#my weird alien avatar oc thing
mamamittens · 1 year
Well, I've made minimal progress drawing my weird little alien alter (the face and appendages keep fucking with me, ngl, I really don't draw animals often lol) but I've had fun mentally plotting out a little story to entertain myself at work.
I thought it'd be fun to explore identity, disassociation, and relationships through this funky little dude. Mostly cause several of my earliest OCs are low-key excuses to explore myself cause I'm not very socially aware. I won't say stupid but like, it took 20+ years to even consider that I've never had any real attraction towards someone before in my life.
It's the tism
Anyway! So I was playing around with the concept of what would happen to your sense of self if you were stripped of your previous physical form and given a new one totally alien that didn't change with time. There's no aging. You can't grow into this body. Bond with others over the unique difficulties time gives you as you age.
Any friends you make, it's a real possibility now that they won't be there for anywhere near as long as you are. This clashes with the curse idea I started with but only if I dedicate to naming what it even is to start with. Whatever it is, it definitely isn't working like it was intended to.
And so, to do this for OP, I needed to start sometime before the main story to let this existential horror really sink in. And because I liked the idea of the timing, I figured the island Roger and Whitebeard fight would be a fun meeting point.
First idea was that they (cursed OC) go there recently-ish. Enough to know the island but not establish any super dedicated base. This goes into shenanigans where they steal a weapon to reach their only remaining human clothing item from a branch that it caught on when they fell into the verse. Naturally talking to the blade and promising to leave fruit as an apology for taking it. Maybe with an audience of a very amused owner.
The second idea is that they've been there for a very long time. The WBP and Roger pirates fight taking place just around the time their only human companion has passed, leaving them bereaved and alone. Extra sad points here. Maybe they lived together for several decades in a cabin and now it's so empty the prospect of leaving it behind feels as necessary as it is upsetting.
The third is even worse, the fight taking place several years after their friend's passing and with the lack of human company they've sort of devolved into something closer to an animal than a person. So much so that they have trouble talking for a while after suddenly being prompted to speak up. Initial idea is that Buggy is eaten by a giant frog and is saved but they tell him "wash. No hurt, wash" when they mean to say "you need to wash off the stomach acid or get 3rd degree burns in under an hour". Eventually leading the two captains to the abandoned house for tea but finding all the supplies for it having gone bad for some time.
Naturally, regardless of which one I go with, the custody battle is epic. Though I'm leaning with the third, ngl
Kiwi (their name for now, it's just my baby nickname lol) either goes with the WBP or Roger. If it's Roger the split goes badly and Kiwi ends up half feral again having been aggressively on the run to draw attention away from Shanks and Buggy. It's a few years before they're found again.
I'm leaning on the size thing being connected with state of mind. Like, vulnerable and afraid is the smol bean version. Feral is either the middle 'grown' version or full space dragon depending on how bad it is. Wholly aware and in control is usually smol bean but when talking to people 'on their level' or super comfortable, it's the grown version. So this fighting ring is a very feral, growly grown version with cat pupils.
I had a really horrible and sweet idea that Kiwi ends up in a fighting ring and nearly guts the newly appointed commander Thatch (like I could resist, who do you think I am???) Before noticing his jolly Roger tattoo.
"...friend?" And feels really bad about injuring him. He's confused but rolls with it, busting them out and is delighted to discover that Kiwi is in fact, an old friend of his captain. The rehabilitation is easier this time cause it hasn't been quite so long since Kiwi talked to people and didn't just exist in a fugue state.
Kiwi keeps more animalistic traits such as climbing people, chirping, purring, grooming, and expressive ears/tail body language. Maybe some face rubbing. You know. Like a cat lol
Not sure how human form comes about. But it'd be funny if they admit they miss certain aspects regardless of form. Like having four arms and finding clothes that fit without messing up thick fur.
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astraphel · 3 years
My Hero Academia manga spoilers//OC discussion that involves casual mentions of manga only lore as of yet.
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I wanna write a BNHA OC who is a direct descendant of the second or third vestiges and Deku finds out by witnessing them use one of his quirks, but a derivative of it.
The quirk would change over time but Deku is perceptive enough to figure something like that out or notice at least. And it seems as though the vestiges can actually see through Deku and his surroundings so they'd be able to give feedback.
I'm conceptualizing a short series of stories that follow a quirk through its iterations since quirks manifested for the origin person. This BNHA OC might be a part of it. But I love the idea of an anthology series that follows the story of a quirk.
(obviously taking a lot of inspiration from AtLA and any other story that involves a connection to the past being the key to the conflict)
Obvs it would be OC-heavy but I wouldn't alienate the main cast. I mean AfO has been alive this whole damn time and his dastardly doctor has been around for probably almost as long. We haven't gotten a solid number of years since quirks started, but we know that Deku is the 9th user and every other user has died at a tragically young age other than All Might.
I'd say a couple hundred years at least, maybe even up to 300 but that's pushing it imo. So, 18th century-ish in real-world time. 1721. Long-ass time. The colonization of America was ongoing but the Nation didn't exist for another 55 years. A lot changes in that time, and a lot doesn't.
At the very least it would be an interesting way to have characters interact with some of the villains. My goal would be to bring the quirk around to eventually aid in the AfO conflict somehow. It's also fun to just think about all the possibilities. Since I'm focusing on a quirk as the main plot point, that gives space to play with writing the people a lot; perspective, morals, desires, motivations. But even then, the quirk changes as well.
I DO want to make sure that this quirk doesn't actually enable the current user to connect with their past like Deku or The Avatar does.
Maybe there's a robust historical account that their weird aunt always kept in a climate-controlled room or something.
Maybe the survival of the quirk was through the great effort of a whole community, ensuring it gets passed on until its intended use to help save the world. Thinking: indigenous communities and our elders - I have no doubt that some peoples would have guessed something like the quirk singularity coming once it became clear that quirks build and change with each child. Wisdom from the past doesn't need to express itself the same ways it does with Deku's vestiges, or the Past Avatars in AtLA.
What if the 2nd/3rd user thought their loved ones were massacred by AfO - so Deku seeing their quirk being used means someone survived.
I like the idea of having a collaboration project with this idea too.
I start the first chapter and maybe have a small list of "must have's" plot-wise but otherwise everything about setting, how the quirk changes, etc can all be up to the next author. Then the next person after that changes it again with their own perspective. Basically a game of telephone. Then I take all those things and use that to craft the final iteration of the quirk that ends up helping in the conflict.
Quirks are physical manifestations in the body, as in, something that can be physically removed and transplanted as we've seen with Dr. Ujiko. Since it's heavily based on genetics, that means that there are likely quirk traits that might skip some generations, etc. There's a lot of fun to be had with this.
I don't think I have enough writer/fanfic friends to do a project quite this big yet, but I will keep it in mind for the future!
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annunakitty · 4 years
Things I did for me today (1/17/2021):
put on fresh clothes
made myself coffee
did some coloring
did some doodling
ate some candy
did some ““stress relief”” with ““toys””
painted my nails
watched some cowboy bebop
watched some futurama
Forgot to finish this post last night.  It was a rough day overall but I managed to keep my head above the water.
Here’s what I colored and doodled:
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Trying out some different styles and did a little of copying an artist I really like.  Feels weird copying someone else but how else are you gonna learn your own style?  I want to get good enough to make my own lil alien cat OC for my avatars
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the-quitter · 6 years
I’m going to go out of order for a bit because the last character is... oh man, Like, my first oc I think?
This one however is a nice one. I like this one. She’s supposed to have the signature duckbutt hairstyle, and she constantly colors it. She’s featured most prominently sporting the fire-blazing look. A part-time model, not too popular, but well liked by people. She used to have a super dramatic, backstory, I’m talking, murder, sister-killing, really heavy guilting stuff. But she would definitely not turnout as happy as she is today!
I prefer her Model name (Ellena York) to her actual name (Akanotame Hyo).
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Link for the two above --> ads tho
Now her backstory might be undefined, but she has a very interesting present!
The story goes that she and one of the Love Interests (more on him later), went to the beach and found another Love Interest who’s... well, not human at all. Surprisingly in universe, absolutely no one is shocked or surprised about the creature except human Love Interest. Even Ellena doesn’t seem to care. I mean, she is curious about him, and teaches him the human language and reading and what-not. Like she knows he’s different, but sort of treats him like... well, it’s weird. Like you know this thing is an alien, and you do have so many questions, but. None of the questions are pressing ones, they’re just. There.
York houses him in her home, and even her parents don’t blink at it. It’s as if he’s a normal house guest that they know very well.
Her entire story is supposed to be light and whimsical and comedic. With I guess shocking moments of truth, when the non-human Love Interest displays too much aggression and/or animalistic traits.
Non-Human Love Interest is named Kida Tora by Ellena. Not sure if she ever taught him about his own name, usually she just grabs him if she wants his attention. His gender is also imposed onto him by York. But I never thought of him as a full complete male. Perhaps it has a unique gender that isn’t found in the human species? In any case. Here’s some pics.
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Missing Link - I tried my best, I just couldn’t seem to find it...
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Also also, just want to point out the purple lamb there is just Ellena’s favorite plushie. That is her guitar, and yes she does play. Kida does not. In reality I don’t think she’d let him hold the guitar since even his ‘human’ appearance has nails that are too long and sharp (they’re bone instead of skin). However, I can’t see her denying him things or being strict. Chances are she carefully guided him on how to hold and strum, after he sees her play and asks to try it (at this point in time, he probably didn’t know how to speak properly, and just held out his hands in the most child-like grabby motion).
I do not play the guitar. I cannot tell you anything more other than the fact that Ellena is quite good at it. Doesn’t really have an interest in making her own songs, but she does enjoy switching lyrics in other songs to fit her mood. She mostly plays mainstream music, and in very rare cases, she’s played songs for her family and friends. Definitely plays it in her free time when she feels like it, and is more comfortable performing for herself. She does occasionally play in school if it’s required of her to do so. Or if enough people request it.
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Now this character isn’t actually fleshed out fully. My theory is that he was originally human, when something or someone turned him into a non-human creature. (How he went from white to brown we will never know.)
I did have more theories, but as I typed out the previous words, I thought it made more sense for him to originally be human. It would explain why he can take a human-ish appearance when he needs to. Maybe even say that he became brown from years spent at sea (as both sea creature and human).
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another cute one. Aw. My theory is Ellena has a sea of plushies in her room.
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in picture titles I usually write notes. It says here that the hair on Kida is 100% accurate. Huh. I look at it now though, and I don’t like it, simply because it’s covering his eye, and that’s not want I want him to look like now. Perhaps I drew him differently on paper. We’ll find out when I sort through all my art. After sorting through all the dress-up games!
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again, the title implies this is accurate. But I’m thinking I want this design changed big time. Though I suppose the necklace can stay.
And now, On to our other human friend. One of the few male characters that I’ve made, that feels realistic (to me at least).
His name is Wilton West. He’s the obligatory transfer student (again, all made in my anime phase). The whole story takes place in japan I suppose, but I’m changing that right now. Because. It just. In seems like it would fit better in my vampire universe, somewhere far in the future. Perhaps mana will be overshadowed by technology. Avatar style (I’m still not watching Legend of Korra tho, I’m sorry).
He’s a skeptic, a pessimist and maybe sometimes a realist when he’s right. He’s also a gamer. Not a hardcore one, he just likes passing his time with games. I’ve written somewhere that he may or may not have a motorcycle. But chances are it’s his grandfather’s, and he’s definitely not allowed to touch it.
Wilton is also the first character I’ve created that requires glasses. Which is weird. I mean glasses is like, a normal thing. Why is he the first character to need them.
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Now while Wilton and Ellena do spend time together, they have more of a frenemy relationship. Wilton spends too much time finding faults in what Ellena says and does. Like having a constant critic, who will never sing your praises and always look for more of your flaws.
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this is a myth, Wilton rarely smiles.
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listen bro, he’s only smirking cause he’s about to get that Fortnite win.
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The title says, ‘this is how they met’. To be honest, it probably is! Ellena loves swimming, and it seems while on her way to the swim meet after school, she bumped into West and scattered his almost late essay to the wind!
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‘his style’
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dat witty banter(tm) tho!
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OH NO I can’t find the Link! Please help.
maybe he has a dog? But he seems more of a cat person. You know what. screw it. He has a cat. Sorry good doggo. But ya gotta go.
And this last one is a crossover with my other O.C. that I’ll be talking about soon in another post.
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taz-writes · 6 years
10 Questions Tag Game
@micastarsandmirrors tagged me on my main blog for this, but I’m posting it here because it seemed more appropriate. :>
1. Which author(s) inspires you the most?
Oof, hard question! Recently I’ve been really inspired by Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series--I love how he deconstructs fantasy as a genre. Guards! Guards! is one of the best books I’ve read in a very long time. 
2. Someone from a different world asks you, “Show me the song of your people” which earth song would you play for them?
Madeon’s Pop Culture. It’s such a genius reimagining of SO many other songs, and it encapsulates modern pop musical culture in a way that’s really fantastic. I love it. It’s not actually my favorite song, but as an example to an alien of what Earth music is, it’s a pretty good case study. 
3. How did you get the idea for your current WIP?
Feilan is drawn from the mythology of a recess game I used to play with my friends in elementary school. My friends and I would team up and LARP as our super cool powerful fairy avatars and fight the annoying boys from the classroom next door evil! As we grew up, the lore of Fairyland grew darker and more complicated, and I borrowed bits and pieces of dozens of other stories to glue them to my self insert and my friends’. We grew out of the game, but the paracosm we’d created stuck with me. Around sixth grade, I started putting those old recess games into writing! 
4. Which of your characters is a lover not a fighter and which is a fighter not a lover?
Honestly, most of my characters are both! Feilan is an action story and the majority of the cast is prepared to throw down at any time. I think Lavender is the lover-not-a-fighter. She’s a healer, after all, and she prefers to avoid conflict. The fighter is definitely Amalie. 
5. Do you listen to music while you write? If so, what do you listen to?
Sometimes! It depends on my mood, and what kind of scene I’m trying to write. Usually, I prefer instrumental music. I have a class at school where the homework is just listening to a few hours of classical music, so I’ll do that a lot while I write. Otherwise... video game music is the way to go. Undertale has a freaking amazing soundtrack. Also, I’m still quite fond of the Homestuck music albums.... They have a lot of great songs for setting a mood. 
6. What’s the best way to piss off your main OC?
Tell her she’s not good enough to be worthy of something. Bonus points if you imply her opinions don’t matter, or bring up her birth status. That’ll get her riled up in half a second flat. 
7. What inspired you to write your current WIP(S)?
Oh boy here we go, here’s the novel. Feilan’s backstory is long and very emotional.
When I was growing up, I could never find stories to read that actually gave me what I wanted. I was raised on that early-2000s strand of Girl Power(tm) that was really obsessed with characters who are girls fighting the patriarchy and everyone cares that they’re girls because there’s clearly nothing more important about their characters........ Either that or they were just straight up annoying. I adored Winx Club but every time the girls went shopping another piece of me died. I had a well-established Not Like Other Girls complex but at the same time reading characters who thought like that was really annoying? There were a lot of things I hated in the stories I read growing up: inescapable love interests, tiny sparkly boring fairies, the anti-sue genre of Plain Modest Protagonists who aren’t allowed to be powerful or even aware that they could be, female characters who can’t do anything without reminding us that they’re girls and girls can’t normally do this but I can and look how special that is!!, the inevitable Girl Media Shopping Montage... et cetera. 
I didn’t want that. I wanted Lord of the Rings, but with girls, and maybe a cute boy!Galadriel. I wanted a story where girls being heroes wasn’t a big deal, or even worth questioning. I couldn’t find those things, so I decided I’d make my own, drawn out of my shameless childhood power fantasies. Feilan is an aggressive defiance of pretty much all the tropes in the last paragraph. I’ve stuck to it so doggedly because even now, I still have trouble finding stories with the kinds of characters I want to read about. I’ve always been super invested in stories about characters who are Like Me, who are girls with feminine and masculine interests, who have ADHD but are still smart anyways, who are short and built strong instead of slender. I used to refuse to watch cartoons unless there was at least one blonde girl that I could latch onto who wasn’t a stereotype Popular Girl. More recently, I want to see characters who are bi like me, where nobody makes a big deal out of it. I don’t even like romance stories, I don’t understand why it has to matter if X likes girls and boys! Just let her do that and get her girlfriend and get back to saving the world! And I fucking hate stories that pretend to be progressive by driving in over and over again how X character is a girl, X character is so gay--the ultimate result is just reminding me that I’m weird somehow. By... being a person, I guess. I hate those narratives so much but especially in mainstream YA, they’re practically inevitable? 
So I wanted to write Feilan so I could have the story I wanted to read but never found, about characters who are like me and dealing with my problems and my strengths and my fears. And I’ve kept writing it because I still want that, and I want Feilan to be that story for other people too, because I don’t think I’m alone here. It’s also a major outlet for my emotions. 
This is a long answer, but I think it’s pretty clear why. :)
8. What is the last book/series you finished reading?
The last book I read was an English translation of Ghost Opera by Mercedes Roffe, which I read for a class I’m taking right now in the art of translation. It’s very far away from my usual fantasy genre, but I really enjoyed it! If you like neat artsy poetry, give it a look sometime, especially if you speak Spanish and can experience it in the original language. 
9. What finally made you say, “Wow! I really like writing, I’m gonna keep doing this”?
When I was in fourth grade I won a local writing contest with a cute little poem about nature, and I got to go to a book fair event and read it out loud in a fancy auditorium, and I was SO UNBELIEVABLY STOKED. My mom was really proud of me, too. A couple people complimented the poem to me afterwards and it made my year. I decided that I wanted to win again the next year, and started taking poetry more seriously. 
10. What’s your favorite thing about writing?
Rereading my work. It’s so incredible to me sometimes, because I can and will cry over events in my own story, and I get so happy reading over the triumphs of my own OCs that I wrote out with my own hands and there’s something so beautiful and powerful about seeing these ideas that I created in my brain grow wings and fly. I cried a lot, when I printed out the first draft of Feilan’s book 1 and held it in my hands. That’s mine! I did that! I did all of that, and now I can hold it and see it and show people! 
I’m now tagging @pumapauus @greenhousewriting @jaidynwrites @hklunethewriter and anyone else who’s interested to answer these 10 questions, then write your own and pass it on! Feel free to ignore if you don’t have the time :) Anyone else who sees this and is interested, you’re welcome to answer too and say I tagged you!
1. What does your workspace look like? Do you have a designated ‘writing area’? 
2. Do you prefer to write solo heroes or ensemble casts? 
3. Which of your characters reminds you the most of yourself?
4. What’s one trait your main OC has that you wish you had, too?
5. Have you changed or removed any major elements of your current WIP since its original draft/concept? What was the biggest change, and why did you make it? 
6. If you had to give your main WIP a theme song, what would it be?
7. What’s your favorite non-writing-related hobby?
8. What are some of your favorite books? 
9. What’s your favorite trope to read and/or write? What’s your least favorite? 
10. What do you love most about your own work and why? 
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doc-boredom · 7 years
I have a question thats going to sound dumb I know the twrp characters are real people but are ding dong and julian based off of something?
It’s okay anon. I’ve gotten this before, or at least something like it. Someone asked me if DD and Julian were Chris’s OCs! 
Ding Dong and Julian are from a youtube show called Oneyplays. If you wanna see a more realistic interpretation of them, my fic “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Ding Dong!” focuses a bit more on their Oneyplays personas/as real people in a slice of life type of setting. But why an alien, you may ask. DD’s always wanted to keep his identity a secret (kind of like our TWRP boys!) He first appeared on Oneyplays as this weird wrinkled husk of a thing (larval form, we’ll suppose) before Julian came along and made up the design for DD’s avatar. (I saw some of the originals and oh boy, we lucked out with this one lmao)
SLM is this mix of circumstantial character personalities and threading a needle to connect them in some ways to their original selves. You’ll see it come through in the dialogue, in little interactions that they share. They’re defs more ooc (if you even wanna consider it that) for SLM. The fact that DD was an alien lent itself to making a space fic (just like Meouch being a space pirate/smuggler to make him a part of Julian’s crew!)
Let me know if you have more questions!
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aniseandspearmint · 7 years
@princesssarcastia, here are some of the things I’m reading right now! I took a quick look at your listed fandoms and tried to keep it to those, though I added a few really good ones from others.)
WIP I’m currently reading off the top of my head (various fandoms)
Lightsword by Esama (Star Wars/ff7) Cloud reincarnates as Obi-wan Kenobi. Composed of one word prompt sections. Very well done and I really can’t wait to see where the author goes with it. Gen so far (well, hinted Zack/Aerith?)
Survival is a Talent by Shanastoryteller (Harry Potter) Soulmate AU fic. This kind of AU is one I really enjoy when it’s done well (and so long as the fic isn’t one of those colorblind until you meet your soulmate ones those irritate me so much) and this is done well. It’s Harry/Draco, starting in second year. And the best part? There’s no bashing of either Ron or Hermione. I could have cried in relief when they weren’t distorted out of character. They stay Harry’s besties throughout everything. The issues of Harry and Draco realizing they’re soulmates is handled extremely well. Draco doesn’t just change, nor does Harry. They have to work at being friends, and as of the current chapters there’s only friendship. The endgame pairing is Harry/Draco, but Shanastoryteller has clearly remembered that the boys in question are 12/13 and there is no romance yet. Draco’s very real issues with the knowledge that his father is not a good person (for all that he clearly loves Draco) makes my heart ache for him. Draco loves his father, Lucius loves Draco, but Draco is coming to realize that he doesn’t want anyone to die, not even muggles or muggleborns.
Resident Project by Kryal (Resident Evil/Tatterdemalion Verse) The Tatterdemalion Verse is a sci-fi/horror AU of Bleach and Saiyuki created by Vathara, that I cannot rec enough, even to people who aren’t into either Bleach or Saiyuki. In my opinion, they read fairly well even if you don’t know who all the characters are, since it’s such an extreme AU from the original series’, and the Bleach fics are actually set way pre-series and feature few of the main cast (as they have not been born yet). A quick google of the names will get you general appearance, and you can read from there.
Kryal, author of The Dragon King's Temple, THE best Avatar/Stargate crossover, was apparently chatting with Vathara one day about how well the Resident Evil verse would mix with Tatterdemalion, and this fic was born. I may have screamed a little in joy when I saw the notification in my inbox. And I don’t even know more than the bare bones about Resident Evil. Fic is Gen, no pairings, people are too busy trying not to die for romance.
Friends Across Borders Series by MueraRashaye (Heralds of Valdemar) Dunno if you know this book series or not, but I’ll toss this in too. FAB is on it’s 10th story in the series (long series is long btw, currently over 300k) , and is honestly one of the best Valdemar fanfics I have ever read. The characters are OCs, but fully fleshed out and beautifully rendered. I had absolutely no problem getting into them, and had the odd but hilarious experience of idly wondering what Kir and Anur were up to during the canon book series the last time I read it, only to remember mid thought that the were OCs, not Mercedes Lackey’s characters. Ace and Aro characters!
Triumphant, The Dreamer by Shadowblayze (Harry Potter) This is a lovely OC reincarnated as a Harry Potter character fic. The character is Heather, a twin to Harry. EPIC worldbuilding and amazingly well done characters. No character bashing, but also pulls no punches regarding certain stupid moves made by canon characters. Gen so far.
Find Your Way By Moonlight by Blackkat (Naruto, Vampire AU) I usually don’t really go for AUs that take away the whole magic ninja aspect of Naruto, but damn this is a good story. Totally an exception to my usual preferences! 
It focuses on Hunter Kakashi and Vampire Obito, and there are a whole host of twisty vampire and other supernatural creature politics, and currently there are a lot of people enacting epic plans without checking to see if maybe anyone else is currently enacting their own epic plans, and it’s promising to be a glorious train-wreck of tangled up coup/rescue/assassination attempts. Very much not Gen. Main pairing is Kakashi/Obito, with a ton of crack pairings on the side.
Karmic Balance by Sanjuno (khr/Naruto) Epic reincarnation of kakashi and Obito. They think the mafia is adorable, but ultimately dumb as rocks. The mafia does not see them coming. Epic worldbuilding (there is a theme there. I do love my epic worldbuilding *G*) This story is excellently spun, manages to treat the khr world seriously danger wise, but still retain the humor rainbow colored fire mafioso deserve. Kakashi/Obito main pairing (they’re kinda scarily co-dependant) gen for everyone else so far.
Star-Queen by TheBetterAngelsOfOurNature (Guardians of the Galaxy) Pre-movie AU, what if Meredith Quill had been able to chase after Peter? There’s endgame Meredith/Yondu, but it’s very slow burn. I really love how this author is filling in Meredith’s personality, and fleshing out other characters that the movies never did. There are a whole host of transplanted comic characters, and OCs to fill voids, but they’re very well done. Updates are kinda sporadic now, since the author just moved to an area with no internet and only gets to town once or twice a month, but it’s worth the wait.
Damaged Defenders by Sherza (MCU) Incredibly long and plotty re-imagining of how things would have gone if Thor had noticed Loki’s eyes were the wrong color. Features multiple crossovers with other Marvel works. Canon relationships only, and little focus on those. This is primarily a ‘gather the forces in preparation for a major alien invasion’ fic.
Harnessing Starfire by Sherza (Star trek AOS) A fic that actually lets the Enterprise crew be the BAMF individuals they truly are. AU after the first movie. Spock Prime gets his Kirk back! Takes the characters canon backstories into account, so Jim was on Tarsus. Takes a good analytical look at what it really means for Vulcans that Vulcan was destroyed, and what it means for the Klingons to have had most of their fleet gutted by Nero, and what it means for the Romulans to have had a Romulan do all of these things, time traveling nutjpb or not. Pairing is endgame AOS!Spock/AOS!Jim and TOS!Spock/TOS!Jim. The is Spock/Uhura at the beginning, but they amicably end things. No bashing.
Weirdness is Genetic by Sherza (BtVS/Sentinel/Stargate) This is the rarest of rarities, a GEN sentinel fic. Features a sentinel/guide bond between Xander and Clone!Jack that is handled beautifully. Also a sekret!father fic, wherein Jim Ellison is Xander’s biological father. The three fandoms are meshed well, and there’s not bashing of characters. Fic is totally gen apart from some canon barely there pairings.
Jason Todd: The Not-So-Outlaw by GoAwayOlivia (DCU Batman) A lovely fic that features Jason coming back to Gotham after deciding to take a break from the Outlaws. There’s some excellent exploration of family dynamics in the bat clan, and of what being resurrected with the Lazerus Pit’s really does to someones mind. I really love the developing relationship between the now much saner Jason and his adopted siblings in this, plus GoAwayOlivia’s Alfred is fantastic. Jason does therapy through home renovation, it’s great. Genfic. (*blinks* Huh, and apparently this is complete now? I never got that notification!)
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hollowsentinel · 7 years
My OCs and Stuff
I've sat on this for too long. It's incomplete, but it's here. If anyone sees this and wants a peek into my head, ask about these peeps/ideas/places before I forget them.
My OCs
I have another list to promote my non-cishet OCs too. There's also a tag.
Rebecca Heller: my firstborn, transgirl (?), lives with her "uncle," makes magical bone cannons and practices swordplay
Vincent Azor: the aforementioned "uncle," vampire, old, technically owns an inn built by a crossroads, good shot with his pistol
Linora Azor: sister to Vincent, deceased?
Richard: nightmare, leader of the Black Knights/Brigade of Zavax, friendly?
Roger: badass, lieutenant to Richard, serious?
Fifer: mage and displacer beast
Mallory: mage and locker-mimic
Kevin: earth-etched, unblessed, practiced structured magic via an enchanted bronze plate, lives with a vampiric symphony member and witchy DJ
Damian: metalworker, later mechanic, son of a witch, once hunted by his "mirror image," survived by kissing and sexing her
Mira: the half-identical mirror image (?), can do tricks with mirrors, tastes like citrus
Matthieu Marchand: also Molten Myth, studies unconventional magic and metallury, spent his teenage years surviving alone in a nonsensical world of sugar, spice, and things trying to kill him, a squire of the Earthen Order
Grindstone: grandfather to Myth, knight of the Earthen Order, badass
“Ninth Lord”: "deceased" knight of the Earthen Order, demon, enjoys escaping hell for brief periods and enjoying romantic literature
Persistent Beast: known as Liam; old, practically immortal, dangerous, ravenous, famous for surviving ridiculous executions; generally terrified of external/uncontrolled sources of heat
"Pop-up Nightmare: known as Jack; famous for brief appearances throughout the ages, often considered a myth, very shy and unassuming
Porcelain Fade: known as Laina; actually a frail girl, known as a famous sex worker (her "double") that gathered a strong following that raised her from her work, her best friends are a realized figment of her imagination and a guy that should be killing her
Ruos Illinde, Pinnacle Hunter: the only hunter that threatens Liam, too gay to die, her girlfriend accidentally mangled her voice, unusually immortal for a human
“Demonolgist-gunner”: son of a witch, dragged to magic college by his friend, hard worker, poor magical prowess, has an independent magic system that lets him summon his weapons
Manager Death: pretty chill, overworked, in charge of all death (human, non-human, deific, and so on), has delegated many tasks to individuals he has waived death from
Sickly Death: a lady from another setting, good friends with Lady Luck, is wished ill by many and so is ill
Knottam Portan: a reaper employed by Manager Death, the "longest-lived" human reaper in Death's employ, lives in an apartment with humans out of the know, sleeps irregularly with the demands of his dayjob and his reaping duties
Lady Death: the crush of Elliah's soul? laid-back, timeless
Nate, Priest of the Abandoned: a table-top gamer that found, saved, and restored a statue of Lady Luck (with his friends), he goes on to enable all forgotten/abandon gods to continue existing and keeping them all company
Entropy: friend to Knottam, pretty chill, can totally end the existence of anything given enough time, likes to travel and experience new things
Elliah “Casper” Redden: sneaky, a reincarnation of Wrath, regularly murders people to keep control of himself
Ethan Moore: kinda popular, gets saved by Elliah and learns how to survive from him, goes on to co-found/lead a crew of students and friends through a warzone
Siet “Hailey” Lenas: saves a bunch of people from danger by avoiding conflicts, sets a lynch mob on Elliah, joins him shortly thereafter, generally pacifistic, adds exception as she learns to get along (and convinces Elliah and Ethan to chill out more in turn)
Lazar Kensley/Laus of Dust: a down-trodden gamer whose exploits decide the fate of a nation; Lazar is his "Earth" name, Laus is his "Lirc" name
Charlie "Barker": Lazar's friend, plays furry Vikings in their game and lives their ideals, aspiring veterinarian
Ikail: a master archer, quiet friend of Lazar
Haniel of Dust: something of a desert spirit, chief leader of the Lirc, adopted Lazar/Laus as her little brother, has a musical whip
Kezal: a master rider, hates Lazar once he is tied to her nation's fate
Sorec: goddess of the Lirc, ex-princess of a neighboring kingdom
Kirituania: DEFUNCT? lesser goddess of the Lirc?
Draskul Aer: DEFUNCT? a rare significant man among the Lirc; drove monsters that the Lirc were unable to effectively combat to near extinction
“King of Coal/Flesh”: a French girl that has sat upon the Hearth's Throne for far too long
“King of Flame/Blood”: a boy steeped in the traditions of pyravol
“King of Bone/Ash”: another girl that pushes the limits of her art
Senai Orathi: overseer of the most complicated world, ex-thief, confined to his new home
Cinneyi: goddess of family and proactive protection, has a crush on "Creator"
Kreyji: goddess of family and reactive protection, Cinneyi's sister
Rafe Lorienne: cleric of Cinneyi and necromancer by her request
"Creator": Senai's predecessor and assumed to be the creator of the most complicated world
Seriqad: the last of his people, attuned to the spirit of death, has red eyes that he regularly disfigures to hide his heritage, a sort of lich
Arhias: a paladin sent to hunt Seriqad, befriends him over the course of a lifetime instead
Nuemin Tilus: the biggest jerk, born to a rich family, has a little sister that he regularly harassed/abused
Mint Nuelle: friend of Dodger, later hunts down draft dodgers, pioneers the use of soulfire bonds as torture tools
Dodger Stone: soulfire adept, illusionist, murders Nuemin and steals his identity
Aster Xilhu: succubus that binds herself to Dodger as his familiar
Lillian: prodigy diviner, one of the few that challenges Dodger to do better, practices demon summoning and related taboo magics
"Demon Bro": Lillian's brother and a demon of some renown
Esri Lyrrhn: excellent mage, excels in indirect combat, works as head of security and secondary chief administrator at Iolech (?)
Hel: bitchy model that gets sucked up by Alskur
Mercy: useless nerd that gets sucked up by Alskur
Lecil: tendril-morph, works as security and sells baked goods on the side
Tamara: Maria Eschil Loew, librarian, chief practicioner of dangerous magic; lives with Lecil
Jonathan Sieffas: went to art school and studied to be a construct technician as a secondary option, abandoned both when his girlfriend was murdered by exorcists, became an exorcist
Kjekerva Austre: Kayla, sentient pair of panties made by an accomplished, pro-sex mage
Jay: AKA "J:\\", a digital avatar? something of a killswitch in a digital setting where everyone and everything is data, programming, artificial intelligence, etc
Charlie: AKA "C:\\" (?), a dick in the same setting as Jay
Delia: internal intelligence agent, Yinnic, totally an assassin, totally botched her murder-suicide of a suspected defector/spy, racist as shit?
Anise: talented ship security, Yinnic, recruited as muscle in a long-term stealth op, was totally used as incentive to try to get other recruits in
Kino: daughter of an ex-intelligence agent, Dekar, skilled marksman
Janeo: daughter of an ex-intelligence agent, Dekar, skilled infiltrator
Osric: hopeful radio operator/technician, Yinnic, conscripted as a tank operator, learned to act as a spy as a matter of survival
Seamus: a prototype Yinnic supersoldier, really nice guy, really tough guy, was totally bait for hopeful recruits
Chelsea: the only "regular" soldier going out on the stealth op, Yinnic, fell hook, line, and sinker for Anise and Seamus
Ollie: also Olivia/Oliver, genderfluid space fighter pilot or some such, kind of badass, kind of nerdy, very good at zero-G combat, low self-worth (and takes full advantage of that to do crazy shit)
Laika: friend of Ollie, smuggler, trader, and captain of a stealth vessel
Jesse Albrecht: a horror game critic/guide-maker, director of the Cabinet Corps
Desmond Locke: prophetic (?) game-designer, owner of the Locke-r Arcade, was totally a cool kid back in high school and ran an arcade out of his locker at the time
Beverly Vigor/Ainsley Flow: "librarian" for a small selection of restricted books that travels and connects to larger collections willy-nilly
Gunman Gamma/Old God Kiirkxin: technically an old spirit, has many titles and names, would like to forget some of them, somewhat chill, lost all of his followers to a plague, isn't over their deaths centuries later, older than the flow of time (and can recognize weird things because he's not bound by time), later depicted as nubby horned and white haired
Xion & Teo/Seijin: intertwined souls, Gamma's champion and spring, can totally rewrite timelines
"Phoenix": a fire god/spirit that crushes on Gamma, regularly dies and comes back
"Invincible Mountain": rival to Gamma (Relentless Gale), rules over a massive mountain city
Zershaln: life portioner/thief and advisor
Esukal: life granter/puppeteer and priestess
Yequln: life ender/warden and tailor
Prosper: executioner of the Gravel Guard, actually pretty chill and unlikely to execute anyone
Juuha: ascended demon
Tyler Hoffman: judge, jury, warden, and servant of an alien, fan of cartoon wherein alien is depicted, smith, kind of a wizard eventually, dies and comes back to life several times, kind of unkillable
Thomas Baker: programmer, works alongside mythical creatures, has no idea until after he bluffs a gang and inadvertently "burns" his veil, sees everyone amd everything as what they are, has to put effort into seeing their disguises
Hunter Hunter Halsey: modern day monster hunter, does more diplomacy than hunting, has about as much sexual intercourse as verbal intercourse at some point, dressed/trained old-fashioned at patron's request
"Patron": a vampire hunted by time mages
Nolan: a Dreamer that is "acutely aware of all threats", intended, actionable, possible, and acted
Faye Scoria: national criminal, can summon/control fire
Scum: one of the Covenant, regenerates in a parasitic manner, hive-minded over their lives, but tends toward using one vessel
Bitch: one of the Covenant, usually Major Bitch as per their military rank (and something of a joke)
Bud: one of the Covenant, not Buddy
Jill, the All-seeing Witch: Ruos' runaway girlfriend and substitute horror hunter
Lacey: stripper, has a retired intelligence agent as a brother, leader/creator of the Escort Service (kind of a gang, kind of a bodyguard business, kind of a prostitution ring)
Trevor: skittish ex-conscript with an erased service record, kind of remembers overlapping timelines of the span wherein he was shelled in trenches, sees his week-long stint as several months
Zachary: AKA Beta, Bee, or Plan B, supers' supportive vigilante, experienced mountain climber, college kid, eventually joins their ranks after an incident
Shan: may become defunct, a Dreamer that creates shadows of people that he can command, they have limited operating range, owns the Midnight Lounge
Hikaru: martial street performer
Jill, Shadow Demon: the demon that Hikaru plays at
"Jane Doe": big, caffeine addict, smells of the sea, "brick-like," an unexpected OC, but a fast favorite after a few key events and chats
Zavax: country of necromancers
The Void: the place of men and beasts unfit for mortal realms
The Overworld: current home of Senai Orathi and other "gods"
Alskur: the city of arms and armor; the desire of the nal'orose
Yinnia: nerds have their own country and send conscripts to war in mechs
Dekar: bullies have their own country and go to war with greedy nerds
"Gear Mall": high-tech skaters have their own city-state where everyone skates; they are literally the biggest mall
The Dreamers: a bunch of people that dropped into inexplicable comas, shared a dream, and gained supernatural powers
Horror Hunters: a loose association of monster hunters
Oschn Clan: more a band of like-minded horror hunters that specialize in dueling other hunters to learn their techniques than a proper clan
Guillotine: a guild of player-killers run by a group of criminals
The Covenant: usually "of Blood", sometimes "of Dust", composed of many near-human people that never truly die (but they totally die a lot)
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