#my stuffed nose ain't helping either
tinypigeonlord · 11 months
taking a shower while you're sick and your skin is all prickly and sore has to be one of the worst tortures
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vollmond-laboratory · 7 months
In Love with this Noche of Imprisonment — Part 1
(Northern Tundra)
[Flashback starts]
Bradley: “You’re pretty damn persistent, Mia.”
Bradley: “Y’here to try and kill me again?”
Mia: “What if I am, huh?”
Mia: “You’re my prey, trash. This’ll be the day you take your last breath.”
Bradley: “Jeez, calm down for a minute, would’ja? Look here. I’ve brought you somethin’ good today.”
Bradley: “Somethin’ you’ll wanna eat almost as much as my mana.”
Mia: “What?”
Bradley: “Lookie here.”
Mia: “…Are you mocking me right now?”
Mia: “You must think I’m an idiot, trying to gift me the mere fruit of some common tree.”
Bradley: “Hey now, don’t jump to conclusions. My chef told me spoils like these are damn near unobtainable.”
Bradley: “It ain’t exactly easy to come by fancy sweets up here in the North, and these don’t taste half bad.”
Bradley: “Y’like sweet things, don’tcha?”
Mia: “…!”
Mia: “…”
Mia: “…I do like them.”
Bradley: “Glad t’hear it. We found it mixed in with some shit we stole a while back, but me n’my men don’t have any use for somethin’ so cutesy.”
Bradley: “If I’m rememberin’ right, it’s name is—”
[Flashback ends]
Mia: “…Bradley…”
Mia: “How long has it been since you were separated from these Northern lands…”
Mia: “…Ugh. Dammit, I’m furious… Just remembering it makes me so mad I want to scream.”
Mia: “…Ahh…”
Mia: “Bradley… If only I could see you again, just once more…”
Mia: “When that time comes, I’ll finally be able to—”
Bradley: “Achoo!”
Mia: “…!”
Bradley: “Tch, got sent flyin’ again… This fuckin’ injury…”
Bradley: “…Huh?”
Bradley: “Wait, ain't that…”
(Manor Dining Room)
Akira: “…Not here today either, huh…”
Looking around at everyone eating their breakfast that morning with Sakitty, I let my shoulders slump with a dejected sigh.
I could see Rustica gracefully drinking some tea…
Mithra stuffing his cheeks full of meat…
And even Mitile sipping at some delicious-looking corn soup — but still not the person I was actually looking for.
Mitile: “Are you looking for someone, Master?”
Akira: “Mitile…”
Akira: “To be honest, yes… Nobody’s seen Bradley around lately, and I’m starting to get worried.”
Akira: “It doesn’t seem like he’s out on a mission or anything, so I was hoping to see him show up today…”
Mitile: “Ah, I thought so! I’ve been worrying about it too.”
Mitile: “I’ve been up to his room a few times now, but he clearly hasn’t been there for ages… I was wondering if something might have happened.”
Mitile: “…He gave me some advice on my magic I forgot to thank him for the other day, so I was hoping to see him soon…”
Akira: (Diligently wanting to convey how he feels even though the moment has already passed… That’s really nice of you, Mitile.)
Mitile: “At first I thought maybe he’d sneezed himself somewhere far away again. But there’s no way he could’ve gone that far, right…”
Mitile: “What about you, Mister Rustica? Have you seen Mister Bradley around lately?”
Rustica: “No… I haven’t, regrettably.”
Rustica: “How about you, Mithra? Have you come face to face with Bradley recently?”
Mithra: “Now that you mention it, no, I have not. His presence has been gone from the manor for some time now.”
Akira: “So it’s true, huh…”
Akira: (I know that Bradley’s a powerful wizard, but still… I can’t help worrying when it’s been this long since anyone last heard from him.)
Akira: (There has to be some way we can find him, right…? Maybe I should ask Snow and everyone else for advice.)
Suddenly, a sweet and gentle scent tickled at my nose.
When I lifted my downtrodden gaze, Nero was there offering me a gently-steaming cup.
Nero: “Here, Sage. Why don’tcha drink this hot milk and take a breather for a while, yeah?”
Akira: “Nero…! Thank you…”
Nero: “Don’t mention it.”
Nero: “Uh, y’know… I’m sure that guy you were talking about just now is doing fine. He ain’t the sorta person who kicks the bucket that easily.”
Nero: “Could be worse, yeah? At least this time we can say he probably ain’t boiling to death in a pit of magma, or something like that.”
Nero glanced furtively over at Mithra as he spoke.
Then placed the plate of freshly-cooked meat in his other hand down in front of Mithra.
Mithra: “Oh, has something like that happened before? Whoever you are talking about must be having a hard time too, hm.”
Talking as if it had nothing to do with him, Mithra swiftly devoured his food. Somehow, despite his haphazard way of eating, he still managed to look like he’d be perfect for a picture.
Mitile: “Jeez…! It’s your fault that Mister Bradley is missing, isn’t it, Mister Mithra?”
Mitile: “He probably crashed through one of your doors in space while you were fighting a magical beast or something!”
Rustica: “Is that so? As expected of someone like you, Mithra. Always so magnificent.”
Mithra: “Is that so, indeed. I must say, I do not remember anything of the like occurring recently.”
Akira: (He really has no idea, huh…)
Nero: “…I understand why y’might be worried, and y’don’t have to try and force yourself to put it outta your mind or anything like that, but…”
Nero: “Y’gotta at least have something warm to drink to take the edge off once in a while, or you’ll end up wearing yourself out.”
Mitile: “That’s right… You’re always thinking about other people first, Master Sage.”
Mitile: “And anyway, Mister Bradley has always been fine no matter where he’s sneezed himself off to before. I’m sure he’ll come home unhurt this time too!”
Akira: “Nero… Mitile…”
Akira: “You’re right. This is Bradley we’re talking about, he’s probably doing just fine!”
As I spoke, I could feel some of my worry disappearing. Just as I thought about taking a seat to drink the hot milk I had in my hand—
Rustica: “If you’re looking for a distraction, Master Sage, why don’t you take a seat beside me?”
Smiling, Rustica pulled out the chair next to him. When I sat down there gratefully, his smile widened.
Rustica: “Oh, our kind and gentle Master Sage. I can only wonder how much distress and anxiety you must be carrying within your heart for our friend who has yet to return home.”
Rustica: “I hope this gift will help to clear away some of those clouds within you.”
Rustica: “«Amorest Viesse».”
After Rustica recited his spell, a small box appeared in my hand with a twinkle of light.
Inside the box were some beautiful looking truffle chocolates.
They were a gorgeous dark brown colour, adorned with something like pink topaz sculpted into the shape of a snowflake — or a magnificently blooming six-petalled flower.
Akira: “Wow…! This chocolate is so stylish!”
Mitile: “You’re right! They seem more like gemstones in a treasure chest than chocolate. I’d want to put them on display somewhere just so I could look at them all the time.”
Nero: “Hold on, there ain’t no way…”
Nero: “Issat Benedetta fruit?”
Rustica: “As expected of someone like you, Nero. You must already know all about the ‘fruit from the Tree of Victory’.”
Rustica: “Unfortunately, however, this is nothing more than an imitation — merely chocolate that resembles the fruit’s appearance.”
Rustica: “Please, forgive me for being unable to truly satisfy you.”
Nero: “Nah, it’s my bad for getting all flustered like that.”
Nero: “I was just thinking there’s no way an actual, real-life Benedetta fruit could be here with us right now, y’know?”
Mitile: “…Um, are Benedetta fruits really that rare? I’ve never heard about them before…”
Mitile: “That thing Mister Rustica said about them being from a ‘Tree of Victory’ is kind of cool, too…!”
Mitile: “Does eating the fruit make you stronger, maybe?”
Nero: “Haha… It ain’t anything as cool as that, sorry. It’s just some fruit off a tree.”
Rustica: “The nickname ‘fruit from the Tree of Victory’ comes from the guardian who once protected the Benedetta tree.”
Akira: “Eh? There’s a tree out there lucky enough to have its own guardian?”
Nero: “Yeah. If I’m remembering right, some kinda monster made the area around that tree its territory a long time ago. The sap it gives off is its favourite food.”
Nero: “Even if y’happen to run into some just laying on the ground, y’can’t try picking ‘em up ‘cause you’ll just end up getting attacked.”
Nero: “Besides, the Benedetta tree is a real rare species. It only grows up in Northern Country, so it ain’t exactly easy to find.”
Rustica: “Which is precisely why both the taste of the fruit and the process of acquiring it have so stubbornly remained in the minds of all that have tried.”
Rustica: “And so the nickname gradually spread. The fruit of the Tree of Victory, which only those who have defeated a terrifying monster may eat… You see.”
Mithra: “…Nom. Hmm. It appears to be nothing more than some sickly-sweet confectionary, however.”
Mitile: “Ahh, Mister Mithra! That wasn’t the fruit, it was chocolate…!”
Rustica: “Ahaha. I think it’s about time we all have an after-meal dessert too, hm?”
Rustica: “We’re all waiting eagerly for Bradley to return. So long as we keep our conversation going, the time between now and then will surely fly by.”
Akira: “You’re right…! Thank you, Rustica. I’ll eat this together with the milk Nero gave me.”
Indulging in the warmth of both Rustica and Nero’s care, I carefully picked up one of the glossy, shining chocolates. Right as I was about to bite into it, though…
Figaro (offscreen): “—Therefore, I’m afraid I’ll have to decline.”
Snow (offscreen): “You’re such a meanie, Figgypoo! Ozzy is already out on a subjugation mission, there’s no one else left I can turn to!”
Mitile: “Those voices… Is that Doctor Figaro and Lord Snow?”
Nero: “Sounds like they’re having some kinda spat.”
The two of them were clearly arguing as they walked into the dining room together. It seemed as if Snow had something he needed from Figaro.
Akira: “Good morning, you two. Is something going on?”
Snow: “Ah, Sage. You, at least, will listen to me, yes?”
Snow held a piece of paper out towards me.
Snow: “‘Tis a subjugation request. According to this, there is a monster rampaging among the snowfields further north than the City of Ice.”
Snow: “Its appearance is that of a gigantic snake, and its power is of considerable concern — or so I have heard. As such, the plan was for us Northern wizards to deal with the matter.”
Snow: “But, alas, I have seen neither hide nor hair from Bradley as of late. And so I am asking Figaro to fill in for him in his absence.”
Mithra: “So that is how it is, hm. Well, good luck with all of that, substitute Bradley.”
Figaro: “Hold on a sec, I haven’t agreed to anything yet — and you’ll be the key player there, Mithra, not me.”
Mitile: “Um… But, even without Mister Bradley there, Mister Mithra and Mister Owen are both incredibly strong, right?”
Mitile: “Even a horrible monster like that is no match for them combined.”
Mitile: “So why bring Doctor Figaro along at all? …He’s only a Southern wizard, isn’t he?”
Snow: “Ah, well, both Mithy and Wenny are terribly naughty children, you see.”
Snow: “If either of them were to realise someone who should be working isn’t, they would claim the circumstances to be unfair and vanish on us as well…”
Snow: “Even if we could get them to stay, ‘twould only be a matter of time until they decide to waste their energy fighting each other instead, neglecting the monster they were supposed to be dealing with in the first place. The fallout of such an event would almost certainly impact the City of Ice, too.”
Snow: “‘Tis situations such as those where having your dear Doctor around would be wonderfully beneficial to us, considering his social aptitude. Simply speaking: we want to take it easy!”
Figaro: “…So that’s how I ended up getting asked to help out, kind of. You’re really putting poor Doctor Figaro on the spot like this.”
Mithra: “You know, I suddenly find myself feeling as if I do not particularly want to go after all.”
Mitile: “I–I see…? So in other words, um… You’ll be supporting Misters Snow and White?”
Snow: “Yes, exactly! Normally we rely on dear Braddykins for that sort of thing, as he’s usually rather good at it.”
Snow: “Good grief. Where in the world could that boy have possibly disappeared off to for so long? I shall have Oz search for him when he returns, I think.”
At that moment, a sound suddenly reverberated through the dining room.
Rustica: “Oh? It sounds as though there’s someone knocking on the windowpane.”
Mitile: “Did something hit the window, maybe…? …I’ll go take a look.”
Mitile: “...This is…”
When Mitile turned around, what he had in his hand was a small cork, like the kind used to seal bottles of alcohol.
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theswaggyrat · 2 years
Savored Serenity
my once a year post <3 the ending is a lil rushed but will be fixed soon !!
Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader // The Walking Dead cw ~ pining // s7 spoilers // subtle angst // fluff // unedited tw ~ mentions of the zombie apocalypse ofc // vulgar language plot - you hadn't had a moment alone with daryl after his escape from the savior's main base. finally, the two of you are given a bit of space a few days later at the kingdom.
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Dust-stained air trickled into the small room where Daryl had been cooped up for the last couple of days; it was against every ideal the man had built for himself, but Rick refused to have it any other way. So Daryl took his ego and stuffed it down his throat to respect his leader's wishes.
"It's got to be you," Rick stated sternly, hands pressed against his hips as he gazed at his friend. "Morgan won't do it, and we both know Ezekiel won't hear through anyone else." His head shook softly and he pressed his lips together tightly.
"To hell with tha'," Daryl scoffed. He waved Rick off, falling against the comfort of his bed. "Ain't my job, shouldn' be my job." He tore his eyes away from Rick, staring at the wall behind his friend mindlessly. "I should be home. Ain't doin' shit here," he muttered, running a hand across his face.
"That's not true," you rebutted, arms folded over your chest as you stood off to the side. "You gotta be here. That's unchangeable and you know it." Daryl offered you no attention as he continued to watch the wall.
Rick squinted bitterly at the man, fixing his posture and straightening up. "You could be doing stuff. Get them on our side," he drawled. "That would be the most help we could have from anyone." Rick motioned, pointing around the room as if mentioning the many different possible recruits. He lingered awhile longer, waiting for an answer, before he eventually nodded his head and ambled his way outside.
Silence occupied the room not long after the door came to a complete stop, its echo quieting to nothingness. The only sounds were your soft breaths — er, and Daryl's ragged pants. He always had a weird way of expressing his discomfort; you emitted a quiet chuckle as you listened to him. Daryl's eyes flit to your figure at the sound of your laughter, and he synched his brows together grumpily.
"Somethin' you wanna say?" He prodded, interlacing his hands atop his tattered jeans. Your e/c orbs peered down at the man and your lips parted into a cheeky smile. Unfolding your arms, you strolled over to his bed and took a seat beside him, sinking into the mattress. His ashy, dirt-ridden scent filled the space in only seconds, reminding you of just how much you missed him; and how much you longed for him.
That smile suddenly downturned along with your eyebrows, creasing inwards as you engulfed him in a strong hug. Your arms shook something fierce as you finally pressed against him. The first time he had returned, you took your time hugging him — but it wasn't the same. People were waiting and things needed to be done. You had to be patient.
"Missed you."
Daryl grunted as he snaked his arms around your body, allowing his head to loll against your shoulder. "Me too. Tha' place was a livin' hell hole," he grumbled. You hummed softly, pressing your nose into the fabric of his shirt. His hair tickled your cheeks. "Don't like it here either."
You sighed, releasing yourself from his grasp as you spoke, "it's not our choice. We can't bring-"
His voice cut you off with a simple huff and he shook his head. "It ain't jus' that." He brought a hand to his stubble, which had grown since you had last seen him, and scratched it gingerly.
"Then what else?" You asked, cocking your head as you watched him swallow thickly. The breeze blew into the room with a quiet holler, prickling your skin with goosebumps.
"Mm, 's a lot else, tha's what," he quipped, a bereft sigh leaving the rough of his lips. You bit your tongue to keep yourself from dumbly remarking a statement that'd bring an unease to the conversation. Daryl looked more than tired, his eyes swollen with red and his eyebags sunken with a deprivation of energy; his bent posture was nothing less than normal, yet the slouch he gave made him seem wearier to the naked eye.
Shuffling about, you kicked off your mud-riddled boots and brought your knees into the comfort of the bed. Daryl eyed you curiously, not having the strength to question your actions. You continued, stretching your arms toward the ceiling as you laid back, hitting the bed with a soft thud. The mattress was oddly comfortable enough for a community so large. You didn't complain, indulging in the way it eased the tension in your muscles. A sigh escaped the parting of your lips, one that teased Daryl's ears to no end.
You gestured to the opposite side of the bed with your head. "Lay with me," you adjured. The sides of Daryl's eyes crinkled and he reluctantly listened, repeating your movements before laying beside you. Within mere moments, you found peace and safety beside the warmth radiating off of his skin; following the peace came a flood of confidence, expressed in the way that you reached for his hand. Daryl tensed momentarily, the touch of your skin unexpected. When you intertwined your fingers with his large, clammy, calloused ones, he relaxed. "Tired?"
"Mmh," he answered, his voice a soft sort of gruff.
The feeling of his skin against your own struck you with sudden waves of emotion, causing you to wince. Daryl's head turned to yours at once, a frown settling upon his dreary features. "y/n? wha's the matter?"
"I don't- I can't think of it," you whispered, crinkling the bridge of your nose up. "But I can't not think of it. If you were with the Saviors any longer, Daryl. God, you're strong, I know. Doesn't mean you'll be saved." Your eyes glossed over, and Daryl was quick to wipe any tears led astray with his free hand. "It's stupid to think this way, but I can't help it."
Daryl turned his body toward you, squeezing your hand. He was no good at comforting anyone, especially you, but offered an audience instead. "Nah, 's not stupid," he stated simply. You found his hand near your cheek and pressed it down, turning yourself to gaze at his deep blue eyes.
"I was just scared," you mumbled. The man's lips curved into a soft smile, one you had not seen in quite some time, and he scooted himself closer. The hand on your cheek caressed it tenderly, soothing you of your fears.
Instinctively, you leaned forward. Chapped lips met your own, pressing against your lips gently. Then deeper, applying enough pressure to cause the blood to swell; and if not the blood, then it must be your heart at least, skipping about as you sighed gratefully. His taste burned your lips. You yearned for more. His hand squeezed your own once again before he pulled away, his chest heaving greatly.
Daryl brushed a few stray wisps of hair from your face with the back of his hand, revealing the beauty he had been waiting for. "Couldn't have ya or see ya," he admitted breathlessly. With dilated pupils, you shook your head as if you hadn't heard him properly. "Can't do tha' here either. Missed ya too."
Your eyes fluttered shut as you drew closer to Daryl, pressing your temple against his. "Then hold me and get a good night's rest, D. You need it." And that's exactly what he did, draping his arm over you; indulging in your fragrance and touch; closing his eyes and relaxing beside you.
Massaging his hand with the pad of your thumb, you whispered with one last breath of assurance, "I'll be here when you wake up."
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Dress You Up In My Love (Darren Treacy x Jeanie Turner)
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: angst, smut, language, cross dressing kink
A/N: Darren needs just one night to hide after pulling a hit on Dublin's biggest drug lord. He turns to secondary family where he finds out something surprising about himself and unfinished business from his cousin's wedding. (Takes place in series two between episodes 5 and 6. There ARE spoilers for series two of Love/Hate.)
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A frantic knocking sprung Jeanie out of sleep that she didn't remember falling into. She hurriedly pulled on the hotel bathrobe and shouted at the door she was coming. A glance at the clock told her it was 8pm. Still plenty of time for him to come by.
Jeanie opened the door and gasped. “Dazz?! What's going on?”
“Is Gordo here?” The man shifted from foot to foot outside the doorway. He had a motorcycle helmet in his hands and a wild look behind bright green eyes.
“No. He's been up at Trinity in that fucking lab all day. I've not seen him.”
“I need a place t’crash for a few days,” he half-begged, half informed Jeanie as he pushed past into the suite. “Crikey this is posh. If I knew Gordo was gonna grow up t’have this kinda cash, I wouldn't have poked fun at the specs n shite.”
“Darren is there something I can help you with? As we've not seen you in four years?” Jeanie crossed her arms over her chest.
“I.. Did something. Just need a place t’lay low. Figured my cousin was th’last place anyone would look.” There was a shrug in his voice.
“Why not Rosie?”
Darren started to shed his jacket then ran a hand through his shaggy hair, “Best not involve her either. Not exactly talking these days.” He held his jacket out to Jeanie.
“Fuck off with that!” she swatted the jacket away.
“Oi! Just hold it while I take off the rest.”
“Rest of what? Your clothes? Hi Darren. Haven't seen you since the wedding. You've grown up. Sorry about Robbie and your mum. Thank you, Jeanie. How have you been? How's Scotland? Just lovely. Don't see Gordon for days and he's had TWO affairs.”
“Fair point, darlin,” Darren stepped out of his boots and unzipped his sweatshirt. “The Treacy side ain't exactly one t’write home about. Are we, yeah? ‘Cept Mary.”
Jeanie took the leather jacket and pinched her nose. Eyes closed. Something sticky about it made her recoil. Eyes popped open. She held her hand up; it was speckled brownish red.
“Dazz is this blood?!”
“Best you don't know. Can I shower?”
“I don't know, can- JESUS DARREN PUT SOME FUCKING CLOTHES ON” Jeanie covered her eyes.
“I'M IN UNDERWEAR!” he shouted back, laughter in his voice. “Alright, Ginge. Haven't ye ever seen a grown man in his underwear? You just need to get rid of those anyway ye can. Please?”
“Well you certainly aren't 16 anymore.”
“I was 18 when ye’s got married. Don’t ye remember?” his eyebrow arched suggestively.
“I would say I tried to forget, but when I'm stuck alone at night, or in a hotel for days at a time, I don't feel bad. It really was foreshadowing for the rest of our marriage.”
“Gordo’s cousin trying t’shag his new wife th’night he got married? Almost got that tossover. Pride myself on that.”
“I was hammered and you have very hypnotic eyes. Like Kaa in the Jungle Book”
Darren frowned, his brows knit together in confusion. His lower lip turned out as he struggled to comprehend that as compliment or insult.
Jeanie couldn't help but stare now. A proper look. Darren's body hadn’t changed much since she last saw him. Still thin, muscles a bit more defined. Scars littered his chest and stomach as he exhaled deeply. It was labored.
“Are those from a gunshot?” Jeanie looked minorly distressed.
Darren absently ran his fingers over the old wounds. “Aye. Working on one lung and I'm a bit barmy now.” Like it was no big deal.
Jeanie sighed heavily, but stopped to gather up his clothes. “I'll take a walk, and ditch these. Against my better judgment. Clean clothes are in our bags. You're about his size I suppose.” She rummaged around in the closet by the front door for a garment bag.
“You're a fucking beauty!” Darren snatched his cousin’s wife up in his arms. He pecked her cheek awkwardly.
“Towels are in the bathroom,” Jeanie grappled with what just happened. “I'll be back in half an hour. I hope whatever you did is fucking worth it. Dazz.”
“Trust me, love. No ones gonna miss him.”
Jeanie sloshed out of the canal bed glad she packed her Wellingtons for the unpredictable Irish weather. Grateful too for the stones she found along the water side. She had put the hotel pub news bulletin out of her mind warning of a gangland hit on a local known drug lord. One that showed up to her wedding on the arm of Darren and Gordon’s aunt.
“I hope Darren shot you right in the fucking face, and you knew it was him.” Jeanie muttered as she watched the clothes sink after she pushed the bag under the surface.
Maybe it was hypocritical she was relieved JohnBoy was dead. Dazz wasn't the only one who tried to fuck her that night, but he was the only one she welcomed. Maybe, Jeanie owed Darren a bit of physical gratitude.
Jeanie shut the door behind herself and popped her boots off in the closet. She changed quickly in the bathroom.
“You hungry or anything? I hope you found clothes that-”
Jeanie stopped in her tracks when she came around the wall that divided the suite foyer from the bedroom. Darren with his back to the full length mirror, was twisted so that he could look at himself. He seemed to be staring at his own ass.
“What are you doing?!” Jeanie was surprised, but amused more than anything.
“Oh! What kinda fookin underwear does Gordo have?” Darren's cheeks were just a hint of pink as he caught Jeanie’s eye. “T’ere’s no place for my cock when I piss, but they feel nice? Like t’ere comfortably snug?” He caressed his ass for emphasis.
“Well, those are mine. Not Gordon’s boxer briefs. So that answers the cock question. And they look snug because you have.” Jeanie's eyes strayed down over the bulge that had grown inside the boy shorts. “Well you must REALLY like them.”
Darren's eyes were wide, but he didn't seem embarrassed. Not really. His gaze followed Jeanie's downwards to his erection. “Yeah looks t’at way, doesn't it. I promise ye, I've never done t’is before.”
“Who cares if you have. Women wear boxers all the time. Back home, when I was in uh, what's it here? 1st through 4th year, all we wore was boxers as regular shorts. If you like them, Dazz, you could try some more?”
Jeanie had sat down on the bed. One knee crossed over the other with her hands clasped together. She bit her lip while her heart drummed loud in her ears. A pleasurable discomfort as she began to throb at the sight of Darren in her panties. The anticipation of him getting into a sexier pair. Letting her feel them. It had been so long.
“I mean, I'm not going anywhere t’ night. I’m not dressing in full drag though,” he insisted.
Jeanie stood and rifled through the suitcase. “I didn't think you wanted to. My regular clothes wouldn't fit you anyways.” She bit her fingernail and debated between a deep purple and cobalt blue. “I'm built like an hourglass and you,” she laid her choices on the white duvet, “are built like a baby giraffe.”
Darren rolled his eyes but joined Jeanie at the bedside. He gravitated towards the purple ones. Mostly lace with a bit of satin, they would look absolutely obscene on him. In the best possible way.
“Ye were wearing these t’at night,” Darren was full of nostalgia.
“I didn't know your side of the family could be sentimental besides Mare,” Jeanie giggled. She couldn't help it. “I definitely married the wrong cousin. Sometimes, I wish I could legally kill him,” there was an uneasy humor in her voice.
“I mean, I would do it for ye.” Darren didn't even hesitate.
“Um..” Jeanie's face matched her hair.
Darren burst into laughter, “Ease up, darlin’. I'm fuckin with ye.”
Jeanie wasn't certain about that but she played along. His smile both unnerved her and turned her on. The way he studied her and then the panties with a curiosity and delight.
“Why don't you put those on, and I put on the bra. Then.. we can make a full set.” There was innuendo in Jeanie's suggestion.
“We can't.”
“We CAN. The right sentiment is whether or not we SHOULD.”
“Should I really put these on?”
“Would you really kill someone you care about?” It was a strange reciprocation.
“If I cared about Gordo, I would not have tried t’fuck his wife the night he got married.”
Jeanie licked her lips, flames curled around her ears and cheeks. “Put them on. Anything I can do to make you more comfortable? Liquor?” She reached inside her shirt and produced a small bag that she swung back and forth, “Cocaine from your jeans?”
Darren reached for it but she was quicker. Stuffing it back in her bra, she swatted his hand away. “How about you.. don't do stimulating narcotics with a PTSD chaser?”
“It keeps me awake so I don't have nightmares. Just go so I can put t’ese on!”
Jeanie planted herself on the bed after taking her shirt off. She leaned back on her elbows, legs crossed. “I'm not going anywhere.”
“Fine! But close your eyes, so we can both be surprised. Wait, why’d ye take your shirt off?”
“Won't this make you more comfortable?” She pushed her chest forward a bit.
Darren’s eyes darted down to Jeanie's tits where they lingered longer than she expected. “Alright, sweetheart.”
Jeanie could listen to him talk for hours. Still she squeezed her eyes shut with a dramatic flare. “Go on then. I can't bloody wait.”
There was some shuffling around as Jeanie sat without peeking. Her heart raced in anticipation as she realized Darren had tossed what he was wearing at her feet.
A few minutes went by, and she lost patience, “Can I look? You've gotta have them on by now.”
“Fine, but don't laugh! I can't seem to get my junk in these.”
Jeanie opened her eyes and her mouth, “Fuck me, Dazz. Those are..” She stood up and made her way over to him from behind as he faced the mirror. Completely unable to stop herself. “You look delicious.” A word no one has ever used to describe either of them.
Jeanie’s hands on Darren's thin hips. They ran back and down over the sheer and lace over his ass. There was a playful squeeze before changing direction and flattening her hands on his. Downwards and into the indentation of his abs. Then she stopped to trace her fingertips over the angry red scars. Jeanie ran her fingers over them as if she wanted to memorize them.
Darren’s stomach convulsed a bit under her touch. “Jaysus,” he muttered under his breath. Eyes shut as Jeanie watched him in the mirror.
“Let me take care of you. Just one night,” she kissed between his shoulder blades. “You certainly deserve it after what you did today.”
“What did I do t’day?” Darren challenged Jeanie with his question. His hands covered hers, but not to push her away. To guide them down further over his erection.
Jeanie playfully squeezed again. The man in front of her let out a sound between a gasp and a moan when she began to rub the satin barely containing his cock. Her open palm gained friction as she worked faster. Where a man might find a woman's clit between her legs under the fabric, Jeanie moved her palm over Darren's balls.
“Eradicated part of Dublin’s largest pest population,” each word punctuated by her hand moving faster. Jerking him off without ever touching more than the underwear.
“I hope..” Darren's breath hitched and grew heavy. “Someone else..” his hips started to twist. “Ro-”
“I don't think we should talk about her right now, do you?” Jeanie cut him off. She finally let herself reach inside of the panties to properly take his cock in her grip.
Her thumb played with the head, slick with precum. Fingers wrapped around the shaft and stroked the length down and back up. She wasn't used to doing it from this angle but found it even sexier. The power she felt surge being the one in control. How wet she was inside her OWN panties.
Darren's head hung back as he lost himself in the ecstasy of what his cousin’s wife was doing. He didn't care that she was married. To a man who neglected her, ignored her.
Nidge. Tommy. His own sister. His cousin. They fucked around all the time. He and Rosie, that almost got her killed and they weren't even shagging. He knew he'd be livid if he caught her cheating. not violent mind you, but pissed. Just like if Siobhan or Trish did it. Or even Gordon. Everyone was a hypocrite.
Yet here was Darren. His cousin’s wife wanking him off while he wore her knickers. And he didn't give a fuck for once. His dick hadn’t been this hard in ages. That day he and Rosie had sex felt so long ago. They didn't do it much if at all since then.
Maybe this wasn't right, but Darren couldn't care anymore. He stood three feet above a malicious drug lord reduced to a cowering pussy and killed him. It was the same feeling as Jeanie's fingers as they twisted and kneaded his cock. Euphoric.
“If we don't take this to the bed. only one of us is gonna get a happy ending.”
Darren turned quickly. Faster than Jeanie could focus on. Their mouths finally crashed together as he gripped a handful of her. He shoved his tongue in her mouth and hands in her the pockets of the jeans she still wore. He dug his fingers into the thick of her ass as they stumbled back towards the bed.
Jeanie's hands labored in an effort to unbutton and unzip her pants around Darren's body as it thrust into her. She didn't want to stop the war their tongues waged as she struggled to tug the denim over her hips, but there was air as her husband’s cousin intervened. They laughed as he yanked them down to the floor and he went with them.
Darren looked up at Jeanie, who now sat on the edge of the bed, as he knelt on the floor by her feet. He helped each ankle as she lifted them out and literally kissed the tops of her feet as she drew them up on the comforter.
“That was romantic,” her voice thick and barely above a whisper. No hint of her usual sarcasm or humor, only some embarrassment. Her cheeks were pink.
“I've wanted t’fuck ye since we met. And I want ye to remember this for a long time.”
Darren stood up and hooked his fingers in the elastic of the underwear of hers that he was wearing. Jeanie covered his hands and leaned forward to kiss his stomach and his scars. Using her tongue this time to trace over them like she had her fingers.
“Leave them on? I'll never forget it if you let me fuck you wearing those.” Her fingers tangled up in the lace. Tips of her nails just brushed his cock through it.
Darren smiled in a way Jeanie wasn't sure he was capable of doing anymore. Right now, in this moment as his eyes changed from darkness to almost emerald, she knew he let himself forget. That's all she wanted. One night for both of them to forget.
“Can't say I've ever had sex like t’is,” excitement in his voice. “I'm right curious t’see how ye manage.”
“You lay down, and I'll play it by ear. This is definitely a new one for me too.”
They switched places. Darren laid down on the bed, head on the pillows. Jeanie unhooked her bra and slipped out of her own panties. She stood naked and exposed in the lamplight. Her heart raced when she realized he couldn't keep his eyes off of her. They traveled over her breasts and stomach and further still as she crawled on the bed beside Darren and straddled him.
“Fuck me,” it was a response. And a suggestion he made simultaneously. His hands spread out over her back and caught up in her long red hair.
Jeanie raised a bit up on her knees to situate herself. She lowered her body so that the outline of Darren's cock beneath the satin and lace was between the folds of her naked sex. Her hands anchored on his chest as she started to ride him.
“Jaysus your so fucking wet already,” Darren breathed and ran his hands up and down Jeanie's body. Over her shoulders and to her ass where they settled on her hips.
“It's you in my bloody knickers,” her voice wavered as she started to rock harder back and forth.
It was like a pleasurable rug burn on her cunt, as Jeanie closed her eyes and twisted her hips just a bit. She rode the length of Darren’s hardened cock completely from bottom to top and kept gaining speed each time. His strong hands buried in her waist helped her pump over and over. Then he angled himself underneath her so that the tip could hit her clit just right as she moved down.
Jeanie rode harder and faster. The satin and her cunt on fire as Darren's cock started its familiar twitch. She clawed at him without caring if someone else saw the marks on his chest. That explosion was building deep in her walls as they throbbed and ached for him to be entirely inside of her.
Instead Darren slid a thumb into her cunt. It replaced his cock as Jeanie started to lose control. Circled and fucked as she fucking him.
She clutched his wrist, “Harder. Rub my clit harder. Like that.”
He obliged all too eagerly. Especially when moments later she cried out unexpectedly. Her body rolled into an orgasm. He never let up with his thumb or his own hips as they bucked up into Jeanie as she came.
“Let me fuck you properly,” Darren begged as her cunt constricted around his hand. His thumb, the knickers and Jeanie's body slicker than before they started.
Then Darren's mobile rang. Darren's mobile was always ringing.
Tag list: @joz-stankovich @robertsheehanownsmyass @badsext @slutforrobbiebro @badsext @sean-falco
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prismatic-aconite · 6 years
Pizza And a Movie 
Kicking the door open is Lupita, who is covered in goopy bits that suggest she'd been crawling about in a dumpster. Because of course she has been.  She stops just inside the door to scrape her feet on the door mat; oddly, hasn't been wearing her boots lately. But at least she wipes her feet before walking into the house, and  then the kitchen broadcasting Big Dick Attitude (as it were) and all kinds of confidence. She bellows, "Aeeeethra, I'm hooo-oooome! Where's my pizzas yo?"
Aethra siiiighs. "I was waiting to order them til I knew what you wanted... But I can guess. 'Meat meat and more meat' right? Also. You smell. You should go change clothes and wash up. Not... Like specific a bath just wipe the grime off and make yourself smell less." She's making that faaaace. The 'I am concerned for you' face.
Lupita rolls her eyes. "It's always bath bath bath." She says, shaking her head, before she nods. "All the meats ever. And like maybe one or two 'everything'." She says, pausing to stop in front of the fridge. She pulls it open, pulls out a two-liter of faygo, pops it open and just stands there chugging it. Seriously, like, until it's gone all in one go. She pauses, thumps her chest with a fist, and then lets out a belch.  Then she sets the bottle on the counter, and looks at herself, shrugging. "I guess I'll go change." She turns to head for her room, "Back in a sec, sis," She purrls, as she walks off, scratching at her horns.
"It's either bath or no cuddles cus you smell, yes!" Ae calls after her, and sighs. She busies herself with ordering the pizzas that Lu wants. And a couple with anchovies for herself. If Lu wanted to swipe some fish pizza she'd let that sooner than have her eat all the hakarl.
Well okay it takes roughly 20 minutes, but Lupita does soon walk out, in a pair of boxers probably stolen from Corbin, a baggy t-shirt, and trying to shake water from her hair with her hands, a slight swagger to her steps.  Either way, she wanders into the kitchen looking for Aethra, pausing to lean against the counter, and pick at some grapes left in a bowl.  "Aeeeeee, I need cuddles now pleeeease," she whines after a moment.
Ae blinks when Lu comes out shaking her hair out, and smiles. "Wow I'm impressed. Did you finally conquer your fear of water?" She asks, and steps over to wrap the wet Lu up in a hug. "I was actually gonna tell you about a cool setup I've been working on for one of the guest baths. If you wanna go see it. I got the bath area to make a shower that behaves like rain. And the stall itself isn't really closed in either and there's a bench. So you can stretch out and it's like washing in the rain. Of course there's a spray hose too for rinsing off the soap if you need... But I think you might like it better than sitting in water?"
Lupita perks, and grins. "Aw yiss that sounds lots better. And I did but only because you asked and I really really need the cuddles man." She leans into the hugging and lets out a sigh, contented and stuff, from the contact. She scratches again at her horns though. "Man, ever since the sopor fix my horn it's been itchy all the fuckin' time yo," she says, grumbling a little. "You think its just co's of the new keritan or something?" She asks, looking slightly aside to Ae.
"Probably. Want me to take a look at it anyhow?" Ae asks. "I mean. I just want you healthy and smelling nice when you cuddle me. I tried bath bombs and those don't seem to work, so I figure, just need a better way to get you clean that doesn't involve dunking in the stuff you're scared of. ...Hopefully this'll be a good option all around." She just... holds Lu a while. "You wanna go cuddle pile on the couch?"
"Yeah, can you look at it? And a cuddlepile on the couch would be totes awesome yo. And when the pizza gets here like we can still cuddle and eat, right? C'os like dude I just really up and need all the attentions ever yo." She says. But. She doesn't let go to move to the couch. Nope. Just clings.  She also purrs slightly. "And water isn't too bad if I just. Close my eyes, hold my breath, and just get it over with as soon as popcicle. but I think a rain shower is a great idea yo. Especially if I can just all up and sprawl n' shit."
"Yeah. There's sprawly room. I basically made the entire floor of that room a drain and waterproofed everything. Took a while but I think it'll be good. I'm thinking of installing some grow lights in the ceiling bulbs and getting some wall climbing plants maybe." She grins suddenly and scoops Lu up, to carry her to the couch.
"Ah geeeze do you gotta do that yo you're like a fuckin' giant man. Ain'ts my fault I'm all up and short." Lupita whines, but she mostly goes saggylimp when scooped, and then leans her head in and snuffles at Ae's shoulders. Sniffsniff. "Man you smell good. You been all up and working in the sewing room with the clean cloths ain't you."
Ae chuckles and nods. She soon settles Lu on the couch in the blankets and hmms. "I do because you are fun to scoop and cuddle. ...Is it just the one spot on your horn that's been itching or anywhere else? Lemme get a good look." She settles down on the side for optimal good viewing.
Lupita wruus softly. "Yeah, just the one horn," she says, scratching again idley before canting her head to let Aethra get a good look; the whole horn from a third up is shiny, new, unscarred and untanted;  just simply regrown. Smooth keritin, candy corn colors not yet tempered by sunlight or roughhousing just yet. "Shoulder was itchy for a couple of days, too, but, not anymore." She shrugs. Then grins. "Still say you shoulda seen the other guy. Best damn fight ever yo."
"Hm. Just looks regrown and pretty to me. Should be fine. Horns regrow if you treat em right and don't fuss with too much." She just wraps Lu up in her arms and kisses her hair. "Heh. Maybe youre due a pupation toooo. Who knows you might end up my siiiize," she teases.
Another happy noise, and Lupita can't help herself. She wriggles around so she can kiss Ae on the cheek and forehead and nose with a squinty eyed sort of grin on her features that's only made goofier by her oversized fangs. Then she siighs and just sinks in against Ae. "Pfft. I don't think imma pupate. I'm already too soon after my first molt man." Sure it's been several sweeps. She doesn't count good, though. She pauses though and looks up, suddenly staring intently. That's about when the doorbell is used. "Hey, hey someone's at the door, yo." She says, loudly.
"Been a couple sweeps dude. Yours wasn't all that long after mine. And I didnt grow much then." But then the doorbell interrupts. "Ohhh that's probably the pizza. Lemme get that." She hops up out of the blanket pile and beelines for the door, pays the man, takes the giiiant pile of pizzas, and walks it back to the couch pile. "Do me a favor Lu, and set up a couple of the tv trays? We can watch a movie while we nom."
"Okay but. There was someone at the door." Lupita repeats, as she attempts to look around toward the door again where the pizza guy was, doing this as she blindly grabs the TV trays to set up in front of the couch, and somehow winding her way back to the front door to peer out every window to the side of it that she can she can before bringing the trays to their spots and setting them up. She stands there then, shifting from foot to foot, staring at the door. "... I should go make sure he's not still there." She says, before she slinks back and peers out the door again. "Nope he's gone. Good."
"Look at you being a good home protector. Yeah usually they have bunches more people wanting pizza so they gotta leave real fast. Like the mailman." Ae sets her couple of pizzas, one with anchovies, and one with all veggies and mushrooms. "I got one for Corbin too. You wanna bring it to him? ...Without eating it all?" She grins and holds up an pizza... Stuffed crust loaded Philly with white sauce.
Lupita smirks, and says, "Are you trying to get rid of me or something?" Teasingly, as she picks up the pizza and considers, sniffing at it. "Maybe after I've had one or two of mine," She says, in thought, "Don't want to be tempted to eat his, and I'm /starving/," She says, as she pauses, considers, then moves over to turn the oven on low heat, and slides open the bottom compartment, slipping the Pizza into it. "I read that these drawers down here are meant for like, keeping things warm without cooking them directly, so like, earlier today I cleaned it out n' stuff to put things in." She says, proudly.
"Nah. Just wanted to do a nice thing for him. All good. I'd rather you stay and cuddle a while. Especially since I got you the giant pile of pizzas to watch movies.  ...Also that's really good thinking. ...You ever wanna learn some cool kitchen stuff I can teach you things. I got a dehydrater to make our own jerky. Youre welcome to use it on things you hunt if you don't drag bloody carcasses across my house. Tarps if needed and clean up after yourself."
"... But dragging bloody things around is half the fun!" Lupita playfully whines, before grabbing another 2-liter out of the fridge and walking back over to the couch, bouncing herself onto it with a grin as she pulls open the pizza box, grabs two slices, and turns them topping to topping to make a 'pizza sandwich', as she leans back and waits for Aethra. "You got any ideas for a good movie then? C'os like, I'm up for almost anythin' that ain't like, The Little Mermaid. I mean shit. I heard that guy with the hard to say italian name made an X-Rated version of that, maybe that wouldn't be too bad? But if I have to listen to 'Under Da Sea' one more time.."
"I was thinking that one with the witches and thr candle? The blond reminds me of you a little. At least the 'amok amok amok' part." Ae picks a piece of her pizza out of the box, but then takes a piece of anchovy off and dangles it in the air. "Wanna try a better smelly fish?"
A snort, and then a snicker. "Well she's got good taste, doesn't she? I mean, children are more tender and juicy, by theory, because they haven't had no chance to get all up and muscley." She perks though. And sits up straighter and nodnodnods, watching the dangled anchovy, stuffing her 'Za sandwich into her face all at once, chewing hastily, and then gulping it down, before opens her mouth to the offered fish. "It smells terrible, I love it!" She gasps eagerly.
Ae giggles and drops the fish into Lu's mouth, and then slides a piece of the pizza over into Lu's pizza box. "Figured you'd say that. They're fatty and salty and good." Ae nods and hmmms. "It's true. It's why lamb and veal and all are so popular. Not tough yet." She shrugs and gets up to set up the movie. Once it's started though she settles.back down and leans on Lu. "Everything's okay with you lately, right? Anything you need to talk out?"
Lupita chomps, fangs clicking as she does so, and then closes her eyes, moving the anchovy about in her mouth a bit as she chews, somewhat like savoring a candy you've just tried for the first time. She gulps down then, and snatches up the piece of pizza, and works on scarfing it. She looks up, mouth full, when Ae asks about being okay, and nods. Swallows. She is a messy eater, and it's likely Ae has given up on this by now, AB certainly gave up long ago. She wipes her mouth on the back of her arm. "Nothing really bad. Just, horny itchey, and being hungry like fuckin' hell, yo. Oh, but, I've also been getting a lot more exercise, been chasing the rabbits out your garden all week. Fun as shit to chase a rabbit man." She grins.
"...Horny itchey? I mean. Phrasing but maybe you can ask Corbin to help with that," Ae teases, and plays with Lu's hair idly. "I do see you running around a lot more. ...If you run around in the sprinkler please put on some swim clothes, or stick with the fenced in part of the back yard? Nudity is still... touchy with the neighbors. And no you can't just go bite em or mess up their lawn if they say anything. I don't mind so much but... you know?" Ae sighs. She haaaated dealing with society nonsense. But that was the problem with living in a city.
"Uuugh, wet clothes suck though!" Lupita says with a siiigh as she drapes herself overdramatically over Ae's lap while her hair is played with. She snorts, and shoves the remains of the Anchovy piece into her mouth, chewing, before she gulps. "And I don't mean like thaaaat although I guess I could see if it helps me get some of this energy out. Dunno, I just really like running all over the place." She grins.  Shrugs. Then grabs another pice of meat  pizza and begins to lazily drape it into her mouth like it was grapes, while watching the movie. She snorts. "Not enough wolves man." She teases, but sniggers, especially at the 'Yabbos' scene.
"We can watch one with wolves after. Ever see Balto?" Ae asks, and hmms. "I mean it might. This time of year is good for that. Lotta folks all... energetic or getting lazy in prep for sleepy winter season. Really depends." Ae streeeetches and wraps her arms around Lu and hmms. "Wet clothes suck but a swimsuit is made to be wet. You just peel out of it when you get back to your room and roll into a blanket Lu-rito, and be warm."
"Ehhh maybe I guess. Stupid neighbors and their whole hangups about bodies. It's like they don't come into the world naked as a blue singign flap-beast, and don't realize clothes ain't gonna go witchoo when you die." She shakes her head. And then gnaws off more pizza, before slurping at her fingers. Mmmgrease. She looks up at Ae and grins again. "Aww, can't we watch like, uh.. The human version of Troll Jack Nicholson's Packbeast? Or like... Oo, that really old one about the Packbeast in London. It's October for glubsakes, and humans do all their Dim Season stuff now."
"The Packbeast in London one is okay I guess. I mean. If you want." Ae shrugs and sit back, pulling the blankets around her. "Personally I just have a hard time staying warm this time of year and wanna stay in and make lots of food and drink hot tea and sleep."
"Dim season," Lupita agrees, before she  hms. "I dunno. I'm not that cold this time. I think I've acclimated or whatever the fuck the word is, you know?" She grins. "I just been running hot lately is all. Almost like a Mud- .. Er, brownblood." She says, chuckling a little. She pauses, grabs another slixe of pizza, and stuffs it all into her mouth. Chews thoughtfully, swallows. "Could also be the fact I usually run around with a pile of pelts on, and spend a lot of time sunning myself out there." She shrugs. And hms. "Hey, you know, I had a thought. Doesn't G have that like, Rainbow Drinker friend? Do you think she'd want any pelts or things to sun on that soak in the heat as well?"
"You know I have no idea? I'll ask her. She might. Heck G might like some. He likes fluffy things and all. I'll ask. Especially since they're all stuff you hunted up and cleaned yourself, so, that's good." Ae frowns softly and looks ceilingward. "Sounds unusual in general though Lu. Would you mind if we got you an appointment with a mediculler, just to make sure you're okay? I promise I'll sit with you for it and make sure everything is all right?"
"Ehhh, okay I suppose. A mediculler would be fine." Shrug. Lupita hmms! And nods. "I wouldn't mind hunting down some stuff for G. I like seeing him happy c'os it makes you happy. Plus when he's happy it's good, right?" She grins. "Pack solidarity!" She says happily, as she grabs another slice of pizza, pauses, sits up, and again pizza sandwiches. She begins to wolf down the slices, licking at her fingers again. "Mmmf. They need to add more meats to the meat lovers. There could be like chicken, and duck, and goat, and rabbit, and goose, and squirrel- Oo, squirrel, yessssss. Hey if I catch some squirrels can you fry them up?" she grins eagerly, looking at Aethra. "And like I could give the cat the tails to play with n' shit."
"I could make you a mixed meat stew if you wanted all those in it. But you'd have to catch most of those yourself cus not a lot of places sell em. ...And yes if you catch enough squirrels I will... Prooobably roast or stew em for you rather than fry. At least bake." Ae chuckles and leans into Lu and nuzzles against her neck. "You are warm. It's both nice and a little concerning. You're positively near midblood temp. ...You sure you're feeling okay?"
"Other than being hungry as fuck, I'm generally good." Lu grins, and wraps an arm about Ae as she leans in, turning to nuzzle, and then kiss at her fishster's forehead lightly. "I'm feeling like a million boonies! I feel like I could run laps around the house for hours and not get tired. But I'm also feelin' like I could eat a few more pizzas, watch another movie or two with you, and then just sleep with you till moonrise while the world outside goes to fuck." She smirks, and then hms. "But you're right, I probably should go take Corbin his pizza soon, huh.."
"I mean if you wanna. I am all up for sleepy cuddles. But if you got that much energy to get out I'm sure he won't mind getting pounced." Ae chuckles and nuzzles against Lu's neck. "But if you wanna curl up with me and sleep too, I'm good for that. Think I'm gonna put most of my pizza in the fridge."
"I'll try and leave it for you." Lupita says, before peering. She's finished the first pizza. She shrugs, exchanges the box for the next one, and grabs two more pieces. As she works on them like a sandwich she adds,mouth slightly full, "I like cuddlin' with you an' bein' all asleep and stuff, Ae. But I know you an' G are a lot more cuddly an' I don't wanna get in the way of that. Besides. I get this weird feelin' like he probably gonna need hugs n' shit from you." She shrugs, thoughtful. Then closes up the pizza box, and works on finishing her pizza sandwich at hand: "How about I go take Corbin his pizza, and then like, go out for a while, an' get some shit done, and then I'll join you in bed when I'm done?"
"Sounds like a plan to me. If I'm already paased out feel free to hop in anyhow, or curl up on the pile or whatever if you wanna. Cus I still wanna cuddle if you got the time and inclination." Ae stretches idly and hmms. "Probably nap here a while. I'm just getting that food nap feeling."
"Weirdo." Lupita teases, then leans in to kiss Ae on the forehead again. She mmms, and streeetches big and stuff, then licks the grease from her hands, and stands. She hms! Pauses, holds up a hand gesture of 'just a sec' and dashes off. She comes back from her room carrying a sheepskin blanket, which she then throws over Aethra carefully, as if tucking her in. "Better?" She asks, smiling, "Keep you warm while you nap n' stuff." She smiles, and crouches on the ground a little, to be at petting height.
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joemerl · 3 years
Febuclown 2022, Day Only: Clowns
Author's notes: Febuwhump featured my changeling OCs, but for this mini-event, I'll use my werewolves. Hopefully this will encourage me to get back to writing that novel about them.
The doctors thought that Con would be alright. He seemed more freaked out than hurt, and I don't think being in a hospital was helping with that.
"No, Con. Most people who stay in the hospital don't die."
"Mom died." he said baldly.
"Yeah, and she had cancer. You got a—boo-boo. The doctors say that we'll all be out of here in a few days, tops."
"What about Randall? Could he die?"
"No!" My voice rose louder than I intended.
He shifted in his too-big hospital bed, fingers twisting in the sheets. I was trying to be calm, really, but I had had a long, miserable day. We were finally all safe, and the last thing I wanted was to hear someone second-guess that fact.
"I want my stuffed animals," he mumbled.
"Can't Grandma and Grandpa bring them?"
"Maybe tomorrow. They're coming straight here when they get into town. They ain't gonna have time to run home and grab 'em."
"But can't we call them and—"
There was a knock on the door. "Come in," I called, silently praying that it would be Randall, or a doctor, or our grandparents, or somebody who could take over and tell me to go take a nap or something.
Instead it was...a clown.
A woman in her thirties, specifically. She was wearing a red nose, colorful bowler hat and overalls beneath a white doctor's coat. She only had a little bit of makeup on, but the clowny intent was still obvious.
I saw Con draw back on his bed as she said, "Hello! And how are y'all feeling today?"
She came in, closing the door most of the way behind her. I swear I heard Con swallow.
"I'm Lydia. I'm part of Clowning Around. That's a group that visits hospitals and puts on shows for the patients! Do either of y'all want to see some balloon animals?"
She took out one of those long, thin balloons and started to blow it up. I forced a smile.
"Uh, thanks, but—I think we're good. My little brother here's afraid of clowns."
Con's anxious face gave way to indignation. "I ain't afraid!"
Lydia the Clown took her cue from that. "That's right! You're too brave to be afraid of little ol' me. Your brother here don't know what he's talking about."
"Uh-huh," Con said, crossing his arms over his chest. I rolled my eyes.
"Now, what's your name, son?"
"Con," he said, a bit cautiously.
"Aw, you're not supposed to tell her that. Once she knows your name, she can steal your soul."
Con gave me a dirty look. Lydia did, too, but it was very exaggerated, and I'm pretty sure that she was trying not to smile.
"Would you like a balloon animal, Con?"
"What kind of animal?"
"What kind would you like? I do a mean snake," she said, holding up the balloon that she had already inflated.
"He likes wolves," I volunteered. "Can you do dogs, or—"
But she had already winked at me, then began to take out a gray balloon to blow up. Con watched in fascination as she worked, twisting around a few more gray balloons and then adding some white for the face, plus two round, orangish balloons for the eyes. Pretty soon she had managed a rather cartoony-looking wolf, which Con accepted with an enraptured look on his face.
"How did you do that without popping 'em?"
"They're special balloons; they don't pop as easy. Do you like it?"
He nodded.
"Say 'thank you,' Con."
"Your welcome. How 'bout you?" she asked, looking over at me.
"Nah, thanks. I'm good."
"Well, if y'all want to see more tricks, we're gonna be putting on a show in the playroom around seven. Hope to see ya there."
She winked at us again, then left, waving. Con waved after her, then went back to examining his new balloon wolf.
He didn't have a stuffed animal that night, but he said goodnight to the wolf before placing it on the nightstand to watch him sleep.
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