#my point is there is hardly ever ANY explanation from character A or resolving misunderstanding at all
whumpberry-cookie · 2 years
The trope when character A says the most hurtful cruel unhonest bull#it they do NOT mean to character B in order to protect them?
This one, officer.
Straight to jail.
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queenharumiura · 7 years
Tagged Meme
RULES: answer the questions you’re given, write 11 of your own and tag 11 people.
Geebs, i’m super late to this because I was just... mia for a while because of reasons. Ahahahah
What is a small moment you’ve always kept with you?
To be honest, any time that I’m told someone enjoys threading with me, or my portrayal, it makes me happy and it stays with me. Literally. I screenshot things like that onto my phone so when I’m sad, I’ll go through my photo gallery to remember that there is at least one person out there that appreciates what I do.
Your favorite quote and what it means to you?
“Everyone is special in their own special way, even the unspecial ones.” I mean, I don’t know if it counts, since this was something that I came up on my own in middle school. I believe that everyone is special. Even if you’re someone who is ‘basic,’ you’re still special. It just takes a patient and understanding eye to look past the ‘basic’ stuff and see a person for who they are. If that doesn’t count… "History is written by the victors," is another quote that I tend to like. It really makes you think about the world. What you think is the truth may not necessarily be true to another person? There are always misunderstandings, or cover up stories, biases, etc. You could always try to look at as many references as you can when you try to form an opinion on something. That's how I feel personally so that quote is something I can relate to in some way.
Who is a fictional character that is most relatable to you and why?
Ah… I never really thought about characters being very relatable to me, but the only character that comes to mind at the moment is Haru. We have a few similarities, which can be found in our odd spoken quirks. She speaks in third person a lot, as do I. She also says things like ‘Hahi!’ a lot and I just make… odd sounds in general, ahaha. We’re both just very protective of people, especially of children. It doesn’t matter if we’re blood related or not, we just adore children and will look after them. I’m the eldest in my family and I’ve been around a lot of children, so I’m very protective of kids. We both have a bit of a temper. We both daydream a lot, it seems. I guess some of the other stuff goes into HC territory.
Who is someone you’d brag about to others?
I’m not really sure what constitutes as ‘bragging’ about someone, but if you’ve talked to me at length ooc, or if we’ve threaded before, there is a good chance I’ve talked about you. Off the top of my head, I can think of 5 people I've talked about fondly to people. I talk about my thread partners a lot. Wanna know if I’ve talked about you? It’s a SE-C-RET~~~~ jk, you are free to ask, I’m open book about it.
Where is your happy place? 
In any room with my laptop or my dog. 
What is your favorite thing about yourself? 
Um...I love the fact that I’m just a bitter person in general? So years of seeing my QUEEN getting bashed, has made me reach the point that Haru hate makes me love her even MORE. I FEED off the hate. So the more hate she gets, the more dedicated to her I get. I guess you could actually chalk that up to loyalty, maybe?
( khr ) Why do you associate yourself to a certain flame? 
I think when I’ve taken various quizzes I’d get Rain or Mist. I do like to stay out of arguments of any kind, and I just like to talk to people to help them calm down if they’re upset. I guess I just like the calm? I’m very easily swayed by people’s emotions, so if people are upset around me, I’ll also feel upset. If someone is sad around me, I’ll feel sad in relation. I kinda just like to wash away things, I guess. When in an argument, I kinda just want to lead things to neutral ground again. I don’t like fights. It’s emotionally exhausting to me. As for the mist, I feel like I get the mist at times because I hide a lot? Emotionally, I can get pretty erratic, but I struggle to really express it. I like to hide behind a general emotion of happiness or just neutrality. I hardly will talk to someone about my feelings because I don’t like to do so. It stems from the fact that I was never allowed to have an opinion or emotions, so it became me struggling to express my feelings. So there are a lot of times that I get hurt by things done or said to me, but I won’t say anything. Sometimes I’ll just hide behind indifference or something. One reason I daydream a lot is to just escape from things. I dunno, that’s the best explanation I could come up with.
What’s a trait you’d like to pick up if you could? 
Self-confidence, probably?
What is something from childhood that helped shape the person you are?
Ehh… I mean I guess if I don’t go into specifics it should be okay? Maybe? Something that helped shaped me into the person I am today is just being bullied in school in general and having a friend try to kill me in middle school? Funnily enough she was who I thought of as a best friend. Ahaha. Welp.  
If you could glimpse years into the future, would you? 
No, I wouldn’t. It’s certainly stressful to not know where you may end up in the future, and it’s scary to know that one action could change the course of your life, but it is because of that fact that I have to take my actions more seriously. Nothing is guaranteed, and so I have to try to reach my goals. The mystery is what helps you feel anticipation about what is to come. Mainly, I don’t want to risk looking into the future to see that I’m unhappy. I’d rather live out my life unaware than to possibly live dreading an unhappy future.  
How would you describe your fashion style?   
I’m not sure if I have one. Is Lazy/comfortable a style? I kinda just wear whatever is comfortable. Though, I can say that I do tend to stick to cool colors. I love wearing gray, silver, greens and blues. I’ll rarely be seen wearing pink/reds/yellows. If you show me clothes that have studs or zippers, I’m there. I also tend to like off-shoulder clothing but I don’t really wear em myself very often.
tagged by: @amaterasuko​ tagging: I don’t know who to tag who hasn’t already been tagged and I know some people don’t like being tagged but I can’t remember who so i’m just gonna do the ‘tag  yo’self’ kinda thing. 
NEO’S QUESTIONS: (i)If you had the chance to choose one thing, what would you change about your muse(s) canon-wise if there is anything? (ii)On a scale to 1 being ‘I hate them’ to 10 being ‘I love them,’ how do you think your muse(s) would rate you? (iii)My ever classic question: if you had to live in a fruit, what would you choose? (iv)When you come across a writer’s block/lose motivation to write, how do you resolve this? (v)Altogether, how many pets have you had? Feel free to include names/descriptions if you wanna! (vi)Is there a message that you wish for all your followers to hear from you? (vii)Why did you pick up your muse(s)? (viii)What part of your portrayal do you think is unique to the way you write them? (ix)Is there something you’ve been dying to try out plot-wise with your muse(s) recently? (x)What is something that most people don’t know about you?
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