happybird16 · 2 years
"Mhmm," you murmur, eyes fluttering before falling closed yet again.
Something is softly brushing along the top of your head, smoothing small circles into your scalp through your hair. The touch is featherlight. Warm. Fingers?
Heavy with sleep, your eyes slide open yet again. Your brain feels foggy, limbs heavy with lassitude. You nuzzle into your pillow, the white fabric oddly stiff against your cheek. It's firm too. Wait? Why is it warm?
"W-what?" voice rough from sleep, you move to rise. The hand softly caressing your hair slides down to your neck, the fingers applying light pressure.
"Shh," comes a soft voice, warm fingers sliding up to caress your cheek. "It's fine, it's just me."
"Levi?" As fingers shift to wind through the hair along the back of your head, you twist to meet his silvery gaze. His eyes are heavy lidded, gaze raw with open fondness.
"I fell asleep.." Right in his lap it seems, your nose nuzzled into the crease on his thigh. You spy the book you'd been reading, carefully closed with a bright red book mark poking out from the slightly yellowed pages. It rests on the small coffee table not far from the couch. You don't even remember where you'd left off.
"No shit," Levi huffs softly, petting along the top of your head. "You've been snoring in my lap for an hour."
"I don't snore.." you insist half-heartedly.
"You do," Levi smirks down at you, his thumb sliding along your cheek in a quick swipe. "Sounds like a fucking barn animal. Your heads as heavy as one too."
"Lies," you laugh. Your whole body still feels heavy, limbs distant and hazy along your senses. You yawn, chin pressing into the firm muscle of his thigh. "I'm sorry I feel asleep."
The two of you have been taking turns reading though an old book. A romance, soft and sweet. A surprising choice for such a stern man, though he'd made the excuse that he was inexperienced with reading more flowery vocabulary.
Levi shrugs, "You were exhausted. We'll pick up where we left off tomorrow."
Yawning again, you nuzzle your cheek back into his thigh. You're so warm, resting heavily on his lap. Eyes still heavy, the fingers softly petting into your hair threaten to make you drift off again. Your mind already feels hazy.
"Go back to sleep," Levi hums. His gaze seems dark, the fondness in his eyes shadowed by exhaustion. You can see the telling tightness in the corners of his eyes. The slight wrinkle of his brow as he smiles softly down at you. He's tired too.
You're so comfy and warm. Your limbs feels so heavy you don't know if you could move if you wanted to. You don't want to get up but... "Do you want to go to bed?"
"Mhmm," he hums, fingers sliding across your forehead. They smooth though your loose bangs, softly dragging along your forehead to tuck the strands behind your ear. The very tip of your ear buzzes warm even after his fingertips leave. "Not tonight."
He doesn't want to move either. The thought fills your chest with a surge of warmth. "Thought my head was too heavy?"
"Shush," he replies with a small huff, eyes warm.
Eyes threatening to flutter closed, you nuzzle your cheek into his thigh. He smells nice too. He always does. Rich and clean, masculine without the salty tang of sweat. Like soap, standard issue sandalwood, and something rich and uniquely Levi. With a large inhale, you let the smell bathe your already heavy senses.
Eyes barely open, just a tired sliver, you meet his gaze again. With a wide yawn, you eye his slackened posture. The usual ramrod stiffness of his spine has given way to a light slouch, a rare sight. Levi yawns right back in response. "Are you gunna sleep too?"
"If the snoring animal doesn't keep me up," he responds. Your lips twist somewhere between a pout and a frown and Levi smirks down at you again. Fingertips massaging soothing circles into your scalp, his voice is assuredly soft, "I'll try."
"Promise?" You worry about his sleeping habits. He's been doing better lately, especially since you gotten together, but it's obvious he struggles. You aren't exactly sure how much he sleeps, how often he fakes it for your comfort. Maybe this position will work better, perhaps the familiarity of sitting up will help him.
Having your head in his lap, his fingers thoughtlessly playing with your hair, seems to have relaxed him at least.
Levi only hums in response. "Close your eyes." The words are firm yet featherlight, the fingers winding along your scalp applying slightly more pressure. They urge you to twist your head away, your gaze falling from his heavy lidded dark silver, nose pressing into the crease of his thighs again.
Eyes falling closed, bathed in his rich, comforting scent, heavy and encompassed in warmth, Levi pets long smooth lines along the top of your head. Soft, he urges, "Just sleep for me, Love. I'll try. I promise."
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happybird16 · 2 years
No warnings, just soft fluffy and a bit silly
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Blinking awake, the sight of him is the first thing to greet you. Through sleep laden eyes, you drink in the inky blackness of his hair spilling across the white expanse of the pillow. His eyes are pinched tight, the little wrinkle appearing between his brows even now. You watch fondly as his eyelids twitch, his mouth drooping open to release soft puffs of air.
He's quiet even in his sleep, you think, wiggling your thigh where it's pressed between his. At your back, his fingers curl, unconsciously pulling you forward with the slightest grasp. Beneath the covers, his leg shifts up, knee bending to curl the limb further over your own. It makes your heart stutter, a breath catching high in your throat.
This is the first time he's slept over. When you'd invited him, you'd more or less figured you wouldn't actually get to see him sleep. You're well aware of his insomnia, not to mention his tendency to sleep sitting upright in his office chair. Which can't be good for his back. You were afraid that the mattress might be too soft for him, especially after years and years of hard wooden lines digging into his back.
He hasn't slept on his back since he was a child, much less on a bed. You understand, though. They must have been hard to come by growing up, not to mention the vulnerability associated with actually sleeping. It's easy to end up dead if you're caught unaware.
When you'd asked him if he wanted to sleep over, it'd been hesitant. Expecting rejection. However, Levi had just nodded his head, acquiescing like it wasn't even an issue. He'd joined you on the mattress easily. Almost as if he'd been thinking about asking himself.
You're drawn out of your thoughts by a slight hum. Levi is murmuring nonsensically, lips curling around random vowels. His head shifts, his nose nuzzling into the pillow. I guess he's not completely quiet.
Curling an arm around his back, you slide your fingers up along the notches of his spine, stopping at the wide expanse of his shoulder blade. It warms your heart that he's allowed himself this. That he trusts you enough to be completely vulnerable in your presence. It means the world to you, seeing him relaxed and heavy with deep sleep.
I wonder how long he's been asleep? Just glancing out the window, you can see that it's definitely already morning. Soft rays of sunlight filter through the glass, casting the room in an early morning light. You hope he didn't toss and turn for too long. You know he usually only gets a handful of hours a night, sometimes even skipping days. This feels different though. A deep rest.
Surprised he's a side sleeper. You sort of imagined he'd sleep flat on his back, with his arms crossed like an upset parent. Shifting your hand up, your fingers cautiously cup the soft skin of his cheek. This morning is full of surprises it seems. You'd thought he'd be up before you, possibly already gone for his morning run. You'd also thought he'd be a light sleeper, jolting awake at the slightest movement or sound.
He leans into your touch, eyes fluttering. His mouth shifts, that quiet sleepy tone of his muttering out another string of nonsense. You think you hear the word 'tea' somewhere in there. It makes you smile. Cute.
Your fingers gently skim across his features, lightly trailing up along the curve of his cheek bone and under his eye. Such pretty eyelashes. He hums, leaning into your touch, mouth dropping open further. You can feel the soft puffs of his breath dusting your face, warm and even. You think you can even spot a small bit of drool, wet and shiny beside the plumpness of his bottom lip. Adorable.
Trailing your fingers up, you cup the side of his head, reveling in the softness of his hair. Threading your fingers through the stands, it always amazes you just how thick and silky his hair is.
At the touch, his features shift, eyes pinching tight as he snorts softly. Finally, his eyes flutter open, heavy lidded and swollen from sleep. Smacking his lips, his head presses even harder into your touch. The fingers at your back tighten, the arm wrapped behind you tugging you in closer. Your name falls from his lips, his voice rough and deep from sleep, "Morning."
"Morning sleepyhead," you smile, skimming your thumb along the plump curve of his cheek.
He yawns, long and heavy, back arching in a light stretch. "Watchin' me?" The words are half formed as he nuzzles his nose back into the pillow.
"Only for a bit." His legs shift against yours, the arm at your back pulling you in. Now his chest is pressed to yours, you can feel every rise and fall. "You're really cute when you sleep."
"Mhmm," Levi protests, shifting forward to press his forehead into your collarbone. "Creepy."
"Like you wouldn't have done the same." Levi's never been so cuddly and clingy with you before. It's like he doesn't want to get up and face the day. Doesn't want to leave the comforting warmth of your embrace. You hum, threading your fingers back into his hair to pet it softly. You can feel his eyelids flutter in response, the long lashes dusting softly against your collarbone.
"Did you know you talk in your sleep?" This close, you think you can feel the soft lull of his heart beat resonating from his chest and into yours. You press your nose into the hair at the top of his head. It smells of pure soap, fresh from the shower you'd taken together shortly before bed. In fact, his hair is still somewhat cool to the touch. Not quite wet, but somewhat damp.
"What?" Levi barks, pulling his face up to meet your gaze. His eyes are suddenly alert, shining more blue than silver in the soft morning light. He pouts, "No I don't."
"Yeah," you nearly laugh at how awake he suddenly seems. The startled, unhappy down turn to his lips is so unbelievably cute. "You were muttering something about tea."
"You're lying," he insists, squinting warily. "I didn't say shit."
Smirking, you tease, "Got something you wanna keep secret?" Pinching his chin between two of your fingers, you rub your thumb along the curve of his bottom lip. "I think you drooled a little too."
His eyes crinkle, the blue shining with equal parts mirth and worry. "I get nightmares...," he starts, tongue peaking out to wet his lips. His knee nudges softly into yours, the fingers at your shoulder drum softly. "The things i've seen.. you don't need to hear any of that."
"I get nightmares too," you murmur softly, worming a free hand between your chests to press it over his heart. The beat is steady, his skin warm even in the soothing cocoon of your bedsheets. "Don't worry too much about that. You slept well last night, right?"
He mimics your gesture, pressing a palm to the middle of your chest to feel the steady beat of your heart. "Yeah.."
"It seemed deep," you note, eyes drifting from his to access his face. His cheeks seem a tad less gaunt, more plump and youthful. The tired bags beneath his eyes are still there, but they're definitely lighter, less of a dark purple. "I'm glad."
He hums softly, glancing towards the window. "It's late, we should get up."
"I wish we could just stay here all day." Given that he's still wrapped around you, he probably feels the same. He's cuddling you like a small kitten desperate for warmth.
He frowns, humming softly. The silver of his eyes shines softly. The fingers over your heart circle softly into your skin. He sounds mournful, "If only."
"It's the weekend. We could.." Morning drills are only held on weekdays. Weekends are considered 'personal time' though most scouts don't bother leaving base. Smirking, your knee surges up, pressing high between his thighs. "We technically don't have to leave bed all day."
In response to your coy gesture, Levi's eyes darken to a deep steely blue, like the sky before a devastating storm. Suddenly, he surges upward, rising to hover over you. Pressing his weight into you, fingers skim enticingly along your hip and up across your belly. "And what would we do, then? Hmm?"
You laugh.
You can't help it. Sheer mirth bubbles up in your chest, escaping helplessly in loud peeling laughter. "Hah ha ha!" You throw your head back into the pillow, "Oh my fucking god!"
"The fuck?" Levi startles, jerking back to glare at you. "The fuck are you laughing about?"
"Y-you," you fight to speak through laughter. Tears build in the corners of your vision. It's a fight to blink them away, trails leaking from the corners of your eyes. "Y-your hair!!"
Levi shakes his head in confusion, "What?"
His hair is an absolute mess. It's wavy, something you've never seen before. Normally it's pin straight. Large chunks of it are betraying his part, rising up in a gravity defying mess. One large mass along the back of his head bounces as he moves. The sight nearly sends you into hysterics.
God. It hurts. You can't remember the last time you laughed this hard. Your belly aches but you can't stop the loud chortles.
"Shut the fuck up!" Levi curses. You can't see him anymore, tears welling to blur your vision. You feel him rise, the mattress shifting as he leaves your embrace. You don't even miss the loss, wrapping your arms around your belly to fight the painful laughter.
"You- haha -your hair! It bounced!" You laugh and laugh and laugh. Your neighbors can probably hear it, given how loudly it's bouncing against the walls of your small room. "It's so messy!"
Peeling your eyes open, you spot Levi frowning into the small mirror on your dresser. He's desperately trying to fix his part and pat down the gravity defying pieces of his hair. "The fuck did you do?”
The sight only revives your laughter, sharp peels filling the air again. God it's hard to breathe, your belly hurts in such a good welcome pain. "It-," you struggle out in a joyous wheeze. Given how he usually sleeps, his hair is probably never messed up. "It's from sleeping on a mattress with wet hair!"
"Keep laughing. See if I ever stay over again." Lips curving downward in a deep pout, Levi continues to pat uselessly at his hair. You can even spot his nose wrinkling adorable in frustration. Running his fingers through the strands, some of it settles down into a somewhat correct position -still very wavy- but one large spot along the back springs right back up.
Wheezing, you struggle to regain your composure, if only a little bit. Sitting up, you note that the wayward tuft looks like a single, fluffy cat ear, the fur stark black to match the inkiness of his hair. He shakes his head again, and it wobbles, causing your chest to seize with another round of riotous laughter -this time strained in a poor attempt to be quiet.
You can't help the slight giggle in your voice when you speak, "Sit here," you pat the mattress by your side, "and bring my comb in the dresser there. I'll fix it."
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happybird16 · 2 years
"Come here," Levi urges, hand tugging at your shoulder.
You sniffle, struggling to swallow around the huge knot in your throat. Eyes puffy and swollen, his form is blurry through your watery lashes. You let out a small sob, snot and tears flowing to coat your cheeks and neck. "Levi," you struggle, voice cracking with wetness. It's almost impossible to stifle your sobs, "I..I'm.. they..-"
It makes you feel so much worse, how much of a mess you always become when your upset. You must be such a disgusting sight, all mucus and tears. You can feel the tacky, stickiness of it coating your swollen skin. It's always so difficult to speak, when your crying like this, your lips feel swollen and slow, "Levi.. I.."
The fingers digging into your shoulder become more urgent. In your watery gaze, you can see the seriousness of Levi's expression. The concerned downturn of his brows, worry lines blooming as his mouth downturns in a frown. "Come here," he urges again, more firmly this time.
Tugging you forward, his grip on you shifts, fingers threading into the hair along the back of your head. The touch is soft, urgent yet comforting. For some reason it only makes you soft harder, fat tears welling in your eyes.
He's trying to pull your head to his chest, that much is obvious. Through swollen eyes, you note the stark white material of his shirt, firmly pressed and wrinkle free. The mess coating your face and neck suddenly feels so much thicker, cool and wet in the rooms soft breeze. You struggle weakly against his tugging, "B-but -I'm a mess.. I'll-"
"I don't give a shit," He barks sternly, pulling you forward the final few inches. "I-," Levi struggles, taking a deep breath, his chest rising and falling right below your ear. You can hear his heart throb, a steady yet quickened beat. "I'm not good at this comforting shit," he hisses softly, "but -just let me try."
"Okay," you murmur, lips brushing the soft cotton of his shirt. Your face heats, warmed by his intention. The hand at the back of your head hesitates, before slowly smoothing through your hair. Again and again, Levi pets along the back of your head, holding you firm against his beating heart.
"Just let it out," he murmurs softly, chin brushing the top of your head. You sniffle, tears still welling up in the corners of your eyes, but you already feel so much better. Nuzzling into his chest, you cry, letting the last echoes of your sobs escape freely. Levi says nothing for several minutes, fingers steadily smoothing circles through your hair and into your scalp.
He's warm, the weight of his other arm a solid mass along your back. Even through your clogged nose, you can smell him. He smells like warmth and spicy masculinity, like fancy black tea and fresh linens. The combination fills your senses with every sniffle, calming your frantic mild to nothing but a dull buzz. As tears slowly leak along your cheeks, you let all of your weight sink into him. Lip trembling, you fight a whimper, voice cracking, "It's my fault.."
"No it fucking isn't," Levi cuts you off firmly. Despite the phrasing, the words are soft. The fingers stop petting along the back of your head, shifting to pull you hard to the firmness of his chest. "They shouldn't treat you like that. It's really fucking shitty of them.
"But," you warble, mind filling with lingering self doubts.
"No." The petting begins again, his fingertips dragging long lines from the top of your head to the base of your scalp. "You don't deserve to be treated like that. You-" the rumble of his voice below your ear cuts off as Levi struggles for words. "You- You're- Fuck!" Breath your head, his chest heaves as he draws in one long breath. "You're good. And strong. And so fucking kind, okay? You always try with people, even if they treat you like shit." You feel him press a quick kiss to the top of your head, before shifting and pressing a cheek into your hair. He huffs a laugh, fingers threading through your hair, "Just look at us."
You smile, nodding your head into his shirt. "We did have sort of a rough beginning," you laugh softly. Sniffling again, you close your eyes tight as a fresh wave of tears stings along the edges. "Still, it hurts. It's always hurts."
"I know. I know," Levi hums softly, pressing another kiss to your hair. "And you always deal with this alone. I know you do. With everything." The hand at your back pats your shoulder softly. "Look -fuck- I know i'm not great at this, but just come to me from now on. You don't need to deal with this shit by yourself anymore."
"Okay," you respond truthfully, shoulders heaving in a relieved sigh. "I will, I promise." You nuzzle your nose into his shirt, now soaked with salty tears. "And you are good at this."
"That's a fucking lie," he huffs, warm breath dusting the top of your head. "You've stopped crying," he notes softly, "A-are you feeling better now?"
"No," you smile, faking a sniffle. Pressing your head further into the warmth of his firm chest, you decide you want to stay here, just for a bit longer. "Not yet."
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happybird16 · 2 years
With your head nuzzled into his chest, you lie heavy on top of him, dozing for a long warm nap. At your back, Levi's fingers work perfectly firm, meaningless loops into your spine. Soothing you thoughtlessly, Levi reads while you doze, the book propped up against your shoulder. Occasionally, in the depths of your light slumber, something presses against your hair or dusts against your forehead, light as a butterflies wings. A kiss, soft and slightly wet, the lips curved up in a content tilt.
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happybird16 · 2 years
This was supposed to be a short drabble about how Levi’s hair feels against your palm, but…
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, Creampie, cockwarming, anal fingering, reader is female bodied but no pronouns are mentioned, Levi is a bit dommy, Levi discovers he likes a bit of pain..
Length: 3k-ish
Note: @levmada you are entirely to blame lmao, making me think of how Levi’s undercut would feel.
The majority of this was written during my lunch break ksndmfkskms. Unbetaed, please tell me if you see any glaring spelling or grammar issues!! Comments and reblogs are appreciated!!
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As Levi comes down, panting hot breaths into your ear, still quivering from the strength of his orgasm, eyes wet from overstimulation, you swipe your hands in a long smooth stroke along his spine. Sticky and wet with sweat, he shudders against you.
You love these moments. As good and adventurous as the sex always is, it’s always the moments after that fill your heart with warmth. Resting heavily against one another, warm skin against warm skin, bare and excessively intimate. Gasping, breathing each other's air, exchanging kisses, slow and lazy as your limbs fill with lead. Caressing each other, soft and slow, soothing one another, helping bring each other down from that high peak.
“Are you alright?” Levi breathes, gripping your hip softly. His voice is a little hoarse, rough from his previous fevered vocalizations. His grey eyes search yours, the lids heavy with lassitude.
“Yeah,” you croak, chest still heaving, just like his. Likewise, your throat feels just as raw, dry from and rough from pleasured screams. Truth be told, you're a little sore, but it’s a perfect sort of pain. A dull ache in your thighs that you revel in. “I should be asking you that.”
“M’ fine,” he murmurs softly, pressing a wet kiss to your shoulder. He’s so perfectly heavy, bleeding warmth into your form.
“Can we stay like this? Just for a bit? ‘Wanna feel you.” You want to soak in this moment, to feel his weight against you long after you’ve caught your breaths. If you had your way, this moment would last forever.
He’s still inside you, softened but still warm. You can feel the stickiness of your slick and his seed, warm against your walls. As he shifts, some leaks from your fluttering entrance. You don’t want him to leave.
“Mhmm,” Levi mumbles, wrapping an arm around your back to pull you to his chest. At your neck, his forehead nuzzles into your skin. “Just for a bit. We need to clean up.”
Levi sounds so tired, resting heavy on top of you with all his weight. Raising one hand, you wind your fingers into his hair. Cupping his neck softly, you press your nails into the prickly grit of his undercut, the short hairs scratchy against your fingertips.
You love caressing him there. The baby-hairs, freshly shaved tight to his sensitive neck, are almost soft, yet somehow sharp. Just dragging your fingers along the scratchy hairs brings a pleasant buzz to the back of your head, the sensation welling goosebumps along your spine.
Levi’s reactions are always beautiful, every time you do this. Eyes fluttering heavily, he always releases such cute little noises, soft gasps and quiet murmurs. He finds comfort in the touch- though he’ll never outwardly admit it, not even to you- often letting you smooth your fingers into his hair whenever you're cuddled up together on the couch. More often than not, he ends up falling asleep to the soft caress.
A hot and heavy mass on top of you, Levi is still trembling lightly, quaking with the echos of his release. Chest heaving, limbs quivering and eyes still distant and dazed, he’s still pulsing softly inside of you. At the soft touch, his breath catches -a cute little hitch deep in his throat- and he whimpers right in your ear. Without thought, he tilts his head, leaning into the caress.
“F-fuck,” he groans, right into your neck, suddenly so much heavier on top of you. You can feel the vibration of the deep rumble against your chest, the wetness lingering on his cheeks as he nuzzles into your pulse.
“You like that?” you ask, grazing the tips of your nails along the shorn hairs. Eyes fluttering, Levi shivers in response, his hips jolting up and into you thoughtlessly. “Is it nice?”
“Yeah,” he breathes out sharply, almost groaning, “Don’t stop.” Suddenly his soft and lazy caresses, one arm wrapped around your back to work soothing circles into your shoulder blades, the other softly caressing your hip, become firm grasps.
Blood still hot with lingering lust, skin still flush and over sensitive, the prickly sensation of your nails has him nearly delirious. All lingering lassitude has vanished in the wake of a heady surge of desire. Every part of him feels overly sensitive, the normally comforting sensation now painfully arousing. Already, Levi can feel himself throbbing, blood filling his recently spent cock.
Inside you, you can feel him thickening. The girth of him filling with blood to stretch and pulse against your walls once again. “Oh,” you gasp, fluttering around him as he thrusts into you with a sharp jab. “Already?”
Raising his head, Levi’s eyes scorch into yours, hot with urgent desire once again. Another sharp thrust, the sound filthy and slick from the mess of cum already between you, makes you gasp, nails digging hard into his scalp. Levi only groans, filling you with another jab, hips snapping against your own.
“You started it,” Levi pants, rising to hover over you so he can fill you with even harder thrusts. You’re gushing, overly sensitive from your recent peak, slick and seed oozing out to froth around the base of his cock, white and wet.
“Did I?” Was it his hair? But you’ve done that before and he’s never…
Loosening your grip on his scalp, you pull your nails away from his skin. Immediately, Levi hisses, raising the hand pulling at your hip to bring your nails back to his undercut. “Don’t stop.”
Is it the pain? Feeling him throb, hot and heavy against your pulsing walls, you dig your nails hard into his skin. Inside you, he almost lurches, eyes falling closed as he groans beautifully.
“F-fuck! Hah hahh! Again!” Levi pants, eyes pinched tight, his grip on you almost bruising. The last word is so high and airy it’s almost like a plea.
He sounds so desperate. Shifting your grip, you trail your nails into the gritty short hairs once again. This time, when his hips jolt with a loud moan, they twist, the head of his cock sliding perfectly against that spot deep within your walls.
Already, you can feel Levi leaking inside of you, gushing precum to join the mess already sloshing inside your cunt. Every thrust is achingly deep, hard enough that you have no doubt you’ll still feel him there tomorrow.
It’s a struggle to meet his thrusts. The slide of him, the fat tip of his head perfectly angled to brush against your g-spot, has you mindless, all but fucked out. Holding your hips, Levi aids your attempts, pulling you up and fucking into you with hard circles of his own. “Levi!” you whimper, hand almost falling free as the edges of your vision fills with stars.
“Don’t let go,” he grunts, leaning his head into the sharp bite of your nails. Raising a hand from pulling your hips to his, a thumb swirls at your clit. “Fuck you’re soaked.”
You're so wet that there’s barely any friction, the digit winding aching circles into your overly slick and puffy bud. “M’ sensitive,” you slur. The touch is almost painfully pleasurable.
“You can take it,” Levi grunts, winding quicker loops onto your puffy clit. “You always take me so well.”
Every hard thrust bounces you, his balls slapping heavily into your cleft. The sound is so loud, a sticky slosh that fills your mind with delirious fuzz and tightens the rapidly twisting knot in your belly. “S’good!”
“Yeah?” Levi asks with a breathy moan. “Can you cum again?”
“Mhmm,” you confirm, struggling to keep your eyes open and watch his face. You’ve cum so many times tonight, despite the excitement, you're still so tired and heavy.
“What was that?” Levi asks, pressing you hard into the mattress. “I want to hear you say it.”
“Y-yes,” you pant.
“Yes what?” Levi urges, thumb twisting hard on your clit. “Louder!”
“Y-,” you start, voice cracking, still raw from earlier. “Yes! I can cum!”
“Good girl,” Levi praises, groaning at your resulting flutter. “How are you still so fucking tight?”
Somehow, Levi feels even bigger than before, stretching you so wide it’s delicious. “M’ so full.”
“I came in you twice earlier. Think you can take another load?” Abandoning your clit, a finger prods teasingly at the pucker of your asshole, winding circles around the pink rim. “Or do you want me to put it here?”
You’re so soaked, even your ass is coated in slick cum. Prodding the tight picker, Levi presses a finger into your hole, right down to the first knuckle. It’s easy, the slick slide of it into your anus, and he thrusts it bit by bit right down to the knuckle.
“Levi, ahh! Ah f-fuck!” The stretch is so tight, so new and so good that you almost forget to breathe.
“Do you want that?” Levi grunts, silver eyes almost molten as he bears down on you. “Do you want me to fuck this tiny hole? Fill both of your holes with my cum?”
A second finger twists in easily, curling and pressing against your insides and stretching you so much. This time you do forget to breathe, quivering and whimpering until your lungs begin to burn. Filled with his cock and his fingers, it’s almost too much, the pleasure nearly aching.
You almost want that, to gush sticky white from both holes, but..
You bare down, clamping your walls hard around him, resulting in a strangled groan. “Don’t leave!”
Incensed, Levi’s thrusts slow to an aching crawl, his fingers still twisting and twirling, stretching your rim wide around his knuckles. “You want more cum in your pussy instead? Are you sure?”
“I can take it! I can take it!”
“Can you? Are you sure?” Hips tilting back, the head of him threatens to slip from your gummy grasp, catching at your rim. The fingers in your ass curl, his thumb rubbing tauntingly along the rim. “This hole feels needy too? It’s twitching, just begging me to spread you wide and fill it with my cock.”
“No! In! In!” Wrapping your legs around him, you clamp down hard to keep him in, just the tip slipping teasingly along your entrance. Nails digging back into his hair, you relish the immediate groan the rumbles through your torso, so deep you can feel it down to your toes. It’s a revelation, the way his eyes flutter, thighs shaking as he helplessly fills you back up without intention. You need to remember that…
“Another time then,” Levi decides with a dazed grunt. “In where? Say it!”
Using the harsh grip, you pull him forward to mash your mouth with his in a desperate kiss. It’s hard, wet and messy, all hot breath and lips, both of you groaning into each other's mouths. Slipping your tongue into the wet heat, when you slide his tongue with yours, you aren’t sure who it is that whimpers. “In my pussy! Please!”
Hips jolting into yours, they swirl in small circles as he fills you hard and fast once again. The angle is perfect, his pubic bone mashing deliciously against your aching clit. “Yeah? You want me to fill you up?”
You pant, chest heaving as you clench hard, gushing and trembling. “Please! I need it. I'm so close!”
“S-shit, I am too,” Levi groans, pressing his sweaty forehead to your shoulder. Thoughtlessly, you scrape your nails into his scalp, trying to bring him closer. Hot breath bathing your neck, the depth of his resulting groan makes you ache. “F-fuck, your going to be leaking bits on me for days.”
You're so close, you can taste the strength of it on the tip of your tongue. Already your thighs are shaking, your pussy fluttering nonstop, gushing with each anticipatory clench. Have you ever been this wet before?
Levi grunts, shifting his free hand to bend one of your legs up towards your chest. It’s so much tighter. He’s so much deeper, like this, bending you nearly in half, your knee right against your breast. It’s so good.
“Ah ah, Levi I-” Still, two fingers twist and writhe in your ass. It’s so much.
“Ahh hah,” Levi pants. “I can feel you clenching. Are you gonna cum for me?”
Desperate for something to ground you, claw into the fabric of the pillow behind your head. You can’t respond, not really, your tongue is too thick with pleasure. Instead, you scream, barely managing a rough attempt at his name, “Lee!”
“Cum,” he orders with a sharp bark, filling you to the hilt, his balls tightening. The fingers in your ass lunge deep and twist. “I want to feel it on my cock!”
With a wail, you fall helplessly over the sharp edge. Pulling taut, muscles stretched tight, you shudder and cum so hard your vision flickers white, ears ringing high and metallic. He watches as you ascend your peak, heated gaze drinking in the drop of your jaw, the twist of your brows. The scream you release is music to his ears, the sweetest of melodies.
Toes curling, one hand claws frantically at the pillow behind your head, tugging and stretching the soft fabric. The other claws as well, right where he wanted you to keep it, nails scratching hard into the short baby hairs of his undercut. Distantly, you worry about leaving marks, even making him bleed, the thought barely a glimmer as you drown in ecstasy.
Overwhelmed by the sharp pain of your nails along the back of his head, Levi follows right behind you. Groaning, deep and rumbling against your breast, his eyes roll back. Shuddering, mouth agape, he throbs, thrusting in deep and gushing into your cunt. The warm strings of his seed, splashing against your walls, sharpen the last echoes of your orgasm.
As you flutter the final echoes of your orgasm, struggling to gather the bits of your brain that seem to have melted out of your ears, Levi groans, collapsing bonelessly on top of you. Heavy and warm, his head rests on your breast as he gulps in air. When your hand finally falls away from his head, he sighs.
“W-” you start, struggling to catch your breath yourself. “W-what was that? You’ve never been so-” Aggressive? Feral? You aren’t sure what word to use, none of them feel exactly right.
You don’t need to think about it too long, Levi’s eyes sliding open, shimmering gray meeting your own. They’re tired, exhaustion crinkling the edges. As they trail along your face, worry lingers heavily in the gaze. Raising his head, he starts, “Was it too much? I-”
You can feel his apology, even before it spills from those kiss-swollen lips, so you interrupt, “No no, it was..” -fantastic, mind blowing- “It was good. Was it the pain?”
“Mhmm,” Levi grumbles, sighing heavily as he rests back onto the pillow of your breast. When he speaks next, his eyes barely open to look up at you, gifting you with the slimmest peak of warm silver. The hand at your hip shifts, caressing your side in one smooth stroke. “Maybe? I’m not sure.”
“We could explore it, if you’d like?” you ask, thoughtlessly reaching up to smooth your hand through his bangs. His hairs such a mess, his part barely visible in the sweaty mess of inky black strands.
Levi jerks away from your touch, his chin digging into your chest. “Watch it! Are you trying to kill me?”
“Hah!” you laugh, realizing what he thought you were attempting to do. Instead, you wrap your arms around his back, sliding your nails along his spine. “Can’t go again, old man?”
“Fuck off,” Levi grunts, the curse is softened by a huge yawn. “Three times is more than enough, didn’t you get your fill?”
You smile down at him, a filthy, salacious tilt of your lips, quirking your brows at his unintentional phrasing. Purposely fluttering around him, despite your exhaustion, you tease, “Have I?”
“Stop that,” Levi hisses softly, before huffing and nuzzling his cheek into your breast. The sight makes your heart ache. Rolling his eyes, he complains, “I can’t feel my legs.”
“A taste of your own medicine,” you tease with a soft smile. “Need me to carry you to the bathtub this time?”
“Just,” he yawns, eyes heavy, “just give me a minute. I’ll clean us up. You can bask or whatever the fuck it is you do.”
“Happily,” you hum, following his lead and closing your eyes. Just like before, you take your time enjoying the soft intimacy of post coital bliss. Reveling in the heave of his chest against your belly, the soft puff of his breath, moistening the skin of your chest. The weight of him, inside and out, soft inside and hard muscle lax, stretched out on top of you. Limp and heavy, not one ounce of his mass is held at bay for your supposed benefit.
Running you fingertips along his sweat soaked back, you enjoy the light twitch of his muscles. All the tension in his back, the weight he carries in his shoulders and spine, is long gone, leaving him limp and pleasantly soft. Even the scent of him, spicy and musky, fills your nose and feeds the pleasured buzz lulling your senses.
Eyes heavy, it’s difficult to peel them open and look down at the head on pillowed your breast, inky hair spilling across your skin, the stands a soft tickle. The sight makes your hand itch, aching to rise and caress him, to feel it against your palm once again, despite the heaviness in your limbs.
Wait. At some point during your basking, the hand trailing mindless circles into your side has fallen still, resting heavily on the mattress by your side. The rapid fall of his chest has steadied, as has your own, but his seems too steady. A deep, consistent lull -in, shoulders rising as his belly fills, brushing against your own, then out, stiffness bleeding away from his spine as he puffs out warm air to brush against your skin.
“Levi?” you call softly, confirming your suspicions. He’s fast asleep.
The sight fills your chest with unfettered warmth, something seizing high in your chest. He’s going to be so upset in the morning, you think, feeling the mess cooling between your thighs where you're still entwined. So much for cleaning us up.
You smooth back his bangs, drinking in his face. All of his features are lax and soft, his usual scowl giving away to soft cheeks and beautiful fluttering eyelashes. Lip quivering, he mumbles a bit when you gently caress the fine hairs of his undercut.
Tugging his right hand up from the mattress, you spin the band on his ring finger, the metal warm from his skin. It’s simple, plain silver, just wide enough to cover a third of the way to his first knuckle. You have a matching one, plain and simple, the band thinner on your own ring finger.
You can’t believe, after all these years, you're still discovering new things about him.
On top of you, Levi mumbles, goose bumps welling along his back as he shivers lightly. You smile as he presses further into your warm embrace, nuzzling his face between your breasts. Tugging what you can of the bed sheets up to cover his back, you wrap your arms around him, pressing a quick kiss to the top of his head. You hope you wake up just like this. “Goodnight, love.”
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happybird16 · 2 years
A quick little thing I wrote to make both of your days a bit better @leyyvi @levmada
Tw; period mention
Huddled up beneath the covers, you blink awake at the sound of a door creaking open. You’re warm, tangled up in a twisted mess of sheets. They’re sweaty, nearly soaked, but you can’t even summon the energy to care. Head pounding, tummy stabbing sharp jabs angrily along your insides, you don’t even want to move. It seems like too much work to even lift your head and open your eyes.
“How are you feeling?”
“Mhmmng,” you groan, burying your head into your cocoon of sheets.
“That bad huh,” Levi says with a sympathetic hum. “Do you want me to keep the lights off?”
“Yesss,” you hiss sharply. With how much your head is pounding, the light does nothing but sting.
You hear foot sleeps approach the bedside, sock coated feet a soft sound against the carpet. “Do you have your heating pad?”
“S’ cold,” you mumble, barely opening your eyes to see his approach. “Too much work to turn back on.”
Right by your side, Levi clicks his tongue. “It’s just a switch, here.” With a click, you can immediately feel the pad start to heat up again, already warm against your aching abdomen.
“Thanks,” you blink up at him, noticing that he’s still in his work clothes. A finely pressed suit, the tie hanging loose around his neck.
“Shouldn’t you be at work?” You don’t even want to attempt turning on your phone screen, the device sitting not far to the side of your bed. The blinding electronic light will no doubt sear into your already burning skull. It can’t be that far past noon, you weren’t dozing too long.
“I’m working from home for the rest of the day, Erwin can deal,” Levi explains evenly. That’s sweet. You can see worry in his silver eyes, the emotion deep and buried. It’s something only you can really spot, the sheer familiarity giving you a glimpse behind his stoic facade.
His eyes bounce around your face, his frown becoming a scowl as he drinks in your distress. Raising a hand, his palm cups the side of your face, the thumb smoothing softly along your cheek. “Are you still nauseous? Do you want me to get you something?”
“It’s better,” you admit truthfully. The nausea is always worse first thing in the morning, fading a bit as the day goes on. Why do you have to go through this every month?!?
“Hmm,” Levi hums, sliding his hand up your cheek and into your hair, lightly ruffling the strands at the top of your head. They’re sweaty, all of you is, but Levi doesn’t even comment on it. It should be embarrassing, to have made such a mess of your shared bed, but Levi’s more than used to it. Still, a searing heat lingers high along your cheek bones. Hopefully you haven’t leaked onto the bedsheets this time.
“How about something light to start? There’s some yogurt in the fridge?” Levi asks, his thumb smoothing into the salty line of a tear streak, left right below your right eye. You hadn’t even realized you’d actually cried earlier, when the cramps were particularly devastating.
“That sounds nice,” you hum, leaning into his warm palm. You almost don’t want him to walk away.
“I’ll get you some Advil too.”
You almost want to whimper as his touch falls away. Watching him twist on the balls of his feet, turning to walk away, makes your heart ache. Quickly rising to grab his arm, you ask, “Can you hold me when you get back?”
“Of course,” Levi confirms with a soft smile, patting the top of your head. “I picked up a pint of your favorite ice cream on the way home.”
“You’re so sweet,” you sigh, heart fluttering happily in your chest. It’s as if all the pain of today, of all week, is inconsequential. You don’t want to let go of his arm. “What did I ever do to deserve you?”
Levi clicks his tongue, his lips quivering in an embarrassed warble. “Just- just lie back down, I’ll be back with the pain meds.”
“And the ice cream?” At the thought of your favorite cool treat, your lingering nausea seems to have vanished. “with rainbow sprinkles?”
“Tch, no. You need some real nutrition first,” Levi corrects softly, finally pulling away from your clasp. Gripping your shoulder softly, he pushes you back down onto the mattress, fluffing up the pillow behind your head. Several of the twisted up sheets are thrown back over you. Just touching the sweat-soaked fabric, you can see his nose scrunch up in disgust. “The ice cream is for later. We’ll watch a movie together on the couch while the bedsheets are in the wash.”
Watching him leave the room, not so discreetly wiping a hand on his slacks, you laugh, despite the ache in your insides. “Typical.”
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happybird16 · 2 years
“S-shit,” you hiss, spine stiffening ramrod straight. Your shoulders push back into the mattress, fingernails clawing desperate red lines into his sweaty back.
“Yeah?” Levi pants wet into your neck. “Right there?” He's heavy above you, warm, every bit of bare sweat slicked skin pressed to your own. Another hard thrust leaves you gasping. He's so deep that the very tip of him mushes hard into your cervix.
Firm hands digging into the meat of your thighs, he has you practically bent in half. With your legs hiked up over his shoulders, he’s so much deeper. It makes his cock feel so much wider, the girth of him stretching your walls and rearranging your guts with every solid snap of his hips.
“Levi, F-fuck!”
“Shit,” Levi groans, throbbing inside you with the sound. His eyes flutter, teeth nipping sharp little knicks into your pulse. When he speaks, the warmth of his air dusts the cool wetness there. “You’re so fucking wet,” he groans, “You hear that, so filthy.”
The slick tackiness of skin on skin is lewd, arousing. The rapid beat only feeds the fuzziness flooding your senses, the tightness twisting your abdomen into a knot. “Lee -ah, fuck yes- ‘Vi, I’m close!”
“I -ah- can feel you clenching,” he hisses, shifting to swirl his hips in a smooth circle that has you seeing stars. “-so fucking tight- Are you going to cum around my cock?”
“Levi! Levi!” Stars filling your vision, you're so close. It's right there, you can practically taste it.
Levi presses you further into the mattress, bending you even further. Knees meeting your chest, it's so tight! Every thrust knocks all the breath from your lungs, leaving you clenching, quaking, so close…
Your toes curl..
“Tssss,” you hiss, sucking air between your teeth. “Ouch!”
Levi immediately stiffens, raising his head to search your face. “What's wrong? Did I hurt you?”
The concern burning though his gaze warms your heart. “I’m fine,” you hiss again, features betraying a wince. Levi’s silvery eyes immediately catch the pained clench in your brows, his mouth twisting down in a frown.
He pulls away, leaving you empty. You immediately miss the loss. “What is it?” he asks again.
“It -“ you hiss again as your legs are freed from his firm grip, bouncing softly onto the bedspread. “It's just a cramp, I'll be fine.”
“A cramp?” He asks, eyes drifting to your legs. You're holding one oddly, knee bent and muscle tense by his side as you fight the throbbing ache.
Stretching himself out to lie along your side, one warm hand carefully nurses the ache in your twitching thigh.
“I’m sorry I ruined the mood,” you pout. He's softened a bit, but he's still relatively hard, smearing a mess of warm slick against your hip.
You had been so close. He had been too, throbbing tellingly inside your walls. Such a shame..
Levi huffs a short laugh, eying the dispeased tilt of your lips. “It's fine.”
“We don't have to stop,” you raise a hand, wrapping your fingers around the shiny slick length of him.
The hand not soothing your ache quickly shifts to tighten around your wrist. “We can. It matters more to me that you're alright.”
Despite his words, he groans, eyes fluttering. A handful of firm strokes already has him thickening in your grasp, the head glistening with a pearl of white.
“I’m fine,” you wave him off -mostly truthfully. Already your thigh has stopped twinging, though it still feels tight and stiff. The soft circling of his digits into your muscle has done wonders. “We could try a different position?”
Silvery gaze accessing your features once again, he says, “If you’re sure.”
Firm hands quickly twist you over, so your back is flush against his chest. One hand slides between you and the mattress, wrapping around your waist, while the other continues to press softly into your thigh.
Behind you, you can feel his cock smear slickness between your cheeks. “Easy and slow,” he breathes against your neck, pressing a quick kiss to your nape. “Just like this.” He slides in easy, making your breath catch. “Tell me if anything hurts, alright?”
The hand at your belly presses down, pressing your walls down onto his cock. “Alright,” you squeak, as he slides in again with a hard, deep thrust.
Nice and slow. Sure..
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happybird16 · 2 years
Whenever you suck him off, Levi has to watch. Even as he's panting, dripping sweat, chest heaving and beautiful moans breaking free from his lips, he has to watch. Jaw lax, eyes barely cracked open -just a thin silver glimpse of his heated gaze- he can't help but drink you in as you tongue along his flushed tip. Reveling in the softness, the open want in your features as you eagerly swallow him whole. He fights against closing eyes, dreading sending the word into pitch blackness as his peak nears at every swipe of your tongue, every moan escaping your mouth and vibrating though his sensitive cock hurling him closer and closer to that crest. He wants to watch himself sink between those sweet lips, throbbing into your attentive warmth. He wants to watch you, beautiful and happy to please him. Impossible.
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happybird16 · 2 years
Despite their thickness, the rippling lines of densely packed muscle, Levi’s inner thighs are beyond sensitive. Just brushing your fingers along the skin, feeling all the curled little hairs littering the pale flesh, makes him gasp, goosebumps welling up to dust his skin as the muscle quivers beneath your touch.
You’re not even that high up, just inching your fingers in soft glides along the meat of his inner thigh, right below the edge of his conservative shorts. Lying beside him, the both of you are cuddled up on the couch -you spooning him- to watch a movie. The touch has him as distracted as you are. Shivering beneath your touch, Levi fights to hold himself together, visibly gritting his teeth and resolutely glaring at the glowing screen.
You don’t even know what movie is playing anymore, lost in the warmth of his soft skin, the gritty feel of the little hairs sprinkled about and the small little hitches of his breath. He groans, low and breathy, barely held in, as you wind your fingers up up up, beneath his shorts, where his skin is warmer and softer.
“Ahh,” Levi breaths softly, eyes fluttering as you approach his hard bulge, muscles tensing as he presses back into you. “I -ah-,” he starts, thighs widening, “-I thought you wanted to watch this?”
“Hmm,” you hum, fingers wandering up up up, swiping across the crease of his inner thigh to where the little hairs grow thicker and curlier. “Did I?”
“Fuck-” Levi gasps, reaching one hand back behind him to grasp your arm, jolting his hips back into yours. “Shit- you-” he struggles, gulping audibly, “-you said you wanted to watch something scary.”
“I did,” you confirm, circling your fingers around the base of him. He trims, obsessively in fact, but you love each of the wiry little hairs there, catching against your fingertips. Mouth watering, you can practically imagine the smell trapped there, masculine and rich but with a musty hint of the day’s sweat. Sliding your fingers back down to the quivering muscle of his thick thighs, you continue, “but now I want my mouth here.”
Swirling your fingers along the skin, you indicate the area with a light graze of your nails. He gasps with such a cute hitch of his breath, shuddering bodily back into you. “You’re so sensitive,” you murmur fondly, enjoying the way his skin jolts beneath your nails. “I wanna leave little bruises right here, so you can feel them all day long.”
“Shit-” Levi curses, throwing his head back into your shoulder. “Fucking-” the hand griping your arm becomes impossibly tight, his nails digging into your skin. Every delicious shudder and beautiful gasp only makes you more eager to taste his skin, to feel the sparse little hairs against your tongue. You want to worship his thighs, to render the solid strength of them limp and loose with nothing but your mouth, before even attempting to move further upward.
“That better be a promise,” Levi pants, raising onto an elbow to twist around and meet your mouth in a harsh kiss.
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happybird16 · 2 years
ifffff your asks/drabbles are open, can i ask how levi would take care of you while recovering from getting a tattoo? (you’ve gotten one before so hopefully u understand🥺?)
tw; blood mention, tw; tattooing
Thanks @levmada Gee!! I got too into it and did the whole event lmao. wasn't really sure how to frame this since it's a submission but we'll go with bullets points:
I always picture modern Levi with some tattoos. Something small to honor his mother or something from his time living on the streets. So this man knows about them. He knows the pain. He knows how to care for them, knows just how itchy and awkward the healing process can be afterwards.
If it's your first tattoo, or even if it's not, I think Levi would worry. He wouldn't show it too outwardly, but he's not sure exactly what your pain threshold is compared to his. He spends a couple days before hand casually tracing his eyes along your skin, following the thin blue lines of veins. He wonders, do you have thin skin? If it's going to be over a bone, he'd especially be worried about your pain.
He will be there. Especially if you're at all worried about the pain yourself. He'll call off of work if he needs to.
Nags you to eat well before hand and hydrate.
Levi trusts your judgement, so you picked the place you wanted yourself. You've heard good things, seen some gorgeous examples of their work online. Even so he may or may not have looked at their negative reviews, wary of any bad experiences or hygiene complains. The moment the two of you walk in for the appointment, his eyes are sweeping the place for the littlest hint of dirt. He will suggest you cancel at the first sign of any red flags. But, thankfully the coast is clear, which takes a bit of the weight off his shoulders.
He holds your hand during it. Obviously. You don't even need to reach out for him to ask. His thumb slowly rubs along the back of your hand, eyes locked to your face. You can squeeze him as hard as you need to.
It's your body, your decision, so Levi wouldn't mind at all if you have to expose yourself a bit for the tattoo. As long as you're comfortable with it -and he makes sure you are- he is. He will cover you with his jacket if you seem a bit hesitant or even chilly. That's the whole reason he brought it.
Levi isn't really much of a speaker when out in public, especially around strangers. He tends to be gruff and terse, side eyeing people more than anything. When the buzzing starts, the needle digging into your skin, and you whimper quietly, eyes squeezing shut, he struggles. It's a bit difficult for him to speak openly, the stranger right there and your pain building a huge ball of worry in his throat, but he tries to speak softly for you.
At first he tries to make jokes, little quips to try to get your mind off of it. A soft, "You look like your taking a shit." or "Didn't think you were such a baby."
As the pain gets worse, the needle running over already sore skin, you grimace right beneath his worried gaze. Forgetting the stranger completely, he coos softly, "You're doing so well. We're almost done, just a little bit more." And his grip on your hand becomes so achingly tight, outweighing your own pained clasp.
He remains calm, stoic as usual, but you can see the concern in his face. It's not anything that the artist could ever notice, something in the curve of his eyes, the tilt of his brow. It's something only you can notice because you've known him so long.
He talks and talks. In order to distract you, he goes on about his day, recalling for you all of the little stupid things his coworkers have done recently. He's said before that he's not a good story teller, but that's not true. The things he notices are simply different and you're drawn in by the little world he creates with his just voice.
He tells you about how Hange already has a chip in their new glasses. That they'd heard an odd noise coming from the ceiling of their office, assumed it was a squirrel, and had immediately gone on a quest to attempt to capture it. "It was a huge fat fucking raccoon. The freak wanted to keep it as an office pet. Moblit had to go to the fucking ER."
He tells you about the time Erwin had come to work with his shirt inside out, buttoned up and all. "He had a big meeting with the regional manager that day too. Good thing it was over Zoom or that prissy shit would've noticed." You laugh, imagining the giant blond flushed with embarrassment, "You didn't warn him?" "I did.. after."
It works. Just Levi keeping your attention, silvery gaze locked with your own, away from where the ink is painfully etching your skin, helps. You're so entranced by the soft melodic timber of his voice, his eyes sparkling as he speaks, the way his thumb lovingly caresses the back of your hand, that the time passes in the blink of an eye.
Afterwards, you're giddy. Full of so much adrenaline that you're borderline punch-drunk. Loopy even. Levi hovers behind you, guiding you out of the establishment with a hand on the small of your waist.
Even though he has a couple of tattoos himself, Levi knows he tends to react differently to things. His pain threshold is high, he never feels any common side affects. So, before you'd even officially made the appointment, he'd googled common after effects of getting a tattoo. He memorized the list of symptoms for tattoo flu. With one hand holding you steady, wary of you wobbling from a sudden bout of dizziness, he guides you into the passenger seat of his car.
This man is a natural caregiver. Having spent his childhood caring for his sickened mother, he's a natural at watching your face and predicting what you want or need. Just watching you, he can tell that you're off. He knows what is going to follow this energetic high.
As a surprise, he treats you to ice cream afterwards. Usually, there's a hard rule of no food in his car. Even carry-out has to be put in his trunk. But it's okay, "Just this time. You did well. You deserve it."
The adrenaline high doesn't last. Even with sugar rushing through your veins, a severe crash hits before you know it. You feel hot, heavy and achy. Exhausted, your eyes unbelievably heavy before you even make it home.
Levi diligently guides you onto the couch. You sink into it like you're planning on burrowing a hole into the soft cushions. Head lulled to the side, you blink and Levi is suddenly there, pushing a glass on water into your hands. He watches, making sure you drink all of it.
The two of you spend the rest of the day cuddling, his warm side against your own. He checks you for a fever a few times, diligently pressing a quick kiss to your forehead after. When you get chills, he pulls you in closer, tucking a thick blanket around your legs. He makes sure you eat another hearty meal again later, before bed, wary of the bit of blood loss you've had.
Aware of your fresh wound, Levi completely adjusts how he sleeps, switching positions so that you can rest on your uninjured side. He does it automatically, without even a thought. He's more than happy to have you sleeping on top of him, if that's more comfortable for you.
Once the tattoo is less tender, he personally takes care of it. The first time is overly cautious, his fingers gentle, wary of causing you any more pain. It's actually something he enjoys, rubbing his fingers along the new marking, spreading cool lotion onto your skin. It's unerringly intimate, a closeness he's never experienced before. He loves it. He loves you.
The two of you unfortunately can't spend all of your time together, with obligations of work/school. The day after, Levi sends a quick "How are you feeling?" It's short. Cute. Especially since he's barely made it two hours into the day before sending it. Adorable. But you could never tell him that. He texts you every couple of hours to make sure you're putting lotion on the aching skin. Twice a day simply isn't good enough for him. It's kind of silly, he seems more aware of the tattoo than you are.
Once it starts to scab, aching and itching constantly, Levi only gets more insistent on caring for you. He worriedly traces the skin with his fingers, slick with lotion, feeling for any odd bumps or swells. It's unnecessary, this tattoo has probably been the most cared for in history.
It becomes a ritual at night, as you lay together beneath the bedsheets, limbs heavy with lassitude. He traces the lines, slowly dragging his fingertips across your skin long after the wound is fully healed. Sometimes, when your lingering in the haziness between sleep and awake, you catch him doing it with a soft smile on his lips.
Maybe you can convince him to get one next? So you can take care of him next time?
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happybird16 · 2 years
Sometimes, when Levi cums, he sighs. A soft, quiet sound that you can barely hear despite how close you are, sweaty skin to sweaty skin. But you can feel it, the way his body shudders into yours. His grip on you tightens, holding you close, as if you’re something unerringly precious. All of his muscles go lax and limp, the tightness of his shoulders falling away. It’s as if, for a just a moment as he spills into you, all the weight he’s carried for years and years has suddenly disappeared, leaving him heavy and drowsy. Those times, how ever rare they may be, are your favorite.
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happybird16 · 2 years
Levi with a hot upper thigh tattoo
He’s wearing a pair of those short 3-5 inch inseam shorts that strain and stench against his muscled thighs every time he bends over, gifting you with just a peek of mysterious dark ink against pale rippling skin. You can see the just edges curving around his brawny, veiny inner thigh, but every glimpse only makes your mouth water more.
The edges tempt you every time he bends over. You want to make him bend over for you again and again, gifting you with glimpses of more dark ink and muscled skin, bits of color marking his flesh as the cloth rides up up up around his thick thigh. Your fingers burn, almost itch, to run against his soft skin and pull that soft bit of fabric up and discover just discover what lies beneath.
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happybird16 · 2 years
Every Thanksgiving Levi's like, "I'm not cooking shit this year". And then he makes like 20 different kinds of potatoes, eight different vegetable sides, and a pie.
i just had this immediate VISION of Hange showing up at Levi's door step with a bunch of raw ingredients.
Levi absolutely hates thanksgiving- don't let him rant about it- and even more severely detests shopping anywhere around the week of. He stocks up ahead of time, I think he could even be the type to meal prep. Anyways, all his meals for most of November are planned out so he can avoid the hectic, sweaty, disgusting and loud crowds. If he has to get something -say milk for example- he's definitely getting it delivered. there's no way he's setting foot in a supermarket. He does the same thing around Christmas.
So he has no actual plans for thanksgiving. It's just a day off of work, some time to stay home and catch up on the cleaning -not that it's really necessary- maybe read a nice book. His prepped meal sits in the fridge, ready to microwave come dinner.
Then -Ring Ring Ring- he's woken by his doorbell going off again and again and again. Someone is clearly jamming their finger into the buzzer over and over again at a frantic and relentless pace. At 3-fucking-am no less.
It's Hange, he should have known just by how they rang. So much for his peaceful day off. He was actually gonna to try to sleep in for once...
"Levi," Hange greets excitedly, with far too much energy for the hour. Their arms are full, bursting with bags of potatoes -sweet, russet, white, Levi can't even spot all of them. Wait, how were they even ringing the doorbell?!? Levi can't even fully question it, barely getting a 'What the fuck are you here for?' out before Hange excitedly shoves their haul into his arms.
To their side, Hange has even more bags. Levi notices gallons of milk, the red caps barely peaking out from the grey plastic. A bag of herbs -sage, rosemary, parsley, fresh and ready to be chopped. Butter, sour cream, cheese, cans of corn and cranberry sauce, boxes of stuffing, all stacked up along the wall beside his door. And a huge ass turkey, already thawed and staining his doorstep with wetness.
Standing in his pajamas in the door way, Levi can only watch, jaw dropped, as Hange begins gathering rustling plastic bags in their hands. They only manage to wrangle a small portion of the massive amount of food, the plastic packed heavily along their arms and digging hard into the fabric of their sweater. As they push past him, Levi spits, "What the fuck are you doing?"
"It's Thanksgiving!" Hange says, as if that explains everything. "Come on! Help me bring these into the kitchen!"
"Help you?" he asks, lingering in the doorway. They plop the bags down onto the floor of his kitchen, before making their way back for another load. Levi feels at a loss, something not connecting properly as he follows behind the energetic menace. Did he miss a text? He's so tired and groggy, he fights a yawn as he glares at the brunette. "Why are you here? What's going on?"
The next load of groceries lands hard on his kitchen floor, metal cans clacking against the tile even through the bags. "I got a bunch of pie fillings too! I didn't get any of the premade crusts though, I know you don't like them.. you have flour right?"
"Yes, wait-" Levi starts thoughtlessly, finally freeing his arms of potatoes. There's so many the bags completely cover the dark marble of the center island. "-No. No. I'm not cooking Thanksgiving. Absolutely not. You can't just show up and expect-"
"Come ooon, Levi!" Hange throws their arm over his shoulder, swinging him playfully. "You're the best cook and you barely ever use this big kitchen! You even have a double oven! Please!!"
"No, absolutely not!" Levi eyes the mess already littering his perfectly spotless kitchen. "You know my thoughts on Thanksgiving, plus it's just going to be a huge fucking mess."
"Please? It's all already here! I even paid for everything! It'll be Friendsgiving!" Hange wines, with an exaggerated pout. "I'm sure Erwin will help you clean up afterwards! That man can't not help out."
"Erwin's coming?"
"Yeah!!" they confirm with an excited bounce. Exuberantly slapping his shoulder, Hange finally releases him, making their way back towards the still open front door. "That coworker of yours too! I invited them," they chime over their shoulder. Wagging their eyebrows, a wolf ish grin graces their lips, "It's about time you brought them over to your place, you talk about them non-stop."
"I do not," Levi spits, rolling his eyes. You're coming over here?!? Tonight? In a few hours even? Already, his head buzzes with frantic, excited static. There's an odd, heavy presence building in his belly, an excited yet nervous fluttering that has his fingers shaking. It's a struggle to keep the jitteriness from becoming obvious as he crouches to pick up bag after bag by Hange's side.
"So you're in then?" they ask, grinning wide and eager. It's a victorious smirk, one of a predator reveling in their kill. "Gunna cook for your sweetheart?"
Yes. Yes he is. Heart hammering in his chest, he can't wait to see the look on your face when you try his twice baked potatoes. Or his pie. It's sort of a shame he didn't get a chance to brine the turkey.. He has to go all out. He has to make everything perfect and delicious, especially if your eating it...
Just imagining you humming in satisfaction..
Levi's ears burn, and Hange's grin only worsens at his blush. "Shut the fuck up!" Lining his arms with painful stinging plastic handles, the two of them manage to gather the rest in one trip. Nearly all of the white tile is coated with plastic bags, the giant turkey sitting in the corner against the grey steel of his fridge. "Didn't you get too much food?"
"Well... we are feeding twelve people.."
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happybird16 · 2 years
In the mornings, Levi’s skin tastes of soap. Fresh and powdery, soft in your tongue, the flesh plump and pink from his morning shower.
In the evenings, he tastes of sweat. Pungent and tangy, the dark rich taste fills your mouth and flooding your senses as you quest along his neck and torso. Below, the wiry hairs are even richer, the scent a mix of sweat and masculine musk, of boiling liquid desire leaking out for you and only you. As you tongue along his head, theres a sharp salty tang right at that little hole there, alongside high pitched gasps and whines for your ears only.
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happybird16 · 2 years
Armin's fiscal rationality tends to take a dive during cons (it's the Nerd!Armin in him) so Levi has to supervise him carefully to make sure he doesn't spend too much on merch. If they lose him in artist's alley, it's game over.
Levi secretly likes one really obscure anime, so whenever he’s convinced (re: begged) to supervise them at cons, he’s always on the look out for any merch. It’s rare he ever sees any, most of the time he just spends the entire time dragging Eren away from the video gaming competitions and keeping Mikasa from blowing hundreds of dollars on katanas.
Armin’s particularly challenging, because when he knows he’s going to go to a big con he SAVES. The boy squirrels away money like a penny pincher and will spend far more than is financially safe for him to do so in the blink of an eye. Keychains, stickers, prints, anything and everything for all of the many MANY animes he loves.
Wandering the busy, packed crowd of Artist alley, Levi finally, finally spots merch from his beloved anime. He can’t help himself, zoning in on the artist’s table to quickly purchase every one of their stickers and charms.
When he turns back around, to his sheer horror, Armin has somehow accumulated and entire armful of anime body pillows. Standing embarrassed beneath the mass of fluffy cushion encasing his form, Mikasa is not far off with a gigantic sword in hand. Eren is long gone.
Next time, they want to bring three of their friends…
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happybird16 · 2 years
“What’s wrong?”
Levi must have caught you pouting, staring down at the collection of shoe boxes in front of you.
Shopping is always such a pain, especially in big department stores. There’s always way too many options and most of them are bland and ugly. Especially shoe shopping. Generic boxy sneakers and fragile looking heels.
“I like this shoe, but…,” you click your tongue, shoving box after box to the side. “They don’t have any in my size.”
It was sweet of Levi to offer to come with you. He hates shopping even more than you do, especially big department stores. For the most part he’s just been hovering at the edge of the aisle, your items piling up in his arms.
Now he approaches your side, fabric rustling in his arms with every step. “That one? What size do you need?”
Rising from glaring at the stacked shelves, you tell him your size. “I don’t see any staff around.”
The whole store seems almost empty, nary another customer in sight. You can’t see a single vest in the entire department, the staff probably all flocked together somewhere to gossip. You can’t blame them, slow days at work suck.
“Hmm.” Levi looks around for a moment, eyes locking onto the swinging black doors denoting the departments back room. “Hold onto these for a moment.”
“Wha…” Shoving all the clothing you’ve gathered so far into your arms, the man turns to stomp towards the entrance.
“Levi! You can’t go back there! It’s employees only!”
“It’ll be fine,” Levi calls over his shoulder, the swinging doors closing firmly behind him.
Hot anxiety fills your stomach, goosebumps running along your arms and up your spine. Shuffling nervously in place, you twist the fabric in your grasp in a fit of nerves.
“I can’t believe he’s doing this.” Paranoid, you look nervously all around the department. What if someone finds out. What if staff comes by and finds him back there?
You really don’t want to get kicked out.
You pace and pace, wearing small circles into the carpeted floor in your worry. What if there’s already someone back there and he’s confronting them?
Time seems to be ticking by so slowly. Every minute feels like an hour. How long is he going to be back there?
Someone passes by and it makes your heart hammer hard in your throat. You’re going to get caught. You’re going to get caught. Someone’s going to find him back there and you’re going to get kicked out. Probably even banned.
You’re mind whirls, scenarios of being dragged out of the store swimming in your vision.
The doors catch behind you, swinging open with a loud plasticky snap. Your breath catches, and you turn to face the noise.
“Here.” Taking the items from your grasp, Levi shoves a rectangular box into your hands.
“My shoes?” It’s the ones you wanted in exactly your size.
“Figured if no one was around I’d just grab them myself,” Levi shrugs, as if it was something completely normal.
“You almost gave me a heart attack!”
“Bet you paced nervously and everything,” Levi jokes. “You always do that when you get anxious.”
Feeling called out, you feel your face heat in embarrassment. “We…we could have gotten in trouble!” The words come out a bit shaky as you shuffle the box in your hands.
“It’s fine. There wasn’t even anyone back there.” Levi clicks his tongue, “It was a fucking mess, took me forever to find anything.”
“Don’t do that again!” You’re happy to have the shoes, but that was way too stressful. Plus, he’s no doubt messed up the store’s inventory.
“If there’s no staff I’m just gunna’ fuckin’ go get it myself,” Levi rolls his eyes, before locking them back onto the box in your hands. “Those the right ones or do I have to go back in?”
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