#my mutuals are pretty fuckin rad
macfrog · 9 months
call me
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idea came to me in a dream. enjoy also! i made a notifs blog! taglist life is NOT for me, babies. feel free to head on over, follow and turn notifs on to be updated anytime i post! 👉 @macfroglets 👈 you’re gonna wanna do it before this sunday…😉🤠
inspired by @bageldaddy who is the author of the dreamiest series on this site, my biggest crush, and also told me not to tag her but i respect my elders so.
pairing: joel miller x call girl!reader
summary: you moonlight as a call girl, receiving mediocre call after mediocre call. one night, one joel miller dials in, and grants you the most exciting ten minutes of your career
warnings: 18+ (minors dni!!!) this fic is pro-sex work. reader is a phone sex operator, mentions of anal and oral, dirty talk, couple mentions of daddy, praise kink, mutual masturbation, alcohol consumption, cursing
word count: 3k
main masterlist
“What now, baby?” you whisper, laughing to yourself. You’re palming at your breast, your fingers pulling in around your nipple. Your core begins to throb. “You’re gonna touch yourself.” “That what you want?” “’s what I want, angel. Do it for me.”
It started out as a joke, if you’re being honest.
A wine-drunk night with Liv, sat at opposite ends of the couch, legs intertwined somewhere in the middle of the cushions. Her blouse was stained pink – your fault, apparently, for making her laugh too hard. Her glass tilted a fraction too far and before you knew it, you owed her a new shirt.
“Say it again, say it how he said it,” she snorted, patting her chest down with the damp towel you’d handed her.
“…quite frankly, disappointed with your performance,” your head tilted back and forth, mocking the nasally voice of your fifty-one-year-old, receding-hairline-equipped boss. Ex-boss. Asshole.
“Oh, fuck,” she heaved, still catching her breath. “That’s so fucking funny.”
You sighed in agreement.
“So…what are you actually gonna do now?”
You shrugged. “Sell my body.”
“Dare you.”
“I would.”
“I know you would. And you’d be good at it, too. ‘s why I’m telling you to do it.”
You kicked her ankle. “I got bills to pay, dude.”
“What about one of those call girls?”
And, well. That was that.
You’d googled it after seeing her off to her own apartment, watching her wobbly form stagger across the hall and stab her key a few times into the wood before it landed in the lock. The door closed with an accidental slam which echoed up the stone stairwell, and you crept back to your own place.
Palms either side of your laptop on the counter, face lit in a blue glow, dripdripdrip of your busted tap echoing around your dark kitchen. They asked for an email address – you used the one you’d made up before you realized email addresses were permanent – and a phone number. Said someone would call you to discuss it. You shrugged, hit Sign up and went to bed.
Within hours, you’d spoken to some sharp-accented woman who asked quick, snappy questions and uhuhed her way through your answers. Her name was Erica. She told you she’d look after you, told you to call her with any questions or concerns you had.
All she wanted from you were the basics: you liked sex, you masturbated, you knew how to dirty talk. You sorta knew your way around things like anal, and could manage a convincing pitch for things of a more…exploratory nature.
And then she asked when you wanted to start. You told her that night.
Your first caller – like, ever – was some guy with a midwestern accent who asked you to narrate fucking him. Like, spanking him with a paddle, calling him a bad, bad boy. You threw your nerves to the wind and went along with it, and honestly, had a pretty rad time. He was cool.
But one was enough for your first night. You logged out and went to bed. You told Liv the next morning, and she punched your arm a little too hard and yelled, That’s my fuckin’ girl! Was it hot? Did you…y’know?
No. You never get that lucky. Some calls you can lie idly on your couch and let your limp hand surf beneath the hem of your underwear, push lazy circles against your clit as the dude moans in your ear or gasps when you whine.
Sometimes their mics can pick up the faint sound of them jacking off, and your brain slips you an image that makes your stomach flutter. Sometimes you’ll hang up and take yourself the whole nine yards with your laptop sitting on your mattress, porn on the screen, and your vibrator between your open legs.
It’s pretty intense work. Sometimes.
But all in all: no. You never…y’know.
One week in, you were cooking dinner whilst telling Trevor – thirty-nine, Buffalo, New York – how you’d take his huge, throbbing dick in your throat and let him fuck it. He asked to hear how turned on you were, just talking about it. You lowered your phone down to the pot of macaroni and gave it a stir.
“Oh, fuck,” he groaned down the line, “you’re so fuckin’ wet right now, huh?”
Tonight, you had pizza rolls. Less sexy.
You just got off another call. Thirty minutes of describing how good you’d take him up your ass. You’re bored, turned off by this point, and tired. It’s almost 3AM.
You pace around your apartment, flicking switches off and tossing cushions back into place. Spilling small sips of wine from your glass onto your tongue as you’re plunged into darkness, one click at a time.
You don’t get much while the sun’s up. Most days, nothing at all. That works for you, though. You can run errands, grab groceries, do sweet-fucking-nothing whilst waiting for the influx of calls that will inevitably come your way by nightfall. When the streetlights come on, the rush hour traffic dies out front, the shuffling of tired feet up the concrete staircase outside your front door slows down – you just log in, and your cell will eventually start to ring.
Your cell, which now lies wedged between the couch cushions. You notice the sound of it vibrating as you’re pulling your curtains closed. Half-way shut, you desert them and wander over. Intrigued.
No Caller ID. The usual. You swipe right. The robotic voice tells you there’s a request on your account for a ten-minute call. Tells you to dial 1 to accept, or hang up.
Ten minutes? At three in the morning?
Usually, at this time of night, they’re longer. They’re drunk, or their partner finally fell asleep, or they just want your attention for a bit. See them through the uncomfortably quiet night.
But ten fucking minutes?
Ten minutes would make you somewhere around thirty-five dollars. They had the option as the timer ran out to extend the call, if they wanted. Most of them did. And that worked fine for you.
You’re unemployed. Who knows what money you’ll have in a week’s time? An extra thirty bucks – probably more – right before bed? A little nightcap?
You dial in and answer the call.
He doesn’t say anything when it connects. You hear the ruffling of clothes.
Your voice naturally dips a couple octaves, coats in something smooth and husky. Glistening, gleaming, sex-driven. “Hello?”
He clears his throat. His voice is deep, rich. More vibration than speech. He speaks with a Southern drawl, like bare skin running over silken sheets. It’s smooth, and sensual, and sexy. “Evenin’.”
You knock the last light switch off with your hip and doddle through to your bedroom. Mornin’, actually. “Hi. What’re you after, baby?”
He takes a beat to reply. More ruffling. He chuckles a little before he says it. “Baby? That what you wanna call me?”
Your glass scrapes softly across your nightstand. You bounce down on your mattress, springs moaning as you roll onto your stomach. Knees bent, your ankles link in the air. “What do you want me to call you?”
“Guess we can figure that one out together.”
“Alright. I like a challenge. You wanna start with your name?”
Another pause. He sucks in a deep breath. “Joel.”
“Joel,” you repeat, thumb picking at your nailbeds. “That’s a sexy name.”
He doesn’t respond. Just gives a non-committal grunt, and a smile pulls across your lips.
“What are you into, Joel?”
He sniffs. “Thought we could figure that out, too.”
Something in the way he says it, the curve in the words, maybe, tells you he knows damn well what he’s into. What he means is: you can figure that out by yourself.
Like you said: you like a fucking challenge.
“You like nicknames? Daddy? That kinda thing?”
A low growl passes his lips. “Not this early on, I don’t.”
You know from the hitch in his voice that he likes it. That little catch at the bottom of his throat, the way the words stumble on their way up. Know you’ve plucked a string deep inside.
“Well, you know you only got ten minutes, right?”
“I’m aware.”
“’kay,” you sing, flipping your hair over your shoulder. You exhale, drawing shapes on the pattern of your bedsheets. “Why don’t you tell me what you’re thinkin’ about, then? What’s on your mind, cowboy?”
Cowboy. It’s the accent. He sounds Texan, or something. His words float through the receiver all wound, coiled up and tight.
Joel doesn’t seem to care. He answers your question truthfully.
“Thinkin’ about what you’re doin’ right now.”
You smirk. Sometimes you like the attention, too. You turn your head, check the clock by your bed. Two minutes have passed.
“I’m…lying in bed, in the dark. Had a couple wines, feelin’ pretty good. But this is all about you, so.”
He chuckles softly. “’m lyin’ in bed, too. In the dark.”
“You feelin’ lonely?”
He takes another deep breath. You figure he does this before he gives most answers. He sounds the contemplative type. Always double, triple checking his sentences before he lets them go.
“Just need somethin’ to take the edge off.”
“Okay,” you breathe, “let me. What do you need?”
There’s a long break between the end of your question and the sound he makes before he answers. You pull the phone from your ear and glance at the screen to make sure it’s still connected. Time says another two minutes have passed.
Joel grumbles. It echoes around your ear like thunder in the distance. “You touchin’ yourself?” he eventually asks.
“Uhuh,” you reply, nails picking at a loose thread on your comforter.
“Yeah? How’s it feel?”
“Good,” you mewl, tugging at the seam. Your teeth grit as you yank at it. “So – fucking – good.”
There’s another growl from the other end. It vibrates through your speaker, purrs in your ear.
“You ain’t fuckin’ touchin’ yourself.”
Your hand stops. Your eyes stick on the thread. “I am.”
“You are?”
“Tell me how.”
You roll your eyes, turning onto your back. Your fingers play with the buttons of your shirt. Fuckin’ – tell me how. “I’m…” you sigh, “…I’m laying in bed, on my back. My hands are –”
“What you wearin’?”
“Isn’t that the sorta stuff you oughta ask when I first pick up?”
He speaks calmer. Clearer. You can hear the smile on his lips. “’m askin’ you now. What you wearin’, sweetheart?”
Sweetheart. So he’s that type. Whatever. He’s kind of pissing you off.
“A shirt. And socks. And panties. No bra.”
“’n where you touchin’ yourself?”
You huff. “Between my –”
“Watch the attitude.”
You almost fucking laugh. Your breath escapes your chest in a silent burst. “Between my legs,” you tell him, flat and annoyed.
“Mhm. Above or beneath the panties?”
“Beneath, daddy.”
A tiny groan passes his lips. He doesn’t mean for it to, and a second, angry grumble follows, like he’s pissed at himself for letting it slip.
You take a lock of hair and twirl it around your finger, pulling tight until the tip whitens. “You touching yourself?” you ask, voice sickly sweet.
Joel ignores you. “Take it off. The shirt,” he clarifies, when you don’t answer.
You shuffle around a little, making sure he can hear the movement. You unbutton the shirt until it’s lying loose over your breasts, then tug it down over one shoulder.
“Alright,” you tell him with a heavy breath, laying back on the mattress, “it’s off.”
“Yeah?” he asks, and your eyes flutter closed.
Joel chuckles under his breath. “Know when you’re lyin’, angel. Take – it – off. Don’t be a brat about it.”
This is half the game for him, you realize. This is his thing. He gives commands, you disobey them, and he kicks you into line. Tells you to behave.
You figure you like it almost as much, going by the heat pooling between your legs.
Your shoulders lift and you tug the shirt over them, tossing it to the floor. You lie back, bare against the sheets, and your hand instantly cups over your breast.
“Better,” Joel breathes.
“What now, baby?” you whisper, laughing to yourself. You’re palming at your breast, your fingers pulling in around your nipple. Your core begins to throb.
“You’re gonna touch yourself.”
“That what you want?”
“’s what I want, angel. Do it for me.”
You don’t take much more convincing. Your hand slips down your front, cups over your mound. You gasp when your fingertips brush against your clit.
Joel hears. “Yeah,” he hums, “’s a good girl. Take those panties off ‘n rub that pretty little clit for me.”
Your fingertips give one last kiss to the fabric of your panties. Your mouth tips open a fraction. You suck in a quiet breath, and push your hips up off the bed. The lace slips down your thighs in one motion.
Joel’s grunting steadily now, small noises slipping past his lips and into your ear. You spread your legs and push against your bud again, massaging the sensitive skin.
“Fuck, Joel,” you whine, and he groans in response.
“I know, I know,” he’s saying, and you hear the metal tinkle of his belt buckle. The fraying sound of denim being shifted. One slow, relief-filled groan.
His hands are on his cock.
You’d put more effort into caring that he’s been fully clothed this entire time, if you could think straight. You’re applying more pressure to your clit, rubbing faster, harder, then letting your fingers drift downward, move between your gleaming folds.
“Wish I was there with you so bad,” Joel purrs, and your eyes flutter open.
“Yeah?” you choke.
“What would you – do to me?”
He shudders. “Would fuck you real good, sweetheart.”
“Fuck,” you breathe, fingers circling faster.
There’s a gentle tugging; a rhythmic breathing. The odd break in his voice when his hand tightens, or you make a sweet little sound, or he catches himself giving too much away.
“Fuckin’ – be all over you. Nice ‘n hard. You want that?”
“Mhm,” you mewl, panting. “Want it so bad.”
“Yeah, you do,” Joel says. You can hear the sticky sound of his precum, leaking from his tip and running between his fingers, being pumped down his shaft by his fist. “Feels good, angel, don’t it? When you do what you’re told?”
“Y-eah,” you whisper.
“Good girl,” he murmurs, and you picture a tight fist choking a thick cock. Picture that same fist unwinding, curving around your mound, fingers pushing deep inside you.
“Joel,” you whimper, and your fingers move down again, dipping nearer your tight, wet hole.
He grunts in response. “Don’t – not yet,” he tells you.
You whine.
“You got somethin’ else to use?” he asks, then interrupts before you can answer. “Yeah, you do. Go get it, sweetheart. Tell me what you got.”
“V-vibrator,” you mumble, hoisting yourself up and lunging across the bed to your nightstand. You haul the drawer open and sift between balled-up socks until you’re clutching the long, thick shape, fingers tight around the dips and curves.
“Let me hear it, angel.”
You click the button and the toy whirrs to life, vibrating strongly in your hand.
Joel hisses. “Alright, sweetheart, lie back. Gonna put it on that pretty little pussy, alright? Gonna make yourself cum for me.”
“Uhuh,” you murmur, one hand lowering the vibrator between your legs, the other holding the phone to your ear in a vice grip.
You push the round tip down to your clit and your head falls back with a loud moan. Joel sends one straight back at the sound of yours. It fades into a whimper, a desperate cry as you massage yourself with your toy.
Your legs clench as you dip it lower, letting the head nudge against your entrance, sending flutters of pleasure across your dripping cunt.
“Don’t fuck yourself,” Joel instructs, and your hand quickly pulls back. “Save it.”
This mystery man, who you’ve known for – if your clock is right – eight minutes, now; whose name is the most information you’ve gotten out of him; and whose face you couldn’t pick in a lineup…has such a hold on you, that your body instinctively reacts to his every word. An automatic reaction to do exactly as he says, when, five minutes ago, you couldn’t wait to get him off the phone.
You fucking listen to him. Save it for what? your head asks, and you ignore it. You don’t push the toy any closer to your center.
It drives hard against your clit, fast vibrations rippling down on the hot, swollen skin. It sends floods of warmth between your legs, drawing your arousal slick and wet from between your folds.
Your chest is damp, gleaming with sweat. Your breath cuts short in your throat, guttural noises replacing it as they reverberate through your mouth, across your tongue and into your dark bedroom.
Your walls start to clamp around nothing. You angle the vibrator so that it sends deep pulses across your pussy, shutting your eyes to picture Joel’s thick cock burying deep inside you as you climax with a loud, broken cry.
“Yeah, good girl. That’s it. Sound so pretty, angel. ‘s a good girl.”
You’re whimpering his name as you come down, holding the toy to your clit and letting your high wash over you. Your chest jumps, breaths heavy and staggered, gasping for air and then letting it rush out of your lungs in desperate pants.
“You know how good you are at that?” he asks, when your breath steadies again.
You giggle softly. “’s why I do it, baby.”
“Worth every fuckin’ penny.”
You sit in the post-orgasm haze for a few seconds, waiting for the room to stop spinning and your body to feel like yours again. You pull the phone from your sweat-stuck cheek and glance at the time. You have less than thirty seconds left. Joel seems to do the same, for his voice returns to your ear in a gentle, low whisper.
“Alright. Speak soon, angel. Be good.”
The call cuts.
taglist: @slvbl @regalwhovianbrowncoat774 @casa-boiardi @msjarvis @acornacreacure @totallynotastanacc @alejaa-a @aphterthoughtt @pedroluver @earthtogrogu @sexygaypalpatine @cool-iguana @serenaxpedro @lizzyervs @bitchwitch1981 @brittmb115 @stormseyer @scarletthefierce @patti7dc @pattwtf @atticrissfinch @pascalpvnk @lizzyervs @jediknightjana @jessie8605 @iknowisoundcrazy @caitispunk @vickie5446 @mrsquill @uncassettodiricordi @gracieispunk @hellishjoel
(psst! after this weekend my taglist is no more! follow @macfroglets + turn on notifs if you wanna be in the know when i post!)
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celestie0 · 26 days
Hello!! I wanted to ask some advice 😞 I have a fic idea but I've never posted any writing before and its like a very very specific band au and I'm scared no one will care to read it because of how much music context it requires 😭 I really admire your writing so like...what do you suggest...
(Also super excited for next kickoff ! I've never been this invested in a fic)
hii my love!! omg a band au sounds like so much funnn are you kiddinggg i would eat that UPPP. my advice would be to just go ahead n write it!!! it's super nervewracking to share work, especially if you've never shared before, so for the time being you can just write w the idea that no one else will read it except for yourself! that'll help you establish a healthy relationship w your writing & your hobby in general even before you post should you choose to post
as for the specificity n music context, i personally think thats SO FUCKIN RAD!!! i love a story where i can enjoy a romance but also have aspects outside of it that i can learn something new from or take something away from. i have read some pretty incredible fics & books, but the ones that have always had a lasting impact on me are the ones i went into knowing nothign ab a specific something, but then i leave it feeling like i've learned something i wouldn't have ever known before!!
it's a totally valid feeling though, esp in fanfiction where you might think readers want to read ab only their fave characters or specifically romance. i felt this way a lot with including the film major & photography aspect to kickoff, i feared readers would find it boring and would just want to read ab gojo x reader. i think in ch9, gojo only had like 40% of the chapter screentime and didn't even make his first appearance until like 5k words into the chapter, but i'm still really happy w the chapter and the response i got was great too. i see some of my writer mutuals break the norms n experiments w their stories all the time too, and honestly, i think that makes for some of the BEST and most MEMORABLE stories :)
as for fears that people may not see your story, i totally get that. keep in mind, i think the jjk fandom specifically doesn't really have too many long fics, at least compared to what i've seen in other fandoms, n tends to steer towards oneshot content (i could be wrong ab this but it's just what i've noticed! at least on tumblr. long fics always get lots of love on ao3 tho) so don't worry too much if you're not getting as many notes or reblogs etc as some other authors, bc if you choose to post series content, then you'll technically be in a niche category for this specific fandom. BUT i have noticed that the quality of interactions w longer stories is very amazing and totally worth being a part of this writing community for that reason!!
when i first started posting, i really didn't know what to expect since the last time i had a fanfic blog was for like two months when i was 12 on deviantart LOL. and now i'm just extremely blown away n humbled by the support. but that's the thing- you'll never ever know unless you try! again, just write and picture it that you're the only one that's going to read it, so put all that juicy music context in there n really write w that passion in mind!! (i'm assuming you're into music or bands n that's your inspiration? don't be afraid to let that interest show!!) and that's really the only thing you need to get started, after that it's just simply copy pasting n then posting :)
if you do get around to posting or sharing it then feel free to tag me bb!! i'd love to read it n support you. good luck to u n much love!! <33 i hope this helps in anyway
and thank you for looking forward to kickoff :)
ps. in case you want any specific writing advice i have some on my page here (sorry bb i just realized i wasn't sure if you were asking for actual concrete writing advice haha my bad if i misinterpreted)
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pinkweaselhater · 1 year
I'm an alter in the Hydrangea System. Read my DNI or explode. (yes my name is short for mecha godzilla shut up.)
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I use any pronouns, but my favorites are It/Its, He/His, and Dra/Dracs
My gender and sexuality don't matter to you, but know I'm trans. Which way? Who the hell cares mind your damn business.
I'm a big fan of Godzilla and all things campy horror and science. If you don't like that fuck off I guess lmao. Loser. /lhj
I'm very blunt. I'll try my best to use tone tags but keep in mind I'm autistic and tired of everyone's shit 24/7.
I type in caps if I'm excited, angry or just trying to get my point across. If you're unsure about my tone just ask, kay?
Finally, I'm unapologetically cringe. I embrace the embarrassing and weird side of the internet (NOT THE PART THAT'S GENUINELY FUCKED UP. I'M NOT ONE OF THOSE FREAKS KAY?)
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Only exceptions are close friends and mutuals.
And if you fuckin' call me by my source name I will obliterate you. /srs I don't want to be associated with my 'creator' even if I'm a fan of what I'm from. They make me hella uncomfortable. Thanks.
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THANKS FOR READING!!! Check out the Weasel's blog >:) ALSO. Look at my cool blinkie collection, it's pretty rad. (They're under the cut, for those with photo-sensitivity.)
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jovalencia · 3 years
we all knew this was coming and I’m a sentimental bitch. I just wanted to write all my mutuals some little messages about how much I love you. you guys have changed my life and I am so grateful for each and every one of you!!!💕💞💓💗💖💘 anygays have fun searching for yourself in this mess and I’m sorry for any typos, I’m illiterate (and if i forgot you it’s because i lost my brain in 1912)
@cr1spyy fernanda, my first ever mutual. who would have thought that your 5th wave posts would have brought one of the most amazing people in my life to me. your posts always make me laugh and your dedication to the good morning asks is admirable (fr I could never have that much consistency) you’re so kind to everybody and you’re absolutely beautiful and incredible and I fucking love you so much. I honestly don’t even want to think about what my life would be like if I had never met you, MWAH💕🤍
@sundaymorninghangover I remember you being my first ever note!! you liked this post I made that was a reblog of a “uquiz” that was actually a rickroll lmao. you didn’t even follow me back then but whatever. Then I remember waking up one day to see that you had tagged me in a bingo ask game and I was like “ummm tf is an ask game” but I do still have a bingo card for it that I never used ekenksjs. anygays, you have good opinions on everything and you’re absolutely fucking hilarious. If you told me back in may that I would be friends with you I wouldn’t believe it bc you intimidated me but regardless I’m glad to be an arson gang member with you. your memes are god tier and so is your music taste. I love you whore!!!!!🖤💜
@sound-and-colors ma’am you’re so nice and for what??? the aesthetic stuff that you reblog is *chef’s kiss* and nobody else is out there doing it like you. we’ve never talked but I just know that you are absolutely incredible mwah❤️💛
@embeddedinmybrain tasfia you are the nicest person on his hellsite and you know it (I hope). It was so much fun being your secret admirer anon while it lasted, like fr I loved it. Your art is beautiful just like your heart and i honestly don’t know what I did to deserve such a kind soul like you in my life. You’re always there to hype me up and ily (also just cut your own hair already I believe in you)🤍💙
@gumptin you hooked me with your suus icon and reeled me in by being the coolest and funniest person ever. your posts are consistently hilarious, accurate, or relatable and I admire that. I mean it when I say you’re one of the coolest people on here. idk what I did to have you think I’m cool but I’m honored nonetheless. also you have really awesome style and hair jdnjdjdjd mwah💚💛
@nori-in-pink first and foremost, your blog always has a very nice aesthetic and I feel like I need to acknowledge that. anyway, you are so kind and supportive and you don’t take any bullshit and that is absolutely amazing. you are absolutely iconic and always reblog the best stuff so I know I can count on your blog to be fantastic. you used to scare me (idk why don’t ask) but now I know that you’re just a big teddy bear ily💗💜
@matteohnora my slurpee queen and my mememate!! you always send me the funniest shit and it doesn’t go unappreciated. You’re always there for me with a silly meme or emotional support and I don’t think I’ve ever told you how grateful I am for that. whenever you stalk my blog it makes my heart go whooosh and I feel so special. Ily and I am so glad to have met you💜❤️
@lieverobbe ah yes, the girl with the impeccable music taste. that’s what I know you as, oh well. you are more talented and kind than you could ever believe and your edits are amazing!!! whenever I see you on my dash I get all happy bc I’m like “em’s here!!!” I love all your lil posts and I am so glad that you are my mutual ilyyyyy💙🤍
@ironymane you’ve watched limitless which automatically makes you amazing. you’re an absolutely incredible and amazing person and even tho you aren’t on here as much anymore, I still love youre lil posts. And one time you kept me entertained on a 6hr car ride so you deserve some kind of award for that. ly🧡💛
@kingarthurpendragons okay the obvious thing to talk about here is your incredible talent when it comes to gif making. Like how in the hell- but you are also so kind and loving and it doesn’t go unnoticed. You don’t have to send nice asks but you do and ily for it mwah!!❤️💗
@engelkeijsers the skam nl stan that we all deserve to have in our lives. you are so fucking hilarious and relatable and all around amazing and for what? your posts always put a smile on my face and it is so much fun to clown with you. ilyyyy💚💛
@happiness-isin-you let’s ignore the fact that it took me forever to realize that this was your main lmao. your art is some of the most beautiful shit I’ve ever seen. like your style is so cool????  I could literally go on about this for hours don’t test me. the cute animal pictures are the absolute best and you’re always there for emotional support. Ilyyyyyyy💛❤️
@isakyaqi fiz you are so kind and talented and cool and I really do mean all that. You reblog always the best of content so I know I can trust it. you always put nice tags in the things you reblog things and it’s fun to read what you write because it’s almost always you hyping up the creator or the thing itself. you are awesome jdjdjdndjjd mwah🖤🤎
@cash-queens sam oh sam. Idek where to start with how much ily. You’re my famous mutual which is very iconic of you and you put up with my cat pictures and my silly antics and my riverdale posts. You’re so kind to me and everybody and whenever I make a post when I’m having a mental breakdown you’re always there to make sure that I’m doing okay. That def doesn’t go unappreciated. You’re legitimately one of the kindest and most amazing people I’ve ever known and I love you so much, more than you could ever know💛🤍
@welcometo-saturn çağrı you’re so cool. end of statement. that’s all I have to say about it. your gifs are so beautiful and you don’t take shit from anybody. you’re so down to earth that it makes it seem like you’re somebody who I’ve just always known (even tho we’ve never talked sjdjdjdjdj) so yeah anyway, you’re are a really awesome person with really good opinions and I am so glad that we are mutuals🧡❤️
@amifeelingokay it’s difficult not to start with your url bc it’s amazing and I love it. your skam posts are always so nice and cute and positive (just like you!!) and I love them. the content you reblog is always aesthetic or a nice text post and I just love your blog okay. ily💜🖤
@isthatelpome you’re so nice that I’m willing to overlook your opinion on salt and vinegar chips (they’re not good I’ll fight you on that) your dani icon is beautiful just as you are, mwahhhh🧡❤️
@earthling-isa babe you are so cute with your lil edits and your clowning. the near constant black and white aesthetic is very iconic and i love it. you’re a suus stan so I have no choice but to love you for it. i absolutely adore your gifs, especially the ones with the lil squares in the middle fygzbgut. you are absolutely beautiful and incredible and kind and I love you MWAHHHH🖤💙
@grey-mist-exist okay we’ve never talked but you seem like such a rad person. not cool but like rad (there are are subtle differences) your art is beautiful even tho idk the quotes (go off smarty pants) and overall you are just really rad, idk how else to say it mwah!!!🤍🖤<pretend it’s a grey heart
@fatoudixon hey look it’s one of the most talented people here!!! You’ve always been so kind and supportive of me and I really really do appreciate it. you have good opinions on everything and did I mention that you’re talented?? cause you are, very. Your reaction videos are amazing and not to mention iconic, just like your hair. anyway, ily and I am so glad that I have somebody as amazing as you as my mutual💙💛
@sander-klaas you are so kind and and you have so much passion. I can always trust you reblog only the best of wtfock and sobbe content which I am very grateful for. you literally just started making gifs and they are so beautiful (okay it was like months ago but whatever dkdjdjjdjdj) anyway, thank you so much for being my mutual mwah❤️💛
@jusdekiwi okay we’ve never talked but you genuinely seem like such a sweet person??? I love the stuff you reblog, it’s always the best gif sets. idk I can just tell you have good taste. I hope to get to know you better in the future, but for now I am very grateful to have you💚💙
@kritiquer my twin!!! you and I have a lot in common so ofc I love you. I’m joking obviously.... anygays you are always so supportive of everybody and you are so sweet. I love all of your personal posts, it always makes me really happy to see what you’re up to and how you’re feeling. I also like the aesthetic stuff you reblog, I have bad taste in all that, clearly you don’t. I am so glad that we started talking and I hope that we continue! ily kit!!!!💜🤍
@bleachblondebitches you aren’t on here that much, but whenever you are I get so happy! Your gifs are beautiful and I think about your sobbe and booksmart parallels gifset every day. you have amazing taste in movies and I love you!💜💙
@lesbeanfatou clara!!! bitch!!!! You already know how much I love you but I guess I’ll reiterate. I honestly don’t know what I did before I knew you. I always remember looking at the no idea blog with the Nora icons like “who is this?” Little did I know back then that you would be one of my closest friends. your support of me means the world and I am so grateful for you. I’m so glad that I have somebody in my life like you to talk to and be friends with. you are one of the funniest people in and I just love you so much I could burst mwah❤️🧡
@gucciboner okay hiii ypu are literally so fucking kind and funny, i admire your sense of humor sm. your art is so beautiful and you are so goddamn talented, it never ceases to amaze me. I also love all the little funny posts you make and reblog!! ily💙💗
@helmtaryn even though you put supernatural on my dash, I am willing to forgive you bc I love you so much. your gifs are so beautiful like ma’am didn’t you just start?? icon shit. your hate for photoshop is iconic and you are awesome. you’re always sending me asks and responding to my posts and you’re so nice and it makes my heart go whooosh. anygays you’re cool and ily💙🧡
@starmansander nina when I tell you that you give off the best vibes- okay sorry I had to start with that. I love how you are so nice and supportive of me, it really means a lot. I really like the stuff you reblog like,,, cool art? pretty women? those hopeful little posts? iconic. also youre a noor stan which is a sign of good taste. love you🤎❤️
@ijzermanora daniiiiiii madam you are so epic and iconic and I really could go on about that forever. you are so kind and you’re following all my joke sideblogs (even the ch*cken l*ttle hate blog??? why???) which is very brave of you. I love reading all of your lil wholesome posts and hearing about school and how much you hate chemistry (even tho you like sushi???) anygays we were already sending memes 10 hours into our mutualship so I think we were soulmates from the very beginning. I love you so much and I have no idea what I did before i knew you💜💗
@alwaysin-myhead okay, you give off cool person vibes and I had to acknowledge that. your art is so beautiful and you are so incredibly talented!!! I hope to get to know you in the future🧡💛
@alexiaugustin here she is!!! the queen of good opinions!!! you are such a smart cookie and you use that power to make long paragraph posts that I can actually read without falling asleep. which is impressive honestly. never has a person been so kind and funny and genius in such a well rounded way (that makes no sense) I’m so happy that I have you in my life ilyyy💚💗
@ijntba hihi you’re such a sweet person and I literally love your skam blog sm. I am so honored that you’re using one of my icons you have no idea. even though I’m confused when you post about anime, I still appreciate your passion lmao. mwah💛🧡
@hidden-joy liz!! you are such a kind soul and I absolutely love looking at the things you reblog and reading all the nice things that you put in the tags, it’s always so sweet and supportive!!! we’re relatively new mutuals, but I do hope to get to know you better in the future!!!💚💛
okay sorry to group y’all together but @fudgetunblr and @alexiswoke I like just became mutuals with y’all but I do love you and I’m glad you’re here and I hope 2021 treats you well and that i get to know you better!!❤️❤️
aaand one last final message for max and sarah, i know yall wont see this but ily🧡 💜
okay yeah I know I already said this but I really do love each and every one of you so much and I am so lucky to have so many amazing people in my life💕💕💓💕💖💖💕💘💕💗💞💓💕💖💖💘💕💓
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dissonantdreamer · 3 years
hey bud i love you so much and if ur still doin that space ask game uh comet saturn and pluto :) love u
it's takin' me forever but i'm still doin them and even if i wasn't for you? i'd do at least 5.3 cause i love u too dude <3
Comet- What are you currently frustrated about?
right now i'm very frustrated with the way the world is and i don't know where to start with it all. but yeah, it's a lot all the time and i am grateful for this little reprieve from it where i can be a little less frustrated cause everyone here is so rad
Saturn- How far would you go for those you care about?
i would go pretty damn far, like go hit up the voyager and come back for the people i care about far
Pluto- If you could meet anyone, alive or dead, who would you meet?
dead. next question.
joke aside, i'd wanna meet all my mutuals. you guys are pretty fuckin' rad and i wanna go on a tlou roadtrip with everyone.
hope you're doin' well, bud. and that you classes are goin' well
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linafication · 3 years
♧ (:
You’re my: nsr mutual obviously sjfmsngn <3
How I met you: I genuinely don’t remember but probably through june??
Why I follow you: you’re fuckin funny & I love talkin to you :D
Your blog is: hilarious & snazzzzy & just all around pretty & cool
Your URL is: true facts
Your icon is: pretty!!
A random fact I know about you: you also have terrible wonderful taste in tma women <3
General opinion: ily bestie & you’re Very Rad & Cool
A random thought I have: bestieee I can’t WAIT until our band is not hypothetical <3
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the-punforgiven · 3 years
17 Questions Tag Game
tagged by @unyanizedcatboys​
nickname: Pun
zodiac: Virgo
height: 6’3 lmao
Question 4 is unavailable, so instead take this picture of the largest sword ever used in battle, it was 7 feet long and weighed 14 pounds, it’s rad as hell
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last thing I googled: Sword of Grutte Pier .... take a wild guess why lmao
song stuck in my head: Hit the Road, Jack It’s catchy
wearing: T-shirt and jeans lmao, the band on the shirt can be a fun little guessing game for my mutuals if y’all really want but i give you no hints or images, good luck
favorite author: I can’t read but my beloved writes very well if she counts
favorite instrument: I mean, my favourite one to play is probably the piano, just because I’ve been playing it almost my whole life and can do pretty much whatever I feel on it but in terms of raw aesthetic and sound it’s probably either guitar or bass, though they’re still super fun to play it’s just like, an experience thing Though out of every instrument I’ve never played but really wanted to, it’s either a pipe organ or a carillon 
aesthetic: Edgy knights but they’re just like, chilling, hanging out. Like wholesome slice of life anime but everybody looks like they’re wearing the Armor of Thorns from Dark Souls and the soundtrack’s nothing but metal and sea shanties
favorite song: Uhhhh I am incapable of picking one solid favourite but The Matriarch by Unleash the Archers is oe of those songs that never fails to get me fuckin pumped
favorite animal sounds: My cat has a very specific soft meow she makes sometimes when she’s super content and I love that noise specifically the most
random: I’ve always been super impressed by the level of thought and purposeful design in executioner swords tbh, like everything from the way the blade is formed, it’s lack of a distall taper and therefore the level of balance it has compared to conventional swords, and even the way the blade is ground and sharpened really does all come together to build a sword designed for exactly one purpose and that’s choppin’ shit real hard ... even if it’s not that great at a bunch of other things swords are known for lmao but either way I still think it’s really neat tbh
Tags: uhhhh @glitchllich @homocidal-bird​ @justice-arsenal​ and uhhhhh @catfacedvampire​ if y’all feel like doing it, no worries if not, though!
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boyfriendyke · 3 years
got tagged in an ask game by @girlbossblakebelladonna ! makin a new post because the og’s gettin a little long lol
relationship status: i’ve got a very cool and rad girlfriend xoxo
favorite color: red black and green (esp lime/neon green)
lipstick or chapstick: chapstick but in practice i wear neither my lips are. so dry for it alsdkj
last song: the adults are talking by the strokes 
last movie: raya and the last dragon :/ as a se asian it wasnt really uhhh good but as a lesbian. ohhhh my god the antagonist is hot. asdlkjaf
top 3 shows: castlevania (i started it like not that long ago and now im a little more than halfway through season 3 aldkjaf), critical role, and haikyuu 
top 3 ships: for some reason my top ships are really specific ot3′s anyways its caleb/molly/essek (critical role), jester/beau/yasha (critical role), and meg/than/zag (hades supergiant) but tbh i like most ships an equal amount lol
last book: uhhhh pretty sure it was the hobbit but i read like two pages before my attention span fuckin died so uhhhhh
im not gonna tag ppl cuz me brains a lil dead right now but if we’re mutuals pls know this is totally an invitation to do this n u can say i tagged u 👀
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cakesandfail · 3 years
tagged by @kitthefox thank u frendo
1. Why did you choose your URL? All I remember is that it's a stupid pun based on a line from Twelfth Night. I don't remember why or when I chose it.
2. Any side blogs? No active ones, I have a couple from years ago but all my nonsense is here and you all have to look at it. Sometimes I feel like I should maybe set aside a space for all the goth dads but then I remember that a lot of you are actually here for that, so.
3. How long have you been on tumblr? IDK like ten years? A long fuckin' time anyway. God, I'm so old.
4. Do you have a queue tag? Bold of you to assume I ever even use a queue or put any kind of administrative effort into using tumblr
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place? No idea. Genuinely. I think I just found out various artists and writers I liked were here and signed up so I could see all their stuff in one place.
6. Why did you choose your icon? It me
7. Why did you choose your header? Because I'm a sad goth who reads too much Terry Pratchett and gets emotional about flowers
8. What's your post with the most notes? I think it's "Sam Vimes arrests the One Ring for being an accessory to murder" which is both the best and worst joke I've ever made on this website. All my most successful posts here are either fantasy-genre shitposts or me roasting myself for being the world's cringiest goth.
9. How many mutuals do you have? I... don't know? They're a pretty rad bunch though.
10. How many followers do you have? I do not know and do not care. I've made a conscious decision to ignore it because I don't want to make myself anxious about changes to that number that probably don't mean anything negative about me but could easily be interpreted as 'oh no everyone hates me'.
11. How many people do you follow? Probably about 300, though quite a lot are no longer active and I'm just too lazy to have a clear out.
12. Have you ever made a shitpost? IT'S ALL SHITPOSTS HERE BABEY
13. How often do you use tumblr each day? I check my notifications during the day in breaks etc but I usually only turn up properly in the evening. I've got shit to do. I wish I didn't, but such is adulthood, unfortunately.
14. Have you ever had a fight/argument with another blog. Who won? I don't think so? The occasional misunderstanding or attempt to goad me into saying something terrible, sure, but that's about it. One time someone tried to start a fight with me because my favourite story about Lord Byron was too mainstream but that was extremely funny. I'd like to apologise to that person for turning them into my 'haha internet drama' story but... I won't, because they were extraordinarily rude over basically nothing.
15. How do you feel about 'you need to reblog this' posts? I scroll right past and sleep easy at night knowing that I'm not spreading unnecessary guilt-tripping :)
16. Do you like tag games? Yes! Sometimes I forget if I get tagged overnight/while I'm at work though so please don't ever be offended if you tag me and I never do the thing. I just have too many things and not enough brain cells.
17. Do you like ask games? Yes, the sillier the better.
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? I honestly have no idea. It's not that I don't care, I just don't understand the anything.
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual? I'm ace and demiromantic so... no. Don't take it personally, you're all lovely, it's just that you're all real and human and I could literally count all the real-life crushes I've ever had on one hand, including the guy who lives in my house.
20. Tags? uhhhh idk @jesterhorhay @roller-rink-haruno I know you guys like quizzes and games and such... and anyone else who's not tagged yet and wants to have a go
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Tag Game
Rules: 15 questions, 15 mutuals
I was tagged by @friendly-neighborhood-lich-queen thanks fam
1. Are you named after anyone?
Well my mom named me after Eminems daughter (like wtf) and I named myself after Dil Pickles
2. When was the last time you cried?
Like 20 minutes ago
3. Do you have kids?
God no
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Eyes, smile, height (Because i’m fuckin small)
6. What’s your eye color?
Blue af
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
I’m to chicken to watch horror movies so happy I guess
8. Any special talents?
Eh not really
9. Where were you born?
Ceder City, USA (If y’all know the state ya get friend points)
10. What are your hobbies?
Video games, collecting vinyls, dying, writing, playing bass guitar, eating
11. Have you any pet’s?
Sadly no
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
Basketball was pretty rad back in the day
13. How tall are you?
Fuckin small, 5 foot
14. Favorite subject in school?
15. Dream job?
Video game developer
Anyone can do this if they want just tag me fam’s
@wi-atch @boohooiamthefool @backpackfullofplums @bucky-cinnamonroll-barnes @potatobuck @barnesbabes @steverogersnotebook (i’m lazy so if i didnt tag you sorry)
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httpjeon · 6 years
Who are ur fave mutuals and why do u like them
naturally i turned this into a “let’s me gay 4 clout cult” post. but i did add some other people i consider friends as well! of course this isn’t all of my mutuals who i cherish but i cant @ all of them unfortunately so i just put these lovely people!
@kinktae/rose; my best friend! my constant support and happiness. she’s always there to support me or help me out with fics. i can always count on her to be honest if she doesn’t like something or has advice to give. i always go to her for help and opinions. i absolutely adore her and she makes me so incredibly happy to have in my life! her opinions matter the most™️ to me and i care about her approval probably too much but a bitch is whipped SUE ME! we bicker like a married couple pretty much once a day and you never fail to make me laugh and smile. even when everyone around me is pissing me off and making me mad you’re never one of those people and i would honestly DIE for you!!! i value talking to you every day and when we don’t have at least one convo in PM my day feels absolutely dreary. well not talk for a single day in PM and i’ll be like ‘our bond is weakening i don’t even know u anymore’. but it’s true bc everything feels so dim and shitty without you that it truly feels like nothing is the same! i get sad even when u don’t send me a “i’m goin to nap” text bc i’ll be like this bitch FORGOT ME!!!!! the point is i adore you and love you so fuckin much that my life wouldn’t be the same without you!
@minnsvga/dahlia; my partner in crime lmao. she and i are chaotic together and when we’re left alone in the gc chances are we’re up to no good. my fellow southerner ✊🏻😩 and we typically bond over grits and sweet tea. even tho i can be an asshole and i typically antagonize her, she’s still always there to check on me when i’m feeling down and i deeply appreciate having her in my life! fun to antagonize when i do the alexa play despacito joke.
@guksheart/cait; my #1 victim. i call her by her full name just to rile her up. she’s cute when she’s flustered. but she’s amazing with advice and for talking to when you have a problem. she always has something positive and enlightening to say and her words always hold a special place in my heart. i adore having her in the gc and it always feels empty without her when she ghosts!
@gukyi/guyi; my fellow scorpio! together we r too powerful and if anything ever happens it is up to guyi to uphold the chaos of the group! honestly so fucking powerful????? has the writing community wrapped around her finger by fluff and e2l fics ALONE!!!! power!!!!! her headers r adorable and she is adorable and you wouldn’t think she’s chaotic with one look but she’s chaotic and i love it. super fuckin hilarious probably rivals me for the funniest member of the group tbh.
@94hixtape/lu; the cutest most pure little bundle of joy in our group. i would put my asshole against the sun 4 u lu!!! you make the group feel like a family and you always bring a smile to my face when u pop in with ur soft ass self!!! ur honestly the mom friend™️ of the group and ur so kind and asdfghjkl i just love u so much ):
and of course yara; i love u so much and would die for u too! u always help me out with headers or to talk about absolute nonsense with me!! i think we’ve been texting privately for like a couple days now and it’s rad! ur so awesome to talk to and i’m so happy you decided to join clout cult, it honestly wouldn’t be the same without you! whenever you send me soft messages it always brings a smile to my face and lights up my day! even having u pop up in my notifs with a text into clout cult sayin some bullshit brings a smile to my face and i can’t wait until you’re feeling better and back to your old self because i absolutely adore you and you deserve so much love!
@bluesxde ; S A M MY BABY!!!! when i first started talking to u i was so intimidated but i quickly realized that ur so fuckin awesome and down to earth and just such a fantastic person and friend!
@jerkshownu/lindsey; my longest friend on tumblr tbh! you up and ghost a lot but i still adore u and value our friendship so much. you were there back when i was still byleo and thru my several identity crises lmao. your blog and writing deserve so much love and it always makes me sad when you talk down on your work because it’s so good! ur like the only person i show my gross side to and i cherish having you around. i can’t wait until you’re back up and running 100% on your blog so i can support you!
@jungcock/mia; mia!!! we r shit at talking but ur a fic GOD and i can’t wait to begin writing Hot Bot bc u helped me create it and that just makes it so much better! babydoll is still my baby and ur a fantastic friend to have!!
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thatspencerinthesky · 5 years
longish post you can ignore if ya want i dont know how to do read mores im so sorry
everything im googling just isnt making sense to my sleep deprived brain im sorry im such a grandpa this is a very odd post but im running on no sleep and realized something i have mutuals on here, who i never talk to, some of which ive been mutuals with for YEARS i just had the idea of going back through my follower list and finding the oldest mutuals who i can recognize off the top of my head that have actually reblogged stuff from me lately
(drinking game: take a shot every time i say “smile” 2 shots every time im an awkward fuck and finish your drink every time i cant remember things. Good Luck to your liver) so uh 
  @sckrim i honestly do not remember how we met but i do know that every couple of months you send me a cute happy message (one of those “list the things you love abt urself!!!”) and every time i get it, it honestly makes my day. i can not for the life of me remember if we have ever had a formal official conversation, but i do know that you blow up my notifications occasionally and it makes me smile so much. I enjoy your content, and you managed to become a reason i smile whenever i check the app/log in. there have been some times where i was going through a lot, and found one of those asks. it really does help. I keep a couple in my inbox just to make me smile @your-lusus it says that you are one of my first few mutuals ever, and im near sure ive never talked to you. i do love your blog though. I was a pretty big fan at one point (that point was before i followed a fuck ton of people and could actually keep up with people on my dash). i think i remember feeling shocked when i realized you followed me. You honestly seem pretty cool from what i remember and if ya wanna talk we can if not thats cool im sorry im so awkward its the sleep deprivation i think. maybe.
@karkat-doodle-doo im pretty sure i havent seen you around lately (i just checked and yeah i have reblogged stuff from you literally today i think im just a moron) but i do remember adoring your blog when homestuck was my only hyperfixation. You were one of the first few blogs i followed and you still bring me joy like 4-5 years later. i think ive followed you for that long?? i wish i could check how long its been. anyways youre cool and if you need anything lmk and i gotcha. if you wanna be friends im here if not ignore this im sorry for taking time out of your day with this stupidity.
okay so @two-pistols-and-a-blink for ONCE i actually remember something. we used to rp. way fuckin back when. def at least 4 years ago. im pretty sure at least. ive had skype calls with you, it was rad. i legit havent talked to you in years but if you needed anything id do whatever i could my man. if youd like to reconnect id honestly love that, if not thats chill too. if you do message me it will mostly be pictures of my cat and memes probably.  @signore-whorechata YOU!!!!! i dont remember how we met and thats honestly irrelevant bc ive made it very clear in this post im a dumbass. anyways!!!! i was stupid and fell out of contact with you oh my god, you were such a cool friend!!! hit me up for cat pics and shitty memes my dude. i still have that url as a side blog that i just fill w junk. there a couple of people who i could also reach out to but my chronic pain is getting bad and i need to wrap this shitty post up
so in conclusion im a dumbass and if you wanna be friends go ahead
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onehpwonder-a · 6 years
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                      800 FUCKS FOLLOWER THANK YOU
     EST.  08 June 2017        that’s almost a year,  you guys. sorry,  no,  less than that.  9 months and 24 days.  9 months and 24 fucking days!!  do you know how amazing that is??  how absolutely wonderful,  fantastic,  &  humbling that in that time,  with probably???  at least  4-6 months of sporadic inactivity,  i’ve gotten 800+ of you guys to come hang out with me.  that’s so fucking cool??
     like,  no joke.  this blog?  i love it to death,  even when i’m not feeling sans,  or even when i’m in a pissy mood,  i open this blog up,  and it’s just    it’s you guys.  it’s you guys that make this worth it,  make this SO WORTH IT,  so much so i wanna spend every day working on this blog,  be it icons,  brainstorming,  writing,  or just...  watching the dash go by.  it’s... i could never be more grateful,  or feel more like i belong.
     so thank you.  thank you so fucking much.  and since this is a pretty big deal ( at least for me ),  and i want nothing more than to really appreciate each and everyone of you,  here’s a big shoutout to as many people as i possibly can ( all my mutuals & more whoops ) !!!
     so honestly?  tbh go follow ALL these peeps B^)
           THE GANG //
   @the-edge-king​ ,  @theirmercy​ ,  @grinspainted / @trombxnes​ ,  @underswappapy​
     do i even need to say anythin’ like.  these fuckers i’ve known for 2+ years and i love them all and just fuckin.  losers.  follow or die.
          THE REAL MVPS //
   @mettatoniic / @hisloyclty ,  @darling-blooky / @tobeblunt ,  @hamilthotty ,  @piadosc ,  @neglectkid / @resetkid / @stabbybratold ,  @inkflcw / @gctdunked ,  @hashtagpuns ,  @navyhealed / @kindstardust ,  @mulcibere / @rotbeest ,  @bottlemotions / @tibiahoncst / @casrouge ,  @irraeth / @madestars ,  @shimaniya ,  @punassailable / @punderhanded / @punmentionable / @papyrical ,  @outbraves ,  @genocii ,  @ash-dre / @riccardosanzio
     to those who i love so fucking dearly & wouldn’t trade anything for,  whether we still talk or not      i will ALWAYS cherish our time together,  &  i will ALWAYS love you to the ends of the earth.  i am always waiting to hear from you,  to talk to you,  to just be there for you,  because you were there for me,  &  i just...  you’re those who make my life ever brighter,  with the light of your stars.
          PLS COME BUG ME OH MY GOD // 
   @theirmercy ,  @goldencups ,  @matxrna ,  @voliition ,  @sparemercy ,  @kidfell / @fellrot ,  @warvigilante ,  @dcbascd ,  @chosemercy ,  @whimsycoat ,  @hellbirth ,  @sheundying ,  @stickid ,  @mcsyndrome ,  @talariis ,  @jokeborn ,  @dctcrmination ,  @sirenci ,  @bcguette ,  @remorseguarder ,  @bitstrung ,  @shackledhound ,  @unmercyd / @redemptnot ,  @trulab / @floweyfile / @balletshoes / @junksale ,  @entry16 ,  @kindpan ,  @skelefell ,  @impenetrableshiield​ ,  @therealricksanchezpleasestandup​
     to those who i not only ADMIRE but have had some interaction with or just too fucking little.  i absolutely ADORE YOU & YOUR MUSE,  so please????  please hmu,  i am so fucking ready okay.  you’re those who i just... can’t stop watching,  can’t stop reading everytime i see you cross the dash,  those who i just... MMM ILY GUYS SO MUCH....
   @gemcenter ,  @spriingtrapped ,  @verybbonely ,  @mechromanciing ,  @dandielicn ,  @darkleponds ,  @ichorson ,  @amicble ,  @genomd ,  @pleasedontshipmewithnaegiiamgay ,  @ignti ,  @peculicrisms ,  @mystcrygirl ,  @codelived ,  @cooldudepapyrus ,  @shatterbelief ,  @irradiancies ,  @splintersoul ,  @atlasrhysed ,  @cncrknght ,  @bedeveled ,  @sootsouls ,  @1remaining ,  @mountainreigned ,  @fearprophet ,  @mortiiestmorty ,  @theoreticallyanrpblog ,  @lilbluewonder ,  @wilhelmj08 ,  @loveslv ,  @outtalv ,  @locknife ,  @trueknifed ,  @pnkfghter ,  @mrfunnybone ,  @wdvoiided ,  @justice-driven ,  @empowcred ,  @cxnnamonmom ,  @rosirae ,  @thebrokenlabnerd ,  @bad-time-simulator-201x ,  @ladydreemurr ,  @storyspinningspidcr / @thepunnybones  / @reclaimedasset  , @bloominghands ,  @exsuperatus ,  @rickslaughter ,  @littlebadger , @programpink , @flcwerpcwered​ ,  @tinkiisms​ ,  @hannah-the-small​ ,  @madomadotsuki​ ,  @theseraph​ ,  @vortship​ ,  @dreamsofpositivity​ ,  @flowered-skel​ / @trustyoursanses​ ,  @sclarbabe​ ,  @theimpietyscientist​ ,  @0sheetboo​ ,  @itsgoatbro​ ,  @puffywarrior​ ,  @platedprimadonna​ ,  @balefulblossom​ ,  @pseudogaiety​ , @thegliitch​ ,  @coolestskelebro​ ,  @kxndncss​ ,  @twistedbones​ ,  @divineoath​
     to those who i’m mutuals with  &  we haven’t like??  talked at all??? LIKE WHY ???  i love you guys so fucking much,  please.... ple  e a se . ..   . .  your blogs are???  so rad,  and i would LOVE to write / even chat w. any of you    and lbr,  this wouldn’t be a complete follower forever / promo without all you dorks in it.
     i LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH,  & hey,  while i may be inactive often  /  just super busy,  please,  PLEASE KNOW i cherish eat & every one of you.  this ISN’T ABOUT ME.  this is about you guys.                                                                                          ( credit for header )
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jovalencia · 3 years
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hi!! so this is my first mutuals appreciation post (yes, there will be another skdjhshshsjjs). I’ve basically said this exact thing before but I’ll say it again because i want to❤️
a lot of things have happened in my life this year. one of those things is me joining this magical and scary place called tumblr. about a month and a half after the whole pangea got crazy, I started making posts. before that I would just stalk the tags after wtfockdown clips and see everybody going crazy and having fun. skam felt like a community, and I wanted to be a part of it. slowly but surely I started gaining mutuals and followers. and as I got more of you, I lost more friends irl. I’ve always been kind of lonely, so the loss of friends hit hard. but luckily, there are so many of you that I consider to be my friends now. and even if we’ve never talked, I can guarantee that you have brightened my life. the last 9 months have probably been the worst of my life mentally. I legitimately do not know what I would have done without all of you incredible people. whether it was you sending me an ask, making funny posts, creating things for everybody to see, replying to one of my posts, reblogging or making a fun uquiz or just being in the same corner of the internet with me, you have made me happy. just seeing that there are so many cool people out there who choose to interact with me just blows my mind. each and every one of you has made my life better, whether you believe it or not. and I mean it from the bottom of my heart when I say that I love you. I genuinely do not know if I would be alive today or if I would have the courage to keep going without the kindness of the people I no longer consider strangers on the internet. thank you all so much for showing me what it’s like to have so many people who care about you. I’d never felt something like that before, not until all of you. so yeah, thank you so much and I love you!!!! I hope that this next year treats you well💕 (and if it doesn’t I’ll kick it’s ass)
(also y'all don't need to reply to this or rb it or anything lmao I just wanted to say how much I appreciate you💗💗💗)
@cr1spyy @sundaymorninghangover @sound-and-colors @embeddedinmybrain @gumptin @nori-in-pink @matteohnora @lieverobbe @ironymane @engelkeijsers @happiness-isin-you​ @isakyaqi​ @alexiswoke​ @cash-queens​ @welcometo-saturn​ @amifeelingokay​ @isthatelpome​ @earthling-isa​ @grey-mist-exist​ @fatoudixon​ @sander-klaas​ @jusdekiwi​ @kritiquer​ @bleachblondebitches​ @lesbeanfatou​ @gucciboner​ @helmtaryn​ @starmansander​ @ijzermanora​ @alwaysin-myhead​ @alexiaugustin​ @ijntba​n @hidden-joy​ @fudgetunblr​
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short--insomniacs · 6 years
love 4 my mutuals this evening
@queermistermarvin BILLIE!!! YOU’RE ACTUALLY THE HUMAN EMBODIMENT OF, LIKE, TULIPS. bc you’re pretty and lovely and have the sweetest personality!!! i love our conversations and lowkey US vs. UK debates. also, LOOK AT THIS TALENTED SOUL TRANSCRIBING MUSIC!!! what a marvel!!!! 
@rogerschwinn Jesse Jesse Jesse what a BOY!!!! ur love for ANB makes me smile bc WE NEED MORE APPRECIATION FOR THIS BEAUTIFUL WORK. you put your heart and soul into everything and also are a god tier shitposter and i lov u for it!!!! ALSO U HAVE THE BEST BOI
@kleynfroy WHAT A GEM YOU ARE, RAY!!!! you’re fucking hilarious and i love ur FITE ME spirit. also, UR ART!!! your style is super distinct and i always know it’s you from just a glance. thanks for helping me w/ my russian and being rad af!!!! 
@falsettolandhigh HEY MAGS UR THE REAL MVP!!! ur daily snaps make me laugh, you’re literally gearing up to be the next Elle Woods, and i am SO SO FUCKIN PROUD OF U, YAS QUEEN!!!! i admire your confidence and your god tier sense of humor!!! what a #blessing u are!!!
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slommyyyy · 6 years
marvel asks!!
this is rlly long folks prepare your asses
steve: are you small or tall?
im rlly fucking short!!! bitch!!! im like five two!! hopefully i get a growth spurt soon bc bitch i dont wanna climb shit
bucky: what’s your favorite memory?
i have a bunch actually!! im gonna limit it to three bc aa theres too many,, 
SO!!! i had met viv about two months prior, and it was the summer and i was outside!! stargazing bc!! damn b its fun!! and we were texting bc ahe just woke up, and then!!!! a neighborhood cat came, and we talked abt the cat and stars and it was so nice??
anytime from when i was little at night!! stars, catching fireflies, going to the local water park, being at the beach w my mom and eating pizza, grilling hamburgers outside w my brother... mmm man i cant tell you HOW happy summer makes me?? we used to sit outside and catch fireflies and swim in an old shitty pool, and have to go inside ONLY if the amount of airplanes that flew over us was had a factor of 3, bc that number was my fav hgckygvk
fjbueod this sounds stupid bUT!! i rlly love skyping my friends?? like watching vine comps w steph and izzy, or that one time most of us all got in one MASSIVE call and micah flipped me off in front of my mom,, but anyway i had a call w my friends, and they all went out/ to sleep, and by myself, i realized?? these people make me feel so happy?? like i had been really sad for a long time and everyone just made me... good??? i watched the sun rise that morning, and i felt rlly complete man, like a new chapter of my life was starting
sam: what makes you happy?
my friends, music, and art a lot!!! also dogs in general,,
peggy: what’s your favorite era?
dude have you seen the music i listen to?? 80s/90s are my shit
thor: what’s your favorite weather?
if im outside?? warm to the point where youre sticky with sweat, but its pleasant, and dont feel like youre dying. if im inside?? summer rain!! i like the calming patter of rain and the thunder kinda just?? being there man!! watch a movie and listen to music to that jazz!!! play a ukulele or read a book!!! that weather makes me so happy
valkyrie: what’s your favorite drink?
cherry cola!! BUT!! i like the kind from those cool machines at movie theaters!! since like the canned stuff??? tastes brown w a liiiiittle bit of magenta. the bottled stuff??? more magenta but still mostly brown. the theater stuf??? hoLY SHIT!!! ITS LIKE BRIGHT PINK!!! MUTED W SOME BROWNS AND TASTES SO GOOD!!
heimdall: where do you see yourself in 5 years?
dude i cant plan the future tbh?? like maybe at college?? maybe taking time for my mental health?? idk!! also lmAO w my luck id be dead,, have you SEEN how much i get injured??? i fell off one (1) stair and broke my ankle for three weeks fsuvbeieu
korg: are you optimistic or pessimistic?
im actually realistic tbh?? i have a bad habit of looking at things from a point where its realistic to the point where its apathetic and,,, i gotta fix that man,, (also im not including my anxiety inthat bc iF I DID LMAO IDK W H A T ID BE)
peter: are you good at keeping secrets?
yeah!! unless its smth serious, then i try to get the person help from someone im POSITIVE is trustworthy, unless im positive its under control :0
ned: who is your best friend?
no!!!! no picking!!! i love all of my friends in dif ways!!! my friend cc?? my meme-y jam bud who complains abt our english teacher!! em?? fuCKIN RAD!!!! izzy?? we talk abt girls and how we love our moms!! lui?? a badass bitch!!!! kyra and jo??? my b99 buds!!! my brother was my only friend for literal years!!! id say more but this would get way too long i love all of my friends!!
michelle: do you like to go to parties?
lmaO NO IVE GOT RLLY BAD SOCIAL/GENERAL ANXIETY,, that and im never invited to any uyebve
liz: who was your high school crush?
this rlly cute girl in a few of my classes!! im too scared to talk to her thOUGH HBCEUIBS
aunt may: who or what are you most protective over?
my brother!!! holy fuck man i nearly decked some kids when i was little,,, this sounds edgy but my brother had some issues w social settings, so he was bullied, so i helped stand up for him!! we took boxing lessons for two years bitch!! got pizza on thursdays after!!.
t'challa: what is the most important thing your parents taught you?
my mom taught me to always do what i love, and i love her man,, wonderful woman,,,
shuri: are you a good driver?
bro i cant even drive and have a fear of cars
nakia: what causes are you passionate about?
a lot actually!!! rn its mostly LGBTQ+ rights, immigration, and gun control!!! i rlly enjoy arguing, but only the kind where both sides listen to each other, yknow?? bc people yelling hurts my head efvhbied
okoye: do you speak more than one language?
no,, i only speak english and have the german abilities of a two year old
m'baku: are you vegetarian?
no, sorry!! i dont eat much meat tho so i could probably go vegetarian p easily lmAO
killmonger: sunrises or sunsets?
ooo!!! i love both!! i love seeing sunrises in the morning, but i think i gotta say sunsets!! the colors are rlly pretty
peter quill: what’s your favorite song from your childhood?
my brother and i used to SCREECH hooked on a feeling its a fuckin bop
gamora: do you like to dance?
its fun but i physically??? cant?? my body doesnt know how to move so i awkwardly sway to shitty 80s music uekfbs
nebula: do you get along with your siblings?
yeah!!! my brothers one of my closest friends, and even though hes older than me,, im still shook by how old hes gotten,,,, bitches stay off the roads hes got no coordination
groot: are you quiet or talkative?
it depends on who im with!!! or how my brain is working that day!! with large groups im rlly quiet but in front of a crowd or with one to four-ish friends i know well??? ill talk your ear off,,, also sometimes my brain says!! socializing is hard so oh well
rocket: have you changed a lot since you were younger?
hdfubvyuedsvbdsiUHDBSCUI HELL YEAH!!!! dude ive developed my own opinions and gotten a lot more bitchy.... but also ive stayed the same in a few ways!! i still love art and music, and have obsessions really deeply
asgard: if you could move anywhere, where would you pick?
anywhere w my friends!!! 
brooklyn: where do you feel most at home?
outside late at night chatting w friends tbh?? it just feels right
wakanda: what is your hometown known for?
thank u @prcngx for tagging me!!! ily!! but you tagged a bunch of mutuals so i dont rlly have anyone to tag!!!! you monster!! ily!!
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