#the gaunts hc
ohnoema · 6 months
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Sallow and Gaunt family trees and crests created for my fanfic Book of Revelation.
(All characters besides official HL and HP characters are my own! This is all made up for my fanfic!)
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islayhawkin · 8 months
Ominis gaunt x reader
Based on my headcanon: At home ominis had to sleep on the floor as a punishment so he still feels safest sleeping on the floor.
A/N: maybe part 2 is coming. Requests are in the making but struggeling rn so please have patience.
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You had witnessed ominis sleeping in unusual places on multiple occasions. There even were some rumours from younger students that 'the gaunt boy is a vampire'.
Though you were always quick to shut them up if you came to hear one of the remarks, sometimes you wondered what he did at night to be so tired during the day. Or rather- you worried. Sometimes you found him crouch his long limps into a armchair in the common room and you always picked up a blanket to drape over him. A lot of the times he was sleeping in the back of the class or fell asleep on top of a library table while you were studying.
You kind of whished you could carry him to bed at those moments. And if it was night and no one was around you did levioso him at least onto a more comfortable place.
Ominis relished the feeling of a blanket over him every time he woke up. The thought that you tucked him into a blanket while he slept made him feel safe when he woke up. It was wonderful that you cared for him in such small actions. He never experienced it throughout his childhood.
It's not as if his mother would look out that he was comfortable.
You were just finished with your classes and walked into the undercroft when you noticed Ominis on the side of the room. You stopped short a bit startled at the sight. From what you saw ominis was sleeping. Or he wasn't feeling well at all.
You quickly made your way over to him and dropped to your knees in front of the rolled in ominis. After seeing him breath with a relaxed expression on his face you sighed in relief. He always looked oddly vulnerable when he slept. His hair slightly more unruly , his eyebrows not creased together, his lips slightly open.
"Ominis..." you whispered softly and caressed his cheek gently.
His eyelids fluttered open slowly and his unseeing eyes darted from left to right to see something he'd never be able to register. Even though he lived with the blindness his whole life it was still a natural habit of his body he always did, especially when he hadn't had the situation under control or he didn't know what was going on.
"Hey it's me. No worries." You stroked your hand over his head before pulling away as he sat up.
"Hi. What are you doing here?" He muttered, still a bit out of it.
"What am I  doing here? You were sleeping on the floor. I thought you were hurt." You smiled amused.
"Oh right. Apologies. It seems I've fallen asleep." He swiftly stood up and you followed.
Ominis combed a hand through his hair to check if it was still decent. "Let me do that." You chuckled as you rearranged his hair to look like it normally did.
"How can you accidently fall asleep on the floor?" He muttered a thanks but stayed silent otherwise. You raised your eyes to his. Your brows raised questioningly.
"I was...tired." he said quietly after the moment of silence. There was that frown on his face again. You knew there was more to that but you didn't want to press him.
"Okay." You scanned his face as the flickering light of the fire in the room illuminted the side of his face.
"I was just about to take a restful afternoon. You can gladly join if you're not too busy sleeping."
He smiled softly and joined you on the couch. You packed your book out and made yourself comfy next to him. Ominis relaxed on the couch too and let himself fall against the armrest.
He heard your pages turning. "Can you read aloud?" He asked.
You grinned. "Of course. I'm in the middle of the book though."
"Mhm. Doesn't matter." He let his head fall back and closed his eyes. He just wanted to hear your voice.
You read aloud for him and sometimes made different voices with different characters. Ominis loved these moments. Listening to you and not having to worry about anything. Relishing the warmth and familiarity of it. He thought that this was probably what most people felt at home.                                
You had a sleepover at the boys dorm that day. Actually it wasn't planned. But you had a lot of last minute work to do with sebastian (ominis had finished already but enjoyed laughing at his friends frustration) so it got late and you decided to stay.
Gladly the two boys were the only ones in their dorm at the moment so that you could easily take on of the beds.
You stirred awake in the middle of the night, the only sound in the room was Sebastian snoring quite loudly. Your gaze wandered to the bed beside you where Ominis should slumber too but you didn't see his silhouette in the moonlight.
You sat groggily up and searched the room for the blond slytherin. A frown made it's way on your face as you didn't see him anywhere else in the room either. You quietly got up with the intention to go to the common room in search for him but were stopped short when you almost stumbled over the ground.
Ominis figure lay cowered on the floor in front of his bed. His form trembled a bit on the cold ground and if you weren't mistaken small whimpers left his mouth, which made him almost look like a hurt puppy.
You presumed he had been sleepwalking though you never heard Sebastian complain. On the other hand Sebastian was still sleeping soundly in his bed.
You kneeled slowly down in front of him and gently touched his shoulder. A flinch went through his body and he cowered even more into a fetal position. You quickly took your hand back.
"Ominis..." you whispered.
His eyes flew open. He tried to feel on the ground where he was but didn't dare move with his body. His eyes darted nervously from left to right.
"Ominis." You gently lay a hand on his messy hair. His whole body tensed up and he curled in on himself. His hands shot up to cling to his head as if to protect it.
"I apologize. Please. I will behave better." He begged with a strained voice.
You frowned deeply. "Ominis. It's me. I don't understand- you don't have to apologize."
His limps loosened slightly. "Y/N?"
"Yes. Yes it's me. I'm here." Your hand twitched to touch him but you didn't dare after his last reactions.
He slowly uncurled himself out of his position and sat up slowly. His hands searched his surroundings.
"Are you hurt? Wh-what are you doing here? Did they hurt you?" He asked slightly panicked.
"I'm not hurt. I'm perfectly alright. I was just sleeping in the bed next to you."
"You need to go. She'll come back. There is a window somewhere." He quickly stumbled up in search of the window but you pulled him back before he could bump into Sebastians bed.
"Ominis what are you doing? What's wrong with you?" You whisper softly. Your hand still holding onto his arm. It was now in the moonlight that you could see tears brimming in Ominis' eyes.
"She'll come back. They're going to hurt you. They're going to make me hurt you. I'm sure of it. You need to go immediately."
You firmly took his hand in yours. "Ominis. Listen to me. Nobody is going to come. We're safe here. You probably had a bad dream."
He shook his head and went through his hair. He stilled at the feeling of his messy hair hanging down into his face.
"It's not supposed to be messy...I need to get it straight..." he muttered hectically as he desperately tried to pull his hair back into it's usual slicked back position.
"Stop it." You grapped his hand and held both of them in yours.
"Ominis you are at hogwarts. In your dorm. Sebastian is still snoring in his sleep as always. Your wand is laying on your bedside table. Your hair can look messy. You were sleeping."
He blinked confused. "I am at hogwarts?" He asked meakly. You guide his hand to his familiar bedpost.
"Yes love. See, that's your bed. What is going on? Did you have a bad dream? You were sleeping on the floor."
He relaxed at the feeling of the familiar surroundings. "Is Sebastian alright?" Even if he knew he was at hogwarts now he still couldn't shake the feeling of fear.
"He definitely is. Listen." It was silent for a moment before a small snore came from Sebastian.
Ominis sighed out in relief and swallowed. "I- I'm sorry. I just had a bad dream I suppose."
"Did you think you were at the gaunt mansion?" you whispered.
He lowered his head. "Yes."
"Oh ominis." You guided him to sit onto his bed with you.
He was quiet for a moment but you could see his mind reeling. You on the other hand thought back to last time were you caught him sleeping on the floor in the undercroft.
"Why were you sleeping on the floor?" You asked quietly.
He turned his head slightly away from you.
"I- I don't see how that's any of your business..." he snapped but the guilt was immediately visible on his face.
You recoiled slightly from his tone. You knew not to take it personal, it was ominis way of defending himself, but it still didn't feel nice.
"If you don't want to tell me it's alright. I don't want to push you. I just...worry you know." you muttered.
He sighed and pinched his nose in frustration. "Sorry. I shouldn't have said that."
"You don't want to tell me?"
"You'd think me pathetic." Ominis frowned.
"I won't. Never. You know that."
He did know that. He still didn't want to tell you because he felt pathetic.
"At home, they- they'd use it as a punishment. To let me sleep on the floor. The ground was always cold stone. But when I slept on the floor it was safer for me. The possibility that they'd do something was less. So I did it out of free will often. The cold floor meant safety. I seem to have held that habit."
It took you a moment to register those horrible images in your mind.
"Merlin, ominis that's terrible. Does Seb know?"
"Mhm yeah most of it."
"No wonder he's always dragging you with him to feldcroft." You muttered and looked up at the side of Ominis again. The moles on his face now evident to your view.
"May I hug you?"
Ominis stiffned a bit but gave a nod. It wasn't as if you hadn't hugged him before but you knew he was sensitive with touch so especially in such situations you at least allerted him to your actions.
You gently placed your arms around him and rested your head against his shoulder. You squeezed him slightly against you and though he sat stiff at first, he relaxed into the touch after some time.
"There is no need for you to be afraid anymore. You're safe now. You'll never have to go back there ever again. I'll make sure of that." You rubbed your hand against his waist. He felt even skinnier when you held him so closely. Ominis smiled sadly.
"Thank you. But you can't know that. You wouldn't stand a chance against them. And I wouldn't want you to...I'm still grateful that you're here though."
"I cannot make promises. But I will do everything in my power to prevent it. And I know I'm not even pureblooded but believe me if your safety is at stake I can make things happen." You gave him a playful nudge to lighten the mood.
"Thank you." His head was tilted to you. It was his way of showing that he was listening while his eyes stared at a spot to the right of you.
You both sat like that for a moment, leaning against eachother. Your arms around his waist holding him close. With every breath he took your arms moved a bit too.
"Do you think you'll be able to sleep again?" You whispered.
"Yes..." his quiet voice was barely audible.
"Okay. If you need anything I'm right next to you. And Sebastian is on the other side of you." You gave his cheek a kiss and left him alone on his bed as you snuck under your own covers again.
He sat there for a moment and listened to your shuffles but got in his own bed when silence settled over the room. You watched his silhouette before closing your eyes and falling into sleep again.
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Mom Gaunt: Take care of your little brother.
Marvolo: I'm not your elf, mother...
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so-called-cal · 4 months
Gaunt Manor: Dungeon & Mausoleum
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Though unfinished in terms of detailed decor, the secret sublevels of Gaunt Manor are framed and themed! There will be one additional 'secret' room, a ritual space, that will only be accessible from within the house, not the garden like these are.
The interior of the house is being worked on as I can - to include a library, dining hall, office, stable, studio and servant's quarters. The bedrooms, kitchen and laundry rooms are going to be in theme, but also 'updated' for my character use - so I may or may not include photos of them, as they won't be period accurate.
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spaceyaceface · 1 year
Gaunt Family Headcanons
Hi I have thought way too much about Ominis and his immediate family, and have come up with entire personalities and lives for each of them and how they interact with Ominis, so please enjoy this info dump.
Warnings: Abuse, cruelty, murder, suicide...
Cassius Gaunt - The Father
The name in Latin means "hollow" or "vain". Born in 1836. He was an intimidating man. When both of his parents died, he was left with the family fortune---or what was left of it. He forbade his sister Noctua from touching a single knut of the squandered wealth, and it was only because she didn't argue she ever stayed in good graces. He took a young bride, one of his second cousins, the moment her parents deemed her old enough to marry. A blood purist to the core, he wanted to make sure his children all knew the importance of the blood in their veins---the blood of Salazar Slytherin.
He had a desperate need for control, one that overtook him completely. As he children grew, he was quick to anger and 'correct' them in their mistakes. Magic was often used as punishment, and he was an expert of bending his children to his will. He encouraged competition between them, challenging them who could learn dark spells the fastest, preform them the best---but always favored his eldest. It was his worst kept secret.
His youngest, on the other hand... He had no love for. Whatever short supply he'd been born with had been used on the others already, and when Ominis was born, born blind, he had no sympathy. Of course, he tried to control him, just like the others. But he hardly mattered, in the long run. As long as he stayed in line, bowed down to his unyielding hand, there wouldn't be a problem.
Aurora Gaunt - The Mother
The name Aurora is the Roman goddess of daybreak. Why this name? It's so in contrast with Noctua. Born in 1847, Aurora was a young wife. Merely 16 when Cassius laid claim on her. She was an unfit mother. Manipulative to the highest degree. She could do no wrong---she was sure to make that clear. Any wrong movement could lead to an outburst of yelling or tears.
Ominis had not been expected. She wasn't planning on another child. But she adored the attention of being pregnant again, so she played the part of an happily expecting mother. When he was born, all hell broke loose. She screamed and fretted, and she was sure they tried everything---everything to cure his blindness. It was to no avail. When she realized that would be how it was, no matter what, she once again played a part---this time of the overly worried mother of the small pitiful blind boy.
She would tell Ominis how lucky he was to have her as a mother, how any other woman would have thrown him out, left him for dead. He was so dreadfully difficult to raise, she'd tell him. She loved him, she said, even if no one else ever would.
Marvolo Gaunt - The Eldest
The name "Marvolo" implies something "marvelous." "Volo" can also be taken as "I want", and in combination, may be read "I want to be marvelous." Born in 1865, he was the oldest of the Gaunts, and therefore, the promised heir of all their wealth. This led to him taunting and belittling his siblings constantly. In his eagerness to please his father, he quickly mastered dark spells and wasn't shy about using them---even on his kin. He was biding his time, a spoiled and cruel child, just waiting for the wealth to be his.
If only there was any wealth to be had.
By the time he came of age, it had all been spent. They had to start selling things, letting go of servants, just to keep the manor. His whole life he had been trained and told to be the perfect heir of the Gaunts, that he would live a life in luxury from his name alone. The cruelty and anger that had always been within him grew stronger and stronger.
It was a relief for Ominis when Marvolo found a cousin to take to wife and left the house, as he had been experiencing the brunt of his anger. His wife died after the birth of his second child, Merope, a fact he held against his daughter for the rest of his life.
Calidus Gaunt - The Second
The word "Callidus" in Latin means clever---a trait that the second son had plenty of. Born in 1867, he grew and discovered he was second in everything. Nothing he did was ever enough to please their father, and he grew to resent everyone in his house.
His cruelty wasn't as outward and bold as Marvolo's. Instead, it was carefully plotted. He'd sow seeds to arguments, spreading lies and rumors and watching from afar as the others came crumbling down. He grew to love the chaos he started, and it became his specialty.
He especially loved making Ominis's life harder in any way he could. It was easy to take frustrations out on him---he was so helpless when he was young.
Soon, Calidus moved out, determined to start life on his own. Like his brother, he took another cousin to wife. He used his skills in cheating and lying to start a shady business, and found success. The money he earned fueled his drinking, a habit he had picked up after marriage. He was the first of the Gaunt siblings to die. No one had heard from him in a while, nor his wife. A few short years after their marriage they were found dead in their bed. It was chalked up to a shady deal gone wrong. No one was ever charged for their murders.
Vidia Gaunt - The Dearest
The name Vidia stemmed from the word "Invidia", meaning "envy" in latin. Born in 1868. As the only daughter, she was treated differently. She wasn't pushed as hard to become anything, to be anyone. But she took after her brothers nonetheless.
Like her mother, she quickly learned that her emotions were the key to getting what she wanted. She threw tantrums like no other, feeling a constant need for attention. She was the youngest for quite some time---and she reveled in it. It wasn't a surprise that she hated Ominis from the moment he was born.
He took her attention from their mother. While she wasn't cruel with her actions, she used her words, belittling him and blaming him for everything that went wrong.
When she was whisked away and married off to a pureblood family, she was desperate for children. But that never happened. She was never able to conceive. Her husband was killed in a duel about 10 years after their marriage, and she was suddenly utterly alone. The small house she called home burned down in a bright blaze late one night, and judging from the way her burnt corpse was sat comfortably in her armchair, it was ruled as a suicide.
Ominis Gaunt - The Unwanted
"Ominis" is Latin for "Omen." Born in 1875, seven years after the next youngest, it was made clear from a very young age that he was a mistake. This, in combination with his blindness, made it feel as if the whole world was against him. In most ways, it was.
There was only one small bit of hope in his life---his Aunt Noctua.
He allowed her to change him. To steer him off the dark path his siblings had walked down. He had decided from a young age that he didn't want to be anything like them---Noctua's help was all he needed to follow through with that. She taught him the difference between wrong and right, and he forever regretting the wrong he had inflicted on others when he felt powerless.
He refused to be cruel. Refused to lead with hate, or envy, or pride. He wanted to be good. So he was.
He disowned his family name, taking the name Sallow because that was the only family he had ever known.
Bonus - Aunt Noctua - The Savior
The word "Noctua" means "Night Owl" in Latin. Everything that Aurora, the day, was, she was the opposite. The days that Aurora declared she's had enough, she was done trying to raise such a difficult child, Noctua would take Ominis into her home and remind him that he was worth more than he could ever know.
She taught him to read braille. To use that spell with his wand. To live. To love.
She tried to help each of the Gaunt children---but none of them would listen. None besides Ominis. She poured her soul out to him, determined not to let this child slip away like the others had.
Noctua never married. She disappeared, and her brother couldn't be bothered to look for her. But she'd left her mark on Ominis, a mark that would live with him always.
ANYWAYS there's my info dump, thanks for reading. This is the version of the Gaunt family I have for my Ominis fic Safety, and while I'm only touching on bits and pieces of it in the fic itself, I wanted all the thoughts and plans I'd made to go somewhere so here you go lol.
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shingodzilla98 · 7 months
7th year Ominis Gaunt
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I’m so proud of this pic. He’s so majestic…so beautiful! So perfect!
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legacyshenanigans · 1 year
The Gaunt Brothers 🐍
Childhood post
1year old Ominis 7 year old Marvolo.
Ophelia: Marvolo, keep an eye on your brother for a moment. *leaves the room*
Marvolo: *sighs*
Ominis: *sat up on the floor*
Marvolo: *looking at him* ....*blows a raspberry at him*
Ominis: (??) *giggles*
Marvolo: (?!) *small smile and blows another raspberry*
Ominis: *giggles louder and claps hands*
Marvolo: *chuckles and gets down onto the floor and sits in front of Ominis, booping his nose, blowing another raspberry*
Ominis: *smiles and crawls into Marvolos lap*
Marvolo: (?!)
Ominis: *cuddles him*
Marvolo: .....*smiles and cuddles him back*
Ophelia: *in the doorway with a tear in her eye, giving them an endearing smile*
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lorrainmorgan · 8 months
𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐮 𝐦𝐲 🐍 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬
Ominis x MC Oficial and updated version of the FF
🔞❤️‍🔥 NSFW // MDNI 🔞❤️‍🔥
"Ominis's lips curled into a sinister grin as he savored the sound of her desperate pleas, begging for mercy for the man she had condemned. With one powerful thrust, he plunged himself into her depths, conquering and claiming her with every inch of his being."
______ 🐍 _______
... His hand gently caressed the back of her torso slowly, as he tried to think of the right words to say. He took a deep breath, and slowly spoke the words that she wanted to hear so passionately, the ones he wanted to speak to her for so long. He felt his heart racing, and he was unsure if she wanted the same as what he. He took her hand and placed it on his heart, where she felt it pounding against her palm.
"Lorrain, Lorra, I am absolutely, positively, irrevocably, unequivocally and undoubtedly... in love with you." The blonde wizard finally confessed.
She let out a soft moan as their lips hovered mere inches apart while sitting, the tension between them was almost unbearable. The sound sent a primal surge of desire through Ominis, causing him to practically purr with need.
Desperate for the taste of her, Ominis's hand gripped her hair roughly, pulling her closer to his lips, their bodies were pressed together in a hungry embrace as they laid down on the couch. 
Her back arched the moment his lips mapped her neck. She welcomed his weight over her. He couldn't help but groan softly from the sensation of her hands exploring his sides, pulling his tuxedo shirt farther up each second.
She began to move her hips back and forth in rhythm, unconsciously, feeling his hard member stain his elegant velvet pants...He wrapped his arm around her, filling the empty void her back was leaving between the furniture to give himself some support. 
The last coherent part of his brain died as soon as his hand found her soaked entrance underneath her laced dress. She was already wet and eager, her body giving away her desire for him. Without any words, her arousal was clear. He continued to explore her, he circled his fingers over her sensitive spot, relishing in the sounds of pleasure that escaped her lips as she surrendered to him. Her breath caught in her throat as he slid a finger inside inside her, causing her to gasp and whimper. Ominis curled his finger, finding that sweet spot inside her that sent electric shocks through her body, making her knees weak.
They collapsed against the floor, a guttural moan escaping her lips as his lips went down to her chest while he introduced a second finger inside her. The bulge in Ominis’s trousers grew painfully tight as he ground himself against her thigh, reveling in the electric sensation of their bodies pressed together. The mingling scents of their arousal swirled around their aura, intoxicating them. Only the soft flickering lights of some floating candles let Lorra have some vision of her lover's body suffocating her to ecstasy and beyond. He had to feel her release beneath him, not just with his fingers but with his entire being.
He abruptly pulled away from Lorra, causing her to let out a desperate moan at the sudden loss. In a swift movement, Ominis yanked off his belt and ripped it from around his waist. His hands greedily groped at her perfect silhouette as he lifted her up into his arms and pressed her against the cold stone wall. She gasped in shock, her thighs automatically tightened around his strong pale torso. 
His erection strained harder against the fabric of his trousers, aching to be freed. With a low grow, and one handed, he unzipped and unleashed his throbbing member, pulsing with anticipation and relief as it stood proudly before him. The other hand firmed on her waist, keeping her steady against the wall. 
He held her while spreading her legs wider. She released a strangled cry of approval. Her legs tremble under his touch as he traces the curves and crevices of her thighs with his cold fingers. The soft skin yielded to his touch, leaving deep imprints like valleys carved by a rugged terrain. He reveled the power he held over her, controlling her body with just a simple touch.
Ominis sensed the fiery desire blazing in her eyes. She was before him, naked and untamed like a mythical nymph from a Greek tragedy, beckoning him closer with every breath. They knew this bond would be their downfall, but they couldn't resist the inevitable spiral of passion and destruction that awaited them.
Her voice trembled as she whispered, “Please-” and her hips strained towards him, desperate for his touch.
But he refused to give in so easily. With a dark chuckle, he runned the length of his hardened desire across her slicked folds, causing her to moan in frustration and need.
Their actions were reckless, driven by a consuming madness that threatened to consumed them both. But they were willing to lose themselves completely if it meant being together in that moment of raw passion and desire.
Ominis's lips curled into a sinister grin as he savored the sound of her desperate pleas, begging for mercy for the man she had condemned. With one powerful thrust, he plunged himself into her depths, conquering and claiming her with every inch of his being. She arched her back and let out a guttural moan as he filled her to the brim, pulsing heat radiating from her core. The sensation nearly pushed him over the edge, and he released a growl as he lost himself in the intensity of their union.
With each forceful thrust, he commanded unearthly cries and desperate prayers from her trembling lips. Her hips moved to meet his every plunge, a frantic dance of primal need. Her rough hands traced the scars that had marked his back, igniting a fiery passion within him as he claimed her with unbridled lust.
His lips latch onto her neck, leaving crimson welted in their wake as he sucked hungrily at her flesh, a desperate attempt to replicate the branding that marked his own skin years ago. His need to claim what had always been his was palpable, driving him to leave a trail of destruction and possession on every inch of her body.
Gaunt’s hands were everywhere, grabbing and pulling at her with a desperate hunger. He pinned Lorra facing the wall, his body pressed hard against hers as he grounded his hips into her with frantic urgency. She surrendered to the rough desire that consumed them both. His hand tangled in her hair, yanking her head back as he left trails of possessive bites along her back. 
Her knees couldn’t bear it any longer, she turned again facing him and he imprisoned her right away. There was no space between them, no barrier to hold back their passion as they melded into one being, lost in the euphoria of their connection. Despite all reason, they couldn't get close enough, couldn't get enough of each other's raw intensity.
She hungrily devoured his lips, swallowing every curse and moan escaping from his own mouth. He couldn't even register the sounds emanating from him as she consumes everything he had to offer.
They collapsed to the floor again over their clothes. The intense pulsing of his cock and his fingers had her gasping and moaning, unable to control the overwhelming pleasure that builted inside her. She felt herself reaching the edge, teetering on the brink of a powerful release as her body shook violently with each touch.
Intense waves of pleasure coursed through his body as he felt her muscles clenched and pulsed around him, driving him to the edge of madness. Ominis’s desperation intensified as he longed to feel her reach the peak of ecstasy, but his body had a mind of its own. With each desperate thrust, his release builded deep in his gut, threatening to consume him completely. 
Her voice vibrated with pleasure as she practically screamed his name. The sound was desperate and raw, escaping from her swollen lips that he couldn't resist. He allowed himself to be hauled down onto her as she reached her climax. 
The realization that HE was the one who ignited this inferno inside her, the one who made her skin feel like molten lava and her heart race with wild abandon, drove her mad with a desperate need. His name escaped from her lips in muffled screams as she shattered into a million pieces under his merciless touch.
He slammed into her with a ferocity that bordered on savagery, driving her to the brink of insanity as he prolonged their mutual ecstasy. 
He released inside her, feeling his body shudder with pleasure and his heart hammer against his ribcage. They remained tangled together for a while, his head buried in the curve of her neck and their bodies still connected in fiery passion. Every inch of skin where they touched was alive with electricity and heat. ***
Ominis was letting her have her way with him. She was fixing him up and putting him back to where he was before they lost themselves. And he was enjoying every single second of it. It didn't make him feel odd or out of place, she was taking care of him and he loved it. 
“We should get going, it's past 1 am and I don't want Peeves coming our way and start yelling and waking up thew whole castle” Lorra said while she fixed her hair.
Ominis chuckled softly at her statement. It was true after all. The Slytherins headed back to their common room, Lorrain's hand held by Ominis's while he guided them with his wand thru Hogwarts's corridors. They were giggling and remembering what just happened in a cute yet embarrassing way.
Ominis could almost tell that she was feeling a little bit shy and embarrassed. There was a certain kind of cute awkwardness to the way she acted when they were talking, and her laughter almost made his heart melt. He was feeling more and more in love and more attracted to her with each passing moment... and they were just two innocent people enjoying each others' company, while also making cute remarks of what had previously happened. It was almost as if they were meant to be.
They were heading the entrance of the common room, when somebody stopped Lorra abruptly, grabbing her by her wrist. She gasped as her other hand's griped hardened on Ominis's arm. It was Marvolo Gaunt, Ominis's brother. ______ 🐍 _______ ⚠️ In this fanfic indeed, Marvolo is on 7th year. Why? idk I guess I'll hate myself for this buttttt anyway🥹🫡 ⚠️ Sorry for my rusty English in advance ⚠️ original video by: https://www.pinterest.com.mx/pin/72339137757358131/
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floodl8 · 1 year
I love their love ❤️😩💕
@legacyshenanigans What are you doing with me? 😩
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The story behind the drawing ❤️❤️❤️
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islayhawkin · 4 months
Seven by taylor swift is so ominis x reader (me) coded
"Sweet tea in the summer
Cross your heart, won't tell no other
And though I can't recall your face
I still got love for you
Your braids like a pattern"
↪ they can't tell the gaunts, he can't see them but feels the pattern
"And I've been meaning to tell you I think your house is haunted Your dad is always mad and that must be why And I think you should come live with Me and we can be pirates Then you won't have to cry Or hide in the closet"
↪ ominis in the gaunt mansion :( I would take him in
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Mrs. Gaunt🫣✨
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so-called-cal · 4 months
Gaunt Manor : Project Update
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It's been quite some time since the last update teasing the subterranean secrets of the manor, and I wanted to assure you that I haven't abandoned the project. My husband has a health scare at the moment, and when I do find it in me to be on the computer, I have been readying for the expansion of one of my games. I expect to return and begin on things full time come September. That said, here is that secret passage that I've built, textured, and am testing for smoothness and RP interaction. I plan to have a spiral staircase descend from there into the passage, and am hoping to find a way to trigger it with a chat keyword.
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bunnybabyfanpage · 9 months
Send help. I read a fanfic on here awhile ago about MC that signed her history of magic notes as “mrs. gaunt” thinking ominis didn’t know but he did cause he can hear her letters she writes
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shingodzilla98 · 1 year
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Sebastian Sallow, Ominis Gaunt and Insidious Gaunt!
I just got a new Laptop, so, I’ve been having loads of fun snapping these pics!
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legacyshenanigans · 6 months
Family group chat 🤣
The Gaunts 🐍
Ophelia: Marvolo, is there a reason there is a dead body in the back garden?
Marvolo: Sorry, will sort it out when I get home.
Ophelia: Did you HAVE to put it near my roses though?
Ominis: So Inconsiderate.
Marvolo: Shut up, Ominis 😑
Ophelia: Be nice.
Ominis: Yeah, Marvolo. Be nice. 🤣
Marvolo: 🖕🏻
Ophelia: Excuse me?!
Marvolo: That was to Ominis, not you, mother..
Aleister: The buzzing of my phone is highly irritating me. We said we would have this group chat for important things only. Not this nonsense.
Ophelia: Aleister, there is a DEAD BODY in the garden.
Aleister: Marvolo, come home at once and dispose of it properly. Your mother is unhappy.
Marvolo: Aware, father, but I'm busy right now.
Aleister: I care not what you're doing, Marvolo..Come and clean up your mess.
Ominis: Yeah, Marvolo. Come and sort out this mess. 😌🤣
Marvolo: You're getting a fucking slap when I get home, Ominis.
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fablebrush · 4 months
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Just some light at night ✨
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