequel hook! which comes true! because HELLO, your opponent is Ardos, who’s been working in secret this whole time, plotting your demise.
Also ein is there, which is important because...
In colosseum, Cipher specifically targets Celebi because they know celebi’s power is directly tied with undoing shadowfication. (Material in-game suggests that celebi has been responsible for purification for generations of rui’s family, which means cipher didn’t INVENT shadowfication, but they did create a method for doing it ARTIFICIALLY)
However, in XD, cipher doesn’t target agate at ALL. they never even step foot in it. In fact, they’re so woefully underinformed about purification that they feel the need to kidnap Prof. Krane over it.
How does that happen?
Well, we know cipher in game 2 is the main branch, and cipher in game 1 is actually just an orre side branch. Whose only real plan with shadow pokemon was just to rig up really exciting and morally inexcusable colosseum matches for rich people to bet on. No world domination in game one!
So my theory is this: Cipher orre branch created shadowfication basically on a whim and tried to make money off it, which you stopped. When you stopping it attracted attention, cipher main branch had to take notice, and realized that, hey - fucking shadow pokemon ,fuckin world domination, right??? so they promptly took over all of cipher orre branch’s operations and replaced the old personnel with new ones from main branch, while forcing them to hand over their research.
Ein did not take being fired well.
In fact, he took it so poorly that he made sure to destroy all his information on purification before handing over his research.
Cipher in game 2 has no idea the connection between Celebi and purification.
Because Ein has been re-hired by Cipher, he brought with him his knowledge of purification.
They know about celebi.
Also wes is there? He plays a major role, mostly after it’s revealed he’s actually a cipher admin.
...His eevee and espeon are missing.
time travel shenanigans idk
it rains at the climax for the first time in 10 years!
this is a wip
if this is interesting to you guys lmk! im always open to talking about it more in-depth or hearing ideas. hahah...
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whiskasgirl · 7 years
SLBP introduction
I was tagged by the ever awesome @shioune, thank you!! ^^
All are welcome to fill this out!!! You don’t need to be tagged to do it!!!!! @ing your friends helps get it going, but regardless please tag it #helloslbp so it’s easy to find.
My friend introduced me to it. It was around the end of july/august when she told me she found this app, it has samurai and it’s really fun~ and also there’s this cute guy who blushes at everything & and the ninja who doesn’t give a shit about the MC. XD At first I was very skeptical because I didn’t have a good opinion on mobile app games (bad translation, poor storyline etc) and I was really proved wrong on Nobu’s route (I’m actually so glad I chose that first, it got me into the game eventually). And I’m playing it ever since! I love japanese history but the sengoku period somehow always eluded me. (I remember the time when I had to study it for my history exam... it was a lost cause, my notes&brain were a complete mess haha) So when my friend showed me an image of the lords I only recognized Nobunaga’s and Hideyoshi’s names and: *suspiciously eyes Ieyasu’s name* “wasn’t that guy a shougun???” NOW my prof would be proud of me lol ANYWAYS good humor, angst&drama and a great protagonist are the factors that sell a game for me and I found these in SLBP. The historical setting is the cherry on top.
Mitsuhide! Yasu and Nobu are close to my heart too, but I’m going to gush about Mitsuhide here anyway, because I feel he’s so overlooked in the fandom.
I fully intended to choose him on my first run (because he appealed to me most aesthetically) but I found him boring in the prologue so I went with Nobu instead. I liked his serious and intellectual side but didn’t really start getting interested in him until I read his events and particularly one of his POV epilogue, where I realized there’s a lot more to him than he shows.
The thing is Mitsuhide goes great length to appear perfect all the time. The perfect gentleman, the perfect samurai, the perfect retainer. But sometimes he lets his true personality slip through and that’s where the interesting part starts for me. As he says in one of the events, that’s a part of himself that he does not care for. He’s surprisingly cunning, impulsive, possessive and has a closet yandere side which really fascinates me. When it comes to the MC he’s very caring and protective but it’s also canon he likes it rough in bed. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
He’s also a total workaholic, there’s no stopping him when it comes to work. I laughed a lot at that event where Nobu tried to force him to take a break and sent him to a hot spring and somehow he managed to turn that into work too. XD
And then there’s his cute side. He has no idea how to relax or be fun like Hideyoshi&he mostly bores people and that bothers him a lot, so he secretly practices telling jokes. He’s the worst at it. Not to mention he babytalks to animals and he’s not even aware of it!
I also love his “I’m surrounded by idiots” looking sprite.
Now I concede that his main story is an absolute borefest (I barely got through it myself), they clearly halfassed it and/or had no idea what to do with Mitsuhide’s character at the time of writing. Easily one of the worst routes in the game and I’m angry because that’s probably the first impression players get of him and I have a ton of ideas how it could have been easily fixed.
/tl;dr: Reasons I love Mitsuhide, an essay by WG/ 
I’m not too active in the fandom, but I religiously play the game. XD
Can’t speak about the Voltage fandom as a whole, but I love that the SLBP fandom is so kind, welcoming and supportive; I love seeing your posts&enthusiasm on my dash (even if I’m just a lurker/observer from the sidelines ;^;)!!
I would like to see more events where Mitsuhide shows his true personality and possibly opens up more to the MC about himself and his past. And honestly I would be beside myself if we would repeat earlier events sometime. Also SHIGEZANE and I wouldn’t mind if Voltage announced Nobuyuki’s route. Oh, and don’t forget about Hanbei in Hideyoshi’s events (#BringBackHanbei2k17) please and thank you.
Hey, it’s Whiskas, hobby artist from Hungary! I studied italian&japanese linguistics and hopefully I’ll be an art student next year. I love cats, pink and everything sparkly. I mostly draw, play otome&video games and watch movies in italian in my free time. :3 My favourite otome game series ever is Hana Awase (when will the 4th game come out?? ;A;) it got me interested in japanese poetry and actually inspired me to start studying classical japanese language. I’m also in the Dragon Age fandom, because that game ruined my life.
Aaah I really don’t know who to tag anymore, I think everyone already was...
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