#my repies
cienie-isengardu · 7 months
There's some people who simply think Bi-Han never really loved Kuai in either timeline. Some people say Kuai adored Bi-Han but Bi-Han simply didn't feel the same way and that their relationship was one-sided, where Kuai loved Bi-Han where Bi-Han...simply didn't.
I don't believe that but I think the writing could use a bit of work here because in story mode Bi-Han's interactions with his siblings are pretty much him telling Tomas he's not one of them and then saying 'btw I let Dad die' to Kuai in some deluded hope that his brother would see his point of view. The only noticable moment he shows concern is when Nitara ambushes Smoke from above when they are scaling the walls and most say that doesn't count because he seems to have kicked that rock at Smoke whilst he was scaling the wall.
The falling rock while someone is hanging over the abyss is so popular I can’t even remember a similar scene not using this motif to present the sense of tension/danger. So I guess there is no point in blaming MK1 for going with that visual storytelling choice - though if it was intentional choice of creators to cast a doubt on whether Bi-Han on purpose kicked the rock or not, it is impossible to say. Definitely that moment could be better presented to avoid the confusion, especially since Bi-Han’s foot is clearly placed on the ground before the rock is even shown,
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so it is rather impossible for him to kick it on purpose? I mean, the rock would need to start failing before Bi-Han stopped in his tracks, as kicking requires movement of the whole leg and as can be seen,  Bi-Han’s boot was firmly touching the ground while the rock itself appears a few seconds later, like out of nowhere (and in later scene, there is no rocks only snow around Bi-Han's feet, especially compared to where Kuai Liang was standing?) I assume, when Sub-Zero was leaning out, his weight must have caused the loose element to slide, especially since he was the one standing the closest to the edge and once rock slid, he took a step back.
(Yes, I’m that dedicated to do the slow motion rewatch to make sense of what really happened.)
But you know what is more surprising than the rock failing scene? The whole fact that a man who mastered magic and was capable of using his powers to literally fly didn’t use the same powers to save himself, instead panicked and relied on his hands (failed attempt) and knive - and the game subtitles literally describes Tomas' struggle as “panicked screaming”.
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So if Bi-Han (and Kuai Liang) rushed over the edge and may accidentally cause a rock to fall, I think him being concerned for a brother who could die is enough good reason to give Bi-Han the benefit of doubt he did not do that on purpose. If he didn’t care, he would not bother to come there in the first place, especially since the enemy was already out there to get them all. Frankly, there is a lot to say about Bi-Han’s claims about Tomas (your blood will never be Lin Kuei), Tomas actually panicking to the point he was unable to use his magic and the fact that Sub-Zero still took him on this top priority mission when he quite likely had more warriors with real battle experience and skills than untested Tomas. On one hand, we could argue Tomas joined because Liu Kang said so, but the Fire God literally not even once acknowledged Tomas in any specific way and as the meeting scene proved, Bi-Han had a say in who is allowed to accompanying him for the mission, as he refused take Kung Lao and Raiden while Liu Kang did not try to force them on him. So I tend to assume that whatever Sub-Zero said about Tomas in regard to his Lin Kuei status did not stop him from including the adoptive brother in his duties. And the falling scene proved he had a point about Tomas’ training and battle experiences (or lack thereof) - even if voiced in a brutally straight up way. 
Generally speaking I think what (and the way) Bi-Han speaks should always be compared to his actions. Tomas not having a true Lin Kuei blood =/= taking him on top priority mission commissioned personally by worried Fire Lord.
That said, yes I agree that story mode should handle better both Bi-Han as character and the whole brothers dynamic but for that the story would need to give them more focus and screen time to establish well written balance between their flaws and virtues instead of the more or less one-dimensional characterization game started with (Bi-Han the angry & ambitious/power-hungry brother, Kuai Liang the honorable “never did anything wrong”, Tomas the loyal sidekick, basically). As the Lin Kuei subplot seems to exist solely to set up the conflict between Sub-Zero’s clan and Scorpion’s Shirai Ryu, I assume that was the authors' goal to achieve, but with such approach to klassic characters can’t say I’m surprised by fandom negative opinions about Bi-Han. 
I can understand the never-ending fan dispute about how much Bi-Han truly loved Kuai Liang, as Mortal Kombat lore is more than three decades old already and we still only got glimpses of their relationship from Bi-Han’s perspective. Considering how many games, books, comics, movies, animations and cards the series spawned in such a long time - and how different media present different “timelines”, it is both impossible and unfair to demand from new fans (or any fans in fact) to be familiar with all possible nuance, details and stories almost forgotten before they will speak their mind. Not everyone has the opportunity, time, energy or interest to expand their knowledge about characters and that is fine, even if we don’t agree with said opinions. I know it is hard to be Bi-Han’s fan, as the man, both as Sub-Zero and Noob Saibot barely gets the proper recognition, be it from fans or source material and this has been happening for many years now - even though he is the first Sub-Zero on whose popularity Kuai Liang grew to be character in his own right. 
I do not have a doubt that Bi-Han and Kuai Liang shared true brotherhood and I’m right now truly tempted to write an essay on why elder Sub-Zero is not - and in fact has never been - inherently evil character and why we should not doubt that Kuai Liang’s love to him is not grounded in some delusioned idolization but for now I wish point out to all doubters this: original Bi-Han and cryomancer Kuai Liang were first and foremost survivors above any simplified fan idea of good or evil nature. The only person that tried to give them a normal (safe) life was a mother and the woman was presumably killed alongside their youngest sister by their own father. Ice brothers were just kids when that happened - and even if the mother somehow managed to save herself and the daughter and hid from Lin Kuei, she was still removed for good from her sons’ lives. They were abducted by their father, brought from America (their place of birth) to China, a totally different land and culture, to be raised in secrecy and isolation from the world they knew. None of them choose to be raised as assassins and as their respective stories showed, Lin Kuei would easily turn against them at any moment if any stepped out of line. In Mythologies, Bi-Han was called the most cunning assassin of Lin Kuei, but in the same game Sub-Zero outright said if he did not fulfill the task, he would be killed for failure. This comes from a man who was openly praised  by the Grandmaster personally and yet his life was the constant fight for survival, the “perform perfectly any impossible task” or “be killed”. If to survive Bi-Han needed to be a cold-blooded person he became one. If because of that he won’t fit into the cozy fan ideas and the silly labeling either “good" or "evil” without taking into account what shaped said character in the first place, then frankly, that is the problem of fans, not Bi-Han.
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Hi Steph! Do you have any fics that includes very well written and smart deduction scenes that showcases Sherlock's massive intelligence? I feel like reading something that'll make me go wow that is a big brain move!
Hey Nonny!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh oof okay see I tend to not notice that stuff in a fic because I'm SO invested in the stories I read that I just go "yeah, that felt canon mmhmm", LOL. I think you'll like the stories on these lists though:
Case Fics || [MOBILE]
Case Fics Pt 2
Case Fics Pt 3
Plot Twists / Unexpected Endings
If anyone wants to promote their story that they did FAR too much research for to make Sherlock sound smart, please do! <3
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thewanderingace · 9 months
Oh my god. I'm on desktop and I've just noticed that we can now change which blog we can reply as on a post! FINALLY!!!!! This is gonna be so fantastic. FINALLY A GOOD CHANGE @STAFF
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b1mbodoll · 7 months
That anon’s right though? I can also sense a bit of „pick me ness”,or however you would call it, in you. It’s nothing bad as long as you don’t put down other people. And I am deeply sorry if you think „pick me” is an insult, because I didn’t mean to insult you.
im sorry i just dont understand, how do i give off pick me energy…??? like is it the petnames? the emoticons? i don’t put other people down and i dont behave a certain way for approval.
i don’t mean to seem rude or mean but i am my own person and while i do care about how my friends view me, i really dont care what a stranger thinks about me. at the end of the day you do not know me, both you and that other anon are forming baseless opinions for no reason
literally all i did was jokingly say im not tiny bc some anonies called me that (its obvious im short, im literally 4’10” so i was clearly joking..)
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idcrxsxs · 1 year
Timmy has decided that today is the day he will finally learn the truth. Today he will be brave and make that step towards accepting what some part of him already knows to be true. He just needs that final confirmation. An informed fact, and not a mere observation.
Not unlike attending a funeral for closure.
Ironically he walks straight through the wall to get to where he wants to go, but that still isn't what he needs to know. Being able to walk through walls isn't proof enough to him anymore.
"Um. H-Hi," he says nervously, waving at the person he was told was a nurse around these parts. They're the only one who can help him, he's sure of it. "Are you- Are you the nurse? Eden? I was told I could come here for help, and I was- I was sort of hoping you..."
He seems to lose his resolve and has to stop speaking for a moment, just to get his non-existent heartbeat under control.
He tries again. "...I was hoping you would be able to tell me for- for sure if I'm... if I'm really dead."
Wasn’t often people came through the wall, usually the door tended to be the only option on getting in. But, you learn something everyday they guessed. Though this fact seemed to be more startling to them than the idea that he was a ghost, the nurse jumping in their chair and screaming abruptly the moment they heard his voice. "O-oh shit...... Hey, hi, hello... Goodness, you got me good there, haha." They let out a deep breath, trying to collect themselves and still their racing heart so they could actually give the other being who now joined them an answer.
"Sorry sorry, i'm good now. Anyway, yes, that's me. I'm Eden and it's a pleasure to meet you. Also, from what I could tell at the moment you do seem to be super dead but, I can try to get a set of vitals on you for concrete evidence if that would make you feel more comfortable." They got up from their chair and gestured quietly to the one across from them while they gathered up their blood pressure cuff and stethoscope. "May I ask your name by the way?"
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cookiepwee · 2 years
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Probably a WIP for a Repi sticker or something.
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v3joker · 2 months
alright too much eddsworld posting for one day on my blog
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view them instead
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fandomfloozy · 3 months
sis they are cooking you for your torture porn reply to that horror poll
Hey, anon! Thanks for letting me know, honestly was not needed, but I appreciate it anyway <3
Honestly, I was just gonna keep this in my inbox bc I didn't have anything in my notifs to indicate that anyone had replied to me anywhere and I don't tend to actively seek out people bashing me BUT the post you're talking about just came across my dash so let's talk about it!
First off, I'd like to point out that OP's original poll literally posed the question of "What is your LEAST favorite horror genre?" and the person spreading around my reply is making it seem as if I posted that reply unprompted? As if I stepped into a body horror space and tried to make people feel bad for liking that genre? Which was never the intention. I wasn't the only person in the replies of that post saying that "torture porn" was my least favorite subgenre and that it personally made my stomach turn and I don't want to watch it, and I think poll-maker OP even made an edit to the poll saying that plenty of people replied with that
But I still stand by my opinion (God forbid you have one of those on Tumblr dot com) that I don't see a point to the kind of morbid display you see in Human Centipede or in Tusk. I can't sit through those kinds of movies, even reading the synopsis leaves me messed up for days just thinking about it. I don't personally get it, and I was sharing that sentiment in the replies of a poll asking what your least favorite genre is.
Granted, OP also said they don't agree with that being a subgenre and I gotta say that after thinking on it a bit, I definitely agree! What I was referring to and describing is definitely more along the lines of body horror, and that's what I should have labeled it as, I'm willing to concede that much.
[Edit: Just to be clear THIS is the definition I'm used to. I didn't use the term "torture porn" to make anyone feel like a horrid person for enjoying those kinds of films, this is just the way I was taught to use the very informal term for a subgenre, which is what the poll was about. To me, The Human Centipede and Tusk's plots center heavily on someone or multiple someones being tortured. This isn't a reflection of how I think these are "bad people films"]
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Which brings me to people in the notes of the post spreading around my reply that are trying to make it seem like I'm spreading respectability politics? That I lack proper media literacy?There's even someone in the replies of the post saying I'm spreading white supremacy??
Bro, if you could see the other kinds of media I enjoy and watch and read. I have no issue with fiction having uncomfortable and even taboo displays existing! My reply was about my personal preferences on a poll about personal preferences in horror, and it's not any deeper than that. I understand the importance of having "bad" topics (heavy on the quotation marks here) in literature and film and TV, but that doesn't mean I'm going to subject myself to something that makes me physically queasy and I find unenjoyable. And that doesn't mean that I think people who do enjoy and find it interesting are "bad people," it's just something I can't agree is a good genre. The same way other people voted "zombie" and "ghost horror" on that poll and hit the replies, so did I! I LOVE a good zombie film. I like a good ghost story, and I am not going to feel personally attacked by the person in the replies saying that ghost horror is bland and boring. I can disagree with them and not make them out to be a horrid person spreading a hateful rhetoric
So if the person posting my reply without context and the people in their notes could stop painting me in that light (yes I realize my blog is blurred out and it can't be traced back to me and it's not technically a call out, but those are still my words you're twisting) I would really appreciate it.
Bad faith reading isn't a good habit for those who claim to abhorr lack of media literacy.
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nina-ya · 9 days
public setting lawlu, imagine all the peeps sitting together drinking, luffys eating a shit ton as usual and law is sitting beside you, taking sips, making sure not to go overboard
but then he hears you "he's so grumpy, never smiles, honestly!" you giggle, your voice is exagerated, animated and all with the glimmer of mischief in your eyes, in truth you are merely riling him up. its worse cause you're with everyone "yeah and luffy, oh i love luffy's smile, yknow its contagious!" to which the strawhats agree, all giggling and chucking and clanking glasses to their captain.
even in his eating spur, luffy is back at you, eyes wide with glee before landing his lips on yours, you can taste the meat, and hint of alcohol, luffy is practically pushing his tongue down your throat, as if trying to devour you. your lucky everyone is mostly immereded in convo or too drunk to notice
then you feel law's hand on your thigh, hand heavy, gripping your skin, maybe even pushing the hem of your skirt up slightly in the process, oh he is so annoyed
he also wants to strangle luffy, out of annoyance and ofc jealousy!
(sorry, brain empty, only kissing luffy thoughts! also i loved ur repy, i was worried i went overboard, + ur writing so yummy in my tummy, 5 course meal)
You'd swallow, the taste of meat and alcohol lingering on your lips as Luffy pulls away, grinning ear to ear like the ball of sunshine he is. His contagious smile always makes your heart flutter, but its that inked hand on your thigh that's occupying your thoughts at the moment.
Law's grip tightens, fingers pressing into your skin, his thumb brushing dangerously close to the hem of your skirt. If you paid close attention, you would notice that the glint in his eyes are swirling with annoyance and maybe even possessiveness. You bite back a smirk, loving the way his jealousy flares so easily.
"You know," you'd say, your voice carrying over the chatter of the crew, "Luffy's smile really does light up a room. It's truly one of those things that I just adore about him." glance over at law and give him a teasing smile as you watch the way his jealousy seems to burn bright.
Law would lean in close, his breath fanning your ear. "Careful," he murmurs to you, "You're playing with fire."
And of course, you just keep on provoking. Doing everything in your power to show Luffy attention and add fuel to the fire. You feel his hand slide further up your thigh, his movements hidden by the table. Your heart thumps rapidly in your chest at the action.
You would eventually do something that causes Law's fingers to have a bruising grip on your flesh and you would meet his gaze, silently challenging him to do something about it.
Then, his fingers slip beneath your skirt, brushing against your panties. You try your best to suppress the gasp you nearly released. he reaches between your legs and he smirks, feeling the fabric is dampened from your arousal.
"You're wet already," he would whisper to you, "Is this turning you on? Being so close to everyone while I touch you? Do you like the idea of getting caught?"
Your heart is beating a million miles a minute, and your breath hitches as he pushes your panties aside and slides a finger along your slit. You've suddenly grown quiet, opting to focus on holding back those impending moans instead of chatting with the crew. His finger circles your clit, slow and torturous, sending your mind in a frenzy.
You can barely focus on anything else other than Law's hand between your legs. He slides a finger inside your dripping hole, curling it just right and relishing at the feeling of you clenching around him. You cover your mouth with your hand, doing your best to casually hide all of the sighs and gasps that are threatening to spill from your lips.
He leans in again and whispers "you're so tight. I wonder what Luffy will think of this when I tell him later." His thumb rubs against your clit as he sticks another finger in, the combination of the feelings making your hands ball into fists, knuckles turning white.
The sound of the crew is distant as your pleasure builds up moment by moment, teetering towards the edge of release. Luffy finally takes notice of you and he can't help but ask whats wrong. The hand that's not covering your mouth reaches over to Luffy and tugs him closer to you. You lean in, wrapping your arm around his neck, pulling him down and burying your head in the crook of his neck and bite down hard. As you tumble over the edge, you cum around Law's fingers and you let out a gasp against Luffy's neck, praying and hoping that anyone looking at you two would think that you're just hugging him.
Luffy catches onto the situation quickly as he sees Law removing your hand from under your skirt, licking up your essence with a shit eating grin as you are left spent and panting in Luffy's arms.
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thebisexualdogdad · 8 months
The private jet - sugar baby!Evan Buckley x male!reader
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It was yours and Evans one year anniversary so of course you had to take him on an extravagant trip.
He chose to go to the Bahamas as it was the first place you took him when you started dating, he should have known you were going to be the love of his life when you flew him across the country in your private jet for your third date.
"We'll be landing in an hour Mr. Y/L/N," the stewardess tells you, pouring you both new glasses of champagne.
"Thank you Sarah, would you please give Evan and I a bit of privacy," you request.
"Of course sir," she smiles and heads back to the kitchen of the plane.
"Privacy huh?" Evan grins, climbing over from his seat and into your lap, grabbing a glass and handing it to you before taking a drink of his own.
"I want to start our anniversary off right," you smirk, downing the glass and setting it back on the table, your hands going to Evans waist.
He finishes his drink and sets it down next to yours so he can wrap his arms around your neck and kiss you sweetly.
It quickly heats up, Evan rocking his hips and toying with the top buttons of your shirt feeling you get hard underneath him.
"Have I told you how sexy you are," Evan says, kissing the now exposed area of your collarbone.
"You're one to talk," you chuckle, "take your pants off handsome."
Evan grins, standing up to shrug off his very expensive pants that you bought him last week while you free your cock from your own.
"Why don't you be a good boy and go down on me," you tell him.
Evan who is totally naked from the waist down smiles, getting on his knees and happily taking you in his mouth.
He always sucked you off like a pro, it was one of his many talents and you often bragged about it to your other rich friends.
He licks the shaft, sucks on your balls and deep throats you all while making the most heavenly moans.
"Alright baby, get back up here," you say after a few minutes of giving him praise for his work.
Evan releases your cock from his lips with a pop, getting back to his feet and positioning himself in your lap.
You guide your cock inside him as he sinks downs, moaning at feeling so full.
"Just like that," you tell him when he starts bouncing in your lap.
His cock swings around, slapping his stomach over his shirt as he rides you.
"Fuck you feel so good inside me," he moans.
"I can't wait to fuck you all over the resort we are staying at this weekend," you grin, "our suite has a beautiful view of the ocean."
"You're always so good to me," he groans, moving faster.
"Only the best for my baby," you repy, kissing his neck and playing with one of his nipples through his shirt.
Evan is sighing and panting, getting closer and closer to his release.
"Y/N I'm gonna cum," he moans.
"Not on the suit my love, it costs a fortune to dry clean," you say, grabbing the napkin your champagne glass was sitting on and handing it to Evan.
He slows his pace, cumming into the napkin making sure not to get any on your expensive suit.
"Don't stop Evan, I haven't cum yet," you state and Evan picks his movements back up, waves of aftershocks hitting him.
After another few minutes of him riding you he gasps when you cum deep inside him.
"Oh fuck that feels amazing," he says, milking you for every last drop of cum.
"Thank you for making me cum baby," you smile at him as his hips still but he keeps your cock inside him, "you were so good for me I think you deserve a shopping trip when he get home."
"I would love that," he smiles back, kissing you deeply.
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Glossy Lips 
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Here is an idea I was just thinking of earlier that contains dry humping and making out. But imagine you and Eddie are making out and you have your bubblegum flavored sparkly lipgloss on. You're laying on his bed in the trailer and he's laying down underneath you while you're kissing all over him. Eddie cant get over the taste of your lips he moans when you start sucking on his tongue. You start grinding down on him, your pink skirt riding up against your ass with the wet spot on your panties getting wetter. Your moaning as Eddie pushes himself up to meet your pace and you move faster as the friction from his jeans are making you feel good. “Oh Eddie you're making me so wet baby you're going to make me cum in my panties. Do you want me to make you cum in your boxers daddy?” “Fuck yes sweetheart grind your pussy on daddy’s cock make us cum” Eddie repied whimpering as he pulled your neck down to contine to attack your lips. By now both of your faces are both sticky due to your lipgloss. You're moving your hips faster as both of your breathing gets louder and the air becomes more hot around you two. Eddie is getting closer to his peak as you are too. He pulls your hips closer, his rings feeling cool on your skin to him as you still work yourself on top of him with tears running down your cheeks ruining your mascara. With one more thrust of your hips you shake on top of him as you cum in your panties while riding out your high Eddie cums with a loud groan with a dazed smile on his face which is littered in your sparkly lip gloss stains. <333
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thelightofmylife · 1 month
i was writing an ask a little bit ago but i tabbed out of my phone and it deleted the whole thing (T⌓T);;
ah, no matter ! i will try again. it’s five ! @5-lover
i wanted to express my admiration for the fact that you put pieces of yourself as a whole into your inserts - that’s something i find very sweet to do, and appreciate how much care you express towards your significant other(s) !
to answer the same question in turn, i tend to use OCs, purely because i see myself in my creation (as you so mentioned !) but also enjoy a customised little backstory ! (and, also, for universes where one is not typically human - my little pony, for example - it makes a bit more sense for me !)
i had a few questions i was curious for, and were deleted in my previous draft, but i will write them out again ! i persist \o/ !!
(no pressure to answer any or all of these ! i am simply a curious thing with a love for your energy and way of word ! <3)
firstly !! — sleepwear ! i love sleepwear. have you a clue as to what your charmer would wear to bed ? maybe something matching with yourself, or something entirely different ? whatever it is, it should be cozy to rest up against !!
secondly — it’s a given you are loved as a whole, that much is true ! however, does your aventurine have a favourite ? perhaps something he kisses more oft than not, or appreciates to look at further ? or, if it’s a more conceptual thing, something he smiles at whenever it happens ? ♡
lastly — how did you come to realise your love for him ? i adore hearing such tales of things, it’s always so genuine and sweet !
i do hope you’re having a wonderful day my friend, and feel no pressure to even respond or not ! take care ! (nwn)/
Hellllooo five!!! @5-lover It’s usually why I tab out and write it on notes or my Pc but I’m too tired to reach my PC so phone it is… slowly. Thank you so much :(( for seeing the care and love I put into this, it’s a LOT,,,,, I want to live vicariously thru my self insert so I can continue to love andlove and lov.e i'm not. used to being loved. i'd rather love. so i feel afraid thinking about my f/o's loving me back. i'm so... i'm tender but i've only ever known hurt for loving and caring about people, lovers and friends alike. But almost in a nihilistic pointless way, I keep doing it because love is good but it is so scary.
i think that's sooo cute htat you have pony ocs tho ! but the way I see it is that you can also fine tune your backstory even as an SI <3 !however i think your interpretation of such is super jazzy. sorry for the late repy-ly, i could,nt sit up all day long until now basically to talk to yoooou!! agony :( i saw this and I was soooo excited to reply. uuuu...hate being Big Sicky you are so sweet and i feel i can talk to you all day so i challenge u to also answer those questions and will send sme of my own when i look thru ask games or regain energy 1) Sleep wear... https://www.youloveit.com/entertainment/3739-honkai-star-rail-aventurine-leisure-pajama-new-official-wallpapers.html this is what he canonically wears to bed ~ so hot and cute! I just want to eat him up in a non sexual way (am asexual, want to kiss him so much!!) so cute and so baby. he sleeps so innocently and cutely, but I think he enjoys silky or satin jammies, maybe even cotton,,! I will match if he can get me something sensory safe but i love my vietnamese pajamas or my wittle night gowns teehee <3 very breathable .... i treasure mornings with him
2) I...i don't know. but i like to believe he loves my kindness and sincerity towards him, when i kiss his cheeks so lovingly and giggle and hold him so tight and close he feels warm. i think he thinks i'm hilarious, and pats my head whenever i have an airheaded moment due to my sickness teehee it makes me a very silly person for what it is worth.
3) i realized it when i saw how broken we are as people and yet, he had so much love in him still. the way I see it is that two broken halves don't make a whole but we can soothe ourselves by being together, and be happy despite the horrors of the universe, and carve out a small part for ourselves. we are entitled to have a shred of happiness for our deep suffering and grief. i just feel...so connected to him in hardship. it's hard to explain cuz we're quite different but i think we need each other thanks to our personality types and what we look for in the world
thank you so much !! i had SO much fun answering, i'd love to hear back asap <3 you can reply in replies or however you wish. I want you to of course answer whatever you want or tell me what you want but I offer back 1) what is your relation to Celestia? Are you a guard, royalty that is married, etc?
2) What do your dates with the Princess look like?
3) If I were to ask Princess Celestia what's three things she is head over heels about you, what would she tell me? People often love for the most surprising reasons even if you do not expect it. We often find ourselves loving the most silly, little, endearing things about another person, even if you do not see it in yourself.
4) What would a bouquet from you to Princess celestia contain? <3
answer freely <3333 !!!! sending you much love !!
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crows-talking-place · 10 months
Hi wanna hear my insane Gillion backstory theory? no? SORRY YOU'RE OUT OF LUCK HERE IT IS
Theory: Gillion wasn't the chosen one. Until he was.
ok so hear me out:
Before Gillion, there was the true chosen one. The Original. He was, like Gillion, under the care of exclusively the elders. Something happened while he was training, and it lead to his death. The Original would have been around 12 years old.
No one but the elders (and those directly adjacent) knew who the champion was, so when The Original died, they had to find somebody else to act as a replacement, else the Undersea discover that their precious Chosen One was dead. To avoid these actions coming to light, however, they realised whoever they chose must believe this lie as well, believe that they WERE the chosen one, so it would have to be someone young and impressionable: a child. But who?
We know that Finn left, and we also know that leaving the Undersea is very Not Allowed socially, and Finn as far as people go seemed to be a pretty known presence what with being a known author and scholar, so it is likely his absence was known by the citizens in the capital. Perhaps it was this which led to Gil being chosen by the elders, or perhaps it was something else. Nonetheless, Gillion was chosen, and was dropped into the role of Chosen One.
The elders have access to simulations of some kind for training. We know this. Due to the fact that sounds obnoxiously hard technologically and also how immersive they were when he re-experienced them in the pearl (remember that the simulations he entered were described as identical to those he was trained on, so it's not just a pearl hell thing), I believe these simulations were not purely physical, more a manipulation of Gillion's senses to make him believe things were there. (more eveidence: the ep where Gil trains Chip to use his fire magic by making him think he's being attached by bears and monsters etc), however if they had this ability it's not out of the question they had the ability to do more.
We've already seen people in riptide manipulate memory, it happened to Chip in Noctis. If this person could manipulate senses, manipulating memory wouldn't be out of the question. (I believe some of the memories from The Original were given to Gillion, perhaps to speed up his training. This unintentionally could have also given Gil certain memories of Finn, who according to canon timeline should have left before Gil was born, except in canon we ALSO know that Gillion remembers interacting with him. This fixes the plothole of both Finn not knowing Gillion as his grandchild, and Gillion having memories he shouldnt really have.
(The fact they have the same name could have been the elder's choice: we don't know how young Gillion was taken so they could have given him the same name The Original was known to have in Finn's flashback)
This also explains the reason that the Undersea was okay with the Chosen One being EXILED, despite the prophecy which stated that he needed to CHOOSE THEM or they'd DIE.
Because, Gillion was not the chosen one. He was a replacement. HOWEVER, this is no longer the case.
The prophecy has come to pass, and we all saw it happen.
Episode 82: Moonlight, Storm and Sea.
The pearl is struck by lightning, in the eye of the storm, and Gillion returns to this plane, a changed man. Reborn.
Sounds insane? thought so, im clearly reaching too much
Sike I have evidence for there being 2 Gillions im so right guys
This theory was inspired by a theory created very early into the show's lifespan called "Gillion is Lying" by BoilingHeart, in which two pieces of evidence were presented against Gillion being Finn's grandson (here), both being inconsistancies between the prequel one-shot and the main campaign.
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Condi repied with something about taking Riptide as canon over the one-shots as they didn't know the direction the overarching story and characters would at the time, which I accepted, as it made a lot of sense.
However, this exchange was later linked to in a different post, which Grizzly saw and replied to (here)
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He (Grizzly) then added to the inconsistency post with this cryptic-ass response:
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Now this response surprised me, becasue this lends this inconsistency credibility. Like it's important.
This implies that BOTH the flashback (which would make Gillion in his thirties) and Gillion's riptide age are consistant. But, obviously, that was impossible. So I tried to think back. I then remembered the episode in which Gil was released in the Pearl, and thuse, this insanity was born.
Easy. Gillion wasn't the child in the flashback. The Gillion we know IS Finn's grandson, but is born of a child he was unaware of. The flashback Gillion is NOT Finn's grandson, but is a student (as far as he is aware: remember the Champion's identity is not public knowledge outside of the higher-ups) who has grown up around him, hence having memories of Finn when he was really small.
(sorry for this monster of a post it didnt want to get shorter)
(why cant i put this much effort into my school assignments)
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aswho1estuff · 1 year
Ep. 3 shawty get loose
The way you move
Plot: Two performing art schools are combined upon underlying reason bringing together an unlikely duo Moose and Alice who help each other grow beyond fluttering hearts and the genre of music.
Overview ep. 3 [s.g.l]: "shawty get loose, hit the dancefloor and act like there's nobody else in there."
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"like the song says you gotta get loose" moose says taking the cereal from my hands and onto the shelf. "Go on" moose says as a I start to move I isolate my arms and legs to the beat of the chorus.
"That moves spectacular but do you enjoy doing it ?, What's your favorite move freestyle wise ?" Moose asks I respond sighing " idk like the lil pop leg thang, ya know like" moving my legs toward each other matching my arms.
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"There you go" moose says excited " I'm going to the dance studio tomorrow after school it'll just be me, you wanna join?" I could get in some ballet practice or use that excuse.
"Sure, gotta see what ya got anyways" I say hitting his shoulder "anyone will tell you I've got the moves like jagger" moose says posing "then show me something".
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"okay that was alright I guess" I tell moose reaching for my water bottle. "You sure? cause for someone a little out of breath id expect a little more" moose states making me gasp "I .. am just a lil out of practice is all alright".
"Then why don't you come practice with me more? we can make it a once a week thing if you want" moose says smiling giving me his hand I take it getting up "id love that, but for now I gotta get home see you later" I repy packing my bag.
"Can I walk you?"
"are you sure?"
"never been more"
"..okay, lets go"
Walking up my porch stairs with moose following behind I turn to him "well this is it, .. thanks again" I say looking at my feet "no problem I wanted to" moose replys handing me my bag.
"alice why are standing outsi- ah"
"oh ...Mother didn't know you were home early"
"I didn't know you came home this late"
"I'm sorry that was my fault, I had her join me for practicing"
"well I'm glad she has a peer who realizes the importance"
"yeah...thank you moose, get home safely"
"thanks I will, enjoy y'all day"
"will do"
<- back next ->
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worldofheroes · 1 year
Hi, this is my first request. So, I found a short vid where a man pranked his wife!reader saying that a girl is flirting with him in the bar. Then, Tom is the first one that came to my mind.
Like, they were on a beach for a vacation and Tom had a mischievous plan for his wife. So, he left for awhile then hide in a certain area before texting the reader that there's a girl flirting with him on the bar. His wife, the reader, who was sunbathing received his text. He watched how the reader would react. Tom expected her to be shock and look for him but instead, the reader shook her head and wear her sunglasses, not bothering to look for him.
When they got home, Tom asked her why she didn't look for him. The reader who was eating a cake stared at him like 'dafuq?' but she shrugged and repied, "Girls flirting with you isn't something new to me. Well, you're the one and only Tom Cruise. You're handsome and hot so hirls would definitely flirt with you."
Tom asked, "Then why didn't you look for me? Aren't you worried that I might do something bad?"
Then the reader smiled and leaned closer to him and replied, "Because I trust you."
You can make it smutty in the end, if you want.
Omg yes I love this and it’s so perfect and we love a healthy relationship 🥰
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willcodehtmlforfood · 11 months
szoval voltunk mult heten eskuvon, a repi ajandekok melle kaptunk covidot! (az enyem csak ilyen schrodinger jellegu, minek tesztelni ha nincs semmi megszoritas!)
asszony 2 napja dogrovason (valszeg meg is fazott melle?), nalam igazabol semmi mert i’m at my top physical condition
aki nem oltatta be magat az igy jart!
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