#my personal burning of the alexandria library tbh
eppysboys · 9 months
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Can you tell us about the film Harry and Ringo’s Night Out? I don’t think it’s ever been released, and plot details seem scarce. Why was it shelved, what was it about, and how were your artworks to be incorporated with the live-action footage?
"If you look it up online, it’s described as being a documentary film about Harry and Ringo’s wild night life. It wasn’t.
Harry and Ringo had done a movie called Son of Dracula. They had so much fun, they thought they’d like to do another. I wrote a synopsis of a movie I thought would work with who these guys were and the rapport they had. To be honest, I don’t remember where the title came from. They liked the treatment and asked me to write a full script, which I did. They made some changes, I made some changes, they made some changes, and after a while, we had a script everybody liked.
Early on, they decided they wanted it to be a live action/animation movie. Let me say, right from the start, I was way in over my head. I had no film experience. But they had faith in me and that was enough to make me believe I could do it.
The story – the short version – involves Ringo and Harry being sucked into an alternate reality in a place called Rockland, populated by a bunch of famous rock stars. Music is dying and these two were on a mission to save it. When they entered Rockland they acquired sidekicks. Ringo’s was the cherub and Harry’s was a wisecracking crow. Harry did the voice of the cherub and Ringo did the voice of the crow.
I designed the characters and painted the backgrounds. We contracted a couple of animators, on the sly, who worked at Hanna-Barbera to do the animation. The live action was shot on a Paramount sound stage in front of a blue screen. I directed the live action.
The sky, throughout the full three minute pilot was speeded up live action cloud formations, which was very cool. When it was complete, Harry and I went to Warner Brothers after hours and he worked on a moviola, editing the piece together. Harry picked the sound track, and we had a film to shop.
It went to a few studios but there were no takers. A live action/animated movie would have been a major undertaking and an expensive one at that and no studio wanted to bankroll a film starring the Beatles drummer and a pop star that had never performed in public… and the project was dead. I think the finished pilot went to Harry. I still have most of the backgrounds, cells and live action with some bits and pieces.
It’s never been seen in public and never will. I think no one will see it because nobody cares. It was done and over. I’m only guessing it’s with Harry’s family. It also might be with Ringo or Michael Viner (who died in 2009) who funded it. Whoever has it, it has been over 40 years and that ship has sailed." (Artist Tim Bruckner, 2015)
Eppy's Note: You can see a teeny tiny clip of promo for it here, and please take the time to scroll down to the comment section, there's very delightful exchange between two commenters.
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starfxkr · 2 months
your lookbooks EAT everytimeeee im so invested
.~ 🍮
TBH this is how i know im not meant to direct im supposed to be a costume designer/fashion girl i literally collect books on fashion so i an learn more i have bobbi brown AND kevyn aucoins fashion books plus a book of essays on fashion from years 1970-1982 like ive always been so passionate about fashion polyvore shutting down unceremoniously was my burning of the library of alexandria i collect vintage coats, shoes and handbags (we love you etienne aigner) like its crazy this is really my passion ima visual person so much about someones character is expressed through how they dress
sorry that was a rant but the look books rlly are my fav
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erstwhilesparrow · 3 months
I just saw that post you reblogged about archiving MCYT stuff - is there a particular reason stuff disappears so often? (That's very cool people are putting in so much effort to preserve it, though; big respect to that tbh)
reyni! :D okay i should be clear upfront that some of my information may be incomplete here because (1) i don't have twitter and (2) i'm not directly involved in any mcyt archival efforts. also putting this under a cut because it's long and i do need to reference recent events involving abuse and sexual assault:
despite mcyt = minecraft youtube(r), a lot of stuff relevant to mcyt happens like. exclusively on stream? really, really ~plot-critical or deeply characterizing stuff happens on stream sometimes and never makes it into a youtube video! and on twitch at least, unless you explicitly set it to save your vods, twitch will just delete them after a certain number of days. i don't know exactly how this works if you stream on youtube but also my impression is that a significant majority of people are not streaming on youtube anyway. since fairly early in my time in mcyt fandoms, there's been concern about creators not saving their own vods, and on top of that, sometimes you save a vod and it gets taken down anyway for copyright infringement (playing copyrighted music, the creator themself asked for it to be removed, etc). so like. as baseline, there's a sense of inherent ephemerality to the medium. that post i reblogged is explicitly pushing back against the description of mcyt vods as "a constantly burning library of alexandria," and in light of the evidence that follows i agree (and also am a little weepy about the efforts people make to save these things), but that sense doesn't come from nowhere, you know?
speaking of that post though, i suspect this archival stuff is coming up More now because it's been a rough couple of weeks in mcyt fandom. several really influential creators in the space were recently outed as being abusive or predatory in a way that's caught a lot of attention, and many people in response have been (understandably!) deleting their fanworks or otherwise distancing or removing themselves from mcyt fandom. i want to be clear, i know stuff gets deleted all the time in fanspaces -- the internet is kind of just Like That in terms of how easy it is to lose things -- and it's incredibly fair to go "no, even if there was a strong distinction between character and creator this leaves a sour taste in my mouth and i'm not doing this anymore." i don't want to pretend that no one has ever deleted a fanwork outside of mcyt spaces, and i don't want to insinuate that it's bad to vocally revoke your support of those creators -- those people have done awful things and generally failed to meaningfully apologize or take accountability, and it is worth remembering and saying so. but to give you a sense of numbers: antimony-medusa does monthly stats on mcyt fic on ao3, and dsmp, which even after it's kind of died off has seen monthly increases in the range of hundreds of new fic per month, saw a decrease of roughly 800 fics. other fandoms have similarly seen decreases, and video blogging rpf, which ao3 treats as an umbrella for basically all mcyt stuff, saw an increase of 51, as compared to last month's increase of (approximately) 3500. and that's just fic -- there's also a rich trove of animatics, fanvids, fanart, etc that i don't have any numbers for, but i've seen people talking about deleting those, too, you know? you see how people might be worried about what we are losing.
at this point i think your question is answered, but if you'll forgive some baseless speculation here, i wonder to what extent mcyt is also. complicated by how closely character and creator can sit? i don't know how other people feel, but there is a difference to me between "i've written fic about This Person Specifically (or, arguably, their streamer persona which may be somewhat divorced from the Real Life Human Being Behind The Screen)" and "i've written fic about a character this person plays." i dunno, there's a sense to me of the flimsiness of the line between creator and character and then also of the line between creator and fandom that i think makes it harder to be like "okay, i am doing my own thing, separate from the creator, so i'm going to keep my stuff public even if i don't stand by it 100% anymore." i remember when i first joined mcyt fandom, there was a period of time people were really worried that the creators were actively on ao3, or that fans would try to send their fanfic directly to the creators. i thought to myself, "well, if anyone Tries Shit with my work, i will simply delete all my relevant accounts and disappear." that's... not really a back-up plan that i feel good about these days, but. you know. it's been a thing, if not always for the same reasons, and i do understand the impulse.
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authoralexharvey · 1 year
Thanks for the ask! I know of a couple of characters. I'm sure there's a couple more characters somewhere that I'm forgetting but here's the ones I do remember!
Sage Aleta is a priestess in a temple who was training to be a keeper of the Archives, which are like... the Library of Alexandria in a pocket dimension. That is, until out of nowhere it was decided her life's purpose was Elsewhere, which put her on a different island entirely. She's part of the main trio of Storm Rage, a D&D thing I've been pecking at off and on for a couple of years.
Adelade Tate is a character I love to kick around from time to time. She makes an appearance in Lilium, as well as a separate story. Her whole shtick is she is, at one point, a member of the Magistrate, who maintains the world of the Supernaturals and keeps them from bleeding too much into the world of humans. She plays a,,,, antagonistic? role in Lilium because she is responsible for Oliver's second death as well as being ordered to kill Lilith. In her separate story, she is a full-vampire ordered to kill halflings (humans who have been steeped too much in the world of the Supernaturals and thus are becoming ones themselves--albeit a lesser, more dangerous breed) The framing of the story is the most interesting part, because aside from the moment where we see her origins, Adelade herself is never the POV character. It's always in the POV of the person she's tasked to hunt next. Nevertheless, we get to see how these jobs she does are slowly wearing on her. I really want to get back to this at some point tbh.
Abraxas is the main antagonist of Lilium, though he doesn't show up directly for half the book. He is a Scourge, which is when a Supernatural loses the rest of their tethers to humanity and goes rogue. He is suggested to have been involved in Oliver's first death and comes back to torment Lilith and urge her down the same path as her brother. I like him a lot because he's just,,, chaos incarnate. While I like most of my villains to have like. Actual goals and whatnot, sometimes it's fun to have someone who just wants to watch the world burn.
Send me a letter of the alphabet A-Z, and if I have an OC starting with that letter, I’ll tell about them.
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haechanitboy · 3 years
the way that i literally spent like. at least an hour on a super long tag rant just now .... (on a post i was abt to make myself specifically to rant abt this) and tumblr was ... yknow ... Letting Me add all the tags my heart desired (on desktop not mobile) and then . when the actual TEXT of the post was being wonky i saved it as a draft to like . try and fix it or whatever . and tumblr straight up deleted like. i would say like. 80% of the tags i had made ... 
the universe just gave me a sign to shut the fuck up ig idk.... *heavy sigh* anyway if you see me at a store buying 13 blank cassette tapes and smth with which i could use to record onto them...it’s fine don’t worry about it . it’s far more likely than anything that i’ll just use the tapes to record the shit i was talking about in the tags and then save them and vibe for the rest of the day 💖
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ofkimtaehyung · 7 years
heey judy~~ i'm fine as well. busy with university work and other issues, but fine!! it's been a while since my last ask i guess 😖 buuuut i hope these next days i can make up to you~ sooo you are egyptian!! how it is there? i don't really hear much about egypt besides what it is in the news, so i'm really curious about it!!
- hln santa 💜 forgot to add it, haha xD       
Hello, love! Ooh if you don’t mind me asking, what do you study? Don’t worry about it at all! Come whenever you can.
YES! Hmmm I don’t know if i’m the right person you want to ask I literally hate it here jkghjlksj like I’ve been trying/planning on getting the hell outta here since the third year of college I think lmao. The political situation has been a hot ass mess for years now. We are economically poor and the government…y’know what I’ll shut up before I get carried away. Let’s just say there is no real democracy or freedom here. :/
Away from all that, I’ll try to be as unbiased as I can, let’s see. I live in Cairo, which is… crowded (?) is the best word to describe it. Too many people. Although it is one of the most exciting/somewhat beautiful cities in Egypt. I’d rather be here than any other city. As you probably already know we have the pyramids and the Egyptian Museum, which are the main attraction of all the tourists basically. This is probably one of the few aspects I like about Egypt, Ancient Egypt, the rich history and culture. It is indeed fascinating.
The weather is a w f u l ! In summer it’s burning hot you want to walk naked in the streets, and in winter it’s chilling cold you want to walk around wrapped in a thousand blankets sigh. If I had to choose I’d say winter > summer tbh.
Hmmm what else, I also recently moved to Alexandria for my new job, which is a 3 hour trip from Cairo. It is on the coast of the Mediterranean, so the only difference is the sea. It’s a nice view. Somewhat quieter city. It’s even colder in winter than Cairo. Rain, high humidity and chilly wind all the time. I’m planning on visiting The Library of Alexandria soon, I’ve never been. But it’s supposed to be iconic, I’m excited.
Sorry I rambled for a bit. “^^ Thanks for the lovely ask. Now, where do YOU live?
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ignaciaslight · 7 years
all of them for all your muses
fck u anna. at least i have a manageable amount of characters. #roASTED #jk #ily
Put a tarot card in my inbox and I’ll answer the question! // NOT ACCEPTING. (blame anna for that. jk i’ll probably answer some more of these)
bc u were a fcker i’m putting my answers under read more for the sake of people’s dashes. 
The Fool: What is the stupidest thing your muse has ever done?
Dany: Oh boy, the stupidest thing? Wow, that’s a lot to choose from for her. But the stupidest has gotta be when she was five and she superglued her hands together so she could have the greatest karate chop known to man. Now that was an interesting hospital visit. 
Sabina: Don’t know if this counts as stupid, but when she had kids way back when, she’d go through a list of names before she actually yelled at the right child. (She had four kids). 
Alexnder: Kissing a telephone pole in the winter because his older sister dared him to. She said if he did it, he’d get to kiss her friend who he had a crush on at the time. 
Dean: He is also a muse that classifies as doing a bunch of stupid shit. The stupidiest thing would be stealing a book from another dragon in the 50s. Never steal from a dragon unless you want to be dead. And yes, this was a dragon he slept with. No, he didn’t get a book, but he got stitches. 
The Empress: What would your muse name their children?
Dany: Well, as you know with being thany trash, you already know the names. But I’ll throw some out there anyways: Beatrice, Elanor, Rosie, Henry, Alexander (lmao yeah), Thomas, Benjamin, and Charlie. 
Sabina: She had four children and here are their names: Katrina, Phillip, Simon, and Rhoslyn
Alexander: Ella, Jackson, and Nora.
Dean: Never wants kids, but he had a little girl he never met and her name was Robin. 
fuck after doing two of these i’m already done jfc why did i take up this challenge to do all of them? Judgement: Would your muse ever go back to their most recent ex-lover?
Dany: FUCK NO (her ex-lover would be Dean). She has a Teddy, she is perfectly fine with that old Welsh plant nerd. 
Sabina: She’s had lots of “lovers”, I use that term loosely. She’d rather use the term companion, but she’s not activiely looking for one. To be honest, if her husband was alive, still, she’d want to be with him. (but yes she is very happy with Raphael)
Alexander: No
Dean: Maybe (it was Dany and yes he still loves her). NO
The World: What has been your muse’s greatest success?
Dany: Tbh, actually finding someone who loves her completly. (i’m a sAP OKAY AND SHE IS TOO)
Sabina:Well, she’s a CEO, so. 
Alexander: He read 40 books in one summer when he was twelve. 
Dean: He won a poker match based all on bluffs. 
The Sun: What was the happiest moment of your muse’s life?
Dany: The happiest moment of Dany’s life probably would be the moment when she was at her grandparents’ for the weekend back when she was nine. Her grandfather played old jazz, her grandmother helped Dany bake, and her grandfather started a flour war. The not fun part of that memory was having to clean the kitchen—they all did it, though. Even then, I guess, it was fun for Dany. 
Sabina: When she first held her first born baby, along with holding her children for the first time in general. 
Alexander: When he won a spar against his siblings back when they trained together. 
Dean: V-E Day. 
Wheel of Fortune: Does your muse believe in luck?
Dany: Yes, but she’s always shit out of luck. 
Sabina: No
Alexander: Yes. 
Dean: No
The Hierophant: What is one rule or law your muse would never break?
Dany: this is a toughy. Probably something to do with vandalism with CERTAIN (American) national monuments. Not all of them, but certain ones. 
Sabina: Well, now in modern times, theft. 
Alexander: Talking in libraries. 
Dean: Oddly enough, something to do with jaywalking
Strength: Name a time when your muse had to be strong in the face of danger or trouble.
Dany: Her whole life, basically. 
Sabina: When she lived on the streets with her sister. 
Alexander: He’s a hunter. So…
Dean: He was in WW2
The Star: If your muse had one wish, what would it be?
Dany: It’s moribid, but for her mother to have died during childbirth. She feels, that if her mom had died during childbirth, she wouldn’t’ve had to go through foster care and her father wouldn’t be in jail. Her mom basically was the root cause of her childhood trauma. 
Sabina: for her family to still be alive. 
Alexander: To not be a hunter anymore.
Dean: To know his daughter. 
The Magician: What would your muse draw if given paper and markers?
Dany: Well, in canon, she can’t draw for shit. In some AU”s she can draw, but for her main verse? yeah stick figures. Something to do with Captain America, probably. 
Sabina: Lmao Raphael, probably, when he wasn’t looking. Joking with that (mostly). She prob would draw a still life of water lilies, i think. 
Alexander: Doesn’t like to draw. 
Dean: A stupid looking squirrel reading a book because he’s “nuts for knowledge.” bye. 
The Emperor: Name a time your muse has broken the rules.
Dany: Lmao. Uh. All the time. 
Sabina: Back in the good ol’ days, she stole food for her and her sister. Also, she’s old as fuck. I don’t have the time to go through all the times she broke the rules. 
Alexander: He has to break and enter into places as a hunter. 
Dean: He gambles illegally and does illegal shit all the time. 
Death: If your muse had to change something about themselves, what would they change?
Dany: Her past.  also to not be allergic to cats. 
Sabina: She’d like to be mortal. 
Alexander: His insomnia. 
Dean: His cowardance (yep. he’s a coward in the context of not seeing his daughter). 
The Chariot: If your muse ruled the world, what would they change first?
Dany: Make foster care a better system.
Sabina: Access to health care and food to be more readily available.
Alexander: Doesn’t want to rule the world. 
The High Priestess: What is the smartest thing your muse has ever done?
Dany: She doesn’t do many smart things.  BUT to be sappy here—Probably letting Teddy in her life bc he’s helped her become a better person. 
Sabina: Helping those in need and also, preserving artifacts and art. 
Alexander: Not pissing off his sister when she was pregnant when he visited her and his brother inlaw. 
Dean: Leaving his longtime girfriend and daughter behind. He wouldn’t’ve been good for them in the 60s. 
Temperance: Would your muse remain calm despite the worst circumstances?
Dany: Depends on the circumstance. 
Sabina: Yes. 
Alexander: No. 
Dean: No. 
The Lovers: At what age did your muse first fall in love?
Dany: When she was seventeen, living on the streets. It was with a twenty-year-old woman who kept her under her wing when Dany pissed off the wrong person. She struggled with drug addiction, though, and Dany tried her best to care for her. (but if we want to actually go into how dragons actually love someone, it would be when she met teddy llmao so that would be when she was 24)
Sabina (awh shit i have to do math for this old fuck): When she was 37 lmao. She never really felt romantic love until she met her husband. Dragons don’t really feel that intense love all the time, it usually happens once. Idk if that makes sense. I’m going crazy answering all these. 
Alexander: When he was twenty three. 
Dean: fuck i have to do math for him too  dslfjk I don’t think he’s really fallen in love with someone. Then again that might just be me going crazy answring all these. 
The Hermit: If your muse were trapped alone on an island, name three things they’d have to have..
Dany: Well, she’d hate everything. She hates water. So tbh. Yeah. I can’t think of anything bc she’s too freaked out in my mind to even come up with anything. Yeah. Hahaha yeah. She’d rather die than get trapped on a damn island surrounded by water. 
Sabina: Sketchbook, pencils, and a compass. 
Alexander: A knife, water purifier, and probably a book of some kind. 
Dean: A pilot, a working airplane, and fuel for an airplane. There’s no way he’s getting stuck on an island. 
The Moon: Has your muse ever had something unexplained happen to them? If so, what?
are you really going to make me answer this?
Dany: Um. Well. Learning she was a dragon was one of them. 
Sabina: No
Alexander: Woke up on the other side of a state once, didn’t know how he got there. 
Dean: No
Justice: What’s something your muse has been dying to admit or confess?
Dany: She loves pop music. So much pop music. 
Sabina: Her favorite snack is one of those chocolate ice cream pops thing. 
Alexander: Hates the color fushia. 
Dean: Still loves likes hates Dany. 
The Hanged Man: Name a bad habit your muse can’t give up.
Dany: Burning things. 
Sabina: Peeling off a new manicure. 
Alexander: Biting his nails. 
Dean: Gambling. 
The Devil: What was the worst relationship your muse has ever had?
Dany: With Dean. 
Sabina: Probably with some painter in Italy during the Renaissance. He snored. Really loudly.
Alexander: He’s never really been one for relationships. He’s more so a one night stand kinda guy. 
Dean: With Dany. 
The Tower: What event would trigger your muse’s breaking point?
Dany: Her fear of water
Sabina: A reminder that she can’t save everyone. 
Alexander: Having to physically fight his family to get out of the hunting life.  
Dean: Meeting his daugher. 
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highladyofidris · 7 years
11 Questions
Hey I was tagged by @easkyrah and @katgirl05 to do these questions!  I will tag @readinglikewildfire @propshophannah @sarcastic-catastrophe @abraxos-sniffing-flowers @ericatheweirdo and whoever else wants to do it! If the 2 who tagged me want to do it again, feel free!
1) If you were Romeo, would you have killed yourself?
No! I actually really dislike Romeo and Juliette. The only characters I actually like were his asshole friends. I would not have killed myself over something like that
2) If you had known the Library of Alexandria would have been burned down, what would you have done? (Other than kill Julius Cesar)
I would have tried to rally the people and save the library! I would have tried to  hide the most important stuff
3) If you were a Greek/Roman God, who would you be? (Why?)
Oh gosh I think I’d definitely be Poseidon or Dionysus. I love the water and think it would be really cool to talk to sea animals and horses. Also mermaids are cool. For Dionysus, I’m a really fun person and I can be pretty wild and energetic at times. ALso I have a pretty high tolerance when it comes to alcohol. I basically live next to a winery so I was basically conditioned to love wine.
4) Would you cure all the kinds of cancer or world hunger?
Cancer, because then we’d have more money to give to things that support world hunger relief orgs and  the like. Also hospitals are hella expensive so that would be good
5) Fae or Illyrian? (insert evil laughter—you can’t choose both)
OH I HATE YOU. Ok so when you say fae, do you mean TOG fae or ACOTAR high fae? There’s a difference. If it’s the TOG fae, then I’d pick the Illyrian. If it was the ACOTAR fae, the I’d pick them becuase the Illyrian females are treated pretty badly and if you’re not related to someone important, you’re basically treated like trash.
6) Angst or fluff?
ANGST. Not that I don’t enjoy fluff, but ya know. I actually just recently came to the realization that I’ve been saying Angst wrong. I was saying it AYN-GIST. Oh well 
7) Do you think hell is boiling or freezing? (Why?)
Ok so according to Dante, Hell is cold; it gets colder as you go down. But I’m also religious person, so Imma say hell is hot. Or so cold it feels hot.
10) Rowan or Rhys (you can’t choose both ^.^)
Sorry Rowan, but just look at him. *wildly gestures at the perfection that is Rhys* But I do love long hair, so like if we ever break up I’d go to Rowan
11) If you could be the child of any OTP, who would it be? (Why?)
Hmmm This one is so hard. I’ve narrowed it down to 3. Manorian (Manon and Dorian), Rowaelin (Rowan and Aelin), or Feysand (Feyre and Rhysand). Ok so first of all, I'd be pretty damn powerful whoever's kid I was. I'd be pretty happy with Rowaelin and I'd have some cool powers and an awesome family and support system. Might even inherit being able to shift. But the thing is really up in the air tbh, like Aelin hasn't settled so I might just end up a demi-fae. Like the genes would be pretty random. But I might have cool white hair so ummm maybe. For Manorian, I'd be part witch. Like that'd be cool. Also, I might get Dorian's raw magic, but are witches able to have magic?? Idk. I'd have cool iron claws. Have some nice hair, white or black. I might have a wyvern. I also have 2 kingdoms to inherit, so that's be cool. I could be a princess, which is goals. I could also be immortal because of my mother, so ya. Also, i think it's cute if Manorian calls their kids "witchling" like as a little pet name, like "sweetheart" but witch-version. Idk I think it's cute. Like for the TOG world, whoever I picked, I could possibly date the other one's kids sooooo it's the best of both worlds. For Feysand, that would be awesome. Like I'd be super powerful. I'd be Illyrian but also half high-fae, so I'd have pointy ears. I'd have an awesome family and court. I would also maybe be feared because of the whole "im the daughter of the 2 most powerful people in the world and also I'm from the almighty night court" and I'm completely down with that. (I don't know what that says about me as a person, so Imma just ignore that) Just think of the possibilities here!!!! And I might as well add some of my other fave OTPs because why the hell not. For TMI(The Mortal Instruments), I'd be Clace or Malec's daughter cuz yasssss. And then for TRC (The Raven Boys), definitely Pynch.
OK that last one was long but oh well. 
My 11 Questions:
1) If you could pick any fictional world to live in, where would you live?
2) Name the last 5 songs (or more if you want) that you listened to (No cheating, be honest)
3) Name your Harry Potter houses(with patronus if you know, lol mine's a buzzard, courtesy of Pottermore tests) and what you think your Game of Thrones house is (if none of these apply then do a fun fact about yourself)
4) Where is the farthest you've traveled?
5) Favorite Musical(including tv musicals), if you have one
6) Top 5 disney songs
7) Rowan or Rhys (yes I stole this one. You can't pick both)
8) Star Wars or Star Trek? (If it's Star Wars, have you seen the Last Jedi trailer yet?!?!? It's amazing
9) "What's cooler than being cool?" (if you're younger you might not get this)
10) What's the last movie you saw in theaters?
11) Favorite books other than TOG and ACOTAR
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whitecanaryoflight · 7 years
Get to know me: The Trilogy
i see these all the time and they always suck and its always silly information, so heres a more intellectual and exciting one. They always talk about followers and physical features and nothing that makes up someone as a person, so heres one for your personality and life experiences. Don’t forget to tag people you want to get to know!!!
Tagged by: @persephoneandthepomegranates
Shyann, but you can call me Canary
See, if I answered this tomorrow, it’d say 18. But 17.
5′1 (I think. Or 5′0″.)
Where you’re from?
Missouri (MISSOUR-AH. Don’t. Don’t ever do that. It sounds like Misery for a reason.) (... that sounds like a band name. “Sounds Like Misery”. Someone steal that please.) (sorry I got off track)
Favourite song?
I swear I give a different answer every time I answer this.  Either Wolf An Dro or Earth Warrior by Omnia, or Two-Faced by Shannon Taylor.
Favourite Book?
I really love “House” by Frank Peretti and Ted Dekker. Add that to my list of anything by R.L. Stine, Thirst series by Christopher Pike, and Unwind series by Neal Shusterman(?). 
Favorite smell?
A memorable experience?
CALIFORN-I-A. Calicalicalicalicali--
Countries you’ve been to?
:( Just this one
Countries you’d want to go to?
EVERYWHERE!!! My mains are Ireland and Germany because heritage reasons <3 But no literally I want to go to every single country at least once in my lifetime.
Languages you speak?
English (fluent), I’m learning German, I can speak bits and pieces of Spanish (it just never really sticks) and French (likewise). At one point I was semi-decent at Lithuanian but you don’t use it, you lose it.
Favourite subject in high school?
Medieval History, Intro to Art, and Theater. 
Reading, watching Youtube videos, livestreaming(I need to pick this back up), graphic editing, art in general, writing, whatever else I waste my days doing tbh
Favourite plant?
ORCHIDS. Wait that’s a flower, does it count as “plant”?  Venus Flytrap.
Favourite food?
This also changes. I think right now it’s Lazaghnah. (Lasagna).
Views on modern society?
*vaguely gestures at the politics on my blog and recent complaint about how people treat the Earth and Paganism*
Favorite era and why?
40′s-60′s clothes and swing music, and then 90′s everything, and this era’s progression on racial equality and women’s rights (minus the steps backwards we’ve taken thanks to Lord Dampnut)
If you could experience one event in history, which would it be and why?
The burning of the Library of Alexandria becAUSE YOU CAN BET YOUR TITS I’M RUNNING IN THERE AND SAVING AS MUCH AS I FUCKING CAN. Unless you mean like, experience and not interfere. In which I’d have to say... The days where Plato described a man as “An animal, biped and featherless” in which Diogenes plucked a chicken and brought it to him shouting “Behold, Plato’s man!” because frankly, that would be AMAZING to witness in person.
Have tattoos, Piercings?
No :c And yes, just regular lobe piercings. One on each.
Want any?
YEEEESSSSS. My friend, I want SO many tattoo’s.  And I still want an industrial and maybe a daith. Still hooked on snake bites, too.
Thoughts on love?
Listen. The last one fucked me up so much, I’m surprised I’m giving this whole dating thing another shot. It’s hard. Finding someone, especially someone that respects every part of you, is fucking hard. And it hurts so much.  But I just hope it’ll be worth it in the end. But I’m going in very very guarded this time. I can’t let that happen to me again. I can’t.
I’m just here for the ride, man, and to hopefully do my part to keep nature alive and wild. 
10 facts about you?
I constantly forget my natural hair color. Don’t ask me. I don’t know.
I’m terrible at responding to messages/texts because I’ll open them, get distracted, and forget to reply. Also I hate messaging people first so please don’t take it personally I’m just shy.
I’m a Hellenic, Pagan, Witch.
Caribou Coffee > Starbucks, fight me
I’m calm 95% of the time but when I’m angry it snaps on and off as easily as a light switch.
I cannot word. Every time I word something to someone, I get self-conscious and worried that it’ll be misinterpreted or that it doesn’t make sense. This is why I don’t talk to people much.
I love ‘terrible’ movies, as long as they’re not painstakingly terrible. Like, I could watch Dead Snow over and over again but if I ever have to sit and watch The Big Lebowski again, I’m going to genuinely cry. 
My Dad borrowed his friends’ copy of House of 1000 Corpses sometime before I was even in 3rd Grade and I watched it so much that I wore out the DVD so my Dad had to buy them a NEW copy AND buy us a copy. I still love it.
My sense of humor can be dark, and terrible, and wrong, and I often feel bad about it. I can expand upon this with examples, if someone wants to know exactly how terrible of a person I am.
I feel I should elaborate on a previous post I reblogged: I am deathly terrified of bald men in black suits. I will go out of my way to avoid them. I don’t scare easily, but they make my heart drop into my stomach and make me want to run. I have a strong sense of mistrust in most strangers in suits, but usually it’s white businessmen that I’ve never seen before, that I hate the most.
Feel free to ask me any questions or follow up questions in my inbox!
im tagging: Anyone who wants to do this! Please tag me so I can read!
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