#my thoughts arent nearly coherent enough to speak on anything else
actimiel · 4 months
looking up which replies trigger kim’s opinion of harry to grow can be really telling, it shows what he finds funny or endearing, even those answers that i thought were dumb/make kim think you’re dumb, a lot of those make harry’s reputation grow … so fucked up . a look into lieutenant’s mind … is not for the weak ones!!! and btw, he is weak. he is such a silly man … a silly goose. let him bloom like a flower with a guy that matches his freak and release his silliness and whimsy
also saw somebody say that failing a task/a throw in front of kim is kind of necessary, because in their playthrough where they cheated to perfect every throw, kim wasnt too fond of thwm. this is crazy. reallt just confirms that you have to be a little bit of a fuck up with kim for him to let his guard down
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yvixtrae · 4 years
Can you do a cix jinyoung scenario where his usually hyper and loud s/o is being rly quiet one day for no reason (they arent sad but sometimes they prefer to be quiet too yk) ty!
AOIGHNKERLFULJDKER-- mUCH THANK FOR THE REQUEST, DEAREST ANON!! I’ve been struggling with a lot of writer’s block for a fair while now, so I’m not sure how well I did with this, but I still tried my absolute heccin bestest!! But also, wOWIE!! I’m still just vvv shook that you made a request!! When I first saw the notif, I really felt like my entire week had been made!! But anyways, enough of my chaotic ramblings--I’m sorry that I was a bit slow in writing this, but I hope you like it!!
7:38 PM
The same edm song had been playing over and over on loop through the past few hours at loud enough volume through your earbuds to block out pretty much everything else, and you continue to zone in and out as you let yourself drown in the melody, occasionally finding it in you to be present enough to have solid thoughts and hastily scribble down some more things onto the blank page you’d randomly opened your notebook to—though it was only a mere handful of moments of adding more lime green ink to the paper before you inevitably slipped back into a weirdly semi-zoned out state that leaned a bit more towards the complete state of it. You’re currently somehow a chaotic blend between the phrase of “no thoughts, head empty” and “many thoughts about many things”, but the many things that are crossing your mind are brief and in bits and pieces of actual coherency, your own inner voice seeming to be just a teeny tiny tad bit faded in comparison to how it usually is, thus your thoughts had somehow become more feeling and image based. But despite how the things on your mind seem to be much messier than usual, nothing particularly unpleasant had made itself known in your mind, and you feel a hollowed out version of delight swell in you at the realization that though your mind is messier than usual today, it had nonetheless given you a sort of peace that you were grateful for.
And thus, before you had given in to looping the song you’d been pretty hyper fixated on, you’d decided to try to make a bit of a to-do list for the next day, only to be overwhelmed by the desire to write down the colors of your favorite voices in kpop that you’d heard so far on a different page in the notebook. So far, through the few hours that had passed, though you only had a mere dozen idols and their voice colors listed, you find yourself feeling that you didn’t really mind at how small the list was, seeing as you’d put a lot of time and faded hazy thought into each one you had scribbled down.
But then you got to jotting down Jinyoung’s name on the paper, and you pause as you try to better collect yourself to try and compose any thoughts that are more along the lines of your usual inner self speaking loud and clear. Knowing it would be easier to do so in silence, you grab your phone and turn the music off. A minute drags on afterwards, then two, three, even four. Slowly but surely, you find that any fogginess you had in your head has ebbed away enough for you to really focus on what colors to put down for his voice. Another minute passes before you write the first color down, and then the second, third, and fourth.
An all-too-familiar voice speaks softly, and you vaguely register the lovely sound as Jinyoung’s voice, but since you were heavily focused on what you had written and if you had put the truly correct hues next to his name, you hadn’t quite caught what he’d said and so you had to force yourself to tear your eyes away from the notebook and focus on him instead. A quiet but questioning hum from you as a way of asking him to repeat himself warrants a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
“What’s got you so quiet today??” He questions, tone still soft and tinged with what you’ve come to recognize as a sort of grogginess that can only come from just waking up from a cat nap.
“Nothing much, “ You offer him a small smile of your own in return and pat the spot on the couch next to you, “Just didn’t quite have a lot of physical or mental energy today, but in a more okay and neutral way instead.”
A small and throaty sort of sound and a nod is his response as he makes his way over and decides to go over the couch instead of around to plop himself into the space next to you. His first glance at what you had written so far with colors next to idol names piqued his curiosity, and he leans forward to get a closer look, eyes eagerly taking in everything you’ve listed despite not really understanding what it all means. When he sees that his name is there as well with some colors, an almost grin crosses his face and he can’t help how he feels as if the fondness in his heart is nearly overwhelming.
“So what are the colors for??” He asks, looking back at you.
“Just what I think the colors of everyone’s voices are. And for your voice… I really think that like, it’s… A hazy sort of dark shade that’s not quite black yet, the finest of wine reds, a sort of deep and rich grey that’s kinda warm in tone, and a messy dark mixed berry hue.”
He nods in understanding, and the fondness in his heart really becomes too much then, as he moves to press his lips gingerly against the top of your head, “I’m flattered that you think my voice has such nice colors, but may I ask, what made you have the idea of voice colors??”
You take a moment to think, seeing as you’re also curious on why your brain decided to come up with such an idea.
“Honestly??” You take another moment to pause and see if you just really can’t figure out why before continuing, “I really dunno. It just kinda popped up in my head for like half a second and then I found myself having an uncontrollable impulse to write it down. I guess maybe… It’s because of how I’ve always been one to pay a lot of attention to colors and people’s voices?? But I dunno though.”
“Cute.” He murmurs, “Very cute.”
You feel your stomach suddenly give a bit of an achy rumble, and though it was quiet, it was still audible to Jinyoung.
“Snack time??” He chuckles, starting to get up, knowing how you had probably lost track of time and forgotten to eat anything since you both had eaten breakfast due to how you can get easily wrapped up in whatever you may find yourself working on throughout the day.
“Snack time.” You nod with as serious of an expression as you can muster before getting up with him to go to the kitchen, though it’s impossible to keep the expression for more than a second or two before giggling a bit.
He tousles your hair slightly and you eagerly get up to follow him to acquire snacks.
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