#my most intense arkham knight thoughts always come in the middle of the night when i’m trying to fall asleep
roseworth · 2 years
crying and throwing up thinking about the moment in arkham knight where bruce finds out jason is tracking him after scarecrow kidnaps him and says “i knew he would come” because !!!!!!!!! oh my god! literally bruce has less than 0 reason to believe jason would follow him at all, let alone save his life but he still believes in him anyways :(!!! he knew that jason would come to save him because he knew jason!!!! and knew that everything that made him robin was still inside him!!!! fuck! after everything that happened bruce still knew jason would come to save him based on literally ONE encounter with him and he was fuxking RIGHT!!!!!! oh my god
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imaginethatdc · 8 years
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You can read part one to this story here it is one of my earlier pieces of work so this will be much better and hopefully a good second part! 
In your short time working side by side with the Arkham Knight, you have been given a new uniform so that the others identify you as one of their own. You still have a hood and your mouthpiece to keep your identity hidden. It still feels weird being called Commander. You have never been one to lead people, you usually work alone. This one occasion is an exception because it is for a greater goal. Or at least, that’s what you keep telling yourself. The Arkham Knight hasn’t totally convinced you yet. 
Like you expected, Batman has arrived, it was only a matter of time. Which is why you prepared the militia beforehand, warning them that the Dark Knight was coming. You told them to stay calm and that Arkham Knight wanted him alive and under no circumstances should any lethal force be used. 
You rush your way to the backroom of the building where the Arkham Knight resides. Unannounced you burst into the room to alert him of Batman’s presence. To your surprise, he turns around with his tactical helmet open, exposing his face to you for the first time. He is around your age by the looks of things and has a very distinct and noticeable scar on his left cheek, just under his eye. It is the letter ‘J’ forever engraved onto his pale skin. His eyes stand out the most as they are a light shade of blue. In your head, you had a picture of what you thought he looked like under that mask, he is nothing like you expected. 
“Batman is here.” You finally speak, keeping your composure. “I split the force in half so that they can begin moving supplies to other bases around the city.” You then inform him and he simply nods in response. 
The way he looks at you is very intense, it doesn’t make you afraid of him, not even slightly. “He showed up earlier than I expected.” He pushes a button on the side of his helmet to close it back over, covering his face once again. It glows and flickers its usual blue and red lights. “Before we move out I would like a moment with him, tell the men to hold him in one of the cells. I don’t care how they do it.” His voice is dehumanised by his voice modulator. 
“Consider it done, I will personally make sure no harm comes to Batman in the process.” You say firmly before escorting yourself out of the room. 
You make sure the militia follow their orders and along with your help they managed to capture Batman. As soon as you see the tall man who dawns a black cape and cowl behind a glass cell you inform the Arkham Knight, who will make an appearance any second now. Batman’s cape covers his body which makes you awfully suspicious of him. He knows you are watching him carefully because the whites of his eyes follow as you pace across the room slowly with a gun in your hands. 
“Don’t take your eyes off of him.” You warn your team. “Put your hands where I can see them.” You make demands to which he eventually obligates. 
“You made a big mistake.” He threatens while keeping his hands in the air. 
“You’re just one man. Not even you can handle all of us.” You assert. “There is no stopping what is to come.”
“We’ll see about that.” He retorts. 
Before you can say another word you feel a hand on your shoulder to silence you. It is the Arkham Knight, his grip on you isn’t tight or rough, it is gentle. As if to say ‘you’ve done good, let me take over now’. So you step back, standing tall and straight. He walks towards the glass cell with his shoulders rolled back before coming to an abrupt stop, not getting too close just yet. 
“Who are you?” Batman demands to know the identity of his mysterious new enemy. It is surprising how he doesn’t already know, you thought he knew everything seeing that he is ‘the world’s greatest detective.’ 
“You don’t get to know that quite yet. All you need to know is I’m taking control of your city, it belongs to me now. Gotham will burn and I want to keep you alive just long enough to see it.” The Arkham Knight paces slowly, Batman’s eyes following him every step of the way. 
“I don’t know who you are but I will find out and you will be sorry for what you have done to my city.” He steps forward in his cell, just inches away from the glass that contains him. 
“Your city?” Arkham Knight looks over his shoulder to you and the rest of the team and scoffs and a few join in. “This is my city now.” He reaffirms, walking straight up to the glass, bashing it with his closed fists aggressively. “You want to know what the root of all evil is?” He places himself back in the middle of the room before pointing his finger. “You.” 
Batman has no response to that one. When you think about it, Arkham Knight has a point. Batman’s very presence creates conflict. You never thought about it like that before. Would Gotham be better off without him? It won’t matter after tonight. 
“You’re so predictable. Always protecting the weak and the innocent. It has always been about the mission for you. Tonight it all ends. It will be my eyes you look into when you die.” The Arkham Knight continues to speak and in that moment you realise that this is all very personal to him. Almost too personal, as if he knows the man underneath that cowl. You start to question his conviction.
“Not tonight.” Batman finally responds and in that moment your brow furrows knowing that he has something up his sleeve, you can tell by the look in his eyes.   
The batmobile comes crashing into the building and everyone scatters out of its way. It begins firing non-lethal rounds, breaking the glass that holds Batman in his cell. Before you can fire at him the Arkham Knight pulls you in by your shoulder and uses his grapnel gun to get you both out of there, leaving the militia to deal with Batman. 
He leads you onto the rooftops and starts running towards his helicopter. There’s no time to ask questions so you follow him and get into the aircraft in order to escape. In no time you are in the air and he sets course to another base of operations. The militia should buy the two of you enough time to lose Batman. 
You keep your mouth shut until the two of you are finally alone where no one could possibly hear. “What was that all about back there?! I thought you had things under control!” You raise your voice at him dangerously so. Who knows how he might retaliate you barely know the guy. 
“It’s Batman! It’s what he does.” He shouts back in frustration. This was not part of his plan. 
“What’s your deal with him anyway? Why do you hate him so much that you want him dead? If I knew this was some sort of personal vendetta I wouldn’t have agreed to this.” You remove your mouthpiece, letting it rest around your neck so that he can see your disapproval. 
“Let’s just say I’m a ghost of his past.” He brings his mask right up to your face, his voice chilling. “Surely you must have worked it out by now? Or do you need to see my face one more time?” He pushes the button to reveal his face once again. “Look at me. Do you know who did this?” 
Finally, you piece it all together in your mind, it all makes perfect sense. You don’t know how you didn’t think of it before, it was so obvious. Maybe you were just blinded by duty to see it. “You were Robin, weren’t you? Everyone thinks you’re dead, even the Bat. The Joker killed you but somehow you lived.” He lets out a laugh under his breath at your response, fully expecting you to not know who he was. 
“I did die that night.” His voice quakes despite his efforts to control it. “I will never be the same again after what he did to me... He broke me and filled me up with hate.”
“I’m sorry about what happened to you, really, I am. But I don’t think I can continue working with you, you’re too close to this. Trust me, I know what killing him will do to you.” You tell him of your doubts. 
“I know exactly what I’m doing. If you want to walk away no one’s going to stop you. I’ve gotten this far on my own.” He turns the other way so that you can’t see his eyes fill up with angry tears. 
“I think we both know that you need me. You say we’re partners but we don’t even know each other's names.” You shrug your shoulders when he looks over his shoulder. 
For a moment he is reluctant to reveal his secret identity but then decides that you have no one significant to tell. “Jason.” He turns back around slowly. 
“Y/n.” You step forward with an extended hand. “I will help you achieve what you want as long as you promise to have my back.”
“I have valued your efforts thus far, don’t let me down. As long as we’re partners I have your back, you have my word.” He firmly grips your hand as you make a pact, one which you are both happy to agree on. 
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