#my oc: morana
aezyrraeshh · 1 year
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morrigan-sims · 4 months
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Transformation, moving forward, endings, change, and a new beginning.
Another tarot card, this time of my pathfinder character, Morana!! She's named after a Slavic goddess of death and winter, which was 100% intentional, given her necromancy theme and frozen homeland.
Oh, and a very lovely thank you to kiki @wildmeadowsims for sitting with me while I set up the scene, helping me figure out wtf was going on with my tree textures, and suggesting the red glow from the skull's eyes. This render wouldn't have gotten done yesterday (or anytime soon) without you. 💖
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monstrous-ideas · 11 months
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Accursed Coven
Morana the Winter Mourner, Nulea Wispweaver and Lore the Deathseer
The three Firbolg witches that live in the shadows of the fey realm. Each marked by a different curse, escaping fates put on them by their former patrons. Together they are able to help each other and learn how to control their curses.
All art done by the talented @snejkha
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wyked-ao3 · 28 days
Oc ship song tag
Tagged by @thecomfywriter here @gioiaalbanoart here @the-golden-comet here @an-indecisive-nerd here @theink-stainedfolk here and I think I'm missing a few 0_o
So technically I don't have a ship song for Oisìn and Daimhín yet so technically this could be considered a spoiler for book two and three.
Jade x Galen
Braith x Morana
Tagging my tag list (sorry for any double tags) + @tragedycoded
@thatuselesshuman @gioiaalbanoart @lychhiker-writes @goth-automaton @thecomfywriter
@evilwriter37 @saebasanart @the-golden-comet @mauannacreates @kind-lion
@alinacapellabooks @kuebiko-writing @kaeru483 @differentnighttale @theink-stainedfolk
@unstableunicornsofasgard @mysticstarlightduck @demon-sneeze @an-indecisive-nerd
@smellyrottentrees @honeybewrites @pheonix358
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monstrous-spice · 8 months
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The recipe didn't call for it, but illustration next page had a nude witch, so Lore made them them undress just to be sure the brewing goes correctly
Drawn by Glitter on twitter
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monotremedreams · 11 days
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A fuckton of Viras from over the years
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rivaldi22 · 1 year
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Commission of @thesafehex's Hunter, Morana-1, right before the moment of her Shadowshot's release. Thank you for commissioning me! 🙏✨💖
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Taliesin: I must say, you've a very good nose for finding injured people, Inigo.
Inigo: Thank you. They are just up this hill.
Kaidan: Peak's Shade?
Lucien: Oh dear, I hope S'vashni hasn't killed anybody again..
Xelzaz: No, this one is still alive.
Inigo: There they are!
Gore: *sitting on the ground with his leg caught in a bear trap*
Lucien: Oh gosh. I suppose asking if you're okay wouldn't be very helpful here.
Gore: N-Not really- *sees Morana standing near the front of the group* Uh.
Morana: *sighs, shaking her head. She pulls out her notebook and begins writing in it, showing the finished phrase to Gore* Hello, my name is Morana. No I am not here to kill you or lead you to your death. *she tilts her head, considering, before turning the notebook back towards her and adding more* Or enslave you.
Gore: You- What? I mean, the killing or leading me to my death I would have believed, but where did enslavement come from?
Morana: *points at Yaksha* That one.
Yaksha: Haha. She saved me from a slaver.
Gore: That.. makes more sense. But, if you're not here to kill me, then... *he stares at the group, confused. His gaze finds Taliesin, and his expression falls into a glare* You're here to imprison me. You're with the Thalmor.
Taliesin: What.
Morana: *waving her hands frantically* No, we're not. *turns to Taliesin* I told you to stop wearing those robes!
Taliesin: Well I don't have anything else to wear!
Morana: I just bought you new Vagrant robes!
Taliesin: When???
Morana: Like a week ago! I told you about them!
Gore: What is happening.
Lucien: Ah, Morana can't speak very well, so she uses sign language. Me, Taliesin and Yaksha can understand her, and the others are learning.
Kaidan: *speaking over Taliesin's arguing* Anyways, Taliesin won't imprison you or anything. If he were still a Thalmor Justiciar he wouldn't be alive right now. I'd have made sure of it.
Inigo: Yes, do not worry.
Gore: ... Right. I suppose I'll believe it for now.. Um. *he winces* Can you guys- just get me out of this thing?
Kaidan: Oh shit I forgot about that- Yeah, we'll get you out. Yaksha!
Yaksha: Right here. Please bite down on this while we get your leg free. *hands him a leather strip*
Gore: Thanks..
Morana: *looks over at Gore's muffled yelling* Oh, you got him free.
Xelzaz: *sigh* No thanks to you!
Taliesin: Don't you look away from me, I am still talking to you!
Morana: *shakes her head*
Taliesin: Don't roll your eyes at me!
Morana: I wasn't even looking at you!
Yaksha: *checking for broken bones and applying healing salve to Gore's wound* How does that feel? Better?
Gore: Very much so. Thank you, er..
Yaksha: Yaksha. And that's Kaidan, Lucien, Inigo, Xelzaz, Taliesin, Styx, and Morana.
Gore: Quite a crowd you all have. Cute nightmare dog.
Lucien: Isn't she?
Styx: *barks*
Taliesin: *still rambling* It's not as if it is my fault the Thalmor hunt anyone suspicious! Of course people like Kaidan are going to be targeted if they stand out enough!
Morana: You're really not helping your case here.
Gore: Er, my name's Gore.
Inigo: Gore? That is quite a strange name.
Gore: It's a long story. Any chance we could talk about it back in town?
Lucien: Oh yes- Yes of course! Is he well enough to stand yet, Yaksha?
Yaksha: I am unsure. If need be, I can carry him.
Gore: I don't think that'll be necessary, big guy.
Morana: *still arguing* For claiming to know so much about fashion, you're certainly attached to those ugly robes.
Taliesin: UGLY?! Why you-!
Morana: *perks up, hearing twigs snapping at the bottom of the hill* Wait shut up.
Taliesin: You dare tell me to-?!
Morana: I said shut up!
Inigo: You heard it too?
Morana: *nods* ...
Kaidan: Yaksha, watch the lad.
Gore: Who the hell are you calling a lad-?
Thalmor Soldier: Well the mutt couldn't have gone off far! Spread out and search for him! And be careful, there are hunting traps everywhere.
Inigo: *whispers, sword drawn* We go on your signal, my friend.
Morana: *nods, drawing her dagger and dousing it in poison* Go.
Morana: *taps Gore's shoulder*
Gore: *sitting by the fire, leg bandaged* Hm? What is it?
Morana: *showing him her notebook* How's your leg?
Gore: Fine. Your healer works wonders.
Morana: Yeah, he's the best we could ask for.
Yaksha: *competing with Inigo to see who can fit the most honey nut treats in their mouths*
Morana: ... Assuming he doesn't choke to death himself.
Gore: Haha! I can see there's no end of excitement with these ones.
Morana: Are you sure you're okay travelling with someone who used to be a Thalmor? I'll understand if you don't want to.
Gore: Hm, well.. It'll take some getting used to. I think I'll survive, though. As long as he doesn't try anything funny.
Morana: You sound like Kaidan.
Gore: Ha!
Taliesin: *walks out of the tent wearing his new Vagrant robes* ...
Morana: Well, how are they?
Taliesin: ... They are. Acceptable. I thought most Vagrant robes had conjuration enchantments though. Are these destruction?
Morana: I enchanted them myself.
Taliesin: ... I suppose I must thank you, then.
Morana: I suppose so.
Gore: I'm really gonna have to learn your sign language so I know what you're saying without that book.
Taliesin: It seems Lucien has taken up the mantle of resident sign language teacher, if you'd like to ask him.
Gore: I'll be sure to do that.
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beemot · 4 months
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was tagged by @cryptcombat thank you 🌺💕💘 to create some ocs in this cute picrew
jules × keira \ gale × ray anders × florence \ lautrec × morana
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qoldencrowns-art · 1 year
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Morana, the Sage of the Dying Star. She happens to be one of the few that I actually have a path written out for
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my character morana in a star trek au :3
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aezyrraeshh · 1 year
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living in the cruel city of menzoberranzan, morana was used to violence. she was not aware, however, how deep this brutality was within her soul until the unknown urge manifested suddenly. she doesn't remember much besides her closest friend laying infront of her, dead, and her hands covered in sickenning crimson. morana tried desperately to bring her friend back to life, but she lost herself in the proccess. death found her soon after, alone and with her mind long gone. but when it seemed that the story reached its tragic end, she awoke. and the urge was back.
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morrigan-sims · 1 month
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some of my dnd babies got new outfits...
left -> right, top -> bottom we have: - Morana (she/her), fetchling witch (curse patron) - Val (they/them), tiefling warlock (hexblade) - Havoc (they/them), tiefling bard (college of swords) - Aspen (they/them), half-elf/changeling bard/warlock (college of glamour/archfey)
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monstrous-ideas · 8 months
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The Coven drawn by Glitter on twitter (nsfw artist)
The Firbolg Witches are brewing tonight!
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wyked-ao3 · 1 month
OC Questionnaire x 2
Tagged by @the-golden-comet here and here
My questions
What is your favorite season?
Where would you like to visit?
When do you usually go to sleep?
What never fails to make you laugh?
How can you tell if you’ll get along with someone?
Do you prefer sweet, savory, sour, or salty snacks?
Your questions
1.if you had to pick just one enemy who would it be?
2.when did you feel safest and why?
3.if you could save just one other person who would it be?
The pirates cursed god series crew is going to answer this one
What is your favorite season?
Daimhín: winter, Oisìn runs cool anyway but he tends to be more cuddly when it's cold.
Oisìn: summer I like the warmth, I'm not a snake like some people suggest.
Braith: killing season of course.
Morana: spring *smirking mischievously*
Galen: Morana none of us want to here about fertility rites again. Any season that's not spring.
Jade: winter...it matches things.
Where would you like to visit?
Daimhín: perhaps the vanishing Isle again.
Oisìn: faélánd the home of the pirates... haven't seen it yet (he will before the books over)
Braith: not sure I have been to most places for one reason or another.
Morana: faélánd is my favorite place the magic their is strongest.
Galen: wherever the crew is.
Jade: anywhere not Tarak.
When do you usually go to sleep?
Daimhín: when the day and jobs over.
Oisìn: whenever.
Braith: sleep?
Morana: whenever.
Galen: after I have finished setting things up for the next day.
Jade: anytime.
What never fails to make you laugh?
Daimhín: Oisìn being grumpy for no reason
Oisìn: the trouble I find myself in. *it's that or cry*
Braith: when they beg for their lives.
Morana: when Amon is stirring the pot of trouble.
Galen: when the crew drinks a little to much and starts singing off tune.
Jade: laugh?
How can you tell if you’ll get along with someone?
Daimhín: the way they carry themselves usually.
Oisìn: their eyes.
Braith: their eyes or perhaps in the way their blood splatters.
Morana: their aura
Galen: how they speak.
Jade: 0_o
Do you prefer sweet, savory, sour, or salty snacks?
Daimhín: sweet.
Oisìn: salty.
Braith: spicy, make it burn.
Morana: sour.
Galen: salt.
Jade: sweet.
Np Tagging @tragedycoded +my TPKODR tag list (have fun)
TPKODR tag list
@thatuselesshuman @gioiaalbanoart @lychhiker @goth-automaton
@thecomfywriter @evilwriter37 @saebasanart @the-golden-comet
@mauannacreates @kind-lion @alinacapellabooks @kuebiko-writing
@kaeru483 @differentnighttale @theink-stainedfolk @unstableunicornsofasgard
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whatifyandsand · 9 months
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more (semi)recent ravnica sillyzone art
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