#my row does not but we do however have TWO big maps placed at strategic points in the car park labelled in LARGE LETTERS with the address
greaseonmymouth · 2 years
Oddbox: “Hello, we have delivered your oddbox! We left it here *photo of location*”
location: not my front door
me: so why do you have the what3words feature for deliveries if you’re not going to use it????
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missaureus · 6 years
ElyXiOn in Manila Pt. 2
I left home feeling unsure if I had some forgotten baggage from my less-than-an-hour-pack-up and drove away towards the east following the light of the streetlamps. But one thing was sure, I was leaving my academic-induced stresses. But, to have that sense of relief, I still brought a few reading materials with me, which were left unbothered throughout my secret trip.
Past 8 PM, the car was already swerving the road towards the airport from the highway. It was the boundary which felt that I was not home already. I was leaving home, temporarily. To be exact, less than 36 hours. I jumped off from the backseat and bid farewell to my family by the time we reached the entrance of the departure area, as if they were giving it to me as my well-deserved break from reality.
The airport was tranquil the moment I checked in, no hustle at all. No one was forming a line, so I directly went to the counter. I asked the staff in-charge if I can get into the flight prior to mine. My flight was still at 11:20 PM but I decided to be at the airport before 9 PM, gathering all my luck to be able to have a seat in my friends’ flight to Manila. Sadly, he turned me down and said that a few were also trying to get into early schedules but most of the passengers had checked in already. He gave me my ticket and directed me to the boarding area.
Honestly, I expected it to happen since flight fares at these times were super expensive, who would have ditch their flight schedule? I rode the escalator up and looked for my friends who were already waiting for their boarding time by past 9 PM. 
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I have my two concert buddies, Anne and Alisha, who were also my companion last EXOrDium. I regretfully informed them that I was not able to have the chance of getting into their flight. I was not able to avail the same flight schedule beforehand since I had no concrete school schedule and just waited for the safe zone to get one. We just chatted for a few minutes and the next thing was, they were already on board. 
I waited in the first row while busily watching The Miracle We Met. Guess what? I failed to sense that the line forming in front of me was already my flight after an hour of watching, my bad! I hurriedly pulled out my earphones and stuffed my gadgets inside my sling bag. After picking up all of my stuff, I went to the back of the line. I was shocked that the boarding time was an hour earlier than what was indicated on my ticket!
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 It did not feel any difference at all that it was my first air travel alone. Sometimes, being solitary is the best feeling in the world. It took an hour before the plane finally took off but I was already half asleep during that time. Imagine the energy I spent the whole day in school, what a suicide. My eyebags do not lie even.
Almost 1 AM, the plane arrived in Manila. I realized at that point while riding the bus to the arrival area that night travels are such a beauty. Peaceful. I fell in love with the idea. I walked together with the surge of people to the exit of the arrival area where lots of people were waiting and waving for their loved ones.
I am never familiar of the place but I trusted my instincts so much. I trusted on where my feet would bring me. Terminal 3 of the airport was ridiculously silent! I could not believe I missed CBX in there with just hours apart. How does it feel?  
I directly went to the Grab-Taxi lane. I was honestly nervous. I am a baby to this monstrous city. Despite the uncertainty, I acted stoic. But how crazy love would make you do. My first step in Manila 3 years ago was also due to an EXO concert. EXO did that to me, to act independent for a day. Away from my comfort zone. I was glad to fake an act of bravery. You will never know what to do in a difficult situation until that situation is right in front of you. 
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A staff in the counter booked my driver and waited for him a few minutes. I was just quiet at the backseat trying to enjoy the city lights. I navigated with my Google Maps to arrive safely in my destination. I stayed with my other group of friends who were also concert goers since my concert buddies were staying somewhere else far from the airport. 
At almost 2 AM, my friends fetch me in the lobby of the condominium building but before getting into the unit we went to the nearest convenient store to buy some food and drinks. We directly went back to the residence.
My body was so beaten. I could hardly move. I placed my things on the corner and admired the aerial view for a second. I was conflicted if I would sleep right away or fix my mini-giveaways which I was not able to work on days ago. My housemates were already asleep but I decided to work on that thing. Even if I was tired, I was not sleepy yet. 
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Past 3 AM I already rolled over my sleeping space. One of my housemates was playing her EXO playlist overnight. Wow. The last song I could recall before dozing off was She’s Dreaming. I can clearly remember.
I got little sleep. Three hours of it. But my body was hyped since I could not waste time on sleep. My housemates left me by 10 AM since they needed to post near the venue to distribute their prepared giveaways. They are admins of one of the fanbases under EXO Worldwide Union. Big responsibility, huh? I chose to stay in the unit since I was still waiting for Anne and Alisha to arrive.
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 Almost 12 noon, we left the condo unit. I booked for our Grab driver which surprisingly knew how to speak Bisaya and that gave me relief! Undeniably, riding taxis is a horrifying experience unless you could assure that the driver is not taking any advantage of you! We chatted with him, like you gotta befriend people and gain their trust, haha. 
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The air was crazily humid. If I am not mistaken, the temperature went up to 34 degrees C. I was afraid to walk around so much because, again, the pit was calling me! I tried so bad not to expend so much energy prior to the concert.  
The crowd was unbelievable also! It was the same situation last EXOluXion. There were shouting in every corner that would give you frequent heart attacks! You get afraid that they might see some of the members(?) while you miss that chance, haha! It was never like this around Araneta during EXOrDium. I swear it was so frustrating. Like every big buses that would pass by towards the backstage entrance, those crazy fangirls would run into for nothing. I chose to stay away from the arena. We eventually looked for the desk to have our VIP straps on and went to the mall area right away to look for vacant food stores. Most of it with nearer proximity to the arena were full, mostly on standby and meetups. We luckily found a resto with a vacant table with an outlet to recharge our phones! We were so happy to find an outlet lmao! Fully-charged phones is a must! So we decided not to let go of that post and stayed there until 3:30 PM. I met a few of my internet friends but sadly was not able to meet all since the temperature was pretty energy-draining and also the mobile network service was down. 
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After freshening up, we went to our sequence line by past 3 PM. We were honestly disappointed with our sequence numbers, 230-232, since my friends had 66-67 last year! However, when we were following our line in the sequence, our numbers were right after those foreigners or those who availed the Global Package, which somehow gave us an assurance that 200 plus was still a good number to have better view in the pit. 
A few were wearing killer platforms and it made me regret on why I only added over 1 inch of my height, I could have worn higher ones! I stand 5 feet 4 inches plus 1.18 inches but I felt so smol! I was starting to get tired and rested near the railings. I refused to used my phone to preserve my battery. So, I just killed time on resting. There was also one thing that happened! The girl before us in the line started crying because her ticket went missing! Some staffs were roaming around announcing a lost ticket but only to find out it was not it. There was a moment of panic around  because OMG that was a huge problem! Eventually, she found it in some i-did-not-bother-to-know corner. Thank God! If it happened to me, I do not know what to do too but cry.
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Almost 5 PM, we were already in front of the entrance of the arena. I still could not feel any tension! I was so numb at that moment. We went through the metal detector and our bags were checked as well as our tickets. I directly went straight to the line being held in front of W standing pit entrance, only to find out that my buddies were not behind me! I went back to the first entrance and my friend was being confined by the officer due to her instax camera. What were they so pressed for? It was not even a professional camera! A few moments later, he gave it back because it was not on the list of the prohibited things inside the arena. Sadly, a few people already overtook the lane and that made me so pissed off! On a brighter side, the number of people allowed to get inside the pit was grouped  which was good. What happened last year was that, the line from the outside to the pit was continuous and it was not being held by the staffs, thus, the fans had a chance to run inside the pit and overtake those with lesser sequences numbers. 
I was awed the moment I set foot in the pit! The first thing that came in my mind was questioning my past self on why I did not take standing tickets back then! The three of us were in chaos! We already strategized on where to run and stand when we get inside but yes, planned moments mostly never happen. My buddies wanted the barricade so bad in the left side. It is every fangirl’s dream: to hold that barricade. But we have a rule to follow too! Follow your bias, not your friends. Thou shall not break the rule. I had to think straight and fast and cut off my indecisive self. I went in the center part of the pit. 2-3 rows were already formed and mostly foreigners were still inside. I ran back to my friends saying firmly that I would stay in the center part! After acknowledging my decision, I went back to my post. I will never regret this spot. I assured myself. Come what may. The surge of fans was only minimal. Thank God there was no need to panic. 
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A few minutes later, one of my buddies, who is also a Jongin stan, came to me and checked the area! She went back to the barricade and went back again to my post saying she also decided to stand in the center part with me! I was happy because we have studied the map of the whole setlist long ago and we, Kai stans, knew by heart on where he positions in a certain song! He is not put in the center part for no reason at all, Kai is the center. The center belongs to Kai! 
Eventually the arena was being filled with fans. I just observed the people around me. Most foreigner fans were quite aggressive and knew the pit game so well. They guarded their post as if they already mastered the dirty game. Diversity in language was an advantage for all! You get to talk with your co-nationality EXOLs on how to safeguard your position since some were really pain in the arse. They would push you so bad. Some would even swear at you. Stressful. I did not mind them and gave not a single cent of care. 
I had regrets in bringing my doll inside the arena. I just took a photo of my baby once and placed it back inside the bag. But eventually, it served its purpose well since I place my bag in front of me, it became a cushion from the people in front row. It was such a relief for me. 
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Everyone waited patiently for an hour while singing along with the background music being played. Finally, the lights went off! My heart was banging against the rib cage. I cannot contain the fact that THIS IS IT! A year of waiting. I am going to see my artists again.
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captainextremis · 7 years
It’s yo boy back at it again with the terrible fanfiction :D
In all honesty, I hope you enjoy.
And I do hate being “that guy” but I’m putting up the link to the story on AO3 again. In case you missed it. link
The Road to Hell, Part 2
The first thing the chameleon saw that morning was the Quartermaster herself walking right up to his cell, bending a whip in her gloved fists. He’d been caught on the border of The Ends and the Snikaree Foothills, and instead of killing him, apparently the Quartermaster had ordered for as many rebels as possible to be caught and interrogated. He scoffed quietly to himself and looked away. “Sorry, ma’am. That’s not one of my turn-ons.”
The Quartermaster only hardened her stare and snapped the disciplinary whip through the air. The resulting *crack!* bounced off the walls of the stone and mortar of the holding cells. “You know I’m not here to play games, trencher,” she said. Her voice was melodic, but she had long since learned how to use it to freeze a man in place. “So let me try thees one more time...where ees Hopper?”
“You know where she is,” he replied. “Why you askin’ me somethin’ you already know?”
“Because…” she seethed, “The Skirts stretch on for miles. The KSR has expended hundreds of munitions, soldiers, and food to raid two outposts already.”
The chameleon laughed. “Those Commonfolk...they don’t go down easy, do they?”
The Quartermaster growled in a low voice and nearly bent her whip to a breaking point. She quickly snapped back up straight and took a deep breath, massaging her forehead. This was the fourth day in a row that she hadn’t been able to glean anything from interrogating the Trench Gang, and she couldn’t buy their loyalty; they feared betraying The Family too much. All was not completely lost, however. She turned and left the chameleon to suffer in silence, and went two cells over.
This jail cell was even smaller than the previous one, and held a single mole sitting in the corner, arms crossed and scowling. He’d been captured two days before, and upon finding him making dents in the wall with his hammer, it was forcibly removed from his hands and used as tinder for the ovens. He had been pouting ever since, and didn’t seem to care that the Quartermaster was approaching him. “Mole,” she began, “I need to talk to you.”
“Engineer not talking,” he spat back.
“You vould know the best place that Hopper Silvya vould be hiding in The Skirts. Talk.”
The mole stared back up at the Quartermaster uncaringly. “KSR cannot make Engineer talk.”
“I can break you in more ways than you know how to die, commoner scum,” she hissed back. “I vill only give you thees mercy one last time. Talk, or you’ll scream your answers after I’m done with you.”
The Engineer only tightened his arms and clenched his fists. The Quartermaster breathed in and pursed her lips. “So be it.” She pivoted and made for the hallway to get another pair of hands to drag the prisoner to The Tenderizer, but stopped to let a ferret pass, holding a plate of grain and drutcele. She would have kept walking, if not for the fact she could clearly hear the conversation being held in the cell.
“Heyyy, you better eat, peasant.”
The mole, she assumed, made an exaggerated retching sound. “Engineer would sooner die than eat beast food!” A plate fell and shattered on the ground.
This made the Quartermaster freeze mid-stride and quickly double back to the cell. She turned the corner, which frightened the ferret as soon as she showed her face. “Ach…! Misses Quartermaster, ma’am!” he exclaimed. “I...I didn’t drop nothing, it was the rabble over here, he-he knocked it outta my hand when I gave-”
Normally, should would have struck him across the face with her whip, but she paid him no mind. Instead, the Quartermaster threw him aside and picked up the remnants of the plate and the vegetables. “And Engineer will never let KSR force-feed him beast food either!” he shouted, shooting to his feet. “Engineer would sooner choke on his own hammer than-”
“What are you villing to give up to never eat this again?” the Quartermaster cut in. The mole’s expression shifted almost immediately from seething hatred to dumbfounded confusion.
“...Engineer thinks that is stupid question. Why would KSR be asking stupid question...?” he replied.
The Quartermaster retained her uninterested expression and tossed the cracked porcelain and food over her shoulder, which the ferret hurriedly picked up. He paused for a moment, considering how hungry he was, then slowly brought a handful of the grain up to his mouth, keeping his eyes on the Quartermaster.
“You so much as put your tongue on any of that, I vill cut it off and store it in The Larder,” she scolded. The ferret immediately stopped and left the cell’s area, repeating, “Yes, ma’am, right away ma’am” as he ran away.
She turned her attention back to the mole. “I ask thees question because I have a proposal for you,” she stated, standing at attention.
“Engineer thought KSR was going to make him cry for his mommy-”
“Shut up!” the Quartermaster barked, causing the mole to flinch. “Perhaps…” she began again, “You’d be villing to disclose Hopper’s location for some meat, then...?”
The Engineer scoffed. “Engineer will never tell where Hopper is, even for meat! Engineer does not like beast food, but he likes KSR even less.”
“Ve can promise you three meals a day and a roof over your head,” she commented. The Engineer looked at her but kept his arms crossed and his scowl fixed on his face. “Ve mostly use Svine, but you’re allowed to eat who you keel after battle, so long as they aren’t KSR forces.”
“Usually Hopper stays in train station Two Hundred Two. If Hopper is not there, look in northeastern Skirts,” the Engineer explained.
The Quartermaster smiled and quickly unlocked his cell, and escorted him out. She walked him around the corner to one of the AFB guards and instructed, “Soldier, get thees one a new uniform.”
The skunk saluted and mumbled something, most likely an affirmation than anything else. “And if he tries stealing any food, keel him!” she added as she turned around and pointed at the mole. Helpful or no, this Engineer belonged to The KSR now, and if he disobeyed, he’d suffer by their laws.
Thank the Tsarina loyalty came cheap these days.
The Skirts took a hard mindset and an even harder gullet to survive. Luckily, both it and the Commonfolk banner attracted a lot of such animals who were sick and tired of Civilized oppression. Even Hopper was surprised to find out that just by shouting “We’re gonna chuck the Civilized into their own fryin’ pans!” from the rooftops got her a substantial army ready to buther on her behalf. Of course, that meant food had to flow to the new troops, and meat was hard to come by in The Skirts even before the Revolution.
But she made it work, somehow. Through either iron will and determination or sheer luck, Hopper had been able to lead an army of what would otherwise be common rabble. From her shack built to overlook the majority of Station Two-Oh-Two, she could see the whole town, and the tunnels that led both north and south. They’d been blocked off for nearly a year now. Before the Revolution, they only carried animals to Harvest in Levacaloo. Now, it was all just KSR prison trains.
Hopper glanced back at the map of the countryside. Taking strategic positions in The Ends itself was far too taxing, even for the Commonfolk themselves. But she knew that taking advantage of certain areas and blockading them early, or at least before The KSR got to them, was imperative to winning the war in the long-term.
As she leaned over the table, she heard one of the floorboards of her house creak. It didn’t sound natural, but she was certain she was the only one here. She sighed. “Means only one thing…” she muttered to herself, turning around. “Yer not bein’ clever no mo’.”
A chameleon uncloaked himself, and leaned on his spiked club. His eyes twitched, but he smirked. “Didn’t think mice could smell that good.”
Hopper chuckled and pointed to her ears. “Not smellin’...Hearin’. Anyway, wha’cha want?”
The chameleon chuckled too, and paused to think of how to word his message. “So, you know how the Revolution’s taken every walk’a life by storm?” he asked, twiddling his thumbs.
“Do I know…?” Hopper repeated indignantly. “Even before dis Revolution got off da ground, I knew it’d shake dis country up!”
“Yeah, well,” he continued, “Apparently, those aristocrats in the south wanna get in on it.”
Hopper did a double-take and her eyes widened. “W...What? Really...?” She froze, and the neutral expression on the chameleon meant he wasn’t joking. She paused to consider her options. Suddenly, digging into the sands of The Ends didn’t seem so monumental. “...Neva thought the high-brows would want a part’a dis war,” she said.
“Yeah, well...I’ve just been hearin’ rumors, but apparently, Arroyo...you know, the king of the ring? That Arroyo...Well the Civilized, they, erm...took a significant interest in his son, if you catch my drift,” he explained.
Hopper went quiet. The fact that not even the rich were exempt from Harvest was, in all honesty, news to her. “Guess we gotta go talk to ‘im,” she said at length. “Best an’ fastest way’t win, if ya ask me.”
The chameleon waved his hand dismissively and muttered, “You’re the leader here, Nubs,” before disappearing from sight. Hopper returned to her map and planning. A general, she wasn’t, but she prided herself on at least knowing what to attack and when.
First order of business, therefore, was to push out into The Ends and take either Solawa or Old Mother Township. She pursed her lips. Solawa was a big city, but if the Commonfolk could push out the defending Civilized, it could become a secondary stronghold. On the other hand, Old Mother Township could be easily defended, but it was further up north, closer to the Hagro Highlands; if The KSR wanted, they could easily crush it. Both locations were risky gambles.
Hopper eyed both locations on the map. In time, she took out a pen and started drawing lines, connecting routes, and planning an assault. When she finished, the map showed the ideal situation:
Solawa would fall...and the Commonfolk would feast.
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