#my writing tends to expand and contract a lot during revisions cycles
threewaysdivided · 2 years
I've always had a question abt YJDW. When Danny gets his hazmat suit replaced and updated with an actual superhero suit does it appear when he transforms or is it something that he has to put on afterward? I love your work btw
(Young Justice: Deathly Weapons)
Thank you! 💜
The idea I had with it was for Batman to have studied Phantom's OG suit (plus the Fentonworks research he brought along) and developed a material-variant that integrated with his ecto-signature.
Partially so that it would "stick" to Danny's ghost-form and transform with him, partially so that it would react to and not interfere with his powers, and partially so that the ecto-dampening component of the built-in stealth-tech would mask his signature and prevent tracking when activated.
I also did a rough concept sketch of the design a few years back.
Chapter 16 was one of those ones that went through a lot of drafts. The early versions had much longer sections about the functionality, performance requirements and design process that Batman and Robin went through in making the new suit, and how Danny had to hang out for several days in Phantom form just wearing it until synced to him properly.
But, as I went back through, a lot of that detail ended trimmed down to keep the opening from taking a needlessly technical exposition-dump at the expense of the pacing, characters and information that was actually important to the story.
In the final cut I think it ended up just being lightly alluded to in this line:
Even with non-stop wear it could take weeks before a uniform felt truly comfortable.
So yeah, the idea was that the new suit behaves effectively the same as the old one in most ways (minus any self-repairing features). It's meant to stay with his ghost form across transformations unless he actively takes it off, in which case it'll stay off (and he'll have to find alternative clothes in Phantom form) until he puts it back on again.
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