#my precious little miracle boy ❤️
legacyshenanigans · 1 year
Evening B!! I've come once again to shower you in love and a tiny bit of chaos, because it's Friday night and..... honestly I have nothing better to do then to cause mischief ❤️🐲
I've said it a million times by now but I will say it again you've made my days so much better and enchanted my heart with your precious boys so much I can't even explain it❤️❤️❤️🫂🫂 enchanting a dragon is hard by the way, so what you've done is pretty much a miracle 💫🐉💫
Now if you don't mind my chaos here is what I've got for you that could be fun:
I'm really curious, we know what a terrific hunter Rowan is and I bet he hunts all kinds of creatures in the woods. Does he hunt rabbits? If he does what's Volo's opinion on that we know he's THE king of bunnies so would he care that Rowan hunts them or would he forbid him from hunting them? 🐺🐰I think that interaction could be super fun but that's up to you of course.
Now that's done I wish you a pleasant rest of your evening and nice dreams once you fall asleep (hopefully earlier than at 4am 😵‍💫🫂❤️)
With love your little Dragon friend ❤️🐉
And here, have silly woof 🐺❤️
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Hello Lil Dragon!
Aww then I'm honoured to have enchanted you! And I love having you in my lil VoRo Cult 🥹💜
Sure I can do a lil something for that! 😊 and yeeeah I hope I can get to sleep before 4am too 😅 but knowing me, probably not ahahaha
Bunny Hunter 🐺🐍
Marvolo: *wandering through the woods on his way home from somewhere and spots a rabbit*
Rabbit: *munching on some grass nearby*
Marvolo: *small nostalgic smile as he watches it*
Rowan: *jumps of the bushes in werewolf form and grabs it, biting its head off, crunching its skull in his mouth as he chows down on it*
Marvolo: *stood there..Eyes wide in shock for a moment*
Rowan: *looks up and notices Marvolo* Oh hey! *licks his fingers after finishing off the rabbit* Fancy seeing you here *crinkles his nose and bares his bloody teeth in a smile*
Marvolo: *gives Rowan a dissaproving look*
Rowan: ...What?
Marvolo: Rabbits are nice..
Rowan: So are nifflers and Unicorns..But I eat them too, heh..
Marvolo: *narrows his eyes in more potent dissaproval*
Rowan: Don't you judge me because I killed a bunny *small frown* I saw you slice someone's stomach open yesterday and pull out their intestines..
Marvolo: ...Alright, Fair...But try not to kill Rabbits Rowan. Will you?
Rowan: I was peckish! They're the perfect little snack..
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skippyv20 · 1 year
Hi Skippy, urgent prayer request for one of my DIL's patients.
Nolan is just 2 and his little body rejected the stem cell transplant. He now has to go for chemotherapy. Please pray for him and his adoptive parents who are feeling very stressed.
Thank you Skippy.
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We pray for this precious little boy, who has suffered so much, and still suffers. We pray for divine intervention to heal this child, and renew him to good health. We pray to Blessed Virgin Mary, a mother herself who understands pain as she watched her child who had suffered. We pray for Blessed Virgin Mary to pray with us and intercede on behalf of the child. We pray to all the Saints to pray with us and intercede on behalf of this child. We pray for God to show mercy, and heal this child. We pray for this child’s parents to feel God’s loving presence, and that they stay strong in faith during this very difficult and sad trial their precious child is facing. We pray for a miracle for this child. In Jesus’ name we pray. God Bless this precious child and his parents.🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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13-nastin-13 · 2 years
🎂 27/09/2022 🎂
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September was such a difficult month to deal with I ignored my own birthday on my own blog, as I was very busy procrastinating, and in general the day passed by somehow quietly and uneventfully...
BUT! I’ve decided that I won’t stand on ceremony with anyone anymore, so long live the local shock content like this just because I can 💅🏻 All non-icons and non-legends can feel free to unfollow right now, because on sep 27th, the great and incomparable ICON, LEGEND and even LIBRA celebrated his day! - it's Louis XIII❗
Yes, he turned 421 the previous year, he's a relatable miracle and any yellow press about him infuriates the heck out of me (and it'S literally almOST EVERYWHERE WTF even in articles where it's like 50% of actual facts). You probably think "ahh yes louis xiii the noname from the musketeers" and oh boy if only u knew :"((( It is especially sad that in this book, which on one hand at least somehow promoted him, he is still completely different from how he was like irl.
Dumas, of course, is not particularly to blame, but it just hurts me that these stereotypes are so tightly stuck to my precious Louis that many people judge him based either on them or on the shite written by his ancient haters from the 17th century who simply could not make it in p0litics or whatever...
All this seemed to me illegally unfair on every possible level of unfairness, which made me start spreading my love for this historical figure from this little birthday drawing!
I remember how I had much more fun that day than on my own birthday ahaha, I would even say that it was the happiest day of the year. I drew this drawing while listening to "Ballet de la Merlaison" and it was so heartwarming that I caught some kind of euphoria, as if it was my second birhday ❤️
P.S. By the way, "Ballet de la Merlaison" was written entirely by Louis himself and if you haven't heard it yet then whaT ARE YOU DOING PleasE GIVE A LISTen tO MARLESON BALLET THIS IS NOT MUSKETEER MEME THIS IS ETHEREAL 🤧🎶
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umemiyan · 10 months
omg melk what if i cry rn 😭😭😭😭❤️ don’t take pictures of me don’t put me on the mic bc i’m about to be snotting all over the place kabxuddjnejs (ily 💕)
if there’s one thing about me it’s that i fucking love christmas time. my holly jolly cheer has been thrown a little off kelter this year because of all the shit i’ve had going on but like usually i enjoy getting into the spirit. i don’t start decorating the day after halloween or anything lmfao but i like to try and have fun during the season ❤️🎄
at this point in my life i would literally be so content if me and megumi could just wake up and sit at home on christmas day and give each other presents, make a little dinner, and enjoy each other’s company ❤️ no traveling, no obligations, just some nice cheerful serenity 🥲 we could watch holiday movies, have hot chocolate/coffee, play games—anything would make me happy!
but like i’m not opposed to attending fun little holiday get-togethers with friends or anything, so we might end up going to a couple throughout the season if we get invited!! it gives us a chance to celebrate a little with other loved ones that we don’t see on the holiday itself! because days like christmas are usually very intimate and family-oriented to me so i get irritated when there are infiltrators from the outside lmao
also… megumi’s birthday is three days before christmas (HE’S MY PRECIOUS LITTLE CHRISTMAS MIRACLE ANGEL BOY DON’T TOUCH ME) so there might be a small separate celebration for that 👀 nothing elaborate tho because i know that would irritate him (and probably me too LOL). but regardless at the end of the day we have our own special time together where i probably actually get emotional about the fact that he was born and is now alive here with me!!!!!! and then he gets whatever kind of mind-blowing birthday sex he wants 😌
as for new years… that shit might as well not even exist to us LMAO we are not party people. i can handle little chill christmas parties and such but news years eve is usually on some different shit that i don’t fuck with. we’re literally laying at home the whole time watching tv or something until one of us looks at the clock and realizes it’s like 12:47am
oh my lil brothers birthday is on the 31st (same as toji’s ik) so idk we might visit or something but yeah nobody’s getting unbearably crazy at the 12 year old’s bday party so i’m cool with it lmfao
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thehandmaidofgod · 2 months
The Days We Pray for
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Woke up this morning feeling a bit vague, was this going to be one of those days?
Those days that entail a ton or at least some of the precious heart desires we’ve always had, those days in which our wildest dreams take flight, those days that play out varying answers to the long notes of request on our prayer boards, those days where for some reason; we become the center of attraction and have oodles of congratulatory wishes diving at us from all direction, those days where we’d crack out our ribs with laughter, or perhaps it definitely would be a day that we’d have that promise we have expected all week finally fulfilled, who knows?
I lay still in my mattress gawking at my blank ceiling, waiting for something to happen, for the day to unfold with me tucked tightly in its arms, the wall clock indicated that it was five minutes past 9am.
A husky voiced male announcer began a broadcast on the radio that sat close to my room’s door; his voice caught my attention, it sounded partly hilarious to me, moving my attention quickly to the content of his broadcast, I sat up a bit, resting my back against the wall of my one room apartment.
“Oh no…” I thought.
He spoke about hunger, wars, loss of lives and shelter displacements that were going on currently around the world, what does it matter then, if today eventually becomes one of those days for me or for you while it’s not for some other person out there?
It does matter anyway, because we’re all selfish after all.
I impulsively turned off the radio and resumed my sitting position, reflecting deeply on all I had just heard; I shifted my gaze to my prayer board, maybe a little modification will do a miracle somewhere in the world.
Shouldn’t be just about me anymore, there’s a lot of room to say a prayer for everyone in the world.
Wait a second!
There are also days beyond this realm and I hear they are eternal; oh boy… one is so caught up in the days here and more often than not, forgets to look forward to those days, these are the days we should pray for.
Greetings to you and the world around you.❤️
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Hi ❤️❤️
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
Line? This is more of a section 😅 and it’s hardly the only favorite, but it’s up there. In Gentle, when little Nicolò’s mama is waking him up, so he can hang out with his baby goat friend.
Her smile lingered on her cheeks just for him as she pressed her lips to the wisps of downy brown hair.
“Piccolino mio…” she sang under her breath, hefting his weight up with a bounce of her arm. Her fingers played a soft tune over his back, and got a whiny, wriggling little boy for her efforts. “Nicolò, Pietro’s here.”
She roused his sleepy face from her shoulder, trying to coax Nicolò’s gaze over toward his unorthodox friend. The old man was down to less perilous ground now, rolling along toward them. But, Nicolò was still too mussed and rosy from sleep. She didn’t mind his momentary slothiness. Looking at him, scrubbing a pudgy hand over his eyes, she wanted to memorize every detail of him— his cheeks were flushed pink, round and soft, and she reached out with a thumb to rub the seam of her dress from his sweet face. His eyes were bleary, a pale green that reflected the sea, the sky, and the mountain.
He blinked at her with those first waking moments, like he had so, so many times since he first opened them. He had no idea how precious he was, how it felt to hold him close when he’d once been a part of her own body. Now, she could look into those big eyes, and hear his sleepy grumbles, and remember when he’d been a kick in her belly. She couldn’t imagine a day where she grew jaded to the wonder of this little life. When she looked at him, she felt every miracle of heaven in her very bones.
🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
I love writing Nicky 🥹 I LOVE writing Nicky.
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
Ooooo. I mean, there’s so many writers that I love, I suppose it depends on the fandom/pairing. I’m gonna take a raincheck on this question, actually, and one day we can consider it answered when I finally put together my Ultimate Fic Rec List™️
Thank you so much for playing ❤️
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deenadl · 2 years
From this To this
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writer-in-theory · 2 years
tiny fingerprints on coffee pots — spencer reid
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request: Hello ! May i request Spencer getting up, making his coffee then his child (girl or boy) running to him and cuddling his legs while babbling and Spencer goes all soft ? 🥺 Thank you ! ❤️ summary: spencer’s favorite part of the day is the mornings spent getting ready for the day with his daughter. pairing: spencer reid & daughter!oc, spencer reid x gn!reader (mentioned, mostly) category: fluff content warnings: mention of adoption court word count: 1.1k a/n: hi y'all!! this is very very technically an addition to my fic "i'm dreaming of a white christmas" but no one needs to read that to enjoy this one.
summer of fics masterlist masterlist want to join my taglist?
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Mornings never used to be Spencer’s favorite time of day. Everything was too rushed, too loud, and overstimulating. He’d wake up in his apartment to the sounds of an entire city getting ready for the day, rushing to work alongside all of the others who always seemed to wake up far too late. The loneliness of the morning wasn’t quite like that of a late night—those hours when the only company left was the moon, where secrets could be elicited to the sky without anyone awake to hear. 
Then again, he’d never had you and Mira before.
Hotch had told him, that day after the court session that gave you and him guardianship of little Mireya, that his entire life would change with a kid. The man had told him that it was the little things that seemed to change the most, the small moments in his daily life that would soon become so entwined with you and Mira that Spencer would never be able to imagine a life before.
Honestly, he’d just never expected Hotch to be so right. Because there he was now, padding out to the kitchen with a smile fighting for more real estate on his face at the thought of beginning his morning routine. These few simple minutes at the start of his day were easily some of Spencer’s favorites, if only because of his precious miracle daughter.
A doorknob rattling, the sound of old hinges squealing as the door was thrown open, little feet stomping out to chase him down the hallway. “Daddy!” that familiar little voice squealed before Spencer could remind her to be quiet if only so you could have a few more minutes of sleep.
“Good morning, Mira,” Spencer cooed, bending down so he could scoop his daughter up to hold her against his hip. “Have any good dreams?”
“I dreamed I was a tech queen like Auntie Penny.”
Spencer laughed, knowing the term must have come from the tech wizard herself. “Really? Is that what you want to do when you grow up?” The thought of little Mira growing up both pained and excited Spencer. He knew the little girl would do wonderful things, but he wished he could keep her like this for a little longer—so small he could still hold her like this, her brown eyes shining with wonder and love each time she beamed up at you and him. 
“I don’t know, Daddy, that’s too far away,” Mira huffed in a dramatic fashion, making Spencer wonder just when she’d learned to roll her eyes like that.
“You’re so right, Sweet Pea, I apologize,” Spencer laughed, already following his familiar path around the kitchen. You’d moved the coffee mugs to a lower cabinet shelf so he could easily grab one with a single hand, knowing his other was usually occupied keeping your daughter close to the action. “You ready to make coffee for me?”
“I’m ready, I’m ready!” Mira squealed, prompting another shushing from Spencer, punctuated by his own barely-constrained laughter. Spencer handed over the coffee pot, moving so Mira could hold it under the stream of water from the faucet. She held it with both hands, leaving careful little fingerprints all over the sides of the glass that Spencer would have to wipe up later.
When her hands shook with the weight, Spencer moved to grab it from her hands. “I want to help too, you know, otherwise I’ll forget how to make coffee.”
“You can’t forget to make it,” Mira gasped dramatically, allowing him to take the pot from her. She was like you in many ways, fully persistent and sometimes unwilling to admit to Spencer when she needed a bit of help. Luckily, she was still young enough that it was easy to direct her attention elsewhere so there wouldn’t be a pile of glass in the sink to clean up.
“Okay, do you remember which button to push?” Spencer prompted, walking over to the coffee maker so she could lean over and press the buttons to begin brewing the coffee. Spencer beamed at the pride taking over her expression, wishing he could have these little moments with her all day long. If it wasn’t such a dangerous job, if there weren’t such high-security protocols, Spencer might just try to bring her to work every day if he could.
“Thank you so much, Sweet Pea, I wouldn’t make it to work without you,” Spencer cooed then, setting her down so he could grab her cereal and bowl. 
“Yes you would, Daddy,” Mira corrected, climbing up into her booster seat and practically spinning completely around to watch him pour her breakfast. “You’re a superhero.”
Someday, they’d have to have a talk about what he did for a living. They’d tell her about the seriousness of his job, of the biases that kind of job brought that he’d have to tackle someday, they’d have to have a discussion about her own future relationship with people in his position and how it was far more nuanced than that. But for now, Spencer could simply smile and allow her to think that yes, her Daddy was a superhero who tried his best to save people every day.
There would be a lot to talk about someday. Eventually, these mornings wouldn’t be the highlight of his days anymore. Mira would become disinterested in making his coffee with him, and would eventually begin sleeping in later and later until Spencer didn’t see her until he came home from work for the day. There would be times when she’d sleep over with her friends and there would come a day when she had her own apartment and her own morning routine to rush to. 
So Spencer took the time to memorize everything about the mornings he loved so much. Every squeak of an old door hinge, the sound of Mira’s little feet sprinting to the kitchen, all the way down to her little laugh and the tiny fingerprints decorating the sides of his coffee pot.
Because they may not have always been, but these mornings were easily Spencer’s favorite moments of the day all because of his sweet little daughter. 
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GENERAL TAGLIST @samuel-de-champagne-problems @silverhetdanes @ssawonderland @reidsbookclub @katymarie @mrsobrien888 @writingquillsandpainpills @fightingdragonswithreid @lil-stark @raythefaye @stillsleepynat @this-is-doctor-and-its-calm @givemeth @foxy-eva @lilibet261 @exhaleli @darkeunology @nomajdetective @meggie-m00n @twofacesoftheworldbutnotsome @delicatespencer @serenity-lattes @goldentournesol @rexorangecouny @sultrypotter @reliefplease @mente-sindescanso @jj76889 @luna-novae @folkreid @nightmarewasteland @luredwithpretzels
ONESHOT TAGLIST @natashxromanovfreads @nano-noa
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