#i don’t overuse exclamation points i think i need to use them more!!!!!!!!!
roseworth · 2 years
crying and throwing up thinking about the moment in arkham knight where bruce finds out jason is tracking him after scarecrow kidnaps him and says “i knew he would come” because !!!!!!!!! oh my god! literally bruce has less than 0 reason to believe jason would follow him at all, let alone save his life but he still believes in him anyways :(!!! he knew that jason would come to save him because he knew jason!!!! and knew that everything that made him robin was still inside him!!!! fuck! after everything that happened bruce still knew jason would come to save him based on literally ONE encounter with him and he was fuxking RIGHT!!!!!! oh my god
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pagegirlintraining · 11 days
For the ask game:
♡ SMALL THINGS: pick a fic and I’ll tell you my favorite minor detail from it! (for DTL)
★ what was the scene you most wanted to write in [fic]? what was the hardest scene to write? (for OEAS)
✎ how do you think readers would guess a fic was yours if you posted anonymously?
Also that new profile pic is just rude and I love it.
Oooh, fun. Okay so a minor detail I love about DTL is the fact that I made Petra Mede host it and then got to fangirl when I realized in the middle of the ESC dress rehearsal (which she also hosted irl) that she was the person from my fic 😂 as for a more story related detail, it’s probably that I have Felice referring to Simon as “tiny dancer” at one point. It’s one of my all time favorite songs and fits so well at the same time. I just love sneaking little references like this in there 🥹
What was the scene you most wanted to write in OEAS:
100% the scene where they just got home from Wille’s gig and Wille tells Simon more about Erik and why he loves making music so much. The image of them listening to Wille’s favorite song with Simon curled up to Wille’s chest is what started that whole story. I particularly love how this part turned out:
“That’s beautiful, Wille.”
A huff and a shaky smile were Wille’s immediate reply. “You think so? It doesn’t just sound like a little rich boy trying to be poetic?”
“On second thought…”
That got a more steady, genuine chuckle out of Wille. “I had to go and ruin it, didn’t I?”
Simon joined in with his quiet laughter for a moment, then he shifted his expression back into something more serious and gave a shake of his head. “You didn’t ruin anything.”
And the way Wille’s face softened at that looked so unfairly pretty, and really, who was Simon kidding here? He wanted to kiss him. He wanted nothing more than to kiss him, gently and sweetly and with no ulterior motive but to comfort. To show his appreciation for Wille’s trust, his honesty. To make him feel the things Simon himself was still too stubborn to put into words. So he did.
What was the hardest scene to write for OEAS?
Probably the confrontational scene where Simon wants to finally confess his feelings and doesn’t know Wille has overheard him and Henry the other day.
“I wrote you a song!”
The sudden exclamation was caused by the sheer desperation Simon felt climbing up his insides, but either way, it got Wille to stop. When he slowly turned around, he’d finally taken off his sunglasses. And the look he fixed Simon with out of puffy, red-rimmed eyes was unlike anything he’d ever seen on him. There was sadness there, pain, betrayal. But above all, there was a deep, dizzying anger.
“I don’t know what kind of game you’re trying to play here, I really don’t,” he said, voice almost dangerously quiet as he slowly stepped toward Simon. “I get it, I should’ve believed you when you said we were just hooking up, that it didn’t change anything. That’s on me. But this? This is…cruel.”
Miscommunication is surprisingly hard for me to write, mostly because I want to shake them the whole time because they’re being stupid. I mean, come on, Wille! You just need to listen for two minutes and it’ll all be fine🙈
And finally, how do you think readers would guess a fic was yours if you posted anonymously ?
Well first of, anything dance related or using (especially Swedish) song lyrics as plot devices might tip people off 😂 if we’re talking more about style of writing though, I blatantly overuse the word “utterly”. I just love it so much, the sound of it, the gravitas it holds… and now I kinda hate that I’m shining a spotlight on it because I’m a bit scared it’ll feel out of place now. But hey, I’ve already typed all this and it is a really great word so…
Thank you so much for the great ask, Jo 💜 and that whole entire weekend was rude and I loved it so much
Feel free to send me more of these asks, the list is here.
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yandere-sins · 3 years
(tumblr might eat this ask but let's give it a shot lol) its so awesome that you added bsd! could I request general hcs for yandere mafia! dazai? nsfw is ok if you wanna write that in too!
Thanks for the request! It arrived safely, no worries ^^
»»———————— ♡ ————————««   
♡ There never was a time his darling had it easy with him. You went through every stage of his life with him, only to find that he might have changed over time, but not for the better. Where there was no purpose in living for him before, you became the sole purpose for him. Even if his suicide thoughts, the violence, and the failed escapes scared you, it never kept Dazai away from invading every inch of your being. He always left you with something that would occupy your mind as much with him as his mind was occupied with you, even if he wasn’t physically tending to you. But even just the ropes he tied you up with, much too tightly to move without causing your skin to tear, made you curse him all day until he returned to your side grinning—both of you knowing you’d never get rid of him.
♡ His time in the mafia causes terrifying emotions in him, and you are a convenient punch back waiting for him unwillingly. Some days he just stares at you. For hours. He’d do it for days if he didn’t have a sense of duty tingling inside of him still. Other days, he gets physical. Crying into your shoulder as his hands roam, asking questions you can’t answer—don’t want to answer. Slaps to your face, cuts on your body. Nails that dig too deep for them to not draw blood out of you. Bones he broke just to hear the sound of them breaking. Others he broke so you wouldn’t use them anymore for acts he should punish, but Dazai denies that he’d ever punish you. Not you. Oh, not you. You saw countless people who patched you up after he roughed up your body, but you never saw them twice, and you don’t think anyone ever saw them after they treated you. Dazai confessed to killing one or two, but at that point, you were already desensitized by his tales of murder and slaughter. And yet, he’d pinch you to get a reaction from you, your flinches and shudders being his lullaby that made him sigh happily. In his arms, you were the most alive thing he ever felt, seeking your pulse as if it was his own.
♡ There’s a lot of time to think. Tied up and unable to move, speak, or see much in the dark room, all you have until Dazai comes back are your own thoughts to keep you company. Terrible, terrible company. You don’t question his feelings; perhaps you can even acknowledge them. Dazai is just really bad at the whole ‘being in a relationship’, but he actually loves you. “I love you” is an overused phrase with little meaning to you now, but you hear it every day. It’s a weakness to admit, Dazai jokes, but you are his weakness. You think so too. Otherwise, it would make no sense that he didn’t kill you yet. Threatened you, sure. Beat you up in a fit of loving, enthusiastic, maniacally rage, yes. But his hand never snapped your neck, there was never a knife at your throat or hovering over your chest, and aside from using sleeping pills and drugs on you, he was meticulously to use the correct dosage. He must love you so damn much. Because the threats of suicides are just that: threats. Even if you wished he’d disappear, he doesn’t leave you, coming home wet, bloody, absolutely disgusting. But he’s there with you, laying by your side and holding your cheek with his filthy hands, a smile on his face as he caresses you lovingly after yet another long, harsh day for both of you.
♡ Despite it all, you don’t believe that you bring him much comfort. Perhaps, the thought of caring for you was intended to make himself feel better or make him believe there was some purpose in his life after all—namely, you. But the way he fucks you almost makes you feel like he hates you as he swears his love to you. “You’re beautiful! Amazing! Stunning!” His thrilled exclamations are hard to believe when your body is too full of drugs to move, his hand pressing his full weight onto your head and into the floor. At this stage of the night, Dazai wants nothing more than use you for his sick pleasure. For desire that he didn’t get to live out throughout the day, he must have the upper hand on something now. He’s so clever. A strategist, cunning, sly. A methodical mastermind. But his plans sometimes needed time. Time that he needs to fill with other things that would give him the same height he experiences from successfully fulfilling a master plan. It makes him into a narcissistic asshole who comes first, pumping his hot mess into you, similar to how one would use a sex doll.
♡ But he loves you. That’s the one thing he assures over and over, gripping you by your hair and elbow and pulling you back on his lap. Dazai leaves a trail of soft kisses along your spine as he tugs at both your arms, causing you to slip back onto his cock. If you weren’t so out of it already, you would have been impaled on him, unable to move out of the position. “Sing for me,” he demands sweetly, guiding you to grind your hips with his. He’s too clever than to rob you from your ability to speak, or really, less speak, but utter moans that praise him. You come to hate his ability to make you so willing, yet, adore him that he takes the time to make you cum despite it all. Sure, Dazai could have stopped after finishing. He had no reason to get you off other than that he wanted to. Yes, he wanted to hear you groan your sounds of pleasure, feel you squeeze his shaft inside of you, touch you all around your body and have his fingers melt into your skin. The answer to the question of the why? comes to you much later after he puts you down, cuddling your body instead of a blanket and sighing into your shoulder.
♡ Sex makes Dazai feel alive. Even if just for a little, perhaps just until his orgasm. He might be able to take a few more minutes of the height by making you squirm and writhe in his arms; feel your body, hear your voice. Touching you, caressing you, it’s not your satisfaction—it’s his. And he loves you, yes, because you make him feel something he can’t feel on his own. No matter where, when, how, you make him feel alive, but when he takes you like a lover would his partner, that’s when you two brim with life. Dazai loves you for it. Loves every calling of his name, the stutter in your moans. The way you taste, smell, and sound when he takes you to be his. No other man alive touches you, looks at you the same way he does. You are all his and consuming you is just another way of loving you. He’ll go down on you, top you, make you top him, anything. Dazai wants to know it all, even if he needs to drug you when you are unwilling. He’ll be your guide just so you can be his sun in the endless darkness of his soul. And you are just grateful for how many times he makes you come in one night, sending you to the little bit of heaven that you will never reach as long as you are with him.
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
Better Left Unsaid
Pairing: Deaf!Peter Parker x Reader
Requested by @peterspeaches
Synopsis: you ask Peter to tutor you in sign language 
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Peter looked up when he felt someone bump into his table in the library, finding you standing there with a sheepish look on your face. You steadied the wobbling table with your hand and smiled nervously at him, giving him a small wave to greet him. Peter felt his face flush all the way to the tips of his ears at the unexpected encounter, forcing himself to wave back before he came off as weird. You seemed to relax at his greeting and sat down, fishing in your bag for a piece of paper. You slid the paper across the table for Peter, who looked up at you in confusion. You nodded, as if you give him permission, and he opened it.
“You’re Peter right?” Was written in blue ink in your handwritten. Peter looked up at you and nodded eagerly, pleasantly surprised you knew his name.
“Um.” You bit your lip and hesitantly looked down at your hands before showing him what you’d been practicing.
“Hi. My name is Y/n. I have a question.” You slowly and a little poorly signed to Peter. His eyes lit up when he realizes you were signing to him, something no one in the school had ever done. He chuckled a little at the determined look on your face and smiled in approval.
“What’s your question?” He signed back. You concentrated on his hands as they moved, smiling in excitement when you understood.
“You just asked me what my question was. Okay! This is going better than I thought. Um, I’m gonna write it.” You pointed to the piece of paper before taking it back. Peter watched you as you wrote him a whole paragraph before sliding the paper back over.
“My dad is has been dating this woman for a few years and I think he wants to propose. She has a 7 year old son but he’s deaf so we haven’t been able to bond all that well. I think my dads is hesitant to propose because he thinks I don’t get along with her son. I was hoping you could teach me some sign language?”
Peter read the note a few times to fully understand it while you watched him nervously. You suddenly grabbed the palate back and wrote something else before returning it to him.
“Please.” You had added, making Peter laugh. Peter took your pen and wrote down his answer, turning the paper around so you could read it.
“I would love to help you.” He had written. Your eyes lit up as you looked up at him with a smile.
“Really? Thank you so much! I mean.…” You stopped speaking and signed what you had said, remembering that Peter was deaf.
“You’re welcome.” He signed back.
“You’re welcome! I knew that one!” You exclaimed, getting shushed by the people around you. You and Peter exchanged a look before silently laughing. You wrote something else down and slid the paper to Peter for him to read.
“Could I have your number?”
Peter’s heart stopped momentarily as the girl he’d been pinning after for the better part of four years asked for his number. He quickly scribbled it down and shoved the paper in your direction, making you laugh at his eagerness. Your eyes darted back and forth from the paper to your phone as you typed in his number, sending him a quick text once it was in.
“I’m so excited for this.” An unknown number appeared on his screen. He looked up at you and smiled before texting back.
“Me too. When do you want to start?”
“Is tomorrow after school okay? We could meet right here.” You sent.
“That’s good. I’ll see you then.” He wrote back and looked up at you.
“Thank you, Peter. I love you.” You signed. He tilted his head in confusion and laughed a little, making you pout.
“Sorry. I don’t know that many phrases yet.” You texted him before getting up. Your reasoning made sense and he found it incredibly endeared as he signed goodbye to you.
“Bye!” You waved at him before leaving the library, both of you going back to your day with a satisfied smile.
“Hi, Peter. How was your day?” You signed one of the few phrases you knew as you sat across from him in the library the next day. Peter signed back something that to your surprise, you actually understood.
“Good?” You mimicked his movement and he nodded. “Me too.”
“Are you ready to start?” He texted you and you nodded.
“What’s the sons name?” He wrote.
“Levi.” You sent back.
“Follow my lead.”
You looked up from your phone and focused all your attention on Peter. He let out a nervous breath now that he had the complete attention of the girl he liked and feigned a smile.
“Hi Levi.” He sighed, spelling out the name with single letters.
“Hi Levi.” You followed his movements.
“Wanna play with me?” Peter continued.
“Wanna play with me?” You repeated Peter’s actions and looked at him for approval. “
Is that right?” You quickly texted and he gave you a thumbs up.
“Cool! What did we say?” You sent. Peter explained what you had said and watched you make a mental note of it.
“Okay. He really likes those little matchbox cars. How do I ask which one is his favorite?” You texted him and looked up for answers. Peter signed the phrase, watching you slowly lose your understanding.
“Sorry, could you do that again?” You texted him. He signed it again and you slowly followed along, doing it over and over until you got it.
“Which car is your favorite?” You signed. “Did I say that right?”
Peter read your text and gave you another thumbs up.
“I did?” You said out loud then remembered he couldn’t hear you. “Eee I’m so excited. I can’t wait to show him.” You texted. Peter smiled at you before motioning that he was going to continue.
“How was school?” He signed. You followed along and got this phrase pretty quickly.
“What does this mean?” You repeated the sign for “school” as you slightly recognized the phrase. Peter texted you the answer and you signed it again.
“School. Got it. How was school?” You mumbled to yourself as you practiced the phrase.
“Perfect.” Peter texted. “Now try this.”
“Need any help with your home work?” Peter signed another phrase he thought you might find useful.
“Need any help with home work?” You signed back before picking up your phone. “What does that means?”
Peter texted you a response and you sighed in content.
“This is so great, Peter. Thank you so much for helping me.” You texted him before signing “thank you”.
“No problem.” He signed back. You smiled brightly at him before texting back.
“Can we go over them again?”
That night, Peter was deep into his Calculus homework when he saw your name light up on his screen.
“Levi came over for dinner and I helped him with his homework! He was so excited when I started signing to him! Thank you so much!” You wrote. Peter smiled happily at your message, loving your overuse of exclamation points.
“I’m happy to help. When do you want to meet next?” He asked.
“Can we do every Tuesday and Thursday? I know marching band is on Monday’s and Wednesdays.” You sent.
“Not that I’m stalking you.” You followed up, and Peter laughed.
“Sure. I’ll see you on Thursday.”
You saw Peter sitting alone at lunch the next day, as you often did. Instead of walking past him and heading to your friends table, you placed your lunch bag next to him and took a seat. He looked up at you in surprise and closed his textbook, waving shyly at you as you smiled.
“Hi.” You signed.
“Hi.” He signed back. You put a note on his textbook and tapped it twice, signaling for him to read it.
“Do you mind if I sit here?” It read, making him look up at you and nod. You took a seat next to him and fished a pen out of your bag before writing something down.
“I want to show you something.” Peter read off the note. Peter looked at you expectingly while you gave him a shy smile.
“You look nice today.” You signed, eagerly waiting for his reaction. Peter smiled at you and clapped his hands before signing “thank you.” You beamed signed “you’re welcome.”
Peter took out his phone and sent you a text, patiently waiting for the days when you no longer needed to communicate that way.
“Good job. Do you have another tutor?” He teased, hoping you’d get the joke over text. The smile on your face told him you did as you texted him back.
“I wanted to surprise you with the phrase so I looked it up. I’ve been practicing all day.” You sent.
“You did a good job with it. I’m proud.” He sent back and applauded you again. Your heart melted at the proud look in his eye, something you hoped you’d see a lot of.
“Thank you.” You giddily signed.
Peter’s phone buzzed suddenly and he picked it up, seeing a text from his conductor that band practice was cancelled for the day. He made a face, which lead to you making a face, so he showed you his phone to help you understand.
“It’s cancelled?” You asked audibly, but he read your lips. He got an idea now that his after noon was free and brought your attention back to him.
“Do you want to come over after school?” He signed. You furrowed yourself eyebrows before picking up your phone to text him.
“All I understand was “school”. Can you do it again?” You asked. Peter repeated the motion before texting you what it meant. Your eyes lit up as you nodded at him.
“Oh, sure. Watch this.” You sent, making him look up at you.
“Where do you live?” You signed. Peter chuckled and texted you his address, as well as his plan for the evening.
“I’ll meet you at your locker after and we can walk. I want to teach you some of the basics before you learn any more phrases.”
“Sounds good.” You signed another phrase you knew. You and Peter sat there smiling shyly at each other for a moment before he realized why you sat there in the first place.
“Did you want to practice now?” He texted you, but you shook your head.
“No. I just wanted to sit with you.” You wrote back, causing his heart to skip a beat.
“Good. Because I really like you.” He signed, knowing you wouldn’t understand him. Your face twisted in confusion as you tried to make sense of his movements.
“What does that mean?” You texted him.
“It means you can sit with me whenever you want.” He lied.
“Thanks. I’ll probably sit here a lot because I really like you.” You laughed at the admission as you said it out loud. He couldn’t read your lips fast enough and didn’t understand what you had said. He pointed to his phone, silently asking you to text it.
“Nothing.” You wrote. “Do you want a carrot?”
You sat on Peter’s bed two months later with a whiteboard and dry erase marker that you’d been passing back and forth. It was your temporary system of communication until you got better at sign language.
“Can I ask you something?” You wrote and showed him the board. He smirked and took the marker, writing a sarcastic message under yours. You looked at the board and made a face at him.
“You just did.” It read.
“Very funny.” You signed before picking up the board.
“Why are you in matching band if you can’t hear the music?”
“Because I can feel it. Watch.” He answered your message with his own before picking up his drumsticks. He hesitantly took your hand and pulled you over to his drum set, placing your hand on the barrel of the drum before sitting down. He played a fast, loud beat that reverberated in your chest. A smile tugged at your lips when you understood what he meant by feeling the music. Peter got up and grabbed the whiteboard, writing a message down and turning it to show you.
“You feel that?” It asked, and you nodded.
“I feel a lot of things for you, actually.” You said, but he didn’t hear.
“What was that?” He signed in confusion.
“Nothing.” You signed back. Peter gave you a funny look but dropped the subject as you began to look around his room.
“You have so many movies. Which ones your favorite?” You looked at him and signed. Peter pulled out a Star Wards movie from his collection and handed it to you.
“Really? Aren’t action movies really loud though?” You wrote on the board, not knowing how to say all that in ASL.
“Subtitles exist, sweetheart.” He signed to you.
“What was that last part? You better not have called me a mean name.” You signed back and stuck your tongue out. Peter just shrugged and pretended to whistle.
“Peter Parker. What did you call me? I demand to know.” You signed again, making a false angry face at him. Peter shut his eyes so he couldn’t see you, making you shove him playfully.
“Do not close your eyes when I’m speaking to you!” You wrote on the board and shoved it in his face. Peter’s body shook as he laughed at his own joke, making you laugh as well before sticking up the middle finger at him.
“See? I already knew that one. I didn’t need you to teach me.” You wrote and flipped your hair.
“I called you sweetheart, which is what I would call you all the time of you were my girlfriend. But you’re not my girlfriend because I’m too scared to ask you to be and don’t want the possible rejection to ruin our friendship. That doesn’t stop me from being hopelessly in love with you though.” Peter signed his true feelings. You tilted your head as you tried to follow along, but lost him almost right away.
“What did you say? All I read was “you”.” You wrote down.
“I said you’re gonna have to study more if you want to keep up with the master.” He wrote under your message.
“We study every day. I’m basically fluent. Try me.” You signed to him with a poised look.
“I am so in love with you it hurts.” Peter signed to challenge you. You grimaced and grabbed the board again.
“You are having a heart attack?” You asked, not having understood what he said. Peter laughed sadly and shook his head at you, wondering when you’d finally understand him. He took the board from you and wrote his own message, deciding to drop the subject.
“Sure. Let’s go over homophones again.”
“I absolutely hate homophones. We have been doing them for two weeks and I’m sick of it. You’re lucky I’m absolutely in love with you, you idiot.” You told him after reading his message. Once again, he failed to read your lips and was left in the dark.
“What was that?” He sighed and you waved your hand in dismissal.
“I called you an idiot. Now teach me some signs.”
6 months later
“Hey Peter.” You signed as you approached Peter at his locker. “Guess what?”
“What? You finally decided to give me my shirt back?” Peter signed before tugging on his own shirt that you were wearing. You had stolen it the previous week after a particularly long lesson.
“Nope! Even better. I found a ring in my dads dresser!” You signed excitedly.
“Wow, really? How did you find it?” Peter wondered.
“I accidentally found it in his sock drawer when I was looking for a ring!” You signed in response after taking a minute to comprehend what Peter had said.
“So he’s proposing?” He asked.
“Yes! He has a dinner planned for this Friday night and he’s doing it then.” You slowly signed the longer phrase, messing and mixing up a few words along the way.
“How do you know?”
“I asked him when he was doing it.” You signed and made a “duh” face. Peter gave you a knowing look for snooping through your dads belongings but you just rolled your eyes.
“Don’t look at me like that. I’m just excited.” You signed and slung an arm around his shoulders. You began to walk towards class like that, ignoring looks from the students around you.
“I’m happy for him. And I’m happy for you.” Peter signed with a proud smile. You smiled back before pulling out a note you had written him, knowing you wouldn’t be able to sign it all.
“I wanted to ask you to be my date to the dinner. Her whole family is gonna be there and my dads side will be there too.”
Peter looked up from the note with a hopeful expressing as you bounced on your toes.
“You want me there with your family?” He signed and you nodded eagerly.
“You are my family, Peter.” You sighed back. “You’re basically the reason this is happening.”
“Your dad is not proposing because of me. He doesn’t even know me.” He signed with a skeptical face.
“Yes he does.” You rolled your eyes as you signed. “I talk about you all the time, dummy.”
“Well I sign about you all the time to May.” Peter responded, making you laugh loudly.
“Is that a yes to dinner? You know, since you’re so obsessed with me.” You signed with a hopeful look in your eyes.
“Yes. I will be your date.” He sighed back with a smile. You threw your arms around him and hugged him tightly to say thank you and kissed his cheek.
“Thank you!” You signed. “I’ll text you the details.”
Peter stood next to you at your dads dinner in the one nice shirt he owned and pants that were just a bit too big. You stood next to him in a short black dress, nervously chewing your lip as you looked around the room.
“That’s Levi.” You signed and pointed to the boy. “And that’s my soon to be step mom.”
The pair spotted you and waved, immediately making their way over to you and Peter.
“They’re coming. Be normal.” You quickly signed before plastering on a smile.
“Hey Levi! I like your bow tie. You look super cool.” You signed to Levi, and the young boy smiled.
“Thank you.” He signed back and hide behind his moms legs. Peter knew exactly how he was feeling and frowned. He knew what it was like to be in a loud room and not hear a thing, and how overwhelming it could get. He knelt down to Levi’s level and gave him a small smile to let him know it was okay as you began to talk to his mom.
“Hi Levi. My name is Peter.” He signed. “That’s a cool watch you have on.”
Levi looked down at his watch and smiled a toothless grin before looking back at Peter.
“Thank you. Do you like Star Wars?” He signed back, taking a cautious step away from his mother’s leg.
“I love it. What’s your favorite movie?” Peter asked.
“I like Revenge of the Sith.” Levi answered.
“No way! Me too!” Peter signed excitedly. “We should get Y/n to watch it with us sometime. She really likes spending time with you.”
“I like her too.” Levi signed, fully away from his moms leg now.
“You’re a cool dude. Us deaf kids have to stick to together. I’ll see you at dinner.” Peter signed before holding his fist out. Levi gave him a fist bump as a huge smile lit up his entire face.
“See you.” He signed before walking away with his mother. Peter got up and looked at you, giving you a smile shrug.
“Cool dude.” You signed to tease him as you raised your eyebrows playfully.
“Leave me alone. I don’t know how to talk to children.” He signed back.
“Clearly you do. I’ve never seen him smile that much.” You told him. “Thanks for being nice to him.”
“Excuse me, are you Peter?” Your soon to be step mom ran back up to you and signed to Peter. She had been so distracted by her conversation with you that she hadn’t noticed Peter and Levi. But after walking away and watching Levi happily sign about the nice deaf boy he met, she had to say something.
“Yes ma’am.” He signed back.
“I just wanted to thank you.” She have as an emotional smile. “My son doesn’t meet a lot of deaf people and that interaction meant a lot to him. Thank you.”
She pulled Peter into a tight hug and you heard the air leave his body. He looked at you for help and you just gave him a thumbs up.
“She’s a hugger.” You signed with a wicked smile.
“Okay. Sorry.” She signed and wiped a stray tear. “I’ll leave you two to it.”
Peter turned to you once he walked away, body still aching from the hug.
“She seems nice.” He signed, and he meant it.
“She is.” You signed back. “Come on, let’s go take a seat.”
Halfway into dinner, your dad tapped his glass with his fork and stood up. You tapped Peter’s shoulder and pointed to your dad before giving his hand and exciting squeeze.
“Hello everyone. I know it’s not a normal thing to make speeches at dinner, but this is important. As you all know, Sharon and I have been seeing each other for quite some time now.” Your dad took Sharon’s hand and looked around the room. As he spoke, you translated a majority of his speech so Peter and Levi could follow along. Peter was so enchanted by how far you’d come with your signing that he didn’t fine back into the speech until he heard-
“Yes!” Sharon exclaimed. “Yes, yes, yes!”
Everyone clapped except for you and Levi, who did the ASL version of clapping. Peter laughed at what you opted for and did the same, leaning into you endearingly.
“You know what this means, don’t you?” You sighed. Peter’s eyebrows knit together I’m confusion so you rolled your eyes.
“Now you have to be my date to the wedding.” You signed and his face heated up in a blush.
“I would love to.” He signed, taking your hand in his and kissing the back of it.
One month later
“Great job today.” Peter signed as he closed his ASL text book. “Your reading and pace is getting a lot better.”
He got up to put his textbook on his desk, but you grabbed his sleeve to keep him in place.
“Peter, wait.” You signed. “I’ve been practicing something behind your back.”
“Go ahead.” He signed as he sat back in his seat. You bit back a smile and hesitantly looked at your hands, trusting them and Peter’s tutoring to carry you through. You shyly looked up and Peter and began to sign.
“You’re my favorite person to talk to. I really love spending time with you. I feel like you’re the only person who really hears me, no pun intended.” You laughed nervously and he did too. “And so, I have a question for you.”
“What’s your question?” He signed with a smirk, remembering your first conversation.
“Um...” You mumbled and looked down at your hands again, squeezing your eyes shut for the next part.
“How do you say “kiss me” in sign language?” Your eyes fluttered open after you signed the rehearsed phrase, nervously waiting for Peter’s reaction. He tilted his head in confusion and signed it for you, too naive to understand why you were asking. Of course, you had googled how to say it so you could recognize it when he did it.
And you recognized it.
“Okay.” You signed back before leaning in and kissing him. You heard his breath hitch into his throat as a small sound emitted from the back of it. Peter’s eyes widened as his lips touched a girls for the first time. His instincts kicked in and he cupped your face in his hands, leaning closer to you to deepen it. You pulled away to gasp for air, laughing shyly as you rested your forehead against his.
“You’re my favorite person to talk to, too.” He signed before kissing you again.
You found Peter at his locker the next morning, eager to show Peter what you worked on once you went home the night before.
“I have to show you something. I’ve been practicing this all night.” You signed with an elated smile. Peter nodded, signaling for you to go ahead.
“Oh, wait. Almost forgot.” You signed before grabbing Peter’s face to kiss him. He smiled against your lips, deeply loving your new way of greeting each other. You pulled away and looked at your hands, mentally rehearsing the phrase before you showed him.
“Will you be my boyfriend?” You signed slowly and hesitantly as you looked at Peter. It took him a minute to register what you were trying to say, but once he did, he excitedly signed “yes.”
“Yes?” You asked and he signed it again. “He said yes! He said yes, everybody.” You cheered as you pulled him into a hug. He couldn’t tell what you were saying, but the ecstatic look on your face was enough. You kissed his cheek a few times before pulling away with a grin.
“You can’t hear but I’m yelling.” You signed, accompanied with a laugh.
“Shut up and kiss me.” Peter signed as he rolled his eyes at you.
“You shut up. You’re so loud.” You teased him before kissing him again.
1 year later
“You got this, sweetheart.” Peter signed as you got ready to deliver your speech at your dads wedding. As promised, he had come as your date. You had done a decent job of signing the vows to him, your speed and memorization improving every day. Now it was time for your speech and you and Peter had been practicing something special.
“And I believe my daughter has a few words.” You heard you dad say, snapping your attention away from Peter. He squeezed your hand for encouragement as you stood up, giving you a soft smile to relax you. You took a deep breath and looked out at the table, never letting go of Peter’s hand.
“Hello everyone.” You signed and spoke out loud at the same time for Peter and Levi’s sake. “My name is Y/n and I’m the daughter of the groom. I had some things I wanted to say to my old family and to my new family. Whew.” You laughed nervously and looked at Peter for courage. He kissed the back of your hands and held up a symbol he hadn’t taught you, but you already knew.
Middle finger and ring finger bent to touch the palm with pointer finger and pinky extended, the way to say “I love you” in sign language.
Peter telling you he loved you for the first time gave you the courage you needed to continue the speech. You spoke about your dad and Sharon for a while before turning your attention to Levi.
“And to Levi, I’m so happy you’re my brother.” You didn’t speak this part and only signed. “I can’t wait to see who you grow up to be because the person you are now is amazing. I promise that I’m going to try my hardest to be the best big sister you could ask for. As long as I’m here, you will always have someone who cares about you. Welcome to the family. I love you.”
Levi looked at you with the biggest smile, feeling empowered to know he wasn’t the one who didn’t understand what was being said anymore.
“I love you too. I’m glad you’re my sister.” He signed back, making you tear up. You thanked the guests and took your seat again, continuing the rest of the reception with content bliss.
Peter held your hand as you walked towards a gazebo that had been dawned with fairy lights, a popular place for photos during the night. You were both in need of a break from the dancing and the gazebo just so happened to be empty. Peter lead you inside and twirled you around, smiling as you rested your head on his chest. You began to slow dance to music that wasn’t there until you pulled away.
“That went so phenomenally well.” You signed to him. “When do things ever go to plan the way that just did?”
“I guess the universe is on our side.” He signed back with a smile.
“It must be, if it brought me to you.” You signed, tears of joy coming back to your eyes.
“I love you, sweetheart.” Peter signed, wanting to say it over and over now that he had gotten the first one out of the way.
“I love you more. I can’t wait to sign “I do” to you one day.” You signed, making Peter gasped. Your smile fell at his reaction and you realized that might have been too much too soon.
“Did I just ruin the moment and say too much?” You grimaced as you signed. Peter came back to his senses and shook his head before pulling you into a kiss. He wasn’t afraid of what you said, just taken aback by you taking the words right out of his mouth.
Or, well, you know what I mean.
“No.” He signed once he pulled away. “You said just enough.”
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sportyclown · 4 years
how sawamura, miyuki, yuki, and kuramochi text (friends + s/os)
will most likely do a part 2 with more boys at a later date! these got freakishly long because i am, at my core, a very mad. also might revisit as i get re-familiar with the characters, i just had this idea floating around in my head. also the way these got pro
sawamura eijun
no matter who he texts, it’s always extremely extra. not only does he always give more information than you asked for – ex. if you text him wya? he will give you a play by play of his entire route or something
 he also uses tons of emoticons. and yes I do mean emoticons, baby boy has a flip phone. ifhe does eventually get a smart phone, then this boy overuses tf out of emojis. he’s the sort of person that sees someone use a combination of emojis he likes and then tries to copy them, but uses it completely incorrectly, but its v cute.
if you send him a meme, he will respond with an unnecessary amount of hahas. 
when he’s texting his lil bae, they’re always on his mind so he ofc texts them every thought that comes to his mind! when he sees something that reminds him of you, he won’t hesitate to share it with you. 
if you have been together for a long time, then we will definitely text you words of affirmation and be very honest/blunt about how he feels about you. he’s also always sure to ask you about your day - and he seriously cares. but i still i feel like with a s/o he would prefer facetime to texting just because he likes to see you :)
overall, a very adorable texter and his enthusiasm is just as contagious when texting as it is in person. he’s kind of clueless so he doesn’t pick up on subtext. so be blunt, just like he will be with you~
kuromochi youichi
my bias might be showing here, but I feel like he is one of the most well-adjusted boys in terms of being ready for a serious relationship tbh (at least post-high school). i mean we all saw that he regularly corresponded with wakana wish that were me lmao
i think he would most often use proper capitalization, but not to the point where he uses a period after every text
would send his friends news articles about his favorite fighting games where u like gaming or not
a meme fiend in general. the sort of person who uses reaction images of people he knows. (if you’re dating, he would still have a stash of funny pics/screenshots of you on ft, but he’d ofc only use them with you <3). his convos with his friends are rarely serious
 i don’t think he’d be the type to text haha out loud, but he does use LOL on occasion. with close friends/his lil bae he might send a voice memo of him laughing hysterically if you send him something REALLY funny. ugh my annoying king <3
unlike eijun he’s the king of being perceptive / picking up subtext. 
similarly, i do think he’s pretty reliable, but for friends i feel like he might make a lil bit of a stink lmao. like lets say a friend wants him to pick something up for them, he might play like he won’t do it then miraculously shows up with the requested item. its giving tsundere vibes on the low.
with his partner: i feel like he would use emojis when he’s trying to be ~cute~. i think with a established partner he’d be pretty flirty still but he’s v much whipped for his partner so its way more mushy than it would be early in the relationship.
yes your name has hearts/stars in his phone. mans is a SAP for you
his love language is more quality time imo, so I think he values time spent with you over texting time. so a lot of your texts might be asking you to come over to hang out / get a meal or vice versa
like eijun he wants to hear about YOU, and is very supportive and good at advice when he wants to be. he can be goofy but this is how he shows you he cares/sees you as more than a friend
he’s a blushy/shy boy with his s/o esp early in the relationship, so he might be hesitant or nervous to say “i love you” or anything like that outright, but you know anyway, which just makes the times when he does outright say it that much sweeter.
miyuki kazuya
i mean it goes without saying that this man is snarky. he’s not a meme king himself but he enjoys when people send them to him and will usually play off the meme to make his own jokes.
i feel like he also likes deep-fried memes or the very abstract, post-modern memes. miyuki is good at making other people laugh, but he has a generally very-off brand humor and the things that make him cackle hardest are either at someone else’s expense (very similar to kuramochi, so they bond a lot over that) or just indiscernible without access to a huge layer of context/background
saves the reaction photos kuramochi sends him, but doesn’t usually use them. but seeing an ugly pic of eijun yelling never fails to make him grin LMAO
i think he also texts A LOT about baseball, even more so than these other baseball dummies. texts his teammates a lot of articles he reads or clips from games/cool plays. this is mostly about texts, but in terms of social media I think miyuki uses twitter/instagram the most especially for baseball related reasons, while kuramochi uses snapchat the most. 
he probably texts a lot about baseball as well, both seriously and playfully
i can see him using hahas and LOLs in equal measure, but he would also utilize the haha reaction if he had an iphone. this boy does value his wit so he would definitely have commentary about any memes or jokes he’s sent
you won’t win a joke war against him, he will definitely one-up whatever you send him with either a one-liner or another joke. how tf does he do it?
definitely ignores people/conversations if he really wants to - but ofc he never does that to his BAE
if miyuki give you a dry one-line response...he’s not interested at all or he’s feeling frustrated about something else. but when he’s really happy? he will text his friends all the time and spam them! i see him as someone who enjoys texting when he has the attention span/state of mind for it. and when he’s texting his s/o his texting gets even more ~flavorful~
wit his lil bae: i don’t think miyuki would switch it up much w his s/o. is probably even more teasing with you over text than he is with his friends, which is saying something.
like talking with you just by nature of you being his partner. prob prefers texts to facetime because text kinda allows for maximum snark
he LIVES for you guys’ witty back and forth 
if he’s traveling for work or something, will definitely relish in you guys binge texting a tv show or something but just making funny commentary (or he’ll just send you funny commentary to get a reaction)
 he can dish it and he’s also not a super sensitive guy so he can take it tenfold from you as well. nothing y’all wouldn’t be used to when talking in person!
sometimes when texting him you’ll want to beat his a*s because he can be so cheeky but its endearing in a way. he definitely adds emojis to the end of his more annoying messages to give it that loveable vibe (and it works ofc, we love u miyuki)
he’s kinda clingy on the low so i think he’d prefer a partner that’s more open with their affection via text than he is. he would live for your random ilys or whatver throughout the day. also would not mind at all if you updated him on your actions throughout the day or sent him snaps - might not be able to respond to everything, but will react and appreciate it. very likely to make jokes about whatever you’re doing.
would also apologize over text. he’s not always used to apologizing can be awkward about it, so text makes it easier for him.
he would use emojis w you in a joking/ironic way. would absolute use those dumb but genius emoji combinations
yuki tetsuya
i’m literally cracking up thinking about texting him. he is one of my ultimate baes but im sorry i just know he texts dry asf. but its part of his charm!
has a flip phone. either never upgrades or gets the chunkiest most basic android if he is forced to
the thing is this man thinks that he is infusing all his texts with, like, tajin level seasoning, when in reality its pepper
uses punctuation. always. exclamation marks are used sparingly to express excitement.
but i can’t get the image out of my head of an upset tetsuya texting you a simple angry emoji (or the angry emoticon >:( LOL) if he’s reeeeeeally mad. but its v cute i can’t take him seriously. i just want to give him a hug <3
 but you know what he is so PASSIONATE about whatever he’s talking about that his passion bleeds into his text through sheer quantity of words and depth of thought. ultimately, all his conversations end up being extremely flavorful in terms of content. he is surprisingly good at having deep conversations over text.
he’s better at holding conversations with more extroverted personalities, truthfully.
he’s another one who sends random things to people when he thinks about them. miyuki of course gets so many texts/thoughts about shogi. if you get a random haiku, poem, or quote from testu, that means you’re blessed enough to be in his inner circle! he definitely thought of you when he read it and and wants you to respond!
with bae: he doesn’t really change up his texting style tbh, but he has a stronger outward reaction to what YOU text in response.
definitely the type to smile almost imperceptibly at his phone as he texts you, even if you send him something like “hey i’m at the store, want anything?”
he’s not great as verbal affection early in the relationship, so you’ll have to discern his love/affection. however baby boy is NOT afraid to just straight up say he loves you, he does it all the time and early.
he’s KNOWN for being reliable and responsible, so he will be at your beck and call when he’s able to for anything you need, but his heart is also warmed by the thought of you reciprocating that care. if your texts show him you’re thinking of him just like he does too. he’s very gentle and sweet, and checks up on you when he’s able to see if you need anything at all.
he might be reliable, but that doesn’t mean that he’s the quickest guy to respond to texts. he’s a busy guy, and he doesn’t think about his phone all the time, but he will always get back to you (bae does not play when it comes to completing things).
if they came up with a shogi game for gamepidgeon and tetsu had an iphone, your phone probably would be spammed with requests for games lol.
this is my first time doing headcanons like this so please let me know what you think or give me tips on how to improve! I really enjoying thinking about it so I hope to do more in the future <3
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hankwritten · 4 years
Lies, Damned Lies, and Valentine’s
Day 7 of the valentine’s day event, Whole Team
“Have the RED team vandalized us in the middle of the night?” Medic asked, gazing around the common room which had been papered with tiny hearts. “What is with all the pink?”
“Ach, it’s Valentine’s day, boyo!” Demo told him with a hearty slap on the back. “Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten.”
Medic adjusted his glasses, which had fallen out of place with the overzealous display of masculine affection. “My wife and I are…estranged. I have not celebrated a Valentine’s day in a very long time.”
“Well, so long as you made your cards, you’re celebrating just fine.” When Medic didn’t respond, Demo pressed a, “you did make some cards, right lad?”
“Cards for who? I told you I have not spoken to-”
“For the team ya quack,” Demo snorted. “We always make cards for each other on Valentine’s day.”
“…Like kindergarteners,” Medic asked drily.
“Don’t be such a stick in the mud doc,” Demo elbowed him. “It’s a tradition.”
Medic crossed his arms, and kicked a small paper heart that had fallen on his shoe. “Well no one told me about it.”
At that, Demo finally paused. “Ah, I suppose everyone forgot to mention it to the rookie. Don’t worry though!” This time, Medic dodged the pat aimed at his shoulder. “Everyone knows you only got here a month or so ago, they won’t hold you to any obligations.”
“What a relief.” Medic rolled his eyes.
He was able to put the ridiculous conversation out of his mind thanks to the oncoming battle, slinging on his pack with a feeling of purpose. Dealing with REDs and avoiding Spies took most of his concentration, as a day that he went about distracted was a day he’d find quite a few Sniper shots through his head. However, as much as he’d dismissed Valentine’s by the midday break that afternoon, it appeared his teammates hadn’t.
He’d followed Heavy to the cover of the sentry nest, but as his partner was filling up Sasha, he noticed that Engie had laid out a few pieces of folded paper on top of the dispenser. Medic wandered closer. It took him a moment to parse what he was seeing, but then he remembered the travesty that had become of the common room and realized Demo had been dead serious about Valentine’s Day. Engineer’s valentines were spread out neatly, all unique, all cheerfully signed by members of the team. Scout had draw a rather good rendition of the man himself standing next to his sentry, a little heart between them. Sniper had written ‘THANKS TRUCKIE’ in block letters. Even Soldier had put in some effort, as he had used red, white, and blue construction paper to make what might have been the shape of Texas if you squinted enough.
Nearby, Pyro was showing off their own collection. Scout had also drawn a picture for them (of Mayor Balloonicorn), which they had delicately set in the grass, their other cards out before them. The one from Engie they were attacking with vigor, since the Engineer had been forward thinking enough to glue tiny pieces of candy to the folded paper.
“They’re all real nice Pyro,” he was chuckling. “Though maybe put them back in your pocket? Don’t want them to get dirty.”
Pyro nodded, and began shuffling them back into a pouch within their chemsuit.
“They take this very seriously, don’t they?” Medic noted absently about the pair.
Heavy, having loaded on the ammo required, turned and saw Medic mulling over Engineer’s cards. “Oh, da! Every year. We do not spend holidays together, so for team, is closest thing.”
As he spoke, he reached into his front pocket. Something with Demo’s handwriting dashed all over it appeared in his hand, obnoxiously saccharine with its copious hearts and overuse of the color red. Yet the Heavy Weapons Guy displayed it proudly, and Medic offered him a wry smile.
“I had no idea,” Medic mused.
“…Team forget to tell you?” Heavy rumbled. “Heavy see. Heavy wondered why doctor did not give him one.”
Medic coughed lightly into his hand. “I wasn’t aware until this morning-”
“No, is alright. Heavy’s little joke.” He patted Medic on the shoulder, which was (surprisingly) more reserved than Demo’s attempt at the same. “We kill RED babies, that is gift enough, da?”
Medic agreed, and followed him off into battle. However, this time the threat of the loving spirit stuck, and Medic found himself skewered on the end of the Spy’s knife more than he was comfortable with. He tried to shake himself, to forget his teammates’ foolish obsession, but one thought kept rankling him: he might have not known to send out cards, but why hadn’t anyone gotten him anything?
They returned to BLU base with an embarrassing loss on their collars, though you wouldn’t know by looking. Everyone was in the common showing of their haul, passing around heart shaped cookies that someone had made last night and stuffed in the fridge. Medic tried one, and nearly gagged on how much sugar had been crammed into such a small package.
Apparently everyone had gotten the same memo about Demo’s cards, as each one came with a tiny novel vodka attached. Demo peeled off the last one (from Soldier with a picture of a shovel on it, saying simply I Dig You) with the utmost care, lining them up next to his whiskey bottle.
“Look!” he grinned to Soldier. “Me scrumpy’s birthed a litter!”
Soldier, who had taken to taping his own cards to his helmet, slapped him on the back. “Congratulations! You’re a grandfather!”
Scout, like Pyro, couldn’t help but flaunt his, claiming that he got the most out of anyone. When Sniper pointed out that everyone got seven cards, he pivoted to say, “yeah well mine are the best, quality over quantity Snipes.”
Medic shouldn’t have been irritated. He didn’t care about Valentine’s Day, not in the slightest, so why was he getting so terse about his teammates’ holiday cheer? Of course they didn’t get cards for the rookie, they probably would have gotten cards for their old Medic, not him.
That thought itself would have put anyone in a sour mood, but the tipping point was when he walked the corner and saw Spy delicately arranged bits of red-hued paper into a manila folder, smiling slightly as he set the last one down. Medic was close enough to read, saw Sniper’s handwriting, and also that the poem it was quoting was incomplete. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. / I love thee to the depth and breadth and height. The next two lines were missing— Medic knew enough of poetry to glean that—which meant Sniper probably had the other half. All shuffled always with the other ones he’d gotten from Scout and Engie and Demo and whoever, but the most important thing Medic could determine from the display was all those people had given Spy valentines too. Spy. Medic’s eye twitched. Before he knew it he was barreling past Spy, out past the others in order to get to the hallway. There were a couple exclamations of confusion, a few calls asking what was wrong, but Medic ignored them all.
He didn’t need their obligatory attempts to include him, he could see when he wasn’t wanted.
“Doctor! Wait!”
He considered not stopping for the deep voice behind him, but unless he wanted to go charging off onto the battlefield, his path would eventually take him back around base. He sighed, and turned to face the man behind him.
“Can I help you?” Medic snapped. There was no use pretending he wasn’t miffed.
“What is the matter?” Heavy asked. “Have not seen you this angry before.”
“Well that is not a big surprise considering we barely know each other, apparently.” Medic crossed his arms.
Heavy furrowed his brow. Always a man of few words, he either didn’t know what to say, or figured it was better not to antagonize Medic further, and so he settled for waiting for his teammate to elaborate.
Medic relented eventually, shoulders sagging as he exhaled. “I realize I am not…part of the team so to speak. I understand I am not as close to you all as your old Medic was, and I do not blame you for not including me, but it is still…difficult to watch everyone open cards and…not receive any myself.” God it sounded so childish when he said it allowed. He was a doctor for god’s sake! He should be above such petty jealousies.
As his self consciousness closed in, he hunched, and failed to look at Heavy. It took the man saying, “doctor did not get valentines? Is not possible,” for Medic to turn back around and see him shaking his head. “At very least, Heavy give card.”
“You…?” Medic unfolded his arms. “When?”
Heavy raised an eyebrow. “Did doctor not check locker?” When Medic blinked, Heavy added, “is where we put at start of day, so none get lost.”
“…Just like in kindergarten,” Medic finished the thought and pinched the bridge of his nose. “God I am such a dummkopf.”
Heavy chuckled, clearly glad to have resolved the situation. “Medic is far from. Come, we look now.”
So Medic did come, entering resupply and walking to his locker, taking a moment to brace himself as he grasped the handle. He turned it. Immediately, he was hit with an avalanche of purple, pink, and red, an absolute tidal wave of valentines rushing out to greet him from where they’d been conglomerating inside his locker like a clogged artery.
There were so many, decorated all with his class symbol or words of thanks. Pyro had made at least four, decorated with crayons and rainbow drawings, sticking slightly where the paint hadn’t dried. Medic picked one off the floor. Scout had drawn Archimedes beautifully, which was astounding considering the two hadn’t gotten along since the Über incident, and it must have been quite a strain to sit still long enough to capture the bird’s likeness. Engie had detailed out a list over every time Medic had saved his bacon in the past month, Spy had written something long and oddly heartfelt, Soldier had gifted him a coupon for one free haircut. The list went on.
It took Heavy gently touching his shoulder while he read Sniper’s uncharacteristically kind letter to realize he was holding his hand over his mouth. He cleared his throat, but despite that still couldn’t find words.
“Medic is part of team,” Heavy stated, matter of fact. “We appreciate. Do not forget that.”
Medic’s eyes fell on a large card, tucked behind the Quick-Fix in the back of the locker so it hadn’t come tumbling out with the rest. This one was unquestionably from Heavy. Medic wasn’t sure how he knew, but he did.
Delicately, he reached out and took it, seeing it was nearly the size of a proper book, made out of two pieces of paper tied with a string. He gently gazed over the words inside, drinking them all in, and then softly spoke, “thank you mein friend.”
“Is no trouble.” Heavy squeezed his shoulder, and Medic could tell his friend was smiling by the chuckle in his voice. “Now! We go. Back to party, doctor should get to show off his cards too.”
“Yes, lets. But ah…not this one though,” Medic finished, softly folding Heavy’s card back up. “This one I will keep here.”
Heavy smiled. “If doctor likes.” With that, Medic followed him back to the party.
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out-of-jams · 4 years
Rea’s Writing Tips
Okay, I’ve been writing for the past twelve years, and over the course of this time, I’ve learned a lot of things. I still am learning, because I don’t think there is a such thing as perfecting a skill. What have I learned, might you ask? Well, I’m going to compile some of them into a list for you! So buckle up and sharpen those metaphorical pencils!
#1) Show don’t tell.
This is a staple rule when it comes to writing and always, always stays at the back of my mind. When you’re writing descriptions or world building or even putting together a dialogue scene, you want the reader to be able to see it in their minds’ eye. 
If you simply say, “I picked up the pencil. Then I wrote my paper, but I didn’t know I was doing. And then I got up and left.” That’s boring. And that’s Telling the reader what is happening. No one wants to read through a bulleted list of what your characters are up to. Keep in mind that you’re writing a story, not a kitchen recipe. 
So instead, use descriptions and answer these questions: What is your character thinking when they’re doing these things? What are they writing? Why are they writing it? What else is going on around them? What does it smell like? Is it hot or cold? Can they hear the air conditioner running? Are there other people in the room, if so, what are they doing? 
An example of Showing would be something along the lines of: “The pencil was heavy in my hand as I dragged it across the sheet of paper. Hopefully the teacher wouldn’t be be able to tell that I was completely bullshitting every word because I couldn’t afford to be docked another letter grade. Whatever. I’d just write what I could and hope for the best.” 
Show what’s happening without being obvious about it.
Don’t bore your readers to death with a laundry list.
#2) There is absolutely no need to go crazy with caps lock and punctuation.
When writing dialogue, if your character is shouting something, don’t put it in all caps. For example:
This not only takes away from the seriousness of the scene, but it also doesn’t look very appealing to read, does it? Instead, try playing around with italics or adjectives/verbs/descriptions/show don’t tell. For example:
“I said, don’t touch that!”
“Don’t.” You spat through gritted teeth, fingernails digging half-moons into your palms. “Touch. That.”
Not only does this look more professional and appealing, but it helps the reader to visualize the scene a lot more than just going crazy with the caps lock. This also goes with overusing punctuation. One question mark, or one exclamation point is all you need to get your point across. There’s no need for more, the readers will understand without them, I promise. 
The crazier you go, the crazier you’ll look!!!??!!!
#3) Writers block isn’t because you don’t know what to write next. It’s because you subconsciously don’t like where your story is going.
You’ve experienced writers block. I’ve experienced writers block. That old lady at the supermarket down the street has experienced writers block. It’s not the end of the world, but it does put a damper on things, doesn’t it? You could be on a roll and spawning out 1000 words per minute and then bam! you hit a block. Where do you go from there? How do you overcome it? 
Simple. Delete a few paragraphs and then try again. Still not working? Delete more. And more. Until you find another route to take. 
Remember, sometimes roads close, you just need to find the detour.
#4) The rule of “why.”
A simple word can help you to build a word, a story, a universe, a character. The rule of “why” is what keeps your metaphorical world turning and helps prevent plot-holes. Say you have a character who is a painter. Ask yourself, why are they a painter? Why do they paint the things that they do? 
These questions will help you fall down the proverbial rabbit hole and into the subconscious of the character that you are creating. Okay, so they paint because their mother was a painter and she died. Why did she die? Why does the character feel the need to take up their mother’s torch? 
This also goes for world building too. Oh, so your character has a soulmate in your universe? Why do they have a soulmate? Why does the world work that way? Does everyone have a soulmate? No, why not? Etc. 
Always keep the question why? in the back of your mind and you’ll be able to answer the reader’s questions before they even think to have them.
#5) Pick a tense and stick to it as if your life depends on it.
Your story will either be in past tense, or present tense (excluding future because no. And the complicated past perfect, present perfect shit. We’re making it simple).  
Reading a sentence that says: “I walk to the door to leave, but bend down to grab my purse. The strap slid down my shoulder as I closed the door behind me” is jarring. Why? Because it is set in both past and present tense. The first sentence is present tense, while the second is past tense. If you aren’t sure what tense a word is in, pop that bad boy into google and it’ll let you know.
You can’t have both at the same time. So pick one, you whore. 
#6) Be the sponge.
It’s taken me twelve years to find my writing voice. Twelve, people. Some people may find it sooner, others later. Whatever side of the spectrum you’re on, don’t stress over it. I found my voice through reading. What about some author’s work did I like? What did I not like? It took some time, but I figured it out. And you’ll find yours too. So play around with different styles and figure out what you like. 
And what you hate.
#7) Become the angst.
How the hell are you supposed to properly write emotions? How can you make a reader cry, laugh, fume with anger, hold their breath in fear? The answer is actually quite simple.
Insert yourself into that frame of mind first. 
If you want to write a scene that is sad and you want people to be able to feel the emotion flying off the page, then become sad. Put yourself in the shoes of your character and write from the heart. If pretending to put a smile on your face in real life doesn’t fool your friends, then it won’t fool your readers either. 
I can’t even begin to tell you the amount of times I’ve put myself into a certain frame of mind or emotion before writing a scene or a fic or whatever. Music helps to set the mood too. I mean, look at your favorite actors. One thing I’ve always been taught in acting classes is that you have to feel the emotions that your character does.
If you feel it, I can guarantee that the readers will too.
#8) Take a breath, damnit!
Have you ever read a sentence so long that you felt out of breath, even though it wasn’t even read aloud? Yeah, me too. Sometimes it’s hard to know when to end a sentence and start anew or whether or not to just throw in that comma and call it a day, well there is a very simple, easy way to be able to tell which one of these you need to do and you just need to follow this rule in order to do it.
You just took a deep breath after reading that sentence, didn’t you?
Comma ≠ an excuse to continue a run-on sentence. If you aren’t sure whether or not you’ve just written one of these, read it aloud. If you have to stop to breathe, then throw a period somewhere in there. Starting a new sentence won’t hurt you. But a run-on sentence will surely kill you from asphyxiation.
This is all I have for now. But if you guys have any questions or want advice for specific things, please feel free to reach out! To quote my least favorite movie of all time: we’re all in this together!💜
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okay-victoria · 3 years
Writing Dialogue
While some choices in dialogue will come down to style preference, most fanfic dialogue suffers from a much earlier problem of being done incorrectly, no matter what the stylistic preference. Once basic spelling & grammar is mastered, and assuming the fic contains more than a handful of dialogue, I think bad dialogue is the thing that kills my enjoyment the fastest. I can handwave plotholes and understand emotions that weren’t conveyed right, but I can’t read people having a conversation that doesn’t look anything like an actual human conversation.
Problem 1: Too Much Drama
We want our scenes to pulse with energy! Of course we want the dialogue to be dramatic! The problem here is, what makes for good dramatic dialogue is not people yelling powerful words at each other very passionately. What makes for dramatic dialogue is mostly the importance of that scene to the plot & the characters, so to achieve dramatic dialogue, the best thing you can do is not overly rely on the dialogue itself to be dramatic. Set up a dramatic situation, and then people don’t have to yell. They can say a few basic sentences and the audience already knows why it is important and why the characters care so much.
Have you ever seen the scene in The Room where Tommy Wiseau yells “You’re tearing me apart, Lisa!” Did you actually find that dramatic or did it just make you laugh because it was overdramatized? That’s what dramatic dialogue does to a story. Unless your characters are middle schoolers exclaiming it out in the hall between classes, chances are, older and more mature characters aren’t going to do a lot of yelling or make weirdly dramatic statements like the world is ending.
One of the biggest offenses on this count is overusing exclamation points and overusing emphasis. Exclamation points should be used very, very rarely, as should telling your reader what words are meant to be emphasized. Your character’s mood should primarily come through action - are they slamming doors, pacing back and forth, collapsing into a chair? Dialogue tags like “shouted” or “replied angrily” can be used to help, but should not stand on their own as the only thing portraying mood.
Instead of looking like this: “OMG! Can you believe it! Drama! Let me scream all the drama out in a monologue!” Lisa screamed, it should look like *Lisa kicks off her shoes, one leaves a mark on the wall* *Lisa slams bag down on counter, opens fridge for beer* *Lisa’s boyfriend stands frozen, as this is not normally how Lisa comes home from work. “This thing happened.” *Lisa collapses into kitchen chair and sticks head in her hands.* *Lisa’s boyfriend comes to put a hand on her back*. “One sentence reminding reader why Lisa is upset about this”.
Problem 2: Too Little Drama
Alternatively, you get scenes that sometimes look like two college roommates got high and are trying to acquire a pizza with as little effort as possible. Let’s say, for example, you have one character that has a crush on another character, and they are trying to find out information about them. While maybe the character learning this information is going to do something with it, so it’s important to the plot in another way, so the conversation itself does not need to be dramatic, it might end up looking like this:
I met Crush after class and we walked together. “What’s your favorite color?” - “Red” - “Do you like dogs?” - “Yes. Did you do the homework?” - “Yes. Math is my favorite class. How about you?” - “P.E.”
Like with the above, setup and action are everything. If you set up the scene where we know in advance how long it has taken Karen to get up the courage to talk to Chad and things like that, and then include actions in between the dialogue to show that she is nervous and therefore not very talkative, like her glancing up at him briefly but looking away as soon as he makes eye contact, or have her analyze Chad’s mood and wonder if he’s annoyed, etc, the scene can be made much more meaningful without needing to be a “dramatic” scene.
Problem 3: Dialogue is written like exposition
This tends to go unnoticed by some authors who are otherwise decent, and for me really ruins an otherwise decent story. The writing within the dialogue tags is written well, it just isn’t written like dialogue. It is written like exposition/narration.
In exposition: This project was doomed from the beginning. The improvements might look nice on paper, but the law of diminishing returns was going to stop it before it really started. Sounds...not excellent, I just pulled an example out of my ass, but fine.
In dialogue: “I think this project is doomed already,” Bob said, looking around the meeting room. “The improvements might look nice on paper, but the law of diminishing returns is going to stop it before it really starts.”
...sounds like Bob is kind of a psycho, or possibly your most pompous and hated coworker. Who the hell says “Law of Diminishing Returns” out loud if they aren’t a professor? The longer the dialogue and more flowery/technical/big vocab it becomes, which often *adds* to exposition, the worse and more unnatural the dialogue becomes.
Dialogue should not feel the same as the “speech” when a character is thinking. We tend to be fairly limited in how we express ourselves, use shorter and more simple sentence structures, more basic vocabulary, and haven’t memorized what we are going to say, so it doesn’t come out eloquently.
The one real exception to this that isn’t really dialogue, but is speech, is if you have a character making a speech or presentation, which they have prepared for in advance, and it is reasonable for them to give it uninterrupted.
If you want to make a point of one of your characters sounding like a total tool when they speak, you can also do this to achieve that and make it immediately clear to the audience why everyone hates them, but unless that’s what you’re going for, avoid this at all costs.
Problem 4: Dialogue is otherwise unnatural
Always, always, until you’re pretty damn sure you’re pretty damn good at it, say your dialogue out loud.
Would that personally really say “What is that?” or is it “What’s that?” Along the lines of not needing to use emphasis as much as you might think, if you were, say, in Scotland and just saw the Loch Ness monster pop out and want to ask your companion what it is, “What is that?” is fairly unnecessary. “What is that?” suffices. The simple fact that you didn’t use the standard contraction means the character emphasized the “is”. If you just see a piece of mail on someone’s desk that you are curious about, you’re going to say “What’s that?” and it won’t sound like you are dramatically asking about a generic piece of mail.
There are lots of very minor and small things that can easily go wrong in dialogue of this nature. It’s really important to say to yourself: if I was in this situation, how would I say it? Read it like you are acting it out in a movie and see. Also, question if a person would even say a sentence like that to begin with, or if they would be more or less direct in their approach. More direct is appropriate in many cases because people are usually trying to communicate clearly. Even if they are lying, they usually just say a direct statement that is a lie, they don’t dance around it indirectly and give hints to the other character. More indirect is appropriate when a character is trying to have a difficult conversation - we don’t tend to give tough advice or be directly rude, we try to work around it to make it sound better.
Because people want to have “exciting” or “cool” dialogue, they will often also give characters great rebuttals all the time, where they have these snappy conversations. This *can* work, but it’s really hard to pull off well, so in general I’d limit it to having a character having the occasional good rebuttal than a conversation of back-and-forth snark. Honestly, most of us just can’t think on our feet that well, and unless you’ve built the case that these characters can [ie, they’ve been married 20 years and are having the same arguments over and over so have it all thought out] it just seems very unrealistic.
Problem 5: Underutilizing dialogue tags
If you have two characters speaking, theoretically, if we know who the first speaker is and they switch off, a reader can follow the conversation indefinitely and know who is speaking.
In practice, that doesn’t happen. We like to be occasionally reminded. Personally, I try to max out at four consecutive lines of untagged speech, so no more than:
“Hey” said Kyle when he saw Brad.
“What are you doing tonight?”
“Partying, bro, what did you think?”
“Haha, true. Do you think Lindsey will be there?”
“Man, you have such a crush on her,” Brad laughed.
Problem 6: Overusing dialogue tags
Conversely, in a conversation that is easy to follow, every single line does not need to be followed by a variation of “X person said”. If you are going for a tight back and forth conversation where neither character is thinking in between, you want to gum it up as little as possible with extraneous non-conversation. Hit us with occasional dialogue tags, and that’s it.
Problem 7: Not breaking dialogue up
This is somewhat of a style question, but in general, conversations should only be quick back and forth when that’s the point, but otherwise should generally pause briefly to “show” people doing actions, give some character thoughts, or otherwise break it up so the entire scene isn’t just a conversation.
Also, you can use these pauses as a way of showing hesitation/actual pauses that happen in the conversation.
Problem 8: Huge breaks between dialogue
This is something I am probably the *most* guilty of myself, because I’m writing a story where characters analyze the other characters a lot, so sometimes they’ll pause and think for a while in between. I haven’t quite arrived at the level where I’ve figured out how to get that all to flow in a way that breaks the dialogue up nicely, but not so much it is jarring and you’ve forgotten what the last thing a character said was.
But, anyway, definitely something to keep in mind. While a scene shouldn’t usually be all conversation, breaking the conversation up too much makes it feel like it isn’t a conversation at all.
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aquaburst3 · 4 years
8, 11, and 12 please.
8. Are there any themes, motifs, or approaches to subjects that you have purposefully tried to cultivate in your writing? 
I think pretty much all of my stories focus on different types of bonds, not just romantic. But also family, working and friendship. 
My writing tends to deal with the supernatural, fae and other subjects. Though, I can write slice of life as well. 
I also tend to write all of my characters as people first instead of heroes and villains. Because I think we all have good and bad in us to varying degrees, so I want my writing to reflect that. It’s a good way to write more complex and dynamic characters. On a similar note, I try to have some sort of motive behind the character’s actions big and small. 
11. What common writing advice do you think is useless?
Can’t think of “common” ones like this. I think the dumbest pieces of writing advice I’ve seen are to never describe your main character and to never use exclamation points. 
For the first one, I can see where some of it is coming from. Super long descriptions of the main character is bad writing, since it bogs down the proses. Breaking up the description over the course of the story and adding character action makes it easier to digest. But at the same time, unless you are writing a second person self insert, there should be a descriptor of the MC. If you don’t, you can imagine the protagonist as a cinderbox and story will make just about as much sense. Unfortunately, if the protagonist is POC, some people still need that to be flat out stated otherwise they’ll just automatically think the MC is white. Descriptors help out with that.
As for the latter, exclamation points just point out if a person is yelling or if a point is passionate. Sure, don’t overuse them like old school comics, because it’s hard to read. But I can’t for the life of me see why there’s any problem with using them if the story calls for it like when the characters are yelling. 
12. What common writing advice do you think is actually pretty useful?
I think the one that springs to mind first is how to use the whole “show don’t tell” generalization properly. To summarize, if you want to show the emotions of the characters or get the reader invested in a scene, then show. Add in descriptors like “a fist clenched at his side, glaring at the man” to show that the character is angry and do the same for other emotions. Avoid phrases like “I smelt”, “I saw”, etc. Those bog down your prose in excess. (But there are exceptions, like with anything.) If you want to summarize a situation in order to get to the point faster, then tell. I try to do this in my own writing, but I’m not sure if I’m any good at it still. 
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cadetcama · 5 years
And That’s The Tea
An exploration of MJ realizing she has a crush on one Peter Parker (and the realization that he might like her too...) 
A/N: This has NO FFH SPOILERS. I don’t really even know where I’d put it in the timeline if I had to, but rest assured, there are no spoilers here.
-- -- --
Everyone has pet peeves. Quirks. Idiosyncrasies. Whatever you want to call them, everyone’s got them. Michelle Jones is aware she probably has more than most people. She’s not a big fan of people in general so it makes sense that most things people do would be a source of irritation. Overuse of exclamation points. Sending eight texts back to back when one, longer, two sentence text would do. Being late or not showing up at all. Pun T-shirts.
For MJ, there is a distinct difference between pet peeves and someone who is legitimately a bad person. People talking too fast is one thing. People who think racism, homophobia and misogyny are okay aren’t worth her time unless it’s at a protest (and she does go to quite a few).
She could go on and on about her different pet peeves. She generally used them as an excuse to not get close to people. (“He drinks his coffee too loud. I can’t be his friend”)
But somehow, MJ realized that there was one person who seemed to be the embodiment her peeves - Peter Parker. He always talked like he had just had 15 cups of coffee. He wore almost exclusively science pun shirts. He was late to almost as much stuff as he missed and his excuses were all laughably bad. She would frequently pick up her phone only to see a string of no less than 15 texts from Peter all about the same thing and all with too many exclamation points. Sometimes he would send her three texts in a row that were nothing but exclamation points.
By all accounts, he should be her least favorite person for the sole reason that he was a walking list of her pet peeves.
But he wasn’t.
In fact, he was almost the opposite.
She wouldn’t go as far as to say he was her favorite person, if only because Michelle wasn’t ready to admit that to herself. For someone who prided themselves on their self-control and observation skills, her lack of awareness as Peter Parker became not only her friend but one of her favorite humans was nothing short of alarming.
But he was.
From his messy curls to his constant fidgeting to his inability to string a coherent sentence together let alone keep a secret (hello, Spiderman), this dork had wormed his way into a place in her heart that she didn’t even know existed and took up residence.
And now she cared.
About him.
About his well-being.
About Star Wars, and LEGO, and other lame stuff that he liked and it was gross.
She didn’t even mean to but evidently, caring about people means you listen when they talk about things they care about and you retain the information.
She has no idea what she could ever use the amount of useless information that she has catalogued on Peter Parker for but like it or not, she has it. It’s not like someone’s ever going to pop up and say “quick! There’s been an emergency and the only thing that will help is knowing what Peter Parker’s favorite and most-used emoji is” (its the gasping cat emoji for reasons that are beyond even her. Second in line is the spider emoji because he’s an idiot who is about as subtle as the bus he caught with his barehands)
It’s the downside of being very observant - having a crush and suddenly knowing everything. She has this wealth of information that she just sits on, occasionally adding or amending as needed, resigned to just wait out this annoying crush on her nerdy, backpack-losing, easily distracted, flakey friend until hopefully it goes away.
(It doesn’t)
It’s not till several months into MJ’s awareness of the crush that she realizes that it may not be one-sided and… she’s not the only one who’s been observing the other.
She and Ned are at Peter’s for homework night when May brings in snacks. She tosses juice pouches to the boys and hands Michelle a mug of steaming tea.
“Here you go, Michelle. You prefer tea, right? We picked some up at the store over the weekend.” May said it like it was nothing, but MJ saw Peter’s ears start to turn red as he intently focused on his textbook.
“This is great, May. Thank you.” Michelle smiled and glanced at the little tag that was attached to the tea bag. “This is actually my favorite type too.”
“Oh, is it?” May looked delighted. “Peter picked it out. I wondered why he was so determined to —“
“Thanks, May!” Peter cut in, the rest of his face now matching his ears, as he looked pointedly at his aunt. She left the room, leaving the tray of snacks and an awkward silence.
“Thanks for the tea, Parker.” MJ said after what felt like an eternity. Normally silence didn’t bother her but this one was torture. “Though, I don’t remember ever telling you I prefer this brand.”
“You…You didn’t.. I just— I noticed it, the logo, on the tag a few times.” He was tripping over his words so badly, she was worried he might hurt himself. “And I just — well, I figured if I saw it a few times, it must mean you like it so… so that’s what I got. When we were at the store.”
What neither of them said, though MJ’s positive they both knew it, is that this type of tea isn’t sold in a lot of places in Queens, or even New York really. As far as she knows, there’s only one tea shop in Manhattan that sells it. So no matter how he managed to get it, Peter Parker had put in a lot of work for a tea she had never talked with him about. And Peter was a generous guy, sure, but she would bet he had never gone to such lengths to get Ned a…whatever Ned likes that isn’t available at the corner store.
She didn’t know what to do with this information, other than sip the tea and continue to digest the revelation. Even as Peter and Ned continued on with the calculus homework, Michelle sat on the floor, staring into her mug, a warmth growing in her stomach that had nothing to do with the hot tea she’d just taken a sip of.
Peter was paying attention and retaining information about her just like she was doing with him. The only difference was Peter was putting his knowledge to use (good use too, if she was being honest. She really did love this tea). She looked up from the tea, and caught Peter staring at her. They made eye contact and he flushed, looking away.
MJ smiled to herself: she didn’t need to be an expert in Peter Parker to know what that meant. She had a crush on this boy who was a walking, talking, swinging list of her pet peeves and it seemed that he had one on her too.
She downed the rest of her tea and straightened her shoulders, gearing up to jump back into the discussion on their homework.
Maybe dating Peter Parker would be a good way to put her knowledge of him to use…
Well…, she mused, only one way to find out.
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So, I've Been Thinking About The WinterFalcon TV Show....
Well, I don't exactly know what this is gonna become, but anyway...
(WARNING: LOOOOOONG post ahead.)
- I recently found out Bucky has a cat? Alpine? I'm not entirely sure if this is just a Fandom thing or canon in the comics but whatever, it seems to be quite widely known and I. Am. 100%. Here. For. It.
- Bucky with a cat. Just think about it. A beautiful white cat. That's it. Just Bucky with a cat.
- Alpine falling asleep on Bucky.
- Bucky falling asleep with Alpine (also asleep).
- Sam finding Bucky and Alpine asleep and smiling and this being the one (1) time he doesn't do anything snarky just smiles because aww honestly? This is the cutest thing he's seen all day?
- Oh my God Bucky getting annoyed at Alpine (while cooking? I feel like it should be while cooking or something). Like shooing her away or whatever. And then Alpine runs off sad (except not really because she's a sneaky little bb).
- And so then Bucky doesn't see her for a few hours and he's like meh whatever she's a cat she'll come back later.
- Except she doesn't.
- And it gets dark.
- And Bucky just stands staring out the window.
- Waiting.
- And waiting.
- ...
- ...and then he's stuck halfway up a tree in the middle of the night trying to get his evil cat who's so proud of herself.
- Actually at this point I don't even care about a storyline or any kind of drama or anything I just want like six hours of Bucky and his cat.
- #byesam
- Actually no speaking of Sam.
- So before I kinda shipped Stucky but I kinda shipped ScarletSoldier (so sue me, I'm a terrible person) and kinda shipped SamBucky (I think that's their ship name) but now I think about it: YES.
- They N E E D to get together. I don't even care if we have to wait til the last episode, it just HAS to happen.
- Speaking of: LGBT Bucky.
- I know, I know, but hear me out: Marvel needs more representation, the fandom ships Bucky with literally every male character that exists within the MCU, and honestly? That would be so cool?
- I actually had a dream once where Sam and Bucky got woken up in the middle of the night by some kind of noise on their apartment and they were just wearing their nightclothes and Bucky's was boxers and a black shirt that said "SOME ASSASSINS ARE GAY. GET OVER IT." in rainbow letters and he and Sam just looked at each other and he shrugged and said "I think it's it's supposed to be a joke."
- Or Bucky playing the traditionally feminine role and distracting guys and girls using his sexuality. And being really good at it.
- Also, I hear Sharon Carter is back for the series. At first I was like meh because I found her a bit boring in CW and TWS but when I think about it it was probably because she was effectively just a plot device but the more I think about what she COULD be, well, boy, am I excited.
- Sharon sharing snark with the boys! Sharon teasing them! Sharon sharing stories about Aunt Peggy and Uncle Steve! (Staron not, EVER, being a thing!) Sharon knowing how into each other Bucky and Sam are! Sharon playing with Alpine! Sharon being cool! Sharon fighting! Sharon being generally an all-round, useful, well-rounded, complex, developed character!!!!
- If she HAS to end up being a love interest for one of the boys, let her be all the above things too! If she ends up with Sam, have Bucky be completely unimpressed but fully supportive (*cough* jealous *cough*)! If she ends up with Bucky, Sam can tease them forever for it!
- Better yet, have it be temporary! Let one of them go out with her and then they slowly realise their own chemistry and she lets them be together like the good and noble person she is!
- And, the fandom doesn't hate her for it!
- So many exclamation marks! What is with these! I don't know! Please stop!
- Oh. My. God. The Shield!!!! Let them share the shield. PLEASE let them share the shield. Sam, because he's Cap. Bucky, because he has experience with the shield and honestly? Joint Captain Americas? That would be cool.
- Retro cars. Motorbikes. I know nothing about them but they're aesthetically pleasing.
- Bars. Restaurants. Have Sam and Bucky go out places. Yes. Oh my God, the fans in public places.
- The fans always going to see Sam, the Falcon, the New Captain America, Steve Rogers BEST FRIEND.
- Excuse me, what???
- Yeah.
- Just so Bucky can be salty about it. It would be hilarious.
- Also, bars: girls flirting with Bucky and/or Sam and they pretend to be a couple just for the fun of it and then, oh? Wait? Haha no I'm not still holding your hand Sam what are you talking about???
- ...
- "Buck, man, you still haven't let go."
- Oh, God, the A N G S T. Bitterness, SamBucky comforting each other, sad stories, tears, anger, yes, yes, yes.
- Music? I mean I feel like there isn't anything that can't be made better but 70s and 80s music but at this point I feel like it's a bit cliché and overused. Dont get me wrong, I expect some proper good jams to be in this show, but I also don't want it to be generic.
- At the same time I don't want them to use modern pop happy romancey rubbish that probably wouldn't suit the tone of the show.
- You know what, I'll make a playlist. If I don't make one soon, something can digitally shout at me.
Well. Well, well, well. I didnt realise I wanted quite so much from this show until I did this. I just spent over an hour on this. Maybe I'll make a part two :P
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winkyjinki · 5 years
author asks 1-30 GO!
WHEW OK STRAP IN BUCKO (I already answered 1&29 uwu)
2. When you’re writing a new story, what is the one thing you need to know before you can start?
This is gonna sound so like “duh bitch” but I always need to know AT LEAST how I want it to end. Or like the almost-end. Bc it’s like if you know where you want to go then you can figure out how to build up to that moment. 
They always say it’s not abt the destination, but the journey. But like in this case, you need to know the destination to figure out the journey oop--
3. How do you know when a scene is “done”?
This is gonna sound so vague but like... when I feel like it’s complete? Like when I think it’s served its purpose in the fic.
In theatre, every single scene has a purpose in building up to the climax & resolution, so I always try to make sure that each scene has served its purpose in moving the plot along/gives you something for a later plot point.
4. How do you know when a chapter is “done”?
Ummm... I try to end it at a good point. Honestly this is the hardest for me because I always want to end it at a good point but also where it feels like the equivalent of a half-cadence in music (it doesn’t feel complete).
That’s like my best explanation.
5. How do you know when a story is “done”?
I think my story is done when I’ve neatly wrapped up the plot to my liking while also leaving as little loose ends as possible.
This is a boring answer lmao but it’s really my best explanation.
6. Where do your titles come from?
Most of my titles come from songs that my fics remind me of. I try to make it be like ~poetic~ bc I can’t come up w titles from the pits of my brain but I can def try to find the perfect song lyric LOL
7. How do you feel about prologues?
I feel like it’s really useful for setting some background info that you want to reference but don’t actually want to explain in the main story LOL but it’s def not necessary
8. How do you feel about epilogues?
Another thing that I feel is def not necessary but sometimes you want a little “what happens next?”...as a treat
9. Do you tend to have an external narrator or use one of the characters?
I like the idea of using a limited POV, so I like to use one of the characters for narration. Bc in my opinion it’s a little much when you’re like spending so much time being ~omniscient~ but that’s just my opinion.
10. Does your narrator move from character to character? 
Ummm honestly it depends for me. Like for me it’s like...if the story calls for it in my heart. 
I usually like to keep it to one character unless I’m planning a more complex story that calls for a lot of different POVs!
11. What punctuation do you love too much?
Bruh... Commas, semicolons and this bitch (–) are my holy grail I feel like I’m the queen of run-on sentences.
12. What punctuation do you hate with a passion?
Okay I don’t HATE them but I really don’t like the overuse!!!!! of exclamation points!!!!!! I use them a lot when I’m just posting about stuff I’m really passionate about like that’s cute I just am not too crazy about that in like prose & creative writing. I wouldn’t say it’s a pet peeve, per se, but it’s just not my cup of tea :/
13. What grammar tends to cause problems when you’re writing?
Idek what this means but like I guess I struggle with writing verbs in the right POV bc, like I said, I'm the queen of run on sentences so I tend to lose focus on what’s the subject of the sentence.
14. What’s the one word you can never spell/use properly, no matter how hard you try?
I am actually illiterate so I always end up misspelling words ALL the time just bc like my brain will turn off. I used to use the word “futile” incorrectly all the time but once I like actually found out how to use it correctly, I’ve been pretty good :0
15. How do you write a really good metaphor?
Bro when I figure it out I will SHARE
I don’t have a strategy--sometimes I just write good ones and idek how it happened oof--
16. What is your best piece of advice for writing angst scenes?
If you are HURTING by the time you’re done with it, you did it right. When I write angst, I know it’s good if my heart hurts by the end of it LOL
17. What is your best piece of advice for writing hurt/comfort scenes?
Kinda the same as 16, like it hurts but in a better way. This will probably also be the same as my answer for 22, but if it just makes you soft, you’re doing well.
Soft & hurt is the combo you need for that.
18. What is your best piece of advice for writing comedy scenes?
I like to share these scenes with people (beta readers, friends, etc.) and see how they receive them. Even if they don’t laugh like SUPER HARD, I think it’s worth keeping if they make positive comments and they say stuff like “That’s a mood.” or “I related to that hard.” bc in my humble opinion that’s good enough for me.
I’m working on a Trashmouth comedy special series, and I literally just read the skits to my friends and see what lands and what doesn’t.
I just like to treat any comedy scene as a comedy skit. Just see what lands !
19. What is your best piece of advice for writing action scenes?
Oh man, I don’t do a lot of those, so I don’t really have much advice for that :( maybe in like a year I’ll have something for that lollll
20. What is your best piece of advice for writing smut scenes?
Now I’m no expert on doing the dirty, but I did read up on how to write like...good sex scenes....and a lot of the sources say to (in my own words) overload on thought and emotion. 
Like honestly I don’t read smut for the sex (I mean like.... I get hype when my ship gets nasty but that’s beside the point), I read it to see how someone comes undone for their lover and I think that’s IMPORTANT. Tbh anyone can write sex, but like I need that connection.
21. What is your best piece of advice for writing romance scenes?
Overload on that thought and emotion, dude. Make your heart THROB. I like to make this a matter of building tension and setting the release. Like no I will not be giving you that kiss yet bc that’s too easy. Build it up a little bit.
Talk about slow burn
22. What is your best piece of advice for writing fluff scenes?
If you read it and you feel like you might explode from how much these characters love each other, you are doing amazing, sweetie.
23. How do you balance your characters in an ensemble story?
I like to list out the primary, secondary, and side characters and figure out where they come in the story, what the relationships are, what purpose they serve the plot, stuff like that.
In a theatre standpoint (obviously), any character in a play has their own purpose and without even one of them, you can’t wrap that story up neatly. Like in Ancient Greek plays, even the smallest part played an integral part in moving the plot along.
24. How do you balance your characters when there are only a two or three in a story?
I like to think about what purpose each character serves in the story. I also like to think about whether this story revolves around one character, or if it delves into each character’s story and they kind of intertwine. Maybe they’re family or a team or roommates, or maybe they’re strangers whose lives are connected in some way if you wanna take that route.
I think when there are so little characters, you get more room to make them their own people. And you have that possibility of making it a collection of stories that come together without making it so confusing.
I think about that in, like, a theatre standpoint obviously.
25. How do you create an original character?
AAA I’ve never really made an OC but honestly I like to think it’s like making a sim LOL I’m so sorry to EVERYONE who’s ever made an OC.
I don’t even remember was my OC building process was like when I wrote original stories in, like, middle school.
26. How do you go about world building?
Oof ok I’ve been writing fanfic for as long as I can remember so that’s kinda cheating a little bit LOL it’s self explanatory.
But in the few original stories I’ve written (and honestly even when I write for some AUs), I base a lot of things on my own reality. So like people I know, places I like to go to, events that have taken place in my lifetime, they’re like the template, and depending on the nature of this world (realistic, fantasy, modern, futuristic, etc), that’s like how I’ll mold it to be part of that world.
27. Do you try to do most of your research ahead of writing (when research is necessary) or do you do it as things come up?
Honestly, I research things as they come up because things are always gonna come up. I’m constantly coming up with little things I can add into my fics, and I like to try all my ideas to see if they work with the story. I don’t want to scrap an idea just bc it’s not in my archive of research.
I also think when you get too wrapped up in technicalities, you lose focus of the actual story, so I like to jump in and do all my fact-checking as I go along!
28. How do you make sure your plot points are there while also making them blend in with the story?
This is something that I’m still figuring out because I’m just now getting back into writing longer fics, but I think as long as you make them fit in a way that they serve the plot or they play into one of your characters’ motives then it’s a good plot point!
30. How do you edit your stories?
This is gonna sound so extra, but I rewrite ALL OF IT from the beginning. When I do this, it really helps me figure out how to write thing in a more efficient and effective manner.
And I cannot stress this enough, beta readers are SO useful. You can do all of the proofreading you want, but someone who’s reading your writing will probably catch more spelling and grammar mistakes honestly. Also, they can give you insight on what might need more development, what might not make as much sense, and what really isn’t that necessary.
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prorevenge · 6 years
Professor attempts to destroy my education!
It was my first time (when I posted this first in r\MaliciousCompliance) in Reddit altogether. Did not even know about ProRevenge. They have mentioned that my story might belong here. So please do let me know if it does not. I will remove it.  
English is my second language and I am a IT Professional, which means I do not get to practice writing in English all that much. So any punctuation, grammatical or any other errors, including overuse of exclamation mark can hopefully be forgiven.
TL;DR at the bottom.  
In my adopted motherland, I am a religious minority. I am a proud citizen now of this land who immigrated here. And stereotyping while not very common, but not uncommon here. And this story is from my college life.
It was one of my programming course that college hired a new professor for. Although I am a religious minority and the professor was from a different religion (which also, technically a religious minority in this land) that did not really mesh up well, I did not (as I still do not) care at all! You see, I myself am not much religious and my point of view about religion is from the prospective of (social) science. I believe my first religion is Humanity! Everything else is just a label!
So, back to the story, This professor was teaching us the basics of C++ (as the course was the Intro to C++) and during the final, he gave us a Final project that either counted as the entire final or a major portion of the final exam (can't recall the exact details since it was about 13 years ago). Once the project was done, we email it to him and he grades it. I do that and wait for my grade. It was Spring semester and Summer brake/session is about to begin.
Now, another bit of info here, if in a course, you get an "F" (for Failing), the following semester, you can take the course back again and if you pass, that "F" gets erased from your record and you are on your merry way toward your degree. BUT for some reason, (like if you do not submit your final project), you get an "I" (Incomplete) and now you have "X amount of time to Complete that work" so that "I" can be transformed into a grade. I am not too sure now, but I believe if you retake the entire course again, you get a grade but that "I" stays with you and goes to your Transcript/Diploma. It is extremely frowned upon and may hinder your graduation!
So, after waiting a few weeks for the semesters' result, I see I got an "I"! Immediately I emailed the professor asking why I got an I! No response! I call his office number... No response! I go to the department, they tells me that the professor have notated in my record (as I guess it was customary to do so)  that I have not submitted my Final project and hence the "I". To which I fumed up and stated that I had indeed sent my final project using our College email system. But the department states since I am within "Y" days of that "X amount of Days" (before I need to take care of that "I") and since the professor went back to his motherland for a month, I should wait for him to return and he is the only one that can reverse the "I" from my grade! They mentioned that He probably somehow missed my email containing my final project. The department assured me that once he is back from his country, they will instruct him to fix this and notify me of it.  
I waited for his return till the very last week of that "X amount of Days". He did not come back! So that week, I went back to the department and stated my case. They mentioned that since he was not back, they will email him to get some form of "OK.. I received his email with the project and I see that either he passed or failed, he gets a grade!" The Comp Sci department CC's me on that email. To my utter disbelief, that professor emails back the department chair (I am still CC'ed on it) that he went back to the email and checked! And he got NOTHING from me! So that "I" stays! He explicitly states that "I" (for Incomplete) stays!
At this point I began to fume so much so that I went back to my Department chair and the department chair now wants me to prove that I sent him that on THAT particular time (right before the end of Final). I login to the email account and I dig through and find the email; showing it in the "Sent" box. Department chair replies to that professor that the chairman concurs that I indeed sent that email to the professor. To which then, the professor replies "It may very well be, but you know how sometimes although the email is sent, it does not arrive at the recipients inbox! so I did not get it!" And right after that email, the professor now goes silent and does not respond back to the chairs' emails! every time I send an email, especially when as important as the college final project (since we are supposed to only use the email address that the college provided) when I sent the project from the college email, I also CC'ed my personal email on that! I show the receipt email from my personal email and department chair agrees that the email was indeed sent!  
By this point, I am extremely desperate to overturn that "I". I will take an "F" if needed, but that "I" will hurt my education.
I was extremely popular in our college circuit; so much so that (our college was under a "Chain Education" system  and I will not mention any names here; that had more than 20 different Colleges/Universities all across this city!) I knew the head honcho, the Chancellor and the college president very much and very well!
Now, on the last day, I go to the College president as well as the Chancellor! show them the proof and state my case (I might have mentioned to them that I am in the process of getting a Lawyer as I feel that this is a clear, blatant and extreme prejudice against me and may very well be racially motivated!)! They agrees that the professors' behavior contained a negative intent toward me by giving me an "I" and not a grade that can be the either of "A, B, C, D or F". I also lodge a formal complaint against the professor right then and there! They immediately instructs my department chair to take my project and grade it and then change that "I". Now you gotta understand that this was not a norm! The Chair does that and I end up getting an "A".
When someone becomes a professor for the first time, the first year or so are their Probationary period and if they do not make much splash, they can become permanent. And now, the Chancellor and the President of my college decides that it's  in the University's best interest not to retain that professor any longer! Simply put, they FIRED his ASS!!!
I get my grade, I am happy! Summer ends. A new "Winter Session" is about to begin and I get an email in my personal as well as college email account from that very same professor! Lo and behold! He apologizes to me for his behavior without directly admitting his prejudiced action toward me and asks me to withdraw my complaint so he can attempt to get his Job back!!!!  
I CC that email to the department chair, the college president and the Chancellor  and reply to him that "I will not withdraw my complaint at all and he is lucky that I did not involve my lawyer for the serious harm that he intended to cause me! And I wish and pray that he never gets another chance to teach again; in the event that he might try to ruin another students' life!"
I graduated from that institution so long ago... but of all the great memories, the few sad ones, this sticks out to me!
TL;DR: Professor tries to ruin my education life due to the religious differences; ends up ruining his own career!
Many asked the question Why do I think it was due to religious differences?
Answer: I am damn good at computers and maths. So it certainly was not for the lack of my education! I was the only one from my faith. Now I have to admit, that professor didn't say anything directly negative toward me while in class (as far as I can recall ; it's been more than 13 years since that class). But why only me getting an "I" from the entire class?! Because even if he counted the other grades and ignored the final project, I still wouldn't have failed). But what else could be the reason?! Maybe I didn't pay enough attention to his daughter (joking here! I don't even know if he had one)?!
Now some context of the grading: 99.99 percent of the students gets a grade like A, B, C, D, or F. But the ones that gets an "I" for incomplete it turns into an "I F". Means Incomplete Failure. When you finish your curriculum, you get your transcript, and when you Complete the entire degree requirement, you get your diploma and get to Graduate! That "I" and then "I F" would probably have denied me my Diploma! What good does a transcript do in job interviews without the physical diploma?!
(source) (story by bebgaltiger18)
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xbloodrunsredx · 5 years
funky writing tips that actually help!
don’t overuse adverbs in dialogue tags! ‘she smiled happily’ vs ‘her smile was comparable to the sun’. we know what emotion brings a smile, so really bring in the imagery!
don’t overuse different dialogue tags! examples: roared, screamed, screeched, etc. instead, put an action (“I don’t want to,” she put down her coffee, leaning back in her chair.) or just ‘said’! otherwise it distracts the reader from the dialogue itself
make sure you plan out your chapters. if a chapter doesn’t contribute to the plot/emotion of a story, it can be cut out!
summaries grab the reader; don’t say ‘probably really bad’ or ‘don’t read’, because you project your own insecurity onto the reader. be proud of your work!
invest in a beta, one that has more writing experience than you. if you ever want me to look over something, message me for my email! i’ll help as best i can
don’t info dump in dialogue! it should be inferrable, or already known. having a character state what should be common knowledge is a snap back to reality!
write the story YOU want to read. i guarantee around fifty others want to read it too!
create a writing schedule. if you’re super busy, maybe a notebook so you can scribble down ideas as they come in, to work on them when you’re free!
paragraphs should be four to five lines at most! a huge block of text is hard to read, and most people will give up
don’t switch povs without some clear break; using line breaks, or every other chapter. it might be easy for you to keep up with since you wrote it, but your audience will just be confused!
make sure you end your dialogue with a full stop or comma! i see a lot of “I don’t want to” she says. This looks slightly jarring.
Same with putting a full stop or comma after an exclamation or question mark. “I don’t want to!.” You’ve already established the end of the sentence using the mark, it’s fine to leave it at that.
you might write best if you go with the flow—I do too! but make sure you have a brief outline of your plot, so you know where you can place last-minute add-ons without it disrupting the pacing of your plot!
don’t spend three pages describing a street. just don’t, everyone will skip over it!
don’t just kill a character, hurt a character, etc. when you have writers block. this can massively affect the plot and pacing, and adding something for shock-value isn’t as impactful as planning it out, and how to make it work for your mc.
start a pinterest board full of writing tips! make different sections for grammar, planning, etc.
don’t do really detailed descriptions all at once. we can get to know them with the mc; we can notice later on how they have ink smudged on their fingers, and gold flecks in their eyes. really draw it out, so it’s not wham, blam, thank you ma’am. it’s unnatural unless your character is super observant; we want stuff to look forward to noticing!
write fanfiction! use your readers, and have them critique your style, your grammar, your pacing, all of it!
be open to criticism. it can be hard, but it’s the only way to improve. saying “don’t critique this!!” can stop you from getting the information you need to become an even better writer.
write something, even if you think it’s terrible. you’ll feel bad whether you write it or not, so at least make sure you have something to edit later.
know your limits (and when to break them). that writing comp might not be the best opportunity to write your first sci-fi story, if you’re really talented at romance and are in it to win it. but, make sure you’re open to writing all genres at some point, rather than just playing it safe.
take care of yourself! if you haven’t slept or showered in three days, try and take care of yourself first; your writing will be better if you feel fresh and comfortable.
happy writing!!
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okimargarvez · 5 years
HURT- open wounds 20
Original title: Hurt.
Prompt: Luke’s dark thought, destiny, contrasted love.
Warnings: sexual content, dark thoughts.
Genre: angst, drama, romantic, smut, dark, mistery, frienship.
Characters: Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez, BAU team, O.C.
Pairing: Garvez.
Note: multichapter.
Legend: 💏😘😈🔦🐶❗🎈👻.
Song mentioned: La tua vita intera, Tiziano Ferro.
Hurt- Masterlist
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Chapter 20
They spend the whole evening embracing, unable to break away from each other.
The few words that are exchanged appear superfluous.
-I was so scared that someone could...- before he could stopped her there were the tears that break the voice. -We protect others, but who protects us?- motions of anger were cyclically followed by delayed panic attacks. The man, on the other hand, had practically remained silent all the time, because the thoughts couldn’t come out. He, too, had felt his own terror, of losing her for a reason like that. Stupid. Just because a woman had decided to inherit her husband's money. And five innocent people had been killed, including Walker's best friend. Anyone could have been killed, the victims were all random, but they worked in the FBI. Like them.
-I have more right than you to be worried.- she had said a few hours before, during a hysterical call. -You are around, a potential victim, while I'm always locked up in this bunker. You go around with a sign on your back that says "Please, insert the needle here.".- and she had burst into tears. But this time he couldn’t reach her to console her. That woman had to be stopped.
-Penelope, nothing will happen to me ... I promise you.- but his sentence had obtained the opposite effect than hoped.
-No, don’t say, don’t say these bullshit.- the word vulgar was sounded very strange out of those lips. -You can’t know how it will go, you can’t know anything! And if I had to lose you... I would never forgive you! Did you understand, Alvez?- he had nodded, but she couldn’t see him.
-We see you at home tonight.- he had merely said, before hang up. A promise, a wish, a hope.
When he had opened the door, she had rejected him in a moment of pride and nervousness, but then she had fallen into the arms of the dark man, without pouring (yet) even a tear, just shaking her head.
And now the tears had run out, the rage consumed, the fear had waned. But she still could not tolerate the idea of having to get away from him. Even before all this mess happened, when they still didn’t know the seriousness of the matter, she hadn’t been able to stay away from him. Who knows if the others had noticed that her computer was on the desk of Luke and that she was less than a meter away, when in theory she had to "hate" or otherwise keep him away. And even during the various meetings they were (almost) always close.
-Hun, are you tired?- now the blonde raises her head from the male chest trying to cross his gaze. She has no answer to give him. Tired is a reductive adjective. Exhausted. Emptied, that thing she never wanted to be in her life. Wouldn’t she have been worried about every member of her team anyway? Sure. But Luke was something different. In the end she decides to shake her head. She doesn’t want to go to sleep. She rather wants to stay with him until her strength will vanish, until she loses consciousness. She doesn’t want to consciously be separate from him. Why all the other times she seemed less anxious? Maybe she just pretended, she made fun of herself.
Too many thoughts whirl in Luke's head. Those ghosts who had abandoned him have returned to visit him at the sight of Stephen's friend's son. It was going better to Phil, but really? Only from the physical point of view, because mentally it was as if he were dead. And he was dead too, until he met Penelope, she, his blond angel, his Scandinavian goddess, who had made him "resuscitate." She had brought him back to life, she had given him the desire to live again. He loved her, with every part of himself; he hadn’t chosen to fall in love with her, but he would never renegade it. It had been beautiful and frightening at the same time, to see on her face the pure terror (the same that he felt) for the risk that he had ran.
After discovering that those who had messed up with Reid were a womans, Emily had advised everyone to take the evening to rest their mind. And they had chosen a creative way to perform the task given by the boss. A fantasy that they both had for a long time. They had to wait long, until everyone had really gone home, including Prentiss and Rossi. And then they had done it. An authentic madness. But this was possible because his girlfriend was a hacker and had turned off all the cameras, as well as temporarily blocked them both inside the BAU floor, so that no one, even if he wanted to, would be able to get in. All for a "quickie" on Luke's desk. Before it was deserted, devoid of any personal sign and now brought a bit 'of books, but above all two puppets, one in the form of "mini Roxy", both naturally gifts of beautiful computer technician.
-What do you think?- she caresses his neck and part of his chest. His hands are instead around her shoulders. He feels her breath on the skin, warm and comforting. How did he live on this earth before he met her?
-Many things. Too many things.- he bends over to kiss her hair. -How lucky I am. To be here, to be with you, to have Roxy, to do a job like that with people wonderful. Although dangerous, it causes you anxieties and worries...- their eyes cross each other. -But don’t believe that I am less anguished than you. After all, the time you risked your life you were not even "on a mission", am I wrong?- Penelope lowers her head with a guilty attitude. -Hey, I'm not saying you've been looking for it!- he hurries to add. -I only want to advance the claim to be worried too, you don’t have the exclusivity. Clear?- she nods and leans out just enough to put her lips on his. -I didn’t tell you quite often, I don’t even know why... maybe I don’t want it to become a sort of habit, but anyway... I love you, and I hope I can prove it day by day.-
-Luke!- the tone sounds like a rebuke. -Of course, you do. It's me that I still have some... resistance. I think I'm afraid... if I'd let myself go, I'd lose you. And I would suffer again. And I don’t know if I could survive. I know it's stupid, that doesn’t make sense... but it's what I feel.- he lifts her chin and for the first time after what seems to be centuries, their bodies are slightly distanced.
-Honey, I'm sure one day you'll be able to tell me the same. And anyway, there are so many ways to do it, without opening your mouth. For example, trying to wait for me awake or tase me on the phone with all your fears. Every time you invent a new one to surprise me- a significant pause -you don’t need to tell me, Penelope. I read love very well in your eyes.- a man like that, she risked letting go of a man like that. Sweet, sexy, beautiful, intelligent... perfect, but she never liked perfection. In fact, he also has his faults.
-We can live in this instant forever?- a naive and overused question. He laughs.
-What does it assure you that the future can’t be even better?- his look is already mischievous. But it's not the time for that.
-Yes, but... can we stay a little 'hugged for a while, however?- there are women who ask for diamonds, the moon, a house by the sea... and then there is his, who is content to have him next. But it is not a little thing, it is a great claim: in her sentence is in fact hidden the precise imposition to back home every evening, after a case. Back home alive and well or that pretty butt could be spanked.
-What you think if we would change location? I start to feel a little too much in symbiosis with the couch.- they giggle together, then he leads her into the bedroom, where Roxy awaits.
-Luke...- the blonde breaks the silence, after both are under the covers. -You never thought of expanding the family ?- what should he imagine about such a question? What is she talking about? Not about that... it's not possible. But why the thought just makes him print a stupid smile in his face? Fortunately, the light is off, and the moon is obscured by clouds that herald a storm, so she can’t see his idiotic expression. The woman's fingers intertwine with his. The hunter catches prey. -Cathie’s cat, one of the participants in the therapy group... do you remember?- she catches the slight movement of the head -...well, her cat has made puppies and there is only one left. He has a crooked tail and for this reason nobody is taking him. So I thought... nothing, leave it alone.- Luke feels every nuance, every emotion in the tone of Penelope. And the last feeling is... sadness. What partly he feels too, when he realizes that in the end she wasn’t referring to what he believed. Maybe it's better this way. Even if…
-Hey, hey, honey, why don't talking about it? I like the prospect of having another reason to come back here.- he smiles, but again, she can’t see him. But perhaps she feels his aura. -And to you, too, girl?- he gives Roxy a pat, who is complaining that she was disturbed in the middle of a beautiful dream. -What name did you give him?- Penelope can’t hold back a surprised exclamation.
-How do you know I've already given him a name?- Luke laughs.
-Even if you don’t like it, I know you all too well, Miss Garcia.- he teases her and then kiss her, pressing her head on the pillow. -So, the name?- she gasps and took a while to recover.
-Twisty. I know it's not very creative, but since it has a crooked tail...- the man nods. The choice has been approved.
-When are we going to get him?-
 The kitten turns out to be big enough to take up the cage that they brought with them. He has a short fur, completely black, of a spectacular shine. The tail bends in the opposite direction, right on the tip, yet what might look like a flaw makes it simply particular, weird in a good way, just like his future wife. As soon as she sees him, Penelope's eyes grow larger and more intense. It is that maternal gaze that causes him strange thoughts, meditations that he has never done in more than forty years of life, and now... he too is not able to remain immune from the charm of the newcomer. Especially when the cat starts purring as soon as he is picked up. There will certainly be scratches and bites, pee where he doesn’t have to... but now he doesn’t want to think about it.
He doesn’t admit it, but he is very worried about the big meeting. His fears prove to be unfounded. Roxy greets the unexpected guest with suspicion but doubts last for a while. In short, even the real diva of the house gives her approval, especially when she understands that he will not eat her food and will not steal the affection of her masters.
-He reminds me very much Sergio, Emily's cat.- sighs the woman, the arms of his man around her hips, while together they contemplate the two little monsters that sleep together on the bed, occupying it almost entirely. -There are still a lot of things that I have to tell you, Alvez.- she turns her head in his direction.
He nods. He loves to listen to her, to hear her tell pieces of life that don’t concern him. But not now, not right now. -Sooner or later. Sooner or later.- he whispers, making her shiver. He cradles her, they sway together. -There's no hurry.- and they both want to believe it, to have their whole life in front of them, whatever that expression means.
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I really liked Lanque’s Route in Friendsim, especially the “problematic” endings
Discourse and Spoilers, don’t read if you’re just looking for rage fuel. Or do. You control your own actions, and as long as you take responsibility for them everything will be Gucci. We good? We good.
Fight me if you want, but I’m putting it out there. I am happy to have a character who is trans, but who also has other elements to their personality even if they aren’t innocent. Yeah he’s got flaws, so does everyone else. Alternia is an alien planet with a culture is clearly different from ours, and that needs to be taken into account when considering what’s “problematic”. We’re talking about a planet of kids being raised by animals or by themselves on the streets into a classist society where they are allowed to murder each other for a physical trait that they can’t control somehow permissible but as soon as someone acts like an ass and tries to get some serious action it all goes to the fan? There’s a lot more “problematic” behavior we could be worrying about but we only hyper-focus it on Lanque because he’s canonically trans. Not every trans person is a good person, and characters who are trans shouldn’t be sheltered from some more tricky personalities to handle.
Idk man, I fuckin loved how V straight-up went out and said that you had to own up to looking at the problematic material. They called out the discourse, and after writing a route like the one they did for Marvus none of us should be surprised. The idea of it being Hussie is one I personally like, but even if it’s not I think it’s great that they don't hold back just because of what some fans think. They deal with characters like they’re actual people, meaning that some will be what others think is problematic. 
I’ve seen a lot of people upset at the fact that Lanque called out Lynera, and don't get me wrong that was hella uncalled for, but have y’all considered that maybe since we haven’t known Lynera for the last 2.43 sweeps (which is what, about 5 years? As long as a middle or high school career?) we don't know the kind of shit she’s been talking? It’s a bit unfair to judge yet, really. He doesn’t take her feelings into account, but then again was she taking his when she was saying shit?
Lanque is selfish, but dare I present the fact that he’s gotta sacrifice himself to the caverns when he goes off-planet? Maybe he’s projecting a bit when he is so crude calling out Lynera, holding on to the little bit of freedom he can still take before the trials. I dunno, food for thought.
If the issue is the sexual nature of this route I would like to remind people that the MC still has the ability to make choices for themselves, shown when they refuse the drugs even after Lanque tries to coerce them into it (good job protag I love you) and aren’t being forced to do it in a fashion similar to how Ardata controls them early on in the game. That, and after being denied Lanque doesn’t force the MC to do anything. Yeah he pokes fun, but he still stops. As for dancing, it's sexual, and the MC even states that they know what he wants and it might be more than they’re willing to give, but they go with it because it “feels good”. That’s kinda why people do things like this in the first place, isn’t it? And in the bedroom scene, again, the MC doesn’t say no because you as the player consented at the start to seeing the kind of material that the mature content warning covered such as sexual situations, language, and coercion. The decisions of the MC are executed based on the presumption that you followed the rules Ardata set when you first agreed to play through this version of the route(aka being of legal age to see mature content, being aware of the specific mature content contained, and knowing yourself well enough to know whether or not you could handle possibly problematic content). If you looked at the warnings and thought “I can’t handle some of these aspects” and yet continued on anyway, that’s on you. If you did it just to fuel your rage against Lanque, same deal. You could have played it safe, and even if you didn’t whether the MC and Lanque “pail” is up to you. You either consent by keeping your mouth shut like Lanque tells you too or you don’t by calling Bronya in to take care of the situation, which you get rewarded for by getting the good end. Even the Hiveswap team knows that there’ s only so far they can go reasonably, literally labeling the option as “Call in his mom. This has gotten problematic enough.” 
Yes, opting out of it does get you some grief, but it’s a reflection of the general crowd that wanted to see a “safe” character in a world that really doesn’t have them (not to mention the nicely added piece in there about bi erasure, especially since trolls have a default bi/pan sexuality but as soon as same-sex attraction is seen that concept is thrown out the window). They gave some people what they said they wanted, but not without a clear jab to say that they’re not doing it necessarily because they want to. And don’t worry folks! Us sinners who decided to go all the way and then get tossed aside got dunked on too (but hey alien coochie amirite). So teasing for both sides! Equality! Yay!
The team honestly had the right to pull this. We couldn’t even behave when we first learned his damn pronouns. TWO LETTERS threw everyone into an uproar. Let’s not forget that this is considered THE SECOND ROUND OF DISCOURSE and there will probably be more when he reappears in Hiveswap Act 2. They were damned either way they tried to go, so they did both. It’s a spiteful move, but the Homestuck fandom is one of the few places where that can be done thanks to the unique relationship between us as players and readers and community creators, and them as canon creators and the facilitators for the whole thing. 
I’m sick of flop/problematic/discourse culture. I’m sick of overused exclamation points!!! being used!!! to try and make a point more valid!!!! and right!!!! I’m sick of wig-snatching, tea-sipping, uwu-ing, social justice phrased-as-if-you’re-above-all-of-this bullshit being perpetuated as legitimate discussion. Yeah, I sound like a dick here and I’m being petty, and that’s the point. This isn’t so much satire as it is how I close I can get to posting something related to discourse. I’m not putting out a twenty-page analysis on how “bad” Lanque really is or isn’t until my hand is forced to give my evidence over and explain how I as someone who is over 18 with reasonably neutral views sees him not being that problematic compared to a lot of other content I’ve seen with similar themes and actions. I’ve played Dramatical Murder and Boyfriend to Death, and if you want problematic I dare you go play one of those games.
TL;DR Ardata warned you, everyone complaining about how problematic her party was is playing right into the hands of the team, and the only ones to blame here for the drama are ourselves.
If you get owned, fucking own it. And boy, we sure as hell did.
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