#my kanej loving heart is guilty
vennylavey · 2 years
Sorting out my Thoughts regarding Tolya and Inej
A few days ago, I finished watshing Shadow and Bone Season 2 and
Some background before you quote me on this!
I first fell in love with the crows on Season 1 of S&B. They, along with the sheer insanity of the fandom that I resonated with, encouraged me to buy the duology and read the hecc out of it. Out of all the grishaverse books, I've only ever read the six of crows duology, so I only know show!Tolya from S&B Season 2.
I am an avid Kanej shipper. I love Kaz. I'm in love with Inej. Love them together and as individual characters. (recently started rereading, and since mentally separating the show and the books, i've been really seeing them in a new lights from both angles! and both endear me.) I hold this ship sacred and very close to my heart, and nothing will ever change that.
Some spoilers from here on out!
Like any other fellow fan who followed the series primarily because of kanej, who learned to peck for crumbs in the briefest (longest) of gazes and the subtlest of interactions, I was on the edge of my seat anticipating every smidge of development between my favourite pair.
It wasn't a steady rise in progression, but it was the Kaz and Inej way, and I loved it. Ot's nice that they kept that sense of angsty realism from the books. (Can't say the impact and heaviness of Kaz's trauma and backstory was fully communicated, but Freddy did SO GREAT.) The sort-of push and pull kept me positively on my toes throughout the whole series, so I became laser-focused on their relationship the whole time.
Then came rolling Episode 8.
GLORIOUS 'and how would you have me?' MOMENT. the tension, the looking at each other, the miniscule changes in expression, the way you could see the monologue in the pause between responses - yes, im talking about kaz 'you, inej. you.' brekker (bless u freddy carter) - and the sheer fragility of the moment. it's everything i could have asked for in an adaptation of that scene
(and devastated. angst symptom, really. but mostly floored.)
Then we got a little moment with Nikolai and Mal, and damn, even after a break-up-but-not-really-a-break-up, INEJ LOOKS SO BEAUTIFUL I SKDJFKDJ
She looked hopeful, which makes sense. For her, its a new beginning. Its a half equivalent of the ending she got in crooked kingdom. The best thing about it is that she just doesn't look like she has any regret. (Not that she doesn't care about Kaz, but that she doesn't regret not settling for less than she deserves.) AND INEJ - inej deserves that kind of weightless freedom.
TOLYA OFFERED A HAND FOR THE BAG. LIKE, NOT EVEN TO HELP HER UP YET, SPECIFICALLY FOR THE BAG, IF I REMEMBER CORRECTLY. Inej is a bit estranged by the gesture (She's so used to mannerless crows lol) but gives it, anyway. Tolya offers his other hand. Inej, endeared, but confused, accepts the help, AND YOOO
The tension was there. It's so obvious. THEY (production) MADE SURE IT WAS FELT. I'm balling because I got totally played by the pacing.
Most of what I felt throughout the scene mirrored Inej's. Did not consider AT ALL that Tolya was holding any interest for her, so the quiet and the emphasis in the nonverbal cues in the scene really built up the realization, and that expression Tolya had after Inej turns away hit me in the face like it was Kaz's cane.
Looked for images online, showed it to my friends, and REALLY had to ask their opinion if said expression was a look of interest or I'm just overthinking it. IT COULD VERH WELL BE HIM PLAYFULLY TEASING HER BEING UNUSED TO GENTLE FRIENDLINESS, RIGHT? Friends said that look is their exact look when looking at their love interest, and mhm. Admittedly, I was in denial.
Having rewatched it, it was really obvious. The tension was there when I really looked at them. I EVEN MISSED HOW TOLYA WAS TELLING OVHAL TO TAKE HIM INSTEAD OF INEJ.
I felt like, from that, I really should have seen it coming.
But I understand that it was easy to get distracted by the other narratives! Such as wesper troubles in paradise, hyperfixated on the way tolya meditated(?) to withstand the poison longer, INEJ'S DELUSION????, Jesper's heartwarming and simultaneously heartbreaking dream, KAZ DENYING HOW MUCH INEJ MEANS TO HIM, Ohval's badassery (i did not think she could get any more badass, but she did), and that wonderful fight scene??? Oh, yeah. So much was happening.
After that scene in episodr 8, it was hard not to try following where his gaze led for the rest of the episode, and definitely found it briefly landing on the part of the boat that Inej was a few seconds later revealed to be hanging from.
Did I already love Tolya before the scene that dropped the bomb? Yes. Do I still love Tolya? Yes, I do. Do I love him so much more for it, regardless? Yes, yes, yes.
Tolya alone with his passion for poetry, family, adventhre, and his superstions was loveable enough. But anyone who treats Inej with the respect she so rightfully deserves also gets a great in my book.
Honestly, a little bit.
But Kanej would always be endgame. And I do not see Tolya as a threat to that.
It's a little unnerving how I didn't see these details and made the connrctions in the series as I watched, but Inej and Tolya are plenty alike.
Both are passionately religious, both know their superstitions, both have an occupation or a way of life that somehow go against some principles of their beliefs, and they SUCKED AT FIGHTING OHVAL LMAO but their movements and actions in episode 6 were really in sync. Could probably inflict more damage together with more practice, but it's a nice detail that they didn't accidentally hit each other even once despite fighting side by side for the first time. (Or I may be overthinking it, and it's just all the characters' innate experiences in fighting because there also wasn't any problems when Inej fought alongside Zoya, someone she also met only recently.) Other than the fighting, it should also be noted that when the door closed, they kinda moved at the same time. could be for cinematic effect. but it can also be interpreted as both of them being right hands mans of a sort, inej to kaz, and tolya to nikolai, leading them to develop similar habits.
These similarities give them something to bond over. Gives Inej someone to learn from. And I don't know Tolya's story yet, but these common traits and interest is part of the main reason I like their dynamic. Doesn't need to be romantic. I feel they can be great friends and close allies, and if they get flirty, that would also be amusing.
I would love to see their on screen interactions in general.
Regarding Inej's trauma and Tolya's Aro-ace representation
If you think about it, these two facts kind of make them compatible. Self-explanatory. If you see this as a ship, Inej not wanting to be touched and Tolya's minimal need/no need for touch is the simplest way to go about things, I feel. Wouldn't fault you for taking that route.
But part of the reason why Kanej works so well is that they encourage and motivate each other to heal from their trauma.
And unless Inej comes out as Ace/Aro/Aro-Ace, it's healthy for book!inej to desire to touch another person in spite of her trauma. No matter how slow the progress.
In the show, Inej's trauma is never discussed at all. It even seems non existent. I could handle them not confronting it directly. It's possible they may be saving it for the spinoff. But the show of physical casual physical contact kind of negates that a bit, such as Jesper coming up to hug Inej and spin her around. But to fit in the narrative, I think Tolyacan help with that. More on that in a bit, but first
The headcanon that Tolya is Aro-Ace
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This is really the only source I found regarding any book statements about the origins of Tolya being Aro-Ace. And I've read the fact that Tolya is the only one eith no clear partner through the books have been brought up!
And while I first interpreted this quote from the book as something like, he just doesn't particularly think about it or desire it, and is completely fine with taking his time,
I am also very much in love with the Aro-Ace representation. It's rare, and it feels right on Tolya, to be honest.
Like I said, I don't particularly want him and Inej to be a certain way. (TRYING SO HARD NOT TO PROJECT ON INEJ CAUSE IM ATTRACTED TO HIM) But i do want to see some semblance of closeness between them!
So Queer platonic relationships do exist. I think it's a valid path or ending fanfiction-wise for those who want them 'together' together! I think the exposure to it, and how such a relationship would work, still validates the representation. but I'm not Aro-Ace myself, so do correct me if I'm wrong, and my sincerest apologies if I've offended anyone.
Part of why I still find hope for the Aro-Ace HC is because Tolya doesn't seem to be operating on his interest for Inej based on physical attraction or emotional connection. His intetest truly started from the life debt, then gratitude, thst he'd developed concern for her. I also think Tolya could just be a bit reverent of Inej (hence the look in e08), or appreciate her as a person or someone he could resonate with, but that's my own headcanon.
For how whatever is between tolya and inej could be a significant narrative, please refer to this BCOS THEY SAID IT PERFECTLY AND THATS RLLY THE ONLY WAY I CAN ENVISION IT HAPPENING ROMANTICALLY, AND REALLY ITS SO TRUEEE, AND DOES WONDERS FOR THE KANEJ DEVELOPMENT, would make endgame kanej all the more gratifying. its a bit inej-centered tho, and we also need to talk about how its important to tolya
this one explains how it would be narratively significant for tolya, too. tolya's realization of identity happening in the show also kind of matches the kind of subtle changes the adaptation makes to characters (like how in the show, we are shown inej's first kill, but inej has long resorted to murder in the start of soc), so personally, i agree, and think it would fit.
Friendly reminder that I wrote this with consideration to the separation of the show and the book!
Just had to get this out so I can finally focus on my exams!
Remember to keep rewatching season 2 <3 WE NEED THAT SIX OF CROWS SPIN OFF. dont even think abt cancelling, netflix
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Ok so here are my track list predictions as of right now:
1. Fortnight: Matthias or Jesper (Jes bc of the post ft)
2. Tortured poets department- all of the crows…it’s giving a friend group for some reason
3. My Boy only Breaks His Favorite Toys- Darklina lmao, but it’s also giving KAZ
4. Down Bad- Matthias…need I say more that man was down BAD
5. So long, London- Kanej
6. But Daddy, I love him- Wylan, but it’s also giving forbidden romance so helnik too
7. Fresh out the Slammer- obviously Matthias after hellgate
8. Florida!!!- idk why this screams Jesper to me he’s so Florida coded
9. Guilty as Sin?- Inej, but especially Matthias
10. Who’s afraid of little old me- honestly, could be any of them
11. I can fix him (no really I can)- INEJ! But also Nina and Wylan lmao (it’s also INCREDIBLY Zoyalai)
12. loml- I’m so scared for this song you don’t even know but I’ll say Helnik
13. I can do it with a broken heart- Genya and Nina I’m sorry
14. The Smallest man Who Ever Lived- giving it to the Darkling rn
15. The Alchemy- both Wylan and Jesper, but not Wesper bc I think it’s gonna be sad (Wylan bc chemistry, Jesper bc his grisha powers)
16. Clara Bow- ZOYA!!!!! And Alina!
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saricess · 3 years
For fanfic writer's ask meme: L U C K? :) (pick your fave for C - I just wanted to spell something haha)
L:  Which of your fanfics was the most emotionally challenging to write?
Spinning away from the Star Wars fandom here, “why her and not me?” was kinda challenging for me to write because I was writing it from Erina’s POV, a character I don’t like very much and write her having her heart broken. Normally I would be mean and like “In your face bitch!” but I didn’t really wanrt to do that with this fanfic and try to make it like I had no biased.
(The fanfic is in the Shokugeki no Souma fandom and is Souma x Megumi ;) )
U: Is there a pairing you would like to write, but haven’t tried yet.
I LOVE Kanej but with how they’re relationship is and how their characters are, I find it difficult to write them. 
C:  How did you come up with the title to [insert fic]?
LOL ;)  Actually, one of my fav’s it “a misgiving” which I REALLY need to update and write more. I had seen someone do a fanfic where Ahsoka mysteriously gets pregnant and wanted to do write one as well, the title was fairly easy for me as I just look up some synonym’s to a word I can’t remember XD.
K:  Do you have a guilty pleasures in fic (reading or writing)?
It’s no secret that I’m a lover for smut, dirty talks and kinks - BUT a ship has become a guilty pleasure of mine, which is Obi-Wan x Maul x Ahsoka. (I will now go and hide from more anti’s and haters.)
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trassellynn · 4 years
Can I maybe have some kanej where one of them accidentally slips and calls the other “love” in front of the rest of the group and then the groups reactions to it? I loved your writing so I thought I’d request my own!
Thank you Anon!  Here the fic, hope you’ll like it! DRAWINGS AND WORDS  Kaz didn't want to admit it, but the game Kuwei proposed to play was terribly funny. They were all sitting on the floor of the living room, around a large paper sheet, in Van Eck's house.  They had to draw the first thing that came into their mind and tell a short piece of story about it, making a connection with the things the others drew before. In that way, they would have been able to build an entire story. Kuwei started with the drawing of a cat: he called it Goldie and told she was a very special animal. Wylan followed, drawing an incredibly realistic trumpet and explaining Goldie was special because she could play it, then, Jesper drew Mr Nuts, a grumpy squirrel who was Goldie's neighbor and always protested when she played her instrument. Kaz wasn't a fan of nonsense tales, but he felt, somehow, caught and he wanted to know how the story would have gone and how he could contribute to it. He didn't allow his brain to suggest him the main reason he gave that game a chance was Inej's laughter at their friends' idiocies. Nina obviously drew a plate of waffes, telling it was the only thing in the world that could make Goldie and Mr Nuts friends, then, Matthias added a wolf on the sheet. “He's Ragnar, the third neighbor. He hates Goldie and Mr Nuts' discussions, so he is the one who makes them waffles. It' your turn, Demjin.” Kaz took the pencil, an evil grin on his face: “Do you know I can kill all the characters you drew?” “No, you can't” the Fjerdan replied, laying back on the floor, hands crossed on his stomach, his head rested on Nina's lap. “They're all immortal.” “Because of the waffles they eat?” Inej suggested. “That's a good idea!” Kaz raised his eyes to the ceiling, struggling to hide a smile: “Fine. No kills. But you're terribly boring... well... this is...” He rapidly drew a square safe, with a few, quick lines. “This is Goldie's safe, with the large amount of money she earned from her concerts. Thanks to her money, she can buy the potion of immortality that Ragnar always puts into the waffle batter.” “This is quite... logic” Jesper laughed, gently pinching Wylan's cheek. Kaz felt incredibly proud of himself, especially when he saw Inej laughing at his words. Her laughter was the most amazing, beautiful sound he ever heard. He felt his brain sinking into a burning sea, his thoughts foggy, smoky, mixed together. He gave her the pencil, his heart jumped high into his throat when her fingers touched his, protected by the black fabric of the glove. “Here you are, it's your turn, love.” Silence fell into the room. Kaz bit his own tongue, cursing himself thousands times, when he saw Inej's surprised reaction, realizing what he had just said. Kuwei let an embarrassed cough out. Matthias opened his blue eyes, blinking and frowning, turning his head at Kaz and then giving Nina an interrogative glance. The Grisha, who was caressing her boyfriend's blonde hair and beard, widened her green eyes, her lips curling in a wide, incredulous smile. Wylan's jaw dropped and Jesper, who was about to kiss the redhead's temple, stopped to turn at his friend, letting out a whistle. “Hey, hey, hey, what did I hear?” the sharpshooter said, in a singsong voice. Inej cleared her throat, trying to save the situation and pretend nothing happened, but it was too late. “How did you call her, Kaz?” Nina blinked, a cunning grin on her face. Dirtyhands felt his own cheeks on fire: “Inej! I called her Inej! How should I call her, Josephine?” “Nah, nah, you didn't call her Inej” Jesper echoed. “You called her love.” “You...” Kaz struggled to keep control: “You're wrong.” “We all heard you.” “You all have to wash you ears better, then.” “Come on, Kaz, what's the problem?” Wylan smiled. “We all call love our significant one. It's nothing bad...” “It's nothing bad but I didn't do it!” the criminal insisted. “Guys” Matthias intervened, propping up on his elbows. “We all know the Demjin. He will never admit it, neither with a gun to his temple. Why don't we leave him alone and keep on with the game?” “That's exactly what I think too” Inej said. Kaz stood up, clenching his fists and walking away: “I don't have to admit anything! Keep playing your stupid game without me!” He felt terribly guilty since the moment he walked away, but the embarrass and all his struggles with the emotional sphere easily won over him. He leaned against the wall outside of the living room and sighed. As expected, Inej reached him soon after, her left eyebrow raised. “Kaz...” she started. “I am sorry, okay?” he interrupted her. “I didn't mean to have that outburst.” “You shouldn't apologize to me, but to the others. To Kuwei, in particular. He somehow feels responsible and you hurt him, calling his game stupid.” “It wasn't my intention... I was just...” He sighed: “I will apologise to Kuwei and the others. But I owe apologies to you too.” Inej crossed her tiny arms: “For having called me love?” “No. For my... reaction. Inej, I know other couples are used to call each other love and things like that. But I...” “We're not like other couples, Kaz,” the girl said, gently touching his arm. “And I know you're not ready to call me love, especially in front of other people. Even if those people are our closest friends. I understand it.” Dirtyhands cupped her cheeks with his gloved hands: “It doesn't mean I don't love you.” His mind melted when her lips curled in a smile. “I know, Kaz, I know.” She slowly raised her hand, barely touching his cheek with a delicate caress. He gently took it, placing a quick, but sweet kiss on her knuckles. “Okay” he said, then. “I am ready to take part to the game again.” “But before you'll apologize.” “But before I'll apologize, of course. You know what? I am curious because it was your turn. What are you going to draw? Which element will you add to the story?” Inej let a cunning giggle out: “Oh, you'll see, Dirtyhands, you'll see.”
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idrk what to post rn but i’m currently jamming to my tunes and i was like ‘wow everyone needs to listen to these songs and know how amazing they are’ so i’m gonna quote my favorite lyrics from my favorite songs and it’s gonna be a hoot of a time.
“I was only falling in love”-Only by RY X
“Sorry love I’m running home
I’m a child of sun and the stars I love”-Berlin, RY X
“Please, remember me
I heard from someone you’re still pretty
And then, they went on to say
That the pearly gates
Had some eloquent graffiti like 
‘We’ll meet again’ 
And ‘Fuck the man’ 
And ‘Tell my mother not to worry’”-The Trapeze Swinger by Iron and Wine
(major blackstairs vibes with this song)
“Oh Lord, oh Lord, what have I done?
I’ve fallen in love with a man on the run
Oh Lord, Oh Lord, I’m begging you, please
Don’t take that sinner from me”
“Don’t care if he’s guilty 
Don’t care if he’s not
He’s good and he’s bad and he’s all that I’ve got”-Devil’s Backbone by The Civil Wars
(major Kanej vibes with this song + makes me think of Jayden and Camari- my oc’s-)
“Does she know that we bleed the same? 
Don’t wanna cry but I break that way”-Where’s My Love by SYML
“I would rather be alone and have you
Every time I speak I feel myself fall
Do you wish to find the truth in my lies?
Sorry, darling, there’s no truth here”-Sunflower Feelings by Kuzu Mellow
“So I wait but I never seem to learn
How to capture your diminishing returns
I still see you through the eyes of a child
Not even thinking we could tame the wild”-You’ve Haunted All My Life by Death Cab For Cutie
“Someday they’re gonna forget about us
And we’ll wonder if we were ever good enough
It hit me last night, in this song I heard, I remember the feeling but forget all the words”-California by The Airborne Toxic Event
(major Emma Carstairs vibes with this song)
“But it was not your fault but mine
And it was your heart on the line
I really fucked it up this time
Didn’t I my dear?”-Little Lion Man by Mumford and Sons
“Cause I’ll always remember you the same
Oh, eyes like wildflowers oh, with your demons of change”-Keep Your Head Up by Ben Howard
“I try my best to unwind
Nothing on my mind but you
Oblivious to all that I owe
I’m hanging on to what I don’t know
So let’s go to bed before you say something real
Let’s go to bed before you say how you feel”-I Always Knew by The Vaccines
(major Kierarktina vibes w/ this song)
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First Lines
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have fewer than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag some people to take part.
thanks to my most favorite @flythesail    ❤️
1/ She has to hear it from the others later - how Ace's first day working at the morgue went, Bess gushing over how cute Ace looked in that selfie he sent her like a proud mama hen as she and Nancy get together for coffee. 
by the prospect of the touch, by the memory of the feel (we’re undone by each other) / Nancy Drew, Nace
2/ Her nail polish is chipped, what with all the deep-cleaning she's done since dawn, and the pale yellow coming off feels like another chip in her armor, another thing that doesn't quite feel or look good no matter how much she's tried to make it so.
it’s not weak if you need to be held / This Is Us, Kevison
3/ "So this is how bats see the world, huh?" Ace comments casually as he's craning his neck as further back as he can, eyes fixed on the opposite wall. 
I know there's been pain this year, but it's time to let it go (next year, you never know) / Nancy Drew, Nace
4/ Nick probably never envisioned the youth center becoming the new headquarters to their supernatural investigations and all things occult, and yet here they are, Ace studying the video footage from the surveillance tapes around the historical society and the extra one they added to Hannah's car, and Nancy studying him. 
these lights we kindle / Nancy Drew, Nace
5/ It never takes her more than five seconds to spot Ace in a crowd.
'cause if you let me, here's what I'll do (I'll take care of you) / Nancy Drew, Nace
6/ The week they move in their new place is the hottest of the summer yet, and despite a nice orgasm, Gert cringes at the logistics of clammy skin and sex on a mattress on the floor surrounded by empty boxes of Chinese take-out.
you're the anchor that i tie to my brain  /  Marvel’s Runaways, Gertchase
7/ It's a weird feeling - coming back from the dead.
and tell me what we've gotta do to make right out of my wrongs  /  Marvel’s Runaways, Gertchase
8/ "Do you miss it?"
still know your heart and still know both your eyes   /  Shades of Magic Series, Kell/Lila
9/ Clint had lost count of the number of times he'd been shot at or stabbed, or had a rib cracked or broken, throughout his time at the circus and in the army, and lately, as an agent at a top-secret government agency.
there’s no way that it’s not going there (with the way that we’re looking at each other)  /  Marvel, Clintasha
10/ Rosaline was going to strangle her neighbor with one of the ridiculous tinsel garlands he had all over his house and lawn, and no jury was ever going to declare her guilty for it.
and let me see your heart upon your sleeve / Still Star-Crossed, Rosvolio
11/ Ketterdam was a big city, the Barrel only a small part of it - but Kaz owned it now.
it's not easy for me to belong here (I'm learning)  /  Six Of Crows, Kanej
12/ Her apartment building came in with a lot of advantages: a great community space, a gym and a pool, and the nicest gentlemen at the front desk who never said a thing about her coming and going at ungodly hours in yesterday's party clothes, no matter how many times that happened a week.
ready for you whenever you want to begin  /  Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, Phryne/Jack
13/ When Rosaline woke up the next morning, warm and sated in her husband's arms, she felt giddy and light-hearted like she never had before.
for love is such a daily, good thing / Still Star-Crossed, Rosvolio
14/ Rosaline and Benvolio are yelling at each other again.
let others wage war / Still Star-Crossed, Rosvolio
15/ The dress Rosaline had chosen was made of a rich, velvety amber fabric, soft and warm to the touch, a sensation Rosaline had long forgotten. 
no remedy for love (but to love more) / Still Star-Crossed, Rosvolio
16/ "Does the Force know if it's a boy or a girl? It's weird, calling it it all the time."
someone comes along and shows you a brand new way  /  Star Wars, Han/Leia ft. background Jyn/Cassian
17/ "So what's the deal between you and Andor?"
strong hearts and concrete stay alive  /  Star Wars, rebelcaptain ft. background Han/Leia
18/ Stardust: Her father spoke the nickname against the crown of her hair, gentle, soft - half-secret, half-promise.
something always brings me back to you / Star Wars, rebelcaptain
19/ His eyes get softer than she could have ever imagined; wistful, tender, even. 
you will hope for something real / Star Wars, rebelcaptain
20/ After everything that happened between them, Clarke's words lingered in his mind for a few days, such a stark contrast to those that had slipped from Raven's hijacked mouth not long ago, Bellamy didn't know what to believe in. 
A matter of trust / The 100, Bellarke
WOW! I honestly didn’t remember what were my last twenty stories - didn’t know I would span so many fandoms and actually go back to Bellarke! This was such a fun thing to do. Favorite has to be a tie between 2/ and 4/ because as much as I love my short, fun opening lines, I think I love those sort of longer lines more.
tagging @queenofchildren @gizkasparadise and whoever wants to do it!
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