#my sleep paralysis demon is gonna have a field day with this
trulytiredhermit · 2 years
It is 1:18 in the morning.
WITH THE WHOLE “Hey sexy lady, I like your flow-“ MUSIC AND THE “You can scream my name as loud as you want to sugar.”
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shinishinigummy · 3 years
Masterpost for Whumptober 2021!
Originally, I wanted to do a challenge so I can practice writing fiction again. It's insane how months of being busy and being depressed have led me to forget how much I loved writing stories. In fact, looking at my tumblr, I realized that I had stopped posting 2015.
I want to change that. So anyway, Whumptober happened. I want to thank my good friend @Coffee for introducing me to the prompt list.
I don't really know how masterposts go as this is my first one, but I'll just add a link to all of the days I posted.
Color Codes:
Violet - Pandora's Box (OC) series
Red - D&D OC fics
Blue - Fic for specific fandoms
Green - Standalone OC fics
Day 1: All Trussed Up and Nowhere to Go ["You have to let go" | bound] TW for violence, blood, and torture. The first in the Pandora's Box series!
Day 2: Talking is Overrated (Hades) [Choking] TW for violence and blood, and slight torture. A Hades fic featuring our lovely Elysium lads!
Day 3: Sticks and Stones may Break my Bones but... (Genshin Impact) [taunting | insults | "Who did this to you?"] Featuring my best boyes Razor and Bennet. Not really a ship fic.
Day 4: Trust Fall [“Do you trust me?” | taken hostage | pushed] Some little wlw action because of brainrot.
Day 5: I've Got Red in my Ledger [betrayal | misunderstanding | broken nose] TW for blood and violence. The father encounters some trouble.
Day 6: Touch and Go [bruises | touch starved | hunger] NSFW for some descriptions, and TW for blood. Featuring my dhampir warlock OC Anitta Strangelove~
Day 7: My Spidey-Sense is Tingling [helplessness | numbness] CW for sleep paralysis. An attempt at a creepypasta.
Day 8: Coughing up a Lung [pneumothorax] CW for death. I had to research pneumothorax before this.
Day 9: Rumors of my Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated [presumed dead | (blind) rage | tears] TW for slight torture, blood, and violence, featuring my friend's D&D OC! I CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT TO POST THIS ON THE DAY I HAD TO POST IT BUT ANYWAY...
Day 10: Oops, I Did it Again (Persona 5) [flare-up | ice chips] Short p5 speculative fic featuring one of my favorite ships! Pegoryu AAAAA
Day 11: Just Keep Swimming [adrift | drowning | dehydration] More pandora's box. Also referencing Kate Bush's song "And Dream of Sheep"!
Day 12: It'll be Fun, They Said (The Sandman) [torture | made to watch | begging] NSFW for explicit scenes and BDSM. TW for (implied) gore and blood. A fic featuring my Corinthian brainrot
Day 13: That's Gonna Leave a Mark (Arknights) [“This is gonna suck” | burns | cauterization] Featuring an OC operator, and Skyfire.
Day 14: Under Pressure [crush injuries | beaten | force] CW for bodily harm. TW for graphic depictions of violence. Featuring my half-elf bard D&D character Oxyll Orobyn!
Day 15: Feed a Cold, Starve a Fever (The Sandman) [delirium | fever dreams | bees] An OC meets Delirium.
Day 16: On a Need to Know Basis [recovery | scars | aftermath] TW for substance abuse. Featuring my OC high elf monk!
Day 17: Field Care 101 [“Please don’t move!” | hemorrhage | dread] Wartime. Featuring my OC Spotty in a war AU!
Day 18: The Doctor is In [“Now smile for the camera” | doctor’s visit] CW for scary descriptions of monsters. Another attempt at a creepypasta!
Day 19: Just a Scratch [bleeding | stabbing] TW for graphic depictions of violence. Featuring my good friend's D&D OC!
Day 20: Lost & Found [trapped under water | solitary confinement] The origin of Pandora..?
Day 21: That's Where the Blood's Supposed to Be [bleeding through the bandages | pressure | blood-matted hair] More of my OC Spotty in a wartime AU. She makes a friend..?
Day 22: They Made Me Do It [cursed | demon | obsession] TW for madness and depictions of drowning. A prequel to pandora's owner.
Day 23: You Break It, You Buy It (Persona 5) [auction | pursuit] A short AU side-story-ish fic featuring the phantom thieves!
Day 24: One Down Two to Go [self-induced injuries to escape | flashback | revenge] TW for graphic depictions of violence, specifically breaking bones. Featuring my girl Anitta!
Day 25: Hide & Seek (Poppy Playtime) [escape | flight | hiding]
Day 26: You Will Go Down With This Ship [fallen | waterfall]
Day 27: I'm Fine. I Prom... [passing out | vertigo | collapse] CW for poisoning/poison gas. Featuring my OC Priscilla in a highschool prom AU
Day 28: It's Not Just in Your Head [“Good. You’re finally awake.” | nightmares | panic] TW for violence and death (massacre). Featuring the backstory of my wood elf druid Vasilisa Morozova and my friend's human artificer Alvard Fenriksen!
Day 29: All Work and No Play [“You’re still not dead?” | too weak to move | overworked] TW for exorcism and torture. The last in the Pandora's box series.
Day 30: Digging Your Grave [major character death | left for dead | ghosts] Featuring my OC Human Hexblade Warlock Priscilla. An epilogue I should have written ages ago.
Day 31: Hurt & Comfort [disaster zone | trauma | prisoner] The final entry in Spotty's adventures in a wartime AU.
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advancewars2 · 5 years
Was tagged by @alkalinerock for a 50 questions thing. These take long as fuck on mobile so I likely went to bed after making this
1. What takes up too much of your time? Not doing health things or active hobbies like learning to draw or music
2. What makes your day better? Any of the above things getting done.
3. What is the best thing that happened to you today? Just hung out with a couple buds, watched anime and some DC movies
4. What fictional place would you like to go? Gonna be real, most fictional places don’t seem too fun when you think about them for more than a minute. Although I guess a village in like stardew valley or animal crossing would be chill even though I’m not huge into those games.
5. Are you good at giving advice? I want to think I am for how much I talk but I have never seen my advice followed or have someone say it worked. I would honestly prefer no one followed my advice.
6. Do you have a mental illness? Don’t know if adhd counts but I got it. I have been off meds for it for years now and can function good in school and work it’s just getting a handle on focusing my free time that is my latest challenge. I really want to get in better shape and manage proper hobbies but it so much easier to get caught in idle watching or scrolling.
7. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? Yes! No demons though
8. What musician inspires you the most? He’s not one of my favorites but I think Childish Gambino. I remember watching his sketches when I was in middle school and he was just on YouTube and then seeing him grow through every medium that I loved into a fully realized artist and actor.
9. Have you ever fallen in love? Negative
10. What’s your dream date? Something that’s just fun for me and the specific person I’m with. Like some people have museum energy, late talk energy, night on the town energy etc. depends
11. What do others notice about you? It may seem weird but a compliment I’ve gotten often is that I smell nice which is reassuring and worrying cause my smell is the thing I’m the most self conscious about. My sense of smell is abysmal, I’ve been in sports and band for most of my life, and I work in a meat room so I have a lot of chances to smell rank as hell.
12. What’s an annoying habit you have? When we kept bottled water around I chewed the plastic caps. I’ve always chewed ice but at least that melts.
13. Do you still talk to your first love? Where she at?
14. How many exes do you have? 0
15. How many songs are in your playlist? I don’t really have a single playlist. Just a bunch of albums but Spotify says like 2000 + songs which I’m sure isn’t accurate cause I remove stuff
16. What instruments can you play? Just trumpet and I don’t feel like I’ve applied myself enough in the time I’ve had it.
17. What do you have the most pictures of? My pets I think
18. Where would you like to go before you die? I don’t really know
19. What’s your zodiac? Virgo
20. Do you relate to it? I don’t think anyone can. They’re so broad in their definition and scope that I’ve read so many things about them that I say “yeah that’s me” until I realize “literally everyone would want to say this about themselves”. We are the most biased in our own favor when we least expect and the scary part is when we are trying to be unbiased we are cruel to ourselves.
21. What is happiness to you? A web of support
22. Are you going through anything right now? Just trying to graduate and general 20 something anxieties
23. What’s the worst decision you’ve ever made? The problem here is I am pretty far beyond a lot of my decisions that I would call bad that changing them now would alter a lot of good things about myself and my life. Regret is not a feeling that stays with me for long unless I hurt someone.
24. What’s your favorite store? Movie and record stores
25. What’s your opinion on abortion? Choice
26. Do you keep a bucket list? Not really
27. Do you have a favorite album? Madvillainy
28. What do you want for your birthday? My friends to come to the cookout I’m having and me being willing to cook for it
29. What are people’s first impressions of you? I don’t have a way of knowing this. Most people’s only first impressions of anyone are “this is just a person” or “I don’t like them”
30. What age do you seem according to most? Older than I am by like 2 years but I still get carded???
31. Where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping? Floor
32. What word do you say the most? Not a clue
33. What’s the oldest age you would date? 30. I’ll say older ages but I don’t think anything meaningful would come from a gap that big
34. What’s the youngest you would date? My age or older.
35. What job or career would you say suits you the most? A thing that bothers me the most is that I’ve done a good job at most jobs I’ve had and would honestly just want something that’ll keep me busy during the day and focus me while also allowing me to live comfortably.
36. What’s your favorite music genre? I feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface of so many of them
37. If you could live in any country in the world, where would it be? Idk. Whole worlds kind of nutty and not knowing a native language scares me (fuck right off England I’m not going). I think I’m fine here.
38. What is your current favorite song? Jesus forgive me, I am a Thot by JPEGMAFIA
39. How long have you had this blog? Like 6 years
40. What are you excited for? To make progress toward getting career ready and really starting my adult life. Wanna try new stuff
41. Are you a better talker or listener? I try to listen but I always worry I’m stepping on peoples talking points or circling the convo back to me so I’ll say I’m a better talker.
42. What was the last productive thing you did? Put gas in my car
43. What do you want for Christmas? My bills paid and maybe a record or a nice hoodie
44. What class do you get the best grades in? After middle school I kind of just slipped into maintaining a steady pace of average in every subject.
45. On a scale of 1-10 how are you feeling rn? 8
46. What can you see yourself doing in 10 years? Maybe living in a new city. Definitely doing something in my field. Maybe I would’ve gotten bold enough to try and really break into entertainment.
47. When did you get your first heartbreak? Have not experienced that yet
48. What age do you want to get married? No clue. I really don’t like formalities and I would hope whoever I end up with feels the same.
49. What career did you want to have as a child? Marine biologist
50. What do you crave right now? Just organic conversation with friends. I’m going back to school soon and some are already moving away for grad school and life.
This was fun. Don’t wanna tag anyone cause this a long but you can say I tagged you and maybe I’ll read yours!
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