#my main 'strategy' is to ride around in circles getting in one or two hits at a time and healing endlessly if i get hit
mesaprotector · 8 months
i'm gonna enforce a week's break from elden ring after i lost track of time and played it for five hours somehow. i honestly expected this game to be more linear, but i'm happy with it not being that, because i love just exploring as much as i can. the starting area looked... standard, for lack of a better word, but places like the crystal mines and the underground river are just beautiful. is there a plot? who knows! i've beaten a few "bosses", but none that felt like they had any connection to the main story.
oh and i'd die for the jar people. kind of just want to live in their village forever
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raspberrymaple · 4 years
Midnight Down Town
Chapter One: Lucky Tapes
"A nonconventional belief in poker is everyone has an ability that allows them to stand their ground. Whether it be wit, luck, or the ability to bluff, the idea of staying in the game manifests the nickname of a ‘Stand’. A user of a ‘Stand’ is typically defined by their own strategies, therefore creating their own self-reflection in the game. The belief is so popular amongst professional and amateur card players, they even give their ‘Stands’ names.
Joseph Joestar is a casino owner in Los Angeles, California, 1989. With a reputable name such as “The Stardust Casino”, he gains popularity downtown. But he faces problems when another casino opens across the street: “The World”, owned by one Dio Brando. It’s formidable staff and popularity poise a challenge. However, the “Stardust Crusaders” the nickname given by Joseph for the employees, were ready for anything."
“Jotaro! Aren’t you going to have dinner?” Came the sweet voice of Holly Kujo, calling out to her son as he passed by the kitchen. Jotaro Kujo looked over his mother's shoulder and saw she had prepared a meatloaf for them. The aromantic smell of the meat made Jotaro pause and salivate at it. His mother made the best meals. “Your father won't be home until later but you can at least see him. Do you have to be at work on time, Jotaro? Your grandpa won't mind.”
Her son shuffled away, slipping his hands into his coat pockets. He wore a large, dark coat that exposed his light shirt under and rippled about his legs. Accompanying it was a hat that blended into his black hair, a red coke bottle cap, and the letter 'J' pinned on the front.
"I gotta pick up Kakyoin. Can I get a couple of slices for later, mom?”  He asked, opening the fridge. The boy pulled out a couple of cold glass bottles of Coke, slipping them into his jacket pocket. He spun a pair of shining keys on his finger.
Holly Kujo placed her hands on her hips, adamant toward this, but nodded. She turned to take off a couple of slices of the meatloaf, placing them in a small plastic container. Jotaro took it from her hands and pressed a kiss to her forehead. It seemed to brighten her up, but he had turned away a second later to adjust his hat. It made his mother sigh.
“I still don't know why you wear that coat in summer, JoJo. And put on your helmet! Tell Kakyoin I said hi!” She called after him, but he didn't listen. His mother slumped against the counter as he walked out of the door, hiding the container in his coat pocket just like the bottles.
Jotaro was hit with the afternoon sun as he stepped out of the house. It was a large, two-story home, painted white. The front lane extended out far, the front of the house lined with red roses. To the left was the garage. As he stepped off the porch, his eyes trailed on the city. It was beautiful. He didn't expect anything else from it.
Jotaro's grandfather owned a casino. He found his grandfather annoying, but he was offered a job there and took it. Jotaro and his mom were typically alone, as his dad was a musician and traveled often, so Jotaro wanted to get out of the house. He never liked it when Sadao Kujo came home. His father would try to be friendly, but his absence annoyed Jotaro.
The teenager stepped into the open garage, his eyes landing on his motorcycle. It was only about four years old, but Jotaro had snagged it only last year. It was a Kawasaki Ninja 600R, one of the best in the brand. It was red and black, great colors for Jotaro. As he settled into its seat, he took off his hat and put his helmet on. He had two, typically, one for him, the other for Kakyoin.
Noriaki Kakyoin had been his friend for a few years now, and he knew him for five. They met in eighth grade and went to the same high school. Kakyoin's personality wasn't very similar to Jotaro's, but they felt they had to stick together. They even gave each other nicknames that they used privately: Kakyoin was Nori, and Jotaro was JoJo. Even though everyone called him JoJo,  Kakyoin was the only one he cared about enough to give a nickname to. Jotaro was half Japanese, and Kakyoin was full Japanese. Jotaro had lived in America all of his life, but Kakyoin said he moved here when he was eleven from Japan. His friend did admit it was a cultural shock, so Jotaro acted like a crutch to help him learn.
As he twisted the grip to lightly apply the throttle, Jotaro kicked up the center stand. With a secondary helmet resting on his lap, he drove out of the garage and onto the street. The wind whistled along his body, thrashing about the end of his coat.
He had been working at this job since the beginning of the year. It was early summer break now, but he continues to work in the afternoon. The casino was open all hours, however, it was busy later in the day. Los Angeles wasn't known for its casinos, but The Stardust was one of the most popular. Hundreds of men and women frequented it weekly.
Jotaro could ride forever. The sun was on the horizon as he rode down Beverly Hills to the city outlined by its gold rays. The golden city. Kakyoin lived closer to the city, but his parents were also traveling agents and had money. He lived well off, and typically alone from his parent’s trips. Kakyoin used to go on trips with them, but after he got a job he said he didn’t want to anymore. They had their arguments but ultimately agreed since he was close to becoming an adult.
He came to a screeching halt in front of a blue one-story home. It had a long stretch of the lawn as well, but it was gated and surrounded by dark green hedges. Flowers and vines snaked through the hedges. Sitting on the step of the sidewalk, his legs extended out, was Kakyoin. Jotaro pulled off his helmet, his short black hair poking out over his forehead. He looked down at Kakyoin with blue-green eyes.
“Hey, Nori. Ready to go?” He asked the other teenager. Kakyoin looked up from the game in his hands. It was a Zelda & Watch game, a Nintendo brand, Jotaro assumed from the logo on the back. Kakyoin was a redhead, with a long, twisting curl poking out from his head hanging as a bang. His hair was short and straight in the back, pointing down as spikes. His eyes were a striking shade of violet against his pale skin, and dark circles lined under his long eyelashes.
Kakyoin gave Jotaro a broad smile, sliding the game into his jacket pocket as he bounced to his feet. He wore a dark blue jacket, with a large stripe of green across the chest, and another stripe of white on his shoulders. Kakyoin adapted to the fashion quickly, and his pale, slightly defined stomach showed in a white crop top. His high waisted pants were cinched snugly around his waist with a gold belt. His white Adidas shoes scuffed against the ground as he got up.
“Sure, JoJo! Where's my helmet?” Kakyoin asked, sliding in the space behind Jotaro. The teenager checked his watch, noticing the time was five pm. Their shift began at five-thirty.
Jotaro took the helmet from his lap, handing it back to Kakyoin over his shoulder. They had matching black helmets with a red stripe down the sides. When Kakyoin clipped it in, his red bangs poking out, Jotaro started up the motorcycle again.
“Hey, JoJo we better get there on time so—WOAH!” Kakyoin wrapped his arms tightly about Jotaro when they took off, a puff of smoke from the screech of the wheels rising up behind them. Kakyoin frowned, pressing his cheek against his back. "You could have warned me!"
Jotaro glanced over his shoulder. Even if he was a serious person, he was still a dumb kid. He grinned lightly. “It's more fun this way, Nori.”
As they left the suburban scene and drove into the city, the noises and lights increased.  The roar of cars, the flashes of music, all drowned out Kakyoin's thoughts. Splotches of color danced across Kakyoin's vision as Jotaro sped along, their bodies pressed close to the vehicle. Every time he cranked the engine, it purred beautifully in response. Jotaro fed off the thrill of its speed, and since Kakyoin rode so frequently with Jotaro, so did he. And Jotaro rode fast because he didn't care about the rules.
But he did care about getting a ticket. Kakyoin exhaled softly when they came to a slow halt in front of a bright, red stoplight. For some reason, he was out of breath, but the warmth of his friend was relaxing. Jotaro looked back at him again.
“We're almost there.” He stated quietly, then fired up again. Kakyoin gripped tightly to his jacket. Jotaro was a lot taller than him. He stood about six foot five, while Kakyoin was just a couple inches off of six feet. Jotaro had a wider frame than him as well, dwarfing Kakyoin when they stood next to each other. He did admit he was jealous of Jotaro. He could fight just about anyone and win—and he did fight. Typically he didn't pick the fights, they came to him. Jotaro was like that.
The casino was on the outskirts of the main business center in Los Angeles and in Hollywood. It was as grand as the Joestar name. Joseph Joestar had begun as a realtor, and he adopted money from a family friend who passed away. It left him with the Speedwagon Foundation, who donated mainly to charity in Robert E.O Speedwagon’s name. Speedwagon was a close family friend, who struck rich in America. But he passed away in a heart attack, giving his money to Joseph.
Joseph Joestar could be in the least, to Kakyoin, ‘charming’. During his venture in real estate, he decided to invest in a casino. It took several years, but he owned the casino in 1979. Ten years later, it was still going just as strong. The "Stardust" casino was famous for attracting rich people in Hollywood and tourists.
“Hey, we're here,” Jotaro said, swinging his leg to get over the bike. They were behind the casino, where all of the staff parked. He flipped out the center stand, then pulled off his helmet. Kakyoin followed, setting his helmet down. As he did he noticed something engraved at the base in the back of the helmet. Why hadn't he seen this before? 'Nori', it read. He smiled.
“Did you do this? It's cute. It makes me feel like that's my helmet.” Kakyoin said, observing the scratches in lettering. It may be a bit crude but still worth the effort. Jotaro rolled his eyes and picked up the helmet to settle it in its usual spot, on the motorcycle's handlebars. The staff parking lot was usually gated, so he didn't have much to worry about. And with their nicknames on the helmets, he could find the guy and beat him up.
“Well yeah, 'cause it is your helmet. I don't let anyone else ride with me, Nori.” Jotaro muttered, taking a seat on the sidewalk. “There are ten minutes before we gotta change. I brought some drinks. Have you eaten?”
Kakyoin took a seat next to him, shaking his head lightly. He pulled out the small console again, flipping it open. Jotaro pulled out the bottles of Coke, then the plastic container. Kakyoin peeked around his shoulder, raising an eyebrow.
“What’s that?” He asked as Jotaro cracked open the tinted green glass bottles, handing one out to Kakyoin. He sipped it, enjoying the refreshing taste of a cool drink.
“Just some meatloaf my mom made. Do you want a slice?” Jotaro asked, offering the still warm food to Kakyoin. Kakyoin shook his head again, though his stomach rumbled in response. Jotaro raised an eyebrow. “C’mon, you love my mom’s cooking.”
His friend sighed, wrapping his arms around his body and slouching forward.
“Don’t feel like eating.” Came a null response from Kakyoin. He was rather skinny, but Jotaro knew he could eat a lot. Jotaro rolled his eyes, picking off a chunk of the meatloaf and holding it out to Kakyoin’s nose. The boy sniffed the food tentatively, but even he couldn’t ignore the delicious smell of Holly’s cooking.
Jotaro’s mouth quirked at the corner when Kakyoin took the piece, nibbling it quietly. He was smiling now, always happy to accept food. Especially from Jotaro’s mom. When Jotaro offered him the rest of the slice, he took it like a feral beast, eating away and washing it down with the Coke. When he was done, he still felt hungry, but it was bearable.
“Wow, I haven’t eaten since yesterday. I did shower, though. A gamer has to at least stay clean!” Kakyoin declared, his bottle clinking to the concrete. Jotaro pulled out a pack of camels and a lighter, his lips curled in a frown.
“How long have your parents been out on the trip?” He asked, placing a cigarette between his teeth. Jotaro flicked the lighter to life, lighting the end of the fag. As he stuffed the lighter away, he heard Kakyoin sigh slowly. Kakyoin looked down at his hands and began to count his slender, pale fingers.
“Maybe a week and a couple of days. So nine days. They go on trips this often anyways. What day is it again?” He asked, his eyes following a curling trail of white smoke as Jotaro exhaled. He took out the cigarette, pinching it between his fingers to think.
“Today is the 27th of July. Why—” Jotaro turned to see Kakyoin tense up, his fingers curling on his knees. His wide mouth formed a frown, his purple eyes shifting to his feet. Realization struck. “Oh. It’s your birthday tomorrow. Sorry, Nori.”
Kakyoin stood up, shuffling his hands in his coat pockets. He began to pace along the edge of the sidewalk, his eyes focused on the path before his feet. He spoke in a quiet, almost defeated voice.
“It’s ok. I mean, they’ve missed my birthday before. It just sucks because it’s my eighteenth birthday. I at least thought they would stay for this. Well, I make my own money. I can buy myself some uh…cupcakes or some shit, maybe. Hey, can I have a smoke?” Jotaro blinked when he asked out of the blue, but the cigarette was plucked from his mouth. Kakyoin pressed it between his lips, inhaling slowly, then exhaling the smoke to the sky. He watched it disappear into the air slowly.
“Hey, I could have lit one for you,” Jotaro grumbled, but his friend only laughed.
“Doesn’t matter, we’ve known each other for five years. We finished high school together, Jotaro. We shared drinks and food before. But hey, I can leave my family, can’t I? Will they even notice I’m gone?” Kakyoin wondered aloud, breathing out more of that white smoke. It glinted with orange in the sunset. Jotaro rolled his eyes.
“Nori. Come on. They just forgot, or their flight was delayed. Gimme the damn cigarette. You’re gonna regret smoking.” Jotaro warned, setting down his Coke bottle. When he stood he was much taller than Kakyoin. The fellow teenager was grinning, a sort of fake smile plastered on his face. He wasn’t happy. Jotaro gritted his teeth. “Nori, are you even fuckin’ listening? Here, after our shift, we can go to a 7-11 and buy you some cheap shit.”
Jotaro flinched when Kakyoin set the cigarette back in his mouth, his face brought close to Jotaro’s. His purple eyes were dark, almost unreadable as he stared at him, his face slacked into a passive state. Jotaro had to remind himself sometimes of how batshit crazy Kakyoin could be. He wasn’t violent in the slightest, but his actions could be considered unorthodox. His ideas were more sinister—Jotaro just punched people. If Kakyoin wanted to genuinely hurt someone, Jotaro didn’t doubt it would be in the worst psychological way possible. He was clever enough to. And even then he couldn’t detach himself from Kakyoin, even with that personality clash.
Kakyoin turned back around, bending down to get his Coke bottle and Watch game. When he stood up, he pocketed the small game. Jotaro observed the Coke bottle bounce between his hands, then lift above his head and with the jerk of an arm, fly across the parking lot. It shattered on impact with the asphalt, green glass soaring in every direction. The cap rolled in a smooth circle before clattering against the ground.
Jotaro watched Kakyoin’s shoulders sag, that hollow look on his face returning to a red shade of guilt along his cheeks. Kakyoin pressed his hand to his eyes, distress visible on his face with how he grit his white teeth. His lips were chapped and red from the number of times he bit them.
“Fucking hell. God, Jotaro, I’m sorry. It’s just…a lot. I don’t know how you deal with your dad always being gone.” Kakyoin muttered, looking over at Jotaro. The slight clench in Jotaro’s jaw made him pause. “Right. You don’t. I’m sorry. Fuck. Aw shit, look at the time.”
Jotaro glanced at his own watch with the comment. They only had a couple of minutes left. He sighed, jerking his thumb over to the backdoor. Inside they could hear the pump of music, maybe even a laugh or two. It was never quiet here, not with an accommodated hotel and several restaurants. The fact they snagged jobs here was phenomenal.
“We’ll talk about this later. C’mon, let’s go, Nori.” Jotaro pats his shoulder, letting his hand linger there. When he turned to walk away, Kakyoin stood there for a moment. In the sunlight, the orange warmth across his face highlighted his tired, dark eyes. He nodded and followed Jotaro, a slight scuff to his step.
The back rooms weren’t as grand as the actual hotel. They were completely fine, but to put it simply, they were boring. The locker room was for them to get changed and put their stuff away, and assigned by gender. There were faculty bathrooms as well, and even showers. What was nice was the break room, where everyone could eat and take a break. It was generously stocked with food, and even had a couch and television.
When they punched in, the pair headed to the locker room. Neither of them really decorated their lockers—they did that at school already, and they were done with high school. Jotaro was already eighteen, having his birthday on February 3rd already. He got used to Sadao Kujo not being there, but his family, Kakyoin, and a couple of other friends from the casino were.
The bang of Kakyoin’s locker door hitting the other lockers arose Jotaro from his thoughts. The other boy had pulled his jacket off, the console tucked inside. Folded on the bench was his work clothes. Kakyoin was a waiter and a golden tag with his first name rested on the pile. As he slipped his crop top over his head, he picked up a white undershirt. Jotaro’s eyes hesitantly lingered on his arms, but he pulled his gaze away.
“You can look. I haven’t tried since they left, by the way. I told you I wouldn’t. None of these are fresh…” Kakyoin’s quiet voice rose up again when he finished tugging his undershirt over his head. Jotaro felt the warmth of a body next to him, and Kakyoin’s arm filled his gaze. Typically, the boy wore sweaters or thin long-sleeved shirts. His left arm was the victim of his pain. Each scar was at the top of his forearm, dark against his light skin. Little red hairs dotted his arm. Jotaro sighed.
“Good. Don’t do that shit again. I don’t want to remember the last time…” He frowned, pushing aside Kakyoin’s arm and standing up. Jotaro typically wore what was considered a traditional Japanese school uniform because of the coat. But under it was a red rock band shirt and a pair of ripped black jeans. Jotaro realized wearing shoes with platforms made him uncomfortably taller, so he stuck with simple black high tops.
“I won’t, I promise. I…I’m really sorry you had to see that.” Kakyoin responded softly, then turned away. They got dressed. Jotaro wore a white collared shirt with a light blue tie under it. Slipped onto this were a blue dress jacket and equal blue pants. A belt with a silver star-shaped buckle kept the pants to his body. His grandfather let him keep his hat.
“Why do they make you wear gloves again?” Jotaro asked his friend, looking into the mirror Kakyoin put inside his locker. Two gold studs glinted from his ears. Kakyoin, who had finished getting ready, slipped on the gloves. He also wore a white collared shirt and black pants, but a shiny green vest over it and a green tie. His belt was gold.
“Just for sanitary reasons. Didn’t they give you gloves too? Aren’t the slot machines unsanitary?” Kakyoin replied with a question, patting his body over for everything. Jotaro shrugged.
“They didn’t fit me.”
“What? Really? You never told me. I guess that makes sense.” Kakyoin pursed his lips, tapping his finger to them. When he was sure he had everything, he closed his locker, pressing his forehead to it. He almost seemed adamant to go out. “Well, time to put on a happy face and suck up to middle-aged white people. I wonder how many times I’ll get called exotic.”
Jotaro chuckled, shutting his locker in return. He held out his arm to Kakyoin, letting himself grin slightly. “Really? Let’s count today. I’m taller, and my eyes are blue, but I don’t look white and I have a Japanese name. I’ll get more.”
Kakyoin grinned, gripping Jotaro’s extended hand, their elbows bumping together. “Yeah but I’m full Japanese and a natural redhead. My eyes are even purple, JoJo. But I’ll be counting—and winning.”
With another quiet laugh between them, the feelings of regret and sadness slowly melted away. Kakyoin’s fingers lingered in the spaces between Jotaro’s, though he could barely feel the warmth of his skin. The smile they shared lasted for a beat too long, but Jotaro pulled away.
“Okay,” He said, his voice dropping to a pressing tone, “Let’s go.”
“Noriaki, was it? You look so tired for such a cute young man, hun.” The woman he was serving said, taking a sip of her margarita. He flashed his white smile, setting down a couple of other drinks to the rest of the people at the table. This woman was in her mid to late forties, and she donned a necklace of pretty pearls that she fondled lovingly.
God, he was sick of this shit already. Suckering up to the guests was annoying enough, but the ones who flirted with him, man or woman, were revolting. Especially since they all found him so ‘exotic.’
“Well, to be frank ma'am…serving customers was so tiring, until I met you, of course. Say, what's your name, young lady?” Kakyoin asked politely, pressing his platter to his chest and taking her hand. He lightly grazed his red lips against the wrinkling skin on the back of her hand, his eyes glimmering with a charming playfulness. The woman put her hand to her mouth to laugh into it, her face turning rosy. Her husband fumed.
“Oh my, you're quite the exotic little flirt, dearie. My name is Margeret. How old are you, honey?” She asked, but Kakyoin pulled back to press his finger to his red lips. If he wasn’t so good at acting, he might have screamed.
“That's my little secret, Miss Margaret, but you’re free to guess. Enjoy your drinks!" Kakyoin winked, turning to snake between the poker tables. The woman watched him go, murmuring something to her husband, who was grumbling quietly about how wives shouldn’t flirt in front of their husbands.
Well, he could certainly catch someone’s eye. With the confident way he walked and the bounce of his vibrant hair, almost anyone he passed by did a double-take. Kakyoin did have a rather feminine face, his cheekbones set high and his lips a light red, which begged the opinion he was a woman. But he was too tall, his voice too deep, and the bags under his eyes showed he didn’t take care of himself.
“Hey, Kakyoin!” Another chipper voice penetrated the chatter of gambling men and women, causing Kakyoin to turn his head. He was greeted with one of the other casino employees, a pit boss named Muhammed Avdol. The man wore a black suit, a pendant of the casino's colorful logo on his exposed front. His gold medallion earrings glinted in from the lights above. His dark hair was smoothed back and pulled into a low ponytail. Wise, amber eyes, and a big smile shone against his darker skin.
"Oh, hi Avdol. How are the tables?" Kakyoin questioned, smiling at him. Avdol crossed his arms, glancing over his shoulder. His eyes were focused on a specific silver-haired dealer who was laughing with his table.
"Well, they're…good. But I just wanted to tell you that your break is in five minutes, so you can take the time off now. Its Jotaro's too, so tell him. By the way, how is Jotaro?" Avdol answered, his nails tapping lightly against his forearms. Kakyoin shrugged, tucking back a strand of loose red hair. He looked around, wondering if in this crowd he could even spot his friend.
"We aren't really near each other since you're not allowed to have food and drink at the slot machines, so I wouldn’t know. He is well, though. I'll go tell him, ok?" Kakyoin bowed quickly to Avdol, though his face burned when he did. Avdol was maybe five or six years older than him, and he was used to saying bye to older people that way. Avdol chuckled, though he didn't mind.
"Alright. Happy birthday, by the way, Kakyoin!" Avdol called after Kakyoin as he hurried away, smiling to himself. At least Avdol remembered. It had been a couple of hours now, meaning it was break time. He had a thirty-minute break period from seven-thirty to eight. And then he worked for three more hours.
After setting down his tray in the kitchen, Kakyoin set off to find Jotaro. There were three slot machine rooms, and Jotaro worked at the last one. It wasn’t terribly far from Kakyoin, but he didn’t interact with Jotaro often. Maybe it was for the best. They had a habit of goofing off together, even if they were young adults.
It took awhile for Kakyoin to find him. He knew where Jotaro was stationed, but there were also a lot of people on the slot machines. He weaved through a group of young women, whose eyes followed Kakyoin as he walked away. He was a tall teenager, so it was no wonder he was looked at so often. And he was a Japanese redhead. That was something. 
When he found Jotaro, he remembered the bet. A total of twenty men and women had called him exotic or unusual. A man had even told him he liked them special, which only made him want to punch the guy. If there was anyone that wanted to have him, well…
“Jotaro! There you are!” Kakyoin exclaimed, hurrying up to his friend. Jotaro was standing alone, his back against one of the slot machines and arms crossed. He looked down at Kakyoin, raising an eyebrow.
“Why are you here?” He asked sharply, his eyes focused on Kakyoin from below his wide-brimmed hat. Kakyoin rolled his eyes.
“Just look at the time. Break starts in a couple of minutes. Avdol said we could just go now. I think he’s too easy on us, frankly. Just because we’re barely adults. Or, you are at least. Let’s go!” Kakyoin insisted, taking Jotaro’s arm and tugging him away. The older teen sighed but followed after him.
Despite the arguments, Jotaro had been Kakyoin’s first kiss. They had been playing a game with a couple of ‘friends’ once, and their mistake was letting girls join the party. Girls obsessed over Jotaro, and even Kakyoin. They were both popular, but when they were at school they didn’t really talk to anyone but each other. But one of the girls had come up with a game of truth or dare, and Kakyoin was dared to kiss his friend.
Well, he thought, it was typically the girls that kissed each other that was wanted, wasn’t it? He had laughed and shaken his head, explaining how strange that would be, but to Jotaro he guessed not. Because Jotaro had kissed him square on the mouth. It wasn’t a big deal, right? The girls had laughed, the other guys said ew, whatever. This was their sophomore year of high school.
But Kakyoin thought about kissing Jotaro again. And he did. He kissed Jotaro a few times, actually. None of them were accidents, but each time he tried to brush it off by saying he was just feeling lonely. Kakyoin was always lonely. There was no excuse, even if he tried to rub it off as one. But right now he was too annoyed to care, and he was way too attracted to him.
So as Kakyoin pulled his friend into the empty breakroom, he did it again. His hands were gripping the front of Jotaro’s suit jacket, pulling him down so he could slam their lips together. Jotaro tensed up, but that feeling of want after Kakyoin had simply ignored his past actions, was too much to bear. He pulled him closer, wrapping his arms tightly around his waist as his head spun, dizzy with the feeling of warmth. Jotaro reached to slam the door shut, pressing Kakyoin to it as their lips stayed locked.
When his friend pulled away, panting quietly, he wiped his lips. “God, you’re a bad kisser,” Kakyoin muttered sourly, gaining a rile from Jotaro that made him grin. The other teen narrowed his eyes, flicking Kakyoin on the nose. It made the redhead wince and grab his nose, rubbing it lightly.
“Whatever. Why now? Aren’t we just friends?” Jotaro replied in a bitter tone, letting go of Kakyoin to walk to the fridge. The breakroom had an additional kitchen to it. As Jotaro pulled out a couple of cans of soda, he genuinely wondered if Kakyoin was crazy. The guy spent weeks, maybe even months, not kissing Jotaro, and then decided one day he wanted to. It was almost unbearable. Even then, it was for the best. Jotaro was an adult, and Kakyoin was still a teenager. He suddenly regretted kissing him.
Kakyoin laughed, leaning against the wall next to the door. He had his arms crossed, his heels planted firmly to the ground.
“Well not after that, no. And why now? I want to. Do you have a problem with that?” He taunted, tilting his hip out to the side. Jotaro sighed. Ok, maybe he wasn’t crazy, just an asshole sometimes. As much as Jotaro wanted to punch his clever ass, he was still Kakyoin’s friend. Or, well, closer than that. He didn’t know half the time because half of the time Kakyoin was just insane.
Jotaro turned to him, glaring from beneath his hat. He stalked up to Kakyoin, shoving the can in front of his face. Kakyoin tilted his head away, gritting his teeth at the coolness pressed on his cheek. “You’re not eighteen. That’s my problem, Nori. I don’t like it. So you’re just going to have to wait for a few hours.”
Kakyoin scoffed in return. He yanked the can from Jotaro, cracking it open and walking past him. With a heavy sigh, he plopped down on the couch, mansplaining. His heel tapped erratically on the ground as he took a sip of the soda.
“Aren’t we just a happy pair of fags…” The redhead grumbled, letting his eyes dart around the room anywhere but Jotaro. Jotaro rolled his eyes, taking a seat at the small table in the kitchen. They were already a dysfunctional pair, something like romantic feelings would just make it worse. Jotaro set the can down and rubbed his tired eyes. Why did he take this job?
The breakroom door opened, and a laughing pair of men walked in. He recognized those individual laughs; one was loud and boisterous, the other watered down and hearty. He lifted his head to see who it was.
Jean-Pierre Polnareff was even more annoying than Kakyoin. He was a tall Frenchman with a big smile and too blue eyes. His silver hair was shaped like a cylinder, piling high above his head. Two earrings, each shaped like half a broken red heart piece, bounced along with his movements. He wore a black button-up, a silver vest fit snugly over his body. His laugh was infectious, but it ticked Jotaro off.
“Hey, Jotaro!” Polnareff yelled, even though Jotaro was only a few meters away. He exhaled quietly, waving a hand to say hi, and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. There was a small ‘tsk’ and the pack was pulled from his hands by Polnareff’s boyfriend, Avdol. Avdol was the pit boss, meaning he controlled everything at the poker tables, or ‘pits’. It was from what Jotaro remembered since he didn’t normally see any of these three.
“Jotaro, what did Mr. Joestar say about smoking indoors?” Avdol tutored, resting a hand upon his hip. From the couch, Kakyoin snickered and sunk into the comfort of the cushions. Jotaro whipped around to flip off the gremlin. He then glanced at Avdol, grumbling quietly to himself.
“Shut up, I’ll smoke outside. Give me those.” Jotaro swiped the camels from Avdol, rising to his feet. At the end of the day, Jotaro was still taller than the rest of them. He wasn’t as muscled as Polnareff, but he was less stout than Avdol. Even then, he wasn’t as lanky as Kakyoin, who was too busy stretching out on the couch like a noodle. Avdol watched him shrug past, dipping his hands in his jacket pockets.
“Kakyoin! Aren’t you two friends? Don’t leave him alone!” Polnareff complained, taking a seat at the table. Avdol walked over to the fridge, taking out two glasses of chilled beer. When he returned to the table, Polnareff’s face lit up and he happily took one. “Mon dieu! Merci, my flame, your kindness is impeccable.”
With a slight chuckle from Avdol, Kakyoin groaned and got up.
“Why don’t you two go bother him?”
“Because I want alone time with Jean, obviously,” Avdol stated, taking a mouthful of beer. Polnareff grinned lightly, taking his partner’s hand and twining their fingers together.
“Is that so? Because I know a good storage room next to the bathrooms—”
The abrupt slam of the door behind Kakyoin made the two flinch, Polnareff looking over his shoulder in a slight surprise as he was interrupted. Well, at least he was gone now. Avdol looked at his boyfriend and elevated an eyebrow.
“Did they fight?”
Kakyoin walked out to see Jotaro kicking rocks, a cigarette between his lips. He stood by the door for a little, watching him rear his leg back and send the stones flying from the force of his shoe. The moon cast a silver light upon Jotaro’s face, the slight red spark of the cigarette butt the only warm light outside. When Jotaro was done, he turned and flinched at the sight of Kakyoin.
“What the fuck—you scared the shit out of me, Nori. Why are you out here?” He questioned, facing away from his companion. Kakyoin watched white smoke billow out around his figure and follow a path into the sky. In the distance, he could hear the roar of the freeway, a sound he would never adjust to.
“They wanted alone time…” He mumbled, crossing his arms and dipping his head down. There was some dejected feeling in his chest, maybe it was from being refused. Or maybe it was because it was cold. “Hey, JoJo? It’s freezing. We should go inside before the break ends.”
Jotaro turned around again, pulling the cigarette from his mouth. He nodded, heading back to the door. He looked down at Kakyoin, then bent forward. Jotaro could hear Kakyoin’s breath catch as he brought his face close. Their lips could almost brush, just barely, if he leaned any closer.
“I’ll kiss you at midnight. You’ll be eighteen then, right? Then it should be fine for me to kiss you.” Jotaro stated, flicking his eyes around Kakyoin’s face to observe the changes in his expression. The other teenager sucked in a soft breath, biting the inside of his cheeks. He nodded, looking away. His cheeks glowed.
“Yeah. Fine.” Kakyoin confirmed, then peeled himself off the wall. He glanced at Jotaro, who was as stone-cold as ever, and his lips mashed together in a weird, nervous smile. Jotaro only dropped the cigarette he was holding to smash it under his heel. He noticed Kakyoin lingering by the door and raised an eyebrow.
“What? It’s not like we’re having sex. It’s just a kiss.” He said, kicking away the squished cigarette. Kakyoin chuckled. God, what a strange smile. It's as if Kakyoin was trying his best to hold back all of his gushy feelings and failing.
“Of ‘course not, JoJo! Unless you want to—”
“Shut up.”
Haha I posted this on AO3 around a month ago, and my friend (@arrivederciroque , follow her) suggested I put it here. Hope you enjoyed.
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Rescue (Rey x Reader)
Request: Not sure if you have done anything like this before (I’m way too lazy to look😂) but maybe a fic where the reader saves Rey with the others from Starkiller Base then from Kylo? Like in the Force Awakens by anon
Words: 2,800
A/N: I had to see the movie like three times again. But here it is, very long but hope you enjoy it!!!
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The room was filled with pure tension as the inner circle of the Resistance gathered around the the map table, the hologram displaying the view of the surface of the Starkiller base, discussing in an urgent and very messy strategy session.
“Okay, how do we blow it up?” said Han Solo attracting all the eyes in the room to lie on him “There’s always a was to do that”
“Han’s right” confirmed General Leia leaving a surprised face on Han.
“In order for that amount of power to be contained, the base would need some kind of thermal oscillator…” you said looking at the hologram, processing the information of the functioning of the Starkiller.
“There is one” Finn, the new guy, rushed to said, all the eyes following him as he moved around the hologram “Precinct 47. Here” he said pointing at a hexagonal structure.
“If we can destroy that oscillator it might destabilize the core and cripple the weapon” you theorized.
“...Maybe the planet” said Major Ematt.
“We’ll go in there and we’ll hit that oscillator with everything we got” Declared Poe.
“They have defensive shields that our ships cannot penetrate” The Admiral Ackbar stated.
“We disable the shields” Han immediately said as if it was an obvious thing to do “Kid, you worked there, what do you got?” he told Finn.
“I can do it” Confidently spoke the young man, you didn’t know much about him except that General Leia trusted him.
“I like this guy” Han Solo said, a smirk forming on his lips.
“I can disable the shields. But I have to be there, on the planet” Finn continued, you glanced at him for a moment, there was something in his face that seemed suspicious to you, he gave you a nervous gaze before his eyes went back to Han.
“We’ll get you there” said the old man sure of his words.
“Han, how?” Leia said unsure.
“If I told you, you wouldn’t like it”
“So we disable the shields, take out the oscillator and we blow up their big gun. All right. Let’s go” commanded Poe.
While everyone splitted you followed Finn, finally stopping him in a not frequented hall grabbing him by the arm and forcing him to face you.
“What the…”
“Finn, right?” you cut him off as he slightly nodded. “Can you really do it? Disable the shields?” you interrogated.
“Yes…” he told you, the confident tone in his voice revealing a lie. You raised an eyebrow and crossed your arms.
“Really? Fine, tell me how?”
Finn looked around scared someone would hear him before he learned to whisper his answer.
“Okay, I don’t know. But I’ll figure it out once I’m there.” he said “My friend Rey is there, I need to save her” he said sincere.
“You want to save her, then you need me” you told him. “I’m coming with you”
“Wait, why? I don’t even know you.”
“I know how to shut it down” you told him. “The shield”
“You worked…there?”
“No!” you answered almost offended by the thought of working for the First Order. “I’m a system engineer” you said as you started to walk towards the hangar, his feet following close.
“Alright” he said behind you. “So, at least I can know your name?”
“Call me Y/N” you told him.
Few minutes later you held tight to your seat as Han piloted his ship with pretty much trouble through the icy planet, crushing against trees more than once, slamming through branches until the ship crashed against the snowy, rocky ground. Not the best fly you’ve been.
“The flooding tunnels are over that ridge. We’ll get in that way” Finn announced as you hid, your bones freezing by the snow, the small blaster secure in your hands.
“What was your job when you were based here?” asked Han, he seemed to really trust Finn.
“Sanitation” murmured the guy.
“Sanitation?!” Han and you yelled at the same time darting at Finn. “Then how do you know how to disable the shields?” Han yelled close to the other man.
“I don’t” he said, his eyes looking over to you. “She knows, that’s why I brought her” Han Solo slowly watched over his shoulder and his gaze finally met yours.
“Please tell me you know how to, girl” Han told you “People are counting on us! The galaxy is counting on us…”
“Yeah, I know, Sir.” you firmly said “come on” you said already walking to the big Starkiller base.
Sitting in the workstation your fingers moved through the controls searching non-stop for the shield.
"How long will this take?" said anxious Finn.
"Relax, Finn" you told him as you pressed some more buttons on the console, suddenly the panel beeped revealing the words 'Shield Disable Initiate'. "There, it's working" you told him proud of yourself.
"Solo if this works, we're not going to have much time to find Rey"
"Don't worry, kid." Han told him "we won't leave here without her"
"So how is this Rey everybody talks about?" You asked out of the blue, the curiosity invading your mind. Han smirked at you.
"As smart as you, Y/N" he said "I think you're gonna like her"
The controls beeped again 'Shield Disabled'
"The girl did it" Han grinned happily.
Hiding in a corner of the hall you waited next to the big wookie, Chewie. Finn trying to come up with a plan to find Rey. You kept your weapon close looking in every direction for trooper and then you spotted her climbing carefully inside the wall to the main level while Finn and Hand talked.
"Is it her?" You asked attracting their attention.
"Yeah, that's Rey" you heard Finn said before rushing through the endless and glossy halls of the base. Guiding you for a lot of corridors until you stopped in front of a rifle pointing at you.
The girl who held it, you supposed, was Rey. She looked so shocked, her eyes wide open with the sight of familiar faces, wondering if the four people before her were really there.
"Are you all right?" Han was the first one to approach, slowly guiding her to lower her weapon down.
"Yeah" she nodded
"What happened? Did he hurt you?" Rushed to ask Finn.
"Finn. What are you doing here?" She said, by the way her eyes started to watered you could tell she was happy to see him and almost speechless.
Her gaze meeting yours for the first time, you admired her delicate face and her messy brown hair, now you knew why everyone was talking about her.
"We came back for you" you said as she stared at you confused, maybe a little surprised.
"Thank you" she murmured, her light brown eyes reaching for everyone of you.
"We don't have much time" you said.
"Escape now. Explain later" Han said and silently you follow him.
But there was no escape, as you stepped outside you caught the X-Wings flying all around, dodging and blasting the TIE fighters and the cannons. Some of them barely dodging the missiles, others without luck exploited. Your people, your friends dying in the sky as the clock kept moving and the big First Order weapon charged.
"They're in trouble" you told them "We can't leave"
"My friend here has a big bag full of explosives" Hand told you pointing at Chew. "Let's use' em"
After a short ride in a snow speeder Finn, Rey and you ran inside a small building, Rey reaching immediately to open a service hatch, you behind her following her actions with your gaze.
"That one" you told her pointing inside the mechanism. Her hand slipped inside and grabbed a piece of tech, easily pulling it away.
She turned to you, the distance between the two of you reduced at the metal piece she took from the machinery.
"You know your way around this tech" you told her smiling
"After years of stealing this pieces, you learn how it works" she said smiling back at you. Maker, what a beautiful smile this girl had. "I'm Rey" she told you.
You kept looking into her eyes for a moment, Han was right she was so smart.
"Sorry to interrupt, we gotta get back with Han, now" Finn said irritated.
"Yeah, let's go" you said.
As the hatch opened your eyes caught a tall masked figure standing in the middle of catwalk that crossed the oscillator structure, the three of you got closer, holding the steel railing to look down at the man in front of this terrible man, there was Han firmly speaking to his son. You could see them, you could clearly hear this strange familiar reunion from the distance, you got to see the face of the man that terrified most of your friends, the face of Kylo Ren.
You stared speechless down at them as Han and his son talked. Then finally the younger man extended his weapon to his father. The hatch behind you suddenly shutted close, extinguishing the soft light that moments before fell in Kylo’s face. His Next move was fatal, as he ignited the dark weapon and it passed right through Han’s chest.
“No!!!” Rey yelled, her eyes already filled with tears that quickly fell from her face while you just gasped seeing the legendary Han Solo as his lifeless body fell into the big oscillator structure.
Chewie cried in agony for his friend and shot at Kylo in the side, his eyes looking in your direction as you contemplated the big explosion Chewie’s bombs blew up. Soon the structure was filled with white figures of stormtroopers blasting at you. Rey filled with pain started blasting back at them as blast hitted around her.
“Rey we have no time for this” you tell her. “Rey!” you told her but she didn’t move, she just kept blasting. In an urge to escape you wrapped your arm around her skinny waist and dragged her towards the exit, leaving the exploding oscillator behind.
“The Falcon’s this way” yelled Finn leading you to the snowy forest, running as fast as the snow and your emotions allowed it.
Until you couldn’t keep running. You slowly stopped out of breath, keeping the distance between the man in front of you. Kylo ignited his lightsaber lighting up the cold woods with a reddish light. Finn held on tight on a lightsaber you didn’t know how he got as Rey and you aimed your blasters to Ren.
“We’re not done yet” Kylo growled, is eyes full of anger glancing at Rey, who answered with pain in her voice.
“You’re a monster”
“It’s just us now, Han Solo can’t save you” Kylo said as if Finn and you weren’t even there.
Rey moved, ready to pull the trigger but with a gesture of Kylo’s hand the blaster flew out of her hand, and with another powerful move she flew back, slamming into a tree. She dropped then, her body landing hard in the cold snow.
“Rey!” you screamed in panic as you saw her body falling, such a big fear ran through your body thinking you had lost this girl, this total stranger you have just met and yet you felt so connected with, even if you have just known her for a minute you already adored her.
Finn ran to her side as concerned as you. With rage in your body you blasted against Kylo Ren, who easily dodged every intent of killing him with a swing of his saber. Annoyed with your desperate tries to kill him he gestures one more time with his hand sending you flying just like he did with Rey.
As your body hitted the hard ground you felt the agony in your body as your vision blurred slowly, the last thing you saw was Rey lying on the ground before the dizziness in your head closed your eyes.
The cold were freezing your bones as your eyes fluttered slowly open, your body aching as you tried to stand up.
“Rey…” were the first words that let your lips as you saw the empty ground space she was just before you fell unconscious. Your eyes looking desperate for her but the only thing you found was Finn’s body. “No, no, no…” you whispered under your breath as you approached to the guy, his back was completely hurt and by the look of it you could tell this was Kylo’s work. You turned him around and concerned placed your ear against his chest. There was a heartbeat, that was all you needed to hear. “I’ll go back for you, Finn, hold on” you told him even though you knew he was unconscious.
Then you grabbed a blaster and started running away through the frozen forest, you needed to find Rey.
The sounds of lightsaber crashing against each other guided you to them, Kylo and Rey fighting merciless lighting the night with the colors of their dangerous weapons, both panting and growling out of anger as the swing their laser swords, you were beyond impressed with her fighting skills, she was a natural with that lightsaber. Rey was having a bit of trouble handling the big man as he held his red saber very close to her.
“You need a teacher” you heard him said. “I can teach you the ways of the force”
“The force” she said and stopped for a moment, the determined she lashed out to him attacking until she turned the weapon making him fall back groaning in pain, the blood already flowing over his face, but that didn’t make him stop, he was immediately on his feet again rushing towards Rey.
“No!” you scream pulling the trigger blasting right at Kylo in his freshly hurted shoulder, he dropped the saber yelling in pain as you got closer to Rey.
"Y/N" she murmured as she saw you, surprised and relieved.
“Come on” you told her already pulling her to the opposite direction.
The ground shook under your feet, cracking before it broke leaving a big space between you and the big bad guy. You pushed Rey to keep going, running close to each other.
Finn was still unconscious, barely holding on to life when you arrived, both Rey and you suffering for the state of your friend. The planet was breaking under your feet, you knew this could happen and you were willing to die if that meant the Resistance would stand. Meeting Rey’s gaze you were sure she also knew there was no escape now. So you took her hand, warm compared with the cold temperature of the forest, unsure at first but then she entangled her fingers with yours and gave un a soft smile as the tears ran down her face.
The forest lighted up with a mysterious was as the engines blew a bit of snow over to you, watching over your shoulder you caught the Millenial Falcon flying very low, as it got closer to you as you saw the ship piloted by Chewie and you smiled at Rey, there was hope in her eyes, more than you have seen in a long time.
After helping Chewie carry Finn to the ship, you sat next to Rey inside the cockpit watching how well she knew this old ship. And finally you were off the Starkiller base that collapsed behind you. It was time to go back home.
“Y/N” Rey said in the middle of the fly.
“Yep?” you said looking into her eyes, a bit red by all the tears that left her eyes.
“I didn’t have time to tell you before” she said and you gave her a confused look “back in the woods… I don’t know what I would have done if you haven’t arrived”
“You would have kicked his ass, I’m sure.” you told her trying your best to cheer her up. She chuckled for a moment before she raised her voice again.
“Thank you, Y/N” she said as if no one ever had done such thing for her, the tears forming again in her eyes. You reached for her hand, giving it a small squeeze.
“Anytime” you told her, a smile finally taking over her lips as the Falcon continued in its way to the Resistance base.
For once everything seemed right, the Starkiller base was gone which meant many planets even systems were safe, the Resistance had won this fight that would be sure not the last but guaranteed a moment of peace, a breath for all of you. And you also had new friends, total strangers that meant a lot to you now, especially this girl sitting beside you with her bright smile and messy air, you were deeply grateful to find her.
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fmdjaewonarchive · 4 years
► ‘our songs’ audition.
date(s): 20 july 2020 mentions of: jiah, ash, andy & sooyeon (all briefly namedropped) word count: 1617 warnings: n/a details: jaewon decides to audition for ‘our songs’ and somehow, manages to already stress himself out before the show has even begun. he also covers ‘q’ by onewe (note: the original version of the song features hwasa but this stage was my main reference point for this)
it’s not that jaewon has been putting this off but that’s exactly what he has been doing. which, truly, is stupid. he’s the one that decided he wanted to sign himself up from this, it’s one of the very few things in his idol schedule that he gets to weigh in on.
unlike his own music these days.
oh right, that’s why he’s been so stressed about this. dimensions entertainment had kickstarted his 2020 with a big fuck you and the announcement that they’d be taking away his creative freedom for something that would hopefully be more… lucrative than his own work. and their strategy had been proven effective, the sheer commercial success of fiancé has been a thorn in his side, a constant mocking reminder that maybe, jaewon doesn’t know shit about making music after all.
it has also only solidified dimensions position meaning that truly, jaewon could write any creative freedom apart from the odd co-writing jobs for unity and songs he featured on goodbye.
until our songs came along.
sure, the company hasn’t said it in that many words, nowhere has jaewon actually gotten the confirmation that maybe, if he does well on this, they’ll consider letting him weigh in on his own solo work again. but hey, there surely is no harm in taking some initiative right?
which circles right back to where jaewon is right now, in the home studio of his and soo’s apartment at some awfully late hour at night -because apparently his brain does not function during common office hours- to sit down and record this video for once and for all.
(for the 5th time this week but really, who is keeping count).
jaewon is glad he’s in a space so familiar to him as his own home, it takes away just a little bit of the stress and if he tries hard enough, he might even be able to forget just how much he has riding on this already, a pressure that for some forsaken reason he’s put on this all by himself.
he turns on the camera before leaning back into the office chair. it might look relaxed almost but anyone that knows jaewon also knows that the pen he’s twirling in his left hand is to keep the nerves at bay. luckily enough he can pass it off as a means of concentration for now.
the questions are displayed on the monitor of his computer in such way that jaewon can read them without having to make an obvious effort to lean forward. he has no answers written down but truly, he has mulled over these questions for so long by now that there is no need for that anyway. jaewon knows what he wants to say and he knows himself well enough that he can’t truly rehearse those words without sounding stiff and insincere.
“what inspires me to write songs?” he allows a brief silence to settle, a light frown on his face. “i’m not the best with words, not when i have to say them at least. i’ve always had struggles communicating, i just kinda… froze up. writing has helped a lot with that, it’s made it easier for me to put my feelings into words and to get messages across i wouldn’t have been able to get past my lips otherwise. i’ve written songs about difficult subjects in the past and hearing back from people that those resonate with them has really been keeping me motivated to keep pushing the bar further for myself, even if it’s a little hard sometimes.”
“what is my favorite song that i worked on... that’s kinda impossible to answer. i’ve been very fortunate to release quite some music already and to work with a lot of really talented artists. they’re all very different songs too so it’s hard to compare them so i don’t think there is really one ultimate favorite. if i had to name a few though-” he let his voice trail off for a second. “i collab earlier this year on we don’t talk together, i really enjoyed that song and working on that, i think it turned out well. oh and i got to feature and work on jiah-sunbaenim’s easy which has been released recently. i don’t get to take too much credit for that one though, taeyong-sunbaenim worked on that too.” his free hand moved to rest under his chin. “if i’m thinking about my solo work though i’d probably have to say am 4.44 and rebirth, both from my biorhythm album.” jaewon didn’t know if it was necessary to name what album they were from, especially since he hadn’t gotten to write a single word on love language but it would have to do for now. “i think those two are kinda a package deal for me? am 4.44 is about a pretty low point in my life, just mentally and all and rebirth is kind of the process of recovery from that.”
“songwriters i look up to? i worked with a lot of people and they all brought their own strengths to the table, all of those experiences have been very useful and incredibly pleasant.” he nods absent-mindedly. “i’d say i look up andy-sunbaenim, i got to work with him twice, on both bermuda triangle and on his latest album, i really like his style, i feel like it’s a bit different from my own but i do think they go well together. i also admire sooyeon from wish a lot, she’s very talented at a very young age. she balances both wish’ style and her own very well i think, i have a lot of respect for that.”
“my goals as a songwriter? i think to continue to grow till i can hold my ground by myself amongst other songwriters. i’ve learned a lot from all the people i already worked like i said before but i don’t think i’m near their level yet. i want to reach the point where i can continuously put out high-quality songs for other artists. like, i know my own sound and songs that work well for me but i think the real skill is being able to write well for someone other people. i want to be able to do that someday.”
“what do i hope to achieve by participating on this show?” to tell dimensions to go fuck themselves, jaewon thinks bitterly. but he can’t say that, not now he’s supposed to be all camera friendly. “i want to prove myself. towards other people on the one hand of course, you know, get my name out there and show everything i’ve learned up until this point, show that i know what i’m doing.” and yes, of course, other people in this case could just as easily be replaced with dimensions entertainment but there was no hard evidence for that. not like anyone was aware of jaewon challenging his label, not even dimensions itself. “but also to prove myself towards me. i’ve been writing for a while now, mostly when i felt like it or when i had an idea stuck in my head. i want to push those boundaries, to write specific themes within specific timeframes instead of just on a whim. i think that’s an important step i have to take for myself.” jaewon nods firmly. if he didn’t know himself so well he could believe it looks confident even.
after he pauses the recording, the first thing jaewon does is roll his shoulders and let out a deep sigh. he’s definitely not an interview person he can’t help but think to himself, at least the worst part is over now.he takes a sip from the water bottle on his desk, letting his eyes fall shut for a second as he leans against his seat. just a brief moment of recovery before he forces himself back into action.
the interview might have been the worst part but he still has a cover to record.
first he gets up to retrieve the electric guitar they keep in their home studio, getting it plugged in and getting the microphone all set up, before pulling up the audio file from his desktop and hitting record on his camera.
there are some changes to the original song. after all, onewe is a band and q is not a rap song but jaewon toyed around with audio some, emphasizing on electronics of the backing track rather than the instruments. he has taken some liberties on expanding on the rap parts in the verses and together with the monotone, repetitive chorus it makes it sound so much more like a laidback hiphop song rather than the band song it was before.
another big change is made to the bridge. jaewon has taken out the vocals at the beginning of the instead opting to extend the guitar solo that follows. which is where the electric guitar on his lap comes in. admittedly, it’s a risky choice because while jaewon doesn’t have to worry about hitting notes he can’t reach, he also isn’t as gifted of a guitar player as he pretends to be.  it works though, maybe it’s because he’s been practicing this particular riff until he could barely move his fingers and he has to admit, it sounds pretty good.
he finishes recording, switching the camera off nearly immediately after and then spends another hour rewatching both videos -the interview and the song cover- fixated on finding a fatal flaw, any reason to tank this whole idea and just not send in his audition for the show.
he doesn’t find it.
so instead he sends it in before finally calling it a night.
 here goes nothing.
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ephemelody · 6 years
in which keith drinks too much & becomes endearingly honest.
“And what do you think about Lance, Keith?”
“Pidge,” Lance says sharply, his brows crumpled, lips pulled thin. He’s still not looking directly at Keith, and he seems upset. Keith hates seeing that expression on him.
“Beautiful,” Keith answers, the truth slipping warm and earnest from his tongue like a loose thread. There’s a part of him — the part that’s not almost black-out drunk — shouting at him to stop, that this wasn’t the way he planned to confess, that he’s going to either forget or hate himself come morning. But all Keith can focus on right now is the adorable blush that blooms across Lance’s cheeks, that gorgeous light in those ocean eyes as they widen in surprise. Finally, finally, he looks at Keith. “Mine.”
Beside him, Hunk squeals. It’s a funny sound from such a big man. “Yours?”
Keith nods, emphatic. “My Lance.”
He may have had a little too much to drink.
Fuck it. Keith knocks back another shot, and the bar roars with approval. One of the MFEs — Rivazi, he thinks — claps him on the back with the force of a cannon shot, his elbows knocking against the counter to brace himself. The haze of alcohol dulls the pain though, and nothing will rob him of the satisfaction of seeing Griffin passed out cold on the floor from their drinking competition.
Keith turns to see if he’s watching, searching the crowd for a familiar head of soft brown curls and bright blue eyes, and is disappointed to find that the man of his affections isn’t paying any attention to him. Instead, Lance is chatting happily with Hunk and Pidge, staunchly looking away from Keith’s direction and none the wiser to his drinking prowess, something that everyone else in the Garrison seems to find so impressive. Now that cuts through some of the alcohol, and Keith feels his high spirits tumble. After a while, he manages to extricate himself from the main hub of the party, stumbling away toward the table in the back.
“Oh, hey, the champion returns!” Hunk cheers, scooting aside to make room for Keith. His arms fly out when Keith nearly crashes face first into the table, Pidge evading his fall with a hoot.
“Man, how drunk are you?” they ask, pushing a glass of water toward him. Keith downs it gratefully. “Can you tell us your name?”
“I’m Keith,” Keith slurs confidently, swiping his mouth with the sleeve of his uniform. See? He’s fine. Not drunk at all.  
“What about him?”
“What about me?”
“Excellent, so he still has a few braincells left. How about…” Pidge jerks their thumb, their smile gleeful in an ‘I’m up to no good’ kind of way. “Who’s that?”
“Lance,” Keith says. He can’t help the way his tone changes with the name, soft as snowfall.
“And what do you think about Lance, Keith?”
“Pidge,” Lance says sharply, his brows crumpled, lips pulled thin. He’s still not looking directly at Keith, and he seems upset. Keith hates seeing that expression on him.
“Beautiful,” Keith answers, the truth slipping warm and earnest from his tongue like a loose thread. There’s a part of him — the part that’s not almost black-out drunk — shouting at him to stop, that this wasn’t the way he planned to confess, that he’s going to either forget or hate himself come morning. But all Keith can focus on right now is the adorable blush that blooms across Lance’s cheeks, that gorgeous light in those ocean eyes as they widen in surprise. Finally, finally, he looks at Keith. “Mine.”
Beside him, Hunk squeals. It’s a funny sound from such a big man. “Yours?”
Keith nods, emphatic. “My Lance.”
“He’s too drunk. I’m taking him back.” Lance pushes out of his chair, the scrape harsh and final, cutting through the din of the bar. Keith blinks, wondering if he said something wrong, wondering why Lance won’t meet his eyes anymore, even as he moves to lift Keith up.
Lance slides himself underneath Keith’s arm, grunting slightly with the effort of holding Keith’s full weight. Keith redistributes his gravity and lets himself be guided away, trying his best not to seem too eager, his mind already bounding toward the prospect of spending some alone time with his paladin.
The bar is only a few blocks from the main Garrison headquarters, but it takes them almost twice as long to walk the same distance with Keith’s fumbling steps. The ground keeps eluding him, like a winding snake, and Keith stomps at it repeatedly, huffing in annoyance. When he hears Lance giggle beside him, he stomps on it some more.
“Jesus, Keith, why did you drink so much?”
“I didn’t want to drink,” Keith says, his tongue still loose, running away from him. “I wanted to impress you, but you weren’t even watching.”
At that, Lance goes quiet, and for the rest of the way, Keith’s too busy trying not to eat asphalt to properly address the change. Gradually, they make it inside, until they’re walking down the halls of the private sector to where their rooms are.
Like a dream, almost too soft to hear, Lance says, “I was.”
Keith whips his head up, the motion causing the two of them to wobble, and he would apologize if his heart wasn’t suddenly doing flight simulations inside his chest.
“I saw you down eight shots and drink Griffin under the table. But you don’t need to do that to impress me.”
Lance’s lashes flutter, delicate like butterfly wings, and he’s glaring at some far off distance, blue eyes bright as moonstones. Keith takes the chance to admire him, noticing the elegant sharpness of his brows, the star-shaped birthmark on the shell of his ear. His freckles are sun dark, dappled across the slender slope of his nose. He has the cutest nose, Keith decides. Perfect to bite.
Lance glances at him, his mouth a tempting pout. “Stop looking at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like— Like— I don’t know! That!”
“I can’t. I want to look at you forever. You’re so beautiful.”
“Keith, you’re drunk. You don’t know what you’re saying.”
“I’m not, I—” His legs give out and Lance loses his grip on him. They stumble around in the hallway, trying to regain balance, until Keith’s back hits the wall. Lance falls against him, letting out a yelp. Every inch of his body winds up sprawled over Keith’s — his face pillowed on top of Keith’s chest, his hips riding against Keith’s thigh. Lance tries to push away, his face the same shade as a forest fire, but Keith loops his arms around his waist and holds fast, heart careening desperately.
“Look at me, too, Lance,” Keith says, hoarse and pleading. He doesn’t give a damn about how vulnerable he sounds. He wants Lance to see all of him, just as he wants to see all of Lance. “Don’t take your eyes off me.”
Lance’s brows knit together, and there’s a war going on behind those endless blues, one that Keith can’t decipher. Too soon, he looks away, palms pushing weakly against Keith’s chest.
“I’m always looking at you, Keith,” comes his voice, soft and hollow. He disentangles himself from the circle of Keith’s arms, Keith missing his warmth instantly. Even as Lance continues to guide him, his body feels cold, something inside him collapsing.
No, you’re not. Not the way that I want.
Eventually, they make it to Keith’s room. Lance enters the key code and shuffles them in, gently laying Keith down on the bed, making sure he’s situated on his side. Keith struggles to sit back up and starts peeling off his jacket, Lance walking off toward the bathroom. Despite the dim lighting of the room, a lone lamp by the bedside turned on, he knows his way around after spending so many late nights going over flight routes and diplomatic strategies with Keith. Soon enough, he returns with a bottle of water and a damp washcloth, setting the water on the table before sitting down next to Keith.
Carefully, gently, he begins to wipe the sheen of sweat around Keith’s neck and shoulders. Keith hums, rumbling and content, wishing he had removed his undershirt, too; that it was Lance’s bare skin making him shiver.
“Get some rest,” Lance murmurs, setting the washcloth on the table after he’s done. He starts to get up to leave, reaching over to turn off the lamp light, but Keith grabs his wrist, heart beating desperately again. 
“Stay with me,” he says, before he loses his nerve. He swallows, wishing the alcohol wasn’t still addling his brain, wishing he had drank another shot just to feel more courage. He’s fought a whole intergalactic war and defeated the most terrifying monsters known in the universe, yet Lance, the man he loves, scares him more than anything else. 
“I— I won’t do anything, I’ll keep my hands to myself, I swear. Just— Sleep with me. Please.”
Lance’s cheeks haven’t lost that pretty shade of pink all night, but he lifts a brow with an unexpected air of confidence, his smile teasing. “What, you think you’ll ravish me in your sleep?”
“Yes,” Keith admits instantly, quietly, ducking his head. He’s embarrassed by his answer, but unapologetic. So what if he wants Lance just that badly? Who in their right mind wouldn’t? He dares a peek at Lance’s expression, and a burst of warmth saturates his chest at the starry, bashful look in Lance’s eyes, as if Keith’s answer had pleased him as much as it flustered him.
“You’re a menace, Kogane,” Lance says, admonishing, but he sits back down on the bed and lets his fingers sift through Keith’s hair, brushing aside his sweaty bangs, palm a cool salve as he roams Keith’s feverish skin.  
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Have you followed Swift’s career or her recent travails?
I remember first riding with a 15-year-old Taylor Swift in an elevator in Detroit, and I’ve loved her and her songwriting and her records ever since. She’s a great role model for my daughter and kids in general, and she’s always projected that she’s strong and not going to get knocked down by a slight wind. When I first heard this news, I felt really empty inside, just really sad, because I know exactly how it feels, you know. It was almost personal, almost like she was a member of the family, because we’ve followed her career pretty closely. She’s a wonderful artist and she deserves to be able to continue that without having a heart full of sad feelings. I didn’t really even think of myself at all, at first. And then after about a few minutes had gone by, I just thought to myself, “Somewhere, Saul Zaentz is laughing.”
I sure recognize this situation. Because I’ve had that happen to me in a very similar way. What I fought for was my publishing – the ownership of the songs I had written. Because I was in a band, and there were four of us, and we hardly ever got along in the later years, the idea of us trying to get together and get our masters back (was unthinkable). So I was fighting for my songs, but it’s kind of the same thing. I’m appalled that she really wasn’t offered the chance to buy them, because her money would have been just as good as the next guy’s money.
Her lawyer (Don Passman) said that she was not given a chance to buy it. And I believe that statement. I don’t believe the cover-up PR spin doctors on the other side trying to say that Taylor turned down the opportunity, because there’s probably nothing more on this earth that she would want more than those masters. As in my case, it’s not so much about the money as it is about owning your children. After such a long period of having so much of the benefit go to somebody else, in the back of your mind you think that you’re finally going to be given the chance to own what you created. It’s only right. In my case, I’ve waited 50 years already. I’ve got about another five years to go of just waiting it out.
So you have it calculated down to the moment when your publishing rights will revert to you?
Yeah, by law … My songs seemed to fall under an earlier copyright law, which was changed somewhere around 1973, I think. That’s why you hear people now being quoted talking about 35 years for their masters, but before 1970, that law was not in place. The publishing law was that the first publisher would own the publishing for 28 years, with an option — their option — to renew one time. So you add those two together and that’s 56 years. So here we are. [Laughs.]
And Taylor may have to wait a long time for her masters. In this world of social media, maybe things can be more immediate than they were for me. As you probably know, at one point my frustration and sadness was so great that I stopped playing those songs for quite some time — about 25 years. By the way, I don’t recommend that to anyone. [Laughs.] It’s a horrible career move. It’s terrible. But that is indeed what I did. I still don’t have my songs back. So I can’t say that that strategy was a good one.
This feels like war, in a way, where each side thinks of the other as the instigator. You hear rumblings from the Big Machine or Scooter Braun camps that any future negotiation over the masters just became more unlikely because she went so public with this. Does that strike a chord with your situation?
In the court case that I had against Saul about the slandering case, my lawyer asked him when he was on the stand, “Isn’t it true, Mr. Zaentz, that you have a vendetta against John Fogerty?” And before it came out of my lawyer’s mouth, Saul had screamed at the top of his lungs, “It’s an answer to a vendetta!” You could see steam and smoke coming out of his ears. [Zaentz died in 2014.]
In a situation like this, the label and artist each tend to feel like they are responsible for the other’s success and deserve payback for it. Did Taylor make Big Machine, or did Big Machine make Taylor? You were in a similar situation, as very much the artistic figurehead and key success story of your label.
I had two meetings at Bill Graham’s house with Saul, and Saul said a few things that were a little not in reality. One of the things he said at some point was, “Well, we discovered Creedence.” They were a tiny little jazz label. Saul, before he managed to purchase the label with some financial backers, was the sales representative at Fantasy, and so we knew him through that. But there was absolutely zero artistic input or anything like that. Other than Vince Guaraldi and “Cast Your Fate to the Wind” in the middle 60s, they had never had a hit record until “Susie Q,” which, while I didn’t write it, sold about a half million records. And then even at that point, all of us were at a very small level of show biz. And if it hadn’t been for someone kind of turning everything on its end and starting to write some great songs and make some great records out of them…
As everyone with a brain knows, it is the artist. All the lawyers and the PR men and the rest can stand around and take credit for what’s going on. But without the artist, nobody’s going anywhere. And that’s true in Taylor’s case too, obviously, even though she was quite young… Think of all the numbers of people on the planet, and there are just a precious few who are gifted enough as artists to create things that get the public excited enough to want to spend money, especially in the numbers that Taylor has enjoyed for the last 15 years. People like managers and label execs and all that seem to take that part for granted when they’re making these sort of statements. If they only could have a little bit of humility and realize how rare somebody like Taylor Swift is in the universe. And she’s quite young, still. Twenty-five years from now, she’ll utilize even more of what she’s got.
Would you have any advice for her, based on your experience in being part of a public struggle like this?
Boy. Well, as I already mentioned, I wouldn’t stop singing the songs. That’s something I did, and I don’t advise that. That really harmed my career. That’s something I learned. But I did it for me, you know. That was a point of self-pride and dignity, I guess, and that’s why I did that. I did the best I could with the hand I was dealt.
But I would say that she seems, especially in this world of social media, I’m quite certain that 99% of her fans are on her side. The main thing is to have a support group. It’s horrible to have to do this alone. Especially because the name-calling starts, and when people run out of the truth, they start trying to attack your character. I think my advice would be to keep doing what you’re doing. I think her fans want her to stick up for herself, because she always has. … I’m sure she could have raised the money to have this happen. It sounds pretty spiteful that Scott (Borchetta) wanted to sell the label to her only real enemy, as far as I know. He was the manager of Kanye, and Kanye did some pretty dreadful things publicly to Taylor.
Her side has said the only deal she was offered to get her masters back was to basically…
“Give us more!” [Laughs.] I remember early on, way back, Saul Zaentz offered to get us into this offshore tax plan, and he sat at his desk and said, “Well, I’m going to get you into this plan, and in return you guys will sign a 10-year contract.” I took that back to the guys in Creedence and I said, “Uh, I don’t think this is a very good plan. He wants us to sign for 10 years so that we can have a small percentage of ourselves.”
When you stopped doing your old Creedence material for all those years, was that a matter of pride, or was it because you did think it would force their hand and finally get them to give you back your publishing?
I think it was more of a feeling that they’ve done this horrible thing to me, and gee, if nothing changes, then why would I keep doing the same thing? In other words, if you go in to negotiate with somebody, but you keep giving them everything that they want, well, there’s no pressure on them to do anything to change. It became very much a point of valor. Plus I felt that if I was out there screaming “Proud Mary,” I just thought I would probably end up in a bar somewhere, having a gig playing for 10 people, and being a complete screaming alcoholic and insane and living a horrible life. I didn’t really know a way out, but it seemed to me if I kept performing those songs in front of people, and hating myself more and more for doing it, that there would never be a positive end to that.
She would likely never do anything as radical as you did in excising old songs from the setlist, but it might influence how many she includes, if this isn’t resolved and she’s not enjoying the thought of singing them live.
Yeah, you’re very angry inside. It’s like somebody twisting the knife every day. That’s probably why I felt so empty when I first heard the news. And I’m not smart enough to know what her way out is. It would be great if people kind of outside of her circle maybe decided to help. I went to Bill Graham. I thought that he would be a fair witness, like in the old “Stranger in a Strange Land” book — a person that would be respected by both sides and could figure out the answer. But sadly, that didn’t work out either.
Good people think, “Wow, these two neighbors are just screaming at each other every single day. The rest of us should get together and figure out a way to mediate.” Perhaps her lawyer can get some people to actually get in there and mediate and try to actually find a solution for the right reason — because it’s the right thing to do. [Laughs.] I’ve just said something so blazingly unknown to the music business, but it’s the way us normal people think.
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ts-2020-olympics · 5 years
EPISODE 1 - “My Legs Were Not Qwoperating” - Kathy (Part 1)
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One world ! 24 other players ! I 
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I'm too old to be here but... it's happening! I made it on Tumblr Survivor mom! Determined to not be first boot!
Also I'm aligning with Jordan Pines because I love chaos and these newbies won't know what hit them
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Well this is certainly something. I'm going to try out seeing who pms me without me saying anything. I'll pick up the activity tomorrow, so it doesn't really affect me, let's see if anyone takes the initiative so I don't have to. If I get dragged into a majority alliance then that's cool. I don't think that this group is great in terms of teamwork as of yet, but we'll see. There's so many tribes our chances of going to tribal are pretty slim, even if we suck. We're kindof underdogs, so sucking might not be excusable. 
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First day of surviving the Survivor survivorship...survivor. These forms are going to take some time to get used to, but I'll manage. Got conversations from Beck and Sammy so far - might scope the field, see what's out there. Or, I can lay low and do what I need to do for my team until merge hits. 
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i actually really like the people on my tribe and i'm excited because i have hopes for us. i've also made some nice friends so far and i'm hoping that pays off later but even if it doesn't i'm glad my first day in a skype survivor org has been positive! woo!
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Fuck this complicated ass first challenge 
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Hello! Guess whose back? It me! Anyway, it’s been a fun first night. Things are going okay. I am worried a little bit about the One World mess, I don’t want to come off too social right now but at the same time I need to secure a good place. So here is the breakdown analysis of my tribe: Chris Stoner: hello ???? I didn’t know they let stoners into the Olympics, didn’t we drug test? I haven’t spoken to him much but we did play Crossroads together although not really together. Anyway, fun to see him. Don’t know if I’d work with him but I guess that’s to be determined. Karen: KARENNNNN! I wasn’t expecting to see them here but now that it’s happening I am very glad to have someone who I have worked with before around, and a solid foundation of working together. Right away I felt like I had someone who had my back and I hope I’m not misreading that, because Karen and I always seem to work together until a certain point. Hopefully we can work together longer than usual this time! Kevin: uhhh soooooo love Kevin but we don’t have the best track record? He was in Circle with me we had a little fight where I may have called him a racist for being mad at Asya anyway it SEEMS as though that’s not an issue anymore and I think we might be able to work something out. I don’t wanna have to vote Kevin out before Stoner or Tommy. Tommy: ok no offense to this man but he is so hard to talk to so far. Every conversation feels flat and even though we are talking about subjects I could go on about for a while, it feels like the convos are going nowhere. I feel like there’s a sort of slight bond between Karen, Kevin and I but then Tommy and Stoner are kind of...hopefully who they’d want to kill off first, I’m probably wildly misreading every situation rn. Outside of my tribe I’ve talked to Juls who I am going to take under my wing as my daughter and she will win this season if I don’t get to! I love her so much she reminds me of my old school Skype babies and I feel like a cool mom when I talk to her I’ve also talked to beck briefly, KING love him bc he’s dating Asya and I don’t necessarily want to bond based on that. I also know beck is a good as game player bc I’ve watched him play so......I’m gonna be nice and observant and maybe we can establish a threat/threat symbiotic relationship. I also talked to Jacob C. who I love so much and he and I have been comparing some notes. He’s already told me Sammy has an idol that he can only use for three rounds so heh heh heh. OH SPEAKING OF SAMMY I love that man he’s such a doll and I really hope we can work together if I get far. At this point I love this cast but I really feel like I am not gonna vibe with the newbies, they’re like very....quiet in the PM’s but loud in the one world chat? I find that backwards. I’m hoping the newbies I do like will be able to  get rid of the newbies I don’t like so that when we merge the newbies I do like will help me get rid of the returnees I don’t wanna work with. That’s what we are manifesting, 2020 vision yeehaw. 
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Showmance, eh? I might play dumb, surprise them all later? I could play the role of disposable pawn while possibly orchestrating things behind the shadows. Could be a long, long shot, but it could work. 
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omg okay this is all so crazy i love it i can’t stop shaking AAAAHHH dhdkshHSJDHEVSJbokayOKAY so like i LOOOVE my tribe we’re the fuckin best tribe here cus we’re all so cool like we’re the FRIENDSHIP tribe and being able to make friends is a useful skill in this game like no offense but being the “dominant” tribe or “champions” tribe or whatever tbh it’s pretty unskinny bc that’s a target on you forever whereas my tribe we’re all friendly and trusting!! 💖💞 xoxo lets hold hands all the way to finale and have fun! 🌈✨
okay i forgot to talk about strategy lol anyways yeah I looOOOVve everyone on my tribe and that’s great but also sucks because there’s only 5 of us, it just takes 3 votes to send you out so I wish there was some oblivious cocky dick on our tribe we all could hate so we’d have an easy first vote like that guy Billy.. why is he on the respect tribe¿? anyways i love everyone but I think Will and I are becoming the closest we talked for a lil while last night yknow things got a little steamy 🥰😩 (you’ll have to pay for ts all access for that footage 😘) we bonded really well and I think for this first vote if we lose, Will and I are definitely gonna be voting together.
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Alright, so here we are at the 2020 Olympics.   I came in as a last minute replacement, so I feel like I have to prove myself more than some others who applied weeks before hand and made the cut.   As well, got some past players, and past winners, which makes the competition stakes that much greater this season.   Then, to top it all off, at the One World style camp, so can talk to everyone which is definitely a nice touch.   Now, regards to my tribe, I honestly like the people on my tribe, and find that we're going to be a solid crew.   Here is my actual impressions on my tribe mates thus far though: Beck - Probably one I recognize most, just due to being in a discord org vl with her, definitely seems like a friendly gal, and when time is right, I feel she could end up being my closest ally on the tribe Ben - Probably one so far who I have talked the most too, and I feel like we're connecting alright thus far, so going to keep building up a bond with him and his route could end up being as my first ally of these Olympics. Kathy - Haven't spoken one on one with her yet, just in the tribe chat somewhat and main chat, which she definitely seems like a cool person, and hoping to get to know her a bit better, but terms of this game, hard to say if we'll be on same side or not. Bailey - Speaking with her a little, but kind of same lines as Kathy currently with her, just not sure if Bailey will end up being an ally who will be with me, or someone who will be against me. Overall, time will tell how this game goes, but hopefully it goes well for me and I come out with at least something worth while.
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HOLY SHIT I FOUND AN ADVANTAGE OH MY GOD!!!!! I GOT AN ADVANTAGE ON DAY FUCKIN TWO OF MY FIRST SURVIVOR EVERR HOLY SHIT!!!! okay so it says i can get an extra vote IF at the next tribal i decide to NOT vote and save that vote for later so i’d have an extra vote. Now the hard part is making my first tribal an easy vote so i can save my own.. hopefully i’ll be able to do this! i’m so scared ohmygod
okay i’m in a serious predicament... so I may not vote at the next tribal meaning there’s only 4 votes. While looking at the cast reveal i discovered something.. Nik is a drag queen, Eve also does drag as well... what if they applied together from some drag community or are bonding because of that. That’s 2 votes together already on a tribe of five.. that’s dangerous especially when I’m not allied with either of them! If they vote together and i don’t vote... they’d have half the votes already and may get rid of my ally Will! I’m hoping to god they don’t know each other but if they are aligned then Will or I could be out! I want this advantage but i don’t know if i can take it.... fuuUUUUCK
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I’m really enjoying my tribe and I think that the people in this game are super awesome! However with that being said, I can definitely see who could potentially be an issue down the line and I’m keeping my eyes peeled for them!
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whoa. this game is a lot. I managed to message everyone on day one because I just rely on my social abilities. I tried to be as relatable as possible to everyone but literally some people were dead fish. Some newbies have asked me for advice already and they said returners are intimidating so I said "I mean only the returners that won" hahah and they were like "oh yeah so true" sorry I threw y'all under the bus. But ummm kathy is playing and we are from the same hometown so I am hoping we end up on same tribe sometime soon. I love juls too!! OH AND JACOB IS MY RIDE OR DIE. we had a tribe call and I was so uncomfortable because I felt like I had nothing to add to the conversation. my fav 2 on my tribe are Jacob and Caeleb tho! umm okay last thing I searched for the idol....AND BIH ON DA FIRST TRY I GOT ONE BLSFSI only good for next three tribals I attend tho. I told Jacob. it was in a yellow condom. okay sorry this was very choppy I just wanted to get it all out.
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This tribe seems to be working fine together, while I'm still terrified of losing, I think we stand a fighting shot. This cool little band of misfits would be a cool sight. I've kept my quiet for the first day, time to ramp things up just a tad. I've talked to Landen and I feel pretty alright about him, and given this tribe is as small as my will to life after playing QWOP, we only need one more! Landen's probably talking to everyone, so I just need to seal the deal with him. I think my challenge performance will suffice for being enough to keep me around, but I need a bit of a backup just in case. If we go to tribal, there's not a "stay UTR" option. It's either I'm in an alliance and I'm calling some shots, or I'm being (in)directly blindsided. But, I picked my strong suit in flash games for a reason fellas. The one world chat has quite a bit of activity. I'm quite and that's fine, if we swap I can readjust. If we go to tribal I'm sure I'll become just a tad more popular along with the other 9 that go. tldr:I'm winning duh
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Ayo, tribe energy looking DOPE AS HELL BAY BAY! We all seem to be getting along pretty well, seeing as our communication during this challenge is pretty dope! No bad personalities in sight. I gotta wonder though, how nervous do I have to be? I know for a damn fact if I start talking more to these people they gon' be fallin' as hard as underage kids seeing the hottest girl in school enter their club. Thing is though, I'm fresh meat coming into this, so any pre existing relationships in this game are like dust mites to me. Can't see em' but GOD DAMN they annoy me. Nonetheless, I gotta work my magic in case we go to Tribal. I ain't letting anybody take out a rookie, especially a rookie who has somethin' to prove, and someone who at his best is the damn king of the world. See me work bay bay!
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doomedandstoned · 6 years
Finland’s KAISER Dazzle With  Fuzz-Soaked LP, ‘1st Sound’
~By Billy Goate~
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Album Art: Marie Bergeron
What a way to get over the hump of the mid-week humdrums -- with an advance listen to what is sure to be one of the most rocked-about records out of Finland this year. I speak of '1st Sound' (2018), the brand spankin' new spin from Helsinki stoner metal trio, KAISER.
1st Sound is nothing short of a rock 'n' roll odyssey. Pex (bass), RiQ (drums), and Otu (guitar, vox) have bottled up a lot of inspiration since their self-titled debut in 2014. As I shared in our previous feature on the band ("Chasing Kaiser"), my discovery of the Helsinki trio dates back at least a year or two prior when I randomly happened upon a single of theirs on Soundcloud.
Bringing every weapon to bear, every piece of potent artillery in their arsenal, Kaiser have devised a salvo of a battle strategy. 1st Sound is a blistered attack of stoner-fuzz and sludge metal that will keep you on the edge of your seat (if indeed you can sit still while listening). What really makes it work is Otu's vibrant singing range that more than once reminded me of the late Chris Cornell, Keith Gibbs from LA heavies Sasquatch, or even Olli "Otu" Surrmunne from Altar of Betelgeuze.
Wait just a darned a minute... Stop the presses! I think I've just made a connection. I can't believe I didn't see it sooner!
Unless it's an incredible coincidence, the powerful voice of Otu in Altar of Betelgeuze and Kaiser are one and the same! This didn't hit me literally, until I was writing this review. I mean, it makes sense, right? Both bands are from Finland, though admittedly, there can be more than one metal singer by the name of Otu. Really, I can't believe I didn't see the connection sooner than this. Altar of Betelqeuze's 'Among The Ruins' (2017 - Transcending Obscurity Records) occupied prime real estate on Doomed & Stoned's Heavy Best list last year. To be fair, the band didn't alert me to this revelation, either. "That's usual for us, the weedheads," jokes bassist RiQ when I confront him with my discovery. Well, in any event I now have yet one more reason to be excited about Kaiser. Otu's vox take both bands to another level of excellence in a scene that has increasingly become saturated by a carnage of riffs. This I can definitely come back to for second helpings!
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Among the highlights for me were "Desert Eye," which serves up a fierce ride through the barren wilds, kicking up plenty of sand and gasoline fumes as we attempt escape from the Devil's Hand. Delicious, Kyuss-esque low-end and intricate bass play characterizes this track.
Another standout moment for me came with "Earthquake," which is solidly on the metal side of the "stoner metal" equation. This was actually the song that forced the Altar of Betelgeuze connection for me. I'd just never heard Otu belt loose like this in Kaiser before. It's a fearsome sound that reverberates through most every song on the album.
Mark Friday, May 25th, on the calendar. That's when Kozmik Artifactz/Bilocation Records releases Kaiser's 1st Sound to the world. In the meanwhile, you can listen to it all right here, right now on our bitchin' lil blog!
Give ear...
1st Sound by Kaiser
Track By Track:
A Kaiser Guided Tour Through '1st Sound'
After our last chat with Kaiser, I thought it would be a good time to check in again with the band. Specifically, I was interested in knowing the significance of each of the songs on the new record. As usual, I find their frankness refreshing and occasionally hilarious. (Billy)
This is about how you can (or should) conquer yourself, not living in fear under other people's rules and requirements. You're the star in your life, so you do what you wanna do. There might be some allegories of things that have happened in past, present, and future. The songwriting process is not that special, it's just full of riffs that have been brewing in our pocket for years.
This is a compilation from our "travels" that we used to do around the "world" -- do not ask about those you might get lost, too. The writing process is the same, just old riffs butting together.
This used to be song about intercourse, but then we discovered it's about our songwriting processes in the rehearsal place -- full of lightning, fire, overwhelming joy, and king ideas, but there is also similarity to how this world turns over. I don't know, you people decide.
Everyone should go into this place once in a lifetime: deep, deep down into yourself with nothing around -- no sound, no thoughts, nothing. The song was written like four years ago.
This is like a brain fart by force, you know. Our producer said that we need some more songs on the album and this came like in just a few hours. We personally don't like this song that much, but don't mind if it's there. Someone could like it. It’s a pretty cliché story about the circle of stupidity that is humankind -- like a snake who eats his own ass.
This is a song. The only song that our bassist had to write.
This is the very first song that Kaiser had written. It was Otu’s, some old riff that we cultured a little. Then one day, I was in the hangover of my life and this bounced into my head in the same beat as my headache, so I wrote these lyrics and it's about hangover -- THE hangover.
One word: Bruce Lee!
This is little bit similar to "High Octane." Think about how you should live in these end times -- you decide. It's more or less about our owns lives, but you can also build your own vision about it -- you choose the story.
This is the second song we composed, because our producer said that we needed more songs. I was thinking about a slow song, because we don't play those that much. I did this main riff at home and was little scared ("Will the guys judge me and kick my ass with this unmanly riff?"), but they liked it and when we continued the writing, it crowed more and ended quite effectively. The song itself is about something that ends and you start it from beginning, only to screw it up all over again. Sound familiar?
Follow The Band.
Get Their Music.
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haidas-anxiety · 4 years
Blackjack Basic Strategy
In case you're similar to most easygoing players, you visit the gambling clubs a couple of times each year, lose a couple hundred dollars, and disregard it as "diversion". Goodness sure, once in for a little while you ride a series of wins and win a couple hundred, possibly two or three thousand bucks. However, notwithstanding your stock response to loved ones about earning back the original investment - (you know, question: "What amount did you win?" answer: "Goodness, I made back the initial investment") you're very mindful that you've lost unmistakably more than you've prevailed upon the years  danh de online co bi bat khong I'd love to reveal to you that there's some mystery betting methodology that could make you rich. Notwithstanding, there isn't. The best way to get rich from club betting is to claim the gambling club. The gambling clubs consistently have the bit of leeway, and as time goes on, you will consistently lose. All things considered, quite often. There is one gambling club game which offers you an opportunity to earn back the original investment, and here and there even addition a slight preferred position over the house. That game? Blackjack.
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Blackjack is by a wide margin the smartest choice in the gambling club. In the event that a player utilizes the essential system that I depict underneath, the house will have just about a 1.5% favorable position over the player. Contrast that with the 20% or more favorable position gambling clubs have at spaces. No other gambling club game even approaches these chances. What's more, on the off chance that you utilize the basic checking technique that I'll show you in the following issue, the player can really have a slight bit of leeway over the house.
Will you make a large number of dollars a year and have the option to resign from your normal everyday employment by utilizing this system? Exceptionally impossible. In any case, at any rate, in the event that you learn and play the essential system precisely as it's depicted, you'll for all intents and purposes make back the initial investment over the long haul. This may not seem like a lot. Be that as it may, I'm certain on the off chance that you include the entirety of the cash you've at any point lost betting, you'll see we're discussing a significant total of cash.
My essential system isn't the best. It's not the most noticeably awful. It's equivalent to some other "right" essential methodology, in view of the laws of likelihood. This fundamental procedure is the aftereffect of PC runs utilizing the laws of likelihood. It's exact and careful.
Step by step instructions to LEARN THESE STRATEGIES
The main way you'll turn into an effective Blackjack player is to set aside the effort to study and practice it. You initially need to ace the fundamental system. It should take you around four or five hours to retain it, at that point an hour or so to audit before any excursion to a club. Keep in mind, you'll just escape this system what you put into it. In the event that you put in nothing, you'll get back nothing. In the event that you put in a ton, you could make a ton. It's that straightforward. Playing fundamental procedure won't make you rich. Be that as it may, it will assist you with winning about the same number of hands as you lose, on the off chance that you play it consummately.
The object of Blackjack is to beat the vendor. Whatever hand the vendor has, you should have a superior one so as to win. Your hand additionally must be superior to the vendor's without going more than 21. On the off chance that you go more than 21, at that point you bust. You turn your cards over and the vendor takes your cash. In the event that you beat the vendor, you win and the seller pays you the measure of your wager.
The card esteems are as per the following. Cards 2 through 9 merit their assumed worth. For instance, in case you're managed a 8 and a 9 you have 17. The 10 and face cards are worth 10. For instance, in the event that you have a lord and a 10 you have 20. Pros are worth either 1 or 11. For instance in the event that you have an expert and a 8, you have either 9 or 19; your decision. An ace and any 10 worth card is viewed as a blackjack and pays 3 to 2. Every single other win pay 1 to 1, or even cash. The seller must hit until they get hard (17 without an Ace) in many gambling clubs. At certain club, the seller will remain on delicate 17 (A-6).
In the event that you have two cards of a similar number, for instance two 8's, you may part them. To part, you turn your cards over, face up. You at that point put an extra wagered that is equivalent to your first wager, close to your first wager. The vendor will at that point bargain you one card on your initial 8, and inquire as to whether you need to hit or stand. After you stand or bust on your direct, he will do likewise for your other 8.
Twofold Down
You additionally have the choice of multiplying down. In many Las Vegas club, you may twofold down on any of your initial two cards. In Lake Tahoe or Reno you ordinarily can just twofold down on a 10 or 11. Here's the means by which to do it. The seller gives both of you cards that absolute 11. You turn your cards over, face up. You put an extra wagered equivalent to your first wager, close to your first wager. The seller at that point gives you one card face down.
Most gambling clubs have Blackjack tables with least wagers extending from $5 to $100, with greatest wagers up to $10,000. To begin the game, you place some money on the table. The vendor will at that point mix the cards. After the mix, the seller will take your money and trade it for chips. You place the chips you wish to wager for that hand in a little wagering circle before you. Each to seven players may play in turn. The vendor at that point bargains the cards. The vendor inquires as to whether they need to hit or stand.
Most players 'surmise' at blackjack; each hand is played on a hunch. You'll see this when you play. You'll see an individual remain on a 16 when the seller has an Ace appearing on one hand, at that point they will hit it the following.
Continuously play the Basic Strategy definite. Never commit an error and never surmise. Your long stretches of playing hunches are finished. You should utilize this methodology precisely as it shows up in the table that follows. In the event that you don't, you're parting with your cash. Of course, playing hunches may make you some cash at times. Be that as it may, the fundamental procedure is demonstrated scientifically, utilizing the laws of likelihood. Hunches are demonstrated scientifically also - they are demonstrated to cause you to go belly up as time goes on.
On the off chance that you go astray from this procedure, at that point you're parting with little rates to the house. The players who play on hunches, which is about 99% of the players, are playing with anyplace from a 8% to 20% inconvenience. Utilizing this fundamental procedure you can slice that burden to about 1.5%.
The normal player has never perused a book on blackjack and has no clue about how to play effectively. This incorporates the seller. Absolutely never let a seller reveal to you how to play the game. They've probably never considered the game. They don't have the foggiest idea about the fundamental system. In the event that you hear them out, regardless of whether they have good intentions, they'll assist you with losing your cash rapidly.
I don't intend to propose that the vendor is your foe; an incredible opposite. The seller can be utilized for your potential benefit. At the point when you're winning, consistently tip the seller. Make an environment of generosity. By setting up this affinity with the seller you might have the option to impact them to continue managing through a deck, as opposed to rearranging, when the cards are acceptable. What's more, you can impact them to rearrange when the cards are awful.
Different players will frequently disclose to you how to play your hand, or laugh at you for standing or hitting a hand. Give no consideration to them. They don't have the foggiest idea about the game. Try not to let them impact your play. Odds are they won't be around for long at any rate.
The fundamental technique I'm going to introduce depends on the laws of likelihood. It was created utilizing a PC. It's absolutely precise. This isn't some "framework" that numerous individuals attempt to sell the clueless player. This methodology depends on arithmetic and the laws of likelihood. I didn't build up this system. It has been demonstrated by people master in the field of PCs and arithmetic. You can get a portion of the better books on blackjack and locate a similar technique. It might be introduced in another arrangement, however it's the equivalent. It's the equivalent since it's numerical truth. It doesn't change. Play this technique totally precisely and you'll see the outcomes.
The most ideal approach to get familiar with the essential procedure is to utilize this graph and study it. Study it again and again until you know it without deduction; until the plays are natural. At the point when you're playing in a gambling club there are numerous interruptions. You have the commotion. The mixed drink servers will request orders, bringing beverages, and strolling by. You have awful players making inconceivable plays sitting close to you. You have sellers with awful perspectives. You must have the option to think through these interruptions. You must have the option to play each hand impeccably. Commit even one error and your chances drop.
Study the table at realmanmag.com and retain it. It's for a solitary deck game. Numerous club will even permit you to acquire your own essential methodology table and use it while you're playing blackjack.
On the off chance that it's so natural for what reason isn't everybody doing it? As a matter of first importance, it is quite difficult. Second, it takes some difficult work, and not every person is persuaded enough to place in that difficult work. At last, everybody isn't doing it, yet many individuals are. Numerous extraordinary card counters have been banished from playing in the club since they reliably win enormous cash. They've turned to composing books and showing others how to beat the round of Blackjack.
Gambling clubs love players who attempt to play the fundamental procedure, however use it erroneously. They likewise love players who attempt to tally cards, however do it mistakenly. The explanation is on the grounds that those players keep on giving the house a huge bit of leeway. That is the explanation I've worried to you all through this book you should play each hand consummately. Else you're parting with your chances for the house.
At any rate, study and utilize the essential procedure. This will empower you to have long periods of betting diversion and not lose your cash. You can return home with the cash you began with rather than that vacant sentiment of returning home broke. On the off chance that you gain proficiency with the check technique impeccably, you can have numerous long periods of entirely productive amusement. Be certain and look at our next issue where we show you the nuts and bolts of tallying cards.
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Digital Marketing Course
Digital Marketing Made Simple: A Step-by-Step Guide
Digital marketing. Just another one of those new, fancy buzzwords you should use to sound smart in meetings or is it the real deal?
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Maybe a better question is: What is it?
This digital marketing guide will show you what’s what.
First popularized as a term in the early 2000’s, digital marketing has actually been around much longer.
Like, WAY longer. About 100 years longer, to be exact.
Here’s a pic of the first digital marketer in history:
(Image source:
His name: Guillermo Marconi.
What? Marconi?
Yup. In 1896 he was the first human to demonstrate a, “public transmission of wireless signals.”
This dude invented the radio.
Shortly after his little demonstration in England, mores signals were transmitted across open water.
And, while it would take another 10 years for the radio to reach the general public, it sure didn’t take the creators long to realize they could use it to sell stuff.
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The first live broadcast was from an opera performance at the Met and guess what people did after it?
They bought show tickets!
Digital marketing strategy was born.
I bet you’re surprised. I didn’t mention smartphones, apps, Facebook ads or blogs at all.
That’s because digital marketing has nothing to do with the internet.
As usual, Wikipedia does a crappy job at explaining: Digital marketing is an umbrella term for the targeted, measurable and interactive marketing of products or services using…
I want an easy definition that I can remember! Here’s one: Digital marketing is any form of marketing products or services that involves electronic devices.
That’s the reason it has been around for decades (because electronics have) and why it doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with content marketing, Google ads, social media or re targeting.
Digital marketing can be done both online and offline.
And, both kinds matter for a well-rounded digital marketing strategy.
Why digital marketing matters
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Remember billboards?
I do.
As a young kid in California, my experiences from the back seat of our car mostly alternated between: “Mom, when are we there?” and “Uh, look, McDonald, can we go?”, whenever one of those 10 foot billboards popped up on the side of the road.
Growing up with Indian parents, the answer to both of those would, most times, be the same: “Not yet.”
Sometimes, big brands would even start a billboard war, like this one between Audi and BMW, which got quite a few laughs:
(Image source: BMW blog)
In 2015, a ton of my clients still spent hundreds of millions of dollars on billboard advertising.
Unfortunately or fortunately, it’s dead.
The reason why billboards, like the ones above, die, is perfectly illustrated in a single picture of a Volvo.
Because, frankly, the future of driving will look like this:
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Not a single passenger will spend their time looking at the road.
Do me a favor, the next time you drive and are giving a friend a ride, take a peek at the passenger seat.
Just for a second.
Even now, chances are they’ll be looking at their phone.
Heck, in a world where 9% of all drivers are on the phone one way or the other (texting or calling), at any given moment during daylight hours, how can we think billboards have a future?
If not even the driver is looking at the road any more, who’s supposed to see those advertisements?
And, that’s not even considering self-driving cars, on which both Apple and Google are working (you know it’s going to happen).
Elon Musk suggests that they’ll be here around 2020.  That’s in only a few years.
That means you don’t have much time to figure out this digital marketing stuff before you can power down your old school printing press and close up shop.
The share of people spending more time using electronic devices is only going up from here.
With Americans spending 11+ hours on electronic devices, every single day, there’s not much left. That is, until we spend ALL of our time in the digital world.
And, while yes, online marketing is the reason that 25 year olds can now sit in their living room and earn 2 million dollars a year playing video games, offline marketing still has its place.
Let’s take a helicopter and circle around to get an overview.
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The 2 main pillars of digital marketing are online marketing and offline marketing. That said, since I’ll talk about online marketing in a separate guide, I’ll only mention the different areas of online marketing here, for the sake of completeness.
The 7 big categories of online marketing are:
Search engine optimization (SEO)
Search engine marketing (SEM)
Content marketing
Social Media Marketing (SMM)
Pay-per-click advertising (PPC)
Affiliate marketing
Email marketing
Bounce created a great info graphic that sums up all kinds of online marketing in one neat chart.
(Image source: Unbounce)
The beginner’s guide to online marketing, on Quick Sprout, is a great place to get started.
Okay, that said, what other digital marketing is there? There’s plenty, actually.
Here are the 4 big categories of digital offline marketing.
First, there’s what I call enhanced offline marketing. This is a form of marketing that is entirely offline, but enhanced with electronic devices.
For example, if your restaurant uses iPads for your customers to create their orders on, then the offline experience of say, eating Thai food, is enhanced with this electronic device.
People have been using digital media to enhance their marketing for decades (you’ve only forgotten in what ways, as you’ll see).
(Image source: San Diego Tribune)
Next, there’s radio marketing. The next time you hear an annoying, over-enthusiastic car dealer shout every word of his or her commercial, thank Mr. Marconi.
Of course, we can’t forget television marketing. TV ads have been around for more than half a century (and since 1953 also in color, nationwide – Yes, there was a time before color TV).
Finally, the biggest and fastest growing area of offline marketing, with admittedly also a lot of flops, busts and failures: phone marketing.
Let’s look at the 4 areas in more detail.
Enhanced offline marketing
What’s the difference between a billboard somewhere in the desert of Arizona and a billboard in New York City’s Times Square?
The size? The product?
3 letters: LED. Light emitting diodes.
All of the billboards in Times Square are electronic!
(Image source: Adweek)
Why? Because in the desert of Arizona, no one’s competing with you for people’s attention. If you have a billboard at all, you win.
But, in Times Square, attention is probably more valuable than anywhere else in the world. Over 330,000 people cross through it each day.
If you want to be distracted, there’s buses, taxis, promoters shouting and then, of course, the electronic billboards.
Some of them are even interactive, showing live feeds of the people on the square or pictures of customers.
Renting a billboard space on Times Square, for a year, will set you back a whopping $1,000,000 to $4,000,000.
Sounds expensive? Wait until you hear the prices for Super Bowl commercials.
What other forms does enhanced offline marketing take?
What do you see when you walk into an Apple Store these days?
(Image source: Wikipedia)
People leaning over i Pads, Mac books and i Phones.
If you have any type of electronic product, any product demo is an important part of your digital marketing strategy.
Okay, the next one’s a good one. If you remember this, you can consider yourself an extremely lucky kid:
(Image source: Emuparadise)
This is a demo disc for the original PlayStation and several of these were handed out with other games or sometimes even magazines.
It was the same with PC magazines.  Remember when they came with CDs (and later DVDs) and you couldn’t wait to throw them into your disk drive and see what samples were on them?
A little different than a demo, these are product samples in digital format.
People still do this.  Think of all the wannabe rappers or rockers in your hometown, handing out mix tapes and CDs and now probably USB sticks, to get you to listen to their music.
Alright, time to take a look at the category of digital marketing that’s probably been around the longest.
Radio marketing
Over 100 years have passed since that original first live broadcast of the opera performance at the Met and guess what – radio is still here.
Since radio did fairly well in transitioning to the internet, it hasn’t taken as big of a hit as TV.  And, even old school radio still matters.
Some facts:
Radio still reaches 85% of the US population every week
Listeners listen 2 hrs per day, on average
40% of all radio advertising expenses worldwide comes from the US
About half the population of the US listens to internet radio at least once a month
Now, while profits have shrunk, radio isn’t dead. Thanks to Pandora’s 80 million users, there are still about $4 billion in profits made each year.
But, aside from creating a kick ass, creative radio commercial that will do well, what else is there?
Recently, internet radio made a good move, doing what most podcasts do:advertise at the beginning of shows.
If you host a show revolving around a certain topic, like coaching, you can plug programs and products in, right before and at the end of the show.
Since social media is the marketing darling these days, it should be fairly easy tofind a local radio station, get on a show, be interviewed or negotiate a deal with them.
Once you do, be sure to get some sponsorships, to make sure that you’re a prime candidate for the station and that they give you the premium slot and the best air time possible.
In most cases, doing well on radio means being entertaining.
Cadillac and Dairy Queen are two brands that come up with solid radio commercials on a consistent basis.
You can listen to some examples here.
TV marketing
Television marketing is such a Goliath, it’ll likely never go away. It’s also easily the industry where the most money is burned each year.
Ever since Google Video turned into YouTube, the efficiency of TV ads has gone down rapidly.
Who wants to watch a crappy MTV show host review a game that they have no clue about, when they can join 40 million subscribers (!) watching PewDiePie not only rock video games, but also deliver hilarious comments.
All, free of charge, of course.
So, why are TV commercials nearly worthless, when the average American still watches 4 hours of TV each day?
They aren’t specific.
TV ads are unspecific. In a world of search engines, re targeting, social media and email marketing, we are so used to being marketed around products we already care about, that we blatantly ignore everything that’s not remotely relevant to us.
If we can even be bothered to watch a movie on TV, because it’s not yet on Netflix,a company making $5 billion in revenue annually by now, then what do we do?
We record it and we fast forward through all of the commercials.
We’re used to being in total control.
Marketers have to be smarter and smoother.
TV commercials just hit everyone across the board.
You could see a hemorrhoid cream commercial, followed by an Oreo ad and a burger spot, all while being overweight, diabetic and 22 years old.
Such a person would be a horrible target to be viewing these ads.  But, with TV, you never know who you’re going to reach, only how many eyeballs you’ll get.
So, apart from a few insomniacs who watch infomercials late at night, ensuring that Dr. Ho still sells a few of his de-compression belts, is TV advertising dead?
Not entirely.
There is still one type of TV ad worth running, but it’ll cost ya.
Remember I mentioned that renting a billboard in Times Square, for a year, will set you back a million?
A 60 second commercial aired during the Super Bowl costs $4.5 million.
Thanks to their cross-pollinating effect, the often viral and memorable commercials still pay for themselves.
Roughly 10% of all TV commercial-related shares on social media come from Super Bowl ads. So do about 8% of all views on Youtube that go to TV commercial videos.
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If your commercial makes it to the blacklist (commercials the network decides can’t be shown on TV), the viral effect is usually even stronger, like this one, from Carl’s Junior, that caused a lot of noise this year:
(damn you, Charlotte McKinney)
Super Bowl commercials have the highest retention rate, as this infographic shows. Over half of the participants who were asked remembered the Budweiser “Puppy Love” commercial.
What’s more, these commercials become online assets, generating millions of views over time, such as the famous Star Wars commercial by Volkswagen, which has generated 62 million views, to date.
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faygosmayhem · 7 years
Story time #1- Final Fantasy & Me
At the time of this writing, the people following this sad little blog will all know me from the Final Fantasy XV community. For my first story session, I’ve decided to recount my history with the series and touch on what each game meant to me in the order that I played them. I’ll try to keep it as brief as possible, and restrict it to only the main games in the series, but I can rant for hours.
Note: I utterly failed at keeping this brief, I should have known better than to even try. To keep myself from writing a full novel in one post I’ve decided to split the story into parts. Below is the intro and memories from 7,8 and 9.
                                                  Part One
A Fangirl In The Making:
I’ve been into video games since the age of about 5 when my dad would regularly challenge me to competitive rounds of Super Mario Bros 3 for the NES. In the beginning I stuck mostly to NES, Gameboy, and N64 until Christmas of 02′ when all my begging and pouting finally came through and I was gifted with a PlayStation 2 and enough cash to purchase one game of my choice.
Oh how my parents would come to regret this decision.
The game I bought two days later was Kingdom Hearts. I’ll save my thoughts on that series for another time, but hands down this game can be pinpointed as one that permanently changed my life. What part of it changed my life? The journal, of all things. Prior to KH, I had no idea the Final Fantasy series even existed so when I encountered the Kingdom Hearts versions of FF characters, I initially started internally complaining because they were all so interesting and the game did almost nothing with them.  
Then I went back about mid-way through the game and read every character entry in the journal, and was met with two obsession worthy revelations. One: All these characters were also in other games, as part of the same series no less, and two: you could make them dance by choosing to view their full models and rotating the joystick around in circles (I am very easily amused, and doing this actually spawned my first work of Fanfiction).
“So, you mean to tell me that this weird dude with gravity defying hair, one random- mostly useless-wing, and giant sword that must weigh about three times as much as he does when naked and soaking wet who won’t stop emo rambling about Darkness is in another game and I can find out more??? Sign me the fuck up!”
The Gateway Drug:
Immediately after finishing Kingdom Hearts, I took myself down to a local mall where my go-to all encompassing general entertainment store was located. While browsing the shelves for anything that caught my eye, I saw a ‘Greatest Hits’ copy of Final Fantasy VII innocently sitting there, waiting patiently for the right person to walk by so it could take them willingly down the elevator into fandom hell. I didn’t just ride that elevator, I dove headfirst down the shaft.
I shit you not, when I saw that game there I picked it up like a baby and fell to my knees, hugging it to my chest. The video games were located near the cashier counter at the front of the store, and one of the employees who had been eyeing me suspiciously since I walked in started laughing like crazy, jokingly asking if I was OK. I was still dazed and euphoric, and also completely oblivious to the fact that I was causing a bit of scene in the store. The front was plate glass, and everyone walking by also saw and a few people were starting to look concerned. Now a bit embarrassed, I sheepishly walked to the counter and set the game down. After causing a commotion I couldn’t just not buy that game now- as if I would’ve left without it anyway. The guy at the counter was still laughing as he served me. Our exchange went as follows:
“I take it you found what you were looking for”
“Dude, you have no idea”
“You won’t be disappointed. Just, a pro-tip, when you get to the part with the water and the snake, don’t waste too much time trying to fight it, get a Chocobo instead. Also, avoid the things that look like houses in sector 6, they’ll kick your ass.”
I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about, but I filed the information away, paid my 14.95 (Ah, 2003), and walked out of the store cradling the bag like someone was going to steal it from me. When I got home later I tacked the receipt on my wall to immortalize the day forever. I eventually ended up losing it (a story for another time) but I still remember the date. 05/26/03.
I loaded the game and was immediately in awe ( “It’s three discs? No wonder the case is so freaking huge!”). The opening cinematic had me from the first note of the theme, and I remember laughing SO HARD when Cloud flipped off the train and suddenly everyone was a Lego character. It took an embarrassing amount of time for me figure out how to advance the text because it was set to use the circle button for confirm instead of ‘x’, and even longer to figure out how to move because I didn’t realize you actually had to use the D-pad.
Control struggles aside, I was so enraptured by the game I didn’t stop playing that first night until the Sector 7 plate fell and yeah, those damn houses did kick my ass. When I finally got out of Midgar about two days later (I spent an excessive amount of time in the Shinra building and on the Motorcycle mini-game), I couldn’t believe that everything I just did was basically the game’s intro, and that there was still so much more to explore.
I have so many fond memories of VII that  it would be almost impossible to write them all down. Down the road it ended up pretty far from my favorite game in the series, but as the first it will always hold a special place.
You’re Hooked Now Honey, Strap In:
Between the mixed obsession of Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy VII, video games quickly became one of the only things I talked about. I had thought I was obsessed before, but this took it to a whole new level of crazy. I started writing weird crack outtake reels from the games in the middle of classes, and would post little screen caps and fanart over literally everything I owned.
One day, I had out my handy outtake notebook during a bit of downtime in Honor Band (yeah, I’m a geek to the extreme), and one of my fellow trombonist’s decided it would be a jolly time to snatch the notebook out of my hands,run away with it and, start ripping the pages out and throwing them around the band room. Fortunately I had some pretty awesome friends, and they not only helped me to secure the notebook but also helped recover the missing pages. After class that day, a boy who played the trumpet shyly walked over to me and handed me back one of the pages that was still missing. He was obviously very nervous, and after handing the page back and accepting my very relieved and excited  ‘thanks dude!’ (I admit to not knowing his name at the time) he stood there awkwardly while I put away my instrument like he had something else to say but didn’t know how. I gave him a questioning look after noticing he hadn’t walked out yet and as I picked up my bag he followed after me into the hall. After a little while he finally fell into step beside me and asked, “so, you like Final Fantasy huh?” 
I don’t care how long I’ve known you, if you ask me about Final Fantasy you better be prepared to a.) Become my new best friend and b.) let me talk your ear off about for as long as you’re willing to sit and listen. I talked with my new friend until we had to part ways for different classes, and then later at lunch when he asked to join me and continue the conversation. I tell this story because a few months later, this same boy bought me a copy of Final Fantasy VIII and asked me to be his girlfriend. A damn diamond wouldn’t have worked better. 
Final Fantasy VIII was a bit of a mixed bag for me. Once again I was already hooked by the game’s opening, and the cinematic introductions of all the characters gave it an unexpected charm right from the start. That game eventually got very, very, veeeery, strange and I eventually stopped trying to make any sort of sense of the plot line and just sat back and enjoyed the ride. 
That is, until I got to the end of disk 3. I found myself horribly stuck on the battle with Adle where she has Rinoa captured. No matter how many times I tried it, I would get her down to the final phase and she would either Ultima wipe the party or Rinoa would die. I gave up on the game for a while, sick of the frustration, until I came across a Prima Strategy Guide for it while browsing a used bookstore. I normally refuse to touch any sort of guide book until after I’ve already been through the game once on my own, but I figured it wouldn’t be much harm since I was already more or less at what I thought was the end of the game (I was wrong). In flipping through the guide, I not only learned how to beat the boss, but discovered I had been playing the entire game using the combat system completely wrong. 
Somehow, I had managed to get that far in the game using only the Guardian Forces given to you at the start of the game and 2 others that you can encounter in the overworld and without stocking up on magic at all. To those familiar with VIII’s train-wreck of a combat system, you know that pairing GF’s and magic together directly effect a character’s stats- and no matter how leveled the characters are,if you don’t have the right combos of magic you have more or less no hope at most of the harder sections of the game. 
So, now I had the boss strategy, but still would have been unable to beat it because I didn’t have the magic required (the strategy was to cast Regen on Rinoa to ensure she stays alive). In the end I bought the guide, scrapped the file I had been playing on and started over from scratch,this time doing all the sidequests and such in the proper order. When I got to that boss again I wiped the floor with her, and was rewarded with the game getting even weirder. 
I still look back to the ending of FFVIII as one of my favorite ‘Ok WTF Just happened?!?!?!?!’ moments in media. Usually I piece together crazy stories pretty well, but even though I came to enjoy the game, I can’t say with any real confidence that I understand it at all. 
Forever Touched:
There was a pause in Final Fantasy games after I finished VIII at the start of ‘04. It wasn’t until almost a year later that I received IX as a Christmas gift. I had been passing on it because I was confused and unimpressed with the cover art, but now that I wasn’t the one paying for it I was willing to give it a chance. I held off starting until New Years, because my parents were letting me have a few friends over and I wanted to have the new experience surrounded for the first time with people just as obsessed with the series as I was. Even though it didn’t have a fancy opening, it wasn’t hard to fall in love with that game. I knew from the first few lines of dialog that my heart was gone, lost forever to endearing charm of that world and it’s characters. 
My friends and I were up all night with it. We had so much fun naming the characters and reading the text out loud ("Princess! It is I! The noble Betty!”).Then we all got so upset when Blank got petrified in the forest that we had to stop for the night. Right from the start, that game hit so hard in the feels. 
IX became not only my favorite game in the series, but my favorite game in general. There is so much emotion, charm, and soul in that game, and it touches on so many issues that hit so close to home that I tear up just thinking about it, Back in May of this year there was a mental health awareness speed run marathon fundraiser called RPG limit break  being held on Twitch.TV, and Final Fantasy IX was the closing game. I couldn’t think of any better way to spend about nine hours in the middle of the night than to re-live the best moments of my favorite game sitting on a couch with my best friend. 
Seeing everyone in the audience tearing up at crucial sections; the Black Mage Village, You Are Not Alone, the ending- made me feel less like an idiot for getting all emotional myself and my friend got to laugh at me freaking out over my favorite game cut-scene ever (The one where Alexander protects the city from Bahamut). When the game was over, the marathon had raised enough money for the runners to stand up and sing the ending theme of the game as a filled donation incentive. When the time came, not only the runners, but everyone in the room stood up to sing along. Melodies of Life, the ending theme, holds a very special place in my heart. Seeing all those people singing along, likely feeling similar things, turned me into a pathetic ball of mush. My friend laughed with me as I sang along with more tears than I think I’ve ever cried streaming down my face, and then I cried again when everyone went around saying their ‘thank yous’ to the people volunteering for the marathon and stood in lines to give each other hugs. 
It was one of the most touching moments of my life; and this game was at it’s center. 
Phew. Well I failed pretty hard at keeping that brief. Looks like this will end up as a series of sorts.  Tune in next time for adventures with Final Fantasy 6/3, X, X-2, and XII
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athingofvikings · 7 years
Chapter 5: Thawfest
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Chapter 5: Thawfest
Thawfest—Colloquial term for the Sigurblót, the traditional Norse Festival welcoming the summer.  Held the Sunday after the full moon after the Dísablót held at the Spring Equinox (Compare: Easter), in either April or May, to celebrate the Spring Thaw and the turning of the seasons.  Typical formulations consist of contests and demonstrations of prowess by all attendees in honor of the gods.  The Thawfest is a time of great social and legal importance; during the Viking Era, this festival marked the beginning of the campaigning season, and the winter was officially over at the conclusion of the festival; children who had seen sixteen winters were now officially adults.  The term Sigurblót literally means "victory sacrifice," and the festival is an acknowledgment of the Norse survival of another harsh dark winter.  Winter is over, and summer has won, and Ragnarok is postponed for at least one more year.  
—From Aesir To Yggdrasil: A Norse Primer
 Hiccup and Toothless soared through the warming skies, the ground brown and green beneath them, the endless horizon of the sea stretching out before them.
Spring was here! Eostre, goddess of the Spring, had taken the reins from Hodr, god of Winter.  The snow had melted and the dragons could fly again…
Which meant that so could their riders!
Hiccup waved towards Astrid as she and Stormfly darted acrobatically through the sea stack maze below, while he and Toothless went for altitude.  Whooping with delight, they spiraled through a cloudbank, soaking themselves.  They hovered for a moment at the top of the climb, and then dove, the screech of a diving Night Fury sounding around them.
It was odd, Hiccup had noticed, but the sound was very different when he was riding Toothless than when he had been on the ground. On Toothless's back, it was constant, but when he was on the ground, the sound rose and fell depending on where Toothless was in relation to him.
At first when he had noticed the difference in sound, he had been worried that he had somehow further broken his friend. It had taken some explaining, but he had convinced Astrid to fly Toothless for a little bit and do the dives where he could listen. It had been a relief to hear that, no, he hadn't damaged his friend even more. Apparently it was some weird property of the Night Fury dive, and Hiccup had made a note in the growing stack of loose paper that was his, Fishlegs' and Astrid's notes on the newly peaceful dragons.  
They were eventually going to make a clean copy of those and bind them into the new Book of Dragons. Fishlegs was probably going to end up being the scribe, as he had the most patience for quill duty of the three of them. And, being fair, the best handwriting.
Hiccup was still going to be stuck with doing the illustrations, though.
A few weeks ago, Astrid had found one of his sketchbooks and had spent the next day wide-eyed as she went through his sketches and drawings. He honestly hadn't seen what the big deal was—he drew what he saw in front of him, using big lines to catch the big details, and then working in from there as he had time. Sure, he practiced his sketching a lot—she had giggled at his sketches of his father and had given him a thorough kissing when she found the studies of her and of Stormfly—but it was just common sense, right?
But apparently it wasn't. She had asked for a portrait of her and Stormfly together, and that was now hanging in her parents' house.  Framed.
And then Fishlegs had come up with the idea of doing drawings of each person's dragon, in order to write down a record book of who owned which dragon.  And without thinking, Hiccup had agreed that it sounded like a great idea, especially after the whole mess over the stolen Zippleback.
On the positive side, Hiccup now knew that he could draw fifteen sketches of dragons, which were good enough to use to identify them, in an afternoon's time. As a side benefit, he also now recognized most people's personal dragons on sight.
And Astrid's massaging of his hand when it cramped up and spasmed had been a nice side benefit…
He smiled at the memory.
She was practicing too, determined to be as good as he was, but, for now, yeah, he was not only the chief dragon trainer and first dragon rider, he was the foremost dragon artist.
At least the Nadders were easy to sketch. With one fewer set of legs, there was that much less to draw. Also, once word had gotten around the dragons that he was drawing them, the vain Nadders had been happy to pose for him. The biggest problem was them getting impatient and wanting to see what he had drawn before he was finished. The odd thing was that none of the other dragons—not even Toothless, who he thought was smarter than the Nadders—could recognize themselves in his drawings. It was weird.
Toothless reached the top of the clouds again and they dived, the sea far below them. The water was beginning to turn green with the turning of the seasons as well, the waves forming even rows across its expanse. Soon the cod and tuna and herring and mackerel would be returning from the warmer waters to the south, and they would be fishing to their hearts' content. Hiccup was looking forward to seeing what men and dragons could do together when fishing.
He, of course, had already come up with some ideas, only two of which had been vetoed by Gobber and his father.
As they banked up towards the sky again, pulling out of the dive just above the wave tops, the spray of the salt water spattering against their faces, another dragon and rider came into view.
Snotlout was out exercising Hookfang, and Hiccup's face soured, and then he sighed. "Shall we say hi to them, bud?"
Toothless nodded, and made a beeline for the pair.
As they flew, Hiccup mused to himself. Of course, Toothless and Hookfang were friends, although Toothless was definitely the dominant one of the two. Just their luck that their riders weren't. Meanwhile, Toothless and Stormfly were cool acquaintances, although they had definitely been warming up to each other, given how often they were stuck spending time with each other. Hiccup suspected that it was mostly based on mutual amusement at their riders, and things had gotten a bit better after Yule and Mildew's attacking Stormfly.
Hookfang and Snotlout dove as Hiccup and Toothless approached, Snotlout yelling at the top of his lungs. Shrugging, Hiccup clicked the harness and they dove as well. A moment later, they had caught up with his cousin, and Hiccup and Toothless positioned themselves upside-down and above the other rider and dragon.
He waved, and Snotlout stopped screaming for a moment when he looked up to see his cousin nonchalantly falling towards the ocean without a care.
Hiccup waved and clicked Toothless's harness again, taking them into a faster dive. Righting themselves, Hiccup resisted the urge to look back at Snotlout's expression, because Hookfang had been falling at top speed, and they had left the pair of them behind as if they were standing still.
He could still hear Snotlout screaming behind him, though.
Pulling out of the dive just above the waves, he turned back to look, and winced, as did Toothless.
Hookfang was coming in awfully fast.
Snotlout was still screaming as the pair worked to pull out of the dive as Hiccup and Toothless watched.
"Uh oh," Hiccup said, then he and Toothless both winced as the other pair almost succeeded.
Hookfang's belly hit the water, and the red dragon and idiot rider went skipping across the waves like a stone.  
Hiccup and Toothless watched, their heads bouncing and faces grimacing in unison, as Hookfang bounced once… twice… three times… four… across the waves before he managed to get enough wind under his wings to take flight once more.
Banking, they turned back to the soaked pair, who were gasping with the appreciation that only a near-brush with death grants.
"You two okay?" Hiccup called out.
"I totally meant to do that," Snotlout shouted back with transparently fake bravado. "It's all part of my Thawfest strategy!"  He struck a pose.  "What do you think?"
"Awful lot of screaming for something you planned on doing!" Hiccup called back.
"It was the first time we tried that!  But, hey, it worked!"
The two boys and their dragons were flying upwards, gaining altitude, and then Snotlout pointed. "Hey, look, longboats!" He turned his head, mentally tracking landmarks.  "Hey, Hiccup, doesn't it look like they're heading for Berk?"
Hiccup looked.  A pair of longboats, wakes easily visible from up here, was indeed sailing straight towards Berk.  "Sure seems so!" he called back.
Snotlout grinned and turned Hookfang's head towards the ship.  "C'mon, cuz!  Let's go say hello!"  And, with that he and Hookfang dove again.
Hiccup sighed. "Let's follow them, bud, and make sure that they don't set the ships on fire or something."
"Look, dragons!" the cry came up from the bow, terror in the boy's voice.
The captain looked up into the blue sky, studded with clouds, and squinted.  A pair of winged shapes were quickly heading towards them.
A moment later, the shapes of young men on their backs became clear, and he called out, "We're near!  Just as the stories said!  Berk has tamed dragons!"
He began waving his arms at the pair of dragons and their riders, and a few heartbeats later—a very brief time, as the captain's heart was beating fast—the two dragons began to circle the boat at a range of perhaps twenty or thirty yards, the young men, still beardless boys from what he could see, waving back.
"Hello the ship!" the one on the back of the black one called out, his hands cupped around his mouth.  "Are you sailing for Berk?!"
"Indeed!  We are coming for your Thawfest, with letters and tribute from King Adalwin ua Imair, King of Vedrarfjord!  Can you point us the way?!" he called back.  "I am Ragnell ua Imair, his kinsman and captain of these ships!"
"You're already on the right bearing!" the boy called back.  "You'll get there just after lunch!  Just be careful of the sea stacks!  You might want to shift your heading a bit to larboard and then come around the coastline!"
"Much obliged!  I look forward to meeting your chief, and his son the dragon tamer!" he called back.
The one on the back of the red dragon almost fell out of his saddle, he twisted around so hard at Ragnell's statement.  Only a pair of belaying lines attached to his saddle kept him from hitting the waves a dozen feet below him.  
Ragnell called out, "Boy, are you okay?!" as the young man clambered back into his saddle, his dragon straightening and leveling out to help him, which took them further away from the ship.
"He's fine!" the other boy said, a very odd tone in his voice that Ragnell could hear even from where he was standing, and then shook his head like a dog shaking off water. "I'll ride on ahead and let them know that you're coming!"
And with that, they both were gone, rapidly diminishing dots shrinking in the distance.  
A few hours later, Hiccup stood next to his father on the docks, wearing his best furs and tunic and freshly bathed and groomed, watching ships come in.  
He'd come back, told his dad, and promptly been marched off to the bathhouse, even though it wasn't Wash Day.  Noble visitors were coming, and they had to look their best as befitting their positions as the hosts.  
The first two ships to arrive, which he'd met on their way in over an hour ago, had been from Adalwin Ua Imir, the King of Vedrarfjord.  That was a Norse city down on the south-eastern Eirish coast, from what he'd been told by Gobber in a hurried summary as they'd gotten ready for their arrival.  Captain Ragnell had turned out to be a tall dark-haired Norseman with a weatherbeaten face, a ready smile, and a few missing fingertips that he claimed he had lost in a swordfight.  When he'd been introduced to Hiccup as Stoick's son, there had been the exasperating (to Hiccup) glance by the man from him to his dad, and then back.  Oh, yes, he could tell exactly what the man had been thinking.
But then another ship had arrived before they'd even had a chance to head back up the ramp to the village. At least he and his dad hadn't had to make two trips; Astrid had spotted this one, and she had come in with the news while he'd been getting scrubbed with harsh soap and doused with buckets of steaming water by Braun.  They were from the Isle of Manau, carrying a messenger from King Echmarcach mac Ragnaill, who ruled over a good portion of the area around the Eirish Sea and had taken tribute from Berk many times when Hiccup was growing up, to keep the village from being raided.  Certainly the king's man, Bran mac Muchada, another stout Norseman about the same age as his dad, hadn't changed; he looked like he had swallowed some unripe apples or something like that when he'd stepped off of the ship.  He, at least, had met Hiccup before, and wasn't nearly as careful with hiding his contempt at Hiccup's scrawniness… which was oddly almost relieving.  Hiccup had caught him sneering down at him at one point, and had simply leaned on Toothless's back pointedly with a smile and a raised eyebrow.  
Now Bran's ship was emptied of his men and tied up at the dock, but the visitors weren't walking up to the village.  No, they were sticking around to see who was coming in next.  That was because another ship was about to sail through the sea stacks. The trio of horn blasts announcing its arrival had sounded while they'd been greeting Bran, and Astrid had flown down to tell them a few moments ago.  The new ship had managed to sail through the waters around Berk unnoticed or at least unchallenged, by any of the riders who had been flying around all morning.  Which meant that Hiccup and his dad had no idea who was aboard, although it was probably more merchants.
So now at least he had Astrid standing next to him.  She was looking a bit windswept and soaked from sea-spray, with a giant grin on her face from her stunts in the sea stack maze on Stormfly.  But they couldn't hold hands, due to the formality of the occasion. As far as everyone was concerned, her position here was that of another rider who had spotted an incoming ship.  
As the newcomers pulled up to the dockside, his dad went up to meet them.  One man from the new ship stepped forward to the edge of the gangplank and prepared to speak.  Near him, Hiccup heard Bran take in a sharp breath and rudely call out, "Finnian mac Seamus!"
The redhaired Eirishman whirled and looked at the sea king's envoy.  "Bran!  What are you doing here!?"
"Paying a visit to a long-held ally, you traitor!"  
Before things had a chance to degenerate further as Hiccup watched, his dad moved forward. "Captain mac Seamus!  I welcome you to Berk and offer you my hospitality.  Do you accept?"
The man bowed and nodded. "Aye, I do, on behalf of my lord, Ímar mac Arailt, King of Dubh Linn!"
There was a sudden scuffling noise from the direction of Bran's men, and Hiccup, his dad, and Astrid turned to look.  Bran's men were looking surly and belligerent at the newcomers.  Hands were on weapon hilts, faces were set with grimaces of anger, and more than a few crouched in fighting stances.  Astrid commented quietly to Hiccup in a tone of sarcastic surprise, "Think they know each other?"
Hiccup snorted and said quietly back, "No, I think that this is just their way of saying hello. Must be some special tradition back where they come from."
Stoick rolled his eyes, either at their banter or at the behavior of his guests, and then walked forward until he was standing between the two envoys with a blunt expression on his face.  "Aye, yeh have a history between yeh, but yeh are both here under my hospitality.  If yeh don't like that, take it outside."  He pointed out past the sea stacks, just as another ship was suddenly visible through the spray. Belatedly, the horn started blowing the three blasts alerting the village to an incoming ship.
Stoick sighed. "Head up to the village.  We will have a formal welcome at dinner tonight. I'll have someone guide yeh."
As the two groups, watching each other cautiously, walked up towards the village and guest quarters, led by Snotlout, Hiccup walked over to his dad.  "What's their issue?"
His father scoffed. "I don't pay much attention to the issues of outsiders, but this one's hard to forget.  Mac Arailt and Echmarcach are both of the Uí Ímair." Hiccup nodded.  They were the descendants of Ivar, the legendary Viking from a hundred and fifty years ago.  "But they don't get along very well."
"Oh?" Hiccup asked with a smirk, remembering the look on Seamus's face when he'd seen Bran. "Why do I think that that's an understatement?"
"Aye, yeh are not wrong.  Echmarcach used to rule Dubh Linn some years back… before mac Arailt forced him out."
Hiccup whistled and gave a nervous chuckle.  "Yay. Great."
"Aye.  And now let's see who stirs the pot next," Stoick said gravely.  "I'd dearly love to know who this one is."  He suddenly quirked an eyebrow.  "Hiccup.  Dragon patrols.  Plan them and post them after we're done with all of this.  I want to know who is paying us a visit in the future before they get to our harbor."
Hiccup nodded. "Sure thing, dad.  Um… any guesses as to who that is?"
Stoick just sighed. "Trouble.  Details to be determined."
The ship pulled in shortly, and another man stepped forward at the gangplank.  "Greetings, Mighty Stoick, I am Maredudd ap Gruffydd, son of Gruffydd ap Llywelyn, King of Gwynedd!  I bring greetings and glad tidings from my noble father on this happy day!"
Hiccup's father bowed and said, "Welcome to my shore, Maredudd.  I accept your greetings and glad tidings, and offer you my hospitality."
"I most graciously accept!" the man said, and walked down the gangplank to shake Stoick's hands.  
"We will be having a welcoming feast for you and the other guests that have arrived today," he said.  "Please, come ashore and enjoy my hospitality."
"Thank you!" And then Hiccup watched the rest of the sentence sink in as the man paused and then looked at Stoick, eyes widening in surprise and a sickly half-smile slowly forming on his face. "Other… guests?"
"Aye.  Yeh are not the first to arrive today.  We've had envoys from Manau, Vedrarfjord and Dubh Linn… so far."
"I… I see.  Thank you, my good lord," the fellow said with some difficulty.  
Stoick smiled. "Aye.  Here, this is my son Hiccup.  He will show you and your party to where you can prepare."
The man looked at Hiccup and did a double take so intense that it was almost painful to watch.  
Hiccup sighed to himself. Captain Ragnell had reacted pretty much exactly the same way.
He turned to the Welshman and said, "If you'll follow me, please?"
Still not recovered from his shock, the man mutely nodded.  Hiccup just hoped nastily that he'd given himself whiplash with that double take.  
As they walked up the ramp to the village, he tried to stick to the needs of hospitality, and not think dark thoughts at the men who had clearly expected someone… taller, to be the Dragon Hero.  
But it was hard, and he kept thinking back to that moment on his doorstep the morning he had shot down Toothless.
Excuse me, barmaid! I'm afraid you've brought me the wrong offspring! I ordered an extra large boy with beefy arms, extra guts, and glory on the side! This here, this is a talkin' fishbone.  
At least his dad accepted him more… now.  
But… well…
He scowled when he had an opportune moment facing away from the Welshman, which made Toothless look at him with concern.  Then it was back to being a polite host, and he brought the man over to the bath house so that he and his men could freshen up if they wished.
It was already packed with the other visitors, and you could cut the tension between Bran and Finnian with a knife and use it as bricks.  
Hiccup just handed them off to Braun and Hilda, and then fled with Astrid.  He needed to get this off of his chest or rupture something.
That evening, Hiccup sat in the mead hall in the chair next to his father's throne, with about half of Berk present to watch the four outsider nobles come before their chief and politely grovel, in addition to most of a score of foreign traders that were unfamiliar to them; the latter had been dribbling in over the last few days, and wanted to petition the chief to be allowed to make a market at the festival.  
His dad sat on his throne, the very image of a Viking barbarian chieftain.  Next to them were Toothless and Thornado, sitting on carved stone slabs, and his father's council of advisers flanking them, featuring the four other clan heads, plus Gobber as steward, Spitelout as marshal, and with Gothi's chair currently empty as she blessed the assembly.  Front and center before them were the outsider visitors, in a place of honor, occupying several tables all by themselves, nobles in front, merchants behind.
Hiccup just remembered the last time he tried sitting in his dad's throne.  His rear hadn't touched the back of the chair, his feet had dangled off the floor, and he could have put his spread hands between his thighs and the sides of the chair without them touching.  That had been so very utterly encouraging.
As Gothi went through the ritual welcome thanking Njord for his forbearance and wisdom in allowing the ships to cross his seas, Hiccup just stewed in his irritation and frustration. Apparently, when a king sent an envoy specifically to meet with the fabled Dragon Hero—and he was going to strangle Chestnut for that saga if he ever caught the skald alone in a room somewhere—they expected the Hero (capitalized; you could hear it) to look the part!  
They didn't come hundreds of miles across the storm-blown sea just to see a scrawny talking fishbone!  
A hint of motion caught his eye.  Looking, he saw Astrid giving him a sympathetic, if wry, smile from where she was sitting with the rest of her clan.  They'd had a good talk after he'd handed off the Welsh prince's party. Well.  Mostly they'd talked.  But they'd also had a few minutes unchaperoned, with the adults running around dealing with the sudden influx of visitors, so they'd taken advantage of the moment for some deeply enjoyable—and heavy—kissing.
Fortunately, they'd managed to keep enough control of themselves and their nuzzling so that they had been back to a demure and chaste personal distance by the time Gobber had found them.  Hiccup had even managed to keep his formal clothes from being mussed, by some direct blessing of Freyja.  
He gave her a wistful half-smile and cocked his head to the side, indicating the spot where Toothless was currently curled up.  He would love to have her sitting there next to him, the two of them holding hands, until this whole agonizing formality was over.
She smirked and rolled her eyes upwards.  Yeah… but there was the little hitch that she wasn't legally betrothed to him, and wasn't more than his girlfriend.  On top of that, they weren't even legally adults yet—and wouldn't be until Manni's Day, after Thawfest—so even if they were betrothed, it would be "unseemly" for her to be up here with him as part of the family just yet.
Well, that was coming, if he had anything to say about it.  He wanted her… and, by a miracle that he still gave thanks for every day to each of the gods, she wanted him.  And when it came time for that… he'd show these outsiders that she hadn't picked poorly in him, that he wasn't some fluke or accident, that she'd chosen wisely… that he wasn't…
He sighed.
That he wasn't Useless.
That she wasn't better off with someone else because he didn't fit the image of the Dragon Hero that others imagined.  
He'd show them all that she'd made the right choice… that he was good enough for her.
He caught one last sympathetic look from Astrid as the blessings concluded, and then shifted his attention to the four noble visitors, sitting at the tables nearby.  He did his best to keep a scowl off of his face.  Of the three new envoys, all three and their honor guards had looked at him in shock for not living up to their expectations.
Having Toothless next to him was helping… at least a little bit.  Well, for certain values of 'helping.'  Thornado was blase about the whole Thing, and just sat at the foot of his dad's throne.  Toothless, on the other hand, was intrigued, and was staring at the visitors with his big wide eyes filled with curiosity.  
Unfortunately, having a Night Fury stare at them with giant green and black eyes wasn't doing very much good for the visitors' self-control either.  Hiccup had to keep a firm hand on Toothless's collar, and knew that the only thing that was keeping his friend from getting up and walking over to inspect the newcomers with a full sniff, and maybe a lick, was that Toothless could tell Hiccup didn't want him to.  
Hopefully that would last through at least the introductions.
He sagged in his chair for a moment before forcing himself to sit up straight again as Gothi finished with her blessing and resumed her seat.
In the expectant hush that followed, his dad stood and walked forward, looming over the noble visitors.  "I greet all of yeh, who have traveled far and risked much.  Yer bravery and skills are worthy of note.  The hospitality of my hall is offered to yeh. I know that the journey was long and fraught, and not made lightly.  Know that I know this, and extend my hand to yeh."  He turned and sat back down.  "Now, I believe that yeh have messages for me?"
All four of the noble visitors went to stand at once.
Bran looked at Finnian and sneered, while Ragnell tried to step forward first, and Gruffydd tried to push ahead.
"I claim the right to go first!" Bran said, trying to elbow his way to the fore as Hiccup watched, trying not to laugh.  "I have spoken with Stoick before, and claim precedence!"
"And that's why you shouldn't go first!  Let someone with less familiarity speak!" Finnian said heatedly.
As they argued, Hiccup leaned over to Gobber.  "Why are they arguing like me and Snotlout, or the twins?  I thought that they were supposed to be adults?" he whispered.
"None of them want to go last and get left in the shadow.  They're all here bringing tribute, see the boxes?  They want to make a good impression."
Hiccup snorted. "Well, they're doing a great job!" he said quietly.
Gobber laughed softly and then raised his voice.  "Stoick, can I make a suggestion?"
His dad rolled his eyes as the nobles continued to argue.  "Please."
Gobber chortled and said, "Gentlemen, gentlemen!  Please! Might I suggest that we solve this in a simple, unbiased manner?"
They all paused and looked at Hiccup's mentor.  "Aye?" said Gruffydd after a pause.  In the background, a number of the Hooligans looked disappointed at the ending to the free entertainment.  
"Aye.  Since we won't be able to agree on who goes first by arguing over it, might I suggest that we go in alphabetical order?" Gobber said with a smirk.  
The four nobles all looked at each other and then nodded.  
Then Gruffydd said, "But in whose alphabet?"
There was a moment's pause as everyone seemed to consider the question… and before they could start arguing over that, Hiccup's dad sighed and said, "Mine, as host.  And in order of yer kingdoms.  Does that make yeh all happy?"  His tone made it very clear that they had better be happy.
They all nodded like marionettes.
With that settled, Captain Finnian mac Seamus of Dubh Linn, a smile on his face, approached him and his father.  He had a scroll in one hand and one of his honor guard at his side was carrying a coffer.
Breaking the seal, the captain gently cleared his throat and unfurled the scroll.
"'To Stoick the Vast, Chieftain of the Hooligan Tribe, Leader of Berk, Lord of Dragons, from King Ímar mac Arailt of Dubh Linn, I send greetings,'" he read.
"'We congratulate you on your victory, and your new dominion.  Assuming that even a tenth of what the merchant told Us was truth before God, you have dared greatly and won glory and respect.  I acknowledge you as a brother lord, and wish only peace between us. With my captain, I have sent you a gift as proof of my sincerity and my desire to see the two of us reach an accord. Sincerely, King Ímar mac Arailt of Dubh Linn.'"  With a few fumbling motions, the captain rerolled the scroll and knelt before Stoick, extending the roll of paper towards him.
Hiccup's father took it and set it aside; even sitting, he was taller than the man was standing, and it looked… regal and impressive.  Hiccup would just look like… well, like a child sitting in his father's chair, playing. "Thank you, and thanks to your lord for his kind words," Stoick said.  
"And my liege's gift to you," the captain said, taking the coffer and a key from his man standing at his side, and handed both items to Stoick.  
Opening the coffer, Stoick blinked and reached into it.  "A book?"
"A Bible, my lord. Illuminated by the monks of Dubh Linn monasteries, with art that depicts the life of our Lord and Savior."
Stoick nodded gamely and returned a few platitudes to the captain, who moved off to the side to allow Bran to approach.  The book was placed off to the side on a table, and Toothless sniffed at it and then made a face.
Over the next twenty minutes, the scene repeated itself three more times.  Gwynedd offered a fine sword, once wielded by the Gwynedd King Llywelyn ap Seissyll.  Manau sent a great war-ax named Arm-Biter, once the possession of a famous Viking. Vedrarfjord gave a substantial purse of copper coins.  At their seats, Bran and Maredudd politely sneered at each other for having had the same idea.
Hiccup was doing his best to keep a straight face as he thought on what he was seeing and what Gobber had told him.  He didn't like where this was going.  Each of the other kings acknowledged his father, said that they wanted to be peaceful, and offered a gift.  
It had taken him half of the presentation to realize that they were actually bribes.  Gobber's comment about wanting to make a good impression… and the fact that Bran was giving his dad something valuable, and not the other way around, had bounced around Hiccup's skull, and he'd practically jumped in his chair when he realized that they were offering Danegeld to Berk.  Bribes to not come and raid—or conquer—their lands.  That was what Vikings had been doing for the last few hundred years, after all.  Berk had been one of the bases of operation for the raids all up and down the Eirish, Alban, Welsh, and Saxon coastlines.
And now… thanks to him, things had changed.  Berk wasn't the place of stubborn Vikings that barely managed to survive their war with the dragons anymore.  His dad had an army of battle-hardened warriors now… who rode dragons.  And who didn't have to worry about having to fight off raids every few nights anymore.  
And given that his dad had paid Bran's lord tribute in the past to keep Berk from being attacked… and now the situation was reversed…
Yeah.  Hiccup held down a scowl.  It made complete sense that they were all expecting him to start conquering and raiding… just like they all did.  
Captain Ragnell having finished with his own request for peace—which could have been the same letter as the one from the lord of Dubh Linn,  with the names swapped out—he handed over the leather purse that clinked heavily to the chief and then took his seat again.  
As his dad stood and thanked the visitors, Hiccup watched their faces carefully.  Even as his dad promised peace and friendship, he could see that they were skeptical.  Bran wasn't even bothering to hide it.  
Well, they could believe as they liked.  He wasn't going to let the dragons be used as weapons, not if he could help it.  And while he might not be chief, the dragons would listen to him.
"—and I hope that yeh all enjoy this Thawfest.  This year, my son is a man before Tyr, and, in honor of the victory that he won for us, we have added dragon contests to our games.  We will be having races and other contests."  Stoick clapped his hands as Hiccup rolled his eyes.  His dad had an additional motive to adding dragon contests to the Thawfest games.  He'd added just enough so that, if and when Hiccup and Toothless managed to beat Snotlout and Hookfang at them, they'd win the youth games… and deny the Jorgensons—and Spitelout—their perfect sweep for Snotlout.  "Let us all compete for the favor of the gods on the contest field and not on the battlefield."  He bowed and sat back down.
With that, the welcoming ceremony was over, and people began to mingle and socialize.  The instant Hiccup let go of Toothless's collar, the dragon bounded over to the visitors, examining them with intrigued sniffs. Hiccup sighed as the men froze, one of them reaching for his weapon on reflex before freezing—realizing either where he was or that Toothless meant him no harm, Hiccup couldn't be sure.  
He walked up. "He's just curious," he said to Captain Finnian, who was looking a bit worried at the dragon nosing at him. "He won't hurt you."  
Toothless gave one last sniff of the man and turned, walking around behind Hiccup.  The Eirishman visibly sagged in relief.  
"See?" Hiccup said, bending to one knee, thankful for all of the practice he had put in with his new leg, and rubbing Toothless's ears.  "He was just being friendly."
"Aye," Finnian said weakly.  "Just like a giant, black scaly dog."
Someone behind him muttered quietly, "With bat wings and who spits fire…"
"Pretty much," Hiccup said to the Dubh Linn man, ignoring the second voice.  Still kneeling, he winked at Toothless before scratching under his chin at that spot that the dragons liked so much.  The dragon slumped to the floor with a thud and a happy purr.
The nobles and merchants blinked, and moved carefully away as Hiccup kept petting his friend, who was making happy noises.  At least someone around here was having a good evening.  
Then he felt a pair of hands rest on his shoulders and move in to start rubbing at his neck.  He tilted his head back to see Astrid smirking down at him.  "You look tense.  You all right?" she asked in an innocent tone, eyebrows lifted knowingly under her bangs.  
He smiled, stood with her help, and thought to himself that the worst of the evening was over.  Thank the gods.  
And things went nicely from there, even with the visitors staring at him like some exotic beast, and with the adults watching the two of them like hawks.  He didn't even mind that much when he got dragged into the circle dance by Astrid and he managed to trip on his peg and the stump slipped free as he went flying.  Because she was smiling at him and they would be adults soon and they would be together and everything would be all right.
Yeah.  He was going to show the world that he was worthy of her.
The day of Thawfest dawned, cool and bright, and Hiccup was awake and ready for the spring festival, Toothless at his side, as soon as the sun was up above the horizon.  There would be games, and food, and contests, and music, and traders from distant lands.  Especially this year, given that, for some reason, a dozen ships from neighboring tribes and petty kingdoms had shown up, as well as Trader Johann and several other merchants, some from as far away as Normandy, by the Frankish kingdom.
He said as much to Astrid as they started walking through the paths in the town and nearby field where most of the festival was being held, his dragon tailing them close behind. It was complicated by Toothless wanting to poke his nose into everything, especially the food stalls.  
Waving his arms around to indicate the entire festival, he said, "I mean, most years, it's just us, maybe the Bog-Burglars and a few of the other tribes in the area.  But now?  Six months after I make friends with Toothless, they all show up?" He shook his head and spread his arms wide.  "Pull the other one, it's got bells on it."
Snotlout's voice spoke up behind him. "Don't you mean, 'it comes off'?"
Hiccup and Astrid turned to look at his cousin.  Astrid scowled and looked at Snotlout.  "Really? Really?  You went there?"
"Hey, it's the truth!" Snotlout defended himself.  "So, Coz, ready to get humiliated again this year?  Because I'm going to take home the ribbons for everything, like I always do."
Hiccup sighed. "We're not kids anymore, 'Lout. But, hey, sure, if you want to get yourself humiliated for child-game ribbons in the last year we can play, and by a guy whose leg comes off, I'll be there."  He smirked.  "Remember that we added dragon races for the kiddie division this year."  
Snotlout sneered and moved off.  
Astrid sighed. "Can we please kick his ass at the contests this year?  It is our last year being able to compete in the 'kiddie division', after all," she said in an innocent tone.  
"Sounds good to me. You beat him at the physical stuff and Toothless and I will work at the dragon stuff, and send him home crying?"
"Deal."  She bent over and gave him a kiss.  Pulling back, she grinned evilly.  "This year, I have a better chance." Indicating herself, she said smugly, "I got taller than him, and I'm going to kick his ass."
Hiccup took the moment to appreciate what she had indicated, and grinned at her.  "Yep.  You are. And you'll look glorious when doing it."
"Flatterer," she said, smiling.
"Honest," he replied, pulling in closer.  "I don't like lying.  I'm no good at it."
She laughed and gave him a friendly punch to the arm.  "That's the truth," she said, shaking her head.  "'Making outfits.'  I still can't believe that that's what you came up with."
"And then you damn near broke my fingers."
"I said I was sorry. And I know that I made it up to you."
"And then the ax butt."
"Well, that you deserved."
"Yeah, probably. We did kidnap you afterwards.  And then I got a punch and my first kiss out of it, so that definitely came out positive."
"Mmmh.  I'd say that that whole thing came out good for both of us," she said, leaning in to give him another kiss.  
After they had been at it for a good long moment, someone whistled approvingly, and they both looked up to see one of the traders standing nearby, giving them both a favorable look.  
"Ah, don't mind me, lad, lass, I was just appreciating it.  I wish you both the best.  Been a long time since I was a young one, but I remember it nicely, and you two look like you're getting along just fine."  He looked directly at Hiccup.  "So, you be the Dragon Hero, then?" he said, indicating both Toothless and Hiccup's prosthesis with a jerk of his chin.
Hiccup nodded slowly. Sure, maybe he didn't like the title that much… but maybe it was time to start owning it.  
"Aye, not what I was expecting," he said, which made Hiccup sigh.  "But I was expecting someone ten feet tall who used dragon gut to floss his teeth, by the way the stories were by the time they got to me."  He indicated his tent-stall.  "Can I offer you and your fine young lady there anything, Mister Dragon Tamer?"
Hiccup cocked his head, looking over the man's stall-tent.  He looked like a general goods seller, with a little bit of everything. "Got any ink or paints, paper, parchment?"
"Aye, maybe," he replied, and started rummaging through his supplies.  "I think I got a nice red in here somewhere, and mayhap some blue.  Lots of demand for those from the monasteries over in Eire."  As he rummaged, he said, diffidently, "So, lad, I hear that you be the one in charge for all things dragon around here."
With a slow nod, Hiccup looked into the tent and said, "Yes… but, before you ask, no, they're not for sale.  Any of them."
"Ah, well.  Next year, perhaps?"
Hiccup made a non-committal, "We'll see, but probably not."
"Ah, well.  Well, I have here a few pots of ink, green, black, blue and yellow, plus a nice stack of cowhide parchment.  What can you offer me in exchange?   Goods or coin?"
Hiccup reached for his pouch and opened it.  "I have dragon teeth and scales, if that might be of interest."
"Teeth?  So you have had to put down a few of them?"
Hiccup shook his head. "No, the dragons shed them and then new ones grow in."  He laid out the fangs on the little table the trader had set up in front of him. "I've got some from Gronckles, which can crack rocks and make for good chisels, some Monstrous Nightmares, which are really sharp and make good knives, and this one is from Toothless here," he pointed to one stubby incisor in particular.  
"You have a tooth from a dragon named Toothless?" the trader said with a laugh.  "That sounds like a story."
"Not much of one," Hiccup said, pulling out some dried fish and turning to his friend, who obligingly opened his mouth to show the gums.  
"Aye, lad, I see no teeth there, looks like they shou—God in Heaven!" the trader swore and jumped back as Toothless extended his teeth and snatched the dried fish.
Hiccup just turned back to the trader with an innocent look, as Astrid tamped down a snicker. "Yep.  One of those teeth.  Interested?"
"Aye."  The merchant composed himself quickly and leaned in. "How about fifteen teeth per pot?  Sounds like you'll have an easier time replacing them than I'll have getting more ink."
Hiccup nodded. "Sounds reasonable."  He turned to Astrid.  "But I don't have enough on me.  Could you wait here while I go get some more from the chest?"
"Lad, I can wait. Here, let me put these aside," he said.  "Is there anything you would like for yourself, lass?"
Astrid grinned. "Hmm… let me see…  what do you have?"
"Well, I have some turtleshell combs and some amber necklaces…" he said, looking through the stall, before Astrid held up her hand.  
"Any weapons?" she asked as he popped open a coffer with a key from his belt.
Hiccup cocked his head at her and said, before the merchant could answer, "I can make those too, you know."
She grinned at him. "No harm in seeing what he's got."
"Aye, lass, I have some hatchets, a dagger made by the smiths of Damascus, and a Welsh yew longbow," he said, shrugging.  
Her eyes lit up at the mention of the dagger and bow.  "Ooh. How much for those?"
A commotion sounded behind them, and they turned and looked.  
Fishlegs was running through the festival at top speed, stumbling as he ran, and was heading right towards them, knocking people out of the way in his hurry.  
"Hiccup!  Oh, Hiccup, thank Odin I found you, she's gone, they took her, she's gone," he babbled.  
"Slow down, Fishlegs!" Hiccup said.  "What happened?"
"Someone kidnapped Meatlug last night.  We got ambushed and they had nets and bolas, and they said they were going to kill me to keep me quiet and I got away and fell down into a hole and I just got out," he panted out in a rush of words.  
Now that he was standing still, Hiccup could see that his friend's right ankle was grossly swollen, and that Fishlegs was obviously favoring it, along with a long slashing wound in his left forearm that was still weeping blood.  Obviously Fishlegs had blocked a thrust that would have ended up in his throat with the meat of his arm.
Hiccup and Astrid looked at each other, and before he even realized it, Hiccup had hopped on Toothless's back, Astrid behind him.  "You get that leg taken care of," he said to Fishlegs.  "We're on it!  We'll find her, promise!"
As Toothless took flight, Hiccup heard the merchant say in a very hard tone, "Boy, come here, I'll help you with that leg, you shouldn't be walking on it.  I'll put your friend's things aside.  You there!  Call the chief, tell him what happened!  Call for a healer!"
And they were up and away.
"Where's Stormfly?"
"In the stable by my house.  I wanted her well-rested before the races.  I fed her before coming with you to the festival grounds."
"Okay.  Bud, we're heading for the Hoffersons!" He clicked the pedal and Toothless poured on the speed.  
"Check the docks first!" she said in his ear.  "See who is missing!"
"Good idea!"
They banked and overflew the harbor, Hiccup leaning left, Astrid leaning right, both of them furiously counting.
"I make two ships gone!"
"Same here!"
They banked around for another pass, Hiccup straining his memory to match up ships with owners.
He grimaced as he put it together.
"That's why they sent two ships!"
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Author’s Note: Oh, hey, look, plot!  :D
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scottmapess · 4 years
Bitcoin Halving 2020: Best Cryptos To BUY AFTER! [Explained]
The biggest event on the Bitcoin calendar is happening this year. And, of course, it is the Bitcoin harvest. They’re going to run through the fundamental quite quickly because I see them pretty much everywhere across many of the videos. Personally, I don’t use them as part of my assessment in where I think prices are going to go and how I’m going to invest. But I do understand the relevance of some of this fundamental news, even though I as I said, I don’t use it in my own trading. So let’s run through those fundamental points quite quickly now. And you would know them pretty well as being through the bear story or the bull story. So let’s start with the bear stuff. And the bear stuff can be around minor capitulation. Essentially, what that means is that the miners who are mining Bitcoin will have to sell out of all of their bitcoin come time of the halving because they won’t have as much reward coming through when they do mine a block so full that it was just jargon. Basically what the halving is, is the reward of Bitcoin, which is mined every 10 minutes or so, is half from 12 and a half to six point to five. As of next week. This is an event that cause every four years, essentially, it’s put in place by the creators of Bitcoin to reduce the supply and hence reduce the inflation over time so that the asset in theory become more valuable. So the best story with the minor capitulation is that these smaller miners, or at least the miners, which are inefficient at mining Bitcoin because they have to use electricity, will have to sell out of their bitcoin. Come the time of the halving. And that could cause price pressure to be dumped. The flip side to this is that it’s possible that these miners have capitulated. Back in March when we saw the huge pandemic virus drop in all of the markets and of course, in Bitcoin where we went from somewhere in seven and a half thousand to three thousand eight hundred in a matter of a day, that could have caused the event to my thoughts one day, wouldn’t have stopped these guys from mining Bitcoin. Maybe they turn the machines off for a couple of days because within a few weeks we’re all the way back up. And more past that point, we’re sitting around nine thousand two hundred U.S. dollars per Bitcoin. So I don’t think that event would have caused these guys to dump all of their coins. That’s why I don’t think it’s going to be such an issue come time of having either. If I need to, they can turn it off for a few days, come back to it, see what’s going on with the price. Right. It’s not like I haven’t done this before, but of course, that is one of the stories with the hobby bull scenario is pretty simple. It’s basically that the supply is dropping essentially by 50 per cent and people are assuming that the demand will remain the same or increase, which, you know, if we understand supply and demand dropping and supply same level of demand or potentially a little more should increase the price. That’s the bull case. There are a lot of different stories around technical analysis. We can look back on the charts and pick a best SANAYA and a bull scenario, and you can do that for 2016. Having the 2012 halving, you can do that for the time period between the Hardings, the time period between the lows and the halving. You get the point right. We can just pick any top and bottom and bring it to the point of the halving and say, well, because this happened four years ago, maybe it’s going to happen again. I’m not gonna bore you with that because I think there are better possibilities out there than trying to pick when is the best time to buy Bitcoin. If enjoying all the same changes, women hit the like button down below and subscribe. There are quite a few of you which watch these videos and haven’t subscribed yet, so be sure to hit that helps out the channel, helps push the videos through to a wider audience out there in the YouTube land. So the bitcoin halving and what’s going to happen with the price is not my main focus here. My main focus is looking at old coins and the potential for a massive fall in them, which could be a great buying opportunity. And to show you this. I’ll jump over to a few charts. Let’s have a look at what I was talking about there. We can pretty much pick any time line period throughout Bitcoin’s history and given a bull case or a bear case. And these are just some of the tweets that I’d picked out over the years that have come up. This one was from twenty nineteen. What can we expect? And it looks like with this little blue circle up here. Well, the blue square sorry, with the bitcoin symbol in it that they’re looking at one hundred and forty thousand U.S. dollar bitcoin by the end of this next cycle will say next tweet is probably one of the closest ones. And they’re saying when the uptrend begins and they’ve picked a day of pretty much a year ago from now. Twenty seventh of May, that’s a start of the uptrend. So we’ve got hindsight to show us here in the actual start of the uptrend. I would call it the break of this accumulation area. And that break was in April. So not bad for, you know, there were probably a few months in advance on that. And if you’d bought in May at that point, you’d still be pretty damn happy with your purchases. But seeing as I were around five thousand to five thousand four hundred. So not bad. But we want to do better than that. And these will require some patients. This is a while. I’m playing it. You do with it what you will. I like the look of many of the larger. Wins and what I mean to start with is a theory. This is a theory versus the US dollar. And right now we’re just looking at the uptrend that’s just occurred. I think this may have a period of a bit of a pullback. I like the look of a theorem under one seventy. If it get on there, day 150 is the best. That’s ASIC. You know, pick up everything that I can. But under 170, I don’t need to be graded. What I’m looking at here is these old coins. First Bitcoin shot. So these old coins could go up in US dollar value. Because Bitcoin rises or if Bitcoin rises. Right. And, you know, we don’t happen to jump on it or we want to wait for a better opportunity, something that has a bigger return than what Bitcoin may have. And we know that these old coins can have a much bigger return than Bitcoin because they have a smaller market cap and price moves a lot more. The smaller the market cap is, the flip side is that it is higher risk. So with higher risk, we’re looking for a higher reward to repay this risk. But of course, the risk is there and it could end up that they don’t end up booming like we expect them to. So with that said, that’s why I would still be positioning myself across multiple, of course, having some Bitcoin in there as well to balance out this portfolio. Should we see another 50 percent drop in the price of these old coins? So what I’m seeing here on many of them is they are looking like they are about to have a fall against their Bitcoin value, which means that their USD value may remain the same or may slightly increase depending on how fast they decrease against Bitcoin. Why I think this is a good thing is that I think there’s still a possibility to get into different all coins to make a return. So it’s kind of playing a much higher, riskier game because we say, well, we’ve missed the Bitcoin boat. Let’s move on to something else. That’s a very risky game to play. And you need to be aware of that and have your own strategy in play. I don’t see it as that risky because I like the fundamentals of something like a theorem. And I also like it technically as well. We get a low, high, low, another high or low. But this is a lower talk. So this is starting to get into a bit of a squeeze and it may fall away from that. I don’t know. But overall, it’s stronger than something like Bitcoin cash. And we can see how bitcoin cash it is coming back to the old levels. And that’s at around point 025 of a Bitcoin. And this looks like it may break through these lows. It may support it and bounce right back. Obviously, we don’t know. So this is where I would have my level seen. And I’ve got my watch list. I have my alerts. You can see here the little dark blue. That’s where my alert to set. And so when that happens, when that price reaches that point, I’ll get an email notification and then I’ll set me up to go and do what I need to do in this case for Bitcoin cash. I’m just watching it like I want to see that the bottom has formed and that we’re going to go in the opposite direction. Now, I’m not expecting to be able to catch something like this where it just hit a low and then reversed all the way up. Sometimes that happens. But what I am looking for is something like this. And then catching a longer ride like that. Right. So that’s a doubling of our bitcoin value. So that’s where I see the potential in a lot of these old coins. Let’s move across to DSV and BSOD Bitcoin Satoshi Vision. This looks even stronger than Bitcoin cash. I don’t know why I don’t look at the fundamentals. I just focus on the technical analysis. And what I can see here is a low Hielo, nother Hielo, nother high or low. And what I’m waiting to see is what happens from this point now? Do we retest this Grine line on the way up? Do we break through it and bounce back? Do we brag to it and the coin dies out and we don’t come back from it? That’s a possibility. Right. But I think this is going to come down, probably test this line here, maybe go in and eigth it and then come back up. This is another one on my watch list. I need to put some alerts on here. We are one five. Right. So I think that’s a pretty cool level psychologically. That’s a nice round, easy number for people to think of. Plus, they’re just so here. It’s old tops is like old bottoms here. But then there’s an old top just in here and here and here and here before the breakout. So it’s just another great psychological level and technical level. That’s where I’ve got my alert. So let’s get set that up now. Set. Boom. That’s it. I’ll get an e-mail when that happens. If that happens, of course. If you’re enjoying my crypto watch so far to hit the like button and subscribe. Many of you haven’t subscribed already. Love to see you at the next video. Just a quick reminder. Let’s keep going with the watch list. Next one Ripple and Ripple was one of the darlings, and it probably still is with a lot of newbies because the price of the coin is quite low. Doesn’t mean that it is something that should boom. We understand market caps, which I’m sure many my viewers do. So it’s ripple again. We can see it’s hitting its lows that it touched on mid last year, mid to late last year. And then the lows again and again. And we’re just about broken through all of them. And that could lead us to a nice little hefty drop to fifteen hundred sets, possibly even to low point of around. Hundred. That’s something to look out for. Let’s throw in some alerts. I am going to be alerted when this breaks through a nice so-called psychological number of 2000 sets set. And then I’m going to set another one for fifteen hundred and then another one for 700, because I want to get in just before it hits those extra lows. So that’s fine. They’re 700. That’s enough for me on REPL set and forget second, last is like coin and like coin is having an absolute struggle street time against bitcoin. This is I mean this time here, this was when it was going crazy and this was because of it’s having like coins hopping. Look what’s happened since the halving. It’s more than halved in its own price. A lot of people were buying at these periods expecting the price go higher because, like, Coin had its own hobby. Right. They have lost out big time against Bitcoin. So unfortunately, for a lot coin holders, that’s not a good story. Plus, it looks like it’s got a lot further to go. And we could see it come back and test these laws that point 003 of a Bitcoin. I’d just like to keep track and keep a pulse on it. See what the temperature is like of the market that keeps you abreast of everything else. The last one I want to look at is Dogecoin. Now, this one I did quite well on in the previous bull run. All we had to do was sit around, buy up the lows in these ranges here below 30 cents. Wait for it to boom, set your alerts and sell. It was that simple. Look at this chart. Right. You just see lows, highs, similar ish levels. If you don’t make the lows, like if you don’t if it doesn’t make it to your level of 30 sets, it really pulls up, say, like here. Big deal. Okay. We’ve got to wait another year or so. I’m okay with that because these multiples are pretty cool, right? I could get it around 25 cents. Watch it blow up to 100. There’s four times my bitcoin. I buy half of bitcoins worth here. I end up with two bitcoins here. So you just buy it up and sell it. Just buy and sell, buy and sell these things. These aren’t coins to be held for the long term. They’re just nice, easy trading coins. I like to look at it right now. Something is going on here. There’s looks like there’s quite a lot of accumulation. You can see this level is just squeezing and squeezing and squeezing. So afraid to go to my let’s set here for Dogecoin. I’m just waiting on this now and then I can put in some Bitcoin and hopefully see this thing blow up. So that’s my take on the Bitcoin halving. As you can see, I’m not as interested in the halving itself, but the opportunities that are potentially presenting themselves. I don’t have to be patient, set my alert and then wait for these cryptos to get to that point that I’m waiting for. Buy them up and away we go. Now, if you’re looking for something easy to get into these with, I have a link down below for a company called Crypto Dot Com. I use them often and also get interest on my cryptos with them. Go and check them out. Use the link. You get 50 U.S. dollars if you sign up and purchase 50 of their tokens. I think the company is great as well. I wouldn’t just mention it if I didn’t think they were good. The easy thing with these guys is that you can just buy straight from your bank account into their wallets. I have an online Apple wallet. You can also buy with your credit card. Not that I’m suggesting that you go out and get into debt for these things, but it’s an easy way to get into the market, especially now because they have zero credit card fees yet and the limits are quite high and get quite a fair bit of crypto from the credit card. Of course, you can still do with your bank account transfer across so many free things with it. I can’t get Spotify on it. Netflix and depending on which level of card you have. So what I’m talking about is a debit card. You can actually go out and spend your cryptocurrency in this shops depending on which level you’ve got. Then they also have other added benefits, like an airport lounges when of course, the airports are open. Don’t check out that link Downbelow. They’re fantastic to get into the markets early with you. Can some use out of the video? Be sure to lock it down below. Subscribe hit the bell notification icon so that you can stay up to date when I post new videos. About what crypto watch list? Personal finance. And of course, property market cycles. So everything finance related. Right here. Stick around. I think you’re going to have a really prosperous few years ahead of us. So, yeah, get get ready. Get set. Comments, questions. Hit me up in the comments section down below. Otherwise, I’ll see you at my next video and also on Facebook and Instagram. I’ve said enough. I’ll see you guys at the next video member. Until then, have more fun to get more done.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-halving-cryptos-to-buy-after/ source https://cryptosharks1.blogspot.com/2020/05/bitcoin-halving-2020-best-cryptos-to.html
0 notes
jeffrmayhugh · 4 years
Bitcoin Halving 2020: Best Cryptos To BUY AFTER! [Explained]
The biggest event on the Bitcoin calendar is happening this year. And, of course, it is the Bitcoin harvest. They’re going to run through the fundamental quite quickly because I see them pretty much everywhere across many of the videos. Personally, I don’t use them as part of my assessment in where I think prices are going to go and how I’m going to invest. But I do understand the relevance of some of this fundamental news, even though I as I said, I don’t use it in my own trading. So let’s run through those fundamental points quite quickly now. And you would know them pretty well as being through the bear story or the bull story. So let’s start with the bear stuff. And the bear stuff can be around minor capitulation. Essentially, what that means is that the miners who are mining Bitcoin will have to sell out of all of their bitcoin come time of the halving because they won’t have as much reward coming through when they do mine a block so full that it was just jargon. Basically what the halving is, is the reward of Bitcoin, which is mined every 10 minutes or so, is half from 12 and a half to six point to five. As of next week. This is an event that cause every four years, essentially, it’s put in place by the creators of Bitcoin to reduce the supply and hence reduce the inflation over time so that the asset in theory become more valuable. So the best story with the minor capitulation is that these smaller miners, or at least the miners, which are inefficient at mining Bitcoin because they have to use electricity, will have to sell out of their bitcoin. Come the time of the halving. And that could cause price pressure to be dumped. The flip side to this is that it’s possible that these miners have capitulated. Back in March when we saw the huge pandemic virus drop in all of the markets and of course, in Bitcoin where we went from somewhere in seven and a half thousand to three thousand eight hundred in a matter of a day, that could have caused the event to my thoughts one day, wouldn’t have stopped these guys from mining Bitcoin. Maybe they turn the machines off for a couple of days because within a few weeks we’re all the way back up. And more past that point, we’re sitting around nine thousand two hundred U.S. dollars per Bitcoin. So I don’t think that event would have caused these guys to dump all of their coins. That’s why I don’t think it’s going to be such an issue come time of having either. If I need to, they can turn it off for a few days, come back to it, see what’s going on with the price. Right. It’s not like I haven’t done this before, but of course, that is one of the stories with the hobby bull scenario is pretty simple. It’s basically that the supply is dropping essentially by 50 per cent and people are assuming that the demand will remain the same or increase, which, you know, if we understand supply and demand dropping and supply same level of demand or potentially a little more should increase the price. That’s the bull case. There are a lot of different stories around technical analysis. We can look back on the charts and pick a best SANAYA and a bull scenario, and you can do that for 2016. Having the 2012 halving, you can do that for the time period between the Hardings, the time period between the lows and the halving. You get the point right. We can just pick any top and bottom and bring it to the point of the halving and say, well, because this happened four years ago, maybe it’s going to happen again. I’m not gonna bore you with that because I think there are better possibilities out there than trying to pick when is the best time to buy Bitcoin. If enjoying all the same changes, women hit the like button down below and subscribe. There are quite a few of you which watch these videos and haven’t subscribed yet, so be sure to hit that helps out the channel, helps push the videos through to a wider audience out there in the YouTube land. So the bitcoin halving and what’s going to happen with the price is not my main focus here. My main focus is looking at old coins and the potential for a massive fall in them, which could be a great buying opportunity. And to show you this. I’ll jump over to a few charts. Let’s have a look at what I was talking about there. We can pretty much pick any time line period throughout Bitcoin’s history and given a bull case or a bear case. And these are just some of the tweets that I’d picked out over the years that have come up. This one was from twenty nineteen. What can we expect? And it looks like with this little blue circle up here. Well, the blue square sorry, with the bitcoin symbol in it that they’re looking at one hundred and forty thousand U.S. dollar bitcoin by the end of this next cycle will say next tweet is probably one of the closest ones. And they’re saying when the uptrend begins and they’ve picked a day of pretty much a year ago from now. Twenty seventh of May, that’s a start of the uptrend. So we’ve got hindsight to show us here in the actual start of the uptrend. I would call it the break of this accumulation area. And that break was in April. So not bad for, you know, there were probably a few months in advance on that. And if you’d bought in May at that point, you’d still be pretty damn happy with your purchases. But seeing as I were around five thousand to five thousand four hundred. So not bad. But we want to do better than that. And these will require some patients. This is a while. I’m playing it. You do with it what you will. I like the look of many of the larger. Wins and what I mean to start with is a theory. This is a theory versus the US dollar. And right now we’re just looking at the uptrend that’s just occurred. I think this may have a period of a bit of a pullback. I like the look of a theorem under one seventy. If it get on there, day 150 is the best. That’s ASIC. You know, pick up everything that I can. But under 170, I don’t need to be graded. What I’m looking at here is these old coins. First Bitcoin shot. So these old coins could go up in US dollar value. Because Bitcoin rises or if Bitcoin rises. Right. And, you know, we don’t happen to jump on it or we want to wait for a better opportunity, something that has a bigger return than what Bitcoin may have. And we know that these old coins can have a much bigger return than Bitcoin because they have a smaller market cap and price moves a lot more. The smaller the market cap is, the flip side is that it is higher risk. So with higher risk, we’re looking for a higher reward to repay this risk. But of course, the risk is there and it could end up that they don’t end up booming like we expect them to. So with that said, that’s why I would still be positioning myself across multiple, of course, having some Bitcoin in there as well to balance out this portfolio. Should we see another 50 percent drop in the price of these old coins? So what I’m seeing here on many of them is they are looking like they are about to have a fall against their Bitcoin value, which means that their USD value may remain the same or may slightly increase depending on how fast they decrease against Bitcoin. Why I think this is a good thing is that I think there’s still a possibility to get into different all coins to make a return. So it’s kind of playing a much higher, riskier game because we say, well, we’ve missed the Bitcoin boat. Let’s move on to something else. That’s a very risky game to play. And you need to be aware of that and have your own strategy in play. I don’t see it as that risky because I like the fundamentals of something like a theorem. And I also like it technically as well. We get a low, high, low, another high or low. But this is a lower talk. So this is starting to get into a bit of a squeeze and it may fall away from that. I don’t know. But overall, it’s stronger than something like Bitcoin cash. And we can see how bitcoin cash it is coming back to the old levels. And that’s at around point 025 of a Bitcoin. And this looks like it may break through these lows. It may support it and bounce right back. Obviously, we don’t know. So this is where I would have my level seen. And I’ve got my watch list. I have my alerts. You can see here the little dark blue. That’s where my alert to set. And so when that happens, when that price reaches that point, I’ll get an email notification and then I’ll set me up to go and do what I need to do in this case for Bitcoin cash. I’m just watching it like I want to see that the bottom has formed and that we’re going to go in the opposite direction. Now, I’m not expecting to be able to catch something like this where it just hit a low and then reversed all the way up. Sometimes that happens. But what I am looking for is something like this. And then catching a longer ride like that. Right. So that’s a doubling of our bitcoin value. So that’s where I see the potential in a lot of these old coins. Let’s move across to DSV and BSOD Bitcoin Satoshi Vision. This looks even stronger than Bitcoin cash. I don’t know why I don’t look at the fundamentals. I just focus on the technical analysis. And what I can see here is a low Hielo, nother Hielo, nother high or low. And what I’m waiting to see is what happens from this point now? Do we retest this Grine line on the way up? Do we break through it and bounce back? Do we brag to it and the coin dies out and we don’t come back from it? That’s a possibility. Right. But I think this is going to come down, probably test this line here, maybe go in and eigth it and then come back up. This is another one on my watch list. I need to put some alerts on here. We are one five. Right. So I think that’s a pretty cool level psychologically. That’s a nice round, easy number for people to think of. Plus, they’re just so here. It’s old tops is like old bottoms here. But then there’s an old top just in here and here and here and here before the breakout. So it’s just another great psychological level and technical level. That’s where I’ve got my alert. So let’s get set that up now. Set. Boom. That’s it. I’ll get an e-mail when that happens. If that happens, of course. If you’re enjoying my crypto watch so far to hit the like button and subscribe. Many of you haven’t subscribed already. Love to see you at the next video. Just a quick reminder. Let’s keep going with the watch list. Next one Ripple and Ripple was one of the darlings, and it probably still is with a lot of newbies because the price of the coin is quite low. Doesn’t mean that it is something that should boom. We understand market caps, which I’m sure many my viewers do. So it’s ripple again. We can see it’s hitting its lows that it touched on mid last year, mid to late last year. And then the lows again and again. And we’re just about broken through all of them. And that could lead us to a nice little hefty drop to fifteen hundred sets, possibly even to low point of around. Hundred. That’s something to look out for. Let’s throw in some alerts. I am going to be alerted when this breaks through a nice so-called psychological number of 2000 sets set. And then I’m going to set another one for fifteen hundred and then another one for 700, because I want to get in just before it hits those extra lows. So that’s fine. They’re 700. That’s enough for me on REPL set and forget second, last is like coin and like coin is having an absolute struggle street time against bitcoin. This is I mean this time here, this was when it was going crazy and this was because of it’s having like coins hopping. Look what’s happened since the halving. It’s more than halved in its own price. A lot of people were buying at these periods expecting the price go higher because, like, Coin had its own hobby. Right. They have lost out big time against Bitcoin. So unfortunately, for a lot coin holders, that’s not a good story. Plus, it looks like it’s got a lot further to go. And we could see it come back and test these laws that point 003 of a Bitcoin. I’d just like to keep track and keep a pulse on it. See what the temperature is like of the market that keeps you abreast of everything else. The last one I want to look at is Dogecoin. Now, this one I did quite well on in the previous bull run. All we had to do was sit around, buy up the lows in these ranges here below 30 cents. Wait for it to boom, set your alerts and sell. It was that simple. Look at this chart. Right. You just see lows, highs, similar ish levels. If you don’t make the lows, like if you don’t if it doesn’t make it to your level of 30 sets, it really pulls up, say, like here. Big deal. Okay. We’ve got to wait another year or so. I’m okay with that because these multiples are pretty cool, right? I could get it around 25 cents. Watch it blow up to 100. There’s four times my bitcoin. I buy half of bitcoins worth here. I end up with two bitcoins here. So you just buy it up and sell it. Just buy and sell, buy and sell these things. These aren’t coins to be held for the long term. They’re just nice, easy trading coins. I like to look at it right now. Something is going on here. There’s looks like there’s quite a lot of accumulation. You can see this level is just squeezing and squeezing and squeezing. So afraid to go to my let’s set here for Dogecoin. I’m just waiting on this now and then I can put in some Bitcoin and hopefully see this thing blow up. So that’s my take on the Bitcoin halving. As you can see, I’m not as interested in the halving itself, but the opportunities that are potentially presenting themselves. I don’t have to be patient, set my alert and then wait for these cryptos to get to that point that I’m waiting for. Buy them up and away we go. Now, if you’re looking for something easy to get into these with, I have a link down below for a company called Crypto Dot Com. I use them often and also get interest on my cryptos with them. Go and check them out. Use the link. You get 50 U.S. dollars if you sign up and purchase 50 of their tokens. I think the company is great as well. I wouldn’t just mention it if I didn’t think they were good. The easy thing with these guys is that you can just buy straight from your bank account into their wallets. I have an online Apple wallet. You can also buy with your credit card. Not that I’m suggesting that you go out and get into debt for these things, but it’s an easy way to get into the market, especially now because they have zero credit card fees yet and the limits are quite high and get quite a fair bit of crypto from the credit card. Of course, you can still do with your bank account transfer across so many free things with it. I can’t get Spotify on it. Netflix and depending on which level of card you have. So what I’m talking about is a debit card. You can actually go out and spend your cryptocurrency in this shops depending on which level you’ve got. Then they also have other added benefits, like an airport lounges when of course, the airports are open. Don’t check out that link Downbelow. They’re fantastic to get into the markets early with you. Can some use out of the video? Be sure to lock it down below. Subscribe hit the bell notification icon so that you can stay up to date when I post new videos. About what crypto watch list? Personal finance. And of course, property market cycles. So everything finance related. Right here. Stick around. I think you’re going to have a really prosperous few years ahead of us. So, yeah, get get ready. Get set. Comments, questions. Hit me up in the comments section down below. Otherwise, I’ll see you at my next video and also on Facebook and Instagram. I’ve said enough. I’ll see you guys at the next video member. Until then, have more fun to get more done.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-halving-cryptos-to-buy-after/ source https://cryptosharks1.tumblr.com/post/617672193983365120
0 notes
heatherrdavis1 · 4 years
Bitcoin Halving 2020: Best Cryptos To BUY AFTER! [Explained]
The biggest event on the Bitcoin calendar is happening this year. And, of course, it is the Bitcoin harvest. They’re going to run through the fundamental quite quickly because I see them pretty much everywhere across many of the videos. Personally, I don’t use them as part of my assessment in where I think prices are going to go and how I’m going to invest. But I do understand the relevance of some of this fundamental news, even though I as I said, I don’t use it in my own trading. So let’s run through those fundamental points quite quickly now. And you would know them pretty well as being through the bear story or the bull story. So let’s start with the bear stuff. And the bear stuff can be around minor capitulation. Essentially, what that means is that the miners who are mining Bitcoin will have to sell out of all of their bitcoin come time of the halving because they won’t have as much reward coming through when they do mine a block so full that it was just jargon. Basically what the halving is, is the reward of Bitcoin, which is mined every 10 minutes or so, is half from 12 and a half to six point to five. As of next week. This is an event that cause every four years, essentially, it’s put in place by the creators of Bitcoin to reduce the supply and hence reduce the inflation over time so that the asset in theory become more valuable. So the best story with the minor capitulation is that these smaller miners, or at least the miners, which are inefficient at mining Bitcoin because they have to use electricity, will have to sell out of their bitcoin. Come the time of the halving. And that could cause price pressure to be dumped. The flip side to this is that it’s possible that these miners have capitulated. Back in March when we saw the huge pandemic virus drop in all of the markets and of course, in Bitcoin where we went from somewhere in seven and a half thousand to three thousand eight hundred in a matter of a day, that could have caused the event to my thoughts one day, wouldn’t have stopped these guys from mining Bitcoin. Maybe they turn the machines off for a couple of days because within a few weeks we’re all the way back up. And more past that point, we’re sitting around nine thousand two hundred U.S. dollars per Bitcoin. So I don’t think that event would have caused these guys to dump all of their coins. That’s why I don’t think it’s going to be such an issue come time of having either. If I need to, they can turn it off for a few days, come back to it, see what’s going on with the price. Right. It’s not like I haven’t done this before, but of course, that is one of the stories with the hobby bull scenario is pretty simple. It’s basically that the supply is dropping essentially by 50 per cent and people are assuming that the demand will remain the same or increase, which, you know, if we understand supply and demand dropping and supply same level of demand or potentially a little more should increase the price. That’s the bull case. There are a lot of different stories around technical analysis. We can look back on the charts and pick a best SANAYA and a bull scenario, and you can do that for 2016. Having the 2012 halving, you can do that for the time period between the Hardings, the time period between the lows and the halving. You get the point right. We can just pick any top and bottom and bring it to the point of the halving and say, well, because this happened four years ago, maybe it’s going to happen again. I’m not gonna bore you with that because I think there are better possibilities out there than trying to pick when is the best time to buy Bitcoin. If enjoying all the same changes, women hit the like button down below and subscribe. There are quite a few of you which watch these videos and haven’t subscribed yet, so be sure to hit that helps out the channel, helps push the videos through to a wider audience out there in the YouTube land. So the bitcoin halving and what’s going to happen with the price is not my main focus here. My main focus is looking at old coins and the potential for a massive fall in them, which could be a great buying opportunity. And to show you this. I’ll jump over to a few charts. Let’s have a look at what I was talking about there. We can pretty much pick any time line period throughout Bitcoin’s history and given a bull case or a bear case. And these are just some of the tweets that I’d picked out over the years that have come up. This one was from twenty nineteen. What can we expect? And it looks like with this little blue circle up here. Well, the blue square sorry, with the bitcoin symbol in it that they’re looking at one hundred and forty thousand U.S. dollar bitcoin by the end of this next cycle will say next tweet is probably one of the closest ones. And they’re saying when the uptrend begins and they’ve picked a day of pretty much a year ago from now. Twenty seventh of May, that’s a start of the uptrend. So we’ve got hindsight to show us here in the actual start of the uptrend. I would call it the break of this accumulation area. And that break was in April. So not bad for, you know, there were probably a few months in advance on that. And if you’d bought in May at that point, you’d still be pretty damn happy with your purchases. But seeing as I were around five thousand to five thousand four hundred. So not bad. But we want to do better than that. And these will require some patients. This is a while. I’m playing it. You do with it what you will. I like the look of many of the larger. Wins and what I mean to start with is a theory. This is a theory versus the US dollar. And right now we’re just looking at the uptrend that’s just occurred. I think this may have a period of a bit of a pullback. I like the look of a theorem under one seventy. If it get on there, day 150 is the best. That’s ASIC. You know, pick up everything that I can. But under 170, I don’t need to be graded. What I’m looking at here is these old coins. First Bitcoin shot. So these old coins could go up in US dollar value. Because Bitcoin rises or if Bitcoin rises. Right. And, you know, we don’t happen to jump on it or we want to wait for a better opportunity, something that has a bigger return than what Bitcoin may have. And we know that these old coins can have a much bigger return than Bitcoin because they have a smaller market cap and price moves a lot more. The smaller the market cap is, the flip side is that it is higher risk. So with higher risk, we’re looking for a higher reward to repay this risk. But of course, the risk is there and it could end up that they don’t end up booming like we expect them to. So with that said, that’s why I would still be positioning myself across multiple, of course, having some Bitcoin in there as well to balance out this portfolio. Should we see another 50 percent drop in the price of these old coins? So what I’m seeing here on many of them is they are looking like they are about to have a fall against their Bitcoin value, which means that their USD value may remain the same or may slightly increase depending on how fast they decrease against Bitcoin. Why I think this is a good thing is that I think there’s still a possibility to get into different all coins to make a return. So it’s kind of playing a much higher, riskier game because we say, well, we’ve missed the Bitcoin boat. Let’s move on to something else. That’s a very risky game to play. And you need to be aware of that and have your own strategy in play. I don’t see it as that risky because I like the fundamentals of something like a theorem. And I also like it technically as well. We get a low, high, low, another high or low. But this is a lower talk. So this is starting to get into a bit of a squeeze and it may fall away from that. I don’t know. But overall, it’s stronger than something like Bitcoin cash. And we can see how bitcoin cash it is coming back to the old levels. And that’s at around point 025 of a Bitcoin. And this looks like it may break through these lows. It may support it and bounce right back. Obviously, we don’t know. So this is where I would have my level seen. And I’ve got my watch list. I have my alerts. You can see here the little dark blue. That’s where my alert to set. And so when that happens, when that price reaches that point, I’ll get an email notification and then I’ll set me up to go and do what I need to do in this case for Bitcoin cash. I’m just watching it like I want to see that the bottom has formed and that we’re going to go in the opposite direction. Now, I’m not expecting to be able to catch something like this where it just hit a low and then reversed all the way up. Sometimes that happens. But what I am looking for is something like this. And then catching a longer ride like that. Right. So that’s a doubling of our bitcoin value. So that’s where I see the potential in a lot of these old coins. Let’s move across to DSV and BSOD Bitcoin Satoshi Vision. This looks even stronger than Bitcoin cash. I don’t know why I don’t look at the fundamentals. I just focus on the technical analysis. And what I can see here is a low Hielo, nother Hielo, nother high or low. And what I’m waiting to see is what happens from this point now? Do we retest this Grine line on the way up? Do we break through it and bounce back? Do we brag to it and the coin dies out and we don’t come back from it? That’s a possibility. Right. But I think this is going to come down, probably test this line here, maybe go in and eigth it and then come back up. This is another one on my watch list. I need to put some alerts on here. We are one five. Right. So I think that’s a pretty cool level psychologically. That’s a nice round, easy number for people to think of. Plus, they’re just so here. It’s old tops is like old bottoms here. But then there’s an old top just in here and here and here and here before the breakout. So it’s just another great psychological level and technical level. That’s where I’ve got my alert. So let’s get set that up now. Set. Boom. That’s it. I’ll get an e-mail when that happens. If that happens, of course. If you’re enjoying my crypto watch so far to hit the like button and subscribe. Many of you haven’t subscribed already. Love to see you at the next video. Just a quick reminder. Let’s keep going with the watch list. Next one Ripple and Ripple was one of the darlings, and it probably still is with a lot of newbies because the price of the coin is quite low. Doesn’t mean that it is something that should boom. We understand market caps, which I’m sure many my viewers do. So it’s ripple again. We can see it’s hitting its lows that it touched on mid last year, mid to late last year. And then the lows again and again. And we’re just about broken through all of them. And that could lead us to a nice little hefty drop to fifteen hundred sets, possibly even to low point of around. Hundred. That’s something to look out for. Let’s throw in some alerts. I am going to be alerted when this breaks through a nice so-called psychological number of 2000 sets set. And then I’m going to set another one for fifteen hundred and then another one for 700, because I want to get in just before it hits those extra lows. So that’s fine. They’re 700. That’s enough for me on REPL set and forget second, last is like coin and like coin is having an absolute struggle street time against bitcoin. This is I mean this time here, this was when it was going crazy and this was because of it’s having like coins hopping. Look what’s happened since the halving. It’s more than halved in its own price. A lot of people were buying at these periods expecting the price go higher because, like, Coin had its own hobby. Right. They have lost out big time against Bitcoin. So unfortunately, for a lot coin holders, that’s not a good story. Plus, it looks like it’s got a lot further to go. And we could see it come back and test these laws that point 003 of a Bitcoin. I’d just like to keep track and keep a pulse on it. See what the temperature is like of the market that keeps you abreast of everything else. The last one I want to look at is Dogecoin. Now, this one I did quite well on in the previous bull run. All we had to do was sit around, buy up the lows in these ranges here below 30 cents. Wait for it to boom, set your alerts and sell. It was that simple. Look at this chart. Right. You just see lows, highs, similar ish levels. If you don’t make the lows, like if you don’t if it doesn’t make it to your level of 30 sets, it really pulls up, say, like here. Big deal. Okay. We’ve got to wait another year or so. I’m okay with that because these multiples are pretty cool, right? I could get it around 25 cents. Watch it blow up to 100. There’s four times my bitcoin. I buy half of bitcoins worth here. I end up with two bitcoins here. So you just buy it up and sell it. Just buy and sell, buy and sell these things. These aren’t coins to be held for the long term. They’re just nice, easy trading coins. I like to look at it right now. Something is going on here. There’s looks like there’s quite a lot of accumulation. You can see this level is just squeezing and squeezing and squeezing. So afraid to go to my let’s set here for Dogecoin. I’m just waiting on this now and then I can put in some Bitcoin and hopefully see this thing blow up. So that’s my take on the Bitcoin halving. As you can see, I’m not as interested in the halving itself, but the opportunities that are potentially presenting themselves. I don’t have to be patient, set my alert and then wait for these cryptos to get to that point that I’m waiting for. Buy them up and away we go. Now, if you’re looking for something easy to get into these with, I have a link down below for a company called Crypto Dot Com. I use them often and also get interest on my cryptos with them. Go and check them out. Use the link. You get 50 U.S. dollars if you sign up and purchase 50 of their tokens. I think the company is great as well. I wouldn’t just mention it if I didn’t think they were good. The easy thing with these guys is that you can just buy straight from your bank account into their wallets. I have an online Apple wallet. You can also buy with your credit card. Not that I’m suggesting that you go out and get into debt for these things, but it’s an easy way to get into the market, especially now because they have zero credit card fees yet and the limits are quite high and get quite a fair bit of crypto from the credit card. Of course, you can still do with your bank account transfer across so many free things with it. I can’t get Spotify on it. Netflix and depending on which level of card you have. So what I’m talking about is a debit card. You can actually go out and spend your cryptocurrency in this shops depending on which level you’ve got. Then they also have other added benefits, like an airport lounges when of course, the airports are open. Don’t check out that link Downbelow. They’re fantastic to get into the markets early with you. Can some use out of the video? Be sure to lock it down below. Subscribe hit the bell notification icon so that you can stay up to date when I post new videos. About what crypto watch list? Personal finance. And of course, property market cycles. So everything finance related. Right here. Stick around. I think you’re going to have a really prosperous few years ahead of us. So, yeah, get get ready. Get set. Comments, questions. Hit me up in the comments section down below. Otherwise, I’ll see you at my next video and also on Facebook and Instagram. I’ve said enough. I’ll see you guys at the next video member. Until then, have more fun to get more done.
Via https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-halving-cryptos-to-buy-after/
source https://cryptosharks.weebly.com/blog/bitcoin-halving-2020-best-cryptos-to-buy-after-explained
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cryptosharks1 · 4 years
Bitcoin Halving 2020: Best Cryptos To BUY AFTER! [Explained]
The biggest event on the Bitcoin calendar is happening this year. And, of course, it is the Bitcoin harvest. They’re going to run through the fundamental quite quickly because I see them pretty much everywhere across many of the videos. Personally, I don’t use them as part of my assessment in where I think prices are going to go and how I’m going to invest. But I do understand the relevance of some of this fundamental news, even though I as I said, I don’t use it in my own trading. So let’s run through those fundamental points quite quickly now. And you would know them pretty well as being through the bear story or the bull story. So let’s start with the bear stuff. And the bear stuff can be around minor capitulation. Essentially, what that means is that the miners who are mining Bitcoin will have to sell out of all of their bitcoin come time of the halving because they won’t have as much reward coming through when they do mine a block so full that it was just jargon. Basically what the halving is, is the reward of Bitcoin, which is mined every 10 minutes or so, is half from 12 and a half to six point to five. As of next week. This is an event that cause every four years, essentially, it’s put in place by the creators of Bitcoin to reduce the supply and hence reduce the inflation over time so that the asset in theory become more valuable. So the best story with the minor capitulation is that these smaller miners, or at least the miners, which are inefficient at mining Bitcoin because they have to use electricity, will have to sell out of their bitcoin. Come the time of the halving. And that could cause price pressure to be dumped. The flip side to this is that it’s possible that these miners have capitulated. Back in March when we saw the huge pandemic virus drop in all of the markets and of course, in Bitcoin where we went from somewhere in seven and a half thousand to three thousand eight hundred in a matter of a day, that could have caused the event to my thoughts one day, wouldn’t have stopped these guys from mining Bitcoin. Maybe they turn the machines off for a couple of days because within a few weeks we’re all the way back up. And more past that point, we’re sitting around nine thousand two hundred U.S. dollars per Bitcoin. So I don’t think that event would have caused these guys to dump all of their coins. That’s why I don’t think it’s going to be such an issue come time of having either. If I need to, they can turn it off for a few days, come back to it, see what’s going on with the price. Right. It’s not like I haven’t done this before, but of course, that is one of the stories with the hobby bull scenario is pretty simple. It’s basically that the supply is dropping essentially by 50 per cent and people are assuming that the demand will remain the same or increase, which, you know, if we understand supply and demand dropping and supply same level of demand or potentially a little more should increase the price. That’s the bull case. There are a lot of different stories around technical analysis. We can look back on the charts and pick a best SANAYA and a bull scenario, and you can do that for 2016. Having the 2012 halving, you can do that for the time period between the Hardings, the time period between the lows and the halving. You get the point right. We can just pick any top and bottom and bring it to the point of the halving and say, well, because this happened four years ago, maybe it’s going to happen again. I’m not gonna bore you with that because I think there are better possibilities out there than trying to pick when is the best time to buy Bitcoin. If enjoying all the same changes, women hit the like button down below and subscribe. There are quite a few of you which watch these videos and haven’t subscribed yet, so be sure to hit that helps out the channel, helps push the videos through to a wider audience out there in the YouTube land. So the bitcoin halving and what’s going to happen with the price is not my main focus here. My main focus is looking at old coins and the potential for a massive fall in them, which could be a great buying opportunity. And to show you this. I’ll jump over to a few charts. Let’s have a look at what I was talking about there. We can pretty much pick any time line period throughout Bitcoin’s history and given a bull case or a bear case. And these are just some of the tweets that I’d picked out over the years that have come up. This one was from twenty nineteen. What can we expect? And it looks like with this little blue circle up here. Well, the blue square sorry, with the bitcoin symbol in it that they’re looking at one hundred and forty thousand U.S. dollar bitcoin by the end of this next cycle will say next tweet is probably one of the closest ones. And they’re saying when the uptrend begins and they’ve picked a day of pretty much a year ago from now. Twenty seventh of May, that’s a start of the uptrend. So we’ve got hindsight to show us here in the actual start of the uptrend. I would call it the break of this accumulation area. And that break was in April. So not bad for, you know, there were probably a few months in advance on that. And if you’d bought in May at that point, you’d still be pretty damn happy with your purchases. But seeing as I were around five thousand to five thousand four hundred. So not bad. But we want to do better than that. And these will require some patients. This is a while. I’m playing it. You do with it what you will. I like the look of many of the larger. Wins and what I mean to start with is a theory. This is a theory versus the US dollar. And right now we’re just looking at the uptrend that’s just occurred. I think this may have a period of a bit of a pullback. I like the look of a theorem under one seventy. If it get on there, day 150 is the best. That’s ASIC. You know, pick up everything that I can. But under 170, I don’t need to be graded. What I’m looking at here is these old coins. First Bitcoin shot. So these old coins could go up in US dollar value. Because Bitcoin rises or if Bitcoin rises. Right. And, you know, we don’t happen to jump on it or we want to wait for a better opportunity, something that has a bigger return than what Bitcoin may have. And we know that these old coins can have a much bigger return than Bitcoin because they have a smaller market cap and price moves a lot more. The smaller the market cap is, the flip side is that it is higher risk. So with higher risk, we’re looking for a higher reward to repay this risk. But of course, the risk is there and it could end up that they don’t end up booming like we expect them to. So with that said, that’s why I would still be positioning myself across multiple, of course, having some Bitcoin in there as well to balance out this portfolio. Should we see another 50 percent drop in the price of these old coins? So what I’m seeing here on many of them is they are looking like they are about to have a fall against their Bitcoin value, which means that their USD value may remain the same or may slightly increase depending on how fast they decrease against Bitcoin. Why I think this is a good thing is that I think there’s still a possibility to get into different all coins to make a return. So it’s kind of playing a much higher, riskier game because we say, well, we’ve missed the Bitcoin boat. Let’s move on to something else. That’s a very risky game to play. And you need to be aware of that and have your own strategy in play. I don’t see it as that risky because I like the fundamentals of something like a theorem. And I also like it technically as well. We get a low, high, low, another high or low. But this is a lower talk. So this is starting to get into a bit of a squeeze and it may fall away from that. I don’t know. But overall, it’s stronger than something like Bitcoin cash. And we can see how bitcoin cash it is coming back to the old levels. And that’s at around point 025 of a Bitcoin. And this looks like it may break through these lows. It may support it and bounce right back. Obviously, we don’t know. So this is where I would have my level seen. And I’ve got my watch list. I have my alerts. You can see here the little dark blue. That’s where my alert to set. And so when that happens, when that price reaches that point, I’ll get an email notification and then I’ll set me up to go and do what I need to do in this case for Bitcoin cash. I’m just watching it like I want to see that the bottom has formed and that we’re going to go in the opposite direction. Now, I’m not expecting to be able to catch something like this where it just hit a low and then reversed all the way up. Sometimes that happens. But what I am looking for is something like this. And then catching a longer ride like that. Right. So that’s a doubling of our bitcoin value. So that’s where I see the potential in a lot of these old coins. Let’s move across to DSV and BSOD Bitcoin Satoshi Vision. This looks even stronger than Bitcoin cash. I don’t know why I don’t look at the fundamentals. I just focus on the technical analysis. And what I can see here is a low Hielo, nother Hielo, nother high or low. And what I’m waiting to see is what happens from this point now? Do we retest this Grine line on the way up? Do we break through it and bounce back? Do we brag to it and the coin dies out and we don’t come back from it? That’s a possibility. Right. But I think this is going to come down, probably test this line here, maybe go in and eigth it and then come back up. This is another one on my watch list. I need to put some alerts on here. We are one five. Right. So I think that’s a pretty cool level psychologically. That’s a nice round, easy number for people to think of. Plus, they’re just so here. It’s old tops is like old bottoms here. But then there’s an old top just in here and here and here and here before the breakout. So it’s just another great psychological level and technical level. That’s where I’ve got my alert. So let’s get set that up now. Set. Boom. That’s it. I’ll get an e-mail when that happens. If that happens, of course. If you’re enjoying my crypto watch so far to hit the like button and subscribe. Many of you haven’t subscribed already. Love to see you at the next video. Just a quick reminder. Let’s keep going with the watch list. Next one Ripple and Ripple was one of the darlings, and it probably still is with a lot of newbies because the price of the coin is quite low. Doesn’t mean that it is something that should boom. We understand market caps, which I’m sure many my viewers do. So it’s ripple again. We can see it’s hitting its lows that it touched on mid last year, mid to late last year. And then the lows again and again. And we’re just about broken through all of them. And that could lead us to a nice little hefty drop to fifteen hundred sets, possibly even to low point of around. Hundred. That’s something to look out for. Let’s throw in some alerts. I am going to be alerted when this breaks through a nice so-called psychological number of 2000 sets set. And then I’m going to set another one for fifteen hundred and then another one for 700, because I want to get in just before it hits those extra lows. So that’s fine. They’re 700. That’s enough for me on REPL set and forget second, last is like coin and like coin is having an absolute struggle street time against bitcoin. This is I mean this time here, this was when it was going crazy and this was because of it’s having like coins hopping. Look what’s happened since the halving. It’s more than halved in its own price. A lot of people were buying at these periods expecting the price go higher because, like, Coin had its own hobby. Right. They have lost out big time against Bitcoin. So unfortunately, for a lot coin holders, that’s not a good story. Plus, it looks like it’s got a lot further to go. And we could see it come back and test these laws that point 003 of a Bitcoin. I’d just like to keep track and keep a pulse on it. See what the temperature is like of the market that keeps you abreast of everything else. The last one I want to look at is Dogecoin. Now, this one I did quite well on in the previous bull run. All we had to do was sit around, buy up the lows in these ranges here below 30 cents. Wait for it to boom, set your alerts and sell. It was that simple. Look at this chart. Right. You just see lows, highs, similar ish levels. If you don’t make the lows, like if you don’t if it doesn’t make it to your level of 30 sets, it really pulls up, say, like here. Big deal. Okay. We’ve got to wait another year or so. I’m okay with that because these multiples are pretty cool, right? I could get it around 25 cents. Watch it blow up to 100. There’s four times my bitcoin. I buy half of bitcoins worth here. I end up with two bitcoins here. So you just buy it up and sell it. Just buy and sell, buy and sell these things. These aren’t coins to be held for the long term. They’re just nice, easy trading coins. I like to look at it right now. Something is going on here. There’s looks like there’s quite a lot of accumulation. You can see this level is just squeezing and squeezing and squeezing. So afraid to go to my let’s set here for Dogecoin. I’m just waiting on this now and then I can put in some Bitcoin and hopefully see this thing blow up. So that’s my take on the Bitcoin halving. As you can see, I’m not as interested in the halving itself, but the opportunities that are potentially presenting themselves. I don’t have to be patient, set my alert and then wait for these cryptos to get to that point that I’m waiting for. Buy them up and away we go. Now, if you’re looking for something easy to get into these with, I have a link down below for a company called Crypto Dot Com. I use them often and also get interest on my cryptos with them. Go and check them out. Use the link. You get 50 U.S. dollars if you sign up and purchase 50 of their tokens. I think the company is great as well. I wouldn’t just mention it if I didn’t think they were good. The easy thing with these guys is that you can just buy straight from your bank account into their wallets. I have an online Apple wallet. You can also buy with your credit card. Not that I’m suggesting that you go out and get into debt for these things, but it’s an easy way to get into the market, especially now because they have zero credit card fees yet and the limits are quite high and get quite a fair bit of crypto from the credit card. Of course, you can still do with your bank account transfer across so many free things with it. I can’t get Spotify on it. Netflix and depending on which level of card you have. So what I’m talking about is a debit card. You can actually go out and spend your cryptocurrency in this shops depending on which level you’ve got. Then they also have other added benefits, like an airport lounges when of course, the airports are open. Don’t check out that link Downbelow. They’re fantastic to get into the markets early with you. Can some use out of the video? Be sure to lock it down below. Subscribe hit the bell notification icon so that you can stay up to date when I post new videos. About what crypto watch list? Personal finance. And of course, property market cycles. So everything finance related. Right here. Stick around. I think you’re going to have a really prosperous few years ahead of us. So, yeah, get get ready. Get set. Comments, questions. Hit me up in the comments section down below. Otherwise, I’ll see you at my next video and also on Facebook and Instagram. I’ve said enough. I’ll see you guys at the next video member. Until then, have more fun to get more done.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/bitcoin-halving-cryptos-to-buy-after/
0 notes