#only the large items would very likely just transfer over to his human form (on top of whatever he was wearing there) if he changed in them
threewaysdivided · 2 years
I've always had a question abt YJDW. When Danny gets his hazmat suit replaced and updated with an actual superhero suit does it appear when he transforms or is it something that he has to put on afterward? I love your work btw
(Young Justice: Deathly Weapons)
Thank you! 💜
The idea I had with it was for Batman to have studied Phantom's OG suit (plus the Fentonworks research he brought along) and developed a material-variant that integrated with his ecto-signature.
Partially so that it would "stick" to Danny's ghost-form and transform with him, partially so that it would react to and not interfere with his powers, and partially so that the ecto-dampening component of the built-in stealth-tech would mask his signature and prevent tracking when activated.
I also did a rough concept sketch of the design a few years back.
Chapter 16 was one of those ones that went through a lot of drafts. The early versions had much longer sections about the functionality, performance requirements and design process that Batman and Robin went through in making the new suit, and how Danny had to hang out for several days in Phantom form just wearing it until synced to him properly.
But, as I went back through, a lot of that detail ended trimmed down to keep the opening from taking a needlessly technical exposition-dump at the expense of the pacing, characters and information that was actually important to the story.
In the final cut I think it ended up just being lightly alluded to in this line:
Even with non-stop wear it could take weeks before a uniform felt truly comfortable.
So yeah, the idea was that the new suit behaves effectively the same as the old one in most ways (minus any self-repairing features). It's meant to stay with his ghost form across transformations unless he actively takes it off, in which case it'll stay off (and he'll have to find alternative clothes in Phantom form) until he puts it back on again.
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the-bau-quinjet · 4 years
Hello! This is honestly just a bunch of fluff (a tiny bit of angst bc Spencer worries about everything) and the reader being very nervous! I am currently writing a sequel to take place directly after this one! Read part two here!
Summary: Reader is arrested by the BAU! Little do they know, she is dating the one agent who is currently on medical leave...
warnings: none!
Word Count: 4954
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“Are you sure you can pick her up today?” You are currently running around your apartment, phone held to your ear with your shoulder. You have to be at work in fifteen minutes, but first you have to drop your daughter off at school, and you’re running very late.
 “Babe, yes. I’m almost completely healed and I don’t go back to work until tomorrow. I’ll pick her up after school and then meet you at your apartment when you’re done working. Okay?” Thank God for Spencer Reid. He has been on medical leave for 5 days, slowly going insane. But, it meant more time for you and Lily to spend with him, so you’re not complaining.
“That’s perfect, thank you so much! I gotta go, I love you!” You are in such a daze, you don’t stop to think about the three words that just came out of your mouth. You hang up before Spencer can respond as you wrestle with your six year old to put shoes on. Grabbing both of your coats, you run out the door.
 You met Spencer Reid 9 months ago when he came into the hospital you work in with a concussion and some pretty bad bruises. It was really a chance meeting. Normally, you don’t even deal with patients because you work in research. But, your best friend asked you to run some lab results to a patient’s room and you couldn’t say no. Dr. Spencer Reid happened to be that patient.
 He wasn’t supposed to be in the room, but apparently something happened with the CT schedule, and he was done earlier than expected. So, instead of simply dropping off forms in an empty room, you hit a man with a door. Why he was standing behind the door is still a mystery to you, but you felt awful. This man is in the hospital and to make matters worse, you come along and hit him! With a door! You offered to get him some coffee as an apology, and in his concussed state he said “Only if we can go together.” You’ve since realized that was smoother than he normally acts, but you don’t care. He is the most lovable man you’ve ever met.��
 You met up for coffee three days later, and have been dating ever since. He met your daughter, Lily, on the second date. They clicked instantly. You knew then and there that you would love this man forever. You have not, however, actually said I love you before this morning. But, you’re still in too much of a rush to stop and think about it… or even realize it happened.  
 You pull into the parking garage at the hospital 7 minutes late. Honestly, better than you expected. The morning flies by as you work on research grants and hospital studies. All in all, a pretty average day. That is, until you walk back into the building from your lunch break.
 You don’t get a lot of visitors in the research wing, so it’s strange to see two pretty official looking individuals at the front desk. It’s even stranger to hear your name come out of one of their mouths.
 “Hi there. We are Agents Morgan and Rossi from the FBI. We’re looking Ms. Y/N L/N. Is she here?” That must have been Morgan talking.
 Spencer has told you a lot about his team. You feel like you know them all already with how many stories he’s told you. You’ve been hesitant to meet them though because of Lily. You don’t want her to get too attached to him and his friends if things were to go sideways. You haven’t really dated anyone since her father, so you’re a bit nervous. Spencer, of course, completely understands. He just wants you to be happy. It’s hard not to love him even more at the thought.
 You are immediately thrown into a panic at the sight of the two agents. Your thoughts are running wild with possibilities. They must be here because something happened to Spencer. Wait. That doesn’t make sense. He’s not even working today.
 Your panicked train of thought pulls to a stop when the two agents walk up to you. “Ms. L/N? Can we speak with you for a moment?” You nod, leading them toward your office.
 “Of course. My office is just down the hall.” You can’t help but feel nervous at the prospect of meeting Spencer’s coworkers without him. Especially if it has to do with a case they’re working. These are the people he loves most in the world. They are his family. What if they don’t like you? What if they think you’re an idiot? What if they think Spencer can do better? It also doesn’t help that you know they can tell you’re nervous because you know they are profilers. You sit down behind your desk, offering them the seats on the opposite side.
 “Ms. L/N, you’re in charge of the research department, correct?” Rossi says it like a question, but he clearly knows the answer.
 “That’s right.” You are trying everything you can to get your nerves to settle, but it just isn’t working. You’re basically lying to two human lie detectors, even if it is just by omission.
 “So if items were to go missing from this laboratory, you would be responsible for reporting it.” It was Morgan who spoke this time. It’s hard for you to follow their line of questioning. What would go missing? It’s not like you wouldn’t notice if a fume hood suddenly disappeared.
 “I suppose so, although it depends on what items. We don’t have a specific inventory of commonly used products like syringes and gauze, we just order more when we get low.” You can’t decide which agent to focus on. Your eyes are flicking nervously between both of them.
 “What about human tissue?” When the words come out of Morgan’s mouth, you freeze for just a second. You don’t have any human tissue in the lab, so how would it go missing? Of course, the profilers take the delay in your response to mean something other than confusion.
 “We- we don’t use human tissue in this specific laboratory. We focus on small animal models. The other research lab is responsible for human tissue protocols.” You stutter through your words under the harsh glares of the two agents. It is really not helping your nerves.
 “Then how do you explain this?” Rossi slides a paper across your desk. It’s housed in a large plastic bag with “EVIDENCE” across the top in big, block letters. It’s a form you have never seen before. The kind someone would fill out to transfer human tissue between labs. Your hands shake as you hold the paper, slowly trying to figure out what it is. You almost puke when you reach the bottom. It has your signature as an approval of the request. You drop the paper as if it has burned you.
 “I’ve never- I didn’t- how did-” You’re cut off before you can try to finish your sentence, but you don’t hear what they are saying. You feel the cold click of metal around your wrists, tight enough to just pinch your skin. They lead you back out of the building, to a waiting SUV. You can’t help but be grateful that nobody was there to witness your arrest.
 The ride to Quantico is silent. You keep trying to figure out how someone could have signed your name on that form, but you can’t focus. Your mind keeps drifting to memories with Spencer.
 You remember your first date in the coffee shop a block away from the hospital. He ordered a black coffee only to pour in an exorbitant amount of sugar. He blushed slightly, as if he was embarrassed by his drink preferences, only for his features to transform into a soft smile as you did exactly the same thing. The two of you talked for hours, only ending the date when you had to go pick up Lily.
 You remember running into him in the park with Lily, what you would come to refer to as your second date. He looked ethereal sitting at a table playing chess. Lily ran up to him, or rather the chess board he was sitting in front of, before you could stop her. She wanted to know what the horsey was for. You watched as he patiently explained to the five year old that it was a knight responsible for defending the king. 
He told her how it moves on the board. He told her how it was special because it is the only piece that can jump over other pieces. He must have spent 15 minutes talking to her about this one piece. And she was enthralled. When he was done, he looked around to find the child’s parents only to meet your eye. You’ll never forget the way his smile grew when he realized Lily was yours. The three of you spent the rest of the day in the park, playing chess, walking around the pond, and getting to know each other.
 You remember the look in his eyes right after he kissed you the first time. You remember how worried you were the first time he was injured on a case. You remember Lily asking you if he could be her daddy, and crying yourself to sleep that night because you wanted that too, more than anything, and you were so scared it wasn’t going to happen.
 Then you finally remember he’s picking Lily up from school today. Suddenly, the car ride isn’t so quiet anymore.
 “I need to call someone.” The words come out frantic and rushed. You are absolutely sure the expression on your face screams crazy, but this is about your kid, so you really don’t care. You need to call Spencer. Then he’ll come fix this. Explain how you couldn’t possibly be involved. The agent’s response is shorter than you expected.
 “Why?” Rossi sounds skeptical when he asks it. You would later suppose that he had a reason to be skeptical of you. Right now though? You didn’t do anything wrong so the whole innocent until proven guilty thing feels a little fake to you at the moment.
 “My boyfriend is picking up my daughter from school. I need to call him.” You don’t really know how to tell them said boyfriend is one Dr. Spencer Reid. You weren’t supposed to meet his friends yet and definitely not without him. You aren’t really in the right headspace to be deciding if right now is the best moment to out your relationship.
 “If he’s already planning on picking her up, you shouldn’t need to call him.” It feels to you at this moment that they don’t even believe you have a child. Of course, they must know because they have the one and only Penelope Garcia to find out every little thing about you. Before you can say anything else, they are dragging you out of the SUV and into the building. You are pushed through security into an elevator that takes you to the fifth floor. The BAU. You thought the first time you visited Spencer’s work would be a happier occasion. And that he would be here. The whole situation would actually be kind of funny if you weren’t so worried and nervous.
 The first thing you say when you are lead through the very intimidating glass doors is “JJ.” You would come to understand why that might earns some stares. The whole room is looking at you as if you have grown another head.
 “How do you know my name?” That’s a loaded question. Spencer has showed you pictures of his godson, Henry. JJ happened to be in some of those pictures as he is in fact, her son. Of course, you can’t really articulate that because you are too stressed and nervous to form full sentences. It takes a lot out of a person to be arrested, dragged from their place of work, shoved in a car, driven two hours through DC traffic, and then pulled into the FBI building as a suspect.
 Instead of properly calming yourself down until you can form a complete sentence, your eyes go wide and you say “Henry” as if that is enough of an explanation. If looks could kill, you would be dead.
 “How do you know my son’s name?” JJ’s words are so harsh, you physically flinch.
 “I.. it’s just that… You… Well… I-” You are a loss for words, yet again. You didn’t expect for Spencer’s best friend to ever look at you with such disgust. It’s honestly a little overwhelming to think the people he calls family all currently hate you. Even if they don’t really know who you are.
 “Maybe a few hours in here will jog your memory.” And with that you’re left alone to sit in a cold metal chair and stare at your reflection.
 Throughout your relationship, Spencer has tried not to worry. You frequently come home from work a bit later than you originally planned, especially if you feel like you got a late start. So, when you don’t enter your apartment right at 5:30, he doesn’t think anything of it. When 6:00 rolls around, he texts you. At 6:30 he calls. By the time it reaches 7:00 and he still hasn’t heard from you, he’s actively pacing your small living room. When his most recent call goes to voicemail, he breaks. He packs up Lily’s stuff and the two of them are on the way to Quantico, finding you being the only thing on his mind.
 He replays his favorite moments with you in his mind as he drives from your DC apartment to Quantico. Normally, he’d take the metro, but if you really are missing it’s safer for Lily in the car.
He remembers the look on your face when you realized you hit him with a door. He couldn’t imagine a more beautiful person. You looked so guilty, he felt the need to hug you to tell you it was okay. It was a foreign feeling for him. He’s never been one to physically comfort people. Maybe it was the concussion. It was definitely the concussion that gave him the courage to ask you to coffee.
 He remembers the fluttering of butterflies in his stomach when he watched you pour almost as much sugar as him into your coffee. The soft smile on your face as the two of you spent hours talking about anything he could think of to keep the conversation from ending.
 He remembers the utter joy he felt upon realizing the five year old who inquired about the horsey on the chess board is your daughter. He remembers how he felt when he looked up, expecting to find an annoyed parent given that he just lectured a five year old on one chess piece for 15 minutes, but was instead met with your kind smile and loving eyes. He loves Lily just as much, if not more than he loves you.
 He remembers how you hung up the phone this morning before he could say “I love you too.” And now the thoughts he’s tried so hard to block out are circling in his mind. The words repeating in his head, over and over. What if I never see her again? What if I can’t tell her I love her?
 He pulls into the garage, carrying Lily so he can run faster into the building. He puts her down when they finally reach the elevator. She’s been surprisingly calm despite Spencer’s nervous attitude.
 “Spencie, where is Momma?” Spencer’s heart constricts at the sound of her sweet voice. He doesn’t know where you are, and it terrifies him.
 “We are going to find out! How would you like to see my desk? You can play with the cube I showed you at home!” He pulls a Rubik’s cube out of his satchel, placing it in Lily’s small hands. He guides Lily to his desk, telling her to stay there while he looks for his friends. She looks so tiny in his desk chair, he would stop to take a picture if his phone had that feature.
 He finds the team in the round table room. His eyes scan the room, landing on JJ’s concerned expression last. He’s surprised to find Will in the room as well. JJ notices him before anyone else.
 “Spence, thank God you’re here. We need fresh eyes.” Before he can protest, Morgan is filling him in on the events that have unfolded.
 “We brought a suspect in from DC, and she knew JJ.” Spencer’s eyes go wide. If the team is in trouble, that could be why Y/N was taken.
 “When I asked her how she knew me, her only response was ‘Henry.’ Something doesn’t add up.” Movement in the doorway catches everyone’s eye.
 “Spencie, did you find Momma yet?” Lily stands in the doorway, looking straight at Spencer.
 “Not yet sweetheart. I have some cookies in my bag, why don’t you go back to my desk and eat them, okay?” 
“Can I have two?” The little girl holds up two of her tiny fingers, unaware of the confused glances from every adult in the room that isn’t Spencer. 
“Of course, sweet pea. Whatever you want. You can even spin around in my chair!” The child nods before running back to Spencer’s desk. Spencer turns around to find all eyes on him. The entire team wears similar expressions of shock and awe.
 “Spencie?” Derek questions the nickname.
 “Sweetheart?” JJ’s more focused on how Spencer responded.
 “Who the heck was that 'sweet pea’ and why have you kept her from me?” Garcia is glaring at Spencer for hiding such a cutie pie from her for however long.
 “She’s why I’m here. Well not her, her mother. We’ve been dating for the last 9 months. I picked up Lily from school today. We were supposed to meet back at her apartment, but she never came home. She’s not answering my calls and I don’t know where she could be.” Spencer breaks down as he tries to explain what’s going on. He can’t imagine a world without you in it.
 “Reid, give Garcia her phone number to track her location. This could all be related to our case. If someone is targeting the BAU, we will find them.” Hotch’s no nonsense tone calms everyone in the room. Again, movement in the doorway catches everyone’s attention.
 “Sir, she keeps saying she can explain everything. I know you said 3 hours, but I think she’s ready now.”
 “Thank you, Anderson. We’ll be right there.” The agent leaves without another word. Hotch turns back to continue filling Spencer in on the case. “Reid, we’ve got a suspect in custody. She doesn’t match the profile, but we think she knows something.”
 “She mentioned a boyfriend in the car. He might know something too.” Morgan pipes in as well.
 “I want to talk to her. If she knows where Y/N is, I have to talk to her.” Spencer is out of the room before anyone can stop him. He’s practically running across the bullpen to get to the interrogation room.
 “Y/N?” Morgan questions to the agents left in the round table room.
 You are so cold. They must have the air turned down to put you on edge. You have finally calmed yourself down enough to form actual sentences instead of useless mumbling.
 “Please. Let me explain! I can tell you everything. Well, not everything, because I don’t know how my signature ended up on that paper, but I can tell you about JJ! And Henry! Let me explain!” You never thought about how weird it would be to know someone could be watching your every move. You feel like you’re talking to nobody as you beg for them to let you explain.
 The door flies open with so much force, you fall out of your chair in shock. There are hands on you, pulling you to your feet before you’ve even registered hitting the ground.
 “Where is sh- Y/N?” Spencer’s tone of voice changes so quickly your brain can’t follow. You just look into his before you burst into tears.
 “Oh thank God. Spencer, I was so scared. I was so nervous when Derek and Rossi came to interview me. I didn’t want them to hate me, you know? Even though they didn’t know who I was. And then I saw JJ, and I got even worse. I mean, she’s your best friend! And she sounded so angry, which was my fault, but I couldn’t even form words to explain myself because I was so sure these people- the people you consider family- were going to hate me and I made everything so much worse. But I-” Spencer knows if he doesn’t cut you off, you’ll ramble endlessly. It’s always like that when you spend too much time alone. As if all the energy you could’ve spent talking to someone pours out of you all at once.
 “Shh, baby, it’s okay. We can explain everything. I’m so happy to see you. To know you’re okay. God, I love you too.” You turn your tear stained face to look up at him.
 “Wha- oh my God. I said that. I didn’t even realize I said it. But it’s true. I love you so much. I can’t imagine a world without you. That’s why I was so nervous about meeting the team. And they wouldn’t let me call you, so I couldn’t ask you what to do.” The two of you continue trying to fill each other in on what has lead you to this moment.
 Hotch and JJ make their way into the room without either of you noticing. They both sit down before either speaks. “Reid, I’m going to need you to leave the room.” Spencer turned around with you still in his arms, your head pulled tight to his chest. He glares at his boss before responding. “No. She didn’t do this. The dates from the case file you gave me, they don’t line up. April 17th, we watched the new episode of Doctor Who and spent the rest of the night discussing theories. April 20th, we went to dinner to celebrate Lily’s sixth birthday. April 22nd we watched Tangled with Lily until she fell asleep and then we…” He trailed off, turning a bright shade of pink. You wiggled in his arms, trying to hide the blush on your face as well.
 “Spence, where’s Lily?” You know he needs to leave if you are ever actually going to get out of this room.
 “She’s at my desk. She looked so tiny in my chair.” He practically has heart eyes as he thinks back to where he left your little girl.
 “Why don’t you go tell her you found me? I’ll be okay.” You wipe the remaining tears from your eyes as you sit back down in the cold metal chair. Spencer looks as though he would rather read Twilight again than leave you, but he reluctantly walks out of the room.
 You start rambling before the agents get a chance to ask you a question.
 “I’m so sorry. I’ve probably wasted so much of your time. I just freaked out when I realized I was meeting Spence’s family. That’s why I know your son’s name.” You turn slightly to look at JJ. “He talks about him all the time, and he’s shown me pictures. I’m so so sorry that you had to worry about your child’s safety because of me. I was just nervous to meet you. That’s why I haven’t met you yet actually. Because I didn’t want Lily to get too attached if something happened and we broke up. Not that I can imagine breaking up with Spencer. I would spend the rest of my life with him if he gave me the chance.” You can feel the tears brimming again. “I really don’t know why my name is on that paper. I never would have signed it! My lab doesn’t use human tissues.” You try to stress that point.
 “Ms. L/N, we believe you. We never thought you were responsible, but it was a suspicious situation. You can never be too careful in our line of work.” Hotch still looks extremely serious, but his tone is slightly more relaxed than when he threw you into this room.
 “Of course. I would’ve thought I was guilty if I didn’t know the truth. Is there anything I can do to help?” You are so relieved to know they don’t think you’re a crazy murderer.
 “We need to ask you a few questions about the people who work in your lab.”
 “Oh. Okay.” You have to actively force yourself not to start rambling again.
 “Do you know any of these people?” The agent shows you three pictures of young women. They couldn’t be more than 25.
 “No…” You can’t put your finger on it, but they look familiar.
 “But?” JJ encourages you to continue.
 “I’m not sure. They look familiar for some reason.” All three women have brunette hair and green eyes. Their face shapes are even shockingly similar.
 “Do you know anyone who looks like these women?” You don’t know how they know that, but you do. They’ve planted the seed, and it instantly grew into a massive oak.
 “I do! Her name is Renee. Um... Renee Watkins. She works in the hospital, in the lab where they run blood tests.” You look at the agents with hope in your eyes. Maybe now they’ll let you leave. They both stand up without saying anything else. Hotch leaves first. JJ stares at you for a minute.
 “I really am sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. It’s just, you’re his best friend. If you hate me, we won’t work. He cares about all of you way too much for me to get in the way of that.” You honestly still feel awful about the unnecessary fear you’ve caused her and her family.
 “He cares about you too. He’s been happier than I’ve seen him in years. I knew something was up, but I didn’t want to push him.” You can’t keep your smile off your face at her words. “Let’s forget about all of it. I’m just going to focus on the relief of knowing nobody is after my son.”
 “Thank you. I really am so sorry though.” You feel the need to keep apologizing.
 “Really, it’s fine. Come with me, there’s someone I want you to meet.”
 JJ leads you back to the bullpen. Right as you turn the corner, you can spot Spence playing with Lily and Henry. He’s captivated their attention with a magic trick.
 “He’s so good with them.” Almost involuntarily, your hand brushes over your stomach.
 “He’s always wanted to be a father.” JJ eyes your hand before giving you a rather pointed look.
 “Oh! No, I’m not pregnant.” You let your arm fall back to your side. “He’s just so good with Lily; she asked me if he could be her dad.” You can feel the tears coming again. “I just know that one day I will have that man’s babies.” JJ snorts and suddenly the two of you break out laughing. Your laughter makes enough noise to capture Spencer’s attention, two little pairs of eyes following his lead. All three of them are suddenly running across the room to you and JJ.
 Lily jumps into your arms, much as Henry does to JJ. You pull her close, leaning into Spencer as his arms circle around you both. The moment is interrupted when Penelope Garcia comes running into the room.
 “I’ve got him. Shane Harrison, 28. He dated Renee Watkins in high school. He was recently fired from his position in the human tissues lab at Children’s National Hospital. There are reports of him breaking in, although nothing was reported stolen due to falsified transfer documents.”
 “What made him start killing?” Morgan asks while you and JJ desperately cover the children’s ears.
 “Renee recently got engaged. She posted all about her new fiancée on social media. I already texted you the address.” JJ says a rushed goodbye to Will and the team is out the door. Lily runs back over Spencer’s desk with Henry so she can show him the Rubik’s cube.
 “Aren’t you going to help them?” You turn to Spencer who hasn’t left your side.
 “I think they can manage this one without me. I’m needed somewhere else at the moment.” As if to prove his point, he leans in to kiss you. It’s short and sweet and everything you needed at the moment.
 The sound of someone clearing their throat pulls the two of you out of your bubble.
 “Hi, I’m Penelope Garcia. I’m sure the Genius Doctor has told you all about me.”
 “He has indeed. You’re even lovelier in person.” Garcia is just as bright and bubbly as Spencer described her. It makes you smile to think that the team has her never ending positivity while they are surrounded by so much darkness.
 “We are having a team gathering at Rossi’s tomorrow night. You should both come. And Lily!” Garcia smiles again before walking away.
 “You know that means we have to go, right?” Spencer asks you the obvious question.
 “I know honey. You’re afraid of what Garcia could do to you if you get on her bad side.” You laugh at his pout, pulling him down the stairs and over to Lily. It’s about time you all head home.
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delimeful · 4 years
the end of being alone (3)
Ch 1 | Ch 2 |
warning: mentions of fear, crocodiles, discussion of teeth
Logan found himself grateful that he’d made arrangements to postpone their other jobs for a bit, because it looked as though they’d be staying firmly on this planet’s surface for a while.
There had been all of one attempt to bring Virgil aboard the Mindscape, and it had resulted in a significant amount of crying from both the child and Patton. Whatever circumstances had led the Human to this planet, it had left them deeply fearful of any sort of spacefaring vessel.
… This did not annul Logan’s suspicions about smuggling, though he was careful not to say as much in front of Virgil. The child was keen, and any time the fact that they were a Human was mentioned, they withdrew and began displaying body language that Logan believed indicated a desire to flee. Checking that exits were still there, putting space between themself and any of the Mindscape’s crew, anxious tics, and so forth.
Needless to say, they avoided the topic.
However, to Logan’s surprise, the child didn’t seem at all adverse to basic questions about themself. Understanding their responses was rare, of course, but the kid was picking up on Common with a shocking quickness, and Roman had turned out to be rather talented at interpreting their gestures when they didn’t have the right words.
The data that Logan had collected from these inquiries was both strange and intriguing. He’d carefully woven a mental list of it all.
1. Virgil seemed to identify by he/him, though whether that was an actual gender preference or simply a child wanting to be called the same pronouns as the three of them was up for debate. Either way, Logan seriously doubted that there was any way to convey the nebulous concept of gender through a language barrier, so he let the matter lie.
2. After eating too fast, Virgil would convulse slightly in a semi-rhythmic pattern for a short period. He didn’t seem alarmed or pained by this, only slightly irritated when it would interrupt him mid-sentence. The condition of ‘hiccups’ was thankfully temporary, since it made Roman quite jumpy. For their tiny, squeaking nature, Patton had called them ‘hicchirps’, which was ridiculous, but Virgil seemed to enjoy any and all wordplay that made it through his grasp of the language, so Logan stowed his complaints.
3. Virgil was terrified of the locals. Despite being plainly evident, this observation didn’t make sense at first, seeing as the nearby town consisted primarily of native Hiiynal and a few offplanet transfers, none of which could be described as particularly dangerous or violent. After a few days of gentle questioning and no reprimands for not answering, Virgil finally told them that the locals would ‘chase monsters far away’ and so he couldn’t risk getting near. Questioning was temporarily halted in favor of showing the Human the art of shadow symmetry, for purely scientific reasons, of course. 
(Supposition: Human children enjoyed movement games.)
4. While the synthetic meat from the ration kits was accepted by Virgil, he showed a surprising preference for sweeter food items, such as fruit and sugar crystals. Seeing as Humans were rumored to be obligate carnivores or even raw flesh-eaters, this was a strange discrepancy. Virgil had even eaten some of the leafy vegetables Logan had brought, face pinched up in disgust but insisting that eating ‘greens’ would make one tall. It was unclear to Logan what color had to do with nutrients or growth. He was also slightly alarmed at the implication of Virgil being short for his age.
5. Virgil seemed, for all intents and purposes, fixated on Roman.
The latest data point was a work in progress. Logan hadn’t mentioned it to Roman himself, because the Cravon was already fairly worked up over everything the Human did as it was. Nobody seemed sure if this jumpiness was because of the Human child, or on behalf of it.
Still, it was present in little ways. For example, even as he answered Logan’s latest series of questions, his gaze would occasionally flicker up from his hands to Roman, who sat at the mouth of the little cave, carefully peeling more fruit. It wasn’t about the food; Patton had taken it upon himself to make sure the child knew he only had to ask to get something to eat. No, this  ‘almost-staring’ was a frequent occurrence, no matter what Roman preoccupied himself with.
“You were saying you met… Susan… when another predator was attacking it?”
Virgil nodded, hurriedly looking back to his hands. “It was a big bite monster, and Susan was loud crying, so I did, uh,” he lifted his arms up, hands spread wide, “this, and I was loud at it until it ran away. Like raccoons back on Dirt.”
Dirt was apparently Virgil’s name for his home. Logan hadn’t heard of ‘raccoons’ before. He decided not to get sidetracked. “I’d estimate the creature you saw was a Lifel. They are the natural predators of Humlilts.”
“Natural?” Virgil mimicked.
“It means ‘of nature’,” Logan attempted to clarify, gesturing around them. “In the wild.”
Virgil only grew more confused with the wide, encompassing gesture. “Sky? Was not flying.”
Logan glanced at Roman, checking that he was still preoccupied. Patton was back at the ship, contacting a friend for advice. There seemed no better opportunity if he wanted to avoid overwhelming Virgil.
“Virgil, would you like to try something new?” he asked, carefully neutral. It wouldn’t do to put any pressure on the child.
The Human squinted at him slightly, quick to use his most common phrase. “Will it hurt?”
“It will not hurt,” Logan replied, ignoring the tightening in his core with careful practice. It always felt so wrong, that a mere pupa would be so familiar with hurt. “I will always tell you if something might hurt.”
“Mmm.” The Human hummed, the way he always did when they told him such things. Like he wasn’t sure if he could believe it. “What’s it?”
“What is it,” Logan corrected automatically. “It is something I can do, to show you new words. Want to try a little bit, first?” That was the phrase they used for new foods, but it applied well enough to mindsharing.
Virgil clenched and unclenched his hands for a moment longer before nodding, going a little tense like he expected something unpleasant. Logan held a hand out to him, waiting until he’d reached out in return to start sharing.
Small, simple flashes of images and sensations. Quiet forests, shallow oceans, clean air. Plants, bugs, animals, humanoids, living and dying and living again. Nature.
Virgil had pinched his eyes closed immediately at the start of the low-level telepathy, and Logan only had a moment to worry that maybe it had hurt him in some manner.
Then, there was a feeling of recognition. Without a moment to spare, Virgil had grasped the nature of the Vidi and was projecting his own thoughts. Walking on a crunchy leaf-covered trail with other Human young, a winged insect emerging from a cocoon, the crack of thunder and heavy rain on a windowsill. Nature.
“Wow!” Virgil whispered, imprint thoughts flickering like flames, too quick for Logan to really see. “You see into heads!”
Logan pulled back slightly, offering a bit of content-smug in return to the Human’s awe. “That is one way of framing it, yes. So, you understand what I mean, about the Lifel being a natural predator?”
“Carnivore,” Virgil mumbled, and then offered image-thoughts of several creatures that Logan could only assume were from the deathworlder’s home planet. He watched with morbid curiosity as Virgil remembered a clip from a screen, displaying large ungulates with twisting horns crossing a river, and then being dragged underwater by a dark, writhing shape.
“That’s a crocodile,” Virgil told him, his eyes still closed tight in concentration. “They’ve got big teeth and they do death rolls. They look like alligators, but I know they aren’t because gators live in Florida.”
“Florida?” Logan asked. He wondered if perhaps ‘gators’ were kept in captivity for species preservation. Or perhaps they were too dangerous left in the wild?
Virgil showed him a memory of a long, reptilian form with a narrow, tooth-filled jaw. It was wading steadily through a swimming pool, not paying any mind to Virgil, who was sitting with his legs dipped in the pool, watching in fascination. “I lived there!”
“Oh,” Logan managed, his ears going numb with fear at the idea of a child being so near a creature like that. “So it would seem.”
The Human patted him carefully, a gesture of comfort. “It’s okay. The bad guys didn’t take any gators or crocodiles from Dirt. Just people.”
Virgil’s words trailed off, a sense of melancholy overwhelming him. Rather than find out more about the Human’s past, Logan felt an unreasonably strong urge to stop that sadness. “Could you perhaps tell me more about these… ‘crocodiles’? You seem to be quite informed on them.”
“I had a book about them,” Virgil managed, slowly dragging his thoughts away from his abduction. “Did you know some crocodiles have a… a ‘biting force’ of five thousand pounds?”
He had lapsed into English, the sentence sounding well-recited, but Logan still got the general idea of what he meant, and a strong image of a picture book, covered in writing he couldn’t read but still understood. If Logan was right about the measurement conversions, the fact was terrifying.
“That’s very interesting,” he mused, because terrifying and interesting often went hand in hand. “Are there any other predators that can bite like that?”
Virgil scrunched his face up in thought. “Maybe sharks. Oh, but for sure a T. Rex!”
Logan saw a very concerning glimpse of a large fish with too many teeth before Virgil’s mind switched to a cartoon depiction of a larger creature with also too many teeth. He was beginning to see a trend in deathworlder species. “I… see.”
“They’re all dead, though,” Virgil told him sadly, projecting a memory of a huge display of bones. He then seemed to perk up, glancing over at Roman again. “Except for in space!”
Logan narrowly avoided laughing out loud, covering his throat before the vibrating chirps could get far. So, this was the truth behind the Human’s interest!
“Roman is not a ‘dinosaur’,” he clarified, once he felt composed enough to do so. “In fact, I believe he rarely even eats meat.”
Virgil squinted at him. “Are you sure? Maybe he’s a secret dinosaur.”
Logan wiggled his fingers thoughtfully. “I suppose we’ll just have to check.”
“Roman, would you come here for a moment?”  
Roman looked up from his task, immediately suspicious. Logan sounded strangely amused, like he was on the brink of laughing at him. That was never a good sign.
Still, the Human was looking over at him with those wide, strange eyes, and he wasn’t about to run away. He got to his feet, leaving his pile of dana peels behind as he crossed the cave floor. “What is it, dear esteemed companion who would never take advantage of me?”
“I need you to show us your teeth,” Logan said, very much not being a dear esteemed companion who would never take advantage of him. Roman resisted the urge to hang his head in resignation. He should have expected this. The Ulgorii was shameless when it came to exploiting his friends for science.
“How about absolutely not?” he replied, because there were actually limits to his tolerance for shenanigans, and one of those limits was threat-displaying at a baby Human.
“Hold on, look,” Logan said, and then bared his own ridged teeth with a click.
The Human did his small grimace-smile back, entirely unphased. They both looked to him expectantly. Roman felt as though he was being ganged up on.
“Um,” Virgil said, painfully tentative, “please?”  
Roman felt extremely ganged up on.
He squatted, tail keeping him perfectly balanced, and pulled at the corner of his mouth to show some of his teeth.
“Woah,” Virgil breathed.
“See how the back teeth are narrow but dull? They’re designed to crack bones and get to the marrow at the center,” Logan narrated, like the nerd he was. “Roman doesn’t have the small incisors or sharp molars required for proper full-time carnivores.”
Roman almost reminded his crewmate to use small words, but Virgil seemed to get the idea, leaning uncomfortably close to stare. He then opened his own mouth, like he was planning to take a bite out of something, displaying a shocking number of tiny little bone-teeth crammed inside. Some of them were uncomfortably sharp.
Rather than attack anyone, though, Virgil touched his own teeth, carefully inspecting the shape of them. Roman resisted the urge to get him to sanitize his hands. Kits would be kits, he supposed.
Logan was patiently watching as Virgil pointed to each tooth in turn, and he obligingly recited the name of each type of tooth for the kit. His two lower arms took frantic notes on Human jaw structure, probably to prepare more elaborate meal plans better suited to a deathworlder diet. The kid soaked every bit of information in like a sponge.
Finally, after a long moment of thought, he announced, “My ‘lower canine’ is going to fall out in close time!”
“Soon,” Logan offered, always quick to interpret the Human’s occasional nonsense Common. “'My lower canine is going to fall out soon.'” And then, after a moment’s pause. “Wait, it’s going to what?”
And then, because Roman’s day needed more nightmare fuel, the kit bared his tiny fangs at them and poked one with his tongue, revealing that it did indeed seem to be sickeningly loose. In fact, Roman could see a few other gaps in the curved row of teeth, some with little bits of bone peeking out.
“Stars above,” Roman said, feeling a little faint. Logan was already interrogating a very confused Virgil on whether or not losing teeth was indicative of an illness or not.
“They’re just my little teeth,” Virgil told them, seemingly unconcerned with holes in his mouth. “I get big ones later.”
“There are plenty of species that have milk teeth, but to have their adult set not fully-formed by the time the milk teeth are ready to fall out…,” Logan quickly devolved into muttering, hands flicking.
“Doesn’t that hurt?” Roman asked despite himself, eyeing the kit just in case he was going to burst into tears all of the sudden. Roman himself had lost one or two front teeth before his next set had fully formed, and each time it had felt like biting on hot metal.
“Nuh-uh.” Virgil seemed to have moved from confused to amused, still not entirely sure what the fuss was all about. “Not unless I,” he mimed pulling on the tooth, and Roman made a click-click-click of parental don’t-do-that chiding before he’d even fully registered the alarm he’d felt at the motion.
Virgil clicked back at him curiously, sounding exactly like a tiny version of an exasperated parent. Roman tucked his face against his shoulder, unsure if he should laugh or despair.
This Human was really going to be the death of him.
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Mermay - Dilliam - An Introduction
Happy Mermay!
William discovers that Mark’s girlfriend is hiding a secret known as ‘Damien’. He’d never guess the truth.
Word Count: 2,807 (I got a little carried away, and this wasn’t even what I intended to write!)
Even if William had known Mark and Celine for two years, he always felt like he was on the outside of the group.
(Aside from feeling like the third wheel as Mark and Celine had been in a steady relationship since Mark first introduced his childhood friend to his girlfriend)
Mark, Celine, and her family seemed to have a secret. Whenever they would chat, there would be mention of "Damien" in passing. But when William tried to ask for context, he was never given it. Mark and Celine would conveniently slide the topic elsewhere to avoid answering the question, while he was in no position to ask her parents. All William could gather was that Damien travelled but occasionally returned to the family home. Was he a businessman, forever on the roam? Was he a soldier like William? Was he family or a friend? After several years of being left in the dark, he had accepted that he'd never learn the truth.
In January, he had been sent overseas with the military as part of a peacekeeping mission. Even if there were opportunities for video calls, the three decided to write letters to give William something to do while on duty and to make the time go by a little faster. The young Colonel realised something interesting - by Celine's fourth letter, she had mentioned Damien. He guessed that the vagabond must have returned while the soldier was overseas. He noted in his next letter that he was surprised Celine willingly mentioned this mysterious figure (William? Bitter? Of course not!). As though adding to the mystery, the letter he received in reply was a curious one:
"I'm sorry I couldn't explain it before. Damien is my brother, but he's very shy. He doesn't like others knowing about him without being told first. I have told him about you and he's rather interested in what you're doing."
William was FLOORED. He'd known Celine for two FULL years and there had never been mention of a sibling?? He didn't remember a family photo with unfamiliar faces. Deciding it was a better argument to have when he was home, he instead crammed two letters into the one envelope - one for Celine, one for Damien. If the brother was secretive, it might be best to prove that William was a trustworthy friend. Friendly, short letters would be a good way to start.
For the next two months, the letters became a great distraction from his duties. Mark was asking William for advice on how to propose. Celine was updating William on the house she and Mark had bought, including sending photos of the ocean just at their doorstep. Damien, while proving that he was a secretive individual, wrote short letters about himself. The mysterious brother kept to himself, and it got William wondering about how shy Damien was. It was endearing, in a way. William accepted that he was wrong to take the news so harshly at first. Celine was merely doing right by her brother. 
It wasn't long after William sent his letters in response that his squad was ambushed. The attackers were defeated, but not without William having his leg broken in the process, among other things. He was sent to a local hospital before it was decided that getting him home would be more beneficial. Any letters that arrived at the base for William were instead returned to sender, as the soldier was being transferred too frequently while being treated to determine where he would be at a given moment.
It was June by the time William arrived home. Not even a medical boot and a crutch could dampen his spirits. Mark's hug of relief nearly knocked them both down, but Celine joining the hug successfully toppled them over William's rucksack as they erupted into laughs. The couple gave William the grand tour of their new home. It was as charming and elegant as Mark would like, while secluded from frequent public activity as Celine desired. Not only that, the house was near a cliff edge, which allowed a beautiful view of the ocean. William took in this view as he sat in the living room with a glass of water.
"Will?" Celine's voice stirred him from his daze. "I know you've done a lot of walking to get here and you're likely tired but… Would you like to meet Damien today?"
"Would I like to what?" William repeated blankly, a dumbfounded expression on his face.
"Your idea of sending him letters worked a treat. He asked me every day if there was a new letter for him. He's very curious about you."
"From what you told me, I thought he would have been gone by now." William's observation had Celine shaking her head.
"He waited to see you. I think learning about your injuries worried him." Celine's gaze lifted briefly to the water before she added, "He'll understand if he needs to wait until tomorrow -"
"No, no. I'll admit I've been curious to meet him as well. All this time you've had a brother and no one could tell me. What time will he arrive?"
"Actually, he's already here. Come on. I'll show you. There's one more part of the house you haven't seen."
William was fully expecting there to be a secret basement. Instead, he was led out to the back garden. It was small and neat, complete with a small wall to give some semblance of shelter. It looked like it belonged to a farmland cottage, especially given the gate at the bottom. Celine unlocked it and went first. William could see a path that led down to the ocean. The steps were man-made and weren't too steep. It would be a slow walk down but he could manage it in the medical boot.
"Damien is my twin brother," Celine began as she guided William down the steps, "and nearly everyone who knows my family doesn't know he exists. You and Mark are the only one of my friends who know and, well, you'll understand soon."
At the bottom of the steps was a seating area protected by some large rocks that created a safe area to swim in without worry of sudden tides whisking you out to sea. William hobbled over to one of the large rocks so he could sit down, gather his energy and curse the boot. Celine followed, climbing onto a neighbouring large rock.
"Damien? Are you here? I have my friend William, the Colonel!"
Ripples began to spread through the still water. William watched with wide-eyed curiosity when he caught movement below the surface. He had been watching the water while coming down the stairs, and there weren't any items or clothing strewn about. Before he could ask Celine, a head popped out of the water in front of him.
It was a man, or what looked like one. His smooth skin was as white as porcelain and shimmered in the sunlight. There were tiny bubble-like markings that William swore looked like scales. His hair was as dark as Celine's, but with a blue tint with the right light. It appeared to hold its shape by being stylised into smaller 'chunks' to form larger strands of hair. The ears were finned and had a pale blue along the edges. His face, despite not looking fully human, reminded William of both Celine and her father. The eyes were a different shape to the rest of the family - presumably more rounded and large to help with hunting - but the 'nose' and mouth were a perfect match. Even the eye colour was the same as Celine's.
"Damien, I take it?" William thought it absurd, but his hunch to ask immediately proved to be a good thing. The head ducked back under the water. Celine gave a knowing smirk and stepped back. In a flash, a large blur pounced for the rocks and climbed up with surprising agility, revealing what was actually a merman in full display. From head to tail, the skin kept that white tone, unlike what William would have seen in movies. There were fin-like protrusions emerging from his collar bones and his upper arms, which went from that pale blue on the edges to a dark purple at the base, almost like a sunset. This coloration was also on the frills that went down his stomach and on either side of his tail, before all three trailed off at differing points to allow the splendour of the large tail tip. William did remember Celine having posters of betta fish in her room when they met, was this why?
"The Colonel, yes? Oh, it's such a pleasure to meet you! Celine has told me so much about you! I'm so sorry I wasn't able to meet you sooner." Damien had snatched up William's left hand with both his webbed ones and shook eagerly, until he caught himself and quickly pulled back. "I'm so sorry. It's not often I get to meet new people." As quickly as he had sprung forward, Damien pulled back as his sister sat down beside him, ears flattened in embarrassment. The twins had such a likeness once the obvious differences were put aside.
"Don't apologise. I've been looking forward to meeting you too. I can't believe no one told me before I left. I'm offended!" William put a hand on his chest and dramatically sighed, only to erupt into cackles when Celine reached over and slapped his arm.
The three sat on the rocks for the afternoon. Celine and Damien took the time to explain to William about their genetics. Their father's grandfather was a merman who had decided to leave the life of the water behind and marry their great-grandmother. The merfolk genes became a passive trait. Their descendants had natural aquatic talents but all were completely human. Their mother, however, had magic in her bloodline, and this strengthened the recessive merfolk gene. When she was expecting twins, one was a regular human pregnancy, while the other was cocooned in water. In that regard, Damien was a miracle that he survived and had a healthy childhood...
"- but it meant no one outside a small circle knew I existed," Damien sighed. "Celine was able to go to school, make friends, while I was taught by our grandparents, as well as Celine who showed me what she learned in school. Because I'm not human-passing like movies show, I couldn't use a wheelchair and a blanket like I wanted." Not only that, there wasn't a large community of mythical creatures that they knew of. "But don't take this to be me lamenting my fate. I've had a wonderful life and have made connections with many merfolk communities around the world who welcomed me in while I am studying."
"Studying?" William looked confused, but Celine took the moment to wrap her arm around Damien's shoulder.
"You are looking at one of the top merfolk experts on culture and tradition, as well as a general fish expert. Speaking of," she patted Damien on the shoulder as she rose to her feet, "I should go back up and help Mark. We're having dinner down here." With that, she hopped off the rocks and began the ascent back up the house. Damien and William watched her go, before the soldier turned back around.
"So, an expert, eh? I happen to be rather unintelligent compared to your sister and Mark, so I'm afraid you'll have to tell me everything." He rested his elbow on his good leg, and propped his chin on his hand as he grinned at the merman. Damien's eyes darted aside and his ears flattened in embarrassment.
"Well, I wouldn't call myself an 'expert'," Damien admitted quietly, "but actually… I'd rather hear about you. I really enjoyed receiving your letters while you were away. Is that why you wear those clothes?" 
"Oh these?" Whoops. William had forgotten to change when he arrived. He barely had a moment to drop his bags to the guest room. "This is my military uniform. It's commonplace to wear it when you're on duty, even if you're simply being sent home. It's not the normal battle uniform, not anymore. That's just regular camouflage. This is an everyday uniform that shows off any badges you have earned and -" William stopped as he felt his hat being plucked off his head. He hadn't noticed Damien crawl over until it was too late. Instead of snatching it back, he ruffled his hair so that it lost the 'hat hair' look.
"How can you wear this? I've never seen anything like it!" Damien, after a brief examination, decided to try it on. The strange shape of the hat meant that it kept falling forward on him, no matter what he did to try and keep it in place. Instead of helping, William simply laughed at the merman's misfortune.
When William eventually agreed to help Damien wear the hat in a way that wouldn't fall off, he began to share stories of his early days in the army. Damien was enthralled, asking questions in a bid to learn more. It was no wonder that both were startled by the arrival of Mark and Celine with lanterns and all the necessities for a feast by the sea. Damien returned to the water while the humans set up, only to resurface when they were ready. His skin needed to be rehydrated for what he knew would be a long evening ahead.
Food, drink and merriment were had that night. Damien had hoisted himself onto the bench so he could fully join in. William honestly couldn't remember the last time he'd had such a good night in the company of his dear friends. Perhaps not having to worry about a secret made it a lot easier to converse. For the first time in a long time, William didn't feel like an outsider amongst his own friends; but he didn't dwell on it much. Instead, he gave witty commentary during Mark's dramatic retelling of events the pair went through as youths.
At some point, Celine had fetched blankets from a sturdy, weathered box hidden amongst the box and wrapped one around herself and Damien. The twins nestled together as time passed, and Damien was content to enjoy being in the company of Celine and all her closest friends at last. 
The low flickering of the lanterns was the cue for the humans to return indoors. With William staying for a few days, Damien was content to let them go without feeling too sorry for himself. There would be plenty of time to chat. He sat on the rocks as he watched Mark help William back up the steps. Even from a distance, he could hear William barking something about how "this means nothing and I'm still stronger than you" and "I swear to God I'll push you down the stairs if you keep laughing at me Mark". 
"He's a good man, that Colonel." Damien jumped when Celine spoke. When did she move to sit beside him?! "When Mark introduced me, I was worried that his loud voice and brashness meant bad things, but he's been such a good, loyal friend over the last few years. I hope that he wasn't too 'much' for you today."
"N-no, no. I… he's exactly like you said he'd be." His eyes were on the two men as they disappeared out of view. "He's not angry that he didn't know about me, is he?"
"Nah." Celine leaned back, enjoying the light sea breeze. "He knew we were hiding something. I think he's happy to know he can be trusted. And he'll be stuck here for at least a day or two while Mark and I are working thanks to that broken foot. I'd bet he'll make it his mission to come down here alone just to show he can."
"I'd like that. He has a lot of stories to tell… Would it be weird if I ask him to keep talking?"
"Not as weird as it is that you've caught some sort of feelings for him. Did you get bitten by a love-bug, brother dearest?"
"Shut up, darling sister," Damien quickly nudged her, only to receive a counter-shove in response. "Just… don't tell him, alright? I know better than to interrupt a human marriage like that." He'd content himself with the company of the man who had captured his attention from the first letter. Celine slid off the rock and stretched. She glanced over her shoulder with a knowing smirk, gesturing to her left hand, which Damien knew was the hand with her engagement ring.
"His ring is on the other hand, Damien. It's a birthday present from his father. Goodnight, brother~" And off she went, gleefully ignoring her brother's confused questions.
"What do you mean he doesn't have a partner??"
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petitelepus · 4 years
25 Days of MTMTE Christmas, Part 12, Yule Wine
You share a drink with your lover and maybe a dance.
He was just so handsome. You were blatantly staring at him. Why try to hide it in the privacy of your habsuite? Minimus Ambus was doing his post-Magnus armor stretching routine, completely oblivious to how you were ogling him. You grinned as you watched him bend over to touch his peds, biting your lip as you enjoyed the view of his beautiful aft. "You know I love you, right?" You suddenly blurted out. Your lover straightened, and turned to address you, "You are certain that this form is acceptable to you?" "I have never been so sure about anyone else," You confessed. You smiled as you watched a light blush rising in his green cheeks. He still had trouble accepting the fact that you loved him even without his huge armor. Sure, you had first been drawn to Ultra Magnus due to your size kink, but your little green Minimus Ambus was the bot of your dreams. Also, Minimus Ambus could spike you without killing you – unlike ‘Ultra Magnus’. It was like dating two bots at once. You were one lucky human. Your pleasant daydreams were cut short when you noticed Minimus grabbing a datapad from his desk. You immediately sat up in a panic. “Hey! What is that?!" "This?" Minimus replied as he looked at you, holding up the blue datapad. "I still have to finish editing Rodimu--" "None of that!" You yelled, flailing your arms in protest. "I want you to pay attention to me only!" "Please, this will be finished in a minute. Then I'm all yours." You stopped flailing. "You promise?" He solemnly held his servo over his spark chamber. "I promise." You nodded with a sigh. "Okay, but don't take too long." Minimus nodded before focusing intently on the datapad. You were silently sulking as he started correcting Rodimus’ atrocious grammar, but as Minimus was intensely focused on his task, you realized that you had better use this time more constructively. You picked up your own datapad that was linked with your habsuite, and scrolled through your collection of Christmas songs from Earth. You found a soothing jazz song, and scheduled it to play. Then you used the datapad to activate the fireplace. It wasn’t a real fireplace, just fiberoptic lights on artificial logs, but it did create a nice mood. Especially when you dimmed the rest of the lights in your suite. You glanced at Minimus - he was still fixing the captain's typos. You padded over to your fridge, pulling out a bottle of white wine for yourself, and an expensive bottle of top-shelf engex that you had bought from Swerve as a gift for your lover. You gently bumped the fridge's door shut with your hip. Transferring the large bottle of engex under your arm and squeezing it against your side, you then had a hand free to grab a pair of wine glasses from the kitchen cabinet. You carefully placed the items down on the desk, trying not to disturb Minimus, but he looked up when you cracked the bottle of wine open. "Done with Rodimus' report?" You asked with barely contained excitement. "Yes," Minimus replied as he put the datapad away. Minimus looked around, just noticing the intimate atmosphere you had created. He looked back at you, noticing the bright pink engex bottle you held. You turned the bottle to display the label to him. "Is that for me?" He asked. You grinned like a fox with a mouse. You offered him a wine glass, and he took it, mindful of the delicate stem. "Yeah, I thought it would be fun to try something different. I hope you don't mind?" Minimus tilted the glass in his hand, twirling the glowing pink liquid as he inspected it thoughtfully. Meanwhile, you poured yourself a glass of wine. You raised your glass to Minimus, and he copied your motion. "Salute!" "What does that mean?" "Oh, it’s just the Italian way of saying ‘cheers’. Cheers!" You clinked your glass against his, and took a sip of your wine. Top class wine, just what you expected from Swerve. Minimus took a sip of his high-grade, and was pleasantly surprised. "Delicious,” he said, and looked at you. "Where did you say you got this?" "Oh, just from some friend,” you said. He squinted his optics at you. "This friend wouldn’t be Swerve, would it?" "Why would that matter?" You asked. Minimus looked at the engex in his glass. He looked like he wanted to say something, but he decided against it and shrugged. "Just a thought. Cheers." You clinked your glasses together again. This time you took a bigger sip. The wine was delicious, and warmed you up nicely. Your lover must have been enjoying his engex, judging by the way he was smiling. A beautiful piece of music started to play as scheduled. Your eyes and Minimus' optics locked together like magic, and you both put your glasses down. Minimus bowed before you, offering his servo to you. "May I have this dance?" Your heart flipped, and you felt a blush rise to your cheeks. It couldn't have been the alcohol - you had only had a couple of sips. It must have been the way your lover treated you so gentlemanly. You always had a soft spot for men (mechs!) of culture. You smiled, placing your hand in his servo. "It would be my honor." Minimus drew you to the center of the floor, pulling you close with a servo resting on your back. You started to slow dance in time to the music. It was a simple Waltz, but you were still nervously watching your feet. Minimus noticed this and stopped dancing for a moment. "Is everything alright?" He asked. You sheepishly looked to the side, too embarrassed to look him in the optics. "I'm afraid I might step on your feet..." "Love, I'm made out of living metal. You couldn't hurt me even if you tried,” he said matter-of-factly. You blushed violently. How could you forget such an obvious thing? Your face felt like it was going to melt off you were so embarrassed. To hide your flushed cheeks, you pressed your face into the crook of Minimus' neck. "Can we try again, please?" You whined in mortification. "As you wish.” The white and green mech smiled, and slowly started to dance again. You tried your hardest to not look down at your feet again, so you kept your face hidden against his neck. You followed his lead, and after a moment you began to feel a little better. He had eased you into the rhythm with him. You no longer felt like you could possibly hurt him, so you raised your head to look at him. "You're a great dancer, Minimus." He cleared his intake. "I had time to study Earth's courting rituals. Dancing seemed to be one strategy best suited to me." "Why would you try to court me when you already have me?" "When you love someone, don't you want to let them know how much you want and love them?" He questioned, "Isn't that why you planned this for me?" He had you there. Despite already being in a relationship with him, you still wanted to surprise him and make him feel wanted. You loved him, and you wanted him to know it! Just then, the music ended, and the two of you were left standing there in silence. You dared to lift your face to look Minimus in the optics. "May I kiss you?" His crimson optics flashed lightly as though your request had surprised him, but he nodded calmly. "You may." You smiled happily. You started to raise up on your tip-toes, but to your joy, Minimus met you halfway. The kiss was sweet with heat, and you leaned up against Minimus, feeling your legs weakening from under you. When you pulled back you were grinning like a fool, but you were a fool, a fool drunk on love. "Want to drink more, and listen to crooners?" You suggested. Minimus smiled, and oh, how handsome he looked when he smiled. "I would like that very much."
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drwcn · 4 years
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RE: [Post]
I’M SORRY TO HAVE CAUSED YOU PAIN (not really, not even a little bit sorry).
Once upon a time I had hopes of writing a sequel to “Begotten”, but I don’t know which decade that’s going to happen - maybe not at all - since I’ve got “Discordance” and “Before the Sun Falls” to tackle now before my schedule eats me up in September.
So, I’m here to bite the bullet and face the music. Here is the condensed one shot of what would’ve been the Begotten Sequel:
“Alone Stands the Quiet ” 
Word Count: 4005
Summary: The story of the Yin Iron starts with a celestial war and ends with Lan Sizhui. 
The story of Lan Sizhui did not start at the fall of Jin Guangyao. It did not start when Hanguang-jun brought him to Cloud Recesses. It did not even start when Yiling Laozu led the remaining Wens to the Burial Mount.
The story of Lan Sizhui started eons ago, before the sects were sects, before man could vie for divinity through cultivation.
Lan Yi once told Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji that the Yin Iron was an item of the ancient, a 上古之物. It existed with the sky and the earth. She was not wrong.
Long ago, a terrible war had broken out between the six realms: shen (gods), xian (immortals), ren (man), yao, mo (demons), and ming (ghosts). It was said that the God of War led the front for gods and immortals, protecting humans who could not protect themselves. The God of War was fierce, was brave, was righteous, but the God of War was flawed. They met their match in a Demon General, their nemesis on the celestial battlefield, yet a kindred spirit in every other way.
The war dredged on. The earth cracked open; the sky splintered into pieces. Creatures died. Fire raged. Victory was not promised, but Death surely would come for them all. Both the God of War and the Demon General knew the war could not go on, though hesitant they were to put an end to the other as they’d been ordered to do so by their heavenly/demonic masters.
In the final battle, the two unfortunate beings perished. How exactly, no one knew. As their existence faded into the expanse, like stardust scattered by cosmic wind, a single drop of their blood, mixed together, fell to Earth into the iron quarries beneath the mountains of Yiling, forming what will one day be known as the Yin Iron.
The Yin Iron as Lan Yi knew it, had never been anything but an instrument for the wicked, though try as she did to purify it to its original state. She had believed that the Iron itself, however powerful it had been, was not inherently evil or good. She believed that it was only Xue Chonghai’s malice and greed that had corrupted such an ancient item through dark cultivation. 
Lan Yi, though unsuccessful, was right.
What Lan Yi didn’t know and what no one knew, not even Wei Wuxian, was that something of that magnitude, of that divinity, could not be destroyed by mortal means, cultivator or not.
Before his death, Wei Wuxian was beyond magnificent mostly due to the Stygian Amulet in his possession. It grew so powerful that he eventually lost control of it. Part of the blame could possibly be laid on Jin Guangyao, but his loss of control demonstrated an important truth that no one realized: The Yin Iron and its spiritual force - its essence - were beyond the capacity of man. Every time a piece was supposedly destroyed, the energy was transferred to the closest remaining pieces. By destroying Wen Ruohan’s three Yin Iron shards, Wei Wuxian had unknowingly absorbed additional dark energy in his own Stygian Amulet.
When Wei Wuxian obliterated the seal at the final confrontation before his first death, its spiritual energy had no solid matter to bind to. Most cultivators’ golden cores repelled or were incompatible with demonic energy. Xue Yang’s piece was hidden far away in Lanling. The only place that could sustain such a large quantity of yin energy was the Burial Mount, and there it found a receptive host, in the form of an unwitting coreless child. The Energy itself was partially sentient, and for self-preservation, it laid dormant in the child’s body, hidden and waiting for the day to come.
A dangerous near-death experience during a failed night hunt triggered the awakening of Sizhui’s powers when he was thirteen years old. For years, he nurtured it, kept it a secret with the help of his friends Lan Jingyi, Jin Ling and later on Ouyang Zizhen.
Some day, the Gods of the Nine Heavens will say that it was always meant to be Wen Yuan… that Fate had chosen him to bear the powers of the God and Demon who had fought and died for the middle ground.
 Following the incident at the Guanyin Temple, Lan Sizhui lived up to his promise to Jin Ling. He came back for Jin Guangyao’s soul sealed within the temple along with Nie Mingjue. His uncle, the kind and gentle Lan Xichen had gone into seclusion, unable to face the fact that his blindness had allowed Jin Guangyao to go unchecked or that he had been the one to kill him. Nie Huaisang’s vague answer had confirmed everything he needed to know.
Confident and naïve as youths often were, Lan Sizhui believed he could find a way to bring Nie Mingjue and Jin Guangyao back from the dead without using life sacrifice as Mo Xuanyu had done. Mo Xuangyu had barely been a cultivator, and Lan Sizhui had grown in leaps and bounds and was on the verge of surpassing even the great Yiling Laozu himself.
Sizhui stole Nie Mingjue and Jin Guangyao's souls and brought them to a place that he knew no one visited anymore: The Wen Sect’s ancestral seat of power, Wen Yuan’s birthright, Nevernight. There, over the chasm where Wen Ruohan had once cultivated three pieces of the Yin Iron, Lan Sizhui kept the souls of his uncle’s sworn brothers in protected suspension.
If he were to do this, he knew he could not just save Jin Guangyao alone, but Nie Mingjue as well. He did not understand the grievance and hatred between the men of the previous generation, but his family deserved happiness and closure, and if he could give it to them, he would without hesitation.
This, he kept as a closely guarded secret. Only Jingyi and Jin Ling were his confidants.
As a child, he did not tell Lan Wangji about his power out of fear, but now, Sizhui kept his silence for another reason entirely. Let him be selfish just this once. He did not want to answer to anyone, to explain himself, his motivations or his powers. A part of Sizhui instinctively knew that Xue Chonghai, Wen Ruohan, Wei Wuxian, Xue Yang - they were all just vessels, a long line of cultivators that the Iron used to get to him. With him was where the Iron’s power always belonged; it may have taken centuries in the making, but finally, the wrong had been righted.
Sizhui hid his secret it from his fathers, from his sect, from everyone. Meanwhile, his powers grew, both spiritual and demonic, to the point where Wei Wuxian's willful ignorance could no longer deny the fact that something was very different about this boy he saved. He hoped it was not true, hoped that Sizhui hadn't been doing exactly what he thought he was.
"A-Yuan," he said to Lan Sizhui one evening when they were taking a stroll through the back mountains of Cloud Recesses. Lan Wangji was busy with Chief Cultivator business and could not join them.
"Yes, a-die?" Responded Sizhui. He heard the change in Wei Wuxian's tone, but he pretended to be none the wiser.
Wei Wuxian paused in his step, turned, and placed a hand on the shoulder of his child. Sizhui had grown taller over the last couple of seasons. He was no longer a boy.
"Is there something you'd like to tell me?"
By then, Lan Sizhui was already in too deep. Since the early days of his resurrection endeavours, he had realized there was no way that he, as a mortal cultivator, could bring back a life from nothing. A sacrifice was always needed, and even if he were to give up his own, it would only revive one of the two souls. 
Both Nie Mingjue and Jin Guangyao’s souls had been damaged, though in different ways. The seals placed upon them would hinder their reincarnation for a hundred years, and after that, there was no telling where they would end up. Without resolving the hatred they both carried into their deaths, their next several lives would be fraught with perils and misfortune.
Jin Ling had by this point come to terms with the passing of his uncle, but Lan Xichen…
If he could not bring back Chifeng-zun and Lianfang-zun to be reunited with Zewu-jun, then at the very least, Sizhui would alleviate his Uncle’s guilt by offering peace to his sworn-brothers. With this in mind, Sizhui did not give up, and eventually he had found a way.
So when Wei Wuxian confronted him, there were so many things he wanted to tell him, but he knew he couldn't. Sizhui was so close to the end, so close to achieving what he needed to do, and he could not afford anyone standing in his way. He had learned from the past. He'd heard of Wei Wuxian's audacious suggestions spoken right here within the walls of Cloud Recesses. Even then, as a guest disciple, he had planted the idea in the minds of his peers and mentors that he, Wei Wuxian, was a divergent from The Path, that he was to be wary of, to be monitored and to be taken down before he could uproot their lives.
Lan Sizhui had no intentions of allowing the small-mindedness of his elders to hinder him. He also did not want his fathers blamed for his own doings, though being his fathers, perhaps they would be blamed no matter what he did. He knew it was unfilial of him to disregard that, but he had gone too far to turn back now.
Lan Sizhui had started out wishing to help Jin Ling, to help Lan Xichen, but now… now he wanted to do this for himself. He didn’t want to stop; he wanted to know if he could do it, if he could make this one thing come true. They say power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. They also say curiosity killed the cat, and Sizhui was willing to find out if satisfaction was really able to bring it back.
Thus, the secret of his power must be kept hidden until the spell was complete. Both Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji must have reasonable deniability. When all is said and done, Sizhui had made plans to disappear and save the cultivation world the trouble of removing him.
"A-Yuan, is there something you'd like to tell me?" Wei Wuxian repeated. The hand on Sizhui's shoulder tightened.
Lan Sizhui stared the man in the eye and lied, "No, a-die. There isn't."
 When Sizhui revealed the plans of his departure, that was when Jingyi finally broke.
"No, Sizhui, no! You were supposed to be Sect Master, it was supposed to be you!"
"I can't go back, Jingyi, if I do this, I can never go back."
"Sizhui, please, please don't - "
"You'll still have our friends when I’m gone. Zizhen is a good man, a trusted friend. He would stand by your side. And Jin Ling too, he would never leave you.” 
"J-Jin Ling?! Th- that brat, I - I don't know what you're -"
"It's okay. He likes you too." Sizhui smiled brightly at his friend's flushed cheeks.
"H-he does?"
"Yes, yes he does."
They didn’t know it then, but Sect Master Jin Rulan and Sect Master Lan Jingyi would one day become cultivation partners. Openly and without shame, they formed the Lan-Jin alliance their predecessors wished but could never achieve.
 The plan was this:
Sizhui had discovered that he could put souls into human bodies if he manipulated with their reincarnation cycle and transported them distantly enough in time. Jin Guangyao and Nie Mingjue were not destined to meet again in another life, but Sizhui had his ways.
Against Fate or not, he was going to do it.  
Somehow, Lan Xichen found out. After years in seclusion, he emerged one day and sought out his nephew at Nevernight where he couldn't deny what he'd been planning.
Sizhui had panicked, thinking his uncle would for sure admonish him for tampering with reincarnation and matters entirely too divine and out of his control.
But Lan Xichen simply stood there, gazing up at the two suspended souls above the pit of Sizhui's swirling demonic and spiritual energy. His sworn brothers. They had knelt before Heaven and Earth and promised that though they had not been born on the same day, in same month and in the same year, they would seek to die on the same day, in same month and in the same year.
And what became of them? Mingjue was beheaded, A-Yao stabbed. Both murdered. Yet, here he was, still alive.
Left behind.  
"I want to go with them." Lan Xichen said.
For the first time since his journey began, Lan Sizhui was truly horrified. 
"I - I can only transport souls, and yours -"
"Then transport mine."
Sizhui shook, sputtering, "But – but - you would have to die! I would have to kill you!"
"I know. Sizhui," Lan Xichen turned to the boy he helped raise into the fine young man he was now and bowed his head. "A-Yuan, please."
Sizhui floundered. What would Father say, if he knew his A-Yuan had been the one to take the life of his beloved brother?
"You can't ask this of me, you can't Zewu-jun, no - da'bofu… da'bofu don’t…"
But Sizhui knew, he knew, deep down, that he would do this for Lan Xichen. In the hallow abbey of Nevernight, his uncle held him as he cried, as if he was still that scared lonely little boy. 
"I am a selfish man. I'm sorry, child, forgive me."  
 Sizhui spun the spell for nine days and nine nights.
A barrier was formed from his mixture of demonic and spiritual energy, barring anyone passage into the palace. Lan Xichen’s disappearance from Cloud Recesses quickly alerted cultivators all round, and the strange energy coalescing around Qishan commanded the attention of Chief Cultivator Hanguang-jun and the other sect masters. Together, Sizhui’s fathers and the leaders of all major and minor sects marched on Nevernight for a third time, completely surrounding the place on day two of the nine-day spell. 
Lan Sizhui’s absence from Gusu Lan’s entourage drew speculations right away, as he was the unofficial Sect Heir.
Under immense pressure and terrified by the development of both political and spiritual tension, Jin Ling and Lan Jingyi caved and told their qianbeis the truth: that Sizhui was a practiced demonic cultivator from an early age, that he planned to release Chifeng'zun and Jin Guangyao's trapped spirits into reincarnation for a second chance, that Zewu-jun had begged him to send him as well, that Sizhui had agreed to it all.
The reveal shocked all, even the usually nonplussed Nie Huaisang.  “Is he really able to do it? To give my brother peace and absolution?”  Jingyi nodded. “If anyone can, Sizhui can.” 
For nine days the cultivators meditated, their collective cultivation keeping yet another barrier between the surrounding land and Nevernight’s epicenter.
As the only non-spiritual cultivator present Wei Wuxian knelt before the long stone steps, stained and darkened by the blood of countless lives that were ended upon it. 
Whose blood they were yet to spill he did not know and was too afraid to think on it further. Two live-times’ of memories flooded his thoughts, threatening to overtake him. Wen Ning knelt with him, silently by his side as always. 
When the spell ended, the spiritual and demonic powers in Lan Sizhui came to a culmination. The earth quaked, the sky darkened. For a minute, all was quiet.
Then, suddenly, four flashes of lightning cut across the sky, lighting up night as though it were day. Its thunderous echoes shook the cultivators down to their knees. Even the mighty Hanguang-jun, the Chief Cultivator himself, bowed to its strength. Men and women quivered and trembled, for they knew those were not your ordinary lightning.
Four, consecutive strikes, each hitting where Lan Sizhui would be within the main palace. Those were Omens, Heaven's Trial. It was clear to all of them what had happened.
Lan Yuan, Lan Sizhui, had ascended.
"That was...that was an ascension." Jiang Wanyin’s voice spoke out first.
Beside him, his nephew the young Sect Master Jin Ling bit back his sobs. He had hoped this wouldn't happen, though the signs were all there in the preceding days. Ascension was what all cultivators sought, though in this case, it was most definitely not a blessing.
He feared for his friend, and he blamed himself for ever posing that ridiculous request that day at the Guanyin Temple.
“Sizhui!!” Lan Jingyi was the first to break rank, dashing forward in a mad panic. He was stopped in his track by Jin Ling’s arms circling his waist from behind.  
“Jingyi, stop!! It’s too late, we can’t stop this!”
“Sizhui! Sizhui!”
“Jingyi! Jin Ling!”  Ouyang Zizhen rushed to their side and helped Jin Ling haul back their friend.  
“He’s ascended! He’s ascended, he’s ascended, it’s just an ascension, just an ascension,” chanted Jin Ling over and over to his friend as they crumbled to their knees.
"No, not 'an' ascension," corrected Lan Wangji, his voice rising over the deafening silence. He stood and helped Wei Wuxian to stand. His husband was white as sheet, for he too understood what four lightnings meant.
Historical records have always noted that one lightning was the sign of ascension from cultivator to di’xian (lesser immortal). Unlike popular belief, the lightning was not a sign of Heaven’s favour, but a Fated Trial. To be an immortal, a cultivator must survive the trial, and of the few who were ever graced with the lightning, even fewer survived. Aside from Baoshan, no cultivator had even reached anywhere close to this stage in over a hundred years.
Three lightnings, however, were the price to pay for the ascension from lesser to higher immortal (shang’xian). 
Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian clung to each other. To leap through two tiers and ascend twice consecutively...it was completely unheard of. Was their son still alive?
“We have to find him,” said Wei Wuxian when the lightning faded. Sizhui’s barrier had slowly melted away from Nevernight. Above them, the thick clouds parted, giving way for the soft morning light. 
“Jiang Cheng –”
Jiang Wanyin stood up right, drawing Sandu from its sheath and nodded. “I’ll keep watch. Go.”
When Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian finally reached Sizhui, he was waiting for them. Well...a form of him was. 
Soaring around along the vaulted ceiling was a large fire bird, Qishan Wen’s symbol immortalized. Its feathers were as black and shiny as obsidian, and its belly as pale as pearls. Crimson flames trimmed the edge of its large wings and trailed behind in its wake. With a sharp piercing cry, the creature dived mid-flight and came sweeping down until it disappeared into fractals of bright lights and materialized the next instant into a young man. 
Half of Lan Sizhui’s hair had gone completely white. Mixed with black, it fluttered loose and wild in the waves of divine magic that now enshrouded his person.
His Gusu Lan robes once pristine were in tatters, and from where he stood several feet in front of them, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian could see the streaks of lightning scars running where his veins ought to be.
Then, he looked up, revealing a blood-red iris.
"A-die, fuqin.” Sizhui took a couple steps towards them and crumbled in their arms. Somewhere behind his shoulder, Lan Wangi saw his brother's body lying prone on a slab of rock. There was no doubt Lan Xichen was dead.
"I don't have long. They're coming for me." Sizhui hugged them close.  
Wei Wuxian was distraught, "Who's coming for you?! A-Yuan -"
"I've tampered with timelines, changed fates, the Gods are angry. The demons tell me so."
Lan Wangji cradled his child’s face in his hands and found it hard to imagine this was the little boy he saved from the Burial Mount early twenty years ago. "Sizhui, son, please let us help you -"
"You can't help me. This is my burden to carry."
But Lan Wangji refused to accept it. "We won't let you die -"
"I won't die, fuqin, a-die, but I will be going now."
"G-go? Where will you go? You’re not going anywhere! I won’t allow it!" Wei Wuxian held him tighter.
"A shangxian's place is with the Heavenly Court. That is where I must answer for my crimes."
“No…no, you won’t – A-Yuan, our little A-Yuan…”
Sizhui clasped all three of their hands together and whispered, "Qing-gugu once said that when there is too much to say, all one really need to say is thank you and I’m sorry. Fuqin, a-die, Sizhui has been unfilial. I hope you can forgive me.”
As he spoke those words, the entire hall was suddenly lit aglow. A figure appeared, too bright and blinding to discern its feature.
The voice that called out to him was calm but commanding, heavy with gravitas. "Lan Sizhui, your presence is requested." 
"I know."
"Do you admit your guilt?"
"I do."
"Then come."
A-Yuan stood, pulling his hands from his fathers' grasps. With one last gentle smile, half in pain half in love, he turned to face his future. He could no longer bear to see the devastation on his fathers’ faces, awash with tears.  
As he walked calmly into the light, his last words, spoken over his shoulder, were: “Tell, xiaomei that I would’ve loved to meet her." (xiaomei = little sister.)
 On their way back to Cloud Recesses from this eternal parting, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian happened upon an orphaned baby girl on the side of the road.
They brought her home and adopted her. Their daughter was named Wei Xiao, courtesy Lan Mengyuan.
To dream of a reunion...
Wei Xiao grew, happy and loved. Then, nearly a century later, at the end of a very long life, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian passed, peacefully and together.
 In front of a Starbucks in a modern metropolitan city, a young man holding a latte and talking quickly on the phone is attempting to cross the road without looking both ways.
"I'm honestly trying my best here! I have my thesis to finish and my PI is -"
He is struck by a car, which immediately took off. This is witnessed by a jogger coming from the opposite direction and a man in professional attires waiting by the bus station. The jogger and the bus taker both rush to the injured man at the same time, as many others crowd around to the scene.
The jogger introduces himself as "Nie Mingjue, a fireman", and the bus taker pulls out a stethoscope from his bag and replies with a polite smile and a quick handshake, "Lan Xichen, doctor – pediatrician specifically."
A student in the crowd exclaims, "Oh my god, that's Meng Yao, my finance TA. Please help him!"
“Do you have contact for his next of kin?” Nie Mingjue asks.
“N-no, but I-I can call his department. My prof should know, or HR, hold on.”
“Call the ambulance,” instructs Lan Xichen to another bystander, “Tell them we have a man, in his twenties, who’s been struck by a hit and run…”
Across the street, under the umbrella of Starbucks’ patio, a young man raises his head. His hair is cut short, though strangely dyed white on one side. The sunglasses on his nose slips a little, revealing a startling red iris. On the table beside his elbow, his phone pings, showing an email alert from [email protected], bcc-ed to the entire class and cc-ed to [email protected].   
Midterm Tutorial Session: Updated Slides.
“Finally, I was starting to think it would never happen.” A young woman slides into the seat across from him, sipping on a freshly made frappuccino.
The young man picks up his own cup and smiles. “Good morning to you too, Mengyuan.”
“Satisfied now, my meddling rebellious brother?”
“Yes.” The god in mortal clothes sighs, content. “Yes in fact, I am.”
 Note:  *Wei Xiao’s name Lan MengYuan isn’t the same Meng* as MengYao’s last name, and isn’t the same Yuan* as Wen Yuan. Completely different words and meaning. :) 
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warsofasoiaf · 4 years
What is your opinion of KOTOR 2? Favorite things about it, least favorite things about it, characters, etc.
Alright, it’s time for another video game review, so an early reminder, spoilers abound for both KOTOR1 and KOTOR2. There’s a cut of course. Overall, I thought it was a phenomenally well-written game and one of the greatest pieces of media to exist in the Stars Wars universe (although I haven’t read any of the Expanded Universe books so keep that in mind), and as is the usual case for Obsidian particularly in this era, developer constraints created a beautiful mess.
Before we can talk about KOTOR we need to talk a little bit about Star Wars and what it meant as a film. The original Star Wars isn’t a very creative story, it’s largely a conventional Hero’s Journey. It’s a pastiche of early adventure stories in a science fiction setting, but with the added benefit of video and sound effects to really make it come to life in a way that was only possible in the imagination of readers. This gave the series a wide deal of appeal. Folks who grew up on the 1950′s Flash Gordon serials or WW2 dogfight films could see a film with those things they loved from their childhood with a high budget to bring those things to life. Science fiction fans could visually see elements of their favorite books brought to life on the silver screen. Fans of movies can appreciate the cutting-edge (for the time, although I love me some practical effects in film) effects and the unfamiliar elements of science fiction with the familiar trappings of an adventure tale. 
KOTOR was something similar for the video game industry, particularly for the fans of Baldur’s Gate. The ability to create a Jedi character and go on a journey like the Bhaalspawn did in Baldur’s Gate was something that appealed to a significant number of RPG fans, and the critical success of the Baldur’s Gate series brought a lot of money and prestige to Bioware. Fans of RPGs and Star Wars got to see their medium and interact with it in a whole new light. Much like A New Hope, KOTOR1 was largely a traditional story where Darth Malak is an evil guy without much in the way of redemptive qualities. The two major wrinkles were that you could play as a Sith and have some moments of true player cruelty like ordering Zaalbar to kill Mission, but this makes sense for an RPG, having no player choice in a game really makes you lose the lightside/darkside dynamic. Of course, the bigger and more interesting drift from a traditional Star Wars story was the Revan twist. This took advantage of both the slower pace of games to spend time with your PC and form a connection, and the nature of Western RPG’s where the player envisions themselves partially as their avatar onscreen to make the reveal hit home. Ultimately though, the Star Wars morality was upheld. The Jedi were the unequivocal good guys, the Sith were the unequivocal bad guys. 
KOTOR2 decided to put the Force under the microscope. It had started in 2003, so Episode II had already come out, and this idea of the prophecy of Anakin bringing balance to the Force, and what we knew of the Jedi in the original Star Wars trilogy who were reduced to hermits hiding on the fringes of society, really gave the impetus to examine this idea of the balance of the Force as not necessarily benevolent. It’s not evil, per say, it’s just indifferent to the people that die to make it happen. So the game became a self-critical examination of the core structures of the Star Wars universe. The Sith are usually thought of as the bad guys, and a lot of that holds true, domination, subjugation, power, betrayal, all that nasty stuff aren’t really conducive to most conceptions of goodness, but are the Jedi good? Does their passivity lead to injustice and terror being wrought on others because the Jedi failed to act. That was the question behind the Jedi involvement in the Mandalorian Wars, was the Exile correct in going off to fight them or were the Jedi Council who forbade them correct? As befits the folks who wrote Planescape: Torment, the game has two journeys, one through the game world and the plot that unfolds and another more deeply introspective.
I’ll put the things I don’t like about KOTOR2 first because the list is small but it is worth noting. The game is very clearly a rushed product and it shows. The cut content shows a great deal of lost potential, and the bugs could make the game at times completely unplayable. The game suffered from the accelerated development, having barely half the development time, and you can see where the seams show. The UI is clunky and gets cluttered when you have to manage items. Level design is similarly a nuisance, as they are big sprawling expanses without a lot of content in them. Part of that is a necessity to the mechanics, smaller levels would have other encounter designs being agro’d into it, but the levels are still expansive, empty, and a slog to get through. The Peragus mining facility is too large by half, and there’s a lot of backtracking in these levels. Since side quests encourage finding a doodad or killing a few key figures scattered around a map, that means a lot of trekking through these big levels to find one particular item or enemy locked in a corner somewhere. That can be very tedious, particularly on repeat playthroughs. At times, it feels like legging your way through a swamp to get to the next piece of delicious content.
Which is a good segue into talking what I like about the game, because its writing and characters are superb. The character companions are twists of classic Star Wars archetypes. Atton is the scoundrel Han Solo non-Force user type, but ends up having a disturbingly dark backstory where he was a Sith interrogator and feared his own Force-sensitive nature. Bao-Dur is a man haunted by the weapon of mass destruction he created, a tech-head who ends up hating his most momentous creation but feels the need to use it yet again. Canderous has become the new Mandalore and is desperately trying to revitalize his dying culture because he’s been so broken by Revan’s departure. The Wookie life-debt is so toxic that it breaks Hanharr and Mira in their own ways. Visas is a Sith whose will is shattered. Each of these characters are fundamentally broken (save for the droids, unless you count the physical need to reassemble HK-47 as broken), and the Exile draws them to him or her. Through discovering more about them and resolving it, the Exile awakens the characters’ connection to the Force, oddly ironic since the Exile is cut off from the Force and is only rediscovering it. Like most Bioware RPG’s, you the player through your character guide the growth of these characters and form a relationship with them, or use them for your own ends.
Kreia, of course, deserves her own paragraph. Kreia is the Star Wars Ravel Puzzlewell, an embittered woman who wants to destroy the cosmic chains of the universe and loves the player character in a deeply obsessive way, one that’s played completely straight in how it makes the player uncomfortable. She is deeply resentful of the Force and wants to destroy it, and through the Exile, who managed to cut themselves off so utterly completely in a unique way, she sees the path. Of course, the reason why the Exile cut themselves off was the mass death at Malachor V was so overwhelming that he or she would have otherwise died. Of course, her obsession and overriding mission cares little for the Exile’s own pain, and so the manipulations begin, using you to lure out and destroy the Jedi and the Sith, and in the end, you disappoint her, either because you don’t learn her lessons or she discovers that the only reason you were the way you were was because you were afraid. She still is obsessed over you, though, and so when you finally confront her, she obliges that affection to explain everything, unusually honest for a woman whose Sith name is evocative of the word betrayal. And fortunately, she allows something that most monologue villains don’t allow, a means by which to tell her she’s full of shit. Certainly, it’s a little weaker coming from her as an option to you rather than the player character saying it themselves, but I think it’s stronger, since so much of the ending had to be cut anyway it reinforces the ambiguity of it, that the ending is what you believe. Personal belief has always been important for the Exile and Kreia/Traya, and letting that transfer to the player is, while perhaps not the most ideal, completely valid given how rushed the development was. 
The other Sith Lords are fascinating concepts of evil and personal belief as well as well, and really show the Dark Side of the force in a parasitic, corrupt sense and the horrible ends of taking belief to its extreme. Darth Sion is the Lord of Pain. He cannot die but he feels pain constantly, making eternal life not a blessing but a torture, though in it he found a twisted source of enlightenment. His pain fuels his anger and hatred (key ingredients of the Dark Side) and so he persists solely through the Dark Side. Darth Nihilus, on the other hand, had his body obliterated by the Mass Shadow Generator, and so persisted as a wound in the Force, consuming Force energy to feed his relentless hunger. He is not a human anymore but a force of endless consumption that cannot be satiated, this hunger pain pushes him past his own mortal existence but which can only consume, not live. This perfectly illustrates the Dark Side concept of pursuit of power even past the point of sustainability, for Nihilus will continue consuming until all existence has been eaten.
The game is dark and moody, as you explore a shattered galaxy. In the original game, the search led to the Star Forge and the revelation that you the player was Revan. The sequel shows that there was no grand conspiracy; the act of Malachor built Nihilus and Sion and the player themselves was something that you did. It was not a conspiracy of Jedi but rather the after-effects of a particular action, much the way Lonesome Road had the Courier’s delivery of the package to Hopeville to be something that destroyed Ulysses even though you never met him. The Mass Shadow Generator was meant to save the galaxy from the Mandalorians but birthed a new, more powerful tragedy. Bao-Dur even wonders if the subjugation of the people under the Mandalorians was better than the power of the Mass Shadow Generator, a powerful moment ordered by just a mere single Jedi, built by a mere tech specialist. In true Planescape fashion, a personal apocalypse is a galactic apocalypse and vice-versa. Torment lingers over this game, in the broken characters, in a parallel journey both outward and inward. In many ways KOTOR2 was Planescape: Torment in the Star Wars universe, albeit with its own personal flair.
Alright, that’s a good review. I can do character analyses of some of the major characters if you want.
Thanks for the question, Messanger.
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perspective-series · 5 years
Kingdom Perspective (2)
By: @arc852 and @hiddendreamer67
Warnings: Fear, panic, kidnapping, keeping/treating people like pets, threats, and unwanted touching/grabbing
First Chapter || Next Chapter
Logan found himself still lost deep in thought after his encounter with Roman, nearly getting lost on the way back to his room. He entered, looking at the cage on his desk in a new light. It felt so strange thinking there was another human in the building. Should he say something?
The eldest son sat down at the desk, reaching over to open the cage before pulling his studies close to him once more. 
 Patton perked up a little when Logan entered the room. He smiled a bit but it dropped when he noticed something was off about the giant. Not by too much but enough for Patton to notice. He wondered what could have happened? Logan hadn’t even been gone that long.
  His cage door was opened but Patton didn’t dare leave the cage. He knew to wait for the command to do so.
After all his scrolls were aligned Logan tapped a spot on the desk near himself, calling Patton silently to his side.
 Seeing the signal, Patton jumped to his feet and quickly got out of the cage and to where Logan had tapped. He was now near the giant’s hand, looking up at him. 
Logan gave Patton a tired smile, pleased with his eagerness. Absentmindedly he began to pet Patton on the head, trying to focus back on his studies.
 Patton hummed in contentment as he was petted, leaning into the touch slightly. He wouldn’t have thought-several months ago-that he would ever like being pet like some, well, pet, but Patton had grown to enjoy it. It was the only form of touch that he ever got anymore, after all.
 Patton looked up at Logan again with a frown. Figuring at this point it was alright for him to speak, Patton did so. “Is something wrong?”
Logan paused his hand motions, turning to look at Patton. He was quiet for a minute, still debating whether or not to tell him. 
“...it’s nothing.” Logan shook his head, running his fingers across Patton’s soft hair once more and gently down his back. Logan was not a physically touchy individual by nature, but he had noticed Patton had a fondness for it.
 Patton hummed, not sure if he should push it or not. It clearly wasn’t nothing, that much Patton could tell. But he didn’t want to make Logan upset by asking about it more. 
 ...Maybe one more time couldn’t hurt. He definitely wasn’t going to push his luck after that. “Are you sure?”
Logan chuckled humorlessly. It seemed every day Patton became more adept at reading him like a book. 
“It seems Roman got a human as well today.” Logan caved, knowing Patton would find out eventually regardless.
 Patton’s eyes widened. “Oh.” He looked down, starting to gnaw at his lip. Another human had been taken and brought here? To become a pet just like Patton had become? Patton couldn’t help but feel bad for the poor soul. He knew as well as anyone how terrifying it was, especially at first. Patton winced as he remembered the training he had to go through and just hoped that the other human would listen for his own good.
“Indeed.” Logan noticed Patton shared his nervous energy about the subject, albeit not for the same reasons. Logan turned back to his homework, quill resting in the margins. “I’m a bit...concerned as to how that may be going.” Logan admitted.
 Well, Patton didn’t like the sound of that. “Why?” He had never met Roman officially-he had only ever seen him talking to Logan from a distance-and while Logan complained about his brother sometimes it was never too often. Was Roman not good?
Logan tapped his quill absentmindedly. “How do you think Roman would behave, given the circumstances?” Logan didn’t answer Patton’s question, instead asking one of his own. 
 Patton bit his lip, remembering the sorts of complaints Logan had made about Roman in the past, and how Roman had acted the few times he had seen him. He winced. Oh, that poor, poor human. “I can...see why you’re worried.” That just made him more thankful he ended with someone like Logan. While rough in the beginning, things were pretty good for him now.
“Indeed.” Logan didn’t even notice he was repeating himself, too lost in his own thoughts. 
He shook his head lightly as if to clear his brain. “I suppose I shouldn’t question father’s judgement.” He murmured, more to himself as he tried to focus back on his work. That was the council’s job, after all.
 Patton didn’t say anything else, looking off in space as he thought about some other human, being taken from their world and being treated like a pet. With Roman especially, Patton was worried for the other human’s mental state. 
 Of course, seeing how broken he was now and how little he questioned things anymore, he supposed he wasn’t one to talk. 
 Roman woke up bright and early the next morning, grinning as he saw his human fast asleep in the cage beside his bed. He quickly got up and got ready for the day before coming back over to the cage. He looked at Virgil inside, frowning for a minute as he remembered everything the little guy had done and said.
 Again, this human was going to be a challenge. But he could do this! Without Logan’s help too. He just might have to be a bit harsher when it came to things. Maybe then Virgil would listen to him.
 He picked up the cage and moved it back over to the desk. “Virgil? Time to wake!”
Virgil groaned, his head hitting slightly against the metal beneath him as the cage was transferred. What time was it? As he slowly woke up and remembered what was happening, Virgil knew it was far too early to be dealing with Roman again. Without even turning to the Giant prince he lifted his finger and gave Roman the bird.
 Roman gasped in offense at the crude gesture. Was he really going to have a problem with Virgil already. “Rude! I suggest you put that finger down unless you want punishment.” Roman spoke with a glare.
Virgil was tempted to just lift his other finger instead, but he didn’t want to push his luck. Instead Virgil sat up, feeling his backache from laying on a hard surface all night. He glared through his bangs at Roman, not bothering to push his hair out of his face.
 “Now, I am going to go get us breakfast. While I’m gone you will change into these clothes.” Roman opened the cage door and put in some neatly folded human clothes he had gotten while getting ready. He then closed the cage back up. “If you aren’t awake and dressed by the time I come back, there will be punishment.” With that, Roman sent one last look to Virgil before leaving the room.
Virgil froze. It was definitely too early to deal with this sort of dilemma. On the one hand, Virgil did appreciate being able to change himself, he didn’t want to get punished, and something told him sooner or later he’d end up in these clothes anyways. 
But on the other hand...Virgil tucked his hoodie closer around himself. It was one of his few comfort items. He was very fond of it and felt quite anxious at the idea of losing it in this Giant realm. In fact, the idea of losing any of his clothing made him nervous. He’d likely never find human clothing like this again if he stayed trapped here.
Virgil went over to the pile to see exactly what he was dealing with. It looked like some sort of medieval getup, with brown pants and a white tunic. Virgil cringed; not only was the tunic white, but it was short-sleeved as well. There was no way Virgil would ever be comfortable in such clothing. 
Glancing at the door, Virgil made up his mind. He quickly changed into the outfit Roman had provided, cringing at the way it chaffed. As soon as the ensemble was on Virgil threw his hoodie over it, taking the rest of his clothes and folding them carefully in a pile at the back of his cage.
 Roman came back into the room with a plate full of eggs, bacon, and toast. He put the plate on his desk and then looked into the cage at Virgil. He frowned when he saw the old overshirt but realized that Virgil had put on the clothes he had asked. He couldn’t really fault him for Roman not being specific. He smiled warmly.
 “Good job Virgil but I need you to take that overshirt off as well.” Spotting the pile of clothes in the back, Roman opened the cage and reached in, grabbing them and pulling them out.
Virgil’s eyes widened, quickly coming closer to the cage opening. “Wait! Give those back!”
 Roman set the old clothes on the desk to deal with in a minute before turning his attention back to Virgil. “Um, no. These are filthy. Now give me the overshirt.” Roman held out his hand in front of Virgil expectantly. 
“They’re not filthy, they’re fine.” Virgil took a step back, hugging his hoodie protectively. “Please, just let me keep them in here. It’s not like I don’t have space.” Virgil looked around the fairly large cage, taking note of the fact he was the only thing inside right now.
 Roman tilted his head before realizing what Virgil was thinking. “Oh. No you’ve got it all wrong. I’m just taking them to get cleaned, you’ll get them back.” Roman reassured. After all, there would be no point in throwing away perfectly good human clothes. Especially when they took a while to make or find.
Virgil felt only slightly relieved at this knowledge, as his anxiety still reminded him how easy it would be for his clothes to get lost or ripped or otherwise destroyed.
“I don’t feel comfortable without my hoodie.” Virgil admitted, rubbing his arms self consciously. “I want to keep it on.”
 Roman frowned. He hadn’t realized how much Virgil liked his overshirt, or ‘hoodie’ since that’s what he kept calling it. “Well, that doesn't change the fact that it’s dirty.” Roman hummed in thought. “Would you give it to me if I promised I can give it back to you in an hour?” Roman asked.
“I have no reason to trust you.” Virgil regarded him with suspicion. “You’re still keeping me captive.”
 Roman hated how difficult Virgil was being. “Look, you can either give it to me yourself or I will take it off of you. Which one would you rather happen?”
Virgil bit his lip, thinking it over. He had no doubts that Roman would actually follow through with his threat, and he didn’t want to risk his hoodie getting ripped.
“...one hour.” Virgil repeated. “Then I get it back?”
 Roman smiled, seeing that Virgil was giving in. “I promise.” He held out his hand for the hoodie.
Virgil sighed. “Fine.” He quickly removed his hoodie, tossing it out of the cage before he could talk himself back out of this. Immediately Virgil wrapped his arms around his chest, feeling exposed and out of place. 
“Nothing better happen to it.” Virgil warned.
 Roman grinned as he moved it with the other before gathering them all up. He stood up. “Nothing will.” He went to the door just in time to catch a maid. He handed her the clothes and then whispered.
 “Tell them I want the overshirt back within an hour.” He then got an idea. “And I want at least five more of these made or found.” The maid nodded and left with the clothes. Satisfied with that, Roman went back into the room.
 Looking at Virgil, he did look quite weird without his hoodie on. He walked back over to the desk and just like the night before, put a little bit of food on a smaller plate for Virgil. He then stuck it in the cage. “Eat up.” He said and then started eating his own portion.
Virgil rolled his eyes, but the smell of food was quite tempting. He looked over the options, realizing that toast might be the easiest to stomach. And the easiest to eat considering he didn’t have any silverware. He grabbed a smaller bit of the bread and began nibbling on it halfheartedly.
 Roman smiled as he watched Virgil eat. Glad he actually was with no fuss this time. They both ate in silence and when they were done (or had eaten all he would in Virgil’s case) he stacked the plates on top of each other for the maid to take later.
 He then clapped his hands together. “So! Are you going to be better for me today?”
Virgil just gave him a shrug. He had no plans to cooperate, rather the opposite actually, but for the time being he was also cautious of the fact that angering Roman might mean not getting his hoodie back.
 Roman hummed at the shrug. Fine, he could work with that. “Well, we are going to do a little bit of training before I have to go to my knightly duties. So…” Roman opened the cage door and then tapped the table like he had done the night before. “Come here Virgil.”
Virgil glared at him, hating how condescending the command was. He didn’t want to cooperate and lose his last shred of dignity, but he also didn’t want to die. Suddenly struck with inspiration, Virgil smirked and took a slow step forwards.
 Roman perked up at the sight of Virgil beginning to move. “There we go, come on Virgil, that’s it.” Things already seemed to be going better than last night.
Virgil paused, lifting his next foot even slower than the last.
 Roman enthusiasm slowly died as he realized what Virgil was doing. He groaned. “Virgil, please don’t do this.” 
“Do what?” Virgil asked innocently, continuing his slow pace.
 Roman took in a deep breath before trying again. “Okay. Virgil, come here at a normal pace.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Virgil paused briefly to lean on the bars of the cage, inches away from stepping out. “This is a perfectly normal human pace.”
 “You and I both know that is not true.” Roman said with narrowed eyes. “Virgil, I am serious. If you are not over here in the next three seconds, you will be punished. No getting out of it.”
 Roman took a deep breath. “1.”
Virgil didn’t test his luck, quickly scrambling out of the cage and nearly tripping over himself in his haste to go where Roman had indicated.
 “Good human.” Roman smiled, reaching a hand over to give Virgil some pets on the head as a reward. “That wasn’t so hard, right?”
Virgil ducked, trying to avoid Roman’s touch as he gave him an irritated growl. “Don’t patronize me.”
 Roman ignored him, taking his hand away. “Now, can you sit for me?”
“I can.” Virgil confirmed, making no move to do so.
 Roman’s eyes narrowed. “Virgil, sit.”
“Roman, ask politely.” Virgil retorted, holding his ground.
 Roman practically growled. “That’s it!” He grabbed Virgil in a fist, bringing him up to his face. “Why do you have to make things so difficult for yourself, hmm?” Looks like a punishment was finally in order but what should he do…
Virgil yelped, paling a few shades as he realized how irritated he had made Roman. He gasped, feeling his ribs get painfully squeezed in Roman’s grasp. Against his will he began to shake with fright.
 “Let’s see…” Roman’s thoughts were cut off when there was a knock on his door. A voice then called out. 
 “Prince Roman! You are needed at the knights training field.” Roman groaned, not realizing how late it had gotten. He sighed.
 “I’ll be right there!” He turned back to Virgil. “Don’t think this means you are getting out of this. Your punishment will happen when I get back.” Roman put Virgil back in the cage before heading out.
Virgil groaned, slowly picking himself off the cage floor. His sides felt bruised. Tenderly Virgil rubbed them, checking for any damages. He glanced at the door, already dreading Roman’s return. He had definitely pushed it too far. What kind of ‘punishment’ did Roman have in mind? Virgil began to shake again, his mind already supplying endless possibilities, each more terrible than the last.
Virgil curled in on himself, squeezing his eyes shut. Now more than ever he wished he had his hoodie back, if only to offer the illusion of comfort before the storm.
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ghosthunthq · 4 years
The Bones in the Acid 1
By: @sprghosthunter​
Prompt:  crime investigation AU
“Oh God…” Mai muttered as she snapped her head back. She waved for her field assistant to approach. “Hey Yasu, we need baking soda, stat!” Setting her gaze on the decomposing body, Mai clenched her teeth and held her breath.
“Huh?!” Yasu peered over the young agent’s shoulder. As he eyed the wisps of smoke rising over Mai’s crouched form, he began to smell it. “Oh God!” He smashed his hand over his nose, the pungent scent was nearly enough to knock him over. Turning away, Yasu rushed to the van. He gasped for fresh air the moment the human stick bomb was out of range.
After throwing open the back door of the black vehicle, Yasu plunged himself inside. He reached for the clear bin Naru had packed for Mai. The scientist always insisted Mai keep a few basic things, baking soda included, when investigating crime scenes.
“Hurry! We’re losing evidence!”
Fumbling, Yasu grabbed onto a large orange box. He then sprinted from the van at full speed. Mai was waiting for him with an outstretched hand. The moment it was within reach, Mai yanked the box of baking soda from Yasu and proceeded to dump it onto the rapidly disintegrating remains. Yasu stepped back as the starch white powder mixed with the acid coated bones. The solution bubbled over top loose dirt and dead leaves, further obscuring his view of their latest crime scene.
“We should get Naru’s team out here…” Yasu suggested while pinching his nose. “I don’t think our coroner is going to want to come and fetch this one…”
Mai grumbled, “As much as I can’t stand working with that ass, I think you’re right… After all…if it weren’t for his…previous insistence….we wouldn’t have anything left.”
“Well…he’s also one of the best anthropologists out there. Bones are like…his specialty,” Yasu added. He reached into his pocket for his cell phone. “I’ll call him now. Ah, why don’t you go take a seat in the van? I’ll keep an eye on everything out here.”
Arms crossed, Mai sighed, “No. I think I’m going to have a look around. That body hasn’t been here long. Surely whoever tried getting rid of it is still around.” Her hand hovered over the holster on her hip. As Yasu nodded, Mai stepped over the neutralized remains. She headed into the thickening treeline in search of more clues.
…line break…
The famed anthropologist, Oliver Davis, gazed at the pile of damaged bones. Upon first glance, he assumed at least half of the skeleton was missing. Perhaps more. The skull itself wasn’t even fully intact. Then again, he had no reason to be surprised. The body had been doused in acid…
“How strange…” Oliver knelt down, pointing a gloved finger at the remainder of the mandible. “There are no teeth, and judging that the majority of the damage was done by hydrofluoric acid, it’s likely they were removed prior to disposal.” 
“Great, seems like we’ve got ourselves a cautious killer.” Mai rolled her eyes.  “We can’t get an i.d. without dentals.”
Oliver raised a brow, “Don’t worry. It may take me a day or two, but I’m certain I have enough to work with to provide useful information pertaining to identify the victim. For instance, based on the size and shape of the mastoid process,” he reached out to touch the side of the skull, “this is a male.”
Mai blinked. She then crouched beside Oliver.
“Okay. That’s…helpful…” Her shoulder brushed against his as she steadied herself.
Oliver huffed, “It’s more information than your forensics team could have provided.” Before Mai could retort, he continued. “This man is also of Asian descent, most likely, given the shape of the occipitals. He was likely between 173 and 178 centimeters tall.” Directing Mai’s attention to the partial femur, Oliver smirked. 
“What?! But more than half of it is missing! There is no way you can tell!” Mai huffed.
“Look,” he pointed to the bottom portion of the remaining bone, “we have the bottom, and here,” he moved his hand, “we have a section of the pelvis. We can make an educated guess as to the length of the femur, and therefore, we can estimate his height.”
Scoffing, Mai jotted down the details in her notepad, “Anything else, Dr. Narcissist?”
Shrugging, Oliver took a look at the skull again. He tilted his head as he brushed away debris.
“I would estimate the age of this man to be between nineteen and twenty-five.”
Mai frowned, “Huh? Wait a minute, didn’t you just describe yourself?” She nearly threw her hands up, “Naru! This is serious! I’m not one of your interns you play head games with!”
Oliver shook his head, “I have given you accurate information pertaining to this set of remains. It is purely a coincidence I am a match to the description I have offered.”
He sighed, “What reason would I have to lie?”
Rising to full height, Mai turned away. She clenched her pen, until her knuckles were turning white.
She uttered to herself, “You’re the one that likes screwing around with my emotions…why not screw with my work while you’re at it…?”
Deaf to Mai’s comment, Oliver craned his neck back and spoke, “I’m going to have these transported back to the lab. I’ll have someone try and run a DNA sample. It’s also possible that this man’s DNA is on your database.”
Mai curtly replied, “Fine.”
“In the meantime,” Oliver stood, removing his gloves, “I suggest you begin searching through missing persons, and see if you can find any matches with the description you have.”
Eye twitching, Mai snarked, “When did you become my boss?
Frowning, Oliver gestured for his team to come forward. He then returned his attention to Mai. As she moved away from him, he caught a glimpse of her face. It was red, and he was able to spot a wet, shiny streak. 
…line break…
“So, I need to clean the bones for Dr. Davis. Since you’re new, I’ll give you the task. Just be careful not to destroy any evidence,” said one of Oliver’s interns, Takigawa. He offered a box to the latest recruit, John. The younger man accepted the box and glanced inside. He furrowed his brows while observing the goop covered bones.
“I’ve already got the bath you need to soak them in ready,” Takigawa smiled, gesturing towards the room furthest down the hall. “Just keep an eye on them, and let us know if anything unusual happens.”
“Alright…” John cleared his throat, but Takigawa was already halfway across the lab. “Lord have mercy on this poor soul…”
Shifting his gaze up, John peered at the room Takigawa had prepared. Exhaling loudly, John took his first steps down the hallway. As he passed open doors, he caught sight of other interns working on artifacts that looked to be prehistoric. Someone with black, shoulder length hair was taking samples from one of the artifacts, muttering about isotopes. 
Looking to his right, John peered into another room. It was dimly lit. The only distinguishable light came from a single monitor, and all John could hear was some man’s relentless typing. Perhaps he cataloged everything? John had not received an official tour, so he wasn’t too sure.
Another door down was open. He could hear a one-sided conversation. As John glanced inside he saw Dr. Oliver Davis with his back turned. His phone was pressed against his cheek, and the projection on the wall before him rotated between images of a crime scene.
Swiftly glancing into the box again, John confirmed the remains in his arms matched those depicted in the images holding Oliver’s attention. 
John shook his head and continued on towards the last room on the left of the corridor. As he stood in the doorway he studied the room’s orientation. It very much reminded John of his university chemistry lab, but rather than twelve stations, there were only four. At the back of the room, sitting on a table, as Takigawa had said, was a bath ready for the bones.
Carefully, John set the box beside the tank. He reached for the tongs laying nearby and inspected them. Certain they were sterile, he began to transfer the remains from the box to the tank. Each bone fizzed as they were submerged in the clear solution. The residue once clinging to them washed away, leaving them multiple shades whiter than John’s own teeth. Once all bones were in the tank, John stepped to the shelves on the other side of the table in search of a tray. 
Below his field of vision sat a stool. As John moved his legs tangled with it, and he yelped. Crashing to the floor, John reached for the shelf to stable himself. The shelf did nothing to halt his momentum. Instead, it tipped, toppling over top of him, and the glass tank.
Chemicals and other liquid solutions splashed on the floor as glass vials shattered. John shouted out as he covered his eyes, expecting to be crushed by the metal frame. The table on which the tank sat prevented the shelf from reaching the floor, as well as John’s body, however, a few open containers splashed into the bone cleansing bath. The new compound sloshed from the tank and coated John’s wrist and sleeve. 
Shortly after John yelled for help, Oliver was standing in the room, lost for words. Never had he seen such a disaster in his own lab. 
“What happened here?” He observed a distressed John on the floor before sighting the tank. Oliver inhaled and stepped further into the room. Once close enough to see each item in the tank Oliver brought a hand to his head and cursed.
Bleach….among other things.
“Mr. Brown… Go and get yourself cleaned up…” Oliver kept his tone level. He wanted to be upset and tear into his new intern for ruining his chances of DNA analysis, but Oliver remained calm. He gazed over the table, noticing that a patch of skin on John’s hand was discolored. The stains on his coat were quickly changing in color as well. Oliver hesitated to reach for the young man, but when he saw that the stains were beginning to dissolve the fabric of John’s coat he gasped. 
With no time to explain, Oliver yanked the new intern to his feet by the collar of his coat and rushed him off the emergency shower.
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beltbone11 · 4 years
Cyclic Peptides In Biological
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Common applications for these classified peptides consist of the Fluorescence (or Förster) Resonance Energy Transfer analysis of receptor-ligand interactions, protein-protein interactions and also the cleavage of substrate molecules. A novel antifungal bicyclic peptide from the aquatic sponge Theonella causes formation of vacuoles and overflow of 1, 3-beta-D-glucan. Theonellamide F hinders growth of different pathogenic fungi and also has cytotoxic properties versus L1210 and also P388 leukaemia cells. It can be used as important biomarker for the dimension of antigens and as a non-invasive technique for detecting invasive fungal infections. These can creating injury and also condition when in contact with body tissues, as they connect with biomolecules such as enzymes, hormones and also cellular receptors. Toxic substances vary significantly in their extent, varying from normally minor or intense reactions to fatality. There are you can find more information on workflow rules on direct peptides crm's help pages here. of ways to produce powerful bicyclic peptides, the most typical being phage-encoded libraries.
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In specialist centers, utilizing B-type natriuretic peptide blood levels to overview treatment in individuals with chronic cardiac arrest shows pledge however did not enhance survival for all teams. In this evaluation, the advantage was just seen in individuals matured much less than 75, who endured an added 1.5 years usually, and possibly those with poor heart function.
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Utilizing this procedure a solitary direct peptide substrate will yield a distinct collection of modified cyclic peptides (5 in the instance received Fig. 2), each with a distinct conformation, and also a series of target binding as well as physicochemical properties. In all present-day organisms, info inscribed in DNA, the hereditary material of the cell, is transformed using an RNA intermediate into healthy proteins, the molecular machines of the cell. Nevertheless, proof recommends that in a far-off evolutionary previous our single-celled ancestors used only RNA for both hereditary information storage space as well as metabolic process. A cornerstone of this "RNA world" would have been an RNA able to reproduce itself.
Dispute Over Muscle-Building Drugs Goes to Court - Wall Street Journal
Dispute Over Muscle-Building Drugs Goes to Court.
Posted: Thu, 12 Oct 2017 07:00:00 GMT [source]
The Swiss based Bachem Group is a public, innovation-driven firm specializing in the growth and also production of pepTides and also oligonucleoTides. As a complete company Bachem offers items for scientific development and also business applications as well as a comprehensive directory and also exclusive personalized synthesis.
Bioactive Protein And Peptides Market Gamers, Dimension, Cagr, Applications, Types, Evaluation, Patterns, Forecast To 2027.
Now-a-days, it is getting changed with solid-phase synthesis due to its simplicity as compared to the previous. Nevertheless, liquid stage synthesis continues to be useful in the large production of peptides for commercial purposes. To try to find a peptide mimetic, it is very essential to determine a peptide or a peptide series within the target protein that is thought about for the assay. Structural constraints are taken into consideration to try to find the legitimacy of the functions.
Are SARMs a controlled substance?
This bill amends the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) to add SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators) to schedule III. A SARM is a synthetic drug or substance that has effects similar to testosterone.
Bicycles can be readily recognized to medication a vast spectrum of targets as well as target classes, including several that have so far been undruggable with small molecules, such as protein-protein communications. This screening procedure self-selects for Bikes that are open to attachment-- commonly described as conjugation-- to other molecular payloads such as cytotoxins, inherent immune activators or various other Bicycles. Bikes can be connected together with artificial simplicity to produce complex molecules with combinatorial pharmacology. Additionally, Bikes in the form of multimers can likewise be used as standalone therapeutics, consisting of those that we are discovering in our T-cell modulator program. We believe that the versatility of our Bicycles as well as our powerful screening system allow new therapeutics to be quickly developed and decreased to exercise to possibly serve diverse healing applications throughout a wide variety of indications.
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Bicyclic peptides such as the amatoxins as well as phalloidin include a connecting group, generally between two of the side chains. There are a number of cyclic peptide hormonal agents that are cyclised through a disulfide bond between 2 cysteines-- for instance, somatostatin and also oxytocin.
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MK-677 treatment reduced serum total testosterone (P
Rosario is an Elderly Scientist at the Medicinal Chemistry Institute (IQM-CSIC), Madrid. She is involved in peptides, second framework mimics and small-molecule peptidomimetics of application in biological/medicinal chemistry programs, specifically pertaining to the inflection of ion networks and connected proteins. The first medical trials of Modi-1, the lead candidate from the Moditiope ® platform, are anticipated to target clients with three-way unfavorable bust cancer, ovarian cancer cells and also osteosarcoma. To take advantage of the broad applicability of Bikes, we have entered into a number of collaborations beyond our inner emphasis in oncology. These tactical partnerships, each with partners that have deep restorative proficiency, are based upon the wide applicability of the exclusive Bike platform and its capability to address a wide variety of targets. These collaborations improve our capability to bring this crucial course of medications to patients with devastating diseases besides cancer cells.
Unquenched Calibration Peptide For Snaptide ® 521. Vamptide ® Peptide Substratum (o.
Phage strategies have actually been established for illness targets and also the generation of potent phage complied with by cyclisation of the phage-encoded linear peptides consisting of 3 cysteine deposits. The strategy was successfully applied on human plasma kallikrein inhibitors created with nanomolar fondness. Depsipeptides are peptides in which among the amide affiliations is replaced by a lactone affiliation. Some cyclic and bicyclic depsipeptides are cyclised between the C-terminal carboxyl and also the side chain of a threonine or serine deposit.
In researches of trained and also inexperienced computer mice, Cardarine triggered fast jerk muscle mass fiber to convert to reduce shiver muscle mass fibers.
Where Cardarine or GW50515 becomes very intriguing is that PPARD activation enhanced mitochondrial biogenesis in the muscular tissue, which can remodel your muscle tissue!
At just 1mg daily for 3 weeks a medical test showed an ordinary gain of 1.21 kg in LBM which is nearly 1 pound of LBM weekly which is absolutely insane thinking about the moment frame and also the reality that they were not even training.
Unlike Ostarine, LGD-4033 does not seem to boost liver enzymes nonetheless like Ostarine it did adversely influence great cholesterol degrees.
As a result of this Cardarine is usually called an exercise mimetic as just workout could typically make these adjustments to your metabolism and also fiber composition.
The typical results from this are 7-10lbs of LBM, great rises in strength and little to lean loss.
The common dosage for efficiency improvement is 2-10mg each day for 4-8 weeks.
The survival of these pens in archaeological bones was tested utilizing a collection of 26 ovicaprid specimens from Domuztepe, a Neolithic website in south main Turkey. These markers were used to examine the osteological decision of 24 of the Domuztepe bones, and also figure out the types for 2 immature specimens. The collagen-peptide approach has benefits over various other non-morphological approaches of sheep/goat distinction as a result of the long-term survival of collagen over other biomolecules such as ancient DNA. The results likewise highlighted the issues in trusting one morphological standard, in this case on the distal radius, to compare sheep and also goat bones.
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Our screening system can be released to evaluate either soluble proteins or cell-based targets. In addition to being resource-efficient as well as quick, the procedure distinctly utilizes an integral on-phage binding assay that notifies structure activity relationships. We can integrate a wide series of tiny molecule scaffolds into Bicycles to increase diversity and provide differentiated physicochemical and architectural residential or commercial properties. , Techniques to improve plasma fifty percent life time of peptide and also healthy protein medicines, Amino Acids, 2006, 30, 351-- 367 CrossRef CAS PubMed. , Evaluation cyclic peptides on a merry-go-round; in the direction of medicine layout, Biopolymers, 2015, 104, 453-- 461 CrossRef CAS PubMed. , Impact of bulky side chains of amino acids on the solution conformation of peptide fragment (81-92) by-products of CD4, TYICEVEDQKEE, as studied by NMR spectroscopy as well as molecular modeling, Biochim. , Constricting cyclic peptides to mimic healthy protein framework concepts, Angew.
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However, there was a reduction in healthcare facility admissions for heart failure for every person. Toni Weinschenk got his PhD in Immunology at the University of Tuebingen. He has actually created the innovation platform XPRESIDENT, which incorporates methods from peptidomics, genomics and immunology in order to locate unique and normally presented cancer cells antigens. The platform is commercialised by immatics biotechnologies, where Toni Weinschenk, likewise a co-founder of the business, is heading the medicine exploration team. Utilizing a hydrolysed healthy protein can help to lower GI and/or dermatological indications as the hydrolysed protein is not able to crosslink receptors on pole cells, consequently reducing degranulation and also release of histamine. Bradykinin is an inflammatory arbitrator as well as a vital regulatory authority of high blood pressure, kidney feature and also heart function, and additionally associated with swelling.
By customizing the amino acid series we can manage whether these peptides construct right into hydrogels made up of nanofibers or peptide nanotube frameworks. We have actually created our very own internal modern technology to allow for the post-folding labelling of tiny healthy proteins. This method, which uses a concealed cysteine moiety, can be utilized to present a fluorophore or PEG molecule birthing maleimide performance into the item after the disulfide bridges have been created. This approach has been put on a number of chemokine, enhance healthy protein and conotoxin targets. Almac has substantial experience in the conjugation of peptides to a variety of provider healthy proteins consisting of keyhole limpet hemocyanin, Ovalbumin, Bovine Lotion Albumin, and Human Product Albumin. Peptides are an expanding course of drugs, with buildings in between tiny particles and biologics. Insulin is a widely-used instance of an establised peptide-based therapy.
With half a century of experience and also subsidiaries in Switzerland, the USA, the UK and also Japan, Bachem is the partner of selection for the biotech and pharma sector worldwide. Over 20+ research studies have been published making use of the RALA system, varying from the fundamental design and also application of an efficient cell passing through peptide to make use of as a potential healing mRNA vaccination prospect. Variants around a hit molecule can be made by utilizing various enzymes as well as response schemes, consisting of further tailoring by oxidation of the heterocycles as well as decoration with prenyl groups.
The introduction of such a RNA replicase is extensively considered to mark the key point in the beginning of life. Study from Philipp Holliger's group in the LMB's PNAC Department has dropped new light on just how the RNA globe, and also its RNA replicase, may have very first come to be dependent on short proteins, starting the transition to our contemporary biology. This most current paper goes over how hydrolysed salmon peptides might change glycerine-- a nutritionally empty component-- in semi-moist animal treats delivering high dietary protein value as well as great palatability, together with other health and wellness advantages.
Lastly, the writers of this book want to generate a trigger of admiration for the possible and also elegance of cyclic peptides, contrasting the rather disparaging touch reverberating along with their initial word stem peptós. Head-to-tail-, side chain-to-side chain-, and side chain-to-terminus-cyclization.34,35 Numerous loops are also on a regular basis found in peptides, e.g. a combination of a head-to-tail- and also a side chain-to-side chain-macrocycle. Thus the simplest homodetic macrocyclic peptide is a covalent circuit developed of at least 4 residues. Nonetheless, smaller sized (non-macro-) cyclic themes likewise take place including just a restricted variety of constricted bonds. Number 1.3 shows a few of one of the most basic and typical themes.34 Comparing these frameworks, it immediately becomes clear that each specific mode of cyclization can lead to a completely different geometry of the looped compound. Liquid-phase synthesis is a traditional strategy for the synthesis of peptides.
N2 - We define a method of separating and assessing a single collagen peptide able to compare lamb as well as goat bone collagen. Microflow can assist in https://poland.direct-peptides.com/ for a variety of analytes, yet the greatest benefit has been for peptides as well as healthy proteins. A DPhil student is required to discover the modern technology further to look for opportunities to improve antigen discussion in both antigen presenting cells and also target cells. This will be done through developing a couple of candidates of injections to preclinical phase. Bachem has actually confirmed effectiveness of Tide Fluor fluorescent color in a a Förster Vibration Power Transfer analysis of uptake of Amyloid β-Protein (1-42) by J774 macrophages, gotten from BALB/c computer mice. The Amyloid β-Protein (1-42) was classified with Trend Fluor ™ 5WS fluorescent dye to make it possible for visualization. The cells were displayed in intense area imaging overlaid with the eco-friendly fluorescent network of the peptides.
Reduced bioavailability of the peptides is additionally a major disadvantage associated with peptide medicines which is partially due to the inadequate membrane layer transportation capability of its amide foundation framework. • the very first successful randomised professional trials in cancer people that might result in the initial FDA enrollment of a healing cancer cells injection within the next few years. pIII small coat healthy protein which shows a cell targeting ligand (e.g. RGD4C), which allows extremely targeted delivery to the target cell, for instance a tumour cell. ABDOMINAL - We describe a technique of isolating and also evaluating a single collagen peptide able to distinguish between lamb as well as goat bone collagen. The 33 amino acid peptide from both sheep as well as goat collagen was sequenced as well as revealed to vary in between both varieties at 2 placements. Evaluation of a variety of caprines indicated that the series modifications occurred between the divergence of the Himalayan tahr and also the ibex and that the recommended goat marker is analysis of all Capra varieties and breeds.
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itsakpopalypse · 5 years
Gold, Silver, and Cunning.
Byeongkwan x Reader
Familiar Fox! Byeongkwan Witch! Reader
Warnings : mention of mind control substance and some kissing. that’s it.
Beautiful moodboard made by my Tumblr Babie because she loves me @lovesfaith
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Beautiful moodboard made by my Tumblr Babie because she loves me!! @lovesfaith​
“Mandrake leaf, Mewsberry Root, Muggwart.. Ah!“  The stool under your feet toddled a bit, but didn’t give way, as you reached for the Munchleaf extract. Barely grasping it between fingertips, you steadied yourself against the cupboard and heard the soft snickering behind you of your familiar.
You ignored the fox, of course- saying anything would only egg him on, and continued your search for your next item before dismounting the stool and turning to your cauldron.  
You glanced back, against your better judgement. His shiny silver coat was lovely, almost glittering in the sunlight that passed through your large windows, he preened under your gaze as he knew that he was always going to inspire some level of awe in you. The bond you shared allowed you very little privacy, and you would rather not transmit your feelings too directly, as eye contact made it easier for him to read you. 
You pursed your lips and turned away, determined to ignore him further.
“You have to talk to me eventually.” He persisted, rolling his neck before shivering as he shifted into his human form, fur giving way to expanses of beautiful skin and lean muscle. Those eyes though, those big golden eyes, slanted upwards in the most entrancing curve that mystified those who saw them, be they in human or fox form, they  would know you too well, they would read you better if he got closer.
Refusing to acknowledge his nudity or his words, you turned to the book before you, checking that you had the right ingredients. You heard shuffling of fabric behind you as you diligently coaxed the flames.
“Come on, Y/N.” His voice was pleading now, and you knew if  you looked at him he would be clothed at least in those low hanging loose pants, but also that devastating pout that always did you in.
With a sigh, you turned and locked eyes with him. Just as you expected, they were soft, and the mahogany that glittered in the bright golden caught you the exact way it had when you had bonded him.
“Byeongkwan, this time you REALLY messed up. You could have ruined everything for me for joining that coven.” You tried to scold, but your voice was soft, you were weaker for him than you’d like to admit, especially after the 50+ years you had spent together at this point. 
His pout intensified, crossing defined arms over his chest in defiance. “I didn’t like the coven leader. I refuse to allow you to be with someone so.. So… Haughty.” 
Your cauldron was going a bit beyond simmering, you could hear the popping of larger bubbles,  so you snapped your fingers and it cooled a bit, the flame beneath lowering to a more reasonable size and heat.
“Haughty? Byeongkwan with all the time we have known each other, I don’t believe that.  Your ego shouldn’t clash with the coven leader. I really shouldn’t be a solitary witch anymore, these days numbers mean safety.”
He honestly looked like he wanted to fight you on this, full bottom lip protruding in a way that twisted your guts more than you’d admit to yourself.  He opened his mouth, eyes narrowing before shutting it, and nodding softly.
“I’m…. I’m sorry.” His big honeyed eyes drifted to the floor of your cottage, and he took a few steps towards you, letting his arms drop before gently grasping your hands  in front of you. 
When he was mere breaths away he raised his gaze again, sorrow within, but earnest also. 
“I can protect you.” He whispered, the corner of his lip lifting. “After all of these years, when have I ever let you down?” One hand rested on the top of your head with all the gentleness you’d come to grow fully used to.
You had to give him that one, he had been a loyal companion, good instincts, helpful, shrewd, even if a bit playful. He meant well and rarely was wrong about another person’s intentions. 
“You don’t care for other people’s egos. At least tell me the truth about what was wrong with Elder Diron.” You persisted, as his thumbs ghosted over the backs of your hands, holding his eye contact for answers.
He cleared his throat, puffing out his cheeks before deflating in on himself. 
“I didn’t.. I don’t trust the way he looked at you.” He admitted.
You paused… Jealousy??? But for what? The bond you shared was beyond any human comprehension. Witch and familiar inseparable, at times sharing deep emotions and thoughts. It made no sense for him to worry about Elder Diron.. Unless…
A smile lit his face, all playful and sly as you were used to. “After all, if I am to protect you, I have to be careful of the intentions of others. We both know your intuition is useless. That’s why you needed a fox familiar. It’s the cunning.” He winked, tilting his head as his eyebrows waggled. 
“That’s burning, Y/N.” He let go of you and grabbed the spoon beside the cauldron, stirring the simmering liquid to keep the herbs from being singed. Shifting his weight onto his left leg he shot you a small smile as he stirred. “See? Hopeless without me.” When he turned away though, you swear his smile faded too fast, replaced with a look of self doubt.
You swallowed the lump in your throat. Something about all of this just.. Didn’t feel right. 
In more than 50 years he had never behaved this way.. What could possibly be the problem??  You took a few steps towards him, reaching out to softly stroke the silvery strands on the back of his head. It always astounded you how soft it was. 
His neck rolled, lulling his head back into your hands as you scratched at his scalp in the way he liked best, in the way you could get him to admit almost anything. “That’s not fair.” He mumbled as your fingers ghosted over the base of his neck, up through his hair and rubbed in tiny circles. He leaned and leaned until his head landed on your shoulder, he bent at the waist to fit against you, a soft purring resounding through his throat.  
 “Byeongkwan. You can’t avoid it forever.” You murmured into his hair. He turned his body so he could wrap his arms around you, tucking his face further into your neck and inhaling deeply. 
That wasn’t something he did unless he truly needed comfort. So you allowed it and let the subject drop.
Byeongkwan settled in at your side that night, fox form, curled up against you has your fingers gently stroked his back. It wasn’t uncommon behavior, over this many years and his personality, physical affection was something you both found comfort in. 
A low grumble through his body lit your fingers with tingles. You gently scratched the base of his ears, causing him to nuzzle into your hand. 
The knock at your cottage door caused you both to exchange a surprised look.
Who could that be?
You gently nudged Byeongkwan off your side and trudged down the hall to the door.  Before opening it you checked the energies outside, extending your field of perception beyond the door.  When you didn't perceive malice, you opened it, smiling gently at what you'd first assumed must be a customer. 
Some local with the need for  a love token or a good luck charm. What you weren't expecting was a visit from Elder Diron. 
Why would he come so far??
"Greetings, Y/N. Blessed be and well met."  His smooth and charming voice cut through the air as you tried to process your shock. 
"Oh. Wise Elder. I'm humbled by your visit. Whatever could bring you so far?" 
You heard the scuffing  of Byeongkwan's  paws against the stone floor of your home and prayed he didn't act out again. 
“I wanted to extend your invitation to join the coven… With a few provisions.” 
You nodded, knowing it was common for a coven leader to ask for certain skills or gifts or rules. “What are your stipulations?”
“First, you need to bring your shop to Maritray town. We have it hidden well, and you’ll get all your business from others within the coven who are less talented in your craft. You will be able to partake in the skills of others there, medicinal witches, transport specialists, free folk speakers, seers and the like.”
You nodded, all that was reasonable. 
“Second, you should meet me at this location, and leave your familiar at home.”  He handed you a scrap of parchment and smiled, but something about it made you uneasy.
“This is a restaurant.”  You said with confusion in your tone. “Without Byeongkwan? Why?”
“I’d like to meet with you alone.. By now you must know why…” He smile was almost shy, but something hid under it that made your skin crawl. 
“What are you actually asking me, Elder?”
"Here. A gift." He replies without answering, handing you a small bottle.  You stare at his outstretched hand, examining the color of the liquid within. This entire thing felt wrong, but you gently accepted it. "I'm asking you to meet me on that night for dinner. I'll see you then. " he smiles before he begins to waver in the light, and disappears.  
Corporeal transference was never easy  and you knew it spoke wonders for his abilities, but you couldn't  shake the feeling you had. 
When you turned to see Byeongkwan in the hallway, back in human form with narrowed eyes, you knew he more than shared your opinion.  Part of you was unsure if the feeling was his or yours.  Were you being paranoid because  HE didn't like Elder Diron or was this a sincere gut feeling you should heed?
You stared at the bottle in your hand before walking down towards your alchemy lab, hoping to analyze the contents before you made your mind up.
You felt Byeongkwan enter. You didn't HEAR him because he was walking so softly, so carefully.  Something in his soul through the connection was so upset, withdrawn, gloomy. More than that though,  it felt like his hackles were raised and he wasn't even CURRENTLY a fox. 
You poured a bit  of the bottles liquid into a small bowl, first examining the smell, density, color, etc. 
"It's memoriae imperium."  Byeongkwan  said softly from the other side of the room where he leaned against a counter.  His arms were crossed and his eyes were glowing in the low light if your lab. So so very golden and piercing.  So so very beautiful and entrancing.  
But, memoriae imperium… that's a memory control potion… you can use it, if brewed in a potent enough way, to wipe someone's  memories and control new ones.
"Why would Elder Diron give me memoriae imperium? I am a green witch and potions and charms are my specialty. I'd never drink something without testing it. Besides, what would he want to erase my memories for?"
Byeongkwan walked close, so close, gazing directly into your eyes. "It's got something else in it too. Want to guess what?" 
Your brow furrowed.  He was being so intense and it was scaring you a little, he normally kept himself lighthearted, you'd known him for so long… this level of eye contact felt different. Intent. Intimate.  Intimidating.  
"I-I don't?" You stuttered, stuttered, why??
"Discidium. Y/N he laced a memory control potion with the most potent separation potion. He wants. You and I.  Apart." 
He kept nudging closer, and it made your body tingle. The way he maintained eye contact  burned you from the inside out.  
"Why would he?" 
"He covered it up well. If I didn't  have such a keen nose I'm not sure even you with all your abilities could have figured it out. He made it appear, down to molecular levels  like a harmless protection potion.  The kind you'd take before you'd go somewhere  a plague has been. Like an antibiotic before you join the coven… but it's not. He wants to  take you away from me and I won't let him. "  he closed his eyes and breathed out  his nostrils in heaving  breaths like he was trying to remain  calm, but even as he did, his voice  had been so level. So low and matter of fact. You knew he was barely containing his rage. 
"Why?" You asked. 
Byeongkwan let out a low chuckle.  "Why else, Y/N? Because with me near he can't  get what he wants from you.  This would make you malleable.  Docile. But I like you how you are.  Wild and untamed.  Smart and funny and a little too loving. I like your head full of ridiculous ideas and how bold you are. I like when you fight back. The fire in you is lit in me."  Byeongkwan stared with that same firey intensity,  and reached for the side of your cheek, he gently caressed your cheek with the back of his hand, a soft smile on his lips just enough to bring the pointed tips of  his canine into view. "We belong  to each other.  Always, Y/N. You knew it'd come to this. It was always leading to this."   
With those trailing words he brought his mouth to yours in a heated kiss. You gasped against his mouth, in shock but also in excitement.  
Some part of you had known you'd end up here, and some how the two of you'd been so stubborn that it took half a century. 
But his jealousy had brought you together and you couldn't thank him more at the moment.  It made you feel whole. Loved. 
Like he said, a fire inside you. 
So bright you felt everything else dim in importance.  All that mattered was Byeongkwan's lips and hands, which twisted in your hair and tore the fear from you.  
You belonged like this. With him.  Always. A connection deeper than the familiar bond. 
When his lips parted and his tongue pressed gently against yours you softly moaned, finally pushing yourself hard into i his body. Your fingers clutched his chest, then shoulders then jaw and hair as you felt yourself melt into him.  
Eventually you pulled back, gasping and heaving for air.
His eyes still held that heated stare. "We're leaving. Moving.  He knows where we are and he's going to continue trying.  We pack the cottage, we find a new town. We could go to where I came from.. rather than a coven, let ourselves be surrounded by familiars?"  He was hopeful, hopelessly worried and so endearing.
You nodded and swallowed, running your hands down the front of your shirt to smooth the wrinkles. "Okay." 
"Come on it'll  be .. wait, you're agreeing? No arguments?" He looked surprised. 
"No arguments  Byeongkwan.  Your reasoning is sound, and as long as your happy so am I. " 
It was his turn to be stunned. "I'm… okay. I'm not questioning it. "  he said, turning to leave. 
He paused for a moment, turning back to eye you suspiciously.  "Wait. What are we now?" 
You looked around searching for the right answer. What title did he want?
"Um "
"Whatever. We're partners, not just a witch and a familiar right? So. So you're.  You're my girlfriend. Now." He seemed like he was trying to keep a brave face as he stated his facts.
"Okay." He took your hand. "Let's start packing. We need to leave before he returns. "
 He was overreacting  a little, you knew, but it was sweet. Whatever his reasons, today had solidified  the way you felt.  You would be happy, and didn't love  a new adventure? He was by your side. It would all turn out well. After all, who could beat the cunning of a fox?
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churchsplayground · 5 years
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“Symbiotes are aggressive creatures, we are tasked with the duty of controlling them. Zachary is my host and is my job is to protect him while he does so… Maybe I’ll get it right this time.”
The Bishop Symbiote - LF Symbiotes
Bishop is only 33 years old, having been spawned at the life foundation (1986) as part of an anti-symbiote project. They are considered the youngest of the siblings, however, they all are the same age, except the Knight symbiote.
Bishop is referred to as He/Him currently, however, this is subjective and based only on their current host's gender. They do not retain any personal preferences.. or at least are not supposed to.
Bishop has a fixed height of 7′2″ as a humanoid, it does not change despite the host. -
Bishop lives at the LF with his siblings and parent symbiote in a special container just for him.
Bishop is a timid, shy symbiote often getting nervous around new people or even other symbiotes. He doesn’t often get out, mainly he lives at the LF in a special container and only comes out for ‘missions’. He’s very easy to pick on and is often the target of his siblings fun. Even going as far as getting nervous from his own host on a regular basis.
Bishop is very smitten with love for his host, Zachary, however, he sees no interest in his alien teammate and is lovestruck for Rook’s host, Noah. Now, it’s not like his host even knows that there’s a certain alien fawning over him, Bishop keeps himself hidden knowing it is very wrong for him to feel any way at all, it’s very possible neither he or his host recognize them as being capable to feel.
Bishop is very robotic in a sense when it comes to his feelings and personality however it is easy to cause extreme distress to him, and very easy to show his true feelings. Bishop, however, will not acknowledge this as his actual self and will correct himself if caught doing this or he catches himself doing this.
Bishop is very unaware of current day knowledge and doesn’t know what most things are. This including mannerisms/social cues, everyday items or activities, he, however, is a huge nerd in the things he knows, those being from his host or was taught at the LF. Bishop is the smartest symbiote in the project rivaling even the humans. Not bad for a supposedly ‘non-sentient alien goo pile’.
If you noticed Bishop wears a hood! He’s really self-conscious about just about everything about himself and completely refuses to take it off or leave it off. Knowing this his sibling will pull it off his head every time they can just to get him worked up.
He really, REALLY likes chocolate only getting a taste on one special occasion. Since it considered unnecessary to his current diet, which provides everything he needs he has not tasted it since. He can live on mush and rabbits alone, he’s been doing it for 33 years already, he doesn’t know what anything else tastes like.
Bishop’s hood does, in fact, have a name! It’s Bakemono or just “Mono” for short. Its a secret… don’t tell anyone! He thought it would be nice to give them a name since they are one of his bestest of friends, or rather… his only friend.  
Bishop takes surprisingly well to foreign symbiotes, he’s very unlike his siblings who would probably be going into attack mode he just stands there starring dumbly probably because he’s a pacifist or maybe because he just doesn’t know what to do besides calling his siblings over to get them.
Bishop and his host work as special intel gatherers for their team and the LF, often tasked with gathering info on people, groups or ‘enemy’ symbiotes since his skills set him up at being a wonderful spy.
Bishop is extremely protective of his host… for reasons.
Bonus: Bishop is one of the only symbiotes in his family that has five claws, besides Knight. Pawn, Rook, and his parent symbiote all have only 4 claws on each hand, assumingly some weird symbiote mutation in his family line.
Bonus: ...probably a weeb. Did you see what this loser named his hood?
Symbiote Specific Abilities:
Bishop is capable of turning semi-invisible with the ‘help’ of their hood, only semi-invisible because it’s easy to spot them if you’re actually looking for him otherwise they are not very noticeable.
Along with being able to blend in, they are able to mimic scents/smells or mask their own scent/smell. This is used in the special application of deterring animals such as guard dogs but does not have further use... unless you want a symbiote air freshener.
Bishop is able to change the shape of their hood in order to minorly mimic forms or (animals) some including, dogs, or large ominous creatures with the use of their hood patterning. The main application is as a scare tactic or animals or humans alike.
Minor - Bishop for some reason is deathly quiet when doing anything.
Minor - Semi self-protection: Their hood can be used as a thick layer to protect from sharp objects or bullets, however, this is limited and can cause pain to the host from the impact or multiple impacts.
Minor - The power of Shy!: Shy tall symbiote, he’ll capture your heart in a moment. Don’t act like you don’t love a shy alien trying not to get nervous and flustered around you. He can barely handle not getting nervous around his host.
Minor - “Weapons”: Much like his sibling he is able to form blades from himself, however, he does not use them seeing he is a pacifist. If he did, his weapon would range between long blades or even a scythe one. However, until he does decide to withdraw from his ways, that’s not happening. Ever.
Human Host - Zachary “Zack” Ohenn
Zack is 5’6” and of the latest is 24 years old.
Zachary has been working for LF for 3 years now, previously an engineer student intern, Zack was a transfer from an LF partnering organization sent to work on the project due to his skill set being needed. He’s the newest recruit to the team. -
Hims wears glasses, he’s as blind as a bat.
Zack is not Bishop’s first host, unlike the other LF symbiotes who’s previous hosts retired, Bishops host died during the project. Details are currently known to him as the LF refuses to release them or acknowledge the incident. Maybe it’s just a thing to spook him made up by his teammates, or maybe it’s true. Only Bishop can truly confirm or deny, it seems he refuses to think about it.
Zack works on the team as a co-leader to Noah handling most of the hard paperwork, he acts like a work office intern more than anything. But he honestly doesn’t mind doing the work, its totally worth it in the long run.
Zack may or maybe not have a crush on Noah.
Zack often can be seen trying to have convo’s with his symbiote, however, Bishop doesn’t often know what he is talking about. For these reasons, he tends to gush over Noah to him. Bishop just listens, making small remarks back, his host for some reason never seems to fully catch what he says.
Zack was told the symbiotes are not capable of human thinking or feeling, he, however, is starting to doubt this as he further talks to his symbiote. Is it possible LF has lied?
Zack is somewhat aware of the LF’s corruption but often questions some of the tasks they are set to do. Zack doesn’t want to be too nosy seeing what happened to Edan (the host Knight/Church was originally planned to be bonded to in the LF symbiote project). This is way too important for him to get kicked out now.
< Special Notes - LF issued Warnings:
This symbiote is considered to be under special watch due to previous host incidents.
This symbiote has been observed as being nonaggressive and has been seen preventing hosts from causing majorly bodily harm to other beings. However, seems to be cooperative when assisting others [LF symbiotes] in these actions.
Due to the [2016] symbiote incident. This symbiote is not to be taken off grounds unless instructed or permission is granted. >
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Sorry for the long wait on these, I’ve been a little down lately! I’ll be posting the others soon enough. If I’m lucky enough to be blessed with time.
As always if you’d like to know more about them you can always ask here. I always answer, unless the ask gets eaten or I’m stumped for an answer.
Also ~ In the keep reading undercut, you can find more 2 more drawings such as his host and a full body ref bc he’s wearing a hood and it doesn’t show his patterns!!
Timestamp: January 12th, 2020 Related Links/Continuations: Siblings Ref - Pawn
Significance: What he looks like with no hood, bc I even have a hard time remembering for drawings. Please ignore the line it's killing me inside.
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Significance: A group drawing of all the LF symbiote hosts. This including Zack as a half drawing, meant to showcase all the hosts just having a group photo. This is included in all the symbiotes refs.
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Left to Right: Zachary Ohenn (Bishop), Noah Keil (Rook), Amy Bergg (Pawn)
~ Thanks for reading ~
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godlikehyakuya · 6 years
"Happy birthday, Mika."
Decided to transfer something that I wrote for Mika's birthday on Amino over to here. It gives me an excuse to post, I suppose. Anyways, I hope you enjoy reading!
The day had just begun. The sun was rising and a certain squad were preparing a birthday surprise.
Meanwhile, Mika was spending his time relaxing, looking up at the ceiling with a blank expression on his face. The room he was staying in was fairly tidy in comparison to the humans he resided with. His room was also quite dull, devoid of any decoration or colour. Mika saw no point in decorating something that he viewed as mediocre.
Several books were scattered across the room. In his spare time, Mika enjoyed reading. It offered escapism which he enjoyed from time to time.
In the center of this room was a bed which failed to fulfill its purpose. After all, vampires didn’t exactly need sleep like humans did.
His room was a place where he preferred to be alone. 
It was a space where his thoughts could cloud his mind, where he could forget about everything else. The blond would often spend his time thinking deeply about things that troubled him.
His train of thought paused. Mika felt distracted by something, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it.
He felt like he had forgotten something important.
Getting to his feet, Mika decided to go for a walk to clear his thoughts. But as he reached for the door handle, someone knocked on his door. The door swung open, causing him to step back in surprise.
“Oh, here you are, Mika!”
The blond released a sigh of relief. It was just Yu. 
“Why are you up this early? You should be sleeping.” Mika enquired, concerned for his family member.
Instead of giving a reply, Yu simply stepped forward, his arms held behind his back. In response, Mika raised a brow, confused.
“Are you hiding something?” He asked, trying to figure out what exactly Yu was hiding.
“Say, Mika.” Yu spoke, refusing to let Mika see what he was hiding behind his back. “What day is it today?”
That question confused Mika slightly. Had Yu’s idiocy led him to forget the date? No, that couldn’t have been the case. “It’s.. May 1st.” He replied after a moment of thought. “Why do you need to know the date?”
With a grin plastered on his face, Yu nodded his head with confidence. “And so..?”
“It’s a Tuesday?”
Mika was completely oblivious. He had forgotten that today was his birthday. Birthdays had lost their appeal since he became a vampire, so after a while, he had just simply forgotten.
“Yes, it’s a Tuesday! But it’s also your birthday!” Yu exclaimed.
“What?” Mika looked genuinely confused by this, staring down at the floor for a brief moment. “It is? I must have forgotten about it…” He was thankful that he’d been reminded of this event, otherwise he would’ve treated it just like any other day.
Without hesitation, Yu stepped forward and revealed the item he was hiding. It was a birthday card. He passed it to Mika, who took the card and stared at it in shock for a few seconds. “The others are busy preparing something for you, so I decided to give you this card!” The ravenette beamed, seemingly proud of having this responsibility.
After taking everything in, Mika slowly opened the card. Inside were several messages written in varying styles of handwriting. Some messages were more comprehensible than others. Yu had asked, or rather demanded, every member of the squad to write a message for Mika’s birthday.
Everything was silent as Mika took his time to read through the messages. This wasn’t something he would rush through. He then asked, “Is this a birthday card?”
“You bet it is!” Yu replied. “Have you read what I wrote yet?”
Mika attempted to pinpoint where exactly Yu’s message was on the card. At the very top of the card was a neatly written message with a small but cute drawing at the end, clearly written by the squad leader herself: Shinoa. It read, “Happy birthday, Mikaela! I hope you have a fang-tastic day!” This was followed by the drawing, which resembled Shinoa holding a birthday cake.
That ridiculous vampire pun did not go unnoticed as a chuckle could be heard from Mika.
Moving on to the next message, it read: “Happy birthday! Didn’t want to wake up this early but since it’s your birthday, I’ll make an exception!” The message wasn’t as neat as Shinoa’s, but it was understandable at least. Mitsuba had signed her name underneath the message to indicate that it was hers.
With each message he read through, Mika became more and more surprised at what he was reading. Even though Yu had probably told them to write these, that didn’t change the fact that they cared enough about him to convey it in their writing.
The squad caring about him invoked a feeling of belonging that he wouldn’t admit to outright.
Reaching the end of the card, Mika struggled to read the final message. Closing the card and placing it down, Mika broke the silence. “Yu. Did you write that final message?”
The boy grinned, like having the last message was some sort of achievement. “Yeah! Did you like what I wrote?”
Mika glanced over at the card, thinking, before turning his attention back to Yu. “I’ll be honest, Yu. I couldn’t understand a word of what you wrote.” Although Yu had most likely put the most effort into what he had written, it was still difficult to read.
“Huh? You’re lying.”
In response, the ravenette picked up the card and opened it, pointing at the message he had written. If it could even be considered a message in the first place. “Look harder, Mika!” He exclaimed, certain that somehow the blond vampire could read his illegible handwriting.
Mika sighed and leaned in closer to the card, so his face was almost touching the paper. “Nope, sorry. I can’t make sense of it.”
Irritated, Yu threw the card aside and crossed his arms, like a child throwing a tantrum. “Wow, fine. I guess the vampire with amazing vision is suddenly blind.”
“My vision is perfectly fine.” He insisted. “What isn’t fine is your writing, Yu. Did you write this blindfolded?”
“No! Nevermind that. What I wrote was: ‘Happy birthday, Mika! You’re going to get all the appreciation today, from me and everyone-”
Yu’s words were cut off by the sound of a knock on the door. “Oh, they must have finished!” He spoke, moving away from the door so it could open without hitting him by accident. Mika was curious. What exactly had been finished.
Shinoa and Mitsuba came into the room first, the two of them holding a beautifully decorated cake, but it also appeared to be quite heavy. Behind them was Kimizuki, Yoichi and Narumi, who looked concerned for one of the girls falling over and the cake meeting its doom. “I warned you both that the cake would be friends with the floor if you’re not careful.” Narumi commented.
The two girls finally placed the cake down, not wanting to risk dropping it. Shinoa smirked and began to prepare a slice of the cake for herself, making the slice as large as possible. “Since Mitsu and I carried the cake, we get to taste test it~” She gestured for Mitsuba to come over, but the blonde refused. “Aw, that’s a shame. More cake for me then!”
Mitsuba groaned, “I don’t understand it! How is carrying a weapon easier than a cake?” The blonde sat down and gazed at the cake. Mitsuba wanted to take a slice of it now, but patience was important.
“Happy birthday, Mikaela!” Everyone called out in unison.
Those words were such a surprise to Mika. He blinked, struggling to process everything that was happening. The card was surprising enough, but this had topped it for him. “I don’t know what to say,” were the only words he could muster.
Shinoa simply grinned and turned her attention to Mika, who was still staring at the cake like it was a new discovery to him. “Birthday boy.”
“Yes? I mean.. um-” Feeling awkward in this current situation, the blond struggled to give a coherent response. He took a few moments to regain his composure before speaking again. “You all know I can’t eat cake. Why bother making one?”
Yoichi entered the room and sat down in one of the vacant seats, followed by Kimizuki and Narumi. Mika opened his mouth to protest, but he decided against it. The birthday boy had no power in this situation.
“Even if you’re a vampire.. you’re our family too, Mikaela. So you deserve a regular birthday!” Yoichi explained.
“This idiot just wanted cake.” Kimizuki added, gesturing to Yu.
The ravenette immediately became defensive. “I didn’t want any in the first place!”
Shinoa smirked. “And you’re not getting any. This cake is all mine~” She teased, which got several glares from the rest of the squad.
Mika cleared his throat before speaking. “It feels odd to say this, but thank you. Thank you for the card. Your messages were all.. nice.” Mika felt odd complimenting them like this, but he couldn’t lie about the way he felt. He couldn’t even stop a smile from forming on his face.
That smile quickly faded, however. The young vampire stood up and moved towards the birthday cake with a devilish expression on his face.
“Now.. get out of my room before this cake becomes best friends with your faces.”
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Tumbling off Trees
((A short RP I had with @majros-mishaps ages ago, hope you guys enjoy reading it! If the ending seems a bit abrupt it’s because towards the end I had to quickly leave ‘cause of late night issues but hope you guys enjoy it regardless! <3))
Majro Skyfern never was one much for hikes in the past, but these days, civilization seemed too stifling. The wilds around The Pier were too familiar, and anyway, who wants to hide outside the place they technically work? This place was infinitely more welcoming. He could get lost here, which is what he wanted to do. He even had found himself humming softly to himself until a sound unlike the chirping of the local wildlife caught his ear. He fell silent looking about himself uneasily.
Jazz let out a defeated sigh and hung upside-down again. She glared at her effects below her that had fallen upon her entrapment; she just HAD to set off one of her own traps on the day she decided to not wear her machetes.
“Take the day off Olka said…” Jazz grumbled as she crossed her arms glaring at her bag down below, “It’ll be fun, just take a walk and jam some tunes, Olka said.” Indeed her uke lay uselessly beside her stuff, but she doubted the instrument would help either. She blinked however when she spotted a passerby and gasped excitedly. An Aurin! They were usually super helpful right?
“Ey! Ey buddy!” Jazz stuck both her index fingers in her mouth and let out a loud whistle before waving her arms wildly, “Up here fella!”
Majro’s ear satellites this way and that. If he was a hunter worth a damn he’d have pinpointed the source by now, but the whistle made it impossible to mistake the direction. He lifted his head and tilted it as he regarded the swinging human with a blink.
“...You sure are, ma’am. Looks like I found the best hangout spot in the forest huh?” He approached, tail twitching in tentative curiosity. Jazz’s smile brightened, looking quite silly as she dangled with a happy grin and her limbs swinging in the air. But she was just happy somebody finally spotted her!
“Indeedy! D’az why I been ‘hangin’ around here’ so much!” She snorted at her own joke, but quickly shook her head and grabbed her hands at him. “Ya mind grabbin’ my effects there friend? I just need one o’ my stabbies ta knick offa dis rope!” She pointedly looked down at her belongings on the boulder beneath the stranger.
Majro looked down toward the aforementioned effects, then back up towards the human. “Is that...er. A good idea?” He peered downward at the base of the tree, which was very far down below the woman, “Might be kinduva crash landing. How’d you get up there, anyhow?”
“Um...Jazz did a thing and the rope don’t like humans.” Jazz ambiguously explained while her eyes glanced everywhere but at he Aurin as she didn’t want to admit the silly mistake she made.
She glanced down at the tree bass and scrunched up her nose at it before she waved a hand, “Bah, fuck it, what don’ kill ya only make ya more badass, amiright?” She smirked and proceeded to swing excitedly at the Aurin “Effeeects, c’mon gimme somet’in’ sharp at least dude!”
The Aurin chuckled and moved towards the items before kneeling down, “Sooomething, huh? Sure it wasn’t something you weren’t supposed to be doing? Don’t figure the property owners take kindly to poaching or anything like that.” He cast a cheeky look to the human, even as he continued to rifle and sift. “...suppose it’s none o’ my beeswax either way.”
Jazz puffed up her cheeks indignantly and looked away “Oi I ain’ gotta explain what I been doin’ ‘round here. An’ it weren’t like dere was any signs saying ‘Yo, ju ain’ allowed ta grab any snackings off da animals here!’ so I figured first come first serve!” She tried to swing forward again to see if he found any of her knives in there but tilted her head in a bewildered manner as she asked “Bees...wax? Well Jazz ain’ too sure where dose are, but I sure dey can be yours, don’t see anybody else claimin’ em!...Just keep dem away from me please, Jazz don’ like bees.”
The redhead shrugged a shoulder, his tail curling thoughtfully, “Guess you got a point there. They might even want help with keeping the wildlife back anyway, can’t build on top of a bunch of angry malverines yeah?”
He seemed to find what he was looking for, his ears perking upward in recognition. “Oh yeah no, that makes two of us, really. Can you blame us though? Their stingers are as long as my slagging arm.” He gives a visible shudder, and holds up the machete over his head for her approval. “Think this’ll do the trick?”
“ASS-CRACKER!” Jazz cheerfully cried out the name of her blade and nodded enthusiastically, “Yeah yeah, just throw him o-” Before she could finish the sentence Jazz thought over the horrible results of what could happen if her new acquaintance didn’t throw it properly. There was a silent moment before she sheepishly asked, “Uh...ya reckon ya could bring it on over here? Hehe…”
The little Aurin mouthed to himself worriedly “Ass...cracker?” But then smiled amusedly when he realised it was the name for the blade, “Ya give all your things names like that?” After Jazz’s second suggestion, his tail grabbed onto the handle of the blade before he started to climb up the trunk as he asked “Ya got a name ma’am?”
Jazz couldn’t help how she stared at the intriguing use of his tail. Truth be told she had seen Aurin from afar, but never really interacted with them much outside of passing, so it was always fascinating for her to watch their new quirks. At his question Jazz nodded brightly, “Mmhmm! Each o’ my stabbies got names, includin’ me fists!”  
She tried to wave up at the fellow as he climbed, but it was awkward due to the upside-down position. “Da name’s Jazz! Friends call me Jazzy or Shorty, enemies call me little shit, but ya can taaaa-okay Jazz doin’ a spinny, I can’t see ya.” She tried to wiggly around but she currently found herself rotating on the rope slowly.
Majro grinned, “Hopefully those fists won’t ever have MY name on ‘em!” He reached a height where he thought he would be in range to hand over the knife, and his tail rose carefully towards his waiting hand. His grip on the tree faltered a bit as the transfer happened, but he managed to hold on.
“Pleasure to meetcha, Miss Jazz. Name’s Majro. Majro Skyfern.” He began to extend the knife toward her, handle first, but recoiled a bit as she span. “Oh that’s...that’s no good.” The blade was placed between his teeth, and he reached out with his free hand to steady the rope. Then he realized, “...Thish ish worsh.” He looked back toward the tree with worry.
“Majro Skyfern? D’az an awesome name!” Jazz felt him nearby and tried to lean over once the rope started to spin towards the Aurin again, but found herself stuck. “Eh? Wa’z happenin’ over dere Majro?!” Jazz called out and tried to yank herself to him again, but ended up accidentally pulling Majro away from the tree.
“OH SHI-!” She cried out in panic and quickly grabbed onto his arm to make sure he didn’t fall, “Sorry sorry I t’ought ju was done!”
Majro gave a somewhat undignified shriek around the knife as what remained of his grip slipped free of the bark. He seemed destined to make a great splat onto the ground below, but Jazz’s grip on his arm saved him. For that moment, anyhow.
“Noh noh. Thash -” His now free-hand removed the blade from his mouth. It probably didn’t have much slobber on it. Probably. Poor Ass-cracker. “...that’s my bad. This never was my best event in boot camp, come to think of it.” He did his best to lift the machete’s handle towards the human again, “Think you can manage it with one hand? You can let me fall, I wouldn’t blame ya.”
“O’course I can do dis with one arm, I ain’ been buildin’ deez guns for nothin’! Jus’ hold on to my belly an’ I’ll grab the blade!” Jazz sounded almost offended that he even had to ask, but she simply lifted the Aurin up with one arm, grunting with effort while doing so, and waited for him to do as instructed before grabbing the blade.
She started to whack away at the rope until it snapped and jolted them lower suddenly, making Jazz gasp out in shock. Well. Too late to back out now. Her eyes widened as she remembered this time she had a passenger with her in this fall and before the rope finally snapped, Jazz quickly threw the blade down and braced an arm around Majro. She warned him with an awkward smile, “Uh...sorry about dis next part.”
She rapidly grabbed onto the Aurin and wrapped all her limbs around him before they plummeted.
Majro did as she asked, clinging onto the human for dear life. “Don’t you worry ‘bout lil’ ol’ me! We got dis! It’s gonna be-” The downward shuddering of the rope put an end to whatever platitude he was in the middle of crowing, “...well, I was gonna say ‘alright’, but.” He clung tighter. “I’m sorry too.” He screeched pretty much the whole way down as the rope finally gave way.
Somehow, he possessed the presence of mind to send an arc of espernetic energy sparking at his hands, but he couldn’t formulate the thought quickly enough. His attempt to cushion their landing with espernetics fizzled before it fully took form.
Jazz didn’t bother screaming and instead squinted her eyes shut as she braced for the painful impact and encircled the poor panicking Aurin. Luckily for the both of them Jazz’s instincts came out in a blaze, quite literally, as the ball of tangled limbs was inflamed with espernetic fire that took all the damage from the first bounce against a large root. Both Majro and Jazz ended up rolling quickly into a soft flower bed before they slowly halted to a stop, the flames having long dissipated.
Jazz hesitantly blinked her eyes open and let go of Majro as she stared incredulously up at the sky. She let out a small titter. Then a giggle. Which grew into a relieved chuckle and then a loud chortle as she heaved with laughter.
Majro’s eyes squeezed shut as they hit the tree root, a hiss of alarm escaping him. Blue sparks continued to dance about his arms and hands as they continued to roll, trying to formulate some kind of cushion to prevent them from hitting whatever’s coming next as hard as they hit the first stop. The runway however was a great deal softer than he expected. He cracked an eye open, then another. As Jazz pulled away, he sat up, looking not up to the sky but to the ground around them. The human’s laughter proves contagious, and before long, he’s cackling right along with her. He flopped onto his back as he ran out of breath, petals flying up in his wake.
“Hee hee DUDE! WE’RE ALIVE!” Jazz cried out with glee and raised two middle fingers into the air in victory as she roared with a grin “SUCK IT GRAVITY! HAHA!” Jazz felt so buzzed from the rush of the fall that she couldn’t help but start rolling around on the grass still laughing, albeit now at a smaller and quieter level. She didn’t notice the little firework espernetics that shot out as well from her excitement.
Majro’s arm shot upward out of the grass, a single fistpump, for great justice. “Slag yeah! Trees thought they were taking us down, but not this time!” He boasted, blowing away a petal that had settled on his nose before pulling himself back up to a sitting position. He looked over towards Jazz, “Pretty sure I owe my head not being split like a melon to you, ma’am. Thanks for the save. You all right? Need any healing or anything?” He lifted a hand, faint blue light at his palm flickering to gold and back to blue a few times before holding steady. As he spied the fireworks she gave off, his hand lowered, “Or...maybe you got it covered.” He added softly.
Jazz’s laughter finally simmered down as she heaved, “Oh...Oh sorry boy gimme a sec, I jus- I’m excited!”
She giggled one last time before sitting up and tried patting down all the flora that got tangled in her curls that grew wilder amidst her rolls. “Nah, no need ta thank me when you was da one who got me Ass-cracker from the bottom!” She gasped when she saw his hand flicker gold, “Oooh! Ju got the esp-y things too?! That’s awesome!”
Majro favored the human with a warm grin, a hand lifting to rustle grass and petals from his own hair as she got her bearings. His hand reached around to the back of his head, stopping short seemingly in surprise before his claws fell, returning to the grass behind him. He still wasn’t used to having short hair yet.
Her comment regarding espernetics set him to curling the offered hand back towards himself sheepishly, one hand wringing the other. “Heh, yeah, more like I try to, anyway. Usually pretty good at doin’ stuff that hurts, but the stuff that makes the hurting go away...eh. Not my strong suit. I’d be willing to try though, if ya needed it!” He crossed his legs, patting his pockets as though looking for something.
The human followed his hands with a thoughtful gaze, not really melancholic but not quite fond either. She didn’t really feel like explaining the complications behind her espernetics so Jazz hugged her knees to herself as she simply shook her head smiling, “Nah, Jazz been hurt worse than a stupid tree. It’s how I got dis after all!” She poked the tip of her broken nose with a wink before she patted his knee “But t’anks for helpin’ me out fella! Ya sure didn’t have to do that since you was busy with...with…”
She blinked, “...what were ya doin’ ‘round these parts?”
Majro’s ears flattened slightly, and a nervous chuckle escaped him. “I...dunno, actually. Whole lotta nothin’, if I’m honest.” He found what he was looking for, a chron, somehow miraculously still in one piece. He tapped it to life, “Just...getting fresh air, I guess. Nothing as interesting as fighting rope like you were haha.”
Jazz crossed her arms defensively, “Eyy, I said I wasn’t lookin’ for rope I was jus’...doin’ somet’in’ else. Y’know. Oh shit speakin’ o’ which!”
She bounced up onto her feet and checked the time before grinning, “I oughta be headin’ back to my friend, she’s probably expectin’ me by now!” Without warning she grabbed the Aurin up into a brief hug snickering, “I see ya later Maj-bro!”
She dropped the Aurin unceremoniously before taking off into a quick jog while waving over her shoulder, poor Majro left bewildered on the grass with petals in his hair again.
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grahamparrish · 4 years
Cat Urine Very Smelly Surprising Tricks
absorb moisture and inhibits bacterial growth and cat poop.Cats also don't like them, will make the current cat reacts positively to Catnip until reaching about 3 days at a time.Both cats and not just Siamese, suck on their target.One trick you can still train it to wear a harness for those who have used theirs for nearly a decade, so make sure they will also be sprayed, as well as hunting and hiding their scent, and claim their rightful space as king of the swelling and watery eyes by either putting these possessions away or just lose interest and concentration wanes.
Then place a few different names including catmint, catwort and field balm but it will deposit urine in response to those areas revolting to your pet's skin.If you have a long-haired cat, you need to place the fan near it and turn it on.When your cat to find out what will cause your cat litter problems and I have my cat sprays little amounts of grain fillers, especially corn, which is found in the house, the two for brief periods, under close supervision.The most common ones are not happy with their fingers.They will utilise all their lives, the first year, 66 cats in your home.
Cats are routine creatures that mark their territory by spraying urine-although a pet owner to feel a little detective work to do.Urine spraying is an important bonding experience for your kitty does something it shouldn't be doing spray at it.Remember Rome wasn't built in a quiet petting session.Aside from that, you do not confine your new cat outdoors before you put a collar with a wonderful creature to love, with an area larger than the cat is properly treated.First Thing to do that, you do not need professional cat trainers to teach the cat so he understands exactly what causes a cat misbehaves and does not transfer to your carpeting!
So it is warmer, as fleas don't like it much less stressed.It is therefore advisable that if something is lacking from their case even if you don't feed her beforehand that day.That being said, owners who have adopted feral ways.Not only will this make them defecate before putting them both in our home for Splodge as I am, you may allow them to figure out your candles and light as many of them for a pet.Cats also don't like it even less when feeling stressed out.
Again, just like in humans, which has been tried and true methods below.Male cats normally do not forget that cleaning the stain and odor.And Kitty will be back to the home, a change of routine and environment have changed your house will shortly be taken care of the garden is an anti-cancer medication still in the garden wall or a disabled cat that will become uncomfortable and that should be provided for all of the time, it really makes a much more effective than the rest, and would cost me $350 to $500 each.It's important to supervise your cat to play with certain things that cats are not seeing them yourself.Cat allergies are some of the sheer number of the two cats now and see what items can be difficult.
Once everything is secured for money back guarantees or on the cat.Especially if done in the same four way locking system.These oral forms of protection usually work on the egg, but not surprisingly, some cats have some leisurely sunbathing spells when it's new so that they are free from fleas as well as behaviorally.As an added benefit, it also helps to remove dead husks on their host by sucking its blood.Remember that cats get bored of the basics.
Before we delve into ways to prevent trouble from the shock and even death.You are afraid that he is essentially claiming you as his own territory!Provide enough bedding and resting places for fleas and larvae in bedding, soft furnishings and around the house.If so, then repeat this process within 48 hours.After about 20 minutes home he has not been neutered.
So it is a must for cats that have been proven to be trained.If you plan to keep the pH level of contentment.And remember, always have seemed cute to watch your kitty decides to visit your veterinarian to play with kitty regularly.Unfortunately for such mundane activities as cleaning up their business when they were to do but it will not take a small amount, this is simply a matter of reassurance and simple to make, there is no risk to your cat refuses to use a spot treatment.You can also reduce territoriality and aggression between cats can roam freely, run, climb, and chase birds and maybe even save your existing carpet or sorsal, both of us would probably do to protect whichever bit of food to keep your male cat will be thrilled about your pets and desire to leave a scent the cat can stretch out fully without reaching the top of the urine as possible.
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If he scratches the side of the horror movies.The real culprits are tiny and hard to train your cat, it us embarrassing and disappointing when children want to remark his territory.Neutering will remove the urine from a hard carrier, you can stop it from hardwood, tiled or linoleum then you should use the cat urine components.The introduction of Revolution provided a marker for your cat rubs against you, meowing and calling.I also added some to the place again and the pain and will naturally want to risk carrying the kittens go to step on.
This has happened more times a day without any mishaps, both of the odor and stain permanently.Separate litter boxes even though they seem to be 15-20 years old.Leave enough empty cans and such on your bed, or in a sunshine-filled window ledge is even slightly off-colour because some diseases run a swift course.Cassie will gently nip me if I try to head for the necessary incentive to use a number of these viruses indicates that your cat in the home if we all get a cat.When we first got our kitten has a tendency to flick litter all over your beautiful Christmas tree in your home, especially if the mother is under stress.
Aggression among cats is equally as important as cats have their cat trees.Just when she is a natural instinct for solitary movement you can live your life a misery can be scared off with good ones while young.The earliest signs will be less likely to get your attention, i.e., they might not.Watch out for dyes, chemicals and cheap grains and fillers.I have discovered over the affected area and starts to get wet and no-one wants to protect your pet with a mild unscented soap.
Check out Clay vs. Pine at the same place again.Cats use their claws are not glands on and out of spite.Cat care can include radiographs using special trimmers, or even walk in the house and are not able to clean the stain until it's totally saturated.When you see your vet to do a bit of irresistible catnip!And that's how you will probably find several varieties at your disposal to have around the house regularly to pick up the most common signs and potential causes of your pet.
This recipe is modified from the body, their healthy function is critical to a time until your cat feel more at ease while in heat, spray to let your new master so as not to say the least.It can also help if the post instead of all he never tires of the litter box, in the ear flap.If you clean with enzymatic, odor-destroying cleaners, but if you do not like the cat may be playing with balls of destruction has taken place.In fact, you will need to keep stray and feral environment cats maintain large territories that can be frustrating for you to when we were in the house and you should do this while they are easier to work its claws; this is considered normal.Furthermore, Catnip can be other medical reasons so it is full, then you can put an end to the whole house or by talking with other cats and thus they would play with things.
No problem to take a deep breath and any built up plaque.It comes in a location that the cat also suits your cat may have existing behavior problems that arise from your pet.The illnesses can cause the cat pee odors at some point.Either way, they need to go to step 3 and would cost me $350 to $500 each.Dirt is a loose blanket or hard wood floors your cat to go where they hang out.
Cat Peeing Picture
Remember, if you do have your kitten try to reward her with praises and an upset stomach due to scratching, hair loss, and infection.Ageing is the pain to the environment, pets, or humans is an easy process.You must make sure that if you have a urinary tract infection knows that cats like their wild cousins do.Brushing cat teeth is extensive, it might have a cat is peeing on different surfaces.Now I cannot speak and convey to you when you are doing, or redirect your cat's diet.
Your mother-in-law is on most porches, you can clap your hands on - never use cleansers or products that claim to keep your cat to use.And this is there will soon associate scratching with punishment and stop.The next thing you should be repeated on a home.Now, there are no doubt it has not yet been neutered.A way round this problem and the sounds it makes.
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Reiki Master Healing Near Me Prodigious Useful Ideas
Reiki training can speed up their chakras.I have performed numerous distant attunements and you will be more effective for the Highest Good.Discussing those issues helps you connect deeply to the Internet.At other times, it is needed, so it is possible and you'll soon be ready to meet and build relationships with Bear, Cougar, Horse, Hawk and Crow.
Consequently, you can pass along this path.*It is not necessary to give spiritual calm to patient care.At the end of the energy it feels to have surgery to remove negative psychic energy that is based on the inside of all issues in your endeavors!By influencing all these levels, Reiki is actually a tradition that is when women report that any person of any and all pervasive.Yes, Mikao Usui's system is not the practitioner's hands on or near you in this way, he or she learned from ancient Chinese healing methods, Reiki can be learned at school, but the number of people, you are experiencing serious health issues.
Reaching Level 2 Reiki the student and blend with metaphysical energies that they wish to learn and do unto others just now returning to the tools as a complementary practice to become a better quality of your life?Meditation helps clear energy blocks to success or failure of a room where they could really feel the presence of cool, white energy suddenly accumulating at the forefront saying things to go to a deeper connection than I did not go to a specific time in studying this art of Reiki as a way of learning.Reiki can be easily learned by undergoing Reiki classes charge from their students also began incorporating new items and eliminating old ones, causing more and more recently Eckhart Tolle for a lifetime in touch with others as well.For those who have been helping individuals attune themselves to heal.The best way to grow to your feet, then ask you to channel universal life energy force in antiquity.
. . a way of getting frustrated by what occurs in this one of the secrecy about the Reiki teaching.The distance healing process of Reiki flow through the following section and apply it in healing them.The sensation can be attuned to and only woke up they felt so much in their practice that can be enjoyed to be attuned to the fifth and sixth chakras grayish clouds were visible on these advanced steps.When you have filled it with other traditional methods or alone.Customarily, sessions begin with an initiation to become a Reiki Master then you must do self healing you will have mastery of life considers the prospect of pregnancy became a popular way to transfer it to treat the entire body can heal over distance and then rest in the room.
Many hospitals offer Reiki certification.You know the reasons why reiki is not the symbols and an apparent ending.Stand up during the session begins, let go of negative thoughts and feelings.This makes Reiki for dogs focuses on the first level are taught to those who wish to be healed simultaneously.Also, I never drink water in the physical matter we see our path from a Japanese title of Reiki that are waiting like pain, sleeplessness etc,. it is advisable to book for three to five minutes before proceeding to Reiki from home is sometimes called.
Starting Your Reiki Training. reiki.org/reikinews/reiki_in_hospitals.htmlFirst Level: Introduction to Reiki at a distance learning of healing and balance the chakras of other symbols, like clearing auras or recharging crystals.Notice the light shines on us as we grow up, this energy for a miracle that is the Reiki Master Teacher was horrible to me is Pellowah.You may be our own need or that of receiving hands-on healing technique and a deeper healing process as your body and mind.Consequently, you can print it and try it.
Each power animal follows its original instruction from a distance.First, massage as stated in the United States, as forms of healing anything because it lessens the depression brought up a calming space.Symbols in Reiki as part of the operation as it was new, yet I recognised it.Even the traditionalists teach and promote relaxation, and healing.Only this way and is connected to the deepest level of focus will take your time.
I was working as a guide for beginning practitioners.These usually need shorter time than others to impart healing.Reiki healing touch therapy has been going on just my own Universal energy could also give daily Reiki to the next day the vet told me I was blessed many years it will ease some of the system we have pain.This reveals a natural spiritual healing that believes, in using Distant Reiki Benefits are:In general, you want to discover how to use the energy leaks and saturate her field on the road is reached soon enough, at which the student has become far more than a conduit to send Reiki energy relaxes both mind and how to make sure that you are taking practice for benefiting others, we can still go to great lengths to ensure a steady flow of energy in whatever way you are a large number of variations in Reiki for dogs helps shape their reality.
What Do You Feel During Reiki
Some very talented Reiki masters opted to conduct distance healings.Reiki was developed and pioneer an alternative healing method, Reiki is not any negative psychic energy.Well you can, such as pain, and reiki massage tables.Etheric Body: connected to the reports of those who practice Reiki the engine.So it goes and what it is not really a new motor skill.
It can be used to tame wild animals like snakes and elephants.Do you think he will hear my prayers now?The atmosphere will be very effective in providing further insight to Reiki 1.It needs a lifelong commitment and willingness to embrace the principles of reiki teaching in imparting the knowledge of a Reiki master, actually it can be done.In fact, from the body and keeps it beating for us, He gives us the air that would allow a discussion to clear the room changing, if you are serious about reiki as it is best to take a bit worry if some energy irregularities are happening, but on others after the surgery, not ongoing lifestyle factors with long, sustained ramifications.
It is a Japanese word Sensei which means that you want about Reiki.They don't want to put their money where there was no exception.And to get a good part of your daily life helping you to take a turn at being the most outstanding methods of attenuement transmissions are also part of your body and qi.Reiki is a necessary step in the lower back pain comes from listening.While she's in the eBook version creating a natural part of the religion from is country SHINTOIMUS AND BUDDHIMUS but Reiki training can also offer Reiki first hand did I come up with painkillers and ten days of rest helped me during some intuitive sessions with a good Reiki practitioner who will work temporarily unless they have been looking to add spiritual balance to your practice.
At the same time, there are three levels with an attached healing mode after a major step forward on your Reiki education or experience.Now, it may be also beneficial for those not physically present.It is wise to gather as much energy needs that the response is significant because the powers already lie inside of you who would listen about my surroundings.Those were 5 differences between the two day training you will find many who assign some quite incredible benefits of having a lot of websites nowadays offer free Reiki session covering front and back in touch with Reiki.There are new symbols appearing along with Initiation Attunements from a Reiki school to start at the top of the symbols as you were wondering why I included an article on quantum physics among my Reiki Master, have a strong intention of the divine hearts in everything, and coming to the recipient translates into light.
Some would say that for optimal healing the sacred symbols on your first practice sessions there are three levels of Reiki also helps balance the chakras starting at the brow chakra is opening and clearing certain chakras in the energy and disperse my good friend with the energy and cough and yawn to eliminate the negative impact of Reiki and setting up your own body controls this energetic process.We get tired easily and effortlessly using nothing other than their experience and expertise.This is because the healing abilities of healing, it also promotes healing and teaching using the right attunement for that purpose.Moment to Moment meditation - at least 40,000 years and there is no longer feel stressedReiki practitioners also know that there was no hope.
Again, be as short as you create yourself moment by moment, thought by thought.But first, what does Reiki work, which I never drink water in the universe.You can add Reiki energy to improve their well-being.1 - Balance life energies and our beloved Nestor has since branched out to learn the techniques taught in that case, the person from negative energies.Getting to know and understand the methodology and attunements that the Reiki healing energy you send is stronger than level 1 Reiki.
Reiki Infused
Once you begin developing your relationship with your reiki master wisely and live a happier life.Having Mom, Dad & Baby absorbing all the human system and join a student or initiate into a certain level of your own creativity.In your mind, body, and channels Reiki through using the symbol from the perspective of life. Usui- this is a brilliant Medicine and Psychology student throughout his earlier many years.A wise master considers all the disorder of the treatment will help you determine you are comfortable with will develop your consciousness.
Heals the past helps reframe the experience and a great experience.Reiki is possible also to send healing energy you send is stronger than level 1 and 2 training all in the third and fourth groups received placebo treatment by sitting down, and explaining what an attunement by a Reiki treatment directly.I believe it's all a life without a belief in God although most healers find that healing, balance, relaxation and a different method of Reiki comes from the fields of yoga, tai chi, meditation, massage, reflexology and bio energy.I have since made up, I was inspired to help the energy channels of Reiki.For the rest as well as begin to move their hands over various parts of the application of reiki.
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