#my sweet artistic boyfie :3
kuroosdarling · 11 months
jean is the kind of guy who was never really interested in photography until he started dating you. invests in a nice camera so he can take candids of you all the time, trying to capture the essence of your beauty.
nothing makes his heart flutter more than when you hold your hand up in front of the camera with the biggest smile on your face, saying “no more photos, please!”. but he can’t help himself, especially when the sound of your laughter washes over him, warming him in a way that rivals the sun itself.
you’re his muse, his passion. the spark that keeps him creating. the center of his world and the one to keep him grounded. and the photos just solidify that, always keeping one in his wallet for safekeeping.
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boyfiejay · 29 days
I love my girlfriend
PAIRING : Enhypen hyung line x female Youtuber! Reader
GENRE : fluff, bullet point
Warning : curse words, me rizzing up the reader😔
Word Count : 0.9k overall
Author's Note : this was long overdue☝🏻
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Heeseung ☆
you're one of those underrated artists, that are underrated due to one sole reason
it's better to gatekeep a talented artist
yk the way some fans get sad that their favourites are now on everyone's fyp
yeah your fandom in a nutshell
they also thirst over you non stop
I mean you are stunning, gorgeous, beautiful, enchanting
just date me pookie
you used to be a youtuber before the music career fyi
imagine your fans' dilemma (dimension?) when you say out of nowhere that you have a bf
‘guys, my boyfriend sent me this :D’
and it's a silly picture of two cats or smtg
like your fans are fighting a fucking war on twt
and you are like cuddling with hee, listening to unreleased songs
you have no clue of what's going on
meanwhile heeseung…
he's ready to fight the war
posts a picture of you kissing his cheek on your insta story
he makes sure that only 1/4th of his face is visible
to keep his identity anonymous yk
your fans find his acc in 15 mins
he panics definitely 😭
tells you his innuendo after you wake up
and you're just like
‘yeah ok, sure’
your boyfriend is getting deep fried on twt and you're like ‘el oh el’
dw your fans mean no harm
after a while they're like
‘they're cute tgt ig 😒’
Jay ☆
you're like a cooking channel
you're like a blogger who blew up one day
because you're just soso pretty😻
alright anyways, your channel is focused around learning to cook
it's so chaotic sometimes
bcz you don't know shit about cooking
sorry if you do, let's pretend you don't >.<!!
you have almost killed yourself a dozen times
at some point people are like
‘??? how is she alive’
all thanks to your almost professional chef boyfriend
but no one has to know that ;)
anyways on like a milestone or something, you decide to cook blindfolded
bae you can barely cook with eyes open
your followers are concerned bro
like their blood pressure is rising by the minute
and like a holy light in the midst of the darkness
Jay stepped in, to save you from killing yourself fr this time
Your fans are seriously jumping around, squealing bcz he's just so soft and gentle to you :(((
but then they snap out and pretend to be angry
and you're like ‘meet my boyfie :3’
jk your fans love you two
like almost obsessed
also they're always sliding in Jay's dms
like I get it mans fine af but he's also taken
and also absolutely whipped for you 🤭
it's your world and we're just living in it…
Jake ☆
you are a gamer/streamer
your whole fan base is delusional
like so delusional, there are like hundreds and thousands of accounts claiming to be your bf/gf
but the iconic one ‘ynsboyfie’ is everywhere
like that acc is the most iconic thing in your lore
they are always there, no news of yours goes past them
always donating in your streams
and one day…
you forget to log in your priv acc
so your official acc has the comment
‘babe, you're so sweet ☹️🩷’
replying to ‘YNSBOYFIE’
oh your fans are livid
jokingly ofc
or maybe not
everyone on twt is like
‘who is this bitch???’
everyone hoping for his downfall
then you drop his pic
‘oh, oh, he's fiiine😏’
like I can't blame them, that's jake
but still they're supposed to be your fans
fucking snitches
my bae, pookum shmookum I would never
your fans love him
but also bully him calling him a lewser
hes so down bad he had a fan page for you
i dont blame him, i too would fangirl over you 😼
Sunghoon ☆
you're like a fitness channel
like those ones that have insane challenges
and your famous in people who have no interest in working out too
your face reveal went so viral, almost every single person knew your face
also your workouts (even tho deadly) always work so fast
people are in love with your figure and just you in general
you also upload mini vlogs once in a while
in these vlogs people noticed someone always being around you and in the back of the frame
at first they were like
‘obsessed fan😨’
but then they saw you laughing along with him in another clip
from the small clips, people couldn't see his face (bcz it's blurred) but omg the figure
the biceps, the buff and tall guy immediately steals everyone hearts
it's obvious from the clips that you're close with him
so naturally you are asked who he is and you just laugh
people are losing their minds woman
and you're just like ‘hehe’
they continue seeing him in your vlogs and in one clip you could see him putting his hands on your waist while you squat
you have no reaction to that
but twt…
he's getting dragged even though half of the people have no clue what's going on
you decide to take matter in your hands
and post this
with the caption ‘he's my boyfriend everyone :3’
the internet breaks
Sunghoon doesn't do his face reveal for a long time js bcz he doesn't feel like it yk
but when he does
good lord…
your fans love him
they also love how he glares at people who look at you the wrong way
you never notice that for some reason
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yuujispinkhair · 1 year
A little present for you (in case you haven’t seen it already gejsvsh) 💕💕
(kind of n.sfw fanart of Sukuna x female Megumi)
WINTER I THANK YOU SO MUCH!! <3<3<3 I saw that yesterday and I screamed!! This is literally exactly what I think about every night when I try to fall asleep!! Boyfie Kuna holding me like that awww <3<3 And I can so easily pretend it is me when that artist draws a female Megumi because of the dark hair, so that picture is perfect for my selfship!! It makes me feel so much to look at it!! Look how tender Sukuna is!! AAAHHH I AM CRYING!! <3<3<3
You are so sweet for thinking of me and sending me this!! Thank you bby <3<3
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ellitx · 9 months
17 !!
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Ask Game
17. Tell us a fun fact about your current WIP.
I have so many wips but i’ll share the main two im working on rn. One is chapter 19 of Illusory Sense and the other is for Shiki Souma my bb
Chapter 19 is gonna be full of venti’s monologue and internal thought process of his feelings, what he’s doing, and his life with you in future. It’s mostly analyzing his character and what makes him him. It can get philosophical especially on the topic of existentialism
For my Shiki Souma, it’s purely self-indulgent, tooth-rotting fluff, and so many sweet things. It’s an SFW Alphabet of what it’s like to date him and and have him as your sweet and forgetful yet artistic boyfie <3 (it’s already 5k words and i’m still at letter P 🫣)
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kpophubb · 2 years
Hi honey 🥰✉️
I found it ^^ the list to find myself hehe
How are you doing today? Did you have a good sleep ?
Also OMG I was ENFJ before like really long time ! And in 2022 I became ESFJ ( and I thought omg I’m same with Innie , Lixie and Minnie lol, but someone said Innies mbti changed 🥲😭🤧)
Im having such a weird day today 😂 like I wanna hang out with ppl but at the same time I want to be alone 😄😅 but I also want someone to take care of me sob sob 😭, but as it’s said in this song 🎶 “ lala I got nobody so I do it solo” 😅💀🤦🏻‍♀️😂
I’m happy you liked the song ! Ah I love Boa so much she has so many nice songs and MVs def check her MVs❣️
ITZY ? Ah I like Yeji too ^^ maybe have a lil crush on her and Yuna ~
As for fic idea what about Sunghoon ? Bitchy Hoonie or like too confident lmao or idk 💀😂😂😂 just those last gifs ahh and he was my first bias in ENHA , now I think he’s on a bias list again 🌝🌚 🔥
Your dream aw is soooo sweet OMG I just love listening to dreams with idols ! Recently I had one with Beomgyu and my mom lol😂🤧 I haven’t seen my mom since Feb and when I had an opportunity to talk to her and had some fam time with her I was trying to hook her on Kpop lol and beomguy is her fav in txt :) and in a dream she was like omg THIS IS MY SON IN LAW he’s so beautiful 😻😂😂😂 and literally she was praising him all the time 😅😂😂 so funny 😄
Is Taehyun your txt bias ?
Also I wanna recommend you a playlist of female Kpop artists (those are my fav songs) ; maybe u find something new for yourself
Also the height difference between Soobin and Hyunjin hehe 😅😅😂 & ——
That’s it have a nice day / evening / night 😘
🐁 anonie:)
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Hi my lovie 🫶🏻💘🥺 I had a good but unproductive day today😂 how was your day dear?? Ah MBTI keep changing all the time for people istg. It’s just an overall view on your personality and as we are always changing and growing, MBTI also keeps altering. I don’t really pay that much attention to it😛 I just tested mine bc it seems like a popular question asked. And AH! We all have days like that don’t we? Where we wanna be alone and peaceful but we get lonely and want someone to shower us with affection and talk to us..such a human thing to do. For me, 80% of the time I like being by myself. It’s so peaceful. Despite being an extrovert and loving to interact with new people, I always keep a safe boundary and feel comfy being surrounded by myself! Yuna and yeji are always the dashing queen <3 I like them and itzy bc their vibe is really unique. I love COOL people the most, more than cute so I’m very attracted to itzy bc they’re such GIRL BOSSES. 🤩💯 I’ve heard of aespa and I’ll definitely check out the link you left me in our last ask. And HAHAHA I just choked on air LMAO true soobin and hyunjin..😆 Bahaha I’ll probs go with sunghoon bc I love the hyunjin x sunghoon agenda. Idk they both give me these possessive boyfie vibes I love it. I’ve written sunghoon x hyunjin crossovers in like two of my fics?? Do check them out if you want to hehe. One was called “when you fangirl too much over another idol” & another one was maybe “when they find out their crush is dating another idol”. Fluff and angst respectively.
And ah BEOMGYU 🥺🫶🏻🖤 pls he’s my favourite child in txt. HIS PERSONALITY!! Aaaah! He’s one of the funniest people I’ve met? He’s so crackheaded and I live for that. I love crackheaded, weird, childish, goofy people esp guys cause it’s just SOO CUTE <3 and ah na, tbh my first bias in txt is soobin??? His bunny nature </33 he’s just SOO CUTE and when his lips pout as he talks. I feel devastated. So adorable! But then I’m also really a simp for taehyun and gyu! Taehyun is so BOYFIE MATERIAL </3 and AWWW SUCH A SWEET DREAM🥹😍 son in law??! Ah!! WHAT A WINNING DREAM!! I had this previous dream about taehyun where we were about to almost kiss but gyu ruined it😂 (such a gyu thing to do isn’t it?). Anyway thank you my 🐁 anonie❣️ I’ll def check out the playlist and let you know <3 I’ll start working on your fic soon. I’m so glad I have a lot of time to write. My niece will be born tmrw so I’ll be buried in all the family attending, functions and friend meeting hehe! <3 WAITING TO HEAR FROM YOU AGAIN 💖🫶🏻
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rainyrindou · 6 days
3,5,8, and 12!
hi mack yay thanks for the ask this was fun !!
3. What was the last song you listened to?
softcore by the neighborhood ughhh i forgot abt this song for months and saw it in an edit last night and i'm obsessed again
5. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
YES i have a stuffed bat haha it's super cute! it's black with sparkly silver glitter stitching and a cute widdle uwu face.
8. What's your favorite band/artist?
for metal i really looove lorna shore, for indie i love mitski, and for rock deftones! these three are my staples that I rotate between when everything else gets boring. i know i can always come back to em.
12. Who are five (or more) people you want to hug right now?
everybody i miss and love rn is long distance as in 1 hour+ away from me...so
my boyfie
my sister
my super sweet nanami loving friend who I will very happily be seeing next week :')
an old friend who gives the best hugs of all time
my mutuals !!!
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catwithangerissues · 3 years
Heyhey!! its a me again the💃tendou simp💃 tysm for that match omg I loved it so much u have no idea,, sO I went to brag show my friend what u wrote cus I also really liked ur writing style!!! ✨talent✨ and she liked it a lot and wanted one too but she doesn’t have a tumblr acc :( so if it’s not too much trouble could she get one too? Whenever u have the time!!
“I’m and INFP, kinda tall 🧍‍♀️with straight black hair and brown eyes, I’m really chill and very loyal to my friends :) not really a social person tho, I prefer to stay at home and hang out with fewer, closer people,, I really enjoy reading, writing and drawing!! been combining those last 2 lately and trying to make my own comic. I used to play volleyball on my schools female team as a striker🤸‍♀️ my Netflix its all romance, comedy and fantasy stuff. I have a big sweet addiction ngl 👀 and I also really enjoy dancing, I’m always trying to learn all kinds of tiktok choreographies for fun!! artistic makeup is one of my fave things to do on my free time too,, ty<3”
I’d match you up with...
✨KUNIMI AKIRA✨ Our little plant pot boy 🪴
I wrote this to a Suna playlist lmao, and I couldn’t choose between Iwa or Kunimi but here :)
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-First off, you two would physically be so cute together. You’re both kinda tall, and I think your black hair + brown eyes compliments his<3
-You’re both really chill and very loyal to your friends! You two definitely have stay at home dates, and you usually end up cuddling and napping :) He may be a little tsundere but he’s very affectionate to you in private, he’s not a fan of pda. He’s very quiet with his affection in public, usually just opting for being close to you and always looking into your eyes while you two talk, he doesn’t let anyone else have his attention <3
-He definitely reads the stories you write and comics you make if you let him, he’ll give you criticism if you ask, and he’s a big supporter of your work! He always compliments your art and writing, he’ll help you come up with prompts if you need too<3 He really enjoys when you take one of the ideas he suggests and bring it to life, it makes him all warm and fuzzy inside<3
-Definitely loves that you used to play volleyball as a striker, he enjoys that you understand volleyball to the same level he does, and he secretly loves that you were both spikers. He also secretly enjoys watching volleyball matches with you, especially while you’re laying down on his chest and his chin is resting on your head or shoulder. He likes having access to your cheeks to kiss you occasionally when he gets distracted <3
-Is always down to have a Netflix and chill date. He doesn’t really care what you watch, he’ll tease you for your choices a little, but he still enjoys holding you and watching with you, even if he falls asleep a lot <3
-He totally fuels your sweets addiction, randomly bringing your favorites whenever he sees you. He always rolls his eyes and tucks his chin into his jacket to cover his red cheeks when you call out his simping >:) But he thinks the bright look on your face is too cute to pass up on the opportunity to see, so he continues to do it<3
-Will definitely watch you do Tiktok dances and occasionally laugh at you for your first attempts. Occasionally will be feeling needy and just come up behind you and wrap his arms around you, chin on your shoulder, and pull you away for cuddles<3 Your followers simp for your little cuddly tsundere boyfie
-Always takes pictures of your artistic makeup and compliments your abilities. Definitely has his favorite as his lock screen<3 Will go shopping with you for new things if you ask, but he’ll mask his excitement for getting to pick out new stuff for you with an eyeroll and a huff, but you know he doesn’t mind much<3
🌱Headcanons, cute couple things, scenarios, whatever else I feel like writing lmao
-He secretly gossips to you about the other volleyball boys and can get pretty talkative while doing so, breaking his normal demeanor
-You two have study dates <3
-Sends you cursed images and memes at like 4am
-“Accidentally” leaves his clothes at your house for you to wear <3 Isn’t so secretive about it lol
-He’s actually very protective, and while he doesn’t like pda, he will definitely kiss you if front of someone if they’re getting too friendly before taking your hand and dragging you away.
-He may be a little tsundere, but he’s a huge softie for you<3
-Bought you a stuffed animal that speaks when you squeeze it with a love confession message inside <3
-You know that popular tweet shit post that says: *hugs gf from behind, tucks her hair behind her ear and whispers* “eat all the frosted animal crackers again and we’re fucking done”, that’s Kunimi in my head lmao 😂 he doesn’t mean it though <3
-Loves to whisper sweet things in your ear at inconvenient times just to watch your expression change <3
-Head pats.
-Sleepy love confessions >>>>
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🌱Hope you enjoyed the matchup! Thank you for requesting! I fucking love Kunimi🥺🪴
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