#substance tw
plasticroachearrings · 11 months
transformer that turns into a bong
bong that turns into a transformer
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(CW: substances)
Confession about short sightedness even from our overtly long vision system, we never have done any thing anyone could call substances other than prescriptions largely due (and thanks to in some cases) our over the top trauma driven perfectionism and OCD and all
And large parts of the system are very anti substances (on a personal level not for others, we all live by you do you mentality) but since XIVs come back he has major stupid self destructive high chasing impulse issues and has unintentionally gotten us used to the "well it COULD be good" and half jokes on "the good meds"
And since we got the surgery we were prescribed Vicidin and XIV was like "We got the good stuff and can use them legally" and me being used to him and usually the smart one who emphasizes the Joking rather than the Half in Half Joking goes "Yep 👀 We get the good shit"
And for three days without really thinking much on it we've been popping them every 6 hours as prescribed to the T and it wasnt until I was chatting with XIV in the shower that I was like
"Yo wait, we probably shouldnt be taking them if we dont have bad pain, like I know they say to take some pain meds early even if there is no pain to stay on top of it but shouldnt we like... use the non opiods first 😂 cause theyre much less difficult to wean off than a routine opiod 😂 Cause even if we legally can I dont think that removes it technically still being mild abuse and a bad idea"
and he was just like "..... yeah probably."
And the past two days have just been on Ibuprofen or nothing cause we honestly dont have pain so long as we dont over exert ourselves
But a large reason we dont do substances is cause we have an EXTREMELY prone nature to compulsive behavior and addiction so its high risk.
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bpdohwhatajoy · 1 year
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ghostlypawn · 2 years
didn’t think i’d care too much about red line on the first listen but the more i think about it the crazier i get. sure we could just read the song as a faililng relationship but what if the relationship was with their younger self. what if the relationship was between them and substances. how the beginning of fame caused them to turn to such things. 10 years later theyre still those boys on the red line. 10 years later theyre nothing like those boys on the red line. the struggle to be happy and be who they used to be without being high or drunk. the idea of running away from who you used to be and walking out the door (could also be literal as in going out every night to get drunk). we’re not good for eachother. them and substances but also them and the dark (prev songs have themes of painful thoughts creeping in when the sunsets) which would cause them to drink the pain away. just the intense loneliness of this song. not knowing who you are anymore. simply being another person on the train. not even a person just an empty vessel. a vessel filled with nothing but aperol. a secret weapon. how at some point along the way they fell out of love with their passion for the job (~2016) causing them to lose themselves. i think about you i reminisce your memory and what did i choose? a sentimenal comedy. sentimental comedies not actually being comedies but introspective stories about morality and how they CHOSE this type of story and now the joke is not only on them but their younger selves because their story of being lead astray by evil (substances) lead them to tears and not laughs like they expected... just like a sentimental comedy intends. i also think its so poignant that they chose the red line as the song title because crossing the red line is essentially the point of no return. walking that line of safety. am i just waiting for my time to go? feels so.... melancholy? are they just living life to die? are all their coping mechanisms bringing them closer to that red line? do they wish they were those young boys again on the red line before fame? being nobodys with much less external pressure? being nothing more than just empty vessels in a winter coat before they were filled by fame? hearing the whistle for the doors to close feels almost like a wake up call. they have to chose to move on from this idea of not being who they used to be and i think the outro music reflects that. it feels foggy and dissociative at first with no clear sound. a relatively happy melody breaks through like a bright light. we hear the train doors close and they’re finally moving on to live life. 10 years later they’re still those boys on the red line. 10 years later they’re nothing like those boys on the red line. both ideas can co-exist. there’s an acceptance there. and i think its a very nice way to end such an introspective album. it's not a big ending but it feels right.
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borderlinejackiee · 6 months
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mq-writes-ig · 10 months
tw substances
the haziness and heaviness of the warmth in my throat will never not feel comforting to me, i think
i wonder what you would think of me know
doing all the things we never wanted to
am i a failure?
or did life just fail me
and i am simply trying to stay alive?
-aster maybe idk
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uran8ate · 2 years
in Disco Elysium I was expecting there to be some kind of “addiction mechanic” that would add a long-term downside to taking drugs, and was surprised not only by the absence of any such mechanic but also that the benefits of drugs greatly outweighed the cost. anyways fast forward to the late game and I was downing three bottles of pyrholidon and smoking an entire pack of cigarettes before attempting any check, and it was only then I realized there was in fact an addiction mechanic
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lacquerheadd · 22 days
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pov: you ask the good mayor for some chems…
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its-simply-just-krys · 7 months
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anonymous ; found on pinterest
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trishilo · 4 months
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Loser core
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“I’m chronically ill, not drug seeking! I don’t want to be mistaken for an addict trying to get opiates in the emergency room!”
I totally understand not wanting to be mistreated, bullied, and denied treatment, or being misdiagnosed with a disorder you don’t have (in this case, substance use disorder). It shouldn’t happen, period.
The problem is when chronically ill people act like they’re better than addicts just because they themselves are going to the ER for a “real” reason. (If you don’t do that then I’m not talking about you)
Have you considered that the addicts and “drug seekers” shouldn’t be treated that way also? They too are seeking medical treatment for a disorder and/or withdrawal. Everybody deserves adequate treatment, yes, even if they are doing so because they are addicted to a substance.
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[Image ID: White text in a Galaxy background reads If you: Derail my posts; are an “aspie”; run a sh/ed blog; are under 16; are a TERF; think cripplepunk is for mental disabilities; think that autism isn’t a disorder; are pro-transabled, trace, transage, etc; are pro-map or pro-zoo; are a transmed; want to completely demedicalize autism, I will probably block or mock you. End ID]
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chronicallycouchbound · 10 months
People who use drugs deserve love and kindness.
Abstinence is not the only form of recovery. AA/NA doesn’t work for everyone. Sometimes people choose to use instead of meeting other needs, which is valid. Some people use for recreational purposes. Some people use for medicinal purposes. Some people who use have substance abuse disorder. Treatment looks different for everyone. Not everyone needs or wants treatment, for various reasons. The only thing Naloxone enables is breathing. Active use is not shameful. People who use drugs often also deal drugs. People in recovery should not shame active users. Active users deserve love. Active users deserve someone to check in on them, get them safer use supplies, and get them pizza. Active users deserve to be listened to. They deserve better than to have that be the first time anyone ever treated them as human since they began using.
Let’s care for each other.
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borderlinejackiee · 6 months
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mq-writes-ig · 11 months
Pisces Moon
Flower Face
tw - substance, implied ed
this song feels like drinking wine on my bedroom floor and realising i’m sick. wanting to reinvent myself but knowing there’s only so many versions of myself i can wear until they all taste of ash and emptiness on my tongue. until i realise i will never be loved because they will either love the sickness in me and never want me to get better or they will always be afraid of the sickness in me and will never hold me in fear of my ribs and spine under their hands.
i will love both of these people
i will love a thousand different versions of them until i am exhausted with being ‘loved, but not quite’.
-aster maybe?
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scpwiki-official · 2 years
god we need a drink after that week 
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d3pr3ss3dg0th · 3 months
If you're a vent blog and you struggle with mdd, gad, bpd, npd, ocd, ptsd, schizophrenia, have an ed or struggle with sh or substance a*use, please reblog this post if you're okay with making friends and if you're okay with people messaging you 🖤
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