#my kittens had a vet appointment that took... too long lol!!!
trailshome · 2 years
Haha!! No thank you for being so excited!! Sorry the demo was broken for a few hours -- every time I fix something, another thing breaks lol!!
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babystray-rescuecat · 5 years
Y’all! Oh, I am so pleased!
Okay, so it was 2pm. I was just about to leave to buy food for myself. I felt like that was about all I could do today. The grocery store is like a two minute drive away. I could do that.
I started the car to let the engine get warm and the inside get cold. I thought I’d check for the cats before I left. I rounded the car and there was Ellie! With her face right in front of the gas exhaust!!! 😱 I shut the engine and went to prepare her food.
And I thought this was a sign. I was feeling weak and dizzy, but seeing Ellie made me want to at least try to get things done. I grabbed her carrier and put it in the back of the car. I said to myself. Even if we don’t get the dry food today, we’ll get the carrier exchanged. That’s less than five minutes away from the bank anyway where I need to get cash for the groceries. And the bank is only 6 minutes from the house. We can do that.
I had given her the last of the dry food. But I still had wet food for her tonight.
This is the picture of her I got right before I left. You can see her bowl is nearly empty. So I’m confident she finished all her food. Not sure about the milk.
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I got to the bank and then hurried off to the pet shop to exchange the small green carrier. They didn’t have blue so I’d just get that one when I got to the main branch for the dry food as well. (I was in such a rush that I forgot to put on my seatbelt from the bank to the shop. It was terrifying! Put on your seatbelt kids!) I still felt kind of woozy or maybe just anxious that I’d feel woozy while driving by myself. But I got such a rush at getting the carrier exchanged no problem.
I checked google maps how long it would take to get to the main branch. 15 mins. I’ve made it halfway. Might as well go through with it. I thought okay, there’s a Jollibee not five minutes away, I can get a burger and a drink. Food means energy. Energy means no woozy! So I went and did that.
I hit some red lights, a couple accidents, and a couple funderal processions. But I never had to wait too long to get past them.
Finally I’m at the main pet shop branch! Which is right next to the vet! They’re all owned by the same person/company. I popped into the vet first to ask a question I’d forgotten in the phone call this morning. I do have to set an appointment for neutering. And they’d prefer it to be on a weekday. So imma go set an appointment for this Friday.
On to the pet shop! I didn’t even bother looking around the store since I’d called about availability earlier. I just went straight up to the counter and said I needed a light blue carrier size #2 and the 5.4kg bag of Orijen cat & kitten. The lady said they don’t keep a lot in stock bc not many people buy it. So I will have to call in advance to make sure they do have it or so they can order it from their supplier.
So here are the carriers and the dry cat food! Yay! 5.4kg is a tiny bag lol. I also got a storage tub at the grocery place.
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It took me two hours for the whole trip. On the way to the main shop branch, the opposing traffic was in gridlock. Thank goodness for google maps! Took me off the main road and some narrow back streets. I was so happy when Susan (the google maps lady as I’ve named her) said to turn left on my home street. Wowie! 😊
When I got home, I came across a chicken about to cross the street. I wasn’t gonna stop for it, but I’m so glad I did! Bc out from the bushes hopped its little chicks!
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I thought I’d look for the cats as I was unloading the car. Didn’t see Ellie, but Dude Cat was under the neighbor’s parked car. I talked to him for a bit and said I’d give him food. He just looked at me like I was crazy.
So I went back to emptying the car. I took out the carriers first and placed them in the garage to be washed. When I came back, Dude Cat was right behind the car! Did he see the carriers?! Oh no, he knows of my plans for him! 😱😩😂
He waited like a good sweet boy.
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I’m not sure if it was him or Ellie who drank the milk bc it was gone when I got back.
I gave him the mushy leftovers. Cause we all know Ellie is a fussy princess and won’t eat them. 🙄 It was a mix of wet and dry (that was no longer dry ofc). He didn’t finish it, but he ate a good lot. He’s like my uncle. Anytime there’s food that can’t be finished, we all give it to him and he’ll eat it all lol.
Look at his cutie puhtootie face!
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My mom is coming home tomorrow. Hopefully she won’t yell at me upon seeing the many purchases I’ve made for these cats. I did buy her her water dispenser. 😒🙈😸
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fxandchill · 2 years
It's my birthday 💖 life update it's kind of long because I've been going THROUGH IT and need to vent.
I thought by now I'd be moving in to my new apartment and starting my new job but I had a mental breakdown and that was over long story but last year a friend from San Diego asked me to move in with her, then her friend from Ohio wanted to leave Ohio and live in California so my friend asked HER to move in and told me we can live together some other time...so basically ditched me. Then in July her friend thought "hey we should get another roommate" so my friend asked me to live with her AGAIN but the friend from Ohio wanted all this stuff from the apartment like walkability and public transportation (I tried explaining California to her and she wouldnt fucking listen she thinks this is Amsterdam or some shit) and we were looking at no pets allowed places and she had two pets but thought "oh it's fine the landlord wont find out." I wanted to secure a job before moving and her friend is really impulsive and wanted to move right away, she made me feel Bad that we had the same amount of savings and she is down to move and live off savings for a while but I wasn't...so anyways we got offered an apartment that they liked but I didnt and they were like "but if we dont say yes to the first place that approves us we will NEVER find a place" so they ditched me and my friend said "maybe we will live together another time" AGAIN. Funny thing is that same day I got an email from another apartment that approved us. I was so angry at how I was treated by my friend and her friend. My friend apologized and acknowledged she did ditch me for her friend because she seemed so much more ready to move and they both didnt want to wait but I was ready. Eventhough I didnt like the apartment, the budget was decided by them not me, i was too scared to say anything if I disagreed because I thought if I showed any hesitation I was Out so all the apartments had stuff her friend wanted but the stuff on my list like parking was "not a deal breaker" as in if it didnt had what I wanted but had what her friend wanted that was fine. My therapist and i talked and we decided her friend had a lot of red flags for a roommate and its probably good I avoided living with them but now I dont have any roommates...same friend is in a group chat with me and two other friends and when I tried organizing a lil brunch date for my bday they all cancelled on me lol which is fine because I ended up with 3 cats and I'm too busy taking care of them to go.
Sooooo after the roommate shit I got covid and after THAT I found a cat in my backyard. I recognize the cat used to like visit lily but now this cat was skinny and it was a heatwave outside so I took her in. I took her to the vet to check for a chip and she wasnt chipped, so I asked about getting her a check up and spayed and they made me an appointment for next week. After a week, her owners saw her flyer and contacted me. So I gave her back to her owners the day before the vet appointment, I told them I made it and gave them the info to go. I found out the cat is named Momo and is two and not fixed, been pregnant twice, and leaves the house for days at a time so the owners didnt even look for her, they just thought she was off getting pregnant again. I was really upset after meeting the owners, I realized they dont care about their animals and I gave momo back to them. I had a really bad feeling they wouldnt take care of her.
Literally the next day my dad went and adopted two kittens. I told him we should wait but he saw one on the shelter website and if he waited the one he wanted would be gone, then he ended up getting her and her sister. Their names are Zoë and Chloe and they're really great kittens. Just after a week and a half of having the kittens, momo's owners contacted me again and said they're moving and asked if I would take momo. They said if I dont, momo is going to the pound. They do not care at all. My parents said that 2 cats are enough but they dont want momo to go to the pound either so they agreed to try.
Well I texted the owners back and they didnt respond with anything like how it was gonna go, like when do I get her when are they moving etc etc. I couldn't sleep I was so worried, then we found momo in our backyard AGAIN. I called the owners and the carelessness. They were like "oh yea she got out again. No we didnt get her fixed that appointment was the same day I was going back to college so i was too busy. Also we think when she got out she got pregnant again." 1) when I met the owners the first time they knew they were moving and they couldn't go to the vet appointment why didnt they say anything I could have taken her then 2) she was so nonchalant about her cat being pregnant a third time like no consideration to this poor cat going through heat then labor then heat then labor then heat then....?!?! I bet they decided to ask me to take her once they noticed she was starting to look pregnant again probably thought "ugh let's just dump this responsibility on someone else"
So I take momo in, seperate her from the other 2 cats, and get an appointment at the vet....AGAINNNNNN. the owner is still contacting me and OFFERS to pay for it. I ask about momo's history like has she ever been vaccinated (no) so she needs to be spayed and vaccinated, and before that tested for anything that can be transmitted to Zoë and Chloe like FIV (since she was outside gone for days at a time....unfixed and not vaccinated) and dewormed as a precaution. All of this will mean anesthesia and fluids and antibiotics and pain meds which I'm not surprised by, I just had two years worth of that with lily before I lost her last year by now im a pro at giving cats medicine.
Well.....the cost was more than the owner expected because it's an extra charge for spaying pregnant cats and she needed additional stuff. I told the owner about the additional stuff before too and she just said okay let me know what your zelle is. I kid you not, yesterday we got it all done and I paid then zelled the owner and the owner was like "this is too much" I explained each thing in detail, I showed the receipt, I even tried compromising that she pay for just the spay and not the other stuff. No reply. The owner just peaced out, probably ghosted me.
The thing is she offered to pay and every treatment we had to do was a result of their negligence, how could you never take your cat to the vet then give the cat to someone else and put all that on a new owner? Even the shelter where we got the kittens gave us a discount on the spay, and a free vet check up and food and toys to help us get started. The vet I took momo listened to my story and felt Bad so they gave us a discount like almost $200 off. I took lily to the vet enough to know what they charged us was actually not that bad (for everything the total was $549 i put $100 down when I dropped her off and paid $449 when i picked her up). To top it off, way back when I found the owners the first time I found out they had another cat, who I dont like because it ruined our screen door trying to break in and attack lily.
Because of how they treat their cats, their cats have so far 1) damaged my property 2) costs me hundreds in vet bills taking care of what they didnt 3) let loose who knows how many kittens momo and the other cat had. And that's just at my house. My lawyer friend was even telling me to call the c*ps and force the owners to pay for the screen and the vet bills but I hate the pigs and know they won't do anything and even if they did i still dont want to escalate it by bringing in Meanies With Guns into my neighborhood...so my parents agreed and told me to just forget about the owners.
I had all these plans for my birthday week but now I'm taking care of momo and two kittens it's very stressful and tbh I'm overwhelmed as fuck. All this accumulated yesterday after the vet with momo I just had a breakdown. Why does everyone treat me like shit when I try to be nice and do the right thing? My friend ditching me for her other friend, then that friend totally bulldozing me when the three of us were looking for apartments, all my friends cancelling on me for my birthday saying "something came up" when I told them over a month in advance, momo's ex owners walking all over me and genuinely being so oblivious to how awful they are to their cats. This is my villain orgin story.
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sarasa-cat · 2 years
Last week and this week have been extra…
Just… extra.
And I am so tired and trying to get my own stuff done but because I am the one with (a) a flexible schedule and (b) no pending professional deadlines this month, and because (c) my partner in crime is or has been suddenly juggling an epic shit load of (mostly or entirely) unexpected high stakes deadline driven shit, it’s just madness around here.
Add in last week’s jury duty from hell to just toss more backlog into all of this.
Also, normally partner does all of the dinner prep/cooking but hasn’t been able to do that for two weeks. And next week is also overbooked which basically means 3 full weeks of august screwed over.
So I have been doing all of both of our Adulting shit plus extra Adulting shit that had to be done (maintenance on major appliances we depend on) while making calls for tradespeople who are not available to do things that are desperately needed. Just ugh.
Our landscaping guy is never available and giant invasive plants that literally grow a fucking foot per day I shit you not are BACK AGAIN and threatening to cut off our mail/package delivery — and yes, the last time it took over we receive NO MAIL beyond a nasty note from USPS. So that was two backbreaking days of battle that did not go well. my eyes swelled up from allergies.
This evening I was hoping to simplify the rest of this week by stocking up on our favorite healthy(ish) fast meal. BUT our local grocery store was just … weirdly empty especially regarding EVERY SINGLE staple item I normally get plus all of the emergency “brain can’t think, no time to do anything but toss stuff in the steamer” meal items. Like just— wtf why so many barren empty shelves and half the freezer aisle empty even though all the freezers were physically working? and it was way too late for me to go somewhere else. I was soooooooo disappointed and ended up getting a few crappy overpriced deli items that won’t last long and will be meh. But at least we have insta food for tomorrow. :|
I just.
Really get why so many people have dropped out of the workforce or have dropped to working part time bc I swear to fuckjng gawd everything takes 99x more effort to do these days.
Passport photos, for instance (both are about to expire). Never a hassle in the before times.
Took me a half the month to find a place that could do it and was open when both of us were free. Half the fedex/kinkos I visited said their system for making passport photos was out of order and the other fedex stores I went to were CLOSED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE AFTERNOON AND NOT OPEN ON WEEKENDS despite what their hours said online. And my partners schedule has suddenly been a complete fuckjng mess (as mentioned above) so finding time btwn 10a and 4:30p hasn’t been super easy especially when these fedex stores aren’t even open when they claim to be open according to their website.
Even stupid little things — small kitchen appliances and boring little house items are just becoming weirdly hard to find. Or really shitty quality.
Everyplace I go when running errands like that I just think — these stores feel barren and downgraded compared to the past. But then I look for stuff online and it’s even worse. Overpriced crap that is always a regret or stuff that sells out instantly and then it’s just “sorry, restocking.”
And don’t get me started with all of the rotting fresh fruit and veggies in the market.
And just try making an appointment as a new client or a new patient for anything. Dentist? Lol whatever. (One of my friends had the worst time finding appointments for a new vet for her kittens who needed to be scheduled to be spayed. Months of run around and no luck, and multiple cycles of them going into heat.)
The worst is that I have to keep my phone ringer on and that just means spam calls.
Phone rings: me hopeful that someone I need for something I need done is calling back.
Phone: spam call! Mwuahahaah.
I just feel exhausted all the time right now bc
Just fuckjng fuck
I needed a long walk yesterday and was surprised how many storefronts are now empty or boarded up yet again.
And if this isn’t the visible results of economic downturn/recession than i don’t even want to see what a clusterfuck this will all become when the predicted recession hits.
Things are not economically well for much of anyone not on a solid regular salary (pay that is always the same and never calculated hourly) from what I can surmise and you cannot get anyone to do anything for you these days bc everyone seems to be in a state of fml. It’s just a giant chain of falling FML dominos.
Which is why I said I really get why many ppl have downsized their work hours or dropped out. Just living is a full time job these days and, actually, we have the money to pay for things. I am literally calling ppl saying “take my money plz just put us in your schedule for X.” I am really fuckjng tired— and cannot get enough of my own pro work done because of it. Bc the moment I am in the zone— ring ring— hopefulness— SPAM CALL!!!!! 😩
(This week: Sinks unclogged: 2; dishwasher pulled apart and unclogged plus boring cleaning and maintenance done: 1 — thank you dishwasher repair guy from 2 years ago who actually just showed us how to do it so I wouldn’t need his service despite being us being more than willing to pay for it bc who has the time or energy for kneeling on the floor in a twisted position for far too long? Isn’t this what service/repair ppl are for? Oh wait. Can’t get into their schedule anymore. Fml. )
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