#my writing: jack grealish
tl-trashtalk · 10 months
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you've done a number on my heart
Relationship: Jack Grealish/João Félix
Additional Tags: Friends to Lovers, Romantic Friendship, Shotgunning, Marijuana, Swimming Pools, Flirting, Water Fights As Flirting, pool kisses, Kissing, So much kissing, Shower Sex, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Skinny Dipping, Love Confessions, Declarations Of Love, Cuddling & Snuggling, Kitchens are for lovers, Summer Vacation, Summer Romance, The Author Gave Jack Extra Braincells, Fluff and Smut, Romantic Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff
The end of the football season approached, as it does, and Jack found himself sending João the link to an Airbnb with a message that read, “Pretty big for lil ‘ol me. I fancy some company if you’re free?” or The One Where: Jack and João spend their summer holiday together
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hendolish · 10 months
hello!!! hendolish only one bed trope at camp or something and one of them wakes up holding the others hand really tight and feels bashful abt it in the morning and the fluff!! tyyy love you :)
jack grealish/jordan henderson | there’s only one bed! ♡
“There’s been a mix up.”
Gareth had told him late last night once they’d arrived at the hotel. There’s wasn’t enough rooms available for each player to get their own, so would he mind sharing?
Tired and exhausted from a sleepless plane journey, Jordan had just agreed, nodding and waving off Gareth’s concerns. Last thing they needed was someone kicking up a fuss.
And he was just thinking about who to ask when Jack appeared at his side from where he’d been over chatting with some of the other lads, volunteering his room, to which Jordan had gratefully agreed. He just needed his head on a pillow. Now.
That’s how Jordan’s found himself in this situation anyway.
He’d gotten into the double bed before Jack, keeping well to his own designated side, but when he wakes they appear to be a tangle of limbs.
Jordan daren’t move in case he wakes the younger; he knows he’s not an amazing sleeper, and his alarm is still yet to go off, meaning they’ve still got time before they have to head down to breakfast.
However, half-pinned under Jack and half under the covers, Jordan soon finds himself overheating. It’s only then, when he attempts to extract himself, that Jordan realises why he can’t feel his right hand.
Jack’s fingers are there, intertwined with his own, as the younger clasps their joined hands close against his chest. The heat from Jack’s bare skin pressed against the back of Jordan’s hand.
Jordan must be staring too long, or must have moved too hastily, because before he knows it and before he has any real grasp on how he wants to react to this situation, Jack is twitching awake.
He says, voice low and scratchy and his accent thick. It doesn’t make Jordan’s stomach flip. It doesn’t.
Jordan doesn’t mention their hands, nor does he attempt to try and move his own. Only when his eyes betray him and dart down to where they lay does Jack seem to register what’s going on, cheeks flushing as apologies and ways to laugh it off come spilling over his lips.
But Jordan still doesn’t let Jack’s hand go. The younger’s brow creases at him, confused, then slowly eases out as their eyes lock together and Jordan brings the back of his hand up to his lips and places a kiss there. Small and succinct.
“Better get ready for breakfast.”
He says then as he swings his legs out of bed, a smile hooked into his cheeks at the dazed look on Jack’s face as he notes the fluttery feeling inside his chest.
Probably best to examine that a bit later. He reckons.
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libraryofloveletters · 8 months
Hallways Hold Our Secrets
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Jack Grealish x Fem!Reader
Warnings: reader is rodri's sister, secret relationships, jack is sooo nervous, they're terrible at hiding their relationship, big brother!rodri, awkward family dinners, alcohol and the consumption of, some cheekiness from jack and some brotherly teasing from rodri.
Word Count: 3.9k
Author's Note: I cannot believe it took me so long to write jack. also shout out to pooks for the basis of this idea + this gif has literally nothing to do with the fic. jack is just sexy that's all (also look at my other mans in the corner even tho I be wanting to beat him up sometimes)
The message pops up on the top right corner of your laptop, you're certain it appeared on your phone as well but you're hoping he doesn't notice it.
Can I call you?
You click on it, typing back a response; I'm with him. Can it wait?
His reply comes just as fast; Just for a minute, I wanna hear your voice.
You shut the laptop, leaving it on the kitchen table. "Just gonna borrow this for a minute," you tell your brother as you grab your phone off the counter; he had been using it to get the recipe for dinner tonight since his was charging.
Rodri smiles, nodding. "Sure."
You disappeared around the corner, clicking the contact that frequents your call log. It barely got rang twice before he answered.
"Hi love," he sighs, as if he had dropped down to the couch. You smiled to yourself, leaning on the wall in the hallway. "Hi you."
"I miss you," he says, the words tugging on your heart. You could imagine the pout on his lips; coincidentally, also his favourite pose when he takes selfies.
"I saw you today, Jack." Your response comes out as a whisper, not wanting to be overheard.
"I know, is a man not allowed to miss his girlfriend?"
Once again, his words bring a smile to your face; girlfriend. That's what you were, even if it was a secret.
"You are," you smile.
Jack sighs, picking at his cuticle before he speaks again. "I wish you were here, I could use the company."
Man City had faced their first loss in a while. After being on a winning streak and the return from the treble winning season, this one hit them especially hard. To lose at home was even worse, it dug into them, rightfully so.
All of the boys were in a bad mood, Pep digging into them about what went wrong didn't help either. You had waited outside of the locker room in hopes of catching a quick moment with your boyfriend but he walked out with your brother who was more than ready to leave.
"Hermanita! Come taste this!" Rodri shouts from the kitchen and you sigh. "Me too, but another time, okay? I have to go."
"Yeah," Jack sighs, "I love you."
"Me too," you smile, hanging up before slipping your phone into your pocket. You walked into the kitchen, a smile on your face as your brother held the spoon out to you.
You tasted it, nodding. "It's good, needs a bit more pepper though."
"I thought so too," he nods in agreement, adding the rest of the chopped peppers that were sitting on the counter. "Where'd you go?" He asks as you return to your spot at the kitchen table.
"Needed my hair tie," you fib and his brows furrow. Your heart pounds in your chest when you notice his look, praying he didn't over hear your conversation. At the moment, it didn't occur to you that you had taken your phone with you and your lie made no sense.
"Your hair is untied."
"Yeah," you nod, "I couldn't find one."
Rodri nods, dismissing your words as he goes back to dinner, trying to finish up the last of it. Eventually he joins you at the table, your brother sits across from you, picking at the leftover pasta on his plate. "So, are you seeing someone ?"
You freeze, nearly choking on your juice. "What? Why would you ask me that?" You rubbed at your chest, looking at him with what you were certain was a confused look.
He shrugs, stabbing a piece of pasta. "You're 25, done university.. just seems like time to move on."
Your brother's displeasure with the last guy you dated was not something that he hid very well. He was a grade A douchebag, snotty and stuck up; when you look back, you wondered how you put up with all of his nonsense. You two dated from your second year of university up until right before your graduation.
During your last semester of university, you had taken a week off and came down to visit your big brother in Manchester. The break up was getting to you and it seems like everything around was a constant reminder of your wretched ex.
Rodri had taken you along with him to one of their home games, having you watch what your big brother does up from the stands as if you were 12 again, and afterwards you had gone down to find him and meet some of his teammates.
That was the first time you met Jack.
The two of you clicked instantly; a match made in heaven. From your personalities, to your sense of humour, to the way you dress and down to the way you texted were identical. You suited each other to a T.
It seems you two figured out as much as you went from not knowing each other to speaking every single day after you left Manchester.
Your older brother was aware that you and Jack were friends, but he didn't think much of it. He saw that you got along with quite a few of his teammates, which made him very happy.
What he didn't know was that you and Jack were more than friends.
Jack had come down to visit you during one of your off weeks. He didn't mention it to Rodri nor did you. The two of you decided that it would be your little secret until you've finished university and you can decide what to do from there.
It was just easier this way, there weren't any complications or strings attached if you decided to split up at the end of your semester.
You didn't realize that you'd find yourself in Manchester nor did you expect to fall in love with the midfielder so quickly.
Nodding, you clear your throat. "I will."
"I'm just happy you're over him, he was shit." Rodri says, clearing the table. You can't help the laugh that you let out, leaning back in your chair.
Match day; your favourite day.
The Etihad was full from top to bottom, the crowd cheering their names, hoping that the team brings home a win. To nobody's surprise, they managed to bring home a win and four points.
You had gone down, waiting for your brother as they got cleaned up after the game. You were taking a photo of their treble wall, all the photos of them smiling and celebrating with their trophies.
The familiar scent of his cologne makes you smile, you can hear his footsteps and you figure he'll appear next to you, not pinch your hip and scare you.
"Dude!" You jumped, swatting his hands away. Your boyfriend smiles, his arms around your waist, pulling you into him.
"It's just me, relax," he whispers, chin on your shoulder. As the words leave his mouth, you melt against him; you can feel the warmth from his body, the mix of cologne trying to mask the sweat from 90 minutes on a pitch usually disgusted you but with him, it was tolerable.
Jack spoke, pulling you from your thoughts. "What are you doing out here?"
"Taking a picture," you lifted your phone to show him, flipping the camera to take a photo of the two of you. Both you and Jack make his favourite face; that duck face and then another one with you two smiling, and one more of him kissing your cheek.
His fingers mindlessly drumming against your stomach, looking at the photos on the wall when you snapped back to reality.
You weren't in your little bubble of safety with him; anyone could see you, your brother could see you.
It seemed unreal that you were 25 and still sneaking around, hiding your relationship from your big brother but it would be easier if you weren't dating his teammate.
You stepped away from Jack abruptly, the man's brows pulled together and there's a confused look on his face. "What's wrong?"
"Someone could see us," you step further away, creating some distance from the two of you. Jack looked even more puzzled than he did before.
"And that would be the worst thing because.." He trails off, looking at you. You roll your eyes, leaning on the wall as you look at him. "You know, 10 would look much better on you." He nods towards your jersey, there's a cheeky grin on his face and you roll your eyes yet again.
You had worn your brother's jersey, as you do most match days. "16 looks perfectly fine on me, thank you for your input."
"You'd look sexy in a plastic bag, babe. Just saying 10 would be better on you."
You don't get a chance to answer, your big brother comes around the corner. His hand rests on Jack's shoulder, patting it firmly before slinging it over his shoulder.
"What's going on here?" Rodri looks between you two and you shake your head. "Just saying hello to your sister," Jack says, smiling at his teammate.
Rodri hums, nodding as he glances between the two of you. "Did y/n ever tell you about that chocolate cake she makes?"
"No," Jack shook his head, "I don't think so." - A total lie. Jack has had that cake so many times before and you had even gone as far as giving him the recipe, which was a secret.
"Why don't you come over for dinner tomorrow? I'm sure y/n won't mind making it, would you?"
You shrug, "yeah I don't mind, but I'm sure Jack has plans."
You glance between your brother and boyfriend, wondering what the sudden dinner invite was about. It wasn't that Rodri and Jack didn't get along, because they did. It just struck you as odd because it's not one of the guys Rodri typically hangs out with outside of work related events.
"I don't," Jack smiles at you. "I'd be more than happy to come over. Should I bring something?"
"No, man. Don't worry about that, come over for 8."
"Sounds good," Jack nods, smiling as he walks off.
You look at your brother, arms folded over your chest. Your eyes narrowed on the man, trying to figure out his motive. "What was that?"
"What was what?" Rodri asks and you nod towards Jack. "The dinner invite."
"I can't invite my teammate to dinner?" Rodri's brows furrow, looking back at you.
"You can. Just find it odd, considering that you and Jack aren't close like that."
He shrugs, "just felt like having some company over. Other than your ugly face of course." There's a smile on his face as he looks at you. You pinch his side, the man pulling you into a headlock as you two walk down the hallway.
Shirt covered in butter, flour and eggs and you had finally put the cake into the oven to bake. Your phone buzzes once on the counter as you tidy up. It buzzes again, then again and again.
Finally, you set the rag down and walk over to check who it was.
From Jack: Babe!!!
From Jack: I'm freaking out bro
From Jack: I don't know what to wear
From Jack: *1 Image Attachment* Should I wear this??
The series of messages left you confused, as did his outfit choice. Jack had sent you a photo of the ugliest Gucci shirt he owned and there were quite a few of them in his closet.
To Jack: That is the ugliest shirt I've seen in my life.
From Jack: That's fucking rude
To Jack: Also why are you freaking out?? It's just dinner.
From Jack: Can you please just come help me??
To Jack: I have a cake in the oven
From Jack: So ??? Please come. It's an emergency.
You sigh, walking down the hallway to your brother's room. You knocked, waiting for them to answer before you peek into the room.
"I ran out of sugar and I need it for the icing. I'm gonna run to the store, can you keep an eye on the cake? It's got a timer running so just take it out when it's done."
Rodri nods, trying to make up his bed "Sure, don't be too long. It's almost 7."
"Yeah, I'll be back soon." You picked up his car keys off of his dresser. "Love you!" You called as you walked out of the room.
"Drive safely!" He shouts back and the front door slams shut.
It was a 15 minute drive to Jack's place, the elevator ride up felt like longer and you tumbled through your purse to find the key Jack had given you to his apartment.
"Where are you?!" You shout, setting your bag on the table, kicking your shoes off.
"Bathroom!" He calls back and you find your way to the bathroom. Jack's back was to you, shirtless and quite tanned for a guy living in Manchester. You find yourself leaning on the wall, watching as your boyfriend tumbled through one of the drawers for something.
Jack chuckles, "I can feel you staring."
"So?" you smiled at him when he turned to face you. "I can't stay long, so what do you need help with?"
He walks over to you, his arm looping around your waist. "I can't kiss my girl hello?" He asks, leaning into you. His cologne overpowering any other scent, the familiar smell made your head spin.
"You can," you smiled, holding his jaw gently as you kissed him. "Okay come on though, let's pick something out." You hold his hand, pulling him back to his bedroom.
Jack sits on the bed, watching as you search through the closet for something for him to wear. "I really don't understand why you're so freaked out for dinner. You've had dinner with Rodri before, haven't you?"
"Yeah, but at work stuff. This is different."
"How so?" You set a few choices on the bed. "I'm sure he's gonna be in sweats, Jack. No need to stress yourself out."
Jack looks over at you, "yeah but he invited me to his house. You're my girlfriend and he's your big brother. Even if he doesn't know, I want to make a good impression."
"That's sweet, now put this on." You smiled, handing him a forest green short sleeved button up you pulled out of the depths of his closet.
While Jack was getting ready, you searched through the drawers for a shopping bag you were sure he had left around. When you found out, you tumbled through his cupboards for a bag of icing sugar you knew you had left there and then you opened the fridge to get the butter.
"What are you doing?" Jack asks, appearing in the doorway.
"I told Rodri I was going to the store, I can't go back empty handed."
"So that means you need to take my butter?" He looks at you confused, fixing the sleeves of his shirt. You nodded, smiling at him as you walked to the door.
Jack follows behind you, watching as you put your shoes back on. "I've seen your bank account, you can afford to buy another tub of butter," you patted his chest, giving him a quick kiss before heading out.
When you returned home, the house was quiet. "Rod?" You called, walking into the kitchen to see your cakes on the stove cooling and the back door was open.
"Hey," your brother stepped back inside. "You're back."
"What's going on? " You look at him confused. "Why were you outside?"
"I figured we could eat outside tonight, it's nice out."
"Okay then," you turn your attention to your cake, starting on the icing. "Did you get everything you needed?" Rodri asks, scooping some icing up on his finger.
You smack his arm, the man smiles and sticks his finger in his mouth to taste the frosting. "I did."
"Okay, I'm gonna go take a shower." He kisses your cheek, walking off towards the bathroom. You rolled your eyes at your brother's theatrics and finished up on your cake, frosting it and sticking it in the fridge for the time being.
By the time you finished tidying up and setting up the last of what was needed for dinner, it was a few minutes to 8 o'clock. Rodri finds his way back to the kitchen in slacks and a polo shirt.
"You're dressed up," you glance in his direction, setting the last glass into the dish rack. "We have company coming, I'm not gonna eat dinner in sweatpants, y/n."
You chuckled, remembering what you had told Jack earlier. "Okay whatever you say."
The doorbell rings, Rodri makes his way over to open it and let Jack in. The two of them made small talk in the entryway as you wiped your hands on the kitchen towel. Upon finding the men, you realized both of them were far too dressed up for you to be in sweatpants.
"I see I'm undressed." You announced, making your presence known.
"Hi y/n," Jack smiles at you, handing the bottle of wine over to Rodri.
"Hi Jack," you smiled back at him, as if you hadn't seen him 40 minutes ago. "I'm going to go change, I'll meet you guys outside."
You left them to make their way outside while you attempted to pull together an outfit as quickly as possible. You pulled your hair out of the falling apart ponytail it was in and put on a sundress before making your way outside.
"Wine?" Rodri asks, after pouring some into Jack's glass. "Yeah, please." You smile at your brother, sitting in the chair that was on the left; between Jack and Rodri who were across from each other.
Dinner was quiet, the 3 of you chatting about life, football, the upcoming matches, your plans come the fall. Rodri lets you and Jack speak, it's like you had forgotten he was there altogether; it didn't take a scientist to see the chemistry between you two.
You and Jack were comfortable in each other's space, joking around like you had known each other for years, the type of thing you'd only see with a couple.
After dinner wrapped up, you cleared the table and brought the cake out. You cut three pieces, handing them over to the boys before sitting down and taking your own piece.
Rodri takes a bite, looking over at his teammate who does the same. "How is it?" He asks Jack.
The man nods, "good, it's great." He smiles at you and you return the gesture, taking a bite from your own piece.
Rodri nods, the fork in between his fingers as he points between you and Jack. "So.. how long has this been going on?"
You coughed, rubbing your chest after you almost choked on your cake. Jack on the other was completely pale, as if all the blood had drained from his body.
He starts, glancing between you and Rodri, unsure what to say. "Wh-uh.. what are you talking about?"
Rodri rolls his eyes, as if Jack thought he was stupid. He knew the two of you were seeing each other, it was painfully obvious. He had a suspicion and tonight's dinner was either going to make or break the thought. It just slapped a big old confirmed stamp on the two of you.
"I'm not blind, you know. I do pay attention, even when you think I'm not." Rodri says, looking over at you with an accusatory look on his face. You bite back a shy smile, lips pressed together as you look away from your older brother. "Plus, your bedroom is next to mine, y/n. Having him on speaker all night isn't exactly the slickest way of hiding a relationship."
You and Jack chuckled, looking at each other. "It's not that we didn't want to tell you-" "It was y/n's idea not to tell you." Jack butts in, throwing you under the bus so to speak.
"Shut up!" You groan, shaking your head. "As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted," you glance in the direction of your boyfriend. "I just wanted to see where it goes, if I'd stay in Manchester or not."
"And are you?" Rodri asks.
You take a moment to think, nodding. "Yeah, I think I will be."
"Good," your brother reaches over, patting your hand. "Does he treat you well?"
You rolled your eyes at his cliché question but you nod. "He does."
Rodri turns his attention to Jack. "If you hurt her, I'll hurt you." He tells his teammate, earning a laugh from Jack but you look at your boyfriend. "No, he will and I'll let him."
"Oh..." Jack looks between the siblings, jaw hanging open a bit. "Okay then."
The rest of the evening was quiet, you two gave Rodri a few details from your relationship, how long you'd be together and a few other things like that before you took the cake back inside.
Jack had gone to the bathroom and your brother finds you cutting another slice of the cake, putting it into a Tupperware bowl in the kitchen. "What are you doing?" He looks at you, confused.
You return the look, "packing a piece of cake for Jack? There's more than enough, Rod. You can have more tomorrow." You chuckled, putting the bowl into a bag.
"I don't think your clothes are gonna fit in there," Rodri tells you, leaning on the counter. You look at your brother, confusion all over your face. "What are you talking about, dude?"
"Go pack your bag."
"Are you kicking me out? I thought you were cool with-" "No dummy, I'm telling you to go spend the night with your boyfriend."
"Oh!" You laughed, walking over to give your brother a hug. "You're really okay with me dating him?"
"Would he have been my first choice? No, I thought you'd date a doctor or something boring like that but as long as you're happy and he treats you well, I'm 100% behind it."
"Okay," you smiled, kissing his cheek before running off to your room.
Jack and Rodri were in the entryway, your bag tossed over your shoulder as you skipped down the hallway towards them. Jack reaches for your bag, taking it from you.
"Thanks man," Jack nods at his teammate, Rodri smiles at him. "Anytime, take care of her, yeah? Drive carefully please."
"I'm a fantastic driver," Jack says, and you and Rodri exchange a look before laughing. Jack rolls his eyes, already knowing what you two were thinking. You hugged your brother once more, saying goodnight to him before heading down the driveway with him.
Once you were in the car, Jack looked over at you with a cheeky smile on his face. "That wasn't so hard, was it?"
"Shut up," you smiled, reaching over to hold his hand.
add yourself to the taglist!
taglist: @themandaloriansdiaries @thesnailus @alwaysclassyeagle @lettersfromvenus @mehrmonga @callsignvenus @kmc1989 @valentinehrts @pulpfixion @ironmaiden1313 @candacels @muglermami @leclerces @yuoluver
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oh-saints · 5 months
Hi I don’t know if you’ll get this but I have an idea for Rúben Dias, he starrs crushing on the female photographer for Man City and his teammates start teasing him, he doesn’t want to admit his feelings because he thinks the photographer is dating someone ( but she’s actually single and is just introverted)
aaaaahh this feels close to home bcs i'd gotten mistaken so many times by men due to my introvert nature /sigh
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rúben should really stop interpreting things out of hand on his own and start asking the right questions instead.
rúben dias x photographer!you
wc: 2.7k
note: here's is my comback piece! (is that even a valid word?) i actually had this idea in mind for a while and i love writing this bcs i can see he could make this kind of cute mistake! this actually hits closer to home, too, considering that i'm an intovert as well LOL but as usual, I happen to write at dawn so this is not beta-read yet.
happy new year too, everyone! i wish you'll have a blessed year ahead <3
you groaned inwardly, that must be jack grealish. only the 100-million man would call you with overly sweet pet names like that, and he did it so often no matter how many times you corrected him that you had a real name during the first month of your employment here. now entering your third month, you’ve long given up, but you’d renamed his contact to be jack greasy on your phone.
“come sit over with us!”
unlike your nickname, though, you hadn’t given up on his persistent request to sit amongst his set of friends because good lord could they be so boisterous their laughter sounded more like a boom in your ears sometimes. their energy simply went off the roof and your introvert self could never handle it well.
you’d have your time to photograph everyone in the bus later anyway, so you gave him a polite smile, without another word, and proceeded to sit down beside your fellow media team.
you could hear jack screaming protest “aw, come on, cupcakes!” as you took your seat. his friends were laughing on his face at your rejection.
if you have your way, though, you’d badly want to be assigned to the calmer tide of the bus. the likes of julian, kevin, bernardo were more suitable for your kind. but being the one responsible for the disposable camera and all of city’s short off-pitch videos, jack and his circus were more than a matchmade in heaven for a better result.
before you had more complaints to mull over, your colleagues turned to face you and started babbling about an upcoming short video the both of you would have to make. the plot, the script, down to deciding who’d be best to be asked for to star in the video.
“i think rúben dias would do just fine.”
being a newbie, you nodded along the names he mentioned because in all honesty, you didn’t exactly know who is who and which is which until now. two months splattered all over the men’s and the women’s team, as well as the academy, was pretty much a guarantee you’d missed out on someone.
but you always, no matter how busy you are, spared some time to browse on the player before you met them, in case it was someone you should be worried for, or someone you should be thankful of for their media-darling persona, or someone you should be working twice as hard because they didn’t know what to do. worse, someone you’d worked together before but you forgot.
for rúben dias, though… you didn’t know which one of the categories above fitted him best. you were rendered speechless at your search bar result. you could bet your entire month salary that he was someone you had yet the chance to create a content together because if he already did, you wouldn’t have that face of his wiped off your brain.
which was exactly why you should be worried.
you had never worked with someone that looks like adonis when he decides to ascend himself from olympus. or so you’d like to think rúben was what adonis would’ve looked like if greek mythology happens to be true.
sadly, nobody warned you that he was even more beautiful up close, as he strutted his way to your creator team, with a tousled hair he kept tussling against, as well as the bright smile and warm laugh he’d drop here as he went through pre-production brief. his voice was so melodic it soothed all the soreness to your eardrums—thanks to jack grealish—in one simple video production, and you mentally thought you could replay the edited video later whenever you needed to go to sleep, like an asmr or some sort, because it really felt like a blanket on a rainy day.
your heart ached at the sight because my goodness… he was simply too beautiful for your own good.
it shouldn’t be doing all that jumping and leaping and drumming, though, because those were the early signs of you getting biased.
and it could only mean one thing in every professional language possible: bad.
with your very generous pay check on the line, you couldn’t afford to fail. so that day, you made a promise to yourself to do what you had to do, and thankfully it was what your introvert self do best.
while you knew what to do, rúben—on the contrary—seemed lost.
no, the portugese was lost.
contrary to popular belief, footballers are actually smart. at least, if they are not book smart, they’re definitely street smart. rúben would like to think he’s got a bit of both worlds, so it could justify his own judgement of you.
his eyes were keen, as his job required him to do so, and he’s got an incredible sensing, enough to read a gigantic elephant in the room when there was one. the combination scanned your change in attitude on the day he first worked with you and the present time.
you were so friendly and eager to work with him, welcoming his extended hand as he introduced himself to you for the first time. he remembered your smile, blinding against the bleak manchester weather but instead of feeling cold, he only felt warmth and fuzzy all over his body.
but as the filming session went on, your smile was close to non-existent, just like the probability of the two of you running into each other again. he initially thought it was only because you got so many takes already and the job exhausted you, but he later realised you were avoiding him. as subtle as you could anyway.
at the beginning, he only thought you missed the way he waved at you. or the time when he thought you put his row of seat last for a mandatory picture in your disposable camera, for aesthetics’ sake.
the time when he offered you a ride home, though—that was the final confirmation. the weather had started snowing on some days, and you were certainly freezing by the look of your shivering shoulders and teetering teeth, so rúben offered you a ride home. but you turned down the offer, ever so politely like usual. yes, yes of course you had the rights but the most logical thing was to accept them instead of waiting for the next bus, no?
(oh, believe him, he knew she was waiting. he managed to parked far away from your sight but close enough to see that you did indeed wait for the next bus to arrive and take you to the nearest station. he knew, and he remembered that day because it was the only day he had to fight himself from running down the street just to give you another layer of coat.)
his first instinct was to think that he’d wronged you somehow during the filming. was he demanding? was he not up to your par of filming standard? was he not good enough for your cameras?
but james, your fellow co-worker, the one who worked together with you for this project, gave him an utterly confused look. “have you seen how the videos turned out? you were brilliant, rúben. and no, i don’t think i’ve heard any concerns from her about your ethics.”
so what did he still not do right that could’ve upset you?
rúben didn’t like where this was going because you’ve kept him intrigued. you kept him on his toes, bouncing lightly like a child full of curiosity. you kept him thirsty for more information about you and what makes you tick, lowkey in hope to bring out the smile rúben himself didn’t know he had missed seeing.
and if he discovered that he did indeed upset you somehow, and was somehow responsible for the disappearance of your shy smile, then he’d like to right them right away. he has to.
with that mentality, rúben took the chance to clock out earlier—which was like the seventh wonder of the world around etihad academy—in order to catch a glimpse of you on your off-work routine. he’d set himself resolved to only ask necessary questions, not more nor less, without any hidden agenda. no wishy washy, unlike his previous trials.
rúben did actually catch you for a split second. his beak was already opening, he’d only needed his voice box to produce the sound to the question in his mind, but the scene unravelled before him halted everything in him. every particle of his body, every molecule of his brain.
a black car swerved into the lane to the lobby, a pretty prestigious car at that, and the way your face lit up so brightly reminded him of the day you first worked together. it was a sight that rúben missed, it was a sight that rúben longed to see again.
he was so blinded by the ethereal view that he completely forgot his own plan, and watched as the black car swallowed his portion of small happiness of the day.
was that your boyfriend? if yes, then did you take rúben’s friendliness as a romantical advance to you? if yes, then was that the reason why you immediately put up a china wall between you two? if yes, then was he that protective or was he simply possessive?
rúben couldn’t deny his own infatuation of you. maybe it was why he was adamant to right things good between the two of you. but if you did in fact have a boyfriend, then he should find a way to reduce and silence this growing feeling—be it really infatuation or merely curiosity.
“does she have a boyfriend?”
but desperate times need desperate measures, and rúben saw ‘the black car incident’ was his sign to speed things up in order to find a concrete answer. even if it included asking jack grealish about you.
jack snorted, rather snobby. “how would i know, mate?”
“i thought you guys are close.”
“your definition of close is concerning,” jack replied as he shut his locker. “why don’t you ask her yourself? aren’t you the type to just charge at it first, think later?”
“i would’ve if she didn’t give me a cold shoulder.”
“have you tried?”
rúben was the one who didn’t hold back his snort this time. “of course i did.”
“then maybe you were asking the wrong question, mate.”
as much as rúben hated to confess that jack actually had a point, he had to give hands down. he might be asking the wrong question, he might be asking too much question, he might be asking the right question with the wrong approach.
bottom line, he’d concluded himself that he had to try until he succeeded. each time in different approach, different variables. logically speaking, it should take him somewhere for a clue. if it didn’t, it should at least tire you enough to have you spell the answer to his queries.
rúben had gathered enough information that you and your team had wrapped up filming for christmas and new year’s content, complete with kids involved and all. you were supposed to stay in the editing room, and working late on it because there was a teaser—which fell into your line of work under “short videos”—to be uploaded tomorrow evening.
he purposefully slowed his pace for anything that did not require physical activities and trainings, resulting in him also staying late to finish some of his homework—his affectionate nickname for video trainings he’d like to execute at home, in the comfort of his abode and plush suede pillows—so he could match your pace of work. he planned to catch you off guard the same way as ‘the black car’ incident.
at 8, you finally went out of your cave, precisely like his little rat had informed him before. so of course, you were startled to find rúben already standing against the railing in front of your office.
“rúben,” your voice got stuck in your throat but rúben thought it was a cute squeak. it was also a better response, rúben thought, too. you could’ve spat at him or shooed him away immediately. “what are you doing here?”
“i’m—” rúben thought about lying for a second, but he decided it’d contribute nothing to a start of a friendship. yes, friendship, because it was the bare minimum, no? “i’m waiting for you.”
your eyes widened, and that was when rúben noticed the golden specks on the orbs of your eyes. heartbreakingly stunning, solely because rúben only noticed this now.
you shifted the weight of your body from your right leg to your left one, and rúben found it endearing because he noticed that was an early sign an introvert—you, in this case—was starting to get nervous or uncomfortable. rúben hoped it was the former because that’d put you as cute as an awkward lone penguin.
“is there anything i can help you with?”
“yes, i’ve been meaning to ask you something.”
with his devastatingly beautiful look, his velvet voice and his intensely deep brown eyes, your heart palpitated so fast and so irregular that you were afraid rúben could see them falling and getting back into its designated place like a bungee jumper.
or maybe the rope snapped on its way down and never found its way up again, depending on the question about to be fired at you. at this point, your mind went funnily white, and you were ready to succumb into either pressure or temptation, depending on the question he’d fire you with.
“do you hate me?”
you seemed perplexed at his blatant question, but he’d take that reaction over anything else because it was something, especially compared to the invisible wall you’d put up since the first time you both had worked together.
“do you?” rúben pressed his voice gently, while he took a step closer to you. slowly but assertively.
the movement snapped you back to reality. you should not heed into pressure, but there was no use in lying because in reality, you really had no reason to hate him. if you had your chance, you would’ve done things the other way around.
“no, i don’t.”
another step closer. “but have you ever hated me?”
realising the 6-feet centre back was doing, you involuntarily moved backwards in the same amount of steps that he did, albeit the distance reached was certainly and significantly a huge gap you could never keep. “no, rúben—”
before you could finish your sentence, he obliterated every single space left in between the two of you and cornered you to the nearest wall. “then do you like me?”
you should be running, you should be fleeing, you should be screaming down the hill. you should be anywhere but here, trapped in between the long, strong and sturdy pair of his arms, the very same one he used to defend himself and the ball from the opponent. the very same one your eyes couldn’t lie but appreciate its masculinity.
rúben noticed the miniscule movement of your eyes, despite your tightened body language, and it brought a little smile on the corner of his lips. maybe he had indeed asked all the wrong question in all the previous times he’d had the chance.
“tell me,” rúben then pronounced your name in the way no one else could, so soft and velvet like a fine cashmere being caressed against your eardrums, that shivers ran down your entire body as if you were struck by a lightning. “please tell me that, at least.”
so paradoxic, you thought inwardly at the sensation. and you supposedly hated the way he confused you, but you didn’t this time—you didn’t even detest the way he seemed enjoying this whole thing, by the way he pulled of a subtle smirk that busted your knees slowly but surely—and it made you even more crazy because what the hell was this?
you tried to mask it off by looking him straight in the eyes. well, tried to, at least, because the moment your eyes were connected with the milkiest brown orbs that reminded you of a hot chocolate on a wintry day, you couldn’t help but look away. “what do you want me to say?”
rúben didn’t fight a full smile from blooming on his face, as the tip of his finger aligned your face gently to face his. he really likes the fact you gave him a fair fight to remain indifferent still, even when everything else of your body failed to be your auxiliary. “do you like me?”
“i do—”
“then would you like to have a dinner with me tonight?”
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fallinforerling · 1 year
may i request (from the prompt phrases) 2 - 8 - 17 with erling 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
the shirt dilemma - eh
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A/N: As I usually say: ERLING BRAINROT. I can’t stop writing for this man, I’m ABSOLUTELY in love with him. Thank you SO MUCH!!! for 800 followers. Feedback is always appreciated! Love you always xx
ೃ⁀➷ erling’s taglist 
 ೃ⁀➷ erling’s masterlist
ೃ⁀➷ masterlist
 : ̗̀➛ requested phrases: 
2. “i'll never wear the jersey of someone who isn't my boyfriend.”
8. “why are you staring at me like that?”
17. “you have a really pretty face, have you ever heard that?”
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“I can’t believe people actually waste their time plotting about this stuff…” You murmured more to yourself than anyone else in the room, still scrolling through the infinite amount of photos that you found on Twitter. “Kinda creepy…” 
“What’s up?” Jack murmured back, kicking your leg with his foot. You raised an eyebrow in his direction. “C’mon, you just said something that implies tea. Now you have to spill it.” 
“I don’t have to do shit, Grealish.” You laughed, kicking him back. “But okay, here.” You sat on the couch. “I was on Twitter, and I found some tweets with my name on it, which is kinda weird since I’m not a public figure so… I don’t know, I was digging on my own shit until…” You turned your phone so he could see it. 
His eyebrows raised until they almost touched the base of his hair, giving you a full view of the funniest expression you’d ever seen on him since ever. 
“That’s an interesting take.” 
“¿De qué hablan?” (What are you guys talking about?”) Julián asked, entering the room with hands full of snacks. 
“Nada.” (Nothing) You really hated Julián’s impecable hearing. He was always around the corner when you were gossiping with Jack. “Más bien dame comida, que me tuviste esperando como mil años. Me muero de hambre.” (Give me some food, you’ve got me waiting for like a thousand years. I’m starving) 
“Luego no me pidas que te cuente algo, porque te vas a quedar con las ganas.” (Later, don’t ask me for any gossip, cause I won’t share any) He replied, throwing a bag of chips at you. 
“I actually love when you two speak Spanish in front of me and I understand absolutely nothing.” Jack said after you grabbed the bag, not paying attention to the dirty look Julián gave you before sitting next to him. “Makes me feel like I’m back in Spain for some vacation.” 
“I just love when she speaks Spanish.” Erling’s voice startled you. You looked up at him, who was just entering the room. You tore your eyes apart from his figure as quickly as you could, wishing that the heart eyes weren’t that noticeable for any of them. God, he was so handsome. 
“You love everything that she does.” Julián said, giggling a bit when you shot him a nasty look. That little fucker. 
“True, you’re the biggest fanboy I’ve ever seen in my life.” Jack teased, nudging Erling’s arm when he sat next to you. 
“What can I say? I’m a man with great taste.” Erling shot back, leaving you all shaky on the inside. You had to prevent your mouth from falling wide open. You could never get used to that type of compliments coming from him.
It was times like these when you wondered if Erling had any feelings for you. It would be awesome if he did. But you knew it couldn’t be possible; he was playing and teasing around. You were just friends.
“If you’re going to flirt with her, I’m leaving.” Jack said, openly enjoying how uncomfortable you were getting from all the attention. “But also? We could manage to see if we can get this little brat to come to the next game, eh?” 
“No, no! Don’t start with that. I already said no a million times before.” You were tired of it. You knew, from past experience, that you would be recognized, and those stupid gossip sites would eat you up. 
“C’mon, don’t be such a… coward.” Julián replied, always up to teasing you as well. “It’s fun, you should totally go. Emilia’s gonna be there.” 
“No, no, not ‘but’. You’re coming, end of discussion.” Erling cut you off, smiling widely when you looked at him. “Please?” 
Aw, man. Fuck big blonde guys with green eyes. 
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So there you were, two days later. Full of regrets and suffering, seeing how your friends (or more like enemies at this point) were smiling like little kids while you stood in the middle of the Etihad Stadium shop. Your arms were crossed, not wanting to give in two times in a row when it came to these guys’ wishes, but it was getting more and more difficult as the minutes passed and Erling’s eyes kept flashing you little looks that were keeping you on the edge. 
“Why?” You finally spoke up, giving in to the silence that had overcome the room. “I’ve already accepted to come against my will. Why do I have to wear a jersey as well?” 
“Because! Everyone that really loves the team wears a shirt!” Jack said, giving you a knowing look that screamed duh. “You’re our friend, it would be so rude if you just go there wearing…” He pointed to your baby blue shirt with a grin. “That.” 
“What’s the matter with it? It’s City’s color, isn’t it?” 
“C’mon, you’re not actually doing the most out here wearing a blue shirt, darling.” Erling’s voice had an effect on you. Dammit. “Be a good girl and wear a jersey.”
No, no, no. Don’t fall for it just because he called you a… Oh, god. God, help your daughter. 
“Fine!” As usual, you just gave in once Erling stepped in. “Pick a stupid shirt so I can get out of here.” 
You were hoping that you were being dramatic over nothing and that they’d probably pick a blank shirt with no actual handle on the back, but as Erling approached his own fucking section, you knew you were absolutely fucked. 
“No! Not your stupid ego getting the best of you, I’m not wearing a Haaland shirt!” You wanted to. But it was the worst idea in the world. “I’ll never wear the jersey of someone who isn’t my boyfriend. That’s just a horrible idea.” You didn’t know why you just said that, but it was out there before you could backtrack on your words. 
“Why not?” Jack asked, getting closer to you with that cheeky grin that you hated. “What’s wrong with wearing a friend’s jersey just for today? It isn’t good enough?” 
Oh, you knew what he wanted to say with that little tone on the word “friend”. 
“Because, my dear Jack. People love to speculate about things without actual proof. So, if they see me wearing Erling’s shirt while being here, they’ll think I’m his girlfriend, and…” 
“So what?” Erling said, already handing you a shirt. “Let people assume whatever they want to assume.” 
“Perhaps, would it be that bad if people think that you are his girlfriend?” It was the first time in twenty minutes that Julián had said a word, but when he did, he cornered you. “Just saying…”
“Yeah, would it?” Erling’s tone sounded almost evil as he slightly pressed the shirt towards you, leaving you no other option but to take it. “Just put it on.” 
“I hate you…” You whispered, still grabbing the shirt with a bit more force than necessary. 
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You felt like everyone’s eyes were on you for the entirety of the game, which was ridiculous since you were the most boring person and no one— and when you said no one, it was really no one— was giving you a second look as you sat and watched the game like everyone else did. 
The paranoia you were feeling was ridiculous. Never in a million years have you felt more targeted for wearing a fucking shirt that said Haaland on the back. You could only pray that a photo of you didn’t make it to Twitter, where a bunch of weird people were already making assumptions about the actual nature of your relationship with Erling. That’s why you were being so negative about wearing anything City or Erling related. You knew how the rumors started.
Like it would ever happen in reality. 
“Relájate, boluda. Parece que estás acá contra tu voluntad.” (Girl, relax. You look like you’re here against your will) Emilia shouted over the fans’ voices, seeming entertained by your current state. Just like her boyfriend, apparently. 
“¿Te parece?” (You think?) You couldn’t help the sarcastic tone in your voice. “Todo gracias al pendejo de tu novio.” (All thanks to your stupid boyfriend) 
“Ay, ya. No es para tanto…” (Aw, c’mon. It’s not that big of a deal…) She paused, giggling. “Estás así porque te gusta Erling, ¿no?” (You’re acting like this because you like Erling, aren’t you?) 
“¡¿Qué?!” (What?!) You shouted, feeling your face go deep red as the referee blew the final whistle, letting the entire stadium know that the game was over. 
“It’s so obvious, babe. You totally like that man.” She took your hand, not letting you overcome the fact that someone finally acknowledged your feelings for him. “Let’s go.” 
“Where?” Was all you managed to say, looking around to check if someone was paying attention to you. Again. 
“The dressing room.” 
Your eyes darted to the pitch, where most of the players were still walking around while exchanging greetings and jerseys. You spotted Erling right away; it was very difficult not to. He towered over almost every single person that walked past him, which could be funny if it weren’t for the fact that Emilie knew about your feelings for him. Suddenly, it felt so real. It felt like everyone knew. 
“Move or I’ll have to drag you there myself.” Emilia’s tone gave the impression of being absolutely serious about the dragging part, so you started walking out of pure instinct. 
You made your way across the sea of people that were leaving or lingering around the benches. You saw how it all appeared to move a bit slower as you followed her, who still had a hold on your wrist, like she was almost preventing you from escaping. You didn’t want to see Erling right now; the way you were so worked up about Emilia’s words was stupid, but you knew yourself, and it was very possible that you were about to blow everything because of the nerves. 
“Breathe. You’re crushing my hand.” 
“Is it too obvious?” You whispered once you made it to the tunnels. 
“That you like him?” She turned to face you, smiling a bit before fixing your hair. “Not to him, I believe.” Her eyes looked behind you, a bigger smile appeared on her face. “But maybe it’s time to let you know that he likes you. Gotta go, Juli’s coming. Good luck.” She kissed your cheek briefly before walking away, leaving you nervous and shaky. 
It seemed like being nervous and shaky was the new thing for you. 
“What happened to the “no wearing a shirt that’s not my boyfriend's” rule?” You could feel Erling’s hands pinching the fabric of your new shirt before you turned around to face him. His voice was filled with that unique tone he only used when he won, or got his way around something he wanted. Today, both things happened. “Looks great on you, by the way.” 
“You made me wear it, loser.” The only way to dissimulate the silent screaming you wanted to do right now was to answer with irony.
“And it’s the best decision I’ve made so far.” He stood in front of you in all his glory, clearly enjoying how pissed you were. You couldn’t help your eyes from going to his bare chest for a whole minute, biting your lip when your eyes met his. His smirk was so big, you wanted to punch him. “About to make the second one.”
So, so handsome. And so, so cocky.
“What? Why are you staring at me like that?” Was all you managed to say after a few seconds of pure silence, despite all the teammates roaming through the tunnel, clapping and screaming from their recent win. 
“You have a really pretty face; have you ever heard that?” He leaned in, and your heart almost escaped through your throat. You couldn’t tear your eyes apart from his. 
What if Emilia was right? Was this the right moment? He was totally flirting with you… Wasn’t he?
“What about this? You wait here, looking as lovely as you do right now until I shower… And then I can take you to dinner so we can celebrate the win?” He whispered the proposition like it was a promise. At this point, you couldn’t even speak. “How does that sound?” 
“Yeah, sure…” You whispered back, holding your bag so close to your chest that you could feel the handles burying themselves in your skin. 
“Perfect.” Then he kissed your cheek, and you really stopped breathing for a few milliseconds. And as you were starting to have a little panic attack, he left.
Have you just… agreed to a date with Erling Haaland? Well, fuck.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚*ੈ✩‧₊˚⋆·˚ ༘ * ERLING’S TAGLIST @questionable-behaviour | @koufaxx | @xjval | @nikki01234 | @evarasworld | @kynykyny | @alleyahah | @444pantheress | @football4life9 | @f1lover55 | @frankcastleonlyfans | @ironmaiden1313 | @pizzapie349
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20-th-centurygirl · 1 year
Yes please Write for jack please 🙏🏼
jack grealish x fem!reader
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warnings: smut
summary: riding Jack's thighs
a/n: this man has been the loml for 4 years so it's about time i write for him 🤭
"You okay darling?" You didn't even need to look at his face to see the massive smirk, the cocky, teasing tone in his voice giving him away. You couldn't tear your gaze away from Jack's spread legs in the skimpiest shorts imaginable, the muscles in his thighs sending shivers down your spine and your underwear was soaked instantly, the dirty thoughts in your mind making you squeeze your legs together. After a long pause you looked up at him, low and behold a huge smirk gracing Jack's face. "M'fine" You whispered before sneaking more glances to his thighs. "What's going on in that pretty little head of yours" He asked, gesturing for you to sit on his lap and you happily obliged.
His hands gravitated to your waist, squeezing gently as he shot you a loving smile. He tapped your cheek with his index finger "you didn't answer my question" His eye contact never broke, clearly amused by your hesitance as your face flushed. "I was just thinking about your thighs. How good they look" you muttered, unable to keep eye contact with him. He lifted your jaw to look at him again "that all princess?" He raised his eyebrow and the nickname melted you. "I um" you gulped before coming out with it "I was thinking about how they'd feel if I ride them" You muttered, your face burning.
He let out a small chuckle before lifting you to sit on one of his exposed thighs. "Well we're never gonna know unless you try are we?" His hands slowly moved you backwards and forwards and you instantly let out a pathetically loud moan, your hands settling on his shoulders "jack" you whimpered as he began to clench his muscles. "Feel good princess?" You nodded feverishly before your head fell back, his muscles as the seam of your shorts hitting your clit just right. You began to grind down on his thigh as he moved you backwards, groaning at the sight of you getting off on this thigh. "You look so good right now. Making yourself feel good like this. So desperate for me aren't you babygirl?" His shorts were strained as your moans and whimpers increased in volume. "M Jack. Fuck it feels so good" you brought one of your hands over to his bulge, brushing over it earing a small grunt from jack. "You close baby?" You could only nod as you circled your hips desperately, stroking jack through his shorts as you tried to match his pleasure to yours. You moaned out loudly as you felt an intense wave of pleasure wash over you before you slumped into Jack's arms, panting wildly. You pulled your head back to look at his before jack placed his hand to the back of your neck and pulling your face to his and connecting your mouths in a loving kiss. "Fuck that was amazing" you muttered as you pulled back. "Oh yeah? Think you should make me feel good now princess" He smirked and you were more than happy to oblige, shuffling to your knees immediately.
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smrsxx · 1 year
Celebrity Crush | Erling Haaland x fem!shy!short!reader
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Request :
Imagine you and Erling are each others celebrity crushes (reader is an f1 driver or whatever you want them to be) and she goes to her first Man City Game but she is nervous because even though these famous she is quite shy
Most of the city lads know about Erling crush so when they see her they tease him saying things like “ooo your girls here” Erling doesn’t believe it until he see you for himself
After the game (a win of course) you both meet up after and since it’s your first time meeting they are both really flustered
Erling asks them on a data and they exchange numbers
After there 5th date Erling confesses his love for the reader and is such a simp for her
Maybe if you are comfortable it ends in really soft smut between the two and even softer aftercare
Ps- I love your writing your doing so well, keep it up 🩷🩷
Thank you so much for requesting this imagine , the idea was amazing and I was so glad that I had the chance on writing it .
Again thank you all for the undying suuport < 3 ( I WILL NOT STOP TELLING YOU ) .
Tw : nervousness , shyness , shity friends , the fem!reader is described as short , AND SMUT ( I tried OK ? ) .
Ps . I was so happy writing this .
English isn't my first language , so if you spot a mistake , please just bare with me .
5k words : )
Enjoy < 3
Reader's Pov
Being a F1 driver is not an easy thing . It is not an easy thing at all . Everyone is constantly judging you for everything .
Especially if you are the only woman in a sport that most people are men .
I am not saying that F1 is a man's sport . I've known a lot of women in the Formula world , it is just that everyone is hard one you when you are the only woman in Formula racing with other people . And it is even harder when you are racing in F1 .
Currently I'm sitting in Toto Wolff's office with Susie .
" I don't know what I did wrong . I didn't say anything to him ." I said to Susie about what happened a few minutes ago in the conference room .
I was sitting with Lewis , George and Mike and we were all waiting for the other drivers to show up so we could discuss some things for the upcoming season .
But someone had other plans . . .
A lot of drivers didn't even showed up .
Lewis was starting to lose his patience and after a couple of minutes he got up and tried to search for the others .
" Where are you going ? " I asked him quietly looking up at him .
" I just want to get this over with and go home as everybody else wants , but there are just a few of us . " He said angrily .
" Let me come with you . " I said to him and the moment I got up from my chair , a certain Red Bull driver whispered : " Puppet " .
After that I just left the conference room and didn't show up .
" Honey it wasn't your fault . Everyone is anxious for the race . He didn't really mean it . " Susie said trying to calm my down .
It wasn't really working .
When Toto came in followed by Lewis , we went through the situation again , and then decided that we all need a brake .
This was a really good opportunity to visit Manchester and my family.
Maybe go out with some of my friends .
I hate my friends .
We decided to go all out tonight , maybe at some bar and then head back home , but my friends decided to bring me to my first football mach with Manchester City against Chelsea .
Not because they wanted to watch a football game .
No .
Because they know about the crash I have on a certain striker .
Erling Braut Haaland .
The man isn't even aware about my existence .
So what am I even doing here ?
Erling's Pov
" OOO YOUR GIRLS HERE " !!! Jack Grealish screamed to Erling while they werje training before the start of the game .
" Stop screaming man . What are you even saying ? " Erling asked his close friend .
" I saw her man . I swear . She is right over there in the VIP section . " Jack said to him while pointing out in the crowd .
Erling grabbed his hand shocked . " Stop pointing . Your blind . She's not here . I would have seen her . "
" Yeah right . " Jack said while trying to hold his laugh .
" Ayo bro . Y/N's here . " Phil said walking towards them .
And with that Erling started panicking and Jack bursted out laughing.
" Famous F1 driver for the AMG Petronas team is in the house . " The presenter said quietly while your face showed on the big screen of the City stadium .
Erling was shocked .
He stoped dead in his track .
Your beautiful features right infront of him .
" She is so cute . " He said to himself not knowing that the cameras were filming his reaction .
The internet is going to be on fire tonight .
" OMG Y/N YOU ARE ON THE SCREEN !!! " Your friend scream to you pointing at the camera .
" Huh ? " You asked quietly , but she was right . Your while face was on the screen .
Feelinh embarrassed you looked down and missed the face of your biggest crush looking at you .
" OMG Y/N ERLING IS LOOKING AT YOU !!! " Your friend scream at you again shaking you this time .
" No he doesn't . " You said with a red face .
" OMG Y/N THERE IS A VIDEO ON TWITTER . YOU ARE ERLING'S CRUSH . " Your friend said to you while looking at her phone screen .
Soon the game started .
Manchester City won against Chelsea and Ofcourse Erling scored the goal .
Everyone was celebrating .
Even you .
You left the stadium . Your friend went home with an other guy and left you alone . You didn't brought your car with you .
" I miss my Benz now . " You said to yourself while looking down walking to the parking session and then head out , when suddenly you heard laughs and voices .
" Oi Y/N how are you ? Did you liked the game ? You know Erling scored a goal . " Jack said to you while you saw Erling Haaland himself for the first time behing him .
When Jack started walking towars you , Erling went behind him and in a matters of seconds they were both right in front of you .
You and Erling were both looking at each other .
Didn't say a word .
" Erling has a really big crush on you Y/N and by your looks you seem to have too . I'll leave you both to it . " Jack said proud of himself and then walked away , leaving you both looking at each other .
" Your face is really red . " Erling said quietly while looking down at you.
" Your really tall . " You too said guietly while looking up at him .
When you two realished what you both told one another you started laughing .
" Can I have your number ? " Erling asked you smiling .
" Ofcourse . "
" Do you have a ride home ? I can take you if you want . " He told you .
That night were he drove you home , you had your first date . It was a long drive and you got to know some things about each other .
" Will I see you again ? " He asked you when you reached your house .
" We can go out tomorrow for dinner . Is it okay with you ? " You asked him with a smile .
" Yes it is . " He answered and you gave him a kiss on the cheek .
After that you thanked him again and got out .
You were both sitting in a park near your apartment , eating burger's and drinking Ice Tea .
" Are you sure you should be eating those things ? " You askeh him once again .
" No but I'm not gonna tell anyone and neither do you . " He answered and kissed your cheek smiling .
You were both dating for a couple of months and things have been great .
You loved him , but you were really afraid telling him .
" I am gonna delete my Instagram account . " Erling said defeated . " Everyone keeps calling me a simp and Jack encourages them . " He added and you laughed .
God . . . how much he loved you . Your smile , your eyes , your laugh .
" I know it's only been a while , but I think I love you . I really do . " He confessed and you could sense that he was worried that you might not share the same feelings .
But you interrupted his thoughts .
" I think I am in love with you too . I mean I know it's only been two months , but we are both happy and we are having a great time . We don't have to be anxious about it right ? " You said looking him in the eyes .
Suddenly you started kissing .
You didn't even know how you ended up in your apartment .
Erling holding your hands beside your head , your legs spread out for him , slowly sliding in and out of you .
All you could think about was him .
Only him .
The way he was giving you so much pleasure , but at the same time he was so soft with you .
Leaving kisses and hickeys on your neck and your collarbone's .
Holding each other like your entire life's depended on it .
Him kissing you like the worls was ending .
But the way his hips found yours in every thrust made you see oblivion .
You could feel him twitching everytime a soft moan escaped your mouth .
When he was close he left your hands and wrapped them beneath your back and your head embracing you in a thigh and warm hug .
Your hands found their way into his hair .
You were close too . He could feel you squeezing him everytime he reached a certain spot .
After a couple of minutes he bottomed out .
You reacher your high .
Both feeling high .
He didn't let you go for a second that night .
Holding each other , laughing , telling stories , having sex again , kissing .
And when the morning sun made it's appearance , you finally fell asleep .
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julianalvarez9 · 1 year
wish you the best / john stones
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part of the "broken by desire to be heavenly sent" series, can be read as an stand-alone.
mentions of: confusing relationship, friends to strangers to lovers, single dad!john, lily stones (oc), rúben dias and jack grealish, winning the epl (after the chelsea game), alcohol and the consumption of.
wc: 2.4k.
author's note: this is not proofread bc if i read it all over again i'll delete it all. turned to fluff at the last minute bc i broke my heart writing the first half. feedback is appreciated <333
summary: life was supposed to keep you two together, until his signing to city and, thus, his move to manchester, made it all fall down. right person, wrong time, some could say. or can they mend it, years down the line?
"i'll miss knowin' what you're thinkin' and hearin' how your day has been"
the fallout had been unexpected.
life had become inexplicably hectic for the both of you. ever since john signed to manchester city, thus moving away from your good old barnsley, and you started college, it had become harder and harder to find time for each other. and it's not like you didn't want to: there was nothing you wanted more than to see your best friend again, to be in his arms, to bask in his sunshine-like presence. but it seemed like the time was never right.
it would have been a lie to say you two were just friends, when you were way more. it just didn't have any specific title yet. it was all so new, at least for you two: your families had seen it from a mile away, and couldn't be more happy about it. you knew he was it for you, just as you were it for him. but maybe, that's the problem with friendships that have the potential to evolve into something more. if it goes wrong, you lose the one who you could talk about how your day has been, the only one capable of picking up the pieces when life gets too rough, the one who knows how to paint a smile on your face.
it's the dark side of the moon, as some would say. 
if it goes wrong, you don't only lose a potential lover, but a friend.
"i barely see y/n anymore…" john's mum pointed, doubtful, one sunday evening when her son and her were sharing some tea. janet didn't miss the way john shifted uncomfortably in his seat, which seemed to be too small now for his 6 foot frame. "something happened between you two?". and even if he tried to answer truthfully, he truly didn't know. to him, it felt like one moment you were there, by his side, always cheering him on, and the next, when he turned to look for you, you were gone. "wish i knew, mum".
"do you think you can tell me everything, darling? but leave out every part about him"
your family and his were always close.
at first, it was a blessing: you two had grown ever closer because of it, and you were invited to any event held in the stones household, just as he -and his family- was invited to yours. the nights where both your families enjoyed together were your favorites: from the food, to the table games, to spending so much quality time together.
soon enough, though, it turned out to be a nightmare.
your absence when john came back to visit was loud. your cheerful laugh and vibrant presence were missing, and janet, john's mum, couldn't help but notice that, coincidentally, you disappeared when he came back.
everything felt wrong for john. even getting into his house when he came back from training, absolutely drenched from the rain that just didn't stop coming, didn't make him feel better. he realized that the only place where he really wanted to be was home; but, not his place, rather, his childhood home. so he did what he knew best: get back in the car and drive there, no matter the pouring rain outside or that he would need to be back in just a couple hours to continue with his routine.
"oh, you just missed y/n!" was the first thing his mother said to him when she opened the door. she must have recognised his car pulling up, because he hadn't warned them before his arrival. "she was here just a couple hours ago," janet said, untangling her arms from around his son, and now focusing on his deflated face. "what is it, darling? did you hear the news?".
he frowned at that, a clear question sign painted on his face. "what news?".
his mom looked around for answers, clearly uncomfortable after facing the reality that you and him must have fallen out pretty bad if you weren't telling him such drastic changes. "i'm so sorry, i thought she had told you before… i'm so sorry, honey…" she tried to mend, but it was to no avail. john wouldn't let it go without knowing what the news concerning you was, and his frown only increased when his older sister walked into the room. 
"she's moving to LA, got someone waiting for her there apparently" jenny announced, and it felt like a gut punch. he tried to fake a smile, show everyone around how happy he was that you were achieving your dreams, since you always told him you wanted to go to the US. the part of you having someone there waiting for you, though, was his problem; just when he, finally, had realized what was missing in his life was you, now you were the one leaving.
"right now you're probably by the ocean, while i'm still out here in the rain. with every day that passes by since we've spoken it's like glasgow gets further from LA"
john couldn't help but feel stuck.
it had been three years since he had seen you last, and still, he couldn't avoid the what ifs. what if he had brought you with him to manchester in the first place, what if he had confessed what he truly felt for you sooner, instead of letting it float in the air. he knew there was something special; there was no other way of describing it. john wished he did more, before it was too late. he felt like, apart from his football career, which was going great,  nothing had gone his way. he tried to mend his broken heart with shallow relationships which never went far. and the one that did, left him even more heartbroken, and in charge of an eighteen month little girl that was a carbon copy of him, which he loved dearly.
but still, every little good thing that happened, he found himself thinking about sharing them with you. you, who he only saw on social media when you dared to post a snippet about your life across the atlantic ocean. you, who never responded to any of his text, or messages to make casual conversation, apart from the automatic 'happy birthday!' wishes.
"well, i can't help but notice you seem happier than ever now"
social media was never a place he liked to spend his time on. his instagram profile only contained pictures of matches and was used solely for his job; couldn't be farther away from jack, who seemed to post absolutely everything he did, or even rúben, his best mate, with his classic "thirst trap photos" -as jack had joked once- that only gained him laughs amongst the team. but he always had someone for the parties to attend, or the events held by the club, so it must be working, thought john.
he didn't want to admit how many hours he spent there now, scrolling through your profile, waiting for you to post something. it was weird to only see you across a screen now, after years and years of being almost glued together. it was weird seeing you smile that same grin that only he could get out of you, how your eyes crinkled up how they did when john made a joke that made you fold in half. these memories seemed a lifetime away now, and john wondered if you, sometimes, remembered him, or if it was just all in his head.
maybe you had meant more to him than he meant to you.
maybe that's why it was so easy to leave the place you two called home, without even talking to him in the first place. but again, he had left you to go to manchester. so, did you really owe him something? you didn’t think so.
"i wanna say i miss the green in your eyes, and when i said we could be friends, guess i lied"
seeing his daughter grow into the prettiest little girl was the absolute joy of john’s life: nothing could top that. not even the possibility of man city winning the treble, or you returning unexpectedly onto his life one good saturday morning.
he hates that he knows exactly who's the one that pronounced his name without needing to turn around, but still, he can't doesn't seem to have the strength to actually face you. it's not until you place your ever so soft hand on his shoulder, that he turns, as he fakes surprise. "y/n, is it really you?". he feels dumb even saying it, because of course it is.
seeing you again was strange for john. it felt like you were a completely different person. but still, something familiar ignited inside of him, and he hates to know that you've still got that effect on him. but seeing john after all these years was strange to you, too. seeing the little girl hanging on his hips, even more. "hello to you too, little one, what’s your name?" you ask, in the sweetest voice you can conjure, and john has to remind himself to breathe deep.
“lily” you can hear her say, although it sounds muffled by the man’s hoodie, due to her hiding her face away on his neck, shyly. her dad runs his big hand back and forth on her little back, in a reassuring way, while whispering in her hair, “she’s daddy’s old friend from back home, you don’t have to be nervous around her, pretty girl”.
you smile at her when she peeps with her little eyes back to see you, and you can help but admire her soft, green eyes. they never failed to remind him of yours, so gentle and loving, but that’s not something you needed to know. that he saw you in her, more than he saw her biological mother. he’s not even sure if that’s the truth, anyways, or what his brain tricks him to think. unknowingly to him, you’re wondering about the little girl’s mom, too. she’s the carbon copy of john, so he’s for sure her father, but you can’t help but wonder where her mum is, when there’s not a trace of the woman, at least, not at john’s side.
your thoughts are interrupted by your old friend’s familiar voice. "do you, are you…?" john didn't have the words for what he needed to say. he wanted to ask if you were back for good, but the words escaped. "back?” you complete, as if you had never lost the ability to read into his mind, no matter the time that has passed or the distance that keep you apart all this time.
"i wanna say i wish that you never left, but instead i only wish you the best".
john felt like his heart could jump out of his chest.
it wasn't just the rush of adrenaline after entering the pitch on the minute 57, or the ball he had practically saved from getting to the back of the net, which would have been the equalizer for chelsea. it was, rather, for a certain message he got before the match started.
wish you the best today, john! you’ll kill it xx
the fans invading the pitch after the final whistle, and thus, the obtention of the fifth premier league won by the blue team, made the task of looking for you in the stands just a little bit harder. he knew where his family was -in his box at the etihad, as they always were when they came to see him-, but they didn’t know whether if you had joined them, or if you were on your own. or if you were even at the stadium. 
“mate, you just won the premier league for the fifth time, three times in a row. where is your head?”. and rúben was right; john was checking his phone nonstop, clearing up his notifications if the message didn’t have your name on it. “yeah, you’re right. i’m waiting for a friend to tell me if she’s here or not”. jack chimes in once he hears the female pronoun. “why don’t we get to the pitch then, johnny boy?” he says, as he helps his friends with a glass full of a dark liquid that john quickly recognizes as rum and coke once the alcohol hits his throat, and it's the liquid courage he needs to make his way outside with the rest of his teammates.
soon enough, after they are given their medals, and the trophy’s lifted, the family members are allowed to get onto the pitch, to celebrate their loved ones. at first, john’s a bit disoriented, not being able to see his family on the usual spot, but his worries vanish when he feels a gentle tug on his shorts, and he lowers his gaze to see lily smiling widely at him. 
he lifts the little girl effortlessly, like she weighed less than a feather. “were you looking for someone, daddy?” lily asks with her sweet, little voice, and john has to wipe away the little voice screaming your name from his mind. it’s not the first time you’re not here, but it is the first time you’re in the country, which explains why he’s so bummed out about you not being by his side, once again. “just for you, princess,” he says, and it isn’t a lie, but it isn’t the whole truth, either. “did you run over here on your own? where is your grandma?”.
the little girl giggles mischievously at the same time john sees his mum, and he grins. but his smile only gets bigger when he thinks he’s able to see you, right by his mom’s side, like the old times. john isn't quite sure it isn't a part of his imagination: his desire to see you again, wearing his man city jersey, conjuring your figure at the etihad. but your smile is so big, he doesn't think his brain could be able to pull off such a beautiful sight. and then, when you're close enough, his arm locks around your waist, drawing you in, and all is complete. still, he needs to make sure, muttering a small "you're here" on your hair when he gives you a side hug, that you melt into completely. 
"well, had to come cheer for the best player on the pitch, no?” you say, while patting his back lovingly, although he doesn’t let you go. he remains holding lily with his left arm, who is too interested in watching how moonchester and moonbeam, the two city mascots, run around the pitch causing havoc. “five for number 5. you're the best, john!” you gush, and his cheeks turn a soft pink, so he looks to the floor in an attempt at hiding his lovesick stare. "well, this one is the most special to me" he confesses, and whether he means it due to how man city snatched the lead in the final stint of games to win the league, or due to your familiar presence by his side, it doesn’t matter. the look you give confirms that you know what john means, like you always did, and that you feel the same.
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footballffbarbiex · 1 month
Good morning :) I'm trying to get back into writing so I thought I'd give you a little update where I am. I'm currently finishing my patreon requests so that's one section ticked off and I forgot how good some of these are 😩
In terms of those requests we have:
Antoine Griezmann - her teasing of his comparisons to Charles Leclerc leads to sex like no other and he's determined to make sure he's never compared in her mind again.
Dominik Szoboszlai - learning Scouse is different to learning English but she's there to help him learn - fluff
Dušan Vlahović - he's always been open about his sexuality and what he likes in bed but what he's not expecting is to enjoy no longer being in control.
Jack Grealish - she's the Man City women's GK. being plus sized, she thought friendship is the only thing Jack would want or need from her, but when they're forced into the same facilities, the needs always come out.
Leon Goretzka - her team kicked Leon's out of the champions league. when he refuses to let it slide, he's going to have to take matters into his own hands.
Mats Hummels - they're in the same book club. he's insufferable and he knows it. bookworms to lovers.
Mikel Arteta - lads locker room talk about squirting leads Mikel on a mission to separate the fiction from reality.
Paulo Dybala - they've been away from each other for far too long and the meeting between the sheets is needed - if they can make it that far
Rodrigo De Paul - he buys her new lingerie and though he's fantasised about seeing her in it, he now can't wait to take it off her
Rodrigo Riquelme - she's the teams SM manager and they've been hooking up secretly. a quick one before training wouldn't hurt….would it?
I think we have a good mix of players to read and so these will be posted one a week until they've all been uploaded - please note these will not be coming here.
Then I will work on the series, and a few more normal request one shots. If you've got the teaser link, you'll be able to check how it's going. The first of the series I'll be completing is the next few chapters of So....Teach Me.
A few non requests I'll be working on is the Devil!Domi fic, and a switch around where she's the devil and a player will give anything if it means he gets his career to take off. I'm just trying to think who I want this player to be.
I'm also going to write a self indulgent mini series about the Atletico Madrid boys which will be smutty. I'm thinking Anto, De Paul, Jan, Correa, Gimenez, Hermoso, Llorente and possibly Riquelme. Thoughts?
Anyway, that's enough of a writing update, I hope you're all ok and hopefully I'll be bringing something to your screens soon that you'll enjoy :)
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Written In The Photos - Social Media Series
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decided to take a little break from writing (I will still be writing after this, don’t worry!) but I didn’t want to leave you guys without content so I present the Written In The Photos series. each driver/player has a song and their post is inspired by said song :) I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed making it <3 // special thank you to my bestie @themandaloriansdiaries for all her help with song choices and all the cracked out convos we had to put it together. 
Carlos Sainz Jr - Smooth Operator by Sade
late nights, jet leg and messed up sleep schedules lead to words spoken which would normally be kept to themselves. 
Jack Grealish - Hot Girl Summer by Meg Thee Stallion 
party after party, Jack seems to be spotted with the same girl over and over again.
Lewis Hamilton - Loveeeeeee Song by Rihanna and Future 
he’s sick and tired of seeing you in private, he wants the world to know you’re his. 
Sergio Ramos - Way 2 Sexy by Drake 
working for a footballer isn’t easy, it’s even harder when everyone thinks you’re dating. ( footballer x pr manager)
Max Verstappen  - Can We Still Friends by Tyler, The Creator
even the best of the friends can have falling outs, especially when you’re on opposites side of the track.  (teammate/rival!reader)
Andy Robertson - I’m Still In Love With You by Sean Paul ft. Sasha and Jeremy Harding
so many years apart and you’re still in love with the same guy you’ve always been in love with.
Lance Stroll - Stuck With You by Ariana Grande 
every relationship goes sour, except for the one you had with a certain brown eyed boy. 
Pato O’Ward -  Sunday Candy by Nico Segal 
snapshots of love and life with the love of your life.
Jude Bellingham - P Power by Gunna ft Drake  
young and in love, you two find yourselves making headlines more often than not. 
Sebastian Vettel - Promiscuous by Nelly Furtado and Timberland 
can’t keep his hands off you and can’t keep the flirty comments away. (redbull seb) 
Kylian Mbappe  -  Hotel Room Service by Pitbull 
secrets unravel when you’re caught together in spain.  
Jenson Button - Money by Cardi B 
diamonds are a girl’s best friend after all (sugar daddy!jenson)
Ruben Dias - Golden Hour by JVKE 
you supported him through it all, it only made sense you were the one there in the end. 
George Russell - London Boy by Taylor Swift 
grey weather is a bit of a downer, unless you have someone by your side. 
Bukayo Saka - Star Boy by The Weeknd
proud, proud, proud; you showed everyone just how proud you really were. 
Mick Schumacher - Dark Red by Steve Lacy 
he only has eyes for one girl and it’s the one girl he wasn’t supposed to be looking at. (vettel!reader)
Neymar Jr - Tití Me Preguntó by Bad Bunny 
he promised to change, you were stupid enough to believe him but people never really change do they?
Lando Norris - Young, Dumb and Broke by Khalid 
regret makes people do crazy things. 
John Stones - I Wanna Dance With Somebody by Whitney Houston 
your husband winning the treble calls for celebration and you two finally get the night out you deserve. 
Esteban Ocon - Sure Thing by Miguel 
attached at the hip; the sunshine to his rain. you were everything to him. 
Erling Haaland - Sunday Mornings by Maroon 5
sunday mornings were a bit of a tradition for you, everyone notices when the pattern changes.
Pierre Gasly - Creepin’ by The Weeknd 
loyalty runs both ways, until it doesn’t anymore but nothing ever really changes, does it?
Virgil Van Dijk - Let ‘Em Know by Bryson Tiller 
some things never change, no matter how much you try. 
Fernando Alonso - I’m Still Standing by Elton John 
looking up and looking down, it never felt so right. 
Jordan Henderson - If I Ain’t Got You by Alicia Keys 
with your 10th anniversary around the corner, you both get a bit in your feels.
Charles Leclerc - A Sunday Kind Of Love by Etta James 
races, weddings and races again; sundays hold a special place in his heart. 
Trent Alexander Arnold - One Kiss by Dua Lipa
all it took was one kiss and the floodgates were opened. 
Daniel Ricciardo - Woo by Rihanna
monaco is good to those who are good to it, especially those who win. every winner deserves a prize worthy of a king.
Christian Pulisic - Unforgettable by French Montana and Swae Lee
the star player and the ex girlfriend of his closest teammate are spotted together; you’re too unforgettable.
Kostas Tsimikas - Boyfriend by Ariana Grande and Social House
you were his until you weren't, but then you were again. the two of you tangled in the sheets and in a web of confusion; were you or were you not?
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hendolish · 2 months
England NT Fic Recs ♡
never know where to start for a pairing or you're new to england nt rpf? here's a shameless collection of my favourite fics to give you a head start 🫶🏻 ———
Jack Grealish/Jordan Henderson
melt by inlovewithnight (8k)
soulmate au where you feel everything your soulmate does and can't bear being too far away from each other. they're just so at ease and in love with each other in this. probably my favourite hendolish fic! <3
About as subtle as an earthquake, I know by Lizz_88 (Bluejay00) (68k)
jack's a stripper, jordan's himself. so much more than what it says on the tin! all the characters are super complex and it takes a lot of work for these two to get together (with no shortage of lap dances and smut along the way) <3
Calm Before The Storm by preachingdoll (6k)
post-euro 2020 heartbreak jack needs a bit of help coping. jordan's there to offer a helping hand... the smut and dirty talk is 10/10
best worst behaviour by Bellelaide (25k)
kind of a hendolish classic, jordan puts bratty jack in his place.
John Stones/Jordan Pickford
Sun City AU by Bellelaide (series, 40k)
honestly one of my favourite fics ever, let alone footie-wise. jordan's on a very british all-inclusive holiday at a hotel where john works. the vibes are just immaculate, you can visualise everything so clearly and there's so much depth to their characters!
Ice Melts by Bellelaide (7k)
enemies to lovers kinda? john doesn't think much of jordan before the 2018 wc but the further they get in the tournament, the closer they become. amazing characterisation and banter as always.
Helping Hand by slatkomore (14k)
with john's career ended abruptly by an injury, he turns to coaching instead and soon becomes the england u19s manager where he meets the goalkeeper coach, jordan pickford...
your world cup or mine? by Bellelaide (15k)
john goes to sleep at the 2022 wc and wakes up back in 2018 where he and jordan aren't together and barely friends. such an interesting concept and dynamic!
Jack Grealish/John Stones
The Things We Did and Didn't Do by InTheFicOfIt (series, 104k)
john and jack sleep together in the aftermath of the euros, the following fic explores everything that comes after, including jack moving to man city and their friends finding out. i'm never usually tempted by this pairing but this fic is so damn good! it's written so wonderfully and there's so much of it- i couldn't put it down!
Ben white/Aaron Ramsdale
happy together by foxholecourts (1k)
this fic perfectly encapsulates their vibe for me. the back and forth between the two of them is just delightful and exactly how i imagine them to be together, but it's also as equally sappy! i love these two idiots sm <3
watching you watching me by foxholecourts (2k)
ben likes to be watched... 10/10 benaaron characterisation from this author as always.
sweettalker by Anonymous (5k)
smut with a lot of dirty talk about the other arsenal lads. ben is very complex in this- an interesting take on their relationship!
I’m Not In Love by ceraunophilex (1k)
aaron falls in love immediately, ben slowly warms to him. short and sweet.
Jordan Henderson/Trent Alexander-Arnold
Shake Me Into the Night by orphan_account (17k)
always hits me right in the feels. based around liverpool winning the champions league, the writing is so detailed and amazing!!
Jude Bellingham/Reece James
the sun and the rainfall by ohsusie (series, 6k)
jude asks reece about some of the rumours surrounding him to help him broach a sensitive topic of his own. reece gives him some guidence. they're so sweet in this!
Dele Alli/Eric Dier
In This World Of Ours by dierdele (53k)
the classic deledier best friends to lovers 2018 world cup get-together fic. you can't beat it, literally so cute oml.
Marcus Rashford/Jesse Lingard
both your hands in the holes of my sweater by yvenger (jjjat3am) (3k)
this one is so much fun hehe, the ~2018 man u squad if they were a sunday league team where jesse's very confident and marcus has a huge crush on him. love the inner dialogue so, so much. ending is super cute!!
i can feel that body shake by princessrosberg (3k)
an england nt night out leads to them getting together and their first time! jesse and marcus characterisations are on point, esp the way they talk to each other <3
Harry Kane/Gareth Southgate
All Good Things... by orphan_account (12k)
their established relationship is so cute in this! post-2018 wc and preparing for the euros, england team banter is perfect.
wished by orphan_account (23k)
gareth is harry's p.e teacher at school. listen… no comment... there's a reason it's the most kudos-ed southkane fic
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pedrislefttoe · 4 months
-`✮´- ᝰ.⋆˙ ✶ .ᐟ
who do you write for?
griezmann, pedri, gavi, szoboszlai, joao felix, joao cancelo, neymar, messi, ronaldo, hector fort (no smut for him as he is still a minor), marc guiu, jude bellingham, pulisic, mason mount, vini jr, fermin lopez, ben chilwell, taa, sergio ramos, jack grealish, lamine yamal (no smut as he is still a minor), ruben dias, julian alvarez, romeo beckham and any other players or people that get requested !!
-`✮´- ᝰ.⋆˙ ✶ .ᐟ
what do you write?
smut, fluff, angst, anything that's requested as long as it doesn't make me uncomfortable.
-`✮´- ᝰ.⋆˙ ✶ .ᐟ
disclaimers and rules !!
minors plz dni !!
(due to some of the mature content that i write)
please do not repost or plagiarize my writing on other websites nor claim them as yours.
-`✮´- ᝰ.⋆˙ ✶ .ᐟ
masterlist , tags
-`✮´- ᝰ.⋆˙ ✶ .ᐟ
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Paris - A miniseries Jamie Tartt x F/Reader
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Hi, babies I was inspired to write this mini-series because honestly, I was looking for Jamie Tartt smut and couldn't find any I was desperate. Then saw this post by @yungbludz expressing exactly how I felt. So took matters into my own hands. This is one of 3 installments leading up to you guessed it smut! Jamie Tartt, baby girl I’m sorry for what I’m gonna put you through in this series. I love you I promise.
Warnings for this chapter: So many swear words I’m sorry I belong on a sailors ship with my mouth most of the time, Adultery!, honestly dickhead boyfriend, I DON’T THINK THE READER SHOULD BE FEELING THIS OKAY SHE’S BEEN MANIPULATED INTO FEELING THIS! Rugby players? The sun. The media. Jack Grealish (yep he gets his own warning), talking of sex. No use of name or y/n. *Iain Stirling impression* A relationship hits the rocks.
Context: Okay so the reader is currently dating Sebastian Love a fake rugby player I’ve made. Very much inspired by that episode of Ted Lasso where Keeley and Ted have that article scare. Also, any political stances are jokes. This chapter is really short sorry. Seb is a dick.
"What the fuck?!" Sebastian yells as he slams our front door open, okay mate we get it you're a rugby player but please don't break the only entrance to our home. This could be a reaction to a bad practice or something has gone down, either way, this will come back onto me and will not end pretty.
"You alright?" I ask as he storms into the room to stand directly facing me with only the crappy coffee-stained table separating us. Stupid question, regretted asking it almost instantly but words are said and you can't rewrite them just because later on you wish it'd been something different. His eyes are so big and bright right now and not in like the way they usually are, almost doll-like in nature little shimmer, no now there was no little shimmer, no light to be seen at all in those soulless eyes. 
"You tell me. Huh? Tell me all about your new little boyfriend." His fucking teammates I swear to god they know not to wind him up it will end badly and he’ll believe it. 
"What’s happened, Seb? Tell me. You can’t come in here yelling at me, accusing me of cheating so use your words. Who would I possibly be cheating on you with?” God, I sound a bit patronising, he is a grown man, not a child.
“Okay gonna play dumb then? Let me give you a hint. Footballer, messy hair, talks like a twat.” He counts these adjectives on his fingers. Oh, surely he’s not talking about.
“I ain’t fucking Jack Grealish!” Ain’t even met the man, he is on the list though, gotta thing for footballers who I’ll never have a chance with.
“Jamie Tartt,” I BEG YOUR PARDON? Oh god, he knows I don’t know how he knows but he knows that Jamie tried to kiss me 3 months ago. I’m gonna die alone this is him breaking it off, he’s only just moved in 2 weeks ago.
“I ain’t fucking him either! You need to stop listening to guys on your team y’know they’re doing it to wind you up.” 
“Explain this then.” He dramatically slams down a newspaper with the front page displaying the headline ‘SEBASTIAN'S LOVE NOW JAMIE’S TARTT’ This is the Sun. Aka one of the most biased shithole of a paper. I say these exact words to him. “Oh so you’re calling me stupid now are you?” I don’t like this. This isn’t a comfortable feeling. I want him to leave. “You gonna say anything bitch?”
“Get out.” My voice is barely above a whisper.
“What?” His voice is the polar opposite of mine, ear drum bursting, heartbreaking.
"I said get out. If you want to choose to believe this newspaper instead of your actual girlfriend then I choose to kick you out."
"But I live here." Hah, not for long.
"For like 2 weeks, you haven't even got to help out with rent yet so really you have no jurisdiction here" Big word for me. "So get out or I won't hesitate to call the sun up and say so much worse." I redact my comment earlier he is a child as he storms out with a pout on his face and a huff. "I'll drop your stuff off on Friday." A little wave goodbye and a door slam later and I am on the sofa shell shocked.
He was a dick. Like damn, I stayed with him for 2 and a half years and he's only just moved in? That was a red flag. I just feel stupid for delaying it this long and letting this be the final straw.
Tonight. Who needs a man when I can read porn and drink wine.
6 glasses of wine and a message from Jamie Tartt reading ‘Drinks tonight?’ later and well you’ll have to wait to hear the rest.
Holy crap I did it, I know its short but this is just a buildup to the good shit. And what fanfic of mine would it be if it didn’t relate just the tiniest bit back to Taylor Swift. Well I hope to see you again when I update next which will hopefully be Friday! Glad you read. If you have any critics or stuff you think would be cool to add either comment of dm me I want as many minds on this as possible. 
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judeslove · 6 months
— searching: judeslove on tumblr 🤍
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my masterlist
how to request/rules
my most recent work: don’t go - jude bellingham
about me !🤍 — i like football (played it for over 4 years) — my favourite players are; jude bellingham, kylian mbappe, jack grealish, robert lewandowski, thomas müller, marcus rashford, vinicius jr and many more — my favourite team is real madrid <33 — i also really love animals, mostly cats and dogs — i enjoy writing but i don’t really like reading (except fanfics cause they just hit different) — i don’t do smuts !!! — i‘m 17
requests are CLOSED 💋
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💌 judeslove on tumblr.
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new-berry · 8 days
I feel like it’s done … no one should be subjected to my angst! I mean my angst at writing this. It’s not that sad. (I don’t guarantee is not a little sad) I’m quite pleased with the idea and actually want to do it justice! (I’m being over dramatic. If I was a dog right now I would be being a husky. )
So have some other fic recs I should have included last time :)
Mind the warnings. Frank /Anthony.
(Everyone is very quiet, after).
VVD /Joao Felix
(Possible futures. Possible new ways for Joao to screw up)
Mind the warnings. VVD / Jordan Jack Grealish
If you think “not sure I can read something with those tags” then please don’t. But it’s not… this was quite devastating and it’s not the tags it’s the despair of the world building. If you have ever wondered what would happen if fanfic troupes were played straight it’s this. When I read this I was reminded of the poem below.
There are charms
that forestall harm.
The house bristles
with opportunities
for stasis: refolding
the linens along
their creases, keeping
the spoons and chairs
in their right places.
Nobody needs to
witness one's exquisite
care with the napkins
for the napkins
to have been the act
that made the fact
unhappen. Linen by Kay Ryan
Kun/Messi. Wow. A wow fic.
(In the desert no one can remember your name. Except Leo. Leo remembers who you are.)
Let’s end this with some porn. Good old discovery of kinks porn. Real Madrid is (meh) on our minds Sergio Ramos / Iker Casillas and some PWP.
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whorekneecentral · 1 year
please write “wanna come over and fuck?” and “I've never wanted to fuck anyone so badly in my life” promts about grealish 💙💙💙💙
maybe it could be something like: you both start flirting thru insta and one day that he’s staying at an hotel (because he has a match in your town) and his teammates aren’t there, he decides to message you
fwb jack ?? abso-fucking-lutely + switched it to jack going to her place // prompts: “wanna come over and fuck?” & “I've never wanted to fuck anyone so badly in my life” 
The phone buzzes on the counter, you glance over to see the message notification. You wipe your hands off on your shorts and grab the phone. Jack’s name popped up on the screen, a message from him. 
You just assumed he wanted to chat or take you out, you two had been chatting for a while now, he had replied to your story one day and it just spiralled into you giving him your number. He was in town for a match this weekend. The message catches you off guard, you can’t help laugh when you see it. 
From Jack: wanna come over and fuck? 
It’s normal for Jack to be bold, it’s just how he was but you didn’t expect that message tonight. 
To Jack: don’t you have roommates? 
From Jack: they’re out 
To Jack: come round mine. 
Less than 15 minutes pass by before there’s a knock on your front door so you walk over to let Jack in. “Hi you,” you smile at him and the man pulls you into a hug. 
“Hi,” his arm is over your shoulder, the two of you walking back to the living room. “Where are the guys?” You look over at him, sitting on the couch. 
Jack had come over before, he’s made himself comfortable in your space hence why he was in the kitchen, tumbling through the fridge for the bottle of juice he knows you have buried in there. 
“No clue, I was taking a nap when they left.” He moves some things around in the fridge, “no juice?” 
“I’ve got to go grocery shopping.” You shrug, switching on the tv. He joins you on the couch, the two of you snuggled in against each other as you watch whatever movie was playing. 
Jack’s hands were wandering, tracing shapes over your shoulder, his other hand resting on your thigh. “Jack,” you look over at him and he's got his typically cheeky smile on his face. 
“What?” He asks, pulling you to sit on his lap. 
“You are so exhausting,” you joke, arms over his shoulders when you lean into him. The man smiles, pulling you closer to kiss you. “You’re coming to the game though, right?” 
“Yeah, you know Erling had asked me if I was coming to watch him,” Jack rolls his eyes at the mention of his teammate, flipping you two over so you were flat on your back. 
“Awh,” your hand rests on Jack’s cheek, “is someone jealous ?” 
“Don’t start,” his hand slips between the two of you, his fingers working their way under your shorts. “You and your attitude,” he mumbles into your shoulder, kissing down to your chest, down your sternum. 
“I've never wanted to fuck anyone so badly in my life.” He looks up at you from between your legs.
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