#my poopo
@h34vybottom replied to your post “the peepee poopoo man”
I'm sorry, I did not realize this was a peepee poopo man reference and the phrase "the peepee poopoo man" just sounded really funny to me so I reblogged it. It was my fault for being inattentive here and you shouldn't have to pay for that :(
If there is anything else you need from me (like an apology) please let me know! :)
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nenycarpe-diem · 5 years
Why there are people who enjoy being mean without reason
No sé que onda, pero hoy en la imprenta, estaba esperando unas impresiones y llega esta tipa (unos 50 años) enana que llega y me mira de pie a cabezas, con voz autoritaria le dice al chico del computador que la tienda altiro y él le dijo que me estaba atendiendo a mi y luego la veria a ella, a lo que ella se molesta y dice algo asi como “Ya po, que estoy apurada Fulanito, tu sabi como soy” y va y pasa donde él sin permiso.
Al parecer va seguido porque conocia el nombre de todos los que trabajan alli. En fin, esta tipa no dejaba de hablar con los trabajadores, a pesar de estar ocupados. Solo por comentar, Fulanito le dice a esta tipa “La niña es diseñadora”
“..... ¡¡¡¿YYYYY???!!! mi esposo tambien, y que tiene“
yo la quede mirando como qué onda, por qué tan pesada, aunque no me importa su aprobación pero no se.... siento que queria buscarme la pelea. A la hora de pagar, hice mal el calculo y ella se pone al lado mio y dice “costó eso porque lo imprimiste por ambos lados” con un tono burlesco.... a lo que nos quedamos mirando con unas sonrisas a la fuerza y sin apartar las miradas, nos habremos quedado mirando uno 10 segundos (como si ella no quisiera “perder” contra mi con si mirada.... tan estupida) y luego se fué, burlandose porque llego despues de mi pero se fue antes.....
No se que onda esto de disfrutar buscando la pelea, desafiando a la gente, no se si se divierten molestando a personas “introvertidas” que estan en el celu y no quieren hablar con nadie. Todos me dicen que deberia defenderme, pero siento que mostrando mi ira o diciendole algo pesado, ella no me pescaria o se reiria , no me tomaria en serio.... asi que no sé que xuxa .....
como sea queria descargarme, vieja estupida que se cree superior y con ese tono sarcástico que le sale por el culo
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ricedoesart · 5 years
school starts for me in the morning so posting will be especially slow from here on out- have a kiri tho: 
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gold-evo · 3 years
my feed is empty
Hey @ageofthetwink you are poopo /j
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strangebells · 5 years
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meangirls2004 · 5 years
tumblr is so wild bc it doesn’t have timestamps so u could look at someone’s blog and they could be like “my grandma just died :(“ and then their most recent post is “imfucking....peepee poopoe doo doo” and u don’t know how much time passed between them
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anon...is back on
if u send me peepee poopo or whatever i am within my legal right to shoot you on sight
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salmon404 · 7 years
ok I'm gonna answer some of them, this will be a long post (you done tempted me, anon) 1. sorry Queso, thats a no. 2. two actually. 4. very. 10. almond milk. 11. one? twoo? one? zero? one. 12. bicsh thats all I own. 15. yes? (dont ask, long story) 18. now? 20. Yeah, wtf is gender. 23. nope. he got dem baby blues... I got dem poopo browno. 25. Again?!? (long story) 27. Aw hayl naw. Put like salt and iron between us. 30. Mmhmm! Yep! GIVE HITLER ANOTHER CHANCE GUYS!! (that is in fact sarcastic, if that somehow went over your head) 31. Nah, Queso, u chill fam. 36. His house? i dunno. 48. I will if no one else is also upstairs, and if no one is home I will BELLOW my music. 50. yeperdoodle, I'm kinda good too! 54. dude. people haven't make me want to cry. Omg and homemade klatchkis (idk how to spell it, I've only ever hearf it said before plz dont think im a disgrace to Polish people!) are THE BEST!! 57 & 58 HELL YEAH & HELL YEAH. 62. boxers and tank. Wait. that sounds weird, I mean like bixer underwear and a tank top not like a fighter dude and a war machine... 63. I saw a concert for this girl that went to my middle school, she played before Andy Grammar, she's damn good. 71. No... it saddens me deeply. 75. W I T H omg it helps SO MUUCH!! No one ever believes me tho! 76. No, but I do have little things of lavender everywhere. 80/81 HOT TEAAA!! 84. Can some people not? 90. I don't see anything wrong with it. Also I'm not rereading this tk check for spelling errors, and I know there will be a ton, so sorry bout that.
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
and wehad somefun here,i pooped a 3 foot long poopo and justin cleaned itup said it was a real Kaiju he testedit and it is mine tons have testeditand said your a monster and no. imnot and we sawhow pplsee...we are jsut mismatched and it is a nightmereand need to beput back and macs hold usand they did it do iton purpose stilland it is well past it..not needed and they are tutonic and Frank Castle is the one we shouldhave sought he is away...and we seek stuff to use now.. joe and we know who we are talking about well sometimes okwe are daft no and seek those taking  our bodies hahaha ok we threatened to try toand really that is enourmously rude but i see  pay back and you say it youw want my body,,,how about you shut up leave ori takey ours now jason,,,behold my Army here of hte undead, your people...and i look ileave it is horror he is horrific...we werewrong and macs madeuswouldnot let upsaid two kinds of cover they opted to saturate true too andihave it straight then they woarkme nad it is hell ajobthough and we proceed...it is vast h is Army which isours too we invade now...they leave to comeback in the low tide again...and with it...receding yes nope and they time it too each time....this time is bad.they get ti Italy the target state to be in and i mean state...it is not a coutnry sizedarea and he deals with it all day long and night it is hell....he is the one ok and i....and our spouses and many had tons of ideas but we uusally hve the big ones and crackthementact run and it is trying Raphael does too and united Europe a difficult place, hard and tough people tough minded this breaksthemand the mountains wie lift likemad and yes Blackships move tons of moutnains we test the metal need to repair somedo that now...now means right now i issue an urgent order all stoc up load up fuel upcharge up and make supply lines secure all..clear space and areas rightnow and it is priority Thor
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nenycarpe-diem · 5 years
A esta altura, ya me está asustando todo lo que esta pasando en mi pais...
No me mal interpreten, apoyo al 10000% todas las demandas pedidas por el pueblo, son necesidades BÁSICAS que la sociedad debería haberles dado siempre a las personas y para haber llegado a lo que estamos ahora, se juntó un montón de cosas y fue creciendo mas y mas cada dia la insatisfacción en la gente por la injusticia social y la falta de equidad en el país.
Mi temor es
Hasta cuando los políticos harán esperar a las personas para exigir sus demandas? hasta cuando ellos seguiran dejando que los encapuchados y delincuentes sigan destruyendo el pais? hasta cuando dejaran de ver su ombligo y aceptaran que el pais esta como esta porque siguen sin escuchar al pueblo?
Es increible como ahora todo tiene justificación, desde quemar a una paca hasta romper monumentos nacionales... TODO TIENE JUSTIFICACIÓN y si alguien lo defiende, altiro lo tildan de chalecos amarillos chupa pico.. Uuuhhh??
En esta circunstancia los mas ineptos, violentos, anarquistas, weones enojados con su mama, volaos, drogos y toda clase de persona enojada por cualquier weas, utiliza esta situación para desahogarse y quemar, robar e insultar a todo el mundo.
Ya me tiene chata todo esto, hasta cuando va a seguir asi el pais? cambien la constitucion pronto para todo se calme y dejen de tener a todo el mundo atemorizado y encerrado en sus casas. 
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mayalaen · 7 years
My dog pooped.
Mine didnt’. atleyast not yet todnight
di you frr dog enjoy the poopo? i ts so yoccute when your gdog scrabes its butt on hour couartpet after they poonp :P
yo u seem to havehave a facsination iwth god poops
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adorkwithhats · 5 years
It’s been a while since i mention this but hey! i have both a twitter[link] and a instagram[link]  in which i also post art and stuff!!
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danielafuape · 6 years
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GLUTTON ASPECT OF ME. PASTOR THAT LIKE TO BE INTOXICATED. "I will never stop drinking till I die" says Pastor Daniel Afuape. I can never stop drinking for I had tasted it many years while I was still a teen. I am addicted to drinking, in fact if you call me a drunkard you are correct. Does it look ambiguous? no! It is true. I am looking forward to see who will ask me to stop. Hmm! To be a drunkard is a good thing, for it has great influence directly or indirectly in man. That remind me a true story of my life. It was a new year's festival. I travelled to my home town. Wow! Come and see my peers that we have seen each other for many years back. It looks like reunion event, of course that is how it used to be every year. Nice shoes and beautiful apparels, good attires with awesomeness outfits. I put on nice polo and my white Paco straight jinx shining like snow, my brown skin shoes was well polished Everybody was revealing flesh manifestation of handsomeness and pride within without audible statement but action speaks louder than voice. My home town (Ipokia) was flooded with crowd like Oshodi market in Lagos, both indigene and non were enjoying themselves. United we stand, divided we break because bunch of broom is not easy to break like single. In the spirit of oneness we gave room for alcohol in the unity of Celebration. Peer pressure took pressure on us due to alcohol within we moved down to "Odan Poopo" a village next to my home town. There we met elderly people in the same celebration with local gin (ogogoro wine) To show Lagosians, we kept on requesting for Bacchus wine until it finished from the seller in that place. It was around 4-5pm. And our intention was to move from there to night party to seek female that will satisfied our sexual indulgence not as a group but as individual. You know in every celebration many youth and teen get unwanted pregnant and condom seller sells well. Any way, back to our story. We requested for Chelsea gin since there was no Bacchus wine again. As we began to consumed it, the elders began to warn us but we refused to listen thinking we were stronger than them. "what elders will see while sitting if youth climb the roof he mig https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp7A21hF0o9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14ibtamqfocq4
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nenycarpe-diem · 6 years
Nadie me toma en serio
ni los niños
ni los de mi edad
ni los adultos
nadie entiende lo que digo porque me expreso como el pico
quiero tirar todo a la mierda
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Holy shit I reblogged a post like 2 days ago and I cannot stop thinking about it. I scrolled through like two weeks of my tumblr and couldn't find it. It went like:
Breatho and gastro systems: one unit combined
Poopo and sexo systems: not checking
Right arm: really something
Left arm: not something
Legs: sshhh! They're sleeping
Can someone please help me find this post?
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egieccbay · 7 years
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You always ask me “how?” How to get close with the dog. How to cuddle with a cat. How to go to the lolas. (The NUNS) How to smile while you’re peeing. How to say tatay whenever I go poopo. It’s soooo way to be difficult to be a dad. A single dad. A bone crasher! But having you as my raising blood flag where the sun rising beneath my belief saying in my dreams that “Tatay I AM REAL” I’m going to see you! Son see you as you see tatay 😏
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